#Yeah it's my favorite past time. No I don't change anything else about them.
edwardallenpoe · 5 months
*dark, brooding male character with a bunch of trauma and the weight of the world on their shoulders, hair dark and oily and lined with silver from stress, bearing through his situation with gritted teeth and probably not having a happy ending* me: hmmm yeah this is awesome but there's something off...
*headcanons him as a butch lesbian* me: ohhhh ffukc.... Oh ggod. I'm gona throw ufp..
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vulpixisananimal · 1 month
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"How 'bout this?" (Asks Bonnie, holding up another spoonful of soup for you to try. You take a sip.)
(It's creamy, a little salty, nice and hot. It burns a little on your tongue but it was okay. Because once it was past your throat you didn't feel much more.)
"Tasty!" (You respond with a smile.)
(You were set up next to Bonnie as they cooked the meal for tonights sleepover. It was, differen't. Sure there were some similar stuff, samosas, rice, but they were making some soup for you now, too.)
"You sure?" (Bonnie pouted at you.) "I mean! Of COURSE it's tasty!!! Duh!!!"
(You let out a little laugh as Bonnie confidently goes back to cooking. They had been nicer than usual. Last time you were in the same kitchen you were banned from cooking for life. Not like you could now anyways, hahaaa. . .)
(You still couldn't move.)
(It had been a few hours, Odile had tried a few more things, Mira, Odile, and Isabeau had gone around town asking for help, trying not to cause a panic, reasuring people you were okay, trying to keep things discrete. You hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Loop.)
(It was all. . . So, so differen't. They were all acting similar but, differen't. The play had shifted, changed, they all had gotten a script and you had to improvise. At least you had a lot of rehearsals.)
(Even if they should probably just get a replacement actor, haha.)
(Look at you, can't move from the neck down. Had to get help to get anything. Stars, Bonnie would be more helpful in the house than you. . .)
". . . Heyfrin." (Bonnie took a pause from cooking. They didn't look at you.) ". . . Are we gonna be okay tomorrow?"
(H-huh???) "Of course we are." (You say with a smile.)
"I'm not a stupid kid, Frin!!!" (Bonnie yells.) "You always look for the traps and the keys and stuff and know where to go!! What if we can't make it! What if we don't get to the King, and, and. . ."
"Bonnie. . ." (You want to reach out to them. They're, are they crying?)
"And what if I don't get to see Nille again!!" (They were crying.) "What if, i-if. . ."
"You'll be okay, Bonnie." (Oh no you are nooooot ready for this talk.) "I, promise. I promise okay? You'll be okay."
"But you don't know that!!!" (Bonnie turned to look at you, finally. They looked like a mess.) "You don't know if we'll make it!! You're just, just saying that!!!"
(But, you do know.)
(You know that, no matter what, they'll be okay. You'll get out of this, eventually. It, it might be harder now but. . .)
(It might be impossible, but. . .)
(But. . .)
"It's not fair!!!" (Bonnie shook their head.) "It's not fair!!! You can't even move!! And you wont get to meet Nille!!!"
(Wait.) "You, wanted me to go back to Bombouche after-?"
"Of course I did!!! Crabface!!!!" (Bonnie angrily turned back to the food.) "I know you don't crabbing care about me but I wanted you to see my sister!!! Now you won't!!! None of us will!!!"
(That. . . That, this was new- wait, wait you know this!)
"Of course I care about you!" (You yell, a bit more emotional than you meant.)
"You don't crabbing care about me!!! You don't know anything about me!!!"
"But I do know about you. . ."
"You don't!!! Not even a little bit!!! You don't even know my three favorite foods!!!"
(Bingo.) "I do. . ."
"H-Huh?!?" (They turn to you again.)
("You love. . .") "Rice."
"Y-yeah, that's true, but. . ."
("And. . .") "Pineapples."
". . ." (Bonnie stopped crying and was looking at you surprised.)
("And the last one is. . .") "Samosas!"
". . . But. . . But what samosas?" (They pouted.) "Yeah!! I bet you don't even know that!!! Which samosas are my favorite!! Stupid!!!"
("Is it samosas. . .") "Without cheese and with potatoes?"
(They were just, staring at you, shocked. Just like before.) "Y-yeah. . . Those are, are my favorite foods."
(Yes!!! Still got it!!!)
"You. . . Do pay attention to me?" (They looked away, wiping away some tears.) "No that's stupid, of course you do. Or else you wouldn't have. . ."
(. . . Wait, what happens now?)
". . ." (They looked away still, thinking for a second. Then they huffed, turning to you.) "Okay. Maybe we could make it out of tomorrow."
(Bonnie paused again.) ". . . Hey 'Frin, I know you wont be able to fight tomorrow, so, maybe you could, help me how to fight."
(What? This, still is working?!?) "U-uh! I mean, I can't exactly show you right now-"
"I know that!! Dummy!!! I mean just give me some things to know or what to do or something!!"
"Well. . ." (Hmm, okay, maybe this could work, but. . .) "Okay, it's a bit late in the day though."
"Aw Crab." (Bonnie pouted, looking at the food they were cooking.) "Stupid."
(Oh well, there's always a next time. Maybe if you bring this up earlier in the day. . .) "But I know you're going to do great, okay?"
"Okay. . ."
". . . Hey, breathe with me, okay?"
"Uh, okay?"
(You said it on autopilot honestly. But you roll with it, you and Bonnie breathe in. . . And Out. . .)
". . . All good?" (You ask Bonnie. They nod.)
"Uh huh."
(. . . . . . This is awkward.)
". . . Don't burn the food!"
"Sif. . . Hey. . . Hey Sif. Siffrin. Siffarooni."
(Isabeau was whispering your name. It was like the other nights, comforting. In a way.)
(You were lying in bed. Staring at the celing. You couldn't sleep. Your mind had been racing with what to do, thinking up ideas, ways to get through the house, ways to survive.)
(You turn your head to look at Isabeau.)
"Uhm. . . Sorry? Are you doing okay?" (He asks. Alright, a bit differen't.) "Too hot? Uncomfortable?"
(You softly laugh.) "I wouldn't know."
"O-oh, right." (He looks away, sheepish.) "Sorry."
(Not being able to feel anything had been even more inconvenient than you thought. You couldn't feel if you were too hot, too cold, hurt, anything.)
"C-can, I check?"
(You nod. Isabeau reaches out a hand puts a hand on your forhead. You try not to wince, and try to savor it. He takes his hand back.)
"You don't feel hot, but, maybe, if you need anything I'll get it okay?"
(You smile.) "I'm fine, Isa."
"O-okay. . ." (He looks away.) ". . . I. . . Wanted to. . ."
("To tell you something.")
(Isa pauses, as he always did.) ". . . Wanted to tell you, something."
"The thing I wanted to tell you. . . . Is. . . . . That. . . . ."
"I. . . ."
("Don't have anything to tell you right now.")
"I. . ." (He pauses.) ". . . I . . . I won't leave, okay?"
(HUH?!?!?!??!) "W-what-?"
"I-I mean!" (He tries to keep his voice down. Looking to the side, nervous.) "I mean, I, I won't go untill you're better, okay? E-even after, after we beat the King, okay?"
(That's. . .) "Isa. . ."
(You look at him, he's, so bashful. Embaressed. He turned to look at you, smiling.)
"Hey, everything okay?" (Huh?!? That was Bonnie's voice. Usually Isa would get a faceful of pillow right now. You turn your head to look.)
"'Frin okay?" (They were wipping the sleep from their eyes, Mira had sat up too.)
"I-if you need anything, or anything's wrong, or-" (She asks, calmly.)
"H-hey I said I could be on Siffrin duty, don't worry!" (Isa replied.) "Promise!"
"I-I just wanted to make sure-"
"Let Siffrin sleep." (Odile spoke up, finally.) "And let me sleep too, frankly, otherwise I might wake up cranky. You do not want to see me cranky."
"Sorry, m'dame."
"S-sorry. . ."
(They all get tucked into bed again. You turn back to Isabeau. He's looking at you, sheepish, like before. But, then he smiles. A big, biiiig smile. You smile back.)
(Finally. . . You're starting to feel sleepy.)
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braxlrose · 1 year
Hello! I really like your writing and I was wondering if I could request a bill x reader? It's where reader had a very rough childhood, with parents and stuff so they dont have a really good picture of love and gets confused about little nice things Bill does for them, like comforting and just being a good boyfriend, and can sometimes be like emotionally unavailable? But they really try with Bill and, yeah! Lmao, you don't have to do this and feel free to ignore!
omggg you're literally one of my favorite writers and I love this request because I really like writing angst bc there's so much emotion so ty <3
Also this is not proof read
cw: mentions of abuse (physical and verbal), angst, tell me if I missed anything pls!
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Growing up was hard for you. Your father was barely ever around and when he was, he was completely hammered. You tried to stay away from him when he was like that, but it was hard considering you lived in the same house and he was always getting fired from jobs. Whenever you angered him, he'd take off his belt and beat you until you were sobbing. Then would pass out on the couch and act like nothing was wrong when he woke up.
On the other hand, your mother just never seemed to be happy with you. Always nit-picking on everything you did, the way you looked, the way you did your hair, your style, the way you talked, you were either too skinny or too fat; you just couldn't do anything right in her eyes.
You always tried your best to make them happy, just having the smallest glimmer of hope that they'd be proud of you for something. All your hard work at school or everything you did for your community. All the diets you went on for your mother. Cleaning up after your father. There was just nothing you could do.
You didn't understand why they were like this. Why did they have a child in the first place if all you did was "ruin their lives". You didn't understand love at all. Your mother said that she only does this because she cares about you, but if she cared wouldn't she want you to be yourself? No, of course not. You're either like her, or nothing. And that was that.
Then you moved to Magdeburg, Germany. Your mother was sick of her old apartment and your father was banned from all the alcohol stores in your town, so you had to move. Again. This wasn't the first time. You've moved 4 times in the past year because of your parents, you haven't lived anywhere long enough to make any friends.
You had moved into a small village and your mother was making you go over to the neighbour's for dinner. Your father was passed out somewhere so it was just you and her. She put your hair in a high ponytail and added "cute little pink bows". She always pulled too hard on your hair when she did it. You weren't allowed to leave the house unless you put on the pink, frilly dress she got you. You had to be "perfect" and "lady-like" or else no one would like you.
You slipped on your shoes and got pushed out the door by your mother. She had also plastered your face in makeup. Mascara, eyeshadow, lipgloss, all of that. You were fifteen years old for God sakes, why did she care so much?!
"You better not make me look bad in front of our new neighbour's, got it? I don't need your running your mouth like always." You nodded your head as she smacked the back of it, making you flinch before knocking on the door. You heard footsteps coming quickly to the door before a blonde woman opened up. A smile crept onto her face as she saw us.
(Its changing from third person to first person now!)
"Oh come in! Come in!" She said to us with a big smile on her face, ushering us in. My mother pushed me into the house, with a smile. The woman in front of us leaned down and waved, "Hi! You must be y/n! It's so nice to meet you!" I froze. What was I supposed to say? What if she got mad at my tone? What if I said something wrong? What if- I looked up as my mother nudged me on the arm, glaring into my eyes. don't be rude. she didn't even have to say anything for me to understand.
"Nice to meet you too!" I said to her, trying to smile but it just ended looking uncomfortable and awkward. She stood back up to her normal height and turned around, waving us towards the living room.
"Boys! Come down here to meet our new neighbours!" The woman shouted up the stairs as me and my mother sat down on the couch. She swatted my arm again.
"Stand up straight. Your going to make me look like a bad mother!" She whispered to me, giving me that icy cold glare she can never seem to get rid of whenever she looks at me.
Just then, two boys came stumbling down the stairs. They were obviously twins but looked very different from eachother. I turned my body back around when I heard then coming into the living room. I straightened out my back and looked at them with wide eyes.
"Woah, a girl." The mophead whispered. Tch, mophead. That's what he looked like. His dreads were all over the place.
"This is Mrs. y/l/n and y/n. They moved here today. Why don't you boys show y/n around the house?" They both nodded and smiled at me. This is where it all began. My friendship with Tom and Bill Kaulitz. It's been about 4 months since then and we all became good friends really quickly.
Me and Bill were walking through the park while tom was out doing God-knows-what. It was December already, so it had gotten really cold. We walked on some trails before Bill stopped us.
"What are you doing?" I asked, as he bent down on his feet.
"Tying your boots. You're gonna trip on them." My eyes widened as he leaned down. I'm just a fucking idiot I didn't even notice my shoelaces were untied. Who the fuck doesn't know that? Why didn't I realize? Am I actually that stupid? I could hear my mother's voice pounding in my head.
"Oh no! You don't have to do that, it's fine really! I'm just stupid, it's f-" he covered my mouth as he got it.
"Relax, I'm already done and I don't mind. Wouldn't want my favorite neighbour to fall face first into snow." He laughed and kept walking. Why'd he do that? He should've just told me to do it on my own, right? I don't need anybody to do anything for me. He should've just left it alone! What the fuck is wrong with hi-
"Hey are you thirsty?" What? What was he saying? I looked over at him when he stopped. We were back in town now, I hadn't even noticed.
"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face.
"Uhm..what?" I asked with a blank expression on my face. What was he saying? Why was he even asking me instead of just telling me? Isn't that easier?
"I said are you thirsty? There's a place just down the road that sells the best hot chocolate, you'll love it!" He said, grabbing my hand to bring me down the road. He wanted to get me hot chocolate?
"I don't have any money, Bill." He looked back at me and laughed.
"I'm buying, dummy. Why would I offer you something and then make you buy it? I'm not that awful." He joked, keeping my hand firmly in his. What. He wants to buy me something?
"You don't need to do that bill. I don't want to be a burden-" I sputtered out, not wanting him to do something he'd regret before he interrupted me.
"Burden?! You?" He stopped walking again and pulled me closer. Our faces were only a couple inches apart now and my hands were in his. "Y/n, you're my girlfriend. If I wanna buy my girlfriend a hot chocolate I'm gonna buy my girlfriend a hot chocolate, 'kay?" I was stunned. I don't understand why he's like this. He's too nice, people are gonna take advantage of that. Nevertheless, I nodded and walked down to where they were selling hot chocolate. Bill made sure to put extra marshmallows on mine. Why was he treating me like this?
We arrived back at his house and he pulled me down onto his bed with him.
"Jesus christ! Your hands are freezing, why didn't you say something." My hands? I guess they're cold. I hadn't noticed. Maybe they had gone numb half way through and that's why. Why did Bill care, they'd warm back up with time.
"It's no big deal Bill, I'll survive.." his eyes went wide like I had two heads.
"Are you insane?! No way!" He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him. He rubbed his hands onto mine and wrapped mine tightly in his. "Can't have your fingers falling off. I need someone's hand to hold." I smiled at me and wrapped the blanket around me. I laid my head down on his pillow and closed my eyes. My life wasn't supposed to be like this. I wasn't supposed to have a perfect boyfriend who gets me hot chocolate or warms up my hands for me. I don't deserve this. You don't deserve this. She was back again. She's always there. My mother sitting in the back of my head like there's a throne waiting there for her. Why were her words stuck in me like glue. I'm sick of her constantly belittling me like I'm nothing. But I am. I am nothing. Nothing at all. Just a useless soul that needed to fill an empty body and nothing mor-
"Y/n! Wake up! Are you okay?" Huh..? What was happening? I turned my head and looked outside. It was pitch black out. Had I fallen asleep? I turned back to bill and he looked like he was on the verge of tears. He had shaken me awake from my slumber. "Are. You. Okay?" He asked again, "you were mumbling and crying in your sleep. Did you have a bad dream?" I was crying? My finger tips reached up towards my cheeks. They were wet. I guess I was crying.
"I'm fine, bill. It was nothing." I mumbled and laid back down. His mouth was slightly agape as he crawled closer to me and engulfed me into a hug. He laid kisses all over my face. Why? Why does he care?
"You're not fine, and it's okay to be not fine! Just tell me what's wrong and let me help you!" He said to me as both of his hands caressed my cheeks. Help..me? Like I'm some charity case that needs fixing? I didn't need to be fixed. Yeah maybe I'm not perfect to my mother and maybe I have some fucked up issues but I don't need to be fixed. What the fuck was his problem?! Doesn't he understand I'm perfectly fucking fine!
"I said, I'm fine!" I shouted at him, shoving bill away from me and pushing myself off the bed. I'm perfectly fine and I don't need him telling me what's wrong with me. His head hit the wall by his bed and I could hear a crack. I broke his wall. I don't care. That's his fault. He should've backed off.
I heard him calling out my name along with a couple cries in between. I pulled on my shoes and stormed out the door. I don't need him or anybody or anything! I don't need him treating me like I'm some child who can't control her emotions!
That was 2 weeks ago. I hadn't spoken or even looked at him in two weeks. What was wrong with me? I hurt the only boy who's ever loved me. He probably hates me now. I'm the worst girlfriend in the entire world. Im the stupidest person. You're the most dumb, ugly, disgusting daughter who has ever been seen on this earth.
she's back.
I'm fucked up in the head and I don't know how to fix it. I want to blame my mother and father but it's not their fault, right? They care about me. It's my fault I'm like this. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I have no one to blame but myself...right?
I was stuck sitting down in a chair while my mother poured goopy foundation onto my skin. We had to go to some classy town thing and I had to actually "look like a girl".
"Maybe if you were naturally beautiful I wouldn't have to waste my time doing this."
"Sorry mama..it's not my fault though..." She glared down at me and smacked the back of my head.
"You're lucky you have foundation on or I would've smacked the shit out of this disgusting face." She gritted between her teeth. Her words were like an awful, greasy poison dripping from her tongue. I hadn't done anything and some how I had made her mad again.
She shoved me into a long, cream colored dress and turned on the ignition. I leaned my head against the side of the door as we drove. Why couldn't I just be the normal, beautiful daughter my mother wanted? If there was a God, he had some serious explaining to do.
"Stop slouching! You think I want a daughter with bad posture?! My god! Can't you do anything right?" The speech. I've heard it a million times since I learned how to talk. How I can't do anything right and I'm just some failure who should've been aborted fifteen years ago. How I ruined my mother's life and how she was going to be a star if it wasn't for me.
It was a long car ride but we finally got there. And the event was even worse. There were so many people and the music was way to loud. I felt like crying. My hands were shaking and I couldn't stop picking at my nails. Women kept coming up and taking to me with their children. Friends of my mothers. I could guess by their judging stares. I looked lady-like and had good posture and was smiling. Why was I being judged, what am I doing wrong again? Why can't I just be normal? A normal girl who doesn't fuck everything up. Doesn't make her parents hate her. Doesn't ruin her parents lives. Doesn't make people feel awkward. Doesn't hurt their boyfriends.
And that was my breaking point. Tears flooded down my cheeks and everybody was staring at me. I stumbled away into another room and sobbed on the floor. I couldn't breathe. My hands hurt from picking at my nails and my face hurt and my body hurt and my eyes were burning and my makeup was surely ruined.
Everything is. I always ruin everything. What the fuck is wrong with me?! The one person who truly cared about me...i..I haven't- I hiccups against the wall and bawled my eyes out. The one person who truly, actually cared about me...I haven't talked to him in two weeks. Then I caught my breath. I stood up and wobbled to the nearest window. I pulled myself out of it and stumbled outside. My whole body hurt so I probably ooked crazy. I could feel mascara was running down my cheeks as I walked through the town.
My arms were freezing cold and I still felt like everybody was watching me. Their beady and judgy eyes staring me down like I was about to go crazy. Well, I guess technically they were right. I just started sobbing in front of everybody so I probably did look insane. You looked insane! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Can't you just act like a girl for once!? That's what my mother said me to in the 3rd grade after a play we did..
I finally got back to my house and looked up to the neighbour's house. Bills house. The light was on in his bedroom. He was awake. I turned back to my door and took a deep breath. I had to say something to him. Right? I had to make him believe I wasn't some crazy person who would push everybody away. Maybe that's what I was though..
I knocked on the door but nobody answered, so I stepped into their house. It was completely dark as I stumbled up the stairs to bills room. I looked at all the happy family pictures they had. God they were so lucky. So lucky to have a perfect family. A father and mother who love them. Having a twin must be great, it's like having a bestfriend for life, right?
As I stepped up the stairs I heard the door open. Bill must've heard me coming up. When he slowly looked around the corner I saw his eyes widen at my awful state. I guess I should've cleaned myself up first, I look a mess. My dress was torn from crawling out the window and my makeup was obviously smeared. I bet my hair wasn't too pretty either.
"Holy shit, y/n?!" He came down the stairs quickly and grabbed my arms, helping me up the stairs, "what happened?! You look...awful."
He sat me down on his bed and I didn't know what to say. I just stared at him. This perfect guy who loves me. I tried to open my mouth and say something but nothing came out. I guess he could tell I wasn't sure what to say because he went to the bathroom and grabbed some wipes.
"Here.." he kneeled down and began to wipe my makeup off. Tears slipped past my waterline as he comforted me. He just sat there looking up at me with a pity smile on his face as he cleaned me up. He took of my hands in his other hand and held it. He really was perfect. He saw him grab some lotion off his desk and rub it around my face after he wiped everything off.
"Come on, why don't we get you into some comfortable clothes okay?" I nodded at him and toyed with my fingers as he picked out some clothes.
I was laying in his arms now. His fingers were combing though my hair as I laid on his chest. I wasn't sure why he was doing this. Any sane person would've just kicked me out, right? I held onto bill tighter whenever he kissed my head and my cheeks. I cuddled up closer to him and nuzzled into his neck.
"I love you, y/n.." bill whispered as I dosed off into my sleep, breathing in his comforting scent and letting tears fall on his skin because he was the only person who was able to make me feel at home.
the end felt kinda rushed but I hope it was still good
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @dead-tapes @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam
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someone1348 · 1 year
Headcanons on Pav 💗✨?
EEEEE! THANK YOU EMERYY! I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 💖💞💖💞 (Pfft can you tell who my new favorite Spider-Man is!-)
ANYWAYS! I figured I'd split these up! I'm going to start with Lee and Ler Headcannons and then go to regular ones, for everyone requested so if you don't want to read about tickles I will make a sepreate one for regular headcannons another time! :]
I hope you all enjoy!
-K :]
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Man's is a solid 50/50 split for Lee and Ler!
-His sides are his worst spot, but they have to be squeezed for any reaction
-Light tickles do nothing there
-Light tickles in general don't give you much of a reaction form Pav, you'll get some giggles but nothing too much
-His laugh is super high pitched and childlike
-He squeals too, especially if you catch him off gaurd, which is hard to do with the spidey sense but it's possible!
-He doesn't do much to stop it, he'll just lay there and let himself laugh because he likes being happy and laughing and having fun
-He is unbothered by the word 'Tickle' he can say it and hear it and there's no reaction from him
-He's not used to compliments so if you say things like "I love your laugh" or "Your giggles and reactions are so cute Pavi" he's now lost himself to laughter he can't function anymore it's the best!
-He regrets making his costume without shoes, especially after Hobie gets to him, but he just hasn't changed it and doesn't plan on it ever
-He can handle it for a good while but when he calls for mercy you should stop immediately, he can't go too far past his limits especially if there's compliments involved but thankfully all of his friends and family understand and listen to him no matter what
-Doesn't care too much about being tickled in public but will probably get embarrassed regardless and try to stop whoever is doing it (thankfully that doesn't happen much, just a few pokes here and there which he can handle and enjoys)
-Doesn't really get into Lee or Ler moods often because he's always ready for it but the first time he had a major lee mood he could barely get out of bed without giggling and had to call Hobie for help, he was so red in the face, Hobie never let's him forget that day
-if he's ever causing too much trouble at HQ or something, Hobie will silently remind him of that day and his mood and energy changes immediately to wanting tickles again and he's no longer causing anyone playful trouble
-Everyone's so confused of what Hobie said to him that made him change so quickly but he won't reveal anything it's 'their little secret' as Hobie likes to call it!
-Pav switches between just straight up asking for it to provoking it depends on the day and how big the wanting is for tickles
-I feel like he has ticklish knees, like the tops of his knees, his kneecaps, yeah
-He can't handle the 'itsy bitsy spider' nursery rhyme, that's the one thing he can't handle, everything else is light work but that! He's a giggle storm
-He's just the sweetest little man you've ever seeenn!! 🥹☺️
-Oh boy 🫣
-Do not let his smile, charm, or sweet personality fool you this man doesn't know the meaning of the word mercy
-He's a hypocrite in that sense /lh, he'll beg for mercy from other's and they will respect it but when he's got a lee in his hands it's like that word doesn't even exist /pos /lh
-You either gotta be really strong and pry him off or get someone else to get him away
-He can't help it, he loves making people laugh and smile and it warms his heart from all of the reactions given from any person he tickles he gets carried away and never wants it to end! (My babyyyyy!)
-He is the tease master (next to Miles)
-He will use anything and everything to get his lee blushing and having fun
-Baby talk, compliments, the word itself, tickly type noises, all of it and more! if there's a tease out there he's going to use it
-He likes to test them all out the first time he tickles someone to see what gets them the most, once he figures that out, that's all he's doing from here on out and he remembers too, he's great at adapting
-He's very good at reading people so if you're in a lee mood he'll know, from a mile away, no matter how good you are at hiding it, he knows, he'll always know
-He has the teasy voice 😤👏 he's so good at it too! The closest example I can give to the people who don't know what the teasy voice is is when he said "New guy must be in love with youuu"
-I can not express enough how good he is at teasing, if his lee wasn't laughing from his tickles I promise you they'd be speechless
-He's just so good at tickling someone until their nothing but giggles, all of their thoughts out the window and stuff, He's just so good at tickles in general
-He's not one for using his yoyo or webs during tickle sessions, mainly because he is stronger anyway, but regardless he will if someone asks, it's just not his favorite thing, he likes them to be free but again he adapts no matter what, he's like liquid, he'll adjust to the container he's in (a science thing, I hope someone understood what I meant lmaoo!)
-If you are dating, it is going to be even worse, you're his favorite person, he is going to want to tickle you and have tickle fights so much because he knows that it makes you happy and it makes him happy too!
-but oh my god Pavi! He will just tell you how beautiful/handsome/stunning you look with such seriousness while tickling you so you know how incredible you are even while you're at his ticklish mercy he loves you so much!
-I love him so much oh my God!
-He's just the best!
-If I missed anything I will come back to these and add it! But AHHH!
I hope you all enjoyedd! More on the way soon!! :]
-K <3
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
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Here go!
I appreciate it, chief!
Ice's Petty Gripes with Apollo's Design
Okay so I'm not gone argue, if you disagree, just scroll on or block me. It's not that deep overall.
While his skin isn't as greenish as it usually is with desaturation issues, it still looks flat to me. I've seen that the art style has been updated though, so hopefully this is not an issue by the game release. Giving them a chance 👍🏾
His hair 😭😭 omfg I'm sorry. I just... It reminds me of back when we used to have games that would let you change the skin color of your model (gasp! So inclusive!) but the hairstyles were still limited to white people textures that sat awkwardly. We're past that. It's 2024. This could have been twists, freeform locs, a frohawk, or- my personal favorite, as he's symbolic of the sun at some point- an AFRO! Even a teeny weeny afro with some cute curl definition would have favored his facial structure!
If he'd been literal grey like his brother Ares, or white like his sister Artemis, I wouldn't have cared. But I think my general issue is the lack of commitment to defining Black features in art, and I think this one was just the straw that broke the camel's back for me lmao (I was already mad about Patroclus, but I overlooked it, kinda thought they'd learn from that).
We are not white; you have to consider that when you're designing us. We aren't painted the exact same way. We don't look like white people; lmao an entire sociological construct was invented to drive that point home in every aspect of our lives, but somehow we forget as soon as it's time to put paint to paper? And Supergiant is not some lone fanartist or crowd funded team. These are creators that have made excellent games and have excellent designs for the majority of their characters!
Now this is not me saying that they're bad people. They're not. I adore Hades! I just... I personally feel I have the right to expect better from games atp. This design is mid, from people capable of producing heat. I shouldn't have to settle for "well, at least they're Black" in 2024. And so I'm not 🤷🏾‍♀️ If you're gonna do a Black/Brown character, wholly commit to the design! I feel this way about EVERY medium that drops Black characters, in more ways than one (I have an entire blog about it lmaooo).
So yeah, it's not *that* deep on its own, I'm just not bout to call something hype when it's not. But I'm also not gone stop anybody else from playing or anything lmao.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Hello again I hope you're doing well and having a nice day anyways I kind of wanted to switch up my oc
Name: Rosemary
Age: 19
Personality: she is a cold person but she's also a kind person or gentle
Backstory: Rosemary is known for being a kind person but to the incident where she almost got sexually assaulted no one believed her though then she was killed no one cared about her death but Rosemary wanted them to pay so she made sure they all paid Rosemary manipulated and gaslighted everybody and doing this or that what she wanted she won't gaslight anyone but if she finds out that you're the one that bullied her you are dead meat but hey if you change then you'll be fine then she became immortal
Abilities: Rosemary controls these red poison butterflies which it's actually inspired from a manhwa that I read Rosemary has to consume poison though to control it don't worry there is medicine for it however the medicine always leaves her numb which means that it's slowly helping her with the poison madness or illusion butterflies she always uses them though she is a great swordsman however in order to summon them she has to cut the opponent or the opposite she can cut herself and she can summon them madness energy she hinges on that madness though so yeah she has the ability to teleport so yeah however she doesn't really use it though
Appearance: Rosemary has red eyes and long dark red hair that is almost like a black but it's red on the back or should I say inside of the back of the hair Rosemary wears a black top with a black skirt she also has a black jacket that hangs on her shoulders she wears black boots and where is this choker has a rose on it Rosemary loves sweets very much though she also has this villainous beauty going on in fact she used it against her bully who took it too far by sending her to the hospital so she took revenge and use that beauty against him she manipulated and gaslighting him
About her: in all honesty though she may act like a villain or villainous sometimes but you can't blame her though due to the fact that she's been through a lot I mean she did become immortal she smells like wine and ice cream vanilla ice cream and roses she's has a doll like appearance so she knows that her death won't comes so she no longer yearns for death she is a wandering swordsman or a wanderer in the past though she gaslighted the people that she hated and manipulate them you know but she giving that villainous beauty and also she also represents the red spider Lily the spider Lily is a beautiful flower but also deadly due to the fact that it has poison so yeah she's inspired from that she also really loves spider lilies very much very much red and black will be her favorite color however other colors suit her perfectly she wears makeup specifically red lipstick and I kind of want to show the picture so here but she would always wear different lipsticks though the picture is right there though
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Sorry if this is very long oh yeah I also forgot to mention she walks in these dresses though whatever she's not doing anything so she has like a lot of free time
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Sorry if I'm showing too many pictures I hope you have a wonderful night toodles
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I know I have read that manhwa but I can't remember where or what the name was🤔
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Blade: He begs her to poison him, he wants to feel like he's dying and the illusions and pain is as close as he can come, in a way that makes him similar to Rosemary since they both yearn for death, even if Rosemary has stopped yearning for it, Blade will take any connection possible.
The fact that she doesn't mind Blade's possessive behaviour will only fuel him to act even more possessive and deranged, he wont try to hide it, will kill right in front of her and smile while doing it.
Hopefully Rosemary wont mind being kidnapped as well, cus there is no way that Blade will ever let anyone else lay their disgusting looks on her, she may be strong but that would never stop Blade from taking her away.
"So beautiful, so prescious and all MINE"
Yoimiya: She sees only the best in Rosemary, no matter how villainous she acts, she loves to stare at her butterflies, how beautiful they are, she just doesn't like that Rosemary has to hurt herself every time she uses it... well that or hurt enemies but enemies don't just appear at random.
Yoimiya clings herself to Rosemary, never leaving her side, she can't even imagine a life where Rosemary is in, she just needs her to stay sane anymore, she has become an addiction to Yoimiya, and she doesn't mind at all.
Yoimiya just does whetever Rosemary wanna do, if she wanna paint then Yoimiya will paint as well, wanna get some revenge, of course Yoimiya will join as well. Yoimiya's life revolves around Rosemary and that wont stop anytime soon.
"Soooo, what do you wanna do today, I'm up for anything as long as you wont to do it"
(Ok, does anyone know the title of the manhwa, it's killing me not knowing😭)
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elisedonut · 2 months
I've been so freaking obsessed with Evan Rosier/Percy Weasley time travel fic.
Starts out as a Voldemort wins AU and Percy time travels to the past, ends up about 16/17 and back in Hogwarts, sorted into Slytherin, he doesn't know shit about Voldemort or how to prevent the war, so he does the only logical thing he can. Becomes a better alternative to Voldemort. Yup, straight up Percy Weasley cult, yes I'm doing that :P
It takes a while, but most of the other students are more or less on board, except Evan Rosier. He's hanging around because his friends are all enamoured, but he's suspicious, he doesn't trust Percy. Percy thinks he's hot c: Evans emotionally constipated self thinks Percy is hot too :p but very sus and he doesn't trust easy
So basically Percy has to change the future by forcing the Hogwarts population into therapy, becoming a sort of accidental cult leader, joining the pta and uniting with parents in ways that change actually happens even if they don't like some things he says, changing some of the dumb things the teachers do, changing the gryffindor bias, promoting interhouse unity and all that fun stuff :D
Yk like litte things that change everything
His and Evans dynamic is kinda like
Evan: *shaking the front of Percy's robes* I don't know who the fuck you are, or what you're playing at but I'm going easy on you because my friends like you. But you so much as stub their toe, you are dead, do you hear me?
Percy: That's nice, mind the robes will you? They're new. Unlike some people I can't afford buying new ones for every idiot who randomly decides to assault me.
Evan: You kissed Mulciber?
Percy: What of it
Evan: No- I just- Mulciber? He's probably got some- I don't know, infectious disease!
Percy: If I didn't know better I'd think you wanted to kiss me.
Evan: *spluttering*
Evan: Why were you hanging around with Snape
Percy: *flipping page of his book* We were discussing the importance of media literacy in charged political climates
Evan: *darkly* Of course you were.
Percy: Is there a problem?
Barty: *popping up out of nowhere with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle at Evan* Yeah, why are you bothering him Evan, it's like your obsessed :)
Evan: I am not obsessed! I just- I- I just think maybe his lordship shouldn't leave everyone out of interesting discussions!
Barty: Seriously.
Percy: Actually, that's a good point Rosier. Thank you for pointing that out. How about tomorrow we properly launch debate club! I'll go ask professor Slughorn, Rosier will you assist me?
Evan: *dying inside* Whatever. I don't have anything else that I'm doing so like- yeah
Evan doesn't know why the fuck Percy is crying but he gets it. He gets what it's like and he doesn't trust him, can't trust him, can't make that shrivelled little thing inside him reach out and accept someone new, but he can understand. And he holds him. And Percy cries into his jumper until he's asleep and then Evan tells himself he should go, he shouldn't be here, it feels so wrong to see this boy so vulnerable and trusting but he stays and in the morning they don't talk about it. In the morning Avery fawns a little as he pours milk in Percy's cereal and he sneers just the same as usual, a hufflepuff asks for Percy's thoughts on rock music and he scoffs and rolls his eyes the same as usual but he finds himself checking if Percy actually eats the food they give him, seeing the dark circles under the redheads eyes, seeing the smudged and filled up schedule he keeps worrying over
oh sounds neat
ngl I don't really know anything about Evan because I'm not a Marauder girlie like at all
Death Eaters are honestly my least favorite people to pair with Percy personally and there's not many that I do actively like
so i don't tend to pay them much attention unless i find them interesting for some other reason
because as anyone who's been here long enough can probably tell i have a hard time caring about characters unless i can tie them back to Percy in some way or another
but regardless yeah Percy and Time travel are two of my favorite fic genres so i could see the appeal
Percy trying to start a cult himself is very funny though
like at this point he just doesn't know what else to try so he's just kind of like fuck it i guess ill try this
it is neat because Evan's the only one seemingly suspicious and in a way his suspicions are right like Percy is 100% up to something its just that the something isn't actually a bad thing really
Also your writing him so jealous thats always fun
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thatonecrookedsmile · 5 months
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You know, one thing I don't like when I digitally color sketches is that the colors end up looking a little desaturated because of the paper. It doesn't look bad, I guess, but I have to eventually find a way to "fix" it eventually.
Anyway, today marks 6 years since BATIM Chapter 4 was released. Damn. I know I say something similar every time I recognize the passage of time, but it's hard to believe that it's been more than half a decade since this chapter came out. Time passes, I get older, it's crazy! And I wanted to do something to celebrate. I've never been able to do anything to celebrate this chapter's anniversary since 2019. Which is a shame because "Colossal Wonders" is my favorite chapter in BATIM. Some of my favorite moments from this game are in this chapter.
And every year I try to do something to celebrate the anniversary, but I never manage to do it and it sucks! And as usual, what I really wanted to do this year didn't end up happening. I'll probably do it at some point later, but there was no way I could execute the idea I had in mind in such a short amount of time. But I still wanted to post something today, so something small will have to do.
In this case, oh hey! It's Bertie and Lacie! In recent times I've been going back to old designs of mine of the human cast of the Bendy universe, and since CH4's anniversary was coming up, I thought it would be good to update my designs for both Bertrum and Lacie. It's been so long since I last drew them, so it's about time. I liked the general idea of the last versions of them that I did in the past, so I tried to keep those ideas still, in a way, but at the same time giving them new life. Lacie falls more in this case, tbh. Bert still maintains some of the previous idea, but I had to change a few details. He still looks good, tho.
I originally wanted to put Jack Fain here too, because,by all accounts, Jack Fain only came into existence with the release of CH4 and the remasters of the other chapters. As much as you can put him on CH2's anniversary,he, at the end of the day, was only introduced on April 30, 2018. Problem is, I didn't like the drawing I made of him. I don't know, it wasn't that good in my opinion. And I didn't want to redo the drawing again (this would be my third attempt) and I wouldn't have enough time to redo his part. So today we'll just have Bernie and Lacie. Sorry Jack. Maybe next time, when I show my CH2 cast designs in one place.
Once again, happy anniversary to Chapter 4! This is my favorite chapter of the game to date. It includes some of my favorites from the story, it has several surprises that caught me the first time I saw the chapter, it brought new updates to previous chapters that added things that I still like to this day (and this goes especially for CH2) And overall, it's a pretty cool chapter me thinks. 👍
That one day we can hear more from Bertrum and Lacie again.🙏 (Especially Lacie. Seriously, don't you guys think it's wild that Lacie is the only one of the human cast of BATIM who hasn't appeared in practically anything since the first game. Like, yeah, she's mentioned in the Handbook, but other than that, she's not mentioned in nothing else after, whether in games or books. I think about this from time to time. Truly one of the Bendy characters of all time)
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petz5 · 1 month
Hello, I'm sure you have a lot of people here but I just wanted to say I love your content. Ranma 1/2 was my first anime and I don't really have anyone else in my life I can talk to about it. One thing I haven't seen discussed is how when the fiances have a "once and for all" battle it either ends in a tie or akane winning, favorite time this happened would have been the cooking challenge where akane only served tofu and ranma was so confused about how he wasn't getting sick to pick a winner.
I had a long reply and tumblr CRASHED AND I LOST IT 😭 first of all thank you!!! That means a lot to hear!! I don't actually get asks too often so this is rlly sweet
I agree lol I'm sure that's an ep a lot of people would consider just skippable filler and ooc bc its an ukyo/ranma ship tease one, but.......... i like it lol i didn't think it was ooc, even the damning moment at the end when ranma whispers to ukyo that he likes her better in her usual (guy) clothes comes across to me as him just being concerned that his good friend is trying to fundamentally change herself for him. Yeah it's meant to be a little flirty but he knows she likes him and is trying to boost her confidence in a way she'll be receptive to, and he makes sure akane doesn't overhear bc he doesn't want her to think he's into ukyo. I mean come on, like you said ranma was so distracted by akane's food being edible for once that he didn't even pay attention to how any of the other girls dishes tasted, it's pretty obvious who he's set on lol
I don't think ranma having to pick between suitors was ever a genuine debate despite what twitter will tell you in his mind past the first like 20 seconds of meeting each of them and going "oh she's pretty cute" before introducing akane as his fiancee lmaoooo and that said its still fun to see them egg akane on to compete against them and she's like "this is so embarrassing and stupid" and does her best anyway 💀💀💀 ranma and akane might complain the entire way but ultimately they'll do anything for each other and thats how u know its real
also my fave example of this is ~vol 30 when kodachi's rival calls ranma stupid and ugly and akane gets so offended she not only makes him go on a date w kodachi but dresses him up nice first while he's just like "what the fuck" and drags his feet abt the entire thing
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hiddenlibary · 1 year
It was my Pleasure.
One day while walking through the streets of Belobog, you get lost in finding your way home. As luck would have it, the Captain of the Silvermain guards happens to be on duty around this time. Did I mention that you're an undergrounder who happens to be related to Sampo?
I do plan on making a part 2
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You are currently walking around the streets of Belobog, lost, and without your older brother. You two had snuck onto the overworld before but never at night, and he never let you in the city. Or near it for that matter.
However, he thought it would be a good idea since he had been getting close to being caught and wanted you to be a lookout.
What he failed to take into account was the fact that he told you to meet him there despite not knowing where to go. As you were looking for your brother you heard fast-approaching footsteps behind you. When you turned around you were met with the sight of the brother you spent the last 15 minutes looking for. Though before you could say anything he ran past you while yelling.
"Don't ask! Just run!"
You paused and quirked a brow, not really sure what he was getting at, though your thought process was cut short when you heard more people approaching you.
When you turned around you were met with Silvermain guards, though one stood out from the rest.
One, because he didn't have a helmet.
Two, he didn't have armor like the others.
And three, he was gorgeous.
He seemed like a character from a novel, the good kind that everyone likes. "Excuse me, miss."
'...I'm so screwed...'
"Uh, yeah?" You couldn't help but mentally scold yourself about how stupid you must have sounded. "I don't mean to bother you, but have you seen someone run through here?" You tilt your head down in thought.
Debating if you should lead them somewhere else despite brother ditching you, or be petty and tell them where they went.
'He's escaped them more than once he can do it again.' You nodded pointing in the direction Sampo went. "I saw a man run that way, he seemed to be in a hurry." The blonde glanced in the direction you pointed in before turning back to you. "Thank you. Have a good night." With that, he and the other guards ran in the direction your brother went.
Since the passage between the overworld and the underworld has been sealed your brother "took it upon himself" to sneak onto the surface to get anything really. Though he would sometimes run errands for Natasha so it wasn't all bad. But still, that wasn't how the Silvermain guards saw it, you reap what you sew.
Besides, the last thing you needed was Selee on your back, or worse, Natasha. The thought made you slightly shiver.
You took the passage back to the underworld and went to Natashas' clinic to see if she had anything to do for you, though you couldn't help but take your time on the overworld and admire the moon and stars.
While you were heading to the clinic you shrieked when two hands grabbed your shoulders and yelled next to your ear. When you turned around you were met with your brother.
"That's for leading them to me. I'm hurt, not even a second thought about your favorite brother." Sampo pouted. "First of all, you're my only brother. Second, that's what you get for leaving me alone, in Belobog, at night." His pout grew and before you knew it you were bickering like children.
Eventually, you went your separate ways, while doing so you ran into Selee. You were friends with her for a while so you naturally started a conversation. "Are you ok? You're acting weird." You turned to her when she suddenly changed the topic.
"What does that mean?" She sighed as she smiled, the two of you started to walk together. "You've been spacing out since you got back. Shield for your thoughts?" You tilted your head down going over the past few minutes.
You came to the realization that you were spacing out, then an image of blonde hair and blue eyes appeared in your mind.
"Woah, I didn't know you could get red so fast." You turned to her and placed a hand on your cheek, you were burning up. The two of you chuckled and you both stopped. "Ok, fine you caught me. I may or may not have met someone that was a little easy on the eyes." And placed her hands on her hips as she quirked a brow and gave you a sly smile.
"A little? You should check your reflection you're so red. you look like you might have a heart attack or something" You playfully punched her arm before you both laughed. As your laughter died down she sighed. "Anyway did you hear about the stunt your brother pulled earlier?"
"...Oh Qlipoth, what did he do?" She sighed and shook her head. "He brought three outsiders and a Silvermain guard to the underworld." You perked up. "A Silvermain guard? Here?" She nodded, and you sighed and rubbed your temple. "It's never boring at least." She gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Anyway, I'm heading over there right now, care to join?"
"Join you in tracking down a Silvermain guard in the underworld after they were brought here by my brother. What could possibly go wrong?"
You both laughed before running toward where the Silvermain guard was seen.
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made-ofmemories · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @jesuiscenseedormir
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively writing for 9-1-1 at the moment. Have written for many others in the past.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
All of these are 911 + Buddie or background Buddie
You can feel it on the way home (You are in love) || words: 23k || T || Buck moves in with Eddie after the loft is destroyed
I built a home (for you, for me) || words: 6k || T || Eddie shows up to work wearing one of Buck's shirts. Assumptions are made and revelations are had.
Just go with it || words: 9k || T || the 5 times someone thinks Buck is Chris' dad + the 1 time it's official
What's up with A shift || words: 3k || T || A shift knows no peace. B shift live in fear of the day they have to cover for them.
Feels like home || words: 1.5k || G || In which Buck stays for dinner, Eddie decides to be brave, and Chris just wants to do his homework in peace.
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm allergic to sad endings so I don't really have any, but I'd probably say Eddie is in the room, just because of the nature of that fic but it still has a somewhat happy hopeful ending it's just closer to angst than anything else I've written
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I'd probably say Just go with it, because the entire last segment of that one is very domestic bliss kinda vibes
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't so far
9. Do you write smut?
No, I'm not against it I just prefer writing other things and haven't written a fic where it felt necessary
10. Craziest crossover?
Marvel, The Walking Dead and Supernatural for a crack fic exchange I used to do with my friends every Christmas
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once years ago but by the time I was alerted, it had been dealt with
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm open to it
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
Yeah I write with @ladydorian05 all the time!
14. All time favorite ship?
Favorite at the moment is Buddie but I don't know what my favorite of all time is, it changes too much
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
I have a tendency to go back to stuff after months of ignoring it so I'm never really sure. I also have a lot of stuff I know I won't finish but don't really want to right now either I'd say the one I'm having the most trouble with right now is a 5+1 of the 5 times the 118 bet on Buck and Eddie getting together + the 1 time someone wins the bet just because I feel like there's lots of ways for it to go wrong and I keep overthinking it. I also have a fic about Buck, Bobby and Chris at the zoo that I'd love to finish but I never have any ideas to flesh it out with so I never write it
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fluff. Probably fluff.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with dialogue, correct punctuation and I also tend to be very overdramatic and cheesy especially if I'm writing angst
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
Love it but I try to avoid it unless I'm working with someone who is fluent in said language
19. First fandom you wrote for
Supernatural probably but I don't remember exactly
20. Favorite fic you've written
An unlikely friend from the Eddie Diaz and the Universal Cat Distribution system series It was purely self indulgent and I really had a lot of fun writing it, I also enjoyed the process of trying to write something that took place alongside canon for the majority of the time
Tagging: @loveyouanyway @nmcggg @ladydorian05 @inell @agirllovespancakes
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
welcoming old friends and acquaintances
female spider
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This is modern adaptation of where I belong
Life can always be hard and easy, for anyone when things haven’t gone so well. That was very true for a girl had been living a good, life until it all came crumbling down. That was her one part of her life, as she soon started over thinking the ones from the past will stay there but it seems like faith was not working that way.
Myla “ …….” myla is laying in her bed in the morning as her phone alarm started going off, she soon open her eyes and got up turning off her alarm.
myla " time for a brand new day" myla laid in bed a bit longer until she finally decided to get put of bed, and get ready for the day or maybe halfway ready. She was playing a video from one of her favorite channels that she use to watch with some old friends.
myla " ......" the last past years of mlya life had been hard on her but she soon found some change, that had made everything better. Once she was ready she made her way downstairs still listening and watching the video.
myla " breakfast" myla had grabbed some cereal and sat down at the kitchen table, once her breakfast is ready she started eating. The home she now lives in is bigger then her home from years ago, after moving her with her father the rest of her family life had changed dramatically.
myla " haha very funny" soon myla had heard someone coming down the steps, she soon looked up to see her mom standing there.
varrang " hello sweetie you are already up"
myla " good morning mom" Varrang had become myla stepmom after marring myla father Quaritch, while other would call Varrang her stepmom she had become her mom.
Varrang " your dad out for his morning runs with your uncles and aunts"
Myla " that sounds like them"
Varrang " I would of come along with the others but a call had come on the phone"
myla " dad understands mom"
Varrag " I know he does and this does allow them to do more extreme stuff" myla and varrag laugh as someone soon open the sliding door near the kitchen.
Quaritch " oh good my favorite girls are here"
myla " hey dad"
Varrang " hey honey"
Quaritch " you still watch the channel after all this time sweetie"
myla " yeah I still like this channel and even due what happened in the past was bad along with sad I still love these videos"
varrag " that good"
quaritch " how was the phone call"
Varrag " long but more will be spoken later after everyone arrives"
quairtch " good because these talks needs to happen"
myla " what going on" myla looked at her parents as they looked at each other and soon her.
Quaritch " a meeting between the adults of the clan here and elsewhere, something has come up at needs address"
myla " okay"
Varrag " don't worry my daughter the great mother will shine her light on us and keep us safe"
myla " yes mother" the rest of the morning had gone good, as the afternoon soon reached and the meeting will be happening soon. As varrang and Quaritch seem to be having private conversations, about what had been mentioned this morning.
ding dong
Myla “ I will get the door” myla had went front door and soon opens to see all her uncles and aunts.
Lyle “ hey kid”
myla “ hey uncle Lyle and everybody else”
Z dog “ hello sweetie it good to see you are up and about”
myla “ I’m always I'm come inside mom and dad, will over here soon”
Lopez “ thank you”
Prager “ let’s hope this meeting will be beneficial”
myla “ oh so you all know about the meeting as well”
Lyle “ yes we do”
Myla “ do I need to be worry about the meeting, as it seems like I should be worried about everyone tone”
Oing “ everything will be fine sweetheart we are just talking with other clans, to reach a agreement about something”
myla “ okay”
Quaritch “ good you are all here we just nee to get everything together for the meeting”
varrnag “ before everyone else arrives here”
myla “ I can help set up anything and I promise to stay out of way, when the meeting starts mom “
Varrang “ thank you for being helpful honey and if very much appreciated” myla had smiled and nodded her head she soon, helped get the home ready with everyone else for the meeting. The guests had come and myla greeted them alongside her family.
Myla " I'm going for a walk"
Quaritch " are you sure you want to do that you can hangout in the basement and watch tv or hangout in your room"
myla " I will be good dad I'm might also stop by the outlets as well, I have my wallet on me along with AirPods I will be good"
varrang " okay but be home before dark young lady"
myla " yes ma'am" myla soon put on her shoes before she left the house heading out on a walk, but she was still wondering what the meeting was about anyways. It very import on how everyone had gather at the house.
myla " whatever is about it go everyone worried and mom doesn't seem very happy" myla was walking around listening to her music when she noticed, the house that had been on sell were now sold.
myla " oh well there are gossip going around that those houses and other stuff had been sold I wonder who brought them ... this might be interesting" myla was walking pass some shops along with other important places as well.
????? " myla" myla soon stopped dead in her tracks when she heard her name getting called, she soon looked back to see someone from her past.
myla " tuk"
????? " tuk what are you carrying on about and dont be yelling so ..."
tuk " come quick myla is here she is here come and see" soon myla had been greeted by her old friends as they rush to see, what tuk was carrying on about. To see that the little girl is speaking the truth as you are really here.
kiro " myla"
myla " hey long time no see"
lo'ak " you are really here we thought we wouldn't see you again, after you moved away"
kiro " I'm so happy to see you do you live in this neighborhood"
neteyam " we didn't know you will be here when we moved her with the family and clan, this is so surprising"
myla " well life full of surprise"
aonung " hey guys what going on here we have been looking for you ...myla" myla soon notice more friends from her past are here as well.
tsireya " myla" tsireya soon hugged the girl happy to see her after her being gone for so long.
rotxo " wow did you all know she will be here"
sully kids " no"
kiro " we can't believe you are here when you and your dad left no one knew where you had gone"
aonung " as no one seem to care about them leaving along with the rest" aonung was soon smack on his shoulder by neteyam who glared at him.
aonung " sorry"
myla " it okay"
kiro " myla we know things didn't end ...."
Jake " hey kids us adults had talked and decided take out will be good, as it will take to long to set up the kitchen to cook ... myla"
tuk " dad look myla here"
myla " hey mr sully" Jake looked shock to see the girl so are all the kids as well.
????? " ma Jake have you spoke to the kids what do they ..." soon myla looked up to see neytiri and her mother standing there, they had become shock to see the girl.
????? " hey Jake we came by to ... myla"
???? " what going on here .... myla"
???? "that girl what is she doing here" myla soon noticed the other adults from her past had come by, she had once idolize them but this days seem to be gone for some of them.
myla " hello everyone"
neytiri " what are you doing her girl havent you and your family done enough to us, did you get my kids to tell you that we are here"
tuk " no mama she was walking pass the house when I saw her"
Jake " neytiri be nice she just a teen she means no harm"
neytiri " I know her well enough"
myla " I'm not here for trouble"
ronal " neytiri has rights to be mad and worry knowing your family bloodline and that past with you and our children"
tonowari " ronal this time for new start for us all"
ronal " not when she her she has done nothing but brought trouble and danger"
myla " what don't I make you all an offer here right now I stay far away from you and your families, and seeing that you are all here meaning your clans are here as well along with grace group as well"
kiro " myla no that not fair we can't do that to you"
myla " it for the best as I wish not to bring any trouble or danger to anyone"
norm " myla no please it has been hard on us all during these last couple years"
myla " I know it has as I was hard on me as well but I will not use that, to gain any support and empathy from anyone"
mo'at " you seem to be doing well child a new look and everything, the great mother has shine bright on you"
myla " thank you mo'at and it seems like she had looking out for you all as well ... good now if you excuse me I will be taking me leave as I don't wish to ruin anymore of your evening ... there are some good places here to get food if you want to know"
tonowari " thank you"
tsu'tey " why don't you have a meal with us or we can give you a ride home .. it to late for you to be out here alone"
myla " thank you but I ...."
????? " myla" soon everyone looked to see a car had parked near them, soon the car window rolled down a bit.
???? " I saw you here and thought you will need a ride home, knowing your dad will not want you out her so late"
myla " oh yes thank you"
norm " wait do you know his driver"
myla " yes I know the driver" myla soon open the car door and soon got inside, as she soon closed the door right away.
myla " bye everyone"
kiro " bye" the group of old friends seem heartbroken they finally had her back in their lives, and now they are losing her once again due to the behaviors of adults. The car widow soon rolled up as the driver didn't feel like looking at the adults anymore.
myla " thank you for the save there uncle Roio" the car soon took off leaving the area.
Roio " anytime there had been reports coming in about what was going on, and I came to get you before my sister or your dad got here"
myla " that not good"
roio " nope and knowing my sister she not going to let this slide" myla had nodded her head now know her past was here, there was no getting away from it. The duo soon arrived at home once they walked into the home, it was easy to say that everyone might know of the whole interaction that had taken place. The meeting had gone on for a bit longer until it came to an end, everyone soon bide goodbye. later that night.
Varrang " may we come inside and speak with you"
myla " yes"
Quaritch " so you saw the sully family and company"
myla " yes and I'm guessing they are ones that brought the emptied houses, and some of the labs spaces along with maybe other places"
Varrang " yes the clans had offered to give them places to stay for a while here, and for a good exchange among all the clans and people"
myla " Neytiri and ronal were not happy to see me"
varrang " yes I know that and we will deal with them later on"
myla " i want to feel happy to see them but I'm still upset and hurt, thing didn't end well most of them think me as some bad child"
quaritch " sweetie you have nothing to worry about while we are here, and the rest of our family and clan"
myla " yes dad"
Varrang " good now come on I had order dinner and it will be here soon, family dinner are always good for us" the family had dinner together once it arrived, myla was deep down praying everything will go well for her in the days to come. She knew she couldn't stay away from the ones of her past forever, as sooner or later she will be meeting them once again.
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jeanmoreaux · 1 month
okay so not to alarm you but prince's gambit has rewired my brain
like objectively i admit this series is dark and gross and yada yada yada all the caveats, i get it....but also i'm gonna be so honest i was expecting worse? like more specifically between damen and laurent. like the world itself is crude and terrible but everybody made it seem like it was this insane relationship that leaned into the sex slavery part and i'm just so compelled by the fact that as characters, both damen and laurent are overall....pretty decent people. like sure they have slaves, they kill people sure, but they don't abuse each other to the same extent like i see in a lot of toxic ships and that's soooo fascinating. (especially because i'm still waiting on laurent's reasoning for his celibacy! what is he hiding!!!) the reason the ship works so well is that starts as enemies to allies first and they do shockingly treat each other with as much consent as they're able most of the time. and in book two especially there's just so much less horror than in book one.
i think it was uncomfortable to adjust to the world itself because of obvious reasons but i think the political intrigue of book two is SO interesting and compelling and yeah i'll say it, i fucking love stories where the enemies end up becoming the only people they can trust - and the REASON IS they are BOTH TRYING TO DO GOOD! which is again so andreil coded, although it's for sure in a different way. my other favorite character archetype is the bad guy who is actually doing good underneath he just never corrects anyone because it's easier and better strategically to be bad!!! (me reading this: oh okay so it's a rhysand thing isn't it) like sure laurent is a bitch but he's literally giving aaron warner
i'll admit i am slightly terrified of what will happen when laurent finds out who damen actually is but i am LIVING for these bonding moments where they keep saving each other's life like DAMN i'm into that shit
anyway. i've fallen into the deep end and i fear i'll be stuck here for a while but hey, it's fun. i feel like i should be more ashamed of enjoying it BUT it's fun.
i know you already finished kings rising by now and i know i already screamed sufficiently in the dms (<3) BUT i just need to post this because your reactions in any shape and form are priceless to me. like YEAH it isn’t as bad as some people make it out to be. like you mentioned in some other tags on your blog, for a series that people claim is about focused on sex slavery (which it is not lol) there is a lot of consent happening. also like. the gross and disturbing stuff mostly happens in book one (after that it’s getting much tamer (still heavy and disturbing things happening but to a different extent) and it’s mostly just established things playing out and the main dynamic shifts so so much from where it started and in book three you understand why things unraveled and happened the way they did in book one. and by then everything has changed and the person they used to hate is their focal point and the only person they can actually trust. and the loyalty and devotion are well-earned and bone deep on both sides. it’s just soooo *head in hands* 🧎‍♀️and just to have it said, with an ounce of critical thinking you can see that there are points being made—shocking and “problematic” things in this story do have a point to exist in the story. it’s actually a story that at its core much more about love and forgiveness and overcoming your past than anything else. people either get it or they don’t.
and i know you understand now when i said they are andreil coded in a distinct way in the sense that their dynamics resembles them but they both resemble them as individuals as well but also they are completely different from neil and andrew and ahhhhh it makes me feel insane but You Know.
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fellow-nerd · 7 months
Time to go crazy about the characterisation changes in the new atla cuz oh boy do I have thoughts
The main thing I noticed for all of them is that this show is focused about telling a story about a war torn world and how that affected everyone first and a coming of age hero story second, which is a choice considering the source material which balanced them both extremely well.it never had to be so heavy handed for the audience to get it but that also could be because it's a kids show at the end of the day 😅
Aang: where is my adventure loving kid. He just wants to ride the Elephant koi and show his new friends cool things. Yes, his past weighs heavy on him and expectations press down, but he's still just 12. It takes him time to work through his grief and his reluctance to save the world and that is literally his big arc. Learning to grow up and save the world (becoming THE avatar ya know). This Aang gets with the program quick and is only concerned with helping people and stepping up, like little dude ur telling me u don't want to go penguin sledding. I dunno it just feels so off. Love the stuff with gyatso too.
Katara: she's actually the most true to her og character I think. I just wish there was more focus on her like there was in the og. She was my first favorite charcter, put some respect on her name. It was criminal to give the opening to kyoshi, like girl u have ur own novels to be in! ALSO WHY DIDNT SHE BREAK THE ICEBERG!!! UGH SO MAD AT THAT.
Sokka: look I get it It's the year of lord 2024 misogyny has no place. So why don't we tell the story of how a guy learns that those views are wrong and how to change ur views rather than pretending that it never existing, like erasing it. As much as it can be critiqued Sokkas misogyny was the catalyst for Katara to hit the iceberg and free Aang. Narratively this gets them both invested in Aang and just shows Sokkas growth on every rewatch. They could've toned it down but it's a big part of his character growth and what are the gonna fill that with, if anything at all.
Suki: now her in live action I can get behind. She ate and left no crumbs. She put Sokka in his place and stole the episode for me. Also I loved the addition of her mom, honestly goals. Can't wait to see how they utilize her throughout she's the best. No comment.
Jet/freedom fighters: pretty much the same, I didn't love the condensing plot lines all into omashu tho
Teo/Sai: same as above but I loved the Way the two interacted it had so much depth.
Iroh: not sure how to feel. It feels wierd hearing iroh not voiced by Mako ya know. Like his dailougue was fine but it lacked that inflection Mako had which really Gave iroh all his character. It's big shoes to fill and it comes so close. I did die for the line where he says he's the one who owes Zuko. Like. Ugh. The implications of that. How Zuko made him wake up and gave him a reason to keep going. Its enough to make a girl cry.
Zuko: oh zuko, zuko, zuko, zuko. Again tough shoes to fill. I think that the characterisation is all there the challenge comes later on when we get his redemption arc. I do love the seeds they are planting especially in his relationship to Iroh.
Azula: now I called it as soon as I saw that girl, knew it was her who else could I have been. Just as evil, just as lustful for power, definitely in character for her to be doing what's she's doing this early on. Will definitely keep tabs on this one.
Bumi: now he about WRECKED ME ok. It was rough. I loved this recharacterisation. If ur gonna give us a war torn world, give me the war torn ruler, whose been carrying all that trauma and burden on his back for 100 years. Of course he's gonna be mad at Aang of course HES gonna BE MAD himself. So yeah it was rough to watch but because it was so hard hitting to see how war destroyed Bumis mindset, and then so wonderful to see Aang give his oldest friend a piece of himself back
In conclusion I care about Avatar way too much and will be ranting about this even more as I continue watching
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thewickedbohemian · 9 months
Thoughts on what was ACTUALLY the Found mid-season finale (last episode really felt like it)
Whether or not you think there's anything romantic between Sir and Gabi (I don't, I think in her mind there's just anger and in his he sees it as more (pardon my reference to a paranormal show for a realistic-fiction one) a Giles/Buffy sort of thing), the narrative sure likes to either play chicken with it or try to have it both ways (as yeah there was all the more mentor/father-figure-y implications but the bit with the notebook heart was readable as him thinking she had feelings for him)
Speaking of romantic imagery surrounding them regardless of the romantic relationship, between her background and brains, the connection he feels, and him luring her in with a library full of classics, does Sir think this is Beauty And The Beast or something?
(not fully just because of the specific tactic the therapist was trying) Margaret at the therapist giving me mad Diana Goodman from Next To Normal energy
Especially since we know there will be a S2 where does the narrative go from here given the cliffhanger, y'know, how is her call not going to mean what we think or how is the formula going to change in a way that makes this more than just "a normal procedural with a case theme"
If come S2 Sir is still a major player (and I feel like he has to be not just because of setup but because there's things about the past we haven't seen in flashbacks like it's barely touched on Lacey even though presumably she was still there for a significant amount of time) I want the S2 trailers to have as their background music some kind of creepy (music-box, minor-key, or slowed-down-in-the-same-way-as-Lana-Del-Rey's-Once-Upon-A-Dream-cover as long as it has lyrics) cover of "To Sir With Love" by Lulu
Despite last episode feeling like a mid-season-finale case this one still did in a different way as everyone (even including Sir if he unofficially counts) had some way to be emotionally connected and/or was doing some serious grade-A projecting of their own perspective onto some player in the case
It's not just the flashbacks but I feel like even the present-day narrative apart from episode 2 and the end of last episode (and therefore kind of the fandom) has kind of glossed over Lacey and no wonder people on one of the subs were comparing her to those interchangeable Law & Order SVU DA ladies or w/e that seemingly narratively exist solely to tell Olivia what she's doing is wrong and get shot down by her when the narrative though acknowledging Lacey does have trauma just kinda lets everyone else bounce theirs off her
Regardless of if Sir has any mental illness/neurodivergence (as despite what my mom thinks I doubt it's all just childhood trauma underlying why his mind goes those places), dude's metaphorically got no theory of mind. It's not just in the flashbacks with how he assumes connection not in evidence from his and Gabi's shared intellect and tragic/chaotic background (and btw if any weird mental crap he has explains his fixation I think it's less anything that could have a romantic/sexual component and more a BPD-esque favorite person thing and that's the way she took the place of the woman he met as a kid in his mind) but even when he's attempting to help her with her investigations he has a tendency to assume things about the mind or character of victims or suspects based on his experience (either of his own mind or how he views the world)
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5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
tagged by @pose4photoml @morkofday and @leonpob. Thank you so much for the tag! 🧡 I love tag games and music, so this is perfect 😊
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
This is really hard for me! There are so many beautiful OSTs and all are different and special to me 😭 So I am going to go with five favorites from different countries.
I. Korea: Rainbow by Coldin | OST from Love Tractor
I love the series and this song just gives me such a good feeling. The music just fits the series so beautifully. It is light and on the other hand a little bit melancholic. It is about a new love and allowing to be loved and love again and to walk this life together. I love it so much! And yes, he is sang Romatic Devil from the Semantic Error OST 😊 Just another great song!
II. Phillipines: Ride Home by Ben&Ben | OST from Like in the Movies
I know, this song is in englisch, but by a Filipino Band. This song and the scene when it played in the series...just AAAHHHHHH!!!!! I love it so so much! It is so perfect! And when you want to hear more of this great folk-pop band, I can really recommend Leaves or Araw-Araw. They have some really good songs. And if you haven't watched Like in the movies (Gaya Sa Pelikula), you really missed something. Such a good show!
III. China: Wu Ji by Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo | OST from The Untamed
Bold of anyone to think I wouldn't list this song! I mean, it is from the OST of my favorite series ever, sung by the main actors and I just love it SO much! But, to be fair, I would have taken something from Stay With Me, but the OST isn't out yet and I haven't found the song I love so much on Spotify. But this song right here it transports so many emotions for me. Such an epic song! I remember I heard the song before I have watched the series and was just blown away. After that I started the series and yeah, the rest is history. I fell in love with them and the whole story. I have the novels, but not the time to read them yet. I guess I find some time during my upcoming vacation.
IV. Thailand: REDO (ย้อนเวลา) by Krist Perawat | OST from Be My Favorite
The series has taken over my heart and so had this song. And I like his voice, singing or talking. And this song just speaks to my heart. It has a light tone, but the meaning is quite deep, just as the series itself. And I am in love. I guess there are just a few people out there, who don't want to change something in the past, undo some mistakes, make a different choice. Of course it is not possible, but it can be a reminder to just live the best life you can, so you won't regret your choices in the future. Oh man, I am so in love with this series!
V. Japan: 遠い国 by 上野大樹 | OST from Our Dining Table
You know the feeling when you watch something and there is this song and you can't think about anything else until you found the song and you can finally breathe again and just listen to this wonderful music? Yeah, that happend to me with this song. I don't know why, but I really want to cry when I listen to it, because it is so beautiful.
Because my five are full, I give an honorable mention to Twins by Julia Peng. It is from the OST of the taiwanese mini-series Innocent.
Oh, there are so many more good songs from these shows which I love so much and couldn't fit in here 😭
I really don't know who already participated in this, I know it is quite popular right now, but I just tag some people 😊 As always no obligations, just a little Hi, I thought about you 🧡
@rocketturtle4 @gunsatthaphan @maxescheibechlinichacheli @jyuubin @negrowhat @pharawee @forcebook @lurkingshan
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