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ered · 6 months ago
Here’s my take on the whole audio books vs. reading:
Oral tradition of storytelling predates written ones by millennias, and honestly, which one you like is just a personal preference.
The actual difference is
when listening, you have no idea how to write characters’ names
when reading, you have no idea how to pronounce characters’ names
hope this helps!
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chloesimaginationthings · 2 months ago
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You think FNAF Helpy misses Michael sometimes?
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loserrofthecentury · 4 months ago
I think the funniest thing about the rhetoric that butchfemme is somehow heteronormative is that a lot of the things butches are called heteronormative for, men don’t even do.
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morganbritton132 · 4 months ago
Steve and Argyle hang out alone together for the first time because all their friends are busy. The next day when they separately talk about the night to their friends, everybody thinks they fucked.
To be clear, they didn’t.
They watched a bad movie, ate pizza with weird toppings, got high, and then fell asleep listening to music in Steve’s room. That’s all.
But when Robin asks about how the night went, Steve is just like, “Oh, yeah. Argyle is great. Love that guy. He’s insane in bed though. It’s crazy.”
And he’s like specifically talking about the one time he woke up during the night and saw Argyle asleep in the most uncomfortable position Steve has ever seen. He fully looked like a corpse at the bottom of a staircase.
He doesn’t explain that that’s what he’s talking about because a customer comes into the store and Robin is too shocked to ask, so now she thinks they’re hooking up. She tells Nancy about it.
Argyle does not help the miscommunication at all because when Jonathan cracks a joke about Steve being the worst, he says ‘nah.’ He thinks Steve is pretty epic in the bedroom (sleeping) because he can ‘rock the bed’ (by snoring). Then goes on about Steve’s morning breath.
Jonathan does not know why this pisses him off so much. Eddie, on the other hand, knows exactly why he’s annoyed by it.
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featherfangart · 10 months ago
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Nothing Beats Pizza On A Cliff
Right? And some things are said...
Part ONE | Part TWO | Part THREE | Part FOUR | Part FIVE | Part SIX | Part SEVEN | Part EIGHT | Part NINE | Part TEN | Part TWELVE | Part THIRTEEN | Part FOURTEEN
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mipmoth · 10 months ago
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The pokemon museums always dealing with some ancient curse or other.
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aailbhe · 3 months ago
My corrie guard: *starving, dying, generally suffering*
Also my corrie guard: *singing hot to go over internal comms, making pizza rolls at 3 am, prank calling senators*
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stormyoceans · 1 month ago
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superkirbylover · 1 month ago
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peppino and noise character studies
in this essay i will explain why i am the only one to understand these characters
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skz-miroh · 8 months ago
“they’re just friends” this “they’re dating” that
no they’re the secret third option: ranch
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chloesimaginationthings · 10 days ago
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Poppy playtime should have more Harley Sawyer ngl
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idontcaboose · 2 months ago
Luthor's Cricket part 5
Previous. Masterpost
Lex was able to distract the teen with a different documentary in the living room of his Penthouse. Said teen, however, made it loudly known that some of the information they were using was false, stupid, and downright biased. Granted, Lex was not paying attention when selecting the first documentary on the list. Apparently, it was a supernatural one called ‘All but Paranormal’ or something of the like. From the shouting, Lex could gather that they were able to interview Zatanna and Dr. Fate, Phantom took great exception to whatever Dr. Fate had to say about Ghost, Demons, and other supernatural creatures. Lex did bark a laugh at Phantom's remark of “Fate's biased view is just as blatant as that glaring beacon of a head!” and “If Fate is a Doctor, then I fear for the intellectual competency of the rest of the world! This means you too, Mr. Luthor!” Lex simply ignored the last part.
Oddly enough, even with the obnoxious commentary from Phantom and the absolute frustration of his magically inclined contacts ignoring him, it was not as tiring as he thought it would be.
“Phantom.” Lex called as he left his office. 
 “Yes, Boss?” Phantom paused the TV and turned to him with a small lopsided smile.
“Do you eat?” Lex asked. 
Phantom clearly did not expect the question with how his face displayed shock and confusion. “Uh, ya. I can eat human food. It's not needed, but it's nice to have. Why?”
“It is about time for dinner, I am thinking Foie Gras-” 
“Do all rich people eat such pretentious sounding food? Seriously, what is wrong with just burgers, burritos, and mac n’ cheese?” Phantom said with derision.
“Some people like to experience the finer things in life-” 
“When was the last time you enjoyed a “finer” thing that wasn't the direct cause of flaunting your power?” Phantom asked seriously. “Just one time.”
Lex…. He found himself at a loss. When Was the last time he actually enjoyed food for its taste alone. Most food prepared at the Galas were pretty cardboard at best. The high-end restaurants were better quality, but Lex only went to those as a power display, and even then, it was for a business deal or a ‘relaxed’ meeting of sorts. Even when he is home alone, he would order high value items so the staff wouldn't spread gossip about his ‘actual’ tates to the papers. The cooks he employed were fantastic at their jobs, the food was always flavorful and filling. 
Probably the last time he actually enjoyed a meal was when his younger sister visited. She brought with her some greasy, cheesy mess of a burger wrapped in foil from a truck from the park across the street. She had laughed at his disgusted face and said “If it was good enough for Bruce Wayne and his kid to stand in line for, it's good enough for us!” 
That was about eight years ago.
After that meal, they had fought, and she stormed out. She has only contacted him through email for Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. 
Lex ordered pizza from his cooks that night.
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atlaslovesedm · 1 month ago
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been thinking about a veeeeeeery slight change to the way i draw peppino, how do we feel about the bluoe
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skully-drawls · 10 months ago
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You got some trouble a-brewin.
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willyhoos · 2 months ago
i cant. Stop thinking about hetaoni. its classic literature. i just sit in the dark and think about hetaoni italy for hours at a time.
it's shown in veneziano's scenes in vol 1 that his struggles are:
1) that he doesnt have Any friends (that don't benefit from/use him in some way); he hates being alone
2) that he is a massive coward (probably because he's been kicked around so much) and is VERY easily sent into hysterics
3) that he is a terrible liar and could not be less suited to combat/espionage/military management. this is stated outright (credit hetarchive)
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ok. do you understand this character? now put him in a situation where he is forced to
be alone all the time. because . yknow. his friends keep dying in the timeloop. also his friends don't remember that they ever became his friends because, again, they keep dying in the timeloop
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2. keep a cool head IN SPITE OF everyone else panicking, face a giant horrific monster time and time again, and deal with things that he is, to speak frankly, used to delegating to other people.
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3. LIE. lie to his friends, lie to himself. lie about what he does and doesn't know. lie not just in what he says, but in how he acts. he also has to try and coordinate not his own actions, but the others' actions too, and keep them "on script" (idk if you know this but the nations are a bunch of hotheaded and arrogant people, and they're not really eager to be "directed" by their Actual Enemy, esp one they think so little of as italy, so this is a miserably difficult task)
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literally NO ONE could be less qualified for the role of ryuuzu than italy. and a huge portion of the (delicious) tragedy of hetaoni is that the expectation of "maybe it will help italy mature!! y'know, character development through horrific trauma!!" is never realized. he HASN'T evolved into a suave, detached time-loop master. he's tired and frustrated and in grief and so so confused and completely and utterly hopeless... AND HE'S NOT EVEN GOOD AT TIME-LOOPING. HE CONSTANTLY MAKES MISTAKES AND GETS PEOPLE KILLED.
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the reason it works is BECAUSE italy is in the wrong genre here. when you think "timeloop protag" you think of a certain jaded, cool character. italy is neither of these things. he's hysterical and the furthest thing from collected. he doesn't have answers. he doesn't have a concrete plan. he barely knows how to tie his shoes.
it's so delicious. veneziano's flaws and weaknesses come into play as running jokes in the original series, but in this kind of situation they leave him directly to blame for so much of the events of hetaoni -- and he knows this -- and it's such a sick twist. i love it !!
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unexpectedbrickattack · 2 years ago
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"A Dad helping his kids beat a hard level in super mario land; 1990s"
Ref under the cut!
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