#but yeah he saved me from Alan blunt
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Tonight I dreamed I was on a date with Alan Blunt (he catfished me or something) and then Yassen swooped in and said „absolutely not“ and then he bought me a veggie xtra long chilly cheese burger at burgerking and some chilly cheese chips and then he told me I deserve better and that I need to stop selling myself for less than I’m worth.
#a dude actually once did this#i was really really drunk and hitting on him and he literally hugged me and said oh honey I’m too old for you#and then he protected me from creepy guys the rest of the night and bought me water#and then he made sure my friends who found me were really my friends and that I was safe to go with them#Yassen was this guy in my dream last night#and then I was out with my friend and her boyfriend and I love them#i love third wheeling with them#but yeah he saved me from Alan blunt#yassen gregorovich#alex rider#alex rider books#alex rider tv#yassen#yasha#i love him
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The whale opinions and spoilers I'm pretty sure has been said before but im not gonna look due to fear of finding thin$po blogs
To start I bounce between 220 and 230 so I'm not "fat fat" but im still overweight, and I have fat loved ones that I'm still listening to their experience experience
Casper didn't watch it with me because he was afraid it'd be triggering- and I'd say it would be.
Everything is shot inside the main characters apartment, Charlie. The main thing I want to point out is how people treated Charlie. He's towering tall and roughly 500+ lbs. He constantly apologized just for existing in his own space, to the point his nurse and friend, named Liz, kept getting onto Charlie for saying "Im Sorry" so much. He constantly shrinks back, and let people yell at him, going as far as blatantly calling him "Disgusting," from his daughter to a Christian missionary who was trying to "save his soul" because his body was basically damned. The fatphobia that he experiences in his own apartment was abhorrent, but that's what fat people experience on a daily basis. And Charlie claims he's never been skinny a day in his life.
Charlie was what's called being passively suicidal. He "let himself go," for example, by ordering 2 large pizzas per night just as dinner. When he was feeling any void or fed up with peoples fakeness, he would binge eat to the point of vomiting. Even after he was told he would not survive the weekend unless he went to the hospital, despite ending up having the money to do so, but he also outright refused most medical care (except a wheelchair, then an oxygen mask on his final day). Instead, he filled the hole by binge eating.
He did this because he lost the love of his life. He found out he was gay and got a divorce from his wife, who took full custody of their daughter despite his protests of still wanting to be in their life. The wife's excuse was "Do you know how hard it is to tell people you left me for a man?" The boyfriends name was Alan, who had killed himself due to religious trauma for being gay. And the missionary I mentioned earlier? He told Charlie that his soul could still be saved if he forsakes the love he still had for Alan in order for his body to become light and reach the kingdom of heaven. Which, Charlie stood his ground in remaining faithful to Alan in which the missionary calls him disgusting and leaves to return to his hometown (he has a backstory to leaving his hometown and going on mission work but, I couldn't care less to relay it).
So tack on homophobia along with fatphobia.
His daughter was chaotic, and was a mess because of her mom insisting she's pure evil; going as far as showing Charlie her distasteful Facebook post about how "there's going to be a greasefire in hell when he burns". But Charlie only saw the positive in her, and even held onto her essay about Moby Dick she wrote in 8th grade because he believed it to be the most beautiful essay he's ever read (which, says a lot because he's also a history teacher doing online collage courses with his camera off to save continuous ridicule until his final day where he asked everyone to write something true, which prompted himself to be honest with them as well). Every time Charlie thought he was going to die (due to cardiac issues with being overweight) he would either try to read it or ask to be read in his final moments. But you don't know who's essay it was until the very end (or, supposed to not know).
Which, he gets what he wanted. He finally got to spend some time with his daughter (although she fought him every step of the way), he loads her up with the $120,000 he saved for her the entire time he wasn't allowed to talk to her, and she read him the essay in his final moments breathing.
I'm putting it blunt because the ending still makes me cry, but yeah he dies.
I'm writing this because I'm off my meds and it's still making me cry. 8 hours, and 3 extra movies later. It's truly tragic, devastating, soul crushing, and sorrowful. My man Charlie is getting fucked in every way possible and he still only saw the good in people no matter how ugly they were with him.
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Heroes and Thieves, Ch. 7
Title: Heroes and Thieves Fandom/Universe: BTAS, pre/post-RotJ flashback
Summary: A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
Rating: PG-13, for references to character death, child psychological torture and trauma.
Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2,067 Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Also on ff.net and AO3.
Well time has a way of throwing it all in your face The past, she is haunted, the future is laced Heartbreak, you know, drives a big black car Swear I was in the back seat, just minding my own
-Gregory Alan Isakov, "Big Black Car"
“The Bat Signal is not a toy, Ms. Brown.”
Startled, Stephanie swerved around at the sudden emergence of a man swathed in black from the shadows, cloak whipping wordlessly in the wind. She hadn’t even heard him arrive on the rooftop.
How does he do that?
“You know my name?”
She asked, flustered.
“I make it my business to know. You’re Stephanie Brown, daughter of Crystal and Arthur Brown, a.k.a. Cluemaster. …Tim Drake’s girlfriend.”
Stephanie blinked, sighing before lowering her mantle and removing the guise’s (apparently ineffectual) inner layer, letting luminescent locks fall free around her shoulders. (Reasoning that if the cops hadn’t come up to bust her by now, then it seemed rather unlikely they’d show up anytime soon.) …Wish I knew what the heck to do with my hair under this thing, she thought idly as she combed her hand through the tangles. Maybe I should try putting it in a ponytail or something.
“Then you probably know why I called you here then. Sorry about the theatrics,” she gestured towards the spotlight, “But I figured this was the fastest way to get your attention.”
“Tim told you about our history together.”
“Some of it. He wouldn’t tell me why you two split up.”
There was a palpable beat.
“If he didn’t see fit to explain, then it’s not my place to intervene.”
“Please, Mr. Wayne.” Those crescent slits narrowed at equally intimate address. “I think I deserve to know at this point.”
“This isn’t any of your business, Ms. Brown. I suggest you go home, and get rid of that silly costume.”
Like yours is any less ridiculous.
“This isn’t a game. Quit before you get yourself into trouble.”
Holy déjà vu.
She crossed her arms frankly, standing firm.
“Tim said the same thing. I’m getting real sick and tired of hearing it.”
“He’s right. The streets are far too risky, especially for someone like you.” There was a rough rigor to his tenor; like a razor blade scraping severely against the grain, incisive and insistent. Deliberately rubbing salt and steel into the wound until it irritated. “I’ve seen how you operate: rash, reckless, impulsive, impetuous – not thinking before you act. You might believe you’re being brave – that you’re endeavoring to prove something by jumping directly into danger, putting yourself in the constant thick of threats – but you’re just behaving brashly like a child. A person of your kind doesn’t belong in this field.”
Stephanie bristled at the blunt onslaught, blue irises burning boldly defiant.
“You don’t understand: My dad was supposed to be dead, and now he shows back up again in Gotham like nothing happened – except now he’s committing crimes without even leaving clues. I couldn’t just stand aside and let him get away with it. I had to do something. After all, I’ve got a stake in this.”
Batman made a smothered sound, like a pained grunt – as if someone had just punched him in the gut.
“You sound just like he did. All you stupid kids, don’t know what you’re getting into.”
“I know that without me you wouldn’t have been able to figure out the next place my father was planning to hit.”
Admit it, that “chopping mall” clue was a stroke of genius.
“And your assistance in bringing him down during the heist is appreciated. But this ends tonight. You should leave the crimefighting to trained professionals.”
“I just wanted to help…”
Batman took a step forward, looming ominously over her. His voice was dangerous.
“You don’t know what you want. None of you ever did.”
Despite the fierce menace in his tone, she staunchly stood her ground, eyes stubborn and challenging as she declined to back down. Her opponent carried on lecturing:
“You’ve accomplished your mission; succeeded in putting your father in jail. Now that you’ve gotten your revenge, there’s no more reason for you to continue this fight anymore. I suppose you’re just doing this now for fun, for the thrill. Because you think it’s ‘cool’.”
Stephanie clenched her fists. He had struck a chord, but she didn’t take kindly to being patronized either, her entire motivations being put down, brushed aside just like that.
“That’s not the only reason. I mean, yeah this just kinda started out as a goof to get back at my dad of course, and sure I’ll confess I do get a kick out of the rush – but there’s more to it than that. I may not be all that smart or skilled at… anything really. But this – this is something I can do to help others. People in need. For the first time in my life, it feels like I’m really doing something worthwhile, that I’m doing some good. Like I’m making a real difference. I’m doing this… I don’t know. Not even for me.” She turned towards the skyline, surveying over the (for the moment at least) peacefully sleeping city, lights reflecting above and below. “I’m doing this for all of them.”
Batman stared at her.
“Regardless, this isn’t your responsibility.”
“And it’s supposed to be solely yours? You’re just one man in a batsuit, you’re not in charge of this town. You may be able to handle all the crimes within the city limits, but the suburbs don’t have anyone. Not even you can be everywhere at once. Hell, no one can carry the weight of the world by himself.”
“This is a vow I took on my own shoulder’s, no one else’s. I work alone.”
“If you really thought that, why’d you agree to take an apprentice on in the first place?”
While visibly there was no noticeable wince, another wounded growl escaped from the cowl.
“That was a mistake.”
“Oh really? I’ve seen how you operate: Ever since you’ve gone partnerless, you’ve been colder, harsher, overly aggressive, and more unforgiving than ever before. Everyone’s noticed; it’s been all over news reports everywhere, criminals claiming to be the ‘victims’ of vigilante violence. All the tabloids assume you’ve gone off the deep end, that you’ve finally cracked – or that you were off your rocker all along. That’s why they say even the police won’t cooperate with you anymore.” She looked towards the tarp lying on the ground, which had been covering the searchlight up to now. Lucky for her they hadn’t removed the apparatus entirely. “You accuse me of being hotheaded, but I could say the exact same of you. Heck, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you seem to have some sort of death wish.”
“How I conduct myself is none of your concern.”
“It is when there are people suffering for it. Tim included. The truth is Batman needs a Robin, doesn’t he? Since your parents died, you need – want company. Otherwise you’ll go crazy, doing what you do all the time. Anyone would.”
Way to play psychoanalyst with the most famous and powerful – not to mention richest – man in Gotham, girl.
Batman held her undeterred gaze.
“…You really do sound just like him.”
Grudgingly, he gruffly acknowledged the comparison – though it wasn’t quite a concession.
Still, Stephanie seized on the opening.
“Seriously, just what the hell happened? You two used to be such a great team. You guys were a legend, the ‘Dynamic Duo’ and all that. Nightwing and Batgirl too, whatever happened to them?”
His answer was aggravatingly simple.
“Things change.”
Why do I get the feeling I’ve heard that somewhere before?
She exhaled in exasperation, sensing the discussion was going in circles. She wasn’t about to allow such curt tautology cut her off though.
“You used to mean something to people. This,” she pointed purposefully at the symbol in the sky, before jabbing at the mirrored center of his chest, “…used to mean something. Sure, you could be scary sometimes, but it was clear that you cared. Now, it’s like all the lives you save don’t even matter anymore. All that exists in your mind – or your heart, whatever’s left of it – that is, assuming you even still have one – is darkness and dread. Am I wrong?”
Her assertive allegation was met with stony silence. Tentatively, she tried to uplift the weight on the conversation somewhat.
“Not everything has to be about fear. There’s room in our line of work for hope too, you know.”
Again, he merely remained mute, scrutiny slanting into the distance.
All right, fine. Don’t answer me.
Growing annoyed by such obstinate reticence (which she recognized all too well at this point; it was no wonder where her boyfriend got it from) and desperate for some sort of reaction, she attempted to return again to the original topic – her whole goal for summoning this guy’s big broody butt in the first place.
“Look, I’m sure you’re as aware as I am this isn’t just about me trying to barge in on your territory – your private little crusade – is it? I don’t mean to pry open old wounds just for the sake of sating my curiosity either. Something obviously happened between you two – something that changed him – that changed the both of you – and I need to know what in order to get through to him.” She placed a palm on her breast, clutching and curling fretful fingers against cloth as she bit her lip, baring honest emotion. “I want to be able to understand what he’s going through, but every time I try to get him to talk about it, he won’t let me near. Refuses to open up, shuts me out just like you’ve been doing all night.”
His vision panned back slowly, restoring rapt concentration. Again, those slim slivers of snow were silent, searching – scant headlights scanning in the dark. Stark and cold against coal, yet somewhere within seemed to spark a vestige of warmth; like stoking, coaxing the burnt out ashes of an old flame to stir and rise again. To remember.
“Tim means a lot to you.”
“The whole world. He’s a great guy.”
“Greater than he knows.”
“Please,” she begged, “Let me help him at least. I’m worried about him.”
He regarded her unwavering expression, gauging sincerity.
“…You really care for him, don’t you?”
She nodded, thinking to herself that- despite his still-outwardly icy demeanor, there was indeed a thaw in his throat, a slight swell of sympathy slipping through the grave gravel.
He rotated with a sharp whisk of cape, heading for the edge of the roof.
“Come with me.”
She followed, taking cue to simultaneously fumble for her cheap grapple as he reached for his own (no doubt state-of-the-art) device. Whilst descending down the decel line, Batman pressed a button on his utility belt, and a rumble hummed from down the road as a long, sleek, jet-black vehicle charged along the street, skidding to a stop right in front of them as they alighted on the sidewalk. The hood automatically slid back upon recognizing its owner, inviting within the depths of its leather wings.
She hesitated as he walked round to the driver’s side and climbed in, casting an expectant – impatient – glance at his guest.
“Well. Hurry up and get in.”
“O- okay.”
Dear Diary, whatever you do, don’t tell my mom I agreed to get into a strange car in the middle of the night with a shady man wearing a mask. Pretty sure she’d flip her shit.
She hopped in after, settling against the cozy cushions. Leave it to a billionaire to be able to afford the best quality sitting material. Admiring the impressive array of controls on the dashboard, she figured the machine in itself probably cost more than her whole house combined.
“Hang on,” he warned as they lurched forward, “And don’t touch anything.”
Stephanie hastily withdrew her itchy fingers from the nearest knob, sweating nervously.
“Can I ask what this does at least?”
“Passenger seat ejector.”
She shrank back sullenly, leaning slumped into the lavish upholstery.
Mock me at your peril, masked man.
As they sped past buildings and streetlamps, Steph inquired with a hunch as to their destination:
“So are we going to your hideout?”
“I prefer to think of it as a lair.”
She couldn’t tell whether that was supposed to be a joke or not. Either way, she couldn’t help but feel a hint of giddy excitement at her current situation. Not many people could proudly proclaim they got to ride in the freakin’ Batmobile once during their lives.
Hope was a letter I never could send Love was a country we couldn't defend
And through the carnival we watch them go round and round All we knew of home was just a sunset and some clowns
#TimSteph#Tim Drake#Timmy Todd#Stephanie Brown#Batman the Animated Series#Batman Beyond#DCAU#Return of the Joker#fanfiction#starstories#I'm kinda knee deep in Kagepro hell right now but#I still love my Bat babies too#so here's a quick lil update#<3#in which I combine all the quotes#*shot*
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Michael Owen shows he’s not just Mr. Nice Guy, ranting about Liverpool, Man United, fan hate and his regrets
MALPAS, England — Michael Owen laughs a lot. It’s one of the first things you notice when you are in the company of the former Liverpool, Real Madrid and Manchester United forward. The common perception of Owen is that he is, and always has been, an extreme version of the modern-day sportsman who has been managed and polished to within an inch of his life, but the reality is very different.
We are chatting in the Owners Lounge at Manor House Stables, a thoroughbred horse racing training complex deep in the Cheshire countryside, which was nothing more than a cattle barn when Owen bought the land in 2007 as a post-football investment. While the camera is being set up in the stables to film Owen’s first interview since the publication of extracts of his autobiography, “Reboot,” we discuss the fallout from the book, including headlines about his broken relationship with Alan Shearer, controversy surrounding his comments about former club Newcastle United and criticism of David Beckham. (And, of course, two of his former clubs square off this weekend when Liverpool host Newcastle at Anfield.)
There has been widespread surprise at Owen’s candour and readiness to be blunt; it’s a side of his character he’s kept well-hidden since bursting onto the scene as a teenage sensation with Liverpool in 1997. But he laughs again when reminded of the time he scored his first goal for Manchester United. It came at Wigan in August 2009 and after the match, Owen walked past reporters asking for a post-match quote before turning on his heels to tell them to “F— off, because you’re always caning me…”
“Yeah, that wouldn’t have been a first,” he said, laughing. “I was probably right as well!”
– ESPN’s Ultimate XI: This team would win everything – Lukaku’s mission: Win at Inter, prove Man United wrong – Harding: The real reason Bundesliga is king
Owen is surprised that people have been surprised about his true personality, but he hasn’t lost any sleep over it.
“I’ve taken my tin hat off to chat about this!” Owen tells ESPN FC, following the initial reaction to the revelations in his book. “I’ve written a book that’s open and honest, talking about my career. It’s been interesting, quite a therapeutic process in the beginning, but now that it’s in the mainstream, it’s causing quite a lot of opinion.
“But look, to get to the top of any profession, you need unbelievable drive, confidence and the ability to filter out anything that is going to have negative impact on your mind.”
Owen is known for his safe public persona but in retirement and with his memoir released, he isn’t afraid to speak out.
Behind the laughter and the smile, it is fairly obvious that Owen is a tough, hard character to the point of appearing cold to outsiders. Perhaps it’s a result of being a child prodigy, the son of a former professional footballer (Terry Owen played over 300 games, including a spell at Everton) who spent his young life being groomed for the stardom which came at such an early stage of his career.
By the time he was 18, Owen had become a first-team regular at Liverpool and emerged from the 1998 World Cup as the most-talked about teenager on the planet after scoring his stunning individual goal during the second round defeat against Argentina. He was the Kylian Mbappe of his day, his scorching pace combined with an ability to score goal after goal after goal, but there was always an element of the “brand” being the most precious commodity, with Owen’s persona carefully managed to the extent that he never quite connected with supporters at any of his clubs.
Opinions back then were simply not on the agenda.
“A lot of the time when you are playing, you are slightly gagged,” Owen says. “You can’t be talking about Liverpool if you play for Man United.”
He scored 158 goals in 297 games for Liverpool but even at Anfield the affection for Owen is lukewarm, at best, largely because he signed for bitter rivals United after leaving Newcastle in 2009.
“When I left Newcastle, the two real options were Everton — David Moyes wanted to sign me — and Manchester United,” said Owen. “You could say that I was doomed to be criticised by Liverpool fans at that time, no matter what I did, because their two biggest rivals were the two biggest moves for me. But that’s fine. I’m certainly not sitting here apologising for anything.
“If I had the time again, in that situation, I would do the same again. In no other walk of life would you be criticised for having ambition: people would applaud it. But because I chose to sign for a club at the top, to play in the Champions League, you get castigated for the colour of your shirt. I’m never going to change that ‘you wore red, he wore blue, so I hate you,’ mentality.”
There it is again: that cold, hard honesty. Owen just does not do sentiment or play the game of telling supporters what they want to hear.
In his book, Owen admits that by the time he left Liverpool for Real in 2004, he was earning more from commercial deals than from club wages at Anfield, an admission that underlines not only his global status at the time, but also that sense of Owen the brand being bigger than Owen the footballer. As Sir Alex Ferguson says in the foreword to the book, “another factor in Michael’s career was the way he led his life; no arrogance, no partying, a good family life, respect for his parents, his manager and team-mates: all in all, a completely rounded young man.”
The problem for Owen, though, is that all of the above conspired to create the image of a footballer who was hard to love. “Over the years, I’ve inevitably run into a fair amount of criticism about various aspects of my career,” he said. “In my case, people complained that I wasn’t loyal enough to this or that club, was ‘always injured,’ boring.”
But does it bother him? Does he care?
“A throwaway line from Alex Inglethorpe, the Academy Director at Liverpool, summed up everything for me,” Owen writes in his book. “He told me that I had the best s— filter of anyone he’d ever met. To many, all I’ve ever been is a voice — a not very interesting one at that, some would say — or a face on a television screen.
“This ‘s— filter’ is at the core of it all and I hope everyone enjoys getting a brief glimpse into my head.”
April 12, 1999. It was certainly the end of the beginning for Michael Owen but the subsequent years also proved it to be the beginning of the end and, in many ways, the root cause of those accusations that he was injury prone.
Liverpool played Leeds United at Elland Road. Steve McManaman split the Leeds defence with a pinpoint pass to Owen, who collected the ball and raced towards goal until he pulled up sharply and collapsed to the ground on the edge of the penalty area. The Leeds crowd cheered, mocking Owen as he rolls around on the turf, clutching his right hamstring, which is torn from the tendon. The YouTube footage is difficult to watch considering the implications of the injury.
Owen was still only 19 at the time. He would go on to win the Ballon d’Or two years later and move to Real in 2004, but he tells ESPN FC that the injury at Leeds changed everything to the point that he could have quit in his mid-20s.
“Yeah, 100 percent,” he said. “Back in the day, when I did the injury, they didn’t do surgery on muscle [injuries]. If they did, it was extremely rare, so it was an injury that was going to catch up with me later in life, mainly in terms of speed, and this is one of the most frustrating things about what people have accused me of when I have said that, in the last few years of my career, I didn’t enjoy it as much as in my early years.
“I think that’s a perfectly fine and honest thing to say. I was right at the top of my game and I have countless recollections to prove how high my standing was during the first half of my career, but just think of the mental toll it takes when you’ve done that but then have to accept that players who are, with all due respect, half as talented as you, almost taking the ball off you.
“At 26, I couldn’t even run past them anymore. I was having to tell myself to link the play because I couldn’t sprint into channels anymore. It was alien to me, of course I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did when I was at my best.”

Owen, left, was prolific for Liverpool but a serious injury at 19 set the tone for several tough fitness issues in the later half of his career.
Losing his trademark pace was like a master craftsman being unable to use his tools and Owen could sense his decline. In his book, he admits that the root of his rift with Shearer stemmed from the then-Newcastle manager believing that Owen was refusing to risk his fitness to help save the club from relegation.
Knee, hamstring and foot injuries marred Owen’s career at Newcastle, restricting him to just 71 Premier League games in four seasons at St James’ Park. He had a similarly injury-affected three seasons at Manchester United, making just 31 league appearances (he only started six league games for the club), but having been one of the biggest stars in world football as a teenager, he claims it was “torture” to have to endure such a painful decline.
“I enjoyed the game throughout,” he said. “I’d have stopped playing at 25 if I hated it that much. I love the game now, I loved it at 33, but the mental torture of not being able to do what you could once do — the brain is still telling you to do it — you think, come and get it to feet because you can’t expose yourself to sprinting.
“The older I got, the slower and slower I got, but how do you get used to being ‘just a player?’ My brain, my heart, my everything is about being the best and when I couldn’t be, it was just torture in my mind to feel like that. I can’t understand how people don’t understand that.
“I was almost dying a slow death when I was playing. The last year at Stoke, I hardly played, and it made my mind up. I vividly remember playing away at Crystal Palace. I hadn’t played for six months, I was on the bench, hardly getting on, and I played [at Palace] and I just thought, ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ I’m just not as fast or as strong as anyone anymore. Yes, I could still finish as well as anyone in the six-yard box, but I just vividly remember that I wasn’t capable anymore.”
For a player who achieved so much, Owen has a surprisingly long list of regrets. He smiles about them, and does not project the image of a man weighed down by questions of what might have been, but they are there nonetheless.
Owen left Liverpool a year before Rafael Benitez’s team won the Champions League in 2005, spent just one year in Spain with Real Madrid, signed for Manchester United a month after the departures of Cristiano Ronaldo and Carlos Tevez and was part of the so-called “Golden Generation” of Beckham, Ferdinand, Scholes, Terry et al, which failed to win a major tournament with England.
But such is Owen’s character, and his pursuit of absolute excellence, that it appears he relishes setting his personal bar so impossibly high.
“I’m wired in a certain way,” he said. “I’ll regret anything if I can. If I win the league, I regret not winning it twice. If I win the Ballon d’Or, I want to win it two or three times. That’s the way you have to think if you are at the top of your profession. But if I had one regret, with all the players we had, nobody will ever convince me that we didn’t have an amazing team with England. It was so frustrating that we never won anything.
“Yet my trophy collection is my pride and joy, my memories. Sometimes, you have a little five minutes looking at them, remembering how you did it, because the evidence is there. You just go into a room and see it all shining.”
One of those trophies is the Ballon d’Or, which Owen won after helping Liverpool to a Treble of FA Cup, League Cup and UEFA Cup in 2001. No Englishman has won it since and, although he believes the Premier League now possesses the players to produce a winner again, Owen does not expect an English player to emulate him anytime soon.
“I can’t see it being in the next few years,” he said. “We have some great players, but you’d to think Messi and Ronaldo will be around for a bit yet. There’s obviously Virgil van Dijk and other top-class players in the Premier League but yes, it’s going to be a while before Englishman does it.”
Michael Owen opened his Twitter account in November, 2010 and it is fair to say he has endured a bumpy ride on social media ever since. For a player who generates more negative opinion than positive, it can be a daily grind of abuse and hatred for Owen, especially since going public on his rift with Shearer. He bites back more than most but also believes there is a difference between what happens in daily life and being at a computer screen.
“I think everybody gets [abuse] in my line of work,” he said. “I’ve been used to that since social media started. It was my decision to go on it and interact with fans and, by and large, you do get amazing interaction on it and a lot of support through social media.
“In the street, no-one says anything, so you’ve got to take social media with a pinch of salt. I was having lunch in Manchester city centre with my wife and kids last week, and this is when I’m in all the headlines, and not one person has a go at you. Not one person says anything. I’ve never encountered anyone saying anything [face to face] like they do social media.
“But if you’re not thick-skinned, there’s no point going on it.”
And with a shrug and a smile, Owen sums himself up. His skin is thicker than most.
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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-real-saul-goodman-from-breaking-bad-and-better-call-saul-2/
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?

Whats up Dan this is for excuse for security legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is one of these neat dense topic I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it is it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry if you do not win it can be a catastrophe for the character good you have to win them see if he’s coming by means of on some thing or did he come by means of on a warrant final night in the phrases of Jesse Pinkman you do not want a crook legal professional you need a crook lawyer and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking bad’s rapid-speaking lovely scumbag of an lawyer final season on the actual warmness find a actual-existence Walter White so this year we questioned if there were any real-world counterparts to his attorney to when we asked around the the big apple authorized world about who was once the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most mighty criminal safety lawyer in the market everybody informed us one factor better call howard greenberg nobody is rather as outlandish as how it’s you just about wager but what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that obtained in trouble with the police and the way it was once the primary legal professional I concept of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i am calling call Reed how are you hello how are you to fulfill you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you already know a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so that is your crash pad my crash pad i am sorry to assert does no longer reside in a nail salon behind nail salon – oh correct Saul’s place of business yeah well that is my dwelling away from home 4 days every week many best victories had been crafted edited and tweaked on this area proper at the back of you is the subsequent one it’s a high-profile intercourse trafficking case and you realize i am working it up here so you may have by no means been put ready the place you need to shield an individual who’s certainly guilty it is it’s beside the point to me I choose they tell me however i don’t care i’m more petrified of the federal government than i’m of some individuals come again who I signify inform me about your daily so you get up at what time I stand up 5 six the very first thing I do is figure out I do not know if I look it but beneath this is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in court or or get to work if i am now not in courtroom so let’s talk about what you are gonna wear today i don’t suppose i will wait i don’t think i’m gonna wear this shirt however several suits putting check this up I mean which you could earn the proper to wear whatever that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved anyone can however but i’ve if i’m part to a jury the affect that if their ass was once in a sling they’d want me sitting subsequent to them i will do something the i need k ok yarn it hard work on this industry makes up for lots of sins excellent let’s go get them let’s go get him i’m no longer gonna let the government crucify my guys energy Greenberg’s record of court victories is rivaled best by means of the rap sheets of his consumers in his 25 years of observe Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic advocate for people accused of everything from murder to medicinal drugs to weapons to sex trafficking defending the likes of the so referred to as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a girl to have sex along with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang however much more than his shoppers its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom methods that have made him a darling of the nearby press nobody i know how to rely Dench money for more heritage on Howard’s higher-than-life reputation we reached out to a couple of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a first-hand account of what it can be like to watch him work are you able to tell me about a few of your first encounters with Howard um I keep in mind him when I first got here to the workplace I think the article I recall most about him is you never knew what was going to come out of his mouth and repeatedly it was once very individual to you like should you tried to argue a few case in entrance of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to all people there may be just about an endearing quality now when you seem again at it considering the fact that the he noticed was once hysterical when I began at legal support I started as a public defender and i simply do not forget coming to understand him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you understand it’s a crazy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court you already know he is uh he is now not effortless to mess he doesn’t look like a usual legal professional you know simply between just like the hair and the best way he moves and the best way he speaks he rather is aware of tips on how to push the envelope with quite a few a variety of folks however no longer force the road the place he would become getting himself into challenge there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that obtained plenty of insurance policy can you tell me somewhat bit about that it was once a case where two guys they were accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he was once giving summations and in it he was once pronouncing matters to the result that he would love to be like a ho working for them that if he made as a lot cash as them he would be doing it too that is kind of manner he rolls i’m telling you he does things that that lots of the relaxation of us would under no circumstances do like you’re go-inspecting a victim and in our robbery right and you’ll be able to say good it was once nighttime correct sure it was once dark in any respect right proper there were no streetlights have been there no the common method me feel it don’t ask a different query and then you simply sum up and say there isn’t no way that witness might have noticeable who robbed her on the grounds that it was once darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her possess mouth however what you do not ask the witnesses so that you couldn’t see the person who robbed you would you on the grounds that in case you ask that ultimate question it could actually simplest go wrong however Howard will ask the ideal question after which ask it 5 more approaches and 5 more times and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the lawyer we’ve got an appointment what are you in one more lawyer’s place of work ok something cost he costs you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you should you must look at my record before you rent someone and if his record is healthier than mine while you compare the two you must rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s unattainable however when are you gonna be here in 15 minutes okay good boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up ok over the direction of the years I’ve realized to improve an extraordinarily thick dermis with him he’s very blunt and direct and that’s what I think quite a few folks quite like about him is the truth that you recognize with him you’re now not gonna get the frills and the costume-up and the lollipops and the candy canes you are going to get the very easy facts and he particularly really fights for the usual excellent which is what I really supply to him he puts his coronary heart and soul into what he does in view that he is aware what it’s like if you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal government against you and your this one individual seeking to battle in your lifestyles so inform me what you are working on working for this vast intercourse trafficking case in ny County how long do you see this trial going on for perhaps three weeks 4 weeks you know normal we’re looking to turn selling prostitution into sex trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i’m going to give you one instance you tell me ok sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you give me one she’s a prostitute out of her own free will that is no longer intercourse trafficking nonetheless they invariably tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such thing as free will and no lady can come to be a hoe considering she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand per week that is intent any individual made her do it and were you aware that most times with John’s they simulate the act that is how stupid John’s are oh yeah obviously of course everybody is aware of they have got to be faking it no so i am speaking about faking having intercourse Wow they confirmed us how they do it well explain it you need to be for your stomach you need to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re on your stomach uh-huh and also you have got to get the schmeckel on your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i am not hurting that John snake they are getting some thing some thing when they may be now not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the real ultimate argument that was in the world referred to as jury selection that I intend to do if that’s the case okay I seem out at this room full of men and women and that i say to myself they are right here to be brainwashed by means of me repeat after me do okay you men and women are going to decide you persons are gonna come to a decision whether the defendant whether the defendant is a sex trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he is an innocent character being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether or not he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s proceed do any of you good persons see pink while you hear the phrases sex trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a bunch referred to as reasonable women any one here read Nicholas Kristof’s school he has an obsession with intercourse and the subject of sexual slavery and and persons being compelled to do matters against their will neither of which I must let you know applies on this case my door did I inform you the women if they are cold they are gonna be witnesses you get the inspiration and that is how it is going to go hi hi Kim i am Marie Greenberg tell your lovely to meet with me this is our dining room we now have many events right here how did you guys meet we met in court docket I used to be a court reporter k and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized help and we simply variety of like take to each other and it’s been that’s been some proper and the way long in the past is that that used to be 24 years ago Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you just helped type him oh come on is that what he mentioned yeah not ever lets me kind him I desire everyday lets me sort him he has a first-class eye but now not for himself so you absolutely met Howard in his situation of work yeah what do you think about his profession he does his job very well and he he is not prejudiced at all he just feels that every body should have a shot at being defended the correct manner does that bother you though if like somebody particularly is guilty and he is one of these talented lawyer that he will get them off after which they stroll free does it trouble me probably maybe 2 or 3 times it has however the opposite occasions no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my existence none of them I liked him he grew up very otherwise he’s now not indignant about that he’s grateful about that and i do not suppose many men and women can say that inform me a little bit bit about your upbringing you erased on the diminish East side it’s real we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally unwell my grandmother who raised me as a mothers and fathers and me my father was once very violent it was a every day incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly historic grandmother one time he snapped her forearm correct in front of my face but I was a child what might I you recognize what would I do to quite preserve him I imply look what would I do about I mean our youngsters do not even understand this after I left I acquired a full scholarship to Cornell university which I briskly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and realized alongside the way that her father was once a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s place of business exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the U.S. Of the usa versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was my spouse’s my then wife’s father the day prior to this’s arrests and fees disclose one other heroin operation run by means of Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a entrance for trafficking in enormous quantities of medications that case devolved within the public mind into some thing that was referred to as the Pizza connection case it became the longest federal trial up to that factor in the history of the USA of the united states but it surely was on that day with the dealers and the drug sniffing puppies crawling in all places me and the persons I cared about that I’ve to grow to be a criminal security lawyer I was enrolled in Fordham regulation college three months after graduating i am a employees legal professional on the legal help Society you know it’s tough for me to be politically right however at the legal help Society they emasculate lawyers why did they do this considering they are so involved about maintaining the file attempting the case for the appeal but lawyers who are attempting the case for the enchantment are gonna lose how do you are trying the case I are trying the case to win I left the legal aid website I did fulfill my commitment I went into private follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me how you can turn out to be a pleasant trial legal professional he wrote a sequence of books entitled attempting circumstances to win and i grew to be him does it offend you when people suggest that you’re like Saul due to the fact that he is a bit of of a sketchy persona in some ways as well as being quirky no by no means i don’t have to cheat to win ok I’ve received a method that seems to work and i can train any lawyer if the battle of the government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a few of Howard’s former clients about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was once charged with criminal possession of a weapon a charge carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal youngsters that the cop stated shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was facing seven seven to fifteen years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence after I was a teenager I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that a part of my life besides like that what i’m seeking to do is just discover a job you know have some kids you already know just a little ordinary existence I imply however seeing that of my previous historical past they they are attempting to border have you ever had any dealings with any legal professionals earlier towered is here first variety of your first guy he is hostile to Lloyd had cash to pay for my earlier legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a legal support and of path legal age they work with the method they get paid via you copping up I imply I was once lucky adequate to to be in a position to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence after I used to be at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior however he fought like I was like I was his son hiya good that is why I possess golf all how did you meet Felix originally how did he find you his squeeze gave me a name and informed me you desire a attorney whilst you first met him and what had been your first impressions of him did you feel this can be a good kid topic what I concept it was once surely prick I failed to like him haha okay k but I however I grew to like him ok k if he concept he was a surly prick than wise you would not want to represent him seeing that I if I take your cash you get all of me that is why and i want to win okay you’ve got iced coffee i don’t make it from dishwater does that occur rather a lot that you just increase a style of close personal relationship along with your consumers I simply Shutt subsequent yeah no it is now not that okay it’s now not a bit of private nevertheless it’s a love and affection for anybody whose life you saved so you have got mentioned that if any individual will pay you they have your loyalty i wonder I ran the provider for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my loved ones and i render service for cash that a guy threatened to kill me and that i received him acquitted and that’s just the way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you fear them you for the larger better system the mayor and i can not blame a guy who’s rotting in penitentiary for pronouncing some thing and the easiest goal is the lawyer ok come on after spending more time with Howard I developed a better figuring out of his belief that everybody deserved a zealous protection but a lot of his instances still quite bothered me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron again in 2011 Howard joined the safety workforce for some of the stunning murder circumstances in up to date new york historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight year historic boy attorney Howard Greenberg is able to be hated for his client even as looking to look after confessed baby killer levy Aaron to realise the morality of defending any individual who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics legal professional Nicole Hyland I suppose it can be main for men and women attorneys and to recognize that real-world ethics is just not the identical as authorized ethics there may be some overlap but there are numerous matters that legal professionals are obligated to do and anticipate it to try this rather don’t ought to do with morality a criminal lawyer goes to still look after a purchaser even if they comprehend the client is guilty and so i can think that in particular circumstances the place you have got a defendant who’s accused of particularly horrific crime the public could think there may be something immoral about that about staying silent whilst you understand your customer is guilty you realize men and women continuously say oh how can how will you guard those those responsible individuals and i have customers accused of horrible terrible disgusting horrible matters and that’s my job to guard anyone’s got to in the back of them you already know an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a crook security attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a client is entitled to zealous advocacy there probably whatever that mentioned or achieved that the external world could take offense to but that is a safeguard legal professional rightfully combating for his or her patron when Howard first received on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he made up our minds was going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a quite ultra-orthodox Hasidic neighborhood that his protection was going to be that possibly he used to be inbred and as a result that prompted him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who was once a big part of the Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn was quite up in fingers to close to blame the Jewish neighborhood for moves of this one man or woman he needs to shield LaVey Aaron he has each correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an whole group my group any individual’s community that’s now not what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a hard son of a bitch of the move I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst believe I heard any individual who I suppose like conceptually I failed due to the fact he took a plea and i am used to profitable circumstances but the legislation says the defendant makes that decision now not the legal professional I consider that had we tried that case he would had been found not responsible by rationale of madness on account that if he wasn’t loopy no person’s crazy you surely believe he used to be insane do not you chopped a little bit child into portions and put half of of it in the freezer and the other 1/2 in the rubbish you tell me oh thanks so much to a rock what do you feel would had been the nice end result he went to trial after which he and then what there used to be no just right end result he would have wound up within the loony bin for the leisure of his lifestyles correct had he long gone to trial would had been in from would have been terrific for me since the story would had been within the papers every day for three months every time in fine first-rate business for you exceptional publicity it’s anything like the levee or in case of large the cash got here three or is it with that extra like a profile factor I did that case totally free quite and the intent I did it without spending a dime used to be considering the fact that I had learn in the paper that the choose was given the protection attorneys a tough time has there ever been a factor where you’re up in courtroom where you think like probably you’re virtually crossing the road I simply keep on with the advocacy you already know so probably in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens men and women when you say the complaining witness got what he deserved that frightens folks do you think like to be a just right crook safeguard lawyer you have got to push boundaries as much as the road at the very at the naked minimum up to the lines in many instances over the road depending on the case and depending on the purpose are you ready your sight i’m loaded for undergo i’m in a position the rationale for my appearance here today as i am slated to begin a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win via the first three paragraphs of words that I utter to the jury it is beautiful reproduction it is a method that appears to work do you are gonna supply me a little bit of a taster of your opening argument yeah i’ll give you the whole thing yeah i am excited to listen to it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get at the back of a rock handled as a lectern yeah look there we go so i will begin with the with the steeple gesture of my arms after which and the following time i change a movement i’m going to shift the arms away from the body after which after I particularly get going i will you are stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally earlier than I get to whatever to do with the hand gestures when the choose it invitations me to get up and do that the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the reason for that is there is no extra concentration-getting factor you are able to do in a court docket then sit down definitely nonetheless that’s to assert freeze to the factor where i need men and women to be uncomfortable wondering what’s he waiting for then I upward push slowly and then I transfer briskly to the lectern simply think me relocating briskly to the lectern then I relish the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second and then I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else was once this fax pattern it was once no longer intercourse trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample used to be made of hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US forex to John’s and that’s historic John’s incidentally are among the dumbest folks going for walks the face of the earth the young ladies i’ll prove work this hos which is what they name themselves on account that they wanted to and if that appellation is just right adequate for them it can be just right adequate for you and it can be just right adequate of me and i will show that they came and went as they please i will prove that the words just for illustration i’ll kill you or their equivalents are protected free speech no matter how tough or soft the half-baked prosecution expert witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down any individual’s throat it is going to now not change the fact that with the aid of their own lights the women should not quote victims unquote you may also well as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated within the audience backing us up and cheering us on it is now not your job to render a verdict that tells them methods to are living their lives if they want to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand a week then so be it finally that’s a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and any person with a half of a brain is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come back a verdict of not responsible on each and every rely of intercourse trafficking it is the one fair suitable justified verdict the proof in the case will aid and pause i’m gonna appear at each and every any such men and women and then i’m gonna say and i consider we appreciate every different and that’s how it’s completed there’s no such thing as a useless case good day Felix smile you’re on candid digital camera all proper child you know i love you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not eat this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what variety of digital camera is this right how about a little flash

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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-real-saul-goodman-from-breaking-bad-and-better-call-saul/
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?

Hi there Dan this is for excuse for safety legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is such a neat dense subject I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it’s it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry should you do not win it’s a disaster for the man or woman well you must win them see if he’s coming by means of on something or did he come by means of on a warrant last night time in the words of Jesse Pinkman you do not need a crook lawyer you need a crook attorney and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking unhealthy’s quick-speakme lovable scumbag of an lawyer final season on the true warmth find a real-lifestyles Walter White so this 12 months we puzzled if there were any real-world counterparts to his legal professional to once we asked across the the big apple legal world about who used to be probably the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most powerful crook safety attorney in the market everybody told us one thing higher call howard greenberg nobody is fairly as outlandish as how it’s you just about guess however what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that acquired in quandary with the police and how it was the first legal professional I inspiration of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i’m calling name Reed how are you hi how are you to meet you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you understand a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so this is your crash pad my crash pad i’m sorry to say does not reside in a nail salon in the back of nail salon – oh right Saul’s office yeah good that is my dwelling away from residence four days a week many satisfactory victories were crafted edited and tweaked on this house right in the back of you is the next one it is a excessive-profile sex trafficking case and you recognize i am working it up right here so you have never been put able where you need to defend someone who’s genuinely responsible it is it’s beside the point to me I select they tell me but i do not care i’m more petrified of the government than i am of some members come again who I represent tell me about your every day so that you get up at what time I rise up five six the first thing I do is figure out I don’t know if I look it but beneath it is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in courtroom or or get to work if i am no longer in courtroom so let’s talk about what you’re gonna wear in these days i don’t believe i’ll wait i do not believe i’m gonna wear this shirt however a number of suits placing verify this up I imply you understand that you could earn the proper to wear something that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved someone can however however i have if i’m phase to a jury the impression that if their ass was once in a sling they’d need me sitting subsequent to them i will be able to do anything the i need okay k yarn it hard work in this trade makes up for a lot of sins good let’s go get them let’s go get him i am not gonna let the federal government crucify my guys power Greenberg’s report of courtroom victories is rivaled handiest through the rap sheets of his customers in his 25 years of practice Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic suggest for humans accused of the whole lot from homicide to medications to weapons to intercourse trafficking defending the likes of the so known as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a lady to have sex with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang but even more than his clients its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom tactics that have made him a darling of the local press nobody i understand how to depend Dench cash for extra history on Howard’s larger-than-life status we reached out to some of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a primary-hand account of what it can be like to observe him work are you able to inform me about some of your first encounters with Howard um I do not forget him once I first got here to the place of work I consider the object I take into account most about him is you under no circumstances knew what was going to come back out of his mouth and oftentimes it was once very individual to you adore if you tried to argue a few case in front of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to each person there may be practically an endearing exceptional now while you seem back at it given that the he noticed was once hysterical after I began at legal aid I began as a public defender and i simply take into account coming to grasp him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you know it’s a loopy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court docket you already know he is uh he’s no longer easy to clutter he would not look like a natural attorney simply between like the hair and the way he strikes and the way he speaks he quite knows learn how to push the envelope with a variety of a number of men and women but not force the line the place he would emerge as getting himself into quandary there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that acquired quite a few coverage can you tell me just a little bit about that it used to be a case where two men they have been accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he used to be giving summations and in it he was saying things to the result that he would like to be like a ho working for them that you realize if he made as a lot cash as them he could be doing it too that’s sort of method he rolls i’m telling you he does matters that that most of the relaxation of us would on no account do like you’re move-analyzing a sufferer and in our theft correct and you can say good it was middle of the night proper yes it used to be dark in any respect proper correct there were no streetlights have been there no the normal process me believe it do not ask a different query and then you just sum up and say there is not no means that witness might have seen who robbed her given that it was darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her own mouth but what you do not ask the witnesses so you couldn’t see the man or woman who robbed you might you on the grounds that for those who ask that best question it may best go flawed but Howard will ask the ideal query and then ask it 5 more ways and 5 extra instances and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the legal professional we have an appointment what are you in a different lawyer’s administrative center ok whatever price he bills you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you must you should appear at my report earlier than you rent any individual and if his file is better than mine when you compare the 2 you should rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s not possible however when are you gonna be here in quarter-hour k excellent boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up k over the path of the years I’ve discovered to develop an awfully thick dermis with him he is very blunt and direct and that’s what I feel numerous people rather like about him is the fact that with him you are not gonna get the frills and the dress-up and the lollipops and the sweet canes you’re going to get the very easy facts and he quite really fights for the usual excellent which is what I fairly give to him he places his heart and soul into what he does considering that he knows what it’s like if in case you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal executive towards you and your this one individual seeking to combat to your existence so inform me what you’re working on working for this colossal intercourse trafficking case in big apple County how long do you see this trial happening for probably three weeks 4 weeks you know common we’re looking to flip selling prostitution into intercourse trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i will offer you one instance you inform me okay sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you provide me one she’s a prostitute out of her possess free will that is now not sex trafficking however they constantly tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such factor as free will and no girl can come to be a hoe due to the fact that she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand a week that’s intent anybody made her do it and do you know that almost all instances with John’s they simulate the act that’s how silly John’s are oh yeah without doubt of path every person is aware of they need to be faking it no so i’m talking about faking having intercourse Wow they showed us how they do it good provide an explanation for it you need to be on your belly you ought to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re to your belly uh-huh and you have to get the schmeckel for your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i’m no longer hurting that John snake they may be getting some thing some thing when they’re not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the actual ultimate argument that was on the earth known as jury decision that I intend to do in that case ok I appear out at this room stuffed with people and that i say to myself they’re right here to be brainwashed with the aid of me repeat after me do okay you folks are going to make a decision you people are gonna decide whether the defendant whether or not the defendant is a intercourse trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he’s an innocent individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s continue do any of you good humans see pink while you hear the phrases intercourse trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a group called reasonable ladies anybody here read Nicholas Kristof’s college he has an obsession with sex and the subject of sexual slavery and and individuals being compelled to do matters towards their will neither of which I ought to inform you applies in this case my door did I inform you the girls if they are bloodless they’re gonna be witnesses you get the idea and that’s how it is going to go hi hello Kim i am Marie Greenberg inform your beautiful to satisfy with me that is our eating room we have many parties right here how did you guys meet we met in courtroom I was a court reporter ok and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized aid and we just kind of like hit it off and it can be been that’s been some proper and the way lengthy in the past is that that was once 24 years in the past Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you helped variety him oh come on is that what he stated yeah never lets me sort him I desire daily lets me type him he has a first-class eye however no longer for himself so that you certainly met Howard in his position of labor yeah what do you suppose about his occupation he does his job very good and he he isn’t prejudiced in any respect he simply feels that every body will have to have a shot at being defended the proper way does that bother you though if like a person relatively is guilty and he’s this kind of proficient attorney that he gets them off and then they walk free does it hassle me perhaps possibly 2 or three times it has however the opposite times no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my lifestyles none of them I favored him he grew up very in a different way he is not irritated about that he is grateful about that and i don’t consider many people can say that tell me a bit of bit about your upbringing you erased on the reduce East facet it is actual we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally ill my grandmother who raised me as a moms and dads and me my father used to be very violent it was once a everyday incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly old grandmother one time he snapped her forearm right in entrance of my face however I used to be a baby what might I you already know what could I do to particularly guard him I mean appear what might I do about I mean our children do not even understand this after I left I obtained a full scholarship to Cornell college which I quickly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and discovered alongside the way in which that her father was a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s office exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the USA of the us versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was once my wife’s my then wife’s father the day before today’s arrests and expenditures reveal an extra heroin operation run via Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a front for trafficking in significant quantities of medicines that case devolved within the public intellect into something that was once known as the Pizza connection case it grew to become the longest federal trial up to that point in the historical past of the USA of the us however it was once on that day with the sellers and the drug sniffing dogs crawling all over me and the men and women I cared about that I’ve to become a crook safety legal professional I used to be enrolled in Fordham regulation university three months after graduating i’m a employees legal professional on the authorized aid Society you comprehend it’s hard for me to be politically proper but on the legal aid Society they emasculate lawyers why did they try this due to the fact that they’re so concerned about retaining the report making an attempt the case for the appeal but legal professionals who are trying the case for the attraction are gonna lose how do you try the case I are attempting the case to win I left the authorized help site I did fulfill my commitment I went into personal follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me the way to grow to be a excellent trial legal professional he wrote a series of books entitled trying cases to win and that i grew to become him does it offend you when humans endorse that you’re like Saul on the grounds that he’s a bit of a sketchy personality in some ways as well as being quirky no on no account i don’t have to cheat to win okay I’ve acquired a procedure that seems to work and i can teach any attorney if the battle of the federal government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a couple of of Howard’s former consumers about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was charged with felony possession of a weapon a cost carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal besides the fact that children that the cop mentioned shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was going through seven seven to 15 years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence when I used to be a young person I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that part of my existence except like that what i am looking to do is simply find a job have some children you know somewhat standard life I imply however on the grounds that of my prior historical past they they are trying to frame have you ever ever had any dealings with any attorneys prior towered is right here first kind of your first man he is hostile to Lloyd had money to pay for my prior legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a authorized help and of path legal age they work with the method they receives a commission by way of you copping up I mean I was fortunate ample to to be equipped to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence once I was once at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior but he fought like I used to be like I used to be his son hiya good that is why I own golf all how did you meet Felix at the start how did he to find you his squeeze gave me a call and told me you desire a lawyer whilst you first met him and what have been your first impressions of him did you think it is a just right kid topic what I suggestion it was once obviously prick I failed to like him haha k ok however I but I grew to love him okay k if he notion he was a surly prick than intelligent you would not want to represent him for the reason that I if I take your money you get all of me that’s why and i want to win k you may have iced coffee i do not make it from dishwater does that happen a lot that you just enhance a sort of shut personal relationship with your purchasers I just Shutt subsequent yeah no it can be not that ok it can be no longer just a little individual however it’s a love and affection for anybody whose lifestyles you saved so you will have stated that if any person will pay you they’ve your loyalty i ponder I ran the carrier for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my family and that i render provider for money that a guy threatened to kill me and that i obtained him acquitted and that is just the best way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you worry them you for the higher higher method the mayor and i can not blame a man who’s rotting in jail for announcing whatever and the easiest target is the attorney k come on after spending extra time with Howard I developed a better working out of his belief that every person deserved a zealous safeguard but various his cases still relatively afflicted me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron back in 2011 Howard joined the safeguard workforce for one of the surprising murder circumstances in recent big apple historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight yr historical boy legal professional Howard Greenberg is in a position to be hated for his patron at the same time looking to guard confessed little one killer levy Aaron to fully grasp the morality of defending someone who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics lawyer Nicole Hyland I believe it’s essential for people legal professionals and to realise that actual-world ethics is not the identical as legal ethics there’s some overlap however there are quite a few things that attorneys are obligated to do and expect it to try this particularly don’t must do with morality a criminal legal professional goes to still guard a customer even supposing they know the consumer is responsible and so i can suppose that in particular instances where you’ve gotten a defendant who’s accused of relatively horrific crime the general public would feel there may be something immoral about that about staying silent while you recognize your patron is guilty you realize individuals perpetually say oh how can how will you safeguard those these guilty folks and i’ve customers accused of terrible terrible disgusting horrible things and that is my job to protect someone’s got to at the back of them you understand an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a criminal safeguard attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a consumer is entitled to zealous advocacy there might be whatever that said or performed that the external world could take offense to but that may be a safety attorney rightfully fighting for his or her purchaser when Howard first bought on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he determined was once going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a rather ultra-orthodox Hasidic community that his safety was going to be that probably he used to be inbred and for that reason that brought about him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who used to be a big a part of the Jewish community in Brooklyn used to be relatively up in palms to practically blame the Jewish community for actions of this one man or woman he needs to preserve LaVey Aaron he has every correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an entire group my neighborhood someone’s community that’s no longer what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a difficult son of a bitch of the go I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst suppose I heard any person who I think like conceptually I failed seeing that he took a plea and i am used to profitable instances but the law says the defendant makes that call now not the lawyer I feel that had we tried that case he would were located no longer guilty by way of rationale of madness considering if he wasn’t crazy no one’s loopy you without a doubt feel he used to be insane don’t you chopped somewhat kid into pieces and put 1/2 of it within the freezer and the opposite half in the garbage you tell me oh thanks quite a bit to a rock what do you think would were the quality effect he went to trial after which he after which what there was no excellent effect he would have wound up within the loony bin for the rest of his existence right had he gone to trial would have been in from would were wonderful for me because the story would were in the papers every single day for 3 months at any time when in exceptional terrific industry for you super publicity it can be something like the levee or in case of massive the money came three or is it with that more like a profile factor I did that case free of charge particularly and the reason I did it without cost was once considering that I had learn within the paper that the judge used to be given the security attorneys a tough time has there ever been a point where you are up in court docket where you think like might be you are just about crossing the line I simply stick with the advocacy you realize so maybe in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens folks in case you say the complaining witness acquired what he deserved that frightens persons do you feel prefer to be a good criminal safeguard attorney you need to push boundaries as much as the line on the very at the naked minimal up to the strains generally over the line depending on the case and depending on the reason are you capable your sight i’m loaded for bear i’m equipped the reason for my look here in these days as i’m slated to a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win by way of the first three paragraphs of phrases that I utter to the jury it is beautiful replica it can be a process that seems to work do you are gonna give me just a little of a taster of your opening argument yeah i will give you the whole thing yeah i’m excited to hear it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get behind a rock treated as a lectern yeah seem there we go so i’ll with the with the steeple gesture of my palms and then and the next time i modify a action i will shift the fingers faraway from the physique after which once I relatively get going i’m going to begin you’re stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally before I get to some thing to do with the hand gestures when the judge it invites me to stand up and do this the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and that i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the purpose for that’s there is no more awareness-getting factor you are able to do in a court then take a seat definitely still that’s to say freeze to the factor the place i want humans to be uncomfortable questioning what is he waiting for then I upward push slowly after which I transfer briskly to the lectern simply assume me relocating briskly to the lectern then I savour the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second after which I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else used to be this fax pattern it was no longer sex trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample was fabricated from hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US foreign money to John’s and that is historic John’s incidentally are among the many dumbest folks strolling the face of the earth the young females i will show work this hos which is what they name themselves because they desired to and if that appellation is good adequate for them it’s just right ample for you and it can be good sufficient of me and i’ll prove that they got here and went as they please i will show that the words just for instance i’ll kill you or their equivalents are included free speech no matter how hard or tender the half-baked prosecution knowledgeable witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down anyone’s throat it’s going to now not trade the fact that by their possess lights the girls are not quote victims unquote you can also good as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated in the audience backing us up and cheering us on it can be now not your job to render a verdict that tells them easy methods to reside their lives in the event that they wish to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand every week then so be it eventually that is a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and someone with a half of a mind is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come a verdict of now not responsible on each rely of sex trafficking it can be the one fair correct justified verdict the proof in the case will help and pause i am gonna seem at each this kind of individuals after which i’m gonna say and i consider we realise each different and that is how it’s executed there’s no such factor as a useless case hello Felix smile you’re on candid digicam all correct child i really like you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not consume this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what style of digicam is that this proper how about a little flash

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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?

Hi there Dan this is for excuse for safety legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is such a neat dense subject I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it’s it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry should you do not win it’s a disaster for the man or woman well you must win them see if he’s coming by means of on something or did he come by means of on a warrant last night time in the words of Jesse Pinkman you do not need a crook lawyer you need a crook attorney and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking unhealthy’s quick-speakme lovable scumbag of an lawyer final season on the true warmth find a real-lifestyles Walter White so this 12 months we puzzled if there were any real-world counterparts to his legal professional to once we asked across the the big apple legal world about who used to be probably the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most powerful crook safety attorney in the market everybody told us one thing higher call howard greenberg nobody is fairly as outlandish as how it’s you just about guess however what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that acquired in quandary with the police and how it was the first legal professional I inspiration of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i’m calling name Reed how are you hi how are you to meet you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you understand a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so this is your crash pad my crash pad i’m sorry to say does not reside in a nail salon in the back of nail salon – oh right Saul’s office yeah good that is my dwelling away from residence four days a week many satisfactory victories were crafted edited and tweaked on this house right in the back of you is the next one it is a excessive-profile sex trafficking case and you recognize i am working it up right here so you have never been put able where you need to defend someone who’s genuinely responsible it is it’s beside the point to me I select they tell me but i do not care i’m more petrified of the government than i am of some members come again who I represent tell me about your every day so that you get up at what time I rise up five six the first thing I do is figure out I don’t know if I look it but beneath it is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in courtroom or or get to work if i am no longer in courtroom so let’s talk about what you’re gonna wear in these days i don’t believe i’ll wait i do not believe i’m gonna wear this shirt however a number of suits placing verify this up I imply you understand that you could earn the proper to wear something that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved someone can however however i have if i’m phase to a jury the impression that if their ass was once in a sling they’d need me sitting subsequent to them i will be able to do anything the i need okay k yarn it hard work in this trade makes up for a lot of sins good let’s go get them let’s go get him i am not gonna let the federal government crucify my guys power Greenberg’s report of courtroom victories is rivaled handiest through the rap sheets of his customers in his 25 years of practice Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic suggest for humans accused of the whole lot from homicide to medications to weapons to intercourse trafficking defending the likes of the so known as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a lady to have sex with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang but even more than his clients its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom tactics that have made him a darling of the local press nobody i understand how to depend Dench cash for extra history on Howard’s larger-than-life status we reached out to some of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a primary-hand account of what it can be like to observe him work are you able to inform me about some of your first encounters with Howard um I do not forget him once I first got here to the place of work I consider the object I take into account most about him is you under no circumstances knew what was going to come back out of his mouth and oftentimes it was once very individual to you adore if you tried to argue a few case in front of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to each person there may be practically an endearing exceptional now while you seem back at it given that the he noticed was once hysterical after I began at legal aid I began as a public defender and i simply take into account coming to grasp him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you know it’s a loopy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court docket you already know he is uh he’s no longer easy to clutter he would not look like a natural attorney simply between like the hair and the way he strikes and the way he speaks he quite knows learn how to push the envelope with a variety of a number of men and women but not force the line the place he would emerge as getting himself into quandary there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that acquired quite a few coverage can you tell me just a little bit about that it used to be a case where two men they have been accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he used to be giving summations and in it he was saying things to the result that he would like to be like a ho working for them that you realize if he made as a lot cash as them he could be doing it too that’s sort of method he rolls i’m telling you he does matters that that most of the relaxation of us would on no account do like you’re move-analyzing a sufferer and in our theft correct and you can say good it was middle of the night proper yes it used to be dark in any respect proper correct there were no streetlights have been there no the normal process me believe it do not ask a different query and then you just sum up and say there is not no means that witness might have seen who robbed her given that it was darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her own mouth but what you do not ask the witnesses so you couldn’t see the man or woman who robbed you might you on the grounds that for those who ask that best question it may best go flawed but Howard will ask the ideal query and then ask it 5 more ways and 5 extra instances and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the legal professional we have an appointment what are you in a different lawyer’s administrative center ok whatever price he bills you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you must you should appear at my report earlier than you rent any individual and if his file is better than mine when you compare the 2 you should rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s not possible however when are you gonna be here in quarter-hour k excellent boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up k over the path of the years I’ve discovered to develop an awfully thick dermis with him he is very blunt and direct and that’s what I feel numerous people rather like about him is the fact that with him you are not gonna get the frills and the dress-up and the lollipops and the sweet canes you’re going to get the very easy facts and he quite really fights for the usual excellent which is what I fairly give to him he places his heart and soul into what he does considering that he knows what it’s like if in case you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal executive towards you and your this one individual seeking to combat to your existence so inform me what you’re working on working for this colossal intercourse trafficking case in big apple County how long do you see this trial happening for probably three weeks 4 weeks you know common we’re looking to flip selling prostitution into intercourse trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i will offer you one instance you inform me okay sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you provide me one she’s a prostitute out of her possess free will that is now not sex trafficking however they constantly tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such factor as free will and no girl can come to be a hoe due to the fact that she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand a week that’s intent anybody made her do it and do you know that almost all instances with John’s they simulate the act that’s how silly John’s are oh yeah without doubt of path every person is aware of they need to be faking it no so i’m talking about faking having intercourse Wow they showed us how they do it good provide an explanation for it you need to be on your belly you ought to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re to your belly uh-huh and you have to get the schmeckel for your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i’m no longer hurting that John snake they may be getting some thing some thing when they’re not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the actual ultimate argument that was on the earth known as jury decision that I intend to do in that case ok I appear out at this room stuffed with people and that i say to myself they’re right here to be brainwashed with the aid of me repeat after me do okay you folks are going to make a decision you people are gonna decide whether the defendant whether or not the defendant is a intercourse trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he’s an innocent individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s continue do any of you good humans see pink while you hear the phrases intercourse trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a group called reasonable ladies anybody here read Nicholas Kristof’s college he has an obsession with sex and the subject of sexual slavery and and individuals being compelled to do matters towards their will neither of which I ought to inform you applies in this case my door did I inform you the girls if they are bloodless they’re gonna be witnesses you get the idea and that’s how it is going to go hi hello Kim i am Marie Greenberg inform your beautiful to satisfy with me that is our eating room we have many parties right here how did you guys meet we met in courtroom I was a court reporter ok and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized aid and we just kind of like hit it off and it can be been that’s been some proper and the way lengthy in the past is that that was once 24 years in the past Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you helped variety him oh come on is that what he stated yeah never lets me sort him I desire daily lets me type him he has a first-class eye however no longer for himself so that you certainly met Howard in his position of labor yeah what do you suppose about his occupation he does his job very good and he he isn’t prejudiced in any respect he simply feels that every body will have to have a shot at being defended the proper way does that bother you though if like a person relatively is guilty and he’s this kind of proficient attorney that he gets them off and then they walk free does it hassle me perhaps possibly 2 or three times it has however the opposite times no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my lifestyles none of them I favored him he grew up very in a different way he is not irritated about that he is grateful about that and i don’t consider many people can say that tell me a bit of bit about your upbringing you erased on the reduce East facet it is actual we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally ill my grandmother who raised me as a moms and dads and me my father used to be very violent it was once a everyday incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly old grandmother one time he snapped her forearm right in entrance of my face however I used to be a baby what might I you already know what could I do to particularly guard him I mean appear what might I do about I mean our children do not even understand this after I left I obtained a full scholarship to Cornell college which I quickly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and discovered alongside the way in which that her father was a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s office exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the USA of the us versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was once my wife’s my then wife’s father the day before today’s arrests and expenditures reveal an extra heroin operation run via Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a front for trafficking in significant quantities of medicines that case devolved within the public intellect into something that was once known as the Pizza connection case it grew to become the longest federal trial up to that point in the historical past of the USA of the us however it was once on that day with the sellers and the drug sniffing dogs crawling all over me and the men and women I cared about that I’ve to become a crook safety legal professional I used to be enrolled in Fordham regulation university three months after graduating i’m a employees legal professional on the authorized aid Society you comprehend it’s hard for me to be politically proper but on the legal aid Society they emasculate lawyers why did they try this due to the fact that they’re so concerned about retaining the report making an attempt the case for the appeal but legal professionals who are trying the case for the attraction are gonna lose how do you try the case I are attempting the case to win I left the authorized help site I did fulfill my commitment I went into personal follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me the way to grow to be a excellent trial legal professional he wrote a series of books entitled trying cases to win and that i grew to become him does it offend you when humans endorse that you’re like Saul on the grounds that he’s a bit of a sketchy personality in some ways as well as being quirky no on no account i don’t have to cheat to win okay I’ve acquired a procedure that seems to work and i can teach any attorney if the battle of the federal government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a couple of of Howard’s former consumers about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was charged with felony possession of a weapon a cost carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal besides the fact that children that the cop mentioned shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was going through seven seven to 15 years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence when I used to be a young person I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that part of my existence except like that what i am looking to do is simply find a job have some children you know somewhat standard life I imply however on the grounds that of my prior historical past they they are trying to frame have you ever ever had any dealings with any attorneys prior towered is right here first kind of your first man he is hostile to Lloyd had money to pay for my prior legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a authorized help and of path legal age they work with the method they receives a commission by way of you copping up I mean I was fortunate ample to to be equipped to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence once I was once at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior but he fought like I used to be like I used to be his son hiya good that is why I own golf all how did you meet Felix at the start how did he to find you his squeeze gave me a call and told me you desire a lawyer whilst you first met him and what have been your first impressions of him did you think it is a just right kid topic what I suggestion it was once obviously prick I failed to like him haha k ok however I but I grew to love him okay k if he notion he was a surly prick than intelligent you would not want to represent him for the reason that I if I take your money you get all of me that’s why and i want to win k you may have iced coffee i do not make it from dishwater does that happen a lot that you just enhance a sort of shut personal relationship with your purchasers I just Shutt subsequent yeah no it can be not that ok it can be no longer just a little individual however it’s a love and affection for anybody whose lifestyles you saved so you will have stated that if any person will pay you they’ve your loyalty i ponder I ran the carrier for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my family and that i render provider for money that a guy threatened to kill me and that i obtained him acquitted and that is just the best way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you worry them you for the higher higher method the mayor and i can not blame a man who’s rotting in jail for announcing whatever and the easiest target is the attorney k come on after spending extra time with Howard I developed a better working out of his belief that every person deserved a zealous safeguard but various his cases still relatively afflicted me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron back in 2011 Howard joined the safeguard workforce for one of the surprising murder circumstances in recent big apple historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight yr historical boy legal professional Howard Greenberg is in a position to be hated for his patron at the same time looking to guard confessed little one killer levy Aaron to fully grasp the morality of defending someone who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics lawyer Nicole Hyland I believe it’s essential for people legal professionals and to realise that actual-world ethics is not the identical as legal ethics there’s some overlap however there are quite a few things that attorneys are obligated to do and expect it to try this particularly don’t must do with morality a criminal legal professional goes to still guard a customer even supposing they know the consumer is responsible and so i can suppose that in particular instances where you’ve gotten a defendant who’s accused of relatively horrific crime the general public would feel there may be something immoral about that about staying silent while you recognize your patron is guilty you realize individuals perpetually say oh how can how will you safeguard those these guilty folks and i’ve customers accused of terrible terrible disgusting horrible things and that is my job to protect someone’s got to at the back of them you understand an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a criminal safeguard attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a consumer is entitled to zealous advocacy there might be whatever that said or performed that the external world could take offense to but that may be a safety attorney rightfully fighting for his or her purchaser when Howard first bought on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he determined was once going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a rather ultra-orthodox Hasidic community that his safety was going to be that probably he used to be inbred and for that reason that brought about him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who used to be a big a part of the Jewish community in Brooklyn used to be relatively up in palms to practically blame the Jewish community for actions of this one man or woman he needs to preserve LaVey Aaron he has every correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an entire group my neighborhood someone’s community that’s no longer what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a difficult son of a bitch of the go I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst suppose I heard any person who I think like conceptually I failed seeing that he took a plea and i am used to profitable instances but the law says the defendant makes that call now not the lawyer I feel that had we tried that case he would were located no longer guilty by way of rationale of madness considering if he wasn’t crazy no one’s loopy you without a doubt feel he used to be insane don’t you chopped somewhat kid into pieces and put 1/2 of it within the freezer and the opposite half in the garbage you tell me oh thanks quite a bit to a rock what do you think would were the quality effect he went to trial after which he after which what there was no excellent effect he would have wound up within the loony bin for the rest of his existence right had he gone to trial would have been in from would were wonderful for me because the story would were in the papers every single day for 3 months at any time when in exceptional terrific industry for you super publicity it can be something like the levee or in case of massive the money came three or is it with that more like a profile factor I did that case free of charge particularly and the reason I did it without cost was once considering that I had learn within the paper that the judge used to be given the security attorneys a tough time has there ever been a point where you are up in court docket where you think like might be you are just about crossing the line I simply stick with the advocacy you realize so maybe in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens folks in case you say the complaining witness acquired what he deserved that frightens persons do you feel prefer to be a good criminal safeguard attorney you need to push boundaries as much as the line on the very at the naked minimal up to the strains generally over the line depending on the case and depending on the reason are you capable your sight i’m loaded for bear i’m equipped the reason for my look here in these days as i’m slated to a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win by way of the first three paragraphs of phrases that I utter to the jury it is beautiful replica it can be a process that seems to work do you are gonna give me just a little of a taster of your opening argument yeah i will give you the whole thing yeah i’m excited to hear it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get behind a rock treated as a lectern yeah seem there we go so i’ll with the with the steeple gesture of my palms and then and the next time i modify a action i will shift the fingers faraway from the physique after which once I relatively get going i’m going to begin you’re stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally before I get to some thing to do with the hand gestures when the judge it invites me to stand up and do this the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and that i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the purpose for that’s there is no more awareness-getting factor you are able to do in a court then take a seat definitely still that’s to say freeze to the factor the place i want humans to be uncomfortable questioning what is he waiting for then I upward push slowly after which I transfer briskly to the lectern simply assume me relocating briskly to the lectern then I savour the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second after which I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else used to be this fax pattern it was no longer sex trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample was fabricated from hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US foreign money to John’s and that is historic John’s incidentally are among the many dumbest folks strolling the face of the earth the young females i will show work this hos which is what they name themselves because they desired to and if that appellation is good adequate for them it’s just right ample for you and it can be good sufficient of me and i’ll prove that they got here and went as they please i will show that the words just for instance i’ll kill you or their equivalents are included free speech no matter how hard or tender the half-baked prosecution knowledgeable witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down anyone’s throat it’s going to now not trade the fact that by their possess lights the girls are not quote victims unquote you can also good as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated in the audience backing us up and cheering us on it can be now not your job to render a verdict that tells them easy methods to reside their lives in the event that they wish to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand every week then so be it eventually that is a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and someone with a half of a mind is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come a verdict of now not responsible on each rely of sex trafficking it can be the one fair correct justified verdict the proof in the case will help and pause i am gonna seem at each this kind of individuals after which i’m gonna say and i consider we realise each different and that is how it’s executed there’s no such factor as a useless case hello Felix smile you’re on candid digicam all correct child i really like you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not consume this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what style of digicam is that this proper how about a little flash

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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
Whats up Dan this is for excuse for security legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is one of these neat dense topic I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it is it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry if you do not win it can be a catastrophe for the character good you have to win them see if he’s coming by means of on some thing or did he come by means of on a warrant final night in the phrases of Jesse Pinkman you do not want a crook legal professional you need a crook lawyer and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking bad’s rapid-speaking lovely scumbag of an lawyer final season on the actual warmness find a actual-existence Walter White so this year we questioned if there were any real-world counterparts to his attorney to when we asked around the the big apple authorized world about who was once the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most mighty criminal safety lawyer in the market everybody informed us one factor better call howard greenberg nobody is rather as outlandish as how it’s you just about wager but what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that obtained in trouble with the police and the way it was once the primary legal professional I concept of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i am calling call Reed how are you hello how are you to fulfill you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you already know a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so that is your crash pad my crash pad i am sorry to assert does no longer reside in a nail salon behind nail salon – oh correct Saul’s place of business yeah well that is my dwelling away from home 4 days every week many best victories had been crafted edited and tweaked on this area proper at the back of you is the subsequent one it’s a high-profile intercourse trafficking case and you realize i am working it up here so you may have by no means been put ready the place you need to shield an individual who’s certainly guilty it is it’s beside the point to me I choose they tell me however i don’t care i’m more petrified of the federal government than i’m of some individuals come again who I signify inform me about your daily so you get up at what time I stand up 5 six the very first thing I do is figure out I do not know if I look it but beneath this is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in court or or get to work if i am now not in courtroom so let’s talk about what you are gonna wear today i don’t suppose i will wait i don’t think i’m gonna wear this shirt however several suits putting check this up I mean which you could earn the proper to wear whatever that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved anyone can however but i’ve if i’m part to a jury the affect that if their ass was once in a sling they’d want me sitting subsequent to them i will do something the i need k ok yarn it hard work on this industry makes up for lots of sins excellent let’s go get them let’s go get him i’m no longer gonna let the government crucify my guys energy Greenberg’s record of court victories is rivaled best by means of the rap sheets of his consumers in his 25 years of observe Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic advocate for people accused of everything from murder to medicinal drugs to weapons to sex trafficking defending the likes of the so referred to as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a girl to have sex along with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang however much more than his shoppers its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom methods that have made him a darling of the nearby press nobody i know how to rely Dench money for more heritage on Howard’s higher-than-life reputation we reached out to a couple of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a first-hand account of what it can be like to watch him work are you able to tell me about a few of your first encounters with Howard um I keep in mind him when I first got here to the workplace I think the article I recall most about him is you never knew what was going to come out of his mouth and repeatedly it was once very individual to you like should you tried to argue a few case in entrance of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to all people there may be just about an endearing quality now when you seem again at it considering the fact that the he noticed was once hysterical when I began at legal support I started as a public defender and i simply do not forget coming to understand him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you understand it’s a crazy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court you already know he is uh he is now not effortless to mess he doesn’t look like a usual legal professional you know simply between just like the hair and the best way he moves and the best way he speaks he rather is aware of tips on how to push the envelope with quite a few a variety of folks however no longer force the road the place he would become getting himself into challenge there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that obtained plenty of insurance policy can you tell me somewhat bit about that it was once a case where two guys they were accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he was once giving summations and in it he was once pronouncing matters to the result that he would love to be like a ho working for them that if he made as a lot cash as them he would be doing it too that is kind of manner he rolls i’m telling you he does things that that lots of the relaxation of us would under no circumstances do like you’re go-inspecting a victim and in our robbery right and you’ll be able to say good it was once nighttime correct sure it was once dark in any respect right proper there were no streetlights have been there no the common method me feel it don’t ask a different query and then you simply sum up and say there isn’t no way that witness might have noticeable who robbed her on the grounds that it was once darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her possess mouth however what you do not ask the witnesses so that you couldn’t see the person who robbed you would you on the grounds that in case you ask that ultimate question it could actually simplest go wrong however Howard will ask the ideal question after which ask it 5 more approaches and 5 more times and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the lawyer we’ve got an appointment what are you in one more lawyer’s place of work ok something cost he costs you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you should you must look at my record before you rent someone and if his record is healthier than mine while you compare the two you must rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s unattainable however when are you gonna be here in 15 minutes okay good boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up ok over the direction of the years I’ve realized to improve an extraordinarily thick dermis with him he’s very blunt and direct and that’s what I think quite a few folks quite like about him is the truth that you recognize with him you’re now not gonna get the frills and the costume-up and the lollipops and the candy canes you are going to get the very easy facts and he particularly really fights for the usual excellent which is what I really supply to him he puts his coronary heart and soul into what he does in view that he is aware what it’s like if you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal government against you and your this one individual seeking to battle in your lifestyles so inform me what you are working on working for this vast intercourse trafficking case in ny County how long do you see this trial going on for perhaps three weeks 4 weeks you know normal we’re looking to turn selling prostitution into sex trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i’m going to give you one instance you tell me ok sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you give me one she’s a prostitute out of her own free will that is no longer intercourse trafficking nonetheless they invariably tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such thing as free will and no lady can come to be a hoe considering she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand per week that is intent any individual made her do it and were you aware that most times with John’s they simulate the act that is how stupid John’s are oh yeah obviously of course everybody is aware of they have got to be faking it no so i am speaking about faking having intercourse Wow they confirmed us how they do it well explain it you need to be for your stomach you need to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re on your stomach uh-huh and also you have got to get the schmeckel on your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i am not hurting that John snake they are getting some thing some thing when they may be now not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the real ultimate argument that was in the world referred to as jury selection that I intend to do if that’s the case okay I seem out at this room full of men and women and that i say to myself they are right here to be brainwashed by means of me repeat after me do okay you men and women are going to decide you persons are gonna come to a decision whether the defendant whether the defendant is a sex trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he is an innocent character being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether or not he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s proceed do any of you good persons see pink while you hear the phrases sex trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a bunch referred to as reasonable women any one here read Nicholas Kristof’s school he has an obsession with intercourse and the subject of sexual slavery and and persons being compelled to do matters against their will neither of which I must let you know applies on this case my door did I inform you the women if they are cold they are gonna be witnesses you get the inspiration and that is how it is going to go hi hi Kim i am Marie Greenberg tell your lovely to meet with me this is our dining room we now have many events right here how did you guys meet we met in court docket I used to be a court reporter k and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized help and we simply variety of like take to each other and it’s been that’s been some proper and the way long in the past is that that used to be 24 years ago Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you just helped type him oh come on is that what he mentioned yeah not ever lets me kind him I desire everyday lets me sort him he has a first-class eye but now not for himself so you absolutely met Howard in his situation of work yeah what do you think about his profession he does his job very well and he he is not prejudiced at all he just feels that every body should have a shot at being defended the correct manner does that bother you though if like somebody particularly is guilty and he is one of these talented lawyer that he will get them off after which they stroll free does it trouble me probably maybe 2 or 3 times it has however the opposite occasions no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my existence none of them I liked him he grew up very otherwise he’s now not indignant about that he’s grateful about that and i do not suppose many men and women can say that inform me a little bit bit about your upbringing you erased on the diminish East side it’s real we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally unwell my grandmother who raised me as a mothers and fathers and me my father was once very violent it was a every day incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly historic grandmother one time he snapped her forearm correct in front of my face but I was a child what might I you recognize what would I do to quite preserve him I imply look what would I do about I mean our youngsters do not even understand this after I left I acquired a full scholarship to Cornell university which I briskly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and realized alongside the way that her father was once a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s place of business exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the U.S. Of the usa versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was my spouse’s my then wife’s father the day prior to this’s arrests and fees disclose one other heroin operation run by means of Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a entrance for trafficking in enormous quantities of medications that case devolved within the public mind into some thing that was referred to as the Pizza connection case it became the longest federal trial up to that factor in the history of the USA of the united states but it surely was on that day with the dealers and the drug sniffing puppies crawling in all places me and the persons I cared about that I’ve to grow to be a criminal security lawyer I was enrolled in Fordham regulation college three months after graduating i am a employees legal professional on the legal help Society you know it’s tough for me to be politically right however at the legal help Society they emasculate lawyers why did they do this considering they are so involved about maintaining the file attempting the case for the appeal but lawyers who are attempting the case for the enchantment are gonna lose how do you are trying the case I are trying the case to win I left the legal aid website I did fulfill my commitment I went into private follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me how you can turn out to be a pleasant trial legal professional he wrote a sequence of books entitled attempting circumstances to win and i grew to be him does it offend you when people suggest that you’re like Saul due to the fact that he is a bit of of a sketchy persona in some ways as well as being quirky no by no means i don’t have to cheat to win ok I’ve received a method that seems to work and i can train any lawyer if the battle of the government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a few of Howard’s former clients about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was once charged with criminal possession of a weapon a charge carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal youngsters that the cop stated shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was facing seven seven to fifteen years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence after I was a teenager I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that a part of my life besides like that what i’m seeking to do is just discover a job you know have some kids you already know just a little ordinary existence I imply however seeing that of my previous historical past they they are attempting to border have you ever had any dealings with any legal professionals earlier towered is here first variety of your first guy he is hostile to Lloyd had cash to pay for my earlier legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a legal support and of path legal age they work with the method they get paid via you copping up I imply I was once lucky adequate to to be in a position to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence after I used to be at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior however he fought like I was like I was his son hiya good that is why I possess golf all how did you meet Felix originally how did he find you his squeeze gave me a name and informed me you desire a attorney whilst you first met him and what had been your first impressions of him did you feel this can be a good kid topic what I concept it was once surely prick I failed to like him haha okay k but I however I grew to like him ok k if he concept he was a surly prick than wise you would not want to represent him seeing that I if I take your cash you get all of me that is why and i want to win okay you’ve got iced coffee i don’t make it from dishwater does that occur rather a lot that you just increase a style of close personal relationship along with your consumers I simply Shutt subsequent yeah no it is now not that okay it’s now not a bit of private nevertheless it’s a love and affection for anybody whose life you saved so you have got mentioned that if any individual will pay you they have your loyalty i wonder I ran the provider for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my loved ones and i render service for cash that a guy threatened to kill me and that i received him acquitted and that’s just the way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you fear them you for the larger better system the mayor and i can not blame a guy who’s rotting in penitentiary for pronouncing some thing and the easiest goal is the lawyer ok come on after spending more time with Howard I developed a better figuring out of his belief that everybody deserved a zealous protection but a lot of his instances still quite bothered me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron again in 2011 Howard joined the safety workforce for some of the stunning murder circumstances in up to date new york historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight year historic boy attorney Howard Greenberg is able to be hated for his client even as looking to look after confessed baby killer levy Aaron to realise the morality of defending any individual who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics legal professional Nicole Hyland I suppose it can be main for men and women attorneys and to recognize that real-world ethics is just not the identical as authorized ethics there may be some overlap but there are numerous matters that legal professionals are obligated to do and anticipate it to try this rather don’t ought to do with morality a criminal lawyer goes to still look after a purchaser even if they comprehend the client is guilty and so i can think that in particular circumstances the place you have got a defendant who’s accused of particularly horrific crime the public could think there may be something immoral about that about staying silent whilst you understand your customer is guilty you realize men and women continuously say oh how can how will you guard those those responsible individuals and i have customers accused of horrible terrible disgusting horrible matters and that’s my job to guard anyone’s got to in the back of them you already know an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a crook security attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a client is entitled to zealous advocacy there probably whatever that mentioned or achieved that the external world could take offense to but that is a safeguard legal professional rightfully combating for his or her patron when Howard first received on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he made up our minds was going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a quite ultra-orthodox Hasidic neighborhood that his protection was going to be that possibly he used to be inbred and as a result that prompted him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who was once a big part of the Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn was quite up in fingers to close to blame the Jewish neighborhood for moves of this one man or woman he needs to shield LaVey Aaron he has each correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an whole group my group any individual’s community that’s now not what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a hard son of a bitch of the move I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst believe I heard any individual who I suppose like conceptually I failed due to the fact he took a plea and i am used to profitable circumstances but the legislation says the defendant makes that decision now not the legal professional I consider that had we tried that case he would had been found not responsible by rationale of madness on account that if he wasn’t loopy no person’s crazy you surely believe he used to be insane do not you chopped a little bit child into portions and put half of of it in the freezer and the other 1/2 in the rubbish you tell me oh thanks so much to a rock what do you feel would had been the nice end result he went to trial after which he and then what there used to be no just right end result he would have wound up within the loony bin for the leisure of his lifestyles correct had he long gone to trial would had been in from would have been terrific for me since the story would had been within the papers every day for three months every time in fine first-rate business for you exceptional publicity it’s anything like the levee or in case of large the cash got here three or is it with that extra like a profile factor I did that case totally free quite and the intent I did it without spending a dime used to be considering the fact that I had learn in the paper that the choose was given the protection attorneys a tough time has there ever been a factor where you’re up in courtroom where you think like probably you’re virtually crossing the road I simply keep on with the advocacy you already know so probably in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens men and women when you say the complaining witness got what he deserved that frightens folks do you think like to be a just right crook safeguard lawyer you have got to push boundaries as much as the road at the very at the naked minimum up to the lines in many instances over the road depending on the case and depending on the purpose are you ready your sight i’m loaded for undergo i’m in a position the rationale for my appearance here today as i am slated to begin a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win via the first three paragraphs of words that I utter to the jury it is beautiful reproduction it is a method that appears to work do you are gonna supply me a little bit of a taster of your opening argument yeah i’ll give you the whole thing yeah i am excited to listen to it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get at the back of a rock handled as a lectern yeah look there we go so i will begin with the with the steeple gesture of my arms after which and the following time i change a movement i’m going to shift the arms away from the body after which after I particularly get going i will you are stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally earlier than I get to whatever to do with the hand gestures when the choose it invitations me to get up and do that the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the reason for that is there is no extra concentration-getting factor you are able to do in a court docket then sit down definitely nonetheless that’s to assert freeze to the factor where i need men and women to be uncomfortable wondering what’s he waiting for then I upward push slowly and then I transfer briskly to the lectern simply think me relocating briskly to the lectern then I relish the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second and then I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else was once this fax pattern it was once no longer intercourse trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample used to be made of hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US forex to John’s and that’s historic John’s incidentally are among the dumbest folks going for walks the face of the earth the young ladies i’ll prove work this hos which is what they name themselves on account that they wanted to and if that appellation is just right adequate for them it can be just right adequate for you and it can be just right adequate of me and i will show that they came and went as they please i will prove that the words just for illustration i’ll kill you or their equivalents are protected free speech no matter how tough or soft the half-baked prosecution expert witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down any individual’s throat it is going to now not change the fact that with the aid of their own lights the women should not quote victims unquote you may also well as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated within the audience backing us up and cheering us on it is now not your job to render a verdict that tells them methods to are living their lives if they want to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand a week then so be it finally that’s a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and any person with a half of a brain is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come back a verdict of not responsible on each and every rely of intercourse trafficking it is the one fair suitable justified verdict the proof in the case will aid and pause i’m gonna appear at each and every any such men and women and then i’m gonna say and i consider we appreciate every different and that’s how it’s completed there’s no such thing as a useless case good day Felix smile you’re on candid digital camera all proper child you know i love you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not eat this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what variety of digital camera is this right how about a little flash
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