#Yeah no.. the original pitch was to give them better
kakusu-shipping · 28 days
Every once in a while I'll come across a character who I don't love romantically but who I look at and think "You deserve so much better" so I'll build a romantic selfship with them, not because I feel especially inclined to kiss them, but because if the narrative won't take care of them I sure as hell will
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shiny-crocodile · 2 months
the best person ive ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
masterlist ch1-11
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chapter summary: marriage and mouths
chapter notes: thank you anons and especially @shortnsweet1985 for the suggestions on this one
smut 18+
At England camp, training had commenced in preparation for the World Cup. The girls back together as friendlies had been organised to help build chemistry among the team and for fans to see two final games on home soil before Australia.
As the players made their way off the pitch, LJ jogged over to wrap an arm around Lucy, doing her best to weigh her down and succeeding.
"So what you doing on the days off this weekend," LJ asked as they untied their boots, "I've got tickets to 50 Cent at the o2 if you wanna come."
Lucy hung her head back, she would do anything to go to a 50 Cent concert and sing Hate It Or Love It word for word with the man himself.
Well, almost anything. She wouldn't bail on plans with Ona.
"Oh my god I so so wish, but l'm going to a wedding in Spain this weekend," Lucy said, finding it the hardest thing in the world to turn down.
"No way, you're going to that?" Tooney piped up, "you're down so incredibly bad. Isn't that in the middle of nowhere in Spain and you're gonna go for our 1 night off?"
Lucy rolled her eyes, her go to reaction pretty much every time Tooney opened her mouth.
"Wait, down bad?" LJ said cluesly.
"Who you down bad for?" Hempo asked, joining the conversation.
Trust the two Lauren's to be the only people in women's football who hadn't heard about Lucy and Ona, both their minds away with the fairies.
"Ona," Lucy said proudly, "Batlle."
"No way!" both Lauren's said in unison.
"You idiots didn't know?" Tooney said, also shocked there was anyone unaware. "Well, I guess lucky for you, I have seen waaaay too much of their disgusting PDA."
"You have not," Lucy said, although she knew that was a lie.
"Have I not?" Tooney challenged, "because I could have sworn I saw your fingers in Ona's mou-“
"That's enough," Lucy said, throwing her damp training top right at Tooney's head.
The Lauren's were not done with their fact finding mission.
"Wait, so how long have you been going out?" LJ asked.
"Officially 2 and a half months, but seeing each other all this year really."
"Show us your cute couple photos," Hempo chimed in.
You didn't have to ask Lucy twice, she got up her favourites folder on her phone and went through a series of photos, giving context as Tooney fake gagged in the background.
"So you're going to miss 50 Cent to be in Spain for about 12 hours with Ona?" LJ said, not understanding how Lucy could ever turn down their favourite artist.
"I mean it's a bit more than 12 but is that a serious question? Did you miss the photo of her in a bikini?" Lucy said, turning her phone around to show them again, "of course I am."
As Ona arrived at the wedding she was taken aback by how beautiful it was. The brides had thought of every single detail.
Flowers were scattered everywhere, violinists in each corner of the room serenading the guests that passed.
She looked around and saw couples everywhere, feeling slightly gutted that her's wasn't here.
"Oniiiii," the younger girl heard from behind her as Jana and Leila ambushed her with hugs and kisses.
"Where's Lucy?" Leila asked, looking around.
"Yeah not like you to be carrying your own bag, where's my favourite right back?" Jana echoed.
Ona gave her age mate a glare, "her flight got delayed so she's just coming for the reception."
"She better be," Vicky Losada said, appearing out of nowhere, "I have moved heaven and earth to get another table setting at this wedding."
"Vicky!" the girls echoed, hugging the wife-to-be.
"She's coming, she's coming. She's landed now so is on the drive," Ona reassured, "and thank you sooo much."
"Caught me in my nice lover-of-love mood," Vicky said, hugging the girls before making her way back behind the scenes to gear up for the ceremony.
It was a stunning wedding. The brides looked insanely beautiful, the flower girls adorable, it was like something out of a disney movie.
Ona only wished Lucy was sat next to her rather than two obsessed with each other couples.
As the starters came out, Lucy still hadn't arrived.
Ona was avoiding looking towards the head table, terrified of the dirty look she imagined the bride was giving her, so just focused on her soup instead.
Jana, Leila and their partners made up the rest of Ona's table, who all kept her distracted and entertained as she tried to not look at her phone every 5 minutes.
Lucy - I'm at the front desk, can you come out so they'll let me drop my bags?
Ona - coming
The Spaniard jumped up, throwing her napkin on her chair as she moved as fast as she could in her sky high heels.
"Hey pretty girl"" Lucy said as she saw her girlfriend make her way towards her, the heels making her look model-esque.
Not even saying hey, overcome with wedding fever, Ona just kissed Lucy, acting as a reminder for the older girl on exactly why she had made the long journey.
"Rough trip?" Ona asked after they had quickly dumped Lucy's stuff in the room, making their way back to ensure they were seated for the main course.
"Worth it," Lucy said, giving Ona's waist a squeeze as she tried to forget about the hours spent waiting in the airport and the traffic jams on every road.
As the English girl greeted the rest of the table, everyone was nearly as excited as Ona to see her.
"Lucy!!" Vicky shouted as she made a beeline for their table.
The two knew each other from their City days but this reaction was definitely more Ona and alcohol related.
"Finally Ona can actually enjoy my wedding instead of being glued to her phone," Vicky said, bringing Lucy into a hug.
Ona smiled awkwardly as she muttered sorry. She knew she hadn't been the most present but wasn't aware it was that obvious.
"You look amazing," Lucy complimented the bride, "I'm so sorry l'm late!"
"No, no, it's ok, I am just glad you're here," Vicky said, grabbing a bottle from the centre of the table to pour Lucy a drink.
"Enjoy yourself girls, I'll catch up with you later," the bride said before turning to return to the head table.
"You look amazing too by the way," Lucy said, gripping Ona's thigh, before the younger girl took her hand and started toying with each finger while rubbing circles in her palm, so happy to finally have her girlfriend with her.
As the table's conversation changed to Spanish, Lucy drifted in and out of listening and having her own conversation with Jill, Jana's girlfriend.
"How long have you two been together then?" Jill asked, internally noting the closeness of the couple whose seats were moved so close to each other they were basically merged while their hands wouldn’t separate.
"Well we actually met at a wedding in December," Lucy started, about to get into story time.
"December?" Jana asked, suddenly showing interest in their conversation. "Why did I think it was much later than that?"
"Well we met there but we got together properly in April," Lucy explained.
"But we'll say December because who were we kidding, right?" Ona directed at Lucy, who brought up the girl's hand to give it a soft kiss.
"Wait, wait, wait," Jana said, doing mental arithmetic in her head. "So who was the girl who abandoned you in the street in February?"
Ona laughed while Lucy did not.
"Umm," Ona said through chuckles.
"No way," Jana said, then turning to Jill, "remember I told you about the girl who completely froze when she saw her ex on a date. It's Lucy!"
The English girl could feel her face heat up, hating this type of attention, especially when it was something she didn't particularly want to relive.
"So the ex was Keira?" Jill asked.
With Lucy not responding quick enough, Ona jumped in again, "yeah, it was Keira."
Lucy was a little annoyed that Ona wasn't doing more to change the subject when it was clearly making her uncomfortable, but the Spaniard had drunk one too many glasses of prosecco to really notice.
Now it was Leila's turn to work her brain.
"Oh my god! Was this the Lola thing?" Leila asked, Lucy's head spinning to Ona, thinking she'd told her friends.
"How do you know?" asked Ona, Lucy's attention now back on Leila but still not really knowing how to chime in, not in control of the conversation or situation at all.
"She is a colleague," Leila said, Lucy remembering they both currently worked at City.
Leila continued, "I overheard her discussing having dinner with Keira and you walking in. She said there was some job offer from Barcelona and that you told the club not to hire her."
"Well that's not true," Ona piped up, feeling the need to defend Lucy. "Keira told her not to take the job because it would have been weird to work with the girl she cheated on Lucy with. Why would she ever think she could work there?"
Lucy moved her hand out and away from Ona's, taking a big swig of her drink in an attempt to stop her cheeks from burning up, also annoyed at herself for staying so quiet as she should have known this was coming.
Finally, the absence of Lucy's hand in hers and the deep shade of crimson on the English girl's cheeks forced Ona to notice her change in demeanour. Better late than never, she tried to back track.
"Oh shit, sorry, I didn't mean-" Ona shook her head, unsure how she was meant to pull this back when her tipsy brain was struggling to keep up with her mouth.
"Lucy, sorry I didn't know," Leila said, at least someone managing to be a bit more composed.
"All good," Lucy said, the prosecco settling in her stomach gifting her the ability to finally respond, "all in the past."
She sounded more comfortable than she felt, but she was grateful her blunt response was enough to stop any further questions coming her way.
"So Leila, Jana said you were going to Brazil this summer?" Jill said, changing the subject and giving Lucy an excuse to sit back in her chair and try shake the embarrassment, sipping at her drink.
"Sorry," Ona said quietly to Lucy as the holidays conversation engulfed the rest of the table.
Lucy just gave her a small forced smile, pretending to be interested in the holidays conversation but really she just needed a moment to get over her dirty laundry being aired.
The Spaniard gave her a minute before she slid her hand back into Lucy's, who let their fingers intertwine again.
The English girl would struggle to be annoyed at her girlfriend for more than a couple of minutes. It wasn't even because they didn't have a lot of time together tonight, she just couldn't stay mad at that face.
But she could get her own back.
As desserts were cleared away, speeches laughed and cried at, and first dances done, the songs picked up pace and the guests started to flood the dance floor.
Ona's favourite thing about Lucy, well one of, was her dancing.
Their dances near and with each other at their last wedding was what cemented the sexual attraction, and Ona was desperate for a repeat of that tonight.
The two girls would dance with each other and with the other people on the dance floor, it turning into a salsa show with partners swapped constantly.
Obviously Lucy and Ona were repeatedly drawn back together, but whenever the Spaniard tried to up the sexy, pushing herself against Lucy or running her hands over her, she would get lightly shrugged off as the older girl spun around.
This was absolutely intentional, but as with most things tonight, Ona hadn't quite realised it yet.
Then Beso came on, the song of the summer and one the pair had danced around the kitchen to and sung along to in the car many times.
It was their song, so Ona shimmied over to Lucy, wrapping her arms around her neck and leaning in for a kiss at the chorus.
But all at once Lucy had ghosted, ducking under Ona's arms to leave them to fall to her side.
"What the hell?" Ona asked as Lucy slowly moved backwards to the rhythm of the song.
Then Ona saw the glimmer in her girlfriend's eye, she knew that look, she was being teased.
The Spaniard marched back to the English girl and put her arms back around her neck.
"What are you doing?" the younger girl asked.
"That big mouth of yours needs to be taught a lesson," Lucy whispered into her ear, voice raspy enough to make Ona's knees wobble, "so it isn't coming anywhere near mine."
With that, Lucy ducked away again, this time making her way over to the bar, intending to get only herself a drink. She wasn't on doting girlfriend duty tonight.
Ona stood there shocked for a minute, not used to not getting her way or Lucy refusing a kiss, she had no clue how to deal with it.
Meanwhile, Lucy was waiting for her drink to be made at the bar, proud of herself for channeling her annoyance and embarrassment into something much more fun, even if it wasn't as fun for Ona.
She heard the tapping of shoes before Ona leaned on the bar alongside her.
"Are you serious? You really think you can keep this up?" the younger girl said, so confident of her ability to make Lucy crack.
"Watch me," the older girl said, booping her girlfriend's nose before she picked her drink up and made her way back to the dance floor.
Lucy knew she was the life and soul of every wedding dance floor, she had been told many times, and she knew how much Ona loved her dancing, confident this would be much more difficult for the Spaniard than it would for her.
As the next songs played, Lucy made it her mission to wind her girlfriend up, dancing the Spanish way with nearly every fellow guest except for Ona.
The dancing wasn't inappropriate and didn't cross the line, but it was just risqué enough to bring out the glimmer of jealousy in Ona's eyes.
With one of Vicky's cousin's arse pushed into Lucy's front as they danced together, Ona shoed the cousin away, leaning into her girlfriend's ear.
"My feet hurt, can we go to the room now." Ona pleaded, practically hobbling now as blisters were starting to form.
"Nah, not ready yet," Lucy said, making her way over to another dance partner.
Ona fought through the pain and stuck right behind Lucy, she wasn't going to let anyone else dance with her girlfriend tonight.
Now it was the younger girl's turn to put on a show, pushing herself up and taking Lucy's hands to put them on her waist as she ground her backside into Lucy.
She was lowering and raising herself to get exactly the right friction on Lucy's front, not even having to see the English girl's face to know her head would be spinning.
And she wasn't wrong, Lucy almost bit through her lip as she struggled to control the want and desire the Spaniard was drawing out of her.
She spun the younger girl around to face her, head so gone she was basically ready to give in, but was met with a pained grimace.
Looking down at Ona's feet, she could have sworn she could see them trembling slightly.
"Oh you're really in pain," Lucy said, receiving a nod back from Ona.
"Jump on," Lucy said, turning to offer her girlfriend a piggy back.
The younger girl couldn't say no, anything to be off her feet. She jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around Lucy as the taller girl took them round to say their goodbyes to people, Ona having to explain her footwear faux pas for the second wedding in a row.
While the piggy back was cute, with the pain no longer felt in her feet, Ona was back into horny mode, putting her mouth onto Lucy's earlobe, sucking and licking as they made their way down the corridor to their room.
The older girl couldn't stop her without dropping her, so just had to let it happen as the Spaniard tugged and sucked.
As they entered their room Lucy let Ona slide off her back and onto a chair.
She may have let her guard slip for a moment, but that guard went straight back up as soon as the carrying was done.
Holding her leg up for Lucy to come take her shoes off for her, the Spaniard was left hanging.
"Gonna brush my teeth," Lucy said, making her way to the bathroom, leaving Ona to take off her own shoes.
Her feet were red and blistered, but felt 1 million times better now they weren't in those prison-like heels.
Not stopping with the shoes, she stripped off the rest of her clothes, leaving her just in lacy red underwear.
Lucy took a deep breath as soon as she re-entered the room, knowing Ona was never going to make this easy.
The English girl did her best to ignore her half naked girlfriend, making her way over to the bed before Ona blocked her path.
"Please Lucy, I'm sorry, let me make it up to you," Ona said, easily guiding Lucy over to sit in the hotel room's arm chair, the older girl not able to hold back a smile from creeping in.
Ona quickly scurried over to the speakers, Lucy instantly recognising the intro as Beso and smiling a little wider.
The Spaniard dimmed the lights before moving slowly to the beat, back over to Lucy.
The older girl thought this was just going to be the standard apology make out session, but quickly realised Ona was gearing up for a lap dance.
Two meters away, Ona sunk down to her hands and knees, slowly crawling the rest of the distance, putting in an emphasised arse shake to really get her girlfriend excited.
"My god," Lucy couldn't help but let out, ridding Ona of any nerves with the sign she was on the right track.
The Spaniard reached Lucy's legs, lifting herself up to unbutton and quickly remove Lucy's trousers, before raising the older girl's leg to kiss up her calf, dropping it as she got to her knee.
Pushing herself up further, Ona spun around, arse facing Lucy now who couldn't help herself from giving a squeeze before the younger girl started bouncing it in front of her face.
As she lowered herself onto Lucy's lap, she took the older girl's hands, putting them onto her boobs to help hold her in position as she moved up and down.
Gripping onto her girlfriend's chest, Lucy placed a small kiss on Ona's bare back, before taking one hand to remove and discard the younger girl's bra.
Ona got up to turn herself around, her chest now falling perfectly in front of Lucy's face, who rested her head into her girlfriend's front.
The younger girl looked down before pushing Lucy backwards and removing her vest top, already seeing a huge wet patch on the older girl's grey knickers.
She put her knees either side of Lucy's to straddle her, her own wet patch now being felt by the English girl's thigh.
Lucy placed both hands on Ona's hips as the Spaniard leaned in to lick up her sweaty neck, before taking her earlobe into her mouth, showing what she could do with her tongue as she was desperate for her girlfriend to give in and let her kiss her.
It didn't take much longer of Ona bouncing up and down on Lucy's lap before she got exactly that.
"Kiss me," Lucy said as she wrapped one hand around the back of Ona's head, pulling her in, completely forgetting what she was ever withholding this for.
Their mouths met filthily, as if they hadn't kissed in months, tongues desperate to explore each other.
Ona slipped a hand behind Lucy to unfasten her bra, removing each strap with her mouth before spitting it to the floor.
"See what I can do with my mouth," Ona said as she kissed over Lucy's shoulder, before whispering into her ear, "I knew you'd never be able to resist it."
Suddenly Lucy pushed herself up with one hand, the other effortlessly wrapping around to hold and lift Ona up with her.
The younger girl was shocked by the sudden movement but she knew her words would pull something out of Lucy, so she just wrapped her legs around the taller girl's waist, letting herself be carried over to the bed.
"Think we've heard enough from that mouth," Lucy ordered, throwing her girlfriend onto the bed before climbing on to join.
Ona's back flat against the bed, Lucy made quick work of her knickers, a string of wetness breaking as they were removed and flung to the floor.
"Oh my god," Ona said as the air washed over her folds once Lucy had spread her legs apart.
"No," Lucy said, looking up at the girl laid out in front of her, what a sight it was, "you talk, I stop. Your mouth is on time out."
Ona grabbed the pillow next to her and shoved it over her face to scream into, ridiculously turned on from being bossed around.
The Spaniard effectively gagging herself gave Lucy an idea, she switched out of bossy mode for a second to somehow sweetly ask, "can I tie you up?"
Ona nodded frantically, doing as she was told and not saying another word.
Lucy went round the room to pick up both their bras and some of Ona's pyjamas bottoms, before making her way back onto the bed.
Ona did her best to stay quiet under insanely difficult circumstances and Lucy crawled over her to tie her wrists to the bed frame with their bras, before bringing the trousers round the back of the younger girl's head.
Before she stuffed and tied the trousers she asked, "sure?" met with another rapid nod. "Kick or knee me if we need to stop."
With that, Lucy knotted the trousers over Ona's mouth to prevent her from making a peep.
"Now it’s time for me to show you what I can do with my mouth," Lucy said starting her kisses, sucks and licks at Ona's ankle, ready to work her way up her leg.
The Spaniard couldn't believe she wasn't allowed to make a sound and had to just sit back, arms tied above her, letting Lucy make her way agonisingly slowly up her leg. This was torture.
As Lucy's mouth brushed over Ona's hot pussy, the contrast of the older girl's cool breath forced her to cling onto the railings her hands were tied to.
The English girl pushed Ona's knees apart even further before burying her mouth in the Spaniard's folds.
Ona was desperate to make a noise and she knew she could through the gag but she also knew Lucy would be stubborn enough to put a stop to this if she did. All she could do was let her head fall back in bliss.
Lucy used her hands to grab under Ona's bum, pulling the pair impossibly close as she fucked her with her tongue.
It felt weird not having a hand in her hair to guide her, but luckily she could read Ona's hip movements well enough to know exactly what she needed at all times.
Grip firm to to stop her lover writhing around, she used her nose to rub against Ona's clit but it wasn't enough and the older girl knew it.
"Baby, touch yourself," Lucy whispered, barely audible over Beso still playing on a loop, as she unfastened Ona's right wrist.
Ona lowered her hand to her clit, rubbing around it with the exact pressure she needed.
Now there were 3 hands on Ona and it felt sensational, Lucy moving one of hers up to grip and massage Ona's boob.
The younger girl couldn't hold it in any longer, her orgasm rushing over her, giving her no choice but to let out a muffled scream.
Lucy carried Ona through her high, only slowing her tongue movements down when the younger girl took her hand away to push lightly on Lucy's head, the older girl taking the signal and turning to clean up mode instead.
As Lucy finished up she left a soft kiss on Ona's inner thigh before looking up at her fucked out girlfriend.
She kissed up Ona's chest and shoulder before removing the mouth restraint, then kissing softly up her arm to remove the final hand one.
Ona slumped down into the bed, shattered.
Lucy left a gentle kiss on Ona's cheek before collapsing next to her.
"You can speak now, bonita," Lucy said, wrapping her arm under Ona's back to pull the pair closer together.
The Spaniard rolled onto her side, head resting on Lucy's shoulder as she looked up at her.
"That was so insanely good but I really am sorry for blabbing about Lola," Ona said as she stroked up and down Lucy's bare torso. "I should have known how that would make you feel."
"It's ok, I know you didn't mean it to embarrass me," Lucy continued, "it's just they know Keira and I don't need it turning into gossip that impacts us and her next season."
They may be girlfriends and have confessed their love a million times but it still gave Ona a warm fuzzy feeling hearing Lucy refer to them as "us".
She kissed softly into the older girl's shoulder.
"It just annoyed me that this girl has been saying it as if you stopped her getting a job for no reason, especially when you weren't even asked," Ona said, showing irritation on Lucy's behalf.
"Let her, I honestly don't care. The people that need to know the truth, do," Lucy said, kissing Ona on the temple as she smoothed her hair down, grateful that she had someone in her corner, even if she did occasionally run her mouth.
"You need to teach me how to be a bit calmer," Ona said, eyes closing as her breathing became in sync with Lucy's.
"I literally punched your friend in the face less than two weeks ago," Lucy laughed.
Ona giggled too, "true, maybe we both need some lessons in party behaviour."
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itsscromp · 11 months
I have a cute idea! Insomniac Peter and Miles with a Reader who's 15 (so like the age most spiders start their crime fighting) and because their so new to fighting they're a ball of sunshine, but unfortunately bad at smack talk? Like they'll be fighting someone and the criminal will give a hurtful insult and they'll just be all 'yeah? Well you're dumb! 😡'
Peter parker and Miles Morales x reader
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Definitely didn't look up youtube video compilations of all their quips for fun of it after you made this request >D lol, also apologies for the delay. Word count:660
Being the Spider-Hero was the most rewarding and challenging experience you had ever faced in your 15 years of being on this planet. But your mentors Peter and Miles helped you learn and master your powers in no time at all. But the one thing that they didn't help you with... was smack talk.
It was one of the things that made Peter and Miles who they were and roll with the punches. Like today when they have gotten a tip-off of a potential hunter base. The three of you then swung into action.
"Morning fella's, who's ready for there fresh cup of bodily harm ??" Peter called out to them.
"Don't let the spiders escape !!" One hunter shouted and the fight began.
"Is really the best time to do smack talk ??" You told peter as you fought your group of hunters.
"It's pretty much a part of the job !!" You could tell he was smiling under his mask.
Miles was blaring out his own smack talk as well.
"If you guys tried this at a real job, you wouldn't need to be hunters"
You were so baffled but amazed at the same time how they could be able to do this and maintain focus into the fights.
When one hunter was facing you, you prepared for yours...
"You really think, That an incompetent child playing dress up can stop me ??!!" He readied his swords.
"Oh yeah... well... Your just dumb !!" You blurted out as the hunter then lunged at you.
Peter and Miles heard your quip and couldn't help but slightly cringe at that, You really needed some help with your quips and smack talk. So once you were done with dealing with the hunters, Peter and Miles then guided you to a nearby building and then took off their masks.
"What's wrong ??, did I not do good ??" You asked slightly concerned as you took off your mask.
"No no not at all, You did amazing y/n, Your training has paid off. It's just... Your smack talk maaaaay need some work." Peter told you.
"Oh... that..." You looked down embarrassingly.
"Hey It's ok" He smiled softly as he wrapped his arm around you. "Like anything Miles and I will help you."
"Yeah, Look sometimes I still have trouble with my smack talk even if I've done this for nearly a year" Miles pitched in.
"Ok... thank you guys" You smiled.
So over the next week, they began to help you with your smack talk, Slow and steadily they helped you go over different situations and picked perfect moments to bring it out
"Hey... I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye..., Is that good ??" You asked.
"Close... but you really gotta feel the passion and motivation when it comes with it." Miles helped you.
So even when you went home, you practised in the mirror your smack talk and got better and better over time, even coming up with some original lines of your own.
Until one day you were ready to show the two your amazing new quips and puns. You found another hunter base and one of the hunters recognised you and growled.
"After all this time, your still just an ignorant child" He snarled at you.
You smirked under your mask as he said that.
"True, but that's just apart of my charm isn't it ??"
Peter and Miles were surprised and happy when they heard that. Your practice really paid off. And as you continued to fight the hunters, you showed off your new vocabularies.
"You and the other spiders will be crushed by Kraven's hands !!!"
"Awww you can't fool me Mr gruff exterior I know ya love me, and I love ya too !!"
Peter and Miles were so proud of you, once they finished the fight, they congratulated you on graduating into a full Spider-Hero now !!, You couldn't be more proud of yourself.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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melminli · 3 months
drabble - movie night with megumi, yuuji & nobara
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"Hey, where are the chips? I couldn't find them anywhere." You asked after walking into the dorm room. It was movie night, and you felt like eating something salty. It was going to be a while before you could agree on a movie anyway.
Megumi turned to you since the argument between the other two started to bore him. "Have you looked in the bottom shelf on the left? We just bought some the other day, didn't we?"
A sigh left your lips. "Yeah, we did." You then turned to Nobara and Yuuji, who were too busy fighting each other to listen to you.
"I'll say it again, I don't want to watch one of your stupid John Wick movies!" She exclaimed with an annoyed look on her face, fighting with the pink-haired for the remote. "Well, I don't want to watch Pitch Perfect 1 again, okay? I'll lose my mind if I hear their regional song one more time!"
"Don't say that! It's not my fault that the first one is the best!"
You clap your hands to get their attention. "Well, I'm not in the mood for action, and I really don't want to see that vomit scene again, so stop arguing. We're not watching either of them." You clarified, ignoring their sour looks to get back on the original topic. "Now, do any of you know where the chips are?"
Nobara just shook her head, but yuuji spoke up. "Oh, yeah. I ate them." He said curtly.
You and Megumi raised an eyebrow at his answer. The shadow user asked again. "All six bags?"
The guilty one scratched his cheek a little embarrassed. "...I was bored, and they're gone so quickly."
You rubbed your forehead in annoyance at what you heard. "Of course they are when you eat them like some starved maniac, man!" You exclaimed. "They were family size, too! And don't give me the excuse that you're eating for two people. You don't have a baby in your belly. It's a historical curse, for gods sake!" You continued, making the boy feel smaller with every word. "And it's the most evil one out there! I think he can manage without you eating every last thing you see, and you know what? Even better if not!"
That was the last thing you said before you stormed out of the room. Needless to say, you didn't have the best day, and this event was your last straw. Yuuji looked to the others after a few seconds of silence. "...you think she's mad at me?"
The two just sighed at the same time. "Just go to the supermarket and buy some chips, dude."
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dazeddoodles · 5 months
Have you seen the owl house pilot leaks?
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Yeah I saw it.
Personally I think it was better than the actual show's pilot. I've mentioned before that when I watched the first episode I thought it was kinda meh.
A big part of that was that the whole theme revolved around being rejected for being weird but the examples they gave where just kind of typical media "quirky". But as the show went on it became more obvious that "weirdos" was meant to to represent neurodivergent, disabled, and gay people.
With the pilot, I think Luz was more obviously coded neurodivergent right away. That whole scene of Luz giving Amity a drawing of them (oh yeah Amity and Lilith are in the pilot) because she thought they were friends now, and didn't pick up that Amity was just weirded out and annoyed with her. Gives off major neurodivergent trying to befriend a neurotypical vibes.
Ngl I was more devastated at the scene where Amity crumbled up Luz's drawing and was laughing at Luz thinking they were friends, than anything in the actual first episode.
And was so touched when near the end when Eda found the drawing and not knowing it was Luz's said "This beautiful. Why would anyone throw this away?". Really sold that weirdos stick together.
But it make sense that the original pilot was better since if you're pitching a show you're gonna want to put all the best ideas into the pilot. While with the actual show they probably wanted to space out those ideas and characters.
However, I like the actual show concept we got in the end better (I did NOT like the twist at the end that Eda was working for Belos)
Also it felt strange to hear Lilith have Warden Warden Wrath's lines but I noticed the slight change of line that reflects the character. In the actual first episode, Eda says she's hiding from guards and ex boyfriends. Foreshadowing Wrath. In the pilot Eda instead says "No guards or family to bother me". Foreshadowing Lilith.
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sinning-23 · 1 year
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.2
Okay so iwasnt expecting so many Mirage smps to like up my post but HEYYY welcome home yall lmao. Heres part two and let me know is yall want like a tag list for the next couple parts. ANywhoo there's some tension that forms this chapter so start getting ready for more flirty and spicyyyy interactions with old boy.
Heres the link to pt.1
Heres the link to pt.3 shawty
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Touch me softly 
Mirage had allowed you to explore his anatomy, and he was more willing than you thought. You had managed to make a nice little sketch of his body and made 4 separate copies to try and get a placement in where everything was. Then you had 5 more separate sheets just in case there were some more internal systems you wanted to note. He watched as your eye brown pinched and formed a line on your forehead and your fingers guided the pencil to the paper. 
“Wow, you drew me kinda sexy.” He jokes making you draw a breath trying to hold back a laugh. 
It really wasn’t sexy, it was about the equivalent of the Vitruvian man drawing and basic anatomical positioning for a robot. He watches you stand, hair pulled back, yet a couple of braids still fall in front of your face. He’s quiet, looking at the way you focused so intensely on exploring him.
When you gestured for him to move his leg, he did so without complaint, the feeling of your soft, warm hands under his exteriors heating him up from the inside. Of course, you’d never know that unless you kept poking and prodding. 
“Ok so compared to me, and well, other humans I’m sure your overall body parts are called different things. So let’s start from top to bottom, yeah?” You suggest, eager to learn. 
Mirage kneels in front of you, giving you an opportunity to see better. You’re much smaller than him, but he could tell when you stood next to Noah you were definitely average human height. Small to him but normal to everyone else. 
“Alright I hope you’re ready cause there’s a LOT.” He explains, clearing his throat as you move closer to his face just to see better, he blinks a bit, getting used to the feeling.
You smile slyly, placing your hand under his chin to  guide his face, 
“Let’s start with your face. Stick out your…tongue?” 
He opens his mouth and lets the ‘flesh’ inside lol out before speaking 
“Gloth-ah” he announces and you tilt your head in confusion, only for him to repeat.
You nod prodding at what you soon learned was his helm and face plates. You brush over his vocalizer for a moment and he hums, high-pitched enough to be a moan but not loud enough for either of you to acknowledge it. You know what you heard though.
“Whoa- lets not touch that alright ma?” He asks. 
Soon enough your trailing downward and when you do he announces each part for you to make a note of. This is the quietest he’s been since earlier today. He lets you work, touch, poke, pull, and press whatever you'd wanted. It’s not like it hurt really, but he’s never had something smaller than him want to examine at such close range and actually touch places he’d never been able to. In fact, it was kind of nice-
He yelps when you slide your hand down his chest plate and even farther under his chassis. You pull away, startled at the noise with wide eyes. 
“OK, that’s enough exploring don’t you think?” The statement is rushed and you side-eye him when what sounded like cooling fans whirred from inside.
Had you gotten him worked up? Maybe those were sensitive spots that had never really been touched like that before? You nod, not wanting to pry and ruin this newfound friendship by being a perv. You collect the papers and paperclip them together as he begins to wind down. It's about 6am now, and the sun peeks in through the garage windows. Your dad should be awake about now and- 
You gasp pushing Mirage back into the space he was originally parked in last night(even though he didn’t budge). Your dad couldn’t know about this! AT ALL! Knowing him he'd stress out and then his pressure would get too high and he’d have a heart attack and-
“Whoa hey, what the rush, mamas? Got something to hide?” Mirage questions, figuring out why you were trying to get him back into a corner. 
Was he being clueless on purpose?!
“YES, YOU! Now go back to being a car! My dad can't know about you, it might just be the death of him.” You huff out, gripping your scalp and pacing back and forth. He gets the idea, chuckling a bit before right back to that beat-up Porsche.
You sneak out the garage, tiptoeing up the stairs and into your room. And the moment your head hit the pillow, not even a tornado could wake you. 
You'd be lying if you said you didn't sleep the rest of the day away. By the time you woke up it was already 3-4pm and sounded like your father was cleaning up the kitchen. You sigh, running yourself a shower considering you didn't get one the night before. Mirage was still in the garage as far as you knew and you were hellbent on getting the rest of those notes.
You step in, the water feeling soothing against your skin, steam filling up the bathroom as you sigh in relief. Thoughts of your apartment fill your head. 
‘Maybe Mirage could help with the unpacking? Or maybe not. He could be spotted and then that’s more problems for us. Mirage…..Miraaaaageee….’
Your turn to face the water, soaping up your towel as suds slide down the drain. 
‘I wonder if a car wash is the equivalent of a shower for him….does he stay a car or like…fully transformed….does he have a-‘ 
Shutting the water off you opt to pull your hair back today since youd being doing more exploring. The steam from the bathroom escapes when youleave and pad downstairs, catching a glimpse at the note you father let you on the kitchen counter
~Working late, leftovers in the fridge~
You smile to yourself, grabbing a bottle of water to try and beat the obvious heat outside and head to the garage. Sure enough, the Porsche is right where you left it. Mirage is right where you'd left him, and when you tap on the window, the doors unlock almost instantly. You flatten the back of your blue jean skirt and adjust the seat. Awfully quiet today?
“Well good afternoon to you too sunshine? You realize it’s almost 5 right?.” You joke, hearing him rev his engine and the radio humming to life with the sound of his voice. 
“You had me up all night! Looking this good doesn’t happen on its own! But how tired can I be when a pretty girl in a miniskirt‘s got her thighs on my seat?” He shoots back, making you gasp. 
“Drive you flirt, I got more notes to take. Wanna go to that garage you took me to yesterday?” You ask, using the garage clicker to leave. 
It was hot, the sun beating down on you as Mirage insisted you keep the windows down instead of running the ac. The streets were somewhat empty on this fine Sunday morning and Mirage’s only response was to drive in what you assumed was the direction to the garage. You fidget with the radio nobs and glance at the aux cord below the cd player. Maybe he did have CDs in here? You open the armrest to find nothing but-
It was easy to be nosy and explore when Mirage could drive himself, youd put that together on your own last night. There was so little you knew about him but his demeanor overall made you feel comfortable enough to ask. He was…charming. You pull the blank CD case out the armrest, and dust it off. 
“MIrage’s Mix (from-)”
The name was scratched off, well more smudged than anything. You crack the case open and slide the CD into the player, the wait for the music to start making you a bit nervous. Had he realized you'd put it in? Was it personal? You begin to regret your decision but before you could press the eject button, it began. N.W.A. blasted from the speakers, startling you for a moment but you're soon amused.  What did he know about N.W.A?
It doesn't take much longer for you to arrive at the garage, most of the lot being empty while the two of you enter to complete more of your research. You set your purse down, taking the papers from yesterday out and trying to organize them as he peers over your shoulder.
“Still think you drew me sexy-”
You scoff playfully and push him a bit, not moving him in the slightest but still, but he still finds it amusing. 
“Stop it, I need you to sit so I can finish. You got all squeamish on my last night.” You tease, sliding your hand down the back of his ‘leg’ and he freezes.
He kneels back down, watching your every move. Your fingers hover over his vocalizer, the warning from yesterday replaying in your mind. Right, don't touch. You skip his chest plate and chassis, watching his expression slightly change to disappointment for what seemed like only a second. Again, he announces each part of himself, the air slightly awkward and VERY quiet. Maybe now was the time to try and strike up some more conversation.
“Soooo, where are you really from?” You ask, writing down each part you trace over when he speaks. 
“Cybertron actually. Not in your solar system lil mama.” He flirts, turning his palms slightly open when you tap them. 
"Never been?" He jokes again, admiring how small your hand looked compare to his.
'Careful Mirage your size kink is showing' he thinks to himself, avoiding your gaze.
You shake your head in response, looking at the details of his hands, moving back to his torso, purposefully skipping over the plated area between his thighs. Boundaries were definitely not something you wanted to cross, trying not to make him uncomfortable. I mean, he was willingly letting you poke around, and he clears his throat when you skip that spot.
“You, you can look if you want. And touch…ask questions. It's all good babygirl.” He offers, almost melting when you look up from under your lashes at him.
 He could practically feel his pump about to explode. Why did Earth girls look so damn pretty? Mirage couldn't wrap his head around it honestly, the feeling he got when he passes a pretty girl when Noah would take him for drives. How they would gasp if he revved loud enough to embarrass Noah a bit but also score him a couple numbers.
Talk about a damn good wingman. You were different though.
You were a softer kind of pretty…He'd seen you come into the garage so many times before you really met. The day your dad parked him in that spot, he watched you skip in with your little low-rise jeans, the piercing you sported shining in the sunlight. 
You hugged your dad, eyes lighitn up at the new car with a gasp. 
“A Porsche! Dad oh my gosh really?” You ask, seeing him nod. You squealed more, inspecting his paint job, it was just as beat up then as it was before you officially met. 
You chatted on and on about how ‘cute’ he’d look when you finally got to paint him a nice shade of hot pink and added your glitter seat covers. Not so exciting for him considering pink wasn't particularly his favorite but god did you look adorable when you were excited. 
And there was that same look. Pure, unbridled excitement, yet your eyes shone almost darker this time. That look is almost salacious. It makes him swallow hard, legs opening a bit more and you brush your hand over his thighs, sparing one more glance as if to ask, ‘Are you sure?’ He only nods. 
“Mirage, you gonna keep telling me what everything is, or am I to assume on my own?” You question, tracing the skirt plate.
Ita hard to speak, his fans feelijg as if they were working overtime to keep him from overheating. Primus you looked so pretty between him and now he was wondering how would you look riding his-
You stop touching, whistling to get his attention. Damn, he kinda liked that.
“ ‘Rag, we good?” You questions and he swallows hard at his new nickname.
Where did all that slick talk go now? 
“Yeah, y-yeah we’re good ma.” He responds finally, optics low when your light chuckle reaches his ears. 
You slide your hands up and down his midsection plating, teasing at this point. How was he supposed to focus on helping you learn when you touch under his plates like that? When your fingers slide over his thighs and over the skirt plate over and over, the pace only makes him want to thrust into your touch.
He felt perverted sort of, getting off on you exploring him in the name of science. That was such bullshit. He looks down at you, watching you pinch your lip between your teeth. Oh….you liked this. Your thighs pressed together as your tongue darts out to lick your lips. 
You look up at him again, smile mischievous. And before he could ask any questions you slid you hand right back to his chassis and vocalizer. Oh that was a moan without a doubt. You hum in satisfaction, you’re practically playing with him, his body. It wasn’t helping that he hadn’t been touched like this in so long either p.
“Wanna tell me what happens if I keep touching you like this?” You purr, seeing Mirage avoid eye contact. 
“C’mon ma, don’t mess with me like this.” He breathes out, hollow.
You stop your ministries after hearing tires and revving come to a halt. With footsteps approaching you stand quickly, Mirage doing the same. He crosses his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall as if he’d been caught while you shove the papers into your bag and swallow hard. You’d never moved so fast in your life.
Noah enters, feeling as if he’s just interrupted something but panicking once he realizes the predicament you were about ot be in. Why were you two here? Did Mirage even think this through? Probably not.  He glances back at the other 3 bots behind him, trying to find a quick solution to hide you. But, before he could get any sort of plan out, three other robots similar to Mirage walked in, and one of them, was not at all pleased. 
“Primeee, i had no idea youd be back so soon!”
Lemme know waht yall think in the comments lmao and let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist as well!
Mini Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy panty-h03
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themattress · 25 days
So I've always had a fondness and appreciation for Jadeite, the Starter Villain of Sailor Moon, but for a long time he was the least popular of the Shittenou (Four Heavenly Kings) by far. Only in recent years has he become more appreciated, matching and sometimes even passing Kunzite in many polls. For a while, I didn't quite get it: yeah, he's pretty nondescript in the manga and has a stock villainous personality in the anime lacking the nuances and dynamics with others that his colleagues have, but he's so entertaining as a villain! It's fun to see what variation on the same scheme and which thing to lure in humans he pulls, it's fun to see him dress up in disguises Team Rocket style, and it's fun to see him being such a smug asshole who ends up falling from grace and getting more and more frustrated as a result.
But now, I have finally identified the problem. His voice.
For years, the Sailor Moon fan community dealt primarily in the subbed original Japanese version of the 90s anime. And as you can hear above, Masaya Onosaka's performance is....not great. He was a fresh new voice actor at the time of casting (something not true of literally every other Dark Kingdom villains' casting) and it shows in the way he delivers Jadeite's lines. It's smug and villainous, yes, but there's no (ironically enough) ENERGY to it. There's no oomph, nothing that takes advantage of the material and elevates it into being something particularly enjoyable to hear. Fans saw Jadeite as just a bland villain because, well, he sounds like just a bland villain. Even his evil laugh sounds astonishingly half-assed!
Now, obviously Onosaka improved as a voice actor overtime. But his Jadeite sucked. Daisuke Kishio voices Jadeite in Sailor Moon Crystal, and he sounds better. He'd have to deepen his voice a little to be Jadeite from the 90s anime, but he's got the talent to do that.
The DiC dub of the 90s may be a butchery of the source material, but Tony Daniels as Jadeite...er, "Jedite", understood the assignment. He was also a fresh new voice actor but he knew that his character should sound like a campy, sneering supervillain and relish his wicked lines. He also did much better conveying a sense of desperation when faced with setbacks, defeat and ultimately execution. Those screams at the end actually sound real.
And then we have Todd Haberkorn, voicing Jadeite in the Viz dub of the 90s anime and its dub of Sailor Moon Crystal. He is, IMO, the absolute best Jadeite voice: not only does he make his performances for each version sound distinct (with the former sounding deeper, harsher and more villainous while the latter is higher pitched and more immature sounding which makes it easy to switch over to good once he's cleansed), but he is especially fantastic for 90s anime Jadeite. He sounds like Daniels if he toned down the ham while amping up the douche, making Jadeite sound like the kind of overconfident, pretentious, misogynistic jerk you want to deck in the face. And he's just as perfect at selling his anger and, in the end, his fear. He reads the same lines as Onosaka, but he gives them so much more character.
(4:12 is the best part, btw. I literally expected "Foiled again!" to follow. :P)
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magicrainbowkitties · 1 month
Hyperfixations are insane bro.
Anyways here's my "MK1 Roster By How Good Of A Hugger They Are" tier list
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Not Pictured:
Shang Tsung: A
Reiko: B
Explanations under the cut if you want them.
S tier:
Smoke/Tomas: Great arm strength, super sweet and cute in his intro dialogues, definitely goes for head pats. Also big ups for the smokey smell.
Scorpion/Kuai Liang: Arm strength, sensitive and protective in his dialogues, and very warmb. Perfection.
Johnny Cage: You cannot tell me this version of the guy is not absolutely INSANE at hugs. Arms, emotional sensitivity, words of affirmation if you need them, and LOVES giving them. CageCon attendees attest he hugs like a giant teddy bear.
Sindel: She doesn't give them often, but when she does it's the absolute Best. Mom hugs are best hugs, you can fight me on that. But her big up is the prehensile hair. Mom hug + more hug from hair? FUCK YES.
Reptile/Syzoth: I mean this for both reptilian and human form btw. Because in one case, gigantic croco-man being extra careful to not to nick you on claws and scales, and on the other, nuzzles and contact. BOTH have the ups of strength, dad hugs (his son may be dead but I will attest that no matter the status of the child, the ability to give dad hugs remains with the father in question) are also best hugs, and a tail. Also being cold-blooded he'll probably try to seek warmth from the person he's hugging. So more physical contact. Which is Amazing.
A Tier:
Raiden: Very sweet and kind, just BARELY didn't make S tier. Only because the lightning probably means he's got static everywhere and even if his amulet is turned off, he's still gonna accidentally shock you. Which for some people is negligible, but this is my list. Still great at hugs, but with a fatal flaw.
Liu Kang: Also a very near-miss for S tier. He's got a lot of the same ups as Kuai Liang, except he's a good deal less sensitive than the latter dialogue wise, and he strikes me as the kinda guy who feels a little awkward hugging people. Not bad in the slightest, but he prefers other methods of affection.
Kenshi: He's not a very physically affectionate person, before or after blindness, and probably has a few issues recognizing when it's necessary. However, when he does give hugs, (more likely that he's the one being given the hug), he's very sweet about it. Probably goes on for a while longer than originally intended, very good for touch starvation. Just don't expect it very often.
Kung Lao: Would be an S if he TOOK OFF THE FUCKING HAT. Look man, I'm tryna get physical affection, and you're real nice and sweet when you wanna be, but I am NOT tryna get decapitated by that fuckin table saw super-glued to your head! Good arms, tho.
Shao: Yeah this one surprised me too. But, big guy, leans down, and DEFINITELY a fan of head pats. But he's a near miss for B because of the fact that 1, definitely not a hugger, and 2, he's an asshole. He probably gives side hugs if absolutely necessary. Definitely hugged Reiko when he was a kid, tho.
Shang Tsung: OK HEAR ME OUT. Absolute BOTTOM of A tier, but DAMMIT that fucker is a convincing guy. He's spent years and years hawking fake cures and things, you think he doesn't know how to use physical means to make his sales pitch more convincing? He's actually very, very good at hugs and making people feel better about themselves, and that's part of what makes him so damn dangerous.
B Tier:
Kitana: People are gonna hate me for not putting her higher, huh? Well I speak naught but the truth. Bc my girl is NOT a hugger for anybody except her family. Just not really her thing. She prefers a handshake and good conversation from her friends and allies. She gives decent hugs when called for, and is a good person to hug in crisis, but she'd rather be there either in a group hug or on the side talking someone through it while one of the S or As handle the Actual Hugging Part.
Tanya: Same kinda deal as Kitana, but mostly for maintaining professionalism as an Umgadi. She's very sweet and understanding, but prefers to pat shoulders and give affection through presence unless you're very, VERY close to her (cough Mileena)
Ermac: Total wild card. Countless souls within the body mean countless possibilities for hug affinity or quality. So direct middle of B tier, just to be safe. Based on story mode, however, Jerrod is a solid S.
Ashrah: Again, not much of a hugger, but gives decent ones when necessary. Isn't used to physical affection in the slightest, but overtime may graduate to an A as she comes to understand touch as something that doesn't have to hurt.
Takeda: I... Really don't have an explanation for this one. I just. Very mid vibes.
Reiko: Affection is for weak losers, man up and get over it, why don't you? What do you mean touch doesn't have to be hostile, that's crazy talk, leave him alone. Nevermind the fact that he will probably break down sobbing if he gets a real hug he can't push away, and will probably come just this side of crushing the hugger's ribs in return, what? Didn't happen, if you speak of this, you lose your jaw. Why are you bringing the General into this?
C Tier:
Rain: Not a hugger, not good at it, doesn't want to be. Also VERY sweaty. Or maybe that's just his water magic. Either way not good. The only thing keeping him out of D tier is he's got a decent amount of strength to it.
Havik: Will absolutely detach his entire torso in the middle of a hug so the other person freaks the fuck out. He thinks this is funny. It's not.
Peacemaker: Cop mentality and insensitive. The ONLY reason he's not in D is because I am told John Cena is amazing at hugs, so he has some trickle-down skill from there.
Mileena: Was a solid A before getting Tarkat. Very sweet and physically affectionate, and one of the things she mourns the most from before the infection. She especially wishes she could hug Tanya and Kitana more often, but they're also the last people in the world she wants to get sick.
D Tier:
Sub-Zero/Bi-Han: Ew cold hands. Also believes that physical affection is a weakness and refuses to do it. How in the hell is he related to Kuai Liang???
Li Mei: Is a fucking cop. As a rule, cops are bad at hugs.
Quan Chi: Why would you ever want a hug from this fucker? Unless you're Shang Tsung. And even then it's probably not great just because he doesn't get the point.
Baraka: NOPE. Even if you don't care about Tarkat, he does, and will refuse hugs of any kind ever. Even if it wasn't contagious, he's very spiky and awkward with it. Ask Syzoth.
Omni-Man: Just as likely to crush your ribcage as to awkwardly pat the back, more either way depending. Best avoid this fashy fuck all together.
Geras: He is very sweet and a good emotional rock. But a hugger he is not. He refuses hugs with a similar fervency to Baraka, but without the urgency ofc. He hates hugs, and asks that you please respect his boundaries. Also he'd get sand all over your clothes.
Homelander: Do I even need to explain.
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fullt4nk · 2 years
submit to me (shuriri x reader) 18+
hey 🤭 this is my first time writing on tumblr and im lowk scared.. like what do I even say in one of these authors notes things??? prolly gonna pop up every once in a while with smth for people to read idk yet tho 🤷🏾‍♀️
gotta give cred where it’s due, this is heavily inspired by @generallysapphic their works are incredible
warnings: reader and riri are subby lil whores, tribbing, lottaaaa lotta lotta sex, basically porn w/o plot, voyeurism if yew squint, maybe a lil degradation if yew squint
some translations: zithandwa zam- my loves, uthando- love, khawulezisa- hurry up
bored, bored, bast i’m so bored.
I have gotten no attention from my loves all day and I was starting to get angsty. swinging my legs back and forth on the desk I was sitting on, I played around with riri’s hammer that was placed on the desk and hummed a small tune.
riri walked over to me as I jumped from my place on the desk; finally, some attention. I smiled at her expectingly as she walked over, excited be with one of my girlfriends.
she walked right behind me to reach for her tool box. well damn.
as she picked up a tool from her took box she turns to shuri, “shuri catch,” she yelled, throwing a wrench from her tool box right towards shuri.
she caught the wrench with ease. “how many times do I need to tell you to stop throwing heavy objects around riri?” last time riri threw a cogwheel towards shuri without looking, she broke a prototype shuri spent hours working on… it didn’t go well for her.
“my bad baby,” she said walking back to her original spot at her desk. I watched them work with a hot feeling in my stomach. damn they look good. with shuri in nothing but a tank top and sweats, i watched her arms flex every time she used that wrench. riri had on a sports bra and shorts. i watched her perfectly pierced nipples on display through the bra as thoughts of my lips attached to them racked through my mind
I could feel myself getting more fidgety as i watched their bodies move and work away at whatever they were building. at this point, anything was better than sitting and watching them work themselves to death in this damn lab. an idea popped into my mind and I fake a yawn best I can, throwing my hands above my head and stretching. my slightly cropped shirt lifted and a small portion of my midriff became exposed as riri watched me, eyes drifting.
just what I wanted
“you good?” she questioned. she looked me up and down and she could tell how bored I was just by looking into my eyes. “we’ll be there in a minute just wait a little longer baby.”
“nah i’m tryna take a nap… i’ll be back in a minute,” I said, looking and riri with a certain look. she immediately caught on to what I meant by “nap” and bit her lip.
“um yeah shuri I think imma go too. we been working since 7am and i’m tired as hell,” she said, only half meaning it. yeah she was tired, but not tired as in “I wanna sleep” tired. tired as in “i’m tired of working and wanna mess around” tired.
“you two go ahead, i’ll be there for diner.” shuri gave riri a kiss on the forehead and walked over to me to hug me. “get some rest, zithandwa zam.”
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“haaah fuck please please please,” I whined and writhed all over the place. riri’s clit rubbing against mine having too big of an effect on my orgasm. “please don’t stop. need it need it so bad.”
“nghh im gonna cum fuck i’m gonna cum so hard ohhh my god,” riri’s eyes were glued shut as she wailed and moaned on top of me. her dripping pussy on mine like felt like heaven that I never wanted to let go of. and fuck the sounds she made, all whiny and high pitch. she especially got like this whenever we were tribbing, saying it was her favorite way to get off.
“please, please, please, wanna cum, fuck i wanna cum, i wanna cum all over your beautiful pussy please let me cum!” she babbled into my neck as my legs shook. fuck she’s cumming, I can feel her pussy get impossibly wetter. it drips against my folds and it’s just enough to send me over the edge.
“cumming, cumming, cumming im cumming-!” I silently screamed into riri’s chest and softly bit her nipple to quiet myself down. “ngh-! fuck fuck baby do that again please,” she begged
I softly bit her nipple again looking into her brown eyes, licking and biting softly as she moaned and squirmed in my arms. because her nipples were pierced, her sensitivity was through the roof as she arched her back, forcing her chest further into my face. I couldn’t help it as I began moving against her, wanting more friction on my clit. I knew I was overstimulating her, but god she felt so good.
“shit please baby please,” at this point I was begging just to beg. I just wanted more of her and her creamy pussy on mine. I wanted to smother myself in her chest as I sucked and nibbled on her perky nipples. fuck I could do this all day.
“wow. so I leave you two alone for 30 minutes and you’re already going at it like you’re in heat.”
riri is quick to jump down from my lap, leaving my wet cunt exposed to shuri. “f-fuck um-“ riri panicked looking anywhere and everywhere to avoid shuri’s piercing gaze.
“shhh no need uthando. both of you, go back to what you were doing.” she tilted her head to the side and smirked in amusement. she was planning something, I could see it in the way she looked me up and down.
“please shuri-“ I whined as my breathing picked up, excited to know what she had in mind. “nope, no help from me. c’mon give me a show you two. i’ve been working so hard to protect this nation, i think I deserve a private performance.” she is vividly eyeing my fluttering cunt chuckling at it’s reaction to her presence.
me and riri are looking at her like deer in headlights, wide eyed and shocked at shuri’s request. we’ve never done anything like this before and judging by the look on riri’s face, she’s just as shocked and turned on as I am.
“khawulezisa, i don’t have all day,” she demands in a deep voice, thick with her accent, and fuck it’s so sexy. she takes off her tank top and throws it somewhere around the room, exposing her perfect torso and breasts. riri slowly climbs on top of me again and her clit slightly rubs against mine, making us both moan out.
we slowly find our rhythm again, grinding against each other with our eyes shut. there’s a new found feeling that makes me clench around nothing, knowing that shuri is watching me and riri moan and rub against each other. our chests are rubbing against each other, making riri pant even louder and heavier.
shurir stalks her way over to the bed to whisper in riri’s ear, “you like having your nipples played with like this?” as reaches between us, she’s squeezes and rubs riri’s nipples. riri moans in ecstasy, rubbing faster against me. shuri’s low voice in riri’s ear is enough to have her like a bitch in heat, grinding her pussy on me. “nngh, fuck riri slow down!” our clits gaining more friction causes a high pitch whine to escape my lips, as my eyes roll back; god this feels so good.
“haaa fuck shuri please. need you so bad, need to feel you, need to feel you deep- haah!” moans and pleads roll off my tongue like it’s nothing, begging shuri to fuck me. “poor usana, need something long and thick in this pretty pussy huh? what, riri isn’t enough anymore? she seemed like enough before I walked in here,” she says, reaching in between us to run her fingers through my folds. she rubs against me and riri, as we grind into shuri’s hand.
shuri could feel the wet spot between her draws as she watched her love’s pathetically rub against each other. she wanted nothing more than to take them right then and there, but she had to be patient and enjoy the scenery in front of her. “wanna cum usana? wanna cum for me? c’mon cum all over each other. fuck, it’s so wet I can see it. I can hear it. go on my love’s, cum for me.”
fuck that’ll do it.
riri is absolutely gone. shaking, crying of overstimulation, moaning, she was all fucked out as her thick creamy cum spilled over my pussy and shuri’s hand. my cum mixing in with hers as I bit into her neck to quiet my squeals.
“look at you two, such good girls for me yeah?” shuri’s lips connected with mine as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. fuck she drives me crazy as her tongue explores and licks every crevice of my mouth. she detaches from me, a string of spit keeping us together.
she turns to lean into riri, as riri completely opens her mouth for shuri, reaching her tongue out. shuri sucks on riri’s tongue, slow and sensually, letting her tongue into her mouth and bobbing her head up and down. riri whines and pinches her nipple, feeling her cunt clenched around nothing.
shuri slaps her hands away from her breasts and says “patience my love, i’ll take care of you..”
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but we’re already rackin up some typa engagement ok I see y’all !!
maybe i’ll write more, who knows BUT FOR NOW THIS IS WHAT I GOT
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the-sky-queen · 1 month
Introducing! Prince Udando of Tharos!
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Character Notes:
14 years old.
Crown Prince of Tharos, a planet dominated by rules, traditions, and symbolic meaning. Udando finds all of it suffocating and wants nothing more than to escape.
His mother, Queen Erikonia, is unyielding and cruel. She constantly pushes Udando to be the best and punishes him when falls short. Udando's late father was similarly critical, constantly disappointed in his son and only interested in people that could be of use to him.
Udando is snarky and rebellious, but he knows there's only so far he can push before he puts his life in his mother's uncaring hands. He stays within the most important boundaries even though it makes his skin crawl.
Despite his distaste for Tharos' very nature, it's all Udando knows. When confronted by objects or gestures with no specific special meaning, he has difficulty wrapping his head around the concept.
Tends to be rude and dismissive. He also struggles with social cues since he wasn't raised around normal people. (Boy has a bad habit of invading people's personal space. XD)
More than anything, he just wants to be a normal kid.
He's a bookworm and loves to research whatever catches his interest into oblivion.
Design + Other Notes:
Udando was honestly very difficult to design! I have this brainstorm paper I've been chipping away at for like a year, but I always struggled to get it to feel right. When doing this iteration of Udando's design, I honestly threw out quite a bit of what I'd initially brainstormed. Stuff like his head shape, the fact that he had ears, the shape of his feet, and him having a cape instead of the scarf he has here.
I've always known that Udando was going to have pitch black eyes. I thought it would be a fun contrast because, fun fact! Tharos is absolutely covered in bioluminescent, glowing plants. I also thought the black eyes would be good for making Udando somewhat mysterious since you can't tell where exactly he's looking. But back on the topic of Tharos' plant life, I realized it would make total sense for Udando and the rest of the Tharians to be very bright and neon in coloring, since way back in the past, those with colors matching the environment would have a better chance at surviving in what I'm thinking was a very hostile landscape.
I debated giving Udando those dragonfly wings, but ultimately decided to let him have them. They made a lot of sense because the eyes and antennae were already giving insect vibes. And speaking of the antennae! Udando can use them to detect vibrations and sense changes in the atmosphere.
Tharos is absolutely riddled with objects of symbolic importance, so I made sure to give Udando a few accessories as part of his royal getup. The crown, the wrist gauntlets, and the ankle rings all have special royal importance. I think the scarf was given to Udando by his dad shortly before he died, so even though they weren't on good terms, the thing has meaning to Udando and he refuses to get rid of it. Erikonia probably wouldn't let him throw it out anyway. As for the necklace . . . that's where things get tricky.
You see, Udando originates from this unposted AU of mine called The Black Prince. There, as part of Tharian tradition, Shadow gave Udando that necklace as a symbol of friendship between the Tharians and the Black Arms. (Shadow has a similar necklace in the AU that identifies him as the crown prince of the Black Arms.) Here's where the problem comes in. I kinda REALLY want to put Udando into my Sonic-verse, but that necklace and his relationship with Shadow is kinda VITAL to his character development. And without the context of The Black Prince, I'm not sure how Udando would meet Shadow and get that necklace. I'll keep working at it. I've got a few vague ideas right now, so we'll see how they go.
But for now, yeah! That's Udando! I love him so much and I hope you all do to!
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enderlaithdraws · 1 year
Crumb, Ranboo, Wilbur, and Charlie in the zombie apocalypses pt.1 w.i.p.
And a look into the creative process :D I'm giving this concept the title of "Zombie Apocalypse with The Crew"
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Ranboo has a pistol (you can kinda see it on his right side) but his weapon of choice is a metal bat and a bowie knife. He calls it "The WACK N STAB"
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I'm very proud of my nails into the crumbverses. Also I'm thinking about maybe the crew has a 5th member who is a doll or something of the sort. Just so they can joke around and keep high moral.
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You can see that he is wearing no armor but some cloth and duct tape arm guards and goggles. In my mind the apocalypse happened before there was ample time to react. Meaning that the gear they have is mostly fast makeshift items from common objects. Any extra things like the guns each person has or extra apparel is from looting.
Also... Jorts <3
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I'd say that at some point Charlie got lost and when he started following any human voice he could hear, he ended up right behind Ranboo. Who, instinctively stabbed what they thought was a zombie. mans took an L and a flesh wound.
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The batchette is an idea from Instructables on Pinterest. I saw it while getting inspo and I could hear Charlie half screaming "Oh. my. gorshes... guys this power drill has given me a gift from God! BEHOLD... THE BATCHETTE!!!" Original image linked to this picture if you wanna get a better idea of what it looks like.
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Wilbur! I feel the need to change face shape a bit to better represent him. Basically everything on him has a story. What he was wearing at the initial invasion and start of the apocalypse was a white button up shirt and black pants. He was on his way to meet with a tour manager in a café but chaos is unleashed before he can. Later on traded out some looted boots for his dress shoes. And looted the harness which he uses to hold items against his body and keep them from noisily bouncing around in a bag or pocket. At some point he gets stuck in a house in the country side that has been nearly untouched. But he knows it's only a matter of time before he is found by his predators. He has no way of communicating to the group and needs to fend for himself as long as it takes to reconnect. Which could be months. For that reason he finds an undershirt so he can unbutton his dress shirt and have more mobility. He takes down a large curtain and uses it to wrap around his legs as armor. (Think about it, its hard to bite or stab through a thick curtain.) And just cuts his pants so that it doesn't encumber him. (He doesn't take them off because the curtains are only covering his legs. Plus pockets are good for survival)
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Once he's done with the curtain he finds some metal roller skate knee pads to help hold them in place and realizes that the curtain rod would make a decent weapon. Continuously looting the house he finds four kitchen knifes and some ninja stars in a bedroom (likely belonging to the family edgy teen) then attaches them using a hand held blow torch from the garage.
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When the night comes he is barricaded in a top bedroom and there are zombies pounding on the door. It is a moonless, pitch black night and the little bit of light points out the glimmer of a golden cross necklace atop a bedside table. While he is no man of God. He can use all the help he can get. And continues to wear it even when he is safe. Not in a religious way, but in an idea that there is a greater good out there. And the world will be reborn again... someday.
rando in the back: *sniffs and wipes a singular tear from his eye* tHat is sO beUtIfUL..
So yeah that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed this sneak peak and if you have any ideas or wanna join in lemme know! While I am doing this for fun I would love it others could enjoy it too. So if you like it or think your friends/viewers would, then please Reblog. :D but what ever you do, have a good day!
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flam-burr · 2 years
Mama bear - Yautvember day 4
Content: Yautjas are a very religious species, which leads them to have a high respect for anything that goes beyond the living plane and cannot be hunted the traditional way. Too bad you learned it too late.
Tag: Fluff, gn Yautjaxgn reader
A/N: Hello fellas! Not gonna lie, this prompt was difficult af... I'm just not the best at writing fluff things, but I hope it passes. Thank you for all the feedback from the previews stories and check out @jacklycan for the original prompt list!
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You always liked to spend time with children, so when you arrived on Yautja Prime you felt naturally driven towards the pups that roamed the village’s streets.
Of course you never approached any of them without the explicit consent of their mother -your mate had warned you of how protective they could be with their offsprings. Maybe it had been your soft and non threatening body or the submissive and calm nature, but eventually you made your way to the Matriarch’s heart and were trusted with the role of caretaker.
That day the pups were misbehaving while their mothers were out, slowly driving you crazy, and when they almost broke your instruments, you decided you had enough. You screamed you would have called the Boogeyman if they didn’t calm down.
Being pups, the new word attracted their attention like a magnet and stopped their campaign of destruction long enough for you to tell them the same story your grandma used to tell you when you were little.
You expected those little pests to laugh at your silly rhyme: they weren’t sucklings anymore and they were in that particular stage of childhood where there is no ruler outside of their mothers.
Instead, they froze on the spot and after a few seconds of silence they tidied up your instruments with surprising efficiency.
They became angels for the rest of the day and you baked them some cookies, once you calmed yourself, like any other day of babysitting.
Their mothers came to take them home by the evening and you just took a little me-time before your mate came back.
They laid down by your side after a nice and rough “cuddle”, their breath a little heavy in your ear as you slowly drifted away in sleep.
“How was the day with the pups, my star?”, they asked.
“Up and downs.”, you muttered, fighting to stay awake enough to answer. “They made me crazy… and I told them the story of the Boogeyman.”
“The Boogeyman?”
You could feel your mate adjusting themself, their attention all for you. They liked to listen to your stories, both because they got to focus on you without you being shy about it and because they were just as curious about your culture as you were of theirs.
You sighed, stirring a bit to focus, but giving up quite fast on the idea of repeating the whole rhyme with the right tone, so you resolved yourself to paraphrasing the legend.
“The Boogeyman is a wraith that is all pitch black and hides under the bed.”, you say with a yawn. “He takes the naughty pups and eats them.”
You felt your mate stiffen to your words and you patted their shoulder.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a kids’ story.”, you said, finally falling asleep.
The next day you found all the pups quietly waiting for you in the common tent you used as a daycare.
It was such a rare sight you almost didn’t see the front of mothers watching you with killer eyes right outside.
You knew better than to keep staring at them and lowered your head, stopping a few steps from them.
The biggest of the females approached you, covering you with her shadow.
“Hi Cithi.”, you said with a feeble voice. “How can I help you?”
The female’s chest rumbled with a growl, low enough to reverberate in your bones and cover you in goosebumps.
“You can start by not threatening the pups while we are not around.”, Cithi snarled.
You blinked, trying to remember when that happened, but kept quiet as the female resumed.
“I don’t care what you think of our pups: if I hear you call your monster, you’ll meet your end before the sun rises again. DId I make myself clear?”
You held your hands together to prevent them from shaking, yet something in her words felt… off.
“I have no… ‘monster’, Cithi. I barely have a hound- “
“Don’t try my patience, ooman.”
You fell silent, crushed under the threat in her voice, and swallowed as she approached another step.
“Your Boojimen won’t touch any of our pups.”
You lifted your gaze on Cithi and the females behind her: you finally noticed they were wearing their hunting gear and watching with careful eyes the trees around the village. They weren’t here just to talk with you, they were moving to hunt a shadow.
“I see…”, you muttered. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding here.”
Explaining what happened hadn’t been easy, Cithi was terribly stubborn when it came to protecting her offspring, but after a few tries you managed to convince the hunting party not to engage a hunt over a non-existing entity. Cithi insisted on a few adults still patrolling the borders that day and night and stayed with you and the pups to keep an eye on you, still suspicious even giving you the benefit of doubt.
After that, you learned an important lesson: Yautjas don’t make light of ghost stories, even the kid’s ones, especially mothers.
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cervicrazed · 5 months
da WHOLE HOG for bambi + whichever of your newer ocs pairs best with her ;]
Hell yeah, let's do it!!
I can already tell this'll be a long one so have a page break to save yourself some dash space
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^This is Bambi! ^This is Jak L!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Bambi -> you actually gave Bambi her name if I remember right!! I think the logic was Wilton Rader (deer motif) + Walt (Disney) = Bambi
It was funny & fit so well that I didn't bother looking for any other names after that
Jak L. -> When I was making her originally all I knew was that I wanted a pitch black head & red eyes - the tall ears were a last minute addition that made her look like Anubis to me so....well, i just couldn't resist the pull of the pun
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Bambi -> It kinds depends? I jump around her timeline a lot when i draw her so here's a good rule a thumb; if her hair is in pigtails, she's meant to be no older than 10, long ponytail caps at 16, and her shorter, shoulder length cut means she's 17-19
Jak L. -> Around 18 or 19 - a little older than Bambi to up her 'cool factor' in her eyes. They meet during Bambi's first attempt to go to (Human) school
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Bambi -> Crushing hard on Jak but trying to play it cool. She's the poster child for a rebellious teen and Bambi is mesmerized by her confidence and defiance
Jak L. -> Not too keen on relationships after getting cursed by her ex during a messy breakup (she doesn't like to talk about it) Bambi's adoration is not lost on her, but she worries the curse may intervene if she gets too close
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Bambi -> She absolutely loooovees Lake Trout. There's an abundance of them near her childhood home, so her dads cooked it for dinner often. She used to get sick of it but on long trips it's nice to be reminded of home.
Jak L. -> It used to be a lemon butter chicken thighs, but Jak's curse won't let her eat 'anything that bleeds.' She's found Chicken of the Woods to be a decent replacement, but it's just not the same.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Bambi -> Money isn't really used outside of Human settlements, but Bambi will run errands for her uncle Warren in exchange for magical items she can sell or use. Due to the nature of his work, the 'simple errands' have a habit of becoming day long quests instead.
Jak L. -> Works part time as a babysitter for human/monster couples. Part of this job includes helping deliver the child to the other parent's home, as neither is allowed to live in the other's community. The journey can be dangerous, but she knows the trail like the back of her hand - meaning her fare can cost as much as she likes.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Bambi -> Loves wrestling and will never say no if challenged. The scruffier the struggle the more fun she has ((she also enjoys a bit of whittling due to her dad's influence but will never admit that to him))
Jak L. -> Secretly enjoys climbing up trees to write poetry. She feels her poems are too soft and melancholic for the mysterious punk rebel persona she's trying to sculpt, so no one's ever read em :(
🎯 -What do they do best?
Bambi -> Despite wrestling being her favorite pastime, Bambi is best at parkour! The Jek taught her how to take advantage of her digitigrade legs to give her a better boost in agility
Jak L. -> Jak is convinced she's the best at everything she does, but her true passion lies in lyrical prose.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Bambi -> Other than wrestling, Bambi loves to fish! She doesn't use a rod or bait, preferring to catch them with her own hands and teeth (not always a successful method, but it's endlessly fun for her)
She hates feeling caged in or restricted, something she and Wilton argue about often.
Jak L. -> Despite how she makes it seem, Jak loves teaching and watching over the children she's put in charge of. She likes giving them the time to explore, vent, and whatever else they want but rarely have the freedom to do.
She hates authority in all it's forms, holding a strong belief that anyone in a position of power will abuse it. It's just a matter of when.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Bambi -> She'd been around 12 years old, on a visit with Wilton into a human settlement so they could sell his carvings. She caught one of the older boys trying to set fire to their stand and tackled him. She walked away with a few scratches while he limped away with a broken nose. Her father was displeased sure, but that was nothing compared to the pride she felt at winning her first brawl.
Jak L. -> A month or two after meeting Bambi, she had introduced her to her uncle; a necromancer. Jak had always wanted to learn magic but had never found a teacher patient enough to show her. It took the whole day to master but the Lich Doctor taught her how to heal minor cuts and scrapes. It may have only been a simple spell but it meant the world to her.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Bambi -> Wilton had gotten sick and stayed worryingly ill for weeks; it didn't seem like he'd get any better. Bambi offered to get the Lich Doctor to help but he was adamantly against it, resulting in a nasty argument and Bambi leaving anyway. By the time she returned, her dad had already passed. Sure, her uncle assured her that he could reincarnate him, but it didn't change the fact that her last words to him had been "I hate you"
Jak L. -> Jak had hidden herself in her favorite tree, happily writing poems no one would ever see. Her ex didn't like the thought of her keeping secrets from them, leading to a shouting match and a frenzied fight over the pages. Once read, he misinterpreted her poems as an admission to cheating; burning her work and cursing her to never be loved again. She's been looking for a way to break it ever since.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Bambi -> Not at all really. The only thing left over from her first design is her yellow flannel - it's her signature character color! she looks weird without it now!!
Jak L. -> Yeah, I made Jak in January so there hasn't been a lot of (if any) evolution in her design (yet)
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Bambi -> Originally I wanted to make a non-canon fankid for Wilton & Walt / The Jek to explore what they'd be like as parents. I based her personality off a little girl I saw aggressively splashing in rain puddles and laughing evilly. the rest is history
Jak L. -> Design practice! She wasn't going to be an OC at first, just an exercise in character design but when I finished I liked the potential too much for her to just be a one off.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Bambi -> YA fantasy but preferably one that has more fucked up freaky little creatures ((like the spiderwick chronicles))
Jak L. -> Whatever genre Rebel Without a Cause was ((add in a fantasy or horror element so she can keep her face))
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Bambi -> Demigirl + Lesbian! ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜
Jak L. -> Transfemme + Bisexual! ❤️💜💙
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Bambi -> she tried really hard to get her dads to grow a new sibling but Wilton wouldn't have it (Bambi suspects Walt planted one anyway, but has no proof)
Jak L. -> She's unsure if she has any siblings. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. Jak doesn't know and doesn't care to find out.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Bambi -> Loving but a bit strained. Her parents' over-protectiveness kept her from exploring anything beyond the river mill for years and their secrecy prevented her from learning anything about their pasts. She wishes they'd respect her autonomy and not keep so many secrets from her
Jak L. -> Cold and distant. All she knows about them is that they left her behind and disappeared. She doesn't know if they died, but she wouldn't be upset if they did. As far as she's concerned, her father is the sun and her mother the moon
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Bambi -> all the potential pathways I could take her character! Her storyline isn't set in stone like some of my other OCs so I have a lot of fun putting her in Situations™
Jak L. -> her design for sure. She's incredibly fun to draw, especially her locs & baggy t-shirt
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Bambi -> Getting back in the habit of drawing her again now that I've gotten over my second-hand embarrassed ab sharing my stuff. I've definitely got more notes about her than I do drawings
Jak L. -> Only very recently started fleshing her out via notes/short stories. It's been fun getting to know what her personality is going to be like
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Bambi -> I don't think I've ever thought ab killing Bambi off, not even in an angsty one-off. She's got too much of a story to tell to cut it short like that
Jak L. -> kinda? But not really dedicated to it just yet. She's too new for me to want to get rid of so quickly.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Bambi -> She'll claim she doesn't, but she's absolutely Claustrophobic
Jak L. -> Not exactly Pyrophobic since she can be around campfires or a fireplace well enough, but she will refuse to interact with it in any way that doesn't involve putting it out
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Bambi -> The Big Secret her family has been hiding from her ((she hasn't really met Him yet))
Jak L. -> Jak sees every established institution as her arch nemesis
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Bambi -> oh man it's been a loongg while....I think since 2017 or 2018? That makes her about 7 or 8 years old....wow...
Jak L. -> Jak is about 4 months old ‼️
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Bambi -> I was probably 16 or 17 when I first sketched her up
Jak L. -> Can confidently confirm that I was 22 when Jak popped onto my canvas
Phew! You made it to the end! Thanks!
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goldennika · 6 months
Initial Thoughts on TXT's Minisode 3: Tomorrow
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Overall I think this album sounded the most sonically cohesive from their entire discography so far! I haven't read the articles about the album yet but it seems like they've deviated a bit from their usual approach of exploring different genres in a single album and kinda stuck to more of a band sound this time around?
Sure, they experiment with layers and singing styles but I’ve really felt (and liked!) the band influence across the different tracks!
The way the music builds in each track is delightful albeit seems a wee predictable. I am a sucker for a good guitar and bassline though so this album suited my tastes
Currently (and surprisingly) my favorite track upon first listen would probably be Deja Vu (Anemoia Remix)! I honestly wished the remix ver would have been the title track instead 🥺
The original ver is probably more palatable for general population though and lends itself better to their type of choreography than the Anemoia remix would so I understand why the title track is so.
My favorite track off this album would likely change after I’ve read through the lyric translations and give the album a few more listens.
If I’m being honest, I think this album would be more of a slow burn type of in terms of how quickly it grows on me, compared to their earlier releases (particularly Temptation and Freefall).
I’ve genuinely enjoyed these tracks! But I can’t say that I loved the album and I think a factor in my tempered response to Minisode 3 is just how short they all are!! 😩
The entire (mini) album’s duration is just 17 minutes for 7 tracks!! It felt like just as I was getting into the groove and spirit of the track, it just… ends 🥲 IMO, these shorter track durations may end up hurting them in the long run as they sacrifice the listening experience for convenience of streaming 😔
That said, it makes Deja Vu an impressive feat that it has such a cinematic and immersive feel, and done in less than 3 minutes!
In any case, I will be listening to these tracks more and am looking forward to catch their performances throughout this comeback!
If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading and i’d love to hear your thoughts too!
If you want to see my raw thoughts for each track, you can find them below the cut!
Track 1: I'll See You There Tomorrow
yes lower register TXT let's gooooo
sounds like a video game bg music? haha
ooh when the music built up it got funky
ugh love me a good bassline
this is kinda cute???
am digging the old school vibe to this
*head bops*
ok this is rly growing on me
the layers to the music is just 😩
Track 2: --- -- --- .-. .-. --- .--  (Tomorrrow)
uhm yeah
that's a morse code alright....
Track 3: Deja Vu
ok technically not a first listen since i've watched the MV already but here we go anyway!!
the high pitched warpy sound at the start -- i like it
this feels like R&B-ish?
their verses seem almost spoken than sung
different from how they usually are
the little music break after the first chorus, mhmm
that clarity was delicious
this song feels so... ambient? if that makes sense
like there's a distant thunderstorm almost?
and the sirens blaring??
and they did that with a 2:51 duration ??
Track 4: Miracle (A miracle happens at every moment that you and I are together)
really liking the piano
ooh the build up of the instrumentals
leaked image of me listening to this track
oooh it got rock band-y
oh this would be AMAZING to hear live!!
ugh the harmonizing in the second verse/pre-chorus YES 😩
looooove the energy on this one
they are killing the instrumentals on this album
wow ok i loved that one
Track 5: The Killa (I Belong to You)
sexy start okayyyy
is this Spanish guitar?
the finger plucking(?) style 😩
oh this range and style suits Soobin so well??
mhmmm the adlibssss
i swear those harmonies will be the death of me
the guitarrrrrrrrr 😩
Track 6: Quarter Life
istg the instrumentals are so good here
band txt is one of my fave genres
*head bops*
the build up is delicious
oh i'll bet kai enjoyed this one haha
whoever thought of putting the maknaes together for this track is a genius
another great song to hear live
claiming this as Beomgyu's song bc wow
Track 7: Deja Vu (Anemoia Remix)
ugh i can't resist a good bassline
wtf i swear we were robbed that this is just a remix and not the original song 😭
THE ADLIBS!!!!!!!!!
pls let this listing be an April Fools joke and this is actual the title track 🥹
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aquadestinyswriting · 1 month
An Solas as Gràdhaiche
Summary: Meredith finally has to explain her relationship with Elowyn to Yoruk. An akward conversation ensues.
Words: 1,067
Tags: @druidx,@sparrow-orion-writes,@writeblrcafe, @ashirisu, @lexiklecksi
Warnings: None
Notes: Happy Birthday Dru <3. I know it's not something tailor-made for the day, but I think you'll enjoy this one.
Meredith sighed happily as she snuggled up against her fiance’s chest, finally able to sleep in her own bed after gods knew how long. She felt Yoruk shifting, trying to get comfortable. She tilted her head up, her face falling at his soft sigh,
“What’s the matter, mo goal.” she asked quietly, wondering why her beloved was suddenly looking so concerned. Yoruk glanced down at her and smiled,
“It’s probably nothin’ but…” the paladin trailed off, shifting so that he could face Meredith properly, “Ye any idea why yer wee woodlin’ friend was threatenin’ to kill me if she got any sort o’ word that ye were unhappy with me?” he asked.
Meredith cursed under her breath, then shook her head,
“I was wondering why ye were so pale when I went to have a word with her.” she muttered. The cleric whooshed out another breath before continuing, “We’ve been through a lot together over the last year and a bit, and we’ve gotten… pretty close.” she explained. Yoruk raised an eyebrow,
“Close?” he asked, “Do we need to have a talk talk?” 
Meredith shot upright, shaking her head vehemently,
“No! No! It’s not like that, I swear.” she exclaimed, flapping her hands. Yoruk propped himself up on his elbow, cocking his head in confusion,
“While that’s a relief in itself, there’s obviously somethin’ going on there.” he pointed out, “So what gives?” he asked. Meredith groaned, running a hand down her beard in frustration, though whether that was at the situation or herself, Yoruk couldn’t quite tell.
“I neglected to tell Elowyn that I was engaged before she caught feelings for me. Like I said, we went through a lot; fighting for our lives on a near constant basis at one point, being the last two left out of the group we originally started this whole damn thing with, spending all our time in each other’s company, ye ken, the usual adventuring things ye hear about.” she explained.
Yoruk nodded,
“Did ye ever get around to telling her ye were already spoken for before ye came back to Fangthane?” he asked. Meredith grimaced,
“Kind of?” she murmured, shifting uncomfortably and looking down at the bedsheets. Yoruk huffed out a sigh,
“Kind of?” he queried, “I need a bit more than that, love.” he said.There were a few moments silence as Meredith grumbled,
“I blurted out that I was spoken for in the middle of a fight while we were fending off the advances of a horny elf bard.” she finally said, “No, I never actually sat down to explain matters after that because I never found the time to.” she added.
Yoruk raised his eyebrow further,
“No time? C’mon Merri, I know you better than that.” he pointed out, “Look, if ye ended up catching feelings back, even if nothing ever came of them, then there’s no shame in that.” he said, reaching out and taking his fiancee’s hands into his own, “What I want you to be right now is honest. Both to me and yourself.” 
Merri finally looked up at the dwarven man sitting in front of her. Even in the almost pitch black of her bedroom she could see the patient expectancy on his face. Her heart skipped as she took in the details of it, but she pushed her immediate thoughts aside and thought through how to explain everything to the man she loved so much. 
“Alright, fine. Yeah, I basically avoided bringing up the engagement thing after that. Partially because there really were other, way more important, things to think about at the time, and partially because I knew I’d shattered Elowyn’s heart the minute I said it.” Meredith explained, her hands gripping at the sheet. “The problem is, I really didn’t, and don’t have any romantic feelings for her, but I still care about her. A lot. But how the hells do I even begin to explain the difference? I don’t even know if any other cultures have anything similar to Cridhe-dàime.” she groaned, burying her head into her hands.
Yoruk, who had been reaching over to lay his hand on his beloved’s shoulder, froze momentarily. Had Meredith just outright claimed that the woodling woman was someone she considered her Cridhe-dàime? He leaned forward with an indulgent smile and wrapped his arms around the despondent woman,
“Well, at least we don’t need to delay the wedding by almost three centuries.” he quipped, earning him a thump on the arm and a disgruntled mumble for his trouble. He squeezed Meredith and let her go so he could look at her face again. He gently tucked a strand of hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear,
“Look, I get it, it’s awkward. Probably about as awkward as when I finally gathered up the courage to ask ye out on that first date.” Yoruk said, “But unless ye tell Elowyn how much ye care about her, even if it’s not in any romantic sense, then she’s never gonna know. It doesn’t matter if Elowyn never really understands what Cridhe-dàime actually means, as long as she knows how much she means to you.” he insisted.
Meredith relaxed as Yoruk spoke. He was right; Elowyn was obviously under the impression that Meredith didn’t care for her as much as she did, so she needed to know sooner rather than later. She leaned her head on Yoruk’s shoulder,
“Ye’re right, I do need to say something. But I’d best leave it for a bit. Elowyn needs a bit o’ time to really come to terms with everything.” she murmured, recalling the look in the woodling’s eyes as she’d wished Merri the best of luck before walking away. She lifted her eyes to meet Yoruk’s. Yoruk shook his head,
“You know her better than I do.” was all he said in reply. He kissed his very soon-to-be-wife and laid his head back on the pillow. Meredith watched as Yoruk shifted onto his side and curled up into the blankets. She yawned and followed suit. While it would be an incredibly awkward conversation, at least she had until after the wedding to have it. That should give Elowyn plenty of time to settle things out in her own mind. 
With the happy thought of her Cridhe-dàime attending the happiest day of her life. Meredith rolled over, hugged Yoruk and finally drifted off to sleep.
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Kraid's Lair can be a bit of a twisted joke
It's by far the easier to access between the 2 boss lairs but while it's technically the smallest it's insanely cramped and twisty by design making it really fucking easy to get lost and get killed by the atrocious enemy placement
You can actually find a Fake, blue Kraid here. I guess he's supposed to trick the player? But there's no way you'd find him without a guide honestly, finding the real Kraid is way easier by comparison
Kraid's fight is a mess, he constantly throws shit at you that you have no hope of dodging and those spikes of his often protect him from missiles and projectiles. The most surefire way of handling him is to just spam bombs on him, but that requires that you have the Varia Suit for extra defense and lots of Energy Tanks so that you can hope to kill him before he kills you
One thing I think Metroid 1 does actually really well despite its age is its general atmosphere: of course tha game doesn't have any explicitly scary moments like Fusion, and its character designs can be pretty fucking goofy (Ridley looks like Barney the Dinosaur, Kraid is like a fat, hairy mole and Samus looks like some dude in spandex wearing an oversized astronaut helmet), but the overall aesthetic of the game gives it a genuinely eerie feeling through the use of dark, "acid" colors, mostly mechanical and cold architecture and pitch black backgrounds which were most definitely to save memory space but genuinely sell the idea that the game takes place inside of a giant cave system
Then you add to this the music: yeah Brinstar's theme is catchy and heroic, but the themes of Norfair and Ridley's Lair sound genuinely dissonant and a bit disturbing. Kraid's Lair has my favorite track, being simultanously harmonic and unsettling.
I believe this game's composer, Hirokazu Tanaka, once stated that he purposefully made this soundtrack to be as unorthodox and "weird" as possible in order to drive home the game's unsettling feeling and well...mission accomplished! I still think that this game has some of the best ambience of the series, actually way better than its remake Zero Mission. In fact I think the original trilogy has geberally a much eerier atmosphere than all of the other games, Fusion included, but that's a topic for another day
So! Tourian!
Pro tip: don't bother killing the Metroids, just freeze them and let them go, 'cause you're gonna need all the missiles you have. Yeah it's a bit dumb that Samus' mission is to kill all the Metroids to prevent the Space Pirates from using them for galactic conquest....and yet it's better to leave them alone for ammo preservation. Well this place is gonna blow either way...
And then there's Mother Brain, who might as well have the power of Chaos Control because my God LOOK AT HOW MUCH SLOWDOWN THERE IS! Because of all the shit that those turrets fling at you every second the game just slows down to an absolute crawl and when you mix this with the cramped as fuck design of the room preventing you from dodging reliably and the fact that those zebetite pillars will start to regenerate almost immediately after you hit them, this fight sucks absolute ass and it's incredibly easy to just die over and over again!
I hope for your sake that you found the Varia Suit and the Screw Attack to deal with those Rinkas from Hell, and also that you don't screw up the final escape sequence with those tiny ass platforms!
I've always found it interesting how the game very nonchalantly told us that "space could be invaded by the other Metroid". Were they really so sure there was gonna be a sequel? This is one of my favorite aspects of the series: even though when you get down to it these games are basically written pretty episodically,much like other classic game series such as Zelda or Sonic, they almost always leave some general loose plot point that future games can exploit to make the series look like it has an overarching plot...evn though that's not really the case
Also yeah, Samus is a woman, what a surprise!
And before anyone says something: no. She wasn't made a woman in order to "challenge gender norms" or "for trans rep" or whatever. Those are very modern, 2010s/2020s views being applied to a videogame from the 1980s when games weren't exactly interested in politics or activism, let alone Nintendo games, and stuff like wanting to challenge gender norms were most likely not on most people's mind in the gaming business, or most contexts unfortunately.
I can't find the Interviews, but I believe this game's devs once stated that they can't even remember whose idea it was to make Samus a woman (most likely due to how chaotic the game's development was) but the general thought process seems to be that they wanted to give players a nice surprise for beating the game quickly enough and they also wanted to have an Ellen Ripley reference because Metroid borrows a lot from Alien.
I'm not saying that Samus holds no importance in the context of female heroines in gaming or feminism or whatever. I'm just saying that there's an important difference between saying that she BECAME an icon for female representation in games and saying that she was always MEANT to be one.
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