#Yakko x reader headcanons
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audaciousacolyte · 1 year ago
Hey sweetheart! How are you? How have you been? How was your day today?
Could you pleaseeeeeee write for Yakko and Wakko Warner having a crush on a female reader and then becoming her boyfriend(head canons)?
Thank you so much! Your the best! And have a great day! <3
Yak attack!
Yakko warner x Fem! Reader
AN: 《|| Hello! I'm doing pretty good!! I hope that you enjoy this, Nonnie. <3 ||》
(|| General Headcanons- romantic only ||)
♡| First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your AMAZING taste in men. Cartoon or not, Yakko is pretty much THE GUY that kick-starts a person’s love of fictional men. (Lola bunny or Jessica Rabbit would be the lady version of this, but I digress)
♡| Second, When Yakko’s got a crush on someone, everybody will know. And I do mean EVERYONE. No exceptions.
○○|| “But how?”, you ask, “How could EVERYBODY know that Yakko has a crush? It’s statistically impossible!”And I say, “It’s just one of those things. Instincts. Like when a girl is friends with a guy and he has a crush on her. Even if he didn’t tell her, the girl already knows.”
♡| He will find ANY and EVERY excuse to be around you.
♡| You’re going to this little coffee shop down the road? Dot wanted a frappuccino, and this place is the closest sooo…mind if he joins you?
♡| Need to make a grocery run? So does he! Wow, what a coincidence this whole thing is! How about he tags along?
♡| Very affectionate, he’s almost always touching you in some way.
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sheepinthebigcity · 2 years ago
okay fine. ALL OF THEM. GO.
YOU'RE INSANE (am i even in that many fandoms)
the character everyone gets wrong
mad ducktor. enough said
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i'm presuming they meant dom or sub in this regard anyway i feel like all my faves are like lame ass switches and honestly i am SO tired of seeing them as always dom. boring behavior.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
honestly i'm just tired of seeing takes in 2023 about my girl faves and how they're annoying and get in the way of either yaoi ships or selfships...
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
not to go back into ducks again but i remember when the animaniacs reboot dropped i made a mutual with this super annoying person on twitter who kept talking about yakko warner and milk and about a week later an acquaintance of mine asked me how long i knew them and then said "we think that your new mutual is cannedtins"
5. worst discord server and why
im not in bad discord servers im normal 0:-)
i do have a lot of osc and em servers muted tho <:-D
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
a looooooot of shippers are annoying LOL. as far as not freak ships go, i sure do have a lot of hate in my heart for fenro... but are fenro fans annoying.... idk. i curate myself a lot.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i CANT just say mad ducktor again.... but honestly? 4 and X bfdi.....
9. worst part of canon
closing time being canon to catch 22
10. worst part of fanon
i hate when fanon unanimously agrees on a gender and sexuality headcanon for a character especially when it's one i relate to and i could make their gender and sexuality so so so so much weirder...
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
at least a dozen? i dont like a lot of popular fandoms.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i feel like all my unpopular faves are unpopular for good reason. i may not like the reason but im alone in my happiness.
anyway fanny bfb you should like her because she has a rough exterior and a soft interior.
13. worst blorboficiation
the guys from one but i dont mind too much because it's one.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i see a lot of x reader shit and it always feels like every reader is like. the same 19 year old girl. and man we're different in every way.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
cat ears
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
honestly i guess i get it bc they're both protags but spifan... it's kind of... BORING to me! no offense to ppl who do like it but i find myself more into prufan and pacome x zorglub....
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
sheep in the big city fic and art that doesn't suck
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
honestly i'm in so many fandoms where there's a hero x villain old man ship and in SO MANY OF THEM it is ignored.... SAD!
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
let's just say there's a certain ship that goes against so many of my principles and yet i've shipped it for over a decade and got good friends to ship it too and leaf it there
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
whatever the hell fireafy was doing in nubfb
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
clive dove professor layton. unwound future has better aspects
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
i think ppl should pay more attention to misa in death note
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
i used to hate mei x red son from monkie kid and now it's my top otp LOL
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"stop watching kid shows" these ppl aren't watching kid shows they are JUST watching owl house if they were wathcing kid shows i'd have someone to talk about rocketeer 2019 with
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maki-matsurra · 3 years ago
If you’re certain! Could I maybe request Wakko and Dot’s reaction to the first ask I sent if that’s alright? And how Yakko feels about them knowing and stuff? There’s like no animaniacs writers on here that I know of and you do a wonderful job anyways!! Thank you!! ❤️
Yeah! Of course!
My new nickname for you Anon is gonna be 🥺Anon cause I like you and how polite you are 🥺❤️😭
So, how would Dot and Wakko react? And how Yakko feels about it? Hmm, I think I can do this!
I’m gonna go ahead and assume you want these as head canons as well ^^
Want to send in a request? Start here!
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Wakko and Dot’s Reaction to (Y/N) being Yakko’s Scripted Lover
Woo Boy, if you looked up nosy in the dictionary, these twos faces would pop up.
They were already curious as to why they couldn’t go with Yakko to the office, no matter how much they begged, they couldn’t come. Yakko had to pull the one card he rarely uses.
“Wakko, Dot. Sit and Stay.”
The tone he used was his “father tone”, meaning that there was no arguing with him on this. They whined and did so, waiting for him to come back home.
And once he did, they were even more curious. He came home annoyed, making them ask what was going on, and he just put on a smile and shrugged it off.
“Ahhh…. Don’t worry about it sibs! Just something that came up with season two last minute.”
Okay, now they were officially curious.
Until they met you next day for shooting. Wakko was a little sheepish, but Dot already adored you!
“Another girl on the set? Finally! My prayers have been answered!”
Cue Wakko and Yakko facepalming in the background.
They didn’t really suspect anything was going on between you two until Yakko stopped mid-scene to just stare at you, his face flushed.
They have never seen Yakko act like that to a girl. Never.
Wakko was more of the one to do that, so the younger Warners were going to pull off a Sherlock Holmes and do some investigating.
After shooting, once Yakko asked you to go to a dairy-free ice cream parlor, they begged to come too, and again, Yakko had to pull out his father tone, making the two pout and scowl.
That was until as Yakko turned and walked away, you kneeled down and whispered to them with a smile and a wink.
“What flavors would you guys want? I can bring them to you.”
You got Wakko’s vote immediately.
But they still were gonna do some investigating.
The two started to see Yakko bring you Starbucks, and give you kisses, and hold your waist. They turned to each other and whispered.
“You don’t think…?”
“Of course not! Yakko was never the one to get into a serious relationship… right?”
What shut them up immediately was when he kissed you. Wakko covered his eyes while Dot covered her mouth as they saw from a distance.
They were shocked. Yakko never seriously kissed a girl before. And it was you!
They looked at each other and ran to the water tower.
Oh boy, when Yakko came home and saw that the pair was waiting for him, he became nervous.
“Uhh… Hey sibs! What’s going on! Heh heh!”
“We know about your little *ahem* relationship with (Y/N).”
If his face could get any paler, it would, and he started to sweat.
“O-Oh… and Uhm… how do you feel about it?” He asked nervously, worried his sibs would not like you.
That was his biggest fears. You not liking his sibs or they not liking you.
Wakko and Dot nodded to each other, then grew a great big smile.
“When can she come over?!”
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playthelaughtrack · 3 years ago
Hi! Could i please get platonic warner siblings's reactions to a teenage gen z friend cracking jokes abt their own death, acab, their own "terrible" character, & other concerning gen z style jokes?
GenZ!Reader + The Warners Headcanons
Trigger Warnings! Mentions of/jokes abt sewerslide
• Oh my god, the Warners would have a heart attack the first time they hear you make a "Well I guess I should just off myself then!"
• They immediately stop teasing you, and start doing their best to comfort you.
• "Do...do you need to talk? We're here if you need us, you know?"
• You have to explain immediately that it was just a joke.
• They honestly don't believe you that it's a common thing amongst young people to joke about until they see the memes
• They get used to it after a while, but still pause anytime they hear you say, "What if that was my 13th reason? 🙄"
• Same thing goes with self deprecating jokes
• They are your biggest supporters, and will not stand for you putting yourself down
• It doesn't matter if you act, write, sing, draw, or tame lions. If you ever try and put yourself down when it comes to your passions, they are READY to hype you back up
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ca-8 · 3 years ago
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 (𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!)
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You and Yakko are the "Big spoon, Little spoon" type of relationship, with you as the big spoon while Yakko is the little spoon. One of the few things that can lure the oldest Warner to sleep is lying against your chest and listening to the comforting sound of your heartbeat. Since he always has to play the role of the responsible one, he loves it when you allow him to be vulnerable. And with looking up at your adorable sleeping face and cuddling your warm, aromatic body, he's always reminded of why he has such big plans for your wedding!
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yandere-toons · 4 years ago
"The Warners have a nightmare of the reader leaving them and wake up to find them gone. They have a panic attack, only for the reader to come back and explain that they were at the grocery store."
Yandere Warner Siblings (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
Warnings: Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.
A.N. - Last mistake.
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Yakko pretends to have a conversation with his friend while preparing to go outside and search for them. His facade of confidence crumbles the second he hears the door open, and he rushes forward in a wave of confused apologies and inquiries about their earlier whereabouts. The eldest sibling refuses to leave their side for the next few days, fearing that the dream was an omen.
Wakko devours every scrap of food he can find and never leaves the couch, using the television to distract himself from the notion that his friend has abandoned him. The sight of them entering the water tower is met with quiet happiness, but a massive weight is lifted from his chest. He suppresses the lingering dread and combats it by tailing his friend whenever they leave.
Dot is desperate to prove that her dream has not predicted reality, leading to her either swiping someone's phone to call her friend or waking her brothers to form a search party. She is rushing out the door when they step inside and proceeds to beg for an affirmation of their bond. The Warner Sister insists on accompanying them for any future nighttime escapades, and she develops a habit of waiting for her friend to fall asleep before sleeping herself.
Yakko is consumed by fears of inadequacy and spends the night pacing and muttering to himself. His partner's return spells relief, yet the tremor in his voice refuses to yield. The thought that they were planning on vanishing into the night but changed their mind torments him, prompting him to amplify his usual efforts to pamper them.
Wakko sits in front of the door and watches it for hours, hoping that his partner will return. He sees nothing wrong with their relationship and fails to understand why they would leave him, so he acts as if they are returning from a lengthy vacation. The toon complains about the loneliness their absence fostered and attempts to dissuade them from leaving the tower anymore.
Dot sheds many a tear of frustration before collapsing onto her bed and sobbing. She floods her partner in promises to be better, but her remorse evolves into a rage when they reveal the nature of their absence. Yells dominate the night as she forbids them from leaving the water tower, infuriated that their actions caused her to doubt herself.
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babbiebooc · 4 years ago
Animaniacs Yakko X Reader Headcanon
We all know how confident and flirty the oldest Warner sibling is, but it’s my personal belief when his crush flirts back, he turns into a blushing flustered tongue-tied mess!
Yakko: Hellooo (Y/N)! So, how’s the prettiest face in Hollywood doing today?
Reader: *cheeky smile* I don’t know Yakko, how are you today!
Yakko: *starts sweating profusely* (Pretty girl/boy + witty flirt = C:\Yakko\ file not found!!!) W-well... ya know, good and aaaaa... stuff.
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babtqftim-madness · 3 years ago
Blog introduction
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Q: What is this blog?
A: A headcanon/fanfiction blog (Specifically for BABTQFTIM)
Q: Why?
A: Idk. I really did this for myself, but if I actually do find people who have requests, that’d be cool.
Q: What will you write?
A: [Character] x Reader (SFW)
[Character] x Reader (NSFW) (I can’t promise that it won’t be mediocre)
[Character] & Reader (Platonic/Friendship)
[Character] + Reader (Queerplatonic Relationship)
[Character] x [Character] (SFW)
[Character] x [Character] (NSFW)
[Character] & [Character] (Platonic/Friendship)
[Character] + [Character] (Queerplatonic Relationship)
[Character] x [OC] (SFW)
[Character] x [OC] (NSFW)
[Character] & [OC] (Platonic/Friendship)
[Character] + [OC] (Queerplatonic)
Polyamory [Characters] x Reader (SFW)
Polyamory [Characters] x Reader (NSFW)
Polyamory [Characters] x [Characters] (SFW)
Polyamory [Characters] x [Characters] (NSFW)
Polyamory [Characters] x [OC(s)] (SFW)
Polyamory [Characters] x [OC(s)] (NSFW)
[Character] adopts [Character] (SFW/PLATONIC)
[Character] adopts [Reader] (SFW/PLATONIC)
[Character] adopts [OC] (SFW/PLATONIC)
[Character] as Readers [Family] (SFW/PLATONIC)
Reader adopting [Character(s)] (SFW/PLATONIC)
[Character] babysits [Character(s)] (SFW/PLATONIC)
Reader babysits [Character(s)] (SFW/PLATONIC)
Reader coming out to [Character(s)]
[Character] around their crushes
[Character] with any LGBTQIA+ headcanon
[Character(s)] comforting reader (I will do my best)
Reader comforting [Character] (I’ll try)
[Character(s) comforting [Character(s)] (Again, I’ll give it my all)
[Character(s)] and [Reader] first date
[Character(s)] and [Character(s)] first date
Sad stuff
Happy stuff
Q: What will you NOT write?
A: Inc*st, P*dophilia, R*pe, Ab*se.
Q: What are the rules?
A: I am allowed to say no to a request.
I won’t write NSFW requests that involve minors, even if they’re aged up. (Boris, Winky, Inky, Yakko, Wakko, Dot.)
Be specific with requests. (Especially with OCs)
No minors under 15 are allowed on my blog.
If you have any questions I’ll be more than happy to do my best to answer them.
I will only write NSFW if I’m asked to.
I will write for almost any ship, as long as the characters are of age.(And not related)
Please tell me if I need to TW something
Q: What characters will you write for? (NSFW)
A: Cuphead, Bendy, Felix, Mugman, Oswald, Donald, Mickey, Fanny, Sheba, Dovil, Minnie, Daisy, Alice, Cala Maria. (No matter how odd it may seem, I’m not here to judge-)
Q: What characters will you write for? (SFW)
A: Cuphead, Bendy, Felix, Mugman, Oswald, Donald, Mickey, Fanny, Sheba, Dovil, Minnie, Daisy, Alice, Cala Maria, Boris, Inky, Winky, Yakko, Wakko, Dot.
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agerefandom · 3 years ago
Another Year Of Agere Content!
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Last year, I made this masterpost of all the content I made in 2020, the first year that I was running this blog. The tradition will continue this year, so here’s my masterpost for 2021!
In 2021, I wrote 22 agere stories and 19 headcanon sets! 
The masterpost will only include my writing from the year, but I also made 59 pieces of art and 37 moodboards!! 
Without further ado, 
Stella’s Stories of 2021 (Alphabetical by Fandom)
Yakko To The Rescue: Animaniacs. big brother!Yakko with regressor!reader
Sound and Silence: Boku No Hero Academia. domestic regressor!Aizawa and cg!Hizashi Something Wrong: Boku No Hero Academia. regressor!Katsuki gets cornered by Izuku and doesn’t react well (heavy fic) Class Outing: Boku No Hero Academia. Izuku regresses while at the mall with Class 1A
Picking Up The Pieces: Critical Role. struggling regressor!Caleb and helpful Caduceus Through Anything: Critical Role. regressor!Beau and Jester, doing Yasha’s hair
Restrained: Death Note. Classification!AU with regressor!Light struggling in confinement
The TARDIS Playroom: Doctor Who. regressor!Thirteenth Doctor and an unexpected Graham
What Family Is: Harry Potter. regressor!reader and their cgs, Remus and Sirius Golden Slumbers: Harry Potter. regressor!reader, big brother!Harry Potter, and cg!Fred Weasley (cglre terminology)
Bedtime Tears: Hetalia. Human AU, regressor!Italy with cg!Japan&Germany
Big Brother, Little Brother: Homestuck. regressor!Dave and regressor!Dirk, regressing together for the first time, cg!Roxy and John.
Kitchen Friends: Marvel. regressor!reader (he/him) and cg!Bucky/Steve
To Weather The Storm: Ouran High School Host Club. Tamaki finds out that Haruhi regresses Taking Care of Mori: Ouran High School Host Club. regressor!Mori and cg!Hunny, ft. observant!Haruhi
The Joy of Theatre: Pinky and the Brain. Pinky puts on a play, Brain indulges him All The Great Men: Pinky and the Brain. Brain is having a hard day: Pinky does his best to help
Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To: Resident Evil Village. regressor!reader (she/her) and cg!Dimitrescu (cglre terminology)
system/REGRESS.Steven: Steven Universe. a rewrite of the Spinel fight, the rejeuvenator works on Steven and Amethyst is the one who has to collect all her regressed friends.
Sugar Sweet: Twilight. baby-regressor!reader with established cg!Alice and Jasper The Doctor’s Office: Twilight. regressor!reader with cg!Carlisle Home Sweet Home: Twilight. Carlisle and Esme as parents, the other Cullens as regressors with varied age ranges
Sweet Pea and Papyrus: Undertale. cg!Papyrus and a regressor!reader who’s had a bad day
Headcanon Sets and Shorter Fics Under ‘
The Adventure Zone caregiver!duck newton headcanons short fic with regressor!duck
Boku No Hero Academia regressor!camie and caregiver!katsuki headcanons
Check Please! regressor!jack headcanons (ask game)
Death Note short fic of regressor!Light with Ryuk short fic of Light dressing up with Misa
Doctor Who eleventh doctor caregiver headcanons 11th doctor regression headcanons (ask game) twelfth doctor caregiver headcanons regressor!thirteenth doctor headcanons
Ghibli Movies big sister kiki headcanons
Gravity Falls regressor!will cipher headcanons (tw for abuse, injuries, dissociation, etc)
Hannibal caregiver!hannibal headcanons regressor!will graham headcanons
Hetalia caregiver!england headcanons
Homestuck regressor!dave, cg!john john/dave headcanons
The Magnus Archives all of my magnus archives regression headcanons in one post
Ouran High School Host Club regressor and cg!Tamaki Suoh headcanons
Resident Evil VIII regressor!donna beneviento headcanons
Sanders Sides regression headcanons for the original four (art)
Star Trek regressor!jim and caregivers!bones and spock headcanons
Steven Universe regressor!steven headcanons regressor!connie headcanons
Supernatural caregiver!tfw headcanons with regressor!reader
Twilight regressor!bella headcanons (ask game)
X-Files regressor!Dana and Fox headcanons
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audaciousacolyte · 2 years ago
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Welcome to The Garden!
About Me:
• My name is Joan
• I really enjoy writing and drawing!!
• I am a Libra
• I love talking to people, so don't be afraid to reach out to me!!
Interacting Rules:
This is my basic criteria for those who wish to follow me =>
《☆ do NOT interact with this blog if you are:
• LGBTQphobic
• Pedophillic or MAP
• Exclusionist
• Ableist
Or otherwise unnecessarily hateful. ☆》
With that out of the way, my requesting basis and current status are avaliable under the cut.
Requesting Rules:
《♡ I will only write character x reader requests, but I may include other ships if asked to. ♡》
《♡ Before requesting, please make sure that you are using clear language that is easily understandable and be as specific as you can on what exactly you would like for me to write. ♡》
《♡ Please limit your requests to three or four characters at a time, and be sure to specify whether or not the characters are in a romantic relationship. ♡》
What I will write:
◇ Fluff
◇ Angst
◇ Hurt/comfort
◇ Headcanons
◇ Platonic relationships
◇ Queerplatonic relationships
◇ self-inserts x characters
◇ OC x characters
What I will NOT write:
♤ Explicit gore
♤ Explicit NSFW (BORDERLINE NSFW is alright)
♤ Anything kink related
♤ Hardcore Angst (ex. Character A dies in a dramatic/tragic way, while Character B is left to mourn)
♤ Anything trauma related, such as SA or abuse
♤ Anything related to SH or su!c!de
Fandoms and characters I write for:
《|| Animaniacs ||》
• Yakko Warner
• Wakko Warner
• Dot Warner
《|| BABQFTIM ||》
• Bendy
• Boris the Wolf (platonic only)
• Cuphead
• Mugman
• Felix the Cat
《|| Epic Mickey ||》
• Mickey Mouse
• Oswald the lucky Rabbit
《|| Homestuck ||》
• John Egbert
• Dave Strider
• Jade Harley
• Jane Crocker
• Roxy Lalonde
• Jake English
• Dirk Strider
• Karkat Vantas
• Aradia Medigo
• Tavros Nitram
• Sollux Captor
• Nepeta Leijon
• Terezi Pyrope
• Vriska Serket
• Equius Zahhak
• Gamzee Makara
• Eridan Ampora
• Feferi Peixes
《|| Lego Monkie Kid ||》
• MK
• Mei
• Red son
• Sun Wukong
• Macaque
• Nezha
《|| Sonic the Hedgehog ||》
• Sonic
• Shadow
• Amy Rose
• Knuckles
• Tails
• Rouge
《|| South Park ||》
• Stan Marsh
• Kyle Brofloski
• Kenny Mccormick
• Eric Cartman
• Leopold Stotch
• Wendy Testaburger
• Craig Tucker
• Tweek Tweek
• Tolkien Black
• Clyde Donovan
• Jimmy Valmer
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maki-matsurra · 3 years ago
Now I'm curious, what would Yakko with a Reader who flirts with him without any problems, but turns into a awkward mess when he flirted back be like?
I’m curious about that too, Anon!
I can only image how cute Yakko’s reaction would be 🥺
I’m not the best a flirting, so sorry if the pickup lines seem very cheesy, as I got them off the internet tbh 😂
Hope you enjoy!
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Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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Oh you better believe that Yakko would be a blushing mess
While he’s smooth at flirting and giving compliments
He’s not very smooth with receiving them
“Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me?” He would smile and wink at you
You would smirk at him
“Well, yes. I wanted to tell you that four plus four equals eight, but you plus me equals fate.”
Ooooh he has never been so shocked at that, shocked and flushed
He honestly would not know what to do or say back
So, Congrats! You did the impossible
You rendered Yakko speechless
Once you guys started dating though, ooh boy
It was a whole flirt war between the two of you
Seeing who could come up with the best pickup line and make the other most flustered
“Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Oh wait, it’s just a sparkle.”
“You must be a very important textbook passage because seeing you is the highlight of my day.”
“There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can’t take them off you.”
“So there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! The toon of my dreams!”
You two would only stop if A, you run out of pickup lines, or B, Wakko and Dot stop you cause the cringe is too much for them to handle
Flirting has become a staple for you two
And you guys wouldn’t trade it for the world
It’s just what makes you guys click
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maki-matsurra · 3 years ago
Hi again! Thank you for the Byakuya playlist I loved it! I was wondering if I could request some more Yakko hcs where reader balances film and theatre acting and Yakko comforts them when they get too stressed? Be sure to have a snack and get some rest! 🥰
- 🥺 anon
Heya, 🥺! So good to hear from ya again! And you’re welcome! No need to thank me!
Of course I can do this! As a former Theatre student, I know EXACTLY how stressful it can get!
Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the request! 
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Want to send in a request? Start Here!
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💜🎥💜Yakko knows first-hand how busy your life is
💜🎥💜You were balancing your film and theatre classes along with acting in Animaniacs
💜🎥💜You always seemed so tired after the shootings, but every time he brought it up, you waved it off with a tired, forced smile and say; “I’m used to it!”
💜🎥💜That did not make the toon feel any better
💜🎥💜You shouldn’t have to get used to it
💜🎥💜But alas, he knew that he couldn’t stop ya, no matter how hard he tried, so he settled for being there for comfort when ya needed it
💜🎥💜Turns out that day was today
💜🎥💜Yakko found you in the break room, your back facing him, your face buried in multiple textbooks, notebook paper all over the place, and your script right next to you, your body shaking slightly
💜🎥💜“(Y/N)? You okay, babe?” He questioned, putting a hand on your shoulder, making you turn your head to face him
💜🎥💜What he saw broke his heart
💜🎥💜Tears glossed your eyes as your face was red and puffy
💜🎥💜“(Y/N)…” He mumbled
💜🎥💜“I… I’m not okay…” You finally admitted, more tears rolling down your face as your body shook some more. “I’m up to my forehead in homework, my last three tests… I failed! I failed them all! I still got to remember my lines for the next episode too! There no way I can finish it all, I’m gonna fail my classes, get kicked out of school, I’m such a disappointment to my parents-”
💜🎥💜“(Y/N)! Stop and take a breath, sweetheart…” The toon said, grabbing your shoulders and stopping the fast flow of words and sobs coming out of your mouth
💜🎥💜You didn’t even realize that you were hyperventilating
💜🎥💜In response to this, you just crashed into his fluffy chest, letting out more body-wracking sobs
💜🎥💜And he would hug you equally as tight, rubbing his fingers through your hair
💜🎥💜“Shhh, it’s okay, doll face… We’ll fix this… Everything will be okay… I promise. You are not a disappointment, either.”
💜🎥💜“I… I just… I want…”
💜🎥💜“I know, doll, I know. But right now, you need to take a breather.”
💜🎥💜And with that, he would take out a fluffy blanket from his hammer-space, wrap you in it, pick you up, carry you to the break room’s couch, and snuggle up with you on it
💜🎥💜He would hush your cries, patting your back like a baby, and try to hum you to sleep
💜🎥💜If anyone came in while you were napping, Yakko would give them a look that read; ‘You wake them up, you will pay for it’
💜🎥💜So, needless to say, everyone was super quiet when entering and leaving the break room
💜🎥💜And when you woke up, you still felt a little stressed, but not as bad as before
💜🎥💜Yakko now helps you balance your school/work life
💜🎥💜Always reminding you that it was okay to take breaks
💜🎥💜He would also make sure you were not procrastinating with any studying
💜🎥💜And you were so thankful for that
💜🎥💜Yakko’s always gonna be there for you and remind you to take breaks and how much he loves you <3
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maki-matsurra · 3 years ago
I was wondering what it would be like for Yakko trying to woo a reader who is clueless that he is flirting with her.
Hiya! Thanks for the request!
Hmm, I’m wondering the same thing, Anon! Let’s find out together!
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Yakko Trying to Woo Clueless Reader
You guys are co-actors for the second season of Animaniacs, and boy did Yakko fall head over heals when he first laid eyes on you.
“Heyyy Cutie! Mind if I get your phone number?” He asked, sending his best charming smile at you.
You, being the innocent bean that you are, just smiled and said; “Sure! I love making new friends!”
Yakko blinked at that. Well that flirt just went way over your head.
Nevertheless, he got your phone number.
He regularly takes you out to lunch at his favorite places, smirking at you across the table “Heh, people are gonna start talking soon once they see us out on lunches like this.”
You look up at him from your drink with a confused smile; “Talk about what?”
Okay, you were seriously dense with this guy.
The final try was when he came over to a set your were shooting a brought you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, winking. “For the most beautiful (gender) here!”
“Oh! Who are they from?” You asked with a large smile as you smell them
He gave up, sighing as he looked down sadly
You looked at him, confused, before realizing something.
The phone number, the lunches, the flowers
With a smile, you picked up a single flower from the bouquet and placed it on his ear, making him look up just in time for you to place a kiss on his nose.
“I know I can be dense at times, but thank you.”
He smiled at that.
“Hey, it was worth the wait.”
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maki-matsurra · 3 years ago
In that case then could I request some hcs for Yakko Warner x reader? With the reader being a new character made for the reboot that was created to be Yakko’s scripted love interest but he ends up falling for them outside of the show? Sorry if that doesn’t make sense!
I…. I…
Thank you, Anon. Just, thank you. 🥺 I LOVE THIS IDEA!
I’ve been waiting for so long for someone to request a Yakko x Reader headcanons!
*crack knuckles*
Want to send in a request? Start here!
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Reader being Yakko’s Scripted Love Headcanons
Oh boy where do we start? Let’s start on when Yakko was called into the office early in the morning… Alone.
He was utterly confused as to why he was called in, but everything made sense when they introduced you to him.
“This is (Y/N), your new love interest in season two of the reboot.”
“Excuse me?”
To be honest, Yakko started to act like a total tsundere when that idea came up. Trying to explain that yes, it’s a fantastic idea to have you come onto the show, it was a terrible idea for him to have a new love interest. He thought that should be Hello Nurse’s job.
But alas, they were strict on their decision. Thus, you two were gonna be spending a lot of scripted time together.
The next morning was when they were going to do the scene that introduces you to the show. It was pretty much the same old shtick, the Warners going on and doing what they do, and Yakko stops and says his catchy line.
You were scripted to giggle at that, but Yakko knew that what you gave out was not a scripted giggle, but an actual one.
Imagine him just stopping, his face blank, yet a red blush creeping on his face.
His heart was going a mile a minute while his stomach was doing flips. He never have met a girl who actually genuinely laughed at that joke.
After the shooting was done, he asked if you wanted to hang out at a local dairy-free ice cream shop to get to know each other. Strictly business.
You were so excited you couldn’t help but say yes.
After you guys got your ice cream and sat down and actually started talking and getting to know each other, that’s when Yakko’s tsundere walls quickly fell down.
Oh how he loves your laugh now, your sense of humor, the way you dress, everything.
You weren’t Hello Nurse, but you were (Y/N), and that was totally good enough for him.
Totally expect him to give you quick pecks after shootings, making you become all flustered.
When he’s standing next to you, he’ll rest his arm around your waist subconsciously, again, making you a heated mess.
Even when you aren’t shooting a scene with him, he’ll start bringing you coffee from where he gets his. Starbucks, and a cake pop from there too.
It’s not until you actually do the same for him when he’s shooting a musical scene when he finally gives you want you always wanted.
You brought him a nice cold brew ice coffee from Starbucks, and as he looked down at the drink, he smiled, looking in your eyes and lightly grabbing your wrist, making you look confused and glance down at it. He tugs your wrist towards him and bam!
Your lips lock.
Your eyes wide as you almost dropped the drink, but once you did, he was quick to pull away and catch it effortlessly.
He shot a wink at you. “See ya at the next shooting babe.”
You quickly covered your mouth with your hand as you became a blushing, heated, melting mess. But you soon remove your hand and smile warmly at him.
“I love my job.”
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ca-8 · 3 years ago
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (𝐘𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐨 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧!)
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The way Yakko kisses you heavily relies on his mood. If he's feeling his usual eccentric self, he'll jump on you and smother your face with big, wet kisses until he *thinks* you've had enough (which doesn't happen for a while). However, if he's in a particularly romantic mood, he's much more gentle and passionate, and he greatly favors taking it out on your lips. He savors the moment, loving the feeling of your lips as you both hold each other. During this time, Yakko tries to make the kiss last as long as possible, for he'd hate the thought of letting go of you amidst such a special moment.
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playthelaughtrack · 4 years ago
💕Yakko Warner x Reader Headcannons💕
Yakko having a Crush on you.
• He would be the type of toon where when they fall, they fall hard.
• He would definitely get himself into a few shenanigans trying to impress you, or make you smile.
• Speaking of smiles, he would always turn to see your reaction before anyone else whenever he tells a joke.
• His grin would more in double in size when you start laughing.
• He'd try and always act extra funny around you, just hoping to make you laugh at his wisecracks.
• Now, we know Yakko is a bit of a flirt, and he would definitely flirt with you. But when you flirt back?
• He's a blushing mess. He'd try his best to keep his composure, but he'd end up slipping on his words.
• He would always try and deny his crush to his siblings, saying "They're great, and great to look at, but it's not like that!"
• Dot can tell that he's lying immediately, and would subtly try and get you two in romantic situations together.
• Wakko probably can't tell at first, but would get really excited when he figures it out.
• Overall, Yakko would be an absolute sweetheart, and would be overjoyed any time he's around you.
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