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deacons-cut · 6 months ago
Okay but like hear me out...
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Younger Sam whos into photography and older professor(?) Dean
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sams-princess-hair · 1 month ago
I'm thinking of little 12 year old Sam, trying so hard to impress Dean and his Dad on his first few hunts. He's trying so hard to keep up, to lug equipment, to fight and look cool at the same time like they do. But Sam, lacking the unending charm and grace of Dean, ends up sweaty, embarrassed, and saved by John and Dean. Poor kid, nearly cries of embarrassment before passing out on the two day drive to the next case, all tuckered out from trying his very best for his favorite person.
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snevinsspn · 18 days ago
dean being older than sam and having experience with an apple pie life “pre-hunting” is so incredibly fundamental to their characters and the way they function (especially in the early seasons) it’s insane.
dean knowing how their family used to be before losing mary and spending his whole life trying to desperately piece it back together because it’s the only good he’s ever had and he romanticizes it even though he knows it wasn't perfect because it’s so good compared to what they have now vs sam knowing nothing but hunting and the family fractured by grief and wanting that same normal life by escaping because he can’t picture his family ever being like that.
like dean trying desperately to stay the loyal soldier to his father and look after sammy and do everything that’s needed of him for his family because he saw how it crumbled and how mary’s death tore them apart vs sam feeling constantly slighted his entire life because he’s never seen his family be a proper family that treats him the way he deserves. he has no history of happy family so he lashes out because he doesn’t feel there’s anything there to preserve. he has no hang ups on telling john how it is because he has no twisted up loyalty to a now broken and dysfunctional family.
it also explains so well how they view hunting and getting out. like sam hates it and wants out so bad because he views hunting as the source of all his family's problems and if they had never started hunting they wouldn't be "like that". he wants out because he believes the only way to be happy and have a good life is to not be a hunter. meanwhile dean knows that their family wasn't perfect before losing mary and starting to hunt ("their marriage wasn't perfect until after she died" and that entire scene show that really well). he knows that really there are problems everywhere and that family is complicated and that the issue lies more with their family than with hunting. he doesn't wish desperately to get out the way sam does because he knows there are problems with life no matter what and the only thing he's ever had in his life that was good was his family so he works so desperately to fix it and keep it together.
like dean looks at their family and says “this used to be so good and its the only good i've ever known and that’s buried here somewhere and i can get back if i’m Good Enough” vs sam saying “this has never been anything but a disaster and will never be anything but a disaster so if i want something perfect i have to leave”
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neveratease · 5 months ago
Every Supernatural Episode With Young Sam Winchester, Ranked https://www.cbr.com/supernatural-young-sam-winchester-episodes/
A good article on Young Sam Winchester...
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suiternatural · 7 months ago
thinking about sam and will, both were the weird kids with equally weird/loner older brothers
will and sam who have a cursed gift, who are just kids that lost their innocence because of a cruel world
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j2lovemoose · 2 years ago
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jinkieswouldyoulookatthis · 2 years ago
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So I’m reading Pine Sweat by @applecrumbledore and I’ve got it pretty firmly stuck in my brain (because I’m obsessive like that) and have been trying to find just the right photos showing Sam and Dean at the right ages for their younger selves in the story (13 & 17) and I finally settled on these as close enough. Anywho, ran them through some various filters and voila!
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batcavescolony · 10 months ago
S3 E8 Supernatural
This is a Christmas Episode! I'd be great if it wasn't April but here we go!
The flash backs to the Christmas they had as kids? When Sam first figured out what John actually does? Then Sam gave Dean the present he got for John then Dean wore it for for ever? Guys I'm crying. And then in the future Dean wants one more Christmas and Sam gives it to him! AHHHH
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melody-013 · 2 years ago
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Another Sammy drawing as promised 💚
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cat-inthemoon · 2 years ago
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Small pen doodle as a warm up! S1 and S2 Sammy had the fluffiest hair, kinda like a baby chicken
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ilostmyshoe28 · 2 years ago
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sam winchester season 1 episode 2 wendigo
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sams-princess-hair · 1 day ago
I love the concept of Sammy being a whiney little kid, always saying, 'It's not fair!' or 'Dad gets to do it!' and Dean just sits by and tries not to giggle at Sam's ever growing frustration at not being treated like an adult at 7 years old.
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ghostcreaturetypething · 30 days ago
Great, now I'm crying
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First Sleepover- 🐥&🐣
Guess who got back into spn…
Hc that sam had his first sleepover at 12 (after john rented out an actual home for 6+ months). 17 yr old dean got him ready and everything and walked him to the house. Sam called first thing the next morning to get picked up. He wont admit it but he had a nightmare and hated sleeping so far away from his brother :(
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rubyvhs · 2 months ago
early mornings | sam & dean
tags. pure fluff, mentions of sex once, 800 words lailas notes. loved doing this, first time trying headcannons style nd you didn’t specify so I did both sam and dean. theme inspired by @sammyluvr their’s is honestly so so gorgeous.
sam winchester !
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— .✦ You both had sex the night prior, and so Sam is the sweetest human in the morning. It's in the bunker and you're still asleep but he wakes up for his five am runs and just admires you for ten minutes.
— .✦ You eventually wake up and at first are very much panicking. Where is he, did you do something wrong, is he mad.
— .✦ He comes back with breakfast. In bed. 
— .✦ "Sam, I'm really impressed that your best quality isn't your di—"
— .✦ "I'm trying to do something sweet." Yeah but why would he do it if not to hear your teasing?
— .✦ You also just hide your insecurities behind jokes and banter so maybe that's why Sam shut it down when he heard it. You both eat in bed and he picked up your favorite which makes you fall in love (and scream inside) a thousand times more. 
— .✦ You're so insanely terrified but you're also comfortable. He's your best friend and now he's something so much more. You thought yesterday was a one off but he's so clearly in this for the long run that you're beaming the entire day. It's the best morning you've ever had.
— .✦ He even tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, which is just so very fairytale Sammy. And it makes you feel unreal. 
— .✦ He's surprised when you kiss him after you're both done and off the bed. He's even more surprised when you don't immediately leave his room, instead shower in his bathroom and change into his clothes. 
— .✦ He kisses you the second he sees you in his flannel. And he blushes like crazy.
— .✦ Sam hopes he can spend the rest of his mornings in bed with you, and if all it takes is some breakfast he's more than ready.
— .✦ He tells Dean he'll be looking for cases in his room today and doesn't let you go. He never wants the morning to end. He spends the day in bed with you, your head on his lap or his chest, anything as long as you're touching him. 
dean winchester !
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— .✦ Your alarm blares AC/DC and he wakes up with a jump, arming his gun under the pillow until he sees that there's no threat.
— .✦ He almost wakes you up just out of principal because why the fuck is your alarm doing nothing to you but waking him win a frenzy.
— .✦ Then he notices how cute you look, hair ruffled on the bed. Your soft breaths make him smile and he leans down to kiss your hair. He's blissed out for a moment and forgets about what you did to him. 
— .✦ Then he checks the time and it's already eleven which means that was your emergency alarm (in case you don't wake up at a reasonable time, you mentioned once). 
— .✦ "Sweetheart, wake up." He says, against his will. He only slightly shakes you but you get up pretty easily since someone else is touching you. You've always been a much heavier sleeper than Dean, not being a hunter from such a young age and all that.
— .✦ He's surprised to see how quickly you get up and into the bathroom to brush your teeth and take a shower (which he joins you in) and then get dressed.
— .✦ But that's about as much as he lets you do. He knows you're an action type of person but that means that sometimes you might not take a moment for yourself and just feel instead, which is the worst thing Dean can think of. 
— .✦ He doesn't want that for you so he gets you back in bed (after he makes it, you're very picky) and you spend a good few minutes above him, straddling his body as you both talk about random things, mostly the plan for the day and it's the most domestic Dean's ever felt. 
— .✦ Your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, it's everything he's ever wanted. Someone to want to be alive with because the only reason you stay alive is to share it with someone else. (After a while Sam doesn't cut it and he'd rather have you over his pain-in-the-ass little brother any time.)
— .✦ You eventually do get on with the day and walk around the bunker, find cases, go grocery shopping, but Dean only does all of those things in suspense of what's to come the next morning; which is another lazy few hours with this ‘one’.
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syrma-sensei · 13 days ago
→ Skincare.
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gif credit.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!reader.
Summary: You decide to give your tough boyfriend some soft skincare.
Rating: Flufffff.
Word Count: 1.04k
Warnings/Tags: None, domestic fluff.
A/N: I'm planning on making my Dean taglist. Hit a comment if you want to be added. Enjoy!
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No, absolutely not.
He glares at the tray of jars, tubes, and bottles you lined up on the nightstand then back at you.
I'm not a painted whore. Fake me was.
“Relax, it's not the same as putting on make-up,” You say as if you just read his goddamn mind. “This is so different. It's just skincare, makes your skin healthy and glowing!”
Dean Winchester isn't exactly the “self-care” type. His idea of skincare was splashing cold water on his face after a hunt and calling it a day. “Demons, ghosts, skinwalkers—I can handle. But cucumber-scented goop? No thanks.”
You sigh, rolling your eyes and stepping between his knees, cupping his stubbly cheeks with your hands. “But, baby… your skin deserves some treatment. You don't even have to lift a finger. Your head in my lap, and relax, okay?”
He tries to ward off the smile threatening to curl his lips. Aren't you a sweet thing? Taking care of your boyfriend. He'd be lying if it didn't appeal to him. He glimpses at the products again, pursing his lips together. He always wonders what kind of stuff you spend an hour putting on your face in the morning when you wake up, and at night before you retire to bed.
Whenever you return to the bunker from a hunt, you take a shower and spend good time on this stuff. Well, one thing he can say is… they smell good. He can tell.
He sighs through his nose, glancing from you to the tray again. "All right, fine. But if I end up smellin’ like a damn fruit salad, you owe me pie."
You grin, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Deal. Now, lay back, tough guy."
Dean does as told, his head resting in your lap with a grumble. His eyes follow your movements as you unscrew the first jar. "What's that?"
"Cleanser. Gotta get rid of all the dirt, oil, and whatever monster guts you’ve been collecting on your skin."
He smirks. "Sounds sexy when you say it like that."
You roll your eyes but smile as you massage the cool cleanser into his skin. His eyelids droop almost immediately. "See? Not so bad, huh?"
He hums in response, the tension in his jaw easing under your fingertips. You move with gentle precision, running a warm cloth over his face to wipe away the cleanser.
"Okay, next up: toner."
Dean’s eyes crack open. "Sounds like something you’d put in a printer."
"It tightens your pores, smartass." You tap his nose with the cotton pad before swiping it across his skin.
He groans when the cool sensation hits. "Mmm. Feels nice, actually."
"Thought you'd say that."
“Y’know if Sammy walks in and sees this crap on my face, I’m never hearing the end of it.”
“Oh, I’m definitely taking pictures for blackmail.”
As you continue with the serums and moisturizer, Dean gradually slips into that calm, content state he rarely lets himself indulge in. When you reach for the last step—eye cream—he peeks at you again.
"What’s that one for?"
"Dark circles. Gotta keep you looking young and fresh."
"Sweetheart, I hunt monsters for a livin’ minus the money. The only way I’ll look fresh is if you dunk me in holy water and pray for a miracle."
You snort, dabbing the cream around his eyes with your pinky. "Well, you're still the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes on. Crow's feet and all."
Dean huffs out a laugh. "Flatterer."
Once you’re done, you sit back to admire your work. His face is clean, glowing, and—though he’d never admit it—soft as hell. You lean down, pressing a kiss to his temple.
"All done. How do you feel?"
Dean sits up, rubbing his hands over his face with a thoughtful frown. "Weird… but nice." He stretches his neck and catches his reflection in the motel mirror. His eyes widen slightly. "Damn. Look at me. I got the skin of a freakin’ K-pop star."
You burst into laughter, collapsing against his chest as he pulls you in with a smirk. His lips brush against your ear as he murmurs, "Okay, okay… maybe this skincare thing ain’t so bad. Long as I get the lap pillow every time."
"Every time," you promise, already planning the next session.
And later that night, when you cuddle into his chest and breathe in the faint scent of citrus and cedarwood lingering on his skin, Dean Winchester decides self-care might not be such a pain in the ass after all.
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Dean’s sprawled on the couch in the bunker’s library, half-asleep, when Sam walks in with a thick book in hand. Sam pauses mid-step, does a double-take, and slowly lowers the book.
"Dean…what the hell is on your face?"
Dean cracks one eye open. "What’re you talkin’ about?"
Sam points at the faint, greenish tint around Dean’s nose and cheeks. "That. You’ve got...something. Is that a face mask?"
Dean bolts upright and swipes at his face, groaning. "Son of a—she said it was clear!"
From the hallway, you peek around the corner, stifling laughter. "I said it dries clear, babe. It needs, like, five more minutes."
Sam stares at Dean. "You're sitting here…with a face mask…in the middle of the day?"
Dean runs a hand down his face, smearing the clay further. "It's a detox mask, okay? Clears out toxins."
Sam blinks, deadpan. "Right. Detox. From all the…demon goo?"
Dean glares at him. "Laugh it up, Sammy. My skin’s gonna look ten years younger. You’ll still look like you slept in a ditch."
Sam can't even respond. He just whips out his phone and snaps a picture.
"Delete that," Dean growls.
"No chance," Sam says, walking away with a grin.
Dean flops back down with a groan, rubbing his face again.
"Stop touching it!" you scold, walking over with a damp washcloth. "You're ruining my hard work."
Dean mutters something about hunters not needing spa days but obediently lets you wipe his face clean.
And later that evening, when Sam shows Dean the edited photo with the words "Self-Care Queen" in pink cursive across the bottom, Dean vows to never trust you—or clay masks—again.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 10 months ago
Angelic Interference
TFW & Winchester little sister!reader
Requested by @s0urw00lf
Synopsis: Sam and Dean don’t want you dating a hunter, so you try to get the angel on your side.
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“Hey Sammy?”
Sam looked up when he heard your voice calling for him. You were standing in the doorway to the library, leaning against the frame and trying to look innocent and pleading. Sam recognized the look instantly; you wanted something.
“What is it, squirt?”
You shuffled further into the room, and he noticed you glancing around the room subtly—you were making sure Dean wasn’t there, Sam was sure of it.
“I was wondering if I could go out with a friend tonight?”
“And I assume this friend is a boy?” Sam phrased it like a question, but you both knew it wasn’t.
“He happens to be.” You shrugged innocently.
“And who is this boy?” Sam wondered.
“That’s the good part,” you said, but Sam could tell from your tone that he wouldn’t think this was “the good part.” “You already kinda know him.”
Sam frowned.
“I know him? So, he’s a hunter then.” It wasn’t like he had any teenage non-hunting acquaintances.
“Well, his dad is.” You cringed—you could tell already that this wasn’t going well. “And he’s been on a couple of hunts too, I guess.”
“So, he’s a hunter,” Sam repeated.
“Who’s a hunter?” Dean asked as he entered the room.
“No one,” you said quickly, but not quick enough.
“Y/N’s new boyfriend,” Sam said at the exact same time.
“Boyfriend?” Dean was instantly stiff as a board, and you nearly groaned.
“Thanks a lot, Sam,” you huffed quietly, before turning to Dean. “He’s not my boyfriend. It’s just one date.”
“Oh, so it’s a date now,” Sam said, and you were really starting to want to hit him. “Before you said he was a friend.”
“He is a friend!” You argued. “He just…he just asked me out today, it’s the first time, ok?”
“No,” Dean said. “Not ok. You’re not old enough to date, and if you were it wouldn’t be a hunter. It’s too dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” You scoffed.
“We kept you as far away from hunting as we could for a reason,” Dean continued before you could argue. “We don’t want you near it, you know that.”
“Getting involved with a hunter is a bad idea,” Sam added.
“You’re being ridiculous!” You yelled. “I live with hunters! Can’t get much more involved than that!”
“Apparently you can,” Dean grumbled.
“It’s just not the best idea.” Sam was trying to soothe the situation, his voice much gentler than either you or Dean.
“We’ll see about that,” you huffed, closing your eyes.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked.
“Getting an objective opinion, now shush,” you said. “Cas! Cas, we need you!”
A flutter of wings announced the arrival of your angel friend.
“Is something wrong?” Cas asked, worried but calming down quickly when he saw no immediate danger.
“Sam and Dean are being completely crazy,” you said, but unfortunately Cas couldn’t hear you because Dean was saying at the same time—
“Could you please get her to listen to reason.” And Sam was saying—
“I think we need a mediator here.”
“Whoa, whoa.” Cas held up his hands, overwhelmed. “One at a time. Y/N, you’re the one who called me. What’s wrong?”
Dean looked like he was going to protest not being allowed to speak first, but Sam stopped him.
“A friend asked me out on a date, but they won’t let me go.” You glared accusingly at Sam and Dean, until Cas cleared his throat to get your attention.
“Ok. Sam and Dean, why don’t you want her to go?”
“Because he’s a hunter,” Dean said forcefully. “It’s just going to put her in more danger.”
“I already live with—“ you started, but Cas held up a hand and you shut up.
“I think I understand,” Cas sighed. “Y/N, you are already friends with this boy, correct?” Cas asked, and you nodded. “So I don’t see how going on a date with him would put you in any more danger.”
Dean opened his mouth to protest, but Sam stopped him.
“She’s still too young,” Sam said.
“That of course is your decision.” Cas shrugged. “But I’m almost certain that the two of you were dating before you were her age.” When Sam and Dean looked at each other to consider Cas’s words, Cas glanced at you and winked. You grinned back at him, but dropped the grin immediately when Dean’s eyes turned back to you.
“One date,” he announced grumpily. “But he’s gotta come here first so we can meet him.”
Dean struggled to keep up his grumpy face when you squealed and went in for a hug.
“Ok, ok,” he huffed, hugging you back and refusing to let you see the way his lips were twitching. “But if I don’t like him, he goes.”
“Deal!” You grinned, pulling away. “You’ll love him, I promise! Thanks guys, thanks Cas!” And with that, you ran off to get ready.
“She’s gonna be the death of me,” Dean said, shaking his head. “I just know it.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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