#יהדות אתיופיה
psychologeek · 4 months
Official Memorial Day for Sudan Casualties
(Ethiopian Jews who perished on their way to Israel, via Sudan).
Tonight+tomorrow day (כ"ח אייר, Iyar 28th) is Jerusalem Day.
It is also the official memorial day to those who died during the journey from Ethiopia to Israel.
The date wasn't choose randomly. It came to represent the ancient connection, and the place they were yearning for.
This date is a memory of 4,000 People.
4,000 men, women and children that tried to reach Eret Yisrael and Yerushalayim (Yerusalem).
4,000 who didn't make it - but their families and friends did.
The official ceremony/service is in Har (mt.) Hertzel, in the official memorial, in Jerusalem.
Their bodies didn't make it, but their memories did.
I'm in my home, and I hear the ceremony in the local school.
And I'm sad.
But I'm also happy -
(We remember you)
There's something really powerful in hearing 600 kids (all kids in school) and their families singing.
"Oh, our brothers, all the people of Yisrael/
Who are in trouble, or in captivity, either in the sea or on land/
May G-d have mercy on them and deliver them from troubles to wealth.
And from darkness to light, and from enslavement to salvation,
Hashta Ba'agala Uvizman Kariv (Aramic: now, soon, in our time.)
Songs about the journey
NagashBeatz - Masa Shalem (full journey)
Gili Yalo - Salem
Shva Choir and Shlomo Gronich:
The Journey (to Eretz Yisrael) - video
Better quality
Hasida (stork)
(I lived in one until I was 11, and everytime I talk about it, I automatically say it in a sing-song.)
Other songs
U-da - Ante Abate (you're my father)
Cafe Shachor Chazak - Yihiye Beseder (We'll be ok)
Climbing Up
Hanny Masele - Lambadina (light)
And obviously - The Project (of Idan Raichel)
Cabra Casay - Milim Yafot Me'ele (prettier words)
Im Telech (If you'll go) - despite not being sang by an Ethiopian singer, I do add it due to the background Amharic and the video.
Links for reading more:
Ethiopian Jewry heritage center:
Association of Ethiopian Jews:
(on guidestar)
They've been working for over 30 years, doing SUPER IMPORTANT JOB in multiple aspects, including (but not limited to): fighting racism, fighting over-crimilising of Black people, encouraging and increasing the number of Ethiopian jews in governmental and ministry positions. Help with immigration, housing, more.
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svartikotturinn · 10 months
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סיגד שמח
Happy Sigd
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beershevacitynews · 7 years
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 טקס זכרון ליהודי אתיופיה שנספו בסודן בדרכם לישראל
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