#Yodel It!
lucienarcheron · 4 months
✨meet me in the afterglow✨
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DELIGHTED to share this beautiful elucien piece I commissioned from @/the_megabee33 on Instagram 🥰 Emily (@toastyrobos) took my vision and ran with it and I ADORE how it came out! I’ve been screaming, crying, and throwing up joyfully since I saw it 🥹♥️ I was thinking of saving it until July for elucien week so forgive me because how could I when I can give you some ✨fated mates in their wedding bliss✨ right now!! 
*please do not repost anywhere!
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fukutomichi · 5 months
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Fallout / S1 ∙ Apr 10, 2024 Walton Goggins as  Cooper Howard/The Ghoul
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felassan · 2 months
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Carly: "since taash isnt getting any love next week (as far as i know), i'll give her some and let yall know shes a gym bro :)" [source]
thanku Carly and dev[s] who decided this character trait of Taash's for our lives 🛐
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Carly: "Oh and the tallest (I guess since shes qunari that’s obvious but emmrichs actually kinda close in second place)" [source]
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gojoest · 1 month
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“Anon sends a nice message”, 2024
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adrielrook · 8 months
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I know I’m not the first to have thought about this but I had to draw Hickory as a half goat troll!
If the Country trolls are half horses then it would just make sense for the Yodelers (who should live on the mountains even in the Trolls world) to be half goats, life would be easier for them too! We also saw that he and his brother Dickory are exceptional runners, they were faster than the Country trolls and were strong enough to pull a considerable weight too (Poppy, Branch, Biggie, Mr Dinkles, I know he isn’t that heavy but he was there, and the prison door) even if Hickory showed some fatigue he didn’t stop. And I don’t know maybe any troll could have done that, but I still like to think it has something to do with their genetics!
All this aside I obviously love his canon yodeler appearance, he’s adorable! He as a Country troll is incredibly handsome I have to admit it I can’t lie, he really can pull both cute and hot (lol)
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milkywayes · 11 months
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(his spurs are caught on each other. he'll never be able to get up)
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chasingfictions · 1 month
the pink pony club -> naked in manhattan -> california -> guilty pleasure run is so fucking insane every time . like. story song about longing for the gay coast from the heartland and then you get there and you'll always miss where youre from and it will always be in you but you'll never go fully back either, the queer freedom you have in santa monica is too good and too much and everything you've ever wanted, it called you here from across thousands of miles. then meanwhile back in real life but also not real life chappell is on the other coast the other major city experiencing a different kind of first taste of queer living, only it's never happened yet, it's a dream song it lives in the almost, she had never kissed a girl yet when the song was written, she was still dating a man and dreaming about what she wanted her life to be, and even in the song, the queer desire is so close, it's in the air, but also you can't tell if it's really happening or if it's just another daydream. and then we're back in california and it's so real this time and it just hurts and the dream wasn't what you wanted it to be, and home is calling to you, home can give you things this place can't and never could and never will, and also you feel like you're letting everyone down by going back, this is supposed to go the other way, and part of that, from the context of the previous two songs is like, well were the desires not enough? is the big flashy life you were supposed to go live in a place that can give you these other things not enough? was this dream about your life being different actually just a dream did it just hurt?
and then ending on a treatise on desire itself, and like, why does the pleasure feel guilty, your home put that in you, your home made it feel like a bad thing to feel, bad thing to want, but you come back to it anyway. and this time the desire is physical in front of you. you're not telling a story about a girl from tennessee who runs away to be a drag queen at a mythical club, you're not telling a daydream about how in new york you're allowed to be gay and maybe some friendship with a girl could turn into more, you're not wistful about all the might-have-beens in california or the midwest you fled to get there. like you are still fantasizing but also you're watching someone try on jeans and their body is Right There. your body is in the room and you can't deny that you feel this. and also while all the three previous songs were so rooted in specific geography, this time you could be anywhere -- learned it on the internet. you could still be home in the midwest, you could be out at some coastline far away, you could be at a million other somewheres.
but no matter where you are, this desire will be there, you will always pursue this want, there's no version of you who wouldn't want this. you were always going to find a way here. and you want it forever. it may be bad for you and you may not be supposed to belong here but you're gonna make yourself belong because you want it forever. i want this like a cigarette can we drag it out and never quit. um!!!!
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kathrynmhahn · 1 year
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Elle & JJ Criminal Minds 1.18
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vermillionbedfellow · 5 months
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This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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I made fanart of this one song <3 cuz it makes me so happy lmao
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fungusqueen · 7 days
me and an older coworker have this long-running joke we do at work where we make up stories/events when we know customers are listening. mostly we try to, in one sentence, create some sort of mystery and intrigue. sometimes the story can continue and it can morph and evolve. and whether the customers are listening or tuning in, or engaging with us in regards to that story, thats up to them. sometimes we do it just in passing, so we can just drop the story off and walk away.
but like, recently, the stories have revolved around yodeling classes. for example, we might walk past each other and say:
"how much did you pay for your yodeling class?"
"did you ever get the refund for your yodeling class?"
"hey, I need the number to your yodeling teacher, don't forget when I see you in the break room!"
"I'm coming to your yodeling graduation, save me a ticket!"
"is your sister still dating her yodeling teacher?"
but if we're working together, there is more opportunity to have a more in-depth conversation around the given topic. but like, today we were talking to a customer and she was telling us about some random national holiday tomorrow (Rice Krispie treat day) and we were talking about the process to propose holidays for things like that (random things). and my coworker says "hey there should be a national yodeling day!" and so I tell her "he's doing yodeling classes," so he has to play along with it/continue the story. and the customer was so intrigued and asked to hear a sample of the yodeling...which I knew he couldn't perform because the yodeling classes don't exist. so I quickly said that our managers have asked him to stop yodeling at work so he, unfortunately, cannot yodel for her at this moment. and then we're just like, okay anyway, goodbye stranger, have a good day! back to work!
and then sometimes, my coworker lets out an evil laugh after we have successfully convinced a customer of our made-up story. I'm not good at an evil laugh, so I don't do one, but like, in my head i definitely feel evil and mischievous
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northstarscowboyhat · 2 months
This may be thinking far ahead, but you said Clover definitely wants to have a family in the future. How would Starlo and Ceroba be as grandparents?
Even if it technically is thinking far ahead, you know I am an absolute sap and have thought about grandparents Staroba. Have some scattered HCs and general thoughts!
Whether the kid(s) is adopted or biological (haven't decided) you know Starlo was an emotional mess meeting them. Cried his eyes out the first time he got to hold his grandkid, had to be consoled. Ceroba was very emotional too, but at least outwardly was a bit more calm and lowkey about it.
Starlo's the fun grandpa who you love visiting because he will shower you in endless attention and has the coolest stories. He spoils his grandkid with letting them stay up past their bedtime, extra dessert, doing things they technically aren't allowed to at home (within reason of course). A lot of "don't tell your parent/grandmother".
Ceroba is a lot more lax and less strict, though not as lenient as Starlo is. She has a lot of emotions over being a grandmother and having another young child in her life to help raise and look after. Clover goes to her for help a lot when the kid is a baby, since Clover only had experience with looking after Frisk.
If the kid is a Monster (again, haven't decided) I like to think Ceroba would help them with learning their magic! She's extremely proficient at magic and can easily serve as a good teacher. If the kid is a human, I think she'd still teach them some basic self defense and fighting skills, just so they can ensure they are capable of defending themselves.
Both Starlo and Ceroba love being grandparents, but I feel like they hate being called old LOL. Don't remind them that they're the eldest of the main family or that Clover was 10 when they were adopted and now they're an adult with a kid of their own. Martlet likes teasing them over this.
Starlo is doing everything in his power to ensure the kid is also a cowboy like him and Clover. Ironically, I think Clover would be more chill about it. They want their kid to discover their own interests on their own. Ceroba helps keep Starlo in check LOL
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felassan · 6 months
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the other day it was the spring equinox here which means it's now spring. next season, Summer 2024, is when Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will be "fully revealed" ☀️🏖️🌊
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hyuburt · 2 months
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sock-ness-monster · 2 years
I love you folk music I love you celtic tunes I love you sea shanties I love you trail songs I love you bluegrass I love you ballads I love you madrigals I love you roundelays I love you Irish jigs I love you jug music I love you sertanejo I love you cowpunk I love you ragtime I love you yodeling
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castorfell · 9 months
Love the idea that Broppy are in a committed monomagous relationship with each other but every once in a while Hickory comes to visit n for a few days it's a polycule
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