#yakko warner headcanons
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neotragus · 8 months ago
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More of them... BUT HEADCANNONS, also, to the person who asked the time, it's 8:49 PM right now.
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Do the Warners have Memory Problems?
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Even a scrapped exchange between Yakko and Dot hints at this (occurs at 0:59):
Yakko: "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dot: "Don't worry, I've done this before!" Yakko: "Really?" Dot: "No wait... I've made beef jerky before."
Please ignore the likely possibility that this is just an out of context pun I wanna connect dots that aren't there.
I can excuse the first example, by the time of the reboot the Warners would've been drawn over 90 years ago in-universe, they're not gonna remember everything they've ever worked on. But the other instances were presumably relatively recent events. I get it, that's the joke, but it's fun to try and think of an explanation anyway.
Could they be developing memory problems because of their age? Their literal age, that is. Physically (and kind of mentally, they mostly act like kids but they're clearly beyond their age in terms of wit and book smarts) they're young, but they've still been alive for over 90 years. People tend to suffer from memory loss as they get older, and the Warners are technically older than most people currently alive. They may be toons, but could their brains really have not changed in all that time? The reboot suggests otherwise, since there's a segment where Dot finds a pimple (A.K.A a "zit") on her face, after which Yakko tries to comfort her by saying "we all get zits sooner or later", heavily implying that all three Warners went through puberty (it just took a longer amount of time than as it would for the average human), and hence that their bodies can in fact change. And if their bodies can change, and the brain is a part of the body, couldn't their brains eventually change too?
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Alternatively...maybe this could be a side effect of them being reanimated?
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We know this isn't just a bit, the Warners really were reanimated before the events of the reboot, that's why at the beginning of the first segment after the cold open they're returning to the water tower for the first time in years, rather than already inside of it.
Animaniacs has repeatedly shown it's not that interested in delving into toon lore (which is good since people don't watch comedy shows for lore infodumps), so we don't know much about how the process of reanimation works in a world where a considerable amount of the population are toons. All we know is that it's an in-universe explanation for their new designs. Since their designs were altered, and their designs are their bodies, could this process have altered their brains?
Another thing I'd like to point out is that the name of the first segment is "Suspended Animation Part One". This implies that the Warners were put into a state of, well, suspended animation before being reanimated, which explains why they don't know about modern technology or current events in the first episode of the reboot. Being in this state for so long might have badly affected their brains, hence affecting their memory.
Man we're really starved for content if I'm analysing random jokes 😭
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artificial-angels · 1 year ago
may we see more max and trans yakko?
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ambi-stage · 2 years ago
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Warner gamer headcanons because any long time followers know that’s the only thing i can do
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Headcanon - Yakko is fluent in most languages on Earth and a couple from space
Now, it's canonical that Yakko had speak fluent Japanese and it's pretty much confirmed that he can speak Spanish, just his accent's really bad.
I like to think that it goes way further than that.
Yakko is fluent in an impossible amount of languages. Nobody, not even really himself, knows if he was born with the knowledge or if he picked them up throughout the years.
Yakko loves learning and he has a desire to become an expert in everything he comes across (except for math, that devil subject can burn). So, his mass amount of languages could be from that desire.
Whatever the case, it's very useful. Yakko's immediately a favorite among company partners because there's no language barrier (as shown in "The Taming of the Screwy"). He has a side gig as a translator for papers. He especially loves reading and watching media in its original language.
He knows a few alien languages, too, between the green guys that kidnapped them and the purple ones that tried to end humanity.
The only slight issue is the occasional wacky antic in the water tower when Yakko forgets how to speak English. It drives Wakko and Dot nuts. They hate factory resetting him, especially because he's hard to catch.
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years ago
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Happy Ides of March
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cf56 · 3 months ago
Several times throughout the year, Wakko excitedly wakes Yakko up telling him it’s Christmas. Yakko doesn’t know what makes him think this.
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eflen-n-reegee · 8 months ago
Friends Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner Headcanons (Animaniacs)
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They LOVE making jokes and puns and pulling pranks - anything to make you laugh!
But they’re always careful to never take things too far with you. They don’t want to make you actually sad or angry, just playfully annoyed and ready to tease them back.
Oh, and if you hit them with an especially good comeback? They’ll be talking about it for DAYS.
They all sing educational songs for you, but Yakko especially loves to belt out a new melody almost daily.
Wakko is the quietest of the trio and the most accepting of your own quiet moments. He knows sometimes people don’t want to talk, and he completely understands.
Dot gets into frequent “friendly” arguments with you about who’s cuter. The others hem and haw and then say that you are, just to tease her.
They make you your own sleeping area inside the water tower, although it must be said, not a lot of sleeping ever goes on in there.
They sometimes wear costumes for their skits, so dress-up is a frequent game for everyone.
Speaking of their skits, they get you cameo parts whenever they can.
“You’re an honorary sib, after all! You go where we go.”
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hawksheadcanonblog · 4 months ago
Headcanon - The Warners all have some undiagnosed conditions with only Wakko’s hypoglycemia being officially diagnosed by a doctor, but that was only after they had to be taken to a hospital. Yakko had to self-diagnose his lactose intolerance and many suspect Dot of having some sort of issue with her immune system.
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schmitty-schmitstinstein · 1 month ago
I had a thought today and this is my new headcanon. The meme template is very lighthearted as this is my own opinion and I thought this was a fun way to show it.
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Bet nobody was expecting an animaniacs post from me in 2025, huh? /hj
Anyway this just feels right to me.
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b3njiartz · 1 year ago
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Head canons⭐️🩷
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electricratlady · 1 year ago
Animaniacs characters and songs i headcanon they would enjoy a lot! because my brainrot is unreal rn
might do this again sometime, this was fun!
would have done more per character but tumblr limits audio embeds to 10 per post 🥲
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galactic-glamour-girl-posts · 6 months ago
Something Something Animaniacs Headcanons
--Yakko is omnilingual, although he's better at speaking some languages than others (for example his Japanese is better than his Spanish).
--Whatever species the Warners are can breathe both underwater and in space. Any segment where they are shown in scuba gear or space helmets or anything like that is done for show, for S&P, or just because the Warners are goofing around.
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--Clearly Jürgen was not feeding the Warner Clones well, but if he did I think Ditto's favourite food would be strawberries and cream (given that she's already confirmed to like strawberries), Ratto's would be leafy salads, and Saffo's would be sushi.
--Dot's favourite type of flowers are buttercups.
--The Warners consider Scratchansniff, Slappy, and Skippy the closest thing to an extended family they have (their father yes Scratchy being their dad should mean he's part of the nuclear family, but...shut up, aunt, and cousin respectively):
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I was gonna save this for the tags, but nah, you CANNOT convince me they didn't choose to have these three specific characters play the Warners out for what was (for all the staff knew) their final full segment ever for a reason. This is the last shot of the original show (unless you count The Animaniacs Suite, but...come on. That's a clip show.)
The Warners went from only having each other to the size of their family doubling! I won't interpret this shot any other way 😤
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mryaksalot · 1 year ago
Here are my headcanons for how each of the Warners deal with anxiety
Yakko: Being the oldest, Yakko experiences the most anxiety out of the sibling's. He's the type of person who needs a good pep talk in order to bring him back down to reality, and for him to realize that everything will be just fine. Dot is usually the one who gives Yakko these pep talks, but Wakko gets his turn every once in a while. The eldest Warner needs these pep talks pretty regularly, as he tends to worry a lot.
Wakko: Wakko craves physical attention whenever he is feeling anxious about something. He will ask Yakko and/or Dot to scratch behind his ear, give him a pat on the shoulder, or for the ever joyous belly rub. Wakko also has the tendency to indulge in stress eating, inhailing even more food than he normally would. However, if the anxiety is related to his eating habits, he will try to avoid overeating at all costs until one of his sibling's notices.
Dot: The Warner sister dosen't get anxiety often compared to her older brothers. When she is feeling anxious, though, she releases it by doing chores around the house. Dot will get the urge to do the dishes, reorginize the kitchen cabinets, sweep the floor in every room until the entire tower is spotless. Dot is also not afraid to admit when she is feeling anxious. She believes that internalizing your feelings only makes you feel worse, and she yells at Yakko whenever he tries to mask his anxiety from her and Wakko.
All three: It's pretty rare for all three of the Warner's to experience anxiety at the same time. This only happens when an ordeal occurs that effects their whole family (like when they were first locked up in the tower back in the 30s). When this happens, the Warners like to snuggle up together, exchanging tears and words of encouragement, embracing themselves in an endearing family hug.
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lemonfairyd · 2 years ago
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ask-aces-future-warners · 10 months ago
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new banner! (extended a bit)
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