#Yelp business page
luminarysoftware121 · 3 months
Boost online visibility
Master Yelp SEO and boost your online visibility. Learn how to optimize your Yelp profile, and leverage reviews to attract more customers.
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phplistings · 11 months
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Unlocking Profit Potential: A Professional Approach to Building a Directory Website with phpListings!
Building a lucrative directory website with phpListings demands a strategic and professional approach. In this comprehensive guide, we outline seven crucial steps to ensure your venture's success.
Careful Domain Selection:
The initial step is the choice of an apt domain name that harmonizes with your niche. Prioritize domain relevance, memorability, and the deliberate inclusion of keywords. Additionally, consider the value of an existing domain with a reputable history.
Reliable Hosting:
Secure a robust hosting plan from trustworthy providers like SiteGround, BlueHost, or Dreamhost. phpListings is intricately optimized for seamless operation on shared hosting plans. Ensure compatibility with PHP 8.1 and MySQL or MariaDB.
Expert Installation or DIY:
Benefit from our experienced professionals who are on hand to facilitate the software's installation. Alternatively, utilize our comprehensive installation guide for self-installation.
Comprehensive Directory Setup:
Initiate the directory's foundation by configuring essential settings. Choose from a spectrum of listing types for your directory, encompassing Business Listings, Events, Classifieds, Real Estate Listings, Job Offerings, Blog Postings, and more. Create and categorize listings for each specific type. Establish both free and paid membership plans to cater to a wide audience.
User-Friendly Design:
Craft a visually appealing and user-friendly directory using a widget-based layout. Access an array of pre-built widgets to streamline the design process. Remarkably, no coding skills are required to design an attractive interface.
Strategic Promotion:
Capitalize on phpListings' inherent search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. Maximize your directory's visibility with the inclusion of an autogenerated sitemap. Utilize schema.org rich snippets to enhance search engine visibility further.
Revenue Generation:
Implement a revenue generation strategy by offering listing membership plans for sale. Explore additional income opportunities by selling advertising space to amplify profitability.
By following these seven steps meticulously, you can elevate your directory website with phpListings to a professional and profit-driven platform, ensuring success in the ever-competitive online space.
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maruflix · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS : Everyone fears them, but who do they fear? (+ bonus text messages✨)
FEATURING : Umemiya Hajime, Sakura Haruka, Tomiyama Choji, Togame Jo, Takiishi Chika x f!reader
Read the SECOND PART with Suo Hayato, Kiryu Mitsuki, Hiragi Toma, Kaji Ren, and Endo Yamato here!
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Everyone knows by now that one of Umemiya Hajime’s love languages is teasing. Once you get that man’s attention on you, he will not stop pestering you until the end of the world, showering you with his attention to try to get yours.
But sometimes, he can be too much.
“Wha- Hajime!” You’re peacefully reading the manga you just bought when it’s suddenly snatched from your hand. The sun beams on Umemiya’s face as he sticks out his tongue playfully, a beautiful smile adorning his features. 
You glare up at him, or rather, at his right arm who’s now holding your manga. You make  a futile attempt to swipe it away, but the white haired man only holds it up higher away from your reach. The pages are now flipping away and you grimace, knowing that you’ve lost the page you were reading earlier. And it was such a good scene, too…
“Give it back!” 
But Umemiya only grins wider, stretching his long arms higher and higher. Next to him, his friends shake their heads in disbelief at his childishness. “Then take it baaack~” He can’t lie, he loves seeing your pretty eyes shining in anger. He loves seeing all your expressions, but he can’t deny that he has a mean streak in him. It’s satisfying to tease you and watch you get all flustered and annoyed.
“Umemiya Hajime!”
His friends looked away upon hearing the murderous tone in your voice, knowing that their leader is completely and utterly done for.
“You have three seconds to give me my manga back.”
Umemiya can be a bit oblivious, but he’s not stupid. Slumping his shoulders, he gives you a look resembling a kicked puppy and gingerly hands you the manga back. “O-okay… don’t be mad at me…” He pouts, but is met with a deadly glare.
“See?! Now I have to find what page I was reading!”
Nervous, he tries to help you but doesn’t know how, so he resorts to stuttering next to you, making you more annoyed. “S.. sorry…. Are you angry?”
“Heck yes I’m angry!”
You dodge his kisses, only relenting when he literally kneels down in front of you and begs you to forgive him, resting his head on your lap.
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A woman’s voice breaks through the day’s tranquility, followed by sounds of feet thudding on the ground. Several shop owners and pedestrians turned to look at what’s going on, their brows furrowed when they found out that it was another pickpocket.
The young man in question is already taking off, a woman’s wallet clutched between his arm and torso, speeding down the street, a victorious smirk on his face. However, just as he’s rounding the corner, his face comes into contact with a fist, causing him to fall to the ground.
Rubbing his nose crossly, he looks up to see a white and black haired boy, towering over him with his arms crossed intimidatingly in front of his chest. His lips are pursed in a straight line and his eyes are burning. He looks scary, if it wasn’t for the cute purse that hangs on his arm. “What the heck?!” He spits out, quickly getting to his feet to make an escape.
An arm shoots out in front of him. “That wallet. Give it back.”
“Mind your own business, boy!” He moves to push him away, but he effortlessly takes his arm and twists it behind his back, making him yelp in pain. The pickpocket tries to hit his assaulter’s head, but is instead whacked on the head with an object. He flops down on the ground, holding an aching head with an aching arm, the stolen wallet quickly forgotten.
Sakura Haruka rolls his eyes at the weakling in front of him before picking up the wallet and returning it to its rightful owner, who thanks him over and over again. 
Just another day as Furin’s guardian.
“Sakura Haruka!”
Sakura flinches when he hears his full name being called out in a harsh tone, already knowing who it is without having to turn his head. He’s practically shaking in his boots when he finally faces you, hands on your hips, glaring daggers at your boyfriend.
“Did you just whack someone in the head using my purse?!”
Gulping, Sakura’s hands move to pat your purse, trying to return it to its original state (it now has a small dent from where it comes into contact with the pickpocket’s head) but fails miserably. “Umm..! Please wait a moment…” He grumbles, gently hammering your purse to fix the dent, finally succeeding as the purse returns to its form with a satisfying ‘plop!’
“You…” Taking big steps towards your boyfriend, you glare at him with rage, grabbing him by his collar. 
It is truly a sight: the Sakura Haruka, who usually holds other people by their collar, is now having his own collar grabbed by a girl, and instead of being offended, he only looks mortified.
“I-I fixed it! Here, good as new!”
“It’s not the same! You’re an idiot!”
Not far from there, Kiryu holds up his phone, recording the whole thing. He stops the video when the two of you finally stop arguing and Sakura slings an arm around you, giving you a peck on the cheek before turning beet red. Chuckling to himself, he opens up the gang group chat.
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Even after his fight with Furin High’s Umemiya, Tomiyama Choji is still an enigma. He looks like someone who wears his heart on his sleeve at first glance, but no amount of bubbly cheers and close-eyed smiles can tell a person what’s really on his mind.
Like right now.
The Shishitoren guys are chilling at the Ori, chatting and opening up bags of chips. The mood around them has greatly improved and they are now much more comfortable with each other. Tomiyama and Togame join them, sitting a bit further up, but still engaging in conversation.
“So, where’s the little princess?” Togame casually asks in an attempt to make small talk, but pauses when he feels his friend stiffen up.
Tomiyama smiles, but his eyes betray him.
“Umm.. is everything okay between you two?”
“Of course!” The Shishitoren leader beams, “Why wouldn’t it be?”
The guys in the front lower their voices, partly out of nervousness but also out of curiosity. They have often seen Tomiyama’s girlfriend hanging around at the Ori, laughing at his jokes and matching his energy. But not today.
“Well..” Togame ponders whether he should pursue the matter, but he’s actually a bit curious as well, so he presses on. “She usually comes here after school ends..”
At this, Tomiyama’s smile finally fades. He glances at the other guys, who instantly snaps their head away as if they weren’t at all eavesdropping earlier, then glares at his friend openly. “... What of it? She doesn’t have to come here every single day, does she?”
Togame knows now that he’s touched a nerve, so he drops it. Sighing, he opens up his phone, something that he rarely ever does, and decides to save the day by contacting a very special person.
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You burst into the Ori not long afterwards and Tomiyama immediately bolts to you, tackling you down and muttering apologies in between sobs. When you finally forgive him, he gives you the brightest smile and kisses your cheek, pulling you up from the ground and guiding you to sit down next to him, his arm encircling your waist.
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Togame Jo is a calm person. A very, very calm person. But calmness doesn’t equate to patience, and the Shishitoren guys know that better than anyone. It’s no easy feat to be the second-in-command, especially with someone like Tomiyama as the leader.
Togame rules with an iron fist. It’s true that he has mellowed down after the altercation with Furin, but the fact that he is intimidating remains standing. Now, he’s not even fazed when he argues with Tomiyama and stands his ground stubbornly, something that he usually avoids before fighting Furin High. That is why everyone still interacts with him cautiously, especially when they get a feeling that he’s in a bad mood.
Today is such a day.
The guys witnessed first hand how badly Togame and Tomiyama’s bickers can go, both sides unrelentingly stubborn. They’ve stopped fighting each other, but the tension is still there.
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Just then, a girl walks up to them, an annoyed look on her face as she proceeds to… lecture Togame?
“Tomiyama told me that you threw the first punch!”
“Huh?!” Togame glares at his friend, who returns his glare with a victorious grin. But he can’t say anything because it was true, he did throw the first punch— he got Tomiyama good.
“I told you to solve your arguments with cool heads, not fists!” The girl is you, and you’re now scrunching your nose in frustration at the two guys in front of you.
Aruma, Kanuma, and some of their friends are hiding behind a wall as they shamelessly peep. They thought that Togame would certainly explode right about now. He has looked irritated all day, just got into a fistfight with his friend, and now he’s being lectured by some girl? Their friend, perhaps, but still… lecturing the Togame Jo is a pretty nerve-wracking sight.
Imagine their surprise when instead of exploding in anger, Togame lets out a small huff and looks at the ground. “You never take my side… is your boyfriend Choji or me?”
Tomiyama roars in laughter when you guiltily try to cheer him up, the previous arguments forgotten. He’s still laughing as he snaps pictures of the two of you. You’re hugging Togame tightly, face buried in his chest, but unbeknownst to you, Togame is now smirking as he rests his chin on top of your head.
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Takiishi Chika is an all-around scary guy. He always looks two seconds away from socking someone in the face, he beats up everyone who so much as looks at him the wrong way, and he’s made it clear he isn’t interested in making friends.
Lately, though, another person has been added to his entourage. Not another scary guy like Endo Yamato, but rather a beautiful girl who looks like a perfectly law-abiding citizen.
The first time you show up, Endo is damn sure that you won’t last more than a week. Either you get too scared, make a mistake and get punched in the face, or Takiishi will grow bored of you and tell you to stay out of his way.
Neither happened.
He’s been counting the days: it’s been exactly four months, and he notices that you have only been getting closer to Takiishi. But perhaps, perhaps, today will be the day that you break.
You’re standing your ground fearlessly, staring at him angrily. Takiishi, as usual, returns your stare with a stoic one. “Why don’t you want to spend more time with me?!” Your face is all scrunched up, your hands balled up into fists.
Takiishi blinks. Once. Twice. He clearly disagrees with your earlier statement, but he doesn’t know how to respond, so he remains silent. But he clearly made the wrong decision because your frustration grows, tears glistening in the corner of your eyes. Surprised and unsure how to react, Takiishi opens and closes his mouth mutely.
“So it’s true, then. Endo was right.” You sigh in defeat, tears now running down your face, “You don’t actually love me. You like him more than me.”
Endo nearly chokes when Takiishi snaps his head towards his direction, his face dark and eyes flickering in pure anger. He’s sure that Takiishi would stomp his way to him and bash his head in, if it weren’t for your sobs.
He watches, learning his lesson about messing with you when Takiishi quietly pulls you into his arms, calming you down by rubbing your head gently. His movements are stiff and awkward, but even an idiot can tell that he treats you like a treasure, letting your tears wet his black jacket.
But it wasn’t finished yet— Takiishi kindly makes sure that Endo completely learns his lesson when he beats him half to death, threatening him to never talk to you that way ever again.
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NOTES : Wind Breaker fandom, I offer tribute!!!
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bat-boys · 6 months
domestic bliss
pairing: Azriel x fem reader
word count: 4.5k words
warning: suggestive language but no actual smut. just lots and lots of fluff!
summary: a series of scenes that give an insight into the domestic bliss you had built with your mate
a/n: oh my goshhh thank you so much for all the love and so sorry I've been a bit MIA. I'm in the middle of a couple of wips that I'm struggling to piece together so wanted to give you something quick whilst I get my act together. I hope you enjoy it loves 🫶🏻
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Part 2
A soft breeze and warm sunlight trickled into the room through the open floor-to-ceiling doors leading out to your room's balcony. The sounds of the birds chirping outside and the busy city below created a peaceful atmosphere that soothed your soul as you lay stretched out on your bed, book in hand.
A noise akin to a purr escaped the lips of the fae male sprawled across your body, head resting gently on your stomach, as you combed your fingers through his luxurious midnight black curls. Your lips tilted up in an affectionate smile as you continued to soak up the words on your page. As you gently scraped your fingernails along his scalp, another deep groan elicited, leaving you giggling and your toes curling. 
Sundays like this were your favourite. Slow, lazy and steady. Filled with quiet moments of simplicity. When Azriel wasn't busy off doing god knows what, god knows where, and you didn't have to attend any stuffy meetings or pour over lengthy negotiations and treaties as the emissary of the Night Court. When your mate could spend the day with you lounging in bed, just enjoying each other's presence. 
"Why did you stop?" Az grumbled as you lifted your hand away from his head. 
"I was turning the page, dummy." You chuckled at him. 
"Well, hurry up."
"Big Illyrian baby," you cooed, a soft yelp leaving your lips when you felt Azriel gently bite down on the stretch of bare skin he was resting on. A satisfied sound left his lips—and caused your eyes to roll—when he felt your fingers back in his hair. 
You, however, couldn't help the pulse of love and affection you sent down the bond when the next time you had to turn the page, one of his shadows appeared to do it for you.
Another chapter of your book was read before he spoke again, dispersing the soft, comfortable silence that had fallen between you. You had been convinced he had fallen asleep as you played with his hair. 
"When do you go to the Court of Nightmares?" He mumbled against your skin, his lips pursing to kiss your hip quickly. 
"Tomorrow." You sighed. It was your least favourite job as the official emissary, the one you dreaded doing every couple of weeks. Like Mor, you had been born under that particular mountain, crafted in its dark shadows, a dreamer bred to be a nightmare. It had taken years of wit and cunning to get to a position to meet the High Lord, years of barely surviving until you could petition him for a job—anything to get out of there. 
"Do you want me to come with you?" He lifted his head slightly, his hazel eyes meeting yours. Silver nearly lined your eyes as you took in his soft, gentle expression. Azriel understood just how much going there took out of you. He knew that you would return home hollow and would require the rest of the night to be cooped up in bed with his arms around you. 
He also recognised that you could absolutely do it alone. That you didn't need him beside you. You were strong enough to face your past head-on and would leave whatever meeting you were attending with Rhys and Feyre with the winning cards in your hand. But that didn't stop him from offering a comforting hand to hold throughout your time there. 
"Please." You whispered. His lips stretched into a gentle smile as he lifted his body off you to scoot up the bed and press his lips to yours in a loving kiss. 
"Of course, my love." And you knew that was that. No explanations, no words needed to be exchanged with Rhys. When it was time to travel to the Court of Nightmares, you would find your mate beside you, a reassuring hand in your own as he stood quietly beside you. 
Azriel could see the tumultuous thoughts flitting across your brain, so he did the only thing he could. He bent down once again to press his lips to yours, pouring as much love and affection as he could down that beautiful, gleaming bond you shared. 
Kissing Az never got boring, even after all these years together. He captured your bottom lip in his plush, slightly chapped lips, tugging slightly to elicit a soft groan from you, which he swallowed with his mouth. You lifted your arms to circle his neck, gently playing with the soft hairs there - your book long discarded and falling to the floor. He sighed against you as he wrapped his arms around your bare torso, pulling your chest flush against his as he deepened the kiss into something fiery that had a slow, dull ache beginning between your legs. 
You could feel him against your inner thigh and smirked against his lips as you reached a finger towards his impressive wings and carefully dragged a fingernail along the underside of his right wing where they met his back, a spot you had discovered many years ago. A primal part of you stretched out in satisfaction as you felt Azriel shudder against you at the touch. 
"So eager to go again, my love?" He teased, alluding to the several times he had already taken you that day as he gently nipped your skin before torturously slowly pressing open-mouthed, hot kisses along your jaw and down the column of your neck.
"Distract me, Az." You breathed, tipping your head back to expose even more of your delicate neck to him, groaning when you felt his canines skimming along your skin. 
"With pleasure, sweetheart."
The noise was almost deafening, the room packed to the brim with politicians, courtiers, nobility and High Lords and their entourages. It was enough to overwhelm anyone, but Azriel watched from the edge of the room as you dazzled person after person, drifting from one group of fae to the next, completely and totally in your element. 
You enjoyed nights like these when you got to flex the skills you had built up as an emissary to the Night Court, speaking to old friends, charming acquittances, and building friendships with those you had yet to meet. The beautiful deep black gown you wore also helped. 
Azriel watched as you stood amongst courtiers from the Winter Court, catching up with some of the gossip from one of your allies. A flute of champagne dangled from your fingers; half drank as you tipped your head back to laugh at something one of your friends had said. The dress you wore tonight was some torture explicitly designed for him. It was sleeveless, showing off the delicate curves of your shoulders and décolletage, the high swell of your breasts threatening to spill over the top of your dress every time you drew breath. The slit that every now and then gave Azriel the view of the smooth curve of your leg was maddening. But what was true torture was the choker around your neck, encrusted with gems the same colour as his siphons—a reminder of where his hands had been last night. 
He had almost sent a mental note to Rhys that the pair of you wouldn't be attending the party tonight when you had emerged from your bathroom and asked him to zip you up—favouring the idea of ravishing you right there and then. It was only the thought of watching you so expertly work the room, charming everyone so thoroughly, but knowing that only he had the privilege to take you home, that had him attending tonight.
As if you could hear his thoughts, your eyes drifted from the fae before you to lock eyes with your mate across the room. Matching smirks danced on your lips as he nodded at you, and you nodded back - an inside joke between the two of you started on that first official party you had been forced to attend when the mating bond was still so new. 
A fire built in your body, beginning in your stomach and dipped lower and lower as you watched him push off the wall he had been leaning on and stalk towards you. He never once dropped eye contact, his shadows twirling before him and telling him where to step, creating a direct path to you. 
You tracked him across the room, your skin burning from his gaze. When he stopped just in front of you, his shadows dispersed to dance among your skirts and play with the hair that cascaded down your back. 
"Emissary." He greeted, bending his body into a tight bow whilst that playful smirk danced on his lips. 
"Shadowsinger." You purred. 
"Rhys has asked to see you urgently." The desire swirling in his hazel eyes made the grin on your lips widen as your stomach dipped in anticipation. 
"Excuse me." You politely bowed your head to the people you previously held court with, dropping your now empty glass on a nearby table as you followed Azriel out of the room. 
Your heels clacked on the beautifully tiled floor as you closed the distance between you and Azriel. You were still walking behind him but close enough to brush your hand against his. He turned his head slightly to smirk at you, and you felt his hand beside you curl and unfurl as he resisted the urge to touch you in front of everyone. 
After moments of strutting through the House of Wind, you reached a part of the house away from the centre of the party, with fewer and fewer people milling around. It was only then that, with lightning-fast speed, Azriel's hand whipped out to grab yours and pull you into a shadowy alcove. 
With firm hands, he pushed you against the wall, his shadows swirling to hide you from prying eyes, as one of Azriel's hands dropped to your hips and the other reached up to grip your neck. You groaned in delight at the feeling of his hands on you, the messy, feverish kisses he was now peppering along the bare skin of your neck, shoulder and collarbones. 
"Az." You moaned as you felt his canines drag along that sensitive junction where your neck met your shoulder, his tongue following to soothe the slight sting. 
"Fuck Y/N." He groaned into your skin, relishing in the way you tasted - so sweet. Even after years of being together, he would never get tired of tasting you, of his lips and tongue on your flesh, on your lips and in between your thighs. 
"What if we get caught?" You managed to say, your chest heaving as you breathed heavily, hands gripping Azriel's broad shoulders tightly. 
"That's never stopped you before, love." He teased as he ran his lips across the swell of your breasts, his touch feather-light, causing a shiver to run down your body and your eyes to roll to the back of your head.
The hand that was holding your hips in his grasp moved to slip under the slit of your dress, skimming down the curve of your leg, tracing over your knee and down your calf before wrapping around your thigh to lift it and hook it over his hips.
"You were torturing me out there, Princess." His voice had become deep and husky, and he elicited a groan from your lips as he was able to press his hips into yours with the new angle. Your body was set alight as you felt his straining erection through the material of his pants as he pushed into you. 
"Looking delicious in that dress for everyone to see." His words caused molten lava to pool in your stomach, the throbbing at the apex of your thighs to become incessant, and the wetness gathering there began to drip down your thigh. 
Anticipation curled in your stomach as you felt Azriel's hand travel from your thigh to your hip, skimming so lightly it was pure torture down your bikini line before reaching your swollen and slick sex - freezing when he realised he had unrestricted access.
"You've got to be kidding me, no underwear? Fuck you're killing me love." He groaned against your neck, roughly nipping at your jaw and causing a moan of your own to slip past your lips.
"All for you, Az." You whispered, throwing your head back against the solid wall behind you as he traced your slit, gathering the wetness pooling there.
"There they are." Rhys's unbothered drawl broke through the hazy atmosphere you were creating in your shadowy alcove, shattering the moment and causing you both to freeze. 
"I knew those lovebirds hadn't gone far." Cassain chuckled from beside Rhys. You knew Azriel's shadows were keeping you covered, that they couldn't see anything and could only recognise you both because they knew how his shadows felt and what they looked like to the untrained eye. 
"Piss off, Cass." Azriel snarled as he slowly extracted himself from you, carefully dropping your leg and trying to straighten your dress. 
"Someone's cranky," Cassain teased, and you rolled your eyes as you watched Azriel's face turn into a murderous expression. Azriel was usually so calm and collected, not easy to rattle at all, except when it came to you. 
"You know not to interrupt a male and his mate." You sighed as you gripped the front of the dress and tried to rearrange it over your chest. You noted the still-hungry look in Azriel's eyes as he watched your every move. A promise in his gaze that told you this wasn't over. 
"If you wanted to enjoy each other's company in the hallway, that's totally up to you; we get it - looking beautiful as ever Y/N -," Rhys added as Azriel dropped his shadows once you looked presentable, "but we're doing a debrief in my office, and then you're all done for the night so you can move this to your bedroom if you wish…"
"We'll be there in 5 minutes," Azriel managed to grind out, his eyes still on yours, desperately trying to calm down. 
"Is that all he lasts?" Azriel's eyes flared, and you knew Cassain had overstepped. You gave them both an eye roll, territorial fae bullshit. 
"Cass," you warned as you heard your best friend chuckle at the snarl that ripped out of Azriel's mouth as he sauntered back down the hallway. 
Azriel padded through the quiet hallway of the home he shared with you. His feet were cool as they touched the dark wood floor, a nice contrast to the heat pushing up against the windows from the summer sun outside. His shadows flitted and danced around him as they coaxed him to follow them, to follow them to her. His lips curled up in amusement at their behaviour as he neared the kitchen, where he could hear you humming and the soft sounds of you bustling around the kitchen. 
He rounded the corner to lean on the doorframe; strong arms crossed over his bare chest as he took in the scene before him. His heart almost stopped dead at the sight of you standing at the large island in the middle of the room, mixing bowl in front of you and wooden spoon in hand, your glorious hair pulled half up into a messy bun tied at the back of your head - tendrils falling around your face and gleaming in the sun -, wearing nothing but one of his shirts. 
A deep and primal part of him purred at the sight of you in his clothes, knowing that it was unlikely you had anything under that soft cotton. The fit was incredibly baggy on you, the hemline falling to your mid-thigh, the collar threatening to slip down your shoulder, and the sleeves so long you had had to roll them up. He delighted in being taller than you, bigger than you. A small part of him always soared when he bundled you up in his arms, being able to protect you with just his body. He knew, more than anyone, that you could handle yourself. In a tight situation, you could take down as many enemies as he could. But there was something so delightful about your body being so much smaller than his. 
A soft melody slipped past your lips, and Azriel joined in as he pushed off the doorframe. Unable to contain the need to touch you any longer, he approached you. You jolted slightly at the feeling of his large, warm hands on your hips, and a soft yelp left your lips when you felt Azriel bury his head in your hair and press a chaste kiss to the skin of your neck.
"Morning, love," Azriel mumbled into your hair, breathing in your intoxicating scent. 
"More like afternoon, babe; we spent all morning in bed!" you joked as you turned back to the task at hand.
"And whose fault is that." Azriel teased as he pulled away from your neck to reach around and gently nip at your earlobe, which sent a lick of fire straight to the apex of your thighs.
"Yours." You shot back, angling your head slightly to look at your mate.
"Hmm, I'm not so sure about that," he smirked, his beautiful hazel eyes dancing with mischief and desire as he dipped his head to press your lips in a searing kiss. Kissing Azriel was like this: all or nothing. Either his kisses were chaste, quick things meant to convey a simple hi or, more often than not, a quick acknowledgement of you during conversations or as you passed each other in corridors or hallways. His other types of kisses were slow, leisurely and utterly torturous, and he poured every ounce of love he had for you into them. His lips moved lazily with yours, licking across the seam of your lips and begging for entrance before licking into your mouth - your knees almost buckling at the intoxicating sensation and the fire burning in your body. He knew what he was doing, as was evident when he pulled away with a smirk on his lips, "what are you making?"
He grinned when he watched your eyes drift back into focus, your body slamming down to reality after a kiss that was so heady but given so casually. 
"A lemon drizzle cake." You replied somewhat breathlessly, which made him chuckle, and you felt his chest rumble on your back.
"My favourite." He said as he returned to his spot behind you and wrapped his arms around your torso, bringing your back flush to his chest as you continued baking. 
"I know, love." You softly spoke as you began to stir the mixture before you. Judging by the smile in your voice, he knew you were thinking of that moment a handful of years ago when you had both accepted the mating bond with a lemon drizzle cake.
It had been your first time to the Court of Nightmares since you had escaped and been made part of the Night Court. You had been secretly dreading it, knowing that your usual skill set as emissary would all fall apart in that place when your eyes would land on your family and those familiar snarling faces. And it had. Everything had gone to shit the moment your family had spotted you beside Rhys' throne and had smelt that mating bond on you. It had started with shouting and had escalated to your family barging their way up to the throne and threatening to gut you for turning into a whore. 
Rhys had pulled rank and ordered everyone to leave, and you had been quickly winnowed to the safety of the townhouse, where everyone had rallied around you and tried to distract you. Rhys and Azriel had gone back to calm the situation and assess the aftermath. You had been cooped up in the arms of Cassain for the evening, a loving and supportive brother figure you had never had before. But deep down, you had wanted only one pair of arms around you to soothe you and remind you that your family do not dictate who you are. 
Everyone had eventually retreated to bed, but you had stayed, needing to see him, knowing he would return at some god-forsaken hour. He had found you then when he winnowed to appear in the living room of the townhouse, curled up on a sofa in front of the fire with a book in your hand. At his appearance, you slowly put the book down to look at him. 
The bond was newly snapped in place, but he could feel your emotions faintly and was so overwhelmed by the fact that you had stayed up for him that all he could think to say was, "Good book?"
He had watched fascinated as your lips curled into a soft smile, the first since the incident so many hours ago. "Couldn't put it down." 
He chuckled lowly but didn't move from his spot as you slipped a bookmark into the page and popped it beside you, swinging your legs off the sofa to sit facing him. 
"Az, I think we need to talk." He watched as you outstretched your hand, gesturing for him to come and sit with him. 
His heart had sunk as he had walked over to you, joining you on the sofa. He knew you needed to talk about the mating bond and how you moved forward—you had been friends for so long, and he had been yearning for you since the first day he met you. And now he was terrified that you were about to reject the bond, reject him, and he was going to lose the woman he loved and the friendship he cherished with you all in one go. 
"Y/N, you need to do the right thing for you - please don't accept something because you feel bad for me. We can work it out. I can perhaps get Rhys to station me in the Illyrian mountains so you can stay here, and I-"
"Respectfully, what the hell are you talking about, Az?" You stared, baffled, at the male before you as he rambled on. He couldn't look at you, and his expression conveyed such sadness.
"The logistics of you rejecting the bond—that's what you want to talk about, isn't it?" A bark of laughter left your lips, shocking him and causing him to snap his head up to look at you in confusion. 
"Oh Az, no honey, that's not what I wanted to talk about," you softly said as you held one of his beautiful, scarred hands in one of yours and brought the other to cup his cheek. You watched, fascinated, as he internally debated whether to lean into your touch, "Stay here a second; I'll be back."
He watched, confused, as you flashed him a warm, comforting smile before dashing off the sofa and disappearing into the hallway outside the living room. The wait may have been seconds, minutes at most, but it felt like hours to Azriel. His heart had stopped dead when you returned, a dish in your hand in which a delicately decorated cake sat atop it. He watched keenly as you walked back to him, smiling sheepishly and nervously, and sat back beside him on the sofa. 
"This is for you. I want to accept the mating bond." Those words, spoken so softly in the dead of night, in a house that had seen so much joy and heartache before, were enough to set Azriel alight. He had no words to describe the feeling that was coursing through him as he looked between you and the cake you held out towards him.
His hands moved on their own accord as he took the dish from you, noticing the sugar icing that had been meticulously drizzled onto the soft sponge and the sweet little decorative flower you had piped into the centre. Just from looking at it, he could tell you had baked this cake and poured every ounce of feeling into it, and he felt himself getting choked up at the thought. 
"Are you sure?" He whispered, and the vulnerable look on that face was enough to break your heart. 
"Yes. I have loved you for years, Az and the snapping of the bond in place made it seem as if the Mother and the Cauldron had finally listened to all those prayers I sent them. I baked this earlier to give it to you after we had returned from a successful meeting at the Court of Nightmares," his lips quirked ever so slightly at the sarcasm that dripped from your voice, "it may not be the moment I intended; but it's still perfect anyway. It's a larger version of those lemon sponges you love from that bakery we found last year. The owner gave me the recipe. I want you, Azriel."
Azriel had given up on finding his mate, resigned to always wondering. When you had crash-landed into his life a handful of years ago, he had silently hoped it would be you, and when he had tripped and fallen head-first in love with you, he had begun to beg that the mating bond would snap one day. So many years of yearning for you, unaware that you felt the same, that you were begging for it to be him as well. So many wasted years. And when the mating bond had finally snapped, when you had returned from a month-long summit at the Day Court and taken one look at him, he had almost fallen to his knees then and there. 
He had finally found you, and you wanted him back. Words would come to him later, spoken against the soft sheets of your bed, in between feverish kisses and in the afterglow of what was to come, so for now, he held your gaze as he lifted the small slice you had cut for him and took a bite. 
"Az, baby. I need to put the cake in the oven." Your words brought him out of the daydream he had been enjoying and back to the present moment. He chuckled and kissed your temple before unwinding from your body and taking a step back so you could move to put the cake tin in your hands and into the oven. 
He leaned back against the counter as he watched you carefully manoeuvre it inside before triumphantly shutting the oven door and turning back to him with a satisfied smile. 
"Come here." He held out his hand, a gesture so similar to the one you had given him all those years ago that a smile danced on both of your faces. You let him pull you against his chest, one of his hands falling to your hips and the other coming up to cup your cheek, his thumb gently brushing some flour that had somehow made its way to your face.
"Happy 10-year anniversary, love." You whispered into the gentle silence, and the shadowsinger gave you a beautiful smile. 
"Happy 10 year anniversary, sweetheart." He whispered back as he closed the distance and gently pressed his lips to yours in a loving kiss that held 10 years of the most beautiful memories.  
Read Part 2 here!
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yawnderu · 7 months
MORE!! NEET!READER!! I’m obsessed with this it’s so silly and cute <33 I love your writing I can scroll through your page for hours 🍒
“Y'wanna what?” Simon almost chokes on his water at the request, looking down at you with raised eyebrows. He's always been an expressive man, even more so underneath the heavy layers of his balaclava— even more so with his best friend.
“Wank you.” You repeat quietly, slightly nervous hands fidgeting with the edge of your notebook while your head rests on Simon's meaty thigh, shamelessly resting on your knees in front of him the same way you used to do when you were much younger.
Simon's fingers drum against the plastic of his water bottle, eyes narrowing slightly as he tries his best not to laugh at the blunt request, not a single social cue in that little head of yours.
“An' what do I get in return?” Your scrunched up face makes it almost impossible to hold back his laugh, forcing Simon to take a deep breath before his rough, calloused hand goes to caress the length of your hair, subtly pulling you in closer.
“Well, you get wanked...” Simon's hand drifts down to your face, gently cupping your cheek and forcing you to make eye contact, your fingers running along the length of the notebook in your hands as you look up at him expectantly.
Simon's stare isn't half as intimidating when you know how much of a cry baby he used to be as a kid. The corners of your lips tilt up into a small smile as you think about a much younger and innocent version of him— only for the bastard to take the chance to sneak two of his fingers into your mouth, making you recoil back out of pure instinct.
“Tosser.” You try to slap his hand away only for him to grab your wrist out of reflex, shooting a cheeky smirk your way when you look up at him with disbelief. For someone as big as Simon, he's surprisingly gentle, giving you time to protest as he makes your hand run up his thigh, slowly inching towards his already hard cock.
“Go on, then. Give me a proper wank.” Seeing how you don't pull away, Simon wastes no time on lowering the band of his sweatpants, hooking it under his balls to keep in place. You scramble for the notepad on your lap with your free hand, finding a blank page to write about his body's reactions, much to his amusement. Simon doesn't mind being used as an experiment— not when his best friend keeps making him cum.
Your soft hand wraps around his length, feeling it throb beneath your palm as you take notes with your free hand. Simon's dick is as pretty as they come; 21 centimeters of thick meat, green veins running along the shaft, the head of it always seeming to be leaking like a pathetic, broken faucet.
Simon groans the moment your hand starts to move up and down agonizingly slow, a small grin pulling at the corners of your lips the moment his legs part, giving you more room to do whatever you want to him. Your hand goes up to the tip of his cock, rubbing it with your fingers and palm, gathering the precum leaking down only to use it as lube to be able to jerk him off better.
“Fuck.” Simon's head is thrown back, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down the moment your now sticky hand goes back to his shaft, muffled deep grunts and moans leaving his lips. Discipline, precision, and control are what Simon built his entire life on, all broken down by you the moment he can feel your warm breath hitting his cock, your flat tongue licking his tip with curiosity that, if it wasn't for how pent-up Simon is, he wouldn't have minded.
Simon's hand joins yours, guiding the rhythm of the handjob to something he needs— hard and fast, your soft digits caressing the thickening veins every once in a while until he can't take it anymore. Without a warning, Simon shoots ropes of thick, hot cum all over your face and tongue, making you let out a surprised yelp at the sensation and taste, already busy taking new notes as you absentmindedly make him ride off his orgasm, feeling new ropes of more watery cum fill your mouth and overwhelm your senses.
Half-lidded brown eyes focus on what you're writing, resisting the urge to roll his eyes despite his intense orgasm, his hand now softly caressing your cheek, making sure to spread his warm cum all over your cheek.
Slightly salty and too thick, doesn't taste that bad.
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gold-dustwomxn · 9 months
brat tamer!ellie —> safety net
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cw: smut mdni !!! degradation, spanking, binding, dacryphilia, spit play
ellie is a sweet baby angel at the end
oral + fingering (e receiving) strap (r receiving)
a/n: ellie and reader have a safe word and this is all completely consensual
“babe, have you seen my work folder? I can’t fucking find it anywhere and I’m gonna be late.” ellie is pacing frantically around your shared apartment, tugging at her hair in frustration.
honestly, you’ve been a little pissed at her. she hasn’t fucked you in five whole days because she’s been too busy and too tired from work. “nope, haven’t seen it.”
she stops in her tracks and looks at you dumbfounded, “well can you help me look for it?”
you groan and roll your eyes, noisily stomping around the apartment. you look between the couch and the wall, “found it!”
she runs into the room and takes it from you, “thanks, baby.” and leans in to kiss you.
ellie knowing your body language like the back of her hand, realizes that you barely kissed back and knows that something’s up. “what’s wrong?”
you avoid eye contact and shrug, “nothing.”
she places her middle and ring finger under your chin to direct your face back to her. “look at me, what is it?”
“it’s nothing! you’re gonna be late.”
her eyebrows raise, “if nothing’s wrong, then why the hell are you yelling at me?”
you can tell that her patience is running thin by the way she’s tapping her foot with her arms crossed against her chest. “ellie. just go to work.”
she lets out a heavy sigh, “fine. I love you, I’ll see you later.” you and ellie have a rule that you always say I love you before leaving the apartment, argument or not.
“love you too.” she looks at you for a moment and then turns on her heel to leave.
ellie returns home from work 2 hours late. let’s just say you’re more pissed than you were this morning. she lets out a yawn and goes to walk into your shared bedroom and observes you, laying in bed, reading a book. usually when she comes home, you greet her with a hug and a kiss, and now you’re acting as if she’s a ghost.
she’s too tired to dance around whatever passive aggressiveness you’re throwing at her. “wanna tell me what the problem is yet?”
“you’re home late.” you turn to the next page in your book, not even looking at her as she speaks.
she sighs and sits down next to you and gently takes the book from you, dog-earing the page and places it onto the nightstand. “I’m sorry baby, I have a huge deadline to meet.”
you finally look up at her; her tie loose around her collar with the first few buttons undone on her shirt, and belt unbuckled. you bite your lip as your eyes roam her body.
ellie, ever the observer she is, doesn’t miss how you’re basically drooling over her right now. “is that what your problem is?”
you look into her eyes, “huh?”
“huh? oh now you wanna look at me? don’t play dumb.”
you swallow hard and squeeze your thighs together. she places a hard grip on your thigh, spreading your legs apart, making you whimper. you can see the expression in her face harden, eyes darkening, slipping into that delicious role that you desperately need.
she chuckles and runs a hand through her hair. “you are fucking unbelievable. take your clothes off. now.”
ellie has you completely naked, perched over her lap with your hands bound together with her belt, having been spanked multiple times already.
“you know you really fucking pissed me off with your bratty attitude today.”
“I’m sorry.” you whimper. “oh, now you’re sorry? now you wanna be a good girl?” she grips onto both of your asscheeks hard, squeezing the fat between her fingers before her hand lifts and then whips down with a loud slap.
you let out something between a yelp and a moan and she laughs. you can feel the tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
she leans down to look at your face, “gonna cry for me?” you can hear her breath getting heavy, eyes low as she observes your glassy eyes. she keeps her intense gaze on your face and your body tenses up in preparation, feeling the wind before her hand connects with your ass again.
tears spill from your eyes and she groans, “so pretty.” she leans back and rubs her hands softly over the marks before spreading you apart, eyes taking in your sopping cunt.
she chuckles, “you’re fucking soaked. such a pathetic slut for me.” you whine and try to squeeze your legs together but she grabs onto your thigh before you’re able to.
“isn’t that right?” you nod and she lightly slaps your cunt. your eyes roll back at the pleasurable sting, feeling more arousal leaking out of you. “words. use them.” “yes,” you whine.
“say it. say you’re a pathetic little slut for me.”
you take a moment to catch your breath and she slaps your cunt again. “I’m a p-pathetic little slut for you,” you cry out.
she hums and leans down to blow air on your cunt for relief from the sting, how kind of her. she sees your hole clench and she spits on it before teasingly sliding her tongue between your wet folds. you whimper and squirm in her lap.
“you think you deserve to get fucked?” she lightly brushes her thumb up and down your clit.
“yes, yes please.”
“please what?”
“please fuck me.” you breathe out.
she scoffs and chuckles. “too fucking bad, you’re gonna have to wait.”
suddenly, she’s hoisting your body up from her lap and pushing you to your knees. the abrupt movement has your wrists stinging from the belt tightly wrapped around them. she notices your wince and undoes the belt, kissing each wrist.
she pulls down her boxers and tosses them to the side and your eyes take in how wet she is. your thighs squeeze together in anticipation. “now, be a good girl for me and let me use that mouth.”
she grips your hair into a makeshift pony-tail and shoves your face into her cunt, immediately grinding against you. you moan into her and she grunts.
“acting like such a f-fucking brat because you wanna be treated like a whore.” she huffs out.
you nod against her, and suck hard on her clit making her hips stutter.
“can’t even c-come home from work without getting a fucking attitude from you.”
you brush your hand up her thigh before easing a finger into her. her pace falters for a moment, and her eyes roll back, letting out a moan. “oh fuck, yeah.. good girl. suck my fucking clit.” you moan into her from the praise and add another finger before increasing the pace of your thrusts, sucking harder onto her pulsing bud.
lewd squelching sounds fill the room from your fingers slamming in and out of her, and from your mouth greedily lapping at her.
“gonna be useful and make me cum?��� she looks down at you with furrowed brows, eyes bouncing between yours and your mouth on her.
you look up at her, her gaze intimidating even in her vulnerable position, and you feel your arousal dripping between your thighs.
ellie shoves your face deeper, bucking her hips aggressively, loud strangled grunts spilling from her mouth. her head rolls back as she closes her eyes and bites her lip.
finally, her body tenses up and her shaky thighs squeeze around your head, clenching hard around your fingers. “oh f-fuck baby nghh. lick it all up and then, mphh, stick out your tongue,” she pants. you lap her up before curling into her hole, collecting all of her arousal.
you stick out your tongue, her cum dripping onto your bottom lip down your chin and she groans. “you look like such a slut with my cum all over your face. so pretty.”
she spits in your mouth, “now swallow.” you do as she says with no hesitation, and she strokes your cheek. “good girl.”
she swipes a thumb over your glistening chin and pops it into her mouth. sliding her hand down your arm and grabbing your hand, she takes your fingers and rolls her tongue over them, sucking them into her mouth, tasting herself. you let out a moan and she chuckles, “you like that, huh?”
you squeak out a ‘yes’ and she leans in to kiss you for the first time tonight. she grabs onto your jaw and slides her tongue against yours. you feel yourself getting lost in the kiss, tugging on her hair, making her groan. she sucks on your lip and pulls back, both of you breathless.
“you did good.” she bites her lip looking down at your naked body and pinches your nipple, before pulling you up by your arm and bending you over the bed. “stay.”
“got anything else you wanna say to me?” ellie says pounding harder into you between each word. she pulls out fully and slams back into you, making you whine. your body gives out and she wraps her arm around your waist to hold you back up.
she leans down and places sloppy kisses behind your ear and neck to your cheek, “hm?” “n-no ellie.”
she chuckles, “fucking the attitude right out of you. just needed to be put in your place, huh?”
you moan and your legs start to shake, “mhmm I’m sorry.” you’re not sorry, you’re loving this right now, and ellie knows that.
she laughs, “no you’re not, you’re just a greedy slut. don’t fucking cum until I say so, got it?” her breathy, whispered tone contradicting her harsh words.
your mind is too far away, in a haze of euphoria, only distantly registering her words.
she stills inside of you, making you whine in protest. “you gonna answer when I’m talking to you baby?” she slaps your ass and pulls out before plunging back into you hard, making your eyes cross and arms give out, upper body falling flat onto the bed. you can feel her grinding against you for her own pleasure, waiting for you to answer her.
“yes! yes yes ellie,” you whimper, “I understand.”
she gently glides her hand from the base of your spine to the dip between your shoulder blades and leans over you completely, naked chest pressed against your back. angling your jaw to look at her, she studies you for a moment, before her lips attach to the curve of your neck, her teeth scraping against the soft skin. her tongue soothes the mark, and she tugs on your hair until your lips meet, sliding her tongue into your mouth and nipping on your bottom lip. “good girl.” you chase her lips when she pulls away and she chuckles, not giving you what you want.
ellie stands up fully and grips onto your hips, arching your back before slamming into you hard and fast. she watches your ass ripple with each thrust, “you’re perfect, fuck.” she mutters breathlessly.
“oh my god,” you gasp out, “s-so deep.”
“yeah? you like when I fuck you like this?” she changes her angle slightly, somehow going deeper than before.
“mmm ellie, please!” tears are rolling down your face.
“please what?” her pace never faltering. “please I wanna cum,” you whine. ellie wanted to take a picture, hold on to this breathtaking view of you below her.
“just sh-shut up and fucking take it. you can hold on a little longer.” she breathes out shakily, chasing her own orgasm, pounding into you harder and faster.
ellie’s grunts and moans start to turn more animalistic, slightly higher in pitch. she leans down and starts rubbing your clit in fast circles. “ellie ellie please I-I can’t.” you stretch your hand behind you in search of hers and she intertwines her fingers with yours.
“okay baby, cum for me.” your body starts to tremble violently. you moan into the sheets, seeing stars as you gush around the strap, gasping for air. ellie lets out a guttural moan, “fuck, yeah, good fucking girl.” she leans against you, hips slamming sloppily into you as her body shakes, succumbing to her own release.
when you come back to earth, ellie is immediately scooping you up into her arms, brushing the hair out of your face. your body is still trembling, breath still heaving as you come down from your high. “hey shh shh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay. you did so good for me.” she kisses you passionately and slowly. she places gentle kisses all over your face to help soothe you before leaning your head into her chest, rubbing your back in small circles. when you pull back to look at her, she smiles, stroking your cheek. “I love you, sweet girl. wanna go take a bath?” you nod and lean in to give her a soft kiss, “I love you too.”
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sageispunk · 2 months
foolish (18+)
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pairing: Lewis Hamilton x black!reader
↳ "cause i can't seem to break away from your foolish love"
wordcount: 1.8k+
warnings: rpf 🫣, angst, infidelity, smut, bathroom sex, cunnilingus, fingering, mention of squirting, situationships, the word "bimbo" used derogatorily, asshole!Lewis in a sad boy way
A/N: wrote this off an edible and no sleep, slightly inspired by @ham1lton 's toxic Lewis AU drabble and my ongoing need for some good angst, hope u enjoy <3 || like, reblog + comment pls!! follow my notif page @sageispunklibrary to be notified when i upload new writings 🫶🏾
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You always found yourself back here. Hiding away from everyone with your hands over your mouth as Lewis knelt between your thighs. His gracious tongue traced circles around your swollen clit before he sucked the bud into his mouth, becoming your own personal rose toy. The suction his pink lips provided had you squirming and shaking as you leaned against the bathroom counter. “Lew, please…”
His eyes fluttered shut as one of your hands grasped his braids in a failed attempt to pull him away from your core. You could feel him whine into your pussy in protest, his own hands strengthening their grasp on your hips. Your muffled cries echoed in the bathroom, and your mind wasn’t clear enough to take the hint to keep fucking still so you continued to thrash against his hold. 
“Fuuucckkkk…” The whine left your mouth as you threw your head back, unable to keep your eyes focused on the beautiful man currently eating you like you were his last meal. Lewis suddenly released your clit from his mouth, landing a swift slap on your pussy which caused you to jump and yelp, bringing your attention back down to him. Before you could even get a word out, he began, “Eyes on me, sweetheart,” He left a soft kiss on your right inner thigh. “...and stop trying to run from me, y’know this pussy is mine.” You wanted to roll your eyes at the smirk growing on his face but those thoughts were erased from your mind as you watched him switch to your other thigh, kissing and biting your soft mahogany skin hard enough to leave a mark. 
With a pout on your face, you decided not to be too bratty, keeping your focus on Lewis as he replaced his tongue on your pussy, alternating between flicking your clit and tongue-fucking your needy hole. You sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, biting down onto it a bit too hard just to keep from making too much noise, even with the music vibrating through the walls from the main floor underneath you two.
He watched you from below, in complete adoration at the dewy, sensual, flustered look on your face. Although he was never one to brag, Lewis was very aware of how talented he was in the bedroom, especially with you. Having been off and on for several years, and best friends for years before that, there was almost nothing that he didn’t know about you, including how to pleasure you. He knew which pattern to trace with his tongue to make you cum the hardest, he knew how many fingers it took to make you squirt three feet across the room, and he also knew the exact angle to fuck you in just to get you creaming around his dick in under a minute. 
Something Lewis didn’t know was the fact that his current “girlfriend” was currently walking down the long hallway in search of him, considering he’s been missing from the party for a good fifteen minutes or so already. He wanted to take his time with you tonight, after having not seen you for months–since he began dating this new girl. She was just a distraction, truly…both of you were tired of the back and forth, and after the last time you ended things with him, he didn’t know what to do with himself besides busy himself with work and whatever new bimbo he got a hold of. Now, he was craving you, and you were craving him, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when he whisked you away upstairs, cockily smiling at the fact that you followed him away from the crowd. Like old times.
He removed his mouth from your throbbing cunt once more, this time bringing his middle and ring fingers up to his lips. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched him soak his tattooed fingers with a mixture of his saliva and your pussy juices, leaving them slick and shiny before placing them onto your lower lips. Your hips circled lazily, craving him inside of you, whether it be his fingers, his dick, or even his tongue again. 
“What d’ya need, baby? Hm?” 
His fingers slowly and softly trailed a figure eight pattern over your pussy lips, careful not to make contact with your ever needy clit. Without halting his teasing, Lewis slowly came to a stand, caging you in on the counter. The lack of space between your faces had your heart rate increasing, all of your air seemingly getting sucked out of the room as you felt the strong urge to kiss and hold and love the man in front of you. His brown eyes captivated you, wiping from your mind all the reasons that you should not be here right now. 
Your right hand flew up to his face, caressing his left cheek with a gentleness that he’d been missing for far too long. He leaned in more, not stopping until your foreheads were mushed together, both of you breathy and surrounded by an air of tension. “Tell me what you need.” Whispered this time, his words sent a shiver down your spine, your body subconsciously jolting up and being reminded of his soaked digits right outside of where you needed him the most. 
“Please fuck me, Lewis, I need to feel you–” A loud gasp escaped your lips at the feeling of Lewis suddenly plunging his long fingers deep into your core. He was through taking his time, an urgent need to see and feel you quivering around him overwhelming his mind. His dick throbbed in his pants, tightly straining against the fabric of his expensive briefs. The gushing sounds emanating from his movements in and out of your pussy had the both of you swooning, you creeping up to your peak already. He kept up the pace, notching his fingers at the perfect angle to get you right where he wanted you, falling apart for him on this countertop.
Lewis used his free hand to pull you in by the back of your head, allowing your lips to mash together with a frenzied passion. He stole each moan and whimper straight from your mouth with his own tongue as you came on his fingers, your core tight and legs trembling. All you could focus on was the softness of his lips against yours and his fingers slowing down inside you, everything fitting together nearly perfectly. 
Knock knock knock! “Lewis are you in there?!”
Both of your eyes widened at the voice right outside the door, bodies frozen as you came to a sobering realization of what you were doing. Fooling around with a taken man, a man who happened to be your ex? Your ex-situationship? Ex-something, but that didn’t matter as much as the fact that he had a whole girlfriend now. 
She knocked again a second later, and Lewis returned his gaze to you, silently urging you to say something, whilst his fingers remained inside you. You sighed, closing your eyes and shouting through the door, “He’s not in here, I think I saw him heading out back earlier though!”
“That’s the first place I looked… but okay, he’s probably around here somewhere.” You stayed put where you were until you heard her further down the hall, checking other rooms for him. 
Lewis let out a sigh of relief. “That was close..” He leaned back in to resume your previous activities before you turned away, obviously unsettled by the close call and reality check. “Baby…” His eyes softened as he pulled his drenched fingers out of you. 
“Don’t–don’t fucking ‘baby’ me, you have a girlfriend Lewis! What in the actual fuck are we doing here?!” You whisper-yelled, all the frustration of your current situation and the entire context of your relationship with Lewis all of a sudden hitting you like a freight train. You avoided his eyes as you hopped off the counter, looking around for your handbag and phone. Both were dropped on the floor in a frenzy and you’d only hoped that your screen wasn’t cracked. 
“C’mon, d’you really think she means more to me than you do? Really?” He stepped back and watched you attempt to gather yourself, eyes focused hard on your face as if he was trying to read through your now hardened demeanor. 
“I don’t fucking know, you what, made her your official girlfriend after fucking her for two weeks, but I–who you claim to care about sooo much–couldn’t even get a proper label after TWO YEARS of loving and caring for you?? I don’t know Lewis, what does that look like to you?” 
You were hurt, still hurt over no longer being with him the same way you’d been for so long, and this little meeting of yours didn’t do much to help with those feelings. Your eyes met finally and you could read the hurt written across his face as well, but as soon as you saw it, it disappeared even quicker, replaced with his usual cocky, unbothered expression. 
“Y’know what? You’re right, I shouldn’t have even brought you in here, it was a mistake…” His words sent a pang of sadness through your chest, and even more so the way he was just ready to let you go. Again. 
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, checking yourself one last time in the mirror above the sink. “You’re an asshole, Hamilton.” You turned and he silently stepped to the side, allowing you to make your way out of the small bathroom. “Have a nice life.” Your heels clicked down the hall, the direction opposite than where his girlfriend went. You held back your tears for as long as you could, managing a quick Irish exit from the loud and crowded party before they finally fell, clouding your vision as you typed away on your phone to request a ride home. 
In the five minutes it took for the car to arrive, you allowed your brain to give you a slideshow on every reason you and Lewis wouldn’t work out, from your busy schedules and constant butting heads, in addition to his avoidance of claiming you as his own. You finally decided on hitting that precious block button on every app you could find on your phone, your method of ceasing all contact with him, a way to prevent you from experiencing this pain all over again. 
On the other hand, Lewis remained in the bathroom for a few moments, not knowing exactly how to proceed from here. He knew that messing with you while in his current predicament wouldn’t necessarily score him any points with you, but he couldn’t help the natural gravitation that pulled you two together every time you were in each others’ presence. His goal definitely wasn’t to hurt you more than he already has, but he couldn’t help but think that maybe this was the only way to make sure you wouldn’t come back, to ensure your peace and happiness, even if it meant he’d never see you again. 
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i do not give permission for anyone to copy, translate, or repost any of my works. 18+ ONLY -- i am not responsible for the content you consume.
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atinylittlepain · 2 years
Hello there! I was wondering if you would be down to do a Joel smut where he’s a bit insecure about his body (maybe he’s older than the reader? Scars?) but the reader wants to praise him anyway? (Praise kink? Idk how to write smut tbh)
hey! I love this idea, Joel deserves a little TLC for sure :)
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All Yours - A Joel Miller Story
Joel Miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
Joel has been distancing himself from her, and she's worried he's found someone else. When she discovers the real reason he's been so cold, she shows him just how much she cares for him.
warnings | 18+ SMUT, angst, age gap, insecure!Joel :(( but then fluff yay
Joel Miller is acting strange, and it’s starting to freak her out. It had started out subtle, since they had settled in Jackson. They had never before had the luxury of sex that wasn’t fully clothed, frantic, one eye always checking for danger. But now, with a whole bed to themselves, Joel still refused to undress, instead overwhelming her with affection, his loose belt buckle and the buttons of his flannel shirts digging into her bare skin as he fucked her. She didn’t make anything of it at first, but after two months of it continuing, she was starting to get frustrated. 
Her frustration bloomed into worry when it began to escalate, Joel pulling away altogether. He started picking up odd hours for patrol shifts, coming home so late she’d barely feel him slipping into bed, long pulled under by sleep. And by the time she woke up in the morning, he’d already be gone. He was never around, she and Ellie had even started to grimly joke that the old man was always “away on business,” but really, her heart was starting to break the longer it went on. 
She is starting to resign herself to the reality that maybe Joel has gotten tired of her. After all, the only thing that had brought them together was the forced closeness of hauling Ellie across the country, and now that they’re settled in a town with plenty of pretty women – women closer to his own age, her mind cruelly adds – she can’t blame him for not wanting to be tied down. 
She feels listless in this limbo he keeps her in. He hasn’t really touched her in weeks, but he still hasn’t said anything. When he does come home and leaves a faint kiss on her forehead, she almost wishes he’d just put her out of her misery already, tell her that it’s over, that he’s letting her go, that there’s someone else. Almost. But the truth is, she loves him, probably too much for her own good. She’s not sure if she could ever let go, and it makes her angry as hell. 
Letting go starts to feel like a possibility during her next patrol shift. She has been partnered up with a young man named Mason. He’s funny and friendly, a warm smile with dimples that could’ve landed him on the front page of a magazine back before. And he seems to like her, lobbing fluffy compliments and jokes her way, brushing touches to her arms. 
When they get back to town that afternoon, he helps her dismount, firm hands on her hips that linger as she hops down. They share a small smile as Mason walks away, but hers quickly dissolves when she turns around and sees Joel fixing her with a look that she can’t quite place, his eyes squinting, lips pursed. Before she can move toward him, he’s already turning heel and sauntering off, another piece of her heart cracking at the sight.
She stays at the stables, helping out for the rest of the afternoon, her mind a haze as it replays Joel’s steely expression. She figures he won’t be home by the time she gets back to their place, and she tiredly trudges upstairs in need of a shower and another hard night of sleep. It’s such a shock to see him sitting on the edge of their bed that she actually lets out a yelp when she walks into their room, his head whipping up to look at her.
“Wha– what’re you doing home? Don’t you have a shift?” Joel huffs at her question, his chest puffing up a little as he furrows his brow at her.
“Why? You bringing Mason home?” It’s like a punch to her gut, and all she can do is let out a breathy laugh of disbelief.
“Oh no. You don’t get to do that, Joel.”
“Do what?”
“Be jealous – over nothing, I might add – not after you haven’t so much as looked at me in months.” He presses his lips into a thin line, his eyes darting away from hers, making her sigh.
“Joel– would you just talk to me, please? I feel like– like you don’t want me anymore.” His eyes flash to hers at that.
“You know that’s not true.” She huffs.
“Do I? It’s kinda hard to believe anything else. You barely talk to me anymore. And I can only hang around so long when it’s clear you’re no longer looking my way.”  He gets up and takes one stride to stand in front of her. His hands flex by his sides and she wills him to just reach out, but when he doesn’t, she lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Christ, you’re making it pretty obvious, Joel. You won’t even touch me. I just– I can’t–” He finally reaches out, his hands cupping her jaw, effectively silencing her. She curls her own hands around his wrists as he stares at her.
“That’s not what this is about. I’m not– I always want you. Don’t want anyone else.” She huffs, her heart still kicking up at his words.
“Then what, Joel? Just tell me what it is, please.” He sighs, his eyes flickering down to her lips for just a beat before he’s pulling away from her to sit back down on the edge of the bed. She follows suit, the outside of their thighs pressing firmly against each other where they sit. When he speaks again, his voice is much quieter, hoarser.
“I don’t want you to be stuck with me.” Her head whips to the side to look at him, eyes widened in total confusion.
“What? Why would you even say something like that? It’s ridiculous.” Joel keeps his eyes fixed on his hands in his lap, his voice a low murmur as he speaks.
“It ain’t ridiculous. It’s true. You could have anyone you want in this town, and I’m– well, I’m old, and not what I once was. You don’t deserve to be stuck with me just because we were on the road together. I won’t do that to you.” She can’t believe the words leaving his mouth, and lets out an incredulous scoff. She’s a bit harsh in the way she grasps his jaw, forcing him to look at her.
“Is that seriously what you think? That I’m just stuck with you because we traveled together?” He doesn’t respond, but his silence speaks volumes, making her sigh at the wavering look on his face.
“Joel, I’m with you because I want to be with you. You should know better than most that I’m not one to stick around unless I have good reason to.” He huffs at that, shaking his head in her hold.
“You shouldn’t. Shouldn’t want to be with me. Should be with someone younger, someone better, someone–” She cuts him off with a quick kiss, leaving him with wide eyes and parted lips as she smirks at him.
“Has trying to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do ever worked out for you, Miller?” She sees his throat bob as he continues to stare at her and she can’t help but laugh. Relief floods through her system at the realization that Joel still wants her by his side, followed quickly by a weary adoration for this man who thinks so little of himself. She strokes her thumb along the scruff of his cheek and leans in for another kiss, letting this one deepen until it coaxes a low groan from his throat. She only pulls away when he’s good and breathless, resting her forehead against his.
“The next time you start having stupid ideas about this, about us, you come to me first, huh?” He nods lightly, chest heaving as her other hand splays over his heart.
“Alright– still think you’d be better off with someone else.” She quirks her brow at him, pulling him with her as she stands up. His hands come naturally to rest on her hips as she fixes him in place with a tilted grin. 
“Can I show you what I think about that? About me being better off with someone else?” Joel is quiet, just a hint of a nod, but his hands are quick to grasp her wrists when she starts to work at the buttons of his shirt. She furrows her brow at him and he sighs.
“It’s just– I’m nothing to look at, darlin. A whole lot of scars and– you don’t have to– s’what I’m saying.” She feels her heart drop at his words, the truth finally settling in that this really is how low Joel thinks of himself. She presses kisses into his knuckles where they’re holding onto her wrists.
“I want to. Please let me see you, Joel.” He huffs, muscles still tensed, but he lets go of her wrists to let her continue her work. She could hear a pin drop, it’s so quiet as she undoes the last few buttons, dragging her palms back up to shrug his shirt down his arms, leaving his chest bare before her for the first time. 
She stands still for a moment, her hands hovering over his skin, taking in the sight of him. There are scars littered over his skin, but there’s obvious strength woven with softness in the tan expanses of his torso, and it takes her breath away. He jolts slightly when she finally lays her palms over his chest. She grazes her fingers down his front before dipping back up as she starts to walk around him, hands dragging up over his shoulders to rest on the broad expanse of his back. 
“You’re perfect, Joel Miller. Could look at you all day.” She seals her words with a smear of kisses pressed between his shoulder blades, smiling at the shudder she feels run through him. He grumbles, craning his neck back to catch a glimpse of her.
“Bet you say that to all the boys, huh?” She laughs as she circles back around, leaving her palms splayed over his chest.
“Mm, nope. Just the one.” That earns her a flushed grin from him that she chases after with a hard kiss, their mouths opening to each other as she twines her arms around his neck, pressing in close to his chest. The warmth radiating from him makes her dizzy, a sensation that increases tenfold when he pulls back to coax her out of her own shirt, twining back together in a bare embrace.
She starts to shuffle them backwards until he topples back onto the bed with a small “oof,” taking her along with him as she straddles his thighs. He goes to roll them over, sitting up slightly and squeezing her hips, but she’s quick to press him back down to the bed with her palm in the middle of his chest.
“Uh-uh, Miller. I’m not done looking at you.” He grumbles, but it’s quickly turned into a sigh as she dips down to start leaving open-mouthed kisses across his chest, trailing lower and lower until she’s nosing along the waist of his jeans. Joel reaches out for her, firm palm coaxing her to look up at him.
“You don’t– don’t have to do that.” She huffs, grabbing his wrist and leaning back over him to pin his hand by his head. 
“I want to. If you’ll let me, that is.” He’s looking at her like she’s crazy, pupils blown to make the swimming brown of his eyes look even darker. He finally scrunches his eyes shut, pressing his head back and letting out a breathy curse before looking at her again.
“Jesus christ– you’re asking if I’ll let you? Gonna fucking kill me– can have whatever you want, darlin. S’all yours.” She grins at that, pressing a few light kisses to his lips as she murmurs to him.
“Just relax, baby. Gonna make you feel so good.” With that, she trails back down his torso, nails grazing along his sides until her fingers land on his belt buckle and get to work. He huffs a bit when she gets off the bed entirely to unlace his boots and tug them off his feet. She just shoots him a look as she works.
“Wanna see all of you, Joel. Don’t pout.” He lets out a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he watches her shrug his jeans and boxers all the way off his legs. She’s never gotten him like this before, completely bare in front of her, and clearly under her control. It makes her mind go hazy for a moment, and she steadies herself by running her palms up the muscle of his thighs, kneeling back between his legs. 
His flushed cock has smeared precum across the soft muscle of his belly, and he lets out a harsh sigh when she noses up the vein running along the underside, lips barely brushing the tip. He instinctively reaches for her, trying to thread his fingers through her hair, but she’s quick to catch him and pin his arms back to the bed, something he grunts at so petulantly that she can’t help but laugh.
“You’re teasing me, darlin.” She just smirks, laying a kiss to his pouted lips.
“Patience, Miller. I’m getting there. Just lay back and enjoy it, huh?” Before he can get a reply in, she’s dipping back down to lick a hot stripe up his cock, coaxing a low groan from him.
He’s big enough to make her jaw ache a little as she starts to take him into her mouth, but the sweet sighs and curses he’s letting out are enough encouragement to keep going. She alternates between bobbing down his length and laving her tongue over the tip, and from the way Joel is tugging his hands through his hair as he watches her with a crumpled brow, it seems to be the right combination.
“Fuck, darlin– gotta mouth on you, huh? Taking me so well– fucking christ.” She leans back slightly to spit into her palm, wrapping her hand around the base of him that she can’t quite reach with her mouth. She can’t take her eyes off him, the blooming flush spreading across his chest, the way the quick pink of his tongue keeps darting out to wet his lips, the muscles in his forearms jumping with the way he’s raking his fingers through his hair.
“So pretty like this, Joel. Never wanna stop looking at you.” He grumbles at that, covering his face with his forearm but she lifts up to tug his arm away, holding his chin to get him to look at her even as he huffs.
“Don’t think I’ve ever been called pretty before. That’s a new one.” 
“I mean it. So pretty for me. Just for me, right?” She can see the bob of his throat as he nods in her grip.
“Just for you, darlin. Only for you.” That’s all she wanted to hear, needed to hear, and she presses another chaste kiss to his lips before lowering back between his legs and taking him back into her mouth. 
She can feel his thighs flexing under her palms, a clear sign that he’s getting close coupled with the dissolving string of praises and curses leaving his lips. 
“Fuck– you gotta stop or I’m gonna come.” She barely pulls off him, her lips still brushing his swollen tip as she grins up at him.
“That’s kinda the point, Miller.” She takes him into her mouth as far as she can, gagging lightly when his tip hits the back of her throat. Joel lets out a warbly moan, his voice cracking on a curse as he presses his head back into the sheets. 
It’s not long before he’s tensing up hard, a broken chant of her name leaving his mouth as his warmth starts to pool in her mouth. She doesn’t pull away until the muscles in his thighs have relaxed, holding his hazy stare as she swallows his spend. Joel lets out another curse at the sight, chest still heaving. 
“Never gonna stop replaying that in my head, fuck.” She laughs at his breathy words, crawling over him to lay down in the crook of his arm, her cheek resting over his heart. She lays a kiss between his collar bones before craning her neck up to press her lips to his, pulling away with a sweet smack.
“Are you done acting like a fucking fool now?” He huffs at her smug words, but the crooked smile threatening to spread across his face tells her all she needs to know.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting. Was just trying to give you an out.” She settles back into his chest with his arm wrapped around her, calloused palm brushing along her back.
“Well don’t. If anything, you’re stuck with me, Miller.” A deep laugh rumbles through his chest as he squeezes her a little closer.
“Don’t mind the sound of that, darlin.”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 7 months
Dear Diary
Emo!Anakin Skywalker x Femme reader Oneshot
Warnings: CNC, Dom/Sub, predator/prey, rape kink, unprotected PiV, misogyny, derogatory comments, knife, bondage, gagging, blood, whipping, spanking, spitting, slapping, biting, mask kink
Info: never leave your diary unattended, he loves you so much that he’ll do anything for you, don’t question why Anakin is so good at being scary (he’s straight up terrifying)
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“Hey, you know there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” Anakin’s soft voice floated down to where your head rested in his lap on this sleepy Sunday afternoon.
“Mmm?” You hummed, tilting your head slightly to look up at his face.
You expected to see a soft expression to match the gentle tone of voice, but you were mistaken. His lip had a sneaky little curve to it, like he had a secret that he was dying to share. He reached his long arm over to the nightstand and opened the drawer. Fishing something out and holding it up for you to see.
Your diary. It wasn’t one of his secrets. It was yours.
You squealed in protest and shot up from your resting place much too fast. After being sedentary all day long your brain had a hard time remembering what it needed to do in a high-stakes situation. After the dizzy spell settled slightly you tried and failed to snatch that horrid little book away from him.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
You should’ve known better than to keep a written record of anything, let alone your darkest secrets, with Anakin around. That handsome little shit can’t keep his dirty little paws off of your or your stuff.
“Anakin please!” You pleaded, pouting out your bottom lip.
“Shhh baby.” He laughed, flipping through the pages. “I occasionally read a few pages… just to make sure you’re happy with me of course.”
Right. Of course he would do that.
“Cause sometimes you don’t like to talk about your feelings right?” He chided.
“Yeah.” You grumbled.
“And it seems like my sweet sweet girl had some dirty thoughts since the last time I checked this book.” A sickly saccharine smile materialized on his lips
“Anakin no!” You gasped, hiding your face in embarrassment.
“Bunny, yes!” He teasingly replied.
“Look, right here it is princess. About a month ago. I took you to that new horror movie remember?”
“Yes.” You squeaked.
Anakin nodded, clearing his throat as he ran his finger under the messy scribbles in your diary.
“You said: ‘that scene where he’s chasing her through the woods and caught her? Christ that growl was sinful, but coming from Anakin? I’d be a goner. Knife and all.’”
You blushed fiery red and snatched it from his hands, tossing it to the floor defiantly despite knowing the damage had already been done.
"Anakin that is none of your business!" You pouted.
"But it is now, isn't it?" He whispered, tracing circles on your throat with his thumb.
"It’s okay darlin’ I don’t need that silly little book. I’ve memorized the good parts.” He chuckled as he spotted it on the floor.
“What else did you say? 'I want him rough, maybe even have him wear a mask like in the movie.'” He grinned gripping your cheeks to puff out your lips and give you a playful kiss.
“So I said to myself: ‘Anakin, that sounds like a challenge.’ and you know I love a challenge.”
“Anakin! You weren’t supposed to see that!” You yelped. “That’s embarrassing!”
Anakin chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Oh no? I think I need to see this fantasy of yours come true."
He released your cheeks and stood up, rummaging through the closet until he found an old hockey mask that he'd worn during his youth.
"Stay here," he commanded before disappearing into the living room.
You sat and stewed in your embarrassment, thinking of all the ways you’d like to squeeze his tiny head until it popped off. How dare he? He read your diary! Ridiculous.
His voice called your name and you were snapped out of your emotional festering.
“C’mon. We got places to be.” Anakin grinned, the car keys in his hand and a small backpack slung over his shoulder.
“What?” You asked in confusion.
He wants to go somewhere now? After he’d just humiliated you in front of your entire collection of stuffed animals?
Anakin nodded, a devilish grin on his face. "We're going on an adventure, Bunny."
Oh. Oh no.
“You’re serious?” You gasped. “like right now?”
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He tossed the backpack into the backseat of his Ford pickup truck and opened the passenger door for you, waiting for you to get in. He clicked his tongue like he was calling for a dog, patting your head to scoot you along.
"Come on, baby," he urged, leaning down to kiss your cheek. "Where we're going, no one can find us."
You blushed, but obeyed regardless. You trusted him with your life and depending on how this excursion went you might just end up putting that trust to the test.
“W-we don’t have to do this Ani.” You said quietly.
“I mean… I never even- I didn’t think you’d ever find out.”
Anakin's grin faded slightly, his eyes softening as he cupped your face. "Baby, it's okay. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with," he reassured you.
"I want to make this happen for you. Plus, I think this will be fun." He added with a smirk, the sincerity in his voice reflected in the icy blue of his eyes.
He climbed into the driver's seat, starting the engine and pulling out of your driveway.
“Like you’re sure you wanna do this? Like you actually want to? Not just because you know I wanna try it?” You asked, picking at your fingers as you forced myself to make eye contact.
Anakin met your gaze, his eyes filled with an understanding for your concerns. "I want this as much as you do, Bunny," he promised.
"So let's go have some fun, shall we?" he asked, pulling out onto the highway.
You slipped your hand into his, the drive was only about 30 minutes. Even with the short distance it seemed like you were far, far away from anyone and anything. The afternoon sun was dwindling quickly over the horizon. It made you wonder if Anakin had done alittle research and a lot of planning before enacting this ambush on you.
“Look at me bunny.” Anakin said softly.
“Safe word is red okay? You say red and every thing stops immediately. Understand?”
“Yes.” You nodded giving him a little smile.
“Good.” He agreed with a kiss to your forehead. His eyes bright and sparkling with this new brand of adrenaline. “Here’s the plan.”
“Once we get out of this truck, you’re the pretty little victim and I’m the big scary killer.” He teased, though he held a serious tone behind the playful words.
“Is that okay? I won’t talk like myself, I’m gonna do my best to be mean and scary okay?”
“Yeah that’s okay,” You blushed at the thought.
“I want you to run. I’ll give you a pretty good head start. Don’t look behind you until you hit the tree line okay?” He grinned.
“Okay I can do that.” You giggled, the reality of your situation kicking in as you began to realize Anakin *had* done his research. He really did want to do this just as much as you did.
“I’ve got a mask.” He pulled out the hockey mask from his bag. “A rope, a knife, and a bandanna. Are these things okay? It’s a real knife, it’s one of the kitchen knives.”
“Yeah.” You nodded, biting your lip as you looked at him, already imagining him in character. “yeah that’s all okay.”
“Do you want me to cut you?” He asked, staring you in the eyes.
“M-maybe alittle.” You nodded, your expression turned serious again. “just not where anyone else can see okay?”
“Got it babydoll. I promise.” He said gently.
“Okay.” You smiled, nervous but so so excited.
“I’m gonna put my hair up.” You giggled. Tying your hair up in a ponytail.
Anakin watched you, a mix of excitement and protectiveness in his eyes. "You look so fucking hot," he muttered, his voice low and rough.
"Alright, princess," he said, his voice now deep and menacing. He grabbed the hockey mask, and held it in your direction to point at you.
"Get out of the truck and run as fast as you can. Don't look back until you reach the tree line." He paused, reaching for the knife, sheathing it on his hip. Shoving the rope in his hoodie pocket, the bandanna in his jeans pocket.
"Remember, red means stop. Whatever happens from here on out, I'll make sure you're safe."
You watched him put the mask on, heart pounding in your chest as you unbuckled your seatbelt and stepped out of the truck into the cooling dusk air. Anakin got out of the truck on his side, looking over at you and nodding his head.
“Run.” He snarled, his features completely hidden by the mask and distorting his voice a bit more than you’d anticipated.
Your only light source was the setting sun and rising moon as you booked it through the field, keeping your eyes forward as your heart beat quickly. You reached the tree line and finally looked back, seeing Anakin running at a full sprint toward you. The prey instinct in your hindbrain kicked into overdrive and adrenaline flooded like ice through your veins.
You froze for a moment until you heard what could only be described as a psychotic laugh ripped through Anakin’s chest. Finally back to your senses you turned on your toes and started running again, only to be tripped by your own feet.
You steadied yourself quickly and recovered your pace after a sharp squeal left you when your knees hit the ground. Your burst of fear driven speed surprised you, but only fueled Anakin’s laughter. You weren’t sure if he was laughing as himself or as the character he was playing, either way… it was terrifying.
You made the mistake of looking back again and realized how quickly he was gaining on you. He had given you a generous headstart for a good reason. Like he’d anticipated you’d fawn instead of flee.
How did he know that?
Anakin was closing the gap, his breath heavy but not labored as he chased after you. You wondered what his eyes looked like behind that mask. Would they be familiar? Or would they be akin to a cold blooded killer?
You stumbled as you whipped your head back to the path ahead and he lunged forward, wrapping his arm around your chest and tackling you to the ground with a heavy thump.
The mask hid his grin as he pinned you down with his body weight, but you could * feel * it. The satisfaction he felt at catching his trophy was palpable, now… now you weren’t completely certain your Anakin was really there behind that hard plastic mask.
"Caught you bitch." He growled, his voice remained menacing. "You're mine now."
You struggled against him, the sides of your fists not even coming close to making contact with his chest. His grip on you was painful, bruising and just what you wanted.
“N-no!” You whimpered. So incredibly turned on by his aggression.
He was surprisingly great at this role, he was doing everything perfectly as if he’d done it before. A nagging thought tickled your mind, what if? But he gave you no time to consider it.
“No?” He laughed, rolling you underneath him so that your face was pressed into the forest floor. His knee pressing down on your back as he roughly tied your arms together behind your back with a practiced ease.
“No! Please!” He mocked you in a whiny impression of your voice.
“Pathetic.” He hissed.
You fought harder, wriggling and trying to get out of his grasp. His hand gripped your ponytail with enough force to make your scalp sting, yanking your head back.
“Stop fucking moving.” He growled as brought his lips to your ear, then he let go of your hair cruelly letting you face plant into the dirt.
“Ow!” You whined in pain, it actually did hurt. Not bad, just enough to make you see stars and feel heat bloom across your cheek.
“P-please! Stop!”
He laughed, the sound gritty and almost unrecognizable. He used both hands to roughly tug your jeans down your thighs, using the knife to cut your underwear off.
You wriggled and squirmed, panting helplessly as all your movement did was undress you further. Your jeans bunched around your knees, leaving you exposed and vulnerable to whatever he had planned for you.
Anakin's breaths were ragged, his heart pounding in sync with yours as he stood over you. Lightly tapping your hip with the toe of his shoe.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch," He snarled. "You made me work for it."
He took the knife, running it down your side, as he kneeled beside you. Forcibly turning your head to make you look at him. He trailed the knife along the back of your thighs, leaving tiny threads of red behind.
"Now you're gonna pay for your insolence." His voice was harsh and cold with an undeniable lust hidden beneath.
“No! No I’ll do anything I swear!” You cried out. Kicking and fighting against him as best as you could.
You heard him taking off his belt, felt him shoving his jeans down and even the familiar grunt as he pulled out his cock.
“I told you to shut your fucking mouth didn’t I?” He snapped at you.
Gripping his belt tightly in his hands he cracked the leather across your ass hard, causing you to scream out in pain.
“Stupid whore.” He scoffed. “what did I just say? You want it again?”
“N-no! Fuck that hurt!” You yelled.
“God you really are stupid aren’t you?” He laughed, cracking the leather down on your red ass cheeks again.
This time you were able to bite down on your lip and suppress the loud crying moan that tried to escape. You knew the tender flesh of your bottom lip would definitely be an angry red for the next few days as a taste of blood hit your tongue.
“That’s better.” He scoffed.
Pumping his cock a few times behind you before spreading your ass cheeks wide and smacking your hip hard to get you to lift up just a bit.
He set his sights on your incredibly drenched pussy. The view might make a weaker man cum on the spot, but Anakin wasn’t a weak man. He’d made that very clear today.
“Never seen you so fucking wet.” He whispered, in awe of the dripping mess you’d made of your cunt. The momentary break of character that you weren’t supposed to hear reassured you that it was definitely still Anakin under that mask.
Anakin's cock twitched, his eyes locked on your pulsing hole, watching it flutter around nothing. He chuckled and spit on his hand before rubbing it on the head of his cock. Letting out a low groan as he tugged on his balls for good measure.
"You're going to take this like a good little slut," He growled, lining up his thickness with your entrance. "And you're not going to fucking scream."
With a low hiss he thrust into you, your body protesting the sudden intrusion with a jerk. You failed to listen to his command and let out a muffled cry behind closed lips as he sank deep inside your heat.
"Quiet, bitch," he warned, pulling back and thrusting again, setting a rough rhythm. "Or I'll really give you somethin’ to cry about.”
You couldn’t help yourself, you whimpered and moaned and drooled in spite of his warnings. The feeling of being taken so roughly, but knowing you were safe… was intoxicating. It was unlike anything you’d ever felt.
Anakin moved suddenly and you saw a flash of red before he yanked back your head, shoving the bandanna in your mouth to use as a gag.
You coughed and gagged on the dry fabric as he forced it in your mouth. Anakin's thrusts became more frantic, his hips moving in quick, hard strokes. With the gag in place you let yourself be loud, there was no point in staying quiet right? If you were heard it would be * his * fault for not properly securing your gag.
"Dirty little thing aren’t you? Filthy. You like this don’t you!? Huh?" He snarled, slapping your ass hard with his free hand. "Scream for me, you fucking whore. No body can hear you. No body is coming to help you."
You moaned into the gag, body trembling as he pounded into you relentlessly. Each slap of skin against wetness echoed in the still night air, punctuating your defilement.
"C’mon, you can fight harder than that." He growled, grinding against you he placed one hand on your lower back and used it as leverage to hold you in place.
He laughed loudly, clearly enjoying the power trip he was on. He’d never fucked you like this before, he’d been rough yes… but this? This was blinding. Hot, white, blinding pleasure that spilled over into pain.
“So fucking tight.” He groaned. “pitiful little pussy. Bet you were a virgin weren’t you?”
You whimpered, the bandanna in your mouth wet from saliva. Tears dripping down your cheeks from his rough treatment. Your legs shaking violently as he fucked you into the dirt.
And he expected you to speak?
“Answer me.” He demanded, ripping the fabric from your mouth, the suddenness of it being pulled from your throat made you gag violently.
“C’mon. Talk to me. You’ve been dying to fucking talk and now you’ve got nothin’ to say?”
“Y-yes.” You sobbed, unable to form more than a few words. “Virgin.”
“Oh I knew it. Fuckin’ knew it.” He groaned.
Anakin's thrusts grew more furious, his cock sliding in and out of your tight ‘virgin’ pussy with each word grunt and groan that fell from his pretty lips. His hand gripped your hair, pulling your head back when you started squirming out from under him again.
"You think you can get away from me? Think you can run? You’re mine now, bitch." He spat, slapping the side of your face. "I own your little cunt now."
You cried harder from the pain, tears streaming down your dirt streaked face as he continued to pound into you without mercy.
"No one else is gonna touch you. No one else is gonna have you." He growled, his words thick with possession.
“Gonna take you home. Tie you up.” He grunted. “Fuck you whenever I want.”
“No one’s gonna miss you are they?” He laughed, “Just a worthless little nobody aren’t you? Yeah, you are.”
“That’s okay though sweetheart.” He cooed, sweetness laced with venom. “I want you. I want you all to myself, show you that all you’re good for is this.”
He spit, ripping his mask off to bite you hard, leaving clear teeth marks on your shoulder. The mask hit the ground near your head and you stared at it with big wide red-rimmed eyes as a violent orgasm ripped through you. Your cunt spasmed around him, slick leaking out and coating your thighs.
The squelching noises filled you with a new wave of embarrassment and fresh tears wetted your cheeks. You might’ve been done, but Anakin wasn’t. He had no plans of stopping now, this wasn’t over until he said it was.
“Stop! Please oh god.” You whined, scrunching your nose up as your body vibrated from the overstimulation.
“Stop? Oh you don’t mean that.” He moaned. “you just fucking creamed all over my cock.”
“Don’t lie to me. You know you like it.” He snickered, you could hear the grin gracing his lips.
“No! No! Please! I don’t!” You struggled, trying to get out of your bindings, the rope digging further into your wrists. “Please stop!”
“Fuck toys don’t talk.” He growled.
Anakin shifted his weight, now leaning with his forearm across your back, his sharp elbow cutting into the muscle to give himself an extra edge to his brutality. You thought he was comfortable in his position, but you were wrong. This was just a transition period.
His arm slid up your back to wrap your hair around his fist, exposing your neck and pining you in place.
A glint of sliver shined in your peripheral, followed by the cool metal blade of his knife on the soft skin of your throat. He had the flat side pressed firmly beneath your Adam’s apple. Anakin's thrusts grew more frantic, his cock sliding in and out of your tight, weeping pussy as he held the knife.
"One word," he growled, his eyes dark with lust and dominance. "And you’ll wish you were dead."
You whimpered, body shaking as you struggled against my bindings. Your cunt clenched around him, milking his cock with each powerful thrust.
"Make me cum, bitch." He snarled, his breathing labored. "Or I’ll slit your fucking throat right here."
His words sent a jolt of electricity through you. This was sick, you were sick. How could you possibly like this? Being threatened with a knife against your throat? You didn’t know, didn’t understand and maybe didn’t even want to. Maybe the logistics behind the thrill of this was better off unexplored. You decided then and there you would never let yourself explore that nagging little ‘what if’ about Anakin too.
His grip on the knife tightened, his thrusts becoming harder with each passing second. You controlled your breathing as best you could. Trying desperately not to move as another orgasm washed over your tired body. Your entire being vibrating with the intense energy, cunt spasming around his twitching member, leaking and dripping slick all over again.
“That's it," Anakin growled, his hips moving faster and harder, growing sloppy. His breathing ragged as he felt himself nearing the finish line. "C’mon, make me fucking cum and I’ll let you live."
"You're gonna say thank you after I cum. You hear me?" He snarled, biting the nape of your neck roughly like a dog in heat.
His balls tightened up, his cock pulsating inside you. Your pussy tightly enveloping him, feeling every twitch and jerk.
You squeaked as the cool blade dragged across your throat in a way that felt alittle too real, a little to close to being sliced open. Though you breathed a sigh of relief as the knife now pressed into your shoulder blade. The sharp tip popping through your skin.
“Gonna put a little ‘A’ right here. You want that? Answer me!” He asked through clenched teeth, staving off his orgasm in favor of torturing you.
“No! Please it hurts!” You screamed, the pain bringing you so incredibly close to cumming again.
He let out a familiar whine, followed by a choked moan as he carved the first letter of his name into your unblemished shoulder.
“You should’ve kept still. Now it’s crooked.” He scoffed.
You screamed out in pleasure, hiccuping as you tried to catch your breath. Anakin’s cock throbbing inside your abused walls. You whimpered as an overwhelming orgasm took hold of you. Your body convulsing in a way it never had before, with Anakin never slowing his hard albeit mess pace. He laughed as he watched your bound hands clasp themselves together as you held your breath.
The dam broke and you squirted, making a mess of yourself and him. You could feel the hot wet liquid dripping down your legs, hear it sloshing and squelching with each thrust.
Anakin’s laugh cut off into a choked groan, his cock jerking violently inside you as he came. His thrusts becoming wild and erratic, his body shaking with the force of his release.
"Fuck," he growled, collapsing against you as he finished. "You're a fucking mess, aren’t you?"
You sobbed into the dirt, body still trembling from the intense orgasm. Your pussy clenching around his softening cock, milking him for every last drop of cum.
"That’s right. Good girl.” He moaned, slowly pumping in and out of your swollen and well used cunt.
“Atta girl. You’re a good fuck so long as you keep your mouth shut.” Anakin let out a pained whine as he pulled out of you, leaving your pussy gaping and filled with his seed.
He cut the rope from your wrists and hissed when he saw the red marks. He broke character again for the simple fact that he felt terribly about accidentally hurting you. It was one thing to do it purposely, but this was unacceptable, he chided himself for tying you too tightly under his breath. He leaned down to kiss each wrist gently before tapping your ass with his hand.
“Get up. All fours.” He growled. Back to playing your big scary killer.
You sniffled, doing as he said as quickly as you could even though your body felt weak and jittery.
“Fuck.” He groaned spreading your ass cheeks apart, his thumbs keeping your pussy lips spread so that he could see his hard work; the mess he’d made of you.
He dove into your slick, reddened folds. His tongue laving and sucking your clit. He moaned and whined like he was the one getting pleasured. He shoved his tongue into your hot, raw hole and licked his cum out of you, mumbling dirty words with each breath.
"You taste so fucking good." He groaned, his voice muffled. "So wet and fuckin’ messy. I love it."
You whimpered, his tongue darting in and out of your still-throbbing cunt, tasting the evidence of your rough sex.
"You’re gonna be mine forever." He growled, his words slurred with lust. "No one else is ever gonna touch you again."
His fingers found your entrance, teasingly playing with it before sliding inside, stretching you open again. Your body trembled, pussy clenching around him in protest of his reentry. He leaned forward licking the trickles of blood from your shoulder and gathering it in his mouth. He sat back on his heels and then spit the mixture of his cum, his spit and your blood into your pussy, gently shoving it inside with his fingers.
The act was filthy. Disgusting. But so fucking hot, so sexy, so much so that your pussy contracted around his fingers again. Alittle bit of squirt dribbling out as your body shook. Anakin's eyes darkened as he felt you clench around his fingers once again.
"Fuck." He grumbled, hid grip on your hips tightening. "You’re gonna cum again, aren’t you?"
You sobbed, body trembling with the impending orgasm or maybe just from the humiliation. Who knows? At this point you couldn’t tell left from right.
"You just want to get used and ruined, don’t you?" He growled, his fingers thrusting in and out of you. "So fucking ready for it. So desperate for a cock like mine to take care of you."
His words sent you over the edge, body shaking as you came yet again. Your pussy fluttering around his fingers, dribbles of liquid leaking down his hand.
“N-no more.” You whimper, begging for a break.
“Oh poor thing.” He laughed. “it just feels so good that it hurts huh?”
“Y-yes.” You cried, sniffling. Your arms weak and wobbly.
“You’ll get used to it.” He said pulling out his fingers and roughly smacking your pussy with his hand.
You screamed, a choked whimpering sob. You were beyond sensitive, you could feel how swollen you were. But even through the pain, a jolt of pure pleasure shot through your core.
“Get up.” He growled, tucking himself back into his jeans, pulling you to your feet by the hair.
He shoved you against a tree and barked out the instruction for you to stay there. He picked up the knife and bandanna, kicking the ruined rope aside and shoving the ripped panties in his pocket. He grabbed his belt and cracked it against your ass hard one last time before putting his belt back on.
“You didn’t say thank you.” He reminded you.
“Say thank you. Ungrateful bitch.”
M’sorry!” You whimpered. “th-thank you. Thank you.”
“That’s better.” He grunted, yanking your jeans back up and leaving them unbuttoned. The fabric wet and sticky from all the abuse.
“Turn around. Can’t leave those gorgeous tits without any attention right?” He chuckled darkly.
He grabbed your chin examining your face when you slowly turned around. His other hand pulling up your shirt.
“Still pretty. Even after all that.” He said softly a small glimpse at your Anakin, not this brutal character he played. But it was gone quicker than you could blink.
"Beautiful." Anakin murmured, his eyes lingering on your tits before he leaned in to lick and kiss each one. "You’re gonna be so pretty covered in bruises, huh?"
Your breath hitched, nipples pebbling as he sucked and licked at them. His hands cupping and squeezing your breasts roughly, leaving red marks on the soft skin.
He bit down and pulled your nipples with his teeth causing you to yelp in pain. Eliciting a dark laugh from him.
“C’mon,” He grumbled. “let’s get going. I’ve got plans for my new whore.”
He grabbed the back of your neck and shoved you forward, making you stumble and almost trip. You stayed silent other than your sniffling and wiping your nose and eyes as you walked on jelly legs.
"Don't think you're done." Anakin growled, his grip on your neck tightening as you walked. "I’ll never be done with you."
His free hand grabbed your ass, squeezing it roughly before letting go. His eyes never leaving the path ahead.
"You owe me. You know that? A lifetime of obedience and gratitude." He laughed, pushing your forward again. “I could’ve killed you and I didn’t. That’s called a life debt baby.”
You nodded, seeing the truck in the field and breathing a sigh of relief knowing you wouldn’t have to walk much further.
“Almost there.” He said plainly.
Once you reached the truck he opened the door and helped you inside gently. Giving you a soft kiss on the cheek.
He walked around to his side and shoved the items along with his hockey mask down inside the bag. Tossing it to the floor board as he climbed in beside you, pulling you against his chest in a comforting, soothing hug. You sighed, leaning into him. His warmth and closeness comforting you.
"Good girl." Anakin whispered into your hair, his voice softening. He kissed the top of your head gently. "You did so good. I love you doll. I love you so so much."
"Hang tight, baby. We’ll get you cleaned up and back home soon enough." He murmured, his hand resting on your thigh reassuringly.
You gripped his shirt, there was something thrilling about his possessiveness, his control over you. “I love you too Ani.” You whispered, voice shaky.
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Once the short drive was over he helped you out of his truck, turning around and leaning forward to give you a piggy back ride to the house.
You sighed thankfully and climbed up. Hugging around his neck and inhaling his comforting scent. Nuzzling into his neck as he carried you into your home. Locking the front door behind him. He softly sat you on the couch, giving you a gentle forehead kiss.
Wordlessly he went to the kitchen and got himself and you a glass of water. Placing the cup in your shaking hands, making sure you drank some before he chugged down his.*
“You okay babydoll?” He asked, pulling you into his lap. “that was pretty intense.”
“I-I’m okay.” You nodded. “y-yeah it w-was intense.”
You gave him a soft smile. “It was fun though… I’m just gonna be really, really sore.”
"You’re so fucking precious.” He murmured, nuzzling your neck. "All worn out and sore, but still smiling at me."
"We'll take it slow next time, okay?" He whispered in your ear, kissing your temple softly. "You tell me when you’re ready for sex again baby. I’m not gonna ask until you come to me.”
You nodded, sighing contentedly. Your head resting against his chest as he held you close, breathing slowly returning to normal.
“Are you glad I read your diary now?”
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ikissjude · 3 months
pass or fail .. ☆ pjs
in which bf!jay hilariously fails a “loyalty test” | tiktok series
jay x reader, fluff, crack-ish, warnings: kinda cringe at the end, a kiss, not much dialogue
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you loved lazy days. you especially loved lazy days with your beautiful boyfriend, jay. it wasn’t often that you got them, mostly considering that jay was a busy man. if he could help it, jay would take you out every weekend, but you knew he needed the rest and didn’t mind going out every other week.
that’s how you usually spent your weekends: laid up together, limbs tangled up under your covers, with the sun peeking through the curtains. you didn’t mind it at all, soaking up the sunlight and sitting in a comfortable silence with your boyfriend. during this time, it was easy to slip into the rabbit hole that was tiktok. the clock app never loosened the grip it had on you, oftentimes scrolling through videos mindlessly.
dance videos flooded your for you page. you tend to save a lot of them to maybe try and learn later. you stopped scrolling when one specific video caught your eye.
the way the curly-haired singer glided across your screen mesmerized you. the dance was truly addictive, leaving you to save the video in your collection. you honestly wished you could move the way tyla did.
looking through the sound, it seemed like the dance was blowing up. tons of dancers swayed their hips to the sound effortlessly. continuing to scroll, you stopped on a video of a girl ‘testing’ her boyfriend with the sound.
you had seen this prank before with another tyla video. it was kind of funny to see the guys try to look discreetly. with jay right beside you, you figured, “why not?”
by no means were you an insecure person. in fact, you actually loved tyla and admired her skills as a singer and dancer. jay was also not the biggest fan of tiktok, often spending his lazy days scrolling through twitter or reading a book on his phone. there’s no way he could’ve seen the dance going around, right?
clicking the sound, you turned away a bit to make sure the camera had a good view of your boyfriend. after turning up the volume level on your phone a bit, you pressed record. the song played for a few seconds, and for a moment, you really thought jay wouldn’t look back towards the camera. he almost passed your little ‘test’, except… was that his eye?
“park jongseong!” you yelped. you couldn’t believe what you just saw. your jaw dropped when you looked back at your man, only to see him smirking and continuing to read his book.
“i honestly had a feeling you were going to do this sooner or later.” he said.
“you’re not even super active on tiktok? how do you know the trend?”
“riki showed us the video, you know how obsessed he is with tyla.” you should’ve known, as riki loved tyla as much as you did. still, you might need to rethink just how chronically online your boyfriend must actually be.
“you’re not mad i looked, are you?” jay turned his body towards you. by the way your back was still turned to him and your bottom lip jutted out; he wanted to make sure you weren’t genuinely upset.
“no, seong, i’m not mad,” you turned around to look your boyfriend in the eye. “it’s not like tyla is super famous, super talented, pretty, and has an amazing body.” you said, rolling your eyes playfully.
“yeah, well, while that might be true, just know you’re better,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “and you want to know why that is?”
“why is that, park jongseong?”
jay gazed deeply into your eyes before capturing your lips in a sweet, chaste kiss.
“because you’re mine.”
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© ikissjude 2024
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norrizzandpia · 1 year
Edits (CL16)
Summary: When Carlos exposes Y/n watching edits of her boyfriend on Instagram. She’s incredibly embarrassed, but after an interesting conversation with the man himself, should she really be?
Warnings: nothing i dont think lmk tho
"Bye, baby! I'll see you in a little." Charles smiled down at his girlfriend as his thumb caressed the side of her face.
She smiled up at him, accepting the kiss he planted on her lips, before letting out a small "bye" and watching him walk out the door.
"I am not going to lie, Y/n. You are pretty cute together." Carlos said as he watched his partner walk out.
Y/n laughed before looking at her boyfriend's best friend, "Thank you? Did you not think that before?"
"Yes, I did. I just realized I never told you." He said, his accent bleeding into his voice and the smirk on his face deepening. Carlos had known how 'cute' they were from the start. He had endured the long rants from Charles about Y/n and how pretty she was. It had taken Charles so long to ask the girl out and when he finally had, Carlos almost threw his hands up and rejoiced. The poor monegasque had spent months pining over the girl and it was obvious she liked him too, but neither party took the chance. Until Charles did. Since then, the two had fallen in love, moved into together, and practically gotten engaged with how much they talked about their future together.
Y/n shook her head, a big smile evident on her face, as she took out her phone, prepared to waste an hour or two on her phone while she waited for her boyfriend to come back. After about 30 minutes on Instagram, she moved to TikTok. It was no secret Y/n found her boyfriend extremely attractive considering the multiple times she had shamelessly checked him out or said outloud how hot he was, however, the girl's 'For You Page' was something of another nature. Endless scrolling to find that the only videos were edits of Charles. She wouldn't ever like them, trying to keep a low profile, but she would move them to her favorites. Whenever Charles was away or they had a busy day and they hadn't seen each other, she would open that page of favorites and scroll for hours, reliving everything her boyfriend was and is. When she opened the app, she always tried to be alone, knowing what lied within the app's algorithm for her. Although, she had completely forgotten about Carlos who had moved to sit behind her at a table while they rested in Charles' racer suite. So, when the Spanish racer caught a glance of what his friend's girlfriend was watching over her shoulder, he had to hold in his laugh. Immediately, and with absolutely no hesitation, Carlos whipped out his phone and opened to his camera app. Taking a few second video of F1's favorite girlfriend watching thirst trap edits about her boyfriend was something he knew would be extremely funny and something that would go viral.
Clearly, Carlos could care less about the embarrassment Y/n would later hold.
Which she did. After a few minutes of Carlos having posted the video on his Instagram story, thousands had saw it and reposted it. Y/n was quick to turn around in her seat and see the mischievous grin laid out on the Spaniard.
"CARLOS!" She yelped, her phone waving around in her hand. He didn't say anything back, he just began to laugh. Hard.
The y/h/c haired girl's cheeks flushed as she groaned, knowing how much the rest of the paddock would tease her for this. Before either of them could say anything, the man of the hour strolled through the door.
"Hey, guys!" His smile melted Y/n's heart and she almost forgot all about the TikTok situation. Almost.
Charles' smile dropped as he saw the worry etched into the face of his girlfriend.
"What's wrong?" He said, his eyes frantically searching over her body.
"Charles, give me your phone." "Look at your Instagram." Both Y/n and Carlos said at the same time, making Charles eyes dart towards Carlos. Y/n glared at the man whose number was 55 and she silently pleaded, with her hands out, for Charles to give her his phone. She didn't know what she was going to do if he gave it to her, but it sounded something like deleting every app off his phone.
Charles gave a confused look to the two before his phone dinged. Y/n watched in horror and Carlos watched in amusement as Charles scrolled through his notifications before clickling his screen a few times and pausing, his warm smile being replaced by that toothy grin he gave Y/n when he thought she was cute as he looked at her through his lashes. Y/n hid her face in her hands before Charles broke the silence.
"Are you- Are you watching edits of me?" He said it in disbelief as he moved closer to her, giving Carlos a shooing motion which they both knew was him telling Carlos to get out of the room. Carlos listened, Y/n hearing shuffling as he exited the room. She felt Charles' warmth radiating towards her as he began to stand over her, slowly taking her hands in his and lowering them to her sides. When he could see her beautiful face, as he loved to call it, he brought her into his arms and kissed her forehead.
"Don't be embarrassed, ma chérie, it's cute. Plus, it's not like I don't do it too." Y/n's face scrunched up in confusion as she met his eyes that were already focused on her.
"You watch edits of yourself?" Charles only laughed at this before tightening his hold on her, pulling her flush against him.
"No, gioia mia, I watch edits of you." Her face was overtaken by more confusion.
There were edits of her?
"Yes, of course. People aren't blind, mon amour." It took her a second to understand that what she had thought in her head had come out of her mouth as well, but when she did, Charles was already taking out his phone and opening TikTok. She watched as he slid through the app to find his page of favorites. She scanned the rows of videos and found that they were all of her. She couldn't help the smile that began to find its way on her face as he continued to scroll down and proved that every video was of her.
He leaned down and kissed her, pulling away to look her in the eye as he said,
"What do you think I do when I'm away on my work trips?"
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teamatsumu · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ tiny.
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murasakibara has a size kink
pairing: Murasakibara Atsushi x reader
word count: 1,489
✎ smut, nsfw, explicit content
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You didn’t notice it at first. You thought him cupping your hands between his was just a cute gesture. Or when he pulled you into bed and curled his massive frame around you until you were folded into a ball was just him being lazy and wanting to cuddle. You actually wouldn’t have caught it at all if that one fateful afternoon hadn’t happened.
It was a lazy Sunday, Atsushi’s favorite time of the week. Sundays meant no basketball practice and no school, which meant you had no reason to leave his bed unless it was to make food or pee. Currently you were laying between his legs, back against his chest with his chin resting on top of your head. He had propped a family sized pack of chips between your legs, reaching in and grabbing a piece every twenty seconds as his droopy eyes flitted over the laptop before you two. One of his hands was running lazy strokes over your bare thigh. It was quiet except for the sounds of the characters on the screen.
Every ten minutes or so, Atsushi would abandon the snacks in favor of wrapping both his arms around your middle and squeezing, nuzzling his face into the junction between your head and shoulder, inhaling deeply. He would bend forward until you curled under him, giggling at his affections.
“You’re so tiny, Y/N-cchin.” He cooed. “So cute.”
You opened your mouth to reply but all that came out was a gasp, feeling something long and hard press into the small of your back. You stiffened as the mood in the room shifted.
“Atsushi.” Your voice was breathy and quiet, feeling his lips meet the skin of your neck. Goosebumps rippled over your arms and your eyelids began to flutter shut when his hand on your thigh started inching up, fingers dipping below the seam of your shorts to tease the sensitive skin. Your intake of breath was sharp, and you felt Atsushi lean forward even more, effectively folding your body on itself. His arms wrapped around you tight, lips busy sucking a dark mark on your neck.
“Look how small you are,” he drawled, “I can cover you with my body completely. You won’t-” a pause while he squeezed your body. “You won’t be able to get away from me.”
You yelped as your body was suddenly lifted into the air and flipped, Atsushi now on top of you as your back hit the mattress. His shorts did nothing to disguise his hard on, pressing between your spread legs as he lapped at your neck like you were his latest snack.
You reeled at his words, feeling your body heat up at the implication. Oh.
“Atsushi,” your body buzzed in excitement as you thought out your next words. “You’re so much bigger than me. You could crush me completely.”
His moan was broken and it made you fill up with glee. Oh, the thought of this was destroying him. And you weren't fairing much better either. You could feel yourself dripping at the thought of your huge boyfriend holding you down until you couldn’t move. Until all you could do was lay there and take what he gave you.
He seemed to be on the same page as his hand played with the waistband of your shorts, teeth nibbling at your earlobe. “You want it, Y/N-cchin?” His voice had dropped a few octaves. “I’ll give it to you if you promise to take it all.”
You nodded into his hair, pulling your limbs further into yourself. You watched his eyes darken at the action, at the thought of you making yourself smaller for him. Your mind was getting hazy, playing into this newly discovered fantasy you didn’t know he had.
“I’ll try to take it.” You whispered. “But I don’t think I can.”
Of course you can. You had done it before. But you loved the way his lips twitched at the pretend apprehension in your voice. His expression turned devious as he stared down at your pliant body.
“We will just have to see, won’t we?”
Clothes came flying off after that, feverish kisses exchanged between you two as you felt Atsushi resist all of your actions. He slapped your hands away and pushed your body down over and over, making sure you knew how helpless you were compared to his overwhelming strength. You moaned and whined into his mouth, letting his tongue ravage every crevice. You loved it when he got like this. When he abandoned the slow, lazy sex and gave you more. And if you were anticipating correctly, today he was out to wreck you.
His heavy cock dragged over your slit, rock hard and throbbing. He hooked his hands under the backs of your knees and pushed your legs up until you were folded in half, making you sigh and squirm just a little. You bit your lip in exaggeration.
“Atsushi-kun, I can’t move at all.” You purred, watching him take in a shuddering breath as his hungry eyes ran over your pinned body. He gave you a grin.
“Don’t worry, baby. You don’t have to. You’re gonna take it like a champ, just like this.”
The head of his cock poked at your entrance and your eyes widened. Okay, this was new. Atsushi always prepped you. Always. Because it was true that he had a huge cock, and you couldn’t possibly take him without opening up on his fingers first. He registered the genuine apprehension on your face and you could feel his cock twitch at the sight. His eyes gleamed.
“Take it like a good girl, Y/N-cchin. No complaints~” And then he sank into you.
You gasped and your back arched, body struggling to accommodate his girth. Pain shot up from your core and through your torso as Atsushi pushed deeper and deeper, not pausing for one second until his balls slapped into your vulva, and you cried out when the head hit your cervix. He was moaning loud and unhindered, hands gripping your legs so hard you were sure he would leave bruises. Tears ran down the sides of your face and into your ears, eyebrows furrowed as you tried to relax your core, panting heavily.
“Aw, baby,” Atsushi bent forward when he saw your state, licking at the tears running down your temples, humming low. His cock twitched inside you, making you yelp. He was enjoying this too much, and that made you squirm in excitement. His enthusiasm was turning you on.
“You’re so big, Atsushi-kun.” You gasped out, clenching around him until he groaned. “You’re stretching me out. You’re going to tear me into two.”
Nothing could have prepared you for the pounding that came next.
He was fast and rough, slamming his hips hard into you with every thrust. You screamed and cried, more tears leaving your eyes. He leaned over you, your legs hooked over his shoulders and forehead pressed to yours, watching every little detail of your face closely as his cock tore through your pussy.
“Taking it so well, Y/N-cchin.” He muttered, his breath hitting your face. He licked at your lips. “Your tiny little pussy really wants me that bad? No matter how much it hurts, you’ll still let me crush you?”
You did nothing but babble out scrambled words in response, gripping tight at his biceps until your nails were digging into his skin. That seemed to spur him on even more. His hand reached between your legs, pinching your clit until you shrieked, rubbing it in hard, tight circles that had you arching your back off the bed and cumming all over his cock, eyes rolling up and legs seizing tightly. Atsushi groaned and kept going, prolonging your orgasm by not letting up his ministrations on your clit until you were sobbing and begging him to stop. You struggled against his grip, trying to push his hand away from your pussy but failing. He drove into you harder at the sight of you struggling against him.
“One more,” he moaned. “Come with me. Gimme one more-”
He pushed you into another orgasm fairly quickly after that, heavy balls slapping on your ass until he stilled deep inside you, cumming with a loud groan that washed over you like warm water. Both of you heaved long breaths, trying to blink through the roaring in your ears.
You whined when he finally pulled out of you and lowered your legs. They were trembling and twitching with fatigue, making Atsushi snicker and kiss the inside of your thighs. He bit and licked at your salty, sweat-covered skin.
“Well,” you sighed. “That was new.”
He hummed and fell down on top of you, making you groan in protest. He shoved his face into your neck when your fingers reached up and carded through his damp hair. Already, you could feel sleep encroaching on your mind.
“Next time, I’m taking you against the wall.”
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twola · 8 months
i know arthur is a giver but sometimes i think he’d like being cruel. i have this image of him leaned back in a chair taking a drag out of his cigarette with reader writhing on his lap with tears in her eyes practically begging for him to do anything to her while he watches with feign indifference
Hooo boy. Okay, this is my first shot at a true low honor Arthur.
Lookin' for Trouble
Arthur Morgan x F!Reader Smut (18+), MDNI
➵ Fic Masterlist ➵ AO3 Link
The afternoon light was more than enough for you to finally get to reading after getting Grimshaw’s list of chores done. Finally, you’d be able to crack open this book that Hosea lent you all those weeks ago.
All of a sudden, the light is obscured over the pages of your book, and when you look up, you place a hand over your eyes to see the mountain of a man before you, peering down at you with a cigarette hanging off his lips.
“Oh, Arthur, I didn’t realize you’d be back so quick.” You smile up to him, closing the book and moving to your knees to stand up.
An outstretched hand juts into your view, “Ain’t nothin’ interesting in that backwater town.”
You take it and allow him to pull you up, but you frown up at him and don’t let go, turning both of your hands so that his knuckles face the two of you. The skin is broken and oozing a small amount of blood.
“Oh dear, let me clean that up for you in your tent.”
You drop his hand and he follows, smoking that cigarette without a reply. On its head, it must be a funny sight, the grizzled outlaw following your small frame back to his tent so dutifully. 
He pulls the canvas down after the two of you enter the tent, tall enough being built off his wagon. The perks of being the enforcer of the group. You make yourself busy looking in the chest at the foot of his cot for some alcohol as you pull a handkerchief from the pocket of your skirt.
Arthur sits down on the edge of the cot, taking that old black hat from his head and dropping it atop the pillow that had seen better days.
“Here we go,” you dab your handkerchief with a bottle of god-knows-what and move back toward where Arthur sits.
He places the still-lit cigarette in the little glass tray at his bedside, the end of it continuing to smolder as he blows smoke toward the top of the tent, away from you.
You frown, twisting your head to change your view of his outstretched knuckles. “It’s an awkward angle, I-”
He cuts you off by making you yelp as his free hand shoots around your hip and pulls you down, your rear colliding with his firm thigh, his hand on your hip balancing you as you regain your composure.
“Oh… thanks…” you blush slightly, having been caught off guard. You return to dabbing at the broken skin of his knuckles, his large hand outstretched and dwarfing yours, as you perch upon his thigh, your back flush to his barrel chest.
“How did this happen?” You ask softly as you pick at the dirt in his inflamed, broken skin. 
“Y’know, a bit of this, bit of that.”
You sigh, “I really hope you ain't out pickin’ fights, Arthur.”
Arthur hums dismissively in response, jostling you slightly on his thigh. He props the cigarette between his teeth and his free hand moves forward and begins bunching your skirts up, the hem of your dress being pulled higher and higher.
“Arthur-” You go to scold, but his searching hand gravitates right over where he’s looking for, pressing against your cunt through your bloomers. You give another yelp as his finger digs at the cotton, prodding and stroking and petting.
“A-Arthur, I’m tryin’ to-”
As you go to grip his forearm with both hands, his injured hand darts downward, grasping both of your wrists and holding them away from your body, essentially binding you and leaving you unable to stop his ministrations.
A low, satisfied noise rumbles out through his chest as you pant, his fingers edging the leg of your bloomers open and touching your bare skin. Just barely touching, teasing, as you squirm in his lap, his hold on your wrists as strong as iron. 
You honest-to-god whine, tears welling behind your eyes as you squirm in his lap, trying to break free of his hold on your hands, trying to jut your hips into his hand more.
“A-Arthur- god, please-” you gasp aloud, squeezing your eyes shut tightly as you beg. He removes his hand entirely and you nearly sob at the loss.
Cracking your eyes open, you see him pull the cigarette from his mouth and place it in that glass tray, mashing the butt into the ash as he puts it out. He bounces his thigh as his hand returns to your cunt, chuckling darkly as you continue to squirm.
“Ain’t you just the prettiest little thing when you’re all needy like this?”
A fresh set of tears burst from your eyes as his hand snakes into your bloomers again to rub at you.
“Please what, what d’ya need darlin’?”
He cups your cunt fully and helps you roll your hips over his thigh bone, and it’s all you can do not to sob loudly at the frustration.
“Use your words, sweetheart.”
“Arthur please, please god, please touch me.”
“I am touchin’ ya’.” He responds, pleased with himself as you struggle against his grip, iron-like in its strength.
“In-inside-” you pant, continuing to squirm against him.
“Hmm, like this?”
You are able to bite back the scream you nearly let out as Arthur slides his trigger finger into your dripping cunt. He curls it with a practiced precision, and you buck in his lap, throwing your head back against the curve of his shoulder. Your temple brushes against his days-old beard before he leans in against you.
“There’s my girl,” he nips at your earlobe with haughty pride, fully taking satisfaction with the way you writhe atop him, “Makin’ them noises like a whore.”
There’s no snapping back at him, no retort back at his dry, teasing humor. You are able to do nothing but give a breathy sigh, almost agreeing with his statement.
Arthur grabs your hips and hoists you up to stand, quickly following and pushing you two stumbling steps to the table where a few of his guns are spread out. One sweep of his arm and the guns clatter into the grass before you're abruptly bent at the waist and spread out on the table.
One of his large hands splays across your lower back as he fiddles with the buttons of his pants. Essentially keeping you pinned down on the table, you have no option but to lay there and take whatever he is going to give you.
Arthur pulls your skirts up, tossing them over your hips before yanking your bloomers down and over the swell of your ass. His hand is between your legs quicker than you can sputter in indignation, and you bite your lip to keep from moaning as he strokes his thick fingers in and out of your wetness. Your eyes tightly shut as you breathe out your nose, and for a moment, you’re empty as he pulls away.
The hot, blunt head of his cock prods your entrance before he pushes himself inside you, in one strong thrust. Your fingers clamp on the edge of the table as you clench your teeth at the intrusion, fluttering on the edge of pain as his thick cock stretches you. It’s always like this, he’s not much of a gentle man. 
“Tha’s it, what a good girl you are, takin’ everything I give ya.” Arthur drawls as he begins to buck his hips forward into yours, unflinchingly setting a rough, fast pace.
You’re unable to last after all the stimulation before, and it’s not long into the slamming of him into you that you begin to get that feeling that your release was imminent.
“A-Arthur-” you gasp out as you reel toward completion, the table squealing beneath you as he rocks his hips into yours faster, harder - punishing - all six foot of him hunches over you as he fucks you into a wet, messy orgasm, you pressing your forehead into the table as you clench around him.
He grunts, jerking his hips backward as his hands clamp harshly around your hips, squeezing so hard you’re sure there will be bruises in the morning. You feel the hot splatter of his spend on your rear as he lets out a long breath through his nose, trying himself to be quiet within the confines of the tent.
You pant, still bent over the small table, your skirts flipped over your hips as your knees shake. You hear Arthur fiddle with his pants before returning to you, his hands grasping at your thighs greedily before pulling at your skirts to right them.
He swats, albeit gently, at your rear before your skin disappears under your skirts. 
“You gonna let me finish cleaning you up?” You ask, leaning over slightly to pick up your discarded bloomers from the ground, tucking them into your pocket.
Arthur sits back on his cot, his pants still unbuttoned and open unapologetically, as a sly smile creeps across his face.
“If yer really gonna clean me up, I think there’s a lot less clothing involved.”
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chelseeebe · 8 months
everything has changed
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you and steve were once the bestest of friends, cruelly torn apart when you’re forced to leave hawkins suddenly. fifteen years on, everything has changed and yet, nothing has changed.
i had this idea a while ago and then have recently become re-obsessed with the song so decided to give it a rewrite! it’s kinda giving seven x everything has changed and i love that. i have a sitcom level idea of a part two for this but i’m not sure it’ll ever come to fruition
18+. no smut but my blog is 18+ :) mostly just fluffy friends to lovers stuff hehe
“you promise we’ll be friends forever?” steve asks, quirking his little eyebrows up. still so innocent, so unaware that the world was a cruel place.
“i promise!” you’d shrieked, toothy grin beaming over at him as you sat poised on the climbing frame. “we’ll write letters every week and in the summer you can come and visit!”
steve whooped with glee, the metal frame shaking from the force of his body, “okay! my mom has your mom’s number so i can call you,” grubby hands clinging onto yours.
you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, wobbling atop of your tower. full of hope and your shared joy. oblivious to how the next 15 years would play out.
life hadn’t been so kind as to keep the two of you in contact. steve’s mom had tried to explain it to him, but his poor seven year old brain couldn’t quite grasp it.
it was only when he was older that he had realised what had happened.
you had been whisked away to california, your mother’s home state, far away from your dad. for your safety of course. his mother had warned him not to mention where you had gone to anyone, and he’d stuck by that.
and really, life had gotten in the way of thinking about you too much. basketball tryouts and getting girls into the back of his bmw had taken precedence over fading thoughts of freckly girls he once knew.
steve was at college now, admittedly tagging along with robin, but he was enjoying it. he played basketball, studied children’s education and had even scored himself a kinda stable girlfriend.
he’s sat in the library, book open and unread in front of him on the table as robin attempts to convince him to go out tonight.
“it’ll be fun! besides, i promised my roommate that i’d go.. y’know she’s having a hard time,” turning on the puppy dog eyes that more often than not, worked on him.
he groans, “i don’t know rob.. finals are coming up soon and i really need to get this down if i wanna graduate with you,” though he makes no effort to actually pick up the book, more interested in the coffee robin had used as a bargaining chip.
“steve,” almost warningly, “come for an hour,” nodding at him, as if to subliminally make him agree, “and then i’ll help you study all day tomorrow, okay?” tilting her head, bright green* eyes glistening at him.
“fine,” succumbing to her pleas, “but you owe me,” sending a glare across the table as he finally turns the page.
robin grins, happy she’d gotten her own way. again.
they walk arm in arm into the bar, squeezing through the crowd as they attempt to locate robin’s mysterious roommate.
steve sighs, whispering into robin’s ear, “why do i have to be here? just because your roommate is a lonely weirdo, doesn’t mean you have to drag me out too,” pouting like a petulant child.
she pinches his arm, causing him to yelp into her ear, “this is why i used to pray for the ceiling light to fall on your head in mrs click’s class,” pulling away from him as she spots whoever she’s looking for.
“wait.. what?” he calls out after her, weaving through the crowd to find her again.
she has her face buried into someone’s shoulder, blabbering about the busy bar and how good it was to get out.
robin pulls away, gesturing over to steve as this lucrative stranger meets his eye.
it’s you.
the little girl who had promised to be his best friend forever now stood before him, all grown up. he almost doesn’t believe it. in fact, he can’t. not until you speak, his name echoes around meaninglessly.
“what the fuck?” he gasps, still in utter shock.
“it’s really you? you’re.. oh my god, you’re steve of course you are,” wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug, the exact way you had fifteen years ago.
you even smell the same, a distinct sort of vanilla smell that takes his mind hurtling fifteen years into the past. he almost wants to throw up from the turbulence of it all.
“i can’t believe you’re here,” you gasp, still nuzzled into his shoulder, “this is so surreal,” now holding him at arms length, dissecting his face in the same way he was yours.
you looked the same and yet completely different. no more gappy smiles or sun bleached hair, very pretty. his seven year old self had thought so too, but your friendship had meant more.
“you two know each other?” robin perplexes, watching the scene unfold with zero context.
“we.. uh- yeah,” unsure of how much he can divulge, still under strict orders from his mom to never tell a soul where you’d gone.
“we were friends, i was born in hawkins so.. god, this is so weird,” you exasperate, letting go of his frame to talk to a bewildered robin.
“you’re from hawkins? you told me you were from california?” robins face twists in confusion.
“it’s a.. complicated story,” you look back at him, still trying to decipher if he was even real, “i moved away when i was young but we were like, best friends,” baring your teeth with your smile.
“well shit, i’ve got time,” robin laughs, sliding into the booth, she looks up at steve, “drinks on you.. you know, to celebrate,” wiggling her brows in that irritating way she did when she wanted something.
he dutifully obliges as you begin your story, he supposes that now you probably can.
your dad had moved out of hawkins a while ago, it wasn’t exactly a secret as to why you guys had just up and left so abruptly. steve had always hated him, made sure to glare daggers into his back when he and his mother would pass him in the street or in melvalds. he felt he owed you that.
plus steve was angry, angry that you’d had to leave him behind because of your dad. his tiny mind couldn’t comprehend that it was for the better, only understanding that it was your dad’s fault his best friend had been taken from him.
steve’s curious about california, how your life differed from hawkins. you play it off as nothing special but you smile differently when you speak of afternoons after school spent on the beach and learning to surf.
he makes some off-hand comment about making it out which causes your brows to furrow, “so did you,” tapping the table in front of him, “remember we would talk about college? living in a big house together?”
he chortles, almost choking on his beer, “yeah, with ten dogs and three cats,” shaking his head at the ridiculousness of it all.
“wow..” robin butts in, “so you did this with other girls before me?” faux-offence written all over her face.
you beam, looking between the two of them, “so are you guys dating?”
steve does choke this time, sputtering as the bitter liquid slides down the back of his throat.
“no!” they chime in unison.
“jesus christ, you think i’d date him?” robin falls into a fit of giggles, it didn’t hurt his ego anymore. robin had very particular tastes and that very much didn’t include men.
“thanks rob..” he snarls jokingly, “i uh, i have a girlfriend.. just not robin,” he’s not sure why he’s apprehensive to tell you. christ, he’d only re-known you for five fucking minutes.
“sorry, i just assumed..” shrinking into your seat, desperate to change the subject.
he’s modestly pleased that you don’t ask any more about his girlfriend, which in turn makes him feel a rotten sense of guilt.
“yeah well, to assume makes an ass out of you and me,” robin adds, giving you a poke to your ribs for good measure, “and he’s definitely not my type,” her nose shrivelling up in disgust.
you snigger, poking robin right back as she explodes into her myriad of reasons why she would never date steve. she kept a list.
there’s a sickening feeling of affinity, like all the years you hadn’t been together just ceased to exist, they no longer mattered.
especially when your eyes meet as robin prattles on, like you’re sharing an old joke.
he doesn’t like this, doesn’t fancy his odds of coming out of this unscathed but that doesn’t stop him from shifting his chair closer as the night goes on. nor does it stop him from walking you home, supporting a tipsy robin on his arm.
and it most certainly doesn’t effect him when you hug him goodnight, nestling your chin into his shoulder the way you used to.
steve climbs down the steps into the strange smelling studio, he hadn’t even known this ever existed. there’s art littering the walls, the shelves, just about any surface that was available.
you’re at the back of the empty room, dabbing a paintbrush onto a canvas, completely unaware of his presence.
“hey.. robin said you’d be down here,” he speaks softly, so as to not startle you.
you still jump, clutching your chest as you spin on your heel, “jesus christ,” panting rather dramatically, “you scared the shit outta me,” shock turning into a wide smile.
“sorry,” he chuckles, weaving through the easels, trying his damn hardest not to touch or knock anything over, “what ya’ working on?” peering at the canvas.
it’s a beautiful scene, a lone swing set lies in the middle, surrounded by a peachy-pink sunset. it’s reminiscent of something he can’t quite place.
“oh just..” shrugging him off, “some stuff for my exhibition.. i dunno if i like it yet,” downplaying the glorious work of art in front of him. as if there were any need.
“what are you talking about? it’s so good,” still clinging onto his backpack strap.
you shake your head, taking the apron off of your body, tossing it onto the hook full of other dirtied aprons. “i can do better.. anyway, did you trek all the way down here for a reason or..?”
he lingers by the painting for a second longer before turning to face you, remembering his actual aim, “yes! are you joining us for dinner tonight? robin wants you to meet all of our friends,” he offers, though he’s aware it’s not much of a deal for you.
“uh.. who’s gonna be there?” you ask, quirking a brow. he’s aware that you’re not exactly a social butterfly.
“well, nancy, jonathan, vickie.. argyle, if jonathan can convince him to come out,” they were all nice enough, if he and robin liked you, they definitely would too.
“i dunno..” wrinkling your nose.
“come on,” he pleads, “it’ll be fun.. they’ll love you. nance’s been begging me to get you out.. please?”
you shake your head, as if weighing up your options, “okay.. fine, but dinner’s on you,” as you drop the pallet into the sink for someone else to deal with.
“great,” he beams, there’s something to be said about the fact he still hadn’t introduced katie to the rest of his friends yet.. but he doesn’t wanna think about that.
his hand comes to rest on what he thinks is a dry desk, waiting for you to finish up, only to find his hand now covered in goopy white paint, “oh shit,” he fusses, pulling your attention from the sink.
“oh fuck, i should’ve told you that was wet..” looking between his outstretched hand and his eyes, a giggle bubbling on your lips as he stomps over to the sink.
“oh is this funny to you, huh?” joining you at the basin.
you run the hot water for him, grabbing the bottle of soap ready to clean his hand, “well it’s a little funny,” lips twitching while he stands like a lemon.
as steve normally does, he acts before he thinks, pressing his paint-covered palm to your cheek, only registering what he had done when you shriek in response, splashing water everywhere.
“you asshole!” you gasp, brows furrowed as you conjure up something for revenge.
that’s when you grab the still paint-covered brush and smear it over his cheek and nose, staining his features a daring bright orange.
“oh it’s like that is it?” he grins, grabbing your wrist with his clean hand, threatening to mark you again. “you don’t wanna mess with me, i’ve got the upper hand,” sticking his tongue out slightly, unable to shake the way your eyes still glistened the same.
“if you want me to come to dinner, you’ll put your hand down.. call a truce,” bargaining with him.
he obliges, holding his hands up in surrender, “okay.. okay, you win,” unable to contain his laughter as he washes the paint from his palm.
you shoulder barge him as you come back to the sink, pulling your clean brushes from the water and leaving them to dry on the metal board.
“we’re gonna have to swing by my room,” you smile begrudgingly, shoving your stuff into your bag, watching as he dries his hand.
“okay,” his grin still lingering, “personally, i think you should just come to dinner like that.. it looks great,” enjoying the ribbing that came with being your friend.
you scoff, practically pushing him out of the studio, ensuring he couldn’t wreck havoc on anything else.
the pair of you glide down the hall, steve filling you in on the guests that would joining you for dinner when a voice calls his name from in front.
katie bounds up to him, smile fading the second she sees the new colour of his face, “why are you orange?” face screwed up as she rescinds her offer of a kiss. he’s slyly thankful that your adorned his face now.
“oh we.. i- i tripped, got paint everywhere,” he chuckles, feeling like a scolded child.
katie hums, “right.. that’s kinda weird,” her eyes flit over to you and the paint on your face, “you trip too?” a judgemental look flashing across her features.
“no,” shrinking into yourself, “steve.. tripped,” doubting your own words, like your measly paint fight needed to be kept secret. but maybe that’s just how he felt, is that wrong?
he can’t decide.
“hmph,” katie frowns, her attention turning back to steve, “go and clean up.. you look like a clown,” before speeding off down the hall, ponytail flouncing around as she goes.
he just rolls his eyes continuing out of the building as you scurry along behind, “she seems nice,” sarcasm dripping off your tongue.
“ignore her,” brushing the whole encounter off, “she’s just.. pissy because i’m busy tonight, don’t take it personally,” offering a short smile. he glances at his watch, grimacing at the time, “oh shit, we’re late,” grabbing your hand as he starts sprinting ahead.
“i can’t meet your friends like this!” you holler, bounding behind him.
“they won’t mind!” he screams into the wind, dodging other students with a skill only possessed by someone who chronically sleeps through their alarm.
they really don’t.
in fact, robin bursts into laughter as you walk into the diner, “i’m not even gonna ask,” tapping the plush cushion for you to slide in next to her, steve follows closely behind.
the two of you share a look, an inside joke that was just yours. he liked that, it made him feel strangely important. like he was worthy of sharing things with just you.
everyone is lovely, obviously. he had no doubt that they would be. argyle corners you about california, discovering that it is a rather large state and no, you won’t have bumped into each other.
steve doesn’t want the night to end, he’s selfish like that. so he does the sane thing to ensure you spend as much time together as possible, walking you and robin back through campus, still adorned with paint.
“thank you.. for making me go,” you smile coyly once you reach your door, robin had already disappeared off inside, leaving just the two of you.
“no worries.. i told you they’d love you,” shoving his hands into his pockets, mostly so he doesn’t do anything stupid.
you chuckle, reaching for the door handle, “i’ve really missed you, you know? it’s like it’s all hit me at once,” shrugging your shoulders as if that were just some nonchalant comment he would ever be able to forget.
“i missed you too,” he adds, truly meaning it.
sure, he’d found friendship again but nothing had ever felt quite like you. it was different, and even now after years and years of being in separate states, with no idea that the other was even still alive, it all felt normal.
like you could walk back into that park tomorrow, sit on the swings and just natter away about everything and nothing like you used to.
“goodnight, see you tomorrow?” you smile, sliding through the door, waiting just long enough for his reply.
“of course,” returning the smile.
he hums all the way home, a child-like joy overrunning his senses. he thinks about you when he dreams, of sharing crayons and candy. high-pitched giggles and an unfaltering feeling of love.
it had been weeks of hanging out now, sharing tales from your childhood, robin was still struggling to understand that you were also from hawkins. “you’re just.. it’s crazy, you’re nothing like the usual hawkins dwellers and the fact that you were friends with him? wow..” she had muttered with a swift jab to steve’s arm.
she had had the bright idea of a sleepover, they hadn’t really been able to since moving to chicago, out of respect for their roommates but now her roommate was you, what was stopping them?
“why don’t we push the beds together?” robin blurts out, like a lightbulb had just gone ding on the top of her head.
you nod excitably, going to heave your bed across the room. steve pushes the end of the bed frame, connecting it to robin’s as she stands there doing absolutely nothing to help.
“phew thanks robin, couldn’t have done that without all your help!” steve quips, throwing his best friend a snide smile.
“shut up dingus, my nails are still wet,” as if that made it okay.
you smile at the two of them, stood in your pyjamas that steve had definitely not been gawping at. he doesn’t mean to, he knows it’s not like that. he has a girlfriend for christ’s sake.
that’s what he’s been telling himself anyway.
“you’re in the middle,” robin declares, looking at you, rather than him, “put your cold feet on somebody else for once,” before climbing into her side of the bed.
you slide in next, cuddling up to robin as you do. steve’s next, fashioned in his excuse for pyjamas, namely a chicago university shirt and his boxers. it probably wouldn’t go down well if katie were to find out but he didn’t particularly care.
there’s a joke there, something about sharing a bed with a lesbian and his childhood best friend but he can’t be bothered to think about it.
not when you turn over to face him, all smiles and warm cheeks, he has to remind himself that robin is on the other side of you, mumbling something about not waking her up early.
“goodnight,” you grin, relaxing into the pillow you shared as the light flickers off.
“night,” he replies, pulling his eyes away from your shadowy features, deciding that staring at the fuzzy ceiling was better than being a freak.
you roll over slightly, head falling onto his shoulder making his breathing falter, sworn to this position until you up and moved. it’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.
he shouldn’t be thinking like this, you’re friends, old friends to be exact. and he has a girlfriend.
except, he awakens in the morning, stiff shoulder and a cricked neck, taking a peek at the other side of the bed to find robin had forced you into him with her sprawling limbs.
you rouse not long after he does, blinking at the light and hurriedly moving your head from his dead arm.
“oh my god,” you remark, “i’m sorry.. was i on you all night?” wriggling around the small space you held.
steve exhales, lifting his arm in the air in an attempt to get some blood flowing back into the extremity, “yup.. it’s okay though,” quickly rolling over to face you, “sleep well?”
“well, apart from robin’s foot in my back.. yeah, pretty well,” chuckling into the pillow as you shy away. he wishes you wouldn’t.
“then it was worth the dead arm,” returning your abnormally bright smile, you were far too chipper for this time in the morning but he didn’t mind. made a difference from the usual grump robin was in, for sure.
“you should sleep over more often,” you smile.
he heart soars, god he’d love to. “oh yeah? like we used to?”
the crinkle by your eye returns, remembering times gone by, “yeah, just like that,” speaking softly, as if it wouldn’t take an industrial alarm to wake robin.
“you wanna go get breakfast?” he asks, before this devolves any further.
there’s a knock at the door, tommy doesn’t flinch, doesn’t even make a half assed effort to pretend to care so steve huffs and gets up to answer.
you’re stood on the other side, already smiling as you wait. it’s a welcome sight, without robin he’s been a little stir-crazy, not yet brave enough to venture to your room without her there.
maybe he’s afraid that something would happen, maybe he’s not. he’s not entirely convinced that he’d have the power to stop himself.
“i just came to give you a ticket.. for my exhibition, it’s on saturday so.. if you’re busy i totally get it,” you fret, offering out the ticket to him.
there’s an undetermined feeling in his stomach, looking down at the paper ticket in his pal, warmth rushing to his chest at the fact you’d even considered him.
steve steps out of the room, closing the door behind him, away from tommy and listening ears. tommy and katie were friends somewhat, mostly by association through his girlfriend carol. anyhow, he wasn’t keen on him telling some misconstrued story to carol and then reaping the punishment from that.
“wow..” still starstruck that you had asked him. “i’ll be there.. wouldn’t miss it,” sliding the ticket into his pocket, mostly so he would stop looking like a weirdo for staring at it.
“okay,” you nod, smile up to your ears, “it’s only small..” here you go again, downplaying your talent as if steve would ever care.
“stop it,” he warns, jokingly rolling his eyes, “hey, i’ll walk you back.. i needa get out of that fucking room,” gesturing for you to take the lead.
you chatter all the way across campus, talking about everything and nothing, he wants to ask if that painting of the swingset will be there but doesn’t. letting you blabber on about composition and the asshole gallery manager that wants you to set up at 6am.
its only when you reach your hall that you stop, turning to face him with a genuine smile that makes his heart thud.
“it’d really mean a lot if you came..”
he nods, stepping closer only just, “i will, i’ll be there,” assuring you as much as he could. he meant it, too. there’s really nothing he could think of that would make him not go.
he allows his gaze to slip to your lips, he lets himself do that even though he shouldn’t.
studying the curve, the slight gap between your bottom and top lip, the way they twitch with what he hopes is anticipation.
you’re both inching closer, neither of you acknowledging what’s about to happen. the air is thick, silent even. a knowing sense that you’re either about to ruin everything or become something more.
two doors down, a door swings open, a voice bellowing out, “i’ll catch up!” before a boy speeds out, glancing at the two of you briefly before disappearing.
you clear your throat, averting your gaze, studying the dirtied floor, “okay.. i’ll see you saturday,” coy smile as you unlock the door and potter off inside.
steve stands there, blinking at the wooden frame as if you’d somehow materialise from the other side.
he hightails it back to his room, in some sort of daze as he attempts to reconfigure himself. his relationship and his friendship with you. nothing made sense.
he’s not sure it ever will again.
fuck he wishes robin were here. of course she’s at some stupid family reunion when he needs her most. his next port of call would be you and well.. that didn’t seem particularly helpful.
he errs on calling robin, floating around his room with no purpose. at least tommy was no where to be seen, unsure if he could’ve handled his beady little eyes and snooping questions.
katie would be waiting on him, he always stayed over on thursdays, at least he used to. before you were back i. the picture. before you had completely consumed his mind with your stupid smile and stupid face. both a distant memory and an important part of his current life. it’s fucking dizzying.
it’s not really stupid, he thinks he’s stupid actually.
steve does what he does best and decides to ignore his brain, grabs his keys and storms out of his dorm. he’s grateful that katie’s house is on the opposite side of campus from your building. that way he couldn’t accidentally wind up there instead of where he’s supposed to be.
she welcomes him in, a pink, frilly house that steve had always detested a little bit. it smelt too strongly of vanilla and the other girls always side-eyed him, bitter and judgemental over something he couldn’t figure out.
it’s now that they’re sat on katie’s satin bedsheets that he realises that he really, really doesn’t want to be here.
nevertheless, he swallows it down. putting on false pretences as they fake-watch the shitty rom-com she’d turned on to fill the silence.
“so.. have you got your suit for saturday?” katie asks, playing with his limp hand.
“yeah,” resisting the urge to move his hand away, “sorry- saturday? i thought it was tomorrow?”
katie had asked- or more precisely begged him to escort her to this senior send off ceremony. some bullshit sorority ritual that made zero sense to him.
“uh.. no, always been saturday,” she’s still smiling, still trying, “steve, i told you weeks ago,” her frustrations seeping out of her pores, spilling over onto her features.
“you said friday,” so sure of himself, so sure that she was wrong. how would he forget that?
unless something, or perhaps someone was shrouding his mind.
“well, what plans are more important than your girlfriend’s senior send off?” she asks, all defensive.
he struggles to answer, there’s no way he can really spin it to make it sound less bad, strangled noises drift from his throat as the words fail to form.
“exactly,” katie pouts, crossing her arms over her chest, “you’ll just have to rearrange.”
steve doesn’t stay over, makes up some shoddy excuse about needing to study to get out of it. she’s not happy, obviously, but when is she?
he’s grateful that the campus is quiet as he stalks back to his dorm, thoughts swirling through his brain. everything is so confusing, his cushy little college life had been majorly disrupted and now all of the plans he had made had come crashing down.
there had been conversations about finding a house after graduation, moving in together randomly starting their life and yet, that couldn’t be further than what he wanted.
at least now.
steve finally gives up, turning to the only person he thinks will rationalise his thoughts, robin buckley. who has pulled her grandmother’s phone into the private dining room just for this conversation.
“we nearly kissed,” he spits out, eyeing the group of drunk students passing in the hallway. wouldn’t it be great if it somehow got back to katie through some nosy busybody.
“what? when? why didn’t you call me sooner?” she demands, “why didn’t you kiss? oh my god steve harrington, you’re so useless.”
“uh.. what do you mean why didn’t we kiss? remember my girlfriend? who’d chop my balls off if i ever cheated on her?”
“who cares? nobody likes her anyway,” robin roars right into his ear.
“i’m not gonna even acknowledge that.”
“okay, well, did you want to kiss her?”
steve pauses, perplexing the situation. he doesn’t need to really, of course he wanted to.
“well there you go!” she shrieks.
“it felt.. weird, i dunno, i think she wanted to too,” he curls the cord around his finger, “and now katie wants me to go to this senior send-off thing but there’s the exhibition.. i don’t know what to do,” his shoulders slumping.
“wait wait wait, what do you mean it felt weird?” dismissing his dilemma. you know, the thing he had actually called her about.
“well it felt right.”
the line goes silent but he can still hear her faint breathing down the line. she’s thinking, probably attempting to sweeten up her words. but eventually she sighs, “i think you know what to do.”
“but i don’t! rob i really don’t! why do you think i’m calling you at fucking one am?”
she clicks her tongue and steve can picture what smug look she has on her face, it was a signature feature of hers, especially when she’d been able to prove him wrong. “you do. i think you called me because you wanted me to tell you what you want to hear.. but i don’t even need to do that.”
he wails into the receiver, all he’d wanted was a clear cut answer from his best friend. a little advice and maybe some confirmation bias, was that too much to ask for?
“you’re no help,” he scowls, patting his now empty pockets in search of more coins, “i haven’t got any more change.. i’m gonna have to go,” sighing as he’s left on his own with his head once more.
“you’ll do the right thing, steve. i know you and i trust you,” before the line cuts out, the dial tone screams out.
he slams the piece of useless plastic back onto the holder. that wasn’t helpful, rather just some weird, reverse psychology lesson. he feels cheated, his first option of just flipping a coin would’ve been more helpful.
his feet drag along the carpet back to his room, swallowing the guilt and all of the other confusing emotions he seemed to have accumulated.
it’s funny that even though robin hadn’t exactly said anything specific, he’d known what she was talking about. it’s even funnier that as he climbs into bed, all he can think about is you.
steve hangs back, stood at the back while the speech finishes. he doesn’t know what he’s doing here, what he’s supposed to be looking at or talking to, incredibly out of place.
no one pays him any mind, too interested in whatever this balding man has to say.
you don’t spot him either, keeping your eyes trained to the art director. he can tell you’re nervous, picking indiscreetly at your hangnail, chewing on your cheek. you’d never liked, or been particularly good at public speaking, steve was your voice for many years. not that he minded.
there’s lots of chatter, people walking around the small space with their hands behind their back, putting on this facade that they were art snobs and not just weird middle-aged people looking for something to do on a saturday afternoon.
they all sort of disperse, ogling the paintings and such. leaving him stood in the middle of the room like a lemon, wondering if he should just go over to you or wait until this had all finished.
but you meet his eye momentarily, head snapping in his direction when you realise who it is. your lips slowly curve into a smile, ditching the conversation to weave through everyone to him.
“you came,” you state, like there was ever a chance of him not coming.
“i told you i would,” he’s not one to break a promise. ever.
“no i know but, robin mentioned something about your girlfriend, she didn’t know if you were.. forget it,” throwing your hands about, ridding the air of your words.
he’s not exactly surprised that you’d have doubts, not after your almost-kiss the other night. he hadn’t seen you since, too busy with the exhibit to sit and dwell on it, he bets.
steve shakes his head, “nah, i had something more important to do,” full of unbridled exhilaration, it’s like his body knew he had made the right choice.
you flush, avoiding his eyes as you usually do when you’re nervous or embarrassed. “well.. thank you,” shrugging him off. he so wish you wouldn’t.
he decides to just lay it all bare, tired of skirting around the truth and minimising his obviously very real feelings. “this isn’t the right time but,” smoothing down his wrinkled shirt, “i just wanted you to know that i’ve wanted to do this for weeks and.. shit,” he sighs, cupping your cheek and moving in before you can protest.
your lips connect, sending flames through his veins, you’re not expecting it judging by the lack of movement on your part, stood frozen even as he pulls away.
“sorry,” the first thing he says, watching your face as you stand shocked.
he was so sure that his feelings would be reciprocated, had pretty much convinced himself that you were destined to grow grey together but maybe he’d got it all wrong.
his cheeks burn as you just blink, time slows and he wishes that the floorboards would just collapse under him so he could disappear forever.
in lieu of a reply, you smash your faces together again, this time steve’s not quite expecting it, your noses bang against each others. but he doesn’t move, his smile growing against your lips.
there are a collection of muttered oohs from the crowd. it was rather a lot for a saturday morning.
“sorry,” you echo, biting down into your bottom lip, “not the wrong time at all,” your eyes shining through your spindly lashes.
steve bursts into laughter, drawing an even bigger crowd of eyes as he does so. his eyes dart around the vaguely stunned audience, “hey look, find me after.. i’ll be here,” gently pushing you off to go and do whatever the hell it is that artists do at these things.
you nod, all dazed and smiley, immediately falling into conversation about a painting.
he’s only dozing when the door creaks open, too encapsulated by sleep to bother to open his eyes. you’re dead to the world, snoring softly curled into his chest.
a quiet gasp rings out from the door and then just as expected, robin bounds over to your bed, poking his arm that was both underneath your shoulders and hanging off of the bed.
he peeks a look at his slightly deranged best friend, the lamp was just bright enough to showcase her enthusiastic grin, “you did it!” whispering far too loudly, “i knew you’d make the right choice,” buzzing around the room.
she damn near jumps in the air, clicking her heels together like some freak.
steve just closes his eyes again, falling back into sleep with a grin on his face and you between his arms.
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thrillered · 2 months
Spencer at a " Y/N L/N is dead | The funeral roast" pretty please🫶
(Bonus points if after roasting reader he gets all sentimental and reiterates that he CANNOT live without them or he'll just die on the spot)
"Y/N is dead. | The funeral roast" | Spencer Agnew x Reader
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this was so fun to write! I hope you enjoy it!
You were sitting in the blue velvet coffin, a bouquet of fake black roses in your hands and tears in your eyes. You were in the middle of shooting your funeral, surrounded by your friends and coworkers as they roasted the hell out of you. Right now Shayne was playing the CEO of converse, crying over who was going to keep them in business now that you were gone. You looked down at your pair of custom smosh platform converse you were wearing that Ian had bought you for your 3 year ‘smoshiversary’. 
Shayne finished his bit, earning claps from throughout the room. You peaked one eye open, looking to see who was going next. Tommy was stepping up to the podium, his signature lace funeral hat on. 
“Friends, coworkers… those who somehow managed to deal with Y/N, I am here to read the final will of Y/N L/N.” He began, pulling a piece of paper out of his long black leather jacket; a dig at your favorite coat you thrifted. “She left a lot of things for those she loved, I will not be reading those today.” 
You laughed, peeking at the offended looks on everyone's faces. 
“Courtney, Y/N leaves you her sense of humor. There wasn’t much of it but it was stolen from you to begin with.” Courtney gasped while Shayne let out a pfft. He turned his attention to Shayne, “Shayne, everyone knew of the “fake” beef the two of you played up on camera… so to you she left her 17 pairs of platform converse, this way you don’t have to look up to her… maybe now you'll see eye to eye.” 
You pulled a hand over your mouth, attempting to muffle the loud cackle that was escaping you. “Well damn.” Shayne sputtered. 
“To Angela Y/N leaves her entire Le Creuset cookware set. Everyone knew you were jealous of it.” 
“Okay that’s not fair, it’s literally all light blue, it's gorgeous!” Angela exclaimed.
“And finally Y/N leaves Spencer her heart… and yet he’ll still probably ask if she actually loves him.” 
“That's crazy…” You huffed, through fits of laughter. The entire crew clapping and ‘ohhh’ing at Spencer. 
Tommy left the podium, grabbing your knees as he walked by the coffin, knowing you hated it. “I gotcha!” He sneered, making you yelp.
The only person left to speak was Spencer. He was in a full suit and tie, dressed for an actual funeral. He looked really good, you just wanted to stare at him. He approached the podium, a large binder in his hands. 
“In honor of Y/N’s memory I would like to start by going through some of my favorite memories with her in this photo album.” Spencer declared, opening to a middle page of the album. “This is when Y/N and I met.” He turned the binder around, showing a picture from your first day at Smosh. 
Awe’s could be heard around the room. You scrunched your brows, not trusting Spencer to only be nice. “Then I got to know her…” He hesitated, pulling an awkward and tight grin across his face. “Then she passed. That’s my favorite” He showed a picture of you sitting in the coffin, clearly taken today.
“What the fuck?” you asked, “How did you print that so quickly?” 
“The dead don’t talk.” Erin reminded from the seats, earning a middle finger from you. 
“Anyway, time for the eulogy.” Spencer continued, tossing the album away from him, a loud clap echoing in the room as the binder hit the ground. “The world went quiet when Y/N died… mostly because she couldn’t cackle like a banshee anymore… frankly? Pretty peaceful.” 
“Oh my god.” Amanda laughed, covering her face.
“I think we can all agree that Y/N was an integral part of this company and an integral part of this cast.” Everyone nodded, Angela pretending to wipe away tears. “I mean.. Who else is gonna be worse Courtney? Or shorter Amanda? Or Taller Angela? Or less clever Arasha? Or Shayne if he was a lady barista who wanted to be a skater?” 
“Jesus Christ man.” Shayne said, shaking his head in confusion.
“He’s not wrong.” Courtney agreed, putting a hand on Shayne’s shoulder.
“But things will never be the same without her. I am reminded of her constantly… mostly because her hair is everywhere. I don’t know how she still has hair, she literally sheds like a husky; whines like one too.” 
You were shaking your head, holding in a laugh, not wanting to give Spencer the win of your laughter. 
“But seriously, I love you Y/N. I don’t know what I would do without you, I think I would actually die. Please don’t make me sleep on the couch tonight.” Spencer admitted, making eye contact with you, a smile on his face. “You mean the world to me.” 
Spencer sat down. You waited a dramatic few seconds before sucking in a large breath of air, pretending to wake from the dead. “How long was I out for?” you asked, making everyone laugh. “That was some… nice?... things you guys said about me, thanks guys.” 
“Luckily I just came from hell so I can handle the heat… I wonder if you guys will do the same,” you smirked, pulling a folded piece of paper out of your bra, unfolding it and reading it aloud, “Call me sometime, satan? Oops, wrong paper!” You joked, tucking the paper away. 
“Man what the hell?” Spencer asked.
“Well that's where she was apparently.” Shayne reminded, making himself laugh. 
“Okay this is the right one,” You began, unfolding a larger paper. “Tommy… ur gay. Courtney… ur gay. Shayne….” You stopped, staring at him for a moment before simply moving on. “Angela… me and your mom genuinely text, and I want you to think about that.” 
“That’s actually devastating.” Shayne cackled.
“Amanda… we need to hang out more.” You insisted. “But maybe just at my house, I’m tired of having to climb a beanstalk to come see you” You joked, turning Amanda's sly grin into a face of shock. “Erin… Erin Erin Erin….I lied when I said I lost that blue shirt I borrowed… I still have it and wear it regularly.” You admitted. “And you’re not getting it back.” 
“You bitch!” Erin gasped, disgust crossing her features as you blew her a kiss. 
“Last.. and least!” You emphasized, “Spencer.. My best friend, my boyfriend, and my other half… if I’m gone you’re a glass half empty. If you’re gone, I’m a glass half full.” You informed. “That’s all to say: You’re Y/N L/N’s boyfriend, and that’s your most impressive accomplishment.”
Everyone laughed, teasing Spencer with an eruption of ‘ooh’s and agreements. 
“Seriously though, I love you all so much. Honestly the specificity of each roast made me really happy, you guys really know me and that means a lot to me.” You smiled, looking around the room to each and every one of your closest friends. “And a special thank you to Spencer for loving me, even through all the quirks and flaws that were mentioned here, I love you.” You finished, suddenly pretending to have a hard time breathing before collapsing into dead weight. Then quickly waking back up, “You’re still sleeping on the couch though.” You noted, staying ‘dead’ this time.
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
Rough Day
A/N: Hardly proofread this because I just wanted to be DONE with it. I'm a bit annoyed that i've kind of adopted a 'same face syndrome' style for my writing. 
Synopsis: Your strong, silent husband comes home late after a tough day at work ready to use you as a stress reliever. 
TW: implied noncon/dubcon, arranged/forced marriage, Implied deaths + stalking, general fear, yandere-ish themes
Word Count: 2100
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You were once preoccupied by a magazine loosely held between your finger tips, lazily glancing at its contents as you laid on your stomach. But the slam of your front door twisted your attention away from its pages-- the sudden boom making you jump. Your grip tightened, eyes watching the doorway.  Sharp, familiar footsteps filled the hall accompanied by the rustling of clothes as your husband stormed in. He flung his suit coat to the bed, Oxfords still clicking against the wooden floor of your shared bedroom. His steps were heavier than ususal; something happened. 
“How was your day?” You ask, jerking back to stare at the magazine as if it kept you safe from his wrath.
“Fine,” He responded. “It was work.”
You avoided his gaze when he began to take off his tie with unusual aggression. flipping a page in the flimsy book in your hands, an advertisement showed floral perfumes while a blog section detailed lists of expensive items celebrities were using now-a-days. You stared blankly at the page, trying to look as natural as possible on the bed. 
Your husband huffed and sighed; you would’ve offered to help him with the tie he seemed so desperate but unable to get off, but your mind told you otherwise. His general aura made you want to curl in a ball under the sheets to avoid it. You always felt he was intimidating --ever since you met him after hearing you were to be married from your parents-- but moments like this were when you were truly nervous. 
“Everything go okay with the meeting?” 
“Yes. The investors were perfectly--” Your husband tore off his stubborn tie, dramatically throwing it across the floor. “Fine.”
The way his teeth clenched and his body tensed, you knew this wasn’t just his regular cruddy day at work. You guessed it was something to deal with the business meeting he had been planning for weeks. 
Not much could get him worked up, but you knew this meeting was something that drastically affected his behavior depending on how it turned out. 
You didn’t respond as he finished getting undressed, flipping the magazine page once more, and again pretending to read. You knew it was only a matter of time before he looked to you, but you were trying to hold off on that for as long as possible. You realized even if you tried your usual approaches of wiggling out of his affection, he was too wound up to not pounce on you like a raging animal in heat. 
So you bid your time, silently pretending to read and hoping he’d get in the shower before trying to tackle you so you could play the ‘fallen asleep’ card. Goodness knows you don’t have enough energy to take him. 
But as you heard his buttons come undone one by one, and his hands began to draw nearer, you knew your time was up. You didn’t say a word as he grabbed you by the hips to pull you close, snatching the magazine from your hands to toss it on the floor.
You would’ve protested, if this was your first time dealing with him. But you knew that never played in your favor. All you could hope for was that he’d be gentler this time; less rough, perhaps with a little bit of thought and rationality in the way he manhandled you. 
“How was your day,” He asked, though you could tell he wasn’t really interested. 
“Well… uneventful I guess.” You yelped once he laid you across his body, resting up against the pillows as your head laid against his chest. “I tried to clean…a little…” You found it hard to speak once his mouth was against your ear. The gruff sighs and clearings of his throat never failed to cause shivers to run down your spine. It even tickled your neck, the air from his nostrils hitting the back of your ear. 
He hummed in response to your answer, sounding disinterested but as if he was listening. 
You regretted having changed into your pajamas already. He slid your clothes around with ease, the loose fabric letting him do as he craved to your body. 
The male was already latching onto you, a hand across your chest holding your shoulder, while the other was securely gripping your thigh, groping the flesh as his heartbeat slowed. 
You could hear his breath gently hitch as you let out an anxious squeak.
“So uh… what did the investors think?” 
You tried to make conversation, to not stumble over your words as your husband softly ran his lips down your neck, nuzzling into your shoulder with a hardness you knew was from how pent up he was. 
‘They were reasonably upset,” he unfastened the top two buttons of your shirt with a swift motion. “But right now it doesn’t matter what they think.” 
 He effectively ended the conversation with that line, making you purse your lips together as you tried to ignore the ticklish circles he rubbed into your flesh. From behind, he had full access to you, unable to let go of your warmth. Or rather, unwilling. 
The sound of his lips pressing against your skin filled the quiet bedroom, the gentle hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen faintly in the background. Your husband wanted to squish and feel you, to squeeze the soft parts of your body and squeeze them like a stress ball. There was also an, admittedly, large part of him that wanted to violently make love to let out all of his aggression instead. 
It was hard for him to hold back when you made such cute little sounds, reacting to even the smallest things. It boosted his pride more than it reasonably should’ve, especially since he knew how unwilling you were in this marriage. 
He snaked an arm up your loose night shirt, grabbing at your stomach and preparing to palm your chest with fervor. 
“Shouldn’t you eat dinner first?” You asked wearily, already dreading the bruises and love bites you knew you’d find on yourself in the morning.  
“I’m not hungry for food right now.” He whispered. 
 Biting at your ear, he massaged bruises into your thigh with his thumb. 
You knew he probably meant that he didn’t have an appetite, but his phrasing couldn’t help but make you grow hot and squirmy. 
“Don’t say it like that,” You groaned as his hand lifted under your shirt, running his ticklish fingernails up the dip of your chest. “And don’t touch me there!”
“I’m your husband, I can touch you where I want.” He mumbled into your neck, using an arm to hold your jaw. He pulled your face towards his with an uncharacteristic amount of desire. 
Your husband's lips touched yours with a pressure that convinced you would crush your mouth. 
He yearned for the touch of you, to want to squeeze so hard that you’d have a constant physical and mental reminder even when he left for work. It didn’t help that he was so closed off, focusing much more of his time on work these days to where he’d be touch starved by the time he got home. He’d still be as stoic and stern as ever, but with the added flavor of barking orders at you to sit on his lap and feed him. 
“You’re allowed to touch me, too, you know.”  
“Yeah.” You say, if only to have him stop talking about it out of your embarrassment. He was never one for extreme methods of affection until it came to these stress phases, which is why you couldn’t wrap your head around how physical he had become despite his distant personality. 
But tonight he was warm and intense, enveloping you with his body to prevent your always perfectly timed escape. You couldn’t help but notice how his hips rocked to slide against you, the male lazily grinding upwards as you laid spread like a star fish for him. He forced your thighs open to become available for fondling and led your hands to a comfortable position. He guided you every step of the way, hardly giving you free will as he touched without hesitation. You didn’t dare move away, slightly enjoying the attention, but also feeling a strange sense of nausea as he got rougher with each grind against your backside and every tug at your hips. 
He was getting impatient with just this. He wanted more. 
Your husband removed the stronghold on your leg to play with the elastic hem of your PJ shorts, tugging at it so that it let out a small ‘slap’ against your skin once released from his fingers. 
You would've caressed him back, would've kissed him with genuine desire and held him If he was truly befitting of the title "husband." But you knew the monster this man was. Married couples were supposed to cuddle and embrace, and lie with one another. But that was for spouses who were together willingly. That was if they felt some semblance of love and care. But your marriage was full of lies and threats, with death and forced servitude. You were civil with your husband, you looked the other way when you heard of a distant acquaintance who got too close dying, or finding a shiny black car following you down the street. 
You could ignore his damage to your loved ones and his constant need of possession over you, but you couldn't seem to love him the way a spouse should. You could endure it, much like other things. But when it came to moments like this, you could only dread his powerful hands and the more than bruised body he'd leave you with in the morning. 
“A-are you sure you want to do this now? You have work in the morning, and it’s already ten-” 
“I’m sure.”
Your husband exhaled against your ear with relaxation, not acknowledging your hesitation. He was so close to you, your body nearly melting into his as his body heat mixed with your clean scent; the day's sweat still clung to him from when he rushed from meetings into cabs. He could smell the shampoo in your hair, the lotion you applied to your hands before lying down. The businessman couldn't help but lean into your neck and take a deep whiff, the smell helping him find comfort despite how much he desired to release his pent frustration. 
“Just stay still for me…” He mumbled, pulling your shirt to the side to make room for his mouth. He bit down on your skin, refusing ro hold back as he dug his teeth deep into your flesh. You knew if he could, hed bite your flesh hard enough to tear; hed be able to consume a piece of you, and mark you deep enough for it to last forever. But though your husband was ruthless, he wasn't entirely a savage. So he settled for using your body to rub up against and squish, his teeth dragging along your soft skin with a longing desire in his eyes. 
You could see behind the tired look and superiority complex, his lust sat waiting. It lurked in shadows during the day for when he could finally lay his paws on you-- his perfect spouse. And now, at night and alone with you, he wasn't planning on being gentle with his hunger.
Your husband's striking hands were brought to your flesh greedily once more, over his sudden sentimental mood and interested in one thing: relieving himself without a forethought. 
One for being used to this fate, you didn't show reaction when he twisted you around, forcing you beneath him in a flurry of loose unbuttoned clothes and kisses. It didn't phase you when his pants fell partly down from his earlier undressing. As he planted rough kisses up your legs you didn't dare to speak or flinch-- didn't move as his white button up nearly slipped off, the bottom button having not yet been released. 
You could tell with the way your spouses hands dragged you, gripping and pinching as they pulled you beneath him. He seemed so… needy. You'd never say that outloud, but it was true. 
He pressed his lips down hard onto your skin and trailed up your abdomen. They were kisses that pinched your skin between his lips as restless fingers tugged at your nightwear. 
Even if you wanted to fight back, your husband moved so fast it wouldn’t have mattered. You were practically a ragdoll in his hands, a stress ball that could hardly comprehend his lust. 
And so, you let him ravage you. He released his heavy desires upon your body, forgetting the mess he’d make of you ‘til the morning.
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