#Yassen saving Alex
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chameleonjoy · 1 year ago
New Jason Wong (Nile) stills for Alex Rider Season 3!!
Episode 4:
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Episode 5:
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Episode 8:
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You cannot convince me all these below are not from the same scene as Nile goes to take out Alex and Yassen is there with his silencer ready to silence Nile 🫢🦂
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too-many-rooks · 2 months ago
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was giffing this for something else, but. he's so polite when he's kidnapping a teenager from the hospital room of her comatose father (who he put in a coma) to be used as a hostage/bait in a crazed billionaires wild schemes. Like yeah he's gonna do all that, but he'll open the door for her. He's not a monster.
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wafflesrisa · 4 months ago
ADHD hyperfixation is really something else because imagine talking to your colleague at your sad grey corporate job about a sad grey corporate project and 95% of your brainpower is actually trying to Macguyver a way to naturally work the conversation towards tactical techniques for armed assault on fortified locations or recipes for Russian pelmeni dumplings
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annt-i · 8 months ago
Okay, I saw several posts about Yusuf Dikeç (the Turkish Olympic shooter that got silver) being compared to Yassen ( @proodence is the first person i saw do this, but idk) , and the idea wouldn’t leave me alone. I am severely sleep deprived but I hope it looks okay cos I can’t tell.
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abrielarnold · 1 year ago
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The room starts to spin and he’s glad he’s lying down. He shuts his eyes and turns his external imaging devices and motion sensors inward, cocooning himself in the darkness and warm hum of his machines.
The only part of himself that he allows himself to interface with is the blades in his shoulder copters turning slowly in time with the slight draft in the room. He drapes his mind around them, giving the spinning, dizzy feeling a place to exist that isn’t his stomach. His louvres flutter like gills, directing his exhaust-filled breaths away from his fuel lines and processors.
You Can't Save Everyone, But You Can Try by JustAnotherGuest.
watched generator rex for the body horror, stayed for the giant robots, decided that there could have been MORE body horror and giant robots, and here we are.
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point-two-two · 3 months ago
You see the thing at the heart of Russian Roulette that makes it so clearly queer (even though that was probably Not the intention) is that they're giving up So Much for each other.
Like Yassen's perspective is well-documented and well-analyzed; Hunter pushes him, trying to find a breaking point, and he just gives. Gives his memories (the watch) and gives his humanity (everything), just continuously gives way until there's barely any of him left, because he wants to please Hunter.
But it's the same on John's side. We don't have his perspective so it's much harder to see his inner conflict but it is certainly there. For the mission of course he had to kill people, but he wasn't supposed to get attached. He wasn't supposed to try change anything within Scorpia, only collect intel. He clearly had moral qualms against teaching Yassen. And then he went and got attached, tried to get a trainee out, and did *gestures vaguely at Vosque* all that. Like yeah, it worked (short term) but it was still a gamble. He kept going past his own boundaries to pressure Yassen out of Scorpia and that's really not much different from Yassen's bottomless willing to bend to Hunter's demands.
That's the core of the story and the core of their relationship; John chipped off parts of himself for Yassen's sake too. It's reciprocal, the way they sacrifice their selves for each other. And that's love.
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llamasofchaos · 11 months ago
So one thing they did in season three that I find so interesting is how they set up parallels between Mrs Jones and Julia Rothman. Because when you actually pay attention to their interactions with Alex you realize that it's actually Blunt that is similar to Julia and Yassen that is similar to Mrs Jones.
Rothman and Blunt were both so caught up in their own egos and obsessions that they didn't recognize how reckless their actions were when it came to how they ran their organizations and how they used Alex.
They both saw Alex as a piece on the board. Something they could use to get what they wanted, they both let their anger and pride get in the way of rational decisions when it came to certain decisions.
Then on the flip side you have Yassen and Mrs Jones. Mrs Jones was always concerned about Alex but until season three never really fought back for him or herself until she saw how easily Scorpia was able to get to Alex. Yassen tried to keep himself separated from Alex, he didn't want to help or see him, and then in season three he has no choice so he tries to teach Alex how to be like him.
It is so interesting because Mrs Jones is supposed to be the deputy of the department but we see in season one and two that Blunt keeps things from her that he doesn't from Crowley or Smithers because he knows she will question him about it.
This is similar to Yassen because when watching season three, at first it seems like Yassen is Julia's deputy but it becomes clear he isn't because he doesn't just follow blindly.
Season three was the turning point for three of these characters, both Yassen and Mrs Jones had to decide where they stood when it came to Alex and their respective bosses. In the end Mrs Jones chose to defend and support Alex and Yassen chose to hide in the shadows and offer protection.
Blunt had to choose to trust Alex and stop using his people like chess pieces in a game he didn't understand. This is why he is the actual parallel to Julia, because when it came down to it Julia chose to use Alex to get her own petty revenge and Blunt chose to put his revenge aside to help Alex and save innocent people.
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basim-ibnishaq · 1 year ago
it hurts me so much that russian roulette can be summed up as a story about an innocent kid losing more and more of himself through repeated traumas:
he loses his family and home in a horrific event, he watches his best friend succumb to the disease he's now the sole survivor of after trying so hard to save them both, he loses his hope of safety once misha rats him out, he loses his history and identity when any evidence estrov and its inhabitants' existence is erased, he loses his mother's jewellery which is the last thing he has of her, he ends up living on the streets, he loses his own name when sharkovsky beats him so hard he can't say it properly and he's too scared to correct him, he loses his freedom and dignity when he's held as a slave for years, he loses a chance at freedom when he ends up with scorpia, he loses another one when he stays with them, he loses the last physical connection to his family when he throws his grandfathers watch away after he was encouraged to, and he loses the moral compass he's clung to when he's finally pushed over the edge by discovering john is a double agent and kills sharkovsky
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actuallytalldumbass · 21 days ago
where are the parental yassen fics when you need them
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dragonsareawesome123 · 1 year ago
They kept Yassen alive to the very end!!! Yay!!!
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please could you blend yassen gregorovich? might even be relaxing compaired to what his life is usually like
Yassen Gregorovich from Alex Rider is being blended!!
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You cannot save him.
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too-many-rooks · 9 months ago
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I'm really ironically pissed off right now! I'm feeling quite lost right now Like in a really big forest, like in lake tahoe or something, Somewhere big and scary 'Cause you're scary as shit, dude! Like I don't know really know what I can tell you You kinda freak me out, but, we can be friends!
i threw glass at my friend's eyes and now i'm on probation - Destroy Boys
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roseunspindle · 5 months ago
New ships I've stumbled into
Yalex - alex rider x yassen gregorovich (more book than show)
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lolli-says-stuff · 2 years ago
Tonight I dreamed I was on a date with Alan Blunt (he catfished me or something) and then Yassen swooped in and said „absolutely not“ and then he bought me a veggie xtra long chilly cheese burger at burgerking and some chilly cheese chips and then he told me I deserve better and that I need to stop selling myself for less than I’m worth.
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teddyniffler · 3 months ago
I just had to check my copy and thank God it's the true verson.
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American publishes need to stop removing important content.
I love you too, Alex.
Today in fuck you various editions of books:
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America, not all love has to be sexual. Put Yassen telling Alex outright that he loves him BACK IN I SWEAR—
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jenna-louise-jamie · 11 months ago
i think it's so interesting how different book!yassen and tv!yassen are.
first off how book!yassen sent alex to scorpia, it was a mistake because he wasn't thinking clearly. tv!yassen did it on purpose (to the best of my knowledge).
book!yassen did not want alex to kill. he tells him this twice, “killing is for grown ups.” and asking alex if he can really pull the trigger and shoot him, when alex breaks into the boat during eagle strike. going into great detail to dissuade alex from doing it, and all of me believes not just because yassen didn't want to die in this moment. this makes sense for book!yassen because he himself didn't want to kill. so he's trying to save alex from his own fate.
tv!show yassen doesn't seem to have any issues with killing. he doesn't particularly enjoy it, but it's his job and he does what he has to do so he can survive. so he's okay with encouraging alex to do it. by telling him he should view the people he's assigned to assassinate as nothing more than targets. tricking him into helping assassinate max. encouraging him to let go of his emotions. he wants alex to join him by his side.
ultimately while their methods are different, their end goals are the same. they both want to protect alex. book!yassen thinks he can achieve this by pushing alex away, and tv!show yassen thinks he can achieve this by pulling alex in closer. and both work because they're so compelling.
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