#Yes Camila is very much in loved with Lilith
itsarandomblog · 1 year
I read somewhere that Camila's talk with Beatrice about falling in love with Ava is not just because of what she read about all the accounts of warrior nuns' sad, beautiful, tragic love lives, it's because she prepared herself for it. She knew Lilith was the next Warrior Nun. She didn't just speak based on what she read, it's her feelings. The fear of losing Lilith because she knew you can never have her wholly. She already belonged to the Order and the mission before she could be hers.
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
More surgeon suffering pls! Maybe bea learning more about Ava’s injury?
[definitely sooo gentle & no present-day suffering lol but here u go]
‘you can ask.’
beatrice’s gentle, callused, careful fingers still along your back, their patterns you can’t quite decipher gone quiet. ‘i would never do that.’
her voice is so soft and so relaxed, it’s not at all a reprimand; you can’t say it aloud, not yet, but you love her. you roll over so that you can see the gentle planes of her face through the silvery-blue light from the moon and the night outside her big windows, the blinds not yet drawn. she looks at you openly, patiently, like there’s nothing she wants to take from you; everything she wants to give. you know — in your heart and through your friends and your family and your therapist telling you over and over again — that you have so much to offer: you’re beautiful and funny and very smart, and you love the world more than anyone you know. you also know that beatrice is sometimes less sure of herself than she seems: she clams up every time her parents call, unable to tell them to, unequivocally if it was up to you, fuck off; she loves to be lazy and sleep in and wants no one to know; she still is in the habit of downplaying accomplishments, anything from a surgery she mastered (impressive in that you know how hard it is) to a new route she climbed at the gym (you have no idea but lilith was jealous and you can imagine it’s hot); she’s a horrible cook.
‘i know,’ you say, and you do. you let a finger drift down the bridge of her nose, count her freckles, feel the chapped bow of her lips beneath your thumb. she has a scar, small, through her left brow, and you trace it. ‘what’s this from?’
she smiles, always so quick to understand, always so generous. it makes you feel like you could light up the entire world sometimes. ‘i was five; my brothers were trying to teach me how to rollerblade.’
you think about it: beatrice’s gap-toothed grin and the delightfully terrible bob haircut she had for so much of her early childhood, the photos making you laugh when, unprompted, lilith showed you a few weeks ago when you’d all had dinner at a good oyster place near bea’s house. ‘can you rollerblade now?’
‘no, it frightened me. i never learned.’
‘putting that on the short list of things that scare you. good to know.’
she holds up her right arm so you can see the small scar on her elbow, the skin darker than before. ‘at university, i was drunk and my crush dared me to climb a tree.’
you can’t help the laugh it pulls out of you. ‘oh my.’
she nods. ‘yes, quite. needless to say, amelia and i went our separate ways fairly soon after.’
‘well, her loss. i’d have paid to see you fall out of a tree.’
‘i didn’t fall,’ she says. ‘i scraped my elbow on the way up, but i did continue.’
‘of course you did.’
she shrugs. you trace the scars across her chest, ones you love. 
‘camila told me you tried to go back to classes a week after your surgery. like, the day after you got your drains out.’
bea laughs. ‘yes, and promptly fell fast asleep about three minutes in.’
‘front row?’
‘well, the second.’
‘knew it.’
‘i can keep going, if you like. i have a good story about a scraped knee during field hockey at boarding school.’
‘homoerotic, i hope.’
she rolls her eyes, but based on her silence you know you’re right.
she lets you sit in it, easily, and her house is beautiful and warm and, you’re beginning to think — to hope — it might be full of your things one day, too. it’s easier to be brave here, but your words, the worst of them, still get stuck in your throat. ‘well, what do my scars tell you?’
she weighs it. ‘you know i’m more interested in cardio.’
‘you’re the smartest person i’ve ever met.’
‘well, you favor your left hand when you’re practicing sutures, and i know your left foot gets numb often. you have trouble with temperature regulation and walking long distances, but an easier time standing for the most part; your neck aches, i think all the time.’ she pauses. ‘your handwriting is abysmal, although i suspect that has nothing to do with your injuries.’
you’re about to start crying, but she makes things lighter, even now.
‘all i care about, ava,’ she says, soft and sure, a hand tangled in your hair and then gentle on your cheek, ‘is that you get the care you need, that you tell someone — me or anyone else who can help. and you can tell me whatever you like, if ever you feel ready.’
‘i can’t — i want to.’
she kisses your forehead. ‘like i said. it’ll always be up to you. i’m here.’
you take a deep breath. ‘my mom had a garden,’ you say. ‘she died, uh —‘ you get a little caught, stuck on the way her eyes looked when she wasn’t alive anymore, when you couldn’t move, when you were stuck for so long, screaming and so, so scared — ‘she grew all kinds of vegetables.’ your voice shakes but beatrice only nods. ‘and flowers. we were going to —‘ you sniffle and beatrice just wipes your tears — ‘i think she wanted to keep bees. i don’t even know if that was possible; we had a little yard. but everything grew.’
‘that sounds wonderful.’
‘it was, even though i hated eating my vegetables.’
beatrice laughs softly, admonishing in a way that’s harmless, fond. ‘you’ve grown so much since then.’
‘hey, i’ll have you know just today i ate, like, seven bites of a salad.’
‘very impressive.’
‘can i — not right now, because i think i’ll just cry too much, but — can i tell you more about her? i wish you could’ve met her.’ i wish i could remember her more; i can’t forget.
‘i would love that. and, if she was anything like you, i’m sure she would’ve lit up an entire room. it would’ve been an honor.’
‘bea, i really don’t want to cry again,’ you whine.
‘you should know,’ she tells you, a little firm, so there’s no argument. ‘she would be so proud of you. i know it; who wouldn’t be?’
‘that’s —‘ you bury your face in her neck, just for a moment, soft and warm and safe. 
‘would you like to plant a garden?’
‘in my tiny ass apartment?’
‘no,’ she says, and you can’t see her but you can practically feel her rolling her eyes. ‘here. i have the whole back yard and, frankly, no real interest in a lawn.’
‘i —‘ you back up so you can look at her, and her eyes are clear. ‘really?’
‘of course. i’m actually quite interested in self-sustaining agriculture, and the pacific northwest has great growing conditions for so much wonderful flora and fauna.’
‘wow. okay, but — it’s your house.’
she pauses. ‘ava.’
‘i just — you’re sure?’
‘i would really enjoy it, if you’d like. also, my friend marco, from the climbing gym, runs the community garden in their neighborhood and has been pestering me to meet you.’
‘you talk about me?’
‘of course.’
‘well, if marco will do all the heavy lifting, and preferably both of you not have shirts on, i’m so in.’
‘it’s february.’
you shrug. ‘you’re tough.’
beatrice laughs, and you sink into it, delight in it. you could light up the whole world, ava, she told you after two glasses of wine and half an edible the other night, entirely serious, crammed onto the small couch in your small apartment, your life expanding far beyond, past any walls you knew. 
‘next weekend, when we’re both off,’ she says, ‘we can go to the nursery nearby and get started.’
‘you’re —‘ the love of my life sits right on the tip of your tongue, but you kiss her instead. ‘thank you.’
‘thank you for telling me about your garden, and your mother.’
all you can do is nod, and then hold her after she turns over and falls asleep.
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simplykorra · 17 days
Lilith is quite certain her spine has never been straighter than it is at this exact moment. Because they were all summoned to Mother Superion's office first thing in the morning - as in before breakfast or morning prayer.
It’s not uncommon to be given missions so early, but Camila assured them it wasn't related to any sort of mission. However, the little smile on her face as she told them Superion was waiting told far more of a story than she probably intended.
Because despite what Lilith thinks was some pretty stellar tact on their part (even Ava in public), it seems everyone already knew that the three of them were together.
Everyone knew, and once Lilith knew that they knew, she couldn't stop noticing the way everyone stared at them. It wasn't with shame so much as curiosity. Well, there was some shame and derision from the older, more stuck in their way members of the church - but they are all far too valuable to the impending war to be cast out. So everyone who had a problem with them would simply have to deal with it.
However, today is the first day that Lilith knows everyone knows while also being summoned by Mother Superion.
So the three of them stand in her office as she closes the book she was reading, takes off her glasses and looks them all once over.
“I would like to start this conversation by saying that I will only have this conversation once.”
Lilith swallows a very thick lump in her throat. “Of course.” She says, bowing her head a little.
“I understand,” Beatrice follows suit.
“It’s about us fucking, isn’t it?” Ava blurts out and Superion’s eyes dart over to her with a glower. “Oop, I mean…uh…yes mother.”
Lilith closes her eyes, trying for the thousandth time to figure out how in the world she managed to fall in love with this little demon. She opens her eyes just in time to see Superion turn away from Ava and focus back on Beatrice. “In any event, nobody here is going to tell the three of you how to live your lives. You two are no longer sisters of this church in any official way and Ava is…” Superion sticks a finger up at Ava as she goes to say something. “Please, Ava, let me finish.”
Properly chastised, Ava mimes a lock and key over her lips and Lilith feels the strangest flutter in her stomach when she sees the way Beatrice smiles at her.
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kittiwittebane · 8 months
Ok but why people gotta be so aggressive about who’s dating who?
I don’t care if you ship Lunter. I like Huntlow. That’s my opinion. No, im not gonna change it coz you think so. Have your opinion, just don’t go barking at me.
In my OPINION: (see the word opinion)-(you can have ur own)
HUNTLOW/WINTER: bestest ship. Works well. They complete eachother and only have a 1 and 1/2 (approx) age difference, which is pretty normal for teens. My personal favourite. Very cute, fluffy and makes u have the fuzzies. They have a good chance of long lasting relationship.
LUNTER: Lunter would work. Lunter is undeniably a great relationship. Only 2 year age gap (approx), also normal teen age. They go well together. But I headcannon them as siblings. HEADCANNON. So for me, Lunter is sweet home Alabama.
*EDIT: I no longer headcannon Lunter as siblings but I do think they they see each other as siblings.
GUNTER: Look, ship what you want but the age difference is too much for me, 4 years, isn’t a lot, but while in teenage years, it’s a bit weird. Maybe when they’re older, like in their 20’s, but as teens? Not so great. They’re closer to brothers. They would support each other. Good relationship.
HUNTRIC/GOLDRIC: Objectively, there is nothing wrong with it. They’d probably get along super well. Same age. But they haven’t even met. And along with my ‘Luz and Hunter Siblings’ headcannon, it would be a brother-in-law, so also quite incest.
*EDIT: one again, headcannon no longer in use
AMITER: They would fight a bit, both having competitive attitudes and lots and lots of trauma. All the characters have trauma but I think Amity and Hunter as a couple would overthrow the trauma scale. Also I’m a Lumity person, so Amiter just doesn’t work for me.
HUNTLOWDRIC: um. Imma have to go with a no. Nothing wrong with it except the fact: Hunter and Edric have never met, Willow has trauma with Amity despite making it up, dating her brother is a little weird, and again it would all revolve back to the siblings thing.
*EDIT: no sibling thing
SKARA AND/OR VINEY X HUNTER: Both of them would be compatible with him, but I headcannon Viney as Lesbian. Skara, she’d be fine. If Willow didn’t exist she’d probably be what I’d ship Hunter with.
VINEARA: Very goods. I likes. Viney x Skara is good, but not my fav Viney ship. Skara sits with bat boy.
VINEMIRA: Best Viney ship. Viney and Emira. The lebanons. Lesbeans. Lesbiabians. Women lovers. Both headcannoned as lesbiansss.
LUMITY: yes. Shows main ship. Cannon. Works well. Help each other. Just yes.
GUSTHOLOMULE: not a popular ship, but I quite enjoy it. Matt is gay af. I think it’s a cool ship.
GUS X BRIA: no. I don’t- why- why. Why is this… I don’t get it.
ODALIA X ALADOR: it was toxic. It- it was horrible. She was using him. Better be divorced.
LILITH X [ANYONE]: look. shes Aroace. I’m specifically talking about LILITH X STEVE. They good friends. Nothing more. Besides, isn’t Steve like.. 20 and Lilith like 40??
DARIUS X ALADOR: look I gotta say I love it. I just love it. But it would be kind of awkward, as then amity and hunter and (headcannoned) Luz and hunter would be siblings lol.
*EDIT: not siblings
Edit: I MISSED THE FACT AMITY IS A LESBIAN. She cannot date Hunter anyways! *she can but she lesbian so why would she :3
I probably missed a few, but yeah. I think you get the idea.
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cursedextrovert · 2 years
Yes, and you will understand the OCS isnt just a found family. They are THE found family. We have:
Lilith: the oldest, burnt out, wear people's expectations too long they became expectations she has on herself. Very mean but mostly bark cause she gotta have that mean look to scare people away. Protective but would prefer communicating than force. Unstable.
Mary: second oldest. Learnt from the oldest so she will bark and bite. No bullshiting with her. Very protective.
Yasmine: nerdy, middle child, keep being forgotten at the mall but she doesnt mind, very confused, just happy to be included most of the time, able to have niche hobbies and interesting career because all the expectations are placed on the oldests.
Beatrice: nerdy, second youngest, can be considered somewhat middle child. Crippling anxiety. Fear of abandonment and commitment. Niche hobbies and interests. Sheltered and learned from the older so she will bite and take no prisoner. Quiet so will be forgotten at the mall too(I'm sorry). The "angel" side to Ava, telling her what are and arent wise.
Camila: geeky, too much real life knowledge from the older ones without actually live it so shes a bit chaotic. She knows a lot about how ones should behave but doesn't know how to hide her emotions yet. She likes to be seen and prasied by her sisters. Silent but deadly. She will not be in the front of a fight but will slash your tires afterward and kidnap your dog(only cause she loves them). Will be next to Ava in any shenanigans they pull together and be the opposite of the voice of reason.
Ava: the youngest, very sheltered, keep getting lost after following some sort of bugs, a menace, will pull all sort of pranks on the others and get smacked or tickled the shit out of at the end, always forgiven because she's the youngest. Energetic and extravert. Make friends with everyone. Partake in reckless things and have no concept of riskes(often encouraged by Camila, talked out of by Beatrice and got "she will fall and learn" comment from Lilith and Mary). Fight with Lilith on a daily basis because they're too different in ways of approaching life.
Every dynamics are just heart-warming and adorable and chaotic and full of loving banters. And I eat every fics with them at found family or on a road trip up. I love them so much just thinking about them brought tears to my eyes gosh- what if they just start a whole sitcom with them travelling together in a van like that puppybusby's Discovery fic.
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quietblueriver · 1 year
Quick thing #4. Beatrice and Ava go on vacation.
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff. Thanks to @gingerniiiija for the prompt, holiday seasons, which I twisted a bit to get here.
“Hey, Bea.”
They’re in a hammock, acquired on a whim by Ava on a trip to the city and strung up by Beatrice in one of the groves a little further away from the Cradle. It’s a lazy afternoon, something Beatrice is learning to allow herself more, and she’d abandoned her book some time ago, focusing instead on the press of Ava’s body and unhurried kisses and the warmth of the springtime sun. Ava’s nose is tucked into her neck, and she feels the question in the breath against her collarbone.
“Wanna go on vacation with me?”
There’s a jostle, the hammock swinging unevenly until Ava employs the halo, a distinct hum and small glow, to finish hauling herself overtop Beatrice. She rests her arms across Beatrice’s chest and her chin on her wrist as she looks up at her. She is, as always, beautiful, hair a little wild and bright brown eyes wide and excited.
“Yeah!” She bites her lower lip, and Beatrice thinks idly that she’d like to take it for herself, refrains because Ava is telling her something, is excited to tell her something. She files the desire away for later. “I was thinking maybe France? The beach? We have time now, and we can afford it.”
They do have time, war no longer on the horizon, and they can afford it, the Church having set up very generous accounts for them both shortly after Ava’s return.
(She asked questions, of course, when she was unceremoniously handed an account login and a new debit card, numbers so high she had to read them three times to be sure she wasn’t mistaken. Ava, looking at the information on her own account, said simply, “Holy shit.”
“It’s the very least they can do,” Camila said dismissively, already back to reading her book.
“Indeed,” Mother Superion added from her own chair, “And you will continue to receive pay, of course. We can discuss the details when you’ve decided whether you’d like to stay and what you’d like to be doing.”)
Beatrice thinks for a moment, finds all of the excuses not to go far less convincing than the hopeful eyes blinking up at her. It’s a gift of peacetime that she doesn’t take for granted, the ability to say yes to Ava.
“I think you’ll love Nice.”
It’s only the halo that saves them both from toppling to the ground with Ava’s enthusiastic response, Beatrice wrapped around Ava like a koala as she laughs and then lowers them gently back into the fabric, kissing her in apology.
They leave two weeks later, after wrapping up a training series with some of the new recruits. Ava is delighted by everything, starting with the airport, and Beatrice knows, as she watches her girlfriend talk excitedly with a six year old about the plane taking off from the gate next to theirs, that this is going to be wonderful.
She spent most of her life surrounded by people who had everything and made a show of thinking it was nothing. Blasé discussions of trips to Vienna and Moscow and Santiago, vineyards and exhibitions and Michelin stars. She was ashamed, when she first got to know her sisters, of the distance between her life and theirs. She was ashamed of the respect Lilith granted her based on her last name. She was, most of all, ashamed to find that she had learned to take so much for granted herself.
Ava takes nothing for granted. It had been difficult for Beatrice, at first. She’d given her whole life to duty and service, and Ava was so focused on herself, on her own life. She hadn’t understood, at first. But teaching Ava to swim, watching her practice her letters every night, listening to her sing terribly in the shower and learn the names of all of the regulars, Beatrice saw an unfamiliar appreciation for life. She sees it still, although now its more selfish edges have been tempered by security and maturity and love. She is learning, with each lazy afternoon and late-night baking experiment and reality television marathon with Dora and Camila, to feel it herself. Still duty and service, of course. But she’s trying for balance, these days.
“Bea!” Ava squeezes her hand as they fly over the coastline. She’d given her the window seat, happily, and she leans into her now to get a better view of the ocean, letting Ava’s excitement catch hold of her, too.
After dropping their bags in the hotel, their first stop is the Mediterranean. Ava loves the beach, and Beatrice loves watching Ava on the beach, the seemingly endless joy she gets from letting the waves wash over her feet. She also loves the warmth of Ava’s skin after a day in the sun, the way she leans back into Beatrice on the balcony of their hotel room and shamelessly weaves her hand into Beatrice’s hair, tugging her down and letting out a pleading noise that Beatrice understands and responds to immediately, trailing kisses across the precious skin bared to her. Beatrice lets herself go, tries to let every bit of the love she feels make its way to Ava through the press of her lips and the touch of her fingers. She thinks, as she feels Ava come apart underneath her in the hotel bed, the salt of the ocean on her skin, that this must be joy.
On their second day in the city, Ava takes her shopping. Beatrice doesn’t own things appropriate for this weather, for the beach, and she knows this, so she agrees with only some trepidation to spend their morning finding clothes. Ava, who has a collection of things that work in this kind of weather, finds a pair of high-waisted black shorts that she loves and that make Beatrice feel a little stupid when Ava comes out of the dressing room, tanned skin on display. Mostly, though, she finds things for Beatrice. Or, she helps Beatrice find things for herself.
She knows what Beatrice wants. She’d spoken it quietly into the darkness of their room at Cat’s Cradle as Ava traced her fingers over Beatrice’s ribs and listened to her heartbeat. They had a rare day of freedom, in the time when things were still so unsure, and Beatrice and Ava and Camila wandered into one of the smaller local towns to see a movie and get ice cream. They passed a couple on the sidewalk, and it was nothing more than a moment, but Ava watched Beatice’s eyes track one of the women, wearing dark green chinos and a patterned button-down, all in a masculine cut, tattoos visible below her rolled sleeves and boots deep brown and well-worn.
“I think when we…I think after…that I’d like to try to find clothes that make me feel…more like myself.” Ava pressed a kiss to her sternum. “I love that. I’m so excited for you to get to do that, baby. We can go shopping together, if you want.”
Now, she steps into the men’s section without any kind of hesitation, and Beatrice follows. Ava pulls a shirt, a green linen henley, and holds it out in front of her, tiling her head slightly. She must like what she sees, because she turns to Beatrice with a question in her eyes, hanger out in invitation. Beatrice kisses her, hard and eager and more deeply than she usually would in public, trapping the shirt between them. Ava makes a startled noise but recovers quickly, relaxing into the kiss. She uses her free hand to cup Beatrice’s jaw and pull her closer.
Beatrice can’t help herself. This girl, this girl who loves her, is standing right there, holding up clothes from the men’s section for Beatrice as though it’s nothing, as though it wouldn’t occur to her to do anything else. Beatrice knows, actually, that it wouldn’t occur to her to do anything else, that the moment Beatrice expressed that this might make her feel good, Ava was on board immediately; Ava was ready to conduct the fucking train. When she pulls back, Ava is a little dazed, which is rare, and Beatrice feels accomplished. She gets the shirt and several others, as well as some linen pants. Ava even manages to get her to try shorts, and she likes them enough that she gets three pairs.
They wander past a barber shop the next day and Beatrice finds herself stopping, watching through the window as someone gets their cut cleaned up. Ava, who loves Beatrice so perfectly that it sometimes makes her chest ache, stops behind her and presses up to rest her chin on Beatrice’s shoulder. She says quietly and without any fanfare, “I think you’d look very handsome, if you ever wanted to cut your hair that way.” She slips her left hand into Beatrice’s back pocket and presses a kiss under her jaw.
“Really? You…you wouldn’t mind? I know you love my hair.”
“Baby.” It’s so gentle. Beatrice has never been treated with such care, and she’s not sure she’ll ever be used to it. Ava’s hand slips from her pocket and meets its pair around Beatrice’s waist. “I love you. It makes me so fucking happy to see you trying things, figuring out what you like and what makes you feel good.” She tugs at the short-sleeved button-down Beatrice wears as if in demonstration. It’s one of their purchases from yesterday, linen with wide light blue and white stripes, and Beatrice feels good in it.
“I’m thinking about it.”
Ava comes around to kiss her, grinning, and then takes her hand again. “Love that. Wanna go get ice cream?”
They go back to the beach for the afternoon and then return to the hotel to get ready for their reservation at a place down the street recommended by one of the older women Ava befriended on their beach walk yesterday, bonding with them over her obvious delight in a pastry from the bakery next door to their hotel. “You must try it,” the woman, Simone, said to Ava of her favorite seafood dish, before reaching a hand out, and, at Ava’s nod, wiping flaky pastry from her cheek. Ava went a little red but Simone laughed affectionately and said, “You remind me of my granddaughter. Very beautiful. Very alive.” Yes, Beatrice thought as she made the reservations while Ava discussed additional food they must try, very beautiful and very alive.
She takes a shower while Ava naps a little, puts on new, light linen pants and a dark blue button-down. She’s finishing her braid when she hears the sheets rustle, and she turns to find Ava sitting up and blinking sleepily at her. She’s in one of Beatrice’s t-shirts and underwear, the covers kicked entirely off of one leg. Beatrice’s breath stutters, as it does sometimes when she looks at her.
“Hello, love. Did you sleep well?”
Ava’s eyes grow dark as they wander over her, and Beatrice walks toward her like she’s on a string being pulled, no conscious decision, just movement. She’s barely managed to sit on the edge of the bed before she has a lap full of Ava, who is warm from sleep and largely naked and pulls Beatrice’s hands under her shirt immediately. They do not make it to dinner, Ava promising into her skin that she’ll call to move the reservation. Instead, they eat bread and cheese with wine in their hotel room, Ava still in her t-shirt and nothing else. The fish is just as good the next night.
She hands Ava a coffee, iced with caramel and coconut milk, and settles into the seat next to her with her own, more boring latte. Ava kisses her cheek in thanks and hums happily as she takes a sip.
“So, how was your first vacation?”
Ava grins at her.
Beatrice sits her coffee in the cupholder of the airport chair and then leans forward to kiss her, her lips sweet and a little cold.
“Perfect.” Beatrice echoes. “Where do you want to go next?”
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aggressivelyaverage21 · 4 months
Beatrice and Lilith, teammates, best friends, more. How is Lilith going to handle when Beatrice goes down hard on the ice?
A somewhat short hockey AU that goes from getting to know each other to knowing exactly what each other needs.
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It was amazing. Playing together. 
Except when they played a team who took cheap shots. 
Because Lilith had just watched Beatrice take a dangerous cross-check hard to the back. Beatrice had taken two hard strides as she skated backward to start the transition when Crimson of all people on the Princeton team broke her momentum with her stick expertly placed between the top of Beatrice’s pants and shoulderpads. Right where the padding wasn’t. 
That bitch.
Beatrice's head snapped backward as her body curled entirely the wrong way around that stick before she fell hard to the ice. It was almost in the very same spot Lilith first told Beatrice she loved her, just outside the faceoff circle farthest from their bench. 
It wasn’t the hit itself that was so bad as it was reckless. As much as Lilith didn’t like it, it was a part of their game— despite checking not technically being legal in the women’s game. Lilith had seen Beatrice take a lot of hits in their years as teammates, but one thing she always respected about her partner was that she always got up or made her way off the ice even if it was bad. 
She’d seen Beatrice push herself with one skate as she was on all fours to get off the ice for a replacement rather than waiting for the play to stop when she’d taken a slap-shot off the ankle. 
This time, however, Beatrice was still on the ice, and had been for a little while now. Lilith stood frozen for a second as she watched Beatrice slowly roll over, her hands moving behind her helmet as she pressed it into the ice from her elbows, sliding her knees up under her to get up. 
Thank god for Camilla being there when Beatrice paused her efforts, a gloved hand between her shoulder blades, an attempt to soothe through layers of padding as she waived over to the bench for Todd, their athletic trainer, from where she was knelt beside Beatrice. 
Shaken from her initial shock, Lilith lost it. She bolted forward to approach the player responsible for Beatrice’s pain. The only thing that had stopped her fist from connecting with the player’s cage was Dora intercepting her, holding her back with a glove on her chest and quiet words reminding her that they could actually use the power play. 
The next time Lilith looked over, Todd was on all fours next to Beatrice, matching her posture as he leaned in, presumably asking her questions of what hurt. Seeing Beatrice in such a position, so clearly in pain made Lilith’s stomach roll. If Beatrice was as badly hurt as she could be, Lilith wasn’t sure what she would do, how she would play the next two periods worrying over her if she had to be taken to the locker room, or worse the hospital. 
The only good sign she kept reminding herself, was that Beatrice was moving at least. She was conscious and clearly her spinal cord was still intact– yes, Lilith knew that to be a wildly unlikely possibility but this was Beatrice, and it was a possibility even if sim. They’d all seen girls taken off the ice in stretchers at some point. That was not something Lilith thought she would handle well if it came down to that for Beatrice. 
As much as Lilith wanted to, she couldn’t go to her. 
Camila was with her and as the captain she had to corral the rest of her team, and besides that, her and Beatrice had so far managed not to allow their relationship to join them on the ice. Well, other than when they would tap their gloves three times — a silent I love you — as they made their way to center ice for the first puck drop of the game. But aside from that, it was important to the both of them to keep it professional, and keep what they had between them. It was the example Mary and Shannon had set before they had graduated and it was one they respected enough to follow. 
As slow as she’s moving, Beatrice does get to her feet with Camila at one elbow and Todd at the other. Clapping filled the arena as the crowd seemed to let out a collective sigh of relief. Players tapped their sticks on the ice, in a show of respect as Beatrice took her stick from Todd. It continued for a second as she gingerly skated off still between the trainer and Camilla, her weight shifted mostly on her left skate as she pushed mostly with her right, surely an attempt not to shift her back too much. 
Lilith waited for her by the door to the bench nodding to Todd as he stepped from the ice. Beatrice paused as her first skate stepped onto the rubber matt, making deliberate eye contact with her love– a silent “I’m okay” . Though the wince that flashed across her features as she stepped the rest of the way off the ice told a different story, but Lilith didn’t have time to call it out.
Beatrice was back on the ice for her line’s next shift, but she was moving so much stiffer than Lilith had ever seen. She even waited at the back door to get off the ice rather than jumping the boards up closer to where the forwards end of the bench was. 
Chests heaving Beatrice and Lilith sat on the bench to catch their breath. Lilith grabbed a water bottle angry from the back side of the boards and squirted it through the cage of her bubble before passing it to Beatrice. “I’m fine, Lilith.” Beatrice’s glove bounced off the knee of Lilith’s shinpad, her voice soft and low.
Lilith knew better. She wasn’t. She wasn’t fine. 
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appleciders · 1 year
👉👈 prompt: yasmine and lilith and "im driving."
you get cowriter credit on this one kei mwah 😘
“I’m going down to the shops,” Lilith says, tugging her gloves tight, pulling her sweatshirt hood over her hair. She has a face mask loop around her left wrist, and a pair of large sunglasses hanging from the neckline of her shirt. “Do you want anything?”
“Yes,” Yasmine says. She sits at the kitchen table, gaze intent on her computer screen.
Lilith waits. “Well…”
“Oh, no, I mean, no, sorry. I mean—don’t leave.” She raises a flat palm, looks up at Lilith with wide, shining eyes. “I have something I have to show you.”
Lilith frowns. “Alright?”
Yasmine beckons her over.
Lilith goes, bracing herself. When she stays with Camila and Yasmine, at their operation that Beatrice nicknamed Robin Habit because Beatrice is a dork, ‘I have something I have to show you’ can herald anything from an adorable animal video to a brutal takedown of a harasser on public transit to the least legible string of code Lilith has ever clapped eyes on to a Bible quote. They're a game of in-house roulette.
“Look at this,” Yasmine says. She tilts her laptop so Lilith can see it better from over her shoulder. “Did you know about this?”
Onscreen, Lilith sees what looks like a chatroom. On it, front and center, is a blurry photo of her accepting the first place trophy in the CCVM Campeonato de España de menores.
Her eyes flick to Yasmine’s expectant ones. “Explain.”
“I am investigating this woman who has been complicit in quite a lot of charity fraud, and possibly Franco apologism, so I was reviewing her online footprints. I saw that she was very active in this private server. Or, well, ‘private.’” She makes air quotes. “I bypassed it and found myself in this group. They’re former youth star athletes, all born between the late eighties and the mid-nineties. They did all kinds of sports—equestrian, archery, figure skating….”
Lilith gets a creeping feeling that she knows where this is going. “And?”
“And, many of them didn’t place first in their competitions. In fact, many of them remember a tall Spanish girl winning, often….” Yasmine’s cleft chin deepens, “in dramatic fashion.”
Lilith stares at the photo of herself on the screen.
“Only, when they went to search her up years later, or they searched the records of the competitions, they couldn’t find any trace of her. It was like she’d been erased. Reports claimed that other girls had won first instead. Girls none of these people can remember ever having seen before.”
“And when they posted on public channels about this girl,” Lilith predicts, “they found they would mysteriously and tracelessly be taken down.”
“How much have they pieced together?”
“That’s kind of the fun part. A lot of these girls felt very strongly about you. Half of them regarded you as their personal rival and still resent you for beating them so soundly. The other half,” Yasmine, poorly, tries to stifle a smile, “toast you as their hot, mean closet key.”
“You’re joking.”
“I am not.”
Lilith scoffs. She leans in closer to read the name of the top commenter. “Berta Majano? I don’t remember her at all.”
“You beat her in jumping two years in a row.”
“I didn’t say I doubted it.”
Yasmine narrows her eyes, amused. “Your ego is loving this.”
Lilith fails to smother a smirk. “You still didn’t answer my question. How much have they seen?”
“Well, there is what they refer to as VaticanGate. Only a small population of the group truly believes you were the woman there that night, but there are plenty of memes about it.” She scrolls up and clicks on one—a blurry photo of Lilith facing Adriel, her hair streaking grey and her cheekbones lit in the dim glow. When you realize that if you were slightly less clumsy you could be destroying the seat of the Catholic Church by now smh
Lilith snorts. Then she frowns. “That wasn’t made by the fraud charity woman, was it?”
“Oh, no. She is decidedly in the seething with resentment camp.”
“Mm,” Lilith says, and it’s not not a gloat.
“Anyway, I know you were going to go to the shops….”
“The shops stay open late.”
“Great! Because I found this woman’s address. I was going to ask—would you want to come confront her with me? Give her a warning?”
“What will that do?”
“Probably nothing, but, I don’t know. It might be satisfying.”
Under duress of torture, or maybe, like, three glasses of wine, Lilith could be forced to admit that she really likes Yasmine.
“I’m in,” she says. “But on one condition.”
“What condition?” Yasmine asks, beaming. She shuts her laptop and starts to stand up.
“I’m driving.”
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Luz's Trauma Is Downplayed
In The Owl House, we've seen many kinds of trauma, abuse and abusive relationships.
Hunter is the most noticeable example. It's easy to see his PTSD because we've witnessed the abuse that he suffered from his "uncle"s hand.
And it's hinted that it was Belos who gave Hunter the scars on his cheek and ear.
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Just like how he gave him the new scars...
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So we know that Hunter is a victim of long life abuse and very likely to suffer from PTSD (or "Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" to be clear)
No wonder why he was having panic attacks in season 2.
And it's the same case for Amity. We've seen her stormy relationship with her parents.
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And especially with her mother. Because Odalia isn't only strict but also a narcissistic mother who was emotionally abusive towards Amity.
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And her father was mostly neglectful towards her too.
So just like Hunter, it's easy to see Amity's trauma.
And for Eda's case, we've seen her broken relationship with her sister in season 1 finale.
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How her own sister cursed her for the sake of being a member of Emperor's Coven, a dream that shared by both sisters. And we saw Eda giving up on her dream because she didn't want to fight her sister. But Lilith on the other hand, went as far to curse her own sister...
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Their backstory was the best but also the most tragic part of the season 1 for me.
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We also saw clear flashbacks about Eda's past during "Knock, Knock, Knockin' Hooty's Door". We saw her family tragedy when her cursed form took out her father's eye, we saw her break-up with Raine... Basically, we saw how mentally broken and depressed she really was underneath that funny and sassy Owl Lady image. And let's be honest, this attitude is nothing but a coping mechanism to deal with guilt hurting her loved ones, fear of losing them and pain of her broken dreams...
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Not even mentioning "Eda's Requiem" when her abondement issues got exposed to the audience for the first time. And she afraid of being lonely so much that she literally got suicidal at the end...
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And even Willow!
I say "even" because her dads never appeared abusive, just lowkey strict.
Like, how they forced her to be placed in abomination coven even though she obviously had no interest in it and was struggling a lot.
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However, Willow's trauma doesn't lie in her family life, but rather in her school life.
She was constantly bullied by Amity, Boscha and their gaang. She was underestimated, made fun of; felt worthless because of this negative treatment by her classmates...
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Again, we can see Willow's struggle and empathize with her quickly, especially because we've seen that she was being bullied in the very first episode that she appeared.
We know very little about how Luz's life was like before she went to Boiling Isles.
Yes, we had some brief flashbacks in "Thanks To Them", but even then, we've seen them from Camila's perspective, not from Luz's.
There are a few hints that giving Luz was being bullied in the school due to her antics and neurodivergent behaviors.
Such as in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' Hooty's Door"
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You can see how stressful and nervous she looks here. Which makes sense because she was afraid that Amity was going to reject her and find her cheesy... just as how it happened back in the human world too.
So it's very likely that Luz had a crush on someone, but was rejected and made fun of due to her weirdness. (Honestly, who would reject this cute, pretty little goofball?!)
"Oh no! I'm gonna be made fun of again" This line makes it clear I think.
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And then when she can't hold herself anymore, Luz starts panicking and destroying everything in the Tunnel of Love.
Most people were focused on Amity's sadness here, which is normal since the camera also focus on her instead of Luz who is busy destroying the stuff.
And apart from this, we know that Luz didn't have any friends except the "imaginary ones".
This is literally all we know about Luz's social life, and most of these are still semi-canon since it's never been truly revealed.
The only we know about Luz's social/family life is that she has a very loving mother (which is great) but also that she is dealing with a deep feeling of grief and pain due to losing her father at such a young age...
It's not exactly revealed what happened to Manny Noceda, but since Camila said that they had to move somewhere closer to a good hospital in order to cure him, we can say he was sick with a deadly disease (perhaps cancer?)
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While saying it like that, it may seem like a lot about Luz's personal life was revealed in the show, but believe me, that's far from being the case...
Luz's traumas are often ignored by fandom. And the reason is the show is ignoring Luz.
Think about it, she's the protagonist so she's supposed to have the spotlight, right?
But no, we know much more about Eda, Hunter and Amity's personal lifes. I'm not saying this to complain, their own stories are also very interesting, especially Eda's. But still, it's no excuse to ignore the main character.
For all we know, Luz was bullied and made fun of in school, like Willow.
She was afraid of rejection, like Amity.
She is manipulated and scarred by Belos, like Hunter.
She is secretly depressed because of her relationship with father, like Eda.
But despite being deeply hurt and broken, why don't most of us acknowledge Luz's trauma?
Well, we have Disney to thank for this... Due to shortening The Owl House, we lost a great opportunity to know more about Luz.
However, this isn't the only reason...
Despite the fact that the show is shortened, we still have detailed informations about other characters like Eda, Amity, Hunter...
But the reason why Luz was ignored is also Dana Terrace's fault too. She often neglected Luz and focused more on other characters.
Maybe some people will disagree with me, but still, it's undeniable that Luz was neglected as a character and barely had the spotlight despite being the protagonist.
It's not only Luz though. Gus and King's backstories aren't even revealed or foreshadowed at all. We know little to no about them. Yeah, King is a Titan and Gus' dad is called Perry, and what else?
Like yeah, at least I was able write a few things about Luz. But there was almost nothing to write about Gus and King.
I wish we could have a full season 3 and then a season 4, we'd at least have some time to see everything without hurry.
Now I can only hope to have a good final episode. I sure hope "Watching and Dreaming" will be a good finale.
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do you think any of the ocs girlies (beatrice, lilith, camila, shannon) + ava & mary would be into star wars?
because i feel like lilith would definitely have Intense thoughts & opinions on it
short answer is yes! i do, but i think for various reasons.
oh beatrice, i have this headcanon about beatrice, which stems from i think a broader instinct among fic writers generally to say that beatrice is, frankly, a profound and profoundly odd little geek.
ofc i write about her love of physics and space and math and spiders (not projecting whatsoever) but i have this firm (nay, implacable) belief that when she ended up in Switzerland it was, essentially, with the clothes on her back. and her little library of sci-fi novels (obtained during after-school trips to the second-hand bookstore with one of her various babysitters) stayed at home, collecting up dust. 
so beatrice, being resourceful, took the first opportunity she could to visit the charity shop in the nearby village (honestly, coin toss as to whether she full-on snuck out of the school, climbed the railings, marched through the forest for six hours, or if she waited for an approved trip).
& in there, my stupid headcanon insists, she found a stack of books in french & german (mostly random Ludlum novels, a couple of copies of le petit nicolas) and only a handful of books in english. 
two of these were star wars: jedi apprentice novels. the first and the third, to be precise.
so she paid for these - two euros - & carted them back up to the school, where she read them approximately eleven times. after the third repetition of a nervous british teenager rolling up to the charity shop to ask after, of all things, star wars books, the proprietor put out a general call to a couple of friends as far away as Munich.
the next time Beatrice arrived down, having at this point resigned herself to reading The Bourne Identity in german, the proprietor handed her a stack of crumpled, possibly third-hand novels. 
the second jedi apprentice book, and the fifth. 
by the time she left, beatrice had a stack of these books on her chest-of-drawers, their pages yellow from sitting in a slant of sunlight. not quite the full eighteen, but around twelve, read almost to the point of annihilation.
beatrice loved them - loved obi-wan kenobi and qui-gon jinn. the lighsaber duels - which, naturally, she mimicked when left alone at kendo to do suburi. the jedi code itself! you can imagine the appeal. the found family of it all, the holding oneself aloft from anything as messy as love.
i wrote a scene about this in ligaments 5, but i like to think that beatrice, as a coping mechanism, as a kind of stimming, used to braid lilith’s hair in the back of the OCS van after missions.
which lilith tolerated not at all because she’s a touch-starved bitch (no, only because of the look Mary gave her in the rearview mirror). one time, beatrice gave her a padawan braid and Lilith, because she ‘couldn’t be bothered’, kept the damn thing in for almost a year. 
so, yes, beatrice is very fond of star wars. she has never seen the movies but (gestures vaguely in post-canon direction) when she does she of course adores obi-wan even more, and I think Luke Skywalker reminds her powerfully of Ava, and she does not think she’s very like Han Solo but Ava secretly believes that that Beatrice would absolutely make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, though she would disapprove of glitterstim. (Ava says that Lilith is Chewbacca-coded, but not in her company). 
Bea’s favourite star wars movie is probably either Rogue One or The Empire Strikes Back, but I think she has a soft spot (and a critical blindspot) for the prequel trilogy and especially Attack of the Clones (for mullet obi-wan, and just obi in general). 
plus (and she’s right about this) the prequel lighsaber fights are so much better (are obi & darth fighting in glue on the Death Star??) 
she cries possibly the whole way through the Kenobi series. 
Bea is a BIG star wars fan. she loves the message of it, particularly about the smallest people having the potential to turn the tide of violence. i think also the idea that history never resolves into a perfect version of itself; the fight goes on, forever, and is still worth fighting. 
for Ava, she probably saw a really inconsistent scattering of the movies on the beat-up TV in her room back at St. Michaels. aside from bitch-face’s annoying habit of switching the channel in the middle of movies just to be a dick; she also kept falling asleep in the middle of the movies because they ran sometimes late at night.
so, when she finds out that beatrice is a fan - which is let slip very much by accident, bea making an offhand comment with her typical, subtle humour about Adriel’s wardrobe tending towards Jedi Knight. 
so then Ava gets Camila to totally absolutely legally download ‘all the star wars’  - including the books which, yeah, beatrice has to go for a really long jog after being told this - & they watch it together. 
Ava obviously is a little familiar with the movies but now has full context. she loves the podracing scenes, thinks that young obi-wan is veeeery cute (beatrice blushes & does NOT understand why). she likes han solo - of course - and starts unironically calling people moof-milkers for jostling her at the grocery store. her favourite actually is A New Hope, chanting TRASH COMPACTOR SCENE over and over on their third re-watch. but she DOES cry over ‘i love you.’ ‘i know’ because ‘bea that basically happened to us.’ which, yeah, beatrice suddenly not living la vida loca for five seconds about that. 
Ava: only when i got frozen in carbonite you did not rescue me in a skimpy outfit. disappointing. 
Ava: lilith is soooo chewbacca-coded. that’s literally the sound she makes when she’s talking to me. plus she’d totally rip a guy’s arm off if you asked, or if she lost at chess. 
Ava: i’m gonna say that Cam is R2D2. she’s just a little guy. 
i think Ava likes video games so she totally plays Jedi: Fallen Order (& bea watches for the codex entries and because it is objectively funny to watch Ava play video games). MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A PERSON-SIZED SHIT. bea did you see that? i get on this rooftop and there’s like 8 guys, two of them have flamethrowers. plus that stupid gangly robot AND THEN THE TWO-LEG AT-AT SHOWS UP? bullshit. 
Ava: fuck i already have it on easy mode. 
so they both adore BD-1, and both are like… subtly down bad for Trilla Suduri but they do love Cal because he’s such a guy. 
‘just such a guy,’ Ava says, accidentally making him jump to his death for the fifth time in a row. 
Bea: ava you have to press L2. 
as for Lilith. they basically have to gaslight girlboss her into sitting down and watching it with them. she pouts, she lounges, she goes through two bowls of popcorn and an improbable number of Cadbury Dairy Milk bars (Cam measured her basal metabolic rate at roughly 3x what it was pre-frankenstein. though only Ava actually dares to call it ‘your frankenstein era,’ because she can survive lilith putting claws through her stomach. lilith doesn’t. say what you will about her but she’s well-versed in taking insults with a thin-lipped smile and the mere promise of violence). 
at first she is very determined not to enjoy herself, but by the time they get to the start of The Empire Strikes back (bea has Opinions about proper viewing order. originals, then prequels, the the one singular only sequel movie which is The Force Awakens) Lilith is watching Luke get body-snatched like Frodo on the very edge of her seat. she watches all of the movies with slightly embarrassing rapture, keeps touching the spot below her occipital bone where her padawan braid used to be.
bea notices, says nothing. 
she gets a little quiet during the Kenobi series because she relates a little too hard to certain characters. she rlly likes the Mandalorian (insists it has nothing to do with Grogu - though she does say that he reminds her of Ava back in the beginning)
Ava: aww u mean adorable & powerful?
Lilith: no, i mean tiny and annoying
she, i think, actually loves star wars in the end almost as much as beatrice. she relates very powerfully to characters like Reva, Trilla, even Revan when she eventually permits Camila to dump her in front of a gaming computer to play KOTOR (and yes, Lilith is scarily good at video games. when she hangs out with Ava - which she does; they get along when they’re not arguing and like to be loud and eat junk food which is not necessarily beatrice behaviour - Ava sneakily sets fallen order on the highest difficulty. Lilith dies a total of four times, most when sussing out the attack patterns of the major bosses).
she literally teleports away at the end of the game instead of dealing with her emotions. Ava’s left watching the credits like ????? did lilith just experience an emotion? 
mary & shannon both know star wars & mary has opinions (mainly about how blasters > lightsabers, and that she’d like to try podracing) but neither of them are as fond of it as the babies. Cam is like… this slaps i guess but she’s more of a ‘watch me play dark souls and weep’ type person. Ava definitely says: that looks easy let me try. and then dies ten times in a row to the lowest-tier enemy in the entire game. Ava baby you are not dark souls material. sorry. :((
anyway! i rlly do think that bea and ava and lilith love star wars. it has a lot to say about struggling against one’s own nature, against the cycle of abuse and oppression, and the importance of hope. a lot of the characters start out lonely, isolated, jaded & come to realise that you don’t have to belong to anything or anybody except the ones who love you. and you can fight for yourself but it’s better to fight for others, too, even when it opens you up to loss. 
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shy-forceghost · 2 years
This contains Warrior Nun S1 and S2 Spoilers:
Ok so I'm just on the first episode of my S1 rewatch and my hearth is already shattered by:
The whole Shannon's death scene, three minutes into the episode.
But, also, in that scene Beatrice watches not only one of her greatest friends die, and focuses on being useful (containing the attackers, giving the mission's report) because it is the only way she can distract herself from the pain.
In addition to that, I realised that in that scene she is watching the Warrior nun and her -potencial, idk? is it canon?- lover saying goodbye in a heartwrenching scene ... guess what she had to do some months later? TnT
"I know this doesn't make much sense right now, but it will some point in the future"
Ava just enjoying her new life, in such a pure, even childish way. Just saying yes to everything she found, wanting to experience everything at once. She "falling in love" with the first boy she saw because obviously she wanted it so badly.
Beatrice taking the time after the attack to go and reassure Camila, the newest OCS member, that even though that was a rough first assignment she did well.
Mary, Bea and Lilith holding onto each other while Camila sings, remembering Shannon on the verge of tears. After everything that happened I've forgotten that the four of them were actually very close, and now I think about how none of them is part of the OCS anymore. How that friendship group broke apart in ways none of them expected.
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I had more thoughts about Camila's relationship with media
I think she's a fan of going to see movies in the theatre; she's not above or against 🏴‍☠️, but she does enjoy the theatre experience.
She used to go with her mom when she was younger, usually a cheap matinee after church on Sunday, but sometimes to an opening night showing if it was a movie cam was really excited about.
Cam kept going when she was a street kid, but now she was sneaking in to enjoy a couple of hours of air conditioning (also of the cute girl was working at the concession stand, cam could usually charm a much needed drink and snack out of her).
Now, she still likes to go. She likes the energy and vibes in the room that happens when a bunch of people are there because they all love the same thing. Also she likes being able to just shut off, disconnect, and be unreachable for a couple of hours.
Her girls struggle a bit with that concept at first. Camila takes all of their phones before they walk in (if something goes really wrong demon-wise, they still have at least one ocs pendant between them, and they make sure it comes with every time).
Cam gives them all something to keep their hands occupied during the show.
Beatrice gets a lego mini-fig. It's small and unobtrusive, posable, enough moving parts to be interesting, while not having a lot of distracting textures.
Ava gets a fidget cube. She needs to be able to switch between the clicking, rolling, spinning, etc. It's also big enough that she feels confident in her ability to not drop it (because she still doesn't 100% trust her fine motor skills).
And Lilith? Lilith gets Camila's hand.
Lilith gets Camila's hand 🥹🥹 watch how hard I can cry!!! Lilith just idly playing with Camila's hand while she deconstructs the fight scenes in a whispered tone,,, yeah yeah yeah I love them I love them very much
Also yes I love it cam is a movie theater girlie* in my heart and I say that as a fellow movie theater girlie*
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pan-de-queer · 2 years
warrior nun ep 3 live blog
she floating like in those horror films I don't watch lmaooooo
Bea saying "you need to calm down" while she herself is very clearly confused af is hilarious actually
ooohhhh warrior lady!! i wonder if the areala actress auditioned on horseback like did she just ride in like "I would like the part"
love how all the other crusaders just standing around when an angel arrives like I'm p sure the Bible made angels seem more winged and eyed up and blinding I think
why is the ocs named so long is it bc os is a computer term
ava's face!!!!!
can the girls closing the gate even hear the father or was it just time to close the gate u CANNOT tell me that wasn't practiced
ava sees bitches fighting and smiles. she just like me for real
the merc's accent is so funny to me lmao SHOOT HIM MARY
YES BITCH!!! love u Mary
kristian and Jillian watching the tapes like "these bitches NOT subtle" lmaooo
did ava just- SMELL the baton??
ooohhhh THIS is mother superion
i love mother superion's vibes
ava is a giggly stressed baby and I love that for her
the way ava just slides closer alskslsklsks
the slow way Bea smiles as she starts talking about shannon 🥺😭
the way Bea is looking at ava like she understands!! this bitch patient af!!
"these are my girls" ookkkaayyy mother superion
"bit wordy isn't it" AVA BABE U GET ME!!!
"maybe she wanted to die on the battlefield that day. maybe she thought she earned it." OKAY I HAVE!!! THOUGHTS!!! but later
oh it's the con kids again. OH IT'S JILLIAN
idk like it doesn't seem fair to put all this responsibility on a child who was dead, was a former quadriplegic who JUST got control of her limbs again after more than a decade, who NEVER signed up or was even so much as TAUGHT any of the shit they're going thru, and then expecting TRUST when u all haven't even told her shit!!! ure preaching trust without giving her faith!!! tf!!!!!
also that is the WORST question to ask a depressed kid ma'am some us HAVE wanted to die actually!!!! and the fact that she can finally live and isn't hating herself as she does is magic in itself actually!!! WOW I AM HATING SO MANY OF THESE OCS SCENES ALSKSLSKSL (it'd only ep 3 tho I'll fight thru)
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vinxwatches · 2 years
the owl house s3.e2 for the future
finally watching it, i've seen some spoilers... well... a lot of spoilers by waiting, but i'm sure i'll still love watching it the first time. also damn 50 minutes? nice.
i love that the new bbeg, the most powerful living being we've seen in the show is a kid, with bright kid colours. oh, that's a horrifying way of taking people out. i mean better then turning people to stone, but way more unsettling. how Raine looks up at Eda when she transforms. the reason she left them was because of the curse, and they are not scared, just in awe. so short, yet so impactful.
wait, the curse is still also a problem? bit odd. i thought the whole deal was that she kind of merged with the curse, no longer needing potions to keep it in check. not a fan of this... change?
oh, back here. that's not a good sign.
weird connection to make but damn if the changed boiling isles doesn't remind me of the sistar system from the lego movie 2, which is unsettling to characters in the same way.
pffffff, Luz hurts me. i've been in that headspace, it's not good for you but when you're in it it's really hard to see that. deny yourself your own joy, your own life, for the sake of others.
oh no, Willows mental state may be the worst of all. just convince yourself it's fine, surely there'd be no problems boiling up with that.
i love that sparkles are a huge danger. i love that Luz protects others more then herself even in just small animations. and good god that is horrifying. oh gods, it's the collector pretending to be Luz... that's.... that's just messed up in a very curious way.
yay the multi track students are still (partially) alive. oh shit it's most of the school. really curious of where they're going with the kids with no guidance thing.
seriously falling apart belos, gruesomely showing bones and losing limbs is less out of place in this kids show then everything collector related.
oh, Odalia lives... of course she does.
the collector is amazingly unsettling, a kid with ultimate power and no sense for what'll kill people. oh, OH, their very nature is... wrong. they collect things, including people. and now it reminds me of the ruby phoenix from dice will roll who too was walking the path of villainy. oh and if people interfere destroy their whole planet... fuck. and the collector knows it, and decides not to, and doesn't want to be alone... fuck how to solve this problem?
Eda is still very Eda, and yay for that sibling bond... and what the FUCK happened to Liliths hair?!
"did you ever had any doubts in your mind?" "yes. many, many doubts."
"are you ok?" "i don't know" fuck that's powerful, and something i'm probably too familiar with.
so she was familiar, yet i didn't see though it. that's impressive in animation.
really love that they talked about everyone clearly needing therapy after all this, that this is too much for a kid. something never talked about before in a kid show i know of.
yep, welcome to the breakdown of Willow. also really reminds me of this animation of the nowhereking https://youtu.be/LZT6hrgPxPI
oh, so that's why all titans are dead...
i love Camila's fuck ups. true serious fuck ups that are just so real.
oh, that's a realization Luz just had... and... i'm going to have to process that a lot. Luz gets her magic "with a darkside" (:
"Luz has a staff" "why does that make me nervous" i mainly watch stories for the story, the arc, but i do love good humour.
i really can't wait for the next part. trying to redeem the most dangerous thing... wait... THE COLLECTOR IS JUST FUCKING DISCORD!!!
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hope you know i went from a neutral :| scrolling through tumblr to a massive :D upon seeing your reblogging and adding more to your superhero au
always love being to blame to some degree for seeds of ideas lmao
i’m so 👀👀👀👀👀 all over your au, i love all the powers and backstories and i especially love shannon being a lot more on the alien side and i love the kinda shady!ocs
always live for shady ocs because like, they’re literally canonically very shrouded in dubious & morally shady shit, like areala was almost defo no saint given b4 adriel she was part of the crusades and well, *gestures at the crusades’ everything*
not to mention how we know the ocs girls (shannon, mary, camila, beatrice, lilith) went on presumably a bunch of religious artifact retrievals judging by one of them being like “it was just supposed to be another religious artifact retrieval mission’ or something like that, them trying to steal stuff from jillian (and note none of the ocs girls seemed to show that much objection to that), to the point of which they were like calling it a “war”, and there’s the obv of everything shady about “liberating religious artifacts” let alone the jillian stuff
the fact that the public doesn’t know about the ocs & demons, despite it being acknowledged that demon possessions are a common and regular problem for many accross the globe
the fact that ava was vv heavily judged for being an atheist and supposedly having committed suicide, and that removing the halo without ava’s consent and risking her loss of mobility or even death was even on the table as an option at all
beatrice & ava being chill w a guy being captured and beaten to some degree for info, superion having been ready to execute vincent (not that i wouldn’t have cheered if that had happened, but it still shows that the ocs aren’t clear cut good guys), not to mention how we know many of adriel’s followers are possessed and we saw how many people the ocs killed in s2, and regardless of their reasoning or the circumstances, members of the ocs have clearly defo killed innocent people who were unfortunate enough to be possessed
and that’s just like, the ocs girls, we know there were a bunch more ocs members at the cats cradle aside froj them, and there’s boatloads of other ocs covents, vv likely plenty of the ocs sects have done a lot of ethically dubious things
also i love the concept of bea being the one to bring ava in!!!!!! see a lot of enemies to lovers avatrice, and it often kind of comes across as being forced, esp as a bunch of them basically just swap beatrice & lilith’s personality for ?? reason (just commit and write a fallenhalo fic if you’re gonna do that lmao), but i think there’s already plenty of material for avatrice being on bad terms w/o forcing a hatred for the most ?? of things, just take beatrice’s being part of a canonically shady organization, her whole “things change when you realize that not everything’s about you” & “duty >>>>” stuff vs ava’s “fuck the enlightenment of death” (side note ava really does not get enough credit for how much of a raw ass line that is) anti institution ass and there’s plenty of possibility, like i think it’s vv likely if things hadn’t gone the way they did (esp in s1) ava would’ve just been some woman that bea briefly interacted w a few times once and/or they kinda clashed more often than not or something
The OCS is shady af, yes! Felonious girlies! Criminals! Queens of dubious morality!
Literally they're so untrustworthy, the vibes in season 1 would be downright rancid if not for Bea, Cam, and Mary (sorry Lil but you're a little gremlin child and you do NOT pass the vibe check in those first episodes).
The heroes!OCS is also shady, in that secret, too-powerful government agency way. They not only have the resources but also the legal leeway to straight up violate your rights if you have powers. And kidnapping people secret police-style is not off the table.
Unfortunately, that's what happens to Ava. She'll wake up in a room lined with divinium or maybe with divinium restraints on and then see Bea dressed in her costume, clearly and undeniably to blame. It's rough, fam. And no one else is really able or willing to help Ava or give her a fair shake. In scenario 1, Mary can barely look at her. Lilith is a stressed out little menace. Camila is kind but not really in a position to help, and Mama S hasn't made the connection between her tenure as a hero and the circumstances of Ava's life. It's bad. Bea is the only one left and there's no way Ava will listen to her (for now).
So she runs, of course. I imagine she meets some friends along the way (Hans, Chanel, maybe Yasmine?) And eventually she has to confront Adriel's minions and fight. Mary and Lilith may still be sent to find her, and the emotions that result from that will be exquisite. Whether Lilith dies/disappears is up for debate, but once Mary and Ava have their episode 6 time, Ava will come back to defend the OCS headquarters against a villain attack and meet Bea again.
It will start slow. There’s an ocean of broken trust to cross, but goddammit Bea's gonna build a boat to cross it.
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julianobungus · 2 years
YES YES YES PACRIM IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE EVER!!! so your feelings & infodumping? totally felt AND related to. i LOVE it. uprising fell wayyyy short for me too, though </3 (liwen shao was so... so hot though. hey girl. hit my line any time.) those are SICK picks!!! esp karloff.. . . that bitch is fuckin icky to look at, so, like.. PERFECT job. and the inherent horror of being stuck with a gator underwater very much comes through STRONG in raiju LKGHJLDGKHDFGLDJ i'm Basic as hell, so otachi is my favorite, but i'm pretty partial to slattern also. god the fuckin design work on these bitches is just,, , , so elite. THEY R SO GOOD!!!! and pacific rim AUs????? FUCK. putting your favorite ships in the drift? FUCK. toh in pacrim-verse slaps hard this film is so good. BARK BARK
Hehe, I'm glad we're on the same level. Shao certainly was attractive too~
But moreover, the designs in that film are peak. They're so memorable and alien. It's what most kaiju flicks should strive for regarding beast design.
Also, AUs? Hells yeah, mate. Lemme think of some TOH pairings that would be drift compatible:
Luz/Belos (after some pratice, of course)
Fuck, this is giving me ideas now. Imagine one pilot experiencing the other's trauma - one of them getting lost in the drift and the other seeing how bad things got. Luz seeing how hard it was growing up in Gravesfield, him being abandoned by Caleb, him killing Caleb.
Ed and Em do it more-or-less perfectly since they've shared the other's trauma already. Alador and Amity's relationship actually mends as a result of it.
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