#Yah and then one day my teacher moved into my parents room and then one he murder my dad
backpackingspace · 8 months
okay wait I'm having big brain thoughts. What if xie lain was in a poly relationship with Lang qianqiu's parents during his fang xin Era
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svtshine · 4 years
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pairing: Wonwoo x reader
genre: Angst to fluff, High school!au
type: imagine
extras: Wonwoo edit made by @delicatecy do check their page out! Open to requests ^^
|a•ga•pe•| /n./
1. the highest form of love. Selfless, sacrificial and unconditional love; persists no matter the circumstances
Day 1
Wonwoo dragged himself to school and stuffed his hands inside his hoodie pockets, his nose burried under his scarf. He longed to return to his warm bed amidst this cold winter morning. School was restarting and this year he would be attending as a second year student.
He sighed out, watching the cold air turn into white mist around him. There was another thing he dreaded. Maybe not a thing, but a human.
Y/n L/n
You began following him around like a lost puppy sometimes during last march. He never understood why you were so persistent but it annoyed him to no end.
Wonwoo began to hate everything about you. Your irritating smile that greeted him every morning without fail. Your stupid little notes you would slide into his locker telling him to have a nice day. Your voice as you chattered about god knows what. He had never paid any attention to you.
He wanted to be alone. Eat alone, study alone, walk home alone. He just wanted you gone. You were like a pest, a leech that he just couldn’t seem to remove
Wonwoo has shot you down for what seems to be like the hundredth time. Whenever you greet him with a smile, he glared back at you and shoved his locker close making you jump at the loud sound. He would try to purposefully trip you or tease you hurt fully to make you stay away. He even talk bad about you infront of girls hoping you would leave
But you never did. You always greeted him with a smile and talked about homework and stuff. You also prepared or bought lunch for him. Even if he was paired with another girl, you would follow him around
Wonwoo so badly wanted to get rid of you
He closed his locker after getting out his things and was met with the sight of you looking up at him and giving him a big smile. “Hi won, how’s your morning? Have you eaten?”
Wonwoo grunted, picked up his bag and went into the classroom. Thanking the girls that flocked around him would prevent you from coming closer to him.
Forgetting the fact that the teacher assigned you to sit infront of him. He knew you persuaded the teacher to change seats with another classmate. God you were so annoying.
You sat down at your seat and opened up your bag to find the lunchbox you got up early to prepare wonwoo. You weren’t exactly a chef but you wanted to try cooking one whole meal for him. Here wonnie. I prepared all your favourites again” you said hoping he might glance at you once and at least give you an acknowledgment.
Wonwoo paid no attention to you and instead focused on the conversation with some other girls and guys. Your smiled dropped and your heart felt like it received some stabs.
but this was normal
Wonwoo saw your smile drop and turn to face the front. He looked at the lunchbox in front of him. You usually didn’t cook. It was mainly sandwiches or snacks.
He didn’t notice the numerous bandages on your hand.
Day 2
You greeted him again at the lockers. Wonwoo was particularly moody that morning.
“Hi won, did you eat breakfast?” you asked him
“You’re not in the position to ask. Stop being so extra. Seriously just get a life.” He spit out coldly.
You were taken aback. Of course you knew he didn’t like you but he never said anything verbally before.
Wonwoo saw you flinch slightly and for a second he felt guilty. You looked so scared. but to his surprise you smiled brightly at him and replied with an “Okay”
Day 3 
“Yah wonwoo, why don’t we prank Y/n” one of the girls asked him 
Wonwoo glanced away not liking the sound of it
“You can invite her to a movie and just stand her up. You know like sending a message? She likes you but after this she might just stay away finally” One of the other girls said
Now Wonwoo was interested.
“Just tell her to meet you tomorrow at the entrance of the movie theatre because you have a free ticket”
Wonwoo knew it was a shit move but it might actually make you stay away and stop bothering him
“Fine” shooeing away all the other people before tapping your shoulder.
“Y/n” You smiled excitedly since this was one of the few times he wanted to initiate a small conversation. Wonwoo on the other hand wanted to scrunch his face in disgust at how desperate you looked.
“i have two free tickets to a movie. So tomorrow at 5? outside the theatre?” You bobbed your head up and down.
Wonwoo almost felt bad at how much you were looking forwards to going out with him and even wanted to tell you the truth
But he clenched his fists and put on a small fake smile
This would be his chance to finally get rid of you
Day 4
You greeted Wonwoo per usual.
“So wonwoo, what are we going to watch later?” You waited for his answer as you stood beside his locker
“oh uh” Wonwoo hesitated for a while, “We can decide later”
Luckily for him, the bell rang and the both of you had to return to class.
After school, you rushed back home and found the perfect outfit for the movie.
You took about two hours to find the perfect outfit and reach the theatre on time.
You kept glancing at the watch on your wrist. It was nearly 30 minutes after five and there was no sign of Wonwoo anywhere. However, you never left and continued waiting in case he came late
About 8.10 pm, Wonwoo passed by the theatre towards the library to get some new books. That was when he saw you. The library was opposit the theatre thus it gave him a good view of you
and you wouldn’t be able to spot and follow him
You were blowing into your palms and dressed in an adorable flowery dress. It was getting closer with each hour.
Wonwoo’s glanced at his clock. she’s been waiting her for 5 hours?
He felt bad. He knew how bad of an idea this was but he had never meant to take it that far
But maybe after this she might really leave, won’t she?
He clenched his fists and bit his lip from walking over and telling her the truth
Day 5
As wonwoo took his first few steps into school he mentally thought to himself, in 5, 4, 3, 2,1 and the leech is back.
But he was taken aback when he didn’t hear your cheery voice greeting him good morning. Maybe at the lockers? He convinced himself.
Wonwoo got all of his stuff ready, and prepared himself for your cheery voice greeting him good morning. But as he closed his locker and turned around to where you usually stood, there was no sign of you.
Wonwoo hesitated. Why didn’t he feel happy that you weren’t there anymore?
Why did he feel so empty? like he missed seeing you beside him everyday.
He shook his head and walked to class. Maybe she forgot to catch the train?
Day 8
it’s been 3 days and there was absolutely no sign of you.
Wonwoo twirled his pen around in his hand and stared at the seat infront of him, chin on his hand. Usually he would be able to stare at your hair whenever he was bored, and sure sometimes he’d roll his eyes at how annoying you were.
But now, he sort of missed you.
Wonwoo missed how you would greet him at the lockers in the morning. How you would prepare or buy him lunch. How you always make sure to refill his bottle before and after physical class so that he has enough water to drink.
He couldn’t help but feel the intense guilt from standing you up that day
“Class before we end today’s lesson” the teacher said while packing up his books.
Wonwoo looked up, “Unfortunately, our classmate, Y/n met with a terrible car accident 4 days ago near the theatre. Thus, she’s isn’t going to be able to attend school for a while.”
Wonwoo’s breathing stopped
4 days ago. Near the theatre
He was right there. Watching her wait for him.
The guilt in his chest spread even more. He could’ve done something. Told her the truth. Not fking stand her up?
You’ve done so much for him, and even though he thought you were a nuisance, treated you badly your smile never faltered. You looked out for him unconditionally
Always made sure he was okay before you took care of yourself.
“Once she is allowed visitors” The teacher continued. “i would need a volunteer to pass her school materials and teach her some of the homework”
Wonwoo raised his hand immediately.
Day 11
Wonwoo heard the beeping of the machines wherever he walked in the hospital.
In his hands were your homework over the past one week that you haven’t attended school and a bouquet of flowers. The teacher had informed him your condition had improved greatly over the one week and that he was allowed to visit her.
Wonwoo missed you. So damn much. He actually visited your hospital everyday hoping you would be walking downstairs and he would just wait there for a few hours before returning home.
He wasn’t able to catch one sight of you. This was probably how you felt when he stood you up.
Wonwoo finally found your room. He inhaled and exhaled to stop himself for being so nervous. Knocking twice, he heard your soft voice saying it was okay to come in.
He saw you lying on the bed. A book in your hands, your hair in a bun and wearing reading glasses.
You were shocked to the bones. Your parents informed you that the teacher had sent a volunteer to pass you the stuff you missed out in but never in the whole world would you have expected Wonwoo. With flowers as well.
He probably was forced into this.
“Wonwoo, you can just put those down here and leave. I’m sure you were forced into doing this. Thank you” you said gently.
Wonwoo shook his head and sat down on the chair beside you after closing the door
You tilted your head in confusion. Why wouldn’t he want to leave?
“you’ve always cared for me” Wonwoo spoke
“Greeting me, wishing me a good day, buying or making me lunch, refilling my bottle and even writing down my notes when i fall asleep in class” his voice got less steady with each sentence.
“I’ve never treated you nicely. Always brushed you away, thought you were a nuisance. When you’re the one person who cared for me like no one else.” He looked down. “You always smile at me even if i treat you badly”
You hesitantly took your hand and combed it through his hair, the whole time looking at Wonwoo if he was comfortable with it. But he only nuzzled closer to your palm
“That day, when i invited you to the movies. They asked me to prank you, and thinking selfishly that you would stop bothering me after that, i-i just stood you up”
He took your hands into his. Loving the way it fit perfectly in his palms.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. I’m sorry for not seeing how great you were. For judging your actions and for not caring for you sooner. i got you into this car accident. If i went to the theatre, maybe things would’ve been different. You wouldn’t have had to go through so much pain. All because of me” By now, Wonwoo’s eyes were filled with tears and they fell steadily.
You didn’t say anything, just shifted closer to him and brushed away his tears before smiling brightly at him. “Wonwoo, i forgive you. i’ll always look out for you, you know that. Unconditionally”
Wonwoo felt his heart rate pick up
Day 15
Over the days, you were significantly getting better. Wonwoo visited every single day and brought you snacks that you like. After getting closer this few days, Wonwoo was able to see how great of a person you are.
One day, he was coming into the hospital when he saw you with the children in the reading corner. You read them a book and made sure everyone was engaged. The way you smiled at them, made Wonwoo feel so proud of your kindness.
He would usually see you pushing older residents through the garden and talking to them.
He realised how much he missed of you. How you deserved that much kindness and humility back.
Wonwoo came into your hospital room that one time and you fell asleep waiting for him. You looked so peaceful, so beautiful that Wonwoo couldn’t help but raise his hand and brush away your stray hair before staring at you.
He left a peck on your forehead.
Day 18
You were finally being discharged. The doctors ran some tests and made sure you were completely healed but still had to avoid some physical activities in school.
The whole day the two of you ran to the children’s room and the older residents’s room, handing out snacks and flowers, wishing for their quick recovery.
Everyone hugged you before you left, thanking you for spending time with them.
With the promise that you would return and visit them, you left the hospital, hand in hand with Wonwoo.
Your parents were busy, thus they thanked Wonwoo for helping to see you home.
Wonwoo saw the big smile on your face and finally got up the courage, “So y/n”
you faced him and hummed.
“i was wondering, if, if you know we could come visit them together?” He said, hand in the nape of his neck.
You nodded quickly, happy that he wanted to spend more time with you. You couldn’t contain your excitement and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
Wonwoo carefully twirled you around and chuckled. “and, maybe afterwards, i could really bring you to the movies?”
You nodded, hands on his neck and his on your waist.
“I fell in love with you Y/n L/n, now it’s my turn to take care of you. Unconditionally”
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peachwatermelon01 · 3 years
Sweet Lies
Chapter 1
Summary: Park Hana, a former actress who is well known for winning both International and National Awards gave up her incredible hard earned career to enter the high society and marry the man that she loves. The said man is no other than Jung Jaehyun, Seoul hottest bachelor and heir to Jung Technology. Their six years of marriage life is blessed with their eight years old son Jung Yuno, and to people outside both are madly in love and faithful to one another. But are they really happy and in love? or Hana is just blinded with the sweet lies that Jaehyun told her? All will be known and tested when Hana tried to uncover the real identity of their son’s newly hired professional tutor Kim Yeri.
Cast: Jaehyun, Hana (y/n), Yeri, NCT, Rosé, Krystal Jung, Jessica Jung
Your deep slumber on the king-sized bed was interrupted by the alarm clock on your nightstand signaling you that it is 5 a.m. and you need to be up and ready to prepare your son for school and help the maids prepare breakfast for your husband and son. Jaehyun, your loving husband were still deep in his sleep with his arm ever so protectively wrapped around your small waist under the silk bed sheets. Jaehyun came back late last night due to work at the company, but it warms your heart that at the end of the day he would still come back into your arms. You tried your very best to rose out of bed without waking him up, as you know that he really needs that extra sleep. But your effort failed as the moment you touch Jaehyun’s arms the dimples on his check appear alongside the groggy smile. “where is my lovely wife going? It’s still too early” Jaehyun mumbles, still feeling very much sleepy. “it is 5 a.m. my love” you peck his forehead. “I need to be up and ready for my two heroes”. Jaehyun tried his best to peak at you with his heavy eyes “we’ll be fine, so come back to bed and cuddle me. I had a really hard day and I need my wife to make me feel better”. “I’m afraid that your wife is unavailable right now, come on Jae.. I need to be up or else Yuno and you will be late for school and work” Jaehyun let out a loud grumble, very much dissatisfied with your answer. “okay.. but let me have you for another 5 minutes” without waiting for your reply, Jaehyun tugs you into his arm and leave a long, sweet kiss on top of your head while trying his best to go back to sleep.
As soon as you are sure that your husband is sleeping again, you make your way to your walk-in closet that you share with your husband which is literally double the size of your suite master bedroom. You start your day by picking out your outfit, you decided to go with your signature midi gown. Today it is the ruched-sleeve flared midi gown from Self-Portrait alongside your pearl necklace that Jaehyun had gifted you on your wedding night. You have been wearing it every day ever since and it has become your signature style. If you have to say one of the perks of being Jaehyun’s wife, it is the rows and rows of designer brands clothes, jewelries, bags and shoes in your closet. Even though, you got to wear these expensive clothes ever since you were actively working as an actress. The clothes that are presented to you as Jaehyun’s wife are super exclusive and some are made just for you, as it is the Jung family’s rule to look classy and different from others.
You went down the grand staircase towards the kitchen, where your maids and chefs are buzzing making the specified menu for breakfast. The main master of the house, Jaehyun preferred the traditional Kimchi Jigae while the young master Yuno is much more westernized, preferring pancakes with whip crème and fresh fruits for his breakfast. The staffs greeted you warmly, as your extra hand in the kitchen really helps them speed things up in the morning. “Morning everyone, has the organic fresh produce from New Zealand arrive?” you greeted the staff cheerily with a warm smile adorning your face. “Morning Ma’am, yes they have just arrived” said the sous chef. “Great! let us start preparing breakfast for the two masters, shall we?” you laugh lightheartedly. Despite being the Madame of the house, the staffs really thought of you as a very kind, elegant and very understanding lady who treated her staff like her own family. That is the sole reason why they are always loyal and happy to be working in the mansion that are obviously a bit too big for three people to be living in.
Once the breakfast is ready to be served, you went up to your eight years old son’s room to wake him up for school. The white grand door to his room is slightly opened which is odd, considering you make sure to shut it close right after tugging him into bed last night. You tiptoe to his room and peak inside; you heart is thumping heavily and ready to scream at the top of your lungs just in case there is an intruder in the room trying to hurt your baby boy. But what you saw, were totally different from what you have imagined. There on the race car shaped single bed is Jaehyun cuddling with his son under the blanket, Yuno’s head rest calmly on top of his father’s chest while Jaehyun has his arms wrapped around Yuno’s small frame in a protective manner. Your heart immediately settles and warms at the sight in front of you, it pains you to have to break them apart for the sake of getting them up and ready for the day.
You make your way to the bed carefully and sat on the edge of it, you caress your son’s head gently trying to wake him up. “Yuno-ya it’s time to wake up my love” Yuno complains and further cuddle into his dad’s chest, and that wakes Jaehyun up instantly. “You should wake up and get ready for work too love” Jaehyun looks up to you and with a gentle smile he said “I think I would not be able to wake up unless I get a kiss from my queen” his deep dimples glows in the dark, with his cheeky smile that always manage to make you have butterflies in your stomach  “what are you going on about Jae, Yuno is here. Stop it and hurry up” Jaehyun gave you a very confused faced that you know damn well as his antics to get what he wants. “I don’t know what you are talking about, my love. kisses or I’ll go back to sleep” with that Jaehyun closes his eyes again, trying to get back to sleep. You know that unless you gave in to what he wants there is no way his going to wake up. You quickly lean down to peck his lips, and once both of your lips touch, Jaehyun took the opportunity to hold you in place by wrapping his arms around your waist. What was supposed to be a simple peck turns into a sweet long kiss where both of you could not help but smile into it. “ewww!! eomma appa!! That is so gross!!” Yuno complains with both of his tiny hands on his eyes trying to block his view of his parents. You broke away from Jaehyun and could not help on pinching Yuno’s chubby cheecks looking at his cute actions. “eomma have to give a kiss to my cute prince Yuno as well, right??” knowing that you are going to smother his face with kisess, Yuno bolted out of bed heading straight to the bathroom to get ready for school. His messy curls bouncing everywhere while he runs. You and Jaehyun could not help but laugh at the sight of your cute son.
Jaehyun came down to the dining area with his son’s tiny hand in his, and you notice that his tie is hanging around his neck undone. “why is your tie undone love?” you make your way to him and naturally tie his tie for him. Jaehyun took this opportunity to hug your waist “I don’t know, I can’t seem to do them this morning. It’s like I suddenly does not know how to do it, thank god my wife is an expert” his face is flushed pink with dimples prominent as ever. You know that was just a lame excuse that Jaehyun make to have you do it for him. You slapped his chest and shake your head with his antics. You carried Yuno to his seat and further assist him with his breakfast.  After breakfast, you strap your son’s bag on him and get ready to send him away to school with your assistant. “Yuno-yah, be good in school and listen well to your teachers, okay?” you said while crouching down to your child’s level so you can look into his brown dear like eyes. “eung eomma!” Yuno nods his head cutely and hugs your neck while giving your cheeks a peck. “eomma bye bye!” “bye bye my love”.
While you were getting Jaehyun’s briefcase for him, you reminded him about the new tutor for Yuno that will be moving in soon. “love, the new tutor recommended by your sister will be here today. If you happen to come across her around the house, be gentle and welcoming please” you tried to warn Jaehyun as he has known to be cold with the people that he is not familiar with. “and no more firing tutor without me knowing, do you know how hard it is to find a really good one these days?” you gave a wary eye to Jaehyun which he replied with caresses on your arms “I’ll try my best love, I have to go now. see you tonight, love you” he pecks your forehead and leave for work.
You receive a phone call shortly after that from your sister-in-law Jung Soojung and without any hesitation you pick it up. “Eonni wae? (hey sis, what’s going on)”, “I just want to inform you that Ms Kim Yeri, Yuno’s new tutor is arriving soon. I hope she is the perfect match as I really have to pull some strings to get her for you. Apparently, she graduated from Harvard Law School thus making it super hard to employ her.” Soojung clearly sounded distress on the other line. “ah geuraeyo (ah really) okay I’ll make sure to make her as comfortable as possible, thanks a lot for hiring her for us it really means a lot for Yuno’s future.” You tried your best to express your thankfulness to her so that she will feel assured that her hard work is much appreciated. “anything for my favorite boy, ahh and ask Jaehyun to tone down his temper this is the 3rd time in a month since he fired a tutor.” You sigh.. Jaehyun has a very short temper when it comes to anyone near his family, this man treasures his family more than his life. One wrong step and you are out of the door. “I’ll keep that in mind eonni, he must have his reasons to fire them. I’ll make sure it won’t happen again this time eonni.” You massage your temple, trying your best to really assured your sister-in-law that it will be different this time. “alright, if there’s any problem do not hesitate to call me up kay. I’ll see you around” with that she hangs up the phone on you. Soojung is a very poise, elegant and strict woman and she does not shy away on being hard on you from time to time. It was a struggle to settle with her attitude at first, but once you really got to known her you realize that she is very similar to Jaehyun. Cold on the outside but warm in the inside, explains much on why Jaehyun is super close with the second born of the Jung family. At-least she still treats you decently and warms up to you even if she shares the same hatred as her oldest sister on your background as an actress at first. They deemed you to be too tacky to be a Jung.  30 minutes after the phone call, a staff of the house informed you that the new tutor has arrived. “escort her to my study please” you said warmly to the staff.
While you were seated in your study, the grand door was opened and walks in a woman clad in a red dress coat from Burberry and a matching Kelly bag in hand, her legs are covered with a limited edition red bottoms. How come a professional tutor could effort such expensive items? You thought to yourself. “Annyeonghasaeyo samonim (hello madame), I’m Yuno’s new tutor Kim Yeri imnida” she greets you with a stone-cold expression. “Hello Ms Kim, and welcome to my humble home. Have a seat.” The new tutor took a sit opposite you and proceed to cross her legs. You grimace at the action as you thought of the consequences of having your legs crossed while seated with the seniors of the Jung’s family. The distaste was very much apparent on their faces when you crossed your legs on the very first meeting with the Jung’s. “I guess an actress is very comfortable for having no manners” said Jung Mija who is now known as your mother-in-law. You were clueless on why such comment were thrown at you, until the eldest daughter of the Jung family Jung Sooyeon threw a comment supporting her mother. “I told you eomma, she’s too tacky to be us” while dragging her eyes down to your crossed legs. That was the signal that makes you understand that it is forbidden to have your legs crossed when meeting the Jung’s. Apparently, the Jung’s family motto is to always be as poise and elegant as a Queen thus why it is forbidden for any Jung’s family members to seat with their legs crossed at any occasion. 
“I hope chamomile is fine for you Ms Kim.” You said as you pick up your cup of tea. “yes, ma’am I very much appreciate it” Ms Kim took a sip of her tea. “So Ms Kim, I heard a lot of you from my sister-in-law. Apparently, you graduated from Harvard?” “Ah yes, law school to be exact. I went under a top student scholarship program” A staff member knocks on the door signaling that she is coming in to set a tray of biscuits for your guest to enjoy. “I see, you must be a very bright student to be chosen. It was my dream school you know, until I gave it up for my acting career” you continue to laugh light heartedly. “I hope with your credibility, my son could further his studies there too. I mean you’re an alumnus of course you are familiar with the qualities that they want right?” you look up from your cup of tea. “I’ll try my very best ma’am” said the tutor as she sips her cup of tea so elegantly. You noticed that she has a very pretty face, and the red lipstick on her lips really suits her that she could easily won any guy’s heart. “Anyways, my son Yuno is a very gentle kid, he listens to instructions well. So, I hope you can be gentle with him too. But if there are any problems, please contact me immediately.” You smiled gently as you recalled on how soft of a boy your son is. “oh! I am sure my sister-in-law had told you that you would be living with us. Even if I am a housewife, I still have a tight schedule. So, I hope you can cater to Yuno’s from time to time, my assistant will provide you with Yuno’s schedule to help you familiarize with Yuno’s activities”. 
Ms Kim has a very unreadable expression that it could even come off as if she is not listening to anything you were saying at all, as she continues to sip her tea. “To begin with, Yuno will be arriving from school at 3 and he will have his snacks at this time. Please make sure that he takes his daily intakes of milk and make sure to warm it up to 70°C. Oh! and please don’t hit it up with the microwave.” You look up to Ms Kim, and notice that she is staring out the floor to ceiling window of your study looking at the Japanese garden. This bothers you a lot as you had hope for her to take some notes, as it really annoys you if someone miss out such important points. “Ms Kim are you not going to take some notes?” you said with a calm expression. Ms Kim turns to look at you and smirk, “that is not necessary, worry not as I have it at the back of my head.” She said smugly which kind of bothers you. “very well then, I hope you don’t forget this. It really bothers me if you do. My assistant will brief you further, but for now make sure that Yuno is refresh before his violin lesson.” As if it was a que, Ms Kim stood up and reach for her bag ready to be escorted out to her living quarters. “Ms Kim, I really love your bag. Some people need to be waitlisted to get it” you said while sipping your tea. Ms Kim who looks surprised quickly replied “it’s a counterfeit ma’am, they have it a lot at the market”. You give her a lopsided smile “I love the coat too; it suits you well” Ms Kim only gave you a half smile as a reply and she proceed to follow a staff to her living quarters”. 
It bothers you with the fact that the new tutor comes off a bit cocky and lavish. You recalled when your sister-in-law gave you Ms Kim’s profile, it was never stated that she came from any rich household. In fact, she grew up in an orphanage. You started to become wary as you do not want your son to be near any suspicious people. You decided not to think too much of it and decided to try and trust Ms Kim. After all she is suggested by your trusted sister-in-law. She must have tutored a few other rich kids to be able to afford such lifestyle. At the end of the day, you are paying her a huge amount of money too for this job. Your thoughts are interrupted by a phone call from your eldest sister-in-law Jung Sooyeon, which you kind of having a love and hate relationship with. She makes it clear as a day that she despises you. Furthermore, the fact that your father in law favors you does not sit well with the eldest Jung either. 
Hello everyone, this is my first attempt on writing so please understand if it is lacking a lot. English is not my first language, sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy this story, thank you!
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stillebesat · 5 years
Dance with Me
Sanders Sides: Patton, Logan Blurb: Patton’s never had a father figure to bring to his ballet class for Valentine’s Day like all the other kids before. But this year...he might. Fic Type: Hurt/Comfort, General, Human!AU, Child!Patton Warnings: Neglectful Parent mention 
Patton hovered in the doorway of his Dad’s study, biting his lip as he ran his thumbs over the paper in his hands. An invitation from his ballet teacher to the fathers of her students, inviting them to a daddy-daughter -or in his case, son’s- Valentine’s dance lesson.
It was nothing to be nervous or ashamed about. Even if his Dad didn’t understand Patton’s love for ballet, Logan hadn’t discouraged him from taking his lessons. Hadn’t even complained when he needed to take him to dance class three times a week, doing his best to keep Patton’s routine normal. 
As normal as it could be after his mom had shoved a suitcase in his hands, driven him to his Dad’s doorstep, and abandoned him there two months ago stating that Patton was now Logan’s responsibility before she vanished, haring off to Vegas to ‘make it big.’
But having his Dad take him to class was one thing. Participating? 
Patton swallowed. His Dad was so serious compared to his wild and flighty mother. He’d barely seen Logan without his signature tie around his neck since they met and at this point he was nearly positive his Dad slept with the thing on, despite his assurances that he didn’t. It just--
Despite himself he jumped, a small squeak of surprise escaping his lips as he looked up, seeing his Dad staring at him from his desk, pen held at the ready over his paper. 
“Uh...h-hi--hello Da--Father.” Patton said, internally wincing at the tremble in his voice. His Dad was serious. He needed to sound serious for this even though he already expected the answer to be no. 
Last Valentine’s day his Mom’s then-boyfriend had practically blown a fuse at being asked to do such a ‘girly’ thing. Outright refusing to the point where Patton had had to sneak out of his bedroom window to make it to his lesson. 
And while his real Dad was nothing like that other man, Patton had never seen him do anything...well ‘fun.’ 
It’s just a no. I can be the only one by myself again. It’s okay.
Logan raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes, so much like Patton’s own, growing sharp as he twisted his chair to fully face him. “What do you have there, son?” 
Patton swallowed again, struggling to keep eye contact. “I...it’s...an invitation for you.” He managed to get out. 
“For me?” His dad leaned forward, holding out his hand. “For what?” 
Patton dropped his eyes, moving two quick flowing steps closer to practically shove the paper into Logan’s hands, barely giving his Dad two seconds to look at it before jumping in with an explanation. “To--to come tomydanceclassforValentinesdaytodancewithmebutyoudon’thavetoifyoudon’tawanttoIunderstanditsnot--” He babbled, unable to look up and see the disgust in his father’s eyes as he braced himself to hear his Dad’s stiff refusal. “ItsokayoudonthavetocomeI’msorryitwasstup--” He flinched as Logan slid from the chair onto his knees, gently taking Patton’s shoulders. He closed his eyes, breath hitching. 
Here comes the no. 
“I’ll be there.” 
Patton froze, eyes shooting open to stare at his Dad. “What?” He choked out. No. He had to misheard, why would he want to come--
“I’ll be there.” Logan repeated, squeezing his shoulders. “At your class. It’s not stupid at all, alright?” 
“But--” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His Dad...was coming? He wasn’t saying no? Wasn’t telling him it was a dumb girly thing to do? “But it’s not--you’ll be dancing too and you’re so serious and it’s--”
For the first time, his Dad’s expression softened, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Something you enjoy, Pat. I know--” He exhaled, shrugging one shoulder. “I’m not as expressive as you are, but son.” 
“I will do my best to support you in your passions.” Logan adjusted his tie, before moving a hand up to fidget with his glasses. “If you want me to come, I’ll come. 
“But you’ll be dancing.” Patton breathed, vision blurring as he tried to wrap his head around the mental image of his Dad attempting to twirl around the studio in his usual suit and tie. “You’ll look silly and unprofessional. You don’t--you don’t have to--”
Logan wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close into a hug. 
Patton buried his head in his Dad’s chest, squeezing him tightly, cheeks quickly growing wet as fingers ran through his curly hair. 
“I admit, I am uncomfortable with the idea.” Logan said softly, gently rocking him. “But I can only assume that the other Fathers there will look just as silly.” 
Patton choked on a laugh, nodding. “One--one Dad fe-fell and put a-a hole in the wa-wall last year.” 
Logan’s chest shook under his head. “I hope I’m more coordinated than that, I don’t think you got your skills from your Mom after all.” He said, the faintest traces of laughter in his voice. 
Patton snorted, relaxing against him. “She-she’s not that bad.” He mumbled, it wasn’t like she couldn’t walk across the room without tripping over nothing but--
“I expect she falls down the stairs at least once a week if not twice.” Logan remarked. “She always had bruises on her arms and knees in high school.” 
Nothing much had changed then. 
“She always said she ‘literally fell’ for you.” And every other guy she’d brought home. It was her signature move really, to trip in front of her next ‘catch.’ 
Logan huffed, “Broke my glasses that day.” He remarked, pulling back, carefully loosening the tie around his neck. “But the point is, you don’t need to worry about inviting me to things, Patton. If I look silly then I’ll look silly.” He placed a finger under Patton’s chin, raising his head to meet his eyes. “It’s worth it to spend time with you and I’m honored that you want to, considering the circumstances.” 
Patton took a breath. Considering the circumstances. Yah, he supposed most kids in his situation would hate their Dad for not being in their lives before now. 
But how could he blame Logan for not being there when his Mom had never told him of Patton’s existence before basically dumping him at his door? 
His Dad had done so much for him since then. Had made an effort to make him feel wanted. To feel included. To feel...to feel at home right away. Never once had he lamented the fact that Patton was now under his care. Never once had he threatened to put him in the Foster System for something he’d done. Logan had even told Patton that he could call him Dad if he wanted to on that first awkward day without any hesitation, already accepting that Patton was there to stay. That he would be a Father. 
“You’re...sure?” Patton asked, brushing at his eyes. 
Logan nodded, gesturing to the invitation on the floor next to them. “I’m sure.” 
Patton grinned, his heart pounding with tentative anticipation as he wrapped his arms around his Dad again, squeezing him tight. “Thank you.” He whispered as Logan hugged him back.
He hummed, resting his chin on Patton’s head. “For what?” 
“For wanting to.” 
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peachymarkeu · 4 years
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𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: NCT 127 x OC
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: Fluff, Angst & Suggestive
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: What is it like being an 18 year old girl that had just moved into her new apartment and then suddenly meeting the people she would consider to be her brothers while being away from her parents?
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4: 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘 𝓝𝓮𝓮𝓭𝓮𝓭
‘Uh- the hell is that sound, can’t you see I’m sleeping’ I thought.
The ringing sound stopped for a while so I continued sleeping peacefully until.
Kringg…Kringg... Kring…
‘Oh come on again.’ I thought in my sleep again.
Once again the ringing stopped and I went back to sleep again.
“Aish what is that sound.” I said while looking for my phone on the nightstand.
I was pushing stuff off the stand until I found my phone. When I got it I realized that it was the one that was making the loud ringing noise.
“Agh- I was sleeping so well then I heard this aish. The hell its only ei-” I cut my rambling once I saw the details on my phone.
January 8, 2021 | Monday | 8:30 am
‘Shit, I’m LATE!’
I got up as quickly as I could and went straight to the bathroom. Since I’m already so late there was no time to take a shower and fix my hair and stuff. All I did was brush my teeth, comb my hair and started to put on my uniform. After putting on my uniform I went out of the bathroom and went straight to my front door to put on my shoes. I didn’t bother getting breakfast at this point, I can just eat something in the cafeteria. After putting on my shoes I got my school bag, coat and keys and went out of my apartment. Once I got out I saw Auntie Minjie getting ready to go out, to the grocery i guess since she there was a little shopping stroller beside her.
“Oh good morning Yuna!” Auntie Minjie Greeted me.
“Good morning Auntie Minjie! Sorry I really need to go now I'm super late for school!” I told her while running backwards towards the elevator.
“Have a good day and travel safe!” she told me while waving.
“Thank you! You too!” I yelled back still while running.
I was near the elevator and saw the doors slowly closing. 
“WAIT!” I yelled and put my hand in between the doors before it closed so that It wouldn’t close.
I got inside and leaned on the elevator walls. The ground floor button was already pressed so I didn’t have to worry about that anymore. I closed my eyes while trying to catch my breath from all the running.
‘Ugh, what way to start the week’ I thought to myself
My hair was covering my face which was why I couldn’t really see whoever was inside the elevator as well. I didn’t even care who was inside. The only thing in my mind was getting to school before the bell rings. I checked the time using my phone and saw 8;45 am flashed on my screen. This was a huge problem. Still need to learn how to get to my school from my apartment. I hit my head 3 times and tried to compose a plan before getting off the elevator.
‘Ok so I’ll search for the directions on my phone, make a run for it and pray that I’ll be able to get to school on time.’ I formulated my plan in my head.
I opened my navigation app and placed my location and the school’s location. I loaded real quickly so I saw the calculations and directions for me to get to my school. It said that it was a 30 minute walk to my school from my apartment so if I run to school I might get there twice as fast and half the time. 
Once the elevator doors opened I sprinted out the elevator and the building. I kept running while looking at my phone for the directions. I was halfway to my school until I tripped and scraped my knees. I saw that my shoes were untied. I guess I didn’t notice them getting untied while I was running.
“Aish you’re so stupid Yuna. You should’ve double tied your shoes so that this wouldn't have happened now you’re wasting time.” I said, talking to myself like a crazy person.
I got up again and checked my phone for the directions. I checked the time and it read 8:55 am. I only had 5 minutes left. I ran as fast as I could until I reached my school. When I arrived I was already 10 minutes late for class. I sprinted up the stairs up until the 3rd floor. I arrived at my classroom and opened the sliding door forcefully which made a loud noise. Every head in the classroom turned to me including the teacher.
“Kim Yuna late.” the teacher announced to the class.
“I’m sorry sir I woke up late this morning and-” I rambled.
“I don’t care about your excuses so go and take your seat. You’ve already disturbed the class.” the teacher snapped at me. 
I bowed to him still as a sign of respect and quietly proceeded to my seat. As I walked across the room all eyes were still on me. Classmates of mine were whispering at each other and were chuckling while looking at me. I must’ve looked like such a wreck. I felt so humiliated that I kept my head down while walking. When I reached my empty seat, I saw my elementary friend, Lee Sungho sitting beside it.
“Hey Yuna, you alright…?” he asked me carefully.
Before I could answer him the teacher cut me.
“So what were we discussing before I was rudely interrupted by your classmate Miss Kim Yuna?” he said, emphasising the word rudely as if he was rubbing it on my face.
I heard a few of my classmates laughing before the teacher continued with his lesson. I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life that tears were brimming my eyes. I felt Sungho tap my shoulder lightly as a sign of comfort. I looked at him and gave him a small smile, assuring him that I was alright. After that I tried my best to focus on the discussion while  restricting myself from letting my tears fall.
*School Chime Ring*
“Class Dismissed. Everyone may now step out of the classroom except for Ms. Kim Yuna” the teacher said while fixing his things on his desk.
‘Well shit’ I thought to myself.
“Yuna-yah, I’ll wait for you outside,” Sungho told me. I bowed to him as an acknowledgment as he strutted out the classroom.
Slowly, I walked to the front of the classroom to Mr. Park’s table. He was fixing some papers on his desk when he lifted his head and looked at me very sternly.
“Miss Kim, I am quite disappointed with you. You are close to failing my class then I see you come to class 15 minutes late.” he said in a very strict manner.
“I’m sorry” I said, bowing my head.
“You are in your senior year. You know that grades are very important to pass your college. You better study and get your grades up. I don’t want to see you coming to class late again. If you continue to have bad grades, say goodbye to entering college because there is no way I will be passing you in my class.” Mr. Park said while grabbing his things and stepping out of the classroom.
I was left alone in the classroom with tears streaming down my face. As I felt them cascading down, I rubbed them off using the back of my hand. I got my things and went outside to meet Sungho who was waiting for me.
“Yah, you alright?” Sungho asked me. His face was full of concern.
“Hm… I’m alright.” I said hiding my sadness with a small smile.
We proceeded to go to the cafeteria for lunch. When we got there, students were lined up, some were even cutting in line just to get what they wanted. Sungho and I waited patiently in line. He sparked up a conversation about his funny experience during his soccer training yesterday. I laughed at all his stories which made my mood become better until.
“Yah move” she said in a very annoyed tone. She cut in line and was now infront of me.
Gwan Aeri. The girl who seems to be so annoyed with me everytime. I don’t know why she’s so annoyed with me since I never did anything to her. Plus, she’s my number one bully. She would push me around, embarrass me and all that stupid stuff. Good thing she wasn’t in Mr. Park’s class. If she was, I would be suffering a lot by now.
I saw her getting her food already so Sungho and I got our trays and started to get food as well. She didn’t get much only bread and milk. I saw her open the milk carton and turn towards me. She bumped me intentionally and “accidentally” spilled her milk on me. My uniform top was drenched in milk.
“Oops, sorry.” Aeri said to me without any sincerity.
All the students inside the cafeteria were looking at me. Some were whispering, somewhere chuckling at me again. Sungho took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders to cover me up. Tears were pricking my eyes again from the second time I got humiliated. I continued to get my food with Sungho. Sungho thought that it was better to eat out in the schoolyard rather than inside the cafeteria. We ate in silence. Sungho would sometimes spark up a conversation but I really wasn’t up to talk at that moment.
After lunch, classes continued and I really was not in the mood to listen to the teachers. I would sometimes doodle, stare at something or just zone out. The day miraculously ended really fast and I went home right away. I felt so physically and mentally drained. While walking home, pain from my scraped knee was now there so every step, there was always this stinging sensation. 
I got home and entered the elevator. No one was inside so I sat down on the floor and let my tears fall freely. I hated this day. First I came in late while I scraped my knee, I got scolded and got milk poured all over me. I was completely done for today. When I entered my apartment I dropped my bag and went straight to bed, ignoring the huge amount of assignments I needed to accomplish, and took a really long nap.
I woke up and looked outside my window and saw that it was already dark. The nap helped me recharge physically but I was still tired mentally. I didn’t know what got into me but I found myself going to the building's veranda and just enjoying the city’s view. To be honest, this was the most relaxing part of my day. I was drowning myself in the city’s noise and view until I heard the door to the veranda open. I was ready to tackle this person down but was then surprised to see who was there.
“Oh, Yuna-yah annyeong!” Taeil Oppa said.
“Taeil Oppa annyeong!” I said back less nervous knowing that we’ve already met.
He sat beside me while looking at the view. We both enjoyed the silence until he spoke up.
“How was your day? I saw you sprinting out the elevator this morning.” he said while I was shocked.
“H-how di-” 
“I was the one inside the elevator with you. Didn’t know that you didn't notice me. I was about to call out to you until you ran out once the doors opened.” he said to me which made me remember everything that happened that day again. Tears were brimming my eyes again and Taeil Oppa took notice of it while staring at my face. Before I could answer his question earlier he spoke again.
“You know, whenever I feel down or frustrated I would always come up here and relax to let out everything.” he said and I looked at him. He was looking out into the horizon while speaking then his eyes were back to me.
“You don’t have to keep it to yourself. You don’t have to stop yourself from crying. You can let it all out.” he said in the softest voice. 
With this, tears fell down my cheeks nonstop. Taeil Oppa pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly and I cried my heart out. I cried for a while but he never let me go. When I stopped crying and had already collected myself Taeil Oppa spoke again.
“I hope you feel better now since you’ve let it all out.” he said and smiled at me and I smiled back.
“Thank you Oppa.” I said to him while still smiling.
“You know it's getting quite chilly already. How about we go to our apartment and we’ll have some ramen.” he said.
“I-uh thank you for the offer but don’t want to disturbed you guys.” I said trying to politely decline but he still insisted.
“ No, no it's alright, we’ve got the day off tomorrow so it's no problem.” he said.
“We’ll if it won't be a problem to you guys” I said
“Ok lezgetit” he said in a high tone which made me giggle.
We both went to the door and he opened it for me. I went inside and he followed.
‘That was the comfort that I needed’
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standbi-ghost · 4 years
Hand in Mine, Into Your Icy Blues
Words: 2872
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Child neglect, implied abuse
Hey hey, you you, prefer reading fics on ao3? https://archiveofourown.org/works/27850118
AU where ghost hunting is a respected profession and captured ghosts are used as tools in order to find other ghosts, *insert Danny angst because I love seeing the boy suffer*
The Fentons are America's top ghost researchers, famous for their work, infamous for their neglectful habits. Jazz finds their newest research subject down in the lab.
It was weird to live with the fact that your parents are “big shots” in their profession when you have to come home to them every day. Especially when you didn’t seem to know your parents at all when all you saw of them were the shadows behind their studies.
Growing up as an only child was, in the nicest way possible, lonely. Which is why Jasmine Fenton found herself raised by the books on her shelf and the curiosity in her heart. Sure, her parents were there at the start, it would be cruel to leave a newborn baby to fend for herself, but the moment she showed signs of independence.
It was fine. Everything she could ever need she could find on her own. She taught herself to cook, to clean, to spell the extra difficult words in her 3rd grade English class, to solve the laborious equations in her honors Pre-Cal class. She earned the food she made, she reveled in the clean citrus smell of her room, she earned the praise from her teachers. And when she found she couldn’t connect to the other students, she just reminded herself that she didn’t need the warm embrace of a mother, the thunderous laugh of a father, nor did she need friends. She could take care of herself.
Which is why she found herself sat in front of the only thing her parents ever shielded her from.
It was a sad sight to say the least. It seemed like it was more bruises and taunt broken bones, if it even had bones, than skin. She had always been known for her soft heart, always giving others second chances even when they were undeserving. Which is why she found herself in front of the very thing that shouldn’t ever be shown that kind of weakness.
Apart from the obvious signs of abuse, it was all teeth and claws, snarling at her even now. She was sure that if she were to let it out, it wouldn’t hesitate in killing her and her parents.
The growl that erupted from its chest broke her away from her thoughts. The cold basement floor seemed to get colder as she stared into its eyes. There was a flash of something before his gaze was consumed by guarded anger.
“Hey, it’s okay,” the closer she got the more aggressive it seemed to get, “it’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. Look!”
She opened her palm to reveal a cookie she had snuck down with her. If Pavlov taught her anything, it’s that the favors of any being, be it a dog or undead monstrosity, can be won over through positive stimuli.
“Here see, I’ll have some too! It’s really good, I’m sure you’ll like it!”
At this point in her life, she wasn’t really sure of anything anymore. Life had been so much easier when her parents were just some far to reach superheroes she barely saw. She used to think like them, that ghosts, if you could even call them that, were just balls of left-over emotion from when a person died. That ghosts were some kind of monster in the closet that her parents could just scare away with their presence. That they were less than the dust bunnies under her bed. But there were skeletons in that closet too. Awful, immoral experiments, living dissections, and the screams. She doesn’t hate her parents, far from it, she loves them with all her heart, but the studies they were a part of? The less empathic members in their field? Hunters? Those were fair game to hate.
She split the cookie into two messy halves, popping one in her mouth as she nudged the other closer to the teeth in front of her. The teeth glared back.
“Okay, I get it, I’ll be on my way, but this isn’t the last you’ll see of me.”
With that, she got up, dusted her jeans off, and with her took the only light present in the basement lab.
She didn’t catch the small ‘thank you’ that followed.
Once in her room, Jazz let the tears slip. Whatever was in her parents’ basement was really pulling at her heartstrings. The thing looked to be no older than 15 years old, it was a child. But looks can be deceiving. She couldn’t begin to count how many of these child ghosts had attempted a massacre, how many of them seemed innocent enough to fool someone out of their own free will. Child or not, whatever was in the basement was dangerous. She was playing with fire here. But the look of hurt in his eyes seemed real; felt real. And, if anything, he seemed more at risk of being hurt by her rather than the other way around. He was as thin as a twig and too exhausted to do much of anything. If she could only-
Jazz shook the thoughts out of her head, plopping herself on her bed. Since when had ‘it’ become a ‘he’? And more importantly, why was there fear in his eyes?
“Jazzy pants, we’re home! We’ll be in the lab if you need us. “We left 20 bucks on the dinner table, go ahead and order some take-out for yourself!”
She sighed as she pushed herself off and out of her room. As she dialed the number to the first restraint that came to mind, she couldn’t help her thoughts wandering to the bag of bones locked in the lab just beneath her feet.
“Hi, thank you for calling Shanghai Inn what can I get started for yah?”
“Yeah, can I get some Vegetable Chow Mein and two Egg Rolls please?”
By the time her parents had finally stepped out of the lab, the food had long since gone cold. She tiptoed down into the basement and cracked open the door into darkness. There was a green glow and something of a soft hum emanating from something shoved in the corner of the lab. Taking a deep breath, she mustered up the courage to fully plunge into the shadows and crept towards the covered cage. One hand holding a plate of Chinese take-out, she fumbled with her phone until it pierced the darkness.
Almost instantly the hum ceased, again plunging her into a deafening silence.
“Hey, um, I’m back and I brought more goodies!”
There was a sudden sound of rustling before a quiet sniffle was heard. At that, she closed the distance between her and the cage in front of her and she peeled back the sheet over it.
She almost threw up there and then.
It- he was barely holding himself together, literally. He was tightly hugging his bleeding torso. A less perceptive person would’ve pegged it as the remnants of whatever was the creature’s last meal, but Jazz saw the jagged cuts he was trying but failing, to conceal. He’d been vivisected. He’d been vivisected by her own parents.
She dropped to her knees, the meal in her hands forgotten. That seemed to startle him back to reality because he began his growling again. This time a lot more defensive and a lot less forgiving.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s just me see? It’s just me.” She said as she put her hands up in what she hoped was a universal surrender.
He seemed to study her as his head tilted, growl dissipating. In another life, she would’ve called it cute, adorable even, but right now she was trying her hardest not to scream out of instinctual fear. After he seemed to deem her safe enough to his standards, he went back to picking at his chest, the quiet hum returning to the room.
“I don’t know if you can understand me, like, at all, but I can help you with that,” she pointed to his exposed chest. She hadn’t noticed it when she first walked in, but it seemed to be the source of the soft glow in the room. He was sluggishly bleeding what she guessed was the ectoplasm her parents studied.
Again, he responded with empty eyes and a head tilt.
Were her parents right? Was this an unfeeling killer she was kneeled in front of? Of course they were right, how could she, someone who’s never even thought of looking into ghosts before, compete with the two most respected researchers in the field. Hell, they’ve got to have their PhDs mounted somewhere in this lab. She should’ve known better. She should’ve-
A whine echoed through the lab. She looked up from her lap to find the dead’s eyes locked on her. Once he seemed sure that her attention was on him, he gave a slight nod of his head, gesturing to his shredded torso.
“You want me to help?”
Another nod.
“Okay, alright, that’s good- I mean, not good, but, okay”
She scattered away from the injured boy, mentally making a list of materials she would need to stitch him back up. She would need a first aid kit, naturally, she would also need some kind of suture that would actually hold, the Fenton net might. Her mind was racing, trying to figure out how to do the task at hand. The poor kid wasn’t in any shape to move, so how could she tend to him from outside the cage? Unless-
“Okay, for this to work we’re going to have to trust each other okay?” she paused, was she really going through with this? “I’m going to have to be able to trust that you won’t just randomly decide to kill me and make me your next meal,”
At that, he made an adorably disgusted face. Ancients he was definitely growing on her.
“and you’re going to have to trust me to not cut you open or something, deal?” she pressed her pinkie into the cage. She didn’t know why she did it, it was a childish gesture she grew out of ages ago, she was 18 making a deal for her life for crying out loud, not some child promising friendship, to a dead who probably didn’t even understand the gesture nonetheless.
The boy gave a small smile a wrapped his own pinkie around hers.
It was small, if she hadn’t been overanalyzing his every move, every sound, in fear of her life, she would’ve missed it. But she didn’t.
“You can speak?”
Everything in her parents’ research pointed to the fact that ghosts were incapable of complex thinking, they were just echoes of a former person after all. Yet here this boy was, spitting in the face of her parents’ years of research.
A small nod was all she got in return.
“Okay,” she was starting to think her vocabulary was slowly diminishing to just the word ‘okay’.
“Alright, I’m going to go upstairs and look for what I need to fix, that,” she gestured to him, “I brought this up here,” she said as she picked up the overlooked food, “It’s not much, and not very healthy, but it’s all I have at the moment and It’ll do. Feel free to munch on it all you want, I should be back in a minute, my parents went out with some old college friends and shouldn’t be back till tomorrow afternoon.”
He simply watched her ramble on in fascination. She didn’t know where these mother-hen instincts were coming from, but she wasn’t complaining. The kid was nothing short of adorable.
“uh- anyways, you probably want this,” she said as she pushed the plate into the cage.
She watched in mirrored fascination as he sniffed the food and began eating it. That didn’t faze her though, what caught her by surprise was that he very clearly knew how to use the chopsticks provided with the meal, especially with one hand fighting to keep himself from spilling onto the basement floor.
Leaving him to finish the meal, she set to finding the supplies in her mental checklist. Once she had what she needed, she made her way down into the lab, making sure to swipe the keys hanging by the entrance to the lab.
She unceremoniously dropped everything in front of the ghost boy, startling him into a flinch. She winced.
“Sorry.” She sent a sheepish smile to the kid who sent his very own.
This is the moment she’d been dreading. There was no way she would be able to stitch him back up and keep him locked in the cage. She would have to defy her parents’ one rule. Never trust a ghost. But her parents had been wrong before. They said ghosts can’t feel pain, yet the ghost boy wined every time he placed accidental pressure on his wounds. They said ghosts can’t form complex thought, and yet he could, enough to speak to her at least. They said ghosts don’t need to eat, that they sustained themselves through ectoplasmic energy, yet here he was eating, using chopsticks.
“Okay, I’m going to let you out, but remember our deal,” she could still go back, she could still take all evidence of tonight, lock herself in her room and pretend this never happened. But as she looked into his green eyes, she couldn’t help but noticed the pale freckles splashed over his cheeks, noticed the way his hair frizzed from the dampness in the air, noticed the way her parents had left her with this supposed monster. The monster that was now attempting to balance one chopstick over the other.
“I trust you, and you trust me.”
With that, she unlocked the cage and instinctively stepped back.
She was expecting teeth and claws like when she first came across him, or maybe a slow crawl towards her, what she hadn’t expected was a pair of pinprick green eyes latched onto her in fear. He was scared of her.
She slowly made her way towards him, exaggerating her movements as to not startle him.
“You think I can carry you out of there? It’ll be easier for me to work out here rather than in there.”
There was a stiff nod before she carefully picked him up bridal style. He couldn’t weigh more than 50 pounds which she had no idea whether or not that was in a healthy range for him. Careful to not further aggravate his injuries, she put him down gently onto a clear area on the floor.
“Alright, I’m not going to lie, this is going to hurt, a lot, do you want me to talk to you while I do this?”
A nod.
“Okay, is there anything you like, or do you just want me to talk random?”
There was a hesitant look on his face before speaking for the second time that night,
“I like space.”
“Oh, well, I don’t know too much about space, but I do know some neat stories I can tell you!”
That’s how she found herself telling story after story of the few constellations she knew while stitching up a ghost kid she met not even 24 hours ago. A couple of stitches in and her hands began shaking, but the boy didn’t seem to mind. He was lost in her words and the worlds she was building for him. She hadn’t even noticed she was done until she went for the next stitch only to find an unmarred surface.
“and in his anger, Poseidon created Scylla to wreak havoc on seas and the seacoast!” she waved her fingers at him.
“He created Cetus, not Scylla, she’s a six headed monster.” he cheekily pointed out, sticking his tongue out for good measure.
“Okay mister know-it-all,” she cheekily grinned, “I think it’s time to head to bed.”
She quickly checked her phone to confirm it was half-past 4 in the morning and way too late (early?) to be discussing sea monsters.
Pocketing her phone, she looked up to see a terrified look yet again plastered on the ghost’s face.
“Please don’t put me back in there!” he wheezed, “I promise I won’t cause any trouble and you won’t have to see or hear from me ever again!”
“Hey, breathe, remember what I said about trust?”
He seemed to make a point of nodding at a neck-snapping speed.
“Well, right now, I can’t trust my parents, so come one, you’re staying in my room until further notice!”
It would be hard. Sneaking in extra food for him, keeping him quiet, hell, just explaining to her parents how the ghost in their lab escaped from right under her nose, was going to be tough. And her parents weren’t stupid. Neglectful? Yes. Valued their work over their own daughter? Understatement of the year. But it was worth a try for him.
And sure, she had always said she was fine being on her own, she had even declined her parents’ attempts to get her a kitten when she was 12, arguing that she was better off on her own, a lone wolf of sorts. But now, looking into the eyes of a kid, ancients he really was just a kid, who’s seen much more pain than she could ever imagine, having a little brother didn’t seem half bad.
“Yeah little bro, let’s go”
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Curtain (vi)
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Carol (2015) fan fiction
Pt: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Word Count: 1,969
Wednesday. 3pm
There were 16 students today, Therese noted, and it thrilled her. She'd attempted to find a spot to put some of the kids' artwork on display, but alas, Tucker would probably have her head for it.
As everyone got settled in, most kids familiar with each other and  the room now, Therese saw a small blonde girl lingering in the doorway. She was wearing overalls and a soft pink shirt underneath and eyeing the room nervously.
"Hi there," she said politely. "Are you here for art club?"
She nodded timidly, and Therese scanned the list quickly to find her.
"What's your name, sweetie?"
"Oh, that's a nice name, I like it," Therese said as she ticked off the name; Rindy Aird. The only Rindy she'd encountered in the whole school so far.
The toddler's face scrunched. "People say it's weird."
"Well, I like weird names. My name's weird too."
Rindy's eyes lit up. "Really?"
"Sure thing. Here, let's get you a seat. Do you like drawing?"
She got everyone settled in rather quickly with the promise of fruit gummies at the end of the day. She assigned each easel a number and got everyone set up with shared cups of paint that were distributed for every two or three kids (watered down, sadly, because she couldn't afford more), and she got them started on painting self-portraits.
Every student was also covered in an oversized dollar-store t-shirt to protect clothes from paint and Therese herself had a worn down paint shirt that hung down to the middle of her thighs.
The small girl with crazy blonde curls was struggling, trying desperately not to get paint on the shirt. Therese wandered around the easels and when she reached Rindy, the girl was scrunching her face in a frown.
"What's the matter, Rindy? How's your painting going?"
"Don't like it," she murmured. There were only a few stripes of purple and blue on the paper and she held the paintbrush by the furthest end, her small hand not strong enough to control the brushstrokes.
"Here, try holding the brush like this; it gives a better grip that way," Therese demonstrated, angling the brush and gripping closer to the top.
"But I'll get paint on my hands!"
"That's okay, you're allowed to get paint on your hands. We can alway wash it off."
"But paint on my clothes," Rindy said, not taking back the brush from Therese as she offered it. Therese noted that her paint shirt didn't have a single splatter on it at all.
"But you haven't got any on your clothes?"
"I don't wanna paint!" Rindy said abruptly, startling Therese. The first grader was close to tears and Therese quickly set the paint aside and moved her to a desk.
"Alright, no worries, Rindy. We can draw with crayons instead, would you like that?"
"Yes," she said, voice small. Therese offered a pink paper; saying how it matched Rindy's shirt and she eagerly began drawing. Therese followed her lead, sitting next to her and drawing with small coloured crayons on a blue piece of paper. She was huddled in a kid-sized chair next to Rindy, making her posture awkward but she didn't move.
When the clock came close to 5, Therese got the kids to start washing up; giving them a two minute warning so that they'd all have time for gummies, and the class ran off to collect paint cups, brushes and paper.
Rindy helped put the crayons back in order with Therese, and suddenly said,
"My daddy doesn't like it when I get things messy," as she tried to colour code the crayons, until Therese insisted it didn't matter.
"Is that why you didn't want to paint?"
She nodded. "If I get clothes dirty, I did a bad thing."
Therese nodded while knowing full well how hard it was for kids to not get clothes dirty; with play and games it was bound to happen. Did Rindy even play?
"Well, we can always draw with crayons. We've got plenty, and you can use whichever ones you want," Therese said, snapping the lid shut. Rindy's face lit up again and she showed Therese her drawing.
"Is this your family?"
"Yah, but just my mom, cause it's just me and Mommy right now," Rindy said, a pudgy finger pointing at a taller doodle of a blonde woman next to a tiny stick-figure girl of Rindy herself.
"Oh, it's really nice, Rindy, are you gonna show your mom? I'm sure she'll love it."
Rindy grinned and giggled, hugging Therese's arm next to her, "thank you Miss B!"
She had the kids line up, and soon enough parents came by to pick them up, cooing and complimenting their various art projects they took home. Mrs. Morgan stopped by and made smalltalk with a few of the moms and the group began to thin out, leaving only a few kids and their parents.
Therese went back into the room just to examine all possessions had been picked up and she only needed to put things back to normal when Rindy came into the room, practically in hysterics with her backpack swinging behind her.
"Miss B! Miss B! My drawing, I forgot it!"
"No worries, Rindy. Look, it's right there." She picked up the drawing left on Rindy's desk and crouched down to hand it to the toddler.
"Oh, thank you Miss B!" The girl threw her small arms around Therese's neck, nearly throwing her off-balance.
"It's a beautiful picture, Rindy. Make sure you don't lose it!"
Pointed clicks of heeled footsteps caught Therese's attention and she looked up to see Director Ross, out of all people, standing in the doorway of the room, staring at the teacher clutching the toddler in her arms. Therese's breath caught as grey eyes met her own.
Paling, Therese let go and stood up quickly, her hands wringing. Was she related to Rindy? Surely not. But she said her mother had come to pick her up.. did Therese really miss that important factor?
"Mommy look!" Rindy squealed, confirming Therese's suspicions. "It's you and me!"
She waved the art above her head, rustling the paper excitedly. Director Ross took and examined it, smiling.
"It's wonderful, Nerinda. Did you say thank you to your teacher for finding it?"
"I did!"
"Alright. Aunt Abby is just outside, why don't you go show her?"
Rindy flew out of the room  with the paper clutched in tiny fists, greeted just out of sight in the hallway by another familiar voice- Miss Gerhard exclaiming "oh hi there kiddo!"
The silence was deafening. Therese felt inadequate, the same way she had slumped in Gen's impeccable shadows during closing night. Here she stood, paint splattered on her hands, still wearing the painting shirt over her top and trousers.
Director Ross on the other hand was wearing a dark brown pencil skirt, and a fitted red blouse that hugged every curve. Her heels made her much taller than Therese remembered- she always wore flats or low heels at rehearsal.
"Hello," she squeaked, feeling bared and exposed. Ross' eyes were unreadable as they stood across from each other.
"So, it was you- this... new art teacher."
"Uhm, yeah, that's me," Therese mumbled, shifting on her feet. Ross came closer, her perfume taking over Therese's senses.
"I saw your name in the directory, but thought it couldn't possibly be the same girl as Abby's dear photographer from months ago."
She remembers me. Dear God. "Yeah, that's me," Therese said again, stupidly. "I-I mean, yes. I studied art as well as photography, but being a photographer isn't the most... fulfilling job. In terms of money."
"Ah, I see. A struggling artist, then?"
"You could say that."
"Well, I must thank you. Rindy seemed overjoyed just now, she couldn't stop talking about you in the mere minutes when Abby and I arrived."
"Really? Oh, goodness."
"Well, up until she realized her picture was missing."
"Of course, she was very enthusiastic about making it. " Therese replied numbly. "I had no idea you were her mother." The last bit was blurted out and Therese nearly kicked herself for sounding so invasive. Carol only smiled lightly in understanding.
"Ross is my maiden name. Aird is my husband's, and so it's Rindy's as well. I should be down as Carol Aird in the directory, just for the sake of continuity at this school," she ran a hand through her locks, and Therese blinked. Carol.
"Your husband?"
"Ah, well, ex-husband I should say. We got divorced just last year."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be," Carol said, her eyes sweeping across the classroom and settling back on Therese's form, clad in the painting shirt that was far too oversized for her. "Your uniform, I take it?"
Therese blushed and hurriedly unbuttoned it, "Well, sort of," she stammered. "So I don't get paint everywhere."
"I see," Carol responded coolly, eyes roving up and down Therese's form, now clad in a nice, professional outfit without a single splatter of paint. "Seems to have worked."
Therese felt like she was about to faint at the implication that Carol just checked her out, but she kept her cool.
"I'm, uh, looking forward to see Rindy again in this club. She's got a lot of charisma for drawing; that could probably become a talent if she keeps trying."
Carol looked away with a quick shade of guilt passing over her expression.  "Ah, well, that. I hadn't intended to keep Rindy in this -your- club at first. I needed her to stay somewhere until Abby and I finished up a last meeting today."
"Oh, right, of course, silly me," Therese shook her head and smiled at Carol, a little defeated. "She's always welcome, of course."
With that, the brunette turned and headed to the desk to pack up the last of her supples.
"It's not that I wouldn't want her here," Carol blurted out. Therese turned to look at her, the only thing giving away Carol's own nerves being the higher tone in her voice. "It's a bit complicated. I'd rather have her home with me- I mean, I didn't mean-,"
"Of course," Therese said again. "It's no problem, Carol, really. It's only a small art club, it's not NYU."
Carol nodded, irritated at herself that she had been on her way to getting through to the brunette and she messed it up herself.
"But-," Therese piped up. "If you'd like for her to come back, but don't want to miss any time with her, I'm sure you could come help out in the program. If you don't mind getting a bit messy. With paint, that is," she added hastily.
"Sure. Clubs have parent volunteers all the time. You could help me set up," Therese was rambling at this point. "Rindy could paint, and I'd have a better control of the kids that come in here with someone else to help. That is, if you'd like to. There's no issue if you chose not to- only if you  didn't want to miss out on things with Rindy, but if Rindy really liked it here-"
A cool hand touched Therese's upper arm, halting her rant. "I'd love to, Therese, really. It sounds wonderful. I haven't been in a classroom setting for years."
"Right, okay," Therese squeaked. "I can talk to registration about it, if you'd like."
"Well, then. That's that," Carol smiled. She gave Therese a teasing wink and left the classroom, breezing out with newly regained confidence.
Still got it, she thought, as she picked up a chattery Rindy and slung an arm around Abby's middle, heading out to the parking lot. Back in the classroom, Therese continued cleaning up, setting the easels back in place and putting desks in order with a huge grin on her face, humming happily.
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crybabybomin · 4 years
The new girl - Choi Bomin
Pairing: reader x Bomin
Words: 2.143
Warnings: none
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You are a dancer. You love to dance and you always practice after school. You just moved to Seoul so you are transferring to a new school and class today. You probably won’t make that many friends since you are always busy with home work and dancing. It's not that you don’t want to its just that dance is more important to you. And you best friends are dancers too. You aren’t famous like a Kpop group or something but you are quite popular since you’ve been on certain shows and some of your dances went viral.
You moved to Seoul because you were asked by this famous choreographer(Jay Kim) if you wanted to train with him, so of course you said yes. You moved alone because your parents still had their jobs back home, but they were very supportive of your dreams as long as you also focus on school.
Your alarm went off for the third time and now you really have to get up or else you will be late. You go out of bed and take a shower to wake yourself up. You are really not a morning person. So you get dressed and eat some breakfast. You put on your shoes and some music and you walk to school. Its a big school compared with your old school but it seems fun. Some students looked at you because they might know you or since you are a new student.
You ask a student were they register is. So she walk you there and you ask the lady for your class number and class room. So after that you walk to your class room and since class already started everybody looks at you. The teacher looks at you and says “and why are you late?” You look at her and don’t know what to say but then the class president stand up and says “miss, she is the new student.” He smiles at you nicely and you bow your head a little to say thank you. The teacher looks at you again and says “oh I'm sorry, can you introduce yourself?” You look at the class and say “Hi, my name is Y/N and im a dancer. I just moved to Seoul alone so it’s kind of new for me. And I hope we could be friends.”
They started whispering because now they were certain that you were the girl they have seen on tv and in those dances. So a random girl stands up and asks “are you that girl from those dances on instagram?” You laugh and say “yeah that’s me.” Everyone looks kind of shocked and now the teacher starts saying something again “come on guys, we already have two idols in our class. No need to be this shocked.” And everyone looks either at the boy in the back of the class or the pink haired boy in the middle. They smile at me and I smile back.
“Y/N, you can sit next to Bomin.” The teacher says and points at the boy at the back of the class. You walk to the empty spot besides him and sit down. “Hi, im Bomin nice to meet you.” He says and looks at you. “Nice to meet you too, at what page are we?” “page 25, also if you want me to show you around the school I can do that in the break time.” “thanks and sure why not” you reply and he looks back at the teacher and you both focus on the class.
Then break starts so he waits for you and you both walk trough the school. Most people smile at you but 2 or 3 girls give you a jealous look and you ask bomin “Those girls must love you or something because now they hate me” and you chuckle. Hate doesn’t get you anymore since people are going to be jealous anyways. “ahh yeah they do that to anyone who I talk to really even  just my friends, I don’t know why. I’m sorry for that” he says. “It’s not your fault so don’t apologise for something you don’t have any say in. They are the ones who should apologise to you.” He looks at you with a smile. You think he looks very handsome but everyone can see that but from up close he is even more handsome. But you aren’t here to fall in love so you focus on something else. “I think we can become good friends Y/N” he says and that does make you feel happy because you don’t make friends that fast. “Yeah I think so too Bomin.”
A couple of weeks later
You and bomin became good friends and you also became friends with this other boy Sanha. It’s easy being friends with them, because you know its not fake. You’ve had friends that only wanted being friends with you because you have followers. But they are famous themselves so it’s not that they gain anything from this.
Now you guys are in PE class and the new assignment is a dance. So everyone looks like they want to team up with you but then the teacher says “No it’s a duo dance so the tango or you can create your own dance. So go stand into two lines with one for boys and girls each” you look next to you and you see that you are standing next to sanha and he looks at you and then at bomin behind him. Then he says to the teacher “sir I can’t do this assignment since I have an ankle injury and I need to rest.” The teacher looks at him and says “Thats okay just go sit on the bench.” So he walk away and the teacher motions to bomin and the boys behind him to go a place forward. So now you are paired with Bomin.
You guys sit next to each other and discuss which dance you would like to do. “I know this couple dance my trainer did so we could do that one. We could also ask for his help since he made the choreo” You show him the video of the dance to say you won’t let go and he agrees to do it. So you start little but decide to hang out that afternoon at your dance studio. So he texts to his members that he will be home later.
That afternoon you learn the full choreo from your trainer and you both go home. But he calls you so you answer. “hey we only have a week to learn this dance and the teacher expects the most of us so do you wanna practice like tomorrow or something.” He asks, you think about it and agree that you need more practice. “yeah we need to practice more but tomorrow I can’t I have this workshop but after that day I’m free.” You say and you hear him hum and he says “yeah me too but where are we going to practice?” “uhh our studio is full at that moment so it can’t be here, can we do it at your company. Only if the manager agrees of course.” You say “wait he’s here right now so I can ask him.” And he puts you on hold and you hear faintly talking and then he picks up again “hey im back and the manager is okay with it. But I warn you in advance there might be members of mine walking around or looking at us.” “I can deal with that haha” you say and you both laugh. Then he needs to go and you both hang up.
The next day goes by quickly and now you are standing in front of Woollim entertainment. You’ve never been inside a company like this. You text Bomin that you are there because he said he needed to pick you up since at the register the might think she is a fan. So you walk in and just wait. Then you see him and walk up to him. “Have you been waiting long?” You shake you head and say no. “i have to warn you even more about my members. I told them you were coming and now all of them wanna watch.” You laugh and say “That’s funny, but it’s okay im used to audiences anyway. And they could give feedback you know.” So you two walk to the practice room and you see 9 boys sitting there. When the door opens they all immediately look at you and you bow to them “hi, im y/n. Nice to meet you.” Then one of them stands up and says “yah bomin you didn’t tell us it was y/n that was coming. Im Jangjun by the way and I’ve seen a lot of your videos.” You laugh and every one starts introducing themselves.
After that bomin says “are you going to stay while we dance or are you going to leave.”
A member said that they just want to see it one time. And the others agree. So you two do the routine and its kind of romantic so when you are done too members are screaming and whistling. Bomin gets red and you think its so cute and you smile at him. You keep denying you have a crush on him but this assignment isn’t helping with reducing it. So the members leave and you and bomin start practicing and after an hour you take a break.
“you wanna get some ice cream?” He asks you and you nod. So you leave the building and get some ice cream. You start walking around Seoul and he randomly grabs your hand. You look at him but he keeps staring forward. Sanha would tell you sometimes that Bomin likes you but you kept saying that we was lying. You start blushing and look straight ahead but then bomin looks at you. You feel his eyes burning on your face. Then he stops walking and stand in front of you and puts his face right in front of yours. “Do I make you blush?” He says with a smile. And you look down at your shoes. “you're so cute y/n.” And he starts walking again. Then you get yourself together and you think about what just happened. Maybe he does like you. So you decide to tease him. “yah bomin, you must have a crush right, I’ve heard from sanha that you do.” You say and his eyes widen “what did he tell you? That bish.” He says and you chuckle “well he only told me that you had a crush. So what is he like do I know her?” “Yeah you know her and she is cute and nice, she always sees the bright side of something.” He says and now you start blushing “Well why don’t you say that to her. She would be so lucky to have you as a boyfriend, you are handsome and nice.” You say and he looks at you very seriously. You both sit down on a bench. “but what if she doesn’t like me Y/N. That will be so awkward and I still want to be friends with her.” He says and you find it so cute. “Bomin just do it, what if she does like you but is scared you don’t and she loses feelings? Then you missed your shot.”
“Okay, so Y/N I like you as more than friends and I don’t know if you like me back so I hope I havent ruined our friendship wi-“ he keeps talking but then you kiss his cheek and he stops and looks at you. You just look at him and say “so Sanha was right all along.” He looks confused and you say “he told me you liked me but I didn't believe him.” “so you like me too?” He asks and you just realised what actually happened and start blushing. You look down and say yes. “Okay good so it’s not weird when I do this.” He says and grabs your chin and kisses you. When you pull away for air just look at him with a smile. “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?” And you nod and he hugs you really hard. “hey bomin I would like to breath.” And laugh. He puts you down and looks at you “I can’t believe I'm not dreaming this.” He grabs your hand and you walk back to the company.
The PE assignment goes really well and you get a high grade. And you both thank Sanha for playing match maker. And his members keep teasing him, but they are happy for you.
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yoongusworld · 4 years
title –> Lifetime
genre –> smut , one sided love , nurse and pianist reader x pianist ,heir yoongi! oneshot.
characters –> bts! yoongi x reader , y/n ,dahyun.
this is based on imagination,character used exists but this is only a fanfiction.
i would like to give credits for some lines i will use
-hardfactzquotes,poise,blogkiat,themindsjournal.com,the last part i there is no watermark so i dont know who owns that but ctto.
my mom said that love can conquer all.the most scariest thing i don't want to experience is heartbreak but i you need to fall inlove and feel your heart break.One sided love is beautiful yet a heartbreak.No expectations,nothing in return,just pure love.Yet it hurts,no doubt. but nothing can be as beautiful as one sided love story.
"y/n honey! wake up! you'll be late for you practice daughter!" those words are loud.i'm sleepy.
"moooom~i practiced all night my fingers feel numb and my piano seems sad like it wants to give up~" i lazily replied to my mother.
"honey..you play for patients in the hospital you need to inspire them with your music,you said that right? plus payment is high you can add that when you leave or you want me to just pay--" i cut my moms words and said
"uuuuuugh--mom i know we have lots of money but i don't want to depend on your money its not that im not accepting your hardworks its just i want to prove everyone that i will not just depend on how rich we are. i know i can do it" i know i can.
"i know honey..i believe in you,you're the best choice i chose in my whole life and i know you never done anything wrong because youre my daughter,i love you honey...now get up!!" she said and patted my legs.
"love you too mom..here i come practice!!" and we both laugh. i love my mom. she supported me in every aspects of my life,every journey of my chilhood,teenage and being an adult and i will repay all her hardwork as my mom and as my dad.
after taking a quick bath i head to our kitchen to see what my mom cooks for breakfast and eat.
"bye y/n honey..please be safe. don't forget to put ointment on you finger,okay?" she pecked my cheeks like i'm a little child and said goodbye.
"bye mom!!" i drove to my practice place where aspiring pianists are really trying their best to learn more about piano.I'm not saying that im already a pro but i am really good at this. the're will be a program in a hospital where they will choose one pianist to play at 'bringing back patients to life with music program' sounds like they're already dead? and i was the chosen one.lucky me.there's a guy here who doesn't even talk and always seems..lonely.i am curious about him even i know shouldn't,i dont know its just like..he got me. going inside the practice room everybodys eyes are all on me even the piano teacher.
"Well goodmorning ms.lee,the chosen one. Everyone i forgot to tell y'all that y/n is going to play piano at the hospital program,congratulate her" as everyone claps i saw the introvert guy who put his hands together and clap a little. he's cute but he scares me sometimes. after all those claps i sat down next to him. i purposedly sat beside him. "u-um...h-hiii,i'm lee y/n, i see you don't talk too much so–" i thought i was the only one who can cut words,he did cut my words.
"i know you." how?that sounds great i dont need to introduce myself a lot.
"really???but how?" i asked while the piano teacher is doing his business on some sort of things.he is still looking at the lyrics,notes in front of him not even wanting to spare a glance at me.but when he talks he looks at my eyes well its not a look,more like a glare.
"youre mom is a doctor in 'Asan Mecial Center Soul' no wonder they chose you to play in the hospital because your mother is a doctor"he smirked and i was shocked on his words is he saying that i depend on my mom to get inside the program?!
"e-excuse me but i didn't ask any help from anyone i know inside that hospital!" who does he think he is?he look back on his papers not even replying on what i said. he is rude and scary as expected.
"yah!y/n" my friend dahyun hooked me up "what?" i replied. she's on my right side while that rude guy is on my left. "Are you seriously talking to min yoongi?!" she wishpered to me "who?who is yoongi?"i asked confused. "duh its the guy beside you girl!" so his name is yoongi?? "whats up with him?does he really talk rudely to people?!" i asked dahyun slightly mad. "yes!but he's hot isnt he? he is the next heir of the AMCS he is soon the president of the hospital,i heard he finished medicine and piano is just his hobby when he is bored,girl there is no way you dont know him!" it looks like he is that popular. i get more interested.my mom is one of the doctors there yet,i dont heard anything 'bout him.
after piano practice me and my bestfriend dahyun headed to the café. "whats up with you y/n? you seemed so quiet since we talked about yoongi" i still did not answer her question "hey!y/n are going to keep looking on your favorite iced americano?the ice is melting what the hell are you thinking there?!" i really need to ask dahyun since she knows everything about handsome and popular guys. "dahyun,what more you know about yoongi?" i asked im not shy to ask shes my bestfriend i can trust her with all my rants and secrets. "Hmm well they said that yoongi is really introvert not until her girlfriend appear‐-" she have girlfriend. "her girlfriend is the richest before they also said that yoongi wasn't planning to fall for her but he did. but after all their love story is tragic. shin hyemin's car crashed and its almost 1year but she's still in a coma her parents are lacking hope but not yoongi and thats when he turn back being quiet and rude. haish he really love her,i hope i will also have a relationship like them." she pouts and out her hand under her chin. "why are u suddenly interested at him huh? do you have a crush on him?" i don't know actually its just he is interesting,i want to know him.
"no!its because he talks rudely to me,thats why" i protest looking on a big glass window beside our table drinking my melted ice iced americano. "btw y/n the program is going near you only have 2days to look pretty!!" i sighed remembering the program "i know and i know you will help me find a nice outfit for it,right?" she also sighed and just nodded not having any choice "hm well good".
—after two days—
"yah y/n i really love this white dress on you,you indeed look like an angel fallen from the sky!!!" i spin myself like a princess feeling the white dress i am wearing "wow! my daughter is so beautiful!!!" we heard a voice from the door assuming its mom "yes of course auntie,i chose her outfit!" dahyun pouts "haha i know dahyunie thank you very much" i said and playfully hug her "ok bye girls,i need to go early one of the patients are slowly healing" she said then finally go "i wonder whos patient is that,your mom is great" dahyun said "i know now lets go and get readyyy,the program will start in 1hr!!!"
yoongi's pov
two days passed since i start to attend piano class to atleast reduce my stress but still,y/n is always bugging me,i cant get enough of her,she is making me do things i'm not supposed to do before. i was early to visit my girlfriend as always. as expected she's still on her coma,i don't know how long i can wait for her i am the next heir and my father wants me to find a woman that i will soon marry. i love this woman,she's my life. there's a mysterious man that always looking through hyenmins door i asked her parents if they know him or if hyenmin knows that guys but her parents said that they don't know him. Its kinda bothering me but unless as he isn't doing anything it will be fine.
"yoongi,thanks for visiting our daughter but you need to rest." her father said with a eyes of pity.
"no s-sir,i am completely fine" i faked a smile.
"yoongi,son,we told you right? its ok for us if you decided to find someone else its been a almost a year we should give up but you insisted and stay by her side,you are so kind and warm hearted yoongi but please remember this 'if you find someone that will make you happy we are fine with that' we know you always try hard to take care of hyenmin but now im returning your kindness to you and go find someone else"mrs. shin said to me with her eyes that were very teary,tears also escaped my eyes i dont wanna leave her,i can't imagine life without hyenmin even i knew that she hurt me.
"yoongi,you're such a great man. you can be with her until she woke up and explain everything to her we are here for you" his father was never like this he used to dislike me for hyenmin because i was playboy back then but she changed me i was happy with her.
"t-thank you mr and mrs.shin" i cried. "the program will start we'll going down,we heard you love piano. you should watch it too" he smiled at me and get out inside the room where hyenmin was.
ah yeah that stupid girl with her stupid program.she talks a lot like you hyenmin and moves like you. what should i do? she's more likely like you but u know that i will never replace you with anyone even you replaced me.
your pov
yup!!this is it y/n you can freaking do this,its just sick people,disabled people ugh!!but still they're people y/n why are you like this? "the next is a beautiful young lady who plays the piano,lee y/n" the mc speaks and called my name,this is it,for real!!! as i go to the stage theater of the hospital everyone is looking at me i guess white dress isn't a good idea? i nervously sat down the piano chair and get my hands ready above the piano. I played beethovens Moonlight Sonata.it certainly brightens the piece but it's not terribly emotional. Emotionally it makes me feel like life at the height of its passion.everyone looks emotional some are enjoying.
yoongi's pov
since i was tired i decided to go to the theater and see what that y/n can really do. its not yet starting but i hear the mc said that lee y/n is next and she's playing a piano. open the door and sat down at the back of the hospitals theater "s-sir what are you still doing here? Mr.min will scold you if he saw you here" i sighed and out my palms onto my forehead its one of my fathers bodyguard are they following me? "he will scold me if you told him that i am here so shut up" i saw y/n starts to play she's playing beethovens moonlight sonata huh i guess she wants everyone to cry.a person who knows music will know its sweet but a typical person who will hear it will definitely cry. as she plays long she is pouring her heart out on whats she's doing,she even wear a white dress she l-looks like an angel fallen from the-- shit! what am i saying?! i admit she is very attractive but she is distracting me from my girlfriend. (End of yoongis pov)
As soon as y/n finished the piano yoongi goes outside the theater and head home.She was fascinated by y/n.She never tought this will happen to him when he still has a girlfriend.This cant be happening he said to himself. He should finds out whats that feeling he's been craving whenever he looks at you.
i was laying on my bed thinking if its really yoongi or not"dahyun,i told you i saw yoongi inside the theater i am not lying or seeing someone that wasnt him coz i know its really him!!!" i explained to my bestfriend who looks at me in disgust. "whats with the disgust face?!" i shouted in stress. "ok let's say that—oh! yoongi was there but, he isn't there for you. he was probably taking care of her sleeping beauty!" while she laughed at me i am still stressed i am having a different feelings about him,its look like he shoots me with his killer looks and glare that i cannot forget those. "i–i know but–dahyun you're my bestfriend and i want to be honest with you on what i feel" then she replied with hum crossing both of ther arms together on his chest. "i really feel curious about yoongi he looks very mysterious and you know i like a person who is mysterious in a good way" she has a girlfriend i know that and im still finding out. "please y/n don't make actions you will regret after just remember i am here for you" she smiled and hugged me. she is right.
another piano lesson.i have no time eating breakfast my mom is already in the hospital and i sooooo lonely dahyun will not pick me up so i guess i drive myself there. I sighed remembering yoongi will be there. we are complete stranger but why do i feel this way towards him?This is crazy.im crazy. i was suddenly awaken my mind hearing my phone ringing "yes mom?" what is it this time?! "honey i am sorry to bother you but after your piano class can you please go here in the hospital" i get inside the class after we talk and there is no sign of yoongi everywhere "what happend to him?" i mumured "WHO?" i was startled by the voice behind me "yah!you startled me!!!" she smiled and grab my arms "lets go" after class me and dahyun planned to go shopping but obviously there was an urgent problem in the hospital and they need my help (i know y'all wondering why,easy) "ugh!y/n we supposed to date today!!"dahyun pouted. "i know im sorry they need a sub in the hospital" i calmly explained to her "you said you don't like to be a nurse but you finished nursing,you know what you confuse me sometimes!!" we laughed as i headed to the hospital.
"hey honey glad you made it here,thank you so much daughter we are really lacking of nurses this week but they promised to pay me double for that and i'll give some to you,okay?" i nodded and changed ny clothes to nurses clothes. its not easy to be a sub nurses but i am one of the most payed doctors daughter so its easy for me to get in and loved to help. i will soon leave my mom alone and i want to cherish her a lot so much this past few months. "you look good in nurses outfit,are you playing roleplay here?" a cold voice appeared behind me while i was walking in the hall and i fastly turn my back to that guy i knew it was him "y–yoongi? why did you not attend piano lesson today?" i asked i know i was out of line but i badly want to know his reason "i visited someone" he said coldy and walk past at me "h–hey y–yoongi wait!" he stopped walking but did not turn back to look at you. "what?"he simply talked "just wanted to talk to you.uh erm..if you'll let me???" what did i just say? and now i need to talk to him if he agree.
after my duty as a nurse today i looked at yoongi who is sipping his coffee looking at the sky at the hospitals rooftop i sighed and cut the silence between us "i just want to know if you're fine" i scratched the back on my neck really shy to talk to him "none of you're business" i need to get used to his rudeness "s–sorry i really wanted to be your um f–friend?if thats possible you know?" he heard it for sure but acted like he didn't "i have lots of friend,i dont want to add one anymore"again with his cold tone "well the more the merrier,they said" as i laughed sarcasticly "you're really different aren't you?" he laughed and looked at me "hm...i am" we both laughed and took advantage of a beautiful sun setting on its own.
months have passed i continued working inside the hospital as a nurse while dahyun works at her parents company and...me and yoongi are now friends we hang out a lot i can see he is happier now and i guess i just achieved my goal to make him happy.
"yah give it to me you asshole!" y/n reached for his hand but he is taller than her "only of you'll treat me dinner!" he shouted y/n ran over him but instead she hugged him tight. time stopped for a moment but he speaks up "a–all right,fine here!!" He finally give up and hand her the wallet. they were silent,the rooftop was silent,no birds,no animals,no people,just y/n and yoongi.we sat for another sunset to watch "i never thought we will be good friends" she said and he huffed "you are so noisy who wouldnt talk and hangout with you just to make you quiet?" she playfully punch him and laughed "its because you want me yoongi! If you dont then get rid of me!!!" She shouted to him alongwith a pout making him laugh even more.
she makes him happy how can he able to get rid of her?
After that yoongi and y/n hang out a lot. go to a coffee shop early in the morning, walking in the middle of the night when y/n messed up on hospital,watch movies when yoongi has a problem with his father and hyenmins condition.
you two were hanging out but the doctors called him to tell that hyenmin had seizure so yoongi rapidly ran to the hospital with just only one word he left that y/n always holds "sorry" that sorry followed by another sorry and another and another one. you cannot blame him,you came in his life in a wrong time.
this feelings you have been keeping wasn't like any other like your past relationships. you don't even tried to touch yourself when you think of them and be bold in words around them but with yoongi,its all different. you became more and more comfortable with each other as time passed.
we always seeing each other inside the hospital we ate lunch together,watch sunset together,walk outside together we did a lot as a friend but thats not what i feel anymore i am not curious about him now because i fell for him its more that just a friend and i am sure. we supposed to hangout after my shift .
I texted him to ask where is he. he isnt replying to all my texts "haaaaa where is he now??" i tapped one of my foot on the tiles waiting for yoongi at the hall "hey!!!" someone shocked me "yoongi!!!you startled me!! what took you so long?!" i pout and crossed my arms on my chest "im sorry okay,on my house?" he friendly hugged me that made me blushed. "yah!we're at the hospital and i'm a nurse" he look at me in confused and said "this hospital is mine and i dont care,how about we hang out now okay?no more talking"
we made it into his penthouse. this is the third time i came to his house first was because i bargged in to ask him if i can be his frien,second is when we became close friends that was memorable i am not sure but he was stressed that time so i hugged him as friend but i know we both felt that tension between us,we almosy kissed but the doctor call him about hyenmin. and now is the third,i really crave for this man but he doesn't feel the same.
"how about a movie?" he asked. "that sounds great but can you please order pizza im kinda craving pizza right now and im freaking tired!" i said and flopped myself onto his soft couch "okay just choose a movie while i order"he said while taking off his leather jacket and shoes,he is so hot i cannot stop thinkinh doing dirty thoughts with him but i remember hyenmin all of a sudden.
"can i turn the lights off?" i shouted at yoongi "sure!!!" she shouted back. after a minutes i already chose a movie to watch 'after' "what movie is that?" he asked and also flopped hiself on his couch "idunno its currently number 1 on netflix so this should be good" i yawn and arch my back to stretch "sleepy?" yoongi looked at me,his eyes are different today "n-no just tired. my back really hurts".
"how about a back massage?just a thank you for accompanying me" he slightly laughed and scratched the back of his neck "woah!thats the most kind word i heard today!thanks!" i speak in sarcastic way,he just rolled his eyes on me and pull me down to massage my back.
"ah~yes yoongi right there please~" it was almost a moan "how come you're good at this?" i asked while he continue massaging my back. "i learned it from hyenmin" he said. i admit that hurts me ofcourse he will still love his girlfriend i am not expecting anything just seeing him happy makes me okay.
yoongi's pov
"i learned it from hyenmin" i replied to her. It seems like she doesn't care. y/n keeps moaning while i massage her back it's making me aroused hearing her voice like that it's also been a while since i had sex. "ahh~yoongi thats right" she tilt her head making her hair fall to the side revealing her neck. i cannot take this anymore i am going to explode if she continue teasing me like this. "ahhh!~ yoongi thats hurts! are you alright?" i snapped into reality when i heard my name from her mouth "uh–um i–im sorry is the movie already done?" i changed the topic covering my hardening bulge with a pillow. "not yet were just in the rated 18+ part" she calmly said how can she be calm talking about the sex scene.
"i moan better than her" she said my eyes widen by her sudden words,she's eating the pizza sitting beside me,i see she's playing games with me, "what makes you say that huh?"i smirked at her and then she looks at me "yah!my ex and i attempt lots of sex he even recorded my voice because no one can moan how i moan!"she sound like she is scolding me. what is she saying? we were not comfortable to say things like this,she is totally different.i began talking to her comfortably in just a month not like others even hyenmin,or the six of my bestfriends.
"are you listening?!" she slap my shoulder playfully "i–i am" i replied. "yoongi can i lay on your lap?"did i hear her clear? im freaking hard right now and she wants to lay? On my lap?! "okay i'll take that as a yes!" with that she lay her head on my lap near my bulge as i began groaning when she moves.
"stop playing games with me y/n, i promise wo won't like it"
"what games?" and she continuesly moving,this is fucking great.
your pov
"y/n can you please stop freaking m-moving?!"he said at me more like a shout. "sorry" the movie is done but yoongi is just staying still on his sitting position "yah did you forget to move yoongi?" i laughed at him histerically cos he literally stopped moving he's like a stone i stopped laughing when i felt a hand on my waist.
it was yoongi,he was gripping my waist so hard all i see is him on top of me "i told you to stop freaking moving and now you're laughing like you don't know what you did huh?nurse y/n." he said looking at me with his dark eyes i really have no idea what he's saying "y–yoongi,i have no—" he cut my words
"damn you and your excuses,you make me this hard y/n. now make it up for me" i didn't even have the chance to talk when he slammed his lips in mine harshly i don't want to give in but in myself i am liking this yoongi. i kissed him back. he bite my lower lip asking for entrance he is dominating every moves. our tounges are dancing together our kiss is became steamy and hot i feel my core getting wet.
his lips are now going down to my neck biting the skin creating a hickeys "y–yoongi" i breathed out. he pull up the hem of my shirt taking it off and unclasping my bra so easily. his mouth made it to my hardening nipple nibbling his tongue on it while other hand massaging my left breast. i interwined my fingers through his soft hair as he continue to suck my breasts
"uugh y–yoongi~" i continue moaning his name pain and pleasure is what i am feeling right now as he began biting my nipples. i know i am being selfish right now. but just one day,one night will be enough with me.
his lips are moving further down pulling my skirt up to my belly that makes me shiver and aroused, he kissed my core and looked up at me and ask permission
"can i?" i nodded and he moved my panties to the side as i moaned when i felt his hot breath to my core sending shivers down my spine "y–yoongi p–pleaseee" i begged being desperate for him. "i need you y-yoongi" i moaned out "you're getting it for being a slut y/n"his words can make even a boy horny, he fastly remove my skirt along with my panties.
yoongi is eating me out like a hungry man "f–fuck" the only word thats getting out of my mouth as he continues to work on his tongue technology on my wet core
"cumming~" i moaned out as i feel my high going soon "cum for me baby" he mumbled thats vibrating on my core as i release my high.
"hmm so sweet" he said going back to my mouth as i taste myself on him,our kiss become sloppy. he breaks the kiss and breath heavily.
i heard a belt falling on the carpet "so beautiful" he whispered to himself but i still manage to hear
"how about you suck me first before i give you want you want,huh?is that good" he said with a raspy voice while touching my ass cheeks i gently oblige him as he sat down the couch and i get on my knees. his eyes are so dark full of lust.
i pull his pants down along with his boxers while he remove his white shirt,his hardened cock sprung out proudly standing up onto his belly it was an average size but he was thick enough to make me shout in pleasure.
“suck”he said in full of dominance i licked his dick like a kitten as you heard him hiss.
"don’t be a fucking tease" he shoves his hips sliding himself between your parted lips and onto your mouth. you taste the saltiness of arousal leaking from his swollen cock, you take him all in swirling you tongue around his pulsating cock. "ugh,your tongue feels so fucking good baby."
yoongi moans like his stresses are melting away with every in out pace of your mouth on his cock. he grips you hair so tight knowing he is almost there "fuck baby deeper,just like that. ughh f-fuck" he controls the pace making you choke,tears escaped from your eyes "uhhh your mouth feel so good baby,y–yeah" he is mouth fucking you.
"take it all,d–dont leave any single drop" you suck harder "i–m c–cumming" he groaned "f–fuck y/n take it all" i can feel his grip on my scalp,tears are still flowing as his hot cream shots down to your throat "fucking swallow my cum baby"
he pulled me up to him making me sit on his lap "ride me y/n,ride me like a good girl"
"yes daddy" he spanked my ass feeling a hot stingy sensation.
i only yelp by his actions,it hurts but its good.
"do you want daddy to fuck you hard,huh?"
he said with a low raspy voice he put his long slender finger under my dripping core making me jump
"y–yes d–daddy fuck me h–hard" i moaned desperately
"you're fucking dripping for me you slut" he pumps his dick and gently slide it inside your wet core. you squeezed your eyes feeling his thick cock inside your pussy.
you wrap your arms around yoongis neck and breathing hardly
"damn it,y–you're so tight y/n" he waits until i adjust and move up and down his lap with his cock inside my core
he suck my nipples making me moan so loud he stopped and sucked your collarbones marking his territory "this is fucking mine,all mine" he grips your waist fucking you harder
"ugh y–yes d–daddy fuck me harder" he seems to like the daddy kink "daddy kink huh,i love it" he whispered to your ears still fucking you senseless "does mrs.lee k–knows that her daughter is a f–fucking slut around my cock,huh?"he said burying his cock deep inside you as you arched your back.
yoongi's pov
she is a moaning mess,i haven't done this for a year i can say that she is really good at this. i can't lie i am enjoying her company,i want her always beside me,she is making me happy and most of all she's making me good but i'm not sure about the feeling "f–fuck daddy,y–yes!!" she moans as i fuck her harder than ever "y–you will forget y–your name baby girl" i laid y/n on her back parting her legs wider to get better access on her g-spot.
"am i hitting it huh?f-fucking answer me" i said as i push harder inside her tight pussy "y–yes y–yoongi" she moaned "l-look at me" i command as she open her eyes straightly looking into my eyes,she is driving me insane.
i can feel her clench on my cock warning that she is cumming i fastened my pace harder "i-im cumming!" she moaned loud "cum with me"i burried my face on the side of her neck saying dirty words," i fucking l–love you" he said.with one last hard thrust her cum collided with mine. i gently pull my softened dick outside her pussy and pecked her lips. "thank you y/n" and then collapsed on her side still chasing our breaths.
"for what?" she asked "for staying and taking care of me,erm and being a good friend,i guess?" she looked at me with her angel eyes. she don't deserve someone like me,she deserves someone who will treat her better "i'll clean you up". i said "n-no i can do it,s–sorry i–im leaving." why? after all she will leave? she stands up gathering all her clothes and wearing them one by one.i respect her decision to leave so i let her.
you pov
yoongi collapsed beside me after chasing our highs he finally speaked up "thank you" for what? "for what?" i replied "for staying and taking care of me,erm and being a good friend,i guess?" friends. friend of course i am just a friend,you want this y/n now accept the consequences.you just filled up his needs not his empty heart. "i'll clean you up" he said "n-no i can do it,s–sorry i–im leaving." i think we will both needing space after this incident. i leave wearing all my clothes and drive home.
i should've stayed but i feel like i was used. i know i liked it too but still he called me as his 'friend' fucking wont make us official and i know that so that i love you doesn't mean anything to him?
at home
"hello?y/n?why did you call at this hour? is there a problem?are you crying?" dahyun asked me so many times but i still sobs and cry like crazy "y–you were right,i shouldn't make decisions i will regret!" i cried even more remembering what happen between me and yoongi "it's all going to be fine y/n. you just loved knowing he doesn't finish loving someone else,sushhh its alright just cry it all out,ok?you have work tomorrow you should be beautiful" but i still cry
"dahyunnnn! i love yoongi!!!what should i do?!" she sighed after saying a word "just talk to him,thats the better thing to do y/n do not avoid him or something. just talk and say what you really feel all this time". she is right.
after weeks i will finally showed myself up for my last day im hospital as a nurse.i prepare to go to work,putting make up on because i cried a lot last night. i sat down on my bed looking in the mirror,theres so many boxes on my room,yup i am slowly packing all my things since yoongi and me became really close friends . i am preparing to leave since then.
after 1hour i arrived at the hospital,i am scheduled to shin hyenmin today i guess its really a bad day to start to. i go inside the hospital changing my clothes into nurses clothes. i can't see where my mom is,i guess she is busy. i gathered the tray with injections ready to go to yoongi's girlfriend,im in the front of her room door "you can do it y/n" i slowly open the door and peeked who's inside. its a group of boys talking to each other i can't see the others face but i assumed they are 7 guys including yoongi.
i finally made it inside and talk like a professional nurse "excuse me sir but i need to inject this to her today...you can all stay but um just move aside." i smiled at them not even looking at yoongi, "wait–y/n is that you?!" one guy speak up i can't see his face but when yoongi moves i finally saw him "jungkook?" its him,the one who organized my house in u.s "i thought you already leave the country–" he was cutted by the other guy and said "let her inject something on yoongis girl bro" the boy said with a boxy smile "um oh yeah sorry i carried away" after injecting on hyenmin yoongi goes to her not even sparing a glance on me,holding her hand.
"wah yoongi really love hyenmin" its a guy with a wide shoulders. "y/n can we talk?" jungkook said. "um-yeah sure,ummm outside?" i point my thumb outside the door and we both talk there. i saw yoongi looking at us but when he knew i was looking he looks back at hyenmin. "um see you later guys,just gonna talk with this beautiful lady here!" jungkook winks at them "nice one jk!"a cute like a sun guy said and i blushed and the bowed goodbye at them.
"sooo~what is it?" i asked him "yoongi hyung is talked us about you,a lot." he confronts me "b-but.how?why? r–really?" why did he do that? "we don't know either but we knew yoongi hyung so much and we know something bothering him,he seems very happy now we thought hyenmin wwas awake but he said it was a girl he met on piano class" jungkook explained "he has hyenmin,i am just,a friend"
I lowered my head and interwined my fingers together as jungkook hold my hands "no y/n i'm not here as your organizer. im here for my hyung he loves you. hyenmin cheated on him a lot but still he stays thats why she has an accident because hyenmin chase him when he ran away caughting her cheat and he blamed himself."
yoongi never told me that. but still. he still love her. i knew that,the way he looks at her,kiss her lips and hold her hands. not just because we had sex doesnt mean he loves me more like i said i fulfill his needs but not his empty heart.
"the hardest thing to do is to watch someone you love,love someone else." i cried,again. jungkook hugged me as friend and told me everything will be fine. they always say that but everything will not be fine. "so are you still leaving the country?" he asked breaking our hug. "um it was planned year ago before i fell inlove with yoongi,so it is still on plan"
—inside hyenmins room—
hoseok : yah!guys look at our jk he is making a move to a girl,im so proud!
as they peak through the window of the door.
namjoon : wahh he is really good at girls!
jimin : our maknae is holding a girls hand!!
seokjin & tae : let me see!!
yoongi : can you all be quiet!!! move!!! let me see!!!
seokjin : yah yoongi-ah just accept the fact that you like her! and stop being jealous they're probably 'friends' like you and her.
he teases him that pissed him off even if that is the fact.
tae : jin-hyung is right hyung we all know the fact that unnie cheated on you but still you blame yourself on what happened so you can't let go.
yoongi felt weak at their words.
yoongi : shut up. i wont leave hyenmin for any other girls out there.
jimin : lol hyung then stop talking to us on how happy you are when you're with her.
yoongis pov
they are all right,but hyenmin and i didn't broke up,i just ran away. my thoughts were gone when we saw hyenmin slowly opening her eyes. "CALL A DOCTOR!! hyung she open her eyes!" namjoon shouted i ran to hold hyenmins hand "are you awake?" i said in gentle voice. "y–yoongi,babe is that you?" she said while crying 'babe'? the doctors came and told us to step outside the room to check up on her when i saw jungkook and others leaving and y/n packing her nurses things.
"so?she's awake,congrats!" y/n said with a weak smile,i still dont know how to face her after what happen to us "i–im sorry y/n,i know i fucked up but–" she cutted me telling me words i was scared to hear "no need to apologize yoongi,none of this are your fault.
I wanted this at the first place,be happy with her make her smile,i know you love her more than anything.its funny actually how a person can break your heart,and you can still love them with all the little pieces.ha ha why am i tearing? sorry tears of joy". but i know deep inside i was heartbroken after all it was my fault.
dahyun was right i shouldn't make actions just like that but she was wrong that i will regret this because yoongi is the best choice i've chosen.
"go to her yoongi,i hope we can still be friends. ju–just forgot what happened to us like you said,you thank me for being a good friend and now i am and i am proud that i am your friend." i cannot stop my tears its just flowing on its own.
yoongi cannot even speak a word to me,i guess he is speechless haha "y/n i love you as–" as much as you think . i put words next on what he supposed to say "friend,i know yoongi. i don't really know why i'm still hoping but just wanted to tell you that i love you so much,not as a friend or a piano classmate,but as a man. thank you,you made me happy even in a short period of time.i will never forget those times we we're hanging out but you recieved a call from hospital because of hyenmin haha i cannot stop laughing when you forgot to brush your teeth that time,i missed you a lot" i confessed.
is this my way of saying goodbye?when i decided to walk out for fresh air yoongi stopped me by holding wrist "y/n i– i am really sorry for everything,can you please give me some time to figure this out?" he said as i looked into his watery eyes "make it up to her yoongi,i know she cheated on you and you took blame on what happen to her but– she still needs you there. i just filled up you needs but not your heart and i guess we should stop this unknown thing between us,lets go back being just 'friends'" of course i was hurr by my own words but i think thats for the best of the both of us.
he freed his holds to my wrist as i kept on walking outside the hospital for my last day.
Its all messed up.
also last day in this country,tomorrow will be my flight.
yoongi's pov
i was standing there dumbfounded and also,heart broken. people are calling me "sir ms. hyenmin is looking for you" but that all sounds blurry to me,i only think of y/n right now. is she leaving me? can i live without her presence beside me? without her cheering me up every fucking single day? do i love her? those are questions in my mind. "sir ms.hyenmin is looking for you" the nurse said. they way i feel jealous when she's with jungkook is already an answer . i love her . i just need to talk to hyenmin.
"yoongi,i've already talk to your dad and he wants you to be more realistic and marry someone who can help this hospital and the company bigger" my fathers friend,a doctor said i have enough for this shit,i should marry someone who i love not like this "how many times did you all tell me that?aren't you all tired?" i frowned my eyebrows and ask the doctor another question "how is she?"
"i told her to sleep for an hour,i need to talk to the parents but since they are not here pls tell them that their daughter suffered mild amnesia like i said when the accident happened,it has a big impact that affect her brain. the medicine we're giving to her will help her and will bring her memories back to normal.i'll go now let her rest" he said then go.
i messed up everything,i lost y/n. i lost a friend or should i say a love one.
i told hyenmins parents what happened and they begged me to help hyenmin until she fully regained memories and then i can go and broke things up between us. i dont want to agree but they were begging me to the point they get on their knees.
how about y/n? how about us? i'll comeback to you y/n i promise.
after 1 month hyenmin continues her treatment and regaining memories,i can tell that she is healed now. she took photos of us and post on her sns people really think we're fine but little did they know the man that keeps on going on her room when she is still in the hospital said to me that he is hyenmins secret affair. mentally,emotionally,i finished everything between us. i will broke up with her when she remember that she cheated on me. i wouldn't let her hurt me again.
"hey jungkook? how's y/n? i think she changed her number i reached for her mom but she is not in their house dad also told me that her mom quit her job. look i am asking you because you know her,right?" even its on phone i can feel that jungkook is nervous to tell me something.
"hyung i am very sorry but y/n told me not to tell you this–"
"just tell me that happened man!" i nearly shout.
"as you can she she changed her phone number and sns account so you cannot find her. she is currently on US now,she left the evening when we talk–"
my world seems to crash. all this time she were far from me. no one dare to tell me even dahyun.
"we're in contact,she opens up to me sometimes. she even told me that she is stalking hyenmins account and said 'they look happy' she is not yet moved on hyung,i dont want to tell her what you really feel it is something you should tell her so i get out of your boths business,im really sorry hyung but i hope this will help you"
"no– it's fine man no need to apologize i–i fully understand you intention" after that we said our goodbyes and he gave me y/n's account to just let me visit her account or apologize to her after all what happened.
i will promise to apologize to her and bring her back. I just need to clear everything to hyenmin.
your pov
i cant say i am living my best life now that i am far from the person i love the most,i feel lonely even having lots of friends here in US i feel really empty and sad.
the worst feeling is knowing from the start that its never gonna happen. knowing from the start that he's just too good,way out of your league. feeling concious about how look when time will come you two will meet again and what you do and yet,you try anyway.
you have daydreams and imagines and you just wish evenythough you know that he will never choose you. but the absolute worse is when he told you directly that he only sees you as a friend.
And somehow your heart just wont listen.
I hope there's a lifetime that waits for us in other side of the universe.
you're a good dream sadly i was awaken
should i make part 2?????😭
sorry for wrong grammars,english is not my first language. also i give credits for some quotes and words i used for other part i added. thank you so much. this is my first ever fanfiction i am very sorry if this is bad.
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CTA: The Beginning
Genre: Chaebols AU/fluff
Length: 2.3k
The Arrangement Pt1
A/N: I know, this is long over due. I actually hit my goal in early December then we got word we were moving back home and there was packing and moving and unpacking and renovating and family then Covid. Oh yeah, I forgot the crushing weight of thinking this is crap and no one likes it... you know, all the awesome things my anxiety loves to make me believe. Anxiety can kiss my ass cause I love this edit and I hope you all do too.
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Plump lips parted in a long sigh. Do Kyungsoo let his school bag slip off his shoulders and wiggled out of his navy blazer, hanging it in the closet next to his blue hoodie. 
"Mom, I'm home," his voice cracked as he threw his bag back over his shoulder and made a dash for his room. He dodged Nari at the top of the stairs, narrowly avoiding the stack of towels she juggled. 
"Slow down, Young Master," her tone was enough to hasten his speed.
"Good evening!" He sang to her, his deepening voice an unusually smooth lilt. 
Nari set her lips in a straight line, but as Kyungsoo leveled his round eyes at her, blinking rapidly, she broke into a smile.
Waving him off, she continued down the stairs as he slipped into his room. 
Changing out of his uniform was the best part of his day, though most days were spent entirely in that uniform. At least this one was more comfortable than the one he'd had for the last few years. High school did have some perks. It also came with more classes, harder curriculum and the added stress of worrying about college and career. 
Not that he really had to worry about a career. He was an only child and as long as he wasn't a blithering idiot, he would inherit his family's business, The Ganghan Company. 
And he wasn't a blithering idiot. 
But, Kyungsoo didn't like school. In fact, he hated it. Tests, studying, and group projects where everyone was graded together. Kyungsoo was at the top of his class, but it wasn’t because he was particularly smart or liked to learn. It was what his parents expected of him. The long hours, constant studying, and after-hours cram school were all for his parents’ benefit. 
It was a good thing that he happened to learn quickly. It never took him long to master a subject. 
Kyungsoo dragged his books and journals out of his bag and set up his desk. There was a system, book to the left, journal to the right, pens and highlighters to the right of that. There had to be organization.
Kyungsoo popped on his headphones, turned up the music (Chanyeol's remix of American R&B songs) and began to study. There was a paper due soon and a round of exams that followed. He would likely be studying late into the night, which he hated since sleep was his one true love.
Once his groove was set, it would take a disaster to bring him out of it. Nothing short of an earthquake, or a tornado ripping the roof off could pull him from his concentration. Except his mom staring at him like a stalker from his bedroom door. He ripped the set off his ears in a frenzy.
"Jeez mom, could you announce yourself? You scared the crap out of me." 
"I did. Your music was just too loud for you to hear it," she chided.
His mother approached with a tray loaded with spaghetti and bread sticks.
"Whaa, what is this for?" It was one of his favorite dishes, but it was rarely made in the house. He was lucky his parents allowed him to try whatever he wanted when they ate at restaurants, but at home, it was strictly traditional.
"It’s been a while," she sat it on the space he had cleared off, "and you have been working so hard lately." 
"Got tests coming up," he said between bites.
"There is something I wanted to ask you though, completely unrelated to the food." 
"Mmm," Kyungsoo only gave half his attention. Nari’s spaghetti was too good to not savor every bite.
"Lee Jae-Eun is going to the same academy as you now."
He grunted, "Who… oh… you mean Auntie Joo Hyuns’ daughter?"
"Ehh,” he shrugged, “What about her?"
She sighed, “well… her mother is afraid there are some girls that pick on her. I was hoping you could keep an eye out for me?" 
"Mom… no! That's creepy." Kyungsoo moped.
"Oh, really Kyungsoo! I'm not talking about stalking her. Just keep an eye out. Her brothers are older, one has already been sent to the states and the other doesn’t see her during school hours. If you see something just let me know. Or maybe stand up for her." 
"I don't get involved in other peoples’ problems, Mom." 
"Well that's a lie if I ever heard one. Do you think I didn't know that you hid Park Chanyeol in this room for two weeks last year when he fought with his father? Why do you think there was extra food on your dinner plate?" She scolded.
"Uhh… but he's my best friend." Kyungsoo's voice cracked. He hated it when that happened.
"You have eight best friends, and you would help any one of them. This is my one and only best friend’s daughter. She's practically family. Please help me out this once." His mother pushed.
She had a point. Their families ran in the same circles, they attended the same parties… only neither of them were particularly social. There was only one time they had met that he could remember, when they were 6 or 7. He had just wanted to read his books, and Jae-Eun just wanted to draw in them. Kyungsoo hid any time their moms were together. He had so little interaction with her he couldn’t even remember what she looked like.
Only the fact his mother had let slip that she wanted them or marry. Jae-Eun was the girl they intended to be his wife.  
Kyungsoo sighed, he should have known it was no use to say no, he could never deny his mother. "Alright, I'll keep an eye out and if I see anything, I will let you know. But that's it." 
His mother wrapped her arms around Kyungsoo's shoulders, squeezing tightly.
"Thank you, my sweet boy." 
Kyungsoo shrugged her off. Ugg, feelings! Why did his mom have to hug so much?
"Okay, okay! Don't get so worked up about it." 
She snatched her hands away. "Right, you're a high schooler now. Too cool for mom." 
His mothers’ attempt to be understanding elicited a groan from Kyungsoo. 
"I’ve got to study." A feeling of guilt washed over him for brushing her off, but he just didn't like to be touched. He sighed in relief when she left his room.
Kyungsoo put his headphones back on and read as he finished his dinner.
He didn't keep an eye out. 
As a matter of fact, Kyungsoo completely forgot about the conversation. Tests and papers filled his time, friends took up what was left. It wasn't that he didn't think it was important. He did, but Kyungsoo's mom had just asked at the wrong time. There were too many coals in his fire.
Two weeks passed. The girl didn't even cross his mind. He aced his test and got a perfect score on his essay. He should be skating easy right now, but his super, awesome best friend, Byun Baekhyun nominated him as class leader at the beginning of the year and somehow, he won. Being class leader came with certain responsibilities, like running errands for the teacher.
It was pushing into his lunch time, and that was an unforgivable offence. Stupid responsibilities, stupid Baek and his stupid volunteering, making Kyungsoo be social when all he wanted was to keep his head down and get through this.
He took the south stairs, it was rarely used and popped out conveniently near the teachers’ offices. Getting this done and making it to lunch was top priority. This was one of those times when lunch would be the only break he had for the day, unfortunately luck was not on his side.
Between the second and third floors, a group of girls had another one cornered. Kyungsoo slowed, it would be better to take another route, he didn't want to get involved in someone else's mess.
It was that moment, as he turned away, he remembered what his mother asked. Kyungsoo swiveled on his heels and crept further down the stairs. Han Bora and her cronies circled the girl, her face hidden from him. 
"You think you are so much better than everyone else. Just because your parents are rich you turn your nose up at everyone," Bora mocked.
"That makes no sense, your parents are rich too or you wouldn't be in this school. Not that it seems to be helping you much," the girl replied.
Bora huffed, "this girl… yah, Lee Jae-Eun… I'm your senior in this school. You think you can talk to me like that?" 
Kyungsoo's eyes widened. So, Lee Jae-Eun WAS being bullied, and he had to come upon it today of all days.
"You have to give respect to earn respect." Jae-Eun said simply, holding her books to her chest.
Bora's best friend Choi Min-Ji flung her hand, smacking the books out of Jae-Eun's arms. Jae-Eun stumbled backward in surprise and another girl shoved her back to Bora.
"I should teach you a lesson. Knock some sense into you."
Jae-Eun held her head high, "Will that make you feel better about yourself?"
"Hey…" Bora yelled. Then she swung.
The slap bounced through the empty halls.
It echoed in Kyungsoo's head. Long, dark, hair flew in a fan as Jae-Eun's head spun from the force. It made Kyungsoo's stomach turn. He considered stepping in but Jae-Eun straightened, raising her head to Bora in defiance.
"Maybe you should try that again, you're still ugly inside."  
What the hell? Why would she provoke Bora further? The girl wasn't one to be intimidated nor was she forgiving. Jae-Eun would only make it harder for herself. He had attended school with Han Bora for most of his life. Last year, while she was in high school and he was still in middle, was the most peaceful year he had experienced. 
Another slap rang out across the halls and Kyungsoo's stomach dropped to the floor. He should do something. At least help her escape.
Before he could come to his senses, the folder flew out of his grasp, raining paper down the stairwell. His hands held tight to the rail as he faked his feet out from under him and stumbled down the remaining steps. 
"Sorry… sorry, excuse me," he clumsily reached for his papers and Jae-Eun's books as Bora and her minions laughed.
Kyungsoo straightened the papers in the folder, keeping his head low. He would be embarrassed if someone walked up on him being bullied, the girl probably didn't want to be seen.
A stray paper appeared in his gaze. His eyes lifted, and met hers, Lee Jae-Eun. She knelt directly in front of him. Wide eyes were on his, both cheeks an apple red. 
He couldn't turn away. She looked different from the picture his mother had recently shown him, her school picture from the year before. The round face had thinned out, making her appear older, her eyes seemed more exotic, lips fuller. His tongue darted out nervously to moisten his own.
She wiggled the paper in front of him. Kyungsoo blinked, dropping his gaze again, taking the paper she offered.
"Thanks," he whispered.
"Mmm," she acknowledged him, pivoting to gather her books. Taking advantage of the girls’ amusement, Jae-Eun slipped past them and scurried down the stairs. 
His heart pounded. What the hell had just happened? Why had he just stared at her like an idiot? Damn, he was an idiot. She had escaped, and he was surrounded by girls.
"Hey, Do Kyungsoo, do you like her or something?" Bora laughed.
He didn't even know her, but he sure as hell was impressed so far. If she were to be his future wife, he couldn't find it in him to be mad. 
And he protected what was his.
"Han Bora," he faced her, his deep voice steady and solid, "Don't mess with her again. This is the only time I'll ask." 
Laughter rang out among the girls again. 
"Or what? You don't scare me, the school doesn't scare me, my parents don't even scare me!" 
Maybe not, but he could guess what did.
"Choi Min-Ji, your parents work at Ganghan, don't they? Kim Young-Ah, yours too? And Bora, your dads’ even a Chairman for Ganghan. I've seen all three of you at Ganghan company parties. MY companies’ parties."
Kyungsoo wasn't familiar with using intimidation, but somehow, he felt he could pull it off. Astigmatism caused him to squint and look angry most of the time. His voice wasn't even cracking, it was low and smooth and felt a little dangerous. If they kept messing with Jae-Eun, he would be.
"It would be a shame if they were to suddenly find themselves out of a job, connections gone with no prospects. That life you're so used to, this fancy school you think you run all a distant memory. You’d lose that nice, big house and be sent to a public school. You’d actually have to do your classwork; daddy wouldn’t have the money to pay off your teachers then." He glanced at the other three girls who followed her around. "I bet I could find where your parents work as well. Ganghan reach is quite extensive."
Bora huffed, "you couldn't… you wouldn't."
"I can and will if I hear you mess with her again."
The girls fell deadly quiet. The fear in their eyes told Kyungsoo he had made an impact. He could get used to that.
"Why would you defend her? What is she to you?" Bora shook her head in disbelief. 
Kyungsoo stuck his hand in his pocket and started down the stairs, "She's family." 
He left the six girls in the stairwell to finish his duties, confusion on their faces.
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Future Love | Lee Hangyul
hi, can i request a single dad! hangyul (*cough* featuring kid!dohyon) oneshot where he falls for the reader, who’s dohyon’s kindergarten teacher? looking for something generally fluffy but i’m also not opposed to smut in this 👀
↬ Pairing: Hangyul x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Fluff, slightly suggestive (?).
↬ Warnings: none.
↬ Word Count: 2.9k
↬ Song Recommendation: “Future Love” by Katie.
↬ A/N: Honestly the whole karaoke part was added by me because the second I listened to Katie’s song that scenario came to mind and I wanted to fit it some-fucking-where and this was cute enough.
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The bar was crowded, a few bottles sitting on the table as the rest of the guys around it cheered for the person that was currently on the stage, singing their heart out while trying to dance according to the rhythm, obviously too drunk for it. The atmosphere was lively, the laughs and screams filling it but all Hangyul could do was stare down to his phone, fingers quick to type a reply each time a new message came in.
“Yah, could you leave that? Spend some time with us, dude.” Yohan was pretty out of it, pouting slightly as he tried to steal the phone away.
“I will in a bit, I’m just trying to make sure Seungyoun doesn’t fuck up… don’t really trust him being a babysitter.”
Wooseok let out a small sigh. “I wanted to stay with Dohyon but Seungyoun insisted that we both needed a break.”
Seungwoo laughed at his tone, moving the cup on his hand and watching the liquid swirl. “We all needed to spend some time together. Besides, Dohyon loves him, I’m sure everything will be alright.”
Right as the older finished saying that, another message flashed on the screen:
2:15 a.m.: Just wondering, but would mixing chocolate with ramen really hurt Dohyon?
The headache was making way on Hangyul as he typed back (“Didn’t you say that he was asleep? And don’t do that.”), anxiety starting to form at the pit of his stomach while Yohan read over his shoulder, laughing out loud before trying to tell the others what he had just seen.
2:17 a.m.: I said “just wondering”, of course he is asleep
2:17 a.m.: I think he just woke up from you being so annoying
2:18 a.m.: Now I have to make him sleep again
2:18 a.m.: Go and have some fun while I’m here being the best uncle in the world
As if on cue, Seungwoo took the mobile phone, tapping on the screen a few times before putting it on his pocket, it being the sign that he wasn’t going to give it back anytime soon. Hangyul sighed, hoping his kid made it through the night and swallowed what was left on the cup before focusing on the new contestant that was on the stage now.
The song was slow, not matching with the whole bar at all, the chattering almost drowning the music, but it wasn’t enough for him to not hear the voice that started singing. The words sounded slightly slurred, probably due to the intake of alcohol, and somehow it made the feelings to be transmitted better, the nostalgia tingling on his sides.
Lyrics that matched his feelings with a steady beat along with a sad voice… that was all he needed to get his mind out of whatever Seungyoun was doing, his undivided attention going towards the girl that swayed on the stage. Something about her overall vibe made him smile to himself, the rest of the boys coming to a halt as soon as they saw his expression, and Hangyul just knew he fucked up.
“Go talk to her!” Yohan’s voice was starting to become annoying and if it wasn’t for the little self-control he had, plus the fact that he could beat his ass, he would have already snapped.
“The song literally talks about wanting something new. Go, both of you need it.”
Hangyul scoffed at Wooseok’s comment. “You need something new.”
Seeing where everything was going to, Seungwoo stopped the rest, his hands slamming the table delicately. “Just go and talk to her, what’s the worst that could happen?”
The younger shook his head, frustration making his way. They wouldn’t completely understand, being a single parent wasn’t easy and his schedule didn’t really leave any time to maintain some kind of relationship, and having an one night stand didn’t feel correct anymore. Explaining all that seemed too much, especially with the alcohol setting down in his system, so he simply excused himself as he got out, ignoring Wooseok’s warning about the cold air might make him feel worse.
He inhaled, letting the breeze fill his lungs before throwing his head back, his mind going empty as he stared at the stars above. A smile spread on his face as he remembered the way Dohyon’s eyes resembled them, usually whenever he listened to music or saw him cooking his favorite meal, making grabby hands whenever he felt cranky and wanted to be lifted up, or his squeaky giggles whenever he put him above his shoulders so that he could reach the cookie jar. There wasn’t a single moment he regretted, his son really being worth it, but there was no use in denying that he felt lonely at times and there was nothing that could fill that place, not even the kid’s chubby cheeks.
“So you are alone too, huh?” The voice made him turn around quickly, his face burning up as he saw the same girl that was singing inside before in front of him. “The night is so lovely, though~”
“Ah, yes.” If possible, he would have slapped himself right at that moment.
“You know what I hate the most? That people pity us for being alone. Is it really that bad?” Hangyul eyes opened wide at the sudden conversation topic, but she continued. “There is a reason for us to be like this, why do they try to set me up with random people? It makes me feel worse…”
“I know, right? I have the same problem. My friends behave as if they knew what’s best for me, almost feel like I’m a baby in their eyes.” His whole anger was leaving his body as he complained, the alcohol making its work.
“Yes! Exactly! It makes me mad but also somehow guilty! I have other priorities in life and I’m not always thinking about getting laid.” He nodded, snorting at the last bit of information. “I mean, it wouldn’t be terrible if it happened, but it’s not at the top of my list, y’know? What’s at the top of your list?”
Doubt filled him, not knowing if mentioning it now was the best thing, but since the situation didn’t seem to be leading anywhere not innocent, he was honest. “My kid. He’s five, and honestly lights up my days like no one else does.”
“Oh, married or single, or something else?” He couldn’t help but to chuckle, surprised at her boldness.
“Let’s leave it at single. What about you? What’s your number one priority?”
The girl seemed to be in deep thought, or otherwise fallen asleep. “My career. Well, my students. I get a kind of satisfaction that is pretty different from any other kind… makes me happy, really happy.”
Hangyul raised his eyebrows, not expecting her to be a teacher since she looked rather young, or at least around his age. “But the loneliness still lingers, doesn’t it?” When her head turned abruptly, he felt a slight pinch on his stomach, regretting adding that last part.
It wasn’t what he expected: the way that her eyes suddenly dropped to the ground, a sad smile on her face as she nodded before suddenly cheering up, changing the topic while making it obvious that she was trying to avoid deepening in the previous subject. Honestly, he didn’t want to either, feeling already pretty exposed and simply followed her, laughing at her random jokes and smiling to himself whenever she did the same with his.
Time seemed to flow effortlessly between them, the air not feeling cold anymore, maybe due to the blush that covered his cheeks. It had been a long time since he felt that comfortable talking to someone, talking to a complete stranger, but the warmth that she radiated made him feel at ease, his barriers breaking down as she let him see more of herself. He tried to memorize her face, the way her hands moved when she talked, her exaggerated expressions as she related a story… probably was the alcohol that made her be so open, or maybe that was how she really was, he couldn’t tell, but he found it incredibly charming.
“Whoa, your life is indeed pretty interesting…”
He giggled for the twentieth time. “Is it?”
“Yeah! Would make a really good movie.”
A smile spread on his face again, being the first time that someone reacted that way instead of saying something like “I’m sorry you had to go through that” or otherwise feel some kind of sorrow towards him. He turned around to reply to her, about to ask about her life before he met with her lips pressed against his, confusion swirling in his insides before he returned the kiss, his trembling hand resting on the nape of her neck as he pulled her closer, the taste of soju on the tip of his tongue. Her hands tangled on his hair, playing with it as she bit on his bottom lip, sighing when he pressed his body against hers. Hangyul wanted to blame the alcohol for what was happening, but her mouth was more intoxicating that any other liquor he had ever tasted, making him fall and give in to her taste, the control slipping past his fingers without him caring one bit about it.
“Yah, we have to get going, Seungwoo ended up throwing up– oh.” It was the annoying voice again.
“What is taking you so much? Oh.” The second annoying voice joined. “See? I told you, both of you needed it.”
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After some unnecessary debate on whether they were right or not, Hangyul finally made it home, only to find Seungyoun laying on the floor of the living room with Dohyon on top of him, three cups of ramen empty on the table as well as some chocolate wrappings. Better not to ask or he would beat someone’s ass again, so he carefully picked up the small kid, shushing him to sleep as he took him to bed, coming back and slightly kicking Seungyoun as he got back, throwing the trash away.
“Ouch, what– ah, you are back.”
“Told you to not give him that.”
“He hated it, isn’t that good? Now he won’t want to try it again. You’re welcome.”
Can’t argue with his logic, or more like didn’t want to do it. He still thanked the older for taking care of Dohyon, gulping down a glass of water as he let him stay in exchange for the help, heading for the shower despite the tiredness washing over his body, trying to sober up and erase the memories. Right after he finished, he laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling while wondering about what her name was, eyes closing with the doubt wandering on his mind.
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“Get up, sleepy head, time to go.”
Dohyon complained but sat up anyway, his hair sticking up in every direction as his tiny hand scratched his belly. Hangyul laughed, grabbing the brush and quickly controlling the chaos, holding the outfit that Seungyoun chose (because Dohyon liked more “uncle’s style” rather than his) and chuckling as the child nodded approvingly.
Half an hour later, they were ready, Dohyon still eating the last bits of food on the car as Hangyul drove towards the kindergarten. First day of school and everything seemed to be perfect, pride filling his chest. Little moments like this were the ones that made him feel satisfied with himself, the smile on the small kid being all he wanted. He parked the car, got out and held out his hand until he felt the tiny one hold it back, walking towards the entrance and scanning the place.
“Are you excited for your first day?” He was actually trying to sense if he was nervous, but seeing Dohyon’s expression, he was so happy about it.
“Yes… I hope I get to make friends.” His eyes opened wide as he looked up to him. “Maybe someone else likes music? Or ramen with chocolate?”
Hangyul could feel his eye twitch. “Ramen with chocolate?”
“Ah, right, uncle said to keep it a secret from you…” He proceeded to shrug his shoulders as he walked confidently to the entrance, eyes smiling at who he thought was his teacher while Hangyul made a mental note of maybe killing Seungyoun.
He kneeled, fixing Dohyon’s clothes before kissing his forehead and wishing him a good day, standing up and bowing to the teacher, freezing on the spot when he saw the same girl from a few weeks ago standing in front of him. Her eyes reflected the same panic that his, suddenly turning his stare to the small kid without paying one bit of attention to the tall one as she grabbed Dohyon’s hand and waved the other one, the child imitating her and saying goodbye to his dad as he disappeared behind the doors.
The whole rest of the day was spent with him trying to plan what to say when he went to pick up Dohyon. Should he pick him up? Maybe he could call Seungwoo and ask him to do so, although Wooseok would definitely complain about why he never trusted him with his kid, the reason being because he would never stop bothering him with how good he is with children if he did. Seungyoun was out of the discussion, and maybe since it was Dohyon’s first day the best was if he went to pick him up… he was driving crazy, until at the end he simply gave up, deciding that maybe he was overthinking it and maybe she didn’t remember the whole thing and was simply acting flustered because she remembered that he listened to her sing while being drunk. Yeah, that must have been it, for sure.
Time passed slow, his brain melting as he waited for the clock to hit the closure hour, jumping out of the car as he saw some kids getting out. He waited at the entrance, eyes scanning the place in hopes of finding her, his heart beating a little bit faster as he saw Dohyon being carried in her arms, feeling a bit jealous of the way she was staring at him with loving eyes while pinching his cheeks. As soon as he saw Hangyul, he let Dohyon on the ground, hurrying him to grab his coat and stepping in front of him, fists closed tight as she looked to have mustered all her courage.
His eyebrows shoot up at the simple greeting. “Ah, hi, yes, hello, I-I’m Hangyul, Dohyon’s father.”
“Yes, he talked about you quite a lot.” A cold shiver ran down his spine, hoping that whatever the child said was good. “I’m y/n, Dohyon’s teacher from now on.”
Her hand was extended between them, the slight tremble being too obvious and the shyness in her voice while pretending to be firm made him hide a smile, giving a soft grip to her hand and blushing as she bit his lip trying to hold back her giggle. Her attitude was so different from that one night, but it was still utterly adorable in his eyes.
“Could we exchange numbers? Just in case an emergency happens…” Ridiculous. Absolutely pathetic
“Ah, of course, we were going to ask the parents for them anyway.” Wait, it worked? “But, uh… the rest of the mothers seem to be taking a certain interest in you.”
“Are you jealous about it?” His voice dropped low, gulping when he realized what he had just said.
“Dad, what are you two talking about it? Can we go? I have to complete the activities before it’s time for my third meal.” And at times like these, Hangyul was thankful he had a small bundle of happiness to take him off awkward situations.
“Yes, it’s better if we go, you’re right.”
He walked with Dohyon to the entrance, telling him to go to the car as he turned around with the slight tapping on his shoulder.
“I might be jealous. A bit.” Her cheeks painted in the loveliest shade of red before skipping back to the building, picking up another of the kids that was crying.
Hangyul shook his head, smiling dumbfoundedly as he got in the car and immediately looking at his son.
“So you talked about me a lot today, huh?”
Dohyon denied it slowly. “I talked about uncle but my teacher kept asking about you.”
He was conflicted about whether he should be happy or sad, but decided to ignore that as his phone vibrated with a new message.
18:14 p.m.: Dohyon-ie already had his third meal.
18:14 p.m.: By the way, he kept asking if I tried ramen and chocolate?
Was this real enough?
18:16 p.m.: Maybe I can help you find out what he means one of these days?
He pressed his forehead against the steering wheel, ignoring for a while Dohyon complaints as he waited for a reply, his heart beating faster as the minutes went by.
Y/N (Future Love):
18:21 p.m.: Sounds like a good plan.
Whether he did a little celebration in the car was a secret between him and Dohyon, and maybe every single person that walked right in front of it.
“So, I need you to tell me about the recipe that uncle invented.”
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Yes, it ends abruptly and yes, I didn’t intend for it to be this long but still loved how it turned out. What a good daddy.
| Masterlist |
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qyuoza · 4 years
Honey (BYD)
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I like my girls just like I like
My honey: sweet
A little selfish
"Yedam! Here you go, I heard you needed to borrow a pen for the test, but be careful ok? I don't usually let people borrow any of my stuff" Y/N smiled as she handed me one of her pens. I don't understand why but my suddenly started racing.
I like my women like I like
My money: green
A little jealous
"Thank you sunbaenim!" My junior bowed as I finished helping her move stuff from the teacher's office. While walking back up to my class, I ran into Y/N in the hallway. "Hey Yedam, who was that girl? Also what was her deal, don't tell me you have a girlfriend already" Y/N shook her head teasingly. "Why? Are you jealous?" I teased, and Y/N suddenly avoided my eyes and immediately ran back to our classroom.
'Cause I'm a beautiful wreck
A colorful mess, but I'm funny
"Yah, stop that!" Y/N continues laughing as I dramatically sing our duet song for the assignment. Her laugh was so sweet, and her smile was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I continue with my stomach doing multiple flips and with her looking happier than ever.
Oh I'm a heartbreak vet
With a stone-cold neck, yeah, I'm charming
I saw Y/N running over to me at the soccer field, and she seemed very distressed and sad. I immediately ran over to her and sat her by the bleachers. "Y/N, what's wrong?" I ask her softly, but she just cries. "Jeongin humiliated me Yedam, and not only that, he rejected me in front of everyone" she hiccuped, and I pulled her into my embrace.
All the pretty girls in the world
But I'm in this space with you
It was the end of the day at school, and the sun was setting slowly, the sky turning purple, orange, pink and red. Y/N and I were talking at the school entrance while waiting for our parents to pick us up.
"Yedam, do you like anyone?" Y/N nudged me jokingly, but I just laughed along because I was too scared to tell her. "That's a secret but—" I got cut off quickly by Y/N spotting our parents as she stood up. "Sorry to cut you off Yedam, but I have to go now! I'll call you later!" Y/N runs, and I watch her hair bounce cutely, the sun hitting her face at the right angle.
Colored out the lines
I came to find, my fire was fate with you
"Y/N, can you sing this for me? I wanna check the melody for the song" I showed her the lyric as we sat in her room. Y/N sang, and I gazed at her lovingly, my heart racing again...Is this fate?
Heartache would stay with you
Fly great escapes with you
"Y/N, I love you..." I accidentally blurted out in front of the whole class. Everyone cheered us on, and Y/N looked shocked, but regained her composure. "I love you too Yedam..." Y/N breathed out, and I hugged her tightly.
© 2021 all rights reserved | rikiszn on tumblr.
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wydmariana · 4 years
        hi my loves   !   ur  fav  big  mess  dani   here   ,  i  also  play  our  hailey  fc  alanna  heh   !   i’m  bringing  back  my  bbyg  mariana   !  she’s  my  original  wealthy  character  &  i’ve  had  her  for  like over  3   years   ,  i’m  super  excited  2  be  playing  her  again  &  i  hope  u  guys  rly  like  her   !!!  i’m  gonna  put  all  the   tea  on  her  under  the  cut  &  if  u  wanna  plot  like   this  &   i’ll  come  bug  u  , i  rly  always  need  connections  n  love  plotting  ♡  u  can  also  hmu  on  discord  !! @ 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958
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new york’s very own mariana cavello was spotted on broadway street in christian louboutins . your resemblance to selena gomez is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being stubborn , but also adroit . i guess being a gemini explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be  lyrics  scribbled  in  a  notebook  ,  gold  jewelry  ,  &  blue  nail  polish  . ( i  defeaned  a  girl  in  a  fight  when  i  was  17 )  &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
╰ ˚・゚  ♡   𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔   :
full name: mariana marisol cavello
nickname(s): mari,
age: twenty four
date of birth: june 4th
hometown: new york city
current location: upper east side, new york city
ethnicity: half mexican
nationality: american
gender: cisfemale
pronouns: she/her
parents names: alexander hastings, liliana cavello
orientation: pansexual but she doesn’t like labels
religion: grew up catholic, undecided
political affiliation: democrat
occupation: singer/songwriter
living arrangements: lives in her own mansion in the upper east side
language(s) spoken: english, spanish
accent: american
face claim: selena gomez
hair colour: x (most basic/accurate/but it changes)
eye colour: brown
height: 5″5
weight: 113lbs
build: petite
tattoos: mostly selena’s canon, but x instead of the music note
piercings: x (both ears)
drugs/alcohol/sex: yes/yes/yes
pets: one cat, 5 years old, named sergio - x
astrological chart  : gemini sun  ,  libra moon  ,  scorpio rising
character  inspo  :  meredith  grey  (  grey’s  anatomy  )  ,  simone  davis  (  star  )  ,  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  fucking  world  )  ,  carla  (  elite  )  ,   kat  stratford  (  10  things  i  hate  about  you  )  ,  serena  vanderwoodsen  (  gossip  girl  )  ,  jessica  davis  (  13 reasons  why  )
pinterest  board  :  here .
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚  &  𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕   (   tw  :  abuse ,   violence  , injury ,   sexual  assault .  )  :
ok i changed her around quite a lil bit so i’m excited to rEdevelop !  :~)
mariana was born into a seemingly perfect family ,  her older brother &  her having been born heirs to alexander hastings , billionaire hotel & business entrepreneur , shark-tank cast member  ( think kevin o’leary vibes .. yeah . ) &  liliana cavello , legendary supermodel  ( think cindy crawford )
she was spoiled bc they were rich af , so like she never NEEDED for anything , except LoVe :)
mari was quick to blow her dad’s money but did he notice ? no
she still is kjdfnsjdf
mariana was a happy child, but growing up in a household with her father quickly became toxic
she started noticing it when she was around 10
his yelling , his anger against her mother , the hostility towards the entire household
the relationship between her parents always had been toxic but now that they had kids it was quick to spread through the whole household
as mariana grew older and started high school , there were times where she would sit in one of the offices of her father’s buildings and do homework while she waited for him to finish so they could go home
at the mere age of fifteen was the first time one of her father’s co-workers sexually assaulted her in an empty conference room after everyone else went home & she’d be waiting for her dad
this continued for a little under  2  years .
this is when her behaviour at school started to get out of hand, she’d start skipping class, get caught smoking pot, talking back to teachers, etc
it went on for months & mariana suspected that her father knew and wasn’t doing anything to stop it
when she turned 16  &  got  a  boyfriend  , it started affecting her even more . she was struggling w being intimate bc of these things that  were happening to her
which is when she eventually  confronted him about it , in tears , in the kitchen with her mother
it resulted in a screaming match
mariana’s behaviour completely went off the rails after that day & she went to school one day & got into a fight with this girl who was taunting her
they fought and mariana’s anger got the best of her &  she ended up beating the girl so bad that she became deaf in one ear
shoutout to degrassi for the idea Ok female sean cameron in the house
( i needed a secret for mari n i was watching this so i was like .. ok why not lol )
she turned 17 shortly after this argument and by some miracle ( aka money ) her dad was able to keep her out of juvie despite the charges that were brought against her
this is mariana’s secret!!!!!
anyway now , she doesn’t talk to her father really , at all . unless her mom ambushes them into the same room which sometimes happens jkfnsf
mariana moved out on her 18th birthday ,  still has a good relationship with her  mom and brother  &   extended family
when mariana turned 18 was also when she started her career !! she started out as an actor in a few different movies
she got her big break when she starred in a ‘riverdale or like , grey’s anatomy’ type of show a few years ago prob when she was about 19
and that went on for 2 or 3 seasons before she stopped it to pursue music bc !
writing and singing and performing have always been Mariana’s passions & emotional outlet
anyway , she dropped a single while on the show & it did well so she proceeded to drop an album which also blew up
she is now rly successful w her music career and loves it sm , like it’s literally her dream come true ok
it’s the one thing that makes her happy
so yah , if ppl knew she deafened a girl totally wouldn’t b all sunshine n rainbows :/ hehe .
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  (   tw  :  drugs  )  :
mariana is very lowkey crazy
like she knows how to hide it but girl , it’ll come out
she can definitely be a brat , she wasn’t raised with proper consequences & often thinks she can do whatever she wants , has a bit of an attitude about it
she hates being told what to do
and will voice her opinion
she is also the most loyal & loving person you know , but the thing is it’s very hidden deep down rn . she is completely walls up , doesn’t wanna let anyone get close to her bc she’s a PUSSY
and like , she hasn’t worked through her trauma & probably never will
the only opening up she does is when she’s writing music
daddy issues galore over here
but she’s a lowkey softie when she  waants 2 be
when she loves someone she loves fiercly !!
mariana . is a  . party . animal
it’s basically all she does
like every night , her stamina is insane bc she can go out every single night until 3 am if she really wants to .
and she’s fun too , if she’s going out she’s getting WASTED
she’s the type of drunk girl to make out w  all her friends
she loves cocaine, is most definitely an addict (   but who isn’t in this city  ), tequila is her alcohol of choice, but she’ll drink anything you give her & weed is her creative saving grace
we luv a bitch who doesn’t care abt her health !
u will most likely find her in sweatpants and a hoodie or a big tshirt
she will dress up to go out & luvs lookin cute for paparazzi & career stuff
um , she listens to a lot of rap and just lays in bed  w her cat smoking blunts
um n ya  .. sad bitch vibes :/
╰ ˚・゚ ♡  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  :
i have  a wanted connections page here    &   a   wanted  tag  here  !!! i need & want every connection so pls hmu ! like this  &  i’ll come to you .
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breadoffoxy · 4 years
Changing Tides | 9
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Summary: At a young age you thought you had your life all figured out. You would marry your crush and become a world renown artist. It was perfect. That is until a childhood friend, your clumsy cousin, an intimidating rival, a nosy neighbor, an art prodigy, a beautiful dancer and a perfectionist workaholic destroyed those plans for better or for worse.
Pairing: some f. reader x Hoseok, f. reader x Jungkook, and f. reader x Jimin
Genre: Slice of Life, awkward teenage years to college au, eventual romance, angst, fluff
Word Count: 1874
Warnings: None
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You shift side to side as you wait outside the closed door. Really by now Hoseok should give you a key with how much you stop over. It'll at least help poor Jimin who has to open the door for you all the time. As you think that, said man opens the door wearing ripped jeans and a v neck shirt along with a smile.
"Hey y/n," he stands aside for you to enter. You do so and greet the kind man, taking your shoes off in the entryway. A variety of shoes line the shoe rack, some fancy and others more worn out than others. Seeing two pairs next to where you put yours has you frown. Of course, they are here too. Jimin notices your distaste at one specific set of boots.
"They've been at it awhile today already." Apologetically, he rubs at the back of his head. You sigh as you move through the nice apartment with Jimin following you.
The dancers' apartment is more on the expensive side, either from scholarships, loans, or rich family, but you didn't want to be nosy and ask. It's one of those large overpriced ones right near the edge of campus. Far enough to get some distance but easy to walk or bike to classes still. It made their apartment an easy hangout space as well.
The hard wood floor feels cool beneath your socked feet. The interior is of a contemporary design, filled with white and soft blue furniture and decorations with a dash of warm colors to show off some personality. Them also having the nicest apartment out of your group of friends might have played a factor in it being a hangout spot as well.
"With how much coffee Yoongi made earlier I'm sure they are going to be awhile still." Jimin adds from behind you.
"Then it's definitely time for a break." You don't see Jimin roll his eyes at you but you can certainly feel them. Despite your confidence, it's easy to tell that getting them to go on break anytime soon is a nearly impossible task. No one messes with Yoongi when he's on a roll with a fresh pot of coffee. Its more so disastrous to mess with Yoongi when he doesn't have one, so your glad there's that at least. Generally, no one messes with Yoongi at all, except for you. That's why Jimin is trailing behind as he finds the spectacle entertaining. The two of you have so much in common, but never actually see it because of the one man in common.
When you approach the door, you can hear low beats. It stops for a minute and then it starts back up again with the beats in a slightly different rhythm. A third of yourself hates yourself for breaking your cousin's concentration, another third just wants to hang out with Hoseok, and the last third wants to show Yoongi and everyone else you have no fear. Ok, well slight fear of the genius music student but not that you'll tell anyone. Well ok, except for Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin no one needs to know.
You’re at least polite enough to knock when the music is paused again. A moment happens and there's no response. You give Jimin a questioning look which he shrugs at. Hesitantly you reach your hand out for the door handle, but before you can reach it the door opens part way. All you can see into the room is black clothes, even darker hair, pale skin, and a beautiful face displaying a deep scowl at the sight of you. The way Yoongi is angled hides anything and anyone in the room from your view.
"We're busy, what do you want."
"I'm here to hang out with my friend." You put your hands together in a begging motion and tack on, "I can be quiet I swear, " when Yoongi continues to stare at you. An awkward beat passes and the door is shut in your face.
"Oh, come on!" you slam your fist on the door. Jimin bends over slightly from his laughing.
The door opens again this time with Namjoon standing on the other side. "Give us a few minutes kiddo." He gives you a tired smile, dimples showing, and pats you on the head when you pout. Jimin's toned down laughs rise back up into giggles making you push your cousin's hand off your head.
Jimin and you head down the short hall back to the living room. You lay on one of their couches as your temporary host goes into the kitchen. He puts a glass of water on the coffee table next to you and shakes his own protein drink bottle and sits on the couch adjacent to yours.
"You know they have a lot to prepare for before Hoseok goes on his trip."
You fling your arm dramatically over your head to cover your eyes.
"I know. I just need to get my fill of him before he leaves."
"Remember Yoongi needs his fill too."
"I know."
And that may be the reason the two of you can't get along. Yoongi and you started off on the right foot actually, and were quite friendly towards each other. That is until the both of you learned of each other's not so secret crush towards Hoseok. Instead of handling things like reasonable adults and talking it out, the two of you fight over his attention like children. The only time the two of you are amicable now is when Hoseok goes on a new date, and you two lovesick fools sit together in misery. The tension between you two has increased though after Hoseok announced he would be leaving abroad.
"It'll just be a couple of weeks. The two of you can manage you know. Maybe you could use that time to actually get along."
Your response is a grumble into your elbow.
"Plus, now you two can keep me company."
You move your arm to look at him in the eye.
"Does that mean you’re taking a break."
"Hell no" Jimin tips his bottle towards you before taking a big gulp of it.
"You and Minsuh really need to chill on the practice. You're going to wear yourselves out."
Jimin places his drink on the coffee table and stretches out on his smaller couch to stare up at the ceiling.
"You know she has a lot of stress from her parents about this competition. Once its over we'll get a break."
"Yep, until you immediately have to get started for the next one that is."
"Well how is your painting going then."
You frown at that because he knows you are having a hard time with this one. Your teacher wants you to challenge yourself and try a new style for the next project. However, you may have bitten off a bit more than you could chew with your design. Moving away from portraits, you are aiming to do a kinetic environment painting. You've enlisted the help of Jungkook to teach you how to take long exposure photography shots for reference, and you have been studying Tae's style and application of paints along with other impressionist artists. It is a bit out of your comfort zone, but you are learning a lot during the whole procedure.
"It's going," you lie. Jimin's scoff tells you he knows that too.
The two of you sit in silence, lost in your own thoughts. A couple minutes turn into many and you doze off accidently as Jimin starts humming while reading one of his text books he pulls out. When you awake you notice a blanket covers you and that it’s a bit darker outside than it was earlier. Peeking over the couch arm you see that Jimin’s reading another book. Snacks and discarded wrappers fill the coffee table.
“How long have I been out.” You garble out, voice still thick with sleep.
Jimin glances at his phone, “Maybe somewhere between an hour or two.”
You sit up and stretch your arms over your head and feel a pull in your back. Grimacing, you cuddle back into the soft blanket. You clear your throat a little, “Thank you.”
Jimin smiles and gives you a nod in reply. He turns back to his reading and you pull out your phone to distract yourself. To two of you stay quiet and still except for the sounds of a turning page every now and then. That is until you hear the door down the hall open. Jimin giggles at how much you look like a puppy at that moment when you perk up at the sound.
Hoseok strides down the hall in his beautiful glory and sends you his famous smile.
"Y/N!" He plops down on the couch next to you and gives you a side hug that has you leaning into him. "Weren't waiting too long I hope?" "Nope," you smile back at him and doing your best to hide your tiredness as you cuddle into him even more. "Jimin kept me good company."
"Just good company?" questions Jimin, slightly affronted.
"The best company." You decide to indulge the man who grins happily until his eyes disappear into crescents.
Talented hands weave into to your hair and scratch at your head. The feeling has you closing your eyes in bliss. "Great. I expect you two to keep each other company while I'm gone."
"I'll be fine Hoseok." His roommate complains sourly.
"The apartment won't stay clean if no one comes by to visit." Yoongi states as he and Namjoon enter the room. Both of them are eyeing the littered coffee table.
"He's right about that."
Jimin does his best to kick at the older two from his position from the couch, but they take a wide berth of caution around it to the couch you're sitting at. Namjoon pats your head again as he moves behind the couch to sit on the opposite end. Instead of squeezing in the small space between Namjoon and Hoseok, Yoongi perches himself right onto Hoseok's lap.
"Yah, get your own spot." You push slightly at Yoongi as everyone glances to the other couch where Jimin is stretched out with a look that says he is ready to start kicking.
"It's fine Y/N." Hoseok's hand leaves your hair to help balance the man on top of him as he pulls his phone out of his pocket with the other. Yoongi sends you a victorious smirk that you can't help but make a face at.
"Did you finish for the day?" You ask the man next to you who is smiling contently at his phone.
"Just taking a small break." He pats Yoongi's thigh as the oldest gets more comfortable on his lap.
"Just enough time to finish my documentary." Namjoon exclaims as he turns on the tv.
Its peaceful for a moment until the cutest little crab shows up on the screen.
"Really Joonie, crabs again?"
Namjoon looks at you like your crazy, "What's wrong with crabs?"
"Just you know I think I've seen this one about fifty times."
"She's right on that one Joon." Yoongi adds.
Embarrassed, Namjoon just tells you two to shut up.
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childofthenight2035 · 5 years
Letters To Who You Were
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A/N: This is a Chan fic that I thought of writing for a helluva time now, so enjoy! Don’t forget to check out my masterlist! Unrequested
Pairing: Bang Chan x gn!Reader
Summary/Prompt: You receive letters from someone you’re sure you don’t know.
Genre: Angst, Confusion, Time travel, Fluff(?)
Word Count: 12.6k
Warnings: Mentions of death, depression
Bloody Mondays. You hated them.
Chucking the alarm across the room and satisfying yourself with the sound of the battery falling out, you heaved yourself onto your elbows, staring at the pillow groggily.
“Why?” you whined, throwing off the covers and sitting up.
You squinted at the curtains, knowing the sky was too dark to get up, but you had to. You had class. Anthropology of all things. Eight o’clock. Ugh. You loved the subject, but not at six in the morning.
Your bus was at four past seven. You needed to get the heck up.
After a quick shower and a banana, you stumbled out of the apartment, still pulling your shoes on. You set your foot down and realized that you were not, in fact, standing on the cement floor of the landing. You were standing on something else. Paper. A couple envelopes lay under your shoe. Cursing, you bent down to retrieve them and continued your dash to the bus stop.
You managed to catch the bus, after all. Quite the day’s work.
Huffing, out of breath, you collapsed into a window seat towards the middle of the bus. The letters were still clutched in your hand. Flipping them over, you observed what was written on the front. One had the stamp of the Water Authorities on it. Clearly your water bill. You didn’t even want to know. Stuffing it into your backpack, you focused on the other one. It wasn’t official. Your address was handwritten on it. No sender’s name. No return address on the envelope. Hm.
You tore it open. In (somewhat) neat handwriting, was a letter. Addressed to you.
You’ve probably forgotten me. But you’ll remember—through these letters.
 What the heck? You’ve probably forgotten this person? Childhood friend? Okay…
 We’ve been through so much in the year that we were together. It seems like only yesterday. It’s already been a year but I don’t think that I could ever forget you. Not the way you sleep with your limbs splayed out like a starfish; not the way your eyes crinkle when you smile; not the way you chew on your bottom lip when you’re nervous. I could never forget all that.
 Whoa. Wait. Smiling and chewing your lip was one thing; but you did sleep like that. Who could possibly know—was this your old roommate or somebody, pranking you? What did they mean, in the year we were together?
 You’ll think I’m crazy. I know. You’ll claim that you don’t know who I am. But I’m not crazy. I’m the sanest person in the room right now.
Have you gotten that raise yet? I may be a little off, but if you haven’t, then I think you’ll get it within the week. It looks like a good week, huh? I know getting an A in your anthropology class isn’t easy. I’m proud of you.
I realize you must be confused now, but I promise you that you’ll understand. Just give me some time, for once. You were always so busy. Is that why we couldn’t make it? Is that why you couldn’t afford a second chance?
Read these letters now. Someday we’ll meet.
 Hold up. You didn’t know any Chris. Your previous roommate definitely didn’t go by Chris. Maybe Gail, when she was drunk, but Chris? Who’s that? Also, when had you ever gotten an A in anthropology? It wasn’t that easy, especially not for you. And you’ve never gotten a raise yet. What the fuck was going on?
You read the last paragraph again. Just give me some time, for once? Well damn. Ouch. Sorry. Is that why we couldn’t make it? Make it? Make what?
This was going to drive you crazy the whole day, you just knew it.
You slowly closed the letter, troubled. Were your friends pranking you? Was that what this was? Putting it into your bag, you zipped it shut and stared out the window. Youngjae had asked you for your address recently. Hey, maybe that was it! So he was pranking you, huh? Maybe they were all in it together? You relaxed. That’s what it is. Idiots.
“Yah, Youngjae.” You plunked a hand onto his desk and pointed at his face. “What do you think you’re playing at?”
His eyebrows disappeared into his bangs, grabbing your finger and twisting it so you squirmed in pain. “What do you think you’re playing at, huh, disrespecting me?”
He let go of your finger and you slid into the seat next to him.
“It’s a weak idea, bro. Come on, why prank someone if they can tell it’s a prank right away?”
He looked confused. “Prank? What prank? On who?”
You tsked. “Come on, man, April Fools’ is months away. Give up.”
He stilled, glancing around like he thought you were crazy and wanted a quick escape. “I honestly don’t have a clue what you’re saying.”
Your smile faltered. “You didn’t send that letter? Or Jisung? Or Minho? Or even Yeji?”
“What letter? Y/N, are you okay?”
You searched his eyes for any sign, his lips for an uncontrolled twitching, his hands for nervous fiddling. Nothing. You silently brought out the letter and showed it to him, crossing your arms and watching for a change of expression as he read it. Nope. Only confusion.
“What the heck is this?” he asked you curiously. “Who’s Chris?”
You slumped. “I thought one of you guys might have sent that as a prank.”
He handed it back to you. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you asked for my address last week!” you defended.
He threw his hands up. “That was for the ad you asked me to put in the campus paper for a roommate!”
“Oh.” You pouted, sitting straight, facing the front of the class. Your anthropology professor hadn’t yet come in, and the students were being loud. As usual.
“And besides,” he added, nudging you in the ribs (‘ow!’), “I wouldn’t go as far as even imply you got an A in anthropology, like, what even—hey!” You swiped his pen from where he was doodling on his notebook.
“You’re being mean.”
“I’m telling the truth. You know it. Give me my pen back.”
“Silence!” A voice boomed. The entire class rushed back to their seats or straightened up or shut their mouths. Youngjae took the chance and stole his pen. Your professor gazed around at all of you, her expression stern and disapproving. “I have your exams graded.” A collective groan sounded around the room. “The overall performance is lower than usual—“ your heart sank, “—but some of you have done better than I thought.” She proceeded to sit at her desk and call out the names. She also had the irritating habit some teachers have of announcing the grade as well. Your heartbeat was already picking up pace.
“Jacob! B, better than I expected, good….Eric! C, you can do better than this….Kevin.” You cringed at her expression, feeling desperately sorry for him. “D. You didn’t open your book at all, did you?”
Four names later, “ Youngjae! A, good work.”
“As usual,” you grumbled, but feeling proud of him nevertheless. He worked for it. You squeezed his arm when he came back to sit with his paper.
“Y/N!” You stood, hearing Youngjae whisper a ‘good luck’. You made your way to the front of the class, heart pounding. Your professor looked up at you and you winced apologetically for the abomination that was your paper. “A.”
What. Wait, what?
“What?” You accidentally blurted out. She smiled thinly.
“Well done. Keep it up.” She handed you your paper and you traipsed back to your seat, your head throbbing, unaware of the eyes on you.
“Oh my gosh you got an A,” Youngjae muttered, seizing your paper and staring at it like he couldn’t believe his ears or his eyes.
“I did. I got an A.” Your voice came out awed, in a hushed tone, drowned out by the sound of your classmates meeting their fates. A particular sentence, scrawled onto paper, read on a moving bus, flashed from your memory banks. You gasped. “ Youngjae!”
Yanking the letter from under your desk, you spread it out on the table. Youngjae understood what you meant just from glancing at it.
It looks like a good week, huh? I know getting an A in your anthropology class isn’t easy. I’m proud of you.
“Whoa.” He was shocked, too, but quickly composed his flow of reason. “Someone saw your grades. That’s the only explanation.”
“It’s still creepy,” you countered, falling silent and putting both papers away as your professor stood to teach. Still weird.
“I asked the others if they sent any letter; they didn’t,” Youngjae informed you, huffing as he and Jisung caught up with you on the way to Sociology after his Korean language class. You groaned.
“It’s not my old roommate Jeongyeon either, I called her.” You scratched the back of your neck. “This feels weird! Someone who’s close enough to know how I sleep? To notice me so well that they know how I smile? How I chew on my lip?” You shuddered. “Do I have a stalker? This is scary now. Don’t tell anyone, okay?”
“Well, someone could know you sleep like that from that pic of all of us sleeping on Minho’s Instagram,” Jisung suggested. “But what if it was a one-time thing? You’re right, I think you have a stalker.”
You grabbed Youngjae’s arm. “Could you stay with me, then? Until I find another roommate?”
“Wait, but what if your new roommate turns out to be your stalker? Oh, that would be epic.” Jisung pressed his hands together and rubbed them.
“Jisung, not helping!”
“Y/N, you know we hostel people aren’t allowed to stay anywhere else without permission unless it’s break,” Youngjae explained patiently. “One night might be okay, but if it’s more than that, they’ll chuck us out and honestly, I don’t think I could afford off-campus housing right now. And my parents wouldn’t like it.”
“I’m technically broke now, so…” Jisung trailed off. “You know my parents aren’t sponsoring me this year since I told them I’m dropping English and taking Music. Until I prove that I’m good at it.”
“I know, I know,” you sighed, regretting having brought it up. “It’s okay. It’s probably just Jeongyeon and she doesn’t want to admit it. But then, how did she know I got an A?”
Two days later, you practically flew into your Anthropology class, to find Youngjae.
“Whoa, what happened, calm down!” he exclaimed as you dropped into your seat. “What happened, Y/N?”
You steadied your breathing, a hand on your heaving chest. “I…I got a raise.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Are you serious?” When you nodded, he broke into a smile. “That’s great news! I thought that coffee place never gave anyone raises!” You didn’t react. He faltered, looking at your tense expression. “What’s the matter—oh.” You pursed your lips. He finally remembered. “The letter.”
“How could anyone have known that?” You were chewing on your lip again and Youngjae tapped your chin, reminding you to stop before you tore the skin open.
“Does anyone there know a Chris?”
“The manager’s sister has a son named Chris, I asked. But,” you added quickly so Youngjae wouldn’t overreact, “they live abroad. And how would they know me?”
Youngjae sat back in his chair, thinking. “Hmm. Whoever’s writing it knows English well, but from the seals of the post office, I don’t think it’s international mail.” He waved it away. “Don’t think about that now. Did you put up the flyers in the coffee shop?”
“Yes, sir, I did.” You were grateful. “Thanks for getting Yugyeom to make them for me. Although I guess you should be thanking me for a chance to go to him, huh?”
“What?” he spluttered, smacking your arm. “I said I don’t like him, okay?”
“I know.” You smiled smugly, satisfied at the red blush dusting his cheeks. “You love him.”
On Thursday, it happened again.
Your classes were only in the afternoon, so you didn’t rush. But the floor in front of your door presented you with another letter. You brought it in, curiously. You hadn’t thrown away the first letter, even though you had the strangest urge to do so. Instead, you kept it in a box on top of your fridge.
You tore the new letter open. In the same handwriting, it read:
Yesterday was my sister’s wedding. I had no idea that she had invited you, but now that I think of it, I’m not very surprised. She was always fond of you. She took your side even when we fought, did you know that?
I don’t think you saw me. I got one glimpse of you and I ran. I’m a coward. But, did you, perhaps, know somehow that I was there and that I was looking for you? Were you looking for me?
Disgrace. That’s what my mother said to me. That I’m a disgrace. Just because I didn’t have the courage to greet guests and risk you seeing me, just because I can’t stick to something for long, because I’m a loser. And I don’t blame her.
Is it just me? Am I the only one hurting? Seeing you so happy hurts me. It makes me think that this fight isn’t affecting you at all. I can’t help it. I’m selfish.
My sister says that you were so polite and wanted to see me. She says that if only I had come out to talk to you, things would have been alright. Now I wish I had. Maybe I wouldn’t need to write anymore letters if I did.
I wonder if you kept that painting you said your friend gave you on your birthday. And speaking of birthdays, I hope you have a terrific one. You deserve nothing but the best.
It’s difficult. It’s like talking to a person with amnesia. Writing to a person who doesn’t know who’s writing to them is confusing. I know. There are things that I can’t say. But you’re smart. You’ll figure it out eventually.
 You were beyond confused now. You were thoroughly disturbed. You had not gone to a wedding. You knew no girl whose brother was called Chris. You had not received any painting for your birthday. It was next week, so maybe you would? But how would Chris know that? If he even was called Chris?
Beyond all that, what scared you was that you felt this. You could feel the hurt in it. You could feel it as if it was…your own.
The words that called himself a loser, a coward, a disgrace…you understood. But what was the next part about? Him asking if the fight was only affecting him but not you? What fight? What on earth was going on? He wished he had talked to me; he wouldn’t have needed to write any more letters if he had?  And that last paragraph? It’s difficult. It’s like talking to a person with amnesia. Writing to a person who doesn’t know who’s writing to them is confusing. I know. There are things that I can’t say. But you’re smart. You’ll figure it out eventually.
So he knew that you had no clue who he was. From the last letter, you assumed that it was a person you had forgotten about, but this one implied that you had never known him? There were things he couldn’t say? You would figure it out eventually?
From the look on your face, Youngjae knew something was up. When he asked, you only pulled out the letter. He groaned.
“That ass wrote again? This is some elaborate prank, huh?” He took the letter, still chuckling, but as his eyes scanned the paper, his smile disappeared.
You didn’t speak, upset that you didn't understand what was going on, upset that someone was clearly having some fun at your expense, but also upset that, at the same time, it didn’t feel like a joke. This felt personal and…real.
“Oh my god.” His little whisper had your attention on him.
“What? What is it?”
Youngjae didn’t seem to hear you. “How the hell…who could have known about that…”
“ Youngjae, what’s wrong?”
He reluctantly pointed at a sentence in the letter. “That’s…that’s me. I’m that friend. I just bought you a painting for your birthday next week. How the hell….” He trailed off, astounded.
You were speechless. Okay, that was scary.
“Damn it,” he spat, banging his fist on the desk, startling some students in the class. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“ Youngjae, I still haven’t seen it, so it is still a surprise,” you reassured. “And I think that’s not as important as the fact that this person might be stalking you too.”
Youngjae had his focused face on, probably thinking who could have had the chance to see what he bought for you. “Minho wouldn’t do that, right?” he asked quietly, referring to his roommate at the dorms, the second oldest in your group. You shook your head.
“Minho’s petty, but I don’t think he would go this far for a joke. No one else knows about the painting?”
“Other than the guy at the store, I don’t think so.” He ran a hand through his hair, agitated.
Both of you were too disturbed to communicate throughout the lesson, you almost blacking out when the prof asked you something.
“It’s not even details like that,” you told him after class, walking across campus to his dorms. “ Youngjae, when I read that letter, I felt it. It hurt me. It was like I knew this person, but my brain is struggling to remember who he is. It felt real.” You grasped his arm. “I haven’t been in like, some accident and lost my memory, right?”
Youngjae laughed at your comment, some of the tension dissipating. “Of course not, dumbass. As if we would let you.”
Another letter was waiting for you on Tuesday. The weekend had flown by with your coursework and your job, but luckily you had managed to complete everything.
You tore open the letter, glancing at the other two in the box on the fridge; two letters you had read over and over again, hoping for some meaning to this. The third letter wasn’t addressed to you by name.
That was my favourite colour.
The moments until the ice broke between us were so awkward and cliché. You even popped the favourite colour question. I’ve never understood why that question became the standard first when getting to know someone. Can you automatically analyse a person  based on their favourite colour?
You told me yours and then asked for mine. I scoffed at you. I didn’t feel like telling you, right? Don’t you remember? I told you, “Guess.” And then I had to endure you following me around and naming random colours. And then you asked me why.
 His favourite colour was red. Nothing very special in that. But he was talking to you with such a sense of familiarity, as if the two of you had actually been close once upon a time. There was such…nostalgia in what he said. And he was asking if you remembered? No, Chris, you didn’t.
 Red showed me passion. It showed me heat and power and rage: just like the sun. Because I wanted to shine. I wanted my name on billboards and neon signs, spelling it out in fierce red letters. Red reminded me of the deep maroon stain on the carpet in the living room, the stain that you made by dropping a scented liquid candle on it in your first year. Red showed me blood and it reminded me of my heartbeat and how I’m still alive.
 You let out a shaky exhale at the words, both awed by the poetry in them and frightened at the fact that there was, in fact, a stain on the carpet in the living room made by you dropping a candle on the floor. This person knows you here, knows you now. And that was scarier than ever. Up until now, you had the chance that he was someone you knew long ago who decided to fuck with you with knowing your grades, had a pull with the coffee shop owner and saw your best friend buying you a painting. But now…the paper crinkled from how tightly you were holding it. This person knows you in this time of your life. He’s been to your apartment and knows how you sleep. And yet…as much as this makes you afraid, you can sense that he’s hurting. He doesn’t mean harm.
 Red reminded me of your blush.
Red is no longer my favourite colour. It stopped being so when you walked out the door with your suitcase and your tears. And without my apology.
My favourite colour is grey.
I see nothing but it nowadays. There’s no black or white anymore. It’s only grey. No clear differences, just a mess of confusion. Who was right? Were my actions justified? Were yours? What have you believed in the year you refused to speak to me?
Stagnant. Disinterested. That’s what my life is like without your presence. How did I ever think I could manage without you?
I’m weak. Too weak.
 Against your will, a tear escaped the corner of your eyes.
“Why am I crying?” you mumbled, wiping your face with the sleeve of your sweater. Your heart ached; your mind was searching again, searching for a face, an identity, but you were clawing blindly in the dark, only gaps where information should have been.
You and Chris had clearly fought. You walked out with your suitcase and your tears…and that meant you lived together. Was it here? In this apartment? You definitely haven’t had a roommate called Chris. Briefly, you wondered if this was addressed to another Y/N who had lived here with him long before you came, but the details proved otherwise. This person was watching you, here, now.
His life was stagnant without you. Was this person delusional? Crazy? Was your presence just in his head? What did he think of you, exactly? What was the nature of your relationship with him, in his head, at least?
You didn’t know. And if he was insane, you weren’t sure you even wanted to know.
Your heart broke at lying to Youngjae. When he asked you if you had any more letters, you shook your head.
“Maybe he’s given up,” you said cheerily, aware of the way Youngjae was observing you.
Well, maybe you should have known that lying to your best friend doesn’t get you very far.
“I’m not pressing you for information, Y/N,” he said gently. “I’m just saying, we’re all here for you. You don’t have to do anything alone.”
 Your birthday party passed in a haze. It wasn’t really a party, just you and your circle of friends chilling at your apartment, and them emptying your kitchen of food.
Youngjae gifted you a Van Gogh painting. Or, a copy of a Van Gogh painting, you should say. It was clear that both of you remembered Chris’ letter, but you laughed it off, saying that at least Chris didn’t tell you which one it was.
Jisung presented you with a track he had composed for you in his class. He winced, knowing that he was being cheap, but you hugged him gratefully all the same. You would’ve done so even if he hadn’t given you anything. Their presence was enough.
Minho, unfortunately, couldn’t show up, since he had a dance routine due that day, but Yeji showed up, bringing you food that Minho had made the day before, and although it served your friends more than you, you thanked them for it. You blew out a weak candle you had found somewhere in the kitchen while the others sang, your only wish being that you wanted answers to the letters you had been receiving. You cut through a rice cake and stuffed a piece into each of their mouths. And in return, of course, like the great friends they are, shoved a whole rice cake into your mouth and smashed another one on your head.
You didn’t mind. Not too much, at least.
After all, what were friends for?
Saturday. You had work in twenty minutes. It was only a five minute walk from your apartment, but you decided to leave early.
You were hardly surprised at a letter on the floor in front of you. It was more of anticipation. Anxiety. Fear. But you picked it up nevertheless.
It was a dull cloudy day that reminded you of the winter that was to come. As much as you were excited about snow days and Christmas, the cold was really a bitch. Ripping the envelope open, you pulled out the letter and began your walk to the coffee shop.
There are fifty thousand things I want to tell you, but nothing more than this: I miss you.
Don’t you remember?
You would force open my door at two in the morning and wallop me with your pillow because I was snoring so loudly that you couldn’t sleep. But hey, you were worse. I remember you one night, yelling in your sleep that you needed a pencil. Were you dreaming about your finals? I don’t know. You had no memory of whatever it was the next morning.
 Despite the cold, despite your nerves, you couldn’t help but smile fondly at his words. You’d been told before, that you sometimes talked in your sleep, but couldn’t recall ever yelling for a pencil. No one had told you that, at least. This definitely confirmed that you had shared living space with him, whether as a friend, or as a roommate, or even…a boyfriend? Your eyes ran over three words again: I miss you. And then he asked, don’t you remember?
“I wish I did,” you whispered bitterly. “I really wish I did.”
 I still remember the night you found the courage to come to me because it was a terrible thunderstorm and you were scared. I wanted to make fun of you, but the look on your face stopped me. I’m glad I didn’t. That night you began to trust me. We stayed up all night through that storm, do you remember anything? There was the loudest clap of thunder and the power went out. Neither of us said it, but I knew we were afraid. We sat there on the sofa in silence, in the dark, until you suddenly spoke: “Please tell me we’re not going to die.” And I started laughing. And that was all. The ice was broken.
 “Oh.” You were probably just roommates. That night you began to trust me. “Wait, what am I saying?” you questioned yourself. “I’ve never had a roommate called Chris. Why am I acting like I do?” You smacked the side of your head. “Snap out of it.”
But even still, you couldn’t shake off the feeling that you did know him.
 But I never got around to telling you it. When the thunder died away, I forgot that there might be more storms to come. I never told you we weren’t going to die. And now I think that I’m going back on that promise I never made.
I can see those thunderclouds again, Y/N. I hate this. I hate my life. I hate a life without you.
 You were outside the shop now. You swallowed your emotions down, taking a deep breath, trying to compose yourself. Calm down, Y/N. It’s just some deranged psycho writing letters to someone he thinks he knows. Relax. You don’t know him.
Seungmin, another barista, waved to you as you entered. You returned the gesture, stowing your jacket away and putting on your apron.
“You okay? You look sick,” he commented as you washed your hands.
“Just the cold, I’m okay.” You glanced at the your flyer pinned to the bulletin board across the room. Seungmin noticed where your eyes were.
“Oh, by the way,” he continued, gesturing to the ad, “you know my friend Hyunjin, right?” You nodded. “He’s kinda looking for a place to stay.”
Intrigued, you perked up your ears. “Yeah? Tell him to call me.”
“Are animals allowed?”
“No. My landlord is pretty strict about that.”
“Ah.” His shoulders slumped. “Never mind, then. Hyunjin won’t leave his dog behind.”
You smiled gently, recalling the time Hyunjin had brought his little black and white puppy into the coffee shop for about fifteen minutes before the manager saw and threw them out. “It’ll work out somehow. He’ll find a place.”
“Hm. I guess so.”
The ringing of the bell indicated someone had just walked in. Taking a glance at the door, you smirked. “I think you should take this order, Seungminnie. I’ll be out back.”
Seungmin looked up from where he was trying to solve the crossword (which he simply never can) and saw Jeongin, a freshman that he had been long crushing on. He threw you a dirty look that didn’t hide his blush and reluctantly moved to the counter to take the kid’s order—hopefully without making himself look like a fool.
You busied yourself in the kitchen, making way for the deliverers bringing the day’s pastries. Half your mind was on the letter and every time you thought about it, a weight pressed down on your chest. It was a horrible feeling. You couldn’t wait to get to the bottom of this. None of the others knew you had been receiving more letters. Youngjae probably sensed that you had, but you weren’t about to involve him in it. This felt too personal to share with even him.
You sighed. This entire ordeal was eating you alive and you felt helpless in it.
There was no letter the next week. Chris seemed to have finally fallen silent. And you didn’t want to admit how attached you had already gotten, from just four letters. It was a sort of feeling you couldn’t control. You wanted to be scared, you wanted to burn the letters and pretend they never existed, but something warned you not to. Something told you that you might need them, sooner or later.
He took up most of your time; most of the thoughts in your brain had something to do with him. You wondered what he might look like, what kind of person he was. There was a lot about you in the letters, but precious little about him. He was observant. He was lyrical. Poetic. Emotional. Ambitious. What did he like to do? What was his passion? What relationship did he think the two of you had? You couldn’t help but wonder.
You didn’t want to admit it, but you sometimes addressed him when you talked to yourself around the apartment. For you, he was associated with only you, only these rooms. Maybe that was one reason you didn’t share this with the others. Chris seemed to belong to only you. Only known to you. And at some point, you would begin to feel like you only belonged to him. Whoever he was. You wished you only knew.
The next Saturday was a work day for you. There was no letter in front of your door when you left, but when you returned after a hectic day and rude customers, just wishing for peace, you were surprised to see an envelope with familiar writing scrawled across it. Snatching it up immediately, you dashed inside to read it.
Do you remember the first time you spoke to me about your parents? It was so sudden. I didn’t know what brought it on. One moment you were busy around the kitchen and the next you were on the floor crying. The only thing that I could understand was that they had called, your mother said something and you were upset.
You went into a pathetic rant about how your parents had locked you in the four walls of your home, not bothering to listen to you, emotionally abusing you because they wouldn’t listen to you about your stress. I honestly didn’t know what to do. I could only hold you as you cried your heart out on my shirt.
 Your breath hitched.
This…this was real. This was too real. That was exactly how you felt. Even you couldn’t have organized your thoughts so well. How does Chris know me so well? Who are you? Already tears were forming at the corner of your eye at the emotion you felt from reading those sentences about your parents.
 Would you believe it if I saw you as cold and distant until that day? We were always civil, but you seemed shut off, closed to me. I know that you didn’t mean it. I realized that you were scared to open up. I can understand how hurt you must have been when your parents refused to care.
I can only say the same thing that I said then: They may never understand you, they may never accept you, but it doesn’t matter. There is enough love in the world that you are not at all restricted to seeking support from your family. That’s why humans can pack bond. There are people who know what you’re going through, and if there isn’t anyone else, I will be here. I always will.
 You choked back a sob. Whatever your rational brain said, you knew that Chris wasn’t out to hurt you. It was as if he knew what you were going through, and wanted to reassure you despite you not knowing him. You were grateful for that, regardless.
 Is it weird? Is it awkward that you know me but at the same time you don’t? Will you not be suspicious when you see me? I don’t even know if you will. I don’t know if I’ve messed things up by writing this. But even if I have, it’s okay. If it means that you’ll be alive, then I’ll be okay not having you as a friend. Even if we’re awkward and don’t get closer, it’s okay. I’m scared of what will happen if we do. I’m scared of getting stuck in this vicious cycle. It’s better if you stay away and survive than get to know me and ruin your life.
 Wait. Wait. Let’s try that again.
Is it awkward that you know me but at the same time you don’t? Yes. It is awkward, Chris. Am I living in some parallel dimension where I don’t know you but you’re living in the other side where I do know you?
Will you not be suspicious when you see me? When, you noticed. Not if. You paused, staring at the paper in your hands. When I see him? So you were right? You’ve never seen him? Or at least, you haven’t seen him recently? Yes, Chris, it will be suspicious. If I ever do see you, you better have some answers. How do you know all this when we haven’t met?
I don’t even know if you will. I don’t know if I’ve messed things up by writing this. Okay, now he doesn’t know if I will see him. What does he mean by messed things up? What has he messed up other than my sanity?
But even if I have, it’s okay. If it means that you’ll be alive, then I’ll be okay not having you as a friend. You noticed that your fingers were trembling. You tried to calm yourself, to understand what he was trying to say. Even if he has messed things up, it’s okay. He will be okay not having me as a friend if it means I will be…alive? Am I not alive?  Your parallel universe explanation popped up again. Am I not alive in his dimension? What?
Even if we’re awkward and don’t get closer, it’s okay. I’m scared of what will happen if we do. So he thinks we’re friends? And he’s scared about my life if I’m his friend? Is he a gangster or mafia leader or something? He’s okay with us not getting closer?
I’m scared of getting stuck in this vicious cycle. Vicious cycle. What cycle? You ran those words through your head, over and over again, trying to make sense of it. They sounded oddly familiar, but you just couldn’t place it. You felt like they were associated with Youngjae, for some reason. But why?
It’s better if you stay away and survive than get to know me and ruin your life. So he’s scared that I’d ruin my life if I got closer to him. And yet, you could almost hear the undertones in that sentence. The bitterness. He wanted to be close to you, desperately. But he was too scared to.
“Why do you have to be so fucking cryptic, Chris?” you mumbled.
You shook your head. You still had no idea what was going on.
That afternoon, Minho and Jisung came over to your place without any prior warning. You raised your eyebrows at them when you saw them shivering on your doorstep, backpacks on. They pushed past you into your living room and relished the warmth with loud exclamations of relief.
“Can I help you?” you asked, knowing your idea of peace was shattered. You closed the door before the cold could get in and make things worse.
“ Youngjae hyung kicked us out,” Jisung said, pouting. “He has a math test on Monday and he said he would fail if we kept disturbing him.”
You remembered telling Youngjae so many times to think again before taking math, but then, each to his own. “And you couldn’t stay in your room because…”
“Felix has his boyfriend over,” he explained. “And I’m not particularly fond of watching.”
“So we thought you’d be the best option.” Minho pulled his jacket off and tossed it onto the sofa before trudging to the kitchen.
“What makes you think I’m okay with watching you two?” you retorted, following Minho. You could already hear Jisung turning his laptop on, probably to play a game or watch a movie.
“You’ve been okay with it for seven years now,” Minho shot back, opening the fridge and closing it again in dismay. “You don’t really have much choice.” He stood on his tiptoes to grab at the box on top of the fridge, and you snatched it away in horror.
“What are you looking for?” you snapped, cradling the box in your arms. “You know you can just ask.”
“Don’t you have, like, real food?” He opened the cupboards and, finding a box of pretzels, turned to you in disgust. “Seriously?”
“You don’t have to eat it, you know.”
“Nah, I will. Food is food.” He reached into his backpack, brought out a packet of unpopped popcorn and set it on the counter. “Pop this, will you?” He gathered up the pretzels and the cereal box he found and walked out. You carefully set the box back on the fridge and let out a groan of frustration.
You reluctantly shoved the packet into the microwave and stared at it, still enjoying the ‘pop’ sounds it made. Your mind drifted back to the box on the fridge. You had to admit, you thought about this mysterious Chris more often than you liked.
“Who are you, Chris?” you muttered, eyes still on the spinning paper, your words drowned out by the noise. “Where are you?”
You found Minho and Jisung curled up on the sofa, intently watching what you assumed to be a movie. Plopping down on it and carefully setting the popcorn on the table, you peered around Minho at the screen. You were surprised to see that the movie was over halfway done.
“How did you guys watch it this far so fast?” you questioned, settling back into the cushions.
Without even taking his eyes off the screen, Jisung replied, “We were watching this at the dorm when hyung kicked us out.”
Nice. “What are you watching?”
“The Lake House.”
Not very helpful. “What’s it about?”
As Jisung opened his mouth to answer, Minho reached over and slammed the space bar, pausing the movie. Obviously he was irritated at the interruptions. Jisung held his hand to calm him down.
“It’s like this time-travel thing,” Jisung began, but Minho cut him off, choosing to explain in his quick, no-nonsense way.
“A house by the lake. Two people accidentally corresponding by writing letters but they’re actually two years apart in time.” He shrugged. “So things that she,” he pointed at the screen, “writes about haven’t actually happened for him, because he’s two years in the past. It’s trippy. Watch it sometime.”
“Ah.” You nodded and they resumed the film. You tuned out the dialogue from the laptop, mulling over what Minho and Jisung had just said. Corresponding by writing letters. Things that she writes haven’t happened for him because he’s in the past…
Time travel.
You sat up, the significance of that concept weighing heavily down on you.
The sound shut off once again. “You…okay?” Minho asked uncertainly.
You didn’t know how to respond for a moment. You barely heard him, blood pounding in your ears. All that was in your mind were the letters and Jisung’s voice: It’s like this time travel thing. You swallowed the revelation and the sheer possibility down.
“Yeah,” you gasped, “I just….” You stopped, the rest of the sentence dissipating into thin air.
Vicious cycle.
Those were words from your textbook.
You could still remember your professor lecturing your class on the beliefs that humans have had over the years. There was even a story, a legend, a myth, about time travellers. The class had erupted at that, referencing old pictures of people that bore eerie similarities to people living now. Social media made fun of them, calling them immortals and time-travellers. The story in your book spoke of a person who kept trying to change the past and alter the future and ended up going in circles with no result. Moral: don’t mess with things beyond human comprehension.
Vicious cycle.
“Y/N?” Jisung’s concerned voice broke you out of your thoughts. “Are you okay?”
You looked over at them, your eyes blown wide. Worry was etched on their faces. You forced a smile.
“Yeah, I just…I just remembered I have a paper due Monday.”
They laughed at your shock, and when you gestured to them that you’d be in your room doing that, they waved you away, calling out their thanks for letting them stay. You nodded absently, quietly padding to the kitchen and retrieving the letters from the box. Five of them in all.
The boys were immersed in their movie and didn’t even notice you slipping away into your room. You locked the door, finally allowing yourself to breathe.
You looked at the letters with a shaking heart. Was that what was happening? You couldn’t believe it. You didn’t want to believe it. You sat down on your bed, taking out the first letter and scanning through it. You put the idea into your head.
Time travel.
Could it be true?
Maybe it was. It would make a lot more sense with regard to the letters.
That’s how he knew, you thought. If he was your future roommate, he would know how you slept. He would be around you enough to notice how you smiled and that you chewed your lip when you were anxious. He would know that you recently got a raise and an A once in your class. He would know that the painting that hung on the living room wall was one that your friend gave you for your birthday. He would know that the stain on the carpet was your fault—and a candle’s. You could almost see yourself telling him all that.
It would explain how he knew you sometimes talked in your sleep and got scared of thunderstorms. He would know about your feelings towards your parents. Of course he would.
I realize you must be confused now, but I promise you that you’ll understand. You did. At least, you hoped you did. If that was even possible. You couldn’t see how time travel existed, but what other explanation could you give this?
It’s difficult. It’s like talking to a person with amnesia. You saw how it would be. If this was indeed future Chris writing letters to past you that didn’t know him yet…you understood how it would be difficult. There are things that I can’t say. But you’re smart. You’ll figure it out eventually. Have you? Have you figured it out?
It would explain why he said you had attended his sister’s wedding when you knew for sure that you hadn’t—yet. It would explain his anguish at the fight you were to have. His pain was contained in all of the letters you had received so far. Was the fight that bad? You couldn’t help but wonder what it would be about. Evidently it split the two of you—or, it would split you beyond repair. Chris was clearly hurting very much without you.
I never told you we weren’t going to die. And now I think that I’m going back on that promise I never made. This line still spooked you. Was he dying? Were you dying? What was going on? If he was really from the future, what was happening there that had him contact the past? Did he think he could change it?
Today’s letter made much more sense.
I don’t know if I’ve messed things up by writing this. But even if I have, it’s okay. If it means that you’ll be alive, then I’ll be okay not having you as a friend. Even if we’re awkward and don’t get closer, it’s okay. I’m scared of what will happen if we do. I’m scared of getting stuck in this vicious cycle.
He wanted to change the past? In a way that didn’t involve the two of you anymore? Wait. So, in his past, the two of you had evidently been quite close, as friends? more than friends? you didn’t know. But because of that, your fight had been severely worse? And that led to the fight breaking you up for good? And now, he couldn’t handle it, and he wanted to change the past so you didn’t become close, you didn’t fight and nobody got hurt? Was that it?
You rested your head against the wall, stunned by the turn of events. What was going on? What was happening?
 Your two-week winter break had you bidding Youngjae, Jisung and Yeji goodbye and sent them off home on the train. Minho’s family had gone to Japan to visit friends, and besides, he had his dance performance to think about. He confessed to you that he would much rather stay at the campus than waste his time in Japan seeing people he couldn’t care less about. Rather than be stuck in an empty dorm for the week, he decided to move in with you briefly, helping out at the coffee shop when he wasn’t practicing. You were grateful for his presence. Alone, he never got on your nerves. And he could cook better than you could.
“Why not stay at Jisung’s place for the holidays?” you asked him one evening in the kitchen.
“I didn’t want to intrude.” He sighed, pushing his glasses up with the back of his hand. “Jisung deserves some time alone with his family.” He cleanly chopped up an onion and tossed it into the pot simmering on the stove. “Don’t ask about me when you haven’t gone either.”
You threw a piece of pepper at him, which he caught and ate. “I hate travelling in the cold. That’s all. You know that.”
“I do know that. And you would have been very lonely.”
“Aww, you stayed for me?”
“Shut up and cut the vegetables. I can still leave, you know.”
“I know.”
Two nights later, you received a text from Jisung.
you seduced my man to move in with you huh I see how it is
You rolled your eyes. as if. he was begging me to let him stay
Jisung’s reply was quick. whatever that’s not what I wanted to tell you
okay what is it
felix has new neighbours and theor son is joining the university for the next sem and he doestn have a place to stay so
You raised your eyebrows. This was news. oh okay then ask him to call me then
okay I will I wasn’t sure I shud be giving ppl your number without telling you
You smiled. Jisung was considerate after all. thnx sungie
You had just placed the phone down when the thought occurred to you. A thought that had been haunting you a while ago. Chris was apparently your roommate at some point in the future. Was this person…Chris? You tapped out another message for Jisung. wait sungie whts the guys name
idk lemme ask felix hold on
You waited impatiently, anticipating (or dreading?) the reveal of the person’s name. You became alert when Jisung started typing.
flix doesn’t know hes asking his mom wait a sec
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Really? Does it have to have so much suspense? But what if it was Chris? What were you going to do? Were you going to tell Jisung not to give him your number? Or were you going to let Chris into your life anyway, despite all the warnings? The ‘ping’ of your phone startled you.
his names chan smthg
You relaxed. Oh. Well then. It wasn’t Chris. That decided things for you, then.
okay give him my number then
will do
You shut off your phone screen and lay back onto your pillows. Maybe Chris was right. Maybe by sending you the letters, he had changed time and now he wasn’t the person being your roommate. If the letters hadn’t been sent, would Chris be the one ready to call you?
That’s not how time works, you thought. No one is told what would have happened.
But you sure wished you were.
The next letter arrived in the morning, when Minho stepped outside the house to buy some breakfast. He didn’t think about picking it up, just shouting ‘you’ve got mail’ into the apartment before continuing on his way to the store.
You dashed to the front door and snatched it up, tearing it open once in your room. You had to know. Maybe he would finally crack and tell the truth instead of hiding things in code.
I’ve never seen darkness like this.
I saw you again today—on the train back to Seoul. Where had you gone? I pretend like I don’t care, but I do. Deep down, you know I do, right? Honestly, I’m so tired of this. I’m tired of this existence. Why are we even fighting anymore? I know that you’ve forgiven me—you told my sister at her wedding. I want to forget it, too. I’m just too anxious to face you.
 You couldn’t help but feel like your suspicions were true. Back to Seoul. Where had you gone? Maybe back home? Where had Chris gone, if he was on the same train? From what he said, both of you wanted to patch up the fight but didn’t have the guts to?
 Did you see me? I felt like you did. Your eyes ran over me as if I didn’t exist, but I felt even more broken than I already am. Is this just a stand or do you really hate me now? Do you really not want to see me anymore? I don’t blame you.
I could have spoken to you. I could have stopped this feud but I’m a coward.
 Maybe you did see him. You could feel the ache in your heart as usual, but this stung a lot more, for some reason. Is this just a stand or do you really hate me now? I don’t blame you.
“I don’t hate you, Chris,” you whispered.
 You were sitting by the window, like you always do, wearing that sweater your mother bought you years ago, the one you thought was silly because it was orange and green. I agreed with whatever you said about it because I didn’t know colour schemes very well. But what I never said was that it looked good on you.
 “Sap,” you muttered, laughing under your breath. “Of course you would think that stupid sweater looks good on me.” The sweater in question was tucked deep in your wardrobe. It hadn’t seen the light since you first moved in. You wondered how Chris would know about it.
 I realized again that you’re so beautiful. I used to have a crush on you, you know? Back in the year we first met. You were such an odd character. You never did what you didn’t want to and you said what you meant. You were never good at hiding your emotions. You closed off a lot—I understand it was because of your parents—but I’m glad you finally opened up. I wish I were half as good at expressing myself. Y/N, can you promise me one thing? Even if after all this, I still show up at your apartment, even if we still become friends, even if we do fight, could you knock some sense into me?
My life is despicable and worthless without you. I’ve hurt you so much. But I can die in peace knowing that I’ve spent a year in your company. Even after I’ve wasted away, keep smiling.
 You couldn’t help the tears that escaped your eyes. Why was it that you felt such raw pain from these that you had to cry?
He used to have a crush on you. So that confirmed it, didn’t it? You were only friends. You could hardly imagine the depth of that friendship to end up like this from a fight. In your books, only one thing could break you apart from a relationship: betrayal of trust. Was that what happened? Or, what would happen?
You were such an odd character. You never did what you didn’t want to and you said what you meant. You were never good at hiding your emotions. True. Perfectly true.
Y/N, can you promise me one thing? Even if after all this, I still show up at your apartment, even if we still become friends, even if we do fight, could you knock some sense into me?
If you show up, you thought. But you’re not going to…right? Chan is. But you couldn’t tell anything. Maybe Chan wouldn’t last very long. Maybe the person to come after Chan was this Chris. But you were too weak.
“I promise, Chris.” You closed your eyes.
Even after I’ve wasted away, keep smiling.
You did.
 Monday came around again. But this time, you didn’t particularly hate it. It was the day after Christmas. Still the holidays. Classes wouldn’t start up until the next week.
Minho idled on the sofa, using his laptop, headphones around his neck, a true picture of professionalism. He could be doing anything for all you cared. Seated at the dining table, you were busy typing out an essay due for your anthropology class when break was over. Little by little each day. You simply forced yourself to not procrastinate until Saturday.
Your phone vibrated. An unknown number was calling. You picked up.
A voice you were not familiar with spoke. “Is this Y/N?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Yes. Can I help you?”
“I was, um, calling to ask about the opening for a roommate?” the male voice answered hesitantly. Thick accent.
“Oh! Are you Felix’s neighbour? Chan…something?”
“Yes, I am!” he sounded relieved. “Bang Chan. But you can just call me Chan.”
You scribbled his name down on your notepad. “I suppose you’d like to see the apartment?”
“Yes, I would, um…” A pause. “When could I come over?”
“Um…” You thought about it. Youngjae and Jisung would be back on Wednesday and Minho would clear the area by then. “Is Friday okay? I assume you will be starting your classes on Monday?”
You heard the rustling of paper. “Yeah. Yeah, I am starting on Monday. Friday’s cool. Um, what—what time?”
“Any time is fine. I’m free all day on Friday.” You wrote down Friday on the paper. “We can talk about splitting the rent then.”
“Rent won’t be a problem,” Chan replied. You raised your eyebrows. Rich, huh?
“Very well. I guess I’ll see you on Friday.” You noticed Minho looking over at you. You rolled your eyes. “Take care. Bye.” You hung up the call, feeling like this Chan was someone you weren’t going to get along well with.
“What’s up?” Minho asked.
“Candidate for roommate,” you told him, setting down you phone and turning back to your essay. “Mister Bang Chan.”
“Ah. You got me safely out of the way first, huh?”
You winked at him cheekily. “Of course. The number one spot goes to you. I didn’t want him to feel incompetent.”
The next day, Minho packed his bags and left. You were sad to see him go, but you knew he had work to do. Youngjae was coming back tomorrow, and he would most definitely have a heart attack if he saw their dorm room in the state that Minho had left it in.
And speaking of work, you had enough as well.
Your essay was halfway done and you stepped outside the flat to take a break, get some fresh air, maybe get a coffee or hot cocoa or something. But of course, fate had it in for you.
You sighed at the all too familiar handwriting lying on your doorstep and brought it inside, opting to read it before going out. It would make you upset for sure, why not get it over with and then grab some coffee?
You slit the envelope open. The first thing you noticed was that handwriting was different. Shaky, almost.
You’re not going crazy, I’ll tell you that. I am.
I heard the news today. I couldn’t believe it at first, I was in shock. But it’s true. It happened.
Had you really been drinking? That’s what they say, the police and the doctors. That’s what they reported in the paper.
I still can’t believe you’re gone.
 Wait, what? What do you mean, I’m gone? Your heartbeat picked up tempo.
 Was it just a car accident? Or was it suicide? Why had you been drinking? I don’t understand anything. My world is slowly spiralling into darkness and these letters are my only hope. My one chance, the only chance.
 The words spun around your head. Car accident? Suicide? Drinking? These letters are my only hope. The only chance.
 I haven’t spoken to you in almost a year, but it was comforting to know that at least you were alive and breathing the same air that I was. But now you’re gone and I can’t breathe anymore. I’m trying to grasp what happened and I’m trying to convince myself that it couldn’t possibly be true. But it is.
Reading all these letters, I know you might have understood what’s going on by now. You were always so smart. I’ve put the newspaper cutting in the envelope. I don’t know if you can see it or if I’m breaking the law.
Don’t ever drink and drive. Promise me.
 You stayed motionless, just standing there in front of the sofa, clutching the letter in your hand. Did…did you die? Your fingers fumbled around for the envelope, shaking it open. A piece of paper slid into your palm. The envelope fell silently to the floor.
Your face was staring back up at you.
You didn’t dare to read it, but some phrases registered in your memory before you could turn away. Killed in a car accident. Drunk driving. Research assistant. Road safety. Enquiry. And your name.
You shuddered, sinking onto the sofa, world swaying under your feet. Your hands were shaking badly and you squeezed them together, trying to release some of the tension. You were in shock. This proved everything. He was trying to contact you from the future.
“Oh my gosh,” you finally broke, burying your face in your hands.
So this was it. This was the reason he was writing to you. I don’t know if you can see it or if I’m breaking the law. Of course, the laws of nature. Don’t meddle with time. He thought he could have prevented your death? If only you two weren’t fighting?
Don’t ever drink and drive. Promise me.
Maybe things had changed.
Chan was coming over on Friday after all. Maybe he should stay.
Wednesday saw Youngjae and Jisung stopping by your place with food that their parents had sent along for you. Thanking them profusely, you stored the dishes carefully away in the refrigerator. Since Minho had gone, you knew you would be facing a shortage of food. You wondered how well Chan could cook, if he could at all.
“Missed us?” Jisung asked, launching himself at you in a tight hug. You laughed, patting his head.
“Of course I did, Sungie,” you murmured fondly into his hair. He could be such a pain sometimes, but only when he was gone did you realize how much you all depended on him to keep the mood light. “My sunshine baby.”
“Aishh, stop it!” he whined, pulling away from you. “I’m not a baby.”
You giggled, ruffling his hair. “You’ll always be my baby.”
Youngjae engulfed you in his arms, rocking back and forth. “Your parents are a tiny bit mad that you didn’t come home, you know.”
You squirmed out of his hold. “I guessed. I just didn’t feel like visiting at the moment.”
He squeezed your shoulder comfortingly. “I know, Y/N. I know.” Briefly you considered telling him about the letters and your conclusion, but you thought it might sound rather far-fetched for rational Youngjae. Especially after what happened yesterday.
“Hey, did that guy ever call you?” Jisung interrupted, stealing a carrot from your fridge and gnawing at it. You pursed your lips.
“He did.”
“Who are we talking about?” Youngjae was confused.
“Felix’s new neighbour’s son is attending uni here and he called asking if he could check out the apartment.”
“Oh. Hm.” He seemed wary about this new person. “When is he coming? Or did he already?”
“Friday,” you told them. “So I don’t want any of you near this place, you hear? I’m keeping it spick and span. You are not ruining this for me.”
Jisung pouted, the food in his cheeks only making him look cuter. Youngjae put his hands up in surrender. “Understood.”
By the end of the night, the apartment was relatively tidy. At least, clean enough for a college student. You hoped Chan wouldn’t mind too much.
Thursday morning was cold. Just. That’s all that came into your mind when you woke up. Stretching around on your bed, instead of relief, you were hit with the strangest sense of foreboding. Something…you didn’t know what, but something told you there was a letter today. You jumped out of bed and raced to the front door.
You heart stuttered when you saw the envelope, addressed to you in his handwriting.
Today was the funeral. I couldn’t bear to see you. I waited until the coffin was lowered to come near the vicinity.
 The funeral. Your funeral. You felt odd inside, reading about your own funeral, but felt even worse at Chris’ plight. He couldn’t bear to see you.
Your parents are devastated. Can you blame them? You left them around seven months ago and you haven’t spoken to them since, have you? I don’t know what to feel. I can only pity them but I feel so helpless inside, so guilty, like I could have prevented all this.
 You left your parents seven months ago? And didn’t speak to them after that? You placed a palm over your heart. Why? Did you fight with them, too? You couldn’t imagine the pain that must have caused. To not even say a good word to each other before you died? Chris felt guilty. Could he have prevented this?
 Today I thought a lot about the first time we met. Do you remember? You heard my name and went into a rant about some letters I had apparently written to you. I had no idea what you were going on about, but now, I realize it must have been these. I asked you to show me those letters, but you said you had thrown them away. Have we been stuck in that cycle forever?
 Your eyes darted to the box safely on the fridge. No wonder you had felt the urge to throw them away. Time was wired that way! In Chris’ past, you had thrown them away and when he showed up, you had gone off on him about the letters. But since he hadn’t written them yet, he had no clue what you were talking about.
Vicious cycle.
It made sense now.
 I saw your friends today. They say you were celebrating one of their promotions, and that you refused to go home with them. You had become reckless, they said. Ever since… They didn’t say anything about…us. They didn’t need to. I could see it in their eyes, the blame piercing into my heart. This is all my fault.
 My friends? Did he mean Youngjae? And Jisung? Minho? Yeji? They blamed Chris? And Chris blamed himself for your recklessness? He thought that if you hadn’t fought, you wouldn’t have attempted to drink and drive? You wouldn’t have attempted….suicide?
 Couldn’t I have stopped this? If only I had tried a little harder, if only we both had made a little more time...Wouldn’t things have changed?
I can’t breathe. There’s nothing but darkness in front of me now. There’s this horrible weight pressing down on my chest.
 “But what did you do, Chris?” You couldn’t help but ask. “What did you do that was so unforgivable that I killed myself over it?”
 Y/N, by the time you finish reading this, I will be dead.
 You gasped, clapping a hand over your mouth. No. No, no, no!
I know I’ve never said it to you very often, but you mean so much to me. I’m sorry that I let things come to this.
I’ve hurt you in the worst possible ways. But didn’t we deserve a chance? Just one more chance? Just one more chance and we could make it, couldn’t we?
I don’t deserve you and you don’t deserve anything I’ve given you. Even if I don’t deserve a chance, you do.
 “You do deserve a chance, Chris,” you choked out, openly crying now. “You deserve everything.”
 I can’t do anything but this. I don’t know how many forces of nature I’m breaking to get these letters to you. Everything is in your hands now, along with this letter.
I’m dying, Y/N.
I’m dying now because I can’t live without your presence. I’m dying now because my presence killed you.
I’m dying now to save you.
To save us.
 Your blurry eyes fixed on the full stop after his name. He never did that before. You knew why he did it now. He was done. No more letters. This was it.
You clutched the paper to your chest, legs giving way, sinking to the floor with your back against the door, sobbing uncontrollably. You didn’t know him, but you felt it deep in your heart. In your soul. You felt just as you would if one of your gang had committed suicide. Y/N, by the time you finish reading this, I will be dead. And the oddest part? That weight on your chest had gotten heavier, but now you felt empty. He really was gone. You were the past, and he had destroyed the future. Everything is in your hands now, along with this letter.
You cried until you had no tears left.
You cried until your head spun from dehydration.
But in the end, against the cold door, you calmed yourself.
He’s alive. It was his future self that had died. This was the past. Or now, the present. He was most certainly alive.
You didn’t know where he was. Where he would come from. But hopefully, your paths would cross some way or other. At least, they would pass close by. You would find him. Whatever the cost, you would find him. Just to observe him from afar. Just to know if he was safe.
You swallowed thickly, rubbing the dried tear tracks off your face.
You would find him.
Sooner or later, he would come to you.
By the time the sun came up on Friday morning, you had composed yourself. Or at least, until Chan came and left. The apartment was pretty presentable, from your point of view.
You half-hoped Chan didn’t like it, so there would be a chance that Chris would show up. But then again, would that be playing right into the cycle you were trapped in? What if Chris coming to you ended up in misery whichever way the tape played? Maybe you should just keep him away and let Chan be your roommate.
You tugged at your hair in frustration.
When the time comes, I’ll know what to do.
Someone knocked twice on the door.
You immediately panicked. Fuck.
You cleared your throat, letting out steady breaths.
Cautiously, you opened the door.  
A pale-faced (you didn’t think it was from nerves) young man stood on your doorstep. At first glance he was quite ordinary. Dark brown hair, plaid button-up over a white tee, under a black overcoat. Jeans. He looked like any other college student. He had the type of face you could certainly get used to seeing. Seeing you, the corners of his mouth turned up in the sort of forced awkward ‘first meeting’ smile reserved for situations like this.
You returned the smile. “Chan, right?” you confirmed.
He nodded. “That’s me.”
You opened the door wider for him to enter, shivering slightly at the draft sneaking inside, and shut the door as soon as he came in. You noticed that he had been careful to shake the snow off his shoes before he stepped inside.
Considerate, you thought. Time to get to business.
“Nice to meet you, Chan,” you welcomed him, extending a hand. “Y/N.”
“Oh. Yeah.” He took your hand and both of you gasped at the shock that travelled through your forearms, jerking apart at once. He laughed nervously. “Weather does that sometimes, aye? The shocks.” He stuck his hand out to try again. This time you were able to shake it properly. “It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.”
You nodded and as you drew apart, you didn’t bother to tell him that summer storm weather caused the shocks. Not winter. It didn’t matter anyway.
“You can hang up your jacket there,” you offered, gesturing to the hatrack in the corner. He obeyed after a moment’s hesitation. You noticed his physique as he shrugged his jacket off. “Um,” you weren’t sure how to go about a tour. “You can look around, I suppose. Take your time.” You pointed to the kitchen. “I’ll be here.”
He gave you a thumbs-up that he seemed to instantly regret. Turning away, you watched as his figure disappeared down the hall into the spare bedroom.
You sighed, planting your hands on the kitchen counter. You didn’t know what to do. Despite your curiosity about Chris, you figured that it probably wasn’t smart to risk both of your lives by insisting that Chris live here.
After all, he had said himself that he might have messed things up. That he might have changed his past. Your present. Chris might be anywhere. He could be a world away. He could be down the street. Maybe it was safer that way. You technically didn't know him, anyway. You only thought you did because of the letters. You didn’t know what he looked like, his personality, his past. You didn’t know how he would treat you. And what you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you.
Maybe you should just let it all go. Chris is probably safe now. Sooner or later, you would forget about him. Why not sooner? You raised your eyes to the box on the fridge. One day, you wouldn’t need them anymore. One day, you would be fine with throwing them out, with burning the memories that wouldn’t exist because the past was changed. But until then…you would wait.
“It’s a nice place.”
You were so deep in your thoughts that you hadn’t heard Chan enter the kitchen. His eyes roamed the small room, a dopey smile on his face.
You allowed your expression to soften.
“You look upset,” Chan observed. “Is something wrong?”
Yes, something was wrong. But how do you tell this beautiful stranger your story? Where to begin? You shook your head. “You know how time breaks friends apart?”
He winced. “Only too well.”
The two of you stood there in silence, his gaze trying to reassure you. You didn’t need to say anything at all. He understood. Maybe you could get used to having him around. Maybe Chris was right. Maybe staying away was the best decision.
“So,” you broke the silence. “You like the apartment?”
He nodded. “I really do. But…um, how far is the university from here?”
You shrugged. “Fifteen minutes or so. There are buses from here direct to uni.”
“I have a car,” he informed you. “Hey, I could drive you there. We could go together.”
You felt warmth in your chest despite the cold weather. “We’ll see.”
He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I’ll bring my stuff over tomorrow. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
He teetered on the edge of speech but then turned away as if to leave the kitchen. But then he stopped. “You’re—from abroad, right?”
“I am.” You tapped your fingers on the counter. “Aren’t you, too? You have an accent.”
“Yep.” He pressed his lips together. “You can call me by my English name, you know. If it’s more comfortable with you. Chan is my Korean name.”
In hindsight, you had no clue what you walked into, no idea where things were going.
“But I don’t know your English name?” your voice carried a questioning lilt. “Felix didn’t mention…”
In hindsight, you were ashamed that you didn’t consider the possibility.
In hindsight, you should have known better.
He smiled broadly.
The smile fell off of your lips at once. And so did his.
Suddenly the name was all you could hear over the blood throbbing in your veins.
And all you could see was the name, scrawled on the bottom corner of paper in handwriting that you had become all too accustomed too.
You heard him too well.
I’m dying, Y/N.
I’m dying now to save you.
To save us.
 His expression morphed to one of confusion. “Um. Y/N? Is…Is there something wrong?”
You turned your face away, so he wouldn’t see the droplets running down your cheek.
“No,” you breathed out, trying to keep your voice steady.
Even after I’ve wasted away, keep smiling.
Despite your suffocation, through your tears, your lips curved upwards.
“Not at all.”
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BTS Reaction: They Playfully Shove/Spank You in Front of Your Child
Wow that’s a long title. Sorry if it isn’t the best, I’m really not feeling all that good, but hope you enjoy! 
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You were walking from the living room into the kitchen when you felt a smack on your bottom. You gasped turning around with your eyes wide and your mouth dropped in shock. There stood Jin laughing hard at your reaction.
Your daughter, who saw everything unfold, ran in front of you screaming, “Don’t hit mommy!! It’s rude!!” Both you and Jin became shocked at your little girls outburst. He tried to come closer, but your daughter glared at him and wrapped her tiny arms around your leg.
“Sweetie, daddy didn’t hurt me. We were just playing around,” you cooed to your daughter as she sniffled.
She finally calmed down enough to where Jin could come and pick her up. She put her arms around his neck as he pulled you close to them, “So you still love mommy?” Jin’s heart broke as she asked him that. He didn’t want to make her think he didn’t love you.
“Of course I do baby, I do that to show her I love her,” he kissed her head and then your lips.
A few weeks later and you were the one laughing as Jin explained to your daughter that she couldn’t just going around hitting the bottoms of the people she likes.
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You were playing the piano as your son watched you with awe on his expression. Yoongi, being jealous your son was amazed by your piano skills, came over and playfully shoved you over so he could sit down. What he didn’t realize was you were on the edge of the piano stool causing you to fall off when he shoved you. You landed on your bottom and looked at Yoongi who was laughing at your clumsiness.
“Yah you can’t just shove mom like that! I thought you loved her!” your five year old son ran over and helped you up. You tried your hardest to not laugh at Yoongi’s face, but a little snort came out anyway. You brushed your hand through your sons hair as Yoongi tried to explain to his son what really happened.
“What? I do love her! I didn’t mean for her to fall off!” Yoongi didn’t know what to do, he was so confused on what was happening. He looked to you to see if you were going to help, but you just smirked at him.
Your son glared and crossed his arms, “Why did you push her then? That’s what the bullies do at my school.”
Yoongi’s mouth opened, at first he didn’t want to admit he was jealous of you but he really didn’t want his son to think he was a bully and hated you, “I was jealous she was playing piano and you liked it,” he couldn’t help but to pout as his son started to laugh with you joining in, “Stop laughing at me! It’s not funny!”
Soon enough Yoongi joined in on the laughing fest, happy his son wasn’t mad at him anymore.
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Hoseok and you were currently fighting over how he’s never home to spend time with you and your son. It was a small fight in your living room at 10pm, while your son was in his room asleep.
“All I’m asking is that you take some time away from work to spend it with your son,” you tried to keep your voice low so your son wouldn’t wake up. He had school tomorrow and didn’t need to hear his parents fighting. The two of you tried to keep that away from him.
Hoseok sighed in frustration and ran his hand through his hair, “And I’m telling you I can’t take every day off. You know this, I can’t do that to the boys or Army.” 
“I know that Hoseok, but you seriously can’t take one day out of every week off? You know you’re leaving for tour in a few weeks. We just want to spend time with you before you go,” your voice rose a little louder. You turned towards the hall to see if your son has woken up.
Hoseok on the other hand, didn’t seem to care if he woke him up, “God dammit Y/n I can’t just leave why won’t you understand that!?” His voice continued to rise as you just stared at him. Not being able to stand his yelling anymore, you started to yell back. Hoseok stopped as soon as you started, his thoughts going from the topic on hand to other things: God she’s so hot when she’s mad.
Your ranting got cut off as Hoseok shoved you against the wall. You choked in surprise as he moved his face closer to yours, eyes filled with lust. Before anything could be said or done, your son ran in and pushed Hoseok away from you.
“Why did you push mom against the wall! She’s right you know!” your son yelled at Hoseok, making him stand in shock.
You knelt down to your son's height, “Hey it’s okay honey, your dad didn’t hurt me. We just got a bit angry at each other. Why don’t you go back to bed?” Your son looked at Hoseok one more time before making his way to his room.
“You know I didn’t do it to hurt you, right Y/n?” Hoseok gently pulled you into his embrace.
You chuckled lowly and ran a finger across his cheek, “Oh I know, and you’ll be making up for yelling at me tonight. Won’t you Hobi?” His eyes darkened before he threw you over his shoulder to bring you to your shared bedroom.
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You, Namjoon, and your guys son was playing tag in the house. Now, you should’ve known that with Namjoon playing either someone was bound to get hurt or something was going to get broken. At the moment, Namjoon was it and you and your son were running trying to get tagged by him.
Your son squealed as Namjoon almost got him, “Haha you can’t get me daddy!”
“Yeah you can’t get us daddy!” you jokingly said, putting a little more emphasis on the word daddy. Namjoon smirked and changed his target to you.
As he chased you he didn’t see the rug that got folded up a little with all the running around. Soon enough, Namjoon tripped over the rug flailing his arms around to grab onto something to stop his fall. Unfortunately you were the closest thing and he accidentally pushed you into the wall.
Your son ran over to you and helped you up, “Are you okay mom?” You nodded your head and rubbed the back of it wincing as you did. Your son then turned towards Namjoon who was still on the floor, “I knew you were clumsy, but I didn’t think you’d push mom!”
Namjoon was lost on what to do so he looked at you for help. You chuckled and spoke to your son, “You know it was an accident love. You know your father would never intentionally hurt me or you.” It seemed like Namjoon finally found the right words, “At least he’s always going to protect you.” You snorted as your small headache slowly went away.
“I think it’s best we just watch a movie for the rest of the night,” you said as you saw both boys too tired to continue running around.
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You and Jimin loved to see who could smack the others ass the most. It was like a little challenge, whoever got the most smacks had to do the dishes. The both of you had been doing this ever since you started dating. So why not bring it into your marriage as well? Most of the time your daughter was either at school or too preoccupied with coloring to notice your little game. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing you were doing, you just never wanted her to think you two were hurting each other.
It was a Monday morning, meaning you had to take your daughter to school. Jimin was still tired from their concert last night, so you took it upon yourself to take his turn. Once you got home you were shocked to see pancakes and bacon already cooked and on the table.
Jimin walked back into the kitchen after using the restroom, “Hi baby I hope you’re hungry.” You just stared at him with your awe and love shining in your eyes. Jimin just chuckled at your silence and guided you to the table, “Since you took her in this morning I’ll pick her up after school.”
“Actually Yoongi said he would pick her up for us. Said he was gonna be over in that general direction anyways, but I think he just misses spoiling her to ice cream,” you chuckled, eating a piece of bacon. Jimin just smirked and gave you the look. Immediately you shook your head, “No we are not doing anything like that. She’ll be back in 4 hours.”
Jimin whined and pouted, “But Jagi we have 4 hours to kill.” Grabbing all the dirty plates you put them into the sink, “Yeah 4 hours to kill by cleaning up the house. You’re the one who wanted to have the guys over for dinner tonight so we need to clean up.”
Jimin followed you into the living room, smacking your ass just as the front door opened.
Your daughter screeched, running over to the two of you and standing in front of you, “You can’t hit mommy like that daddy! It’s rude!”
“Yeah daddy it’s rude,” you smirked and watched as his eyes darkened when you said ‘daddy’. You turned towards your daughter, “Sweetie what are you doing back so early? And who dropped you off?” Before she could give you an answer Yoongi’s voice was heard from the door, “Her teacher called and said she got sick, so I went and picked her up earlier.”
“Thank you Yoongi, are you guys still coming over tonight?” You watched as he turned back towards the door, “Yeah we’ll be here around 6:30pm.”
Jimin turned towards you, “You know what that means? You have to do dishes because if I’m not mistaken, I got the most smacks before our daughter got back.” He only got a glare from you and a questioning look from your daughter as a response.
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All day Taehyung had been smacking your ass, loving the way you would gasp. It was like music to his ears and he couldn’t wait to hear more, but for now he had to get through this dinner the boys had invited your family over for. All of the boys loved your daughter and had agreed to watch her fro the night when Taehyung asked them a week ago. They knew the both of you haven’t had enough time for yourselves with Taehyung’s busy schedule and having your daughter at the house all the time. So when the time came that they all had a night off they jumped to the opportunity to give you guys some time alone.
The thing was that Taehyung was getting impatient. He had already been forced to sit next to you through a whole hour of eating dinner, and now your daughter wanted you two to stay for a movie too. Normally he would agree but he’s been holding back his urges all day and didn’t know how much more he could take. You, on the other hand, agreed quite fast to watch the movie. How could you say no to your little girl?
You sat next to your daughter on the couch, “Of course we’ll stay for a movie sweetie!” The rest of the boys tried hard not to laugh as they saw Taehyung standing there with hi mouth wide open.
“But Y/n don’t you think it’s getting late? Shouldn’t we go home and sleep?” Taehyung tried to hint at what he really wanted to do. You knew what he wanted and decided to give him his own medicine, “Actually why don’t we just stay the night here too?” Serves him right for making your ass sore.
Taehyung stared at you in disbelief, knowing what you were doing, “Y/n, sweetie, please come to the kitchen. We need to talk.” You followed him into the kitchen and there the both of you had a heated discussion. You trying to convince him to stay for at least one movie, and him trying to convince you to ‘forget the movie I just want to fuck you all night long’.
By the end of your ‘discussion’, you were both breathing heavily, lips swollen, and eyes blown wide with lust. As you turned to head towards their front door you heard a loud slap and felt the stinging sensation. Before you could say or do anything your daughter did it for you, “Daddy! Why did you smack mommy?” You could tell she was trying to be mad, but she was more confused and curious than anything.
“Mommy just had something on her bottom is all baby. Go back to your uncles, your mom and I are really tired and are going to head home. Enjoy your sleep over!” Taehyung rushed everything out before pushing you out the front door and towards the car.
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You and Jungkook were sitting on the couch in the living room playing some video games. Everyone who knew you two knew you guys were competitive. So competitive that the both of you would go to extreme measures just to win.
So, here you were, once again in a heated competition. This time, you guys were playing to see who would do the laundry. You knew how much he hated doing any sort of laundry so you were even more determined to make him lose and you win. It got so intense you two were pushing and shoving the other to make the lose concentration. You were in the lead, with your son cheering you on in the background. You smiled because you knew he was going to be just like his dad.
Jungkook saw your small distraction as an opportunity to shove you and make you lose complete concentration. Although, maybe he had shoved you a little too hard, because next thing he knows you’re clutching your shoulder and your son is yelling at him while hugging you.
He looked confused for a minute before he realized what he had done, “Oh gosh Y/n I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to push you that hard!” He rubbed his neck nervously and sheepishly added on, “I guess I forgot my own strength for a minute. I just really don’t want to do the laundry. I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”
You couldn’t help but to snort as you thought of a solution, “It’s fine, you can make it up to me by doing the laundry.” Your son laughed as his father’s face fell into a pout.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Jungkook mumbled as he went to go take care of all the dirty clothes.
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