#Yandere hange Zoe
shikiii-skadi · 2 months
Hey can do yandere levi ackerman and hang Zoe and Erwin please
INCLUDES: levi ackermann, erwin smith, hanji zoe WARNINGS: Yandere content, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, abuse, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, clinginess, delusion, paranoia, overprotectiveness, mentions of kidnapping, death, manipulation, gas-lighting, murder, suicide, cannibalism, mutilation NAVIGATION: Attack on Titan Masterlist | part 1 (eren, mikasa, christa, armin)
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Levi Ackermann:
Typ of Yandere:
Overprotective: More than anything, he wants you to survive. More than anyone, he knows how brutal the world is out there. Man-eating titans or people who are as disgusting as animals, he has seen it all. And Levi also knows how weak you are in comparison. You could never get through this, not without him protecting you. That is why he has made it his mission to prevent you from being on the list of the dead as well. And he will do it as long as he is able to.
Rude: The biggest tsundere-yandere out there. He still calls you an idiot and is not above criticizing you harshly for doing something stupid in his eyes. Honestly, sometimes you really wonder if it's true when he says he loves you. But given the fact that he is a yandere, that is a question you ask yourself only briefly lol.
Dependence: Honestly, this man is just miserable. he lost everything so many times that he stopped counting. Is it an excuse for the way he treats you? No. But you can understand why. He clings to the little bit of luck he still has in his life. You are like the air he needs to breathe. Without you, he'd be like a fish trapped on dry land.
How and when started the obsession:
It takes a long time for Levi to let you get close to him, but once that hurdle is crossed, it doesn't take long for him to snap given the world you both live in.
Do they know that their feelings are unhealthy/not normal?
To a certain degree, yes. But he would consider it natural that he wants to protect you with every fiber of his being.
How far are they willing to go?
Murder: Levi is definitely capable of killing someone without much difficulty. And when it comes to your safety and well-being, he wouldn't hesitate for a second. However, Levi would not kill any potential rivals.
Hurting you: No, Levi would never hurt you physically. However, his blunt words are another story.
Blackmail: If something were to arise, then yes, but Levi wouldn't go out of his way to dig things up. But he would definitely use his position to make sure you are in his squad or don't participate in certain missions.
Kidnapping: It wouldn't be his first choice to kidnap you, because generally, Levi wants you to be happy and do the things you like (as long as you don't put yourself in danger that is). But if you two reach a point where Levi feels that you simply can't learn from your mistakes and continue to act recklessly over and over again, then he will see no other option than to physically restrain you. So that you are no longer a danger to yourself.
Final stage: Honestly the person who is responsible for your death, should just kill themselves before Levi has the chance to get them himself. He will not let them get away. It could take years and Levi would still be as adamant to make the person, who killed you suffer. He would never forget and in the end, he would get to them, no matter where they might try to flee to. The world is too small to hide from Levi Ackermann.
What is it overall like to have them as a Yandere?
As mentioned earlier, Levi is just miserable. He is so out of touch with his feelings that he would probably never confess his feelings to you on his own and you would have to make the first move. Which is why a scenario of rejection is unlikely. If you were to correctly interpret his behavior and tell him that you don't love him, it would hurt him a lot inside, but he wouldn't do anything to you. He wouldn't kidnap you or pressure you into a relationship. Levi doesn't have a high opinion of himself in that regard and probably doesn't think he's worthy of your companionship anyway. He would still stay by your side and protect you, but he doesn't expect anything in return. Knowing that you're safe is good enough for him.
Levi is probably one of the better Yanderes to have. Apart from his overprotectiveness he is pretty reasonable and will actually listen to you if you have complaints.
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Erwin Smith:
Typ of Yandere:
Manipulative: This man has a way with words. He could bring someone to jump willingly off a cliff if he wanted to. The key word here is "if he wanted to". I have a hard time imagining that he would ever manipulate you. He is too controlled and aware of himself for that.
Stalker: Because of his position as the Commander of the Survey Corps, he doesn't have a lot of time to stalk you. But it is his favorite free time activity. Just watching you do your daily tasks fills him with more joy than you could ever imagine.
Disappearance: Every day anew he sends soldiers to their death. He is convinced that he does not deserve you and that you will be better off with someone else. Which is why he will eventually leave you. It is even more likely that he has never approached at all.
How and when started the obsession:
Erwin feels lonely deep down. And sometimes he finds himself wishing he had someone by his side. But because of his opinion of himself, he never brought himself to change your relationship as comrades into something deeper. It was only a matter of time before all these suppressed emotions grew into something unhealthy.
Do they know that their feelings are unhealthy/not normal?
Yes and no. He was already conflicted enough with his normal feelings, so he didn't notice the change in the beginning.
How far are they willing to go?
Murder: No, never. It would never even cross his mind.
Hurting you: He would never do that either.
Blackmail: Even if he doesn't like to admit it, there have been situations where he has taken advantage of his position and made sure that this one person, who obviously was interested in you, suddenly stays miles away from you.
Kidnapping: If he wanted, he would be able to make you disappear without anyone finding even a trace of you ever again. But before it would ever come to that, he would have already distanced himself from you.
Final stage: Not even a single hair on your head would be harmed during the whole time of his obsession. Even in the end, he would never think of killing you. Maybe he thought about ending his own life in desperate hours, but he never went through with it. After all, he still had a dream.
What is it overall like to have them as a Yandere?
Honestly, you probably never really noticed his intense feelings. The worst thing that can happen to you with him is that someone from your circle of acquaintances suddenly turns away from you for reasons unknown to you.
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Hanji Zoe:
Typ of Yandere:
Manipulative: Hanji is a master of gaslighting and other manipulative tactics, due to their high intelligence. As soon as you have the slightest idea about their real intentions, they immediately make you doubt yourself. They twist stories, deny things, and immediately accuse you of those actions yourself. Hanji can predict your every move. They are always one step ahead of you. Not in a million years could you ever outsmart them. It's a game for them, honestly.
Bizarre-Seeking: Of course, someone like Hanji, who is already considered strange by many for her nature anyway, must have strange preferences. When it comes to things like strands of hair, you might be able to overlook it, but she definitely collects gross things too, like your fingernails or blood. Hanji has a whole shrine filled with your things. It is their most precious possession, next to you, of course.
Restraints: The amount of time you spend with Hanji is never enough for them. It was only a matter of time before Hanji decided that the best thing for you would be to never leave their side again. Preferably, they tie you directly to them, but if that's not possible, then a chair or the like is fine for a short time.
How and when started the obsession:
I mean, Hanji has always been a little…. strange. You probably never know them any other way. But their obsession with you started when you listened to them talk for hours about Titan experiments.
Do they know that their feelings are unhealthy/not normal?
No, they don't. Hanji thinks it's completely normal to feel this way about their significant other. They don't even think it's weird that they collect your fingernails and such. If you judge them for it, then they rather think that you are the weird one. After all, why should Hanji waste such precious things or not pay any attention to them at all?
How far are they willing to go?
Murder: Hanji would definitely kill people who stand in their way. And God have mercy on anyone they chose to kill. Hanji shows no mercy and no one will ever see the mutilated remains of their victims again. Unless they choose for their own amusement to send the victim's relatives the head.
Hurting you: Should you repeatedly try to leave their side, then Hanji is not above breaking your ankles, or legs, should she see it as more fitting. Just because you've won their love and affection doesn't mean you're saved from their more violent traits. In fact, it is quite the opposite - it just makes you more interesting. There are times when Hanji tortures you or acts out their strange tendencies and cuts off your fingers to add them to their shrine. If you cry the whole time and mess up your beautiful eyes with tears, then it's better if Hanji cuts them out for you to preserve their beauty, right?
Blackmail: In case of minor incidents or at the beginning of your relationship, Hanji usually manipulated you, not infrequently with blackmail. In the later stage, however, they rather choose physical violence. So they usually only blackmail you for fun.
Kidnapping: Hanji will definitely kidnap you and bind you to them forever. There is no other outcome.
Final stage: Hanji can accidentally kill you if she tries to cut anything off of you to be able to keep it. But if you keep rejecting them or even start hating them, they will see no other way than to kill you. Now she can shape you the way she wants. Your body will remain with her forever, as the most beautiful part of her shrine. Should you die due to natural causes, then she will eat your dead body so that you can finally be one again.
What is it overall like to have them as a Yandere?
Hanji is definitely the worst and most dangerous yandere of them all. Every one of your friends and family members runs the risk of being brutally murdered by them. And even you are not spared. The possibility that you die as her darling is incredibly high. And should you not be dead, then you are highly mutilated and disfigured. With them you always walk on eggshells, afraid of what they might do. In addition, you never have a free minute from them, because they always have you near them, if not directly tied to them.
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writr4luvrs · 6 months
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Anime Women/Femme x Yandere!Reader
tw: yandere!reader, stalking, invasion of privacy, toxic relationship, toxic work relationship, not proofread
featured: csm, aot, jjk girlies
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She loves giving you affection, she adores seeing the light in your eyes shoot up when she showered you in attention, holding your head in her palms, pulling you closer as she strokes your cheeks, or poking and pinching those cute plushy parts on your body. Telling you how pretty you look today, gently wrapping her arm around your wasit, giving you soft pecks up to your ear.
You think you were so sneaky spying and eavesdropping on her conversations or downtime, nabbing her personals, invading her life under the radar. Your lucky she wanted something so cute and pretty to play around with and tease and tell what to do unconditionally. And you were so, so warm.
She'll let you think you won her over with cute flirts, lovey dove dates, and territorial staring when one of her co-workers or long term friends would get to close, ...for now.
Makima, Shōko, Hange, Mikasa, Historia whoever your other lesbian faves
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oggirlboss · 6 months
༺ ♰ ༻ hopeless ༺ ♰ ༻
pairing[s]: yandere! slytherin!levi ackerman x afab! ravenclaw! reader and hanji zöe x being a phenomenal human being that deserves the entire world
warning[s]: stalking and obsession
summary: you and levi share professor snape's potions class, but that's not enough for levi. he needs more. and he's willing to go as far as it takes.
word count: 0.9k
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potions class was a special hell for levi ackerman. the ravenclaw and slytherin fifth years had the class together, which led to a fierce competition for top student. this, of course, is where he met you.
pretty, little miss perfect. [y/n] [l/n]. god was he obsessed.
any focus on the course material flew out the window. why learn how bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses? why learn how to bottle fame, brew glory, or put a stopper in death when perfection was just within his grasp?
"mr. ackerman~" professor snape stopped his lecture. "do pay attention, otherwise i will send you out of this classroom. you wouldn't like that; would you?" levi would really like to stay and watch you, but on second thought, your seat was right next to the door. maybe if he left he could discretely run his fingers through your hair before he was forced away from you. "mr. ackerman?"
"yes, sir?" levi turned away from you to stare at the chalkboard snape was writing on. snape stepped forward and slammed the piece of chalk onto levi's desk. his scowl deepened as he leaned closer and said something that struck a cord inside levi.
"you're hopeless." snape didn't know how right he was.
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you're only a fourth year, but your talents in professor snape's class were unrivaled. the greasy bastard even went as far as securing you a seat in the class above your year to challenge you. it should have been too easy for levi to sweet talk his way into your heart, but that preverted half-blood professor had to assign seats. levi wanted to kill himself as soon as hanji zoë plopped their ass in the seat next to his. could this year be any worse?
"leviii-" hanji gripped onto the sleeve of his robe and shook him, lost in their excitement. god knows what it was about this time.
"shut it, shitty glasses." levi spat out as he turned away from them.
"awwwww!!!" they screamed, drawing the attention of all their classmates. "is little baby levi pouting?" the people closest began to let little giggles slip through the quiet atmosphere, hanji's antics never failing to break the ice that came with having first period potions. levi however, wasn't pleased in the slightest, but one look at you made him forget his anger.
his obsession started out small. little handwritten notes slipped into your textbooks and love letters dropped into your favorite cauldron in potions class. you read them all of course, and looked them over when you felt insecure. you rolled up the notes and placed them in a pink tinted jar beneath your bed, while the letters were wrapped in twine and hidden under your pillow. it was an awfully sweet gesture, keeping them was the least you could do.
but imagine levi's delight when he discovers this?! oh he's so happy his little princess did this. it will only make him want to spoil you more.
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he memorized the entire layout of ravenclaw tower for you. astute rowena definitely didn't plan for a certain slytherin to be capable of answering every riddle thrown at him by that eagle shaped knocker embedded in the door. he's snuck into your room during the late hours of the night, either watching you sleep or writing down everything he sees and touching everything he could. He pays special attention to you from 3 am to 4 am because he knows that's the time your body is weakest and most likely to just give up and let you die. and you can't die. not on his watch.
he's always out of sight before the sun comes up, and ready to write the next letter.
but today was different. the air was more crisp. life was being lived more today than any other day. and he was going to speak to you.
"oi, brat." he called across the room at you.
you. you. you. it's all you.
"yes?" you looked up from the book in your lap, his steel grey eyes focused on your pretty, [e/c] eyes.
how cute! you're so polite to him. levi reaches into the pocket of his robe and nearly sighed at the coarse feeling of your diary in his hands. he'd taken it from you so long ago, that he could barely part with the black, leather bound parchment. he's read it over four or five times, enough to have all your little secrets memorized. "found this under a willow tree in the courtyard. thought you'd be missing it."
a lie.
he'd stolen it from your bag while you weren't watching. the cute way your cheeks heated was enough satisfaction to last him a lifetime.
but he's so selfish.
and he's going to drown himself in you.
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NSFW Yandere! Hange Headcannons
100 Followers Event: 17/31
(Warning: NSFW, Yandere themes, bondage, praise kink, hair pulling kink etc)
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- Yandere! Hange loves taking care of you, they are definitely a pleasure dom.
- Yandere! Hange loves doing oral, they will slurp up all of your juices until you are pulling on their hair to give you a break.
- Yandere! Hange has a big hair pulling kink. (Prove me wrong, I’ll wait)
- Yandere! Hange loves to praise you for everything, even when you can’t understand them because you are fucked dumb.
- Yandere! Hange loves it when you loudly moan out their name, especially when you call them Commander.
- Yandere! Hange uses chains, handcuffs, ropes, and whips on you when they’re giving you a punishment.
- Yandere! Hange makes sure to save some of your juices because they like to make art with your juices and display it all in their room to show you.
- Yandere! Hange loves to be choked by your hands and thighs.
- Yandere! Hange uses your body to make themselves feel good, and they are not embarrassed to do it.
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In the Masterlist there’s a link to make requests
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azurlily · 1 year
Day 8 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. This yandere is very creepy, I'm officially only using they/them pronouns for Hange! So just an fyi.
Hey so I finally finish this one. It's shitty, I didn't have many ideas, but I wanted to get this one out. There are more on my page, for those you found this off of a tag or something. It's also super short so I'm sorry about that too.
Hange takes lets you see their masterpiece. The monstrous idea scares you, now Hange has to fix things. While keeping the reason behind it all a secret.
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Yandere!Hange Zoe ANGST AND FLUFF
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It has been weeks since they'd finished it. Hange had been wanting to show you their masterpiece for so long, and now they could. It was something they'd been planning for about 3 months, and they'd finally had the resources to begin the project.
What project you may ask? Well the "Titan Steam Body" project. It isn't a great name, nor does it properly describe it, but it's good in its own way. The project is comprised of titan body parts, Hange learned how to preserve them for up to a week.
They'd learned that if they pole certain parts it will let out more steam than others. They made molds and sticks them on the poles, so when they steam came out. It would be the shape of a word. So they found a way to give you a ring, not a marriage one. Far too early for that, but a promise ring. Erwin had mentioned something about it and Hange adores the idea.
The found a way to pole specific parts of the mangled body parts, slowly making the words PLEASE ACCEPT MY PROMISE RING!
It took so, so, so long to finally get it right. They'd used so many titans, it was almost scary how many they used. Hange couldn't wait, literally, they decided to do it earlier than prepared.
"This way, this way! You'll love it!"
Hange tug you along, pulling you into a large room you didn't even know existed. Hange had their hands over your eyes, wanting to keep it a surprise for a little while longer.
Hange takes their hands from your eyes, showing you their masterpiece. A megawatt grin on their face, they press a button nearby. The pins and needles slam into the titans letting out steam in the right areas.
". . .W-well? Do you like it, my love?"
You stared in horror. What the actual hell, Hange!? That's what you were thinking. You wanted to yell, to ask questions. You opened your mouth before closing it once more. You had all recently learned that titans used to be people. Why would they do this? Knowing what they know...
When Hange noticed you weren't smiling, they assumed that you didn't want the ring. They looked away, feeling tears in their eyes.
"Oh god, we're moving too fast aren't we? Oh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have even thought or the idea."
You looked up at Hange, it was obvious they didn't feel bad. No, they were unhappy that you didn't like it. That's why they looked so down, not because they felt some form of remorse.
You finally found the courage to speak. You told Hange this was beyond fucked up, that you felt you didn't need to remind Hange that these people used fo be HUMAN! Hange listened to you yell, for a little while. After some time they put a finger on your lips.
"Honey, is that why you're mad? If it makes you feel any better these are titan shifter limbs. I made sure Eren was okay with it before I did it."
Oh. It took you a second to get your grounding back. You look at Hange again and breath a bit easier. You tell them it still thought it was wrong, you know how scared Eren got about the experiments in the past.
"I'm sorry...d-do you not want the ring?"
Oh no, Hange rarely cried(unless they were tears of joy) so this wasn't something you were used to. You tell Hange you want the ring, giving them a small kiss on the cheek. You wrap your arms around Hanges shoulder, giving them a big hug. You whisper 'I love you'
"I love you too pumkpin..."
While Hange was smiling and holding you, their eyes weren't as happy. This could have gone horribly wrong, this could have ended your relationship. All because you were scared about a bunch of random titans!? Why!? Why are some random monsters you don't know better them them!?
Hange grips you a bit tighter, their smile fading. They notice you struggle a bit in their grasp, they let go gently. Hange looks at your face, sees the worry, the love, the gentle kindness. They see it all, and they melt.
"Oh sweetie! I love you so much!"
Hange starts to gently kiss your face pulling you into their warm arms. While you laugh and giggle. Your mind was full of happiness, theirs was full of ideas on how to convince Eren to lie to you.
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10yearsatleast · 4 months
I once did a quotev quiz where it was AoT but Yandere and got Hange.
The results were well written and interesting but then I connected the dots and realized Hange was being a yandere over a Titan.
Hange captured, bound, and obsessed over a Titan.
Hange is a Yandere for Titans.
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
Macabre Monster - ,, yandere pre & post death Kyle Spencer
tw(s): yandere themes, mentions of suicide (Kyle), Madison's sa mentioned, Kyle's boundaries being crossed (not by reader), Kyle's trauma (non-descriptive)
✧ Both you and Kyle attended the same campus. That is where it all started. You both attended the same party. Kyle was slightly intoxicated when he met you. You were standing in the corner awkwardly with the distinctly red solo cup. You both got to talking, and something just clicked. You made your way to a backroom in the absolutely trashed frat house and just talked. You practically spilled out your guts on each other. Kyle told you everything—how his father died at a young age, how he had to take up the role of'man  of the house', all of the trauma sounding to him and his mother. After that day, there was just a connection with you. Call it a sort of codependent need for intimacy. He never had someone healthy to just hang around. He needed that; he craved it with his very being. So what's so wrong with letting that little bud of codependency flower into an entire garden of obsession?
✧ From that day forward, the two of you were practically inseparable. He got your number and texted you all the time. He invited you out to places. He gave you a bunch of gifts and trinkets. He drank and danced with you. He even did a really bad rendition of “Is This Love” by Whitesnake. You guys may have kissed once, twice, or three times, but you just seemed fine not putting a label on it. You still flirted with people and went out on dates. Kyle still partied with his frat brothers and went with the flow.
✧ As the months passed and your friendship grew, strange things started happening. Certain items of yours went missing. You'd get drunk, forget to take off your make-up, and wake up with it completely off and your entire skincare routine done. Your messy dorm became neat and tidy. Sometimes you'd even feel someone playing with your hair or massaging you in your sleep. You thought that they were all just tricks of your mind. 
✧ One thing that definitely was not a trick of your mind was when you read Kyle's mind for the first time. 'They're so slammin'. You blinked in surprise and kind of gave him a weird look. He continued on with the conversation, but more weird things kept popping into your head. 'I wanna kiss them.' 'I wonder if they got my gift.' 'I should probably sort their clothing again.' 'I'm so lucky to have them in my life. They are a total catch.' It disturbed you. That was the day you learned you had magical abilities. You were shipped off to Miss Robichaux's Academy.
✧ You didn't see him for a long time. It felt like a long time. It was really only three and a half weeks. For those three and a half weeks, Kyle was a mess. He turned your dorm upside down, but most of your belongings were gone. He had a panic attack and sat on the floor of your room and bawled his eyes out. He frantically texted you only to get a 'unable to send text' message over and over and over again, no matter how many times he tried. He tried over a hundred. He passed out in your room and missed his classes that day. He gathered what was left of your things and hoarded them in his room. He asked about you, and they said absolutely nothing. They wouldn't tell him anything. He was on the verge of offing himself. 
✧ That was until he saw you at the party. You had grown a bit in your abilities. You were still barely able to keep everyone's thoughts out of your head, but Nan helped you a bit. You had gone to the party with Madison and Zoe. You hadn't expected to be scooped up by Kyle and dragged into the back of the house. He kind of just pulled you into a hug and sobbed. You weren't sure how long it was. The one time you wanted to read his thoughts, you couldn't. Your ears were too busy hearing all of your blood rushing, as well as his and everybody else's in the house. 
✧ The rest of it was almost a blur. You both discovered Madison being assaulted. She must have had her drink spiked. All of the frat brothers were 'taking their turn with her'. No, not Kyle. Not your Kyle. He stepped in and chased them off. The next thing you knew, you were standing with Zoe, and the frat bus was driving off. Madison flipped it over with her abilities, and suddenly your entire world was crashing down. Neither of them went towards the bus. You did. You ran towards it and collapsed on the ground. You could feel only two people breathing. Neither of them matched Kyle's breath.
✧ The next week, you were so closed off and depressed that Madison graced you with the ability to get your little 'boyfriend', as she had dubbed him, back. You were morally against it, but Zoe argued that it was the right thing to do. All three of you completed the ritual. While you weren't exactly thrilled with practically selling your soul to the devil, you were strangledly excited to see your closest friend again. 
✧ When it seemingly didn't work, Madison left without both you and Zoe. Zoe hid behind you when Kyle came to life and attacked the security guard. No matter what you tried to do, he wouldn't let go of you. He only aimlessly grunted and kept his hands securely around you. He held you desperately, animalistically. It was like it was the only thing he remembered how to do. Which is strange because you only cuddled with Kyle—well,  a lot, actually, now that you think about it. 
✧ You had to stay with Misty when you tried to drop him off to get healed. He had an entire breakdown and nearly destroyed her shack because you tried to leave him. You told Zoe to just brush off your disappearance by saying that you were visiting a relative in town. If anybody had a problem with it, they could kiss your ass for all you cared. You had Kyle back. His health is all that matters to you.
✧ You managed to slip back to the academy while both were asleep. You managed to use a sleeping spell you had learned to cure your insomnia. Only you made it much stronger, so neither would be aware of your absence until you had already left. You weren't aware of Zoe's plans to bring Kyle back to his mother— If you can call her that. You also weren't aware of how distraught he was when he woke up, and you weren't in his arms. Neither Misty, nor Zoe, nor the person who birthed him could calm him down. He was worriedly grunting the entire time. He paced and searched around every corner of whatever he could touch to find you. He looked like a lost puppy, walking in circles in search of his owner.  
✧ Post-death Kyle has an oral fixation. He's like a toddler. Anything that can fit in his mouth will go in it. That includes you. He likes gently nibbling or just licking your skin. It gives him a sense of comfort and security. It also lights up that part of his mind that reminds him of when he gave you hickeys once. The first time Fraken Kyle accidentally gave you one, he was both pleased and freaked out. After you assured him that you were okay, he kept doing it. You have to teach him not to give you hickeys and small bruises. He doesn't listen. As long as it isn't hurting you physically, he'll continue to do it. Not because his mind is muddled, but because he's just that possessive over you. It's a way to mark you as his. The more primitive part of his brain needs that; it needs you to be his. 
✧ He has a multitude of issues with his body and the way it is. He often cowers away from you when he is naked and does his best to cover himself up. His fingers awkwardly trace the scars and the tattoos. He tries to tear his flesh off because he hates it so much. It isn't his body, quite literally. Frat boy Kyle never did anything like that. You even think that sometimes he flaunted his body to you on purpose. No, now you have to be the one to gently coax him out of his shell. With each kiss and loving word, another one of those mental wounds is being stitched up and healed. 
✧ All of those issues became especially clear when you rushed to Kyle's previous home. Zoe had already gotten there before you. You both found what was left of his mother on the carpet. It made you furious to think of what would have caused Kyle to have a reaction like this. He came into his old room whining like a starved animal. He was sobbing and could only utter two words over and over again. 'No leave, no leave, no leave.' Zoe was horrified at the scene of Kyle's dead family member. She went to go cook you all something, and you were just stuck with Kyle. Not that you minded. You almost felt a little possessive of him now—overprotective. He's still himself, and yet he's different now.  
✧ He refused to wash off the blood without you. Post-death Kyle always does that. You think it's because he believes you protect him from the mental scars that his mother gave him. It's partly that, but it's also partly something else. There are still parts of this brain that work and are able to scheme. He just wants to feel your body close to his. He just wants to take care of you. Just like before the accident. He doesn't consciously understand why he is doing this. He just knows that it has to be this way. It's like there are two different Kyle's pulling at his new version of him: the yandere one and the traumatized inner child of his.
✧ He pulls you in a lot of directions. He does it harshly if you don't want to go with him. He'll just haul you around as well. You are standing one moment, and the next you are being bridled by Kyle down the street. You both left Zoe, and you couldn't convince him to go back, much less get out of his vice grip. For an undead man, he sure gained a lot of strength. 
✧ He brought you both to an abandoned arcade, which the both of you would hide in sometimes. The owners couldn't pay rent, so they closed up shop. They left everything there, so people often broke in to steal parts from the machines and fool around. He vaguely remembered the place. His mind cannot remember exactly memories and reasons but feelings. This place felt good, and his old house felt bad. So he took you here, and now he feels perfect.
✧ His speech is basically nothing in the beginning. As time goes on, he develops a greater ability to communicate his words. That's why you often end up reading his mind instead. It's like wading through the swamp that Misty lived in. His mind has three different tracks: feelings, broken thoughts, and future actions. All three clash with each other because they are in various stages of regaining normalcy. He thinks in broken sentences, and sometimes it feels like he knows that you are able to read his mind. With things he seemingly doesn't want you to know, he whispers them within his mind. They get lost in translation. It's like that fog in his mind is purposely keeping you away from certain actions, thoughts, or feelings he has.
✧ His mood is dependent on your mood. You first learned this when you brought him back to the academy. You locked both him and yourself in your room. You couldn't hold back the tears, and you broke down. You were just so fucking sick of everything. Sick of this house. Sick of the other witches. Sick of your powers. You just wanted the Kyle you knew back. They just went and revived him—he wanted to be an engineer. Now he's a Frakenstines monster built back with the parts of his shitty frat brothers. You guys didn't even label what you had.
✧ You were so busy crying that you didn't realize Kyle was sobbing as well. He had curled up next to you and just started crying. When you stopped, he slowly quieted down. He brought you into an awkward cuddle on the dusty floor of your room. You almost wanted to laugh. Kyle was always like that. If you were crying, he'd pick you up in a hug and start humming something from Toto or Nirvana. He'd make really bad jokes and show you silly faces. It almost mirrored now. Kyle was trying to do something to a silly face. It looked more like he was gonna start growling at you. It made you chuckle a bit. Even now, he could make you feel better.
✧ That was only one way in which he mimicked your moods—mimicks you. He's much more prone to outbursts when you are angry or frustrated. If you slam your palms on the table out of irritation, he'll do the same. Only he'll accidentally break the table. That's happened more times than you'd care to admit. The coven is going to need a separate fund to just pay for the stuff Kyle breaks. 
✧ Your habits and routine are what also help him regain some of his independence. He watches you with a keen eye. He imitates most everything you do. Of course, his actions are clumsy, and sometimes he breaks things, but he still tries his best. Frat Kyle would do that as well to tease you. He'd tease you out of bad habits such as biting your nails or forgetting to drink water. He nearly shoved a water bottle down your throat during your study hall when you casually confessed to him that you hadn't drank anything all day.
✧ That's the thing about people, right? They always surprise you. Zoe knocked you out and dragged Kyle down to the greenhouse to chain him up. She did. Madison returned. It's like death means nothing to these people. All of those memories with Kyle are yours. He remembers those feelings he had for you. Which is why it's so hard for you to be around him. He's just someone who needs someone. That someone just happened to be you.
✧ It's a good thing that little miss 'I'm going to save him' didn't kill him down there. He probably would have killed her if she really tried. He escaped and ran up to your room. He refused to move from your body until you woke up. You were the one put in charge of caring for him. Well, nobody else really could. You are the only one who is able to untangle his mind. You could still see Kyle in there. You saw almost every part of him. Everybody around him just took, took, took. You're the only one he'd let take from him anymore.
✧ He developed a habit of touching your temples whenever he wanted to really, really tell you something or communicate. It was kind of cute. He looks up at you with those doe eyes and just concentrates really hard on thinking correctly. When you respond, he lights up and bounces on the balls of his feet. It was cute until it wasn't. Sometimes the thoughts you heard from him kept you up at night.
'Kill everyone... for... you. You mine. Like before. Remember?'
'Steal stuff of yours. Keep it. Home. You.'
'Massage you like before. When sleeping. Adorable— adorable sleeper.'
'Scars. Scars like mine. Hurt you. Scars like mine. All get scars like mine.'
'Party together. Two. Us. Booze. Ex-boy dead. Me. Did it. So party. Us. Two. Only.'
✧ You didn't truly understand why he would think those things or act this way. You did understand it a little the day Zoe and Madison tried to make him a glorified sex doll. At that point, not even glorified. You knew all the things Kyle had been through. You constantly have heard his mind. When Madison started touching him like that the earth trembled beneath you, quite literally. The entire state shook. You may or may not have accidentally absorbed some of Kyle's emotions. So when Madison did that you just about wanted to tear her head off. Kyle gave you a scared, confused look.
'Good feeling? Bad feeling? Help, please.'
She was lucky to have been revived from the dead once. You were itching to put her back under. That scared you, but it also made you feel safe. Kyle always stood up for you when people made you uncomfortable. You never really had the chance to do it for him because he wouldn't let you. When you absorbed his feelings you really felt him. It was intoxicating. It's safe to say Kyle put his fingers on your temple and asked you a lot of questions about that encounter.
✧ Kyle asks a lot of questions. It's part of you teaching him how to remember himself. Some of those things are best left not remembered. Some of the questions are appropriate and some of them are not. You still remember him asking if you two ever did it. He asks a lot of questions about all of the witch and magic stuff. It is what he was most curious about before he died. After all, you just disappeared on him. He almost killed himself because of that. He ended up dead anyway. The irony is lost on him, but not on you.
'Magic? You?'
"I can read minds, remember? That's how we communicate. I've also learned that people's emotions affect me. I can make people feel things— or use their energy to make things happen."
He had a breakdown after that. He remembered you being taken from him. He would never let that happen again. Never.
✧ He's territorial, in case you couldn't tell. He isn't exactly the master of subtly. He grunts and smacks anyone in the house that gets too close to him, except you. He holds everything he loves close to him, including you. He has a bad habit of murdering people you interact with. You'd tried to explain it to him, but he adamantly refused to stop. You aren't naive about what all of this means for you. He isn't exactly in the condition to keep his darkest secrets away from you, mostly. Still, your abilities connect you with his emotions. You can't entirely control it. So you need to be around him just as much as he needs to be around you. You do your best to get him to stop killing people. You truly do. It's just that doe-eyed expression he gives you that makes you give into him every single time. 
✧ The tablet you gifted him is the thing he is second-most territorial about. He always keeps it with him. He watches it when it's on the charger. You gave him a protective covering for it and a bag so he could carry it around. It's like his safety item. You have a bunch of games on there to help him learn. You also downloaded things that he liked before his death. You have an entire album of just you and him on that thing. Every time he sees you, he wants to take a new picture of you to put in the album. It makes him remember a little bit more.
✧ He traces the outline of your figure in every photo. You've caught him kissing his tablet with a picture of you on it more times than you'd like to admit. He always gives you this kind of blank but dopey smile afterwards. His pupils are always dilated around you, so it kind of makes him look like he's high. You don't know if the pupil thing is because of his resurrection, something with your magic, or if he is just that obsessed with you. He is just that obsessed with you.
✧ He also decorated the bag you got him with cloth markers. It was an exercise you did to help him with his fine motor skills. It was relaxing until he drew himself with both of you holding hands while everything was on fire around you. That was what you understood of the drawing anyway. You still let him keep it on there. He doesn't let anyone else touch the bag. Nan tried to touch it once, and he nearly bit her fingers off.
✧ You have to teach him to be gentle with others. He's gentle around you, but with anyone else, he has a very high chance of breaking one of their bones. You start off with animals first. They are less confrontational than humans and are genuinely easier to get alone with. Only he snaps the dog's neck and most every other animal you try to introduce to him. He only stops when he sees you getting upset. His mind immediately filled with shame in those moments. 'No. You plus me. No animals. Sorry. Love you.'
✧ He has a tendency to watch you at night. Just like he secretly did before all of this happened. He crawls into your bed and plays with the strands of your hair. He wraps himself around you tightly. Most of the time, he is the big spoon. He just likes placing his head over yours. He is obsessed with listening to your breathing and the beating of your heart. It reminds him that you are still with him.
✧ He 100% kills any witch hunter within any radius of you. If he hears anything with the word 'witch hunter', he is off searching for that person. Part of him doesn't want to murder, but the other part of him is more than eager to get rid of the person who wanted the coven harmed. He still mostly protects you, but after awhile, he learns to grow a bit more protective of the people you actually like in the coven. He doesn't want to see you in any distress. So protecting those close to you counts. In a dangerous situation he will still save you first. Even though you are more than able to handle yourself, Kyle still does it for you.
✧ Madison still absolutely cannot stand your relationship and close proximity to Kyle. She believes that it should be her who loves him. During the test of concilium, she tried to make Kyle kill you. You sensed something in his brain shut off at that point. That scared inner child was angry, and so was his violently obsessive side. It's like his need for you outweighed any other thought Madison could put in his mind. He didn't kill her then. He waited until she failed. Then he stalked into her room, and well, they never found her body. On some level, everyone knows it was Kyle, but it's left unsaid. That's just one of the many secrets of Kyle's that you will keep with you to the grave.
✧ You may not have completed all of the seven wonders, but you did become one of the new witches on the Witch Council. With Cordelia's blessing and a yandere, semi-functioning Kyle, you both set out across the world to find witches and bring them to safety within the academy's doors. The question remains: will he allow you to do so? Or is his docile behavior just a ruse to hide you away and make you permanently his?
.ೃ࿐ -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- .ೃ࿐
⟿ taglist: @coentinim @bluerthanvelvet444 @cxndiedvi0lets @doll3tt33 @lacucarachapisser
.ೃ࿐ -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- .ೃ࿐
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ghoularaki · 6 months
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last updated: 08/10/24
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levi ackerman
baby’s breath | 10/?
𓆩♡𓆪  series masterlist
modern au, angst, smut, modern au, DARK CONTENT, yandere, noncon/dubcon, daddy kink, forced infantilism, pet play, age gap, death threats, human trafficking, bdsm
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hange zoe
↠ coming soon!
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mikasa ackerman
↠ coming soon!
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erwin smith
baby’s breath | 9/?
𓆩♡𓆪  series masterlist
modern au, angst, smut, modern au, DARK CONTENT, yandere, noncon/dubcon, daddy kink, forced infantilism, pet play, age gap, death threats, human trafficking, bdsm
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Yandere Hisirdoux Casperan 💙🔪
~ If Hisirdoux finds an obsession he loves he is not above secretly using magic to make himself seem cooler or more appealing. Maybe he uses mind reading to make sure he's impressing you, or he casts a small charm to be super strong or super smart so he can help you lift things or have a long conversation about the topics you love. If you seem resistant or not interested Douxies not above using magical persuasion, a type of spell that'll make you want to do what he asks you to so he can snag a date.
~ Phones are some of the most useful inventions on earth. Why cast a spell on you when he can just use your phone to track you? He wants to memorize your schedule and know where you go so he can plan meet cutes and make himself appear mysterious but alluring. With Zoes help he preorchestrates everything by tracking where you'll be and when. Using a fake account to check up on you. But its obvious his plan is working when he gets that first date and begins to gain your interest. He makes himself apart of your schedule and implements himself in your daily life. Whenever he changes the schedule or leaves you notice and ask him about it making him smile. Slowly but surely he's wormed his way in.
~ He's not quit sure when he fell for you but when he fell, he fell hard and now he can't get you out of his head. Out of his 919 years on this planet no one has ever made him feel this way and he's not about to let this feeling go. He's lost so much and given up so many things. But he loves you too much too ever let you go.
~ Douxie wears his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see but he hides his obsession of you from you. He doesn't want to come off as annoying or clingy or even creepy. He also doesn't want you to know about his endless love for you, at least not yet. He wants to befriend you and become a constant part of your life before he makes you his and Douxie wants to make sure the transition from strangers to friends to lovers is flawless and that no one will ever question if you fell in love too quickly. The moment he set eyes on you he knew you were the one but the rest of the world didn't need to know that, not until it was the right time.
~ He talks about you to Archie all the time. The familar knows you just as much as Douxie if not more. As his familar Douxie and Archie are already connected and have a deep bond where emotions are shared, but when Douxies obsession with you grows so does Archies. Archie helped raise Douxie and cares about him more than anything. So if Douxie cares about you, so does Archie. The familar often gives Douxie advice for how to woo you and Archie being the romantic he is, can't wait for when you two finally fall in love. Hopefully you like cats because he'll act like a stray and follow you to help Douxie keep tabs on you.
~ You hang out all the time. At his bookstore, the coffee shop he works at, college in between classes, and before and after his shows. He's always inviting you and your friends places and making sure that you love him and that your friends approve of him. He bumps into you while your out so he can introduce himself to your parents and any family in the area so they know him and trust him and he quickly gains confidence when it comes to courting you. He slowly eases out of friend territory and into boyfriend territory.
~ You're invited to all his concerts. Douxie makes sure to keep an eye out for you as he performs. His bandmates and many of his fans notice the sudden switch from hard rock songs to more lovey dovey music. He pours all of his passion and love into his music hoping you understand and hear him. After all music was his world but now your his world. He wants no needs you to understand he'd do anything for you.
~ He lavishes you with attention and gifts. Backstage passes, free merch, concert tickets to other shows, sentimental items, cute souvineers, movie tickets, and anything else you could ever want. He tries not to overwhelm you with all the money he spends on you but you just deserve the world and he always adores your smile. He can't wait til you smile at him like that all the time.
~ Douxie is smart and patient. Hes willing to play the long game even if he doenst really want too. He wants you to know he's magic but he needs you to find out in a cool way. He often fantasizes about saving you at work and being your hero. He slowly introduces the concept of magic and gives you books from his giftstore to try and get you interested. You'll never become a magic user yourself but he'd like you to not freak out at the idea of him having magic.
~ When you find out your ecstatic and ask him so many questions. You begin doing more research in his shop and help him hide his secret. He tells you all sorts of stories and slowly he watches you fall in love with just like he planned. Hisirdoux is planning your wedding in his head every time you laugh and he can't wait til your together forever.
~ You're not magic but that doesn't matter to him. Hisirdoux knows more than enough ancient spells that could keep you alive forever. Age won't be a problem and whether you like it or not you will be spending the rest of your life with him. He will love and protect you and be your knight in shining armor. History may not remember the name Hisrdoux but you, you will never forget him.
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 8 months
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader. Prologue.
“Cmon Y/N! We’re going to be late for our first day at this shitty job!” Ymir said fixing her uniform.
”Ymir! That’s 50 cents in the jar.” Krista exclaimed quickly turning back to fix her makeup.
”Fine.” Ymir said only to quickly shout. “Oi! Sasha stop eating all of the food!”
”Lets go now. I’m all ready.” Y/N said grabbing her bag and slipping on her shoes.
The four girls have been friends since they were young so it was no surprise when they all moved in together at an apartment and got the same job.
Whilst walking to your new workplace Krista talked about how we should be careful about this workplace due to the accidents and how we should carry around pepper spray just in case.
That soon led to Ymir laughing and saying how Sasha would just drink it all. The four of them giggled before finally reaching the workplace.
It had a faint smell of cherry which was different from the last time you came which was to give your resume and to do an interview in which you all succeeded.
Y/N led them to a room in which they signed in and got their land yards to open locked doors around the hospital.
“We have 10 minutes to spare.. let’s just stay here like everyone else.” Krista said as she sat down on a chair.
“Which ward did you guys get?” Ymir asked as she plopped down onto the couch in the lounge room. “I got ward 6 and it’s all the way on the other side of this crappy building!”
”I think there’s a reason you got an easy ward, Ymir..” Y/N said, earning a scoff from the freckled woman.
”Yeah Ward 6 is for slightly unstable people.. I got ward 4 and I think that’s for children who need help..” Krista said before sulking at the thought of children being in a mental hospital.
”I got Ward 3! I’ll be able to see Krista every now and then so it won’t be that bad.” Sasha said making Ymir groan in annoyance.
”I got Ward 1.” Y/N said bluntly making the whole room go quiet. “What?”
”Y/N, Ward 1 is where all the crazy shi- I mean uh stuff happens.” Ymir said. “Before we applied for this crazy job, so many doctors have died just by taking care of one patient in Ward 1”
”Ymir! Stop scaring us like that!” Krista said.
”It’s true! I’ve heard that one of the guys in there is so crazy that he just stares at you and you’ll want to die!” Sasha exclaimed scared.
”Sasha! S-stop it!” Krista exclaimed. “Y/N if you ever need to swap Wards I think you can ask the boss or some higher up.”
”I’ll be alright.. I think I got placed there due to my grades and experience.” Y/N explained with a smile.
”I heard only experts work in Ward 1 so good luck with those people.” Ymir said. 
“That must be the bell for us to start working.. see you later Y/N.” Sasha said before waving goodbye and walking off with Ymir and Krista who also did the same.
I made my go Ward 1 only to be greeted by a tall, blue eyed man and a and goggled, brunette woman.
”You must be Y/N?” The tall man asked reaching out to shake her hand. “We are in charge of Ward 1.”
”Yes. I’m working in Ward 1, it’s a pleasure to meet you�� Y/N said shaking his hand.
”I’m Erwin Smith and this Hange Zoe. I’ll be accompanying you for today to see how it goes.” Erwin said smiling.
”If you ever need me I’ll be in my office, pretty gal.” Hange said before smirking and walking off.
”Let’s begin, shall we?” Erwin said.
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imisssummer · 8 months
request rules (closed)
everything has to be x fem!reader, they should be answered within a week of submitting, and i’ll do pretty much anything (incest, non-con/rape, piss, age gaps, yandere, etc etc) except for scat!!! as for fandoms & characters—
jujutsu kaisen
𖤐 — satoru gojo, suguru geto, toji fushiguro, sukuna ryoumen, nanami kento, choso kamo, megumi fushiguro, itadori yuji, mei mei, shoko ieiri, yuki tsukumo, toge inumaki, & okkotsu yuta.
hunter x hunter
𖤐 — chrollo lucifer, hisoka marow, illumi zoldyck, feitan portor, kurapika kurta, shalnark ryuseih, ging freecs, & pariston hill.
my hero academia
𖤐 — shota aizawa, shinsou hitoshi, dabi, hawks, shigaraki tomura, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, endeavor, mirko, himiko toga, & amajiki tamaki.
𖤐 — rintaro suna, atsumu miya, osamu miya, eita semi, sakusa kiyoomi, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, ushijima wakatoshi, tendou satori, kita shinsuke, akaashi keiji, kageyama tobio, kozume kenma, kuroo tetsuro, bokuto koutarou, sawamura daichi, hinata shoyo, asahi azumane, tsutomu goshiki, & koshi sugawara.
tokyo revengers
𖤐 — mikey sano, draken ryuguji, haitani ran, haitani rindo, hakkai shiba, takashi mitsuya, chifuyu matsuno, kazutora hanemiya, taiju shiba, keisuke baji, shuji hanma, shinichiro sano, kurokawa izana, hajime kokonoi, seishu inui, & sanzu haruchiyo.
demon slayer
𖤐 — kyojuro rengoku, giyu tomioka, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui (+ wives), muzan kibutsuji, akaza, doma, muichiro tokito, gyomei himejima, obanai iguro, mitsuri kanroji, & shinobu kocho.
attack on titan
𖤐 — levi ackerman, eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, zeke yeager, reiner braun, hange zoe, erwin smith, jean kirstein, connie springer, & yelena.
bungo stray dogs
𖤐 — osamu dazai, atsushi nakajima, yukichi fukuzawa, ranpo edogawa, doppo kunikida, chuuya nakahara, ougai mori, ryuunosuke akutagawa, akiko yosano, fyodor dostoyevsky, nikolai gogol, tetcho suehiro, & edgar allen poe.
black butler
𖤐 — sebastian michaelis, ciel phantomhive, alois trancy, claude faustus, & undertaker.
𖤐 — moomobami ririka, momobami kirari, ikishima midari, jabami yumeko, saotome mary, & yuriko nishinotouin.
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rhythmstars · 2 years
Characters and fandoms i write for
Comic Book and live action
DC comics
The batfamily (except Alfred ofc)
The superboys (excluding lex luthor)
The teen titans
The young justice
Billy Batson
Freddy Freeman
Eugene Choi
Mary Bromfield
Pedro Pēna
Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Pavitr Prabhakar
Gwen Stacy
Miguel O'Hara
Hobart Brown (Hobie)
The Avengers (cap, tony, nat, thor, loki)
Matt Murdock
Dr. Strange
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Fred and George Weasley (separately)
Bill Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Cedric Diggory
Sirius Black (young)
Remus Lupin (young)
James Potter (young)
Lily Evans (young)
Peter Pettigrew (obviously young and maybe)
Regulus Black (young... obviously...)
Tom Riddle (not exactly eh)
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman
Jean Kirstein
Eren Jaeger
Mikasa Ackerman
Armin Arlert
Connie Springer
Hange Zoe
Sasha Braus
Reiner Braun
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Megumi Fushiguro
Yuuji Itadori
Suguru Geto
Shoko Ieiri
Iori Utahime
Bungo Stray Dogs
Osamu Dazai
Chuuya Nakahara
Kouyou Ozaki
Doppo Kunikida
Nakajima Atsushi
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Ranpo Edogawa
Akiko Yosano
Junichiro Tanizaki
Tokyo Revengers
Manjiro Sano/Mickey
Ken Ryuguji/Draken
Takashi Mitsuya
Takemichi Hanagaki
Hinata Tachibana
Chifuyu Matsuno
Emma Sano
Yuzuha Shiba
Keisuke Baji
Tetta Kisaki (though i truly hate him lol)
Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Giyu Tomioka
Nezuko Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Kyojuro Rengoku
Shinobu Kocho
Muichiro Tokito
Obanani Iguro
Mitsuri Kanroji
This list will be updated as i go! but for now these are the only characters I'll write for.
Rules (pls read)
I'm not comfortable writing nsfw themes so please don't request any
I do NOT write yandere themes.
I write mostly angst and fluff but anything else is fine! :D
I will try my best to write LGBTQ+ but I'm not FULLY aware of how things work so I'm so sorry if i make a mistake. (kind criticism is appreciated!)
I will write Character x reader and just character scenarios ONLY!!
Y'all are really free to request anytime i don't mind :)).
That's all i guess I'll see y'all on my next post!! till then bubyee!!
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lesinquietes · 4 months
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Character limit: 5
I will only accept yandere requests!
Lemons are acceptable!
Platonic yanderes are acceptable!
Do not request the following: Incest, pedophilia, anything scat/watersport related and other disturbing things!
Any family yanderes will automatically be platonic.
I will NOT do abuse or cheating as that is hard for me to write.
I also do yandere imagines and points from time to time
🦋Fandoms I write for on here🦋
Record of ragnarok
Attack on Titan
Demon slayer
Sk8 the infinity
Blush blush
Mortal Kombat
Greek/Norse mythology
🦋Characters List/Masterlist (any left out are ones I won't do)🦋
Qin Shi Huang
Jack the ripper
Adam (Platonic only!!)
Attack on Titan
Eren Jaeger/Yeager
Armin Arlert
Mikasa Ackerman
Levi Ackerman
Hange Zoe
Demon slayer
Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Inosuke Hashibira
Giyuu Tomioka
Shinobu Kocho
Kyojuro Rengoku
Uzui Tengen(+ his wives)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Sk8 the infinity
Langa Hasegawa
Reki Kyan
Blush blush
Scale (one of my favourites)
Cole (he already is one but he's here)
Mortal Kombat
Sub Zero
Greek mythology
Hera (Platonic)
Hestia (Platonic only)
Norse mythology
Yandere Record of Ragnarok masterlist~
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azurlily · 1 year
For the month of May I've decided to do a yandere oneshot everyday.
These will be angst, fluff, smut, and some headcannons, and some fics some will be long done will be short. Here are the women I'll be waiting, and what I'll be writing. You have to click on the link for each of the fics.(it'll tell you what the fic is about when you click it.)
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The fandoms in here are: Harry Potter, Attack on Titan, Kakegurui, Umbrella Academy, Seven Deadly Sins, Arcane, Avatar The Last Airbender, My Hero Academia, Chainsaw Man, and Akame ga Kill!.
Day 1. Yandere!Annie Leonhart. NSFW
Day 2. Yandere!Kirari Momobami. ANGST
Day 3. Yandere!Fei Hargreeves. ANGST
Day 4. Yandere!Pieck Finger and Yandere!Annie Leonhart. HEADCANNONS(sfw and nsfw)
Day 5. Yandere!Merlin(Gluttony). FLUFF
Day 6. Yandere!Sevika. SMUT
Day 7. Yandere!Vi and Yandere!Kaitlyn Kiramman. SMUT
Day 8. Yandere!Hange Zoe. ANGST AND FLUFF (finished late)
Day 9. Yandere!Azula. ANGST
Day 10. Yandere!Azula, Yandere!Ty lee, and Yandere!Mai. HEADCANNONS(sfw version)
Day 11. Yandere!Ymir and Yandere!Historia Reisss. Modern HEADCANNONS(sfw and nsfw)
Day 12. Yandere!Sachiko Juraku. SMUT
Day 13. Yandere!Bellatrix Black. SMUT
Day 14. Yandere!Black Sisters(Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Andromeda). HEADCANONS(sfw and nsfw)
Day 15. Yandere!Nemuri Kayama (Midnight). ANGST
Day 16. Yandere Sugar Mommy!Mel Medarda. FLUFF and SMUT
Day 17. Yandere!Jinx. FLUFF
Day 18. Yandere!Toga. ANGST and FLUFF
Day 19. Yandere Mommy Dom!Hitch Dreyse. SMUT
Day 20. Yandere!Azula, Yandere!Ty lee, and Yandere!Mai. HEADCANNONS(nsfw version)
Day 21. Yandere Marauders Era!Narcissa Malfoy. HEADCANNONS(sfw)
Day 22. Yandere!Various AOT women + Hange. FANFICTION(sfw and a bit nsfw)
Day 23. Yandere!Yumeko Jabami. ANGST
Day 24. Yandere!Makima. FANFICTION
Day 25. Yandere!Kobeni Higashiyama. FLUFF
Day 26. Yandere!Himeno Setojima. SMUT
Day 27. Yandere!Chelsea. SHORT FANFICTION
Day 28. Yandere!Esdeath. ANGST AND FLUFF
Day 29. Yandere Modern Doctor!Hange Zoe. ANGST
Day 30. Yandere Modern Werewolf pack!AOT Various women + Hange. FANFICTION
Day 31. Yandere!Momo Yayorozu. FLUFF
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Here are all 31 days. I'll be starting this on May 1st, 2023.
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tonystarksproperty · 3 years
Attack on Titan Main Masterlist
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(i accidentally posted this on my main blog instead of my backup, oopsies)
Eren Yeager Masterlist
Levi Ackerman Masterlist
Hange Zoe Masterlist
Erwin Smith Masterlist
Mikasa Ackerman Masterlist
Pieck Finger Masterlist
Reiner Braun Masterlist
Annie Leonhart Masterlist
Ymir Masterlist
Zeke Yeager Masterlist
Armin Arlert Masterlist
Jean Kirschtein Masterlist
Connie Springer Masterlist
Porco Galliard Masterlist
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Credz to @/ tonystarksproperty
206 notes · View notes