imma-potatoo · 1 year
I've been thinking of the people saying the ineffable bureaucracy relationship timeline was too fast compared to ineffable husbands
But honestly I think a thing a lot of people are missing here is that relationships aren't really comparable and everyone as a different experience with them. Sometimes yeah, it all happens rather quickly (ex: high-school sweethearts that get married right after high school) and sometimes it's incredibly slow and takes more time than a fucking crockpot and a 450k slowburn.
Beelzebub and Gabriel haven't known eachother for as long as ineffable husbands has, doesn't mean their relationship isn't as valid and that they're immediately going to get sick of eachother the second the honeymoon phase wears off. Ineffable Bureaucracy might have happened rather quickly for celestials but.. as someone who's in a relationship with the love of my life
When you're with that person, it feels like time itself stops, that it's just you and them. While also feeling that there's not enough time in the world where you would be satisfied with their company.
I get people's frustration that ineffable bureaucracy worked out and ineffable husbands is still in that damn crockpot, but IB had always talked and communicated, Crowley and Aziraphale don't talk about anything. Even if IH would've gotten together in season 2, it would have resulted in nothing but heartbreak and things not working out because they never talk to eachother about how they're feeling. Neil recently confirmed that Aziraphale didn't know that Crowley was living in his car because Crowley didn't tell him. Aziraphale still thinks that Heaven is all sunshine and rainbows despite everything Crowley tries to say about it.
IH would be an absolute nightmare of a relationship at the moment, you'd have 2 people that won't communicate to literally save their lives. Nina and Maggie said it perfectly in the last episode, they never talk to eachother.
And I'm not saying that Gabriel and Beelzebub are perfect either, they both have their very fair share of flaws, Bee takes their anger out on the people around them, and Gabriel is a manipulative little shithead at times, but the reason they're the foil to Crowley and Aziraphale is because they're willing to work through it. At the end of the day they're side characters and not all their dates will be shown on screen. It would take a lot more than 6 episodes to show all of them; and just because we're only shown a small snippet doesn't mean that their relationship isn't valid or that they're undeserving of their happy ending
TLDR: Ineffable husbands aren't ready for a relationship mentally and lack the commutative skills for it, while Ineffable bureaucracy got together while being open and honest. IB is meant to be a foil and just because it was fast doesn't mean their relationship isn't valid or unfair
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potatoo-arts · 1 year
I forgot to post this one
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potatoo-whump · 1 year
*Tests you* tell us about your oc!
*inhales* OH BOY!
Okay so, Dante (and all of our other ocs) are part of this giant OU that me and my partner made and,,, it's big,,, and expansive,, we've been working on this story for over a year so there's a lot jfjfj
Read more cause long post, tw for child abuse, molestation mentions, suicide attempts and a lot of fucked up shit
In the main OU, we like to experiment with different ideas, is an urban fantasy world with a fuck ton of creatures (non-humans are called "monsters" because... racism). Dante is a werewolf, which unlike in popular culture isn't "masquerading" as a human, werewolves are simply that,,, wolf men. They're very hairy, have wolf ears and tails, inhanced hearing and sense of smell, a wolf form and a stereotypical "full-moon form" where they turn into what most people think of a werewolf. There's also a lot of different types of werewolves like there's different types of wolves, grey werewolves are the most common, but there's also artic werewolves, desert werewolves, etc etc.
Dante is a direwolf, a kind of werewolf that is... very largely extinct (due to monster hunters, who find and kill any monster they come across due to a lot of reasons, religion, plain old sadism, trying to make the world better through very fucked up bad means etc) except for some large families/packs, direwolves tend to get,,, fucking massive,, normal heights being around 6'2-6'5 with a lot of muscle mass... but Dante is not that height jfjr
Dante was born in 1957 in Sicily, to a horribly abusive father, and a mother that abandoned him at birth to save her own skin from said father. Werewolves, while the government didn't encourage hunting them, were still thought as heartless monsters instead of people, so there wasn't the laws to protect him from.. horrible abuse. Dante spent his first few years with his father's side of the family, mostly cause Dante's father was too "immature" to take care of a newborn baby turned toddler. And it was when he was 4 where he got practically tossed back at his father so he would "learn responsibility"... which backfired horribly cause all that it resulted in was horrfic abuse.
From the very beginning, when Dante got given back to his father, he didn't get a bed, he slept in the closet with a hard old pillow and a moth eaten blanket. With no toys or friends or anything. Locks on his "bedroom" door and on the pantry.. and the only side of the family he knew, his father's side, did nothing but make up excuse after excuse for his father while he was abused.
His extended family did love him, but not enough to help him, ignoring the abuse and thinking it would get better.
His father cut off his pinkie finger when he was 6,,, which is an ow
When he was 8, his father pushed him into being a choir boy for the church, as all of their family is deeply catholic, which lead to him spending a very very large amount of alone time with a not great priest.. who ultimately molested him for years until he outgrew the position and spent a lot less time with the priest. But also at that time, Dante learned about something way too early for his age..
He learned about death. He learned about it when one of his aunts died of an overdose and when a 16 year old girl killed herself by jumping off a bridge.. and Dante.. tired and depressed despite being so young.. climbed to the highest story of his grandmother's house,, opened the window and tried to jump. Only to get snagged at the waist by his uncle, who pulled him back inside and held him while he sobbed
Dante tried though,,, he tried again and again, and everytime he failed.
His father pulled him from school when he was 9,, so poor man never got past 5th grade
He tried when he was 12 by swallowing whatever pills he could find,, only to wake back up
When he was 13 he started going to parties... a lot of parties with drugs and alcohol and a bunch of things a depressed 13 year old shouldn't have
He got addicted to coke,,, and then lost his virginity when he was 14 to a guy who was almost 18
Another attempt when he was 16 by slitting his wrists, which didn't work either he didn't cut deep enough
Then when he was 23 he sleeps with a women for once (he's very gay,,, he was experimenting) and accidentally got her pregnant... whoops.
This women is Elisabetta... she's a cunt,,, another abusive bitch who gave him.. more trauma
Let me know if you want more, he still goes to prison, has his kids hate him for something he didn't do, and have two more attempts left jfjfjf and this is just one character we have so much-
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imma-potatoo · 1 year
Saw a few people asking for it! So!
I present an ineffable bureaucracy server!
Adult spaces and roles for the adults in the fandom!
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imma-potatoo · 6 months
I'm suddenly remembering that I haven't changed my blog theme since my exes and I broke up
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imma-potatoo · 7 months
Oh kitty!!
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imma-potatoo · 1 year
I mentioned my new kitten in that ask so..
This is Athena, she eats toes
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imma-potatoo · 1 year
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I think I broke it-
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imma-potatoo · 1 year
Eyyy birthday!!!! I'm older now!
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potatoo-arts · 1 year
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potatoo-arts · 1 year
Been a while on here huh?
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imma-potatoo · 2 years
how dare you trick me with the colours poll-
smhsmh songbird this is bullying /lh & j
I love you puppy!!!!!!
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imma-potatoo · 2 years
Hallmark came out with a gay Christmas movie oh my god-
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imma-potatoo · 2 years
Hi I'm Cali! They/Dino/It! A Demi-aroace creature who is just fucking with shit and seeing what happens
Expect a lot of memes, mixed amount of hyperfixations, a good chunk of dinosaurs, and just some random ass shit
I'm in quite a lot of fandoms too, so expect lots of that
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imma-potatoo · 1 month
May I talk she ra with you on your dms? I really liked the show a whole lot and I haven't found anyone else to really talk about it with
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imma-potatoo · 1 month
Just finished she ra and I'm SO mad I have work in the morning because I want to stay up until 4 am reblogging fan art and reading fics
Stg this is so homophobic
Why do I need a job?! Evil!!
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