#Yeah but anyway she went to the Deetz/Maitland house looking for a place to stay but drove everybody crazy
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i-really-like-phrogs · 11 months ago
Re-design of my un-named Beetlejuice OC from back when I was thirteen
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Original Reference under the cut:
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#my art#beetlejuice#toonjuice#beetlejuice cartoon#beetlejuice fanart#beetlejuice movie#procreate#I don’t really make OC’s for fanwork anymore… but the ones I had when I was younger almost never got named 🥲#When I first made her I really really liked her- and her story was very self indulgent#Looking at it now is almost way too weird for me… (and honestly a little unintentionally homophobic???)#Basically she was one of the girls from Dante’s inferno… except she got kicked out because she only had attraction to girls#(This was BEFORE I suspected that I was a lesbian— mind you.)#Yeah but anyway she went to the Deetz/Maitland house looking for a place to stay but drove everybody crazy#She was super flamboyant- loved everything pink n fluffy- and was well meaning but did more harm than good trying to do nice things for the#She had this one sided crush on Delia??? Like musical Beej and Adam except less perverted and more flirty/sappy? I was an odd kid- okay? 🥲#Anyway… the old design didn’t really do much to show off her personality… so I ended up upheaving the whole thing#It was okay for what I knew at the time- but I know what I was trying to say then and now I have the knowledge to say it better#Also— the reason I gave her horns here is so silly.#When I was younger I was in a Christian school where I wasn’t allowed to draw witches-ghosts-demons-etc.#So even though I based her on the Dante girls… I refused to give her horns because I thought that was ‘too sinful’#I even remember having so much guilt while looking for references of the Dante workers#I couldn’t even look for more than five seconds!#Anyways… she really pushed the boundaries for me at the time and it’s fun to see how I’ve changed and grown since then.
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rosiebeetle · 4 months ago
Here is a one shot request from @mossthegoblinart this one was SO fun to write! It's very cheesy but I think it needed to be.. Sorry it's Beetlejuice is a bit ooc I've never wrote him in the "I'm gonna bully them so they push ME away" way I've always wrote him in the "I NEED TO BE PERFECT FOR THEM SO THEY LIKE ME PLSPSLPSLSPSLSPLSPSKSJSJMDBD" way so it definitely was hard 😭😭 BUT I HOPE U LIKE IT!! It's a whopping 3k words and if u see any Grammer errors nuhuh.
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It was weird. Being in an actual *home*. Growing up he didn't even have a home, just a broken, gross, dumpster of a trailer. Sometimes Dante's was a home yeah but a guy can only be thrown out of a place so much before they ban him.
It felt so *weird* to be sitting in this basement. One minute he's green card marrying a teenager and now he's sitting in the basement.. Newly dead.
After all the chaos of Juno and the heartfelt goodbyes they found out that since he was newly dead and died in the house he couldn't exactly leave. The door was being used back and forth so much that it had stopped working, he had no idea how long it would take for it to start back up again but he didn't really mind. The longer he stayed here the longer he could be with Scarecrow.. And the maitlands not that he actually liked them at all, they were losers just losers with pretty faces! And soft hands. And pretty singing voices.. And were kind to him.. Tried to be anyway. They even just sat and listened to him ramble about the guacamole thing.. BUT LOSERS NONETHELESS.
Everything was so weird. He felt like a wolf in a sea of white sheep. Even though the deetz were FAR from normal in breather standards he still felt out of place. He didn't belong here but he was there nonetheless, but if he would be stuck with his favorite breathers on this planet why not make it a little fun. Just because he had to stay with them doesn't mean he would be boring.
It started out with a few harmless pranks. Salt top being unscrewed, charles ties all getting cut into dick shapes, Delia's crystals magically having bites taken out of them, Adams model having a mini dantes on it. It got worse soon. It went from harmless to harmful real quickly.
“Charles honey I'm going to hop into the shower!” Delia walked to Charles and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “Alright- wait- we should check it first.. Just to be safe” he slowly got up from the bed and walked to the en suite bathroom. “That dreadful demon broke the water heater. Gave me a burn on my hand!” He huffed and checked the bathroom.
Delia sat on the counter as he searched the bathroom. He tested the water, searched in the soaps, looked inside the shower drain but nothing seemed odd. “Charles honey he wouldn't do anything horrible to me, I think we've been getting along lately!” Delia smiled. “I've been giving him small therapy sessions and I think we've really bonded, I'm trying to get him to calm down on the pranks.. “
Charles looked at Delia, too kind to tell her that the demon wouldn't care at all. “Alright.. Just be careful, after the stunt he pulled with the maitlands I don't put it past him to start targeting us again..”
A few days prior Beetlejuice had been targeting mainly the maitlands for weeks. They had been dealing with the pranks, laughing a long but recently Beetlejuice had pulled a prank that worked up barbara so much that even he was to scared to fuck with her again. Barbara did not mess around when it came to her garden. He had ruined weeks of hard work with his stupid bugs and snakes eating everything up and she was livid. Even after he had fixed everything she was still a bit salty towards him.
“Delia's in the shower” he snickered looking over at Lydia.
“She's not gonna care beej” Lydia rolled her eyes and continued to brush through Bubbles hair. Bubbles was a stray cat Lydia had found at school a few weeks back and the whole family adopted the pretty little lady. She was a calico with a bit of a wobble but she was perfect.
“Yeah yeah whatever” he blew a raspberry at her and waited. And waited.. And waited.. And waited. But there was nothing, no scream, no ‘BEETLEJUICE!!’ no nothing. An hour passed and he was getting bored. “Lyyydiiaaaaa “ he whined, laying upside down on the couch now.
“Told you she wouldn't care beej” she gently whacked him in the face with the tv remote. She had put on some weird ghost movie half an hour ago.
A few minutes passed and Delia came down stairs, her hair a new vibrant color of purple. “Beetlejuice! How did you know I've been wanting to dye my hair lately? Oh you're such a little angel!” Delia smiled and walked to the couch.
“You what?” he seemed almost defeated as he sat up. “don't you h-” he was quickly squeezed into a hug from the woman and GOD she could hug. For such a tiny lady she had some strength. But the hug was.. It wasn't nice. He hated it, in fact it was a dumb hug! It was warm.. And tight, the pressure felt nice.. He could feel himself melting into it. He caught himself and growled a bit pushing Delia off. “Whatever” he flipped her off and sunk down into the floor, into his little basement bedroom.
“What did I do?” Delia looked a bit confused as she looked at Lydia. Lydia just shrugged and continued to watch her movie.
Beetlejuice paced back and forth, his arms crossed and his hair a mix of purple, orange and red. “I'm not a stupid fuckin-” he growled and grabbed a pillow and chucked it at the wall. It barely didn't anything. The red in his hair grew and he balled his hands into fists. “I'M NOT A DAMN ANGEL” he grabbed the pillow and bit it, ripping it with his teeth panting and growling.
He felt angry, he WAS angry. He needed to hit something, he needed to destroy something. He was a demon god damnit! He didn't help people! “People are supposed to DESPISE ME!” He continued to rip and tear into the pillow with his hands. “They should be scared of me not fucking!-” he couldn't even finish his sentence. He put his hands on his arms and scratched. Yes he was a demon but the bed was very comfortable and he didn't want to destroy it. He grit his teeth and plopped down onto the floor. “I'll show them- I'll show them I'm a fucking demon. A *rotten, evil, bastard of a demon.”
It was quiet. She didn't enjoy how quiet it was, that ment there was trouble. “Adam honey?” Barbara looked up from her crochet and over at Adam who was working on some miniatures.
“Yeah?” Adam responded but didn't really look up from what he was working on.
“Do you know what Lydia and Beej are up to?” Barbara just got a shrug from Adam. He was probably just too focused. It was almost dinner though, it's NEVER this quiet at night.
The family had gathered at the dinner table. Everyone was there except for Beetlejuice.
“Where's beej?” Lydia was first to ask as she peaked under the table.
“Oh! He offered to make dinner so he's in the kitchen right now finishing up!” Oh god no. Barbara couldn't even taste that much right now but the thought of eating beetlejuice's cooking made her nauseous.
Without another word there beej was, proudly walking in with multiple hands carrying everyone's food. Surprisingly it didn't look bad! It was some normal looking pasta.
“This is like the only thing I know how to cook so if ya don't like it you're gonna hurt my feelings” he grinned as he set a plate in front of everyone. It was some raviolis with marinara sauce, mushrooms and some onions. Lydia and the maitlands looked suspicious but Delia looked more than happy.
“Thank you so much Beej! It looked wonderful!” Delia smiled at him as he sat down on the other end of the table. Beetlejuice looked way too excited to see them eat. Grinning from ear to ear.
Delia took a bite and the others took it as a ‘it's safe’ and started to eat. The others were happily eating but Delia seemed just.. Confused. She chewed slowly before swallowing and looking down at her plate.
“What's wrong Delia?” Beetlejuice sounded weirdly innocent. “It's just a little beef, won't kill ya” he saw Delia freeze and everyone went silent.
“Y-.. That?-” Delia couldn't form the words as she grew nauseous. Breathing heavily and her throat burned. “I just.. That-..”
“What did you do?” Lydia sounded a bit angry as he glared at Beetlejuice before looking at Delia concerned.
“I just made my ma's recipe!..” He acted offended and sat up, putting a hand on his chest. “Oh wait.. Delia's vegan! Oh how could I forget!” He grinned and rolled his eyes. “Ya know how shit my memory can be kid” he chuckled and lifted his hair to show a smooth brain before he put his hair back down.
He looked over at Delia and she started to cry. It wasn't as loud as he hoped.. It was silent tears running down her cheeks and mumbling about how she was disgusting. His grin faltered a bit as he looked at her crying into the plate.
“Im- I'm a murderer” her voice was broken. He didn't mean to make her *this* upset. He just wanted a bit of yelling! Maybe some over dramatic wailing but she looked distraught. She looked like she actually *did* murder somebody.
He opened his mouth to apologize but it quickly snapped back shut. He's a demon, why the fuck should he care? “It was just a dumb cow Delilah! It's not like it's gonna come and haunt-” he looked besides Delia. “Oh never mind there's the ghost of it now!” He threw his voice and whispered into Delia's ear. “Why would you do this to me Delia.. I had a daughter!.. MOOOO”
Again he didn't get the over the top sobbing he wanted. She looked like she couldn't breathe now, gripping at her ears mumbling I'm sorrys. Charles and Barbara were quick to go to her side and comfort her.
“BJ WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Now he expected that out of Charles or maybe even Barbara but not Lydia. His grin faltered again and he was choked up. “I- well!” He pursed his lips trying to speak. “Not my fucking fault she can't bother to check her food!”
“GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW BEETLEJUICE” Charles' voice boomed and he felt Charles glare through his dead soul. He shut up and quickly scattered to his room in the basement like a dog that had just gotten scolded for eating scraps off the table.
Hours passed and eventually it was found out that Beetlejuice didn't use actual beef in the food. It was vegan. Delia had calmed down but Charles and the maitlands were still angry. Lydia just seemed disappointed.
“I think it's about time we have a talk with him about all this-” Barbara finally spoke up. The five of them had moved to the living room. Barbara Charles and Delia were sat on the couch, Barbara and Charles on either side of Delia. Adam was in an old rocking chair and Lydia was in the lazy boy.
“I agree. At first the pranks were fine but now it's escalated and he needs to know this isn't ok.��� Charles looked over at the door to the basement.
“Maybe we need to talk to him about what's ok and not ok?” Adam added. “with a mother like that I doubt he understands right from wrong..” He leaned back in the rocking chair, gently tipping it back before letting it go so he could rock.
“He- he has said he doesn't understand empathy..” Delia was quiet as she looked down at the table.
“That doesn't mean it's ok! Delia, you had a panic attack, I've had to go to the hospital to get my hand wrapped, Barbara's garden was destroyed, it's all going too far!” Charles looked at Delia, leaning forward to catch her gaze.
“me and Adam will go talk to him” Barbara stood up. “He's probably upset right now, we're ghosts so he can't accidentally hurt us” Barbara crossed her arms and looked at the basement door. “Once we calm him down or at least explain what we need to talk about we can bring him up and then we can all talk.”
The family all silently agreed and Barbara and Adam made their way down to the basement.
He could hear their faint talking. He was laying on the ceiling and trying to listen. He heard the stairs creaking and he fell bad to the floor, hitting his head. He groaned and sat up, rubbing the side of his head.
“BJ?” Barbara called. “Not now babes, got a headache.. Maybe later if you and sexy are up to it” he grinned at them but it fell when he saw Barbara's face. She looked mad.
“Beetlejuice. Your ‘pranks’ if you can even call them that have gone way too far!” Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes at her and stood up. “It wasn't even actual meat that's her fault for not knowing how the fuck to tell when somebody's playing a prank on her!” He spat out.
“That doesn't excuse what you did! All you've been doing in this house is hurt people! We let you live here, we gave you a space and your being ungrateful” it was horribly out of character for barbara to actually be *arguing* with beej but honestly she was fed up.
“God you breathers are really fucking stupid!” He grinned but he seemed more angry than happy. “it's like all of you” he walked closer to the couple as he spoke. His voice started to become distorted and a tail slid out from the back of his jacket. “I'm a DEMON” by the time he yelled he was glaring down at Barbara, just a few inches from her.
Usually this is the part where the maitlands run and scatter but Barbara just looked angry. She put a finger to his chest and started to push back. “Well demon or not you could at least show some manners!” When the hell did she get so strong? He started to take steps back, if he didn't voluntary step he would have been pushed over. “You are a member of this household and a part of this family whether you like it or not!” She yelled pointing a finger at him.
He was silent as his demon features slipped back into hiding. “A part of this family” he repeated in his mind. It didn't seem too bad. But it was scary. It wasn't familiar. He didn't belong here, bye wasn't like them. He wasn't perfect, he didn't do the whole family bullshit. “I'm not a part of your stupid delusional sitcom bullshit! You guys go play house as much as you want but don't fucking expect me to be an obedient little fuckin dog for you all!” He growled and Adam quickly pulled Barbara away. Barbara didn't look scared but Adam did. The fear in Adams eyes made his dead heart twist.
“Listen.. Beetlejuice we- we don't expect you to change everything you've known.” Adam swallowed. “We just want to coexist.. With you. You make Lydia so.. *so* happy and we know you can be kind.”
He was a bit frozen and he heard footsteps and more heart beats. Lydia and Delia. Charles was there but he stood at the basement doorway.
“Beetle?” Delia looked at him and he could see her puffy red eyes and the red that had taken over his hair was now a deep purple.
“Im.. I'm not you- you can't just-” he couldn't even think of what to say as Delia walked closer.
“Your hurt sweetheart” delias voice was soft like a mother's. It reminded him of how Argentina would talk to him when he was younger.
“No I'm not-” he was quick to respond.
Delia laughed lightly. “Not physically, Mentally.” Soon she was in front of him and her hand hovered over beetlejuices like she was waiting for consent. He narrowed his eyes in a confused look and just nodded.
Delia took his hand into hers and gently squeezed. “I know all of this is new to you but you have to understand that we feel hurt when you do things like this beetlebug” she smiled softly at him. “And you can deny it all you want but we want you here.”
“You just want me here because I can't go back home” he growled quietly but didn't make an attempt to pull away, the warm touch felt soothing.
“We want you here because you deserve it. Where's that kind little demon that had that silly little game show with us!” Delia smiled.
“I literally killed your guru and tried to kill you all too” there was a small pause.
“Yeah well Kevin was an asshole anyways.. And besides the almost dying thing I had fun!” She squeezed his hand a bit tighter. “You've helped us all so much hun”
He felt a bit dazed. At first he had only focused on all the evil shit he had done but he didn't even realize the cause and effect of everything.
“If you didn't show up me and Barbara would have never been able to keep our house the way it is” Adam chimed in.
“We wouldn't have met Lydia” Barbara added and looked over at Lydia with a soft smile.
“Me and Lydia would have grown closer apart if it weren't for you.” Charles had finally come down and stood next to Lydia, putting a hand on his daughters shoulder, gently smiling down at her.
“I wouldn't be here if you weren't on that roof bj” Lydia's voice was quiet but it was way for Beetlejuice to hear.
He didn't even notice the tears flowing down like a waterfall until he sniffled. “your all so fucking emotional” he sniffled again trying to wipe his eyes.
“Your the one that's crying dumbass “ Lydia snorted and walked over to beej, throwing her arms around him.
“yeah well you look like a stick of black liquorice” in retaliation Lydia Headbutted beetlejuice's ribs.
“Your apart of this weird little family whether you like it Beetlejuice” Delia wrapped her arms around Beetlejuice too.
“WE ARE NOT GROUP HUGGING RIGHT NOW” His voice cracked as he yelled. The body heat and the pressure made his head feel quiet. There weren't a million thoughts going on anymore. Before he knew it he was getting hugged by everyone in the house now.
He felt weird. His paranoia, his anxiety, it was gone. Everything felt so.. *safe* now. Safe with them.. He felt like his puzzle piece finally clicked into place instead of it getting jammed into it until it fit. He accepted the tears and let himself start bawling. Soft murmurs of comfort. Whispers of it was ok and telling him to let it all out.
Usually now was the time he forced everything away and he would get overwhelmed by everyone crowded around him but it felt perfect. He didn't feel like he was a burden. He was family.. He had a family. The deetz were his family.. The maitlands were his family. For once he didn't feel the need to run away and hide. He didn't need to, they wouldn't leave him. He was there family now.
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Meeting and Dating Lydia Deetz
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Lydia after she moved into town. You went to the same school as her and were in a few of her classes, though you doubted that really mattered; you’d find out about her pretty quickly even if she wasn’t.
- Lydia was an ...interesting character. You liked to think of your school as fairly accepting, people weren’t outwardly mean to her; some were even welcoming, but you somewhat understood many peoples hesitance towards befriending her. Above all, she was fairly standoffish though at the time, no one knew why.
- Still, you liked her style. She was strange and unusual, something you admired. So you took the chance and tried to befriend her, approaching her after school and trying to start a conversation as she unlocked her bike. She was polite but quick to end your talk, making up an; obvious, excuse before riding off.
- But you wouldn’t be deterred, continuing your efforts as the days rolled by and eventually getting her to warm up to you. You even managed to invite her out with you, giving her a tour around the town and slowly getting to know her better.
- Over time, you grow to like her more and more until you realize that you don’t just want to be her friend. It’s then that you have a real predicament on your hands, and a decision to make: try to ignore your feelings and hope they go away or confront them and hope for the best.
- It’s a few months into your friendship that you decide to confess your true feelings for her. Unbeknownst to you, she was planning on doing the same.
- You were sitting in the towns graveyard with her, a place you’d been to several times mainly because you knew she loved it. It seemed like the perfect place to tell her how you felt so you took a deep breath and stumbled through your confession. And... she burst out laughing.
- Yeah, so not a good sign. You were completely embarrassed and was wondering whether you could play it off like you were joking. Deciding that you couldn’t, you went to stand up and leave before she lunged forward, grabbing your hand quickly and exclaiming “no, no” as she tried to stop her laughter.
“I’m sorry, really. It’s just that, all day I’ve been wondering how I was gonna tell you that I liked you and, well, here we are.” She smiled, and ushered you to sit back down.
- The two of you had your first date in one of the towns many fields. You brought a basket full of stuff and sat out there for hours, having a picnic and overall just hanging out. She’s got about a dozen photos of the day.
- You had your first kiss at least a week after you first got together. Neither of you were brave enough to just go for it so it took you a while to actually do it.
- When you did, it was after the two of you snuck out together and were taking a late night walk through the town. You were sat on an old wooden fence, the moonlight shining above you as you talked. That was when you turned to look at each other and just began to lean in, inching closer and closer until your lips met.
- And thus began your strange and beautiful relationship.
- The two of you are most likely bambi lesbians; your relationship is fairly innocent and things never really get too hot or heavy. 
- It’s the 80s and you sort of live in a small town so you try to keep your relationship on the down low. Whenever you’re out in public, you try to just act like friends, never doin anything exclusively romantic in nature. 
- Holding hands, locking arms, hugging, sitting very close to each other; you can get away with a lot since you’re young girls but you try not to push your luck. 
- Most of your dates take place where there isnt a lot of; if any, people. She prefers keeping to herself so you wind up just hanging out at her place or places no one really goes, like the graveyard or forgotten roads.
- Pecks on the lips and cheeks.
- Sweet and chaste kisses. 
- Laying your head in her lap while you sit and talk. Occasionally, she’ll run her fingers through or just play with your hair, looking down at you with a soft smile. 
- She’s got soooo many photos of you. She likes to jokingly call you her muse, taking random snapshots while you’re doing something or asking you to pose for her. 
- Horror movie marathons. The two of you have stayed up late countless times, eyes wide and glued to her tv screen as you shovel popcorn into your mouths. 
- Riding your bikes together after school. Sometimes you’ll just ride around town, stopping at some random place you’ve never been to and going exploring together.
- Walks through and picnics in the graveyard. It’s one of her favorite places to visit except when its close to the anniversary of her mothers death. 
- Letting her talk to you about her mother and rant about Delia and her dad. 
- Meeting the Maitland's and her eccentric parents. They all love you and have a feeling that you aren’t “just friends”, not that it really matters to them anyways. Delia is particularly happy with the idea of you two being together, Lesbianism is so avant-garde. 
- Morbid conversations. Want to have an hour long conversation about death? Well, you’ve come to the right girl!
- You’ll never have to worry about getting rid of spiders again for the rest of your life. She’ll just scoop them up in her hand and gently place them outside while you trail hesitantly behind her. 
- Dancing together. 
- Surprisingly enough, she’s quite fond of being bridal carried or getting piggyback rides. 
- Getting to see all of her rare smiles and giggles, most of the time they’re reserved pretty much exclusively for you. 
- She doesn’t really use nicknames/pet names all that much but occasionally she’ll call you the name of a character from a movie or show when you say or do something that reminds her of them. 
- Collecting and pressing flowers with her. You help her swap out and rearrange the ones on her wall every few months. 
- She has a bit of a dramatic streak so occasionally you’ll just have to snap her out of it, either by cheering her up or helping to rationalize a situation.
- She loves rainy days. She likes to invite you over, sit up in her room and just hang out with you while the skies are a dreary gray. She finds the atmosphere very beautiful.
- Her room is perfect for afternoon naps. The two of you head over to her house after school, lock her bedroom door and pull the curtains down before snuggling under her covers and catching a few zzz’s.
- She’ll never admit it out loud but she actually really likes cuddling. You tend to cuddle hugging each other, taking turns having your heads resting against each other’s chests.
- She loves eating dinner or lunch at your house. Delia prepares the weirdest foods for everyone so being able to eat something like a normal turkey sandwich or bowl of soup is a nice change.
- Going to antique and thrift shops. If it looks haunted, she’ll want to buy it.
- Holidays!! She gets all festive around them; especially Halloween, always wanting to decorate and do the usual seasonal activities.
- Letting her style your hair. She finds it really fun and you certainly don’t mind looking a bit unusual.
- Gothic tea parties. Join her on her wooden floor, surrounded by black teddy bears and creepy dolls, eating little sandwiches and drinking tea.
- She likes to write you little poetic letters. Some are purely romantic while others are dreadfully depressing but you love them all the same.
- It’s pretty easy to find her presents; if it’s ugly then she’ll love it.
- Doing little crafts together. She likes artistic stuff, as long as it isn’t weirdly abstract like delias art.
- She tends to stick to compliments about the work that you do or the things you choose to wear. She prefers making you feel good about the stuff that you make not the things you were born with.
- Many people don’t seem to realize it but she’s got a pretty good sense of humor. That, paired with the shenanigans you get yourselves into, ensures that the two of you have a good time together!
- Getting dragged into supernatural and paranormal adventures. If it was her choice, she would probably leave you out of it, but alas, it isn’t.
- Beetlejuice is certainly an interesting individual to meet. Lydia is not fond of him calling you babe though, even if he calls everyone babe.
- She’s never really gets all that jealous. She reasons that you’re with her and if you’re with her, then you most likely like weird people, which you don’t find all that often where you live.
- She’s certainly been through some stuff, especially after moving to town so she’s fairly protective of you. Now that she knows the dead can linger on, she tries to look after you even more.
- She’s somewhat sensitive so she tends to take things to heart even when they’re misunderstandings.
- You dont fight a whole lot but when you do, your arguments wind up turning into catty yelling fights. One of you will usually storm out, throwing a “fine” or something of the sort out before you go.
- The two of you will give each other the silent treatment for a while but you’ll most likely be miserable the entire time. She’ll cave a little sooner than you will, finding you at school somewhere or being let in by your mom and just showing up at your bedroom door shyly. You both usually have a hard time staying mad at each other, once either of you apologize.
- She gives you a “love you” everytime you say goodbye. It’s pretty much routine by now.
- She doesn’t realize it for a while but ever since she met you, she hasn’t thought about dying. In fact, now that she has you, she can’t even bear to imagine it. She wouldn’t want to leave you behind, she loves you.
- Her one goal in life is to be the woman that historians say “lived with her lifelong best friend, never marrying or having children but writing letters to each other about loving each other fiercely”.
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dontgotothenetherworld · 5 years ago
hello! i love your lydia x reader fics. i have a request, how about, if possible, one where perhaps the reader has anger issues and lydia is always calming them down, there could be a cute fluffy part where the reader punches a wall and breaks his or hers hand and tries to hide it from lydia. keep up the good work my friend!
broken pinky
i’m sorry, but i can’t stop laughing at the juxtaposition of ‘cute’ and ‘fluffy’ with ‘punching a wall and breaking their fist’ but regardless, i’m not sure i fulfilled exactly what you wanted, but i hope you like it anyway :)
this fic takes place now-ish (and if you’re reading this in the future, i wrote this when everyone was in self isolation bc of covid) so, yeah :) also i hc barbara used to be a nurse, partially bc of convenience for the story
1273 words
cw: femreader. brief reference to domestic abuse. food. i have no knowledge of how healing broken bones works, just pretend that what i wrote would actually work.
when it first became clear to everyone that this virus was serious, and that everyone needed to go into self isolation, you were really worried. it seemed to happen in less than a day, and you panicked. your parents were halfway across the country doing some work thing, and they were stuck there. 
but there were upsides to not being able to leave the house. for example, you were not in your house. while your parents where away, the deetz-maitland family agreed to letting you stay with them. now, you could not leave your girlfriend’s house. it was incredible.
you were dying your hair purple when you got a text from one of your best friends. “y/n! quarantine party at my house tomorrow, the whole lunch group is invited! are you coming?”
what. the. fuck. 
””quarantine party” does he fucking realize what he’s saying?” you muttered to yourself.
lydia looked up from her game, “what’s wrong?” she asked.
”fucking nick doesn’t understand what a fucking self isolation means. spoiler alert: you can’t invite people over for it to be effective!” you started to rant.
lydia picked up your phone and looked at the text. “you should try telling him that. so no one does go to his house.” she said calmly.
-why wasn’t she more angry about this? “but it’s fucking nick, and he doesn’t give two shits about anyone! any time i try to tell him why something that he’s doing is wrong, he pretends that i’m the bad guy for bringing it up, then laughs at me!”
”sorry to break it to you, but your friends suck.”
”i know.” you sighed. “but seriously, does he not realize the harm he’s putting people in? like, nancy! nancy’s fucking immunosurpressed!”
”nancy?” lydia asked.
”nancy is sarah’s younger sister. and sarah is invited to this “quarantine party.”” you scoffed.
”even if you don’t think he’ll listen, you should tell him this. and tell the other people who are invited, they’re more sensible than nick, right?”
”you’re right.” you quickly typed out a message to nick, telling him how stupid he is. you then went over to the group chat, that was very inactive, to tell everyone to stay home.
you received a new text from nick. you threw your phone at lydia. “look at that bullshit.”
”why does it matter it’s not like it’s going to effect any of us it only effects old people and it’s like just as bad as the flu lol why shouldn’t we celebrate the boomer remover.” lydia read his text aloud. “jeez, that’s so horrible.”
”it’s like he thinks that lives other than his own don’t matter! it doesn’t just effect old people, and even if it did old people are people too! and the people who get the virus won’t be able to get the treatment they need because the hospitals will be overwhelmed thanks to people like him who think that a fucking pandemic doesn’t fucking apply to him!” the more you talked the more angry you got. “i know that i’ve joked about nick not caring about anyone besides himself in the past, but i truly believe that now! he’s just so insensitive!” you had so much pent up energy. the past few weeks, you had just been sitting around the house, and it’s like your body had reached a breaking point. you needed to expel some of that energy or you yourself were going to explode.
”y/n, i need you to take some breaths-” lydia rushed over to your side, to try to calm you down, but that only made things worse. she came inside your personal bubble, and that was just too much.
you turned away from her, to the wall, and punched it.
your hand had gone right through the wall. you had nearly reached the other side.
”lydia, oh my god, i’m sorry, i’m so sorry.” you backed into her.
lydia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “i am going to go ask adam if there is anything they can do about this. you will stay in the middle of the room, and not touch anything.” she left you in the room by yourself.
it was only then that a wave of pain emanating from your hand washed over you. you lifted it up, to examine it. but every slight movement you made was another spike of pain. 
you decided to stop moving it.
luckily, adam had exactly what they needed to fix the hole. adam and lydia worked together, while you hid in the bathroom. partly because you didn’t want to face your problems, partly because you needed to wash the dye out of your hair.
that evening, at the family dinner that charles and delia insisted on having every night, with hair a fabulous shade of twilight purple, you awkwardly ate in silence. 
only the adults were talking, and you could tell they were dancing around the subject of the fact that their daughter’s girlfriend destroyed their daughter’s bedroom wall because she got angry, and it probably wasn’t the best idea for us to let her stay with us because what if she turns this violence on our daughter we don’t want this to happen we should probably kick her out of this house but oops no one can leave! or at least, that’s what you assumed they were all thinking of.
and to make matters worse, you felt an absurd amount of pain whenever you tried to use your dominant hand, so here you were, struggling to eat lasagna with your other hand.
after dinner, it’s lydia and delia’s turn to do the dishes. charles pulls you aside into the living room. “i saw you struggling to eat your dinner, and with what happened earlier today… is your hand okay?”
you panicked. you didn’t want to have to go to the hospital, so you lied. “nope! i was just, uh, practicing to become ambidextrous! i’ve heard that it’s a really useful skill to have, and, uh, i want to have something to work on while we’re all stuck here.”
you started walking away. “come back here.” said charles. “i’m not buying that for one second. let me see your hand.”
you winced as he turned your hand over. charles looked at you, as if to say “i told you so.”
barbara, do you mind coming in here for a moment?” he called to the kitchen, where barbara had been helping lydia and delia.
”yeah, sure. what do you need?” she asked.
”y/n here has done something to her hand. can you look at it for me?”
she looked at you, then at your hand, still resting in charles’. it hurt less that way, so you hadn’t moved it. “oh, honey…” she muttered, and she lead you to the couch, where she could sit down.
charles turned on a lamp behind her.
lydia came walking into the living room. “what’s going on?”
”it would appear that y/n has broken her hand.” barbara sighed. “i think i’ll be able to fix it, but it’s going to be rough.”
”wait, what are you going to do?” you asked.
barbara lightly touched your pinky where it met your palm. you recoiled in pain. “i think it’s just your pinky that’s broken, so i’ll make a splint, and we’ve got some pain medicine in the medicine cabinet that you can use. but you should seriously not use your hand.” she turned to lydia. “and that means no hand holding.”
lydia hugged you, on the other side of your screwed up hand. “thank you so much, barbara.”
@meangirlsx @meangirlmurphy @eliza-is-confused @boredomimi @book--butterfly
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