i-am-aprl · 9 months
Yalo was one of the Latrun villages that were deported and destroyed in 1967. If u'd like to know more please watch the documentary "Memory of Cactus" where you will be able to hear testimonies from people who lived there. The documentary is available on youtube.
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lolaloveschampagne · 2 years
YA (hal)LO en zo.
YA (hal)LO en zo.
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daveydoodle · 2 years
Watch "גילי יאלו - יום אחד יבוא | Gili Yalo - Yom Ehad Yavo" on YouTube
❤️ 🎶
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thewordisbond · 8 months
Lyrical L - '1.17' [Album review]
Posted on https://www.thewordisbond.com/lyrical-l-1-17-album-review/
Lyrical L - '1.17' [Album review]
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Uprising rapper Lyrical L delivers his third mixtape entitled 1.17, the title is a tribute to his birthdate January, 17 and his dad’s November 17 and it showcases his versatility across the board. Using a mix of varied soundscapes to paint his vivid imagery, Lyrical L takes listeners on a
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noticlick · 1 year
Yalo Cuellar encabeza cartelera de Exposur 2023
La segunda jornada de la feria multisectorial Exposur 2023 claramente esta encabezada por el conocido artista Yalo Cuellar. Los Mensajeros Chapacos, Libertad, Los Embajadores del Guadalquivir, Alma Chaqueña y Bagualito también estarán hoy presentes en el Campo Ferial de San Jacinto. El costo de la entrada es de 25 bolivianos, los menores de 12 años no pagan y el costo del transporte público es de…
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fairuzfan · 4 months
I'm watching two documentaries of one of my familys' villages and Palestinian and 'Israeli' witness accounts from the Naksa and a Jewish tour guide comes to one of the villages (which were the 3 villages side by side, all of them affected) and points to a bathhouse with gravestones all around it. The area of all three villages is now completely demolished and the Jewish National Fund built the "Canada Park" (funded predominately by Canada! Through tax deductible donations!), as well as an Israeli settlement, on top of it. An Israeli woman sits, eating from the trees that my ancestors planted, and she says "this is war. I dont feel the pain from these places, the pain of the people. This is what happens in war." Can you imagine? She sits, eating from my ancestors trees and she says "it doesn't matter to me." The level of selfishness to be so confident in your theft!
In the documentary, a Palestinian elder from Yalo says, holding back tears, that her dream is to go back to Yalo and die and be buried in her home, where her husband died. That was my great grandmothers' dream that was never realized, just a few years ago in a village not far from Yalo.
They talk about how this was a war crime, a crime against humanity. Since '67 we have been having these discussions. Since '48 we have been talking about war crimes committed by Israelis! These are the same discussions we keep having! The same facts we keep repeating! Even Yitzhak Rabin says the same things, that this is war, this is what happens in a war! It's the same things over and over and it's happening in Gaza!
There are people still alive who participated in the ethnic cleansing of these villages. They participated in demolishing these villages. They participated in killing those village members. They participated in the generations of poverty that Palestinians experience. They're still alive and just walking around in Israeli society, encouraging the genocide in Gaza. How can I trust a society like that? Knowing that these people are lauded as heroes for erasing these villages. How can I trust them when barely anyone in this society acknowledges the violence done onto us? Abhorrent violence that they let happen so willingly!
Here are the documentaries. These three villages were ethnically cleansed in '67, and it's shocking to hear the same sort of stories we hear from Gaza today. The same playbook, the same places.
Villages: Yalo, 'Imwas, Bayt Nuba
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spacelazarwolf · 9 days
ethiopian music is so cool and this song absolutely fucking slaps. it's absolutely gorgeous.
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ahaura · 11 months
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Zachary Foster, Ph.d, historian of Palestine, has made a thread of a brief history of Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from 1890 to present. [His newsletter: Palestine, in Your Inbox] Pasted below:
Yesterday, on October 24, 2023, Israel's plans to expel Gaza's Palestinian population to Sinai, Egypt were leaked. Not surprisingly, this plan has a decades long history and dates to at least 2004, if not earlier. (Source)
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Between Oct 7, 2023-present, Israel has displaced ~1.4 million Palestinians in Gaza through its campaign of indiscriminate bombing. (Source)
In May 2023, 178 Palestinian Bedouins were forced out of Ein Samiya (West Bank) after Israel repeatedly demolished their homes, threatened to destroy their only school & after their grazing land was taken by settlement expansion & b/c of settler violence: [Link]
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In July 2022, the 100-person community in Ras a-Tin (WB) was pushed after a Jewish settler outpost was established 2km away. Since then, members of the Palestinian community have suffered from verbal abuse, harassment, theft & vandalism of property. [Link]
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Between Aug 2022- August 2023, the 88-person community in al-Qabun was pushed out by Israeli Jewish settler violence & assaults by the Israeli army. [Link]
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In July 2020, Israel made 70 Palestinians homeless in Khirbet Humsa for the 6th time. Israeli forces loaded the residents' personal belongings and dropped them off 7 miles away. [Link]
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In 2019, 2 groups of Palestinian families near the Taybeh junction were pushed out:
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Between June 1967 - 2016, Israel revoked the residency status--and thus the right to live in Jerusalem (or anywhere else in Israel) -- of at least 14,595 Palestinians from East Jerusalem in what amounts to "forcible transfers," according to @hrw. (Source)
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Between 1968 -1971, Israel expelled 615 Gazan residents. Between, 1971-1988, Israel expelled another 90 Palestinains from Gaza. Source: Sara Roy, The Gaza Strip: The Political Economy of De-development, p.110
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In 1967, Israel expelled 250K-325K Palestinians, including from Imwas, Yalo, Bayt Nuba, Surit, Beit Awwa, Beit Mirsem, Shuyukh, Jiftlik, Agarith & Huseirat. (Source: one, two)
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In 1948, Zionist forces expelled hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes. They also refused to allow ~750,000 Palestinians who were made refugees during the war back to their homes.
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B/w 1891-1948, most Zionist leaders, inc. Theodor Herzl, Ahad Ha'am, Israel Zangwill, Arthur Rupin, M. Smilansky, L. Motzkin, Yoseph Weitz, Chaim Weizmann, M. Usshishkin, D. Ben Gurion, Moshe Shertok, thought it would be required to expel the Palestinians: [Quote Tweet]
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Here are some additional screenshots if the statements of Zionist leaders from 1890-1948. And you wonder why so many people think Zionism was such a problematic, dare I say, racist idea?
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i-plague-eater · 29 days
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Phobos (NOT Kane) from In Breach universe and @phoboseskanor OC Yalo. We've had an RP where Yalo was kidnapped by Phobos because he wanted to know more about time and space travels. Yalo was cautious and smart enough to not fall for his vicious love games, but he still poisoned her in the end.
This story ended well tho)
Wishing a Happy B-day to Yalo's owner <3
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psychologeek · 4 months
Official Memorial Day for Sudan Casualties
(Ethiopian Jews who perished on their way to Israel, via Sudan).
Tonight+tomorrow day (כ"ח אייר, Iyar 28th) is Jerusalem Day.
It is also the official memorial day to those who died during the journey from Ethiopia to Israel.
The date wasn't choose randomly. It came to represent the ancient connection, and the place they were yearning for.
This date is a memory of 4,000 People.
4,000 men, women and children that tried to reach Eret Yisrael and Yerushalayim (Yerusalem).
4,000 who didn't make it - but their families and friends did.
The official ceremony/service is in Har (mt.) Hertzel, in the official memorial, in Jerusalem.
Their bodies didn't make it, but their memories did.
I'm in my home, and I hear the ceremony in the local school.
And I'm sad.
But I'm also happy -
(We remember you)
There's something really powerful in hearing 600 kids (all kids in school) and their families singing.
"Oh, our brothers, all the people of Yisrael/
Who are in trouble, or in captivity, either in the sea or on land/
May G-d have mercy on them and deliver them from troubles to wealth.
And from darkness to light, and from enslavement to salvation,
Hashta Ba'agala Uvizman Kariv (Aramic: now, soon, in our time.)
Songs about the journey
NagashBeatz - Masa Shalem (full journey)
Gili Yalo - Salem
Shva Choir and Shlomo Gronich:
The Journey (to Eretz Yisrael) - video
Better quality
Hasida (stork)
(I lived in one until I was 11, and everytime I talk about it, I automatically say it in a sing-song.)
Other songs
U-da - Ante Abate (you're my father)
Cafe Shachor Chazak - Yihiye Beseder (We'll be ok)
Climbing Up
Hanny Masele - Lambadina (light)
And obviously - The Project (of Idan Raichel)
Cabra Casay - Milim Yafot Me'ele (prettier words)
Im Telech (If you'll go) - despite not being sang by an Ethiopian singer, I do add it due to the background Amharic and the video.
Links for reading more:
Ethiopian Jewry heritage center:
Association of Ethiopian Jews:
(on guidestar)
They've been working for over 30 years, doing SUPER IMPORTANT JOB in multiple aspects, including (but not limited to): fighting racism, fighting over-crimilising of Black people, encouraging and increasing the number of Ethiopian jews in governmental and ministry positions. Help with immigration, housing, more.
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nataliliv · 7 months
Beautiful song and angelic voice....♫♪♫ 🎶🎻
Yalo Yalo - Nana Mouskouri
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phoboseskanor · 4 months
My character Yalo and Phobos in Japanese clothes, in the anime style "Blade cleaving demons".. Well , more precisely, an attempt at style 😅
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rinfarts · 1 year
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Trade with /^ x ^\Emerald Rabbit /=・ x ・=\ (English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes. Please be understanding)
Her heroine Yalo is a new generation water guardian, the daughter of Caleb and Cornelia. And she fell in love with Phobos, managing to lead him away from the path of evil.
I had an idea about Yalo in an elemental form (as at the end of the second season of the animated series), from which Phobos is trying to bring her back. She is floating and the prince also rose into the air with the help of magic to get closer to her.
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dustyisegg · 1 year
af attacks pt 5
1. Mia - Kittens4cats115
2. Unrefined Serenity - LuciDatum
3. Omelia Blackheart- @cottage-kore
4. Prominia - @dukemz
5. Iris - @sweets-maoo (ft. Spy by me)
6. Second Silence - @stormystarlight
7. Eros - kar0t
8. Spiderboom - @zahanh
9. Longing Lifeline - @dragonfiremagic
10. Yalo, Blair & Kane - Jendra
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dw · 4 months
tagged by @jeeu to post 5 songs i've been listening to recently :)
tagging: @emailclub @softcells @ggots @mrsterlingeverything + whoever else
who is surprised
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fairuzfan · 4 months
Hi, this is a random message but I just wanted to say I just watched the documentary about the ethnic cleansing of Yalo and the other villages that you posted, and I wanted to thank you for sharing it. I am Métis and many of my close friends’ families were violently evicted by Canada from their village of Ste Madeleine in the 1930s, and this video reminds me so much of how they talk about it. Not to conflate the two ofc but for me it makes me feel the need for Native solidarity with Palestinians even more. The need for the right of return to our lands and villages, for all our peoples. Sorry for the long message. Thanks again.
thank you so much for sending this message, you have no idea. i really appreciate it so much, it means the world to me. im sorry your family went through that, its one of the most heartwrenching things to go through. i hope we both get to see our homelands decolonized within our lifetime.
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