sortasick · 2 years
stay with me ❤️‍🩹 / totally not a tragic kanetetsu edit
song is rosemary by deftones
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RWBY V8 Intro
New volume, new OP, new post trying to guess what's coming. I've only seen the first episode so chances are at least some of these guesses have already been proven wrong but that just probably adds to the fun of reading it, right?
Anyway, let's do this!
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The only character present during the glitches is Ruby so I'm guessing she either has PTSD or gets mind screwed at some point this season. Or this is the season she finally breaks.
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It doesn't help that she's already been shown losing it a little. I thought these flashbacks in V7 also had the glitch effect but it's only the audio.
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This, however, I have no idea what it could be. Ruby is frequently shown opening her eyes in the first shots of the OP but I'm curious about the meaning of the light since it happens twice.
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The obvious guess is that Harriet is going to try and get revenge for Clover. She got a bit more screen-time in the first episode, which was so short that makes me think she's going to get at least some development this season if she merited that couple of seconds of focus. The crazy guess is that it's all a misdirect and she's the one who ends up switching sides.
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Penny gets hacked and/or loses control of her powers. I'm leaning towards hacked because of those shots of Watts (being "persuaded" by soldiers and then shown in the same lab as Pietro)
Why must you continue to make that poor girl suffer, CRWBY? Bullies, all of you. Probably won't help Ruby's issues if Penny ends up hacked and Oscar is kidnapped.
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This is not really a guess but I like how Weiss avoids looking at Winter and then ends up looking towards her future while Winter can't avoid looking at her and then looks regretful. Shows how much Weiss has grown.
Everything else seems to be in the realm of "yup, seems about right": Nora and Ren keep being sad at each other (and both get comforted by their team), Oscar gets his identity angst amplified by Salem, Qrow gets over his depression thanks to Robyn, Jaune exists, Ironwood is alone in his paranoia, Neo looks angry, Emerald looks sad and then angry, ground falls and hope is lost, etc. Not a lot of surprises so this is ended up being a pretty short post.
About the OP itself, I have to admit I'm not a big fan of the song, it feels weirdly disconnected from the visuals. The visuals though are great and I love how dramatic it looks, even if the flashing words kinda make me feel I'm watching a linkin park AMV about how it doesn't even matter.
I think that's all for now, until next time!
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ackermental · 5 years
Can I ask, how do you manage to continue shipping such barren ship as rivamika? I dunno, incest thing aside, I would lose interest long time ago, if I were one of you people.
I have no idea, nonny. The struggle is real. I mean, can you imagine? Being a part of the most chill out fandom that ever existed and most definitely, the healthiest one on this hell site? Where everyone is so kind and supportive, even despite the language barrier?
 Where we get fanarts of this quality:
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art by nymre
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arts by sakuragawa 
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arts by vvitamin
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art by ackermanlesaakm
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arts by roxe-kun
And of course hunnymz:
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Or sophia-on-ice:
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Or indymbras:
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Or the epicness of ask-secret-rivamika, who, unfortunately, deactivated. We all hope, that she or he is ok:
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And so sooooo much more.
 Or maybe I should be crying over the lack of brilliant pieces of fanfiction? You know, couse it’s not like one of the greatest rivamika author has just published her book based on absolutely mind-blowing fanfic The western passage, which you can find here.
And it’s not like we have jewels like those:
I just miss a good cup of tea
Surviving Peace
The song remains the same
And soooo much more.
Actually it’s not like we use rivamika archive to find our favourite fics and tropes on Humanitys Strongest Library.
Rivamika fanmagazines/fanbooks? Never heard of them.
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And there goes our 3D master valeferrati:
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I know! I am bleeding over rivamika absence on YouTube. It’s not like we can enjoy our own animation channel or anything like that. Oh, wait:
 Rivamika Channel exists?!
And damn, if there were any well-made amvs for this ship, that would be awesome.
And sooo much more.
 I know, the fact that rivamika gets their own scene in every single arc is what drives me mad. Yup, must be it.
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Must be those fillers then:
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And there was more…
 The rivamika kiss?
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Yeah, this movie was a garbage, and this piece of shit wasn't Levi, but it still counts on some level, I guess?
The parallels! This makes me so miserable!
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There you go, a masterlist.
The official works?
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(And soooo much, ok, ok, gonna shut up now)
 Maybe it’s the fact that rivamika inspires shoujo manga artists? Like the author of Say I love you?
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Or that Mikasa doesn’t forget xDDD
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Or shit like that:
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 I know, it must this crazy chick running cannonrivamika blog, I’m loosing my beauty sleep because of her! I mean, can you imagine? What would I send to people who believe that rivamika is incest, if it wasn’t for her. How dare she exist?!
There she is!
And suniuz on top of that, who corrects manga translators mistakes.
 So yeah, it’s misery and tears and sweat. We hate the world, we hate each other, we live in some terrible kind of limbo.
 Come and join us. We still have space on our battleship, though.
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wwd-discordserver · 6 years
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It’s day two of our ★ WWD Advent Calendar! ★ 
Today’s post features work from two of our members - click below the cut to find out who they are and what they’ve created!
The first work of the day is an art piece by @sketchysprix for the prompt “KFC”:
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The second work is a piece from @hollyandvice for the prompt “ugly holiday sweater”, which can be read below.
“This is a terrible idea.”
Izuku knows the grin on his face must be nearly maniacal. “This is a great idea.”
“No, this is a fucking terrible idea. Who put you up to this, Kirishima?”
Izuku pretends to look appalled. Katsuki sees right through him. “I can’t believe you think I would do something like this for someone else’s satisfaction and not purely for my own.”
Kacchan’s glare goes eve darker. “What the fuck, Deku. I’m not wearing that damn thing.”
“You can wear this one instead, if you want,” he says, holding up the Hero Deku ugly holiday sweater beside the Hero Kacchan ugly sweater he’d offered Kacchan.
Kacchan’s eyes flash. “Yeah? You for real?”
Izuku hesitates. He’d bought them assuming Kacchan would rather wear his own merch. If they switch–
Kacchan seems to see the moment of weakness. He pounces on it. “Yeah, let’s do that, then. You wear mine, and I’ll wear yours.”
Izuku swallows. Then, emboldened by the victorious smirk on Kacchan’s lips, he gives in. “Fine,” he says, chucking the Deku sweater at him. “Fine. We do it your way.”
Kacchan’s smug look falters, and Izuku feels the victory like a brief warmth in his chest. Kacchan straightens at whatever look is on Izuku’s face. “Deal.”
Izuku smiles. Victory will be his in this. Nishiyama’s going down.
“Damn. You really got him to wear an ugly sweater?”
Izuku grins victoriously at the secretary. “You’re damn right I did. Pay up.”
She sighs, shaking her head as she hands over two thousand yen. “You’re a miracle worker.”
“Damn right I am.”
She laughs. “Looks like you miracle isn’t happy with you, though.”
“What?” Izuku turns to follow her gaze and sees Kacchan making his way over to them in all the green, red, and black glory of his sweater. “Oh.”
“You bet on me, shitty Deku?”
Izuku shrugs, knowing better than to try to argue with him when he’s right. “Yeah. Is that a problem?”
“You’re damn right it’s a problem, Deku! What the fuck?”
“It was the theme. I could hardly let our coworkers down when I had a chance to get you to follow the theme, now could I?”
“That’s not the same as betting on me!”
Izuku shrugs, unashamed. “Maybe not. But it’s what I did. Can you blame me?”
“What, like you wouldn’t have done the same thing in my position given enough incentive.”
Kacchan opens his mouth to argue, but shuts it after a moment, clearly at a loss. “Yeah, well. Whatever. It was still a shitty move, Deku.”
Izuku nods. “Maybe so. But if I promise to take you out for dinner with the money, will you forgive me?”
Kacchan tilts his head to the side, something thoughtful in his eyes. “You askin’ me out, Deku?”
Izuku can’t control the flush that floods his cheeks, and knows Kacchan sees it from the way his eyes go wide with something like surprise. Izku looks away, unable to ignore the heat in his belly. “Can I be?”
Kacchan swears. “Fuck, of course you can, Deku. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting on you to get your head out of your ass and ask?”
Izuku looks up, heart in his throat. “You mean it?”
“‘Course I do. I know it wouldn’t have been my place to say anything, not after the shit I pulled when we were kids, but I thought…  I thought that if you wanted it, you might be the brave one again and ask me.”
Izuku swallows, looking up at Katsuki with heat in his chest. “Then consider this me asking.”
Kacchan’s grin is sharp and bright. “That’s not asking.”
Izuku rolls his eyes, willing to give Kacchan this if it means he gets to have Kacchan the way he’s wanted him for so long. “Can I take you out on a date, Bakugou Katsuki-san?” he asks, giving a low bow.
Kacchan’s eyes go wide. He recovers himself quickly enough, stepping on Deku’s foot in retaliation. “Yes, fine, whatever, just stand up. Everyone’s looking at you funny.”
Izuku laughs, straightening up. “Oh, and one more thing.”
Kacchan looks wary. “What?”
Izuku holds a hand out. “Can I have this dance?”
Kacchan doesn’t hesitate. He reaches out, taking Izuku’s hand. “You’re damn lucky I like you, jackass.”
Izuku laughs, high and bright. This is their relationship, this is who they’ve always been, and he isn’t about to start complaining now.
“By the way,” Kacchan asks as they dance. “How the hell does that sweater fit you so well? Min’s hanging over my wrists like I’m five years old again.
Izuku laughs. "What can I say, I’m a miracle worker.”
Kacchan frowns. “There’s no way.”
“No, really!” Izuku says, feeling the sly grin on his lips.
“Uh huh. And who helped you pull off this miracle?”
“The clerk at the local hero goods store.”
“You traded mine in for one your size?”
“Yup.” Izuku knows popping the p might have been a bit much, but it’s worth it for the look on Kacchan’s face.
“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?”
Izuku’s grin widens. He leans in close, not entirely sure where the audacity hits him from. “I can be a pleasure in the ass too, if you want me to be.”
Kacchan snorts. “Okay, that was bad.”
“Yeah,” Izuku agrees, “I know. But I couldn’t very well leave low fruit like that hanging, now could I?”
“No, I guess not.” Kacchan shakes his head. “You’ve changed, you know that?”
“How so? In a bad way?”
Kacchan tilts his head to the side. “What do you think?”
Izuku looks down, contemplating. “I think I like myself a lot more than I used to. I think I’m physically stronger and faster than I used to be. But I think who I am hasn’t really changed at all, and those are the parts of me that are the most important. So, no. I don’t think it’s in a bad way.”
Kacchan hums. “You’re definitely a lot more gutsy than you used to be. And, I have to say, your confidence is damn sexy.” Izuku blushes. “But you’re right. The core of you, the parts of you that make you my best friend and the most important person in my life? Those things haven’t changed. In fact, they just shine brighter than ever. You’re brilliant, Deku, and I hope that the core of you never changes.”
Izuku looks away, overwhelmed by the honesty and warmth in Kacchan’s words. He tries to find the words, tries and fails three times before he finally chokes out two words, insufficient, but all that he can offer. “Thank you.”
Kacchan leans in, pulling Izuku close. “Anytime, dumbass. Any time.”
Thank you both for submitting and participating today! Before I wrap up today’s post, I want to take a moment to clarify a couple of things.
First, submissions are welcome at ANY TIME from December 1st to December 24th. If life was busy and you weren’t able to get something into us before the 1st, don’t panic, you can still participate! We are accepting all submissions and every work we receive will end up on the calendar at some point!
Second, I want to remind everyone of the creation guidelines for things that you would like to submit - please note that all posted content should be SFW:
Art: chibis, doodles, lineart (without guidelines), and sketches as well as anything that you feel inspired to color or shade, all are welcome!
Fics: we encourage fic writers to aim for ~500 words, but anything beyond that is also welcome! If you are doing a freeform work, there is no word count suggestion.
Other Media: AMVs, cosplay photos, graphics/edits, original music, etc. is all welcome for submission!
For those of you that aren’t members of our server and of this event - you can be! Check out this post and send off a DM to any of the mods, who will be happy to provide you with a link to join our server.
See you tomorrow with the next round of works!
- Mod Rito
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blackevyl · 7 years
Tagged by: @iviarka. Why did you do this to me? RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. But I don't know anybody except Iviarka... THE LAST: 1. Drink: Coke (right now, tbh) 2. Phone call: Rafał (stepfather) 3. Text message: "If anything Im already on fb UvU" 4. Song you listened to: Twenty One Pilors "Stressed Out" 5. Time you cried: I hardly ever cry, so I have no idea 6. Dated someone twice: I haven't dated anybody... 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: ... 8. Been cheated on: I need to be in a relationship first :P 9. Lost someone special: I didn't lose anybody... I guess? 10. Been depressed: Yesterday. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I'm not drinking. :P LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12.-14. Black, purple, blue, at least for now. IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yup. 16. Fallen out of love: I never loved anybody that way :P 17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but we talked about it and it's cool now. 19. Met someone who changed you: I'm not very changeable ;> 20. Found out who your friends are: I think... no? 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No. GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Idk, most of them, I guess. 23. Do you have any pets: three black cats, Tasman, Lucifer and Mephistopheles and one dog, Fafa 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah. I like my name. 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Pizza with friends. :> 26. What time did you wake up: 12:something 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to sleep. It didn't work, so I ended up reading books, listening to music and reading fanfics 28. Name something you can’t wait for: My book. I ordered it last month... 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Few minutes ago. 31. What are you listening to right now: "Counting Stars" by One Republic 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Idiots. I'm surrounded by them. 34. Most visited website: Youtube and Blogspot, I think. 38. Hair colour: Mostly described as dark blonde. 39. Long or short hair: Medium, I'd say. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: What is love. 41. What do you like about yourself: I don't know? I don't really hate myself, but I don't really like myself, either... 42. Piercings: Nope. 43. Blood type: B Rh+ 44. Nickname: Evyl 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Gemini. ;> 47. Pronouns: Idk. 48. Favorite TV show: I hardly ever watch TV. 49. Tattoos: Nope. 50. Right or left handed: Right. 51. Surgery: None 52. Piercing: No... 53. Sport: I hate sport. 55. Vacation: At home 24/7. MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Pasta, tortilla... 58. Drinking: Orangeade, coke, orange juice, coffee... 59. I’m about to: Try to make an AMV? 61. Waiting for: Finding a purpose in my life. 62. Want: Look up. 63. Get married: I'm not interested. 64. Career: I think about becoming a psychiatrist, psychologist and a wrtiter one day. WHICH IS BETTER: 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Taller 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: I haven't even kissed somebody I know... 75. Drank hard liquor: I don't drink... 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Happily, no. 77. Turned someone down: I... don't know? 78. Sex on the first date: No. 79. Broken someone’s heart: Idk? 80. Had your heart broken: No. 81. Been arrested: No... 82. Cried when someone died: My cat ;_; 83. Fallen for a friend: No? DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Not really. 85. Miracles: Not really v2. 86. Love at first sight: No. 87. Santa Claus: No. 88. Kiss on the first date: No. 89. Angels: 50/50 OTHER: 90. Current best friend’s name: Paulina 91. Eye colour: Mostly described as green. 92. Favourite movie: Lucy. I tag nobody. >_>
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scenarios-on-ice · 8 years
(Well, I liked it anyway, and if you’re losing your touch it really didn’t show :)
And now for Viktor confessing in Russian as he falls off the roof…you’re welcome. Or sorry, depending on your reaction.)
Ok random thing, but do you perhaps remember the Scarecrow guy who first appeared during the Auction arc? Without spoiling anything let’s just say he’s starting to play a bigger role in the plot so there are lots of theories going around about his identity (and of course almost 90% of the theories are “SCARECROW IS HIDE” because most of the fandom wants Hide back, therefore everyone and anyone mysterious is automatically Hide).
Well, I was trying to multitask by trying to puzzle out Scarecrow’s identity while watching an AoT AMV about Marco and Jean at the same time, and I got confused, so I ended up with:
Marco is Scarecrow
(‘such a legit theory *pats myself on the back*…wait a second’)
I’m guessing you were confused because of how feminine Furuta’s facial features are? Because he does look like a girl XD like, if someone drew a genderbend of Furuta it would probably just look like his canon design + breasts - Adam’s apple
I do feel kind of (KIND OF) sorry for him in some ways though, because the Washuus are extremely messed up.
And as for Shuu…it’s amazing how Ishida suddenly turned him into this super likable guy in Re despite the fact that he used to be one of the most hated people in TG, and still make it feel true to his original character (as in, the stuff he does now doesn’t seem OOC and child!Shuu being a sweet little boy sounds strangely plausible).
9 YEARS?! That’s so cool! I used to be pretty good at piano when I was younger but stopped learning due to stress from my teacher and now it’s been years…so I recently started learning again (it’s only been a couple of weeks) and of course I’m not that good at it anymore. I mean, I’m still good at reading sheet music and it’s not like I suck, but…yeah, I suck XD
Yes, Eliza was truly helpless (I’m sorry for being such a troll but…)
The world has no right to my heart, The world has no place in our bed, They don’t get to know what I said I’m burning the memories, burning the letters that might have redeemed you You forfeit all rights to my heart, You forfeit your place in our bed You’ll sleep in your office instead With only the memories of when you were mine I hope that you burn…
Your name is Luna, You are a poet This blog is proof, so we all know it And you Are awesomeness personified If anyone says otherwise it’s certainly a lie So the blog is unbelievably adorable Everybody knows the level’s unimaginable… (And now is the time I run out of rhymes lol
Seriously why didn’t I do this for Valentine’s Day? The idea came too late ㅠㅠ)
Oh, and I think you said you were sixteen? And if you stil are, I guess we could say you’re…only sixteen but your mind is older?
Really? That’s good to know ^^ I don’t like loosing touch, but I don’t really have the will to continue ^^;; I did not need that… I will now go cry because that’s a heartbreaking thought… And just imagine his master’s (Eros!Yuuri’s) reaction ;-;
Okay, but let’s be honest: A new character who’s identity isn’t 100% sure: *appears for a single panel* Fandom: OMG THAT MUST BE HIDE
*gasp* but you’re right, it must be Marco! It finally makes sense…
Yup, that’s pretty much the only reason… I mean, tumblr has made me really weary of assuming people’s gender, so I really wanted to see the official gender before saying anything.  I have a weird need to photoshop boobs on to him and say it’s a genderbend.
 Honestly, I feel nothing but resentment towards him. Dick. 
Okay, but I actually liked Shuu a lot in the original TG and I feel like I’m the minority (probably am hahah). I mean, he was trash and acted like a pedo, but he is pretty likeable.  And now he’s even more likeable. Nice. 
Yup, it’s been pretty long since I’ve started playing ^^;; I almost quit in my 3rd year, since I got a new professor and he was horrible. He always pushed me to go to ridiculous lengths to improve my playing. But now I’m glad I didn’t quit ^^
So I definitely know how you feel. But I’m sure you can get awesome! You’ll even be able to play the songs from Hamilton soon ^^ Well, the ones that are playable and not entirely rap hahah
Listen here you little-
My name is Luna I am a writer Definitely not a poet Because have you seen me make a good rhyme even once? But hey I try You’re much better than me at this
Hahahah, if anything, I’m younger since I’m incredibly childish.  By the way, have you ever watched ‘Puella Magi Madoka Magica’? You’d definitely like it. I won’t say anything bc spoilers, but if you ever do decide to watch it, here’s my advice: Do not give up on it, no matter how ridiculous it seems. It’ll be worth it after ep 3.
Also, check this out: Spamilton
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crystalsoul16 · 8 years
Answer all the questions, mwahaha >u
Get to Know Me
Oh geez
okay, challenge accepted, let’s do this!!
I’m putting this under a cut for length tho lol
1. What is you middle name?My middle name is Ryan c:
2. How old are you?I am 24, but definitely don’t feel like I am >->
3. When is your birthday?July 11th! Best way to remember is that it’s also free slurpee day at 7-Eleven lol
4. What is your zodiac sign?Cancer
5. What is your favorite color?various shades of blues and greens. Hard to pick just one ^^;
6. What’s your lucky number?16~
7. Do you have any pets?I have three dogs (two beagles at my mom’s, one undetermined breed (assumed belgian malinois?) at my dad’s), and three birds
8. Where are you from?I live in the state of Virginia, USA
9. How tall are you?5′2″, making me the shortest person in my family T^T
10. What shoe size are you?Depends on the brand, since I have 6 ½ boots that fit just fine, but also have a pair that’s a size 9. So it’s kinda hard to say ^^;;;
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?I have 8 pairs of shoes, but really only wear one ^^; I got a new pair of shoes for Christmas that I want to use tho!
12. What was your last dream about?…..crap, I don’t remember
13. What talents do you have?I feel like my drawing skills are pretty good, and one of my instructors at school told me I’m good at video editing. I really wanna play with that skillset more and get back into making AMVs one day, and of course continue improving my art skills
14. Are you psychic in any way?If I am, I’m not aware -shrugs-
15. Favorite song?oh gosh, I have so many it’s hard to pick one… At this current moment in time though, the one that is standing out in my mind is Strike Back by BACK-ON, which is the 16th opening for Fairy Tail
16. Favorite movie?Again it’s hard to pick one, but Brother Bear is jumping at me, so I’ll go with that for now lol
17. Who would be your ideal partner?Okay, um… Well, they definitely need to like animals, cuz I do not trust people who don’t like or respect animals. They also need to like video games. Considering I spend a lot of my time playing them, and really hope to one day be involved in video game production and/or design, I feel like my partner should also have an appreciation for video games. Plus ideal casual date is cuddling on the couch and playing games together, so a shared love of gaming kinda feels like a must ^^; Plus with online games we can still hang out even if we’re not together so yeah. Video games. Also liking anime would be great, since I love watching anime and going to cons and cosplaying (oh shit couple cosplaying tho yes plz~!!) so sharing an interest there would be great! Plus then if we’re not in the mood to game, we can just cuddle and watch anime. Also having a genuine kind and caring soul is a must. Those are probably the most important points, but I guess it’d be nice if they’re also in touch with their youthful side. I can be a wee bit childish at times myself, so I just wanna make sure I ain’t gonna be judged if I decide I want to eat dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets or cuddle with a plushie lolol Also, not a requirement, but willing to do stuff in the kitchen together would be nice~ And not judging me for watching cooking competition shows every so often would also be nice >->
……..or honestly, just be Yoosung >->;;;;;;;;;;; cuz it’s honestly startling to me how fuckin’ close that guy is to an ideal for me. And by close, I mean he is -hides face in hands- but of course, he’s fictional. So once again, fictional characters setting the bar high… -facepalms and sighs heavily-
18. Do you want children?At this current point in time, no. I’m still too much of a child in my own eyes to consider being a parent to anything that isn’t covered in fur or feathers. Maybe someday in the future, I will. 
19. Do you want a church wedding?Not sure, honestly. It would also depend on what my partner wants. All I know is that a fantasy theme would be rad!!
20. Are you religious?Not entirely. I mean, I do believe that there is some sort of higher power, but I don’t really do much beyond that. I know there’s a term for it, but I can’t remember what it is right now
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?Once, when I was little. I think I was five? I think I blacked out though so I don’t remember much about it. Otherwise, I’ve only been to visit someone or sit in the waiting room while waiting for someone who was admitted.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?Not yet, and I hope to keep it that way!!!
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?Do anime voice actors count? Cuz I’ve met a few at cons before, but I’m not sure if those count ^^;;;
24. Baths or showers?Personally I prefer showers
25. What color socks are you wearing?White
26. Have you ever been famous?Nope, and I’m totally fine with that. Too much attention makes me nervous lol
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?As said before, I’m good without that sort of attention.
28. What type of music do you like?I tend to listen to rock music a lot, but I’m open to listening a lot of stuff. Especially video game OSTs and Fantasy/Celtic stuff!
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?No I haven’t, and I think I’m too shy and don’t like my body enough to ever be comfy doing that ^^;;;;;;;
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?Three
31. What position do you usually sleep in?I’m usually on my side or stomach, and I’m pretty much always hugging a pillow or plushie when I fall asleep
32. How big is your house?Well, my mom’s house is bigger than my dad’s. That said, neither are very large really… My mom and I keep saying how we wish this house had more closet and storage space… And at my dad’s, my room isn’t even attached to the house lol. My brother took my old room, so I now have the small mini-house thing right next to the pool. It’s got a bathroom, a counter for a microwave by the door, and a small bedroom. I like the privacy it has though!
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?Sadly, I often skip breakfast because I rarely wake up before noon lol. When I do have breakfast though, it’s either a bowl of cereal or a bagel with cream cheese
34. Have you ever fired a gun?No I have not
35. Have you ever tried archery?No, but I want to so baaaaaaaaaaaad~!!
36. Favorite clean word?solely because of my bro saying it in a ridiculous voice, biscuit
37. Favorite swear word?Fuck, because it’s the one I use the most lol
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?Over 48 hours. I had three final projects due, two of which I had to paint, so I stated up two days straight to finish them, and didn’t even fall asleep before going to school. That said, I don’t remember how late I stayed up including class, but due to class time, it was probably another five or seven hours… And it was misery. 0/10, would never recommend
39. Do you have any scars?I do have a small one next to my left eye from when I got bit by a dog when I was five, which was the cause of the hospital visit mentioned a while back
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?umm……not that I recall, no
41. Are you a good liar?It depends. Sometimes I can be, but sometimes it’s easy to catch me. That said, I don’t like doing it
42. Are you a good judge of character?Not sure, honestly -shrugs- I like to assume I am, tho
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?I can try, but they probably sound horrible XD
44. Do you have a strong accent?I was once told that I had a southern accent, but I’m not exactly sure. Sometimes I may slip into an exaggerated one, tho
45. What is your favorite accent?I’m a fan of a lot of accents, but I’ve always had a weakness for Australian! Probably because I grew up watching Steve Irwin all the time so I developed an early fondness for it lol
46. What is your personality type?INFP
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?I’m not sure, to be honest. I tend to be satisfied with “cheap” clothes, like at walmart or somethin’, so I’m not sure…. If I had to guess…it’s probably my Organization XIII coat
48. Can you curl your tongue?yurp
49. Are you an innie or an outie?Innie
50. Left or right handed?Rightie
51. Are you scared of spiders?Hell yes >~unless they’re spiders in pokemon, which always tend to be my favorite bug types for some reason lolol
52. Favorite food?shit, I dunno, I like a lot of foods….. I’ll just say pasta and be general about it lol
53. Favorite foreign food?dude I fuckin’ love me some mochi~
54. Are you a clean or messy person?Very clean when it comes to organizing files. Very messy otherwise
55. Most used phrased?Lately for some reason I’ve been saying “Oh dear” a lot and I have no idea why XD
56. Most used word?probably fuck
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?On average, to get ready in the morning takes me about half an hour, and most of that time is spent waking up =_=
58. Do you have much of an ego?I have no ego whatsoever. I could honestly use more of one, even just a small one to give myself at least a little confidence lol
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?I try to just suck, but I tend to bite :/
60. Do you talk to yourself?always
61. Do you sing to yourself?sometimes, if no one is around to hear me >->
62. Are you a good singer?not at all lol
63. Biggest Fear?honestly, being disliked. I know I shouldn’t worry about what people think of me, but I do worry about people close to me finding me annoying or coming to dislike me for some reason.
64. Are you a gossip?nope
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?Either Gran Torino or Forrest Gump
66. Do you like long or short hair?On myself? I used to always keep my hair very long, and just recently decided to try shorter hair. And I actually really like it on myself! In general though, I’m good with anything~ You do you~
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?yup. I don’t feel like listing them all, if that’s what you’re asking, but I do know that one song that lists them in alphabetical order, so yup
68. Favorite school subject?hmmm…. In school, I tended to like math best, since I was pretty good at it
69. Extrovert or Introvert?I am without a doubt an Introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?nope
71. What makes you nervous?everything. My anxiety has me in a nearly constant state of nervousness lol But especially being in social situations that involve talking to strangers!!
72. Are you scared of the dark?hmmm….. I mean, I can sleep in the dark if needed, but I prefer having some sort of background noise, usually a TV
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?Depends on the mistake. If it’s a typo, then no. If it’s a pokemon type advantage or something like that, hell yes.
74. Are you ticklish?uhhhh;;;;;;;; yeah, I am, but I highly recommend against it, cuz I have kicked people in response before out of reflex >-> that and I’d just rather not be tickled plz >->;;;;;;
75. Have you ever started a rumor?nope
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?no, and I don’t want to be! I’d rather be a follower than a leader!!
77. Have you ever drank underage?nuh-uh
78. Have you ever done drugs?no
79. Who was your first real crush?umm………I cannot remember, honestly…
80. How many piercings do you have?none
81. Can you roll your Rs?no, but I tried so hard to before… and my family rubbed it in that they could and I can’t so fuck :c
82. How fast can you type?I just took a quick test and averaged at about 40 WPM. Not sure how fast that is lol
83. How fast can you run?not very
84. What color is your hair?Naturally dark brown, but I like coloring the ends! So far I’ve done green and a sort of minty aqua, and I’m thinking of doing a light violet next, but I’m not sure yet
85. What color is your eyes?Hazel
86. What are you allergic to?nothing that I’m aware of
87. Do you keep a journal?nope
88. What do your parents do?My mom is a middle school teacher, and my dad does some sort of IT work
89. Do you like your age?well, I have no qualms with being 24. I just don’t feel like I am is all, lol
90. What makes you angry?Cruelty and unfairness
91. Do you like your own name?Yup~
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?I did at one point, but I’ve forgotten them by now lol I’ll give it more serious thought if the time comes around
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?I honestly have no preference
94. What are you strengths?I tend to be open-minded and empathetic, so I can understand others pretty well
95. What are your weaknesses?My anxiety and low self-esteem are not helpful lol
96. How did you get your name?……I honestly don’t know. I think my parents just liked the name lol
97. Were your ancestors royalty?not that I’m aware of
98. Do you have any scars?wasn’t this asked before…? -scrolls up- ….yup, number 39. Oh well, I’ll copy and paste it~ I do have a small one next to my left eye from when I got bit by a dog when I was five, which was the cause of the hospital visit mentioned a while back
99. Color of your bedspread?My sheets have a black and white pattern on the front, and a solid light green on the other side. Same for the pillows. The other sheets are white with a grey pattern
100. Color of your room? My walls are a beige color, and I have a hardwood floor
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capnmarvell · 4 years
I saw @kyosohmastan do this on her page and I’m so bored in isolation so I’m gonna do it too!
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
I love just regular vanilla scented candles and stuff that just smells fresh like cotton or pine.
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Taylor Swift would be a fun sister. But I don’t think I would be named Taylor anymore lol
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Chris Hemsworth, because then he can play matchmaker with Chris Evans and I lmao
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
I’m 25 now and I always hoped to be married by at least 30. Dating is looking pretty awful rn though so I might not get married until 32 or 33. We’ll see how my future relationships go.
5. Do you know a hoarder?
My mom is lowkey a hoarder but she can’t keep a bunch of stuff too long bc my sisters and I make her throw it all away
6. Can you do a split?
partially lol
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Probably 4ish. I think I was around 5 when I took the training wheels off
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
2. Maybe 3, I can’t remember if we went to the beach when we visited California when I was 3.
9. How many countries have you been to?
Just America sadly lol
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
Lennox is my #1 name right now for a baby girl
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
I adore the name Henry and I also like the name Isaac
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
I don’t remember the grade because we didn’t get letter grades, but it had to be under 50 but no less than 40.
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
When I was a kid I loved Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, and The Wild Thornberries
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
I can’t remember the exact costume per year, but I wanna say I went as Mary Poppins.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
I’ve read Harry Potter. I don’t like Twilight at all, and I was never into Hunger Games
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
British lol
18. Did your mother go to college?
19. Are your grandparents still married?
They were together up to my grandma’s death, and my grandpa never remarried
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
Yes 🐸
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
Adventureland on Long Island NY. Love that theme park.
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
ASL (I know a few random things, but I would like to fully study it)
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
25. Is your father bald?
Nope, but he has a bald spot on the top of his head.
26. Do you know triplets?
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
The Notebook. Titanic is too long and too sad lol
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
Jeng Chi
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
Yes, I do love Olive Garden lol
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
My mom always told me that she thought Taylor was just a boy’s name and when she learned it was also used for girls (When listening to Taylor Dane on the radio while pregnant with me) she decided that, boy or girl, I would be named Taylor.
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
Tayls, Taytay, and Tayliebean
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
my favorite person is probably my friend Rachael. I’m really proud of her and she’s probably my rock out of everyone in my life.
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
Suburbs I suppose.
36. Can you whistle?
Only if I blow inwards, not outwards.
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
I guess? I sleep with the tv on because I like hearing some kind of noise when I’m falling asleep.
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
No. I sleep in because of my job, and I don’t like eating first thing when I wake up.
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
Birth control
40. What medical conditions do you have?
I have severe depression and a thyroid problem.
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
for myself, four times. Twice when I was 4 and got popcorn kernels stuck in my nose, and when I broke my arm, and then a few years ago when I stayed for a few days on suicide watch
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
I normally just buy all my clothes at Torrid
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
my ex told me yesterday he loved me and said I was gorgeous so I guess that was the last time I got a compliment
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
Yeah I remember a lot of my dreams
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
I don’t like tea.
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
I have 1 pair lol I don’t like shoes so I just buy one until they are unwearable and then I buy replacement shoes
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
I was “raised” Catholic but my parents didn’t really practice. I personally don’t believe in any God, so I probably won’t have my children be influenced by it either. Of course, if they decide later to join a Faith, I’ll support their choices.
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
Probably like 9 or 10
50. Why do you have a youtube?
I started it when I was around 10 because I liked making mmvs and later amvs. Then I made a second youtube with some friends and we were planning on doing weekly vlogs while we were all away at college to keep in touch, but that never took off the ground. Now I just use my main youtube to watch videos, I don’t make content anymore lol
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