#Yeong Shin
jessiesjaded · 4 months
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kingdom x text post memes
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thatonekawaiigirl13 · 8 months
beom-pal: How did we even get into this mess anyway?
Yeong-shin: I believe that may have been my fault.
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bunnyabricot · 9 months
In the middle of the night 🌾🌑🌊
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✧ pairing : Yeong Shin x reader
✧ warning(s) : smut ; “one night stand”, piv, pet name (angel), unprotected sex, etc etc, kind of au (takes place after the story), slight ooc bc I can’t write, spoiler about the character, mention of alcohol and loved ones dying, sliiight suicidal thoughts
✧ summary : He has a stressful life and you propose your help to make him relieve some stress.
✧ words : 6.1k
✧ a/n : the fact that I go from Max Verstappen to a character from an underground kdrama is so me. It’s called diversity dw😻😻😻(+ I’m a whore for this man.)
It was night. The people was long asleep except for the drunkards and those overthinking their regrets. Yeon Shin was one of them. Since the beginning of his life it only felt like regrets. Regret of not being able to provide to his sick family, the regret of leaving them to give them a better life and finally the regret of them dying while he wasn’t there. He felt like that no matter what he’s doing, it’s never the right answer and his loved ones are always the ones suffering the consequences.
The only reason that he isn’t in the first category is because he at least has the decency and enough intellect to know that drowning his problems with alcohol isn’t gonna solve anything. And even if his fuzzy mind shutting up for once without blaming him sounds nice, he doesn’t have the heart to do it. He prefers to go to the graves of the people of the former village and remember them as he should.
He often asks himself what would have happened if he stayed in the village. Would he have been able to save them ? Would he be dead like all of them ? He sometimes secretly wished he would have stayed for this exact reason but he would never say that to anyone. Or so he thought.
After the literally inhuman slaughter, he kept his job of a chakho, which means a tiger hunter. He didn’t have anything best to do anyway now that he lost his motivation of coming back to his family with ressources. He had no one to go back to. No village, no family, no loved ones, no home. No one. He was all alone and it was sometimes oppressing. Waking up alone, eating alone 3 times a day, ashamed to admit it, only twice or once from times to times since he doesn’t have anyone to remind him, and eating in silence with his self-conscious self wasn’t the best company. And finally ending the day and going to sleep all alone not really eagerly knowing that tomorrow will be the same.
To put to an end his loneliness, he admits he has already called the service of a prostitute, having a good pay from being a chakho, he thought half convinced “Why not give it a try ? What’s best to do ?”. But he felt so uncomfortable, it was so unnatural that he shut her down before they could even do something serious. If this is how it is, he would rather stay alone. He got used to it now.
Has he really ? Once again, it’s himself against the world in the middle of the night. He is near a lake, tall reeds and weeping willows near him as the silver moon shines brightly in the dark blue sky and reflects perfectly in his puppy black eyes.
You were just out for your night walk as usual, taking the same comforting and soothing paths surrounded by nature when you saw a figure near the lake where you usually stop to rest. You furrowed your brows trying to decipher whether it’s a familiar frame or not. You shivered from the cold night but also from the fear of a stranger being alone with you with nobody to call if you were in need of help. Or was it excitement ? You never really talked to anyone after all. Your job of a physician consisted of bandaging strangers, gathering medicinal herbs and checking on them to see whether they are doing better or not. But who checked on you ? You sadly didn’t have any friends. You didn’t have the time to, being overly booked with patients these times. You heard that people are being extra careful now after a deadly and chaotic virus appeared a few villages from where you are. They would rather check in regularly than catch it it appears.
No matter what, you weren’t working at the moment. You needed those alone walks at the end of the day to calm down and remain sane. The days were difficult for everyone and some rich customers think it’s okay to talk to you like you’re a dog because of their superior class. You hated how the place you are born and simply luck decide your place for the rest of your life, how some people are being pampered without earning it while you drown with work just to be able to live like a decent human being and have the right to eat.
Even at this moment, your caring nature of a physician comes back no matter what and the fear transform into worry for the person facing you back. They haven’t moved since a long time. You take your courage and walk slowly toward the stranger. After you get closer to the shadow, you realise that it is a man. He is sitting down, face toward the grandiosity of the horizon. He remains calm despite your noises which only make your anxiety grows. Was he conscious ? Every person in their right mind would be alarmed from unidentified sounds from behind them. But him, no.
You finally decided one last solution as you were standing just near him. You clear up your throat to get his attention.
It finally paid off as he turns his head to your direction. He seems quite intrigued by your presence but you couldn’t read accurately what he was thinking.
He looks mesmerising. From his sharp features and deep eyes to his slightly furrowed eyebrows. His hair was in a bun but a few strands were falling out of his hairstyle and you could only guess the length of his hair when he wasn’t tying them up and how charming he could look. Despite his cold gaze on you, you felt like you were melting.
He quickly regain control of himself and asks harshly “What do you want ?”. You were taken aback by his tone and stuttered an answer. “I-I was just passing by and saw you there a-and you weren’t moving so I just wanted to check up on you to see if you were doing alright” You gulp as you said this as quick as possible, unconfident under his emotionless eyes.
He frowns. “Why would you check up on a stranger ?” You stayed silent, not knowing what to respond. He doesn’t seem to understand that you acted simply by charity. “What a stupid idea, this could have ended badly if it was someone dangerous.” he scoffs and looks away. Now it was your turn to frown. Why was he caring ? Is it unbelievable to see an unmoving shadow far away and wish to verify its still alive ? You decide to respond to his unhidden attack by teasing him. “Oh. Are you not someone dangerous then ?” You half jokingly say, needing subconsciously to be reassured about his intentions. You peek his interest as he turns his head to look back at you. He tilts his head and grins almost imperceptibly. “I could be.” He simply says which didn’t suppress your worries and instead did the opposite. You chuckle unsurely and looked around. There wasn’t anything but trees, reeds and water. Not even one fisherman in your sight. After all what were you expecting at this late hour..? In any case, if he really turned out to be a menace you were screwed.
As you were looking around unaware of your almost frenetical state, his tired eyes stay on you the whole time, piercing into your soul and you could feel him reading you like an open book. “I’m not, do not panic.” He sternly responds. You shift, embarrassed by your manners. “sorry” You look at the ground and quietly mutter while smiling from your awkwardness.
You suddenly realise that you still don’t know why he is here all alone. You look up swiftly and energetically ask “You didn’t answer my question ! Are you alright ? My life could have been in danger but seeing someone all alone near a lake in the middle on the night is quite uncommon you may admit.” “all alone..” he mumbles under his breath and you don’t think you have clearly caught what he said. Did this handsome, strong man said he was alone ? Impossible. You thought he would at least have a wife waiting for him at home if not with children already. “Did you just say you were alone ?” You ask with a confidence coming from nowhere. You wonder how you can be so bold with someone whose name is still unknown. “You check up on a stranger at night, you ask impolite questions, you really have a death wish don’t you?” He spits in response to your lack of delicacy. Your burst of energy shuts down as fast as it came when he pronounced those words. “I- no that’s not what I meant..” you try to give him an apologetic look but you are only met with an irritated expression.
You breath and, still unsure of your actions, sit down next to him. You want to take your time this time. Everyone is gone and the only that could stop you is the golden sunrise reminding you of your duty. He looks at you with scrunched eyebrows and a confused and almost dismayed look on his face after you come closer to him right after he almost barked at you. “How can someone have such little sense or survival ?" he is wondering. “I am alone too. Otherwise why would I stroll in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a tiny bag.” You say in attempt to reassure him but actually saying it out loud made you realise the situation you were in and how pitiful you are. Your eyebrows went up as sadness hits.
“I’m Yeong Shin.” He breaks the mourn silence of your revelation. You turn your head to his, alongside him now that you are sat. “Nice to meet you Yeong Shin. My name is Y/n.” you respond to him smiling but eyes glassy from the tears that formed in your eyes. “After all I guess you are not alright. Do you to talk about it ?”. He scoffs outraged “Why would I spill my life to a stranger ?”. You guessed by his tough appearance and his mysterious demeanour that it wouldn’t be so easy. Still he was nice enough to give his name so you know you can have a nice conversation with him if you try enough. “What could go wrong ? We will probably never cross paths ever again, it’s late and dark so you don’t have to care about the curious ears or eyes, and sometimes, all you need is a nice deep conversation about your life and how you feel. Doctor advice.” You say positive of your words.
He looks at you to examine whether you were tricking him or not. But when all he could see was kindness and a caring soul he dared to open his heart.
He sighs and leans back on his hands. You did many therapy sessions as a physician. Mainly narcissistic wealthy people who were creating problems for themselves to feel like their life isn’t perfect. Anyways, you always made your clients lay down. Normally on a couch or a bed but you didn’t have any here obviously and the ground would be to hard or itchy. You dust off your dress and pat your lap. “Lay down.” You almost command. He looks at you like an alien. “..No way. I’m fine.” He says very confused by your odd request. “Look, when you talk about your life you have to lay down, it helps to make you feel relaxed and calm.” “Where do you even get this from ? It’s nonsense.” He doubtfully asks. You scoff “From me ? I’m a physician.” You state exasperated by his protests. Oh so you when you said “doctor advice” it was actually your own advice, he realised.
Normally, he would never ever even think about doing it. But something about you is so soothing and comforting. It could be your kindness and how you care about his well being whereas you don’t know him, just because your heart is telling you to. Maybe your soft hair and how they are put in an hairstyle that fits you and makes you more beautiful than you already are if this is even possible. Perhaps your kind features and pretty eyes who could make anyone trust you with one look and are making him weak in the knees, thankfully he is sitting down. Or was it your soft hands that are waiting patiently in your lap for him to come ?
He glances at you and he feels so little for an unknown reason. He gulps down and asks suspicious “What do you have in you bag ?”. You immediately open it to show him medicinal herbs and wild berries that you always gather when you make your way here. He looks at your bag and then at you as you give him a smile of reassurance. He is now forced to admit that you are indeed a kind hearted human who has no ill intentions. A part of him wished you weren’t, because now you are the first pure person that he has ever met who is nothing but generosity.
You are shining so brightly it hurts him. And it hurts him even more to admit that he is attracted to your person. Him, a dark lurking shadow, whose nothing but sins, sorrow and remorses. It pains him that he even have the right to look at an angel like you. He wonders if he’s going to die tomorrow. If so, he might as well enjoy his last moment. So, he carefully lays down while looking at you, now confusing reality and dreams, scared that you might vanish at any moment.
His head rests on your lap as you look at him, inhaling deeply. You brush your fingers in his hair, wanting to make him feel safe as you were feeling him very tense. “Is this okay ?” You ask, not sure if he felt comfortable with you combing his scalp. “Y-Yes..” he answers you in a soft voice, all cockiness from before long gone. “Should I untie your hair ?” You really want to see his hair, he’s probably even more charming with his long dark hair framing his face. You fantasise in your head almost giggling and kicking your feet but containing yourself for your own sake. “Do as you please.” He calmly replies. You reach for his bun and he tilts his head upward to facilitate you the access. You free his straight but fluffy hair. It makes you want to play with it even more. You comb it with your fingers as delicately as possible and he finally closes his eyes.
“So, what’s going on in your oh so mysterious life ?” You finally decide to ask. He scoffs. “It’s to long..” He says trying to avoid the sad talk, trying to focus on your delicate fingers massaging him. “We have all night..”. “I don’t know where to start, it’s to messy.” He finds another excuse. “I don’t mind, take your time.” You answer him proudly, having heard all of the said excuses before and knowing how to counter them. He sighs, defeated. “Are you sure ?”. “I am.”.
“Well I come from a poor family, from a poor village who is also composed of diseased people. They put them here because they cannot cure them and they’re a burden for the society..” he scoffs, disgusted. You can guess the nobles have said that. You think how it’s possible to just reject them as if they are insignificant. Ignoring them won’t solve the problem.. “I wanted to help my family financially. Since I am good at aiming, a group of tigers hunters called chakhos wanted to hire me despite my class. I left my family..and when I came back..” He marks a pause, eyes still closed, his words are stuck in his tight throat when he revives the scene in his mind. You knit your eyebrows expecting the worst.
“They were.. all gone. All of them disappeared. Their affairs were still there and I can only imagine the worst. I promised I would come back with money. And I did, but…” He sighs despaired. “I had no one, no family left. Yes I got paid but at what cost…” You looked in the horizon trying to process what you just heard. “But.. You don’t know where they went ?” You asks unsurely, scared of crossing a boundary. “I don’t know. It haunts me everyday. I have so many questions you know. What happened ? Why did they go ? Or more like why did they die..?” He reveals. You stay silent. “… I recently found their sepultures, they were cremated a few kilometres from all the houses and some incense was burning when I found the cemetery. I wonder, how did an entire village died in such a short amount of time..” He speaks. Once again, you stay silent. Unable to say anything. Your bottom lip was shaking from emotion and you wonder how is he so strong.
He sighs longly, thinking but soothed by your combing. “And here I am now. To answer your question, I am very alone indeed. I see no one. I sometimes hunt tigers for the chakhos when I need money, but it makes me mad to risk my life like this often. My journeys are all the same and it-“ He stops mid sentence as he feels something light dropping on his chest. And he realises, the fingers once brushing his scalp softly are now trembling. He swiftly looks at you and you are admiring intensely the swampy landscape in an attempt to avoid the tears in your eyes from spilling. That’s what fell, a tear, your tear. He quickly gets up from your lap, no longer feeling worried about himself when he sees you so helpless. Devastated, your bottom lip trembling, your cheeks wet from the tears that have already fallen, and you, trying to suppress your sad noises to not take his attention.
He panics, no longer feeling remorseful or soothed “W-What’s wrong ??” He asks while observing you. You didn’t seem hurt. Was his life too sad and tragic for a soft heart like you ? “Yeong Shin.. I’m sorry..” You say muttering between soba. “Why ?” He says, confused as ever. “You don’t deserve this..” You voice quiets out at the end of your sentence, becoming a whisper. Almost as if what you said was for you. To realise how someone like him can hide sadness and withdrawn because of their past.
You didn’t want to pity him. He didn’t needed your pity, that’s not why he opened up to you. You were supposed to listen, give him advice. But here you are, crying like a toddler because of something not even happening to you. To say that you are criticising the nobles for that.. How ironic.
You tried to calm yourself as he looks at you helpless and unsure of what to do. “M’sorry..” you repeat, embarrassed of needing him to comfort you, when after his confession, it should be the opposite. He couldn’t let you with a sad expression adorning your face because of him. He is uncertain of his action but no matter what, he surpasses his nonchalant character and his lack of confidence about physical attention for you. He tentatively reaches towards your vulnerable state and passes an experimental arm around you to rest his long and scarred hand on the back of your head while the other one is on your back, patting it slowly. You almost choke in your own tears from surprise. You forget to breath, afraid that if you move even a bit he might stop. “It’s okay..” He tries his best to comfort you despite having a hard time with being affectionate. You feel so safe in his strong arms.
Your breathing slows, your tears dry as he keeps holding you close during the whole time. Even if you are calmer than before, your mind keeps fusing, maybe even more than before. You can feel his hot breath and his messy but soft hair tickling your neck and you can’t help but gulp. He is so close and you feel yourself blushing at this thought, becoming extremely hot.
He unfortunately lets go of you and you are regretful of it not lasting longer. You could stay in his embrace the whole night if he asked you to. He looks at your redden but remorseful face and he thinks you look even sadder than before. “Was his hug creepy or not comforting enough..?” He asks himself, sheepishly self doubting.
You look at him with heart eyes, a thousand thoughts racing in your brain. In a burst of confidence, you put your hand on his cheek slowly to avoid scaring him. You tilt your head, put on your best doe eyes and offer in an innocent tone “I want to help you.”. He believes this is when he dies. Your adorable face and your tender gesture towards him make his mouth slightly agape. This is now his turn to blush. He manages in some way to mutter “How ?”. From his cute reaction and the way his cheek is burning under your touch, you guess the reaction to your gesture is positive. You prayed you didn’t misinterpret any signs.
Despite his tough aspect, he still cares about others. He showed it by comforting you whereas you weren’t even the one that needed to be comforted in the first place. He saw you crying, he didn’t think twice and tried to console you as a human being with a heart despite what he would like to make others believe.
And his look, god his look. The white moon reflects in his black eyes, making a mesmerising contrast of black and white. His emotionless, tough expression reflects his hard life and screams "don’t approach me" but he has such perfect features who would attract anyone that you can’t help but stare. From his high and elegant cheekbones, to his plump lips that you can’t help but stare. He is a fallen angel who slipped from the grasp of the sky, this is the only answer.
His hot look and his character are both amazing. It’s something important. If someone is attractive but vicious, you automatically lose any attraction, obviously. Yeong Shin seems incredible. Then what’s stopping you from having him now ? You wanted to help him, yes. Well you had an idea in the back of your mind waiting patiently for a confirmation.
“How can I help you ?” You repeat his question. Your hand that rested on his cheek traces agonising softly its way to his jaw, to his neck, brushing the tip on your fingers on his marked collarbones, to finally make your way on his shoulder. You brushed your thumb on his shoulder before approaching dangerously his ear. “You have such a stressful life, let me help you relax, mh ?” You whisper seductively in his ear before placing a sweet kiss right under it. His lids are low, he turns his head to look at you, a lustful look adorning his heated face. “Here ?” He asks while raising his brows, pleasantly stunned by your audacity. “It’s nighttime so nobody will hear us..” You respond immediately with a boldness you didn’t know you had. He couldn’t resist your face. Adoring eyes looking up at him, your lips slightly open with an innocent smile contrasting with your dirty ideas.
But before anything, he asks a question that can’t help but runs in his mind. “Is this because I told you I got some money ? Are you expecting to be payed..?” You are taken aback by the accusation, feeling quite offended but honestly can you blame him for asking ? Despite knowing him for not even an hour, you expected him to know you and your principles better. It was a foolish thinking of course, you understand his concern. “And here I thought we passed through the cold act already.. Look Yeong Shin, I don’t care about money, I care about you. And I want you. So bad.” You reply to him while looking into his eyes, needy. When he could see nothing but honestly and impatience, he could not believe you wanted him.
He looked down at your lips expectantly and you made the first move, crashing your lips into his. His rough lips move impatiently in sync with yours in a passionate kiss as your grab the back of his neck and his shoulder for support. As for him, he grabs your waist protectively. The kiss was heated, you both wanted each other so bad and it was obvious. He wasn’t letting you go, holding your waist tightly as he keeps his lips pressed against yours. He pulls you closer to him by your hips, your bodies now pressed close. Your hand goes up from his neck to his hair. You tug slightly on his black strands of hair and he frowns as he moans lowly into the kiss as a reaction, seeming turned on by it.
The kiss has a feeling of urgency into it, it was intense but you didn’t mind, at all. You moan into the hot kiss as you breathed out some air from your nose. Your sweet sound makes a reaction out of Yeong Shin. In fact, his cock is now painfully poking his trousers, aching from its restrain. He grips your clothes with both of his hands, attempting to control himself. The tip of his cock keeps brushing the tissue of his bottoms, teasing him furthermore, leading him to a painful yet sweet torture.
He stops the kiss a moment to catch his breath. His eyebrows furrow in neediness, and you bite your lips, aroused at the sight. He stares at you a few seconds, admiring your flushed face, before rushing towards your mouth like you are his oxygen.
You don’t even have the time to react to his action as he cuts you by slipping his tongue past your moisturised lips. You gasp slightly but quickly get ahold of yourself. You tug on his dark hair as he sneaks his long hand under your dress hungrily, kneading your plush thigh. You soft skin shivers from the cold night and thrilled at the same time by his commitment. You decide to do the same, trailing your unoccupied hand under his shirt. Tracing his chest muscles, feeling his abs under your fingertips. You touch every part that you could reach, wanting to remember every crease, every centimetres of his scarred skin.
You reach the hem of his shirt and tug it, hinting your intention as eagerness rises inside you. He immediately understand as he undoes the knot of his top as you remove it. You admire his broad chest as he urges you onto him, grabbing your back swiftly, pulling you closer. He kisses your neck, leaving wet kisses onto it like a starved man. He tugs slowly at the bow closing your dress, asking for approval. You nodded in response and it was the only affirmation he needed as he started to undress you. He opens your blouse and reveals your chest to your surroundings; the moon, the stars, the nature, and above all, the man before your very eyes. You nipples erected from the cold breeze stroking your exposed breasts, making you shiver. He touches ever so carefully your hips, now exposed skin, as if you could break at any moment. The contrast between his warm hands and the cold wind makes you weak.
You look up at him, biting your lips. He cannot resist you longer anymore. He opens the last tie of your dress, granting him a better access to where you needed him the most. Now depraved of any clothes, you felt immensely shy underneath him. The only thing preserving your intimacy from this stranger is now a tiny piece of clothing, your panties.
When he sees the wetness coating the fabric of your only remaining underwear he curses under his breath “Fuck..”. He thinks he is dreaming the sight before him. The pretty woman you are, displayed all for him, laying on the fresh grass, with nothing but your brief, plush and wet lips from your kiss, sweet eyes looking up at him expectantly. He swears an angel couldn’t be more beautiful.
He wants to take his time with you, you deserve it. But right now, after all the frustration building upon him, he can’t resist you any longer. He needs you, and from the look of your eyes, as much as you need him. Eyes don’t lie.
After long minutes of suffering, he finally discards his trousers, soon followed by his underwear. His cock now springs free and his angry red tip touches his lower stomach. You gulp at the sight. His cock is so pretty and you want him to ruin you. Ruin you for anyone else. He carefully removes your underwear and his eyes darkens at the view of you glistening cunt. And believe me, once he have seen you entirely naked under him, he intended to indeed ruin you.
You open your legs more, once feeling embarrassed from your state but now replaced by a sense of proudness when you saw this man losing his sense at the sight of your naked body. He lowers his torso to kiss you passionately. Your chests colliding, his dick brushing to your core agonisingly. You moan at the friction and he stops the kiss to finally give you what you both want. His tip slides along your pussy and he asks you with a deep voice “Do you want it angel ?”. Your hole clenches at the soft nickname and he grunts as he sees it. “Yes please..” you answer softly under your breath. What a good girl you were for him he thought.
He plunges softly into your entrance, trying his best not to be too harsh on you, a sweet angel. Your cunt flutters around him and you let out a high moan as you finally have him inside you.
After a few moment you start to unintentionally move your hips to have some friction of any sort. He understands your need and grabs your waist as he rocks back and forth. His hips hitting yours repeatedly, making a slapping sound. His thick cock is hitting your sweet spot perfectly and you’ve never felt this good. You grab his roots, trying to relieve some excitement. He hissed at the pain and chuckles deeply as he kisses your cleavage, ramming into you even harder. You let out pathetic sounds, feeling so powerless. You tits bounce to his harsh pace and he can’t help but stare at them.
You take a moment to appreciate the man before you, rearranging your guts like his life depends on it. His deep brown eyes not leaving yours, brown stands framing his worn out face, pearls of sweat forming on his forehead, mouth slightly open to breath out some air and escape low groans, and most of all, his expression. He looks at you as if you were a prized painting, examining your every reaction to a switch of angle, swallowing each erotic noises that escapes your soft lips. He looks out for you so carefully, his gaze so sweet like honey you might mistake him for a puppy.
He thrusts into you continuously, his head tilting backward, grunting as your soft cunt swallows him so tightly. He is too much for you. You’re too close. Your moans are getting louder and louder. His penis hitting the back of your womb so amazingly makes you see stars. Or is it just the starry night ? No matter what you know you won’t last longer. And so he is. “You’re taking me so well angel. Last just a little longer for me.” He asks almost as a request. You obediently do your best to please him, biting your lips to delay your building up release. As you try to refrain for coming, your cunt tightens around him, precum oozing out of his cock, easing his ruts inside you. You are making ur so hard to last, looking so pretty and attractive for anyone.
He furrows his eyebrows as he feels him coming close to the edge. “Where do you want it sweet girl ?” He asks quickly. “Inside !” You answers hurriedly, almost screaming. He is surprised by your answer but cannot bring himself to ask for confirmation as he feels himself coming inside you, stopping momentarily his pace. The feeling of his warm cum filling you all breaks you knot, and soon you also release pleading out.
His attention is all on you when you are coming. He admires you with low lids, the way your mouth opens and your face contorts in pleasure as you ride out your orgasm. He feels glad he could make you feel this way. Such a pretty girl, waisted because of him.
You try to regain composure as best as you can, calming your breathing as best as you can. Calming your pulsing organ, as you breath shakily. You swiftly gain back consciousness as you feel a kiss on your forehead. “Are you alright ?” He questions. You look at the man in front of you. Yeong Shin. Did you make him satisfied ? You hope so.
He pulls out of you and his cock is glistening with both of your arousal. “We made a mess” He states amused. You whine at the emptiness and he notices it. “M’sorry angel” he coos at your pitiful whining. You feel yourself blushing at your spontaneous yet embarrassing act.
He brushes your messy hair back, untangling some strands “You didn’t answer, are you feeling okay ?”. His concern touches you deeply. “I’m feeling amazing thank you Yeong Shin. Are you feeling relieved of some stress is the question though. It was the initial plan after all.” You says gently. He looks at you with fond eyes and blushes at the mention of his name leaving your lips so tenderly. “I am, thank you… For everything.” He answers.
You start to dress back slowly, delaying the time me where you’ll have to say your farewells. Despite it being a one time thing, you still felt empty at the thought of leaving him. He copied you in your actions, half-heartedly putting his clothes back on, mind absent in his though.
When you both look presentable again, you stand up. “Well..” You start awkwardly. He follows you again and gets up quickly. He stays silent. You avoid his gaze, if you will never face him again, you’d rather not remember his face, and that means stop staring at him. At his beautiful, mesmerising face. You can’t do it. You peek at him one last time. You find yourself both staring at each other dumbfounded. You divert your eyes almost immediately. “I’m glad I could have helped.” You say looking at your feet, waiting for something without really knowing why. “It was nice..” he started “..not just having sex, but.. Meeting you. You’re an amazing person Y/n.. I really mean it..” he breathes out the last part, desolated. You smile softly at his declaration. Already nostalgic at the memory of this magical night you’ll never forget. Still, you feel silly being fond of a stranger this quick. A stranger you had sex with, but a stranger nevertheless. This is a one time thing. All you wanted was to help, why did you feel so attached to him in the end..?
You turn around and he thinks this is it. Are you going to leave him like everyone else does ? The others sadly can’t help it, they’re all gone. But you, you are very much healthy and standing before him. He can’t let you go. He inhales a deep huff of air before asking more loudly than he intended “Stay with me, I don’t want you to leave..”. How greedy for him to ask for more, you just helped him out of pity and now he wishes further attention ? You hear him say this and your eyes shot open, turning around to look at him, hopeful. You take a step forward, approaching closer and he looks at you, seeking impatiently a response. You smile fondly at him and put a hand to his cheek. “I don’t want to leave you.” You whisper to him intimately. He lets out a huff of air he didn’t know he’d been holding and for the first time in a while, smiles sincerely, happy to have his feeling reciprocated.
Could this be the start of something good for him ? If it is with a person like you, he really wishes it is..
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likes, reposts and comments are appreciated!!
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supernovaofthoughts · 2 years
I am blown away
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I just binge watched this beauty and I am blown away. I usually hate zombie media (CoD II Zombie mode traumatized me) but honestly, this kdrama handles them in a way that makes them bearable and the series is so much more than just a zombie apocalypse. The historical setting, the characters, the political plot ... chefs kiss !! We need season 3 now !
Picture is not mine and was found on "Allociné"https://www.allocine.fr/series/ficheserie_gen_cserie=21839.html
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Changshin : Nightmare
Beom Pal : Yeong Shin, you look tired. Did you not sleep well last night?
Yeong Shin : No, I slept very well last night.
Beom Pal : But last night I heard strange noises from your room. Or.. or do you have nightmares?!
Seo Bi : Don't worry about him. I always heard strange noises coming from his room. You probably haven't heard him call the prince's name at night---
Yeong Shin : Stop talking about it right now, Seo Bi!!!!
Beom Pal : (Prince Lee Chang is Young Shin's terrible nightmare?......)
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chuuyasoup · 2 years
It’s a near thing, imprisoning Physician Lee in the wooden trunk before he can sink his maw into her and Yeong-shin’s flesh.
head full of the historical zombie show. please watch kingdom (2019)
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chinno-tenko · 2 years
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nunafilms · 21 days
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You voluntarily came into this locked room. So, will you be an angel or a dog?
No Gain, No Love 손해 보기 싫어서 (2024)
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teashh · 28 days
I am so glad the new kdramas are bringing back the specific brand of loser men. You know which brand I'm talking about. The Ahn "min min" Minhyuk brand of loser men and I'm loving it. The "I worship this goddess and I'm so in love with her and I can't believe I get to love her. Oh my gods I love her so much" brand of loser men. And we're being fed so well with lovely runner, love next door, no gain no love, my demon, Cinderella at 2am, Hierarchy, Midnight Romance in Hagwon, doctor slump, Queen of tears, welcome to samdal-ri and even good partner (yes it's one sided but the dedication and yuri's couple too).
We need more fictional loser men who worship women to satiate our eldest independent daughter desires.
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kdim · 8 days
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No Gain No Love 손해 보기 싫어서 (2024) | Episode 6 Their first cute goodbye. I'm melting.
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3leafmango · 1 year
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Some ilyoo sketches from the past couple months :)
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thatonekawaiigirl13 · 8 months
Lee Chang: I'll warn you, I've been trained as a Crown Prince since birth.
Yeong-shin: Wow. And how long have you been training to be a prat?
Lee Chang: You can't address me like that!
Yeong-shin: Sorry. How long have you been training to be a prat, Sir?
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ranartinart · 1 year
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Shin Ae and Yeong Gi
I did it, it's finally done!
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hunted-the-amiba · 8 months
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I made this in a fevered haze. Don’t ask for explanation, it’s just vibes, and maybe some themes
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naksushadows · 1 year
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individual alchemy of souls posters are so magical
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emneeli · 1 year
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It's been a while, but here I am with my #ILoveYoo fanart
#Stalkyoo 🍊😜
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