#Yeah viper is another of my OCs
skylarkstarflower · 11 months
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Day twenty seven. Viper may look a beast, but he's really a giant sweetheart.
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Day twenty nine. Two massive guys getting along.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
wanted to see some jealousy stuff with the ocs so could you do how they'd react to someone approaching their darling in public and trying to flirt with her?
a/n: jealousy headcanons are my fucking THING LETS GOOOO
i really didn't want to group this together so like i'll write for a few of the yanderes and, if i didn't include the yandere you wanted, feel free to request again
i just really wanted to write cute lil headcanons and a drabble but uhm yeah LETS GOOOO
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warning: female reader as requested, mentions of violence, mentions of bone breaking
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soren kumar ★ profile
honestly looks like he gets the least jealous but, on the inside, he's infuriated
except he can't be infuriated becos he's a pop-star and he can't bring attention to himself or make himself look like some overly controlling boyfriend
so all he can really do is try his best to calm himself
will succeed and be really chill unless the person approaching you becomes rude or handsy. then he allows himself to act however he wants becos now he has an excuse
"Hello, darling, who's this?" Soren sidles up to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you flush against his side.
From your perspective, he looks like the same charming Soren, bright expression on his face and even brighter notorious smile on his lips. From the stranger's perspective, however, Soren looked like a viper waiting to strike.
"Oh, I don't know." You shrugged, ever the oblivious one, soft smile on your face as you wrapped your arm around Soren's waist "I think he was about to sell me something maybe?"
Soren both praised the Gods and cursed them for how cute you were. He pressed a kiss to your temple, glaring at the guy from the corners of his eyes "How about we just go then? It's not like you'll buy whatever this guy has to offer."
You quickly nodded in agreement and the stranger was left by himself, both shaking in fear of Soren and confused by the entire situation.
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gawain byrne ★ profile
is actually the least jealous on this list LOL
he does get insecure at times but, if you're with him, he trusts you more than anything so he knows you wouldn't cheat on him
plus, if you're outside with him, that means either he hasn't kidnapped you or he has and trusts you enough to be outside
so ya know, he implicitly trusts you and that's what allows him to be level headed
he'll only get a bit out of hand if the person approaching you becomes rude
Gawain frowned, both yours and his drinks in his hands. Across the way, on the other side of the cafe, you were talking to some stranger that Gawain had never met.
If Gawain didn't know who he was, for sure you didn't. So, who was he and why was he approaching you?
Just as Gawain was about to walk over, you frowned at the stranger and basically snubbed him, turning to walk away without another word. Gawain would've laughed if it didn't make him look crazy.
As you turned, you spotted Gawain with your drinks! You basically speed walked to him, not exactly pushing other customers aside but definitely weaving through the crowd.
"I missed you." You took your drink from him, bright soft smile on your face.
Gawain pressed a kiss to your forehead "I missed you too."
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ryuunosuke yamamoto ★ profile
50/50 he notices LOL
the type to sometimes be really oblivious. like he's a himbo thru and thru and sometimes shit flies over his head
but if he does notice, he honestly joins in. he thinks the world of you so, if someone's out here, calling you beautiful and stuff, he'll 100% agree and chime in
if the guy becomes a bit rowdy, however, ryuu doesn't care about making a scene or not. he only cares about keeping you safe
"Hey, who's this?" Ryuu walked up, annoyed expression on his face.
You just sighed irritatedly "Just some guy saying I'm beautiful or whatever."
Ryuu looked a bit taken aback by that before pulling you into his embrace, strong arms wrapping around your middle "Well, he wouldn't be wrong."
Your face immediately turned hot and you huffed, eyebrows furrowed "Shut up, Ryuu."
"Whaaat, I'm just telling the truth. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on." He pressed a soft kiss against your cheek, acting as if there wasn't a bystander right in front of the two of you.
"No, Ryuu, he's bothering me." You informed your oblivious boyfriend a bit more firmly "He won't stop calling me beautiful. He won't leave me alone."
At that, Ryuu's arms immediately unwound from around you so he could step up to the guy, that previous dopey smile replaced with one filled with sadistic glee "Oh, I see."
Then, he leaned down to whisper in the guy's ear "If I see you again, I'll fucking castrate you. Stop fucking bothering my girl."
The man looked like he couldn't run away fast enough after that.
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mel lowell ★ profile
not to make any dog jokes but mel reacts the same way a dog reacts when somebody trespasses their territory LOL
basically is on guard the minute he senses someone even looking your direction
won't say anything of course because he doesn't want to seem too overprotective or whatever but you definitely have scary dog privilege with mel
he'll just stand behind you, arms crossed, and that's usually enough to scare anyone away
if they try touching you, well, they won't get close enough to LOL he'll snatch their wrist up and break it
Mel liked to think he was great at sharing. After all, he's had two partners for as long as he could remember and then you were added to the mix.
Usually, he found joy in watching his partners shower you in affection. However, he quickly learned, Mel did not like it when strangers did the same thing.
He stood behind you and to the left, arms tightly crossed as if he was flexing, his dark eyes trained on the son of a bitch that was chatting you up.
He could at least give the guy props. After all, he had to have some balls to keep talking to you when your mate was right behind you.
Mel would let it slide. You seemed like you were enjoying yourself. Of course, you were also oblivious to the fact that the guy was trying to chat you up but, hey, he loved that cute part of you.
It was when the guy started reaching over that Mel immediately sprung to action. He grabbed the guy's wrist and squeezed, feeling the bone crackle and pop under his grip.
"I'll let you talk to her." He growled, his other free hand pushing you behind him "But that's it."
As soon as Mel let go of his wrist, the guy turned and ran, tail in between his legs. All Mel could do was let out a triumphant smirk.
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silurisanguine · 4 months
OC Questionnaire Tag (bookish-karina questions answered)
Thanks to the lovely open tag by @bookish-karina I have more questions to answer as my OCs! I am loving doing these so if i haven't answered any you guys posted, send them my way!! As usual I'll be answering as Seren Jones, Aeryn Ryder, Zofie Orel and Kiara Black under the cut! Tagging @vorchagirl @despicablediet and @bearlytolerant @staticpallour @fangbangerghoul
@atonalginger @eridanidreams @toxiclizardwrites @therealgchu @aro-pancake @a-cosmic-elf and open tag to anyone who like to answer these questions three as their OC- 1- If you could time travel without consequence what moment in the past would you visit? 2 - Do you have a favourite food and drink? 3 - What do you think about the supernatural and magic?
Now to answer the questions given me - 1-have you ever wanted to stab someone? 2-what's your worst memory? 3 -what are you hoping to avoid? First up Seren Jones ( My Starfield Coemancer Starborn)
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "Wanted to? I have, multiple times, with my beloved Va'ruun painblade 'viper's fang' - Spacers, Crimson Fleet, Fanatics and other Starborn. Damn I sound bloodthirsty don't I? Just the Settled Systems are the frontier, It ain't safe for an explorer and especially a Starborn one. You got to know how to defend yourself. But In truth, the only one I've ever really wanted to drive my blade into would be The Hunter for who he is, what he represents...what he did and could do again." What's your worst memory? "...Oh void, I hate talking about this, but... seeing Sam dead in front of me on the floor of the station. The Hunter had killed him, but I blamed myself for not being fast enough, for choosing to protect the people in the Lodge and not run to the Eye. It took me a long time to accept it wasn't my fault. But it hurts, especially when I see another Sam. I'm learning to live in the moment now, jumping through universes, taking a little happiness where I can until I find the right one. But that wound is still there on my heart and not sure if it will ever heal." What are you hoping to avoid? "Becoming like the Hunter in the amount of times I jump universes. Losing my humanity and compassion like he has to become this empty, cold and bitter creature. I... also really want to avoid dying before I find a universe to finally stop and settle down in again, like Aquilus has managed to do. Much as I don't subscribe to his faith, I admire what he's done." ✨ Next Aeryn Ryder ( My Mass Effect Andromeda Pathfinder )
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "Yeah! That son of a bitch Archon would get the pointy end of my asari blade if I could get close enough to him. The rest, I don't want to do it, I just have to as they are trying to kill me!...well maybe if I ever find out who the Benefactor is, they might get to meet my blade too for what they did to Jien." What's your worst memory? "Dad told me that mom never wanted a funeral, that she didn't want people standing around her body crying, so we had a memorial service to celebrate her life and I remember just feeling so empty that she wasn't around anymore. That all I had were memories of her. That stayed with me. Close second would be waking up to find my dad had sacrificed his life to save mine after I'd...died. I didn't get to say goodbye or anything and then becoming Pathfinder, I haven't even really had chance to mourn or process the fact that I...died." What are you hoping to avoid? "Oh god, failure. Failure to live up to my dad's standard as Pathfinder. Failure to secure a viable home for everyone in Heleus. Failure to stop the Archon and the kett. Also really like to not die again." ✨ Next Zofie Orel ( My Deus Ex/ Assassin's Creed OC)
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "I am an Assassin in the Coterie of Assassins. It's my job, so yes I have stabbed someone...many someones. Whether I wanted to, was very much up to learning what they'd done to warrant such an action. Sometimes it wasn't so much a want as a need. They were doing bad things, even if they thought they were doing good and couldn't be convinced otherwise. I took no pleasure in stopping them." What's your worst memory? "I could say it was the attack that caused me to be augmented, but truth be told, I don't remember it well. Being hit hard in the head has a tendency to do that. I think the worst, was waking up in the LIMB clinic and finding out Sarah, a fellow Assassin I was...close to, had died saving me, and my goshhawk Ghost had been killed too. That devastated me for quite some time. But I channeled that into my recovery, swearing vengeance for them both." What are you hoping to avoid? "Having to prevent Jensen from interfering with my mission. I'd prefer he was on board with what I have to do. So far the signs are good and I think once he finds out the full story he wont want to miss working with me." ✨ Lastly Kiara Black (My Dishonored/ Thief OC)
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Have you ever wanted to stab someone? "Wanted to? No...maybe? Sometimes I saw an Overseer in Dunwall abusing his power, scaring someone, threatening them and I wanted to hurt them for it. But I don't really know how to fight. Garrett's shown me how to avoid fights and how to take someone down without them seeing you, but it's always no lethal. But there is a part of me that wants to see those who hurt people- be stopped for good. I have a feeling Garrett did that once, but he wont talk about." What's your worst memory? "...Finding out I might have caused my best friend's death. I was fourteen and Dylan was my only real friend. I thought I could trust him with a secret but he must have talked about it and it caused the Abbey to come to his family and try and take him...there was a fight, he and his family were killed by the Abbey and my family and I had to flee Caulkenny to Dunwall. I hated him for blabbing about what I told him, but I never wanted anything like that to happen to him or his family. That still haunts me." What are you hoping to avoid? "Getting caught. Either by the Abbey back in the Isles or by the City Watch here in the Eternal City. Both are as corrupt as they come, though if I had to choose, I'd take the Watch. least I know I could probably escape them. What the Abbey do to 'Heretics'... I think I'd rather die than be caught by them."
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michi-i · 8 months
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I've drawn a cat... Yes i used head from another piece i made. Rabies mention under the cut.
It's basically my OC yeah.
Her name is Michi (Black'wing) and she's really sad.
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Before and after rabies!!!!!
Erm so actually a little backstory:
She was a clan cat long time ago who contained rabies from sick animal and decided to abadon her clan to not make anyone sick too, knowing she wont survive the sickness. And then, like... Evil cat gang... Finds herself a mother figure who basically hates her... More trauma.. Wishes she could make the mother figure happy, fails, dies.
That's all folks!!
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Eye colors + facial features concept (Michi actually has black coat, making her Russian Topaz!)
And she and that one emo mother figure. Her name is Viper >.< (art by Fuuniko)
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smollangrycat · 1 year
Drown, Prt 10
(Avatar: WOW Oc)
Prt:1 Prt:2 Prt:3 Prt:4 Prt:5 Prt:6(I) Prt:6(II) Prt:7 Pt8(I) Pt8(II) Pt8(III) Prt:9 Prt:10 Prt:11
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Quick Note - Hi Luvs! I’m so sorry about the long wait - Exams are currently kicking my ass, I hope your enjoy this Chapter!! Sadly I have to say there’s a note at the end, sorry!! 😅💕
Avatar: WOW spoilers. 
I would also like to give a massive thanks to all the love you guys have shown my fics, it truly makes my day!!
(During Avatar: WOW) Alue’k is terrified of water, so what happened when some Metkayina boys think it would be funny to drag her into the sea and leave her.
Just fluff
If you think anything else needs to be added leave a comment. 
Total silence … and quiet rage.
The eldest sully had faced many things in his life time, loosing his legs, loosing his brother, being shipped to a completely different planet, nearly dying to protect his new way of life, the stress of parenthood. However nothing could have prepared him for what he was told.
“They tried to drown me.”
Jake couldn’t believe what he’d just heard, someone almost took his child from him. His eye twitched slightly as he processed this new information and to say he was angry would be to drastically downplay the situation.
Hell, to say he felt rage would be a fucking understatement.
What Jake felt, he didn’t even think there was a name for. Some one had tried to take his child from him, tried to kill his baby girl. His sweet, funny and happy baby girl who only ever wanted to make others laugh. 
Jake hadn’t  notices that his inner thoughts had made him miss Alue’k quiet request. 
Neteyam caught on that his dad had managed to miss his sisters question so he gently pushed it forward by placing a hand on his fathers shoulder. When Hake met his eldest eyes he was directed to look once again at Alue’k.
Neteyam - Dad?
Jake once again made eye contact with his daughter fully listing to whatever she had to say. An alarmed look covered his face as he waited for his daughter to say something. 
He held  her tight in his arms, eyes wide and alert. Alue’k quietly chuckled to herself, he looked like what humans called an “Owl”. She had read about them in books Norm had given to her, the man could never say no to “puppy dog eyes” as he called it.
The young girl cuddled closer into his arms trying her best to match her breathing to his. Alue’k had always struggles white the idea of being small, always arguing against it. However, now? She couldn’t deny how small she really was, wrapped in her fathers arms. This is the safest she thinks she’s ever felt.
Alue’k - Can we go home?
Her voice was quiet and hoarse, like sand paper. 
It mad Jake wince. Nodding his head he cupped Alue’ks face, cradling it softly. A gentle smile covered his face as his eyes softened, how could he let this happen? 
He was meant to be the protecter… . How had he become so wrapped up in adapting to his new life that he missed his daughter struggling. Hell, we’re all of his children struggling and he was just blind to it?
Jake - Sure thing baby girl, we’ll go home yeah? We’ll go home, your mamas waiting up for you.
Alue’k sniffles nodding her head in agreement. She held on tight to Jake as he stood up and started to make his way to their marui pod, carrying Alue’k close to his chest. 
That was until an all too familiar feeling of teeth sinking into his calf’s made him stop. Jake stared down at the viper wolf who had never rlly shook the habit of nipping at his calf’s. He looked at his daughter who was reaching down towards the viper wolf, sighing gently he leaned down slightly making it easier for the young girl to pick up her friend.
Tonôwa cooed happily as he laid comfortably on Alue’k, the girl in questions smiles as she scratched under his chin making him purr. Her attention was captured by another however as someone started to frantically call her name.
They voice was quickly identified as Neytiri.
Aleu’k flailed a bit trying to get out of Jakes arms. Jake steadied himself before taking the hint and letting the girl down, he helped her regain her balance but before she could even properly settle on her feet she took of sprinting towards her mom. 
Alue’k - Mama!
Alue’k - Mama!
Her voice grew desperate as she pushed herself to run faster.
Tonôwa still in her arms (not enjoying the very rocky journey).
Neytiri ran faster than she ever thought was possible, she legs burned by the time she reached her precious daughter. When they finally crashed into each other, the force of it brought them both to there knees. Neytiri wrapped her arms around Alue’k, eyes watering out of relief that her daughter was safe.
After a few moments of just being held by Neytiri, Jake joined followed closely by Neteyam and Lo’ak. The all huddled around the girl and pulled each other in. This is the family she almost gave up, at this moment she didn’t believe she could ever forgive herself for that.
Their peace was soon interrupted by screaming, Alue’k braced herself as two bodies came crashing into the Sully family huddle.
Tuk and Kiri.
Kiri cupped her face, resting her forehead on hers while saying a quiet prayer of thanks to Eawa. Tuk just sobbed, wrapping her arms around her sisters waist and begging her never to leave again.
Alue’k had a lot of mixed emotion at the moment: She felt sad, angry, guilty just to name a few. However, right now, there’s no other place she would be then wrapped in her family’s arms.
Hey Luvs! I’m so sorry but I’m going to have to take a break, just until my exam are over. I hope you all understand!! However, I’m gunna miss all of you for the next few weeks, just remember to look after yourselves and be as happy as you can!!! 💕💕💕🥹
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braveclementine · 1 month
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
This is Penny, generated by AI. I wasn't thinking this much green in her Agent outfit- I was picturing more like Viper from Valorant. And also, Penny doesn't have a mask, but this was the more decent of the others that were generated. 
🍛🤫 𝕤ᵗ𝔬𝐫𝓎 🧬🤚
Elizabeth walked into the community room or the living room, whatever you wanted to call it, of the Avengers tower. She found that many of the Avengers were standing in a semi-circle, various weapons pointed at a man wearing a strange outfit in a faded red colour, along with a strange helmet so all you could mostly see were his eyes, nose, and mouth.
His eyes lifted to see hers and said, "Ah. I see you managed to survive. Let's change that." And her trident flew across the room, going through her stomach, pinning her to the wall. Bucky and Steve hollered, running to her as Elijah exploded into flames.
Elizabeth jerked upright, breathing hard. Feeling alongside the bed told her it was empty, which was strange because she had been sure Sam had been there when she'd fallen asleep.
Her heart was pounding in her chest, thinking about the vividness of the dream. She died.
The bathroom door opened and Sam looked surprised to see her sitting up. "Sorry sugar, did I wake you up?" He asked softly, considering it was about two in the morning. He climbed back into bed, pulling her into his arms. "Sugar? You're shaking. What's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare." Elizabeth whispered, turning her face into his bare chest. "I died."
"Oh sugar." Sam murmured.
Elizabeth explained the dream and Sam listened before saying, "It's just your subconscious from when you died the first time. I'm sorry you're having these nightmares sugar."
"It was the first one." Elizabeth said hesitantly, a little afraid to go back to sleep. "Do I have to sleep?"
"Yeah." Sam smiled a sad smile. "Don't worry sugar, I'm right here by your side if you need me. If you have another nightmare, you can wake me up. And if you don't, well then you get your refreshing sleep. I mean, you don't have to sleep. Tony is probably down in the lab, Stephen is probably awake in the library. Bucky might even be up if you want."
Elizabeth hesitated and then tiredness over took her and she shook her head, "I'll sleep here with you."
"Sweet dreams Sugar." Sam said softly.
She hoped so.
🍣🚳 Ƥ𝕠𝕍 ¢𝓱𝓐ᑎ𝑔E 🩰🚱
Penny stretched as she joined the others in the living room of the Avengers tower. It was around mid-day and everyone was kind've just chatting in the room, sitting together.
Just about everyone was there except maybe Elizabeth. Fury had also sent Violetta and Natasha on a mission, so they weren't there either. Katya was also laying down upstairs as she hadn't been feeling to great.
Bruce had explained that with Katya, the baby seemed to have developed Lans' powers, so it was actually already shape-shifting inside of her. Bruce, Stephen, Loki, and Thor were all keeping a very close eye on her with some help from Wanda just in case things went terribly south. They were also talking about taking her up to Asgard as she neared the birth date so perhaps Frigga could help as well with the birthing process.
"Hey Penny." Clint greeted her first and she went and sat down with him, starting to feel the affects of being pregnant and on her feet to long. She was due to give birth in exactly three weeks and she was also rather fatigued all the time, which she hadn't known was a side effect.
"Tired?" Clint chuckled as she closed her eyes, wanting to fall asleep on him.
"Mhmm. Push me off if I get to heavy." Penny mumbled in a tease.
Clint just laughed at that, kissing her shoulder. "I can take it."
Penny giggled and then settled down.
"I'm just saying, an elevator isn't worthy." Steve argued.
"But an elevator isn't a person." Tony argued. "Besides, Thor stands in elevators all the time and the hammer is with him all the time."
"Because Thor is holding it." Rhodey pointed out. "But what if it was just there by itself?"
"Nah it's physics." Sam argued. "I mean, think about it right? Technically to an elevator, it's just another object."
"Whose side are you on?" Steve grumbled and Sam quickly backpedaled.
"I mean, yeah, elevators are not worthy, at all, therefore it could not go up." Sam said quickly.
"No." Tony pointed at him, "Don't be scared of him, I'll protect you."
"No you won't." Bucky and Stephen chuckled together.
Suddenly, there was a crash and you all looked over to see one of the windows had been shattered by seemingly nothing. The chatter in the room stopped and everyone slowly got to their feet.
Penny reached under the couch, grabbing one of the pistols that was tucked under there, while Clint pushed her behind him, guarding her with his body. Steve raised his hand, shield flying to his arm. Thor's hammer came to his hand and Loki created a weapon out of green mist.
A man floated through the window, wearing a strange outfit of red, complete with a cape and also a helmet.
Trang jerked backwards from him, gripping the table behind her hard with her hands.
"Who are you?" Thor demanded, pointing his hammer at the man.
"My name is Magneto." The man said and Penny watched as Pietro frowned at the man.
"You're the one who killed Lan and the others." Elijah said furiously, his entire body surrounded by flames.
"Yes. And I have come to finish the job."
"Not likely." Rhodey snapped.
"I am only here for two people."
"Who?" Bruce demanded.
"My children."
"Pardon?" Tony asked and the man glared at him.
"Wanda, Pietro, you need to come home." The man said, before lifting off his helmet, revealing his entire face. Both Pietro and Wanda took a step back and both Stephen and Loki straightened up in recognition.
"Erik?" Stephen asked in surprise.
Erik- apparently- nodded to the wizard. "Like I said, you seem to be one of the good ones. You and Loki can survive if you step aside."
"Step aside and what?" Loki asked.
"I'm only here for one life." Magneto said, narrowing his eyes at Tony. "Stark needs to pay for killing my wife."
Stephen and Loki both stood defensively in front of Tony.
"He didn't." Wanda argued. "It wasn't him."
"Where do you even get the nerve?" Pietro asked angrily. "Hiding from us, making us believe you were dead for years! And then coming here saying you're going to kill our new family and we need to go with you!"
The door of the room suddenly opened and everyone including Magneto looked over to see that Elizabeth had just entered. She froze upon seeing the room.
"Ah." Magneto murmured, "I see you managed to survive. Let's change that."
Faster than Penny could have expected, her trident came out of nowhere and would've shoved straight through her stomach again, except the weapon was thrusted away with a sweep of water, imbedding itself in the wall to the side of her.
Pietro was standing in front of Elizabeth in a millisecond, glaring at the man who said he was their father. "You will not hurt her."
"Pietro move." Magneto said, lazily.
"How dare you." Bucky growled. Magneto turned his gaze on him and suddenly Bucky's hand came up, grabbing his own throat. Bucky fell to his knees, trying to fight his own hand which was choking him out.
"Bucky." Steve and Sam tried to pull his hand away from his own throat, both of them working frantically.
"I'm getting bored and I'm disappointed. These people are not your friends, but our enemies." Magneto said.
"The only enemy here is you." Wanda growled, red wisps trailing from her fingers. Bucky stopped choking himself, gasping for breath. "Get lost."
"Like I said, disappointed." Magneto said, before thousands of tiny needles lifted into the air behind him. They zoomed forwards, ready to pierce everyone, but a wall of water was placed in front of all of them as Elizabeth controlled it, eyes blue.
"How do we stop him?" Sam asked, looking at Wanda and Pietro.
Suddenly, Elizabeth ran forwards, leaping onto the coffee table, launching herself off the back of the couch. Her water moved with her and she managed to knock the man off course where he had been floating. She wrapped her water tendrils around his throat, going through his nose, before she slammed his head against the wall and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.
"Elizabeth?" Elijah asked cautiously as her eyes faded back to their normal brown.
She looked up at him and then looked at Sam, "I just saw it in my dream." And then she turned and walked away like nothing had happened.
"What does that mean?" Tony asked. He looked shaken. "What is she talking about?"
"Last week. . ." Sam murmured, "She had a nightmare about this exact same thing. The same words, same place, same everything. And the way she fought back, it was like she had predicted his moves."
"Elizabeth has never been able to see the future." Elijah said and then threw a glance at Ghaida who looked lost in thought. "G?"
Ghaida looked at him and shook her head, "Viden won't let me know. It's another Heimdall thing. But I'd go out on a limb and say yes, somehow she predicted this. But how, I don't know."
"I'm going to have a talk with that golden-eyed bastard." Loki seethed, stalking out of the room. Penny wondered if Heimdall would actually bring Loki up to Asgard. Maybe that was the reason Heimdall hadn't come down yet to see Elizabeth. Because he knew he would be questioned.
"He's your father." Stephen said slowly. "It makes sense. When I was training him he said his childrens' names were Scarlet and Strieborná. Strieborná means Silver. Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver. I should have realized."
"How could you?" Tony sighed. "It's my fault."
"No," Wanda said softly, putting a hand on his arm. "It's not. We've already been over this. Besides. . . even so he shouldn't have come after you like this. Especially the others."
Penny quickly turned and with a bit of difficulty, knelt beside Bucky who was breathing in and out deeply while Steve and Sam continued to look at him with worry. "Bucky?" Penny asked quietly and he opened his blue eyes.
"Hey doll." He coughed, wincing. "Damn now I know how it feels."
"What do you want us to do with him?" Clint asked, looking at Wanda and Pietro.
"I have a solution." A new voice said form the door and Penny turned to see her father standing there.
🖐🦠 tƗⓜᵉ รкι𝐩 👨‍🏫🧫
"There is a separate group of superheroes that no one knows about called the X-men." Fury explained as he talked to the rest of them in the living room. "I will not disclose their location or school-"
"School?" Wanda interrupted with clear interest and Fury nodded.
"Yes. A school for kids and even adults who can't really understand their powers. They go there to learn and control them."
"I went there." Elijah said, blushing just a little. "For about two years. It's a good school."
"I'm surprised I didn't know that." Fury eyed him.
Elijah shrugged. "I was seven."
"Either way," Fury continued and Penny listened back in. "Magneto was once a friend of the head Professor, Professor X, but their differences in philosophies caused them to become more like enemies, though they still respect and admire each other."
"I don't understand. How long ago was this?" Pietro asked.
"Before you were born." Fury answered. "Professor X and Cap grew up in the same time period."
Steve looked up at that.
"What about our mother?" Wanda demanded. "Did she know?"
"Yes." Ghaida interjected. "Let's just say after you thought both of them were dead, it wasn't an accident that you were picked first out of the volunteer groups."
"It was all planned from the start." Pietro said flatly.
"Did our mother have powers?" Wanda asked.
"No." Ghaida answered.
"My solution, if it's alright with both of you Maximoff's, is to give your father back over to the X-men. They can hold him with no dangers to themselves or other people." Fury said.
Wanda and Pietro looked at each other and Penny pitied them. It couldn't be easy, thinking that your parents were dead. Then finding out that their father was alive and a monster.
"Yes." Wanda answered softly, "They can have him. I don't know if I ever want to see him again."
Fury nodded and then strode to the door and opened it. Two men came into the room, one walking, the other in a wheel chair.
The man who was standing looked a little like Bucky from what Penny could tell. He had clean brown hair that was floppy on both sides, although cut much shorter than Bucky's hair. He was also wearing all leather, along with black gloves. Penny couldn't see his eyes because he was wearing a sort of. . . almost like glasses but they were in one line and she couldn't see past the tint.
The other man was a much older man with a bald head and kind brown eyes. He was wearing a brown suit and he was able to get around in his wheelchair with the buttons on it.
When the man in the wheelchair spoke, he had a low, pleasant, gravely sort of voice. "We will take care of him from here. Thank you, Nicholas. Good to see you Elijah."
Elijah nodded and smiled a little. 
Penny's father nodded and said, "We just don't want anyone else getting hurt."
"Nor we." The man with the glasses added. He didn't look at any of them, but Penny couldn't help but feel as though he was scanning them since they couldn't see his eyes.
"Wanda my dear," The man in the wheelchair addressed her and she gave a small start, "Walk out with me, please?"
Wanda got up and said, "Of course."
The three of them left with Wanda's father, still unconscious.
"Well that was anti-climatic." Rhodey.
"Speak for yourself." Tony said, getting up and striding out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Rhodey winced.
Trang, Bruce, and Stephen quickly went after him.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y." Elijah sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Where's Elizabeth?"
"She's in Miss Kashuals room with her children." F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied and Elijah went off out of the room as well.
The rest of everyone else sort've just sat there for a long time. Eventually Pietro stood up and was gone without another word.
Fury stood too, "Penny, walk with me."
Glad to be rid of the room, Penny got up and walked with her father out of the living room.
"How are you feeling?" Her father asked as they headed towards the elevator.
"Shaken. Confused." Penny answered. "The attack was so sudden, but it was over so quickly and no one was even. . . well I guess Bucky would constitute as hurt but. . . Elizabeth took over the situation so quickly, defeated him so quickly. . . how could she have possibly been killed the first time?"
"Wilson says she dreamed about it for a week." Fury said. "I think maybe she was reacting to it instinctively."
"But how can she have dreams or nightmares about something that hadn't even happened yet?" Penny asked as the two of them stepped into the elevator. "That shouldn't be possible."
"Penelope." Fury said and she looked over at her father. "I'm immortal, went to space and lost an eye because of a Flerken which looked like a cat, while fighting off aliens. None of this should be possible. Water powers, fire powers, nature powers, Gods, super soldiers, the Hulk. Elizabeth was raised from the dead. Who knows what new powers she has."
Penny was silent for a moment, because everything he had said was true.
"Are you ready for having your baby?" Fury changed the subject.
"You and Rogers come up with names yet?"
"No. We don't even know the gender of the child." Penny said and then looked over at Fury. "Have you um. . . has Sharon. . ."
Fury sighed. "I talked to Scott and he's more lax about the situation than Rogers was. He told Sharon as much as he wished she would keep his child, and said he wanted the child, and he would raise him or her, ultimately he respected her decision. Although, I can't see them interacting in the future."
"Who. . . who do you think is more right?" Penny asked hesitantly.
Fury sighed. "As a man, I really hate touching the subject of abortion Penny."
"I know but. . ." Penny glanced at him, "If mom. . ."
"Maria wouldn't." Fury shrugged. "I never have to deal with it." He glanced over at her and sighed, "Maybe. . . maybe before I had you, I wouldn't have cared. But after watching your mother carry you and love you in her womb, watching her cry as she birthed you, and the ecstatic feeling that I had when I got to hold you when you were only three minutes old. . . it's a feeling I will never forget and I want to experience over and over. So. . . if it were to happen to me, I would react like Rogers. I wouldn't be able to forgive Maria if she did do that to me."
"Scott has a daughter though." Penny frowned.
"Yeah, and he's hurting." Fury nodded, "But he doesn't feel like receiving the backlash that Steve did over the subject."
"It's stupid." Penny muttered.
"It's life and politics. You want to play the political game, you got to be ready with responses and backlash and criticism." Fury responded and the elevator doors opened up, the two of them walking out. "Some people are going to believe that abortion is healthcare. That's their opinion, that's their choice. And others think it's murder. I say, we need to stop arguing. And I also say that if someone has a different opinion from you, doesn't make the other person wrong or right. Just respect it and stop bashing them for being different."
Penny smiled as her father got heated. "Going to run for the Presidency with that speech?"
Fury chuckled, pulling Penny into a side hug as Coulson drove up in his black Sudan. "Nah. I'd rather just be your father. Besides, I like ordering the Avengers around to much."
"Hey Phil." Penny said, while laughing at her fathers' words.
"Hey Pen." Coulson greeted her. "Ready Fury?"
"Yep." Fury said. "Stay safe Penny, keep me updated on your pregnancy."
"Tell mom I said I love her." Penny called out and the car drove away. Penny looked around and noticed she didn't see Wanda anywhere. Maybe she had gone with the X-men to their school. She had seemed interested enough and the man in the wheelchair had seemed open enough to her.
Well, at least this nightmare was over. 
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another-corpo-rat · 1 year
Run Rabbit Run
A little something for the lovely @theviridianbunny 💕💕 Thank you for trusting me with your darling girl! She was a blast to write 🥰
Jackie Welles/OC Summary: A simple job for Wakako almost paints a target on Viridian and Jackie's back.
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She loses herself easily in the lines of codes. Old habits raise their heads; her fingers move quicker than she can think. Eyes darting back and forth, back and forth.
It’s taken longer than usual to spot the pattern, to follow the threads to the knot where she can pull it loose and the laptop’s systems open themselves up to her fully. This one has been full of dead-ends, starting her with an immediately impossible grid more often than naught.
The only constant has been the employee ID on the top left of the screen. Arasaka undoubtedly, but she didn’t make a habit of memorising them. Yet as she sits back, narrowing her eyes at that series of numbers, something about it strikes her as familiar. Dangerously so.
Her fingers pause in their relentless tapping of the keys, hovering over the board as the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. There’s no one behind her aside from Jackie, but she still glances over her shoulder just to be certain. She catches his concern when she does; it wasn’t often that she would stop in the midst of an ICE-break.
“You good, V?”
“I’m—” an easy lie almost slips off her tongue, she catches it between her teeth. “No.” She admits instead, quietly pleased with how easy honesty is with him. It wasn’t like pulling teeth anymore, she didn’t have to worry about him sheathing it like a knife to drive into her back.
But that was a paranoia eased around Jackie and him alone, one she was working to extend to others in her new life. It’s difficult, but she’s trying. Still, she can’t help but ask: “Did Wakako tell you who the client stole this from?”
His lips get that little thoughtful twist to them, one that holds her gaze as he pokes through memories. He’s not happy with what he grasps, she can see that in how those lips press tight before he speaks. “Some self-important corpo, think they had the name of a bird? Can’t ‘member for sure, but she was waxing lyrical ‘bout them being a symbol of luck or something.”
Lead settles in her stomach, the heavy weight threatening to urge her lunch upwards as a chill curdles her blood.
‘Always stay two steps ahead, my dear.’ A rasp of a voice croons, low in her ear, deep in her memory. It wasn’t too long ago, two years, maybe three, that she worked with that woman. Arasaka’s Red Rabbit was known for an efficient brutality, feared for it, but if there was one who could claim the podium for cruelty it was her.
Viridian had delighted in it at the time, having an equal in skill and ferocity. In working alongside another who spared no consideration for things like mercy or morality; there was no right and wrong, just what needed to be done and who they had to cut through to do it.
Two of a kind, sharks circling their hapless prey.
“Crane?” She chances, grasping desperately to the hope she’s wrong.
But Jackie’s eyes alight with recognition, clicking his fingers as he confirms her fear; “Crane! Yeah, that’s the one.”
The name doesn’t coax the same delight it once did, taunting her instead as she slams the laptop shut. He straightens at the action, the light in his eyes gone as his brow furrows. His hands reach for her but hover, palms up in a placating motion. “Cariño?” He says gently, “You know them?”
“I- I know her. I know—” The smell of burning flesh, met with a simple click of the tongue. A dying man’s screams faltering into little more than desperate, rattling croaks.
‘It smells quite a lot like bacon, doesn’t it?’ It was different when she was in the chair. It allowed her a distance, in and out. The rabbit never lingered in fields it set aflame.
But the viper relished, and it made the rabbit look upon the violence it had helped create.
“J-Jac, we- we can’t. If we do this and she finds out—” It would be a rage Viridian might be able to weather, but it’s not her that Crane would target. It’d be Mamá Welles and Pepe, or Viktor and Misty. They’d be the ones to pay the price, a hefty thing only paid in full when they lie dead.
And for what? Some outdated data? A shard of blackmail that’d achieve nothing?
It wasn’t worth it; no amount of eddies would be worth it.
She struggles to get that rationale out; the words sit on the tip of her tongue but refuse to press forward. Jackie knows her well, sees the desperation and rests his steadying hands on her shoulders. The weight of them is familiar, comforting.
“We’ll call Wakako,” he says simply, voice calm to ease her anxieties, “tell her we can’t crack the ICE and hand the thing back.”
And it’s— simple. A reasonable excuse as any, even if she knows Wakako will meet the news with her cutting disappointment. “But you said every gig was a step towards making it big, won’t this be a step back?”
“Eh, could be,” he shrugs but his eyes are warm and a calloused thumb gentle as he trails it across her golden cyberware, “but we’ve no chance of getting there if we piss off the wrong people too soon, y’know. Ain’t gonna hurt if we err on caution now and then.”
It eases her enough to quell that sickening lurch in her stomach. “Alright,” she breathes out, trying to will the tension through her away. It vanishes completely as Jackie smiles and draws her in, tucking her head below his chin.
It’s alright. They’ll be alright.
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chaoticobject1 · 5 months
If I draw my OC can you make an Icon of her? She's called Komotion (reference to the terms commotion and Motion) and she's a komodo dragon who gained a cool mohawk of spikes. She's a wilder and loves rhythm games and anything horror. She can also hold snakes without panicking (unlike one of my other OCs for one of my later art plans)
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(One image has a background while the other doesn't. Yeah she's holding a concept for another Wilder rn. I call him Pyther- he's a python lmao and he is a good friend to Viper.)
Hey, sorry for the late answer but I love your OC!
I hope you'll like the icon!
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protocolsecretsanta · 9 months
From @opilius : This feels hella fast, but here’s my piece for @starstainedtarts and their oc Lakan!
Slip. Slip. Knit.
An interesting pattern, an unending loop, a cycle at the mercy of Omen’s hands. A cycle he quite enjoyed in fact, one he was in control of. Life, not so much, but with his yarn in his hand Omen felt quite like the weaver of the universe.
Maybe that was a bit melodramatic, he thought as the yarn started to form a feasible shape. A sweater, it was. A Christmas gift for Charles, which was steadily approaching. Ok, maybe being dramatic would be better here. He needed to finish this quickly and neatly, for he wouldn’t be able to bear messing this up.
Another round of the loop, with Omen steadily looping the yarn between his fingers, watching as the sweater slowly but surely becomes an actual item. The pattern on the front, a small reindeer, was forming too, and Omen was quite proud of the details. Small antlers, a red nose, the weirdest smile yet seen on a reindeer. Maybe it was too unsettling for Christmas… the beady eyes were staring into Omen’s soul, well, the parts he had left. A quick motion later, and the dot eyes had splashes of white, fixing the creepiness. Perfect.
Surprisingly, the common room was very slow for the time of day. Late afternoon, and the only people Omen had seen was Jett, who was on the hunt for snacks, and Nuniq, looking for Aput. He would’ve expected to see a little more action, a sighting of the younger agents, Brim rounding them up. At least they hadn’t seen Charles yet, that would ruin the surprise he was working towards. Perhaps it would be safer to knit in his own room… but the common room was airer, friendlier, and Omen had agreed with Viper to get out of his room more, and damn what was left of his soul if he wanted to cross her.
Still, he couldn’t help but feel slightly worried that Charles would poke their head around the door frame at any second, negating Omen’s hard work, and demolishing the Christmas Spirit. That wasn’t fun at all, so Omen prayed that they wouldn’t walk in.
The comfortable silence continued to grace the room, aiding to his peaceful demeanor. A steady drone of the air, the slow clicking of his needles, the slight hum from his throat. Omen could feel the environment shift from what it once was, from his slightly anxiety ridden stupor to contentment. Fine by him.
A needle slipped out of his hand, as Omen felt himself doze off. Yesterday had been a long day, this chair was comfy, and the room was calm. A perfect napping environment, although the half finished sweater in his lap begged to differ. Omen sighed, and tried to shake the sleep from his mind. This sweater had to be completed at all costs, he couldn’t give Charles an unfinished gift!
His half working stupor was interrupted by a pair of arms around his shoulders. Omen jumped, whipped around, and oh fuck. The person he didn’t want to see right now was right behind him. Shit.
As quickly as he could, Omen balled up the sweater and shoved it between him and the arm of the chair. Hopefully they didn’t see it, that wouldn’t be good at all.
“What’s that?” They asked quickly, and looked at Omen with such a smile that he almost told them against his better judgment. A moment of consideration, and he caught himself.
“Nothing for you, Charles.” The lie slipped out, but it was harsh, chopped, obviously not the truth.
“It’s for me, isn’t it?” Charles was leaning against the back of the chair now, with their long hair tickling (well, if he could feel it it would be) the back of Omen’s head. Certainly, that wasn’t helping him keep this secret hidden.
“No.” Omen felt his voice crack a tiny bit, and with the slight smirk on Charles’ face, he could tell that they had figured him out.
“Yeah, it’s for me.” They traced a finger along Omen’s shoulder, seemingly trying to coax the info out of him. Omen could feel himself relax, and his hand wrapped around the unfinished sweater.
“Maybe it is.” Omen’s better judgment kicked in, and he released the sweater, trying in vain to hide the already spotted item.
“Here, let me see.” They extended a hand, but Omen shook his head in response.
“It’s not done yet.” That was Omen’s futile attempt at stopping further damage, but truly, it had failed.
“So?” A rhetorical question that finally broke Omen’s train of lies.
“Fine.” And with that, he finally grabbed the sweater and handed it to Charles.
The joy on their face showed up immediately, as they held the half completed sweater in front of them.
“This is cute! I like it, my dear.” Their words contained no malice, much to Omen’s relief.
“I’m glad, Charlie.” 
They were still smiling as they inspected the unfinished edge. “You could keep this, make it cropped.”
Omen shook his head while chuckling. “But it was made to be a normal sweater.”
Charles handed it back, smile never leaving their face. “Then finish it.” They ran one last hand against Omen’s shoulder, before a look of realization crossed their face. “This has been fun, darling, but Neon needs me.” And with that, they walked away, as Omen watched.
The half finished sweater sat back in his lap. Maybe it would be better cropped.
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crescentmoonrider · 1 year
14 and 46 for the writer ask game!!
[ask meme]
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer?
I've often said I'm not a fan of mpreg and omegaverse, and that is true, but I've recently come to think that I could like. Be okay with them, if written in a way that vibes with me
Usually that means like, a focus on sociology and interpersonal relationships rather than the trope itself, which I completely understand isn't the way most people like this kind of stuff. And that's perfectly alright !! More power to y'all !!
But yeah on my end I probably wouldn't touch this kind of fic if I don't already know the writer's style. Too much ick risk otherwise
Also I've got a friend who does self-inserts as OCs and I like their stuff, so even though self-inserts aren't usually my thing I would probably read anything they throw at me lmao
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
Haha ! The medium question !
See, it's a bit of a thing with me to be weird about mediums
By the end, all fics become a word doc (office 2003 because I don't like change) which I either export or copy depending on the site I'm posting on
The way to get there, however...
I've got fics written in the notes app of my phone. That's pretty nice to do in the train, and it lets me edit them when I type them in the final doc. I've got fics written directly in the doc, those are usually less planned out and more of a spur-of-the-moment kinda thing. Not always ! Sometimes they're stuff that will require research and direct quotes from, say, a book of common prayers (aka that Jojo Vampyr AU that starts with a funeral)
And then there's my long-running AtlA fic, "A viper-lizard's tales" which I write in the train... by hand, on a paper notebook. This one is definitely impacted by the medium, since chapters end up being pretty short when I have to literally write them (mind you, the dialogue-less style also impacts the length of these chapters)
I'd say the only real difference between the notes app and the word docs is the level of editing, more or less. Not that I edit a lot, usually the first draft barely changes, but when it does, it tends to happen when I'm re-typing from paper/notes app to final doc. Easier to spot things that don't flow right that way, I think. So I guess they're a little cleaner, kind of
Although I also just re-type a word doc into another word doc sometimes, on purpose, when I'm looking to do something a little more "proper" rather than just vibing
Basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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dazzlerazz · 8 months
I do try to talk about Astred more but he's not as ingrained with the Vipers as the other ones, he's just kinda there ya know? But that doesn't mean I love him any less!
I hate to say it but like, he's the Ashe of the Vipers, that doesn't mean he's any less lovable or amazing, I cherish him as my first fe3h oc, but he's solely the only student in that class with no direct connection to another student, like Ashe is with the Blions (so of course it's fitting I ship him with Ashe har har yeah I get it)
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Two Ghosts Chapter 6
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TITLE: Two Ghosts Chapter 6 PAIRING: Iceman/OC, Rooster/OC (if you squint) RATING: T CHAPTER: 6/? SUMMARY: It was just a routine training session, but it changed Noel “Mongoose” Grenier’s  life forever. The legends of pilots flying through time vortexes was true, because it happened to her. Dropped into 1984 during Maverick’s Top Gun training, she must navigate keeping her secret while also completing the program…again. Will she return to her own time unscathed? Or will she lose her heart in the process?
Iceman made good on his promise to take Mongoose out on a date. In fact, he took her to the O Club, somewhere Mongoose wasn’t familiar with.
It looked to be a Naval bar going by all the men in uniform.
Iceman was enjoying having Mongoose on his arm and not having to hide it. His hands and lips rarely left her skin.
“I’m gonna go get another drink,” Mongoose told Iceman.
“I can get it.” Iceman started to get up.
“Ice, sit your gorgeous ass back down. I can get my own drink.”
Rooster wouldn’t have put up a fight. He knew she could handle herself.
Mongoose got up and walked over to the bar and ordered a couple of beers for her and Iceman. She was waiting for the bartender to come back with their drinks when a man walked up to her.
“Hey baby. Can I buy you a drink?”
Mongoose turned to him. “Okay. 1. Don’t call me baby and 2. I’m here with my boyfriend who would beat your ass in two seconds. He’s a Naval Aviator.”
“Well I’m a pilot too.”
“Let me guess. The Air Force?”
The man smiled. “That’s right.”
“You mean the Chair Force.”
“What do you have against the Air Force?”
“Well it just so happens that I’m a pilot too. A Naval Aviator.”
The man laughed. “You? You’re way too pretty to be a fighter pilot.”
Mongoose’s eyes narrowed. “If we were in a dogfight, I’d shoot you down in a second.”
The bartender set the beers down in front of her.
Mongoose grabbed them and started to walk off when the man grabbed her. “Hey! Get your hands off of me!” She saw Iceman start to get up, so she smiled sweetly. “You know what? You can buy me a drink.”
“Yeah. I’m gonna need another one after this.” She took one of the beer bottles and smashed it over the man’s head.
All eyes turned to them.
“That’ll teach you to call a woman baby and grab her against her consent.” She turned to the few uniformed Naval officers in the club and said, “Throw him overboard, boys.”
The officers grabbed him and dragged him outside.
Mongoose walked back over to Iceman, who’s mouth was hanging open. “What?” she asked him.
“Goddamn, baby. That was hot.”
Mongoose blushed.
“I see why they call you Mongoose now.”
Mongoose raised an eyebrow. “Thought my callsign was Minx?”
Iceman wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into him. “You’re my Minx,” he whispered into her ear.
Mongoose let out a shaky breath.
Iceman smirked and placed a kiss on her neck.
The next day, Mongoose was thankful she wasn’t flying against Iceman. She didn’t know if she could take his voice in her ear after last night. When he kissed her goodbye at her door, it took everything within her to not pull him into her room and have her way with him.
Mongoose managed to win her first dogfight all by herself that day. Viper and Jester wanted to see how she would fair without a wingman, proving that she didn’t need one.
Iceman ran over to her and scooped her up in his arms. “That’s my girl!”
“Ice! Ice! Put me down!” she squealed.
Viper and Jester walked over to them and Iceman put her down.
“Congratulations on your first win, Lieutenant Grenier,” Viper said.
“Thank you, sir,” Mongoose said. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be graduating third in her class again, but it was an honor to fly with men like Viper and Jester.
“Get yourselves cleaned up,” Jester told them.
If they had witnessed Iceman’s proclamation, they didn’t say anything.
Iceman and Mongoose had already proven that their relationship wouldn’t get in the way of their jobs.
Jester and Viper walked off.
“Come on,” Iceman said, putting his arm around her shoulders. He guided her to the barracks, where the other pilots were waiting to congratulate her.
Maverick looked like he was sulking though.
“Don’t take it personally. He left Hollywood and then Jester got us,” Goose told her, “In fact, I think you were one of the only ones to take them down.”
“Really?” Mongoose turned to Iceman.
“They got me too.”
Mongoose’s jaw dropped. “Really!?”
“Don’t let it go to your pretty little head.”
Mongoose smirked. “I hope you know I’m never letting this go.”
Iceman kissed her temple. “I know, baby.”
Taglist: @indynerdgirl @alanadetigy @the-untamed-soul​ @marland56 @ireadthensuetheauthors​ @kassieesworld​ @theforevermorereject​​ @maverick-dont-think-just-do​ @thescarletknight2014​ @maverick-goose-rooster​​ @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy​​ @yougottalovefandoms​​ @maverick-wingman​
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
Would any of your ocs be interested in interacting with one or both of my snake twins? 🐍🐍
For fun I'll do how my NRC staff would interact with them ^^
Catrina Maravilla: Complete fear in the beginning, especially since they were there before she started teaching. She'd try to hide behind Trein, Sara or Divus as soon as she catches a glimpse. I can still see her be nervous around them but be more open to talk to them now. She'd freeze up like a mouse if she feels them "stalking" her. Poor Catrina is the ancient incantations/magic professor so I can only imagine how rigid she'd be if they have to teach at the same time 🤣
Sarafina Abara: She'll talk to them but she's suspicious. So small talk is probably the farthest she'll go or make up lies about herself to talk to them. Doesn't mean she dislikes them, she's just not one to trust easy
Lucien Donadieu: Much more open to them, he tends to drink after performances with his favorite being wine so he's more partial to Viper. The man was a cirque performer so he's definitely entertaining
Emiliano Posada: Metaphorical snake meets real snakes. He's also one to drink often so that may be how he spends time with them (fuck him up sneks, make the manipulator get manipulated!!) Snake probably saw Emiliano in one of those teen magazines because he's a famous singer
Elysia Di Siena: Since she assists in ancient curses she sees both fairly often. She is also someone of a mysterious past (just showing up at the school and already knowing Crowley). She's covered in ancient magic symbols and spells from long dead languages so they might take interest in that on her. I can see Elysia knowing if Snake tries to use a spell on her and its a simple "Please try me, I'll cut your tongue off. But don't worry, I'll be gentle~" with a closed eye smile before going back to her usual happiness
Valdis Di Siena: Doesn't like them, doesn't like that Elysia is close to them and he takes magic seriously and knows the possible side effects of ancient magic so he doesn't like their attitudes (who does Valdis like??? Elysia.. And that's because they've been travel companions for centuries)
Rontia Chesis: Tall moth meets tall sneks, they're a little taller than her (Moth man is around 7 ft/214 cm so that's how tall she is). She's one of the most childish staff and is mostly out at night so she probably hasn't interacted much with them. She has heard strange sounds come from the forest at night but never looks into it (doesn't get paid enough, lol)
Lorcan Bellamira: They teach the same class so he has talked to both a fair amount. Plus he also likes wine (yeah... Wine... That's totally the red liquid always in his glass...). He definitely trusts Viper more, for good reason. I can see him talk about the subject they teach a lot with them
Aegeus Hexis: Old dad that falls for their tricks a lot. As a demigod he has little sense of self preservation so he's not even cautious around them (though that can ruin the fun). Watch him call them "kids"
Eztli Maravilla: Another ancient immortal. When Eztli is alone he usually mumbles to himself in dead languages (because he's still learning modern languages). He's quick to pick up on what they're doing (because his mother is quite similar). Old bat who is both oblivious and cautious to them (doesn't know that he's cautious)
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Behind the Fic: TW:OPT - Chapter 148 & 149
“I hate Kalim,” Jamil said as he hung another picture of Kalim al-Asim on his already full wall. Aka. Jamil Viper gets two therapies in one arc.
WARNING: This will contain a bit of spoiler for the newest chapters of my fanfiction, Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure.
Chapter 148: The Boredom of Jamil Viper
Okay, I've said this many times, but this arc's episode list is really hard to make, therefore the pacing might be a bit clunky.
Originally, all of the therapy arcs are supposed to happen in one chapter while the last two focuses on the rescue mission. But because I don't have enough material, the therapy chapter is split into two. Which also fulfill our tradition of having two therapy chapters.
This chapter itself was supposed to only focus on Riddle's investigation of the missing memories, including an interrogation with Ace and Deuce before questioning Jamil and getting the delivery. However, nearly all of Riddle's POV was cut because he wasn't the main focus of this arc. Some of his POV was salvaged because of Jake's letter and Rose Lady's parcel.
This chapter is supposed to be the start of Jamil feeling guilty, but I think he hasn't reached that feeling just yet. He's mostly confused since he hasn't realized the reason for Kalim leaving.
Jamil saying “Can you lend you a hand for me, One-Eyed Captain of Ramshackle Dorm?” is a call back to what he called Jonah is Scarabia Arc chapter 114
One scene that I wish I wrote back in Scarabia Arc was the poisoned curry flashback. Originally it was supposed to show how Jamil stopped Kalim from eating the curry and then ate it himself before collapsing and getting sick, focusing on Jamil's loyalty and willingness to risk his life. Here it focuses on Kalim staying at Jamil's bedside until he wakes up, showing how much Kalim cares for him more than just a servant.
I showed a preview to my friend and she said: "Oh I almost forgot Leona straight up took the poor boy's arm off." Yeah, a friendly reminder that Jonah lost his arm, but you don't see him going on a murderous rampage against Leona.
One thing I do want to try in writing this fic is the theme around forgiveness and second chances. As much as I like the whole revenge plot, I don't think I can pull that off for too long. This thing, being kind to all of the boys despite the horrible things, is the norm in much TWST fanfic, including mine. It just seems to be a trait that we've taken for granted from MC/OC. But I'm not here to rant about that.
Kalim Arc also serves as an experiment of applying the whole 'forgiveness and second chances' to the canon characters. Kalim and Jamil are the perfect candidates because canonically, their story is begging for the forgiveness theme, like how Kalim forgives Jamil despite the latter still being an asshole.
Thus this is why Jonah doesn't have the full role as Jamil's therapist.
Also, it's surprisingly hard to write Jonah's forgiving self in Jamil's skeptical POV
Chapter 149: Arabian Night Rhapsody
And now, I can explain further the parallel between Jonah-Azul and Jamil-Kalim, along with the reason Jamil's second therapy is with Azul.
First of all, for the easiest reason. Despite all of them being based on villains, Jamil and Azul are obviously closer compared to Jamil and Jonah. Jonah and Kalim are considerably not really villains depending on the perspective.
That's one of the main reasons why Jamil's second therapy session was with Azul instead of Jonah again because I think he might connect faster with a fellow villain.
However, I do have a confession: sometimes I get the parallel mixed up. Despite Kalim and Jonah being the non-hero, along with being the first person in the relationship to realize that they're wrong, Jonah is still the one who starts the war against Azul, thus making him on the same side as Jamil who starts the Scarabia betrayal. However, because of the aforementioned villain role, Jamil and Azul sometimes get lumped together as the man with the evil plans ala classic Disney villains.
I'm leaning toward Jamil-Jonah s Kalim-Azul, hence why there's a line back in Scarabia Arc where Jonah said: "Don't make the same mistake as I do."
But, on the other hand, the parallel between Azul-Jamil is quite interesting to write, especially in this chapter, because you have Azul who had changed and Jamil who didn't realize what is wrong.
This chapter is surprisingly way easier to write compared to the previous chapter because of the Jamil-Azul dynamic.
I also think it might be a bigger realization for Jamil if he hears the whole 'forgiveness and second chances' from a fellow villain like Azul compare to the supposed hero like Jonah.
One more parallel, a pretty minor one is the love confession scene.
Same as Kalim confessing his love for Jamil to Jonah, Azul confesses his love for Jonah to Jamil.
By the way, how are y'all feeling JonAzul shipper? This chapter marks the confirmation of JonAzul, at least from Azul's side.
The drink Floyd gave to Jamil was a salty ginger-ade mocktail which has dates (Jamil's least favorite food) in it
The last scene on this chapter is from How To Train Your Dragon where the other teens join Hiccup in his plan to save Toothless
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Welp...I did it. I made yet ANOTHER Silm OC, and I'm not sorry about it (the silver hair/brown skin combo is my aesthetic, don't judge me).
Anyway, this is Aranmír Edlothion, also known as the Prince of Flowers in his wedding attire. I came up with the idea of him from doing a fantasy RP with a friend of mine, and my absolute obsession with enemies to lovers so...here he is! My lovely boi, I hope y'all love him as much as I do! Facts under the cut.
Name Translation:
Father-name: Aranmír- "king's jewel" (I know in Quenya it'd be spelt with a double m but I dunno if that's how Sindarin works)
Mother-name: Edlothion- "blossomer, bloomer, he who causes flowering"
He's the third and youngest child of Thingol and Melian after Luthien and Daeron (cuz I see a lot of people making Dae Luthi's brother in their headcanons and I figured "why the fuck not get in on the headcanon fun? I mean Tinfang would've been her brother too in another version")
He's a botanist and horticulturist who has a stronger relationship with plants than people. He's cultivated several varieties of flower and fruit, hence his nickname. Practically lives in his greenhouse.
Can make a shit ton of drugs, poisons, and alcohols from his plants, my guy is a walking pharmacy.
Looks sweet and nice and poised, is actually batshit feral and will fuck you up.
Horny on main but also a nerd
Will go days without sleep getting caught up in his research.
Loves his family to death and they're all really close-knit, but inferiority complex like a MOTHERFUCKER. Being in this family will do that to you, I mean he’s like an actually cheerful Caranthir.
With Thingol being the greatest of the Sindar and Melian being a literal angel, Luthien being literally the hottest thing to walk the earth (also stupidly magically powerful) and Daeron being the best singer of all time, Ara is just the “weird plant kid”.
His Maiarin magic takes the form of being able to manipulate and magically affect plant growth.
Married Celegorm to forge an alliance for peace. Basically Morgoth is a bigger threat than he is in canon and in order to defeat him, the Sindar and the Noldor have to kiss and make up...literally. Both groups would rather die than join forces but they really have no choice because the Valar are sitting on their glittery asses not helping (at least not yet)
Agreed to the match out of duty to Doriath (and also to say "hey, I'm useful guys. Be proud of me"), Thingol is pissed. "HELL NO, I'D RATHER FACE MORGOTH BY MYSELF THAN GIVE MY CHILD TO THOSE WILD DOGS!"
Luthien is ALSO pissed, especially considering what Celegorm and Curufin tried to pull with her. She is NOT happy about letting her little bro "be sold to a pit of vipers"
On their wedding day there was crying. A LOT of crying. But Ara would die for his people so he sucks it up, and also to protect his brother and sister from being selected.
Those flowers braided into Ara's hair are red anemones, symbolizing protection against evil (he's gonna need it)
To say that he and Tyelko do NOT fuck with each other would be the understatement of the century.
Tried to poison his "beloved husband" once, having a huge knowledge of plants he knows which ones are poisonous af. He was basically in cushy jail (watched like a hawk and confined to his rooms) for like the next two years after that.
Unfortunately for him, Celegorm also knows his plant stuff cuz...hunter, hello. So yeah, that didn't work. He thought it was cute, but told Ara in no uncertain terms that if he tried that shit again, he'd make his life hell.
Turning point came when they were stuck in a survival situation and forced to work together to literally not die.
It's cliche AF but they bonded a little over nature and shit..
Another cliche: It was raining, they were cold and hubby is attractive...so yeah.
Their interactions consisted of VERY sporadic friendly moments interspersed with veiled insults and hate sex. (Ara threw up their first time, feeling like a traitor to his dead kin)
Before they realized "we're stuck with each other forever, may as well try not to be miserable for the rest of eternity"
So they tried to get along and shit and discovered they had a lot of similar interests.
Curufin kinda gets jealous of their friendship because Tyelko's his fave brother (and also Ara tried to poison him)
It literally took them like 300 years to move from enemies to semi-friends.
Ara saved his husband’s life once by brewing up an antidote for a poisoned arrow wound (he didn’t poison him this time)
Celegorm comforted Ara over his grief at Luthien's death (he blamed him at first, of course) and this led to them becoming even closer.
They like to hang out together in the woods, sometimes not coming back for days.
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lost-in-interwebs · 3 years
Kinda shitty and fucked up you can't tell Veronica you're very valid reasons for not liking the Brotherhood and instead of leaning into to that to learn how the Brotherhood could grow and change and how the world feels about them, she just won't follow you. Or the developers not giving another option to voice your grievances. My Viper OC, Cantil, hates the Brotherhood. They hunted and slaughtered them along with the NCR into small, dying groups. She's not gonna say "Oh yeah they're great." It would be nice how they could help each other meet in the middle. Also why wouldn't I be able to tell her, "They strapped a bomb collar to my neck and kill a man. They're not... my favorite." Idk...
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