#Yes the only reason I could travel before was bc my family
amerasdreams · 1 year
I still have a ticket from 2021 when my arm was so bad I couldn't travel to the west coast w my family 😞 I haven't gone on a trip vacation since 2019. !
I think the ticket is expiring this month tho. 😢 since I didn't have any money, there was no way I could use the ticket -- just half ticket bc I was going to join my family mid vacation. So i would have to pay the rest. And pay for things there.
I didn't have money bc I lost many clients during covid. Only now have I gotten a bit more business back. Perhaps enough to do something but the ticket is expiring! 😞
Will I ever be able to travel again?
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thebearer · 1 year
no but i love your writing! ever since i watched s1 and 2 last weekend because of a youtube ad, i peaked in the carmy tag and was a surprised to see the amount of stories carmy had! would love a scenario where he’s married to a sassy, take no shit type of reader sim to natalie. his wife legit could work with him for all i care. but for whatever reason he does something w/o checking in— he prolly just forgot. she finds out and confronts him hella pissed (could be at family or during restaurant prep idc) and she says “oh, if carmen said it was cool.” not even carmy the full government name bro 😭. p much how natalie articulated it 🤣. can’t remember the ep but in early season 1 when marcus blew the fuse you can also include slick commentary from richie (and fak) if you’d like! tysm in advance 🥰. also if you don’t me me asking, do you have name/alias on this blog? what we can call you? enjoy your week
- 🥣
yes yes yes ahhhhh! he definitely needs someone who keeps him in line but walks that fine line where he can also keep them in line (bc dom!carmy is living in my heart rent free forever lol). also you can call me e if you'd like :) thank you for your sweet words! i hope you have a good week, and hope you enjoy this!
"What's this?" You ask Sydney, looking at the new box being unloaded from the truck- big and bulky in a crate, far too large to be a produce shipment.
"Uh, I think it's the new glassware for the bar." Sydney looked at her clipboard, back at you carefully.
"Glassware? What new glassware. We haven't picked that out yet." You frowned, looking at the crate carefully.
"Oh, well, it was in Carmen's notes for the day, so... I think that's the only shipment we have. Unless the hostess stand came early, which would be amazing, but you-" Sydney stopped her ramblings, seeing your soured expression. "You know what? Never mind, uh, ignore me. I'm just...Carmen's with Sugar and Richie in the back if you want to ask him."
"Thanks, Syd." You muttered, ripping the bell open with a shrill before bounding towards the back. You could hear them before you saw them, a familiar chorus of chatter and rising voices.
"Hey, so what's the delivery out front?" You ask, not bothering to wait for them to acknowledge you. If you did, you'd never talk, they all talked over each other.
"The new glasses for the bars." Sugar turned, smiling softly at you. "How are you doing?"
"Good." You muttered, eyes cutting to Carmen. "We haven't ordered new glasses yet."
"Uh, well, I thought you liked the ones from last week, angel." Carmen's eyes were bulged, clearly flustered.
"I said I liked them for basics, but I needed you to confirm a drink menu." You glared at him, arms crossing over his chest.
"You can't put the drinks in that?" Carmen asked, hand flying out towards the hall.
"Not if you want the specialty, no." You huffed. "Carmen, I told you to wait just a few days and we could get them at the wholesale market. The textured ones for the signature at least."
"Uh-oh," Richie muttered, snickering to Fak.
"Can you not use the glasses I got?" Carmen sighed.
"I can, but did you get enough? And did we decide if the signature is going in a whiskey glass or a cylinder one? Did you order double of those?" You lifted a brow, taking a step towards him. Richie and Nat watched, heads turning from you and Carmen like a tennis match.
Carmen paused, running a hand down his face. "N-No, but-"
"-So what are you going to do when we open and you run out of drinks, huh? When everyone orders the signature and it comes in different glasses? You think those travel groupie influencers won't notice? Won't post about it and make it a big fucking deal?" You countered.
"Then we'll figure it out!" Carmen huffed. "Look I gave the order to Richie, and-"
"-Hey, no fuckin' way cousin. You gave me your order." Richie held his hand up. "Sweetheart, Carmy said it was good so I just placed the order."
"Well, if Carmen said it was good, then it must be, right? He's the fucking boss." You snarl, glaring at Carmen furiously. "Seems like you've got it under control, Carm, so I'll leave it to you." You turn on your heel, furiously stomping away.
Richie and Fak wait until they hear the slam of the office door, to release their cackles. "Oooh! Cousin, you are in the fuckin' dog house now." Richie laughed, Fak's chorus of barks emphasizing his statement.
"Shut up, ok? Just shut the fuck up." Carmen growled, running a hand through his hair.
"Carmy, why wouldn't you ask her before you ordered? She's your mixologist." Nat sighed, shoulders heavy with disappointment.
"Also your girlfriend." Sydney added, poking her head in. "I told you to wait. Just saying."
"Thank you, alright, thank you all for your fuckin' helpful words." Carmen snapped. "Just... Nat, make sure they get all that shit set up right, ok? Make sure the dishwasher fucking works before we're open, please."
The office door was shut, and Carmen hesitated, reaching for the knob anxiously. He wasn't sure if he should knock- I mean, fuck, this is his office but... you were already so mad at him. Knuckles rapping on the door, he didn't wait for the invite in- knowing he'd never get one.
Carmen found you, sniffling in a furious pout in the corner, body angled away from the door. "Baby-" Carmen started with a sigh, shoulders falling gently at your upset state.
"-Don't." You snap, wiping your eyes. "Don't even start with me, Carmen." The way you say his full name sounds so bitter, too formal and full of malice to be from you.
"I-I'm sorry. I thought we agreed on it, and-and Richie was pressuring me and... And you're right. I shouldn't have made that decision without you, and I'm sorry." Carmen said slowly, waiting for your gaze to meet his, angry, wet, waterline.
"Yeah, you shouldn't have." You agreed bitterly, wiping your eyes. "I get this is your restaurant, Carmen, but don't ask for my help if you're just gonna do what you want anyways. That's-That's not nice."
"I know." Carmen nodded slowly, approaching you with the caution he would a wild animal. "I want your help. I do, and-and I like your idea that the house drink goes in the special glass. Makes it stand out."
You lifted your gaze up to his. "Yeah?" You asked, he nodded, sitting next to you. "Did you blow your budget?"
"No," Carmen shook his head, not a total lie. Fak had been able pull some strings with the new stoves, turns out he did have a guy. It left a little over five thousand left over.
"We could go to that place, if you want to. Go look and see if they have the glasses. Get a rough estimate of about how many we'd need." Carmen offered, his hand cupping your thigh gently, thumb rubbing over your leg in soothing circles.
"As long as Sydney or Nat does the numbers and not you." You snorted lightly, rolling your eyes at him.
He laughed, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'll get Sugar to run 'em, alright? Then we can go. Call it an early night."
You beamed at the idea, letting him slide in next to you, melting into your side. "That sounds good." You hummed, letting your head fall on his shoulder.
"I-I'm real sorry I didn't as you ." Carmen muttered. "That was shitty."
"Yeah." You sighed in agreement. "I just... I want to be included in things." You asked, looking up at him sweetly. "Not everything, but-but at least the things that apply to my area."
"I know." Carmen nodded, his hand catching your cheek softly. "I'll let you handle it next time, alright? I trust your opinion."
"You don't have to do that-"
"-No, you're right, I don't. But-But I want to." Carmen nodded. "I know you're lookin' out for the best in this place just like I am."
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johnmurphysgirl · 4 months
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Pair: Thorin Okenshield x FemOC! (Link to the Wattpad fic if you’d rather read it there.)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, found family, heartbreak bc I’m secretly satan.
Word count; 5,239
A/N: To get myself back into my fic in hopes this will inspire me to write the mf third chapter already and quit stalling. — although a baggenshield fic is lowkey calling my name instead
She yearns for a world deeper than the Shire; for adventures so vast and world-changing that she has no choice but to remember for the rest of her life. If Nienna tries hard enough she can almost taste freedom. She can hear the wind whizzing past her hair as she runs amongst the trees, the entire world at her fingertips. Nienna has spent her entire life dreaming; oftentimes her dreams entailed packing whatever she could in a knapsack and disappearing from her hobbit-hole by the river. To find a new life. One where Nienna is brave, fearless, and unapologetically herself.
Nienna has tried to let go of her silly little dreams, because that's all they are. Dreams. The others don't quite understand. In fact, she can count on one finger the only one in the Shire that even remotely understands. His name is Bilbo Baggins. The only one who has foolish little dreams of grandeur, – despite trying to deny it at every corner -- and her best friend in the entire universe. If it weren't for him, she would have said goodbye ages ago.
Their friendship itself is a bit of an odd union; for he is a Baggins who lives on The Hill, whereas she is a Greenwater from The Water. Where his family hold riches and a normal life filled with farming, and safety, hers longed for adventure and destiny and often took risks the others would not. Her ancestors used to travel to far away lands by ship, meeting Elves and Dwarves alike, and in truth, is a lot of reasons behind Nienna's call to adventure. Bilbo's problem is he refuses to acknowledge his Took ancestry and has taken up refuge as his father's son, mainly.
Nienna hums quietly to herself on this particular day, skipping past hobbit-holes and other little Hobbits milling about their days as they do in days past. It's a wonderful day for an adventure, she thinks and hobbles along. The sun hangs high in the sky without a cloud in sight as she makes her way past the Water's edge and bounds upwards towards The Hill. Bilbo won't be expecting her. He usually never is, but that hardly stunts Nienna. She's quite used to his blathering about unannounced visitors and how he would really love for her to come by at an appropriate hour and preferably after writing to schedule a specific time. Tea time, for example, or dinner, or some other boring activity.
Nienna doesn't like schedules. She thinks it takes away the air of mystery, and so, Bilbo's also gotten quite used to that.
"Good morning, Bilbo Baggins!" Nienna yells jovially as she just crosses up the Hill, noticing her very best friend perched atop his bench with his pipe in his hand. "Mind if I join you on this fine day?"
"A very good morning to you, Nienna Greenwater!" Bilbo says, a hearty laugh on the tip of his tongue as he mockingly bows his head. "To what does little old me have such privilege to be greeted by Nienna on this fine morning?"
"Probably for you to stop speaking so formally, Bilbo, my old friend." Nienna grins, and collapses on the seat next to him.
He shakes his head fondly at her. "Ah, yes, yes, of course. Silly me to have forgotten."
Nienna's sparkling eyes turn away from Bilbo, then, to look down the Hill, and past the Water. Her heart aching for places she's never seen, before she turns back to Bilbo just as he blew on his pipe to make one of his famous smoke-rings. Nienna laughs with delight, reaching her hand up to poke a finger through the ring of smoke, watching fascinatedly as the puff of smoke swirls around where her finger had been before disappearing into the wind.
Bilbo smiles at her. He's aware of just how much enjoyment Nienna gets out of his smoke-rings, and it's part of why he did it just now. To move her attention back to the Hill and the Shire and away from her dangerous thoughts of peril and adventure. He wouldn't admit that, of course. If he did, he would have to delve into the deep part of his psyche that craves the same wanderlust as Nienna; and he can't, because nobody on the Hill, or Bag-End ever goes on adventures, and especially not a Baggins.
The two Hobbits this morning were taken by complete surprise in the form of an old man, with a staff at his side, a tall pointed hat, a long and flowing grey cloak, and a flowing white beard that went all the way down below his waist.
"Good morning!" Nienna and Bilbo say in unison.
"What do you mean?" The man asks, looking at the two. "Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good on this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"
Personally, Nienna thinks her greeting was simply that; a greeting, and perhaps the last one. It is a good morning. According to her, anyway. She glances at the man, eyes sparkling in curiosity. His identity evades her, but she's fairly certain she's seen him before, maybe once long ago. His entire being evokes such a strong sense of yearning for the adventures that plague her every-waking thought. Too tired of doing the normal thing.
"All of them at once, I suppose," Bilbo answers for both of them, which Nienna appreciates. She doesn't quite know how to explain her thoughts at this precise minute, and is thankful the attention isn't on her directly. "If you have a pipe about you, sit and have a fill of mine!"
Nienna even moves and offers the man her seat, just as Bilbo makes another dashing smoke ring that has her face lighting up in seconds. But he does not sit. He watches the smoke without even an ounce of fascination.
"Very pretty! But I haven't the time to blow smoke-rings this morning. I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, but it is very difficult to find anyone."
Bilbo glances over at Nienna in horror, already seeing her head snap towards the man with such fervor, he's afraid her head's going to pop off. He's already shaking his head and standing back up. "I should think so — in these parts! We have no use for adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things! Makes you late for dinner! I can't think what anyone sees in them."
Meanwhile, Nienna glances back and forth between Bilbo and the stranger; her eyes dancing with delight at this revelation. Is this him? The one her mother used to tell her stories about, the Grey Wizard known by many names, and yet seems to be fond of one in particular; Gandalf the Grey. The wizard that had taken Yavanna Greenwater, Nienna's grandmother, to the isle of the blessed. A sacred place long past the city of Dale that is rumored not to exist anymore after Smaug destroyed it as he had done to Dale, before taking over Erebor.
"Speak for yourself," Nienna says at last, her hopeful gaze turning to the Wizard, while Bilbo pretends to be busy with his mail. "Nienna Greenwater at your service."
She tries to ignore the apprehension growing inside her chest with a vague sense of fear. She knows not what the adventure entails to offer such a service, and who is she, anyway? Nienna Greenwater has never done anything note-worthy in her entire life. She has no business parading her ancestry around like a warm blanket of comfort, when it was not her who has done extraordinary things. She yearns for adventure so badly, but why should she go on this? She's just a hobbit.
"I do know your name, Miss. Nienna Greenwater, as I know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. And you both know my name, and while Nienna is piecing it together, you, Bilbo don't remember me belonging to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me! To think I should have been good-morninged by Belladonna Took's son, and Yavanna Greenwater's granddaughter, as if I was selling buttons at the door!"
"Gandalf, Gandalf! Good gracious me! Not the wandering Wizard that gave Old Took a pair of magic diamond studs that fastened themselves and never came undone till ordered?"
"Don't forget he used to tell such extraordinary tales at parties," Nienna chimes in with a giddy smile at the wonder in Bilbo's voice. "He used to tell stories of Old; about dragons and goblins, the rescuing of princesses, adventures and dreams. Oh, Bilbo, don't you remember the story my mother told us? Yavanna Greenwater, sailing with Elves to the isle of the blessed, fighting hardship after hardship to protect it –"
Bilbo's eyes lit up. "Not the man that used to make such particularly excellent fireworks!" Bilbo cried, unapologetically interrupting Nienna's daydream. "I remember those! Old Took used to have them on Midsummer's Eve. Splendid! But I had no idea you were still around."
"Where else would I be?" Grumbles Gandalf, before waving a hand in the air. "At any rate, I am glad you both remember something about me. You seem to look on my stories and my fireworks kindly, for your grandfather and your grandmother, and poor Belladonna's sake, I will give you what you asked for."
"I beg your pardon, what?" Bilbo says, incredulously. "We haven't asked for anything."
"Yes you have – Twice. I will give you my pardon, and then you will go on an adventure – both of you."
"Sorry, I don't want any adventures, thank you. Good morning – please come back for tea time tomorrow. Come tomorrow, bye!" Bilbo says, moving backwards towards his door, and slamming the door behind him, leaving Nienna alone with Gandalf. She blows out a puff of air, before turning in curiosity towards the Wizard, who does not move away as she suspected he would, but instead approaches Bilbo's door with his staff, carving something on the green door.
He turns to give Nienna a mischievous look, a hint of a smile dancing on his lips. "Tomorrow," he whispers. "Come back tomorrow."
Sleep evades her like a thief in the night, keeping her up till way past dawn. Her mind conjures up images of death; fire and brimstone. Which left Nienna a bit on edge, with, admittedly, a great deal of fear. For almost immediately after Gandalf the Grey disappeared from sight with the promise of tomorrow, the bravery melted out of the poor hobbit and right into the ground, leaving her with a heavy heart for her journey back home. Not a long journey; but a journey nonetheless.
Nienna is nothing but an absolute fool. A silly woman with grandiose dreams, and wanderlust which is surely on the right track of getting her killed. Dragons? Goblins? Possibly Orcs? What in all of Middle Earth was she thinking? Nienna wouldn't last a single day outside the Shire.
Those thoughts lingered long after she thought them. Nienna couldn't for the life of her understand why. An adventure was all she's ever really wanted, and yet now that's she's faced with what's surely to be a life-altering one, all she wants to do is hide in her hobbit-hole. She doesn't. Instead, she musters up whatever courage is dawdling in her brain, and hobbles along the path up the Hill. She can't shake the inkling that Bilbo is going to need her for what's to come. It's much too dangerous for any one hobbit to travel alone; so, if that means danger so be it.
The brunette sighs through her teeth. She hesitates for about five seconds, before knocking on the door twice. A minute later, the door swings open wildly and a bit desperately, revealing a very flustered Bilbo Baggins. Inside, the noise was so loud she nearly toppled backwards off the placemat. She covers her ears and tries and fails to cover up her grin. A noise such as that coming from the kitchen could only mean one thing; Dwarves.
"Nienna?" Bilbo cries after a moment of silence while the two stare at each other, over the noise from behind him. "Thank goodness you're here. Dwarves are in my kitchen. Dwarves. I don't know what's –" Just then, Bilbo pauses in word, his eyes narrowing at Nienna in slight suspicion. "What are you doing here, anyway?" She shows up right after a pack of dwarves show up out of the blue; no, this could be no ordinary visit. "Did you know about this?"
Bilbo jerks his thumb towards his kitchen as he asked the question, bringing Nienna to frown slightly. Her gaze softens, turning a tad bit sheepish. "Not… all of it? Gandalf told me to meet here at tea time, like you said, but not at all what any of this meant. I'm.. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Bilbo, honest, but this could be good for us! C'mon, can't you believe it? A real adventure. You and me. Even if we decide not to go; it's not everyday we see and meet dwarves." She pauses her spiel to giggle, nudging his shoulder with her own. "We're being terrible hosts. I'll help you."
Bilbo Baggins wants to scream and shake his head, and maybe stomp his feet like a naughty hobbit boy throwing a tantrum. He wants to shake Nienna's shoulders and tell her that no, he does not wish or have any business going on such an adventure, thank you very much, and that he'd much rather sit and enjoy his cakes and tea in peace; but the words or actions would not come. He knows good and well he would not be able to stand the flicker of hurt in her eyes. Whether it be by luck or the opposite, a steady knock followed by the doorbell was his saving grace. It kept him from saying anything he'd regret, at least. "Ah, that will be more dwarves, I imagine. Could you answer that, Nie? I really must have a drink or I'm afraid I'm going to fall down."
"Of course!" Nienna breaths, her steady grin growing wider if it was even possible. Bilbo sends her a grateful nod before he's disappearing towards the kitchen, leaving Nienna to turn and face the door. She opens it as gently as she could, but..
In fell four dwarves landing in a heap at her feet, with Gandalf shortly behind them. "Ah, Nienna Greenwater!" He booms good-natured, sending her a warm smile. "Might I introduce Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and especially Thorin!"
Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur busy themselves with hanging up theirs and Thorin's hoods after a quick bow and a "at your service." Nienna was only half paying attention. Her eyes were drawn to Thorin, a very important dwarf. None other than Thorin Oakenshield himself stood not even five inches from Nienna. The Thorin; the one who hopefully one day be at his rightful throne as King under the Mountain. He does little to acknowledge her except to incline his head respectfully, although he doesn't exactly seem all that enthused by her presence.
"Now, then, that pleasantries are out of the way, would you accompany us to the kitchen Nienna, that is, if there's any left for us late arrivals. And where is our good friend, Bilbo Baggins?"
"He's in the kitchen, sir," Nienna says kindly, trying not to appear as excited as she feels.
She sends them all one last warm smile, before leading them towards the kitchen. Immediately upon reaching the destination, the early and late arrivals each had a list of demands of food and drink that they'd like; all aimed at poor Bilbo himself. Nienna shoots a longing look at one of the scones. She shakes her head and moves towards Bilbo, who had already departed towards the pantry, to help him with all the various requests.
The dwarves speak and look at her kindly, but it's fairly obvious they are all a bit weary by her presence. Not that Nienna could blame them. After all, they had probably only expected one hobbit, – if any at all – not two, and certainly not a female.
Ah, well. Nothing to worry about now, she supposes, while reaching for the wine on the shelf.
She passes by Bilbo, who is currently busy making Gandalf's eggs, and brings the wine to Thorin first. Nienna is careful while filling his cup to the brim to not over-fill or under-fill, and gives him a bow, before maneuvering around the other dwarves until she reaches Gandalf. She fills his cup next, and he thanks her graciously.
"Confusticate and bebother these dwarves!" Bilbo says aloud upon his return to the room, a deep scarlet tint to his face that she's never seen before; Nienna coming along the bend just as he did, carrying more spoons and knives. "Why don't they come and lend a hand?"
Nienna hasn't quite matched faces to a name yet, but if she was correct, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, and Kili came to their aid; as if they had been expecting those words eventually. Her eyes widen a fraction as they whisk trays and tables alike and lay everything afresh out on them in just a tiny blink of her eye. Nienna can't help but feel enamored by them all. They're absolutely fascinating, and despite being a bit demanding, it was mostly a good meeting. To her, anyway. She couldn't speak for Bilbo himself.
Soon enough, they're all finally gathered together around the table. Nienna takes a tiny bite of her score that she had finally acquired, before engaging Kili and Fili in a most exciting tale of their journey to the Shire. The way they described the paths and roads and large places outside Bree only fuel Nienna's need to see it for herself. She wasn't too enthralled with their stories of riches, though. Nienna doesn't need gold or money to be happy. Water and good company, and adventure now and again seems quite pleasant to her. To get married and have children, maybe. She hasn't thought about it a lot.
Bilbo sits at his stool alone by the fire nibbling on a biscuit, while the other dwarves and Gandalf continue to eat and talk excitedly amongst each other. This goes on for quite a while. Nienna doesn't mind. She could talk for hours and hours with Kili and Fili, as they were the most fun, she decided. Even with how weary they were, they spoke jovially and didn't seem to mind her pestering questions. But eventually, as is with most things, it was time to move on.
The shenanigans of dwarves once again fill her with awe. This won't be the last time. One by one, they all got up out of their seats and start stacking the dishes in a very large stack; while Bilbo trails after them nearly losing his mind shouting and pleading for them to be careful. After all, those are his mother's old valuables that had been handed down to him.
It was no surprise to her, but a great deal of a shock to Bilbo, when they all – minus Thorin and Gandalf who were busy in conversation – began to sing:
"Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That what Bilbo Baggins hates –
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Cut the cloth and tread on the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!
Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished, if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! Carefully with the plates!"
Nienna couldn't control herself; she claps and nods her head to the dwarves' song, laughing merrily and grinning over at a slightly unamused Bilbo. If they had done the things they sang about she would have not laughed; but they hadn't done any of it. In fact, they cleaned them all up nicely and put it back without a single scratch on them.
The thrill of today provides proof of the promise of tomorrow; and it has yet to leave Nienna. She slides next to Bilbo on the stool, grinning from ear to ear as she watches each dwarf leave the room, and then return with their musical instruments. For tea time was over. And with it, a new adventure of music before dinner.
"Isn't this wonderful, Bilbo?" Nienna asks him quietly as Balin leaves to retrieve his and Thorin's musical instruments that were left outside.
"I could think of a great deal more that is wonderful," Bilbo mutters under his breath; Although even he has to admit there is nothing quite like songs, especially one sung by a dwarf or elves.
Nienna doesn't pay much mind to Bilbo's words, however, and allows the excitement to keep running through her as she waits impatiently for the dwarves to return. Her waiting does not go in vain. Soon enough, the dwarves are all in their respective spots with their instruments.
One by one; they began to sing:
"Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the pale enchanted gold.
The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In hollow halls beneath the fells.
For ancient king and elvish lord
There many a gleaming golden hoard
They shaped and wrought, and light they caught
To hide in gems on hilt of sword.
On silver necklaces they strung
The flowering stars, on crowns they hung
The dragon-fire, in twisted wire
They meshed the light of moon and sun.
Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away, ere break of day,
To claim our long-forgotten gold.
Goblets they carved there for themselves
And harps of gold; where no man delves
There lay they long, and many a song
Was sung unheard by men or elves.
The pines were roaring on the height,
The winds were moaning in the night.
The fire was red, it flaming spread;
The trees like torches blazed with light.
The bells were ringing in the dale
And men looked up with faces pale;
The dragon's ire more fierce than fire
Laid low their towers and houses frail.
The mountain smoked beneath the moon;
The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom.
They fled their hall to dying fall
Beneath his feet, beneath the moon.
Far over the misty mountains grim
To dungeons deep and caverns dim
We must away, ere break of day,
To win our harps and gold from him!"
The hauntingly beautiful melody sends chills up Nienna's spine. Their voices mix together in perfect harmony, conveying the deep loss; and their undoubted determination to reclaim their home. She almost finds herself misty-eyed. The deep loss is almost like a pang in her gut, even if it is not her who has lost. Nienna understands now. Just exactly what this adventure means for Thorin and the dwarves, and for her and Bilbo, and just exactly what they plan on doing. Their determination is quite contagious.
For, Nienna is even more ready to go.
Nienna was so deeply invested in the dwarves' song, that she hadn't felt Bilbo moving away from them until Thorin broke the silence that followed their song; "where are you going?" He demanded, and Bilbo simply made some silly excuse about light. Although, the dwarves assured him they love the dark. Dark for dark business, that is, and while Nienna doesn't quite understand; she's still just ready to get on with this. She wants to know just what dangers they would face, should they accept the adventure. But most importantly; Nienna wants to know why Gandalf chose her and not just Bilbo. Why should he have invited her along on this quest? What has she got to offer besides an incredibly bubbly personality and a startling thirst for the World Beyond.
She will get her answer, but it won't be the one she's expecting.
Nienna sits quietly as a mouse, after Bilbo had made such a racket that she's afraid to breathe, let alone move in fear of being yelled at too; and waits with bated breath for Thorin to speak.
"Gandalf, dwarves, Mr. Baggins, and Miss. Greenwater! We are met together in the house of our friend and fellow conspirators, these two most excellent and audacious Hobbits – all praise to their wine and ale and their gracious hosting! –" Thorin pauses, and Nienna smiles.
"We are lucky to be in your presence, Thorin, if you'll excuse my dear friend's lack of words. Your song and company is quite all we needed."
Bilbo's mouth widens in protest, although no noise comes out of it and all Nienna does is shake her head at him with a soft smile. She knows how hard this all is for him, the two sides of him fighting like some wild tennis match; but still. Thorin deserves some praise, after all, he hadn't made a big fuss about Nienna's presence, or about how mere Hobbits are not warriors and most have never really done anything wildly great, either.
Thorin surprises Nienna with a nod and a tight-lipped smile, before he continues: "We are here to talk about our plans, ways, our means, the policy and devices. The journey is a long one, a journey which many of us, save Gandalf, might never return —"
A loud squeak disrupts Thorin yet again, – A squeak Nienna has only heard twice in all the times she's known him – Bilbo having been the reason behind it, and he now cowers on the placemat shivering, and frantically calling out, "struck by lightning! Struck by lightning!"
"Oh, Bilbo," Nienna murmurs sadly as she hops off her stool and runs to assist her only friend. Guilt swirls around her chest, nearly suffocating her; she should have been a better friend, instead of getting all swept off her feet over the thought of an adventure. One that Bilbo has expressly said he did not want to go on. "Can somebody help m–"
Before Nienna could even get the words out, Fili and Kili assisted by Dwalin are at her side in an instant and hoisting Bilbo up in his chair just outside the parlour. Now, Nienna knows she should continue on with the dwarves in their conversation and stipulation, but she can't find it in herself to leave Bilbo's side. So, she sits on the floor beside his chair, keeping him company and humming slightly while trying to ignore the very real fact that the dwarves are in there right now with Gandalf, possibly talking about how neither she nor Bilbo has any business on this quest if all they were gonna do is bring about trouble by having episodes.
Her face turns a deep shade of velvet, their words rushing in her ears; she was so embarrassed that she didn't even feel Bilbo stand out of his chair, until his hand was in front of her face to pull her up. Nienna frowns a little. She shrugs and allows him to help her up, and it isn't until they're standing in front of the parlour door that she understands what he's ready to do. And that he wasn't going to do it alone, and hoped that Nienna was still as willing as she was before he fell flat. Her eyes light up and she nods, giddiness flooding through her as Bilbo finally pushes the door open and steps inside.
"Pardon me," Bilbo interrupts. "I don't pretend to understand what you are talking about, or your meaning of burglars and what in the world a beacon of light compass is, but I believe I'm right in my understanding that you think Nienna and I are no good. Let us show you – although I know there is no mark on my door I painted it myself a week ago, and I am quite sure you came to the wrong house – but tell us what you want done, and I'm sure Nienna feels as I do about it; we will try it. Even if we have to fight the greatest were-worms in the Last Desert."
"Um, Bilbo," Nienna pipes up from beside him, and nearly shrinks back as every pair of eyes turn towards her. "There *is* a mark. I watched Gandalf do it."
"Of course there is a mark," confirms Gandalf. "I put it there myself as surely as Nienna was my witness. For very good reasons, mind you. You asked me to find the fourteen man for your expedition, and I went ahead and threw in a fifteenth. I chose Mr. Baggins and Miss. Greenwater. Just let anyone say that I chose the wrong ones or the wrong house, and you can stop at thirteen and have all the bad luck you like, or go back to digging coal."
Nienna has never seen someone scowl as angrily as Gandalf did in this moment; it was enough to render the room to silence as nobody dared to argue.
"That's right," continues Gandalf. "I have chosen Mr. Baggins and Miss. Greenwater, and that oughta be enough for all of you. If i say Bilbo is a burglar, then a burglar he is, or will be when the time comes. As for Nienna, she is as pure as they come in all of the Shire! When all hope feels like it is lost, she is the tip of the balance. You remember it as well as I do, Thorin. You may all live to thank me yet. Now, can we please get some light on this?"
Nienna frowns. When all hope is lost, she is the tip of the balance. Did Gandalf have to speak so vaguely all the time? He never gave any answers and when he does, it is not plain enough to understand. Nienna doesn't feel like a beacon of hope. Maybe a hopeless romanticizing woman with a thirst for adventure, but to be a tip in the balance? That's going a bit too far; but she isn't given the time to question it as Gandalf brings out a map.
"This was made by Thror, your grandfather, Thorin," Gandalf explains. "It is a plan of the mountain."
"I don't see this helping us much," Thorin says after glancing at it. "I remember the mountain well enough and its lands. And I know where Mirkwood is, and the Withered Heath where the great dragons bred."
"There's a red-marked dragon on the Mountain, but it'll be easy enough to find him without it," says Balin.
Nienna was growing quite tired as they spoke back and forth of maps and doors, a key and a dark past with Smaug the Dragon; and back and forth about burglaries and a hope tipping scale that she nearly cried in relief when Bilbo suggested an early start after breakfast and a goodnight's sleep.
After Nienna's head hit the pillow she was out like a light and was the only Hobbit to join the dwarves for breakfast; having been the one to make them.
Click here for chapter two —> CHAPTER TWO
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feelingpure · 10 months
hawk meeting tim just in time is just a storytelling decision, the point is just for us as the audience to see them meeting then and there.
but i wouldn't characterize hawk as soft(ening) at all, i think he is aware of his feelings for tim (the letter dictation), but because of homophobia, the regular one and internalized lol, he's dealing with that badly, and subsequently extending that to how he treats tim. bc first of all, it's a big deal overall to find yourself falling in love with someone, regardless of sexuality and gender, i think there's a little bit of mundane relationship drama in there, but on top of that, the homophobia of the 50s, and hawk never having had that kind of relationship before, as the first scene with that random blonde guy establishes, he's used to fucking a guy and leaving, but now he's developing a meaningful something with tim, no matter how much he resists admitting it (to himself, let alone tim). I do think he was genuinely affected by tim being upset bc of the birthday, but also he can never outright apologize and show remorse and make up for his mistakes.
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I wrote another Fellow Travelers essay.
Under the cut.
I understand it could just be that, but I'm just going off of how it seemed to me. Could be interpreted different ways tbh, like maybe that's Hawk's way of being 'romantic', by making it seem so spontaneous.
He's definitely aware of his feelings, the letter dictation scene is a v good example of that. The fact he says "I fell for you...", and all the rest, while his eyes are flitting between the paper and Tim.
But of course, for all the reasons you mention (and the conflict of wanting to secure his own financial future/freedom via Lucy's family), he refuses to confront it himself, never mind explicitly admitting it out loud. And it's clear that he is far from being ready to do that yet, which makes Tim's plea via singing so so painful.
"You won't admit you love me, and so, how am I ever to know... A million times I ask you. And then, I ask you over again... So if you really love me, say yes. Or if you don't dear, confess..." 😭
Ugh, anyway. I keep going back and forth about Hawk. But I feel like he's meant to be much harder to read on purpose, so I don't really have anything overt to cite as him being genuinely affected by the whole birthday thing (can only muse on his inner conflict regarding that).
Unlike Tim, who makes what he feels so clear and verbalises it; it's a lot easier for everyone to see and know he's hurt (and for me to get in his corner and want to yell at Hawk for causing it). And I'm sure my feelings will continue to fluctuate on both of them as the series goes on, and I'm sure that's the intention.
Sorry I took long to reply, been thinking, and also knew I'd spend ages typing back a long ass answer myself! 😆 There's so much to say, but I feel like we agree on the actual crux of it all? Uhh, just don't ask me about that sex scene.
(Also re your other message to the inbox; it's fine and was comprehensible haha, from one rambler to another.)
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honest-kdrama-reviews · 4 months
Review #9: Twinkling Watermelon
Oh, we are SO BACK!!!
After a One Direction-esq hiatus, I have returned with my wit and thirst to discuss a drama that I loved.
✨Twinkling Watermelon✨
Of course, this wouldn’t be one of my reviews without the…
I am being so fr when I say this man is gorgeous. His smile takes up his entire face and it makes me giggle and kick my feet every single time. Choi Hyun-Wook is not only so handsome but he plays the role of a kind, charming, stubborn and extremely loud 18 year old so well. Like, I think casting him for that role was the actual perfect choice.
Let’s just take a moment to look at him 🥰
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(Also this scene was so cute like he’s so in love pls)
Okay anyway, moving on.
The cast of this drama was actually just way too cute in general. I caught myself so many times watching with the goofiest grin on my face as they all lowkey fell in love fr fr for the first time.
The plot and storyline was so interesting! I really love how they made Sign Language a central part and really shone a light on how difficult it is for deaf people in Korea specifically.
Also, time travel seems to be a trend in recent k-dramas (I’m not mad about it buuut. A Time Called You and Lovely Runner 👀)
Similarly to 25/21 I think they took advantage of the fact that Y2K fashion is popular rn and set most of the drama in 1995. It’s cool to see the similarities!
I think it’s hard to keep my attention for very long when watching dramas if the plot has a lot of filler, which this seemed to have in the middle. It took me a while to get through (the last like six episodes were so engaging tho).
So I felt very meh for the first 15 episodes and then episode 16 had me bawling every five minutes. A huge jump, I know.
(SPOILER) Lee Chan coming to terms with not being able to achieve his dreams while he was under in surgery actually kinda broke me as a person. I was not okay. Also when his grandma comes and they cry together :(. I had to actually pause and take a minute. I was not okay!!
I LOVED the way it ended, though. Eun Gyeol felt like he had failed just bc (SPOILER) Lee Chan still lost his hearing, but seeing the positive impacts that he made really warmed my heart. Like yes, his family had been content and happy before. But now things were so much better and his mom was able to thrive because she hadn’t been abused as long.
The soundtrack went back and forth between being boring and going so INCREDIBLY HARD. The cover they did of 볽은 노을 has been stuck in my head for days and I found the OG version on Spotify and I love it. Also, A Song For You makes me feel so nostalgic for my youth for some reason. I wanna never forget all of my shining moments.
That’s honestly what I walked away with from this drama. I want my youth (and my life in general) to shine so brightly in my memory. I wanna make the most of the time I have so that one day I can smile and know I lived.
Viva La Vida :)
My Rating for this drama is a solid: 9/10. (Definitely in my K-Drama top 20)
Reminder that these are simply my opinions. If this is your favorite drama, I don’t mean to offend you. Feel free to put what you loved/didn’t love in the comments. Just be kind and remember that everyone like different dramas. Also please be nice to me, I am but a normal person. :)
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this is gonna be a long ass rant about my 'friend' feel free to ignore, i just need to get this out somewhere cuz im literally shaking she makes me so mad <3
i have this friend, S, and she always goes on about how we are so close and she loves me and she hopes college (im in the uk so its college for 16-18) doesnt separate us and that we stay close etc etc.
but then shes such a bitch and i rlly dont know why im still friends with her. shes rlly insensitive about sh, i mentioned to her when i was younger that i did it and she was supportive, but now she makes jokes about it all the time and she doesnt know i didnt stop at 13.
i have a lot of family issues, and shes well aware of them, but she always tries to make me feel guilty about stuff e.g my mum has adhd and my younger brother has autism & adhd (im considered a young carer) and they both have physical health issues, so it can take ages for me to be able to leave the house if im getting dropped off. theres no bus that goes direct to her house (and i dont want to have to walk over an hour everytime i see her. i could but adding on the bus journey i would spend about 2 hours travelling just to see her, and she always insists i go to her so it would be rlly unfair. (i cant have friends over due to multiple reasons and omg does she bitch about that. she could still come to my town with me but she never has)) and i cant afford to uber all the time so my mum often drives me but we are late a lot. ive told her countless times that i cant control when i leave since there are so many outside factors out of my hands, and she always complains when im late and says its disrespectful that i dont turn up on time among other things.
shes an only child and lives with both parents who do everything for her, so she cant even begin to understand how stressful basic things can be for me and my family. my dad doesnt live with me (he also is undergoing treatment for brain cancer which she doesnt give a shit about, and even says stuff like "oh well you can still go out even if hes visiting, its not that big of a deal" if i tell her i cant go out cuz hes over on a break from chemo)
now shes mad at me because we are going to a mutual sleepover tmrw and she wanted to host pre drinks (which i honestly think is kinda pointless) with another friend before walking to the sleepover together. i asked my mum if she would take me and she initially said yes, but then she changed her mind because its easier to drop me to the mutual friends house from mine, and she doesnt see the point in driving further just for me to have to walk 30 minutes from S's house anyway. when i told S, she said that i was making excuses cuz i didnt wanna go, and that i dont make enough effort since if it were her she would just go anyway (ofc she would bc her parents do whatever she wants in fear of her having a tantrum). no matter how much i tried to explain that i cant change my mums mind, and that if i walk the 30 minutes to hers and then walk with her back to where i was dropped then 1. thats over an hour i have to walk for with my big overnight bag which i dont rlly wanna do, and 2. we will be late because im getting dropped when the sleepover starts.
she also brought up the fact that im often late to her, and said i shouldnt cancel the night before but i messaged her in the morning and she didnt reply, and also i only found out my mum would take me today so theres nothing i can do???
she tried to excuse it by saying shes frustrated that i cant go, and i told her thats not an excuse to suggest its my fault or to say im making excuses, and she left me on read.
shes such a bitch i cant wait to go to college and never have to see her again shes so self absorbed.
i get that its annoying, dont you think im fucking annoyed and i have to live it. and i havent even listed all the issues in this post. she only cares about how my life effects her, and never once has she checked if im ok despite me saying im stressed. i get shes not obligated to check on me, but she constantly goes on about how she loves me and she really doesnt act like it. even friends that i barely talk to have checked in on me after hearing about my home life.
i rlly do like her, and we could be so close if she was just less self absorbed. i cant bring myself to see her as a real friend, because she cant accept a giant part of my life and it really fucking hurts.
she makes me feel like im a terrible person, but theres nothing i can do to fix it. i fucking wish my life was more normal but its not and it never will be so highlighting that its not normal does nothing but make me feel like shit.
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chayannecraft · 9 months
im also curiosu about pomme's family situation. is there a king of hyrule counterpart here? or is it big happy french familyTM <3
i keep seeing Etoiles as the main king for some reason???!!!??? i think that's bc i know him and Baghera the best out of the french CCs though SKFJHSFKJSHFKJSHF (tbh i dont ACTUALLY know pomme that well outside of phil's pov and recap videos and some animatics/fanfics but I LOVE HER SHE IS MY BABY)
more so i know her, just probabyl couldnt write her accurately lol anyway im rambling XD
I do actually have some random lore let’s see…..Oh here’s a fun one :D!!! you know in the intro to totk when Link and Zelda explore Hyrule Castle and that’s how the story starts. Yeah when Chayanne and Pomme did that they sneaked out and told nobody. They were on the self sacrifical hero path with that one.
After they both defeated the calamity in botw all the adults DESPERATELY wanted the kids to like. take a break and live their lives and unlearn being heroes. And Chayanne and Pomme tried really hard to do this but when they hear people who go into Hyrule Castle come out infected with something (and hey maybe even Forever goes into there and gets infected to make the idea more personal) they both just know they can’t let it slide and sneak out to deal with it.
(Reminds me I have no clue who Ganon is here specifically. I was thinking the calamity was the code and Ganon the body could’ve been the eye or even Cucorucho. I still need to connect threats with each other)
Other lore bits: I imagine Missa was specifically the guy who carried Chayanne to the Resurrection Chamber after Pomme ordered them to. Put him into it even, maybe gave him a forehead kiss before saying goodbye for what was possibly the last time.
Missa makes me so sad in this au too, I imagine him as a traveler who found Chayanne on the run and was like I’m gonna help this kid :) and then that became his son and he settled down in Hyrule for a bit to help Chayanne with his hero stuff and then his son gets HUMBLED. And he’s, to his own knowledge, the only person present for the events who can mourn for him. So he does.
Moving onto the rest, Pomme definitely has the big French family, but I do think Etoiles at least is represented as like, THE king of Hyrule. A very strong one too :)
Etoiles would’ve definitely just like gone and kicked the calamity’s code himself if destiny wasn’t a thing and literally banned him from doing it without the sword. He was probably clawing at the walls and praying to several gods like COME ON. LET ME DO IT. I WOULD WIN AND WE ALL KNOW IT. He was also probably just like cheering that Pomme could beat Chayanne in a fight ❤️ So he’s also technically the old man in the Great Plateu.
I GET THE POMME THING I really need to get into the French POV more, if just for her she’s my baby and I want to portray her well :)
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Idk if you've already talked about it(only been here a few months and all) but in the dnd au what actually are Cala and Spooky's origins/life before the whole dream situation, cause I've seen their past referenced but ever time it is I'm just kinda not sure what exactly is going on
Also the Fundy being sent to hunt Cala down to kill her happens after the Dream prison break right? Or is it before, and if so what the fuck did she do to piss of Quackify?
Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question or if you've already answered, I'm just curious about them :)
Oh I haven’t talked about it fully so I’m glad to talk about it!
Cala and Spooky both lived through the war- Cala was thankfully more unscathed because her family did their best to avoid it, but they lived in the rural side of Withering Hope for the majority of her life. When Cala got older she decided to be a bard instead of something more mechanical like her father (he’s a dwarf uwu) so she became a storyteller bard! And the reason why she is also a paladin is that she wanted to work under Eret for training as for inspiration for her stories, so Eret gave her that small title as well as making her take the Oath of Redemption! Before the events of the au she travels on foot to Las Nevadas to make mofe stories and get more inspiration, where she goes to the capital of the kingdom herself and stays there for a while until her help and friendships with Fundy, Foolish and Purpled as well as her successes catch Sam’s eye and he befriends her and basically tries to persuade her into working as one of the guards in the prison- and honestly that leads to Cala breaking dream out bc the second she saw the state that man was in she knew something was wrong
Spooky wasn’t really lucky with being safe from the war. Her city in the L’Manberg Kingdom got hit hard with it and it led to a lot of economical loss, and the town was very cruel to her due to her being a tiefling. So right around the end of the war, the city caught aflame since the abuse got taken too far and her patron (which is my dsmp god oc based off of Sapnap c; ) basically helped her and killed everyone! Everyone didn’t know she caused it though and it was one of the many things that fueled their reason for Dream being taken down.
Eret found her on the outskirts of the burnt city and basically took her in right after the war- and Cala and Spooky became friends and eventually partners and now married after Eret introduced them together when they were teenagers.
And yes- Fundy hunts Cala down after the prison break! The reason why Q chose Fundy was that Cala trusted him completely and Q knew he could track Cala down the easiest since they spent a lot of time together! And Fundy didn’t want to, but he knew he had to because hey she basically broke him out-
That and he’s guilty bc Cala told him she saw someone injured in the prison and in a bad state and Fundy tried to brush her off/dissuade her to doing something stupid and she was very upset so she told Bad to talk some sense into her
Bad didn’t and instead helped her get in with the return of wanting a favor from her in the future!
Fundy doesn’t know if Quackity knew he caused that mess- but he’s kinda scared to find out so he agrees and he sees Cala and Dream on their way to Cala’s home and he has such a clear shot on her with his crossbow.
But he can’t do it- he genuinely can’t.
And when Cala sees him she gets happy and basically drags him along while Dream knows damn well something is up but says nothing idk
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c-nan · 1 year
okay so melissa sue anderson left little house on the prairie bc she thought they exhausted all of mary’s storylines and there was no more for her character but she was WRONG so i complied a list of writing choices the show writers could’ve done to extend her story the rest of the series:
1. mary and adam could have adopted james and cassandra cooper
to me, it would’ve made so much more sense if mary and adam adopted james and cassandra, rather than ma and pa (bc of space + money reasons). this would’ve keep mary in the show longer bc they could’ve have episodes focusing around the kids adjusting to life with mary and adam being their new parents (BAM, happy mary episodes). there would be episodes of the kids at school and mary helping them and such (which would ofc bring more mary and laura interaction bc i loved their sister bond). and of course they’d still visit ma and pa (esp with cassandra being carrie’s only friend and james looking up to albert), so mary would get tons more screen time, even in the eps that don’t revolve around her.
(also, i love cassandra, she’s super cute and a great addition to the show, but like. she takes a lot away from carrie i feel, and i don’t think it would’ve been that way if mary and adam would’ve adopted cassandra (and james) instead)
2. mary could’ve gotten pregnant again and the baby could’ve lived
she lost her first one before it was even born and she lost her second to a horrific house fire, the least the writers could do is give her a baby that lives!! the real mary ingalls never got married, never got children, so i found it unnecessarily cruel that they give the fictionalized character two and then take them both away for what? shock value? stupid imo. a part of me believes that they tried to give her a happier ending than the real mary ingalls, but honestly this seems worse than never being married or having children at all. ANYWAY, with the trauma of losing her first two children, having another would bring on a great, long-term storyline of her and adam being paranoid of any harm that may hypothetically come to it (which would be subtly weaved into mary-centric episodes about her and adam having a family) but by the end of the series, the child would still be happily alive and she’d be HAPPY!!!! and still living in walnut grove of course <3
3. mary and adam could’ve moved back to sleepy eye
adam could’ve gotten a job at that one firm (remember the one Important Lawyer Guy wanting him at his firm after the land case??), and mary could’ve kept the blind school open and teach with hester sue (what she’s wanted to do HER WHOLE LIFE). i think the stupidest thing the writers did to her story was to introduce this wonderful teaching opportunity, have her fall in love with all her students and with teaching, having the perfect life, JUST to rip it all away bc stupid-ass adam got his eyesight back and decide he doesn’t give two shits about the blind school or the kids bc now he can be a lawyer despite all the work they went through continuously to keep the school going. who cares what mary wants?? adam sure doesn’t. and idk, mary not giving much of a fight to stay in sleepy eye and continue to teach never sat right with me, it’s not in her character and honestly feels like an injustice to her. i feel her having the opportunity to go back and fight for her school to reopen would be more true to how she’s been established all these years and would definitely get her a two-parter and keep her in the show (even if we only see her on the odd ep when they travel to sleepy eye for work. better than nothing 🤷)
4. (my personal fave and not an option for the show but can’t a girl dream) mary could’ve left adam bc he doesn’t respect her life and wishes, and go back to sleepy eye to reopen the blind school. there, she could’ve eventually fell in love with one of the female townsfolk and finally live her best lesbian life surrounded by people who love and appreciate her
if i hadn’t made it clear yet, i hate adam and i love any alternative where he is most definitely not a part of mary’s life lmfao. sure, they had their cute moments but i cannot get over the fact that more often than not, he’s an asshole and i can’t stand him <3 the complete disregard for her wishes (taking her away from TEACHING) really irks my ass and not for a second did he stop and think “is there anyway i can achieve my dream without taking away mary’s?” no. no he didn’t, he didn’t care, he didn’t even ask her. like. dude. i feel this would be the perfect ending for her, and many episodes could be used to show her befriending the female townsperson, becoming good friends, and eventually fall in love (and this lady would APPRECIATE HER!!) all the while reopening the blind school and finally getting her happy ending!!!!! idk, it’s perfect to me, there’s no flaws in this one but ik the 80’s (and honestly today too) were too homophobic for this 🙄 it’s real for me, it’s canon idc.
final notes
i’m well aware there’s probably a million more ideas i can come up with and when i do i’ll just rb an addition, but these are the best i’ve got right now!! and notice how i was able to add to her storyline without giving her unbearable anguish?? wish the writers could’ve done that!! but no!! alas, i work with the cards i’m dealt, and i’ve spent a lot of time thinking of these alternatives which helps sooth the pain of awful writing choices.
i guess i’m just upset they took a character with so much potential (and one of the most interesting storylines imo) and just give her nothing and reduce her to nothing more than a wife. by the end of her story, it seemed like she was just there to be adam’s side-piece which doesn’t sit right with me. she deserved better than that and melissa sue anderson deserved better than that (she is SUCH an amazing actress, and it really sucks to see her put on the back burner since s5)
anyway, ik im yelling into the void here but idc i needed to get it all written down lol
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lunariamv · 4 months
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I will address this one more time, and then I will be done; because it is unnecessary drama but I want to keep my name clear
✎ Anyways I briefly mentioned it in my last drama post, but I want to leave a response one time before I ignore it forever, because it is a waste of time.
✎ Because I don't really like getting involved with so much toxicity. It negatively effects your mental health, and this is a good example of that
✎ so anyways i only mentioned a bit of a person online spamming my posts and stuff (bc i didnt want them to be bothered); tldr they spammed my posts, i debunked their accusations of plagiarism (see last post), but they kept going so i warned that i would block them
✎ this person ignored my explanations and just kept repeating themselves, so i decided to just block
✎ this is because i don't like dealing with toxic people; there are better things i can do than argue with rude people online who ignore your points and just spam hateful things
✎ i assumed they were a kid at first because of how childish they were acting; but i guess i was wrong;; as for my dms, i did roast them a bit but that's because this was right after they spammed my comments section and it looked like this…
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when you're getting attacked by a disrespectful person, it's hard to be nice and respectful back; so yes i was being a little sassy, but for the most part i tried to carry myself higher and then just blocked them after
also this person tried to use their mental disability against me? i am autistic as well, so....? :/
since then, they've made multiple accounts to message me and post negative comments on my posts; even going as far as to threaten me. it's enough to qualify as harassment, i believe
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if you block a person numerous times and they keep making accounts to message you, i'm pretty sure that is harassment.
I talked to my friends and family about it, and they were really worried for me. Surprisingly, I'm actually not that bothered by it.
this person goes on to claim copying; which… not really?
i already said before my works are very inspired by charon; never said it was original; that's literally what i said, so of course they are similar (that was the point :/)
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There is due credit everywhere.
I linked the plagiarism definition and the law because accusing someone of plagiarism is a serious accusation. I looked it up, and it is not plagiarism, to show they are wrong in that aspect. Spreading misinformation and lies to defame my character is a serious offense. If I wanted to, I could probably sue this person for slander, but I don't want to. I think they are just misguided.
They go on, but it's clear they did not read or are not trying to understand my perspective on it. It is not done to be malicious. I just like the artstyle and aesthetics and wanted to do something similar. Is the plot similar? Yes, but I already said it was intentional and credited the original.
They can not like it, but it's still not a crime and they can ignore me at any time. The internet has blocks for a reason.
i didn't think i'd have to give a point by point analysis, but okay :S (spoilers for games ahead)
Doom Stones takes inspiration from Makoto Mobius, they both have a time traveling aspect to save someone. However, Yuuka is trying to save her best friend (boyfriend cough cough) that she saw die in front of her. It turns out she's actually not going back in time. It was a simulation orchestrated by her classmate who is infatuated with her to break her morale. The characters have bonds/histories with each other. Yuuka breaks out, and she grows and learns to accept losing someone close to her.
Makoto Mobius was about saving a girl the MC had a crush on, only to be used as a sacrifice by Makoto's friend. The MC was not related to Makoto at all, and Makoto does not acknowledge him in the end, or they just stay in the time loop.
They have similar story moments, but overall are different. But you have to actually look.
Love Letter is based off Mikoto Nikki (I said this already). They are both about house exploration of a beloved classmate with a hidden secret. However, Mia isn't friends with Mikio. She's a lowkey yandere that broke into his fancy and rich mansion and reads his notes, books, journals and letters. (She even goes through his trash and stuff… lol). Mikio turned on his family and staged their suicide out of the country and changed his identity. After that, he had been stalking Mia. The story is about Mia having her obsessive crush turn on her, and her reaction to it. She either sees him as a murderer, or its an unhealthy yandere x yandere thing. In the true end she learns details of his abuse and decides to help him not be a yandere. She can even escape, which you can't in Mikoto. Also Mikio doesn't kill her, he just kidnap.
Mikoto Nikki was about the MC going on a scavenger hunt with the diary entries Mikoto put around the small house. They were already dating, and Mikoto kept her tortured parents in the closet before they died. It turned out his girlfriend was a yangire. It has a similar 'accept her or no,' but dealing with the corpses in the house is not addressed, and we found out later in another game MC left her.
((not love letter though, mia is devoted to her man for life <3333))
The plots are similar, but I already said its kind of like a retelling. I never said it was totally original or anything. It's literally just retelling with different parts.
by this person's logic, charon would be copying/plagiarizing red riding hood and other fairy tales, since they use the same story and characters. i think it's fine, but this person would think otherwise with their flawed reasoning.
Also i notice this person doesn't even address my other two games (Akeno Delusion and Carousel), because those were uninspired plots just with the similar art style. It's clear the person has tunnel vision when it comes to this stuff. They like to jump to conclusions without thinking.
They even said they understand me being inspired by artstyle, so why can't you do the same with story? It has enough differences to not being a replica.
They point out cg, so look at all of this cg this person did not show (because it hurts their argument) GAME SPOILERS AHEAD!! GORE/BLOOD WARNING AHEAD!!
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they show 4 images, i show 19
if i was 100% 'copying everything', i would not have 19 unique images here.
If you see it for what it is, just a fan game with inspiration, and not malicious, it really isn't that bad. They are just projecting hateful/harmful notions onto me.
also, about the mikio thing, that was a coincidence that they share names. I used a random generator website (i got lazy XD) and I picked one at random. I realized later that they have the same name and I just thought it was a cute reference. It makes no sense to claim Mikio in Makoto is the same as Mikio in Love Letter. They're different characters and do different things in their respective stories. I didn't base him off her.
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this is the website lol, but ya they are different characters.
♢ Mikio Horiuchi from love letter is the male lead, an arrogant and vulgar overachiever. He has severe abuse trauma, pretends to be a charming popular guy, and stalks the main character because he loves her.
♢ Mikio from Makoto is a cutesy side character who sacrifices a random person to save her best friend.
Even then, characters from different animes share names all the time.
Hinata from Naruto, Hinata from Assassination classroom, Hinata from Danganronpa, Hinata from brother's conflict. I could go on.
Are people not allowed to have the same name? I know five people named Emily in real life. I guess they are copying each other.
Also, if you saw the entire game, you would know Mikio is not even his real name. It really shows how much research this user did about my work…
don't judge a book by its cover. they teach everyone this in school.
So this user spreads lies and misinformation, and the research is not that good. They don't look at the game plot, the game itself, the characters, or even read everything I have to say. They just make assumptions and try to cancel. It's like the wendigoon situation, honestly.
I dunno, I just think there's nothing wrong with it. My work changes all the time, so it really isn't a big deal to me. Like I said in my last drama post, people draw inspiration from each other all the time. Danganronpa has fan games too, but are they copying danganronpa? No, not really.
So I will stand my ground and not take down anything. I don't think I did anything bad, and its not illegal. Bullying doesn't work on me.
It was clear this person doesn't read my posts all the way. They don't try to look at my work, or see the bigger picture. Their judgment is clouded, so I don't have much left to say to them. They can hate me, but spreading misinformation and lying about me is a waste of time.
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From their posts, it seems they have lots of hate in their heart. They even went as far as to obsess and stalk me, make multiple accounts after I blocked them, and are only toxic without trying to understand. They even go to my deviantart (that I haven't posted on lately) to show a post from 5 years ago?
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my brother in christ, i was a 13 year old girl playing a dress up game…
my warnings on my page are for people like this; who are toxic and instead obsess over people they hate instead of enjoying their own life. it's mentally unhealthy, and i hope they get help.
you clearly have a lot of hatred in your heart; so much so that it effects your judgment and how you perceive things
I do not wish bad on you, and I hope you have a good life. But you should probably take a break and touch some grass.
if anyone does see this, please do not harass this person on my behalf. i don't care about this drama anymore, i just wanted to clear my name;;; if they want to obsess over me, okay. i will continue doing what i like to do, and make things for the people who like them.
and then for anyone else interested in my work, i usher you not to engage this person either. i don't want anyone to be harassed as well for associating with me. just block and not talk to them.
but, i do think its ironic that charon games are about menhera and stalkers…. and this person is an obsessed stalker; it gives me ideas, stalker child
they not like us
they not like us
they not like us
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tracybirds · 1 year
ack, I was determined to get this finished up tonight before sleeping even though I already missed the genderqueer and genderfluid day for @thunder-pride but no matter! I'm not doing a readthrough bc oof i need to be asleep so any typos I missed I will fix up tomorrow morning <;33
Brains is making some upgrades to the iR suits, both for trans Gordon but also a little bit for himself....I hope you enjoy <333
“Hey, Brains?”
“Y-yes, Gordon?”
The reply was automatic, Brains only half listening as he frowned and bent down over his workbench. Pieces of fabric and electronic parts were scattered in all directions, but his careful hands never hesitated as he worked on the newest upgrades to their suits.
“Do you think you could upgrade the hydrophonics system on Four?”
Brains looked up and blinked. If there was one constant across his career as an engineer, it was that interruptions always came at the moments that required the most delicacy.
They never seemed to occur during the more tedious moments of maintenance, or when he was merely adding final details that added nothing to the function. Always, always it was in a moment of inspiration, of innovation, of climatic concentration.
And if there was one constant across his time with the Tracy family, it was that the unexpected requests almost always were worth listening to.
He carefully lay the soldering iron aside and switched off the power.
“Why? Is it for someone’s research project, because I’ve told you before I’m not comfortable releasing data that could make the true scope of Thunderbird Four public.”
“No, no not that,” said Gordon, but his expression grew sheepish within seconds. “Okay, so maybe I haven’t thought about it fully yet, I just had the idea and I dunno, there’s just something inside me saying we’re gonna need it soon.”
Brains sighed. “Your squid sense?”
“Squid sense,” confirmed Gordon, hoisting himself up onto the bench in the little kitchenette opposite Brains. “Sound travels in water and greater sensitivity to the hydrophones, along with improved analysis systems, could help us pinpoint compromised structures much faster.”
“We’d need to develop a wider network to ensure we could triangulate the position,” murmured Brains, pulling up a holoscreen and beginning to type furiously. “Higher sensitivity means nothing if we can’t pinpoint the origin of anything we hear and the satellite array can’t penetrate deep enough. John, can you send me data for the current GDF ocean monitoring stations?”
“On it,” said John’s voice immediately. The family were well used to Brains’ sudden leaps in intuition and habit of requesting seemingly unrelated information without any preamble. “How high in classification do you need?”
“High enough to cover the oceans with a max radius around each station of 3000km.” Gordon’s face fell and Brains shook his head in response. “I’m not risking higher, International Rescue is already on shaky territory. Janus isn’t the only GDF operative who wants control over us and we mustn’t give them a reason to seize control.”
“You sound like Scott,” said Gordon, still pouting.
Brains hid a smile, torn between embarrassment and satisfaction.
“Done,” interrupted John, saving Brains from having to reply. “Anything else?”
“No, thank you John,” said Brains, nodding at him and running through the list. “Future project, I’ll let you know when it develops further. I suspect we’ll need a program.”
“Well, you have my number,” said John with a faint smile. “Gordon, you should rest while you can; there’s a storm system starting to intensify in the Northwest Pacific and we’ll need to be standing by if it makes landfall.”
“Sure thing, John,” said Gordon. “I’ve been practicing sleeping with my eyes open, getting real good at it now.”
Brains filed the proposal away, linking the compiled data and saving it into the folder containing all the suggested improvements that had been mentioned over the years. The folder for Thunderbird Four was at least twelve times bigger than the others, containing everything from more manoeuvrable propellers – “Brains, I’m sick of three-point-turning my way out of tight spots” – to the more impractical vacuum floor – “like the opposite of an air hockey table, it’ll be fantastic for cleaning up!” – and lots more besides. Gordon never seemed to mind that the vast majority of his ideas never came to fruition.
“What’re you working on now?” asked Gordon, peering down at the gear. “Increased frost tolerance? Electric self defence? Automatic Hood Destructor-nator?”
“Nothing so violent, I can assure you,” said Brains. “Sit down and do your ‘eyes open’ sleep while I finish this, then I’ll show you.”
“Right-o,” said Gordon with a smart salute and ridiculous grin. “Wake me up when you’re ready.”
Gordon didn’t sleep, but he didn’t talk either and left Brains to his work, fiddling with his holo-device and playing some sort of farming simulator. The hours ticked by and the circuitry inched closer to completion was every passing minute.
Finally, Brains lifted the suit, passing his hand carefully over the new display he’d added to the right breast.
Gordon seemed to know instinctively that he was done, or he’d been paying more attention than Brains had realised, because he jumped up at once.
“Oh cool!” he enthused, clapping Brains on the back. “What’s it for? You gave John lasers, do we all get that upgrade now?”
“No, this is something quite different,” said Brains quietly.
Gordon sobered immediately, taking in Brains’ serious look.
“Tell me more,” he said in the same gentle tone he used with the children he rescued.
Brains reached down to the wrist controls, and swiped to the new display containing personal information.
“I thought you might like to be able to make your pronouns more accessible. They’ll auto-translate according to region and languages heard by the radio receiver.”
He looked up, to see Gordon’s mouth moving without speaking, and flushed. “I’m sorry Gordon, I realise I may have overstepped. I’m sure you have more important things to worry about in the field, I just… know…”
Here Brains trailed off, his words somehow stuck in his throat.
“You just know what?” asked Gordon, his voice huskier than normal and to Brains’ horror he found his friend was fighting back tears.
“Oh my, I didn’t mean… that is I just thought that…” Flustered, Brains froze, halfway between stammering an apology and wishing very hard that the floor would open up and allow the earth to swallow him. He’d never wanted to put Gordon in such a position, and still he seemed lost for words.
Before he could make his excuses however, Gordon wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in tight for a hug. Brains squeaked, trying to escape and collect himself, but he soon realised that Gordon needed the contact and that the strange hiccupping noises were actually sobs.
“I’m sorry,” he said regretfully, wishing he’d never decided to make the addition a surprise, wishing he’d conducted his usual thorough process of consultation.
“Gordon laughed – a wet, warm chuckle against Brains’ neck – and pulled away. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” he said. “Happy tears, I promise. You’re right, getting misgendered mid mission’s not exactly forefront of my worries, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I hadn’t realised how much until you gave me a way to communicate it, that’s all.”
Brains smiled, still feeling awkward. He’d gotten used to Gordon’s wildly swinging emotions over the years, but he still found their intensity unsettling and he breathed deep and slow as he straightened his shirt.
“Yes, well, I’m glad to do it.”
“Really, Brains,” said Gordon earnestly. “Thank you. You always seem to know which problems need solving before we even realise there’s an issue. This means a lot.”
Now was his moment, Brains knew. He had a perfect opening, with the one person who would understand better than anyone, so why was his knees knocking together in sudden fear?
“I-I…” he began, then swallowed past the sudden ache in his throat. “I s-suppose, that is…”
Gordon grabbed his elbow and steered him towards the sofa.
“No rush,” he said. “But sit down, you look like you might throw up.”
Brains breathed in deep, running through steady counts again as he inhaled and exhaled.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about pronouns,” he finally said, his voice more a squeak than the steady calm he’d practiced in the mirror. “And how maybe… I mean…”
He wanted to say it so badly but the words wouldn’t form.
“Did you want us to use different pronouns for you?” asked Gordon, eyes wide. “We can do that, I mean no sweat, everyone did for me and I must have changed them a thousand times before I felt I knew myself well enough and even then sometimes ‘he’ doesn’t fit right, and you’ve all been really good about it, so I get it and you don’t have to worry and–”
“Gordon,” interrupted Brains. “P-please, let me speak.”
Gordon feel silent at once, his ears flushing red with embarrassment.
“I don’t know how to describe how I feel right now,” said Brains, looking at his hands. “Gender feels so far away here. Every day that passes, I feel more and more like myself and less and less like the son my family expected.”
“You don’t have to know,” said Gordon. “You can take your time, try things out. Maybe you’ll find you like being a guy best and that’ll be okay too. Nothing wrong with exploring a little.”
Brains nodded quickly.
“Yes, exactly,” he said. “I want to find out for myself, that’s what I mean.”
“Cool,” said Gordon with a lopsided grin. “I mean that’s so cool, Brains. Anything spring to mind?”
Here, he hesitated again, thinking carefully. He’d never been one to leap forward blindfolded, had always taken the path most carefully considered, but here all roads seemed to diverge into equal uncertainty.
He had Gordon though, who’d walked this road before, Gordon and the rest of his family, all cheering for Brains as he took the first step and the next and the next.
“I think I want to try agender,” he said. “Not worry about it, go with the flow. Try using they/them perhaps?”
“Go with the flow,” repeated Gordon , drawing out the vowel as he danced in his seat. “I like it.”
“Yeah,” said Brains, trying on their new perspective for the first time. “It is very new for me, isn’t it?”
Their facial expression changed at once.
“Oh help, I’m not a go with the flow person, what am I doing?”
“Relax,” said Gordon, cuffing their shoulder. “You don’t have to change yourself to use new pronouns. Nothing wrong with reflecting or being steady. It’s about finding who you are in the midst of the eddies, right?”
Brains exhaled and nodded.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’ve got this.”
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lastoneout · 2 years
hi!! i was rereading your arceus fics, because stars i love them, and when i was rereading "like looking in a mirror", i noticed your inclusion about her village being raided before she was led to meet kamado and beni. as someone interested in writing cyllene: is this a canon beat? or something you came up with? (if it's the latter, how do you imagine cyllene's backstory to play out? :0)
Answering this in the middle of the night bvs I woke up for no reason so sorry if I am incoherent BUT that plot point was 100% me speculating and is not mentioned/supported by canon anywhere in the game or related media.
Tbh part of the reason I went with it just because Cyllene seems like the "tragic backstory" type, bcs you know the hard outer shell plus her realistic if harsh seeming attitude about independence and strength and death. But also it is canon that she was "the most feared swordswoman in all of Hoenn" before coming to Hisui, and I saw other people extrapolating from that--and general game lore--that up until the invention of the pokeball the world was a much more dangerous place, and that Hoenn specifically could have been host to all sorts of bandits and pirates and the like that would drive a person to take up arms to protect themselves(and perhaps others as well).
We also see that it's not uncommon for the average person to have bad histories with both people and pokemon, Kamado and Beni for example are motivated by violently losing their original homes, so yeah with all of that I figured it would make sense, or at least be a safe bet, that something awful had happened in Cyllene's past that would drive her to become a swordswoman at first before moving to Hisui and so strongly believing in Kamado's mission to build a safe home for future generations, and while I first went with "village destroyed by bandits" eventually I narrowed it down in my head to "family murdered by bandits" cuz both are easy excuses but one is def more angsty and personal than the other.
As for my full take, I got into it in deeper detail in some other fics I haven't finished yet(I have a serious WIP problem...) but I kinda stole Tanjiro's backstory from Demon Slayer? Except bandits instead of demons attacked her family and she survived because she was away gathering kindling in the woods nearby as opposed to being far away staying with an acquaintance for the night. I did give her a big family, both parents as well as two bothers and a sister, just for maximum Pain Potential and because she seems to have a softer side and starts to help take care of the player right away, so that would explain her barely buried caring instinct, and I had it so after she found her family a neighbor came by and ended up taking her in until she realized she wanted to train to use a sword and took off to find a teacher.
After that I figured given how while she is harsh at first, she does seem to genuinely care about others and wants to protect Jubilife Village and eventually the player(also in Hisuian Snow she's easily swayed by Alec's plea for help and is very ride or die the entire mission both for the people and the pokemon), I could see her having a past as a sword for hire protecting travelers and villages as needed, and that she only stopped when she started to tire of a life without a home and met Kamado and decided to join the Galaxy Team and dedicate herself to their mission.
As for the married to Laventon thing, before Hisuian Snow confirmed they first met when she was already established in Hisui and working on forming the Survey Corps, I liked the idea of them being kinda stealth married, like they've been married for ages and most people just don't realize, and a few other people in the fandom had already ran with that and had the two of them met after she joined up with Kamado but before the Galaxy Team headed for Hisui, when Laventon was in Hoenn working on his research or interning under a different professor, and I just was like "yes good adopting that immediately" cuz it seemed sweet that when they were younger Lav managed to woo her despite how different they are, and just ahfj them they're so cute and imaging them as young lovers being adorable together makes my brain melt into a puddle of happy goo.
Anyway sorry this got long and rambly, I'm glad you enjoyed the fic and I hope this answered your questions(as well as perhaps several others you did not ask), I'm going to try to go back to sleep now lmao
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TW for slight mentions of henry’s emotionally abusive parents + big warnings for those with tokophobia as this post is a decently indepth discussion of fankids.
HHHHH OKAY. So. I’ve been sitting on this idea since April, and only now I’ve felt a little comfortable talking about it since I’ve mentioned it to @eris-ships. But also the developments that occur in TSA/NMH3ms narratives have def made me a bit more confident in my decision to talk about having fankids with Henry. Like look. I don’t want to have kids myself (it’s a whole can of worms that’s basically just: ‘I can barely take care of myself, how do you expect me to raise a whole human being from scratch?!’).
Anyways what kinda spurred this was from NMH3’s peculiar ending + these images [one, two and three] and the third one particularly made me want to throw my phone because it triggered my baby fever BIG TIME but also just the thought of Henry being a good dad made me so happy 😭😭
But also at the same time it’s so sad too especially With knowing the implications of his backstory and how his own childhood was taken from him, and so that’s what makes the thought of him being a dad SOO appealing to me. To me, he’d do anything to make sure his own kids don’t experience the same horrors and trauma he did as a kid. It’s like. Him making up for lost time that he never got and. GAH THAT MAKES ME SO EMOTIONAL?! [I’ve made an entire post about this here if you’re interested]
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Amelie (on the left) and Rhys (on the right). Before you ask, yes Amelie is named after the film ‘Amelie’ and it’s important because that film was like a special date night for Henry and Shallow.
The reason that they pop up in NMH3 is that they’ve time travelled back into Shallow’s present bc. Henry has gone on a destructive path and that if he ends up permanently dead, it would result in their own existence being erased by the universe and they don’t want that to happen.
Oh yeah, I should mention they’re on their tenth try to make sure that their parents and future selves are saved. Which is at odds of the (known) time-space rules put in place to keep abilities like this in check. If Rhys keeps resetting the timeline, the more imbalanced and fragile the fabric of space-time becomes - and that could just jeopardise the entire fabric of the universe itself. So yeah. The two are kinda at the end of their rope in regards to options, and honestly causing timeline paradoxes is the least of their worries at the moment.
Amelie is a bit of an odd one out in her family as her personality is a lot more sociable and outgoing. While she does wear a similar fashion aesthetic to her mother, but specifically takes a liking to ‘yami-kawaii’ subculture. her abilities as an assassin are more so from her father. She particularly has her own version of Henry’s ‘barrage mode’ and additionally a beam katana that’s similar to Henry’s Vosmir.
Rhys, is more so the quiet, reserved one much like her parents. They are more comfortable wearing suits, and more masculine attire, but xyr abilities are more so from their mother. Rhys is… kinda responsible for their current journey of doing time travel to secure their future existences + correcting the main course of the timeline in general. Much like their mother, they wield a dual set of beam katanas, but it should be noted that they also use military grade knives + can pack a surprising punch when in close combat.
Before anyone asks, no they’re not twins. Amelie is born first, and she’s about 2-3 years older than Rhys, who is the younger sibling - although they are both younger than Jeane Cooldown. I should stress that they aren’t assassins either but have been trained by parents, but even then their appearance in NMH3 is just two university students trying to save their parents, and this is while the fabric of space-time hangs in the balance and it’s not made any better when your dad was the one to bring aliens into the equation [which has kinda fucked with the main timeline that was put in place to begin with.]
Amelie uses she/they, Rhys uses xe/they/it pronouns.
Picrew one (LINK) and Picrew two (LINK)
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tfw-no-tennis · 11 months
one piece liveblog chapters 813-814
liiiiisten this is some of my favorite shit. like, the trope where a big reveal happens in front of other characters and they react to it and stuff? delicious.
'you think I know or care about your family issues?' hvbajhdfbajskdfhb bege
sanji being so blindsided is hhhhh delicious
BROOO the flashback to jaya (!) with sanji mentioning he's from north blue and brook pointing out he'd had to have traveled over to red line to end up in east blue....hello!!!! insane forshadowing my god
tbh I don't think oda had this planned from the beginning, or even from when he put that in jaya - it was such a small moment that it could've easily remained as is and it wouldn't have been a plot hole or anything
buuut I think oda did a great job leaving a lot of avenues open to do exactly this - expand on an existing character in a major way without it feeling cheap or sudden
like, I absolutely believe that sanji had a second secret tragic backstory that he never mentioned before. that makes complete sense in the context of the story!
yeeeeah pretty obvious (at least to the reader?) that sanji has been chosen for an arranged political marriage to unite the vinsmokes and big mom - though it also has the effect of linking the strawhats to big mom thru sanji as well. uh oh!
I'm soooo glad that the whole arranged marriage thing was played straight and there was no question of sanji potentially leaving the crew for a marriage bc he loves women sm or whatever. I was afraid it was gonna get treated as a joke/gag but thank godddd that wasn't the case and the arc was too serious for that 🙏🏼
like even here, there's no moment of sanji being like 'ohhh a woman oooh' he str8 up says 'I'm not marrying someone I've never met'
and like. ugh I wish sanji's character was less 'creepy and weird abt women' and more 'romantic about love.' that would be sooo interesting here, bc I DO think sanji is a romantic at heart and that's part of why he would never accept an arranged marriage, but also still wants to try to make it work/holds out hope that they could be compatible, etc
sanji saying luffy's gonna be pirate king 🙏🏼😭😭
lmfao sanji saying whatever take caesar we're leaving. yea ditch that chucklefuck
honestly love bege he's great here as a villain and I love his gangster theme and I really like his character arc during wci
vito is one of at least 2 Tongue Guys in this arc lmao
mannnn what did he say to sanji??????
honestly the emperors are hype as FUCK especially at this point in the story where we haven't directly dealt with them much...
sanji leaving the note and saying he never meant to hide anything from them....hhhhhh and its TRUE he seems like he genuinely never thought he'd have to deal with the vinsmokes ever again, let alone be used as a pawn in a political marriage by them
and pulling the classic move where he's like 'I have to resolve this by myself' oh babey buckle up time for a rescue arc fuck yes
the way he just yeets them out of bege lmao
no rights for caesar lmao good
MANNNNN SANJI BEING SO COOL...I love when sanji is written well wwwww
him threatening caesar, who they need alive, and deducing that the reason his bounty poster says 'alive only' is bc of this wedding thing, so they can't really harm him...yummmm
sanji quickly doing the math and realizing that giving himself up here is the only way to strike a bargain and make sure his crew is safe 😭 dude aughghhhh
and surely he feels extra responsible bc he's in charge of their little group while the rest of the crew is in dressrosa
they call bege godfather, love it
nekomamushi is sooo fucking cool I love his fangs
dangggg bege just lying and saying one of jack's men killed/injured pekoms
AUGHHH i looove the panel of sanji smiling and telling the crew he'll be back ;_; mannnn
fr looks like he's about to die horribly and knows it tho damn.
and of course he says 'this is my problem' bc he doesn't want to burden the crew, or put them in danger, so he sees it as something he has to resolve on his own
yeah okay like that worked out so well for nami and robin lol c'mon sanji of course luffy isn't gonna let that happen
and his note oughghhghh. so badass and casual and also just 👀👀
brook should 100% sing random exposition and filler stuff more often plsss
ok so pekoms didn't die. I figured lol
nekomamushi running after the catnip hvbhajksdfbjksfdn
LMFAOOOO brook making stuff up for his song abt nekomamushi....valid
bro I love luffy so much he's like oh cool sanjis gonna get married but he said he's coming back, I wonder if he'll bring his wife, that's chill
hhhhhhhhhh everyone can see that sanji is throwing himself on the sword to keep the straw hats out of it, and him claiming he'll return is hopeful at best - but of course luffy wouldn't see that bc to him there's no question that sanji wouldn't be part of the crew
awwwh chopper crying :(
zoro acting all blunt and uncaring...ohhhh I have so many thoughts about this
I do think zoro really DOES think sanji can handle himself and doesn’t necessarily need their help - tho that doesn’t turn out to be the case
I love too that zoro immediately backs up his attitude with facts - they just put themselves right in kaido's line of fire, and they can't just ignore one of the emperors...they're at the point in their journey where shit is heating up
zoro: we don't have time for a crewmate rescue arc we're too far along in the story for that
and like it's kinda true, I feel like rescue arcs tend to take place closer to the beginning of a story as an easy way to flesh out characters and interactions, so one taking place past chapter 800 (!!!) and with one of the well-established main characters is kinda wild
like, wci ran the risk of feeling/being kinda redundant character-development-wise (obviously it was always gonna have important plot stuff w/big mom) but instead. it slaps
oh yea zoro mentioned kin'emon. where the fuck did he and the other guy go lol
to be fair. luffy did already pick a fight w/big mom lmao sanji didn't start that beef
also again I love how opposite zoro and sanji are as characters - zoro doesn't have a complicated past w/his family, and if he were in sanji's place he'd probably just be like 'nah.' and deal w/the consequences directly
but of course sanji loves self-sacrifice so here we are
luffy being like. well. lets ask sanji! I LOVE HIM SM....
luffy really said okay kaido can wait lets go tangle w/another emperor first. he's so iconic
luffy suggesting they'll be quiet....................have to laugh vhbjakusdfslfd
mannnn the scenery and environments in one piece slap
lmao remember when everyone thought chopper was gonna get a mink gf during zou...listen this is one piece we're talking abt. no romance allowed (mostly)
chopper being the stern doctor...love it. it truly is tough when patients ignore your instructions. but also chopper lives in the one piece world so everything is kinda crazy anyways
nekomamushi is soooo funny vhbahkdsjfxhbksfdbh him being serious then instantly chasing a ball and injuring himself. helpp lmfao
'I'm only in bed because I decided to be' that is Exactly something a cat would say lmao
ooooh pekoms isn't dead
oh jk cliffhanger tiiiime!
pekoms saying that the vinsmokes are famous assassins and active in the underworld really DOES make it seem like they're a mafia family like people theorized
love the contrast of pekoms saying the vinsmokes are assassins over a panel of sanji smiling. excellent
zoro and perona in the SBS doodle wwwwww love them. mihawks weird goth kids
OH MAN these chapters are great. I love the buildup to whole cake - the tension is excellent, and it's really hard to tell at this point where the story will go.
we still haven't learned a lot about the vinsmokes yet and thinking abt it now, sanji's reaction doesn't even tell us that much about them - he's prone to self-sacrifice so he probably would've gone no matter what
I mean its obvious there's a reason sanji has never mentioned his biological family before so clearly it isn't a huge leap that they're evil, especially as we slowly learn more abt them
anyways this is dope but I gotta go to bed...more to come!
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the-cat-chat · 2 years
February 11, 2023
About Time (2013)
When Tim learns that the men in his family can travel in time and change their own lives, he decides to go back and win the woman of his dreams. 
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JayBell: When I was a kid, I watched Minority Report and The Butterfly Effect, and since then, time travel has become one of my favorite genres of fiction. So I also know how bad time travel movies can be, and my expectations are always set low.
I really liked how Tim’s relationship with his time travel powers changed over time. In the beginning, Tim uses his powers for selfish gain. First, to try to get a girlfriend. And yes, it does seem creepy when he uses the knowledge he gains from time traveling to manipulative the people around him (especially Mary).
However, he then begins to use his power to redo socially awkward conversations. Still selfish, yes, but understandable. Who wouldn’t love to take back their embarrassing social blunders?
After that, Tim begins using his power to truly appreciate the world around him. Not to manipulate people or fix something he did, only to fully appreciate the life he has. Around the same time, Tim begins using his power to try to help his sister and spend time with his dad. Of course that’s when things go even more wrong.
And finally in the end, Tim learns to love the life he has and doesn’t depend on his power at all. There’s something so beautiful about that premise, and I’m glad that’s how the movie ends.
There were a few things of note in the movie that bring my rating down a little. One, why was his sister written like such a weirdo? I didn’t get why she had to be so strange and quirky. Also, a big deal in the movie was that Tim couldn’t travel back before his kids are born in case he changes a minute detail that affects what kid pops out. They make a big deal about that as a reason why Tim has to say a final goodbye to his father. However, if Tim and the dad feel like it’s safe enough to go back and revisit that memory from his childhood after Tim’s first two kids are born, there’s no reason for them not to be able to revisit the same memory together again and again after his third kid is born too. (A small inconsistency, but with time travel movies, it could have been worse.)
I was expecting this movie to be a romance movie, but honestly, the father-son relationship took center stage and became the more interesting dynamic. It ended up to be a much more heartfelt and sentimental movie about family and loss and life.
P.S. The father was my favorite character. All he wanted to use his time travel powers for is to read as many books as he could and that was enough for him.
Rating: 6.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: The first half of this movie was kinda bleh to me. Like as a romantic movie I feel like it was missing pizazz even though he could time travel??????? I think that says something. And Rachel McAdams felt like an afterthought- especially her being like one of THE leading rom com ladies of the time this was filmed. I always had heard this was sad when it first came out and all that so I had avoided it. But honestly I thought it would be that Rachel McAdams died and no matter how he time traveled he couldn’t save her. But the reality of what happens is much sadder and I didn’t consent to that kind of sadness. I think Domhnall Gleeson did a pretty good job with this bc he’s kinda awkward and goofy at times but also serious- and thinking about anyone else for the role kinda feels wrong- that being said I still feel Rachel McAdams was underused in terms of what she can do. All in all it did have funny bits here and there, buuuut you probs gonna end the night said and then think about all week. Especially if time travel messes with your brain like it does mine.
Rating: 5/10 Cats 🐈
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trikruismybitch · 1 year
Story prompts for characters
Part 2
you can use them (tag me) even if you change the characters!
again please don't judge wrote this like when i was like 16/17 😭 not proofread
Wanda and Y/n are married. Natasha and Bucky are married. Natasha and Y/n are Bestfriend’s. Bucky and Wanda are Bestfriend’s. One day Bucky comes to Y/n with a folder telling her he found out that Natasha & Wanda had been having an affair and he knew Y/n wouldn’t believe him without evidence so he hired a PI (Fury my man) Basically they end up going on a double date (which they have done multiple times before) they drop the evidence and they both ask for a divorce. Saying that they could try to fight it but then they’ll make their affair public basically ruining their reputations. Bucky & Y/n never had the best relationship Y/n lowks always believing Nat could’ve done better but ends up telling him he’s a good man and he actually always deserved better then her ((Y/n always saw it from Nats POV not looking at the relationship from Buckys bc once she did she realized Nat took advantage of him and was selfish)) Bucky and Y/n end up deciding to travel the world together Y/n is a journalist and Bucky is a photographer. They end up becoming best friends with a strong bond. Can either end up dating or just becoming like family.
AU for And We Meet Again where Lexa is reincarnated. Y/n is one of Clarke’s old flings but is actually a really good friend of hers. Lexa is jealous until she learns she’s dating the one and only Raven Reyes
Y/n is close to everyone on the team. She’s pretty lively, has a dry sense of humor, will do anything she wants to do. The team love her and she’s an amazing addition to the team. Follows orders to a fault unless she disagrees with them bc she has no problem going toe-to-toe with Steve or Tony. Hell one time she disagreed with Natasha and they talked and Y/n changed her mind. (Which is a hard feat) Y/n seemingly seems perfect and the team can all collectively agree to it especially Wanda Maximoff, Y/n’s Bestfriend besides Peter and somehow Wade Wilson. Wanda is completely enamored with Y/n, her compassionate heart, strong will, and her ability to make the atmosphere lighter given any situation. The problem is Y/n is completely oblivious to it. Y/n’s is completely irrevocably in love with Wanda but she keeps is under wraps because Y/n genuinely believes she would never be good enough for Wanda, no matter how many people she saves or good deeds she does she just never believes she’d be good enough. Wanda overheard a conversation at “boys night plus Y/n” with Peter and Wade. Wade asks why Y/n hasn’t made a move on Wanda and Y/n scoffs “yeah I’d never do that” Wades confused bc he knows how much you care for her and it’s obvious to everyone that Wanda has feelings for you. “Your wrong Wade, Wanda doesn’t have feelings for me. And let’s pretend she did, I’m not good enough for her. She’d be better off with someone like Vision, I know he’s in love with her.
Reader has been classified as “emotional” by the team. Natasha has to do something with an ex on the team and the entire team didn’t tell Y/n about it. When she does find out Vision letting it slip infront of the team and she confronts them and Nat says “you couldn’t handle the truth so I withheld it from you” but Y/n fires back “It was for a mission, yes it would make me uncomfortable but I understand we have a job to do. The real reason you didn’t tell me is because you didn’t expect me to react in the way you wanted me to. This always happens you all lie and I have to find out from someone else. You all say we’re a team, a family? But all you do is lie.” She ends up leaving the avengers for Xaviers School.
Carol Danvers is a new member of the avengers, well sure the avengers were created bc of her but no biggie. Y/n L/n catches her eye. She works hard and plays harder. She’s either always with Sam and Bucky, Natasha and Steve, or alone reading a book in the many bay windows Carol ends up finding out Tony had specially made for her even going far enough to make one in his lab. Carols enamored problem is even though your very kind and friendly your extremely closed off. Carol tried her best and ends up finding out one of the reasons your the way you are is because of past relationships especially bc of one Wanda Maximoff. Apparently Y/n thought Wanda was the one until Wanda was caught in a love triangle with Vision and Y/n. Wanda didn’t know who to choose and In the end she choose Vision. Y/n was oblivious to the love triangle but ended up finding out when she walked in on Vision and Wanda kissing. Carol ends up being upfront with her intention with Y/n and woo’s her. Carol gets the shovel talk from everyone on the team, cue slightly jealous Wanda telling Carol to treat Y/n better then she could.
Carol Danvers x Reader. After the events of Captain marvel Carol meets Y/n an aspiring singer who’s friends with Maria. Carol ends comes back and forth between earth for a year before she gets called to a far away planet that needs help and she doesn’t know when or if she’ll be back. They breakup Carol comes back Avengers Endgame and finds out Y/n became a huge artist and her most famous song was about Carol ‘Space Girl’. Y/n was a figure head in LGTQ+ rights and a huge activist. Carol comes and finds out Maria passed away and Y/n old but alive. Monica considers Y/n her other mom. Shortly after the snap that brings everyone back Y/n passes away saying she only held on for so long because Maria wanted her too.
R is a off duty marine but gets called in for a year long undercover mission. When R comes home R acts perfectly fine but she isn’t. Wanda suspects R’s cheating and enlists Natasha’s help. They track and see R at a restaurant with a man. The next day they follow her again and she goes into a building and only leaves an hour later running her hands through her hair. Wanda confronts R infront of the entire team while Natasha glares at her. Steve tells Wanda there wasn’t the place. R dragging Wanda to their shared bedroom. (based off of law n order scene)
Hope Mikaelson x Reader. Been Bestfriend’s since they were kids. R is in love with hope and hope basically strings R along. Based off of “That way” Tate McRae.
Character thinks R is cheating so as revenge they cheat in return but turns Reader was buying a engagement ring
Flipped Au Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Natasha and Y/n have broken up. Nats sad and when yelena finds out she heads over there but on her way she meets a cute girl in the bar and the have sex. So basically Yelena hooked up with y/n w/o knowing thats nats ex and y/n hooked up with Yelena not knowing that was nat's lil sister. Basically when they figure it out its a bunch of shit and they dont know if they should tell nat or not.
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