#Yandere ringmaster
puripurin · 5 months
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SHOWMANSHIP [🎊🎉770 Followers Special🎉🎊] [PT. 1]
➥ Yan!Ringmaster x Acrobatic!Reader
➥ Summary :- Like always, misfortune almost always has a choke hold on the reader, so you get sold to a circus for the meer sum of 1,250 dollers.
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— "IS THAT ALL I'M WORTH TO YOU??" You boomed at your parents, grateful for the bars that so kept you a foot's distance from ripping your parents to shreads.
"Honey, listen -" Your father was brutally cut off by your untamed anger radiating off of the walls, screeching so loud that it made the cell bars vibrate momentarily afterwards. There was no way in hell this man was trying to butter you up after selling you off.
"No. YOU listen to me, you wasteful, unwanted sperm doner. YOU could've worked me to the BONE, and I would have forgiven you because we still need a roof over our heads, but to sell me to some random-ass person who probably smells like your fuckin' toe jam for a mere sum of 1,250 DOLLARS!??? You hurled insults at your parents left and right, only recieving furious stares in return.
"[Y/N]! That is no way to speak to your father! We were low on funds, and our payment was due soon." She stepped forward with a sharp expression engraved in her face.
Your intermittent breathing became the only thing that was stopping you from going over the edge of insanity town. Your parents stood without motion, their eyes locked on you as if they weren't the ones who should've been in the cell instead.
"...Don't you want your due payments to disappear? That's rich, how ironic, huh? Or maybe you two were just waiting on an opportunity to make me disappear?!?!"
Without waiting for a response, you slammed your hand on the part of the iron bars closest to their faces, getting surprised fast blinks from your mother. Her pride lasting in all of this was honestly pissing you off.
"Dear, there is no worry for this... thing anymore. Our twin daughters will pave the way for greatness, bringing wealth and fortune to our name. Their talents and beauty hold no bounds." The woman looked over at her husband as you glared at them before you as if they were brainless, dilapidated creatures.
"Keep on sweet talking to them like that, and they'll end up in jail for homicide." You held up a middle finger and walked to a corner of the cell. You heard them spit in the front of the gate to your cell as they left. Silence then engulfed your surroundings.
No more of your parents' nagging and selfish tendancies. It was because of them that you could never look at your early twenties with fond memories. Looking back, you could have been partying and romancing other people, yet all you were promised was work, work, and more work. The pressure of trying to make money for your teen siblings and parents was exhausting, especially when your mother was spending more than you could make. That was how you got an earful from both your parents and siblings when they found out that the family's credit score was so low that it practically nestled right beside the dogshit on the side of the road.
"Fuck. This fucking sucks..." You couldn't hold back the resentment that forced themselves out your eyes in beads of tears. You were already at 26, with no job, no car, no money, no partner, and worth only 1,250 dollars. The path you walked on was not one adorned for the bunnies and butterflies, but rather, was draped in colourless desperation and pure survival.
"At least an arranged marriage would've given me the things I worked so hard for! But no! They just want me to die miserable and poor!"
"Awe, is my new performer preaching about death? My, a face like yours would be a total waste in a casket." The voice of a man echoed through the cell, almost making you jump out of your skin. He appeared almost instantaneously before your cell gate; he was dressed in an array of red, black, and white with an assortment of ruffles.
"You! YOU SCUMMY BASTARD! JUST WAIT 'TIL I HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATTER TO FEAST ON!" You stormed your way back to the front of your cell and looked him directly in the eyes.
"Ah... I'm sure you would enjoy that, but alas, that mouth of yours is a bit rotten, would some chlorine and a scrub daddy do the trick?" The man's face held no defining emotion that represented what he was saying to you.
"You... YOU--"
"I suggest you quit the smack talk, unless you prefer to continue and be thrown out of my establishment; can't make quality meat without an obedient animal, am I right?" Even if his facial expression didn't change, you could tell that his words were looking to strangle you if you refused to take heed to them.
"Ah, right, before I leave, I have assigned you as an acrobatics trainee; our last acrobat died of... unforseen events." He paused before chuckling and waltzing out of sight. Making you alone in the cell once more.
You just plopped right on the ground in realization. This was your life now. Just a minute ago you got sold to some freak by your idiotic parents, and now, you were going to be one of the acrobatics in a circus that you didn't even know the name of? You could only pity yourself.
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It had been a few weeks since you came here, and all you had been doing was practicing acrobatics with the help of the others. Furthermore, since that unfaithful day when you were sold, it was your decision to just stop talking altogether. If no one was hearing your voice, then what was the point?
"Ah, [Y/N]... have you finished up on your practice for today?" A young woman came over to you. It was Ellen, one of the acrobatics that taught you all the basics, from balancing on a beam to how to quickly put on different costumes in between performances.
You acknowledged her for her determination, even after entering into the circus at a young age. Though, what you wish you had was her ability to not complain and take things as they were. Alas, that was something Ellen had shown you that you hadn't observed from a person in ages; endurance.
You gave her a small smile and nodded. She brightened up before motioning you to come over to the schedule, which displayed all the events that were to partake following each day. You noticed that there was no last month performance mentioned on the chart.
Last month's performances were big and grand compared to the regular performances, which had more repetitive and basic performances. With all that in mind, you still couldn't participate in them because you were new, but soon you would participate within the next month or so.
"Ah, the other ringmaster has yet to meet you, by the way. He's been gone for a while now. He's the one who can conduct the monthly performances..." Ellen slowly stopped talking, mentally debating with herself with something before refraining on speaking as her grim face turned into one of happiness.
"Ah, right, it's almost time for the show to start, so I need to go this time. You are responsible for ensuring that the children are safe when they are watching the show." Right, you almost forgot about the children that were here. They were either sold to here or just given to the circus. They either had deformities or just had albinism. In total, there were 8 children that you needed to watch over.
You nodded once more and left to change out of the plain acrobatic suit that you wore for practice. Obviously, you had some different coloured ones, but those were strictly for performances.
Once you stepped into the changing room, you deflated and rubbed your face, which was buring from trying to hold back your tears. You sat there as streaks of tears slid down your face.
It was hard for you to just be happy about the situation. It was a struggle to just even have a neutral look on your face, to seem unbothered, to seem as if you were taking the situation well. The reason you gave for becoming selectively mute was only half of the reason. It was partially because almost every day your throat would tighten up from the never ending fear of living like this.
There were nice people, of course, but was it enough for you to accept this situation? The pain of realizing over and over again that your family betrayed you for such a little amount was painful. Even if they mistreated you, you only want to go back to the times when everything was much simpler.
You sniffled and checked the time and noticed that 10 minutes had passed. That was enough crying time for today because you weren't going to get beaten for not taking care of the children this time. Babysitting children comes first, money is second, and depression is last. That crazy psycho of a manager won't let anything slide under the rug, so you had to be on your tippie toes.
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There were a bunch of mini humans wandering about, but not out of your sight, of course. You sat on a wooden bench backstage amongst the junk pile, where all sorts of thrown out props and costumes entangled themselves into one giant monster-like concoction. It was enough to keep the children entertained, and so you had a portion of your job cut out for you.
One of the 8 children was a little, baby boy, the youngest of the batch; he snuggled into your chest, feeling the warmth radiating from you.
"Ah, are you babysitting?" A man, with long hair spoke up from beside you. You hadn't noticed when he sat down. You shook your head in reply, raising an intrigued response from the man.
"Not quite a speaker, are you? I see. You must be [Y/n], then. I am Mathew Alabaster, one of the ringmasters in this lovely establishment." You raised a brow at the 'lovely establishment' part, but Mathew didn't mind, well, more like he didn't have the mind to notice.
You hadn't seen him before, and it seemed as though he shared resemblance with that of the ringmaster you met on your first day in the cell.
"Right, so how well are you fitting into your role? I assume it's daunting because you get to be hung high in the air with nothing but your skills and aura whilst the floor's comfort lulls and beckons you to just... drop." The man smiled at you, but for an odd reason; he had an off-putting look in his eyes...
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Pt 1 cus I ain't writing allat rn. Also I'm so so super duper sorry for not posting in decades! (Esp @emptybrain01, it was only recently i saw your comments! Im so so sorry 💀💀💀💀) Obviously I've been on tumblr for a short period of time, but like, I was just lazy on top of me having no time on the weekend because I'm making a cosplay and I have to study during the week, along with upcoming tests and a big exam next year. Basically my hobbies take up more time than I have.
So maybe next year ill disappear for a while cos i hv a shit ton of stuff to do.
But I'll take requests instead of just thinking about a character and making a smol story for them.
Also once more, thank you for following me and getting to 770+ followers (its now 831) even if i don't post much. I would also like to thank my friend Syren, who has access to my account and sees all my shit 💀, for editing this work!
Thank you all!
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"Soooo... Why are you three so curvy for and I'm not?"
"_You made us that way. _Bitch_"
"Well, I mean... I'm not THAT curvy you know..."
"Oh come on Julie, YOU created us! You knew what you were doing! And if YOU are the one who designed your SonicSona, then you should've made yourself curvy, hmm?"
"I... I-I'm flat, alright? I thought having this furry anthro cat form of myself would be cute being flat like I am in real life?!"
Cut to Julie crying in the bathroom whilst looking at the mirror
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zebradogzz · 10 months
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His humanoid form below ⬇️
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I haven’t given him a name yet
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ozzgin · 14 days
Yandere! Circus
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I've been wanting to draw some of my dolls for the longest time and this turned out to be my most detailed artwork so far :') And since I really love the circus, I thought I could turn this into an interactive story, too. Let me know what you think! Based on classic stock characters from Italian theatre, Commedia dell'arte. Content: gender neutral reader, horror, dark comedy, human and monster romance
You're finally here! Come on in, don't be afraid. Where is everyone else, you ask? Why, you're our only special guest, Darling (Y/N). This is all for you. Come, do not upset the Ringmaster. We will show you everything.
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A night carnival? You've never heard of such a thing. Nonetheless, curiosity got the better of you when you found the trampled poster on your way back home. The actual message almost escaped your attention; you'd been too focused on the thick, ornate border, and the colorful, swirling patterns intricately filling the page.
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"Last night in town! 'Wizard of Ozz' Night Circus, a mesmerizing show that will keep you glued to your seat. We're still searching for our Columbina. Perhaps you could become part of our story?"
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Might as well check it out. Which is why you're currently here, in the outskirts, trying to find a walkable path among the weeds. It's dark and you can barely see anything in front of you. They're not trying very hard to provide an inviting atmosphere, you think to yourself.
Eventually, you discern a glimmer of light in the distance. You have found the circus tents.
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The campsite is quiet and still, causing you to hesitate in your decision. Is it truly open?
There's a faint murmur coming from the main entrance. A small, melancholic Pierrot - when did he show up? - awaits by the heavy curtain, pale hands stretched out.
"Your ticket, Columbina", he announces with decorum. "Me and Arlecchino will show you any tent you want to visit. We are here to entertain you."
He ponders for a moment, before adding:
"I'm sure you'll like him more. He's a very alluring fellow. Me, on the other hand...Oh, forget it", he mumbles through pouting lips, ushering you inside.
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"Aha! There's the star of our night! Our Columbina!"
A tall man in a pompous, glittery costume bounces towards you and lowers himself with a theatrical bow, giving your fingers a quick kiss. You pull your hand away, visibly bothered by the odd gesture.
"You keep calling me that. I'm (Y/N)", you argue.
"Yes, yes, of course we know that. Do ya take us for fools?" the Harlequin asks, kicking one foot in the air. The jingle of the bells at the tip of his shoe echoes across the hall. "You have, however - you must understand, yes? - you've entered Ringmaster's Circus. From now on, you are the Columbina to our play."
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief.
"Just like that? Why me, and not someone else?" you scan the surroundings, pursing your lips. "Where are the others?"
Harlequin makes an exaggeratedly shocked face and tilts his head towards Pierrot.
"What are they saying? You're the only one here, Columbina darling. After tonight, we-"
Pierrot's hand lands firmly on his friend's lips.
"You always talk too much. Always, always! And yet, you're the favorite. Of course you are. Oh, what pity, what misfortune", the pale young man laments. "We're wasting precious time."
They both burst into a little dance; a rather silly one, you think with an amused smile. Then, they place themselves besides the entrance, each one standing at one end, back straight and chins raised.
"Go on, go ahead, Columbina darling. This is your carnival. Choose any tent you'd like."
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Pulcinella's Tent
The stage is pitch black, save for one spotlight contouring a patch of ground. You can see a large, colorful ball, and two feet clumsily rolling their way atop of it.
You chuckle at the sight. This must be the clown.
"No one can compete with Pulcinella's juggling", Pierrot declares somewhat monotonously. "His acrobatic spectacle has left many guests speechless, acting with such dexterity that one must wonder: is this truly the work of two hands?"
Lights flicker, allowing you to catch glimpses of smaller balls being thrown around. Juggling so many balls while bouncing around is indeed impressive.
"Rest assured, this is the art of one single man. Although four eyes are better than two."
The shadows are abruptly swallowed by spotlights, and you squint your eyes, adjusting to the brightness. A two-headed man continues his performance, throwing you the occasional cheeky smile.
"Ah, that is..." you place a hand over your mouth.
"A bother, truly", the Pierrot remarks, sitting next to you. "They're complete opposites."
He observes as both Pulcinella's heads tilt in your direction, visibly entranced. He sighs deeply:
"You'll love them either way. They're funny and entertaining, unlike me...A pathetic miser. Oh, if only I had half their charm!" he bemoans with a soft sob.
"Hey! Don't sadden my beloved like that", Pulcinella barks, jumping off the ball and running towards your seating with a comically merry jingle to accompany him.
You cannot help but marvel at the man in front of you.
"Enough of this, I've had enough! You don't get to decide yet, Pulcinella", Pierrot exclaims in sudden panic. He claws your wrist tightly and pulls you after him. "It's time to see other tents."
Sandrone's Tent
You peek behind the heavy curtain and freeze. Are your eyes deceiving you? Someone is idly resting at the bottom of a large aquarium, showing no struggle despite being underwater. The mysterious man senses your presence and emerges to the surface.
"Would you look at that! I can't remember the last time I had a visitor."
He gestures for you to come closer.
"Are you the new guest? Our Columbina?"
"I don't know what you're talking about", you speak up with hesitation, eyes glued to the scaly tail that seems eerily genuine. "I think I'll be leaving now."
"Leaving? Didn't the Ringmaster already tell you?" The merman claps his hands, amused. "You're naïve, I like that a lot. Perhaps this time I'll be the one to have you."
He abruptly grabs your wrist, and you jolt at the feeling. His hands are ice-cold and moist.
"Let me have a look at you, won't you? I'll help you hide from the others if you're good and listen to me."
You feel a pair of hands sinking into your shoulders, and you're ripped away from the merman. Harlequin's voice rumbles deeply across the room.
"You're being a fox again, aren't you, Sandrone? Hands off our guest! You don't get to pick yet", he scolds in a low growl. "Ringmaster won't be happy about it."
"Go on then, tell on me! Ringmaster's good boy, eh?" the dark-skinned man smirks mockingly and slams his tail against the glass. "Put a collar on that one, Columbina. See how well he barks", he snarls, then slides back underwater and promptly vanishes.
Harlequin's grip on your shoulders becomes tighter for a brief moment. You can tell he's tense.
"Let's get you out of here. Don't listen to a word he says, Columbina darling. He lies, you see? No one trusts him. You should rely on me."
Pantalone's Tent
You gawk at the impressive height of this tent, head nearly spinning from tilting yourself all the way back. Ah, this must be the trapeze artist. Indeed, one of the two handles is dangling above you, and it occurs to you there's no safety net. A tall, lean man swiftly pounces across, reaching for the trapeze. His movements are slow, yet calculated, and you can't help but wonder if he might actually be flying instead.
Upon closer inspection, it appears he has no arms.
"Madness", you find yourself shouting. "Stop this nonsense!"
He gracefully wraps his legs around the bar, swinging back and forth with a confident smile.
"You doubt me, Pantalone himself?"
With another thrust, he lets himself go, spiraling down against your terrified protests. His heeled shoes clack against the hard tile. Lastly, he stretches out his bandaged stumps, as if signaling his successful landing.
You find yourself bowing to the grand gesture.
"Yes, yes, it's rather impressive, isn't it?" Pierrot follows behind you in his usual dull tone. "Pantalone is our master acrobat."
He lifts his gaze and notices that the man didn't bother waiting for a full introduction; he's already standing before you with a flirty grin.
"...and a charmer, I suppose. What, you're already doing your tricks?"
The sallow clown squeezes himself behind you two protectively.
"Shoo, shoo! Columbina is merely visiting."
He lightly pushes you away, towards the exit. You throw one final glance at the mysterious individual; he waves with his residual limb, and winks.
"You know where to find me, love."
Il Capitano's Tent
You feel a radiant heat coming from this tent. In the middle of the ring stands a grand cage. An animal of sorts? You keep your distance, observing from the benches.
A monstrous giant stumbles within your view with heavy steps. A thick, scaly tail rattles the bars of the cage, swinging itself with the precision of a bullwhip.
"Il Capitano himself!" the Harelquin announces theatrically, bending his arms in the direction of the blue beast. "The strongman, the fire-spitting artist, a most devilish creature captured and chained by our Ringmaster."
"Is this one mine?" the monstrous man pins you down with a predatory gaze.
"Perhaps", Harlequin spits out bitterly. "They decide, not you."
You squirm in your seat, suddenly much smaller under his intense stare. The charismatic guide's smile falters for a brief second, replaced by an envious grimace.
Il Capitano inhales deeply, expanding his torso and contracting his muscles. His fanged mouth then unhinges, releasing a great flame which spreads all the way to you. You're almost tempted to reach towards it, feeling the sting with your very fingers.
"Amazing", you mumble, still mesmerized by the spectacle.
This was no cheap trickery. Capitano is truly a one-of-a-kind artist. No human could replicate such a feat.
The beastly creature holds onto the bars of his cage, shoving his snout outside and grinning. Puffs of smoke escape between his teeth.
"Come down here and I can do even more, little one."
Harlequin gasps and gestures for you to stand up.
"Outrageous! How dare you-!"
He urges you to follow him outside. Enough monstrous sights for now.
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"Shall we head towards the other tents, darling?"
Harlequin walks ahead, deep in contemplation. Pierrot scurries after him, whispering the remaining choices. Your shoulders are heavy, and you're quite tired from the eventful night.
You notice a little opening between the lavish curtain folds and decide to sneak away. They needn't know about your departure. You stumble around dark halls, following the cool breeze of the outside, until you're met with the starry sky.
Your path is blocked by two large poles, so you step to the right. Your body freezes in terror when they move with you. Slowly, you raise your head and follow the black shapes, and realize they're legs.
Far, far above ground, towering over the entire circus, you see two glowing eyes.
It's the Ringmaster.
"Bad, bad Columbina", he reproaches.
The voice is off, like an old, broken record reverberating against your eardrums. A cold shiver runs across your spine.
"I'm sorry", you blurt out in fear.
A long, bony hand appears before you, twitching with a loud pop. You wrap your hands around a finger, desperate to not anger this unholy creation.
"Let's take you to your caravan. We're leaving tomorrow."
Oh, God. What have you done?
Now, now, don't fret. There's nothing to be afraid of. Come, put that frown aside. Everyone loves you here. After all, you're their most precious Columbina. What's a Circus without its treasure?
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𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒌𝒋𝒊𝒏
Hiraeth : Yandere!seokjin x female reader (@wildestdreamsblog )
Mold a Pretty Lie : YandereProfessor!jin x undergrad!female reader (@blog-name-idk )
Fools Paradise : YandereStranger!jin x pregnant reader (@min-hoax )
Price of Prejudice : YandereLord!jin x femal reader (@girlmeetsliv3)
Mercy : YandereKing!seokjin x maid female reader (@raggaraddy)
Obsidian Pearl : YandereMerman!seokjin x female reader (@angelicyoongie )
Ringmaster : YandereRingmaster!jin x female reader (@koosbabygrl)
Closed Curtains : YandereDirector!jin x rookie actress female reader (@angellgguk )
Sit, still look pretty; : YandereHusband!jin x wife reader (@aajjks )
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏
Let the Villain Win : YandereWriter!namjoon x female (@lemonjoonah)
Persephone : YandereMafia!namjoon x female reader (@deepdarkdelights )
Baby Fever : YandereIdol!namjoon x female reader (@wildestdreamsblog)
𝒎𝒊𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊
Latibule : YandereMafia!yoongi x female reader (@wildestdreamsblog)
Angel's Mask : YandereMafia!yoongi x female leader (@min-hoax )
Daisy : YandereTeacher!yoongi x female reader (@cosmostae )
𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒐𝒌
Runaway : YandereVampire!hoseok x female reader (@raggaraddy)
Forbidden Fruit : Yandere!hoseok x fem reader (@deepdarkdelights)
𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒋𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒏
Little Mouse : YandereBully!jimin x chubby brazilian female reader (@thvlouvre )
Porcelain : YandereDollseller!jimin x female reader (@deepdarkdelights)
The Scent Of The Flower : YandereStepdad!jimin x female reader (@cosmostae)
Defiant Affairs : YandereStepbro x female reader (@yandere-society)
From Afar : YandereTeacher!jimin x female reader (@min-hoax )
𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒈
Open : YandereBully!taehyung x stalker-ish female reader (@euphoricfilter )
Strawberries : Yandere!taehyung x female reader (@cosmostae )
Cut : YandereActor!taehyung x female actor reader (@deepdarkdelights)
𝒋𝒆𝒐𝒏 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌
POLARITY : YandereBestfriend'sbf!jungkook x female reader (@darkestcorners )
DARKNETS : YandereHacker!jungkook x female reader (@darkestcorners )
Bloody Love : YandereKing!jungkook x female reader (@hongjoongscafe)
Hangman : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@aft3rhrs)
The Deepest Marks of Essence : YandereTribeleader!jungkook x female reader (@lleldey)
The Crimson Shell : YandereMermaid!jungkook x female reader (@angelicyoongie )
Obsesión : YandereRugbyplayer!jungkook x hispanic latina reporter female reader (@thvlouvre )
Raven : YandereCultleader!jungkook x female reader (@darkestcorners )
I'm not human at all : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@silv3rswirls)
Velvet Heart : YandereIdol! jungkook x female reader (@bonny-kookoo )
LESSON I : YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem reader (@redsaurrce )
Companionship : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@aft3rhrs)
Bunny koo : Yanderebunnyhybrid!jungkook x owner fem reader (@aajjks )
Your eyes tell : YandereTwin!jungkook x female reader (@angellgguk )
Brother Knows Best : YandereStepbro!jungkook x female reader (@cosmostae)
Angel : Yandere!jungkook x female reader (@silv3rswirls)
You Are My Crown : YanderePrince!jungkook x female reader (@redsaurrce)
Silver blades : YanderePrince!jungkook x fem reader (@jooniyah )
Scream, baby : Yanderebf!jungkook x female reader (@aajjks )
Nuisance : YandereStepbro!jungkook x female reader (@min-hoax )
Devil's Child : YandereStepbro!jungkook x female reader (@cosmostae )
Crush : YandereSimp!jungkook x barista fem reader (@aajjks )
Heartstrings : YandereNerd!jungkook x fem reader (@cosmostae )
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
RoR Specific Reader Type Romantic Masterlist
Plus Sized Reader
Artist Reader with Surprise Gift
Slavic Goddess
Short Reader
Baker Y/N
Long Hair
Naga Reader
La Muerte Reader
Warrior Woman Love
Forest Goddess Yandere
Forest Goddess Yandere 2
Beautiful Plush
Stunning Beauty
Killer Wife (yandere)
Sweet but Deadly First Meetings
Lovely Knight
Mother Witch
Lovely Angel
Freyja Reader
Emotionless Reader
Gentle Giant Reader
Gentle Giant Reader Problems
Amaterasu Reader
Emotionally Constipated Reader
Winter Moon Goddess
Burnt Out Devil Fluff
Runaway Princess
Super Strong Sunshine Goddess
Fairy Dust Researcher
Horror Survivor Reader
Persephone Reader
Reincarnation Deity
Maid Reader (yandere)
Doctor Reader
Star Goddess with Protective Parents
Giant with a Burn
Corpse Husband Reader
Strong Cupcake
Witch Reader
Loving Goddess
Shinto Miko
;-; Reader
Norse Beauty
Angel of Blind Justice
Fear User Reader
Angel Powerhouse
Warrior Queen Reader
Short Cupcake Love
Goddess of Knowledge
Female Warrior x God Fighters
Goddess of Humanity
Kick Ass Nun Darling
Darling Mother Nun
Long Fabulous Hair
Cowgirl Reader
Guerilla Leader Reader
Beautiful Knight
Obedient Reader
Gothic Lolita Reader
Fangirl Reader
Siren Reader
Siren Reader - Differences with Hunting
Goddess of Many Hats
Master Warrior Maiden Reader
Calamity Jane Reader
Joan of Arc Reader
Sadistic Cupcake
Typhon’s Little Princess
Sassy Reader
Male Emperor Reader: After the Battle
Terminal Reader
Ringmaster Reader
Short Latina Lover
Giant Mood Goddess Reader
Giant Reader- Happy Reunion
Demonic Lost Love
Demonic Lost Love Part 2
Sentient Hair
Sister Rosa Reader x Buddha
Curly Haired Reader
Deaf Wife
Babysitter Reader
Harpy Reader x Okita
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sparrowrye · 2 months
Future Story Ideas
I am keeping a collection of possible AU ideas either from my own crazy mind or your devilish ones. You can comment or direct message any ideas (they can be as vague or as detailed as you want) and let me know if you want to be @ on this post for your idea.
This will help me gauge interest on what most of you would like to have for a fic. I have so many ideas but I need help picking which one to do first.
**Please note, I am only writing Alastor in his Demon form. Even the modern ideas will have him with that appearance because I’m a sucker for that look 🥵
Bookshop and radio host
Realistic Hazbin Hotel (horror)
The Barrowers (tiny society living under our floorboards)
Yandere Alastor
Street racer
Ringmaster circus
Futuristic society
Fantasy cottage
Witch and wizard
Wizard x familiar
Cowboy / ranch life
Countryside farmhouse
Modern arranged marriage
Fantasy Maid and Master
Fantasy medieval arranged marriage
Modern on the run criminal
Fantasy desert caravan
Mage academy
Demon prince/lord x sacrifice
Pirate captain
Villain x (ex) Hero
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Oc-tober Day One – Carnival
Yandere Show Host – Host
Word count: 1.1k
Warning: dereality and scopophobia
You wake to the sound of fanfare.
Opening your eyes; lanterns on hand crafted posts line the path before you. Red and black flags tie them to one another, leading down to an archway at the end of the road. A welcome banner hangs over  the entrance; letters printed in bold white spelling out its message. 
“Welcome to the Carnival.” 
From the entryway’s mouth, you can make out the distant roar of more lanterns. The silhouettes of people shuffle around the fairgrounds, and a sweet, yet savory smell wafts through the air. Caramel popcorn? You look around. Beyond the lamp posts lie grooves of trees with no clear end. Behind you was an empty street and nothing more – endless fog swallowing any Illumination that draws near. 
With a clear understanding of your surroundings, your head throbs. You don’t remember what this place is, or how you got here. Trying to think about anything other than knock off carnival toys made your brain hurt. The calm winds suddenly pick up, ushering you in the direction you knew you were meant to go. 
You proceed onward. With each step, it feels like the posts were slowly closing in on you; their bulbs of light wide eyes staring you down. Watching your every move. You cast the thought from your head, and they return back to position. Reaches the gates; you don’t recall them even being there in the first place. A mid chest bar blocks you from entering. You look around for someone to help you, then for a lower bar to jump over. Somewhere along the way your eyes wander back up to the banner.
“Enjoy your stay.” 
You turn towards the source of the query. A ticket booth appeared to the side of the gate; an outstretched hand calling for the ticket in yours. You glance at the red piece of paper. Ringmaster's Carnival Entry Ticket: Admin Only One. That’s right. You were going to the carnival today. Right?- You hand over your ticket. 
“Thank you. We here at the Ringmaster’s Grand Carnival hope you enjoy your prolonged stay. Have a fantastic time, Y/n.” The hand retracts behind its curtain; red sleeve cut from the same fabric as it.
The gates swing open and you march on through. The difference in sound quality makes you feel like your head had been submerged in water. Circus music blades from speakers around the park. Laughter and screams from other attendees surrounds you, but you don’t actually see another soul. Their outlines are there; a man offering cotton candy to a couple, someone winning a prize, but when you try to focus on the image of them. You try to walk up to someone, but the simple vanish from sight the closer you get. A cup and some spare tokens are left at a game booth. You pick up the cup. It’s lemonade from what you can tell.
You knock one of the coins off the table as you grab the drink. It rolls across the table and into the leg of the balloon dart board. You jump as all the balloons pop; a voice from nowhere declaring you a winner as a large stuffed elephant falls from its prize hook. You quickly move on. 
The smells of various fair foods hits your nose as you walk by their respective tents. Rides flicker to life as you cross near their lines. The carnival revolves around you as if you’re some sort of living battery. It was unnerving. 
Suddenly, as you pass the threshold between two candy cane colored poles towards the empty part of the park – all the lights go out. The music drags to a crawl then silence. A yellow light breathes to life before you. A monumental circus tent makes itself visible with each flicker of Illumination. Scratched as the speaker record feed; a voice booms from the shadows. 
“Gracious park goer! Please make your way to the main tent. The show is just about to begin.”
You do as told; strolling up to the tents curtain and peering through its opening. An unseen force shoves you inside. The tent was big on the outside, but flat out massive in. Red and white stripes ran down its walls; flags altering the colors overhead. Empty beaches surround the outer layer of the ring; separated from it by a wall decorated with black ribbon. The ring itself is a smooth wooden surface with a stand in the middle of it; a shooting star etched over its face. The figure atop it taps the side of it with a cane as stage lights center; appearing from thin air as many things had tonight.
“Gentlefolk and valued guest. Welcome, welcome. Come one, come only one, to the show we have in store.” 
The pompous voice comes from a man of ample height and an even higher ego. He was dressed in a red tail coat; the breast area dyed black and trimmed with yellow stitching. The vest was held together with golden latches and buttoned around his lower abdomen to show the white shirt beneath. He wore black pants and a top hat; the head wear obscuring the view of the upper half of his face – grey hair dangling from under the rim. There was something familiar about the wide, perpetual grin on his face – and the mic in hand.
“Ah, ah, ah! I’m not sure what was going to leave that pretty mouth of yourself, but please refer to me as Ringmaster. Your host for this evening.” He nods his head as if giving you a wink.
Ringmaster snaps his fingers, the lights on him falling onto you. You shield your eyes from their brightness.
“Just look at them, everyone! Makes you feel like you’re the one at a special event, does it not?”
You hear cheers or approval. Dropping your arms you find the room packed; not one seat left without a passenger. The crowd chants as one despite the variety in voices; a mass of dark shadows that follow along to their leader’s whim in appraisal for you. The Ringmaster hype things up even further.
“Wouldn’t you just love to give them the world? I know I would! Why, it’s the entire point behind this whole event! Our dear special guest hasn’t been appreciated as much as they should be lately.”
The crowd boos to which the man laughs. “Outrageous? I know. That’s why we’ve put together this carnival for you. To show you things you’ve never seen before, so that you understand your place in the cosmos as a divine being. A star.” 
The Ringmaster holds out his hand to you in offer. “Stray angel, we hope that you do enjoy your permanent admission to our carnival. We will make sure the festivities last until the final celestial gives out and reality washes away. Even after that happens, we’ll still be here for you – playing along to whatever cord you give. Sweet Y/n, without any further delay - we welcome you home. Shall begin the show?
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b4byblu3z · 4 months
HELLOOOO sorry I haven’t been active much!!!
But I just saw your yandere circus and OOOOOO.
I got ideas…
Clown yans with apprentice clown darling who just recently joined: She is new so she’s steadily trying to figure out what the main part of her act is going to be. The clowns use this as a chance to get her to be apart of their act to have her all to themselves. Here’s the fun part. Each clown has a unique act that ties into all of the others. So constantly they are stealing her away from each other to get her to work on their act, but all Darling sees is them being sweet enough to help her out. In reality they are at each other’s throats fighting over her attention. Now the question is… Who will she choose?
Ringmaster Yan with a darling who has applied to take care of the animals that are apart of the circus: His love(obsession) for her happened when he went to her tent to check to see how she was doing on her first day, and he so happened to walk in on her caring for a female elephant and her child. In that second he froze and it felt like his heart skipped over itself. From that point on he would constantly call her over to his tent from the pretense that an animal needed to be checked on while he supervised. This was so he could have her all to himself away from all the other members of the circus.
Twin tight rope walker yans with a contortionist darling: The twins from birth have always been inseparable. They shared everything. Clothes, hair styles, speech patterns, etc. If you saw one you could guarantee you would see the other not far behind. That is the main reason as to why their act was so special. They could not speak a word to each other before a show and do tricks flawlessly. It’s just how well they know each other. One day a new comer shows up and immediately they both are in awe. After their act from behind the curtains they see contortionist Darling move her body in ways they thought impossible. She could balance three bowling pins one on top of the other on the balls of her foot all the while bent backwards. She would flip and turn, and throughout her entire act the crowd was in awe. She made the children laugh and made gasps sound throughout the audience when she did something that many deemed impossible. After the Twins got through watching her act that moment they both knew something. They had to have her all to themselves, and they weren’t too keen on sharing her either…
Name Ideas:
Clowns: Chuckles, Whimsy, Pipo, Pips, Patches, Tot, Binks, Dimitri, Alphie, Artie, Chester, Davey, Edwin.
Ringmaster: Everett, Gabriel, Julius, Titus, Imre, Sebastian, Alexander, Edmund, Alister, Callum, Liam.
Tight rope walkers: Noah and Nathaniel, Toby and Thomas, Leo and Lucas, Finley and Freddie, Hugh and Hugo, Abel and Ave, Jasper and Finn, Benjamin and Elijah, Ash and Heath, Atlas and Adonis.
Sorry if this is too long!! I hope you’re having an amazing day/night!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!!!
Like a band of clowns (Sunday, Artie, Chuckles, and Alphie) who joined the circus to put their unique violent skills into something helpful, their act is intricate, involving everything from slapstick comedy to knife throwing. Poor darling doesn't fit in, they're clumsy and oh so inexperienced.
The clowns, of course, offer to help their new apprentice vying for their attention in the process. Darling is all merry, happy that their mentors are all trying to get their act to fit into the show. Meanwhile, the clowns are giving each other nasty glares behind their back.
Or the Ringmaster, Edmund, who simply can't do it all. He's in charge of everything: animal care, cleaning, organizing shows. He just can't do it anymore. With one of his best elephants about to give birth and his show growing in popularity, he needs help.
He puts out an ad, asking for workers who were willing to travel with the circus to help out. Darling answers the advertisement, applying for the animal handling position. They were clumsy and a bit skittish, but beggars can't be choosers. He hired them up front, and their work began quickly. He avoided them for the first several weeks, until they're late bringing out the animals, and he went to search for them. Finding them in the elephant's trailer, he watched them help the newborn nurse, and a switch in him flipped. Something about the care that they gave the creature, the gentleness with which they handled her, it enraptured him.
He began calling them to check on certain animals, even when check ups or grooming was unnecessary. He just wanted to see them so desperately and get them away from prying eyes.
Or the tightrope walkers, Toby and Thomas, who were used to sharing, ever since they were young they would share toys, clothes, snacks, they even shared a bedroom until they were teenagers.
It was only natural that they share the pretty new performer as well. They're mesmerized by the way that they can move, flipping and twisting into unnatural positions.
The two made a silent agreement on their first night with the circus. The twins would share them, like they shared everything else. They belonged to the twins, even if they didn't know it.
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Do you have a fic rec page? What have been your favorite fics this year?
If you go to my page, at the very top there is a teeny link to my fic rec tag! There's so many and also I feel like I haven't read enough this year 😭
Here are just a few of my favs by member:
Jungkook - @inkofyoonkoo I'm on the run with you, my sweet love. If you love fake dating AUs this one is perfect. One of the best JK fics ever! Angsty, sexy, cute. Y/n is so relatable it hurtssss.
Taehyung - @jiminiesfavouritecolourisblue Petal. It's so dang good it makes me wanna scream from the rooftops. Mafia, soulmate, ugh everything I want in a story tbh. (Also read Harbouring a Hybrid if you love Jimin stories and hybrid stories! Actually just read her whole masterlist u.u)
Jimin - @justanotherstarlightmonger No one else for me. Why am I such a ho for evil jimin AUs? Why does Jimin make such a good yandere character?! Why does Sam write so magnificently? Dark and intense and so so good
Hoseok - @amethystwritesbts In Lifetimes Before. It's so beautiful and haunting. I didn't want it to end. Like really really did not want it to end... cries.
Yoongi - @whatifyoulivelikethat Not Allowed. Best thruple award goes to these three deviants. Writer is iconic, series is iconic. A series of one shots that are funny and sexy and silly and hot and perfect-
Seokjin - @koosbabygrl Ringmaster. The perfect horror, the perfect villain Jin. I always go back and reread cause it's just that good.
Namjoon - @smasmashie Captive. Listen, this Namjoon.... is a menace. This story... a menace. THIS WRITER IS A MENACE. It's just not fair how talented she is. You like daddy Joon stories, just go through her masterlist and thank me later.
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angel-anachronism · 2 months
𝐀 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐬 (series)
Chapter II: The Star Of The Show
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CW: AFAB reader (they/them), nothing! (the yandere actions didn't happen yet... or did they?).
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<<Chapter I, Chapter III>>
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The carnival was truly something to revere. A grand archway adorned the entrance, illuminated by a cascade of soft lightbulbs that were yet to be lit since the sun was still in the sky, and cheery music was playing behind the entrance, which was guarded by a ticket agent inside his little booth. Neither I nor Clem could see the man behind the foggy glass, but Clem gave the man two tickets, which he took and started studying to see if they were authentic. After a few seconds, we were finally allowed to walk inside the circus, and it was truly more marvellous than I imagined.
I was looking at the surroundings, awestruck. If Wonderland truly existed, this place would be how it'd look like! There were people of all different sizes and backstories surrounding stalls and rides. Still, truly the brightest star in this heliocentric system that was called a carnival was the giant main tent, a spectacle in itself, with billowing fabric adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant hues. 
"You seem to adore this surrounding, aren't you?" Clem stopped me from daydreaming with a hearty chuckle. I shook my head and smiled at him, feeling ecstatic, like a child would feel at a place such as this one.
"How couldn't I? This is like a heaven for people with superior imagination, truly like another nature to the most imaginative toffs*!" 
"And yet you were acting like a meater* earlier! I told you that everything will be worth it to see this place!" Clem smiled cheekily. I gave him an unimpressed look, before looking at the other visitor of this place, the sparrow that I took under my wing, pun intended. I felt slightly sad as I saw a bunch of sparrows around the trees, being able to fly freely, while the one I took under my care couldn't join them. 
"Did you give her a name yet?" Clem asked. "the sparrow?"
"Hmm...not yet..." I replied, huffing. "Have you got an idea?"
"How about...Brisky?" He suggested. Brisky...that's an interesting name... I nodded my head in agreement. "Well, it's nice that we came to an agreement-"
Before he could finish the sentence, something bumped into Clem, which made him almost lose his balance. "Watch where you're going-" was what he was about to say, until we both met the gaze of a small girl, no older than thirteen. What intrigued me most about her was the colour of her curls, her fair sui generis* white hair, which was quite a big contrast to her rich umber skin.
"My apologies...sir!" The little girl muttered, before running past us. She was heading towards the tent, holding on to her satchel as if wanting nothing to fall out of it. Unluckily for her, something did fall out of her satchel. As I picked the item up, I noticed that it looked like a necklace with some sort of flower shape. 
"Excuse me! You lost something!" I yelled so I could get her attention but on deaf ears was heard my voice. Without even announcing Clem, I started running towards the tent so that I could catch the girl, while hearing Clem yell at me in the background.
Once I got inside the tent, I was shocked to see a lot of people there, but no sign of the white-haired girl. Even Brisky chirped, probably showing her fear for the people surrounding us. I put my hand over her, and then I heard Clem enter, huffing. "I called for you!"
"Well, I'm very sorry your highness!" I mocked him before somebody began pushing us gently from behind towards the benches "Please, madam and sir, take a seat. You're stealing the attention from the stars of the show." the deep gloomy feminine voice of the person from behind us said. We complied, I myself feeling a little ashamed for getting scolded and sat down on the benches in the back. The tent darkened, as the spotlight was now at the centre of the ring, where the ringmaster was standing.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and gals and gender nonconforming pals! Step right up, step right up, see amazing human oddities, freaks of nature. Be warned, people with heart conditions, children, women - we will accept no responsibility for fainting, reoccurring nightmares, or death!" The ringmaster laughed, seeming proud of what he spoke, as if he hadn't said these exact same words before during shows. "With that in mind, welcome to Beau and Harvey's: Spectacular, Marvellous, Magnificent Carnival! The greatest show ever heard of in entire Europe!" 
People began clapping, and I started clapping too. "This moment will live forever, tonight!" as the ringmaster said that, a bunch of spectacular colours began appearing in my vision: acrobats jumping high in the air from behind me and Clem, which caused me to yelp, plenty of wild animals I haven't seen before in my life, and people in multicoloured clothing. There were even people juggling objects on fire, and how did their hands not burn? They weren't even wearing gloves or anything to protect their skin!
All the carnies appeared, with the ringmaster in front of them, showing his dominion over them in a way by stealing the attention of the viewers, including myself. Everyone began clapping, whistling and even shouting from how magnificent the opening act was. I can't wait to see what else they have in store!
"Thank you, thank you!" The ringmaster tipped his top hat at the audience. "Now, as I can observe you hungry pooches are waiting for the fun part, but we're trying to spice things up a bit today. I mean, seeing the same carnies do the same things every single time, must be getting quite boring for the viewer, wouldn't you agree?" The crowd responded with either yes or no, but the people mostly responded with "yes". "Well then, tonight we'll be having a star! But not just anybody, somebody who happens to be very lucky!" 
The assemblage went silent as the man closed his eyes and began pointing his cane randomly.
"Ene mene miste, Es rappelt in der Kiste Ene Mene Mu und dran bist Du!"*
At each word, the man pointed randomly and inconsistently at the audience, and at the fifteenth word, the word "Du", was pointed towards me, Clem, and a few people who were sitting near us, yet the spotlight lit between me and Clem before it started slowly moving above me. "Oh wow, what luck I truly have..." I mentally cursed myself for sitting here, meanwhile, Clem was laughing his socks off at my luck. The ringmaster opened his eyes and said "You, the mademoiselle with the black hat! Step right up, don't be shy!"
I gave Clem little Brisky and my hat, and started walking slowly to my doom (which not so surprisingly was inside the ring). I felt like a lamb to the slaughter as I finally got past the fence and inside the ring. The ringmaster smiled at me, showing his golden tooth, and I did a curtsy, feeling very embarrassed at the moment. "Everybody give a warm welcome to our star of the show for tonight... what's your name?" The man asked, to which I gulped. Could I really say my name? I mean, there must be a lot of people named (Y/N) around the area, so I shouldn't worry too much... But what if someone reports me to Miss Hoffman?! I am wearing the uniform of the famous "Reinhart private girl school", but at the same time... nobody saw a Reinhart student as we're always on school grounds... stop being so cynical, just say your name, (Y/N)! 
"My name is (Y/N)..." I smiled sheepishly. 
"Ah, (Y/N)! How are you feeling being the star for tonight?" The man shook my hand energetically, which made me feel a little dizzy from how fast he was shaking my hand. "Good, well, bring them there!" I finally regained my thoughts as I heard the last part being enunciated towards somebody who was behind me apparently. Take me where?! Before I could utter anything, I felt two gloved hands on my shoulders as I was guided towards a... round wall? 
I was feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins from the confusion and what could happen to me, as the person was preparing me by putting my hands above my head. "Good luck." was all they said as they finally left. The spotlight shined towards me, blinding my eyes a bit, but before I could cover them, the showman began saying: "Now, everybody get prepared for the first act of tonight, the art of impalement." My eyes widened even more. I didn't sign up to get impaled! But a silhouette appeared in front of me, stepping a few feet away from me, holding daggers.
Was this the end of my life as (Y/N) Burton? The girl who was sent to right their bad behaviour at a private girl's school for two years straight, only to get into more trouble by sneaking into the circus?
I kept trying to stay as still as a boulder while the silhouette kept making false throwing gestures towards me as if they were calculating the correct direction to throw the daggers. I almost flinched as the first dagger was thrown near my waist, and then another near my hair, and then a few more, until the daggers created an outline of me. The whole crowd applauded, myself included, even if I felt like my soul was leaving my body from the fear I felt. Before I could ask the showman if I could just walk back at my seat, another pair of hands, this one without gloves, started taking me backstage.
"You did amazing, girly!" The person finally showed themselves, yet another girl, this time looking the same age as me, with long locks of white hair. Why does this circus only have white-haired people?! The girl smiled at me, her teeth as white as her albino skin, and I couldn't help but smile back.
"Myrtle is that the girl that took Sisi's place at Perry's act?" A taller man with slicked-back brown hair asked.
"Yes, Dorian! Weren't they amazing for not being scared!" The girl whose name I learned was "Myrtle" giggled. They both looked like acrobats but with bright makeup, which I noticed was quite a pattern at this circus as everybody backstage was doing their makeup or already had makeup. It must be so that they can distinguish themselves, which was a little strange since all of them stuck out like sore thumbs among the crowd.
"To be honest, yes! It's like you're a professional carny, darling!" "Dorian" smiled at me.
"Why thank you!" I smiled at them, feeling very awkward at the moment. 
"Dorian, did you see my necklace anywhere?!" I heard a panicked tone say. It was the little girl from earlier with the distinctive white curls!
"I'm sorry, Elisnora, but I haven't seen anything. Go ask Pierre, she'd help you surely!" Dorian said. I looked in my bolero's pocket, trying to find the necklace, since I kept it to give back to the girl. Once I found it, I called the girl who was heading outside backstage. "Hey, is this perhaps yours?"
The girl's eyes twinkled with hope as I gave it to her. "Yes! Thank you so very much! You are my saviour!" she hugged me quickly, before stopping. I sensed that she was embarrassed and I giggled. "No problem! I remember seeing you earlier before the show began. You seemed to be in a hurry, so I rushed after you since your necklace fell out of your satchel, but the show had already begun." 
I saw a polar bear approach us and snuggle up to the girl, which honestly scared me a little. Bears are dangerous animals, and I'd expect polar bears to be even more dangerous as not many people live in their habitats, yet this one was so gentle towards the girl, and the girl didn't seem afraid one bit.
The little girl seemed to have noticed my initial fear, as she giggled "You don't need to be afraid of Fram. He means no harm. He's like a giant puppy!" she took my hand and made me pet the bear, which scared me a lot. Instead of getting my hand bitten, the bear instead leaned into my touch, its fur being silkier than any fine satin dress I've ever worn. "See?"
I heard the man laugh from beside me. "Hah! You're more of a scaredy cat than Pierre is! You're even standing still as a rock!" 
"Will you two stop being so noisy! Yes, you and Myrtle might be "Oh so gracious like fine feathers in the sky" but that doesn't mean that you have the excuse to be lairy* all the time!" A new voice appeared, this one being so agitating like nails on a chalkboard from how it was yelling.
"Will you shut up for once! We have the star of the last act here with us right now, Sisi!" Dorian whispered-yelled at the new voice. I looked at the person who initially yelled, as he looked at me shocked.
"Oh why I apologize for how I acted, dear! You see my two cohorts* made me a little angry as of right now!" The person smiled. He had a classic harlequin clown facepaint, copper, almost very bright red hair, and the brightest green eyes I've ever seen. They almost looked unnatural. The smile he had was oddly too exaggerated, something not a normal authentic smile would look like. "Either way, what's your name, doll? Was it (n/n)? Or perhaps (N/Y)? Either way, I have to thank you again for taking my place at the daggers act!"
Do circus carnies always have to shake hands so energetically?! I felt like I was on an awfully fast merry-go-round! But I guess it's just something they do to keep character and charm. After he was done, I was taken out of my inner thoughts as his words finally hit me. He asked for my name. "Oh, sorry! My name is not (n/n) or (N/Y). It's (Y/N)! Even if it wasn't pleasant to almost be pierced by knives, you sure are welcome!" I smiled at him.
"(Y/N)...(Y/N)..." He kept repeating my name, sounding like he was trying to keep his mind wrapped around that name. "Well, meeting you was a pleasure, dear (Y/N)!"
"ditto* your way..." "Cecil! Just call me Cecil! Cecil Cabaret!" The clown said, giving me his other hand to shake it. I yelped as I took it and saw it fall out of his sleeve. "Well, It seems that I really gave you a helping hand!" He joked, popping out his actual hand out of the sleeve, and now I could notice that the other hand was just a wooden hand.
"Sisi, you never give out your actual name to outsiders, do you perhaps..." "Myrtle, can you not be a nuisance for 2 minutes?! You know I hate that nickname!" The acrobat and the clown began bickering, leaving me alone with the other acrobat and the young teenager with the polar bear.
"Miss, didn't you come here with somebody earlier? You should surely go back to your seat, he might be wondering where you went!" Elisnora expressed her concern, and I nodded while giving her a reassuring smile.
"Please don't worry, I'm sure he's patiently waiting! My seat was near the entrance, but how can I get back to the entrance of the tent?" I asked her, but Dorian responded before Elisnora could even say a word.
"I could lead you towards the entrance, but we'd have to get around this big tent, which might tire you."
"Oh, I wouldn't mind! I owe you one for your hospitality!" I slightly curtsied before him. But I was met with only silence. "Is there something wrong?"
"Oh, no, nothing. Just me and my habit of daydreaming!" The man with amber eyes laughed. The way his makeup was made, with two vertical black lines meant to represent tears like something a mime would have, made him look as if he was crying tears of joy.
"Don't worry, I also daydream a lot!" I laughed along with him.
"Enough fooling around, your friend must be waiting for you!" He smiled at me and took my hand, but unlike the others, he took it gently, not energetically like Cecil or the ringmaster. Dorian led me outside the tent as I waved goodbye at Elisnora, and even Myrtle and Cecil, who weren't paying a bit of attention to the surroundings, themselves in their little world full of quarrels and teasings. 
"You have a foreign accent..." Dorian muttered. He seemed to be trying to start a conversation with me, which I mean, isn't that strange, since he was just leading a stranger towards their destination.
"Well, my family is from (country name), but I was born in Hampshire, and my family still lives there."
"Then why are you here on the outskirts of Hamburg?"
"Long story short... I was sent abroad to a boarding school here in Germany for...reasons..."
This caused the man to give me a teasing smile "You are in a boarding school? I never went to an actual school, but I do know that you wouldn't be allowed out of school grounds, much less to go to a carnival!"
"Oh, shush! Can't I have a little fun?" I laughed, whispering those words since I was still a bit distrustful of the passers-bys. It might seem idiotic to confirm that I am indeed in a boarding school to Dorian, but the thing is, he's from the circus, and circus carnies can't have connections to anybody outside of the circus grounds, unless the person comes to the carnival first. So unless Miss Hoffman comes to the circus, which I don't believe she'd do even in a thousand years, I'm safe.
"I never said that. Stop putting words in my mouth!" Dorian laughed along. "I just remembered, I never introduced myself properly, which I apologize for properly! I'm Dorian, Dorian Vogelmeir." 
"You have a pretty name!" I complimented him.
"Why, thank you, darling! Likewise!"
As we were walking, I heard a familiar voice call out to me. "(Y/N)! Come here!" It was Clem.
"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Dorian!" I smiled at him, shaking his hand.
"The same could be said to you, doll!" Dorian said, and before I could leave he whispered in my ear. "I wouldn't want to trouble you... but you are always welcome to come back here! Just to let you know, we have shows only two times per week during work days: on Monday and Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday, so you can come here tomorrow and we can get to know each other more. You quite intrigued me a bit!" 
I nodded my head, feeling excitement at the idea. If I play my cards right again, I could easily sneak out of the school to see Dorian once more. We both bid each other goodbyes and I ran towards Clem, who had Brisky on his shoulder and my hat in his hands. "Who was that...clown?" 
"Oh, he's just a polite acrobat who led me back here. Doesn't the show still have a lot of acts remaining? Why did you leave?"
"It's almost two o'clock! Doesn't your recreation time end soon?" My eyes widened as I remembered.
"Oh, yes! We should go now. But before that..." I surprised Clem by hugging him. "Thank you very much for bringing me here! I had lots of fun!"
Clem giggled, giving me my hat back. "Do you want to come back here tomorrow?"
"Of course!" 
Dictionary: toffs - very elegant gentlemen meater - cowardly person sui generis - unique, of its own kind lairy -  annoying cohorts - a group of people with similar characteristics ditto - to agree/ say the same thing
Translation (DE-EN) "Eeny-meeny-miney-mo There's a commotion in the box, Eeny-meeny-mo And you are it." (I'm sorry if this is incorrect, German is my third language)
Hello everybody! I'd like to apologize for my silence in the past few months, I've been going through depression lately and tomorrow I'm getting operated because I am in the early stages of Melanoma, and I wouldn't want for it to worsen. I promise that during recovery I'll write more, not only for this book, but for my other books as well. I'll also try to show all the character designs soon (through my art). And one final note before I leave which I forgot to say in the first chapter/author's notes, there will be both female and male love interests! Goodbye, and have a swell day! ~Luce/Eden
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mcverse · 1 year
I want to ask for a Kaptain Krazee x female reader story in which the female reader who is in her mid-20s is transported from the real world to the Haunting Hour Series world. She is turned into a clown, and Chris's parents take her in. When she meets the other clowns, Kaptain Krazee in particular develops a strong, obsessive interest in her. The female reader has no desire to be romantically linked with Kaptain Krazee in any way because she finds him to be so strange and creepy. Even though he is aware of this, Kaptain Krazee still tries to capture her heart and make her his bride. The female reader thinks of him as odd and frightening, despite his attempts to show his love for her in his own unique and strange way. Also, the female reader will have a choice whether to leave the Haunting Hour Series World and return to her own or stay in it forever after 10 days. I think it would be interesting if Kaptain Krazee were to find out some kind of way because then he would try everything within his power to make sure the reader cannot leave him.
Note: This episode is known as “Afraid of Clowns” of the Haunting Hour Series and the full episode is available to watch on youtube. Note: Kaptain Krazee is the leader of Clowns and ringmaster of his circus.
Pairing: Kaptain Krazee x Clown F! Reader
Requested: Yes/No
Type: Part 1 out of 2
Word count: 3.6K
Sidebar: Had a lot of fun with this. Freaking love isekai stories. Was supposed to be a one shot but it’s too long for that.
Warning: Clowns, isekai reader, obsession, toxic behavior (Yandere-ish)
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It was a strange experience.
One moment, you're innocently clicking on a link sent by your friend, and the next moment, you find yourself transported into your phone, landing unceremoniously in front of a house.
Things only get stranger from there.
As you pick yourself up and try to make sense of what just happened, you notice that your feet have become unusually large and your hands have grown in proportion. It's unsettling to say the least.
A scream involuntarily escapes your throat as you examine your hands, treating them as if they belong to someone else. As you're caught up in your confusion, the front door opens, and two figures emerge. Well, not just any figures – they're clowns, wearing frowns instead of smiles.
Another scream escapes your lips as you fall back and start crawling away, desperately trying to convince yourself that this isn't real. But with each backward movement, the clowns advance, gradually lowering themselves to your level. It's a surreal experience, and in your panic, incoherent words spill from your mouth. The clowns simply tilt their heads and smile.
"Oh my God!" you gasp, a shiver running down your spine. It has been years since you last felt afraid of clowns, a childhood fear that you had overcome. But now, it all comes rushing back as you begin to hyperventilate. Your eyes roll back, and everything goes dark.
When you regain consciousness, you find yourself in a different setting – a warm and comfortable home, lying on a couch. A delightful aroma reaches your nose, and you slowly sit up, searching for the source. To your delight, you spot a plate of breakfast on the coffee table in front of you.
Your stomach betrays you at first sight, growling at its alluring smell and appeal. Looking around you once more, you grab the plate to sniff it before starting to eat. You weren’t too surprised to see that the it taste as good as it look but you were still cautious after waking up.
However, you bite freezes midway as you hear a creaking sound. Slowly turning your head, you come face to face with two figures standing there, wearing unsettlingly sweet smiles. An overwhelming sense of eerie déjà vu washes over you, though you can't quite pinpoint where you've encountered it before.
The man and woman exchange glances, their expressions a mix of concern and reassurance. It is the tall and slender man who takes a step forward, crouching slightly to meet your gaze. His voice is calm and gentle as he speaks, "We're here to help you."
Confusion clouds your mind as you struggle to make sense of their words. "Help me? I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about," you respond, blinking in an attempt to gather your thoughts amidst the growing uncertainty.
The woman, sensing your confusion, crouches down beside the man, her eyes filled with understanding. "Do you really not remember, dear?" she asks softly, her voice carrying a hint of familiarity. And suddenly, like pieces of a puzzling puzzle falling into place, it dawns on you why their faces seem so familiar.
"Holy shit! You're those clowns," you exclaim, the plate slipping from your grasp and shattering loudly as it meets the floor. With a mix of fear and disbelief, you instinctively leap backward onto the couch, curling up in the corner as if seeking refuge from the surreal reality before you. "You're those clowns! But... but now you're human? What the hell is happening?"
Their smiles fade slightly, the woman reaches out a hand in a gesture of reassurance, "Please, try to stay calm," she says softly. "We understand that this is confusing and overwhelming, but there's more to the story than you remember."
Reluctantly, you unfold yourself from the corner of the couch, your heart pounding in your chest. The shattered plate on the floor lies forgotten as your focus shifts to the mysterious pair standing before you. They appear human now, but you can't shake the memory of their clown personas. Slowly, they approach you, their human disguises still intact.
"We're sorry for the scare," the woman says gently, sitting down beside you. "We are part of a secret clown society that operates in the shadows. We hide among humans, blending in with everyday life."
Confusion and disbelief swirl within you. Clowns with a secret society? It sounds so silly it didn’t seem possible. Yet, the sincerity in their eyes and the unusual circumstances you find yourself in make it difficult to dismiss their words.
The man continues, sitting down beside the woman, peering past her to you, "We were getting ready for bed when we heard your scream. Concerned for your well-being, we rushed outside to find you in front of our house, transformed into a clown. Before we could offer any assistance, you fainted."
You take in their explanation, slowly absorbing the strange turn of events. Despite the lingering fear, a glimmer of curiosity surfaces. You find yourself asking, "Why do you hide among humans? And how did I end up in this situation?"
The woman's smile is tinged with sadness as she answers, "Our society seeks to bring joy and laughter to the world, but not everyone likes clowns so we have to hide. As for you ending up here, well, we aren’t so sure..” she trails off, looking the broken plate on the floor.
Regret fills your eyes as you realize the unintended consequences of your actions. The plate shattering on the floor leaves you with a sense of remorse, hoping it wasn't a cherished possession to the woman.
“But I know who might!” the man exclaims, a spark of excitement lights up the man's eyes, and he enthusiastically rubs his hands together. The woman's expression mirrors his excitement, forming an 'o' shape with her mouth as she grasps his idea.
"Oh, that's right!" she exclaims, matching the man's enthusiasm. "We can bring her to him!" However, their excitement only deepens your confusion. Who is this mysterious person they are referring to?
Blinking in confusion, you interject, your gaze shifting back and forth between the two clowns. "Again, sorry, but who exactly is 'him' that you're talking about?"
Their smiles widen, and once again, you find their presence unsettling. You instinctively shift away from them, hoping to create some distance without drawing too much attention. Whether they notice your subtle movement or not remains unclear. Without further ado, they both rise from the couch, each taking on a different task. The woman stoops down to gather the broken pieces of the plate while the man makes his way towards the kitchen.
As the man disappears from your sight, the woman pauses and directs her gaze towards you. Her eyes hold a reassuring expression as she speaks, "Don't worry, you'll receive the help you need. I promise." She nods affirmatively, punctuating her words with a playful wink. With that, she straightens herself and gracefully walks away, presumably to dispose of the shattered remnants of the plate.
Left alone in the room, you find yourself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. Countless questions fill your mind, but there are no answers in sight. The mere act of sitting there, pondering why you are here, who this mysterious "him" is, and how you can escape becomes a recipe for madness. The uncertainty looms over you, making it difficult to make sense of your situation.
The room feels confining, and you can't help but feel trapped. Each passing moment only amplifies your desire to unravel the enigma that surrounds you. You yearn to understand why this has happened and what steps you can take to break free from wherever you are. The weight of it all threatens to overwhelm you.
Just as despair starts to settle in, a glimmer of hope emerges. You hear footsteps approaching, breaking the silence that has enveloped the room. Relief washes over you, tinged with a hint of apprehension. They have returned, bringing with them the possibility of guidance and answers. It's a chance to find your way out of this perplexing situation.
"Come on. We're going for a ride," the man says, while the woman holds out a jacket, beckoning you to follow. They are both wearing coats, with the man positioned at the door. As you reach the woman, she kindly assists you in putting on the jacket, for which you express gratitude with a smile. Her gesture was thoughtful and unnecessary.
Once you step outside, the chill in the air becomes apparent, amplifying your gratitude for the coat. You snuggle into it, seeking both warmth and comfort for your nerves. Uncertain of their destination, you reluctantly enter the vehicle, gazing out the window as the house recedes into the distance.
Usually, someone in your situation would be scared. You don't know where you are, what happened last night, or how there's a secret clown group. You're not sure if the people in the front are telling the truth. But then you remember that you're an adult who can make decisions like an adult. Whether it was safe to fall, you were confident you can make the right choice when it comes. And if clowns really exist and you were one...
"Wasn't I a clown last night?" you inquire, shifting your gaze away from the window to fixate on the back of the man's head, hoping for an immediate response.
He affirms with a nod, "Yep…but you can't exactly walk around as a clown, can you??" His statement elicits a few soft chuckles from the woman, who rests her hand on his leg.
You hum in agreement, "I suppose not..." You divert your attention back to the window, only to witness the scenery abruptly morphing before your eyes. Shock causes your eyes to widen, prompting you to sit up in your seat. You desperately want to question if they are witnessing thing too, but as they appear unfazed, you figure that such occurrences are normal for them.
The car approaches, it passes through a grand gate, granting a view of a captivating sight: rows of colorful circus tents on both sides. Surprisingly, the entire place seems eerily deserted, leaving you to wonder where all the performers and crew might be. The car eventually comes to a stop right in front of the largest tent, positioned prominently at the center, demanding attention.
The couple exit the car first, and you follow suit, but at a more deliberate pace. Determination fuels your steps as you remind yourself that unraveling the mysteries and discovering the answers you seek is your primary objective. The once-intimidating presence of clowns no longer instills fear in you; it's a reassurance you repeatedly affirm within your mind.
Approaching the entrance of the large tent, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty fills the air. The flaps of the tent flap gently in the breeze, as if inviting you to step inside and uncover the secrets that lie within.
The couple reach the entrance, their expressions composed yet brimming with a shared understanding. They hold the flap open, gesturing for you to enter first. Stepping over the threshold, you find yourself in a different world altogether. The interior of the tent is a vibrant tapestry of colors, adorned with glittering decorations and whimsical props. The scent of sawdust and cotton candy lingers in the air, evoking memories of childhood circuses.
A scream escapes your lips when you turn around to see the couple pull off their faces, only to be amplified when a group of eerie clowns materializes behind you. The once-jolly atmosphere of the tent is now suffused with an overwhelming sense of dread. Grinning unnaturally, the clowns fix their intense gazes upon you, their presence sending shivers down your spine.
Without uttering a word, they part to create a path that leads you further into the tent. Reluctantly, you follow their lead, your heart pounding in your chest as you step along the trail. The air grows heavy with an inexplicable tension, as if the very fabric of reality is warping around you.
Finally, you arrive at a door adorned with shimmering lights and golden accents. This is the threshold, the gateway to the unknown. It beckons you to cross over, promising answers to the questions that have haunted your mind.
The clown couple, their disfigured faces twisted into macabre smiles, turn to address you. Their voices carry an eerie warmth, contrasting with their terrifying appearance. "This is where you shall find the answers you seek," the woman says, her words resonating in the air. The man nods in agreement, his eyes gleaming with a peculiar intensity.
Summoning your courage, you extend your hand and grasp the ornate doorknob. It feels cool and solid beneath your touch, sending a shiver down your spine. With a deep breath, you turn the knob, feeling a blend of excitement and apprehension coursing through your veins.
The door opens with a haunting creak, revealing a chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. The gentle light spills into the room, illuminating a space adorned with cryptic symbols and ancient artifacts. Each object seems to hold a fragment of the enigma you've been yearning to unravel. It's a place where hidden truths lie, waiting to be discovered.
Compelled by an insatiable curiosity, you step into the chamber, and the door closes behind you with a resounding thud. The outside world is sealed away, leaving you alone in this mysterious sanctuary. The air crackles with a sense of anticipation, and you find yourself surrounded by a tapestry of secrets. In the center of the room stands a large, ornate mirror, its reflective surface beckoning you closer.
Approaching the mirror cautiously, you catch a glimpse of your own reflection, but it flickers for a moment, as if a veil of uncertainty hangs over it. Suddenly, a figure materializes behind you in the mirror—a large male clown, his face adorned with white paint, accentuated by a purple diamond pattern over each eye, red diamonds on each cheek and a blood colored nose. His long, fiery red hair matches the shape of his thinly painted unibrow and enlarged painted red smile, adding to his unsettling appearance.
The sight startles you, and the line between reality and illusion blurs. Doubts creep into your mind, making you question your sanity since entering this surreal realm. As the clown begins to walk closer towards you, a mix of relief and terror washes over you. You back away, unintentionally bumping into the mirror, your heart pounding.
Desperately, you try to assert yourself, mustering a threatening voice, "Don't come any closer!" But the clown seems unperturbed, his lips curling into a macabre smile. He continues to advance, disregarding your warning as if it were mere amusement to him.
Peering down at you, his gaze filled with unsettling curiosity, he mutters to himself, "What do we have here?" His tone carries a sense of eerie intrigue, leaving you wondering what his intentions might be in this mysterious place.
Your heart races as he reaches out his hand, the movement appearing in slow motion. The anticipation builds, contrasting with the frantic beats of your heart. His hand finally touches your cheek, sending a chilling sensation down your spine. The touch slides to the back of your head, his fingers entwining in your hair with a firm grip.
Shock and disbelief wash over you, rendering you motionless for a brief moment. The sheer horror of the situation freezes you in place as you try to comprehend the impossible, despite seeing it earlier once. Your mind races, searching for rational explanations, but none seem to suffice.
With trembling hands, you reach up to touch your face, expecting the worst. As your fingertips make contact, relief washes over you—your skin remains intact. However, your reflection in the mirror reveals a haunting transformation. Half of your face is covered in a ghastly layer of white paint, smeared with ominous splotches of red and black shapes that seem to mock you. The other half retains its natural complexion, creating an eerie juxtaposition that serves as a constant reminder of the encounter with the clown couple.
"What's going on?" Your words hang in the air, unanswered, as you lock eyes with the clown standing behind you. He remains silent, his mouth agape, seemingly as bewildered as you are. Yet, his intense and unwavering gaze sends chills down your spine, making you squirm with discomfort.
"You're no ordinary clown," he murmurs, his eyes flickering over you, confusion marring his face as he tries to make sense of your presence. After a brief moment of observation, he asks, "How did you find yourself here?"
You eagerly respond, "That's why I'm here! I was told you could provide answers." Your voice carries a hint of disappointment, and your head lowers in a slight pout, feeling upset and vulnerable.
The clown clicks his tongue and lifts your head gently by your chin, making you meet his gaze. He shakes his head, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing against your cheek. "You're one of us now. We don't look down, only up," he grins wildly as you peer up at him, a mix of awe and fear in your eyes. Being this close to him amplifies his scary appearance by tenfold. "You've come to the right place. They call me the ringmaster, Kaptain Krazee. And what's your name, doll?"
You recoil slightly, offering him a hesitant smile. "(Name)," you reply softly, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Will you help me?"
His smile falters, his gaze shifting away from you to a book resting on his desk. His head tilts, as if engaged in an internal struggle. Eventually, he nods reluctantly, taking a step back and moving towards the desk to retrieve the book.
"This book ain't your ordinary read," he murmurs, his eyes lighting up with fascination. He turns towards you, his excitement bubbling over. "It's got somethin' magical about it, see? Changes its contents for whoever lays their hands on it. It's like a secret language only it knows." He trails off, then takes a step closer to you, extending the book in your direction. "I reckon it's got a page or two just for you. Care to take a peek?"
You hold the ancient book in your sweaty palms, unsure of what mysteries lie within its weathered pages. With hesitant anticipation, you carefully open it, and to your astonishment, letters manifest out of thin air, forming a message that appears as if by magic.
The words on the page reveal an extraordinary truth – you are one of the few individuals who have been mysteriously transported into this fantastical world. The book explains that you have been granted a precious gift of ten days to explore this realm, to unravel its secrets, and to determine your fate within it. After the allotted time, you will face a pivotal decision: whether to remain in this enchanting world or return to the reality you left behind.
As you read the words, Kaptain Krazee's impatience gets the better of him. He leans in, his curiosity piqued, and his frown deepens upon comprehending the significance of the book's message. Ten days seemed far too short for him. He had become fascinated by your presence and longed for more time to explore the depths of your connection.
Contemplating the book's message, the clown's thoughts race. He realizes that within these ten days, he has a chance to show you the joy and wonder of being a clown, to share his world and get to know you better. Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a glimmer of hope that you might choose to stay, not only within this realm but by his side.
When you lower the book, you notice his intense gaze fixed on you again. His eyes reveal emotions you can't quite grasp, leaving you puzzled. What is he trying to convey? You're not a mind reader, and even if you were, you're not sure you'd want to know his thoughts. There's an air of mystery and hidden intentions surrounding him.
"Okay," you nod, handing the book back to him. You turn away, deep in thought about what lies ahead. Ten days may not seem like much, but you have to muster the patience to endure this surreal experience. It's the only way you can make it through.
You flinch instinctively as his hands rest gently on your shoulders, uncertain about the intentions behind his seemingly affectionate gesture. You steal a sideways glance, meeting Kaptain Krazee's mischievous grin. His words, filled with an unnerving enthusiasm, make you question his perception of you.
"I'm here to lend a helping hand, my dear. We have plenty of exciting things to occupy your time," he exclaims with an exaggerated cheerfulness. "And trust me, with your natural charm and unique appearance, you'll be the star of the show."
His comment leaves you perplexed, causing your eyebrow to raise in skepticism. Charm? Looks? You've never regarded yourself as particularly charming or attractive, especially not in your current clown-like guise. The notion seems absurd, and you can't help but wonder what relevance appearance holds in the context of the circus. Everything within these twisted walls seems to serve a purpose, often a sinister one.
Your gaze narrows as you scrutinize Kaptain Krazee, searching for any hidden meaning behind his words. Is there something he's not telling you? The circus is known for its tricks and illusions, after all. You've learned a long time ago to be cautious, wary of what lies beneath the surface and knew you can take care of yourself.
He steps back, motioning towards the door with a slight bow. "Shall we?" he asks.
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ozzgin · 4 months
Yandere! Circus Merman
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Preview of an upcoming story with more characters based on Commedia dell'arte! This one is Sandrone: cunning, clever and crude.
Yandere Circus is officially out!
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You peek behind the heavy curtain and freeze. Are your eyes deceiving you? Someone is idly resting at the bottom of a large aquarium, showing no struggle despite being underwater. The mysterious man senses your presence and emerges to the surface.
"Would you look at that! I can't remember the last time I had a visitor."
He gestures for you to come closer.
"Are you the new guest? Our Columbina?"
"I don't know what you're talking about", you speak up with hesitation, eyes frozen on the scaly tail that seems eerily genuine. "I think I'll be leaving now."
"Leaving? Didn't the Ringmaster already tell you?" The merman claps his hands, amused. "You're naïve, I like that a lot. Perhaps this time I'll be the one to have you."
He abruptly grabs your wrist, and you jolt at the feeling. His hands are ice-cold and moist.
"Let me have a look at you, won't you? I'll help you hide from the others if you're good and listen to me."
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▶ W E L C O M E ! 📼
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This is my side blog where I mainly post EXE related stuff, including my own EXE AUs and ocs (Although yes, there are some regular Sonic ocs here as well)! This is an ask/rp blog, so expect to see some roleplay threads here and there
My main blog (Please go follow it if you can): @julieisasimp
Please check the rules on my main blog before doing anything here. It's on the pinned post there
Mod name/Main Mod of this blog: Julie
-Sonic.ICD/ICantDecide.EXE - Co-mod - Tag: #I can't decide whether you should live or die! // Sonic.ICD/ICantDecide.EXE
-Son_ic.REDACTED.AVI_ - Co-mod - Tag: #Finally...fresh head to EAT // Son_ic.REDACTED.AVI_
-Rosy.OVRGRWN - Assistant Co-mod - Tag: #A Shell Of Her Former self... // Rosy.OVRGRWN
-Ring.EXE - The Therapist - Tag: #Rings rings rings...they're all rings // Ring.EXE
-Sha_dow.AVI_ - The Chill - Tag: #Too Laidback For His Own Good // Sha_dow.AVI_
-Sil_ver.AVI_ - The Hungry - Tag: #The...TOO Playful One // Sil_ver.AVI_
-Am_y.AVI_ - The Traumatized - Tag: #Poor Traumatized Confused Creature...
EXE Gang (+ Majin and Fleetway):
-Xenophanes - Tag: #I am GOD // Xenophanes
-Lord X - Tag: #Your Lord // Lord X
-Majin Sonic - Tag: #The Fun Is Infinite! // Majin Sonic
-Sunky.mpeg - Tag: #Milk and Cereal... // Sunky.mpeg
-Fleetway Super Sonic - Tag: #Let's see how fast you can REALLY go! // Fleetway Super Sonic
My SonicSona (Julie the Cat):
- Tag: #The Floofy and Silly Cat Creator // - The Leader/Heroine - Julie the Cat/My SonicSona
-Classic Julie the Cat - The (Tiny) Leader/Heroine - Tag: #The OldSkool Cat with ✨ Class ✨ // Classic Julie
-Metal Julie - The Anti-Hero - Tag: #The Robotic Cat Faker // Metal Julie
Regular Sonic OCs:
-Lincoln the Wolf ((Updated some of his story, it can be viewed here)) - The Villain - Tag: #The Cat's 'Secret' Admirer... // Lincoln the Wolf
-Finn the Fox - The Hacker - Tag: #The Sly Sneaky Fox 'Partner-In-Crime' // Finn the Fox
-Mari the Ladybug - The Child - Tag: #Nerdy Insect Girl // Mari the Ladybug
-Gabby the Raccoon - Support - Tag: #Your Friendly Neighborhood Baker! // Gabby the Raccoon
-Candy the Reindeer - Support - Tag: #Big Into the Holiday Spirit! // Candy the Reindeer
-Alice the Axolotl - The Healer - Tag: #A Clumsy Nurse who's a bit of a Klutz // Alice the Axolotl
-Mystic the Moth - The Goth - Tag: #Goth Moth Boi // Mystic the Moth
-Zeru the Peacock - The Thief - Tag: #The Charming and Seductive Stud // Zeru the Peacock
-Scarlet the Macaw - The Fighter - Tag: #A Tomboy and Proud Daughter of Her Tribe // Scarlet the Macaw
-Nemesis the Bat - The Assassin - Tag: #A More Dangerous Advanced Rival... //
-Jerry the Cat - The Fanboy - Tag: #The ADHD Cat Heroine's Number One ONLY Fanboy!!! // Jerry the Cat
-Sonica.ICD/Sonic.ICD Genderbend - Tag: #The Female Yandere Hedgehog // Sonica.ICD/Sonic.ICD Genderbend
-Son_ica.REDACTED.AVI_/Son_ic.REDACTED.AVI_ Genderbend - Tag: #The Sultry Ink Monster // Son_ica.REDACTED.AVI_/Son_ic.REDACTED Genderbend
-Ringica.EXE/Ring.EXE Genderbend - Tag: #The Thicc Ringmaster // Ringica.EXE/Ring.EXE Genderbend
-Soul Julie/Julie.EXE - The Fallen Hero - Tag: #Curiosity Killed The Cat // Soul Julie/Julie.EXE
-Soul Lincoln/Lincoln.EXE - The Undead Villain - Tag: #A More Hostile and Violent Wolf... // Soul Lincoln/Lincoln.EXE
Anon tag: #A New Victim // anon
Mutual tag: #An Old Friend... // mutuals
Rambling tag: #A Dorkly Speech by the Dorkly Mod // ooc
Important announcement/lore/new characters tag: #Mod Julie takes over again // announcement
New character tag: #Hmm... Who might this be? // new muse
Fun Fact/New Lore tag: #Going into the unknown... // fun facts/lore
Muse Interaction tag: #When Nobody Else is Around // muse interactions/crack
Writing prompt tag: #A Fun Game for All to Play // writing prompts
Event/Starter tag: #The Multiverse rotating // event/starter
Rp/reply tag: #The Shadows that lurk within... // rp/reply
My art tag: #Have some art in these trying times // my art
Reblogging art (not mine)/Fanart tag: #Like a beautiful lit up candle in a dark room // not my art/fanart
Reblogging stuff in general tag: #Hmm... Seems interesting // reblogs
Please do enjoy your stay here, but just be warned: This blog does contain things that are only for 13+ (Since this blog WILL contain blood, some cussing, and other things that may upset some viewers) so if you're under 13 and/or are sensitive to this kind of stuff, then you may wanna leave. To those who have decided to stay, have fun askin'/roleplayin'!
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jinkicake · 2 years
😒😒😒yeah scaramouche has breached the top 10 like I can’t keep seeing these edits and tan art of him in so much anguish and then looking hot saying shit like “ that’s okay, because I’ll make you dumber and dumber until the only thing you can scream is my name” HELLO??? This is a targeted attack on ME personally bc all the hot cosplayers are doing scaramouche thirst traps 😭and my poor heart can’t take being torn in two directions 😔 like on one hand he’s so emotionally stunted and mean that my absolute lack of being serious in any situation would catch him off guard. Like yeah your yelling and ranting about how the other harbingers are stupid but if I kiss you until you can’t breathe and say you look hot what then🤨🎤like he can try and be all yandere but once again I’m gon be into it idk what to tell him! Like I’m mean right back to and I’ll alphabetically list out his mommy issues while not even looking up from what I’m doing🙄he’s also feels like the type to silently but súper loudly beg for attention all day “I can’t believe how cold this bed feels right now👀👀👀👀” like the type to grab your hand and drag you places bc he wants to hold your hand but he can’t let anyone see that he needs human affection 💀 I am all here for spoiled brat scara era like you can’t convince me that he wouldn’t in ei’s room like right after snatching up the gnosis ( nothing but respect for MY electro archon🥰) and fuck you on whatever throne she has in there, in every surface possible bet if he had planned this before hand he would have found a way to do it on the ceiling too. Oh and he’s making sure everyone hears it, it’s usually raining and thundering? Yeah it’s dead quiet everyone is nervous they did something to piss the shogun off bc only the wind in the trees is what they can hear. Rip to whoever lives near that tho bc they hear nothing but the most desperate melodic screams coming from there and skin hitting skin like Rest In Peace fr bc for the next 12 hours that’s their life. Ruler of eternity bc that’s how long he’s gunna fuck you😔😔 there is definitely no mistake of what’s happening when they just hear screams of his name. Like he’s such a petty “ lmao if your a clown I’m the ringmaster” type bitch he wouldn���t care she can hear that shit from inside of her shogun puppet. If your lucky the gods might even bestow a vision in you for enduring that💕 who knows could be an electro one💀 as an “im so sorry you can’t walk anymore” but honestly I would let him, he and Venti are in the same spectrum but he’s the opposite he can “heh pathetic” his way into someone’s pants like childe but less straightforward post redemption arc he’s still the same but he’s traveling around teyvat for the perfect places to fuck you in☺️ like oh this little hidden cave in Liyue looks fine Lmao bc Xiao shows up ready to join in but he talks about it like he’s touring houses “ I think this cave would make your voice bounce off the walls nicely” SHUT UP!!!
not top ten.... come on,,,, we are better than this.... I KNOW WE ARE.
... i deeply enjoy the scara angsty fanart tho,,,, like i cried during that one specific cutscene of the archon quest and after that all of his angst just hit ten times better kekeke
OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT. him being emotionally stunted and mean MAKES him more appealing?! im sorry that i enjoy a yandere psycho! but youre so right like his desperation for any affection really does dent my yandere!scara agenda bc at the end of the day he will do everything to please you and make you happy bc he never wants you to leave him HAHAHAH like you touch him without warning him and he'll literally turn red in the face and explode,,,, SEE HE IS SO DIFFICULT like i can never pick between cute scara or psycho scara T T
omg this headcannon of archon!scara i- every time you fuck him there would be dangerous thunderstorms LOLLLLLL it's like everyone in inazuma is rolling their eyes and cursing him whenever lightening strikes and thunder claps throughout the air hehehe
0h- i feel like if you got a vision after fucking scara he would pin it to you like a badge of honor.... that would be a physical reminder proving exactly what you are to him.... his toy... his heart... idk- i truly cant decide between making him sappy or mean-
if im fucking scara in a cave and xiao shows up.... that little puppet is getting tossed aside like im kicking his ass out and fucking xiao instead like- THAT is the ONLY option
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ask-churro-cookie · 1 year
I heard my name?~ *sees haunted ringmaster* new senpai!~
-yandere anon
"Yeah, no. Get monstered."
Yandere anon has been poofed into a little imp-
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