fandom-trash-xl · 8 months
Quick Incorrect Quotes Fistful, but I have good ones this time
Caulifla: I'm going to confess to you for Valentine's Day, so wait up for me after our training. Kale: Eh?! Caulifla: You're free after training, right? Kale: ...Yeah. Caulifla: Then, be prepared! Kale: ...Okay. Caulifla: Then, why's your face all red? Kale: Because you basically already confessed... Caulifla: DAMMIT! ...Never mind. -- Cabba, from the Tournament of Power benches during episodes 113-116: Let's go, lesbians, let's go! LET'S GO, LESBIANS, LET'S GO! -- Frieza, about Kuriza: I have trained the rightful heir to my empire~ Berryblue: You messed up a perfectly good child is what you did. Look at him. He's got anxiety. --- Goku: When Chi-Chi and I were first flirting after we got married, she asked me how I felt about pet names, to which I replied, "Well, you have to call them something." Goku: This is really testament to my wife's patience. Bulma: Goku, I think Chi-Chi might be a moronsexual. Goku: Hey, don't call her a moron! Goku: ...Wait. --- Vegeta, after pulling Yamcha aside, pointing to Frieza: That is a homicidal maniac! ...No, you may not date him.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Thoughts going through my mind that I wanna get out. I havent fully constructed the post, but its about Yamcha & him regaining his fighting spirit. Here's the quick version...
He lost his fighting spirit and became depressed during the Cell saga due to breaking up with Bulma when he wanted to marry her then found out she had a child with the enemy, almost dying in a brutal way, looking after Goku who almost died only for Goku to end up sacrificing himself in the end, being brutally beaten up alongside his friend by the Cell Jrs to the point of almost dying again. Then he was trying to fix mistakes made in the Buu Saga (Vegeta's mistakes mainly) and he ended up dying to Buu.
So it makes sense (imo) why he didn't show up to fight Freeza. He was still recovering from PTSD he had. But during the Tournament of Power Saga, he was ready to fight again. He regained his fighting spirit. But I dont like how they handled him not being chosen as a team member. It was meant as a comedic misunderstanding that left us wanting more from Yamcha since he wanted to join. I do believe there was a scene of him finding out the universe was at stake and he felt maybe it was best he didn't join. I could be wrong. Gotta check another time. But that just shows he was nervous. Krillin was the same and the others too but they hid their nervousness better.
But Yamcha had a background journey in DBS. I just hate that DBS is so focused on Goku & Vegeta. Because there are little character arcs like this sprinkled throughout DBS. But at least there is something. And I'm glad Yamcha had his character arc and came out of his depression.
Now we just need a romance plot for Yamcha. And I got the perfect gal...
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(Also the baseball episode probably helped boost Yamcha's self confidence while having fun playing the game. But the "comedy" was at the expense of Yamcha. Didn't like that.)
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dragon-ball-meta · 2 years
1, 12, and... 15. Let's see your crackships. >:)
Well, I just answered 12, but I guess I can do the others. You're really trying to get me in trouble with those. 1. Which series is your favorite (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, etc.)?
Well, that's a little hard for me to answer since, to me, it's all Dragon Ball. But if I have to split them... DB has a ton of charm and vital background for the cast, and Super has a lot of development I love for some of my faves, but I'd probably go with DBZ simply because it's where most of my favorite characters are, as well as my favorite overall arc and fight. 15. Do you have any favorite ships (canon or otherwise)?
You seem to want the non-canon more than not, but first thing's first: K18 is Life. GoChi Those are about the only two I'm truly 100% in love with. To be clear, I'm not an anti when it comes to any canon ships at all, I'm just not as into them comparatively. As for non-canon... I do still have a soft spot for Krillin/Bulma. I kinda have one for Krillin/Chi-Chi too, which is residual from when I was a kid. lol Idk I think they'd work together ok, I guess. I like Yamcha/Kale, being honest. I like the idea of Yamcha being a bit more vocal and protective on her behalf in her normal state, and her being protective and going berserk on anyone who hurts him in turn. I also think she’d find him rather charming. Could be cute. I've also had some people try to sell me on K/18/21 and idk about that just yet but it's kinda grown on me? A little? But again, not sold on it overall. And not a ship, but ship-adjacent, I do think Tien is aromantic/asexual. I don't think he feels things in that regard, based on canon material at least.
Anyways, that's that.
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pudulover · 3 months
TOP Dragon Ball Z ships on AO3
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TOP 50 ships according to the number of fanfics on AO3:
Bulma Briefs/Vegeta (3941)
Chi-Chi/Son Goku (2031)
Son Goku/Vegeta (1812)
Videl Satan/Son Gohan (810)
Android 18/Krillin (566)
Trunks Briefs/Son Goten (413)
Bra Briefs/Son Goten (316)
Bulma Briefs/Yamcha (307)
Tenshinhan/Yamcha (248)
Bardock/Gine (238)
Frieza/Vegeta (173)
Piccolo/Son Gohan (162)
Bulma Briefs/Son Goku (140)
Raditz/Vegeta (118)
Freezer/Yamcha (106)
Broly/Cheelai (100)
Launch/Tenshinhan (99)
Goku Black/Zamasu (98)
Bulma Briefs/Chi-Chi (94)
Trunks Briefs/Mai (89)
Piccolo/Vegeta (84)
Chi-Chi/Piccolo (83)
Trunks Briefs/Marron (81)
Son Gohan/Vegeta (72)
Caulifla/Kale (70) and Marron/Son Goten (70)
Launch/Raditz (69)
Son Gohan/Son Goku (66)
Tights Briefs/Raditz (55)
Future Trunks Briefs/Son Gohan (53); Chi-Chi/Vegeta (53)
Raditz/Yamcha (52)
Cell/Frieza (49)
Frieza/Son Goku (48)
Gogeta/Vegito (47)
Piccolo/Son Goku (45)
Cell/Son Gohan (44)
Bra Briefs/Son Goku (43) and Future Trunks Briefs/Future Mai (43)
Android 17/Future Trunks Briefs (42) and Trunks Briefs/Son Gohan (42)
Son Goku/Yamcha (36); Android 17/Raditz (36) and Dende/Son Gohan (36)
Frieza/Frost (35)
Bardock/Tooma (34)
Beerus/Supreme Kai | Shin (33) and Dodoria/Zarbon (33)
Broly/Vegeta (31); Bra Briefs/Son Pan (31) and Nail/Piccolo (31)
Son Goku/Turles (30) and Trunks Briefs/Vegeta (30)
Erasa/Son Gohan (29) and Bardock/King Vegeta (29)
Goku Black/Vegeta (28)
Son Gohan/Son Goten (27) and Frost/Hit (27)
Trunks Briefs/Broly (26)
Future Trunks Briefs/Broly (25)
Android 18/Son Gohan (24); Krillin/Son Goku (24); Raditz/Zarbon (24) and Son Goten/Vegeta (24)
Broly/Raditz (23)
This list doesn't include fanfics tagged with character/reader or polyships.
Please don't comment hate messages, this post is purely informative. I don't want my notifications to be filled with ship wars/hate in general :ccc
This top is susceptible to errors, my bot almost exploded due to overload xddd
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textfromthelookout · 1 year
just read ur entire essay about vegeta and like.. goddamn you just gave me a whole new perspective on that funky little man. i love the way it was written and organized
ALSO ALSO i read this bit and am begging u to expand on this concept it sounds so interesting /gen
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Oh you would, would you. I am delighted to oblige.
So. Super Saiyan. A transformation available to Saiyans past certain power thresholds that, while more or less freely accessible after first awakening to it, needs a trigger to become accessible in the first place. Over the course of Z in its many adaptations, we see the first awakenings of Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, and Gohan onscreen. Goten, Trunks, and Future Gohan are also Super Saiyans, but we don’t know for sure how that came about. Goten and Trunks in particular are why I say that Super Saiyan (more specifically, the first time you access Super Saiyan) can be read as a trauma response, because there’s no real evidence this is the case on their parts. You can make an argument for them, but in general I choose to believe they’re exceptions to this take, so I won’t be discussing them.
Oh and as for Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale…… they’re literally from an alternate universe. Super Saiyan just has different rules there. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Getting back on track. Goku’s the obvious place to start, so let’s look at him first. In the entirety of Dragon Ball (that I’ve seen), not counting the comedic needle bit in that one episode of GT, Goku has only ever been seen crying three times. Once was his reunion with Grandpa Gohan in early Dragon Ball. Once was in the anime’s version of the Tournament of Power, after Roshi’s near-death incident.
Once was at the beginning of King Piccolo, when he finds Krillin dead. King Piccolo saga is a little infamous for the sudden tonal whiplash—yeah, Tien breaks Yamcha’s leg in the tournament just prior, but they make up about it and it’s not as dire as someone dying. What’s really striking to me about it is Goku’s reaction. He’s more upset than we’ve ever seen him. And he loses worse than we ever see him lose because of it. Sure, in the end everything is put right, but.
But, the thing about trauma is that it makes time go weird. Fast forward about ten years. It’s suddenly happening again. His best friend is dead. He couldn’t do anything to stop it. He doesn’t know that Porunga can revive people who have already died once. As far as Goku knows, Krillin’s gone for good this time. And he watched it happen and watched Freeza laugh about it.
And he reacts essentially the same way. Only this time, he’s orders of magnitude stronger than he was when he was 15, and he has the experience and the wherewithal to control himself somewhat better. Emphasis on somewhat, because it’s very clear that he’s worried about going completely off the deep end in the grips of this power. And he’s right to be! I’m willing to bet money that in Gohan’s whole life, Goku has never pulled the ‘I’m your father, don’t talk back to me’ card on him, and that’s one of the smallest ways this power changes him. When he’s fighting Freeza, he’s a lot more like Vegeta, down to the way he smirks. He’s condescending. He’s brutal. I’ve seen comments to the effect of ‘Freeza’s not fighting Goku anymore—now, Freeza’s fighting Kakarot’ and that’s truly what it feels like.
I could go on, but the particulars of the Namek fight aren’t the important part. The important part is that Goku recognizes how badly that whole thing fucked him up and stays on Yardrat for a year explicitly to get a handle on Super Saiyan before returning home. He knows that if he loses control like that again, there’s a very real possibility he’ll end up hurting someone he cares about, or worse, becoming someone he really doesn’t want to be. (Call it a reach, it definitely is one, but I like to believe Goku picked up Instant Transmission while he was there so he’ll never be too late or too far away to help ever again.)
Vegeta’s case is less… visible? So, much of this is going to be purely my extrapolation. If you take him at his word, Vegeta triggered Super Saiyan with the sheer amount of hatred he felt toward himself for his inadequacy and like. Hello. That’s already a giveaway. I don’t believe he’s outright lying, but I also believe he’s simplifying matters a little. Or a lot. Per My Last Long-Winded Essay, he only gets that far because he leaves Earth entirely for areas uninhabited, which is good for him in some respects and bad for him in others.
The sweet irony of it is that it was Vegeta’s own efforts that locked him out of Super Saiyan. He tried to brute-force his way into it singlemindedly, in the belief that he was simply not strong enough, but Super Saiyan’s trigger is raw, overwhelming emotion. It can be one very clear emotion, or several different ones mixed up, but it’s emotion. It doesn’t answer to logic by its very nature, and frankly, neither does trauma. So Vegeta’s removed all the distractions to his training, yes, but in doing so he’s also removed all the distractions from everything else. Without anybody else around, he doesn’t have anything to get himself out of his own head, so now he’s got a whole universe of space for two and a half decades’ worth of repressed shit to come raging out. Funny how the minute he lets himself feel actual emotions other than the ones he wants everyone to see, the transformation explicitly tied to and powered by emotion rears its head, huh.
Vegeta makes several really dumb decisions once he gets back on Earth, in sharp contrast to the way he handles himself on Namek before he’s face-to-face with Freeza. On Namek, he’s careful to fly under the radar whenever he can, which is why I love the fit he launches into when he realizes Gohan played him, because that’s his control slipping. He’s opportunistic and sneaky and it’s clear he’s doing his damnedest to get what he wants without having to fight people who can kill him. He doesn’t hear the Ginyu Force is coming and rush off to challenge them, he’s like ‘oh shit’ and immediately fucks off elsewhere. I can only make sense of the way he acts during the androids/Cell as a symptom of his need to prove himself.
And make no mistake—it is a need, not a want. The power’s meaningless without people to witness and acknowledge it, the same way the authority of royalty is. His chosen course of action, though, is sort of like painting over rotten wood, if that makes any sense. Letting himself get high off the power, pretending that everything went exactly the way it should have gone from the start, refusing to acknowledge all of his Issues more than passingly. Furthermore, his victory must be complete and unquestionable: that’s why he lets Cell take Android 18. He can’t just… not lose, he has to win. Anything less is anathema to him. You see, he hasn’t yet figured out that he can survive without it.
Okay sorry that got a little in the weeds but I hope you get what I was driving at there. Vegeta’s a mess and talking about him makes me Unstable. Let’s move on.
Of the main four Saiyans, I think Future Trunks’ awakening is the simplest to understand: his trigger is that moment of pure, crushing grief when he finds Gohan dead in the rain. And it’s no wonder. Aside from Gohan and his mother, who does Trunks even talk to in that timeline? We never see him with friends, not until Super. Trunks’ ‘You were everything to me’ in the dub version of the special might be only debatably canon but it’s hardly an exaggeration. Friend. Teacher. Comrade. Brother. Perhaps even a father figure, in some ways. Certainly the only other one of his kind—half-human, half-alien from a long-dead warrior race. There was literally nobody else in the world who could come close to understanding him to the degree that Gohan could have. Gohan dies and Trunks is effectively all alone, the terminarch of one species left to shoulder the fate of another.
It’s a staggering loss for anybody, let alone for a boy of 12 or 13.
Speaking of. Gohan. I think Gohan’s a strange case—not powered by grief or anger, but something different. In the moments before he unlocks Super Saiyan, he’s thinking ‘I have to do it’ before flashing abruptly to all the different times where he was ‘too weak or too scared’ to fight. I personally believe that it’s less determination or ‘the power coming in response to a need’, as Goku puts it, that tips him over the edge. Fear, I think—while not being the whole reason, there’s surely some self-directed anger or disappointment involved—is probably the biggest factor. That’s Gohan’s whole thing—he’s scared of fighting, and to some degree of his own power. If I laid out all the specific examples we’d be here for another thousand words, so I’ll just say that he’s been Through It. We all know this.
This sort of has a continuation in the iconic Super Saiyan 2 transformation against Cell. It’s all on him and it’s not until Cell actually kills someone in front of Gohan that it really twigs that it’s do or die for him. And as much as he’s angry at Cell, the realization that Cell means business, that he really will kill them all? It scares him. Fight or flight takes over. The only real difference is that he chooses fight. The change in how Gohan handles Cell is what really convinces me that emotionally he’s going through something similar to Goku and Vegeta—because it’s almost to the letter exactly what happens with Goku against Freeza. The cruelty, the condescension. I’d argue Gohan leans into the mean demeanor, subconsciously or not, to keep from feeling the fear. And it costs him. But the Gohan discussion is a whole other discussion.
As for Future Gohan, I’m putting a disclaimer here now that none of what I’m about to say is really provable—just really really interesting to think about.
Future Gohan’s life is maybe the worst-case scenario. Like the future timeline sucks specifically for Gohan because he doesn’t like to fight and he has to anyway because what other choice does he have? Let everyone on Earth die without at least trying? He couldn’t, not in good conscience. And it’s not like he’ll have a normal life so long as the androids are around anyway. So in the middle of grieving basically everybody he’s ever known and felt affection for (sans his mother and grandfather, it’s more implied that he’s estranged from them, or at least intentionally distancing himself from them to keep them out of harm’s way), he's also making himself channel anger he hates feeling so he has a shot of even surviving these killers that only exist because of something his father did at least ten years ago. This shouldn’t be his fight, and yet.
Here’s my personal theory. Gohan goes into that final fight with the androids fully intending to die. Not just expecting to, but hoping to. He knows that if he was only barely scraping through those fights with both arms, there’s no way in hell he’ll kill them both when he only has one. He’s not an idiot, but you know what he is? Exhausted. Twelve years of this, being the only resistance to this threat and failing each and every time. He knows what will unlock Super Saiyan for Trunks. He knows there’s someone to carry on the torch and lift the burden. And it’s cruel and selfish of him to put all of that on Trunks and throw himself to the wolves, but it was cruel that he had to carry that all by himself for so long.
He’s fucking tired.
Anyways. That’s my TEDtalk on Super Saiyan. If you read it all the way to the end you’re a real one. Thanks for this ask, you two!
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imperfectercell · 2 months
The Trans Characters list, based 50% off vibes and 50% character arcs (not everyone on this list would have figured it out)
Super Broly (let me cook)
One of the Android Trio
Android 21
Future + Past Trunks
Bardock (LET ME COOK)
Gohan And/Or Goten
Z Broly (let me cook)
One of the Android Trio
Maybe Tien????
Cooler Obviously
Future + Past Trunks
One of the Android Trio
Future + Past Trunks
Goku Black / Zamasu
Low-key King Cold (give em some time)
Secret 4th Still Trans Option:
Frieza (Theres something happening there)
Cell (Cell)
Ill let you cook. please cook me this delicious meal.
really love Cell (Cell)
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Piccolo x Female Human! Reader Headcanon - Love In a Different Way
Mr.Satan x Maid Female! Reader Oneshot - The Acts of a Scandal
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dbfandom · 1 year
Alright, characters and emojis.
As you know, the Japanese fandom really likes to use symbols to talk about characters, it's a way to code the language without showing up in search functions. These are usually used for shipping, but not always.
Some characters are more obvious than others, but for those who may seem a little far reached, I will write a small explanation.
Some are established fanon-accepted, but they're not really strongly claimed, so some artists will use the same emoji for different characters. (And as always if you like what I’m trying to do, consider buying me a drink or a doujin with ko-fi) (twitter version btw)
So here's my list for Dragon Ball (🐉) :p
Saiyans and half-saiyans:
Goku: 🥕 (Kakarot -> carrot) or 5️⃣9️⃣
Vegeta: 🥗
Broly: 🥦
Raditz: 🦔 (the hedgehog hair lol)
Turles: 🥬(Tullece -> lettuce) or 🍎 (because of the fruit obviously)
King Vegeta: 👑 or 🔱 (they aren’t super common)
Bardock and his squad: no established emoji that I've noticed, but 🍅 should be for Toma (Tora in English). 🌿 should be for Fasha (Selipa in Japanese, which are the syllables for parsley (pa-se-ri). I’ve seen someone use 🦀 or 🩸 (the headband) for Bardock.
Gine: 🧅 I’ve seen this one once!
Cumber: 🥒
Caulifla: I haven’t seen an established one that, but 🔥 works for her hair.
Kale: 🥬
Cabba: 🥬 yes Cabba (cabbage) and Kale (.. kale lol) share the same emoji. Context!
Gohan: 🍚 ("fried rice" as lunch; the term rice is used as a way to talk about the entire meal, even if it does not contain rice); for Future Gohan, you'll find it with the kanji 未 mi, from mirai (future). 5️⃣8️⃣ sometimes too. Add in 🐺 for the beast version!
Goten: 🍤(TENpura) sometimes 5️⃣🔟. Tenpura (tempura) is a type of fried food, and it's used for Goten because (go)ten(pura) (he's nicknamed "ten" by Trunks).
Trunks: 🐯(tora(nkusu); Tora means tiger); for Future Trunks, you'll find it with the kanji 未 mi, from mirai (future).
Bra: 👙 usually. Sometimes 👸
Pan: 🍞 (bread, obviously)
Chichi: 🥛🍼(her name means milk; both are used)
Ox King: 🐂 (only seen it once, but that’s because I don’t see many drawings of him lol)
Bulma: 🩲(bloomers) but she sometimes gets 💙
Yamcha: 🐺 (wolf techniques)
Krillin: 🌰 (kuririn -> chestnut). Marron sometimes gets the same emoji
Videl: 😈 (Videl -> Devil)
Mr Satan: 🥇or 🏆. He’s the world champion!
Tenshinhan: 👁️
Chaozu: 👲(not super common but I did see it twice)
Launch: 🔫 but I’ve also seen 🎭
Roshi: 🐢
Farmer with a power level of 5: 🌽
Uub: I did see 🌴 used ONE TIME..
Maron: 🩱 I’ve seen it once.
Androids/Artificial humans:
Android 16: 1️⃣6️⃣ or 🤖
Android 17: 1️⃣7️⃣ or 🤖
Android 18: 1️⃣8️⃣ or 🤖
Cell: 🦗 grasshopper or cicada due to his first form. 🆑 and 🧬 have also been used.
Android 21: 🧁
Gammas: 1️⃣ / 2️⃣ or 🍓 (ichigo which is also number 1) and occasionally Γ or γ sometimes (not emojis but still lol)
Piccolo: 🅿️ or 🍏 (he gives apples to Gohan early on). ピ is also super common (it’s the first katakana of his name), but it’s not an emoji. 🍊 for orange piccolo obviously.
Nail: 🐌
Dende: 🫑 or 🌱 (seen it once..)
Frieza: ❄️ I’ve seen this one a couple of times. 🧊 and 🥶 are sometimes used too, for him, King Cold or Cooler.
Tapion: 🗡️
Gods and Kais:
Zamasu:🍵 (the tea he drinks)
Goku Black: 🌹 (a rose by any other name..)
Chronoa: 🕛 or any alternative like⌛️
Shin: 😏 I’ve seen this one used twice, but nothing definitive.
Gotenks: 👻 has happened a couple of times; (Ry has told me 🍩 is also used)
Gogeta: 🥐 (because of the jacket)
Vegito: 🍬 (because he's the strongest candy in the world in the Buu Saga).
Merged Zamasu: 🌀or ❇️
Kefla: 💥 (seen it a few times but not definite either)
Buu: 🍫
Janemba: 👺 (not super common)
Beerus: 🍺
Whis: 🥃 (😇 has also been used it seems)
Champa: 🍾 or 🥂
Special thanks to Whirly for nudging me to compile further and to Popo and the twitter folks for using those emojis religiously haha
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flannelepicurean · 11 months
OMG, Homie O'Stacies... Had another one of them wild-ass, dumbass dreams, and I'm gonna tell you about it. 😂
Our guys. Our dudes. Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta. And I think Krillin and Yamcha. They were in some kind of "we have to break into Lumpy Space but also survive there long enough to find the thing we came here for and break back out" scenario. Except it wasn't Lumpy Space, it was kinda like...the Jersey Shore and also one of those out of control parties at Jesse Pinkman's house. But the whole fucking city.
And the rules were the same; the stakes were high, because the longer they stayed in Doucheville, the higher the chance was that they'd turn into party animals and forget the mission and get trapped there and all sorts of terrible things.
And it was getting down to the wire. People were like... "recognizing" them, but not as themselves, just calling them by their personas that they would become if they stayed there. And they were like, slapping Solo cups out of each other's hands and getting all sweaty and frantic like, "NO, GUYS, COME ON, STAY FOCUSED!" "I CAN'T, THERE'S TOO MUCH GLITTER!" "NO! STAY FOCUSED, DAMMIT, WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT! WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT HOOOOOME!!!"
And shit got dire, and they realized they weren't gonna be able to retrieve the thing and make it out without a man on the inside or something. And Piccolo was like, "...I gotta do it. I have to." And everyone was all like, "Piccolo...Piccolo, NOOOOOO!!!" And he went into a total fighting-the-werewolf-transformation thing in the storm of lamentation, and was like, "I have to! If we're gonna make it out of here...I...I gotta...I gotta become TallBoi! RRRAAAAAHHHHHH..."
Next thing you know, Pickle's blasting onto the scene in like...a skin-tight vinyl crop-top and some gold parachute pants and a sideways snapback covered in disco ball mirrors or some shit and the most obnoxious sunglasses you ever seen.
And I... I do not care. I know everything worked out in the end, I know this in my heart. But I stan TallBoi. You KNOW he was like the kale & kush smoothie of Snoop Dogg and Ludacris, and Flavor Flav was his uncle. You KNOW he stepped on the scene like, "Let's fuck it up, sluggies," and EVERYBODY fuckin' SCREAMED. You know he was tending bar and cheatin' at flip-cup and doing all sorts of stupid shit with his stretchy arms. You know he started trends for antenna jewelry. He probably recorded and released an album THAT NIGHT, and it was dope AF, and Piccolo hates the fact that he still loves some of those tracks because they are 🔥🔥🔥. He still has tracks from "TallBoi: Pour it Down Ya Throat" on his workout mix.
Vegeta is not allowed to listen to any of it. For multiple reasons.
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cc-dbz-skw · 2 months
💕 //How about with Tater, maybe my other OC Tazz, and/or Kale?
meme link
Tbh Tater could work with any muse she has interacted with (well except Frieza of course) and others we’ve mentioned! But if I had to bet so far for potential chemistry, Super Broly or Yamcha!
Kale (like with general interactions) would work with my Cabba and (U6 AU OC Tatso), actually I will throw my (Super) Broly into the mix too with some U7-U6 reunion/crossover thing we can plot out.
Also I got an idea if you’re cool with it, that Tazz’s last/current family would be massacred when Cell's around (causing fear and hysteria), she would be about the same age as my Gohan @cc-gohan and he could even help Tazz reach her potential as a fighter so she can protect herself (and others around her) from hunters.
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cosmic-canons · 2 months
@dragvnsovl asked // July 31
“Match Maker” //Maybe my Goku, Yamcha, Vegito/Gogeta, S or Z Broly, Kale, or Tater? Could be with any of your other blogs too if you have some thoughts with those
match maker meme // for muse interactions
(my) Goku and (your) Vegeta (my) Tien and (your) Yamcha (our) Vegito/Gogeta: def would be interesting to explore the differences between our portrayals your Kale: with my Cabba and/or (U6 AU OC Tatso)
Tater: great OC with that flexibility for potential interactions even beyond our DBZ muses, so coz of his movie being out, Deadpool and crossover shenanigans!
(cc) Deadpool: -in the tune of Bowser’s ‘Peaches’- Usagi-chan, you’re so cool! Your bunny ears, they make the guys all drool. Usagi-chan, please understand. We’d make the best crossover ever in Wonderland!
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roy-dcm2 · 2 years
Make the DBZ Movies Canon
I've said it before - I love shonen movies because they're just MORE. More time with the characters we love with a bigger animation budget (most of the time).
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Again, imagine being the kid that LOVES Goku in 1997, and you want to see him go all out. Goku only uses SSJ3 twice in the anime, but he uses it 2 more times in the movies. You get 100% more SSJ3 with the movies. (Gear 4th Luffy is in a similar situation)
Also, imagine if fighting was like sex for sayans. How many GOOD fights did Goku have in his adult life? Piccolo, Vegeta, Freezer... maybe Majin Buu? Then it's nothing until Broli, I think.
(What about Cell, or Ginyu or Raditz - If sex ended with you bleeding on the floor, you wouldn't call that a good experience. lol)
But add in the movies and you could count - Jenemba, Android 13, Cooler, Slug... maybe Turles. (Not to mention OG Broly) Plus, all the other ones that were victories for the other characters like Garlik Jr, Bojack, or... Broly. Come to think of it, they were mostly there to make Gohan (or Goten) look good.
(It's almost like they're subs for Goku, when Goku's not around.)
So, here's my ideas on what you could do with the movie villains to add them to the canon in some capacity. Some would be big changes, and other tiny changes.
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One big change up would be starting with Dr. Wheelo. Make him the LAST Dragonball villain. The set up is that he wants to be the World's Strongest. He should try to clash with Goku and his friends like 1 year after Goku became tournament champion. Because he's completely out of his debts as a DBZ villain, but he's just tough enough to give Goku + Tien, Yamcha, & Krillin a challenge. And Toei could just RETCON him in say that it happened. (Maybe make a TV special to show it.)
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Next guy you gotta keep is Obviously Garlic Junior. He would make a great re-occuring villain for Gohan. Obviously, Dead Zone slots in pretty much unchanged into the anime right now. It's just a matter of who-meets-who when with Gohan/ Krillin/ Kami. I'd LOVE to see GJ capture Videl, or Pan, and he embues them with evil Energy and Gohan has to fight them but also save them.
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Turles would require a major overhaul. The concept of the Tree of Might is AWESOME, but the fact that he's a random doppelganger of Goku REALLY stands out. Maybe we could change him to look like Raditz, and what I would do with him is I would actually put him in Universe 7.
This would be a NEW movie where Turles is attacking planet Salad. He hates that the Sayans are good guys in Universe 7, and so he's gonna use the Tree of Might destroy the planet, kill the vast majority of Saiyans, and he's gonna eat the fruit of might to power up. And... what if since he's ESSENTIALLY absorbing a bunch of different Ki, he triggers the Super Sayan God transformation in himself. Of course, it means Kale, Califla, Cabba, and like Goten / Trunks have to save the day.
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Here's another great one. Lord Slug. I think they need to give him the Broly treatment. He needs a canon movie in Super. And he's def gonna be an interesting threat because now he can also borrow the new "orange" transformation. And this time, Goku needs Ultra Instinct to take him down.
They could also make him like an Evil Wizard. He's not just terraforming the Earth, now he wants to open up Earth's demon realm to unleash chaos because he feeds off of demon energy. That would also be an excuse to sideline Vegeta.
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Meanwhile, Cooler only needs to be reconned into those two years where they were training to fight the Androids.
And then Metal Cooler can return after Majin Buu. In this new version, both Goku and Vegeta can go SSJ2, and Goku can say SSJ3 just burns too much ki.
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A weird one would be Super Android 13. I think he works as a Terminator homage. (Like 3 robots just show up at a mall wanting to kill Goku) But there's NO WAY to make him work. There's no space where we can keep Goku, Vegeta, Trunks around. So i'd place him somewhere else...
The only place where he would make sense is in "The Great Saiyaman" Saga. Ya know, after the timeskip, but before the Buu Saga starts. So, it would be Teen Gohan, Goten, and Trunks (and Vegeta / Piccolo) taking him on. With Gohan going SSJ2 for the win.
(That would be great since Broly 2 is definitely on a dead timeline.)
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Obviously, Bojack slots in almost completely unchanged. This is after Cell is dead. There's nothing stopping Toriyama/ Toyotaro/ Toei from saying it happened. Another WIN for Gohan.
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BTW, they could also redo "Bio-Broly" and instead of being a clone of Broly, it could be a clone of Bojack. (Bio-Bojack)
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Jenemba is a weird one. A big draw of the movie is seeing Goku and Vegeta have to do the Fusion. That means we'd have to add him to what is now the end of the "timeline" after the canon Broly (/SH) movie. This does mean that neither Goku or Vegeta are dead, but that doesn't matter much.
They could start off by letting the dead warriors like Pikkon and Olibu fight. (Or maybe a team of villains taking on Jenemba for time off their sentence or reincarnation, like Cell or Bojack.)
Then Jenemba reaches his final form and the path to the living world opens up, and we get the chance for Gogeta to win the day.
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Finally, there's Hirudegarn. Again, he slots in without a problem after Majin Buu.
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But really finally, there's one more antagonist that needs to be added to the official Canon and that is "Baby." What makes him great is the body-snatcher/ body horror aspect. He's a synthetic alien parasite.
They could change him up a little bit. So that he's not made by the Truffles, and instead he's made by the Cerealians. He was a bioweapon they weren't able to implement before they were wiped out.
It's main plan is to destroy Freezer and his empire. So, Baby starts in space until someone like Jacco accidentally takes it to Earth. It be best to make it TWO movies. One where Baby takes over, and then a last desperate band that has to take on Baby Vegeta with Ultra Ego.
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
The irony of me not posting anything and I end up having over 100 notifications on Tumblr. I'll get to it guys. I just need more rest. I thought things were getting better. They got worse.
Also... I had 4 comics I wanted to finish this year and had to postpone them. So I'll share the sketches (more than these) on my Discord server later today. Here's a preview of one comic.
Its a NTR story where 18 steals Krillin away from Malon (Maron). Not the kind of NTR anyone does. So its one of the first of it's kind. Perhaps it can inspire others to create concepts like this.
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The other comics are...
Just Me & You: A short K18 story with alts. One alt will be Kurolin x 18. (Since epeople wanna see 18 with a black guy so much, I just made Krillin a Blasian. Boom. Problem solved.)
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Kriller Time! #2 Fan-geta: A story mocking the extremely inaccurate fan interpretations of characters that people for some reason believe to be in-character.
Kriller Time! - Super Hero Side-Story #2 Videl: A NSFW story of what happened after Videl ended her phone call with Piccolo. Actually ended up rewriting this one many times and it ended up longer than expected.
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Some other comics were sketched too. I have about 21 "Kriller Time!" comics planned, a Caulifla x Kale comic planned, at least 11 COPulate comics planned (cop Krillin x ladies), about 3 Yamcha comics planned, and a lot of others. And by planned I mean partially written out and/or sketched. But with how things have been, I wont get to them all any time soon. So maybe fics of the comics before I draw the comic.
Speaking of fics. I'm finishing up a few fics too. A fic for K18 day that I decided to make into 3 parts. Was mad at myself for not being able to finish it and then my notes not saving so I'm putting more effort into it. Also some other fics. But idk when those will be posted. I work a lot, a lot of ppl rely on me, & I have to deal with a lot of bullshit. Not too much time to draw or write like I used to. I also have to meditate and focus my mind for a few hours each day so I don't get too overwhelmed with stress. It takes up time but is very necessary.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Who do you write for Dragon Ball?
Hello! I write for Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Future Trunks, Piccolo, Super Broly, Yamcha, Tien, Frieza, Jiren, Android 17, Krillin, Raditz, Bulma, Bardock, Android 18, Beerus, Whis, Cooler, Cell, Goku Black, Zamasu, Chichi, Videl, Future Mai, Gogeta, Vegito, Cabba, Caulifla, Kale, Kefla, Hit, Granolah, Launch, Yajirobe, Shin, Teen Goten, Teen Present Trunks.
And ONLY for platonic I can do: Kid Goten, Kid Present Trunks, Zeno, Master Roshi, Chiaotzu, Buu, Puar, Korin, Dende, Marron, Pan, Bulla, Kid Gotenks.
And that’s all! if you wanna double check with me for anyone then don’t be afraid to ask <3
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tokiro07 · 8 months
I was talking to my buddy about an old post of mine where I said I want more Dragon Ball movie villains to come back and get either movies or small arcs dedicated to them and building up the non-Goku/Vegeta cast, and we came up with a few new ideas
Dr. Wheelo works as a recurring antagonist, as he can be a good excuse for multiple older concepts to be revisited. To start off, he enhances Tao Pai Pai to be a viable threat, giving Tien a good opponent with some personal significance. Yamcha may also be there to fight Wheelo himself, but it does seem like they're pushing Yamcha to just be a normal guy, so maybe not. Could also be a fun way to revisit Launch if we have a Tien-focused story
Androids 13, 12 and 11 are then brought back by Wheelo to fight 17, 18 and Gamma. When 13 goes Super Android by absorbing his teammates, Hedo finds a way for the good Androids to power up without absorbing each other. Wheelo has also upgraded himself since fighting Yamcha, giving Krillin an opponent for the arc
Bio-Broly is Wheelo's last creation, which would give Broly a reasonably strong enemy to fight without shoehorning him into any of the other villains' stories. It could also serve as a fun way to have DBS Broly fight an approximation of DBZ Broly, as he could reuse the old design with some tweaks
Tapion's return and training with Trunks causes a rift between him and Goten, which ultimately results in Trunks being too powerful for the two of them to perform Fusion anymore. After Trunks and Tapion defeat Hirudegarn with minimal help from Goten, Goten goes off on his own for a while to become a stronger fighter in his own right
Bojack then becomes an antagonist for Goten specifically, allowing for a more accurate recreation of Teen Gohan vs. Bojack now that Gohan has aged out of the part. Goten's new power differentiates him from Trunks significantly, and makes their fusion in the next arc they appear in more notable as it will combine their new disparate traits instead of just doubling up on Saiyan traits
Garlic Jr., similarly, becomes an antagonist for Pan to parallel how he was defeated by kid Gohan without the need to rescale him too much. However, if we don't want Pan to have a major win this early, we could have Pan fight his first form and then use his power-up to explore Gohan's Beast form and possibly get some insight into Orange Piccolo, since Garlic is inherently related to Piccolo's backstory
Lord Slug, then, further expands on whatever hints we get about Piccolo by having an Orange form of his own, perhaps a mastered or elevated version of it with more unique traits. Given that Piccolo is a merging of Warrior- and Dragon-clan Namekians, perhaps it could have two modes and we've only seen the Warrior-mode. Potentially more interesting, Piccolo could need to overcome Slug's Orange form by finding King Piccolo's soul in Hell and taking on his Demon-clan abilities, truly making him a mix of all forms of Namekian. This would also be a good time to give the Orange form a real name
Turles is still introduced as a Universe 6 Saiyan, interrupting Vegeta training Cabba (+Caulifla and Kale), but now that Ultra Ego has been introduced, Vegeta clearly outmatches Turles, so he uses it as an opportunity for Cabba and co. to grow. Cabba takes out form 1 and Kefla handles form 2, but form 3 is too much for them, so Vegeta steps in with Ultra Ego, giving him some much-needed shine
Cooler still fights Frieza and shows us how the Fifth Form can potentially be differentiated from the Golden and Black forms, but mostly just serves as a way to elaborate on what Black can do before having Frieza fight Goku and Vegeta again
Janemba fights Buu, as I said before, but this time instead of serving as a jumping-off point for Uub, he actually serves as a way for Buu and Mr. Satan to work off each other; Janemba is a very tricky opponent, and Buu isn't particularly intelligent, but Mr. Satan is surprisingly smart and a competent martial artist (for a non-ki using human), so Mr. Satan could be helping Buu to read Janemba's fighting style and give him an edge, proving that Mr. Satan isn't the burden to the rest of the cast that he thinks he is
Baby would serve as a culmination of all of the Saiyan's arcs specifically, with all of the special forms and abilities found by Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Pan and Broly being put on full display against their natural enemy
The Shadow Dragons would serve a similar function, but for the cast as a whole.
Syn/Omega would probably be similar to his original incarnation, with Goku and Vegeta working together and ultimately being defeated by Goku using a Universal Spirit Bomb, but all of the other Dragons would be fought by the rest of the cast.
Haze, as the weakest, would probably be reserved for the human cast - Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, etc. His energy-draining abilities would definitely be a challenge for them, and would require that they be more inventive in how they beat him than other characters likely would be
Eis was created by a wish involving Buu, so I'd enjoy seeing Buu and Uub team up against him, possibly leading to the creation of Majuub
Nuova, along the same lines, was created by King Piccolo's wish, so putting him against Piccolo and Gohan would work really well
Rage, being electrical in nature, could be a fun enemy for the Androids
Oceanus doesn't really have an obvious thematic enemy, but since the fight against her originally was the only one to actually introduce new characters (Colm and his village), using them as a connection to Pan would be a good way to give her more involvement in the arc
Naturon, as one of the eviler Dragons, would be a good enemy for Goten and Trunks to fight since they fancy themselves heroes. His possession ability could also be used to force them to fight each other
Other characters, like villains introduced in Dragon Ball Heroes, could also be canonized and used as a way to show off the newly gained powers, but the ultimate villain would almost definitely be Frieza since he keeps getting stronger and stronger and we've already seen him forced to team up with Goku. I'm sure new characters will continue to be introduced too, like Moro and the Heeters, and none of this even considered how Granolah might contribute to the plot going forward, but my main goal here was to focus on classic characters. I do like Granolah, though, so I hope they find reasons to bring him back somewhere in there too. Maybe he'll be involved in the Baby arc since the Tuffles and Cerealians are both victims of the Saiyans, so there may be good reason to reintroduce him in that arc
I'm willing to bet that basically none of this will happen, and that Toriyama will want to focus more on the new and will continue not to worry about the extended cast, but in my world, Dragon Ball utilizes its existing cast as much as humanly possible
If I'm only right about one of these, I honestly hope it's Cooler
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 096
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I can’t believe it still isn’t time for the Tournament of Power to start.
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So there’s only eight universes participating in the tournament.  The other four universes are exempt from the competition, so all we ever see of Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 are their top gods and angels, since they get to watch the tournament.  I guess we might as well take a look at them, for all they matter.
First off, here’s Universe 1′s Iwan, Anato, and Awamo.
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Then we have U5′s Ogma, Cukatail, and Arak. 
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And U8′s Liquiir, Iru, and Korn.  These guys look like a bad bootleg verision of Beerus, Whis, and Shin.
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And finally, we have Universe 12′s Martinu, Agu, and Giin. 
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They’re all admiring the new ring, though some of the Destroyers question whether it’s sturdy enough to handle all the action that’s about to go down.  The Grand Minister invites them to have a sparring match on the stage to break it in, and three of the Destroyers decide to go for it.  Giin, however, sits this one out, as he already knows how it’ll turn out.
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So they fight, and wreck the stage pretty well, and it turns out the Zenos weren’t even watching the action, so it was kind of a waste of time.  The Grand Minister than tells them to repair the stage before the Zenos wake up from their nap.  Whoops.
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On Earth, no one is happy about Frieza being on the team, least of all Vegeta, but we’ve been over this already.  Whis wants them all to hold hands while they teleport to the tournament stage, and Vegeta balks at holding hands with Frieza, so Beerus puts himself in between to settle it. 
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Of course we all know that Frieza really wanted to hold Yamcha’s hand, but he didn’t make the cut, sorry. 
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As Bulma sees them off, she calls out some words of encouragement to them, which in the original Japanese version would turn out to be the last lines Hiromi Tsuru would record for the character before her untimely passing in 2017. 
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Moving on.  Everyone checks out the stage and Goku tests the whole “no flying” thing.  It’s not really a rule, per se.  Somehow, the Grand Zenos have arranged it so that the fighters can’t use flying techniques while they’re on the stage.  Also, there’s some weird deal where every fighter experiences the gravitational force of the planet they were born on. So Goku and Vegeta must be experiencing ten times Earth’s gravity, while Gohan’s feeling the same gravity as Earth.  Some characters in this thing have wings, and they can fly, but only because they’re not using special techniques to do it. 
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Frieza notices Frost and “Careless Whisper” begins to play in the Null Realm.
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Goku tries to say hello to the other Universe 6 Saiyans, but Kale’s afraid of him, and Caulifla slaps his hand away.  “I’m gonna beat your ass, Goku,” she basically says to him.  Caulifla rules.
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Goku tries to mingle with the U11 team, but they hate his guts on general principle.  In particular, Jiren wants nothing to do with him. 
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We close out with a bunch of group shots of the eight teams, but honestly, I don’t want to get into that.  We’ll have plenty of time to talk about the teams once this thing gets underway. 
And phew!  We’re finally done with the third quarter of Dragon Ball Super.  The waiting is over.   Next episode, we’ll start the Tournament of Power, and finally get to the real meat and potatoes of this show.   No more bullshit, it’s time for the main event. 
Well, first I need to double back and cover the manga version of this pre-tournament stuff.  But that shouldn’t take too long...
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