#Yes I part my hair differently for all the sides. Logan's is up in a high ponytail and doesn't have a visable part.
s1ckh1mb0 · 1 month
can u make a part 2 to ur logan fic? maybe reader gives in and sucks logan off?
I apologize ahead of time for the man I became while writing this second part🩷
You shook my head and tried to turn away from him. The same power imbalance you two usually had. Always fighting back and forth for who was the better mutant. This time Logan wasn’t going to let you win in the slightest. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"No. Fucking look at me.”
He commanded, his eyes filled with intensity.
"I want you to see who's doing this to you.”
He pushed his pants down, his hard dick brushing against your thighs, leaving a stick mess.
"I told you to leave and your stupid ass didn't listen. this is your fault. you brought this upon yourself."
"No, fuck Logan. s' isn't right. This is against the rules, what if someone hears?”
He ignores your protests, lining himself up with your ass.
"It's exactly right. You should have listened when I told you to fuck off the first time.”
He let spit on to his dick before pushing inside you, not gentle, not caring about your fake protest. If you wanted to you could easily push him off, he’s not stupid and he knows you wanted this but didn’t want to admit. He just fucks you hard and fast, his hands gripping your hips tightly. He told you to leave for a reason. He was starting his rut and being around basically anyone made him want to pounce of them.
"This is what you get for not listening.
Your eyes rolled back as you groaned. Your right leg thrown over his shoulder, his hand gripping you face so you had to look at him. He smirks at the sound of your pleasure, his thrusts becoming more forceful. His hand leaves your face to grip the headboard, his nails digging into the wood as he pounds into you.
"You like that?”
He asks, his voice low and husky.
"You like it rough?
"Fuck! yes, oh my god Logan."
Your arm wrapped around his neck as you pulled him closer to you. He leans in, his breath hot against your ear.
"Good. Because I'm not done yet.”
He continues to fuck you hard, his claws extending and digging into the mattress on either side of your head.
"I'm going to fucking ruin you.”
He snarls, his hips slamming against yours. The other mutants were going to hate him later for the sound his headboard slamming against the wall so hard repeatedly, but he didn't give a fuck. His rut was way more important to him than them and with how good you felt they could kiss his ass if they thought he was going to be quiet for them. Your nails were digging into his skin as he thrusted into you repeatedly, crying out his name right into his ear. The sound of your cries and the slamming of the headboard against the wall are music to his ears. He fucks you even harder, his claws digging deeper into the mattress as he loses control.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
He roars, his hips pistoning in and out of you at a brutal pace. Your hair was splayed out over his bed. a small bulge in your lower tummy from where his cock was hitting. He looks down to see the bulge in your lower stomach and grins, his cock throbbing as he continues to fuck you hard.
"That's right, baby. Take it all."
He growls, his claws his claws gripping the mattress even tighter as he thrusts into you harder and faster. Your dick was leaking over both of your stomachs, making a sticky mess. it felt like the air was being knocked out your chest which each deep thrust.
The sound of your cries and the sticky mess on your stomach only fuels him more. He drives his cock into you harder, groaning in pleasure as he takes what he wants.
"Goddammit. Yeah. Take it!”
You were much different than the other mutants he's fucked, you were a fucking freak. matching his energy completely. He would have to hold back with other people, his strength sometimes getting out of control. But you were just as fucked as he was and he was eating that shit up.
"harder. fucking harder Logan."
He grins wickedly, his hips snapping forward with brutal force.
"You can take it.”
He hisses, his teeth bared.
"You wanted more, didn't you?"
He pounds into you mercilessly, his claws shredding the mattress
"Beg for it.”
You gripped his collar and pulled his face towards yours.
"I swear to god you better fuck me like you god damn mean it Logan I’ll go find another man to fucking do it."
His eyes flash with feral hunger at your demand. He snarls and bites down on your lips, his fingers digging into your hips as he fucks you with a frenzy he's never shown before. The bedframe cracks under the force of his thrusts, and the headboard crashes to the floor. You couldn’t care less about the bed breaking under you two. You wrapped your legs around his waist refusing to let him stop yet. He grunted in approval, his arms wrapping around your waist as he continues to pound into you.
"That's right. Hold on tight.”
He breathed heavily against your neck, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"I'm not finished with you yet.”
"More, please Logan."
His answer was to grab your ankles and pull your legs up even higher, changing the angle of his thrusts. The new position allows him to hit even deeper, his cock slamming against your prostate with relentless force.
"Fuck, you're so fucking tight!"
He roars, his voice echoing through the room. Your knees were basically pressed against your chest. each thrust hitting deep inside you. Your and his pecs pressed against once other. one of your arms wrapped around his neck as you repeatedly moaned his ear. He grinned darkly, his hips bucking against yours as he continues to stretch you wide.
"You like that? You like me splitting you open?"
He hisses, his fingers digging into your thighs hard enough to draw blood.
"Say it."
"Fuck yes, make it hurt."
He growls low in his throat, his pace quickening as he spreads your legs even wider.
"That's my good little whore.”
He praises harshly, his voice hoarse with exertion.
"You can take more, can't you?
"Yes, yes I can take it."
“Gonna fucking cum, you’re gonna take this shit aren’t you baby? Let me hear you.”
His hand moved to the back of your neck, wrapping around and pushing your forehead against his. Both you letting a moan as you came together, him inside you and you all over you guys stomach.
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eloquentlytired · 15 days
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— when the time comes, part two
pairing: logan howlett x gn! reader
part one is here
drabble,fluff, wade is briefly here <3 and blind al (slay)
summary: perhaps logan’s wish to find you in a different timeline comes true. and this time he doesn't only find you, but wade as well.
author’s note: I was wondering if I should add laura somehow to this scene but I think it came out perfect like this! what if I make a part three for the dinner/table scene where they're all together with wade though enjoy babies !!! this low-key made me cryyy... as always reblogs & likes & conversations are sooo welcome ^_^
“this is logan.”
you turn around as wade’s voice echoes within the small apartment. you'd been roommates for a while since you both were struggling with rent and this sort of arrangement had been quite beneficial. your friendship with wade had flourished in no time and you had somehow managed to become less anxious with his help, always having silly laughs and finding nice things even in the toughest situations.
you begin moving away from the kitchen area as you hear a dialogue going on — wade, al and a voice that didn't remind you of anything.
“finally, sweet cheeks. thought i’d have to start a new pissing ritual for you to show up!” wade chimes while placing a hand on his hip and looking straight at you. Whatever follows after, it never reaches your ears.
you stand there frozen, spatula falling from your hands, as your gaze stares at the man behind wade. you don’t know him but at the same time you do. that messy hair, that beard and those eyes. whoever that man was, he must have felt what you were feeling as he also stills by wade’s side. the silence that follows is long and awkward for the others but not for you and this man; at least that's what wade points out and ruins the moment. “right. if you're done eye fucking each other — and by the way sweet cheeks I thought we had something special — but yes if you're done..” wade walks towards you and gently pushes the goofiest dog ever in your hands. what the fuck?
“—I have a bath to run. gotta get those pores unclogged before my big party.” you tried to protest but wade was already gone and al was leaving as well, muttering something about holy sugar time.
the pair of eyes across you never leave yours. you stare back at the strange man named logan; at least that's what you'd heard wade call him. “I...nice to meet you.” you finally whisper while slowly setting the dog down, your hand instinctively reaching towards logan. the taller man leans forward as well and holds your hand, shaking it in the process. “i’m logan. thanks for having me.” he murmurs and for a man his size, you didn't anticipate such simplicity and gentleness in his voice. your eyes fill with unshed tears and for an unknown reason logan reaches out to wipe them away before they stain your cheeks. you shudder at the strange familiarity of those warm digits upon your skin. logan swallows thickly. “do I know you?” he asks and you look at him with wide, sparkly eyes. you were the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. “it feels like it, doesn't it?” was the only reply you could offer him as he nods.
a moment passes. then two. logan drops his hand from your face, realizing the boundaries he's crossing. not that you really minded his touch. you quickly compose yourself and wipe the remaining wetness from your face before shifting your gaze in between logan and the kitchen.
“are- are you hungry,logan?” you suddenly ask, your voice kind of shaky.
the surprise on his face lasts briefly before a small but genuine smile settles on his features. “yeah. starving actually.” you chuckle. he does too.
as logan follows you into the kitchen, and despite wade’s awful singing coming from the bathroom, you think about the cheapest bed you can buy tomorrow for the third addition in your family.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 5 months
Earned It
Logan Sargeant x Curly Hair!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Breeding Kink, Cockwarming, Choking, Degrading, Praising, Overstimulation, (light) Slapping
(it’s not proofread and it won’t be until the AM bc i’m so tired rn😭😭🎀🎀)
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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"Where the fuck do you think you're going in that dress?" Logan said as I walk out the bathroom, my hands scrunching the product evenly into my curly hair as I look in the mirror trying to depict what was wrong with it
"What? I thought you liked this y/f/c dress?" I said grabbing a face towel to wipe my hands free of the hair product currently staining them before straightening out my dress and grabbing my heels to put them on.
"I do love the dress," Logan bites his lip looking me up and down while he walks over to me, putting his hands on my waist before continuing "I in fact love it so much that we can reschedule this event" Logan starts to kiss the crook of my neck on that spot he knows I love oh so much, one hand traveling dangerously close to the hem of dress while the other rises to the base of my neck, lightly wrapping around the flesh causing me to let out a small but faint moan. Only, it wasn't so faint.
"Lo, we can't reschedule your birthday party," I let out a pant before continuing "Everyone's already at the venue," my voice comes out barely above a whisper and I can feel Logan smirk against my neck as he continues kissing it, he knows what he's doing and he's enjoying every bit of it.
I can feel every swipe of his tongue, every nibble from his teeth, his hot breath, I can feel his grip on my neck tighten ever so slightly while his other hand hoists up my dress, and is now dipping just under my lacy underwear, grazing my clit, I can feel his smirk grow more when I part my legs more and move my head to the side giving him more access to the rest of me. Logan knows he has me wrapped around his finger (pun intended), and he has ever since we first got together, so he knows what gets me jumping on his bones whenever he wants to have freaky sex.
He rarely ever pulls this card but tonight was different and he decides that he wants to let that freaky side of him out that he usually keeps at bay, "You look so beautiful right now but you'd look even more beautiful all full with my baby in you. Imagine it, a big round tummy, your tits full of milk, I could just fuck a baby into you right now. Isn't that what you want- hmm? would you want me to fuck you so full until you're swollen with my baby?" Logan whispers in my ear as he dips two fingers into my aching cunt causing me to buck your hips, needing more friction.
"Oh look at you, bucking your hips into my hand. You're just desperate for me to fill you up, aren't you? Aren't you, my little slut?" Logan said kissing that spot behind my ear.
"Please, please Logan. I need it. I need you, I need your cum. I want it all. Make me a momma please"
That. That last sentence that slipped past my lips is what sent Logan over the edge. In one swoop Logan had spun me around to face him, he flattens my f/c dress before he started giving me instructions. “Strip. Now. I need to feel your tight cunt around my aching cock. You feel that?” Logan says as he guides my hand to his painfully hard erection "This is what you do to me hunny," he briefly pauses "Now I'm gonna tell you what I'm going to do to you tonight, okay princess?" he whispers to me, his lips getting dangerously close to mine as we lock eyes.
"Yes please" I whisper right back, leaning forward trying to press our lips together in a steamy kiss. Logan must've sensed that I was desperate for some kind of touch from him because his hand quickly found its place on the base of my throat holding me in place.
"Needy, are we? Princess, I haven't even gotten to the fun part. First, I'm gonna take these panties off, slow at first. I'll kiss every part of your legs while I do so," he starts, his one hand still has a firm grip on my neck while his other travels down between the valley of my breasts, down my stomach, all the way down to the edge of my dress, hoisting it up before stopping at the band of my panties just continuing "Then, I'm gonna finish pulling them off of you with my teeth." I shiver under his touch.
"When I finally pull them off of you, I'm going to drag my tongue from your calf to your aching, pulsing, tight, wet, sweet little cunt. I'm going to absolutely devour your pussy until I've pulled so many orgasms from you that you're a shaking, crying mess. Then and only then will I stop eating you out, only to line my aching cock up to your entrance before making eye contact with you as I push my cock into you, slowly, inch by inch until I bottom out. After I'm balls deep in you, I will thrust at such a hard and fast pace that you're tapping out, but honey, I'm doing this for my pleasure, not yours. The pace is going to be brutal on your tight cunt but we'll maintain eye contact throughout the whole thing. After a few hard thrusts, I'm gonna pull out of you, leaving you a whimpering mess for more. Don't worry darling because I've only gone two steps away to grab your vibrator, I'll then walk back, thrust right back into you at a harsh paste and turn the vibrator on the highest setting and place it on your clit while absolutely tearing your cunt apart. Once I've pulled yet another orgasm from you, I'll pick you up, placing you at the top of the bed and handcuff you to the headboard," Logan was then cut off by his mom calling, using one hand to answer the phone while the other was still knuckle deep in my pussy.
"Hey mom," a smirked plastered itself on his face as he continues thrusting his fingers in me as I bite down on my hand to avoid moaning as much as possible.
“Yeah, we’re on our way right now. My meeting with Williams ran long, yeah, yeah sorry. Okay. Love you too. bye.” The second I heard the phone click off and it land somewhere on the bed just a few feet away from us, I let out a loud and guttural moan that sounded more like a scream.
“My mom thinks we’re gonna be there in 15 minutes so how ‘bout you cum quick for me so we can leave and come back early and I can properly fuck you 7 ways to sunday? That sound good?” The pace Logan set was unreal, the amount of pleasure I have building up lets me know that this is an orgasm for the history books.
One of Logan’s hands finds its way to my jaw, gripping it firmly making me look in the mirror as his other hand goes to town on me. “Look at how pathetic you look for me,” he whispers in my ear before nibbling on it “you’re such a dirty slut for me. Letting me finger you before a family event?”
Logan knows how much I love to be degraded during sex, so talking to me the way he’s talking to me is bringing my release closer and he knows which prompts him to rub my clit with his thumb while with that same hand thrusting fingers into me while his other hand flys up to the base of my neck squeezing around the flesh of my throat.
Something about the way we both looked in this mirror is so hot and the throat grab is what sent me over the edge, my thighs shaking as I came all over Logan’s hand.
My body pulsing as Logan’s one hand works me through my orgasm, while the other still has a firm grip on my throat not enough to harm but enough to cause a little pain with a whole bunch of pleasure. Pulling his hand out of my core, Logan shoves his fingers inside his mouth lapping all of my juices whim the hand that once rested on my neck moved to straighten out my dress.
“fix your hair and touch up your make up, you look like we just fucked.” Logan whispered as he kissed the spot right under my ear “don’t doll up too much because I’m gonna fuck you in the bathrooms over there”
I definitely wanna write more but i’m so sleepy rn !! 🎀😭
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@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999
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thugbiscuits · 4 days
september fic rec list 18+ only
please note: none of these fan fictions were written by me. when you read please make sure to like, comment, and reblog. IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE.
hello again, freaks >:) im really excited for this month's list. down below you'll find pretty much all the best fics (imo), of every category. it’s mostly smut happy reading!
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joel miller fics
make it stick(joel miller x reader, smut) @gutsbys i loved getting to read joel’s inner thoughts.. and how nasty they are omg. i 100% need to have his babies, that’s all.
teacher’s pet (joel miller x virgin!reader, smut) @javiscigarette this fic destoryed my pussy and now i want financial compensation. read at your own risk cause whewww the details are too good. also make sure to read BOTH parts ;)
sugar rush (joel miller x f!reader, fluff) @beardedjoel super fluffy, been reading this to get me ready for spooky season and it hits me right in the feels every time
skincare sunday (joel miller x reader, fluff) @hellishjoel ahh taking care of joel? yes please. this fic is so sweet to me, that’s a real doting and caring man 😤
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logan howlett fics
sweet (lumberjack!logan howlett x reader) @fairlyang #NEEDTHAT
make him do what i say (older bf!logan howlett x reader, smut) @dollfacefantasy logan with silver winged hair is superior
vis (logan howlett x afab!mutant reader, smut) @ozarkthedog all i’m saying is that fucking logan before work could save my soul idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
both (logan howlett x reader x storm, smut) @selfcarecap why is nobody talking about this, i would like to talk about this!! this had me crying, screaming and gnawing on the bars of my enclosure.
glory box (old man!logan howlett x reader, smut) @rqnarok oh? oh 😏
time after time (logan howlett x afab!reader, smut) @hyper-fixates if you like the ‘3 times you did and 1 time you didn’t trope’ then this is literally a gift from the fanfic gods !! the slowburn, all feels raaah!
handful of roses (logan howlett x reader, angst fluff) @techwrecker the way logan tries to be a good man is more than enough for me. come home the kids miss you :/
primal love (logan howlett x reader, smut) @strangererotica indeed primal, and indeed lovely. logan is such a needy lover, and this fic was written beautifully.
ex!worst logan howlett x reader, smut) @seventeenpins the banter, the audacity of this man, the AUDACITY. i’m hooked on this version of logan so badly
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wade wilson (deadpool) fics
trigger control (wade wilson x girlfriend!reader, smut) @librababe99 HEART EYES
getting nasty w/ wade and logan (poolverine x reader, smut) @darnell-la self explanatory. 11/10
three is a charm (wade x f!curvy reader x logan, smut) i say this a lot but if i could physically eat a fanfic it would be this one. no doubt. i’m eating up every crumb of thissss ! @eloquentlytired
husband!wade wilson (wade wilson x fem!reader, smut) @jojissalsa perfect mix of smutty and sweet imo. wade for husband 2024
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bucky barnes fics
big dick is back in town (bucky barnes x f!reader, fluff) @brunchable this was so cute (and canon in my mind). bucky has such a sense of humor in this! OP did such and amazing job on this
loverboy (bucky barnes x reader, fluff) @thevillainswhore i need that man down bad and desperate for me always ! this fic was so adorable to read, i love seeing this side of bucky. aaah such a dream
love language (bucky barnes x reader, fluff, smut) @flowersforbucky this was the sweetest thing ever!
hey, babydoll (bucky barnes x reader, fluff) @buckysmischief smoking with your favorite super soldier, what could be better than that?
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hugh jackman fics
controversially young girlfriend @whimsiwitchy it’s always a pleasure when bri updates. and if you haven’t been following this series, i highly reccomend! amazing dialogue, great portrayal of hugh and reader’s romance. get this, it has even better smut. that’s all, go read!
training partners @pedroscurls we were fed with this series! hugh is such a sweetheart with reader, and it truly had me kicking my feet and giggling while reading this.
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dividers by @/saradika-graphics <3
lovey’s note: i had to add my own thoughts this time around cause phew, this list had me in my feels. feel free to 100% ignore my ramblings, they don’t make sense half of the time 😂
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icky-rickyy · 1 month
Joy Ride
Motorcyclist!Logan x Motorcyclist!reader
I am currently obsessing over street bike tik tok. Taking a short break from my multi part I am writing to supply this beauty.
Rated: E for everyone.
Should I do a part2
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“Do you really think this is a good idea?” Marissa, your roommate spoke from her bed. She was laid in snuggly under the covers, chin tucked to her chest and cell phone resting on her abdomen as she dedicated the first half of the day to ‘doom scrolling’ as she called it.
“Yeah why not? I never meet anyone, and I never get to show off. I haven’t gone on a joy ride in months.”
You were tugging the zipper of your armored pants up, making sure they were fastened tightly to your body.
“You’re going to go cruising into a bike meet? A male predominant space and expect to get treated like one of the guys? Your tits are out!” She inched up in her bed, resting her back against the headboard.
“The last time I went to a bike meet was with Ethan. And I went as a backpack. I didn’t even have my own bike to show off, I was just eye candy while riding bitch and holding on to him.”
“And I look better on a bike when my tits are out anyways!” You looked down the front of your white cropped top, tugging the bottom hem down.
“Are you going by yourself?”
“Well….. no. I was going to ask Ethan to meet with me. Buutttt, if you wanna play backpack then I won’t invite him.” You were pulling on a thin zip up jacket, zipping it only a quarter of the way.
“I am so sorry but this is my only Saturday off all month, I am not getting oogled at and then being scared for my life while you drive recklessly.” She shrugged her shoulders.
“Kay fine. Don’t be mad when I come home with some biker hottie and we’re knockin boots all night.”
You grabbed your helmet from the end of her bed, tucking it under your arm with a firm slap to the top of it.
“Don’t die, and don’t get any STD’s!” She cheered after you as you headed through your apartment to the front door.
You dialed quickly on your phone, tucking it between your ear and shoulder as you pulled your keys from your pocket. It only took two rings before it answered.
“Uh hello?”
Ethan was on the other side, asking pensively.
“Are you going to the bike meet at the abandoned Jiffy on 10th?” You hung your helmet on the handle bar of your bike, swinging your leg over to mount it.
“Yes. How do you even know about that?” You could hear him shuffling on the other line.
“You’ll see. I’ll be there in 20.”
You hung up the phone quickly, locking it on to your phone stand and reaching for your helmet. You pulled it on over your hair, tucking the loose strands up in the back before fastening it tightly around your chin.
The bike roared to life beneath you, and your heart settled happily in your chest. You were excited for the evening, ready to see what the rest of the day could hold.
You weren’t even sure where to park.
The abandoned parking lot was already half filled with bikes of all shapes and sizes. Riders stood talking to one another while others stayed perched on their motorcycles simply observing or scrolling on their phones. There were at least 30 people stood waiting, and the meet wasn’t meant to actually start for another 10 minuets.
You tried not to shy away from peering eyes as you rolled into the large group of people, looking for an open spot to put the kickstand up on your bike and put it in park.
There was an open spot next to an older model Harley, the owner stood leaning against his bike puffing a half smoked cigar as he looked to the others suspiciously.
It was a stark difference, your bike next to his.
His classic looking motorcycle next to your lilac purple crotch rocket. Dark black leather next to pink and white accents and flashy rims.
You pushed the kickstand down, staying mounted on your bike as you fiddled with the helmet strap. Your hair fell from its tucked in position, setting your helmet on the gas tank and pulling your gloves off to run your hands through your messy helmet hair.
You tried not to look at the man next to you, watching his eyes scan as his large chest huffed with each inhale of his cigar. He had a leather jacket folded on the seat next to him, clad in a white beater tank top and bootcut jeans help up by a large silver belt buckle. His arms were big and muscular, covered by a vast sea of body hair. A tickle of the dark hair peeked up past the neckline of his tank top and teased at the base of his throat.
He looked many years you senior, and hot as fuck.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” You stuck your hand out to him sheepishly, introducing yourself.
“Logan. Like your bike.” He nodded down, eyes narrow with a stern look on his face. His words were curt but friendly.
“Right back at ya.” You chuckled back, pausing your next sentence when your phone began to ring in your pocket.
You dismissed yourself, answering Ethan’s incoming call and pressing it to your ear.
“Hey. Yeah. I’m next to an all black Harley. It’ll be hard to miss me. Yep. See you here.” You pushed your phone back into your pocket after ending the call, adjusting your seating on your bike.
Logan was still looking around, watching people walk past and nodding to the few that gawked openly.
A group of girls still wearing their helmets were walking by, whispering and squealing quietly to themselves at the sight of your bike. They all came by to swoon with you, asking where you got it and identifying questions you weren’t unfamiliar with answering.
You could hear the signature roar of Ethan’s bike as he approached, the girls standing near all making a clearing as he pulled in behind you and parking his own bike. He dismounted, swiftly pulling off his helmet.
“Wow. I’m impressed. You might have just out done me.” He stood with his hands on his hips, watching as you pulled your leg over your bike approaching him with a hug.
It had been nearly six months since your breakup that you had last seen Ethan. You tried a few times after the initial ending of your relationship to rekindle, but it never seemed to work out.
“I didn’t even know you got a bike.” He held you proudly by your shoulders, stepping back and putting his hands to his side when the group of people around the two of you finally registered in his brain.
“Well I was tired of being a backpack, what can I say? This is your fault though. You started this addiction.” You laughed open heartedly to him, watching him nod with a smile.
“Well I have a few buddies here to catch up with, but I’ll cruise with you when we get going later.”
You nodded as a quiet response to him, smiling as you watched him walk away and into a group of guys that all hugged and high-fived him happily.
“Boyfriend?” Logan asked from next to you.
You had almost forgot he was there, looming quietly from his bike.
“No.” You laughed to him. “Ex. This is actually the first time we’ve seen each other in months.” You pulled your phone from your pocket again, sending Marissa a quick text that you had arrived safe and sound.
“His loss.” Logan muttered quietly, pulling a final drag of his cigar. You looked over with a flash of shock, watching him smirk as he flicked the tobacco to the ground and stomped it to ash.
All you did was nod with a shy smile, looking to your street shoes and kicking a loose pebble around.
The entire group of bikers waited for another 10 minutes before everyone loaded up. You pulled on your gloves and helmet again, tugging the strap tight and hopping back on to your bike. Ethan mounted his behind you, you both shared an excited glance before you flicked down the visor of your helmet. Logan pulled on his jacket, climbing onto his bike without any protection. He smirked over to you, you blushed behind the darkness of your helmet.
Your whole body was vibrating in excitement when the group of bikes roared to life. There were at least 50 of you. It was too hard to count when the front of the group sped from the parking lot and out into the street.
Ethan replaced Logan’s spot on the side of you, keeping steady pace as you all began to race down the pavement. Logan followed shortly behind.
Passer-bys in their cars all gawked at the lot of you, heads swinging on a swivel as the singular headlights went by in a flash.
The group was picking up speed, going through main traffic until you took enough turns and ended up on an open paved backroad.
Evening was dwindling down, and the traffic was decreasing by the minute. This left the wide open pavement to the entire fleet of motorcycles to cruise in and out of the two lane road.
People were synced up to each others helmets, talking joyfully through about their lives while others shared music with each other in a collective jam session. You typically would enjoy far too loud music while riding, but you left your ears open to hear the herd of rumbling bikes race down the streets and to pick up on any important or urgent comms messages.
Logan managed to squeeze in between you and Ethan, his classic bike groaned and rumbled deeply as he yanked on his throttle in show. You laughed aloud at his ego display, looking between him and the road as he smiled brightly.
Logan leaned over as much as he could from the distance between you, sticking his hand out in invitation. You veered your bike closer to his, placing your hand in his open palm. He clasped his hand around yours, pulling your gloved knuckles up to place a soft kiss upon them. He squeezed your hand before sending you a wink and letting go.
You put your hand over the mouth of your helmet, tilting your head to mock grace at his chivalry. He threw his head back in a laugh, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
When you both quit giggling you watched Logan’s eyes flash dark with mischief. He scanned the area quickly, locating and calculating the closest bikers before he yanked down on his throttle.
His bike was absolutely screeching, hollering in a deep grumble as he pulled down harder and shifted gears. He was flying through the group, weaving in and out of everyone as he accelerated through them all.
You were almost shocked, watching him navigate the group with ease. You watched a few people flash back to you with confusion. You decided, why the hell not, and yanked down on your throttle just as hard.
The wind was whistling against you as you leaned down into the tank of your bike, feeling yourself accelerate even faster with the aerodynamics. It was a flash of headlights and rainbow colored modifications as you passed each biker swiftly in urge to catch up with Logan who was now coasting freely at the front of the group.
Your comms system was catching nearby voices, hearing them whisper in confusion or holler in excitement.
Logan was looking back as often as he could when he heard your bike accelerating behind him, a wide smile on his face when you finally caught up. You flipped up the visor of your helmet.
“You tryna race?” You yelled over to him.
He shook his head from side to side. “Not tonight doll, just wanted to show off a little.”
“Maybe next time?” You inquired with a smile, watching him roll his eyes playfully.
“Yeah, maybe next time.”
It was nearly 10 pm when you all returned back to the abandoned parking lot. Many of the bikers wished a good night as they broke up from the group to head home, the others followed back and were now parked in the meeting spot. Most were walking around in the light of the street lamps engaging in conversation or perusing the parked bikes in admiration.
You’d mainly went back to bid a goodnight to Ethan and then head home, to thank him for showing and for inspiring you to chase this particular fulfillment in your life.
It’s was hard to ever consider a time when you didn’t have a bike. From the moment you met Ethan and you began riding tandem with him, you were obsessed. The adrenaline, the quick feeling of flying through the open roads, the deep contentment that settled your soul and helped you sleep at night.
“Thanks again.” You confirmed to him, seeing his bright smile underneath his helmet. He held your shoulders kindly and his bright blue eyes shimmered down in pride.
“I’m proud of you. I hope you know that.”
You could have teared up at his endearment. Sometimes you wondered what it would have been like if this managed to work out with him.
“Thank you. Let’s plan another time to meet up, maybe without the other seven million people.”
Ethan nodded in confirmation with a laugh, pulling you in for one last tight hug before separating to head to his bike parked nearby.
He waved to the group and his friends as he drove away on his bike, peering out into the road before he filtered into the straying traffic and was gone in a flash.
Logan had still loomed by, leaning against his bike and finishing another cigar. You were ready to leave and head home, but felt compelled to talk to him.
“Thanks for the fun tonight. This was my first ever meet solo and you, uh, you just made it a lot better.” You stuck out your hand as a formality.
Logan reached out and shook it, his large hand wrapping around your gloved one like earlier.
“Thank you for playing along. Recklessness can get boring.”
You chuckled in response, nervously tucking your hand into your pocket and looking to the ground.
“Hey?” Logan asked, tentatively reaching for the bottom of your helmet. He tugged you closer, tilting your head up to look up at him.
“Let’s do this again, just you and I? Next week on Tuesday work?” He puffed a cloud of smoke out of the corner of his mouth.
You nodded wordlessly.
“Meet here? 10 am?”
You nodded again.
“Perfect. Good night, and get home safe doll.” He released his grip on your helmet, watching you stay frozen in shock. He stomped out his cigar like he did earlier, mounting his bike swiftly.
You watched in awe as he rumbled it to life. He sent a flirty wink before pulling up his own kickstand. Logan flew out of the parking lot and into the street.
“Oh fuck me.” You groaned, flicking down the visor of your helmet and mounting your own bike to head home.
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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pairing: ted logan x afab! reader
summary: your teacher gives you the assignment of tutoring one of the dumbest kids in school
genre: smut
word count: 1895
cw: p in v, dick riding
author’s note: this is mainly for @animulnitrate because they asked so nicely and they're my roomie so i can't say no
“Help out Ted Logan? The guy who thinks Joan of Arc is Noah’s wife?” You asked your teacher, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You were usually fine with tutoring others but when it came to Ted Logan, it was a lost cause. He barely knew basic math, spending hours with him trying to teach him history would be a nightmare.
“Yes..I know it’ll be hard at first but he needs to pass this exam or else he’s not passing the year and he’ll have to repeat a grade.” Mr.Ryan, your history teacher, explained to you He knew how bad Ted was and Ted’s best friend Bill was just as bad. You couldn’t imagine being in his shoes and having to teach not one of them, but both of them, at the same time. You let out a sigh of agreement and nodded before walking out of the class running into Ted at the end of the hallway.
“Whoa hey there Dudette! Gotta watch where you’re going.” He said, his hands holding onto your arms as he looked down at you with a grin on his face. You scoffed slightly at him while rolling your eyes and brushing his hands away. “Look Logan, I’ve been given the task of tutoring you tonight in preparation for your exam.”
Ted chuckled while nodding his head, his hair bouncing in the process, “Well alright! Alone time with a babe like you? I’m so down!” You hid back a giggle, as he smiled down at you. “Uh yeah..right. So do you want to study at your place?” You asked him.
“My place sounds sick!” You nodded as he gave you his address and the two of you parted ways before you went to the rest of your classes.
You walked up the steps to Ted’s front door and knocked gently, while holding onto the bag on your shoulder with your other hand. You heard footsteps run down the stairs before a loud bang on the door and the door opened revealing a disheveled Ted with one of those grins on his face, “My savior! Come in.” He said, moving to the side so you can walk in. You walk past him, looking around at the decorations, expecting to see something the total opposite than the preppy vibes you were viewing.
Ted lightly grabbed your arm and led you up the stairs, “Come on we can go to my room!” He ran up the stairs with you closely behind before leading you to a bedroom which was a lot more like you expected. The bed was unmade with posters plastered in random spots all over the walls of different movies and rock bands. Including some homemade posters of something called Wyld Stallyns. He stood in front of you throwing his arms in the air, “Presenting tu casa!”
You paused looking at him, “Actually..” You started before he dropped his hands and raised his eyebrow and you stopped, “Nevermind. Yes this is tu casa.” He grinned while nodding again before sitting down on his bed with a plop and you took your bag off your shoulder, sitting next to him before pulling out books. You sat your history book in your lap, opening it to a page before turning to him, “Okay so I thought I would start with the beginning and then just going through at whatever pace is more comfortable for you?” You asked him, looking over as he looked down at the book in your lip while nodding.
As the two of you looked through the book, Ted would inch closer to where your legs would be touching and you’d scoot away a little more. He would also move his hand close to yours as you held the pages open, lightly stroking his pinky against your hand in the process. Every time he’d try you would awkwardly clear your throat and move away from him, but he’d just go back to trying. Eventually Ted took a deep breath before looking at you, “You know…you’re quite the babe.”
You raised an eyebrow, looking at him as he grinned that same grin he’s had practically all night. “Thank..you?” His eyes widened a little bit and he shifted his position to look at you more, “No what I meant was you’re bodacious! Uh..a sight to see! Hot!” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at his actions, he wasn’t smart but you did think he was cute at times. He blushed slightly, looking back down at the book, pointing at a picture of Napoleon, “Who’s the guy with the funny hat?”
You started to tell him the history of Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution as he listened closely, nodding while you talked. Eventually you were interrupted by Ted moving in close, kissing you deeply. Your eyes widened as you pulled away and looked at him, “Oh I’m sorry.” He apologized, putting his hand over his mouth. You sat there in shock before leaning in and kissing him yourself. He slowly moved his hand up to your arms, stroking them as the two of you kissed. Your hands gripped onto the black vest he was always wearing as you deepened the kiss.
He pulled away, his lips a dark shade of pink from the kiss as he looked down at you, “Whoa.” He grinned as he slowly opened his eyes, almost as if he were in a trance. You felt your face heat up as you nodded. He bit his bottom lip slightly looking in your eyes, as his hand lightly stroked your cheek.  “Can we do that again?” He asked gently, leaning closer again. You nodded, caressing his cheek before kissing him again. You repositioned yourself, letting the history book fall to the floor as you sat in front of him on your knees.
Both of your hands were on the sides of his face, while his hands moved to your waist. Your tongue explored his mouth as he let out a few hums during the kiss. You slipped off the vest from his torso, and started to pull at his shirt before he put his hands on yours, pulling away. “I can’t.” He whispered against your lips. You pulled your hands away and distanced yourself from him, “Oh.”
“No no I want to,” He corrected before thinking for a minute, “But I just…I wouldn’t know what to do.” He mumbled, looking down at his lap, picking at one of the patches on his shorts. Did he mean? You lifted his face, looking into his eyes, “Have you done anything like this before?” He shook his head, looking into your eyes. You thought for a minute before moving close to him, “I can teach you..if you’d want.”
He smiled as he looked at you, “You would?” You nodded slowly as he nodded back, “Okay!” You giggled while rolling your eyes playfully before kissing him again, leaning him back against the headboard. You straddled his lap, moving your hands to start pulling off the shirt again. He moved his hands to your waist, pulling you close to him. Your hands moved to your own shirt, pulling it over your head as Ted watched, his eyes widening once he saw you in your bra. His gaze lingered on your chest, “Do you want me to take this off too?” You asked him, tracing your fingers along the lace of your bra. He gulped, nodding slowly as you unclasped your bra, pulling it off and putting it next to the two of you.
His eyes stayed focused on your chest, as you felt his length growing against your crotch. You bit your bottom lip before Ted leaned in, placing wet kisses on your chest before placing his lips on your nipple. Lightly sucking and biting on it, causing you to let out a moan. Your fingers tangled into his hair before he pulled away and looked up at you, “Is this okay?” You nodded slowly and he moved his mouth to your other nipple before repeating the process.
You moved your hips, grinding your crotch against his. He pulled his mouth away, letting out a breath of air while closing his eyes tight from the feeling. He looked up at you, his lids barely open. You bit your bottom lip before removing yourself from his lip and starting to pull off his shorts. You were slightly confused from the layering he was doing as when you pulled down the shorts, he had a pair of gray sweats on underneath. He bit his bottom lip, “They’re comfier than boxers.” He said softly.
You nodded, pulling down the sweats, revealing his growing length. He bit his bottom lip when he noticed you staring. He was definitely above average and you couldn’t help but let your gaze linger. You slowly pulled off your panties from underneath your skirt and threw them onto the floor before straddling Ted’s lap again. You could see the sweat beads from his forehead as he looked up at you, “Are you sure you want this?” You asked him, your hand caressing his face. He nodded slowly, “I-I’m just nervous. You’re really really pretty.”
You giggled slightly at him before kissing him deeply, moving your to the base of his cock, stroking him gently. He let out a gasp into the kiss, followed by a soft groan. You positioned the tip to your throbbing clit before lowering yourself down, He buried his head into your chest, letting out a small whimper as you continued moving your hips against him. He leaned his head back against the headboard, biting his bottom lip as you slid up and down on his length.
A mixture of moans and whimpers escaped his lips as you continued moving, rocking your hips in the process. You dug your nails into his chest, as his grip tightened on your hips. He thrusted his hips up causing you to let out a moan, throwing your head back in pleasure. Ted opened his eyes partially, watching you before leaning back and starting to kiss on your chest again, leaving marks all the way from your neck down.
Your hips moved in sync with one another as you felt Ted’s stomach tighten from underneath you before his eyebrows furrowed, “I-I’m cl- hmm.” He interrupted his sentence with a hum, throwing his head back against the headboard once more. You leaned down and pressed your lips to his once you felt yourself starting to reach your own high. Ted let out a small gasp as you felt his tip twitch , the two of you releasing at the same time. You rode out your high, practically sinking onto his chest, feeling the energy evaporate from your body. Ted’s face was flushed a deep shade of pink and his hair was sticking to his forehead from the sweat. You pulled yourself off of him, sitting on the bed next to him while processing the events that just happened.
“That was..” You started, “Excellent?” Ted said, looking at you.
You giggled slightly in response, “Sure. Let’s go with excellent.”
“Can we do it again?” He asked, his hand snaking around your waist as he buried his face in your neck. You nodded, knowing the two of you probably wouldn’t be getting much more tutoring done for the night.
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a1307s · 9 months
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Artwork #2
(Garfield Logan Smut)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Exegaytioner]
Requested by: Liviejc
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 6,063
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Sorry it took so long; it’s been a mix of the holiday and a bit of writers block
Pet Name Used (Bunny)
Slight degrading
     It's been a couple of months since I walked in on Y/N painting her wall. Since then, I've been a little attached to her. We spend a lot of time together, whether that's me watching her work on different art projects, or Y/N watching her show as I game, or just sitting in each other's presence.
     Over this time, I've learned a bit about her, but not as much as I'd like. She's a 'freak accident', like I am; like most of the team is. Other than that, I don't know anything about her, but it seems there's not much to know. I will say that kind of explains her hatred for her shifting color schemes.
     The most recent activity we do together has been napping. Y/N always gets excited about her afternoon nap. She has issues sleeping alone which means her napping makes up most of her daily sleep. She used to nap with Nightwing but most days he'd be too busy for it, so she'd miss out. Y/N did end up asking me to nap with her instead. I answered yes, a little quicker than I meant.
     I won't admit it to anyone, but I've started growing feelings for her, which have only gotten worse over time. We used to just nap. Well, Y/N would nap, and I would lay next to her. Then we started making out before she'd nap. Now we make out before and after she naps.
     I enjoy it. I like her rubbing up on me and kissing me. I like the dark crimson color that coats her lips after we kiss. I like her. All that doesn't help my denial.
     Y/N on the other hand, I have no clue how she feels about it. You would figure with the whole 'hue of her skin matches her emotions' it would be easy to tell how Y/N feels. Well, when you don't know what the different colors and hues mean, it doesn't!
     It also doesn't help that the only thing I ever see her in is that dumb white cloak of hers. Given, her hood is never up anymore - unless we're on a mission. She's more loose about letting her arms show too, but with how big the sleeves are they tend to cover her more than they don't.
     When Y/N naps, she's usually curled up, so her ankles end up showing. Sometimes her cloak parts and shows a bit of her thighs. It makes me feel like a Victorian boy. 'Oh, her ankles! How sinful of me to look at such things!'
     I have asked Y/N a few times about our kisses. How she feels about them and such. Usually, she ignores me. The few times she has answered haven't been very nice. Her answer is usually something like 'You tolerate my naps, so I tolerate your kisses'. I don't want her to tolerate our makeouts. I want her to want them. I want her to want me.
     I have talked about our situation with Nightwing, and he usually helps. How he's explained it is that Y/N struggles with expressing emotions. Weird to think about since her powers are linked to her emotions, but not knowing much about her leaves a lot of room for speculation. However, seeing how she lives at the mountain like a lot of us, assumptions are easy to place.
     Like every afternoon, Y/N is curled up against me, fast asleep. Her back is pressed up against my side and her head is resting on my arm. My other arm is thrown across the bed, forgotten. Y/N won't sleep if she's not touching me in some way, but at the same time, she doesn't like being touched a lot. It makes for a weird balance. Too much touching and she can't stay asleep, too little touching and she also can't stay asleep.
     She's cute when she sleeps, and not angry which is always a plus. She gets angry pretty quickly, but I'm not that surprised. Y/N just happens to have the same hair-trigger temper that Conner does.
     The thought of glancing under her cloak flickers through my head. That would be perverted and wrong... but, she is sleeping in my bed so it couldn't be too bad... right? No. Nope. That's wrong.
     I shift away from her, putting a bit of space between the two of us as I shake the thoughts out of my head. If I want to see her coloring that bad, I can just ask. The worst she can say is no, right? Or... it could put us back to square one again. Put us back to barely talking and her walls shooting back up.
     Y/N whimpers a bit, turning over so her head is on my shoulder now, her arms - exposed - resting on my chest, and her front pressed up against me. I watch as her skin shifts from milky white to a soft pink. The color blotches over her arms and the exposed part of her chest that comes in contact with me.
     I'm not too surprised by this. Usually when Y/N wakes up the side of her face is this soft bubble gum pink color from where she was pressed into my arm. Even at this moment, her cheek is decorated in the coloring, though it's starting to fade back to white now that she has switched sides. I enjoy watching her colors shift, it's relaxing.
     Some of Y/N's coloring is obvious. The dark red, almost black means she's mad and is usually paired with matching tight curls. When her hair is short, fuzzy - and usually grey - it means she didn't sleep too well, which also means Y/N will have an even shorter temper than usual. Yellow - the bright one, not the washed-out one; I don't know what the washed-out coloring is yet - means she's happy. How bright it is shows how happy she is. Other than that, the rest of the coloring is still a mystery.
     I stay like this, watching the pink spotting get darker the longer she lays against me. I wonder what the pink means. To me, pink is the color of love. Maybe she does like me and just doesn't know it. However, I have seen her turn pink while working on her art and while reading and such. Those things can't exactly bring feelings of love... I don't think.
     Maybe I should get a feelings chart. That might help my situation. Especially since I'm not sure if every feeling has a different color or if it's more of an umbrella thing. I'm pretty sure it's an umbrella thing... maybe.
     Y/N shifts, pulling my attention back to her. Her head picks up, eyes open this time. They're milky white, like the rest of her, for a second. Soon they shift to her bright yellow with flickers of pink through them. God, what does the pink mean?
     "Good morning, Garfield," she says, dipping her head back to my shoulder as she shifts herself on top of me. I tense a bit as Y/N slides into my lap, her legs bent at my sides, her arms draping themselves over my shoulders and her chest pressed into mine. She sits like this all the time, after every nap, in the middle of every day. It shouldn't be any different today, but it does feel different. It's probably because I was deep-diving into my thoughts today.
     "How'd you sleep?" I ask, placing my hands on her thighs. What color are my handprints under her cloak? Are they pink? Yellow? Are her inner thighs littered with blotches from where they press into me? I want to know so bad. Y/N just hums in response, shifting her head onto my neck instead of my shoulder.
     Once again, she falls still, her soft breathing coating my neck and making my nerves spark. I think I just need something new for us. Something more than just our makeouts. Something to let me know Y/N enjoys this instead of seeing it as a chore.
     I slide my hands around some, my fingers curling around the edges of her cloak that has parted a bit from her position. My eyes stay locked on the ceiling as I tip my fingertips over the hem, barely coming in contact with her bare skin. It's silent for a beat, the warmth of her skin sliding up my fingers, but the silence doesn't stay long. "Don't do that," Y/N says, her fingers sliding down and wrapping around mine to pull my hand away. She lays it back in its usual spot, gently placed on top of her thigh, over her cloak.
     So much for something new, something to prove that she enjoys whatever the hell this is. Y/N's head tilts back up, her eyes now their ashy grey. Besides the angry red color, grey is the most used color on Y/N. Her eyes, skin, and hair, are all grey when we go on a mission. Unlike her sleepiness, when we're on a mission her hair is pin-straight and long. I don't know what the grey means. Maybe focus. What is she focusing on right now? Is focus even an emotion? I don't think so.
     Her head tilts some, eyes slowly melting back to the yellow and pink from before, her hair doing the same. I'll take that as a good sign. Happiness is always good, even if I don't know what it's paired with. Y/N's fingers are soft and airy as they slide up my neck, stroking my cheeks as she cups my face. She bends down, her lips sliding over my skin for a second before finding a new place to butterfly a kiss too. Maybe she does enjoy our kisses, why else would she be so gentle? So soft? Her lips trail over my face, leaving their warmth across my nose, my eyes, my forehead, my jaw, anywhere she can reach.
     My hands slide backward, jumping over her butt to slide around her back. I feel so loved, and so cared for when Y/N starts our kisses like this. If she doesn't feel anything for me, how could she make me feel this way? How could she push so much love out in these little touches if she doesn't care about me too?
     "Y/N?" I ask, my words coming out softer than I meant them to.
     "Garfield?" She whispers back, her lips sliding against the corner of my mouth, making my heart rate rise and blood rush down my body. It's annoying. This is annoying. I hate feeling so in love, so needy for her, just for nothing to ever happen outside of the few minutes before and after she sleeps. Outside of this, Y/N rarely lets me touch her, and the one time I tried to kiss her, I got a broken nose and a week of her being skittish. No naps during that week too which meant no kisses either.
     I gently slide my hands up Y/N's body, sliding them up her shoulder and cupping her face. I tilt her back, so her eyes are focused on me instead of her kisses. She looks so pretty, her back arched, her cloak opened some, showing me the top of her chest, the soft blue of her bra poking out a bit. This isn't helping my rushing blood or my thoughts. I can't touch her thighs, but I can see down her top? She's half awake, I doubt she knows this is what she looks like.
     I rub my fingers across her cheeks like Y/N has been doing to me. Soft streaks of pink are littered across her face, from where she's rubbed up against me. The paths of my thumbs are darker pink from the constant contact. Why do my fingers leave a pink spot, but her lips are red when we kiss? If I kiss other parts of her, will those turn pink? Or red?
     "Do you like our kisses?" I ask, trying to focus on her eyes but instead, my eyes keep dropping down her top and rising back up to her lips.
     Y/N shifts, her back going straight as she sits up, and her knees tightening around my sides. I'm a bit disappointed at the shift, the beautiful scene is gone now, but I can't complain much. The added pressure to my groin feels nice, teasing even. She shifts more, pressing into the half-hard situation in my pants for a second, her eyes wandering around the room. This is getting heated quicker than usual. All the build-up from the last few weeks looming over us, threatening to snap if Y/N keeps rubbing up on me like this. I place my hands on her hips, keeping her in place. Maybe not the best placement, but her being still is better than her adding friction.
     "I don't mind them," she answers, wiggling out of my hold and lying back down next to me.
     That pisses me off. Y/N is not dumb, she's a very smart girl, so she has to know touching me like this has some kind of effect. She has to know normal people don't nap and have heated make-out sessions with their friends. And what does she mean? She 'doesn't mind them'? What the hell Y/N?
     I look over at her, watching the pink on her skin fade back to white. Watching it helps me calm down a bit. It always relaxes me when I get to watch her shift. "Y/N?" I call again at a normal tone this time, as I slide my hand back to its place on her thigh. I massage it softly, debating if I should try to dip it down again.
     "Garfield?" Y/N answers again, her head turning towards me. Her eyes are starting to shift to red, the same crimson red her lips usually are by now. Is she mad at me for touching her? She sounds pretty calm compared to how she usually is when she's mad. Maybe she isn't mad.
     "Do you not like me kissing you?" I ask, giving into my want and dipping my fingertips down, toying with Y/N's inner thighs.
     "I don't... not like it," she answers, turning her head away from me. I watch, waiting for a reaction, but I don't get one.
     "So... you do like them?" I push, sliding closer to her. I'm leaning over Y/N's face, hovering barely over her, and slide my fingers down slightly lower, the hem of her cloak coming into contact with my fingers again.
     Y/N's eyes are wide, mostly grey with flickers of red throughout them, her skin doing the same. Her body is a bit stiff, and her chest jumps faster than normal. Is she nervous or scared? Maybe both? "Umm... I guess so," she answers, her legs closing and squeezing my hand between them.
     She guesses so? She doesn't know? The anger from earlier bubbles up again. I want Y/N to know she wants me, I want her to be as needy for me as I am for her, I want her to voice her thoughts and feelings about me.
     "Y/N?" My voice rings out, my fingers curling around her cloak again. I just need something, anything from her to let me know she feels somewhat good about this, about our kisses, about whatever relationship we have. I move her cloak, moving the fabric up her legs so her inner thighs are exposed to me.
     "Garfield," she breathes out, her skin and eyes redder than grey as I slide over her warm skin, her cloak now covering both my hand and her thigh. Her skin is smooth, soft, and hopefully colorful. I like Y/N's voice like this, I want to hear her say my name like that again.
     My name ringing in my ears makes my pants tighter, the half-hard-on is now a full-blown-hard-on. "I want to see your coloring," I tell her, gently parting her legs some so I can move my hand easier. The small circles I've been pushing into her skin have left a red ring on her skin. Is that good or bad? Is Y/N enjoying this or not?
     "You... what?" She asks, her voice still light, her head tilted down some so our eyes are connected. Y/N's eyes are fully red now, and her mouth is slightly parted. Is she horny? Is that what's happening? I mean, she looks horny. Picked up breathing, wide eyes, parted lips.
     My head falls to the side as I lean down, connecting our lips as my eyes snap shut. Y/N's lips feel soft and plump against my own. She tastes like honey, a leftover flavor from her tea this morning. It's not long before her mouth falls open, giving me access before I even have the chance to ask for it.
     I let my hand continue to squeeze the flesh of her thigh, bringing my other one up to do the same thing. My tongue slides over Y/N's, the feeling only causing more of my nerves to go haywire. Her hands are stiff but gentle as they cling to my biceps, her fingers shaking against my skin.
     "Why are you so nervous?" I ask once we pull apart, Y/N panting some under me. "I just want to see your coloring," I add, slowly pulling her legs further apart, her cloak falling open and pooling at her hips. Crimson red colors are littered across her skin, dark purples swirling with the color from where my fingers have crossed over her skin, the rest of her still grey. Matching soft blue panties stand out against her ashy color of her. Little Miss Matching, how cute.
     "I'm... I just..." Y/N stumbles, her panting slowed some but still present. I inch my fingers up, letting a finger on each side slide across the bands of her underwear clinging to her legs. This gets me a shift of her legs, but they fall back into place, wide open for me to admire.
     "You have to use your words. I'm tired of trying to read your mind," I murmur, scooting down the bed so I can dip my head between her legs. Y/N's hands slide up to my shoulders from my movement and soon knot themselves into the hair on my neck. Once again, her legs fall close, tapping against me before falling open again. "Why are you nervous?" I whisper against her skin, sliding my lips over her inner thigh. Like my fingerprints, an outline of my lips forms a dark red with blotches of purple through it. I continue pressing kisses into her left thigh, leaving new outlines in my wake.
     "I... you're.... you're touching me," Y/N answers, her legs tapping against the side of my face again. It's cute, how nervous she is about me seeing her like this, how her legs fall open when she's reminded of my placement.
     "So? I touch you all the time," I comment, switching to her right thigh. I let my eyes flicker up, taking in Y/N as I leave a long lick from mid-thigh to the dip of her hip meeting her legs. A hissed breath comes from her, a red streak forming as I watch. Y/N's back is arched the slightest, her knees repeatedly bumping into me before falling open again, her body shaking a bit, hands buried into my head. I think this is prettier than the scene I got to see earlier.
     I pull back from her, kneeling in front of her bent legs so only my hands are in contact with her now. This lets her knees bump into each other when they go too close again. Y/N whimpers at this, her fingers sliding down to my face as I sit up. "Aww, is someone whiney?" I tease, inching my hands up her stomach, letting them slide under her clothing. "Why are you whiney? What do you want Bunny?"
     "I... I don't... I don't know," Y/N stumbles out, her body scooting down to move my hands up further. Her hands have moved back down to my shoulders, her nails digging into them. Her eyes are blown out, dark purple with spots of red, and watery as she looks at me. I've barely even touched her, and she's already overwhelmed. Y/N is going to need a long cool down after this.
     I mess with the bend of her bra, snapping it against her, running my fingers under it, inching up just a bit before dropping them back down. My eyes jump around her, her skin turning the same purple as her eyes, washing away all the grey. The previous prints on her thighs are now crimson red instead of their previous purple, making them stand out against the cooler color. "I think you do know," I answer back, completely pulling my hands down and planting them on her hips.
     Y/N whines again, thrusting her body down to attempt to move my hands further up her body. It doesn't work though; I keep them firmly in place as her legs bump into mine from her movement. "Please?" She whimpers, an involuntary pout forming on her face.
     "Please what? What do you want Bunny?" I repeat as the idea of Y/N dressed up in bunny ears and a puffy bunny tail serves as a nice reminder of my hard penis, which pulses at the thought. I just need to hold on a little longer, long enough to get Y/N to beg, long enough to get her prepped, and then I can have my pleasure. "If you don't tell me what you want, I'll leave you here to deal with this all by yourself," I threaten, rubbing soft circles into her hip bones to try and encourage her words out.
     "Touch me, please?" She begs, the words coming out desperate as her legs fall open again, filling my eyes with the sight of her panties. They're slightly wet now, a small spot forming as her juices seep out of her, only encouraging my actions more. She likes the teasing, she likes me forcing her words out, it's turning her on. Is that what the crimson red is? Or maybe that's what the purple is.
     "Touch you where, Bun? Here?" I tease, ghosting my fingers over the little mess Y/N is already forming. Her legs jerk from the touch, bumping into my arm before falling back into place. "Or here?" I ask, pressing soft circles into her clothes clit. Bump, bump, bump. Y/N's legs jerk again with every circle I push into her nerve bundle, squeezing my arm each time she comes into contact with it.
     "Garfield," she breathes out as she did earlier, another pulse from my dick and my breath hiccupping from it. I don't like how easily she cracks my swallow confidence. I am not a dominating partner by any means, but Y/N is even less a dominating person in bed so if I don't hold on to this tiny shaving of confidence, we'll be back to me panning over her with no retaliation.
     "Take it off," I bark out a lot meaner than I meant to. I clench her cloak in my hands, tugging it softly. "Please, Bun," I add, softening my tone in hopes of not scaring her off. I can't scare Y/N, I can't get this close to having her just to shove her back into her shell from being too rough, too mean.
     Slowly, Y/N's hands fall from my shoulders to the cute little white bow that keeps the cloth tightened to her body. Her fingers are shaking like crazy as she works on undoing it. Her eyes are still watery and so fucking hot as I look at her. I want to see her crying under me, I want to see her whole shaking because of me.
     "You're doing so good," I tell her once the bow is undone and her clothing falls to the side, exposing the skin of her torso, of her chest. Streaks of a mixed grey and red outline where my hands previously rubbed against. "So, so good, Bunny," I whisper against the skin of her neck, pushing soft kisses into it as I work on tugging her clothes the rest of the way off.
     Y/N curls around me as I'm bent over her. Her hands wrap around my shoulders, pushing our chests together, her legs wrapped around my hips and crossed on my back. Soft whimpers fill my ear as I push more sloppy kisses into her, now trailing them down her shoulders. It's so pretty, seeing the smooth white sliding off of Y/N, watching it pool behind her as small groups of colors form under my touches.
     I bite down gently into her shoulder, getting a soft cry of pain, and nails dig back into my shoulders, but I don't mind. I need to leave behind some marking, some proof of ownership, something to show that Y/N is mine for everyone to see, even if I know my eyes will be the only ones to ever see it. "Garfield, that hurts," Y/N whines, tugging on me gently to try and remove me from her.
     "I'm sorry," I murmur, littering kisses across her jaw before placing a soft one against her lips. Her tears have spilled over slightly, her cheeks damp as I pull back and look at her. "I want to be inside you so bad. Do you want me inside you?" I ask her, rubbing my thumb across her bottom lip as I look over her face. I do want to be in her, I want to be in her so badly, but I know she's overwhelmed. Y/N is shaking against me, and her tears aren't just from the bite mark, so I need to make sure she's okay with this, that she's not going to hate me if we do have sex, that she'll be okay after we have sex.
     Y/N's head nods a short yes, but that's not enough for me. I need to hear her yes; I need to hear that she wants me. I press another soft kiss to her lips, dropping my hands back down to the band of her bra. "I need you to use your words, Bun."
     "Please?" She whimpers, sliding herself against me. The sudden friction of her pussy against my ignored penis pulls a low moan out of me, getting me another soft hump and another whine from Y/N.
     "Please what?" I push, hooking my hands to her hips. I use this leverage to shove Y/N down hard onto me, to pick up the pace of her soaked panties rubbing against the front of my pants. I continue this, using my hand placement to hump myself as whimpers and whines spill from her, but not an answer. "I swear to God Y/N. Tell me what you want, or I'll jack myself off onto your pretty titties and leave you here whining like a desperate little Bunny that can't get herself off."
     Worry flickers through my head for a second but is quickly squashed when a moan tumbles out of Y/N's lips. "Please... I want you. Please? Pretty please Gar?" 
     That's enough confirmation for me to continue moving forward. I drop my hold on her long enough to shove my pants down and pull myself out. It's a struggle, getting myself out of my pants and boxers. Random body parts from the both of us bump together as I wiggle out of my clothes.
     Once I'm freed, I slide back between Y/N's legs, the head of my penis gently tapping against the soaked spot of her underwear. Her hands are back in place, tugging on my shirt that's covering my shoulders. "Needy, needy Bunny," I tease softly, leaning down to kiss Y/N's cheek before pulling my shirt off. 
     "Please?" She begs again, grinding her hips down against me. 
     I grab at her, having a tight hold on her hips again to stop her. "Don't do that," I warn, lifting her hips off mine. There's too much tension and if she keeps pushing, I'm not going to last long enough to fuck her. "I want to play with you first," I add, sliding my fingers down and letting them snag on her underwear.
     As I start pulling them down, Y/N grabs my wrist, pulling my attention to her face. Her skin is tinted in grey, only adding to the pretty mixes of red and purple. "Just... be gentle," she says, worry flooding her eyes and washing all the color out of it. Grey is fear. When Y/N is grey, she's feeling fearful.
     "I'll be gentle," I tell her, leaning up and placing a few soft kisses across her face before landing one on her lips. I continue this, littering her face in kisses, as I pull her panties off her legs. Grey is still present in Y/N's eyes, but the purple and red have started spilling back in. "You're so pretty," I whisper, moving forward so our hips are connected again. 
     Y/N's legs are back at my sides, squeezing me as my fingers dance around her folds, touching her but not touching where I know she aches. Her nails are sharp and a bit painful as they dig and release themselves from the skin of my shoulders. She is pretty, really pretty. Big watery doe eyes, body covered in explosions of colors, small noises spilling out as I tease, her clinging to me like she'll fall apart if she doesn't. I would be thrilled to spend the rest of my life looking at her like this.
     I slide my lips over hers, a distraction, something to calm her as I dip a finger into her. Y/N's fingers jolt again, digging into me as I pump my finger, helping her stretch out. "You're doing so good, Bunny," I whisper into her ear, dipping another finger in before curling inside her. I let my focus shift down, gazing at the sight of me disappearing into her.
     "Garfield," Y/N moans, pulling herself tighter against me.
     "Bunny," I tease, continuing to pump and curl against the walls of her pussy. Her body responds to the stimulation, tightening around me, her chest pumping to get more air into her lungs, and noises and whines for me spilling out. "You're doing really good," I repeat, pressing kisses anywhere I can reach. I debate whether to continue until she finishes or not. I don't want her to be overwhelmed, I don't want Y/N to stop enjoying this.
     I decide not to let her finish, not quite yet. I start pulling my fingers out, getting a distorted reaction from Y/N. "No! No, no, no," she whines, her hands sliding down my arms to try and stop me. 
     I turn my focus back to her face, taking in how beautiful she looks. Y/N's eyes are still doe-like, not a thought behind them besides me. Tears have spilled over again, making her cheeks all dewy and almost sparkly from the lights above us. Her chest has slowed down a bit, but it still looks full, pretty, soft. "God, you are pretty. You are beautiful, Y/N. You are gorgeous," I tell her, shifting myself around again.
     Heat rolls off of Y/N as I line myself up to her, tapping the head of my penis against her again, but with nothing in the way this time I'm able to poke just barely inside her. I tug her hands off my shoulders, lacing our fingers together as I gently press her hands against the bed. I want her to know she's able to let go, to call this off, to push me away if she needs to. "Y/N?" My voice rings out, a difference from the whimpers and whines that have been filling my ears.
     "Ya?" She answers, slinging her legs around me and attempting to pull me further into her.
     I give into her want, moving slowly, feeling just an inch of me sliding inside. "Are you sure you want this? We can stop," I tell her, hoping my own noises stay stuck in my throat.
     "Please? Pretty please? I want - I need more. Please Gar?" Y/N begs again, her fingers and legs tightening around me, trying to get more of me inside her.
     How can I say no to that? I pretty girl underneath me, begging me to fuck her. What sane person says no to that? Not me. I give again, letting the rest of me sink inside of her. Y/N is warm wrapped around me. Warm and loving. Perfect. 
     "You are so pretty. You are smart. You're gorgeous. You're so sweet. You are perfect. You know that? You are perfect, Bunny," I tell her, spilling out a new compliment after every thrust. A broken thank you falls from Y/N's lips after every one of my compliments, a moan or my name breaking up her words.
     This is perfect. She is perfect. Y/N likes me back, likes me enough to fuck her. Likes me enough to beg for me, to need me. My hands tighten around hers as I continue to thrust into her as I dip my head down. I clamp my teeth on her shoulder a couple more times, making sure to be gentle as I do so. Little whimpers fall from her at this action which only makes my thrusts sloppier.  
     The sloppier my thrusts get, the more upset I get. I don't want this to end, and I really don't want it to end this soon. I knew I wasn't going to last long from the start, all the teasing today and during the whole week made sure of that. "Bunny," I murmur, sliding my tongue over Y/N's neck before I continue. "I'm not going to last much longer."
     "No, you have to keep going. Please?" She whines from under me, her hold on me as she complains.
     "I can't, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Bun," I mutter against her skin, covering her raw skin in kisses. She squirms from my lips brushing against the forming bite marks. It's cute, but doesn't help my rushing high that's closing in. "We'll go again, I promise, I just... I can't," I add on, sliding more kisses over her markings, making her squirm around more.
     Another whine comes but is chased by Y/N pressing her own kisses into me. She leaves kisses wherever she can reach, my arms, my chest, my shoulders, everywhere.
     "Fuck," I mutter, sliding out of her as the band in my stomach slightly tighter than I want. As I pull out, my cum spills out onto Y/N's thighs. It leaves a pretty scene for me to enjoy. My cum covering her thighs in a pretty white, it stands out against the dark purple of her skin and the crimson red from where I was placed between them.
     Damn, all of her looks pretty, looks hot. Once again Y/N's chest is heaven for breath, a slight dew of sweat coating her body. Her skin is a pretty mix of reds and purples, every place I've touched her being empathized by the red and the rest of her being that pretty purple color. The bite marks I left littered across her shoulders - all five of them - a softer red, and slightly bruising. 
     "I'm sorry," I repeat, letting myself slump on top of her. Our hands are still intertwined as I let my body weight crush her a bit, my head buried into her neck. My dick is sensitive, but I push myself back into Y/N anyway, putting her whimpers of dissatisfaction on a slower setting. "I promise we'll go in again in a few minutes, okay?"
     "Okay," Y/N responds, her breathing slowing a bit. Her fingers slide gently against mine, helping me calm down from my high.
     I let my eyes focus on the coloring of her neck, the colors slowly dulling down before settling back to her peaceful white color. The soft pink returns again in all the places I'm touching her. I change my mind; this is the scene I'd be happy to watch for the rest of my life. Her skin shifting colors, me tangled up against her warm skin, Y/N's soft touches against me as I relax. God, I love watching Y/N's coloring, and I can't wait to make the colors shift again.
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Freefall Masterlist
Grid, Meet Lynn. Charles, Meet Diana.
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f1 shhh, don't tell their trainers, but parts of the grid went on an adventure today to a local bakery, and from what we've heard, it was amazing!
user16 don't gatekeep, tell us what bakery!
user002 it looks like the one that is in my town! it's owned by a really kind woman named diana, her daughter is dating charles_leclerc !! it's called dianamaes_bakery
"Charles, why are we outside a bakery?" Max is the one to question, glancing around the quaint english street that's buzzing with people. "I'd have expected Lando or Lewis to take us site seeing, but you?"
"I have someone who I'd like you to meet," Is all Charles uses as an explanation, Lando and Logan smirking from off to the side, the friendship that had gone primarily unknown surprising some of the group around them, other than Charles and Carlos.
The bell rings from the front of the shop, but I can't even take the moment to glance up with Mrs.Kline talking my ear off about how exciting she finds the car races that have come to town. It's when I finally get her order boxed up and in her hands that I glance up, a bright smile taking over my face upon seeing what is almost the entire Formula One grid, Charles approaching the register as Mrs.Kline leaves.
"Mon amor," He smiles, taking my hands and pulling me around the counter.
Oh, he's really putting on a show.
"Hey Charlie," I smile right back, getting on my toes to peck him on the lips, letting him pull me into his arms.
"Charles, do you have something you'd like to share with the class?" George Russell questions, prompting Charles and I to pull away, his arm staying around my waist.
His eyes meet mine, silently asking if I'm prepared for what he's about to do, but after kissing in front of all of them, we can't just leave it at that, so I nod.
"Boys, this is Lynnleigh Earnhardt, my girlfriend for the last two months," He introduces, the boys eyes getting wide. "Lynn, these are the men from the grid I am closest to. Pierre Gasly, George Russell, Alex Albon, Carlos Sainz, Max Verstappen, and then you know Lando and Logan."
"Finally, took long enough for L3 to be reunited," Logan states, coming up and hugging me tightly, Lan doing the same. "We blame you mate."
"Yes, blame the student, not the F1 drivers that travel the world. If you were both in London more often..."
"Yeah yeah that's enough out of you, where's my favorite Hamlin woman?" Lando questions, looking around dramatically before making his way behind the counter to the kitchen.
"I'm going to assume you three knew each other prior to Lando being Lando?" Alex asks, picking up on the dynamic in front of him.
"Lando and I met during my summers here as a child, and Logan and I met at a race in the states that his parents brought him to when he was considering driving for a living," I explain, the fellow American at my side nodding along.
"Her dad is Dale Earnhardt, a NASCAR driver. Took an hour out of his day to chat with me about the different options for driving professionally and carting differences," Lo adds, messing with my hair.
"AND LOOK WHO I FOUND," Lando's loud voice yells, coming out of the back with his arm wrapped around my mom's shoulder as she blushes wildly.
"I'm sorry about him Diane, you know how he is," Lo apologizes, going up and hugging her.
"Is this your mother?" Charles whispers in my ear, his body having tensed. "She looks like you."
A compliment of the highest nature, I take his hand in mine, pulling him towards Mum and the boys.
"Mum, this is Charles, my boyfriend, and his friends Pierre, Carlos, Max, Alex, and George. "Charles and boys, this is my mum Diana Mae Hamlin."
"Oh I've heard so much about you boys between L3's different rants over the years," Mum acknowledges after shared hellos, "Although my daughter is the one who can just never stop talking about you," She adds, looking at Charles and making me want to shrink inside myself and away from his eyes that I can feel.
"Mum," I can't help the groan that I release, no matter how much it makes me sound like a child. "Would you stop?"
"Fine, fine," She relents, holding her hands in surrender. "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you much more my love. Would you boys like a treat?"
"Oh, ma'am, we have have strict diets as professional -"
"Drivers, yes, yes, I know, I had a child with one, I know the diets you boys go on," Mum reminds, making me shake my head once more. I don't know why meeting everyone here felt like a good idea. "But you can certainly take a treat for after your race tomorrow," is her insistence, and it's only a moment later that all the men are nodding slowly, agreeing freely that yes, I suppose that won't be a problem.
"You're a lot like your mother, stubborn," Charles whispers in my ear, arms wrapped around my waist as we watch his coworkers actively defy their trainers.
"Hey now-"
"Beautiful, kind," He adds, chuckling. "You had to let me finish before you freaked out, mon amour."
I smile now, leaning up to kiss his cheek, "She is, isn't she?"
But he just shakes his head, and all of this makes me feel like I'm living in a dream.
"And the point of my words were, so are you."
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countrymusiclover · 9 months
14 - Still On Different Sides
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Part 15
Battle of Heart and Mind
The plane was said to land in an hour where I decided it was time to introduce Erik to my mother because none of us knew if we would succeed today in stopping Raven from starting the war of the future. Erik was staring at the chess board in front of him in silence till he saw me standing before him. “Charles, just told me we are soon to land and there’s something I want to do before we’re on the ground.”
“And what is that, Addison?” He asked resting his chin on the palm of his hand,
Holding my hands together in front of me I sucked in a sharp breath hoping he wouldn’t panic too bad at what I was asking. “Meeting my mother.”
“God Addison….I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” He ran his freehand through his hair.
I sent him the puppy dog eyes hoping he wouldn’t resist me then. “Please Erik. You are the father of her grandchild after all. She deserves to know who you are.”
“For you I will. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. I don’t think I will be what she expected.” He replied, meeting my gaze. He got to his feet and we walked over to where my mother was sitting watching the clouds outside until I cleared my throat.
Angela focused her attention on the two of us. “So is the father, Addi?”
“Yes he is, mom. This is Erik Lehnsherr.” I put one hand on his arm pointing at my mother introducing them. “Erik, this is my mother Angela.”
She raised her out to shake him as we sat down across from her. “Nice to meet you, Erik. So let me see if I have this right and correct me if I misunderstood. So you two have been through world war 2 concentration camps, tried to protect the world from your father, and then you had me help you break into the pentagon to have sex with him. Which resulted in you being pregnant now and you are trying to prevent a future war.”
“Yeah that’s basically the shortened version, mom.” I shrugged my shoulders blushing that she blurted the last part so boldly through the airplane.
Erik finally said his first words toward my mother with a proud smirk falling his gaze between the three of us. “She’s a fast learner just like you are, Addison.”
“What happened to you calling me Addi sometimes?” I glared at him lightly.
He smirked back at me. “And I’ve already told you the reason. It’s just what I like to call you.”
“You two are so adorable together. So when should I be expecting a wedding after the baby is born I assume?” My mother asked with a smirk on her face.
Erik rubbed the back of his neck. “Well I am not sure exactly when I am going to ask her to marry me. I have been locked up and I wasn’t sure I was ever going to get out of there to be honest.”
“I’ll be waiting for you to ask for my permission some day, Lehnsherr. Now what type of power do you have?” She leaned forward curiously in her eyes.
Removing the coin necklace from around my neck I held it out to him in my open palm. “Show her.” Erik nods his head simply, concentrating on the metal coin. The object hovered above my palm and he made it fly around the room a couple of times before collapsing softly back around my neck with such ease.
“Now the name Magneto makes so much more sense to me. That’s quite impressive. But I want you to remember something, Erik.” My mother got to her feet leaning over the table and getting in his face as much as she could manage. A threat slipped out of her lips. “If you ever hurt my daughter I know someone who can hunt you down and make you regret it if he ever brings his power back.”
Grabbing his hand in mine I saw Erik stiffen his back looking down the rows seeing Charles and Logan talking with each other. He nodded with a nervous gulp. “I’ll keep that in mind, Ms. Aspen.”
We had finally found the location of the board meeting event that Raven was said to have killed Trask at. Bolting into the office room our group saw Raven in her natural blue form laying on the table and some of the members laying knocked out on the floor around her. Charles rushed in front of me and Erik, concerned for his sister. “Charles.” Raven breathed out trying to catch her breath.
He ran a hand over her head. “We've come for you, Erik and I, together.”
“I never thought I could see you again.” She mumbled in relief.
He reassured his sister while my gaze noticed the short man standing in the corner who had to be Trask who created the weapon to wipe us all out. “I'm going to keep you safe I'm going to keep you out of their hands.”
“Erik.” Suddenly the gun that was laying beside my friend flies and lands in Erik’s hand.
Charles raises a hand standing in between the firearm and his foster sister. “Erik, what are you doing?”
“Securing our future.” Erik declares pointing the gun at her still. “Forgive me Mystique, as long as you're out there we'll never be safe.”
“Erik.” I warned him with my mother standing beside Hank and Logan who was having a seizure or something over in the corner.
Raven told her brother while getting up. “Use your powers Charles, stop him.”
Erik told her about to fire the gun. “He can't.” Hank ran at the same time she ran and broke through the glass window to get away. Hank tackled Erik causing the weapon to still fire and a bullet went into her leg as she hit the ground.
“Charles, I’m going to try and stop him before he kills her in front of the whole world.” I placed a hand on his shoulder not waiting for a response bolting towards the window.
“Addi!” Charles cried out my name as I jumped through the broken glass, thankful that when I held my hands out towards the ground that I didn’t die since my body was hovering off the pavement a little bit.
Letting my feet drop to the ground I saw Raven in a different form trying to get away but her limp was slowly her down. “Erik, leave her alone right now.” I holler out to him when some policeman tries moving towards him but he just throws them backwards like twigs on trees heading straight for my friend.
“Addison, I am doing this for our future. If she’s alive and kills him we will never be safe.” He turns to me still holding Raven close to his feet with the bullet in her leg.
Making my hands into fists I glared at him. “Killing her in front of the entire public isn’t a better option either. They will hate us and our children.”
“Children, you didn’t tell me there was more than one. We have to run once she is dead.” He raised a brow at me, looking over his shoulder at her and raised his hand drawing the bullet from her leg and it hovered on his palm.
Raven begged him. “Erik!”
“I’m sorry - ugh!” He apologized before I raised my hand, throwing him away from her and into one of the metal barricades causing some people to quickly back away on the other side of them. He shook his head realizing what just happened. “Addi, what the hell are you doing?”
“Protecting her from you. I can’t let you kill her even if it means you never know your babies.” I declare watching him get to his feet.
He raised his hand drawing me to him by the coin necklace where I struggled against his power until we were pressing up against each other. “I don’t want to hurt you. I made a promise to your mother.” He grunted through his teeth intensely staring into my eyes.
“The only thing I can say is that I’m sorry about this.” I slammed my hands onto his chest seeing my hands turning red and he winced lowering himself to his knees and I lowered myself down onto my knees with him looking in Raven’s direction. “Get out of here. You know where we’ll be if you need help.”
She nodded, transforming as a random person and blending into the crowd of people who were running now in fear. “Thanks best friend.”
“Addi, we are supposed to be on the same side. Not enemies, you and I!” Erik grunted holding onto my forearms tightly.
I removed my hands from his body, stepping away from him. I was at conflict with my own heart and mind right now. I loved him but for the sake of my unborn children I couldn’t start a war between humanity and mutants. Nothing good would come from such a thing. That’s the whole reason why Logan was here in the first place. “This is for my children.” I closed my eyes, throwing him by raising a hand and launching him into the metal gate.
Erik groaned at the impact quickly standing up and he threw my body where I rolled on the dirt. Scrambling to my feet I got in a fighting stance seeing him raising pieces of the fence trying to cage me in. I throw a hand forward holding them back and tossing them into the sky away from us. “We are stronger together, you see that. I know you do. Stop fighting me, babe.”
“I can’t do that, Erik.” I shake my head no glaring at him, focusing my eyes on one of the metal helmets that was on a police officer's head. It slowly raised behind his head and thankfully he didn’t see it yet.
Erik made a fist and a pair of handcuffs came flying at me. I ducked my head thinking he was trying to hit me. Yet they wrapped around my legs and I collapsed onto the ground with him slowly walking towards me. “I won’t hurt you if you stop fighting me right now, Addi.” He lowered himself down on a knee to be eye level with me.
“I choose….to apologize one last time for this.” I mumbled under my breath moving the helmet over his head waiting for the right chance.
Erik sent me a confused look on his face before I cut him off by knocking him over the head with the helmet and his body fell into my arms where he went unconscious. “What are you talking about - uh!”
“I’m sorry, Erik. I truly am.” I whispered, running one hand through his hair getting up to my feet and leaving him there knowing he would wake up soon enough since I didn’t hit him too harshly. Running through the back alleyways I found our plane a few miles later slamming down in one of the seats just as we took off into the sky.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - ask to be added (in my ask box please) @aintinacage e @hiraethrhapsody @mostlymarvelgirl @importantgalaxyrunaway
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"Welcome to Rocque Records where you are gonna sing, dance and sweat your butts off if you wanna end up on these walls." Kelly welcomed the boys to Rocque Records while she and her daughter led the boys down the hallway of Roque Records.
As they turn a corner, Andi notices the boys were looking at one of the posters on the wall and she chuckled. "Boyquake was never a good band in my opinion." She spoke as the four of them looked at her.
"Are we gonna have to dress like that?" Carlos pointed at the poster.
She shrugs. "I would say no except I'm not in charge here."
"Do we want to end up on these walls?" Kendall asked his friends.
James nods and glares at him. "Yes."
Andi looks over as her mom walks over to them with Nicole Scherzinger. "Guys, say hi to Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycats Dolls." The boys quickly turned around and gasped as they looked at her.
Nicole smiles. "Hey, guys, what's up?"
Andi raises her eyebrows when the boys go silent. She looked at each of them, noticing they were staring at Nicole in awe and she wondered if any of them were going to speak.
Carlos was the first one to break the silence, pointing at James. "He's gonna marry you!"
Andi and Kelly chuckle. Nicole puts one hand on her hip, looking at James. "Where's my ring?"
James' eyes widens. He gulped nervously, starting to stutter out a response, but never actually got a word out.
Kendall steps in front of James, looking at Nicole with a smile. "We're recording some demos with Gustavo."
Nicole nods. "Gustavo."
"Yeah," Kendall nods and tilts his head to the side. "Have you worked with him?"
Yes," Nicole replies. "Actually on my first album. Let's just say we had some...." Her voice trails off as if she was trying to find the right words to say. She shares a look with Andi and Kelly before looking back at the boys. "Creative differences."
The sound of a door opening is heard and they look over, seeing Gustavo had opened the door of his office. "Nicole, baby! Oh!" He quickly closed the door when Nicole threw a nearby telephone at him.
She turns back to the boys with a fake smile. "Good luck, boys."
The boys watch with sad faces as she and her crew walk past them down the hallway. Andi heard the door of Gustavo's office open and she looked over, seeing Gustavo peeking out with a nervous expression on his face.
"All clear." Kelly informed him. Gustavo closed the door to his office and groaned.
He walks over to them and the boys immediately turn around to face him when he speaks. "Okay. So, you guys ready to be stars?" Andi looked at the boys with curiosity, wanting to know the answer as well.
The four boys have smiles on their faces as they nod. "Yeah!"
"Good. Then prove to me you can be stars." Gustavo takes Carlos' helmet off he had on his head and the brunette-haired boy frowns. "We have three days to prove to this record company that there's something, anything here."
Kendall looks at him with wide eyes. "Uh, three days? What happened to three months?"
"Uh, the CEO of all our butts wants to see you guys on Friday." Gustavo responded.
"We have to be a band in three days?" Logan asked as Carlos crossed his arms.
Gustavo shakes his head. "You have to be a great band in three days." He corrected Logan.
"Unless you don't think you can do it, Mr. make us a pop group." He voiced, walking over to stand in front of Kendall.
"Oh, we can do it. No problem." Kendall spoke.
Andi scoffs. "Good luck with that."
The boys look at her with offense. "We thought you were on our side!" Logan exclaimed, gesturing to them.
"I am." Andi nods and shrugs. "I'm just saying it's gonna be a lot more work than you boys think it is."
Kendall looked over at Gustavo looking determined where as the other boys aren't looking so positive about this.
"Bring it." Kendall challenged.
Gustavo narrows his eyes at him. "Oh, I will bring it," He steps closer to Kendall. "I'll bring everything I got."
After a moment of silence and intimidating staring between Kendall and Gustavo until Kendall speaks up.
"This is a little too close for me."
"Yeah, me too." Gustavo agreed and then quickly left.
Andi is now standing in the room where the bands practiced dancing, singing and playing their instruments with Gustavo, Kelly and the boys who were all wearing dark green shirts and camo pants, standing in a line with there arms behind their backs.
Gustavo was wearing some type of uniform with a lot of bling, a green hat and sunglasses. Andi thought the outfit was ridiculous.
"To be a great pop group you need four things." Gustavo started to explain, walking in front of the boys.
"Great dancing, a great look, a great song, and great singing." Gustavo finished listing off the things a great pop group needs as he stands besides Kelly. Kelly raised a air horn and blew it, startling the boys, who didn't realize she had one this whole time.
Six people then walk into the room. Three of them work with outfits, hair and makeup, one of them works with dancing and the other two works with marketing.
"And by the end of today, me and my team will transform the four dogs from Minnesota into Gustavo Rocque's new pop explosion." Gustavo informed the boys as each member of Gustavo's team strike a pose expect the marketing team. Everyone looked over at them.
"Uh, we're the marketing team. We don't really have a move." The blonde-haired woman said.
The brunette-haired man wearing glasses shrugs. "Well, we could try something."
The both of them then do the robot dance and Andi facepalms. Out of all dance moves they chose that one. "Stop it. Stop it now." Gustavo told them. The two immediately stopped and stood like how they were when they walked in.
"Thank you. First up in boot camp, great dancing." Gustavo announced.
Andi sighs, looking at her mom with a hopeful look. "Let's hope this goes well."
Carlos looks at her with narrowed eyes. "Are you saying that we can't dance? You haven't even seen us dance."
Kendall looks over at him and shakes his head. "We can't dance."
Carlos sighs. "Yeah, I know."
The other members of Gustavo's team waited for their turn while Mr. X was up first. "Mr. X has choreographed for Boyquake, Boyz in the attic, Madonna, Beyoncé, and 'Yo Gabba Gabba'." As Gustavo told the boys this Mr. X does short dance moves from each of the band or dancer he has choreographed for.
"And now I will make you xplode with the dance." Mr. X commented, walking up to the boys. Carlos looks at his friends before putting on his helmet.
Mr. X does a leg kick before walking back to stand a few inches in front of them. "We will start with an xamination. Cross leg, spin, pose."
Mr. X then does the cross leg, spins and poses. He looks at the boys as if telling them that it was their turn. Kendall and James did it right and on time together, whereas when Logan went to strike a pose he smacked Carlos in the face, making Carlos fall to the ground.
Andi's eyes widens as she watched what happened. "You okay, Carlos?" She asked, looking over at Carlos with concern. James and Logan quickly help him back to his feet.
"I'm good. Yeah, I'm good." Carlos nodded.
Mr. X walks up to Kendall. "He is great, but not serious."
Kendall smiles.
Mr. X walks over to James, next. "He is serious, but not great."
James frowns.
Then Mr. X walks over to Carlos. "He lost a pet when he was young, and he is still sad."
Carlos nods with a frown on his face. "Sparky."
Last but not least, Mr. X walks over to Logan. "And he is just plain awful."
Logan takes a deep breath and nods in understanding. "Yup. Heh."
Mr. X moves to stand besides Gustavo. "They are xcruciating and cannot be ready by Friday."
Gustavo looks over at him. "I'll xdouble your salary."
Mr. X nods. "Xdone."
"All right," Gustavo turns to the boys. "I'm gonna be back in one hour, and I wanna see dancers, not dogs."
He looks over at Andi. "I want you to stay here and make sure that they actually do work and don't act like dogs."
Andi sighs. "Fine." She knew there was no point in protesting. She watched Gustavo and Kelly leave the room and then turns back to the boys as Mr. X takes his sunglasses off.
"Starting positions." He announced. He pointed at Andi who looks at him with confusion, but then he gestures for her to turn on the radio which was right next to her. She nods and turns it on.
Mr. X does the cross leg, spin and pose move he did earlier. The boys do it as well but Carlos almost fell over.
"Again." Mr. X does the move again and so do the boys.
Andi sighs, moving to sit on the ground since she knew this would take awhile for them to get the hang of it. She doesn't understand why, it didn't look that hard to do. She winces when Logan accidentally wacked James in the face making him fall backwards.
Mr. X then goes over to stand nearby them and shows them how to do it up close thinking that would help. It didn't. Mr. X then tries a different move and the boys aren't even paying attention now, they're just goofing off.
Andi tries telling them to pay attention, but she just ends up laughing at something stupid they're doing and lets it happen. Probably wasn't the best idea for Gustavo to give her this job.
At one point during the dance lesson, Logan was on James back while Kendall was on Carlos' and they were running around the room trying to knock each other off. Andi was now standing besides Mr. X who didn't look that happy.
The boys continue to do crazy and silly moves that were starting to annoy Andi, wishing that they would just pay attention so they could get done. Mr. X points at Carlos, who does a ballerina move, he points at Logan who does a move similar to the running while Kendall waves his arms in front of his face. Andi gasp and winces when Carlos runs runs into the wall and ends up falling over.
Mr. X frustratingly puts his sunglasses back on he took off earlier. She doesn't know where the boys got these, but now they're were playing hockey with brooms and a basketball. She moves out of the way as they run towards where she and Mr. X stood.
Next, Mr. X spins and the boys spin as well, except Carlos knocked Logan onto the ground and fell onto the ground from being dizzy. James then fell on the ground from being dizzy and the last to fall on the ground was Kendall.
Andi facepalms while Mr. X throws his sunglasses to the side. How were they going to be a band in three days if they can't even dance?
Gustav turns off the music. "Okay, so it's been an hour and..." His voice trails off as he looked at the boys who were sitting on the ground looking worn out. Carlos was even hanging off of one of the ballerina beam thing.
Kelly looks around the room noticing Andi missing and looked at the boys for an answer as to where her daughter went. "Where's Andi?"
"Over there." The boys replied, each of them pointing over at Andi. The Puerto Rican girl was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall near them asleep.
Gustav narrows his eyes. "How is she asleep? She didn't even do anything. What did you dogs do?"
"Dancing is hard!" Carlos complained, raising his arms dramatically.
"What happened to Mr. X?" Kelly asked, realizing he wasn't in the room.
"Well, first he banged his head into the wall a few times." Logan started.
Carlos continues, "Then we got really dizzy."
James nods. "Then he spoke a lot of bad words that started with 'x'." He said as he did the x motion with his arms.
Kendall shrugs. "Then he xquit."
Kelly eyes widens, dropping her notebook after seeing Gustavo was going to yell. She was quick to grab some headphones that were on top of the radio nearby her and puts them on. Gustavo let's out a yell that echo throughout the whole studio which wakes up Andi.
She jumps up awake, confused at what was going on. "I'm awake! I'm awake!"
"Part two of my great boot camp, the great look." Gustavo walked to the front of the table with the hood of his jacket on as he sits in his chair while he looks at the boys who were sitting at the other end of the table.
"When do we sing?" James asked.
In response, Gustavo yells at him, "When I tell you to sing!" Andi shared an annoyed look with her mom besides her and Kelly shook her head. Both of them were sick of Gustavo's yelling.
"Guys, we have some exciting looks that will literally transform you." The brunette-haired marketing man said.
Kendall sets the booklet him and the boys were given on the table. "Can't we just be ourselves?"
The marketing team and Gustavo laugh. "No." The marketing team replied in a serious tone.
Andi looks over at the screen that was besides Kelly and Gustavo. "Boys, we researched and electroshocked focus groups to determine the exact look and name that will sell millions of records." The blonde-haired women said.
"Then we turn you over to the stylists..." The brunette-haired man on the marketing team starts to say just as the stylists show up behind the boys. "To change all of your clothes and possibly shave your heads."
James shrieks, putting his hands on his hair while Gustavo nods. James looks over at Andi with worry and she shakes her head as if that was her way of saying 'don't believe any of that'.
"Now, Griffin wants a tasty dish on Friday. That's why we're giving him..." The blonde-haired girl points to the stylists who start working on the boys.
Minutes later they are in the studio and have the boys dressed up in ridiculous outfits. "Boyliscious." The marketing team spoke at the same time. The only ones out of the group that seemed to be liking the look was James.
"The beach, girls, the shirtless overalls."
Kendall glares at James who shrugs his shoulders and smiles. "I think we look good."
Andi shakes her head, a look of disgust on her face. "No. You boys look awful."
Everyone looks at her and she shrugs. "What? I'm just saying the truth."
"Not bad, uh, but I need options. What else you got?" Gustavo asked his team.
"Change it." The marketing team told the stylists. The stylists quickly run over to the boys.
Next the boys are wearing red, white and blue outfits. "Red, white & boy."
"This look does great with war veterans who own buicks." The brunette-haired man on the marketing team said.
James points at them. "We look good."
Kendall and Andi lock eyes and he shakes his head. She sent him a small smile to try to cheer him up as he looked back at James with an annoyed look. "We look like Uncle Sam threw up on us."
"You, silent." Gustavo pointed at him.
Andi crosses her arms. "He isn't wrong."
Gustavo points at her. "You, silent." He points at the marketing team. "You, more options."
The marketing team nods and look at the stylists. "Change them."
Andi's eyes widens at the next look they were trying. Now the boys were all wearing black clothing, black makeup, leather pants and leather jackets. "I give you danger boy." The marketing team announced.
Andi immediately shakes her head and looked over at Gustavo. "Uh-uh. This should be off the table. Make it off the table."
"I thought I told you to be silent." He said to her, looking at her with narrowed eyes.
She shrugs. "You did, but you should know by now I only listen when I want to."
As Andi looks at each of them she could easily tell they were uncomfortable with the outfit, besides James. "Danger boy is danger. Parents will forbid their kids to buy the dangerous music." The blonde-haired woman on the marketing team said.
"And that's exactly why they will." The marketing team then fist bumped.
"I, uh, can't feel my legs." Logan voiced, looking down at his legs.
"That's because the pants are dangerously tight." The blonde-haired woman on the marketing team remarked.
"I hate it." Gustavo commented. Andi let out sigh of relief. She was glad that the boys wouldn't have to wear those awful outfits.
The marketing team nods. "So do we."
"I need five new looks for tomorrow. All right, now follow me to hear your first hit single that's gonna put me back on top. Move out." Gustavo said while he and his team start to leave the room.
Andi looks over her shoulder at the boys, noticing they were struggling to move. She winced as they fell.
"I think we look good." James smiled.
"You don't look good in those outfits, James." Andi shook her head, having enough of him saying that every time they got a new outfit that looked awful.
"Okay, part three of the great pop group boot campalooza, the great song." Gustavo announced. He, Kelly and Andi stood in front of the boys who were now back in their normal clothes.
Kelly shows them the lyrics she had in her hands as Gustavo walks to the piano. "It's called 'Girl Time'." She walked over the boys, handing hem each a piece of paper.
"It's a song about no matter what time of day it is," Gustavo told the boys and then sings, "Don't you know it's girl time?" as Kelly pointed at them.
Andi looks at the boys, seeing that again James was the only one happy about this. Gustavo gets up from the piano and fake yawns while Kelly leans against the piano. "I just woke up. What time is it? It's girl time."
Gustavo points to his watch. "Excuse me sir. Do you know what time it is?" He points back at the boys. "Yeah, it's girl time."
Logan tilts his head to the side. "What if you have a sinus infection? Isn't that doctor time?"
Gustavo shakes his head. "No. No, no, it's still girl time."
Logan nods. "Mm, right."
Kendall shows the paper to him. "Do any of your songs not have the word 'girl' in them?" He looked over at Andi and Kelly for answer. Andi shook her head.
"Heh. Well, let's find out Mr. question everything I do." Gustavo said and points at the wall. "Let's take a look at my wall of platinum records! Let's see." He walked between the boys, pushing them aside to get to the wall and starts listing off the names of his records.
After listing his songs, all of them having girl in the title besides one that he forgot he had. Gustavo then walks up to stand in front of Kendall. "Any other questions, dog?" He challenged and pat the side of Kendall's face.
There was a moment of silence before Kendall smirks as he asks, "Are any of those songs from this girlennium?"
Andi sighs when she noticed Gustavo looks like he's about to explode. "Here we go." She mumbled, noticing Carlos even put his helmet on and Kelly quickly put the earphones she had on earlier back on.
"Okay, your heart rate is back to normal, and your blood pressure is one hundred and twenty over eighty." Kelly looks over at Gustavo. "You can produce now."
Gustavo quickly takes the stickers off and looks at the boys who were in the recording booth. Kelly stops Gustavo before he presses the button to where the boys can hear him. "Ah! But remember, these boys haven't had a break all day. I think they're gettin' a little punchy."
Andi nods. "And a little crazy."
"I don't care." Gustavo told her and Kelly and pressed the button.
"Okay, and now it's time for the final phase of Gustavo Rocque's most awesomest pop group boot camp. The singing!" Gustavo yelled the last part loudly. Andi winced as the boys took their headphones off because of the feedback from the microphone was so loud.
"What is this place?" Kendall questioned, looking around the sound booth with confusion.
Andi presses the button as she speaks into the microphone. "It's a sound booth. It just isolates the vocals in case we need to edit or enhance them later."
Carlos picks up a pillow that was on the floor. "Why are there pillows on the floor?"
James raises an eyebrow. "Do you want us to nap? 'Cause we will."
Andi chuckles and glanced over at Kelly, who speaks into the microphone this time, pressing the button as she spoke. "They just absorb any extra echo or treble, just like those big foam mic covers." Kelly explains. "I put some fruit waters in there in case your mouths get dry, okay?"
Andi's mom let go of the button as Andi shakes her head. "Yeah, that's probably a bad idea."
Kelly looks at her with furrowed eyebrows and tilts her head to the side. "Why do you say that?"
Sighing, Andi crosses her arms while she looks back at the sound booth. "Just watch."
James picks up one of the fruit waters and gives Kelly a thumbs up after he took a sip of it. He then put it back down on the table.
Gustavo presses the button. "Okay, great. And..." His voice trailed off when Kendall hit Carlos with the microphone. Andi sighed heavily, having a feeling that something like this was going to happen.
"Funny. Do it again." Carlos glared at him and Kendall hits him again.
Kendall chuckles. "Not so tough without your helmet, are you?"
Andi watches with an annoyed look when Carlos grabs one of the fruit waters and goes to spray Kendall with it. Kendall stepped back making the water hit Logan instead.
Andi looks over at Kelly who looks back at her with a regretful look. Andi nods. "That's why it was a bad idea to put them in there."
Logan glares at Carlos and takes his headphones off. "Knock it off!"
Carlos doesn't listen and sprays him with the fruit water again making Logan more annoyed. Logan then grabs a fruit water and goes to spray it on Carlos, but he moves out of the way and it ends up hitting James.
"You just ruined my lucky white vneck!" James glared at them, grabbing two fruit waters and sprays the boys with them.
Kelly nods. "Maybe the fruit water was a bad idea."
Andi outstretches her arms dramatically. "That's exactly what I told you!"
Gustavo looks at Andi and Kelly. "Please get them to stop."
Kelly presses the button. "Guys. Guys!" She tried to get their attention but it was no use.
Andi looks at the sound booth seeing the boys now were hitting one another with pillows. "We lost them."
"Pillows were a bad idea, too." Kelly winced.
Andi nods in agreement. "Yep."
Gustavo stands up and groans. "I told you they were tired." Kelly shrugged her shoulders.
"Just have the boys meet me in the studio when they're finished." Gustavo said and left the room.
Andi looks back at the sound booth and all she could see were feathers. She jumps whenever Carlos is suddenly thrown against the window.
She looks over at Kelly. "How are they going to be a band in three days?"
Kelly sighs. "I have absolutely no idea."
"You can't sing." Gustavo stated to Carlos who looks at the floor.
Gustavo moves to Logan and his team that was standing behind him moves with him as well, including Andi.
"You can't sing or dance."
"I can backflip." Logan spoke. Andi raised her eyebrows at him while tilting her head to the side. Now she wanted to see him backflip. She had no idea he could do that.
Gustavo glares at him. "Stop it."
Logan nods. "Okay."
"Forever." Gustavo told him and Logan hums in response as he looks at the floor.
Gustavo moves over to James. He doesn't say anything as James smiles and just moves on to Kendall.
"And worst of all, you don't even seem to want this!" Gustavo yelled at Kendall and all Kendall did was cough up some feathers.
"What about me? I can sing, dance, and I want this." James said.
Gustavo points at him. "You remind me a lot of Matthew McConaughey."
James smiles. "Awesome."
"I can't stand Matthew McConaughey!" Gustavo shouted at him and James frowned.
"This group can't sing, can't dance." Gustavo continued to speak.
Andi rolls her eyes, knowing he was wrong. If he would just give them a chance he would be surprised. "Actually, they can. You just don't give them a chance." After she said that everyone, including the boys, gasped.
Gustavo turns around, facing her with a harsh glare. "How many times do I have to tell you to shut it?"
Andi smirks, putting her hands on her hips. "As many times as I'm gonna tell you that these boys are talented."
The boys share a surprised look, not thinking that Andi believed in them this much, but they were happy that they had someone stand up for them.
Gustavo, however, didn't look so happy. He ignored her comment and continued to talk as he turned back to face the boys.
"You don't have a song or a look, and you're covered in feathers!" Gustavo shouted angrily as Carlos picks a feather off of his face.
"And I would rather quit right now than commit pop suicide on Friday in front of the Record Company. However, there is one song I would love to play for you." Gustavo walked over to the piano and Andi sighs, knowing that this was going to be bad.
Gustavo then starts playing the piano. "Ooh, now that I'm through bangin' my head, this band of dogs is officially dead." He sang, yelling the word 'dead' and continues to play the piano for awhile.
In Andi's opinion, he was showing off and as she looked over at Kelly, she could tell that Kelly was upset with Gustavo and honestly so was she.
The boys are now out by the pool area where Guitar Dude is playing sad music. Kendall was laying back on one of the lounge chairs with his hands behind his head, Logan was sitting on one, Carlos was laying on one of chairs and James was pacing in front of them.
"He's really good at piano." Logan spoke up, trying to lighten the mood but it didn't work.
"And I'm so depressed." Carlos mumbled, staring up at the sky with an upset expression on his face.
"It's the music." Kendall realized and puts his hands down to his side. He looks over at Guitar Dude. "Guitar Dude, please."
Guitar Dude stops playing and smiles sheepishly at him. "Oh, sorry."
Kendall's younger sister, Katie, then walks up to them. "So, has Gustavo Dork made you guys famous yet?"
Kendall sits up, shrugging his shoulders. "We had some creative differences."
Katie rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips. "You got fired, didn't you?"
"All he did was yell and scream at us and make us wear dangerously tight pants." Kendall pointed out.
Logan nods in agreement. "Yeah, but Andi did stood up for us."
Katie raises a eyebrow. "That nice girl with brown hair?" She asked and the boys nodded.
James rolls his eyes at Kendall. "Yeah, you're right. He wanted to turn us into rich and famous pops stars. What an idiot!" He exclaimed sarcastically.
Kendall looks at him with a blank expression. "He wanted to turn us into trained dancing dogs."
"He's not wrong." A voice speaks, startling the five and they look over to see Andi. She looks at them with an apologetic expression as she walked over to them. "I'm really sorry about Gustavo."
Logan shakes his head. "You shouldn't be apologizing for him."
Andi sighs. "I know. I just hate how he awful he acts towards talented people."
"Rich and famous dancing dogs." James went back to what he was saying earlier, looking at Kendall.
Logan points to him. "He's got a point." Kendall looks over at Logan. "Oh, so you're siding with James now?"
Logan quickly shakes his head. "No, I, uh. Maybe. Kinda. Yes."
Andi looks over at Katie with confusion. "What did I just walk in on?" Katie sighs. "They're arguing. So nothing unusual."
James glares at Carlos, Kendall, and Logan. "You guys blew it. You blew my shot. You could have tried harder, but you didn't."
Carlos jumps up from the lounge chair he was laying on. "Okay! Let's all just calm down and think nice, happy thoughts about kittens."
Andi smiles, thinking it was cute that Carlos was trying to help his friends cheer up. "You think about kittens with your bad singing and that stupid helmet!" James pushed him, making him fall back on the lounge chair he was laying on earlier.
Andi's eyes widens. "Woah, James. Calm down."
Logan nods and stands up. "Guys, guys. Remember our pack about not letting this town tear us apart?" Carlos yells angrily and runs at James to try and knock him down, but James stop him and they continue to fight.
Kendall groans and stands up, joining the fight just as Logan joins in. "Great! Now we're all fighting. I didn't even wanna do this."
"Everybody with no problem wants to do this, Kendall!" Carlos yelled.
Andi looks over at Katie. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Katie looks at her, tilting her head to the side. "That this is stupid?"
Nodding, Andi chuckles. "Yes, but I was thinking of..." Her voice trailed off and she bent down to Katie's height, whispering what her idea was in her ear.
Katie grins at hearing her idea and nods while Andi stands back up. "I like the way you think."
The two of them walk over to the boys and push them into the pool. The four of them yell as they fall into the pool. The two girls high five each other triumphally. The boys look up at Andi and Katie.
"Andi, Katie!" Kendall scolds and the girls smiles innocently at him and the boys. "What'd you do that for?" He asked them.
Both of them smirked and said, "It looked like you guys needed to cool off."
Logan sighs and looks at his friends. "They're right."
James looks at his friends with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry."
Andi smiles, thinking that their fight was finally going to stop. It did for a bit until Carlos splashed James and it just went down hill from there.
Shrugging, Katie looks up at her. "Well, we tried." She said before walking off.
Soon it was dark and Andi was walking in the lobby of Palms Woods when she heard singing nearby the pool and she had a feeling she knew who it was.
A smile forms on her face and she walked out to the pool area, noticing the boys were nearby one of the couches singing the 'oh, you're such a turd' song.
Andi claps along with everyone else as James finishes the song. She watches as the boys look around the pool area in shock that everyone like their singing. Even the Jennifers stood up from the VIP section while clapping.
She walks over to where Kendall's mon and Katie were standing. "Y'know, you have some great boys over there."
Jennifer smiles. "Oh, thank you. I'll take credit for them all, but Kendall's only mine. The other three are just family friends."
Andi smiles at her. "Well, I'm glad you guys decided to be here." She looked over hearing a guitar playing and knew it was Guitar Dude.
Andi looks at the boys seeing that Kendall was standing in front of them. She only guessed he was giving them a pep talk.
She walks over to them once she sees that Kendall was done with the pep talk. "So," She says and they turn to face her. She raises her eyebrows at them. "Are you gonna be a boy band or not?"
They all look at each other before looking at her and nod. "Big Time Rush."
Kendall looks at her with a frown. "But we really don't wanna sing 'Girl Time '."
Shaking her head, Andi chuckles. "I don't blame you. Neither would I."
Logan looks at his friends before looking at her with a curious expression. "You don't happen to write songs, do you?"
Andi raises her eyebrows, looking at each of them suspiciously. "Why?"
Andi heads back over to Rocque Records and only tells Kelly the news who seemed very excited about it.
Soon she is standing at one end of the hallway with the rest of Gustavo's team, including Gustavo and Kelly in front of the boys who are standing at the other end of the hallway.
As the boys start walking towards them, Gustavo and his team starts walking towards them as well. They stop in the middle of the hallway.
"Well?" Gustavo asked.
"Okay. We will do it your way. No goofing off, no pillow fights and no question for the next two days." Kendall said while the other three nod.
Andi and Kelly look sat Gustavo wondering what he was going to say. "Okay, 'Girl Time' from the top." Gustavo told the boys.
Kendall puts his hands out in front of him, stopping Gustavo. "Except for that. We really don't wanna sing 'Girl Time."
"Oh, well, let me guess." Gustavo looks at them with a slightly amused expression. "You have a better idea. Well, let's hear it. Let's hear the dogs' better song title."
Kendall shares a look with Andi before looking at Gustavo with a smirk.
"Big Time Rush." The four boys said to him.
"And we already have the song written." Kendall added.
Kelly looks at him with surprise. "You guys write songs?"
Carlos shakes his head with a smile on his face. "Nope! But Andi does!" He pointed at her who smiles sheepishly as everyone looks at her.
Kelly looks at her with wide eyes. "I didn't know that and I'm your mother!"
The boys look at Andi with wide eyes. "She's your mother?!"
Andi nods. "Adoptive mother but yes. She's honestly better then my bio mother ever was."
Kelly smiles and gives her a side hug. "Awe, you're so sweet. I love you."
Andi smiles. "Love you too. And sorry I didn't tell you I write songs."
"You're forgiven." Kelly assured her and the two shared a smile..
Kendall smiles and looks back at Gustavo, starting talking about what the song was about. "It's about four hockey players from Minnesota who have an amazing opportunity in front of 'em, and they're gonna take their best shot."
"I like it." Kelly quickly says before Gustavo could yell anything. "And you've got to stop using the word 'Girl' in all of your song titles."
Andi nods, putting her hands on her hips. "Agreed."
"I..." Gustavo drags out the word to long in Andi's opinion and finally says, "Like it also. We're gonna be workin' all night, because Friday is two days away, and we are in a big time rush."
The boys cheer and soon they're in the recording booth. Andi has already gave them the song she wrote which was very hard to write in a few hours, but she managed to write it and she believed it turned out pretty good.
Gustavo presses the button that lets the boys hear him speak. "Okay, 'Big Time Rush' from the top." The boys gave him a thumbs up.
"Only this time, let's try not to make me wanna choke you." Gustavo finishes saying.
Andi rolls her eyes at hearing that and gives the boys a thumbs up with a smile and they smile back at her.
"Ah, ah, oh, ohh." The boys harmonizes their voices. Andi and Kelly look over at Gustavo to see if he likes it so far and he shrugs his shoulders.
Two days later and it was time for Gustavo to show Griffin his new boy band.
The boys did their performance and it looked like Griffin might actually like them. As the song ends and the boys stand in their ending pose Griffin turns around in his chair to look at Gustavo.
"I like 'em, and the boards gonna love 'em." Griffin commented, moving to stand in front of Gustavo. "You got three months to make your demos."
He then looks over at Andi. "Andi."
She looks at him, wondering what he would want to talk to her about. " Yes, sir?"
"I want you to be their songwriter." Griffin told her.
Her eyes widens, looking at him with surprise. "But sir, I...I'm not a professional songwriter."
Griffin raises a eyebrow. "You wrote the song, didn't you? In only a few hours?"
Andi nervously bit her lower lip and nods. "Yes, that's true."
Griffin smiles. "Then it's settled. From now on you're gonna be Big Time Rush's songwriter and we will make sure people know that."
Andi's eyes widens and she nearly jumped up and down from excitement. "Thank you so much, sir! I promise you won't regret it."
Griffin nods. "I sure hope not."
He turns to look at Gustavo. "I have to go. My pants are cold." He then walked out of the room with two of assistants.
Andi looks over at the boys who were looking at them with expressions that just screamed 'we wanna know'.
Gustavo walks over and pressed the button to speak to them. "Guess who's stayin' in L.A."
The boys cheer and high five each other while Andi and Kelly hug each other.
"I'm so proud of you, Romy. I hope you know that." Kelly whispered to her.
Andi smiles, her smile widening upon hearing the nickname her mom only used. "Of course I do. Thank you." Not many knew her full first name (which is Andromeda) because she wasn't really a fan of it and thought it was too long of a name to say so she always had went by Andi.
They pull apart from the hug as Gustavo started talking again.
"Stop cheering. If you thought the last three days were hard, wait 'till you see the last three months. Carlos still can't sing," He says and starts listing off the things that are wrong with them. "Logan still can't dance, and I still can't stand James."
James look at Gustavo, obviously offended and he went to step forward but Carlos pushes him back.
"We'll work on it!" Kendall reassured Gustavo.
"Okay, now you can celebrate." Gustavo said to them after a moment of silence and everyone went back to celebrating.
Andi knew from then on that not only the boys, but her musical journey as well has just begun.
A/N and that's the end of episode 1! I'm already loving andi & the boys sm. also andi's nickname that her mom calls her is pronounced like ro-me
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chesterfieldblossom · 2 months
HERE COMES THE BRIDE (PART TWO) Logan Howlett x Reader (2.5k words)
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SUMMARY | After the wedding, you and Logan went back to the X-Mansion, the previous conversation ignited something inside you. WARNINGS | Yes, this one is a smut. Dirty talking, fingers in v, hand in p, tongues, breeding kink, cursing, p in v, sex in general. Female user. RATING | +18 NOTES | Ugh, i'm feeling soo loved by y'all! It's great seeing the interactions with my texts! But i'm still learning how to use Tumblr, so be patient (dumbass alert). Enjoy.
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After the wedding, Logan brought you back to the X-Mansion in his motorcycle, you sat in your side to not rip the dress, he was protecting you of the wind with his body. The upper part of his suit as being wearied by you. You catches him grinning at you like a damn fool in love. That man was completely folded by you. He parked the bike with precision, getting down and helping you to pull of. You chuckled and gently grab his hands on yours, leading him through the dark hallways. You removed your heels to get upstairs, he stopped on the stair entrance, looking at you with that beautiful hazel eyes.
”What?” You whispered as you glanced at him of your shoulder. Your voice sounded like a soft purr.
He swallowed, taking some stairs up to you.
”You are the most beautiful woman I’ve met.” He says quietly, his eyes trying to memorize you. You take some stairs down, approaching him as you hold on the handrail. Your arms wrapped around his neck as he embraced you, closing his eyes. That man was in peace for the first time in his life. Without warning, his lips devoured yours, pushing your small back against the handrail.
You gasped as his hands squeezed your waist, holding you in place as his body pressed against yours. You could feel your nipples becoming hard by the thin thickness of the dress fabric. Making out on the staircase of the X-Mansion? Now that was a thing that would become memorable. You almost let your heels falls as his mouth opened and kissed the skin of your collarbone as if was a dessert. You tilted your head back, feeling your hair falling in a cascade. Your fingers digging in his shoulders as his tongue licked the curvature of your collarbone.
”Do you have any idea how much I want you right now in the damn staircase?” He whispered, his nose trailing the skin of your neck, his eyes like a hunter looking at his pray.
Before you could say something, he gently showed to you. His hips went forward, pressing his arousal on your lower stomach, you felt dizzy with the desire that run along your veins.
”God—” You managed to say, suppressing a moan.
”Unfortunately, sweetheart, it’s just me.” A playful grin sparked on his lips. You rolled your eyes before pulling away to keep going to your room. His eyes however all over your back as he followed you.
He grabbed you by your waist in the minute you put your foot inside the room, closing the door behind him. His chest was pressing hard against your back. His left hand was stroking your hips in delicious lazy circles. His right forearm was wrapped around you neck. You could feel his hot breath into your hair. You rolled your hips higher, desperately trying to feel his arousal. The height difference was not helping. You could feel him grinning on your ear as the hand was stroking your hips turned more lighter.
“A little eager, aren't we?” He teased, his hand slipped to caress your thigh. His forearm was holding you in place as your thighs squeezed against each other. “I waited so many years to fuck you, I’m not going to rush it.” His hand slipped tortuously quickly on your middle, just teasing your clit for a second. You could feel yourself pulsing already.
You tilted your head back, his lips brushing against yours. Without warning, his tongue pushed inside your mouth, claiming you. It felt so intimate. You melted into his arms as he bulked his hips forward, pressing his arousal on your rear. He stopped just to walk with you and press yourself against the wall, your cheek feeling the hardness of the it. Now his bulking was more rough, with the support of the wall. You whimpered softly, feeling tortured. You wanted him inside you so bad. His fingers gripped your waist, exploring your abdomen. And then, he grabbed one of your breasts, growling. You moaned softly, his hand gripping the skin, the index finger and his thumb pinching the nipple in a delicious pain through the fabric of your dress. You wanted to get rid of that thing, quickly.
“You know,” He murmured against your lips, his voice a husky whisper. “I’d tear this dress off you in an instant if I didn’t want to see you in it again.” His words lingered, brushing against your skin like a tantalizing promise. Before he could pull away, you captured his lips in a quick kiss, savoring him. You missed the feeling of his hard cock against your rear, pressing against your cunt.
“Logan—” You were saying something, but your voice died as you felt him bending down to kiss your bare back. His teeth and tongue grazing on your skin. You lifted you ass instinctively at him. His hands holding your ass like it was a monument, the touch were so appreciative. The kiss on your back kept going down and down. He gently bit your small back, before sliding to kiss your ass, his lips pressed against the thin fabric. His hands started to lift your dress, rolling the fabric and pinning it to leave your butt exposed to him. Your knees separated naturally, without needing command. You felt the breath of his laugh on your ass.
“I need to taste that sweet cunt of yours.” He muttered, biting your back thighs. “Lift your hips for me, babe.” He whispered in a rough voice.
“Logan.” You moaned his name while you lifted your hips for him, his biting and kisses moving to your inner thigh. He bites you a bit hard, his hands gripping your hips to twist you to face him.
“Place your thigh on my shoulder.” He instructed, his voice a low, commanding rumble. The sight of him on his knees, clad in that sharp suit, was a striking contrast—a vision of rugged intensity softened by the elegance of his attire. It was an arresting combination, undeniably captivating. You could feel yourself pulsing for him. You did just like he said. You put your left thigh on his shoulder, his hand gripping the outside part of your thigh as he deepens his face on your skin. His tongue is rough and exploratory. You suppress a whimper, wanting to feel his tongue around your clit. Your hand instinctively gripped his hair, his lips moving to your crotch. He licked your skin, his breath ragged. He opened his mouth wide to eat your core, his mouth filled with your cunt and your clit. You suppressed a moan, gripping his hair harder, which made him go deeper, the tongue exploring your folds, taking your taste. The rough stubble of his chin grazed your skin, sending a shiver down your spine as the coarse beginnings of a beard scraped against you.
“You’re so fucking sweet.” He said, feasting himself with you. His hands gripped your hips, making you roll them against his face. “You want to come so bad, I will give you that.”
You moaned, shutting your eyes for a second as you felt his tongue circling your clit. You gasped and looked down, his eyes lowered, focused on you. He glanced at you with a sly smirk before sucking your clit. Without warning, he rubbed one of his fingers on your cunt, taking the wetness before introducing on you. You rolled your hips, helping the fingers to enter inside you, they slide to easily that made you blush. His mouth sucking your clit with fierce as his fingers pump inside you, hitting the G point so easily.
“Fuck.” You said, looking down at him as you caressed his hair. You started to felt the familiar sensation of burning on your lower stomach, your vision going blunt. He went rougher, the tip of his fingers poking your G point inside you.
“Come on my mouth babe.” He said, burying his face on your core, his tongue circling your clit in firm movements. “That’s it, babe. Let it go.”
His voice was a trigger to you, the way sounded so good, giving you the permission. Jesus, you're completely lost.
“Oh God i’m gonna—” You moaned as you released yourself in his fingers and mouth. Your hips rolling and his fingers pumping inside you to make your orgasm goes longer.
“Fuck.” He said, licking the juice of your cunt.
You bite your lip as the sight of him pulling away, his lips so puffy and rosy from sucking you as if you were his last meal. He gently kiss your thighs before pulling your leg down his shoulder, getting up. You melted on the wall, still not satisfied. You wanted him so bad.
“Say it.” He whispered against your skin, the roughness of his voice making you shiver.
“I want you.” You whispered, your voice a breathy plea as you locked eyes with him, conveying every ounce of longing in your gaze.
He said nothing, but his lips brushed tenderly against your neck as he delicately unfastened the straps of your dress. Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, eager to remove it. A low, throaty growl rumbled against your skin, sending shivers through you. As your dress fall on the floor, he pull away to see you completely naked.
“You weren't using panties on the wedding.” He said with a amused tone.
“No.” You confessed, flashing a grin to him. "You just saw this now?" "I was busy." He shrugs, giving to you your favorite smirk.
That smile ignited something in you, almost as if a switch flipped in your mind. Your face turned serious as you pushed his shirt down his arms roughly. His smirk faded and with that he pushed you on the wall, gripping your neck as he tossed the shirt aside. He kissed you desperately, as you grabbed his belt, undoing it. His tongue slide in fierce against you, you trying to enter on his mouth and he trying to enter in yours. His hand gripped your neck more roughly, making you moan and loose the battle.
“Keep doing these little sounds for me and I will show to you what happens if I loose control.” He said roughly, biting your bottom lip. His hand remained on your neck as he kissed you, his free hand undoing his trousers with ability.
You opened your mouth to say something, but you shut yourself as you felt his tip poking your stomach. He didn't even let you had time to react as he pulled his cock away from his boxers. You moaned, gripping it. He moaned, keeping his eyes on you. You felt his member pulsing on your hand. His grip on your neck become a little more strong, making you tilt your head against the wall.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard that I don't wanna see you walking tomorrow.” He growled before gently removing your hand of him, putting his member between your thighs. His chest pressed against yours and his hand released your neck.
“Please, fuck me.” You pleaded, not recognizing your voice. You sounded so good that almost made you want to fuck yourself. He moaned as he slide his member between your thighs, making friction on your clit.
“God, I want to feel you tight around my cock.” He said. You never saw this side of him, dirty talkative. But you and him where so repressed for so many years that you're just being a horny animal just like him.
“Please, I want your cock.” You moaned, rolling your hips forward. He grinned, biting your lips with fierce before rubbing his tip on your cunt. His free hand gripped your thigh to make you open wider to him. You jaw drop as he slide inside you, his eyes completely focused on you, delighting in your gaze.
“That’s it babe, i’m inside you—” He said, bringing him to the bottom, making you gasp. “Feel that? You’re mine now.” He whispered roughly. “Mine.” He started moving, you suppressing moans on his shoulder.
“Fuck Logan—” You moaned, feeling your back hitting the wall between each trust. “Fuck.”
“I love when you curse.” He bites your shoulder as he went deeper, making you gasp. You felt so filled with him, you wanted to ride him forever.
“I love you—” You moaned as he thrusts become faster, making your voice becoming a ghost on your throat. That never happened to you, saying something like that in the middle of the sex. Yes, you did love him, but his movements against you triggered the words to come out of your mouth.
“You love me, honey?” He says, bringing him deeper and faster, his free hand gripping your ass. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You moaned, gripping his hair as you shut your eyes. He chuckled against your skin.
“So fucking wet.” He says, smacking your ass. “So fucking good.” He moans on your shoulders as you move your hips with him.
His arms gripped your thighs as he stopped pumping for a second, to lift you and lock you around his hips. Your back is pressed against the wall, so easily trapped. In that position he can easily reach you deeper, making you choke on your own moans. He looks at you like a feral animal as your forearms rest on his shoulder, bringing him close as he thrust you hard, making the wall look weak for you two. Between each thrust you feel yourself loosing it, your walls tightened around him. He moaned in a ragged voice, marking your shoulder with a bite.
“Come for me, babe, all over my cock.” He says, close to the edge. “Let me feel this fucking pussy come.”
You moan, feeling a single tear falling from your eyes as you come all over him.
“Shit—” He contorts, trying to not come.
“Come inside.” You moan, gripping him as you feel the climax making you pulsing.
“Don’t say—” You squeezed your walls on him, making him curse under his breath as he buried his cock inside you, the tip reaching your uterus with fierce as he spread all of it inside you. “Fuck.” He moans, slowly stopping his movements as he feel your interiors slopping by his seed.
“You’re so fucking great.” You please him, resting your head on the wall as you two try to recover your breath. He is still inside you, but this doesn't get longer. He gently slide himself out of you, putting you on the ground.
Your knees are not working now, but that motherfucker looks ready for a round two. He is giving to you that cocky smirk.
“It’s not fair, you recover fast.” You mumble as you chuckle, keeping your arms around him.
“I can give you a shower to help you recover…” He says as his teeth graze your jaw. “And then I will fuck you until the sun comes out.” He squeezed your ass, pressing a kiss on your neck.
You would be lying if the idea didn't sounded perfect to you. Your eyes sparkled as you nodded quickly, not believing what just happened.
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FINAL NOTES | If you guys notice a typo, please let me know. Thanks!
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ejsandfarkleslovebot · 2 months
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"Welcome to Rocque Records where you are gonna sing, dance and sweat your butts off if you wanna end up on these walls." Kelly welcomed the boys to Rocque Records while she and Andi led the boys down the hallway of Roque Records. As Kelly welcomed the boys to Rocque Records, her voice echoed with enthusiasm through the hallway. And walked alongside her, smiling as she walked with her mom The corridor was adorned with gold and platinum records, a testament to the talent that had passed through these halls.
As they turn a corner, Andi notices the boys were looking at one of the posters on the wall and she clicks her tongue, grimacing as she shakes her head. "Boyquake was never a good band in my opinion." She admitted as the four of them looked at her.
"Are we gonna have to dress like that?" Carlos pointed at the poster that had the four members of Boyquake dressed in odd outfits in front of a city background.
She shrugs. "I would say no except I'm not in charge here."
"Do we want to end up on these walls?" Kendall asked his friends, looking hesitant.
James nods and glares at him. "Yes."
Kelly then walks over to the group with Nicole Scherzinger."Guys, say hi to Nicole Scherzinger from the Pussycats Dolls." The boys quickly turned around and gasped as they looked at her.
Nicole smiles. "Hey, guys, what's up?"
Andi raised her eyebrows when the boys go silent. She looked at each of them, noticing they were staring at Nicole in awe and she wondered if any of them were going to speak. She smiled with amusement, figuring out they were awestruck by Nicole. She didn't blame them. She was that way when she first met the pop star.
Carlos was the first one to break the silence, pointing at James. "He's gonna marry you!"
Andi and Kelly chuckle. Nicole puts one hand on her hip, looking at James with a smile. "Where's my ring?"
James' eyes widens. He gulped nervously, starting to stutter out a response, but never actually got a word out.
Kendall steps in front of James, looking at Nicole with a smile. "We're recording some demos with Gustavo."
Nicole nods in understanding. "Gustavo."
"Yeah," Kendall nods and tilts his head to the side, looking at her curiously. "Have you worked with him?"
"Yes," Nicole replies. "Actually on my first album. Let's just say we had some…." Her voice trails off as if she was trying to find the right words to say. She shares a look with Andi and Kelly before looking back at the boys. "Creative differences."
The sound of a door opening is heard and they look over, seeing Gustavo had opened the door of his office. "Nicole, baby! Oh!" He quickly closed the door when Nicole threw a nearby telephone at him.
She turns back to the boys with a fake smile. "Good luck, boys."
The boys watch with sad faces as she and her crew walk past them down the hallway. Andi heard the door of Gustavo's office open and she looked over, seeing Gustavo peeking out with a nervous expression on his face.
"All clear." Kelly informed him. Gustavo closed the door to his office and groaned.
He walks over to them and the boys immediately turn around to face him when he speaks. "Okay. So, you guys ready to be stars?" Andi looked at the boys with curiosity, wanting to know the answer as well.
The four boys have smiles on their faces as they nod. "Yeah!"
"Good. Then prove to me you can be stars." Gustavo takes Carlos' helmet off he had on his head and the brunette-haired boy frowns. "We have three days to prove to this record company that there's something, anything here."
Kendall looks at him with wide eyes. "Uh, three days? What happened to three months?"
"Uh, the CEO of all our butts wants to see you guys on Friday." Gustavo responded.
"We have to be a band in three days?" Logan asked as Carlos crossed his arms.
Gustavo shakes his head. "You have to be a great band in three days." He corrected Logan.
"Unless you don't think you can do it, Mr. make us a pop group." He voiced, walking over to stand in front of Kendall.
"Oh, we can do it. No problem." Kendall spoke.
Andi scoffs. "Good luck with that."
The boys look at her with offense. "We thought you were on our side!" Logan exclaimed, gesturing to them.
"I am." Andi nods and shrugs. "I'm just saying it's gonna be a lot more work than you boys think it is." She explained.
Kendall's eyes meet hers and he nods slowly, understanding her point. "Okay, I get it. Thanks for looking out for us, Andi." He smiles at her gratefully. Andi smiles at him and nods. Kendall then looks over at Gustavo looking determined where as the other boys aren't looking so positive about this. "Bring it." Kendall challenged.
Gustavo narrows his eyes at him. "Oh, I will bring it," He steps closer to Kendall. "I'll bring everything I got."
After a moment of silence and intimidating staring between Kendall and Gustavo until Kendall speaks up. "This is a little too close for me."
"Yeah, me too." Gustavo agreed and then quickly left.
Andi is now standing in the room where the bands practiced dancing, singing and playing their instruments with Gustavo, Kelly and the boys who were all wearing dark green shirts and camo pants, standing in a line with there arms behind their backs. Andi stood by her mom, her arms crossed as she watched the boys who were standing in front of her.
Gustavo was wearing some type of uniform with a lot of bling, a green hat and sunglasses. Andi thought the outfit was ridiculous.
"To be a great pop group you need four things." Gustavo started to explain, walking in front of the boys.
"Great dancing, a great look, a great song, and great singing." Gustavo finished listing off the things a great pop group needs as he stands besides Kelly. Kelly raised a air horn and blew it, startling the boys, who didn't realize she had one this whole time.
Six people then walk into the room. Three of them work with outfits, hair and makeup, one of them works with dancing and the other two works with marketing.
"And by the end of today, me and my team will transform the four dogs from Minnesota into Gustavo Rocque's new pop explosion." Gustavo informed the boys as each member of Gustavo's team strike a pose expect the marketing team. Everyone looked over at them.
"Uh, we're the marketing team. We don't really have a move." The blonde-haired woman said.
The brunette-haired man wearing glasses shrugs. "Well, we could try something."
The both of them then do the robot dance and Andi facepalms. Out of all dance moves they chose that one. "Stop it. Stop it now." Gustavo told them. The two immediately stopped and stood like how they were when they walked in.
"Thank you. First up in boot camp, great dancing." Gustavo announced.
Andi sighs, looking at her mom with a hopeful look. "Let's hope this goes well."
Carlos looks at her with narrowed eyes. "Are you saying that we can't dance? You haven't even seen us dance."
Kendall looks over at him and shakes his head. "We can't dance."
Carlos sighs. "Yeah, I know."
The other members of Gustavo's team waited for their turn while Mr. X was up first. "Mr. X has choreographed for Boyquake, Boyz in the attic, Madonna, Beyoncé, and 'Yo Gabba Gabba'." As Gustavo told the boys this Mr. X does short dance moves from each of the band or dancer he has choreographed for.
"And now I will make you xplode with the dance." Mr. X commented, walking up to the boys. Carlos looks at his friends before putting on his helmet.
Mr. X does a leg kick before walking back to stand a few inches in front of them. "We will start with an xamination. Cross leg, spin, pose."
Mr. X then does the cross leg, spins and poses. He looks at the boys as if telling them that it was their turn. Kendall and James did it right and on time together, whereas when Logan went to strike a pose he smacked Carlos in the face, making Carlos fall to the ground.
Andi's eyes widens as she watched what happened. "You okay, Carlos?" She asked, looking over at Carlos with concern. James and Logan quickly help him back to his feet.
"I'm good. Yeah, I'm good." Carlos reassured her and she nodded, relieved that he was okay.
Mr. X walks up to Kendall. "He is great, but not serious." Kendall smiled at him.
Mr. X walks over to James, next. "He is serious, but not great." James frowned at his comment.
Then Mr. X walks over to Carlos. "He lost a pet when he was young, and he is still sad."
Carlos nods with a frown on his face. "Sparky."
Last but not least, Mr. X walks over to Logan. "And he is just plain awful."
Logan takes a deep breath and nods in understanding. "Yup. Heh."
Mr. X moves to stand besides Gustavo. "They are xcruciating and cannot be ready by Friday."
Gustavo looks over at him. "I'll xdouble your salary."
Mr. X nods. "Xdone."
"All right," Gustavo turns to the boys. "I'm gonna be back in one hour, and I wanna see dancers, not dogs." He looks over at Andi. "I want you to stay here and make sure that they actually do work and don't act like dogs."
Andi sighs. "Fine." She knew there was no point in protesting. Gustavo was going to get his way anyways. He usually does. She watched Gustavo and Kelly leave the room and then turned back to the boys as Mr. X took his sunglasses off.
"Starting positions." He announced. He pointed at Andi who looks at him with confusion, but then he gestured for her to turn on the radio which was right next to her. She nodded and turned it on.
Mr. X does the cross leg, spin and pose move he did earlier. The boys do it as well but Carlos almost fell over.
"Again." Mr. X does the move again and so do the boys.
Andi sighs, moving to sit on the ground since she knew this would take awhile for them to get the hang of it. She doesn't understand why, it didn't look that hard to do. Though she knew she would probably be thinking differently if she had to try it. She winced when Logan accidentally wacked James in the face, making James fall backwards.
"James, you good?" Andi called out to him, looking at him with concern.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." James replied, giving her a thumbs up as he moved to stand back up.
She sighed with relief. Good, he's okay. Mr. X then goes over to stand nearby them and shows them how to do it up close thinking that would help. It didn't. Mr. X then tries a different move and the boys aren't even paying attention now, they're just goofing off. Andi tried telling them to pay attention, but she just ended up laughing at something stupid they're doing and let it happen. Probably wasn't the best idea for Gustavo to give her this job. She isn't doing a very good job. Can you blame her though? Four teenage boys trying to learn how to dance isn't an easy task.
At one point during the dance lesson, Logan was on James back while Kendall was on Carlos' and they were running around the room trying to knock each other off. Andi was now standing besides Mr. X who didn't look that happy. The boys continue to do crazy and silly moves that were starting to annoy Andi, wishing that they would just pay attention so they could get done. Mr. X pointed at Carlos, who does a ballerina move, he points at Logan who does a move similar to the running while Kendall waves his arms in front of his face. Andi gasped and winced when Carlos ran into the wall and ended up falling over.
"Carlos?" Andi hesitantly asked, hoping that he was alright.
After a moment of silence, Carlos replies and she sighs with relief. "I'm okay!" Carlos called out.
Mr. X frustratingly puts his sunglasses back on he took off earlier. She doesn't know where the boys got these, but now they're were playing hockey with brooms and a basketball. She moved out of the way as they run towards where she and Mr. X stood.
Next, Mr. X spins and the boys spin as well, except Carlos knocked Logan onto the ground and fell onto the ground from being dizzy. James then fell on the ground from being dizzy and the last to fall on the ground was Kendall. Andi facepalmed while Mr. X frustratingly threw his sunglasses to the side. How were they going to be a band in three days if they can't even dance?
Gustav turns off the music. "Okay, so it's been an hour and…" His voice trailed off as he looked at the boys who were sitting on the ground looking worn out. Carlos was even hanging off of one of the ballerina poles, hanging upside down. Kelly looks around the room noticing Andi missing and looked at the boys for an answer as to where her daughter went. "Where's Andi?"
"Over there." The boys replied, each of them pointing over at Andi. The Puerto Rican girl was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall near them asleep. She was tired from dealing with them and trying to help the boys dance and stop them from goofing off. They kept her busy. It was like babysitting the boys all day, well more like watching a bunch of children. Her arms were crossed and she used a bundled up jacket as a pillow.
Gustav narrows his eyes. "How is she asleep? She didn't even do anything." He looks at the boys with a glare. "What did you dogs do?"
"We didn't do anything." Logan replies. "She just passed out."
A guilty looks forms on Kendall's face. "I think we tired her out. She tried to make us pay attention and get us to calm down, but we didn't exactly make it easy for her." He admitted, scratching the back of his neck. He was feeling guilty for making Andi so tired, not realizing the amount of stress he was causing her. He looked over at Andi and sighed.
"Dancing is hard!" Carlos complained, raising his arms dramatically.
"What happened to Mr. X?" Kelly asked, realizing he wasn't in the room.
"Well, first he banged his head into the wall a few times." Logan started.
Carlos continues, "Then we got really dizzy."
James nods. "Then he spoke a lot of bad words that started with 'x'." He said as he did the x motion with his arms.
Kendall shrugs. "Then he xquit."
Kelly eyes widens, dropping her notebook after seeing Gustavo was going to yell. She was quick to grab some headphones that were on top of the radio nearby her and puts them on. Gustavo let's out a yell that echo throughout the whole studio which wakes up Andi.
She jumps up awake, confused at what was going on. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" She exclaims, looking around the room with furrowed eyebrows. She notices the boys were still on the ground and Gustavo and Kelly were standing over them, Gustavo yelling. "What'd I miss?"
"Part two of my great boot camp, the great look." Gustavo walked to the front of the table with the hood of his jacket on as he sits in his chair while he looks at the boys who were sitting at the other end of the table. Andi sat by her mom at the other end of the table across from the boys. "When do we sing?" James asked.
In response, Gustavo yells at him, "When I tell you to sing!" Andi shared an annoyed look with her mom besides her and Kelly shook her head. Both of them were sick of Gustavo's yelling.
"Guys, we have some exciting looks that will literally transform you." The brunette-haired marketing man said.
Kendall sets the booklet him and the boys were given on the table. "Can't we just be ourselves?"
The marketing team and Gustavo laugh. "No." The marketing team replied in a serious tone.
Andi looks over at the screen that was besides Kelly and Gustavo. "Boys, we researched and electroshocked focus groups to determine the exact look and name that will sell millions of records." The blonde-haired women said.
"Then we turn you over to the stylists…" The brunette-haired man on the marketing team starts to say just as the stylists show up behind the boys. "To change all of your clothes and possibly shave your heads."
James shrieked, putting his hands on his hair while Gustavo nods. James looked over at Andi with worry and she shook her head as if that was her way of saying 'don't believe any of that'.
"Now, Griffin wants a tasty dish on Friday. That's why we're giving him…" The blonde-haired girl pointed to the stylists who start working on the boys.
Minutes later they are in the studio and have the boys dressed up in ridiculous outfits. "Boyliscious." The marketing team spoke at the same time. The only ones out of the group that seemed to be liking the look was James.
"The beach, girls, the shirtless overalls."
Kendall glares at James who shrugs his shoulders and smiles. "I think we look good."
Andi shakes her head, a look of disgust on her face. "No. You boys look awful."
Everyone looks at her and she shrugs. "What? I'm just saying the truth." She replied. She couldn't lie and say the boys looked good. They looked horrible. She didn't think anyone would wear those outfits willingly. They looked so out of place. The outfits didn't fit them.
"Not bad, uh, but I need options. What else you got?" Gustavo asked his team.
"Change it." The marketing team told the stylists. The stylists quickly run over to the boys.
Next the boys are wearing red, white and blue outfits. "Red, white & boy."
"This look does great with war veterans who own buicks." The brunette-haired man on the marketing team said.
James points at them with a grin on his face. "We look good."
Kendall and Andi lock eyes and he shakes his head with an upset look on his face. She sends him a small smile to try to cheer him up. It did work because his heart skipped a beat at seeing her smile and he smiles slightly. But then he looks down at his outfit, reminding himself of how bad it was and looks back at James with an annoyed look. "We look like Uncle Sam threw up on us."
"You, silent." Gustavo pointed at him.
Andi crosses her arms. "He isn't wrong."
Gustavo points at her. "You, also silent." Andi rolls her eyes at him, but stays silent. He points at the marketing team. "You, more options."
The marketing team nods and looks at the stylists. "Change them."
Andi's eyes widens at the next look they were trying. She wasn't expecting this. Now the boys were all wearing black clothing, black makeup, leather pants and leather jackets. "I give you danger boy." The marketing team announced.
Andi immediately shakes her head and looks over at Gustavo with disgust. "Uh-uh. This should be off the table. Make it off the table."
"I thought I told you to be silent." He said to her, looking at her with narrowed eyes.
She shrugs. "You did, but you should know by now I only listen when I want to." She replied, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms.
Gustavo huffs, turning back to his team. As Andi looks at each of them she could easily tell they were uncomfortable with the outfit, besides James. "Danger boy is danger. Parents will forbid their kids to buy the dangerous music." The blonde-haired woman on the marketing team said.
"And that's exactly why they will." The marketing team then fist bumped.
"I, uh, can't feel my legs." Logan admitted, his voice straining since he was in pain. He glanced down at his legs nervously.
"That's because the pants are dangerously tight." The blonde-haired woman on the marketing team remarked.
"I hate it." Gustavo commented. Andi let out sigh of relief. She was glad that the boys wouldn't have to wear those awful outfits.
The marketing team nods. "So do we."
"I need five new looks for tomorrow. All right, now follow me to hear your first hit single that's gonna put me back on top. Move out." Gustavo said while he and his team start to leave the room.
Andi looks over her shoulder at the boys, noticing they were struggling to move. She winced as they fell.
"I think we look good." James smiled.
"You don't look good in those outfits, James." Andi shook her head, having enough of him saying that every time they got a new outfit that looked awful.
"Okay, part three of the great pop group boot campalooza, the great song." Gustavo announced. He, Kelly and Andi stood in front of the boys who were now back in their normal clothes.
Kelly shows them the lyrics she had in her hands as Gustavo walks to the piano. "It's called 'Girl Time'." She walked over the boys, handing hem each a piece of paper.
"It's a song about no matter what time of day it is," Gustavo tells the boys and then sings, "Don't you know it's girl time?" as Kelly pointed at them.
Andi looks at the boys, seeing that again James was the only one happy about this. Gustavo gets up from the piano and fake yawns while Kelly leans against the piano. "I just woke up. What time is it? It's girl time."
Gustavo points to his watch. "Excuse me sir. Do you know what time it is?" He points back at the boys. "Yeah, it's girl time."
Logan tilts his head to the side. "What if you have a sinus infection? Isn't that doctor time?"
Gustavo shakes his head. "No. No, no, it's still girl time."
Logan nods, looking like he wanted to correct him but he doesn't. He presses his lips together in a tight line. "Mm, right."
Kendall shows the paper to him,. "Do any of your songs not have the word 'girl' in them?" He looked over at Andi and Kelly for answer. Andi shook her head.
"Heh. Well, let's find out Mr. question everything I do." Gustavo said and points at the wall. "Let's take a look at my wall of platinum records! Let's see." He walked between the boys, pushing them aside to get to the wall and starts listing off the names of his records.
After listing his songs, all of them having girl in the title besides one that he forgot he had. Gustavo then walks up to stand in front of Kendall. "Any other questions, dog?" He challenged and pat the side of Kendall's face.
There was a moment of silence before Kendall smirks as he asks, "Are any of those songs from this girlennium?"
Andi sighs when she noticed Gustavo looks like he's about to explode. "Here we go." She mumbled, noticing Carlos even put his helmet on and Kelly quickly put the earphones she had on earlier back on.
"Okay, your heart rate is back to normal, and your blood pressure is one hundred and twenty over eighty." Kelly looks over at Gustavo. "You can produce now."
Gustavo quickly takes the stickers off and looks at the boys who were in the recording booth. Kelly stops Gustavo before he presses the button to where the boys can hear him. "Ah! But remember, these boys haven't had a break all day. I think they're gettin' a little punchy."
Andi nods. "And a little crazy." She agreed. The boys have had a very long day. A very long and stressful day. They deserved a break.
"I don't care." Gustavo told her and Kelly and pressed the button.
"Okay, and now it's time for the final phase of Gustavo Rocque's most awesomest pop group boot camp. The singing!" Gustavo yelled the last part loudly. Andi winced as the boys took their headphones off because of the feedback from the microphone was so loud.
"What is this place?" Kendall questioned, looking around the sound booth with confusion.
Andi presses the button as she speaks into the microphone. "It's a sound booth. It just isolates the vocals in case we need to edit or enhance them later." She explained.
Carlos picks up a pillow that was on the floor. "Why are there pillows on the floor?"
James raises an eyebrow. "Do you want us to nap? 'Cause we will."
Andi chuckles and glanced over at Kelly, who speaks into the microphone this time, pressing the button as she spoke. "They just absorb any extra echo or treble, just like those big foam mic covers." Kelly explains. "I put some fruit waters in there in case your mouths get dry, okay?"
Andi's mom let go of the button as Andi shakes her head. "Yeah, that's probably a bad idea."
Kelly looks at her with furrowed eyebrows and tilts her head to the side. "Why do you say that?"
Sighing, Andi crosses her arms while she looks back at the sound booth. "Just watch." She figured that her mom should see for herself why putting food and drinks in the booth was a bad idea. Her mom would find out soon enough.
James picks up one of the fruit waters and gives Kelly a thumbs up after he took a sip of it. He then put it back down on the table.
Gustavo presses the button. "Okay, great. And…" His voice trailed off when Kendall hit Carlos with the microphone. Andi sighed heavily, having a feeling that something like this was going to happen.
"Funny. Do it again." Carlos glared at him and Kendall hit him again.
Kendall chuckles. "Not so tough without your helmet, are you?"
Andi watches with an annoyed look when Carlos grabs one of the fruit waters and goes to spray Kendall with it. Kendall stepped back making the water hit Logan instead.
Andi looks over at Kelly who looks back at her with a regretful look. Andi nods. "That's why it was a bad idea to put them in there." She told her, shaking her head as she continued to watch the boys.
Logan glares at Carlos and takes his headphones off angrily. "Knock it off!"
Carlos doesn't listen and sprayed him with the fruit water again making Logan more annoyed. Logan then grabbed a fruit water and went to spray it on Carlos, but he moved out of the way and it ends up hitting James.
"You just ruined my lucky white vneck!" James scolded, grabbing two fruit waters and sprayed the boys with them.
Kelly nods with a grimaced expression on her face. "Maybe the fruit water was a bad idea."
Andi outstretches her arms dramatically. "That's exactly what I told you!" She said, pointing at her.
Gustavo looks at Andi and Kelly. "Please get them to stop."
Kelly presses the button. "Guys. Guys!" She tried to get their attention but it was no use.
Andi looks at the sound booth seeing the boys now were hitting one another with pillows. "We lost them."
"Pillows were a bad idea, too." Kelly winced.
Andi nods in agreement. "Yep."
Gustavo stands up and groans. "I told you they were tired." Kelly shrugged her shoulders.
"Just have the boys meet me in the studio when they're finished." Gustavo said and left the room.
Andi looks back at the sound booth and all she could see were feathers. She jumps whenever Carlos is suddenly thrown against the window.
She looks over at Kelly with raised eyebrows. "How are they going to be a band in three days?"
Kelly sighs. "I have absolutely no idea."
"You can't sing." Gustavo stated to Carlos who looks at the floor.
Gustavo moved to Logan and his team that was standing behind him moved with him as well, including Andi.
"You can't sing or dance."
"I can backflip." Logan spoke. Andi looked at him curiously while tilting her head to the side. Now she wanted to see him backflip. She had no idea he could do that and she thought it was pretty cool if he could do that.
Gustavo glares at him. "Stop it."
Logan nods. "Okay."
"Forever." Gustavo told him and Logan hummed in response as he looked at the floor. Andi frowned at the look of defeat on his face. She hated how hard Gustavo was on the boys. They weren't doing that bad. Sure they could do better, but they weren't terrible. At least, Andi didn't think so.
Gustavo moves over to James. He doesn't say anything as James smiles and just moves on to Kendall.
"And worst of all, you don't even seem to want this!" Gustavo yelled at Kendall and all Kendall did was cough up some feathers.
"What about me? I can sing, dance, and I want this." James said in a desperate tone.
Gustavo points at him. "You remind me a lot of Matthew McConaughey."
James smiles. "Awesome."
"I can't stand Matthew McConaughey!" Gustavo shouts at him and James' face fell, his shoulders dropping in defeat. Andi was so close to snapping at Gustavo for being so mean. He didn't have to be that harsh. She understood the boys weren't perfect. No one was perfect, but Gustavo wasn't even giving these boys a chance. "This group can't sing, can't dance." Gustavo continued to speak.
Andi rolls her eyes, knowing he was wrong. If he would just give them a chance he would be surprised. "Actually, they can. You just don't give them a chance." After she said that everyone, including the boys, gasped. Everyone had been surprised she spoke back to Gustavo like that. It wasn't the first time. She had done it many times before and every time Gustavo had been furious. But she didn't care. She wasn't going to stand there and let him talk to the boys like that. It wasn't fair. The boys were trying and he just kept making fun of them and making them feel like they weren't good enough. "Gustavo, they can do it. We just have to keep working and-" Andi tried to explain but Gustavo cut her off.
"I don't pay you to talk…" Gustavo starts and Andi was about to open her mouth to say something else, but he continues so she closes her mouth and crosses her arms. "I pay you to do what I tell you. So why can't you just shut it?"
"Why can't you just give these boys a chance?" Andi retorts, her voice firm. "They're putting in the effort, and they deserve more than just criticism. You might not see it, but they have potential, Gustavo."
Gustavo's expression hardens, his gaze flickering between Andi and the boys. "Potential doesn't cut it in this industry, Andi. They need to be able to deliver results, and so far, they're falling short."
Andi shakes her head, refusing to back down. "They can deliver if given the chance. But constantly tearing them down isn't helping anyone. Can't you see that?"
Gustavo's lip twitches, his eyes narrowing as he stares Andi down. "Enough," he growls. "I don't have time for this. So unless you have anything productive to add, keep your mouth shut and let me do my job."
Andi clenches her jaw, biting the inside of her cheek to hold back a sharp retort. She can feel the eyes of the boys on her, but she doesn't meet their gaze, instead keeping her focus on Gustavo. She knows she should drop the subject, but the anger and frustration building within her refuses to let her back down. "What job is that, exactly?" she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you're just wasting your time and theirs by not giving them a fair shot."
Gustavo looks surprised that she was still standing up to him. Usually, she would give in and do what he told her to. But she was tired of him acting like he was better than everyone else and treating people like they were nothing. Andi couldn't stand watching him tear the boys down when she knew they were capable of more. He had a talent for bringing people down, and she wasn't going to let him get away with it anymore. "They're not getting a fair shot, because they're not good enough." Gustavo hisses. He then turns to face the boys with a glare. "This group can't sing, can't dance. You don't have a song or a look, and you're covered in feathers!" Gustavo shouted angrily as Carlos picked a feather off of his face.
"And I would rather quit right now than commit pop suicide on Friday in front of the Record Company. However, there is one song I would love to play for you." Gustavo walked over to the piano and Andi sighed heavily, knowing that this was going to be bad. She was doing her best to keep her cool. She was angry and annoyed with how Gustavo was treating the boys, but she knew lashing out wouldn't help. Her standing up to him wasn't exactly helping either, but she couldn't stand by and watch him tear them down anymore. Gustavo then starts playing the piano. "Ooh, now that I'm through bangin' my head, this band of dogs is officially dead." He sang, yelling the word 'dead' and continued to play the piano for awhile.
In Andi's opinion, he was showing off which just made her more annoyed. She looked over at her mom, she could tell that her mom was upset with Gustav and honestly so was she. She had no idea what they were going to do now.
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