#Yj Cameron Mahkent
The World Was Wide Enough
Cameron Mahkent x gn reader (established relationship)
almost 1k words
warnings: maybe language and humor
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You fell from your place floating in the air, exhaustion creeping over you. Stabilizing the reactor had taken all of your energy albeit  your earlier concern was most certainly being made valid. You felt like you could sleep for weeks. A throbbing ringing filled your ears as the world became spotted. Your feet couldn’t find the ground, contact was imposible considering your position. Within an instant you knew you would be blacking out, you only hoped there would be someone to catch you.
“I swear to God, Luther and Thawne better be ready the next time I see them. Mage could have died from that.” Your eyes remained shut, as you held onto every word surrounding you.
“It wasn't on purpose,” the voice of the one and only Psimon filled your ears.
“Yea, Junior, them doing that just thickened up their skin. They’ll be more ready the next time,” the eldest Terror Twin said. His counterpart hummed in agreement in the background.
“How about we just let them rest,” Devistation offered to the group, “Icicle, you can shut off the lights and shit. We have things we need to do.”
Cameron grumbled as the others chuckled, walking out of the room. The sound of the heart monitor you were attached to beeped to your right. Slowly you opened your eyes after the ice meta turned off the overhead light. The lamp at your bedside remained on and you glanced across the room to the last member of your messy, unagreeable team. 
“Yeah, if Reverse shows his face any time soon I’m going to pin him in the air and leave him there so he can’t phase himself free,” you said from the medical bed you were laying on.
Cameron’s head turned quickly, looking over you once, and then he bounded across the room. He swiftly lifted you up and into his arms. The embrace was cool and kind as you returned the sentiment engulfing his body with yours. 
“You scared the shit out of me, babe,” Cameron pulled back to look at you.
“Yeah, well someone has to keep you on your toes,” you smiled back at him. Cool lips pressed against your own softly and sweetly. His hand traced your cheek carefully, still worried that you would fall away again. You pulled back just enough so that your foreheads touched as you nuzzled into his space.
“I think I’m kept on my toes enough,” he said in response as you hummed at his answer, taking in his presence.
“Maybe I just thought we needed something exciting to happen. However, I was not expecting that much kickback,” you chuckled lightheartedly.
“Why would you want to put yourself through something like that?” Cam asked. “I know you didn’t think it would go well and warned them that they were underestimating the job. You could have said no,” he whispered. His eyes were sad as he stared into yours waiting for an answer. 
You brought your own hand up to his cheek. “Because I knew I’d be okay. Sure, in the moment I wasn’t fine, but I’m alright now, C. This is what we do. This is our responsibility-“
“I don’t want that responsibility. If you’re going to get hurt or pass out from shit then you shouldn’t do it and no one should fucking expect you to. I want you to be safe.” His hands grasped the one at your side.
“Cam, this job we do, it will never be safe, for either of us,” you said calmly, trying to cool the always cold criminal off.
“Then…” Cameron said, his eyes up at the ceiling as he bit his lip in concentration.
“Then?” you prompted softly, awaiting his answer. As his thoughts continued to race you patted his hair and left a gentle kiss on his temple.
“Why don’t we leave?” he asked, finally returning his gaze to you.
“Why don’t we leave?” you repeated. Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Yeah, we can just go. The world is our oyster,” he said giddily, grabbing your hands in his, “we could run away together. We could, we could, elope!”
“Cameron, babe, I love you. But do you even know what that word means?” you questioned gently.
“Yeah, we leave everything behind and run off into the sunset free from our responsibilities,” he replied innocently with anticipation. His eyes were wide and shined brightly for your response.
“Look, Cam, I’m-I’m all for leaving if you want to leave. I’d follow you to the end of the world. However, I still don’t think you completely understand the connotation of that word,” you admitted.
“Yeah, yeah, look, we can travel the whole world together. Hang out in the Caribbean, tour Europe together, visit Italy, and travel through Rome. Trust me, I’ll make that honeymoon worth your while,” he grinned smugly, sending you a wink.
You slapped his arm jokingly with a roll of your eyes as he feigned injury, “Dick.”
“That’s what I was implying, babe,” he smirked.
“Well,” you chuckled, dancing your hand up his arm finger by finger, tracing all the way up to his shoulder, “if you promise to take me to Europe, you won’t have to wait for the honeymoon.”
Cameron’s eyes widened as he shot up from his spot beside you, “okay, let’s go. Time to get a move on, up and out of bed, babe.”
You smiled at his antics, kicking your legs over the medical bed and rose from your place. Your hands easily found his, pulling him back in. The smile on your face held affection as the look in your eyes contained excitement for the future and comfort in what was to come. You brought him closer, reattaching your lips, looking forward to the rest of your life beside him.
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oathofoaksart · 10 months
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dinner is certainly unorthodox at onslaught hq…
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businesscasualart · 3 months
I’m curious if you have any thoughts or headcanons about Onslaught and alcohol. I imagine being a semi-functioning evil team is stressful and if Psimon is chucking everyone’s vapes then cigs and 420 isn’t an option, then alcohol is the second best thing right? Besides drinking together is team building and leads to this wonderful thing called “actually talking about your trauma instead of bottling it up for once”.
AAAA sorry about taking so long to get around to this.
I need to stop checking my inbox until I’m FULLY ready to yap and ramble. I need that lil blue dot reminding me I have asks so bad.
That IS a good question and I’m so flattered that y’all bother with my content. <3 I think they’d be at least somewhat different about alcohol.
(Sorry for any typos in advance, I wrote this mostly at various doctor’s appointments. ALSO. Last thing to apologize for. I’ve never vaped or smoked when I wrote the last part, but I also have never consumed alcohol and that fact may be more evident in this one)
Cw: Alcohol and some references to alcoholism, uh…references to angst but maybe more comfort than angst, kinda all over the place <\3
Okay so, in the beginning, Onslaught was Mostly teens. Psimon was BARELY even old enough to drink in America at the ripe young age of 21, flat. And I thinnkkkkkk Psimon is American? Even if he’s not, it seems the rest of Onslaught is, so I think  Psimon would probably step up and be all “No, no,” confiscate all the bottles and cans and it’d make the teens so mad and indignant. Literal felons are being BABYSAT. Even when they travel where the drinking age is lower. 
But when the teenagers turn old enough to drink, they have a whole little birthday celebration with what they can get, and of course, offer the first taste of alcohol. Their choice for what it is, as long as the team could afford it. Of course, they laugh and tease if they recoil from the taste. 
Most of the team is pretty fond of drinking, usually together. It’s nice bonding.
Devastation is the only exception to the “Psimon Says no alcohol until you’re 21” rule from the beginning. The team can argue “She is LITERALLY one (1) year old” all they want. She is LITERALLY built different, Psimon is fine with her drinking. 
Idk if she particularly has a preference for any kind. She’s probably one of those who subscribe to the belief of “It ain’t right if it doesn’t burn a bit going down”. Wine is probably somewhat…nostalgic. For some reason. Takes her back to someplace she can’t name, someplace she’s never been, but I think that’d be one of the only reasons she might prefer wine. Her taste may be all over. May be whatever’s strong and good. I’m no alcohol savant, what do I know? 
She likes to drink to celebrate and to bond, sometimes to ebb at stress. It takes a LOT to get her drunk, but that’s not gonna stop her from getting drunk when she has the time and money burn on it. She gets drunk and gets even more jovial and warm and open, though she’s usually relatively open. Also, haphazard. She becomes a big fan of violating people’s personal space. Hugs, patting backs, throwing her arm around them, leaning on people shorter than her, etc.
It can annoy a lot of people if she does it too much, Psimon strangely doesn’t seem to mind too much tho…aheem…
Besides that, Psimon’s generally against the team drinking to the point of drunkenness, but there’s little to actually do about it; he struggles to track all of their limits, and when he’s focusing on one, that leaves all the others alone. He tries to avoid getting drunk himself instead. Someone has to stay sober, and his psionic powers don’t mix well with too much alcohol. And he’s the leader. It makes the most sense that it’d be him to keep his wits about him.
The Terror Twins are hearty drinkers; they also can drink a lot and get very warm and jovial when drinking, like Devastation. Any outing to a bar feels celebratory with them. They decided they don’t like to get fully drunk though, not too regularly. First Tuppence decided this, then Tommy when she pointed it out to him. They don’t want to open up more quickly than they intend. Psimon can relate to that, so he defends them when they drop out. That doesn’t stop them from having fun with everyone else though, or helping when things get bad. They’re usually decent at opening up on their own time anyway. 
Shimmer and Mammoth like to follow Psimon’s lead and keep excess drinking to a minimum. A couple of shots, a glass or maybe two, it really depends on what it is, but that’s it. Mammoth can take more than his sister, just by merit of him being so much larger, but he doesn’t like the taste of alcohol at all while his sister does. However, the second either of them get any kind of buzz ebbing at their senses is the second they quit. 
If they’re found sitting down and downing drinks, something is wrong. They’d only let go so much if they’re trying to drown their problems. Then, they can use some company. Someone lending an ear to their sorrows doesn’t sound half bad. 
If another team member is in a similar situation and needs someone to simply sit next to them and just be, or listen, Baran and Selinda are quick to be there for them.
Junior drinks for fun, he’ll seize any opportunity to drink. That man is getting “Krunk” as the kids say. He doesn’t know his limits and if he did, there’s no telling if he’d actually adhere to them. He WILL blackout if no one keeps an eye on him. He will be puking in the trashcan. The rest of the team has to steer him away from opportunities to drink lest he develop alcoholism at the tender age of 5-minutes-into-being-able-to-legally-drink. 
His mood becomes turbulent and fragile. He’ll typically be happy, loud, reckless, aggressive; but at the mention of the wrong thing or at the sight of something that takes him way back, he can breakdown rather easily. It’s actually pretty common for his drunken stints, when they get out of hand, to end in tears. Junior has to be one of the least repressed members of Onslaught, due in no small part to moments like these; where he lets his emotions run rampant and they go down a bad path. 
He’d expect ridicule, but Onslaught is actually very sympathetic to his struggles and complaints, whatever they may be. He can air his dirty laundry as much as he wants with little to no judgement, something he’s not used to. Once he starts, it’s hard to stop, but the team will listen until the end and it’s something he’s really grateful for. Despite being a troublemaker and general criminal, he tries to pay the team’s kindness towards him forward as much as he can.
If Psimon does end up drinking to lose his troubles, he usually does it alone, when everyone else is asleep. Or at least when he thinks everyone else is asleep. Sometimes someone will wander about looking for a late night snack or a glass of water, or even search for him himself. He dislikes being caught like that, dislikes not being so impervious and put-together for the team. 
Without fail, they’ll sit with him awhile. They’ll ask, they’ll listen, they’ll joke or comfort or sit in silence. Psimon will wither in place or try to get them to leave him be, but they’re a stubborn lot. They’re far from the most “upstanding” of company, but they treat him with the same care, empathy, and concern he tries to treats them with; and Psimon finds afterwards that, despite not enjoying being caught in a state of weakness or forced to open up, he wouldn’t have rather it have gone any other way.
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Icicle Jr Dating an Alternative Reader HCs
I'll try not to specify subculture, but I'm punk so it probably seeped in
LOVES helping you pick outfits!
If you're like me tho, that's p much just.
Reach into drawer for shirt.
Reach into drawer for pants.
Reach into drawer for socks.
Grab same 12 accessories to wear for the day
But he's super into helping you get ready
Esp if you have anything ice themed
Let's be real, he'll buy/steal/make you SOMETHING icy-spikey
Might paint studs and spikes blue lmao
Might not get your music all the way
But totally gets the whole rebellion aspect
(He might have been under tight watch from his father, but after season 1, he's Out™ without him)
Might try to do his makeup to match yours
Thick wings?
He might cover his whole eyelid
(and then need help getting them un-stuck)
Graphic liner?
Same thing
Pouts until you do it for him
Gets tons of ice-themed makeup pallets around winter, then gives them to you throughout the year just so you'll be wearing "his colors"
If you're more crust leaning, he'll totally get a jacket to match
Will probably get a motorcycle for the sole purpose of having a badass aesthetic
Can sit and watch you DIY clothes and accessories for HOURS
He'll make sure you ALWAYS have materials
Especially if they're stolen
Screw capitalism
Might ask you for sewing tips
He'll say it's in case he messes his costume up badly
But you Know
You Know
More obvious when his civies have poorly seen patches covering the knees 🩵
I firmly believe he can't craft for shit
But he LOVES to anyways
Especially if it's with you
And for Rebellion™
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thingsasbarcodes · 11 days
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Young Justice 2x05 - Beneath
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pepperchipper · 2 years
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hehe what a funny guy  I will finish it soon
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
Random concept and very unlikely to happen even if we got season 5, but I’d be interested to see Icicle Jr. and Artemis date. I mean they used to be friends when they were kids and both could obviously bond on having crap dads. Plus just the double dates with Supermartian would be interesting. So much opportunity for Supericicle’s bros. Also could you just imagine Jade’s reaction to Artemis dating that scrawny Mahkent kid from their childhood.
Though it would probably wouldn’t last since she’s firmly a hero and he a villain. Plus he’s a crazy psycho and obsessive grudge holding regarding his Miss M crush.
But still, it would be interesting. . .
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saphrxn · 2 years
rest in piss icicle 2 and artemis, the adaptations dont let you marry ur spouse 😔
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vgilantee · 8 months
wip roundup!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS!
so @glossysoap tagged me in a wip roundup but i didn't want to go into my wips before i finished my paper because... crunch time :) these won't be in the order of when they're going to get posted because truly, fuck knows at this point (i have goals though dw dw)
on camera - ethan landry x reader, ethan has a nsfwtwt
finish what he started - commander cody x reader (this one is my top priority to finish!)
kix x reader, untitled kix body worship fic. just taking care of the medic like he deserves hehe
soft focus fog chapter 3 - benedict bridgerton x reader, even though it's nowhere near finished it's my absolute favourite series i've ever written so far (this one is second priority, i just need to rewatch bridgerton! also i welcome asks about this series and Dear (which is what i've decided to call her!))
worlds apart chapter 1 - neteyam sully x human (eventual avatar) reader
untitled reunion fic - simon riley x reader (it's going to be so soft and loving because it's an ask from my sweet julie @websterss )
untitled yj!cameron mahkent x reader - hurt/comfort, i haven't written DC in so so long, but i read so many cam fics and had the biggest crush on him when i was a teen
untitled john price x reader - riding his pretty face hehe (i know glossy has one of these on her wip list but i haven't been able to stop thinking about it since i sent my ask so i'm gonna write my own too. there's no such thing as too many pussy-eating price fics)
codywan x reader - obi-wan's been sex pollen'd, reader and cody help him out 🤭
(unsure about this one) dom!reader x sub!chad x sub!ethan - the only reason i'm unsure is i'm on the fence about mommy kinks. if people are interested let me know and i'll add it to the wip list officially!
i also have one that isn't technically a wip because i haven't decided who yet, but i wanna write a pegging fic. OOOH maybe cal kestis...
that's all i have so far, and a couple of them are asks that are sitting, waiting for attention, and this list will undoubtedly grow
all these wips aside i desperately want to write for the 141 i just need ideas (i may have a bookish!reader x biker!ghost idea brewing for definitely no reason at all, glossy i swear) this includes darker fic ideas. i'll be redoing my whole theme and adjusting my yes's and no's, but if you have a dark idea, send it through and i'll decide from there whether i'm into it or not!
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Hand Holding
Cameron Mahkent x reader
Hello people! For starters I would like to begin by saying I did not write this. I recently looked into Chatgpt. I was curious how much it could produce and the change in quality between prompts I gave it. I even tested some of its translating and grammatical abilities. It was shocking how quick and good it was and I decided to share the most impressive and honestly least robotic piece of writing it presented me with. I do hope you all enjoy!
words 163
warnings none
Cameron Mahkent had always been a bit of a mystery to you. With his quiet demeanor and guarded expressions, it was hard to tell what he was thinking or feeling at any given moment.
But as the two of you sat together on the rooftop of an abandoned building, watching the stars twinkle in the night sky, you felt a sudden urge to reach out and take his hand.
To your surprise, he didn't pull away. Instead, he interlaced his fingers with yours, squeezing gently as if to say, "I'm here."
The simple gesture filled you with warmth and comfort, and you couldn't help but lean your head on his shoulder as you gazed up at the stars.
For a moment, everything else seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you and the quiet beauty of the night sky.
As the night wore on, you stayed there together, hand in hand, enjoying each other's company and the peacefulness of the moment.
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hardcore-lonewolf · 1 year
♾️Infinite♾️: A Teen Titans X Young Justice Cross-Over Preview (TUMBLR)
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STORYLINE: The Teen Titans and Young Justice met up in Jump City during a mission. At first, both covert teams didn't get along with each other and refuse to form an alliance cause they're rivals. When these sixteen sidekicks find out their enemies were similar to them. The Incursion and Onslaught broke free from Belle Reve with an evil plan that will put those heroes in their place as villains. Will these villains succeed or will these heroes make the fail?
Short A/N: I'm actually GlampireRockstar...I've been this profile since last year, my now ex bf and I broke up last year. I made this Tumblr and own it since day one when he wanted me to make him one. He can't take this profile cause I made it and built it with my imagination. He's such a jerk and I hope that bitch he's dating knows that this asshat doesn't care for others. I blocked him from my phone, got back my TV to cheer me up with videos and shows that I love, and took back my gaming consoles...yeah I was mad that day cause he's a cheater. I don't need him, being happy and single will be the best choice for me. I go by many pronouns like she/her and he/him, but I got a split personality that's they/them. I love people, though I love being friends with pride community members and straight allies. I don't need men or women, I got me...myself...and I.
RELATIONSHIPS: Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde X OFC (Wonder Woman's Sidekick; Trained By Katana), Conner Kent | Kon-El X M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse, Victor Stone | Cyberion Technis (Alien Name; Inspired By "Teen Titans Go" Transformers Reference) X Koriand'r | Kory Anders, OMC (Black Lightning's Sidekick; Trained By Metamorpho) X Raquel Ervin, Wally West X Artemis Crock | Linda Park, Dick Grayson X OFC (Black Canary's Sidekick; Trained By Catwoman), OMC (Green Lantern's Sidekick; Trained By Captain Atom) X Zatanna Zatara | Phoebe Starr (Rock Star Alias; Inspired By DC Comic Book "Zatanna Starr"), Garfield Logan | Craig Wyld (Inspired By DC Villain For Surname; Inspired DC Comics Arc Of Changeling) X Rachel Roth | Abigail Constantine (Adopted Name; Inspired By DC Comics OFC), Simon Jones X Devastation | Roxanne Titania (Custom Alias Inspired By Deviantart & Tumblr; Trained By Circe), Mikron O'Jeneus X Selinda Flinders, Baran Flinders X Kitten | Catherine Walker (Real Name; Trained By Star Sapphire), Tommy Terror | Derek Beresford (Custom Real Name From Book; Trained By Bane) X Komand'r | Komal Brooks (She Was Disowned By Her Family With Her Twin Brother My OMC!Darkfire While Starfire & Wildfire Stayed On The Royal Throne; Trained By Livewire), Cameron Mahkent Junior X Tuppence Terror | Deborah Beresford (Custom Real Name From Book; Trained By Giganta), Leonard Smalls II X Rhiannon | Misty Kilgore (She's Now A Villainess In My DC AU; Trained By Klarion), See-More | Seymour Kennett (Custom Real Name From "Teen Titans" Series & Deviantart; Trained By Count Vertigo) X Jinx | Nicole Diaz (Real Name From "DC Comics"; Trained By Enchantress) & Billy Numerous | William Strayer (Real Name From "DC Comics"; Trained By Madame Rouge) X Tara Markov | Atlee (Watch "Teen Titans Go", She's That Evil & Lowkey Heartless Like Her Villain Arc In The OG Teen Titans Series; Trained By Poison Ivy).
Hey guys, this is the fan-fiction I'll be posting here on Tumblr.
I got some concepts to do for my Injustice Short Story that'll be put on Ao3 later on in a few weeks.
With that said, let's get down to business and start with the plot.
I wanted to make names and describe better clearly rather than drawing them.
I have tendencies of using people's artwork and stuff that I forget to credit them for making them for their followers.
Since we know that fans wanted the Fearsome Five on YJ, I wanna make this inspiration by using these shows: Teen Titans, Naruto, The Last Airbender, Ben 10, Young Justice, Boruto, Generator Rex, and The Legend Of Korra.
Since we got the DCAMU designing versions of the Titans and the Team, I wanna give credit to Deviantart for having talented users create their own versions of our favorite heroes and villains from DC Comics to their original characters in animated shows or doing comissions as some requests for watchers on the website I love to death.
Onslaught is like the mercenary group for the Council of Light, the Shadows, and the League of Assassins.
Incursion is the fearsome squad for the Brotherhood of Evil, the Hive, and the Legion of Doom.
I couldn't find me a villain group name this year and last until I found the word "Incursion" on Google Dictionary.
It worked well for the enemies of the Titans and it fit perfectly.
Going to how I made my AU versions of these heroes and villains...Fandom, Wattpad, AO3, Tumblr, Patreon, and Deviantart were the best options I can get.
I couldn't find any names for four more characters to play as heroes...still can't even after randomizing them a lot, so I did a surname randomizer and name finder for all ages.
I know there's four known people within a group, such as the Elemental Benders (Aang, Katara, Zuko/Sokka & Toph/Suki), Team Avatar (Korra/Opal, Bolin/Wu, Asami & Mako), Team Alien Force (Ben, Gwen, Kevin/Cooper & Rachel/Julie), the Proto Squad (Herve/Rook, Lula/Ester, Sam & Kai), Team Seven (Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke & Hinata), the Next Generation (Boruto, Sarada, Kawaki & Sumire), the Hong Kong Gang (Circe, Squid, Cricket & Tuck), and Team EVO (Rex, Claire, Noah & Annie) for example...I want to make this happen.
I found my new props due to reading so much QuoteV fan-fiction stories and doing random voting quizzes online.
I want each original character to have some qualities and powers from each character.
The first one will be very good and simple...in my opinion.
The first OMC is based off of Sasuke, Kevin, Cooper, Zuko, Sokka, Mako, Rook, Kawaki, Tuck, and Rex.
You get mechanic skills, unstable mutations, crimson eyes, gear shifting, body modifications, weather manipulation, matter absorption, curse marks, corpse warpaint, advanced cars, rap music, hip hop, street fights, platinum bands, emo clothing, white bandages, rebellious acts, and other edgy stuff that a bad boy can do to with their edginess and being a former villain that redeemed himself as a good guy with rebellious tendencies.
His romantic interest will be Raquel Ervin aka Rocket I, because I believe this Beautiful Black Queen deserves better and my OMC respects different races; he hates people who's racist, discriminating others for their disabilities, and are phobic on pride community members; etc.
The first OFC is inspired by Asami, Sakura, Sarada, Rachel, Kai, Julie, Circe, Claire, Toph, and Korra.
You get some medic training, healing powers, spiritual abilities, elemental bending, savage roasting, chi manifestation, ancient weapons, futuristic armor, rock music, heavy metal, vintage piercings, dragon tattoos, motorcycle racing, gothic makeup, grunge clothing, diamond claws, etc, everything that a tomboyish demigoddess can ask for as a warrior princess of the deities and a legacy that slays evil monstrous titans for Mount Olympus while being part of Camp Half-Blood.
We know Kaldur'ahm aka Aqualad II is queer/polysexual, I felt sorry for him when his crush Tula didn't return romantic feelings for him and understood that she loved Garth till her death on Invasion; I gave this OFC a background of pride with pansexual/bisexual to make these two fearless leaders not turn into straight allies; they still got vibes that make the same gender fall hard for them; she's half Amazonian (mother), Olympian (ancestor), and Human (father); Kaldur will be part Atlantean (mother), Lemurian (ancestor), and Human (father); etc.
The second OMC is based off of Naruto, Boruto, Aang, Benjamin, Herve, Squid, Noah, Sam, Wu, and Bolin.
You get a legendary seal, alien transformations, prototype watches, sacred runes, camera flashes, military training, royal blood, talented artwork, humble loyalty, steel chains, blaster guns, booster suits, nanotechnology gear, industrial music, hardcore punk, alternative clothing, shadow cloning, black ink, golden rings, bad attitudes, and much good guy stuff that makes him the most important person in the world and would always be the person that'll help others as a true hero.
This OMC is special and went through tough times; he's the romantic interest of Zee Zatara aka Zatanna, I think she'll be like the Hinata Hyuga to his Naruto Uzumaki, the red string of fate will thread around his pinky fingers and will lead them together as one; he's having the Green Lantern Ring of Willpower and the Omnitrix for Seasons 1-2 through the Ultimatrix for Seasons 3-4 will fit him well; he's part Human (father), Meta (mother), and Naljian (ancestor); Zee's part Human (father), Angel (mother), and Pralagean (ancestor); etc.
The second OFC is inspired by Suki, Opal, Gwendolyn, Ester, Sumire, Lula, Hinata, Katara, Cricket, and Annie.
You get some pure magic, cosmic energy, shy tendencies, timid behavior, super intelligence, athletic flexibility, hidden secrets, domino masks, scene clothing, neon lights, soul bonds, tarot cards, enchanted agility, chakra sensory, mystic charms, good luck, pop music, silver bells, electric dance, living totems, mana flowers, healing potions, elite skills, astral projections, alien heritage, spell books, etc, she's full of magic and is the most caring being in the world that'll likely be the best girl to have for a lover.
This OFC has been given powers and skills from the following paragraph above me; she serves as a romantic interest of Dick Grayson aka Robin I, she'll be the one who comforted him from his family loss and help him figure out that Bruce Wayne is Batman; Dick finds out that OFC is a heroine who's adopted by Selina Kyle aka Catwoman when her parents were kidnapped and taken away; I love when Dick got powers as Deathwing/Deadman II in the DC Injustice film; I will use that when he gets fully resurrected in the Lazarus Pits from Boston Brand aka Deadman I and Rama Kushan; she's half Anodite (ancestor), Human (father), and Magen (mother); Dick's half Ghost (father), Human (ancestor), and Vampire (mother); etc.
I'm re-editting things on a laptop, tablet, and smartphone...this is hard work for me.
Let's get down to this case for some necessary AU prompts and concepts...by the way Magen is Homo Magi, meaning "super humans born with magic powers".
Aqualad II [Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde]: Atlantean, Gargarean, Lemurian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Aquaman.
Superboy I [Kon-El | Conner Kent]: Kryptonian, Human, Genomorph, and Meta. Trained by Superman.
OFC: Amazonian, Olympian, Celestialsapien, Human, and Meta. Trained by Wonder Woman & Katana.
Miss Martian [M'gann M'orzz | Megan Morse]: White Martian and Meta. Trained by Martian Man-Hunter.
Cyborg I [Victor Stone | Cyberion Technis]: Cybertonian, Human, Apokoliptian, and Meta. Trained by the Atom & Red Tornado.
OMC: Osmosian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Black Lightning & Metamorpho.
Starfire [Koriand'r | Kory Anders]: Tamaranean, Almeracian, and Meta. Trained by Firestorm [Ronnie Raymond] & Power Girl.
Rocket [Raquel Ervin | Agnes]: Terminan, Genesisian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Icon.
Kid Flash I [Wally West]: Human and Meta. Trained by the Flash [Barry Allen].
Robin I [Dick Grayson]: Human and Ghost. Trained by Batman.
Artemis I [Artemis Crock | Linda Park]: Human and Vampire. Trained by Huntress [Helena Bertinelli].
OFC: Anodite, Magen, and Human. Trained by Black Canary [Laurel Lance] & Catwoman.
OMC: Naljian, Human, and Meta. Trained by Green Lantern [Hal Jordan] & Captain Monarch.
Beast Boy [Garfield Logan | Craig Wyld]: Human, Green Martian, and Meta. Trained by Vixen & Animal Man.
Zatanna [Zee Zatara | Phoebe Starr]: Human, Angel, Magen, and Pralagean. Trained by Doctor Fate [John Zatara].
Raven [Rachel Roth | Pride]: Human, Demon, Azarathian, and Magen. Trained by Hellblazer & Arella.
Psimon [Simon Jones]: Human and Meta. Trained by Count Vertigo.
Gizmo I [Mikron O'Jeneus]: Human and Coluan. Trained by Lex Luthor.
Devastation [Deva Blade | Roxanne Titania]: Titan, Genomorph, Human, and Meta. Trained by Deathstroke.
Shimmer [Selinda Flinders]: Human and Meta. Trained by Queen Bee.
Mammoth [Baran Flinders]: Human, Werewolf, and Meta. Trained by Bane.
Icicle II [Cameron Mahkent Junior]: Human, Necrofriggian, and Meta. Trained by Killer Frost [Caitlyn Snow].
Blackfire [Komal Anders | Komand'r]: Tamaranean, Cironielian, and Meta. Trained by Livewire.
Jinx [Nicole Diaz | Aline Haiden]: Magen, Human, Witch, and Genie. Trained by Enchantress.
Tommy Terror [Derek Ford]: Human, Zarthonian, and Meta. Trained by Blockbuster.
See-More [Seymour Kennett]: Human, Cyclops, and Meta. Trained by Brother Blood.
Tuppence Terror [Deborah Ford]: Human, Daxamite, and Meta. Trained by Giganta.
Rose Quartz [Catherine Walker | Kitten]: Human and Zamaron. Trained by Star Sapphire.
Holocaust II [Leonard Smalls The Second]: Human, Pyronite, and Meta. Trained by Savage.
Billy Numerous [William Strayer]: Human and Meta. Trained by Madame Rouge.
Misty Kilgore [Rhiannon Bleak | Arriachnon]: Magen, Human, Croatoan, and Fairy. Trained by Klarion.
Terra I [Tara Markov | Atlee]: Human, Straton, and Meta. Trained by Poison Ivy.
I found outfits and edit them with filters on my other Tumblr page...from phone to laptop.
They're from that crazy Winx Club dream, I know their ages and order: Daphne, Aisha, Stella, Flora, Musa, Bloom, Tecna, and Roxy.
Pink = Nature/Plants, Red = Sound/Music, Orange = Light/Stars, Yellow = Weather/Elements, Green = Animals/Life, Cyan = Morphix/Water, Blue = Fire/Dragons, and Violet = Technology/Mind.
I'll be using them for a future keepsake later on in life, maybe for these heroines to tease their boyfriends and give these heroes a good show to watch as their girlfriends...probably so.
I know that these ladies will likely do some work and things, which leads for those chicks to get chased by their guys...like spending time in a hot tub to clubbing all night at a karaoke bar without their men there to keep their eyes out.
It's the life of wild girls and how bad they can be with these fellas.
Comment down below and reblog if you want, see you later guys.
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businesscasualart · 4 months
Sorry to spam you I’m so sorry but listen listen Psimon catching one of Onslaught vaping 💀💀💀——
Hey, this doesn’t even qualify as spamming to me but don’t EVER worry about spamming me! I’ve had so many notifications (well…okay…I went from no notifications to a couple everyday) and I feel so loved and it’s so fun talking to y’all and just DONT SWEAT IT! Okay? <333 I love this. The only distress I received is worrying I’ll miss or forget about one.
okay okay the actual ask now, that is SO funny to me. Hm.
idk if Psimon would intervene in the earlier years of Onslaught. I think he’d be noticeably irked but consider it not his place. But as the years go by, I can absolutely see him walking past an Onslaught member who thinks they’re being sneaky vaping off to the side until Psimon uses his telekinesis to yank the vape out of their hands and chuck it into the horizon without paying them a second glance. He’d tick any vaping members of Onslaught off so much but what can they do?
Trying to think of who’d get upset in his place earlier on and like, I think Shimmer? Idk if there’s a canon answer to if she speaks or not and I’m pretty undecided, maybe she speaks a little? She’d be the one to go up to them and be all “You know that’s addictive, right?” “You know addiction kills, right?” “Don’t be making me breathe that stuff in secondhand.” Etc. But even if she can’t speak, if looks could kill, I’m sure we can agree her body count would be doubled. She’d get her point across somehow.
Now, with Devastation, I don’t even think she knows what vaping is. Like…in the beginning of the show, she’s One (1) year old and she seems to be spending most of that time in prison. The most insane prison in the world I may add. She’s probably seen some crazy stuff, some crazy stereotypes, probably eye witnessed people cooking up drugs in the prison toilets and doing substances off of each other’s bodies and whatnot but like…she sees a teeny tiny lil vape pen? I don’t think it’s gonna click immediately. She’d walk up to a vaping Onslaught member and ask them “What’s that? OuO” and they just gotta stand there like a preteen caught doing something dubious on the internet but they’re parents aren’t internet savvy so they gotta gamble if they wanna explain it or try and pass it off as something that won’t get them in trouble. They are dead meat if she finds out they lied to her tho.
Tuppence and Mammoth I feel are on the same page. Maybe Tommy too? They don’t like it but don’t do much to stop it unless it’s made their problem. They huff and roll their eyes and look all annoyed but they don’t do much about it.
Now Icicle, and maybe Tommy, make think it’s pretty rad in a “hehe rebellion >:)” kinda way…however…everyone I think could competently vape has passed, been marked off as being against vaping, whatever. Cameron and Tommy would stand there coughing and stuff, I wouldn’t put it too far beyond them to accidentally swallow the dang pen, idk what they’re doing, they’re just on some knucklehead behavior. .
aheem…Psimon doesn’t like vaping but I think he’d have a particular disdain for the ones that are all flavored, masking the original bad smell and taste, bc it reminds him of the way hospitals smell, with the pinesol and bleach trying to desperately hide the scent of death and sickness. Okay bye-
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lazypanartist · 1 year
Been really tired today and idk why but
Cameron as a Father Headcanons
Featuring season 3 or older Cam bc I feel like any earlier he'd be too immature
He won't stop the villain lifestyle for just one or two people (immediately, at least)
But he WILL try and cut down on risky behavior as soon as he's in a serious relationship
And when he finds out he's gonna be a dad?
He's ecstatic!
Planning their bedroom, looking into parenting books, doing what he can to ensure safety anywhere the kid *could* go
Might need reminded to slow down every once in a while
(Kid's wallpaper is icy blues and purples, even before he actually has them)
Refuses to treat the kid anything like his father did to him
Vows to be patient and actually care about his child
Something breaks?
He grits his teeth if it was valuable monetarily or emotionally, but teaches them to clean it up and be more careful
They run off?
Full-blown Panic Mode™
Will NOT stop looking until the kid's safe
And by safe, right in his arms
Or on a child leash
Even with a s/o HE needs to have the kid before he calms down
Loves spoiling them!
Even if the gifts or money to buy them are stolen, it's the thought that count
Funds all their hobbies
Brand new sketchbook, paints, whatever
Here's a Polaroid and instant-print film!
They like sports?
Well, he'll do his best to help them practice
All in all, 10/10 minus the possibility he gets arrested and ruins it 🙃
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hotdoghottakes · 2 years
Two years, near-about 36 episodes later, an entire season waiting for a smidgen of content, going through the emotional rollercoaster of this whole plotline just to see Icicle Jr’s handsome face for approximately three seconds just to see him attend his frienemy’s wedding, shush a noisy guy complaining about his own lack of awareness, and shed a tear for the happy occasion within the last five minutes of the season finale.
Worth it.
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thingsasbarcodes · 4 days
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Young Justice 3x13 - True Heroes
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frozendelinquent · 2 years
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this man got a DAY PASS FROM BEING LOCKED UP IN BELLE REVE AGAIN TO GO TO THIS FRENEMY’S WEDDING. this is all i could ask for. surrounded by 40+ superheroes. NOBODY BATTED AN EYE.
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