the-tarot-witch22 · 2 days
Your first night with your future spouse 18+ - Pick a pile
Note : *Intense se*ual messages for you guys, so Minors DNI*
Pile 1/ Pile 2/ Pile 3
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Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to! You can choose more than one pile, it just means both pile have messages for you!
Note : This reading is based on my intuition and channeled messages from tarot cards.
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
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Pile 1:
(The cards I got for you - Ace of wands, Queen of wands, 7 of cups, 5 of cups, 7 of pentacles and 8 of pentacles)
The first thing I hear and feel Emotional, Vulnerable and very Experimental, You both will experiment a lot on your first night. I also feel you are both versatile in your sex life and open with it. I also feel your first night with your future spouse is gonna be very memorable, like any other sex or intimate time with them can't top it, this experience of yours with them, it's gonna be quite passionate and wild as well. For some of you very possessive and rough too, like they will like marking their territory on you, you might both start with simple conversations and it will go from there, I feel your future spouse will be rough as well as caring with you, like being gentle and asking before they slid themselves into you, I feel they will be into sex toys or they would like to use expensive toys on you vibrators, dildo, they like to see you squirm, while they play with you, some of you might be into light foreplay or choking, there won't be much talking but lots of moans and grunts or light sounds from you or them, Before they enter inside you they will like to tease you a lot, like maybe until you just put it inside yourself, they will chuckle a lot, they might like to say "hungry for me, baby", "so ready for me already", little chats here are there but it will turn you on so much. They might be experienced and confident with their moves and thrusts, them touching your clit or fingering while they suck you is what i am also channeling, you both or one of you will be blindfolded too, while doing your reading i saw silk sheets, so it may be prominent, dim lights, you will be doing it all night like 3 rounds 4 rounds and even more, i don't see you getting tired, some of you guys can be virgin too, your sex will be very experimental using food, them using lots of toys on you, that much is very prominent. They might make you orgasm many times in a row, and after gathering more energy you will be going at it again. i also feel some of you like to wear uniforms or your partner. Earth and fire placements are very prominent for this pile.
Phew, give me a cold ice water to shower i need it after this reading.
Pile 2:
(The cards i got for you - The star, judgement, Knight of cups, queen of cups, queen of pentacles, 8 of cups and the hermit)
First thing I feel they like to watch you touch yourself or vice versa. Like they will see you all worked up your fingers moving inside you it will turn them on, They will praise you a lot, like "good girl", "just like that", "keep doing that", For some of you the sex will be very traditional like you might not be that open with it, so you will a bit shy with them while they touch you, i also feel some of you guys will be doing it standing or on different corners of the house, in front mirrors, not much experimental, but i feel some people with this pile like missionary a lot, your spouse will appreciate your body a lot, like they are awestruck by it, their simple touch could make you wet, the sex with you both will be very transformative or life changing like you never experienced it before, they might be your boyfriend already so they already know your turn on's, I feel they will be also very gentle with you and caring, vanilla sex, not very rough, but emotional caring and loving kind, it will feel a very cosmic union like your bodies made to fit together, i feel they will kiss you a lot while they thrust themselves into you, some of you will be overwhelmed with the pleasure and be crying in a pleasurable way of course, i feel they will wipe your tears and be very gentle like making sure you are okay with all of it, I also feel this pile also have some bi readers, like very feminine energy from this pile, or if not then i feel your spouse is in touch with their feminine side, oral sex is also here too they will lick the parts that will just make your eyes roll back like crazy, "don't stop" - you or them might be saying this a lot, they will kiss your neck a lot, or rubs your back while they slowly pull themselves into you, they like to make sure you are enjoying it as much as they are. "unorthodox sex" is also very prominent with this pile. I also feel very decorated bed with roses on them. Air signs and water sign, cancer placements is also prominent here.
awww, you two seem like soft couples, your first night is very sweet to be honest.
Pile 3:
(The cards I got for you - The devil, 8 of wands, queen of swords, knight of wands, ace of wands, ace of cups, two of cups, 4 of wands and the temperance)
Okay so the first thing i felt and heard very lustful and the type you were both waiting for it for this very day, the night with your future spouse will be very passionate, and intense, your spouse might like to talk between sex, using dirty language with you "i heard such a whore", "my slut", "you like that when i touch you like that. don't you?" for some of you might be waiting till marriage. You both will be like wild rough animal like just not caring for a little marks on your body, as i said very lustful and yet passionate and balanced, the chemistry between you both is undeniable like physical chemistry check, emotional chemistry that checks out too, i wont go in their personality but that message just kept coming up but okay!, you both will be very naughty on you first night, you and your spouse might be into bdsm, he is very seductive or would, will give you multiple orgasms, I also feel ice cubes will be used on your first night, i heard "you are mine and i hope you know that", they won't care if someone hears you outside your room, they will be very rough, i feel they wont be able to wait till you change your wedding clothes, like even a quickie before you finally give yourself to each other, for some of you already had sex with them before marriage, but mostly, it will be your first time with them, the night will be very long, i feel they will make the atmosphere around you like aromatic candles, lavender/jasmine? light scents, your future spouse would like to lick your clit a lot, they like giving you orgasms, you both try many new positions, doggy style or cowgirl reverse, its very funny how you both are so wild, lustful and yet passionate its like perfectly balanced, your first night will go on long, you might do it all night not sleeping at all, very intellectual and powerful wedding night, it will imprint on you, unforgettable, I also feel they are veryyy experienced just like pile 1, they know what they are doing, they won't tease you a lot because they are very much impatient just to take you, he will ask you to ride him a lot, you bouncing on him, he will give you hickey's like would be soo excited to show everyone you had a very great night, It wont be just sex, its a passionate union between the true divine lovers, i heard "Kamasutra sex" might be of importance, I also feel they will like to cum all over you, or on your tits, your bodies will just blend together perfectly, you both will cum together a lot, this pile might be virgin too, for some of you the sex is rough as well very peaceful, white color also have a importance in both of your lives or on your first night, as i said the chances are you both doing it for the first time the message was very strong, you both will rest very less but in the end you will be cuddling and sleeping together. I also feel the sex between you both will be very very sweaty.
wow, the message just kept coming and i gotta say very wild my pile 3 very wild, love it for you guys!
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 days
Natalia IV
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: Magda finds out
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Spending time back home in Sweden is a must.
When you're not playing for your club and you're not playing for your country, you come home to your mothers to decompress.
Talia usually comes along for the ride as well as Reina, Kung and Prins.
Reina seems to enjoy the big house your mothers own and makes herself at home, stretched out on the back of the sofa. Kung has his own little set up in the corner of the living room and amuses himself by hopping around and trying to burrow into old clothes.
Prins is extremely happy with all the long walks he gets taken on now and thrives in the snow when you let him off the leash as well as spending a relaxing evening nap in front of the fire.
Your favourite bit is being cuddled up with someone, under a thick blanket watching whatever mindless tv you can find.
Like now as you and Pernille laze around.
Talia's across the room, typing away on her laptop while the distinct smell of your favourite dish wafts in from the kitchen.
Magda comes in, wiping her hands on a dishcloth.
"Dinner's ready in about ten minutes," She says, taking a seat on one of the armchairs and pulling out her phone to scroll mindlessly on social media.
You can tell what kind of things are coming up on it just by how her brow is scrunched up and the music playing from her phone speakers.
"Edits again, Magda?" Pernille laughs," You're a masochist."
"I..." Magda shakes her head," I just don't get it. She's still a baby. She's not meant to be attractive."
No one needs to ask who the 'she' in her statement is.
Talia grins. "I find her attractive."
Magda waves a dismissive hand. "You're an outlier."
A little laugh bubbles out of you. "I'm trying not to be offended here."
"You're a beautiful girl, princesse," Magda says," So beautiful but I don't like the fact that other people are recognising that."
"Don't worry, Magda!" Talia teases," I've got her under lock and key! No one's taking her from me!"
Magda lets out a long suffering sigh that you and Pernille giggle about.
"Did you have to choose that one?"
"Hey! I'm right here!"
You nod. "I love her, Morsa."
Magda huffs and goes back to her phone. "I mean, really? How many hand edits can one account need?"
She shows her phone and you're not surprised that it's Talia's secret one. It's somewhat of a fan favourite and you can tell your girlfriend's feeling a little bit smug when she ducks her head with a grin.
"And the captions!"
"I quite like the captions," You say, burrowing a bit further into Pernille's body as her arm curls around you.
"What are the captions like?" She asks and you laugh.
Talia's properly grinning now as she stares down at her laptop.
Pernille frowns when she watches your eyes dart towards your girlfriend and the both of you share a secret smile.
Magda's still ranting and raving about this one account and you and Talia just can't seem to help yourselves as you giggle and smile at one another.
"And there's a Twitter account too!" Magda continues, clicking the link to the attached Twitter account, which ends up being a fanpage to you.
"Magda," Pernille admonishes, coming to the conclusion that you and Talia know something they don't about both accounts," Honestly, it's just a fanpage. We had plenty of them back in the day."
"But this is different! This is our daughter! I don't need to know that people want to sleep with her!"
"They can try," Talia mutters under her breath and you stick your tongue out at her.
Magda's ranting falls silent though, not that you and Talia have noticed as you squabble about the fact that you wouldn't even notice whether someone was trying to sleep with you or not.
"Magda...What is it?"
Magda's still silent though and Pernille gently pushes you away so she can go to her wife's side.
"Magda? Is something wrong? What is it?"
In answer, Magda turns her phone around.
It's a picture of a pair of feet stretched out on a ottoman. It looks simple enough and Rocky's hanging out on the shelf nearby.
"It looks fine, Magda."
"No," Magda says, face pale," That's Princesse's house."
"I know. Rocky's right there."
"No," Magda says," You don't understand. It's the fan account!"
"This was posted to the fan account!"
It suddenly dawns on Pernille as to why you and Talia kept smiling at each other.
Talia is the one who owns a fan page dedicated to you.
"She's got a stalker! They've broken into her house!"
Pernille sighs. "Magda. Just take a few seconds to actually think about this."
To help her along, Pernille purposely flicks her eyes towards Talia.
Clarity dawns in Magda's face moments later and her mouth open and closes like a fish.
"Yes, Magda."
"The edits-?"
"Yes, Magda."
"Oh my god."
Magda's sudden leap to her feet has you and Talia stop giggling amongst yourselves and you turn in confusion to look at her.
"Morsa? Is something wrong?"
"Natalia Guijarro! You've been making hand edits about my daughter?!"
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lizardkingeliot · 1 day
Okay so we're all in agreement that it was Lestat who pulled Louis out of the wall in the theatre right? The episode doesn't make it explicitly clear and they only show us Lestat saving Louis during the trial. And in fact they have Louis say he knew the blood he tasted upon being freed was Armand's...
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But in the context of everything else that... doesn't actually make much sense? Because here's what actually happened...
First, Louis woke up in the sewer alone...
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Why would Armand just leave him there if he suddenly decided to choose Louis over the coven after Lestat saved him from imminent death? After listening to him screaming in agony as he starved in that coffin for... how long? The opportunity that presented itself wasn't Louis being saved from death at the trial on the stage and being locked in a vault. Armand could have taken him out at any time. He chose not to. He chose to listen to him screaming in agony for... days? Weeks????
Armand didn't care. He chose the coven. He discovered Louis was gone and only then did he reach out to him telepathically while he was in the crypt plotting his revenge. Louis asked Armand if he saved him at the trial AND if he pulled him out of the wall. Armand gave the same monotone "yes" as an answer to both. And I think we're meant to understand these are both equal lies in hindsight.
And when Armand told Louis to leave Paris it was clear his only aim was to save the coven. If Armand wanted to be with him he would have been. He only decided to choose Louis after the coven was gone and he had no other choice. Armand was at full strength the whole time. 500 years old. Powerful enough to walk in the sun. He could control the coven with a snap of his fingers.
But you know who wasn't at full strength at the time? Who couldn't have just gone to him right away even though he wanted to save Louis more than anything in the world?
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Lestat only let Louis stay in that situation for as long as he did because he was so weakened by doing the mind trick that saved him in the first place. We all saw how rough he looked after Louis had been taken away in 2x07. The way he was standing there swaying on his feet...
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He had to regain his strength to go back to the theatre, get Louis out, give him his blood at full strength so that it might heal him. And he only left him there because he believed he needed to let Louis go. Because he was not worthy of Louis' forgiveness etc...
This is probably a conclusion lots of you have already come to but I didn't pick up on it during my first watch because I was so emotionally compromised. I don't know why they had Louis say it was Armand's blood, but maybe we're meant to understand it as another misremembering. Louis trying to reason with himself that it had to have been Armand's blood. Because before Daniel gave him the final pieces of the puzzle, he very much believed Armand had been the one to save him at the trial. The one to pull him out of the wall...
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 day
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exception(al) | sunday hsr
𖤓 tags ; afab + gn!reader, established relationship, established d/s dynamic (implied to be 24/7), extremely submissive!reader, soft dom!sunday, shoe humping, oral (m!recieving), cock worship, deep throating, lots of praise / pet names, thumb sucking, cum swallowing 18+
𖤓 wc ; 2.2k
𖤓 a/n ; if you care abt me you won't say a word about this post. okay. alright. takes place in this universe, but not required reading.
𖤓 synopsis ; he'd give you anything you ask for. his one love. his only exception.
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If Sunday could use one word to describe you, he would pick the plainest option: obedient.
You're other things. Loyal, desperate, beautiful, adoring. There are other words more well-fitted to your character and better words to describe the way you look through his lens. Ethereal. Charming. Provocative
But above all else, if Sunday had to sum up all of your parts he'd choose to put your obedience on the pedestal it deserves to stand on.
Obedience like yours can't be bought with fear, can't even be bought with manipulation. You have to get lucky to find someone so perfectly, unflinchingly obedient in the same way you are.
The leash Sunday keeps you on, intentionally tight, never appears that way on your throat.
That is to say: you bear the suffocation of Sunday's affection so well, a lesser person would be at risk for taking you for granted.
Not Sunday. Never him, of course. No one knows better how much you deserved to be cherished then him. That's how the cycle between you always goes. You live at his beck and call— his mercy. You're obedient with his whims and patient with his insecurities. Eventually, after some time passes, he'll praise and reward your efforts.
(The truth is, Sunday is always one difficult day away from spoiling you. Showering you in his affection after the thread-bare strands of his patience snap is his idea of letting go. There's few things more precious than how doe-eyed you get when he does.
But, a good owner knows to raise loyal pets - you must let them work towards rewards. He refrains for your sake. Always for your sake.)
Sunday always asks you what you want as a reward. Your requests are usually innocuous. Prey-like innocence in your eyes as you fiddle with the ends of his coat and ask for things like a date together or a bath or matching rings.
Sunday sometimes wants to tell you that's not the sort of thing you really need to beg him for. Sunday wants to tell you everything in his order is also yours.
He is yours, just like you're his. Mind, body, soul—devoured heart and all.
(Later, when Aeons abandon Sunday, he will find contentment in the fact you still belong to him. Even falling through Dreams or chained to hell. Still his. )
He doubts he ever will. He will continue along with rewarding you ask. Anything you want, you can earn.
It's rare you ask him for anything sexual so overtly. You do often beg to touch him and it's rare that Sunday lets you. He doesn't like to indulge too often, lest he lose the control that binds him so tightly.
Your latest request is half surprising. The desire to pleasure him being predictable and your bashful request to rub yourself against the toe of his dress shoes being the surprise.
He could tell at the time that it took all of your courage to ask. Clenched fists at the knees, gaze cast down instead of looking into his eyes, fidgety and uncertain.
It's an easy desire to fulfill and Sunday is, by all means, a loving master. If you want it, he'll will it by any means.
"Are you sure this is what you want, my heart?"
The affection bleeds into his voice as he cast his gaze at you. Bent down on your knees, naked from the neck down with the exception of a heather-blue collar with golden embellishments. You flicker your eyes up to him after he speaks to you, but don't talk.
"You may speak," He hums. He places a hand on your head, reaching down to pet your cheek and scratch under your chin. You preen under the silent doting. "It's your reward today, remember?"
"It's important to mind the rules no matter what."
He thinks about bending down and kissing you with a hand on your throat but keeps his composure. Instead, he pats your head and offers a smile. "That's right. Very clever, my dove."
You're elated just hearing it, staring at him. Pure need paints your expression, eyes wet as you squirm naked underneath him. He meets your look patiently, expectantly.
"Use your words."
"My reward," You swallow thickly. "Is it okay if I have?"
"Of course," He appeases your anxiety with a hand cupping your chin, thumb running your lower lip. "Do as you please."
You always wear your heart on your sleeve but it's times like this he finds it most impactful. Excitement radiates off of you in waves, shaky hands fumbling with his slacks. Your fingers are shaking as you unzip them slowly. Each step you take to get him undressed, you look up at him and wait for him to nod. Always obedient.
You get him partially undressed, each step slow - before you permit yourself to pull the rest of his clothes down. His cock springs free from fabric confines as you tuck the band underneath it. He hitches a breath trying not to lose his composure.
"You're hard," You observe in awe. He laughs breathlessly.
"Of course," He tells you staring down at where his cock cast shadow over your face. "It's you, after all."
The praise makes you wide-eyed. You mutter some kind of thank you that he smiles at gently. He can't help but be entertained by how you assess him. You've seen it before, a few times - yet you're awestruck. Every movement is tentative despite all of his encouragement. You mostly stare at it.
"It's alright. Take what you want." Sunday tells you, like it's some sort of gift. You treat it as such.
He feels his stomach tighten as soon as your hands fist the shaft of his cock. You frown a little. "It's really okay?"
"Yes," He hums, suddenly feeling aware of every nerve in his body. Spurred by his approval, Sunday merely watches you. He's fascinated, in his own right.
You're shaking with want by the time you move to do anything.
You stick your tongue out of your mouth tentatively, eyes transfixed on the tip so eagerly it makes his chest feel tight. Sunday is more familiar than most with desperation, but yours he knows like the back of his hand.
And Aeons, don't you look so desperate? The warm wet slide of your tongue is messy as you run it from base to tip, spitting gathered saliva on the tip with each go. It's clumsy, too desperate to count as a kitten lick and too practiced to count as virginal. It falls somewhere in between, like watching desire mix with your perfectionism.
He adjusts himself slightly. He tugs on the leash in your hand to pull your closer until you're wrapped around his leg, cock pressed against your cheek as he pushes you down by the shoulder. You squeak suddenly at the sensation, too enraptured with his cock to remember the other half of your request.
"I won't help you," He hums, teases - something he rarely does. You nod, not expecting it. You never are and it endears him.
There's parts of him that couldn't understand that this is what you wanted. You begged him for it but it felt unfathomable before now.
Your longing for his cock down your throat, in your mouth is so obvious it makes him waver. It's not something he gets used to. You slide your tongue all over his cock, drool giving your skin shine as you wet it over and over not even taking it in your mouth. Just spitting and licking like you're trying to remember every inch with your mouth and burn it into your memory.
Blissed out with your eyes nearly lidded shut, he can feel you rut your soft cunt over the point of his dress shoes over and over all the while.
It's interesting to affirm all the ways you feel pleasure. Sunday knows you let to put something in your mouth. He's fond of the habit - opts for cum soaked gloves or his own tongue to fulfill the urge for you.
This is an extension of your baser desire. Still, still - you do it with remarkable enthusiasm. It would almost feel torturous if you weren't so thorough. You remember points of pleasure on his cock. Along the veins, underneath the glans.
When the arousal starts to floor his system, you dip your tongue messily into the tip - precum staining your saliva with a pale white.
It moves you further along. You open your mouth up all the way, staring as you hollow your cheeks around the shaft of his cock with impressive ease. Fluttering your eyes shut, you hold onto his thigh and ease yourself as far down as you can go.
Your throat is wet and wanting for him. Over eager even with all the patience you try to demonstrate.
A thought passes by him as he watches you do it so expertly. The warm, slick cavern of your mouth accommodates him perfectly. No teeth, just throat and spit and drool. The corners of your lips flood with saliva as you take his cock in, breathing through your nose.
"Have you been practicing? To do this?"
You jolt, suddenly embarrassed. But you don't move to pull yourself off of his cock. Instead you stay for several moments, stretched throat - nose pressed into the thin hair above his cock and breathe him, humping his dress shoes like you're in heat. When you look up, he gets the confirmation he wants.
He's impossible endeared by you.
There's something strange in that it seems you relax after making it down. Heat stricken, swallowing his cock, chasing animalistic pleasure - truly content as your whole body begins breaking out in an aroused shudder. He can feel your chest against his leg, hardened nipples evidence of your arousal. Your wetness shines his shoe till it's reflective.
When you find you can no longer hold it and breathe, you pull back - a filthy slurping noise resulting. The tip sits on your tongue afterwards as you hum. It's lewd and filthy, not something he thought he'd be so interested in.
But it's you, after all.
Sunday admires you. How wrecked and lustful you look. How excited you are from something like this. An extension of your loyalty to him, down to bone.
He'd underestimated you, somehow. His mistake. When you pull off, before you go back down - he hooks his thumb into his cheek. His voice is thick with desire. The arousal is painful in his stomach as it ties in knots, cock twitching at the sight of your spit-soaked face.
"What do you want?"
You look at him confused before something seems to cross your mind. He encourages you. "Tell me,"
"Cum down my throat," You offer, debauched beyond his understanding. "Please."
Fuck. He takes in a breath.
"If it pleases you, dove," He says, then pets you affection as you go to deep throat him again. He decides to praise you. He can't think of anyone who would deny how sincerely you've earned it. "It feels good. You're thoughtful, hm? I'll return the favor ten fold after, like always."
You make a strangled noise as his cock hits the back of your throat again faster. You're sucking hard this time, quicker - your hand massaging his balls as you do. You hold his gaze the entire time even when you gasp for air, nose running. You're still perfect somehow, doe-eyed and innocent to him despite yourself.
"You're beautiful," He tells you and means it more than anything. Means it as you swallow and suck on his cock like it's everything you could ask for, means it as you hump against his shoes and stare up at him with crushing reverence.
Beautiful, perfect, the sweetest thing he's ever felt in his life. His most obedient possession. His from top to bottom, skin and bone and mind and body. Everything in Sundays possession - wholly his.
He pets your cheek as you move back and forth slowly, doing it properly. Bobbing your head back and forth, slow and smooth and deep with each motion until you feel comfortable enough to go rhythmically without gagging in excess.
You suck with such fervor he's inclined to believe you feel more pleasure than he does. Muffled whimpers and whines as you chase your own high. Sloppy at both ends.
Sunday lets himself slip. He moans - moans your name, soft and sweet and watches your whole body go alight at the reaction.
He can feel you cum before he can see it, the wet pulse of it and the sound of your high pitched whine.
It makes you cum, hearing Sunday express that. So he lets go, just for you, like always and watches tears fill the corner of your eyes like it's the happiest you could be.
Obedient thing you are, so tender - sweeter than all things in the world. Sweeter than a a dream. The thought makes his body lurch. His hips thrust this time and you let him with ease, shaking as Sunday lets himself fuck your throat a little harder.
"Gonna cum for you, sweet thing," He says, holding you close as he bottoms out again. He puts a hand on the back of your neck to hold you steady.
Sunday groans, shudders as an orgasm rips through him something irreparable. He cums hard, and you swallow all of it like it's easy despite how far he is down your throat.
He stays like that, catching his breath until he's ready to pull off. A long thick trail of saliva follows, drool dripping down against the hotel room floor as you leave your mouth open to show you swallowed it all.
Your expression morphs into fucked out pleasure, voice hoarse as you smile. "Thank you,"
You're his exception, Sunday thinks. If he's to deviate from structure, order, routine - it'd be only for you. He wipes the spit from your chin as he bends down to kiss your forehead.
"You made me feel good and did exceptionally well," He murmurs, soft and sweet. You melt under the touch, under the praise. "I love you,"
You smile happily. "Me too. I love you,"
"Now get up," He says, stroking your skin. "My turn, hm"
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ivorycello · 2 days
An Introduction to the Lifesteal SMP - Season 6 Starts on July 6th
The Premise 
Lifesteal is a competitive, PVP based soft-anarchy server, with one core gimmick: In the server, if you kill somebody, you can steal one of their permanent hotbar hearts, with a maximum of twenty hearts. If you drop down to zero hearts, you are banned off of the server, unless another player revives you with an expensive item called a revive beacon.  
One of the biggest draws in the fandom is the incredibly organic improv storytelling that arises from the server, with the competition extending past simple combat. Players clash as they all attempt to enact their own plans, creating moral and emotional conflicts that draw in stream viewers and make the server incredible to follow as events unfold. 
Watching Lifesteal Streams and attempting to have a complete picture of what is going on is very time intensive. Luckily, starting in season five, they do weekly sessions where the most important events usually happen.
How seasons work
Each season runs independently of each other, and the entire world resets when they move to a new season. 
There is no in-universe lore explanation for what happens during a season reset. Some streamers may choose to treat it like they’re playing a different character, but most choose to leave things that happened in previous seasons in the past while still acknowledging it. Knowing what happens in previous seasons may help you understand things more, but is not necessary in the slightest.
Is Lifesteal a roleplay server? Kinda, kinda not. 
Please respect that creators have different levels of interest in rp and are primarily on the server to make youtube videos of a particular niche.
Lifesteal is unscripted, though different players will create and enact elaborate plans with insane amounts of effort, but all of this is with the goal of a genuine, entertaining reaction. 
Most members enter every situation with the primary goal of creating a good video, and their actions often reflect this. Videos are designed to be standalone content. Each video tells a complete story, and doesn't often tie into other videos or arcs. Lifestealers will also twist the narrative in order to create a linear storyline, including changing the order of events, or even just straight up lying. (We’re looking at you, Mapicc.) Due to this, with few exceptions, it is near impossible to gain full context of an arc or event via video alone, as so much context and information will be glanced over or covered up. Streams are a much more reliable way of understanding the full story. 
New and leaving members
The eight new members announced so far for season six are:
Members who have left over the past season are:
Where to watch Lifesteal
There are a few active streamers and uploaders, who we will introduce below, and there is also a fan-run archive of all Lifestealer vods that you can access here.
The archive runs as far back as 2020, though only becomes mostly reliable around July 2022, when the project started. The archive also has links to every members’ youtube and twitch account, as well as any vod channel they may run themselves!
POV Recommendations Frequent Streamers: If you want a consistent pov to watch, and be able to follow a consistent storyline here are your best choices. PrinceZam: Zam was lifesteal’s most consistent streamer in previous seasons and puts a very large amount of effort into his rp and storytelling. Goes live at random times for long hours. Kaboodle: Kab is a new addition this season, but she consistently puts an incredible amount of effort into rp and storytelling. She streams most days at 7pm EST! ChiefXD: New Member who streams daily at 11am EST. HannahxxRose: New member, frequent streamer, but we don't know how her streaming style will adapt to lifesteal yet. Derapchu: He’s a little bit of a freak. Australian but has a bad sleep schedule so he streams at US friendly times or earlier. Does pretty long streams. Pangi: Has been on hiatus, but usually streams regularly around 2-4 PM EST at an EU friendly time for shorter hours. He typically does sillier, shorter projects. 4CVIT: Frequent streamer when he does stream, but may go inactive for long periods of time. Kinda roleplays, one of the better builders on the server and likes to keep projects secret from chat.
Honorable Mention: Follow these people anyway, they’ll probably go live for big events or random streams. Minutetech: Typically streams large events and sessions Mapicc: Occasionally streams, mostly important events Ashswag: Occasionally streams, mostly important events Jumper: Occasionally streams Bacon: Occasionally streams Woogie: Frequent streamer at the start of the season, but will become less active when college starts again for him Roshambogames: Occasionally Streams, mostly important Events
Youtube: Current Season: Frequent Uploads: Mapicc: Uploads frequently on main and 2nd channel, however he is known for lying a lot in his videos. It’s a little bit funny. Minutetech: Long videos about huge arcs, mostly truthful but may simplify some stuff. Wemmbu: Long videos about huge projects. FlameFrags: Medium length SMP videos. ChiefXD: Has an episodic style, we are not sure how that will change for lifesteal as he is a new member. Jumper: Mix of long form videos and short videos about a variety of topics. Squiddo: Fun, High Effort and Energy videos about a variety of topics. Lots of custom art. SB737: Uploads often but unsure if he will upload Lifesteal.
Do Not Upload as Frequently But Its Good When They Do Planetlord, Roshambogames, Ashswag, Spokeishere, Princezam, Baconnwaffles,     ECorridor, Pentar, Clownpierce
Past Seasons, we linked povs that cover full seasons or large amounts of a season, but other non listed members still have fantastic one off videos about single events or arcs. Link All Videos Playlist (updated infrequently)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiRXq4v6FXPn8D15UEAY6oZuPF23-NTG8 Mer S4 Summary Document
Lifesteal Season 4 Directory (public access version) Cog S4 Summary Doc
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E0Mi2s64to6BzoAJuWHw16lnJpdEdYBXfd62tC7O0jY/edit?usp=sharing Minute S5 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6xtt50MzkHWil_vQbgkll9rZTDyfI5k1 Spoke S4: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYmAm1lW6hlgK3WHPORSYeC80PVNUuUcZ All Parrot Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu0onnEWPanttCW1zIfh25bQ_b5sBo8_p Clownzy S3 Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCUTLKqDTev0e1y9Paex97_KP-TpF6QIs
Squiddo S5: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlWJegiCG6X_iKkO-CEd6J9GMAhkzYjVn&si=Kx6lLPLZQeexGdio Baconnwaffles1: https://www.youtube.com/@baconnwaffles1/videos
Princezam S3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmPnYnLs0WLoJTEdRpFBMTS21X631LKtu&si=37bk0Gs1haPYOSEd Mapicc, warning. Unreliable Narrator. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsiSq_WYMOAV7HPEqn8QY_981n19u2qO0 Roshambo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaa_QQN2V8hZ78ACgXFOGt4tGcfDPTp_B
Stream Etiquette
Do not stream snipe / metagame, which includes sharing or hinting at any info whatsoever, even silly things, about another creators playthrough that the streamer wouldn’t know otherwise, you will get banned in all lifestealers chats. Information revealed via videos is considered fair game.
Do not backseat game or backseat lore Lifesteal Members on Tumblr
Several Lifesteal members have public tumblr accounts they use to varying degrees. Because of this, we use the #Lifesteal Spoilers tag to mark posts they shouldn't see because of metagaming reasons or when we just don’t want them to see it. They’re mostly chill, please just block them if you don’t want to deal with them. hdusa - Princezam lowkeywaffling - Baconnwaffles0 Neverpoor - Ashswag TheRealSquiddo- Squiddo BigPangolinMan - Pangi
Lifesteal has a big fanartist community and we encourage you to join in!
Duo Name List
Lifesteal Animatics and Edits Wormhole Zine
Minecraft Roleplay Analysis -  Barrier Blocks
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goodomensafterdark · 2 days
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Oh my god, we just hit 4,500 people following the account!
(okay, missed it by a few days, we were busy okay)
What are you all doing here and when did that happen?! Well well well…  
*adjusts waistcoat*
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We have something very special in mind in order to celebrate this milestone: we would like to do a bit of a rebrand of the Tumblr account.
And for this, what better than a little contest?
This will go into three directions : 
We would like to change our pfp ! We of course love @vavoom-sorted-art ‘s, but since this one was put in there, the subreddit changed 20 times! So it is time to do a bit of undusting.
Draw a riveting pfp for the Tumblr account!
We have been trying to give a good summary of who we are and what the sub and this account are all about, but… we are missing YOUR interpretation!
Write an epic/crack/lewd presentation of our sub! 
Make us LAUGH and make us HORNY!
Try to keep the main presentation at a maximum of 500 words.
If you want to write a companion fic that would be longer, go for it, but we need an actual presentation that would be a bit shorter 😉
You heard us, YOU TOO get to participate! We have special plans for those celebrations, you see, and for this, we will need you!
Choose a fic in our collection that is less than 1500 words and podfic it.
You will have 1 month to complete this task, so until the 28th of July!
How will the choices and results be handled
Please submit your art, fics and podfics on the Good Omens After Dark file share here.
Folder name should be : GOAD Tumblr Contest
Name your files as follows:
[your tumblr account name]_[pfp/presentation/podfic]_submission
We will not take your submission into account if you don’t follow the GOAD account.
Your productions don't need to stay private: you can absolutely post them and mention us!
If you post ahead of the results announcement:
On Tumblr: use the tag #GOAD 4500 celebrations
On AO3: use the tag GOAD 4500 celebrations and add it to the collection
Results announcement
We know you feral goblins, so we will be planning for 2 weeks to go through the art and writing and podficcing you will have submitted.
Once we are done with it all, we will choose 3 winners:
an artist, whose art will become our new pfp
a writer, whose presentation blurb will be added to our metapost
a podficcer, whose podfic will be added to our metapost as a star example of what this community has to offer.
But for all the others, not to worry: you will of course all be celebrated for the work that you have done during this month, and will get plenty of love from us! <3
TL;DR: Celebration contest! (need to follow us here if you want to compete)
Deadline: 29th of July
Artists: draw a new PFP
Writers: write an epic/crack/lewd presentation of the sub
Podficcers: choose a fic from the collection that is not more than 1500 words long and podfic it
Prize: the winners will be part of our rebranding! The artist's pfp will be our new pfp, the writer's presentation will appear in our metapost, and the podficcer will appear in our metapost.
Good luck to you all!
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mutt-sys · 2 days
Aight fuckwads, mama's feedin' y'all tonight. Take some ghoul zoomies/enrichment time ya filthy animals.
Ghouls, they're simple creatures really. You feed 'em, give 'em a task, shelter 'em and give them enrichment time and they're happy! But what you don't realize about these ghouls is that they're giant balls of energy compressed into a meat suit.
They're like cats and dogs(depending on the ghoul.) they get excited sometimes and have no choice but to let that energy out somehow!! How do they do that? They run, and they run fast.
Dewdrop is often seen skidding the halls with Phantom in tow as they weave through siblings and nuns, they'll hop on top of things and scamper through the halls as they chase one another for the hell of it. If one catches the other the fight is on, and they don't let up until papa separates them.
Some of the bigger ghouls like Omega, Aether, Ifrit and Mountain are often seen wrestling one another to release the energy they have. Sometimes a kit or smaller ghoul/ette will join and they'll purposely let them win just for the satisfaction of it all.
The water ghouls get their energy out in the lakes and ponds, you can catch them passing a seashell between the lot of them for fun. Or for more reclusive ghouls like Lake and Rain, they'll be seen collecting seashells and fossils and ordering up to how they like.
Fire ghouls as a whole like to dig in the soot and ash and roll around in it, Ifrit likes to bat it at Alpha which then turns into a wrestling match. Ifrit loses, he eats soot and Alpha is proud of himself. Dewdrop likes to burrow himself into it like a lizard cause of the warmth of it all.
The more softer ghouls like to run around the forest together and giggle and play around, whispering secrets to one another before choosing to run again. It's usually the ghoulettes plus Air and Pebble, not that the boys mind.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 days
You are going to get the chance to go to a university in another plane of existence for one semester. Everyone in your life will just think you're abroad somewhere. When entering the new plane you'll be given a new body that matches that plane's inhabitants, (most people probably won't believe you if you ad it you're from another plane). You'll also automatically know the language they speak there.
Your options are:
1: a university in a plane where no biological life exists, and instead the main inhabitants are advanced robots. Your new body will probably be pretty alien to the one you have now, so it might take soke time getting used to it. The technology of this plane is also more advanced than yours. And the university you'll be going to is inside of a massive pyramid.
2: a university within the plane of the faeries. This is actually one or the planes that's had the most contact with your own, though they don't look upon humans well. Faeries are diverse creatures, ranging from elegant humanoid, to buglike and fungal monasteries, it also seems they don't have a human concept of morality. Also note that their idea of a "school" is much diffrent from ours.
3: a university in an alternate timeline where the KPG mass extinction never occurred. The earth here has a single sentient species, who evolved from feathered raptors. This is an alternate earth instead of a truly alien plane, so it's not going to have diffrent physics, though you will be dealing with a species very alien to your own.
4: a university within a plane of endless sea. There are three main species here, one who have humanlike bodies but gills and mouths like jawless fish, one who have hard crablike shells that almost look like armor, and one who have long shark like tails but more humanoid upper halves with four arms. Humans also exist here, and live exclusively on ships and submarines, but they're rare.
5: a university in a plane similar to our own earth, but where magic, cryptids and monsters all exist and are known to exist. While the school is mostly humans, a few undead, lycanthropes and other strange creatures have attended here. The university you'd be sent here if you choose this to is in a major cultural hub, and while it doesn't teach exclusively magic that is an option. It should also be mentioned that humans don't have sex here and their bodies lack any sex characteristics, and how they reproduce is a mystery.
6: a university in a plane where demons, djinn and fallen angels come from. This is a vast realm, filled with caverns, dark forests, vast deserts, and massive artificial structures, with the university you'd be going to here being at the massive city in its center. The creatures here are far less evil than many think, and their forms are probably the most diverse of an plane listed here's inhabitants. This is also another plane which has had some interaction with yourse.
7: a university in a plane of endless forest, with trees so massive entire cities are built into their trunks. Nobody has ever seen its floor, and nonody has reached the top of the tallest known trees. This plane is inhabited by insectoid humanoids, of many diffrent varieties, and it seems that no vertebrate life exists here.
8: a school in a plane that exists entirely digitally. Some parts of it are static screens, others entire 3d or 2d worlds. It can be hard for mortals to adjust to this type of world, but if you've spent a lot of time on the internet or playing video games you kind of get how it feels to be here, just without any body required to interface with this location. Also note that there are some very malicious entities here that might harm you if you aren't being careful here.
9: a university in a desert plane where humans have become outnumbered by various types of undead, ranging from liches and phantoms to vampires. The undead here are sentient and have mostly assimilated into human society by now and most humans have adapted to their culture, and the war between the two kinds has long ended. While this world is at about a 21st century level of technology, there's proof it may have once been far more advanced long ago. Due to a past conflict humans here have lost what we'd consider 'afab' bodies, and require strange magic involving water to create offspring.
10: a school in a plane that consists of an endless city, constantly bathed in summer night. Technology here is slightly more advanced than it is in your world, and alongside humans, cyborgs, and robots are quite common, some of whom take on forums quite alien to humanity. Humans here also all posses bodies we'd consider 'afab', due to events long past, and reproduce using technology. The university you'll go to if you choose this one is in one of the most populated parts of the endless city, near the center of the known world, though they say strange and unknowable creatures lurk near the edges of the known city.
11: the university in the nameless city of yetoth.[Warning, this is a highly dangerous option and involves entities not cleared for human knowledge]
Reblog to teleport to the plane of your choice. Like to bring home a gift from where you went.
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Imagine being on the verge of death, your mind being ripped apart by the very gods. You beg and you pray and none of the gods you know and worship show up for you. They all leave you to die. Except one person. They come for you at your time of need and they save you when they didn't have to. In fact, they had more reason to kill you, but they risked their own life to save you anyway.
You travel around with them and watch all the things that they do. You question them, try to understand them, because they intrigue you. They are extraordinary. They are powerful. They are exquisite! They see the world in the same way you do, value the same things that you do. They are willing to stand before the very gods themselves and defy them, challenge them, and destroy them. And you accept them for everything that they are. You appreciate them for everything that they are. And you wouldn't want to change a single thing about them because you think they are marvelous just the way that they are! You love them with everything that you have, because they exist in the way that they do. You are loyal to them, devoted to them. You want to go where they go, do what they do, see what they see, because you can't imagine a life without them.
And then they turn around and look at you and say you are broken. That you need to be fixed. To be changed to be "better". You realize that they do not accept you in the same way you accept them. You realize that they didn't take a single moment to try to understand you. That the only parts of you that they like are what is convenient for them. And whatever they do not like, they want to scrape out of you and replace it with what they think would make you "better". They have spent this entire time, harshly judging you despite not spending a single second to get to know you. They want you to change, not for your sake, but to appease them. To them, you were only worth it because they thought they could change you, remold you into something that would make them feel better about being in your presence. Because your presence disturbs them. And when you make it clear that you will live as you are and you will not compromise for the approval of others, they throw you away and discard you. Calling you cruel, and evil, and a genocidal lunatic, when all you have ever done is just try to survive whatever situation you found yourself in.
Minthara accepts you and loves you for who you are and will NEVER ask you to change a single thing about yourself, and especially not for her sake. She wants you to just be... you. She likes you just the way that you are. She doesn't always agree with every single thing that you do, but by the gods, she will still love you anyway. No matter what choice you make, good or evil, she will still love you and accept you and go along with whatever you want to do.
Why won't you show her the same courtesy? Why do you only love companions when you think you can change them into what you want them to be? Why do you look at companions and only see their flaws and see it as something that immediately needs to be fixed into something you like? Why do you abandon companions when you realize that you can't change them into something you want? Why does she have to be the one to change? Are you willing to change for her?
Do you ever spend a single second asking yourself why Minthara is the way that she is? Cause if you did, you'd realize that she shouldn't be changed, and she can't. This isn't to say that Minthara can't change at all, she just can't and won't in the way that you want her to be. Minthara is very confident in herself and has been through many tribulations in her long life and has prevailed above them all, because she is the way that she is. She is proud, strong, loyal, and a survivor. And you are telling her that all of that is wrong.
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babyangelsky · 16 hours
There may be something happening with the Colors™ in Love Sea but it's not just that...
This post began life as me wanting to talk about how amazing Peat's styling and wardrobe are and how much sense they make for his character, but as I was watching this week's episode, I noticed something that made me want to switch gears.
Then I went back and watched the preview and the clown in me stirred from its slumber.
But I do also wanna talk about Peat's styling. In episode 1 he arrived on the island looking like this:
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He's dressed all in black, he's wearing slacks, dress shoes, and a long-sleeved shirt. In other words, he does not look remotely like someone who knew they were going to a tropical island. The only thing that has any business being on his body are his sunglasses.
But he doesn't stay like that! A few hours later, he arrives at the beach bar looking like this:
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He's in sandals, the pants he's wearing look like they're made out of a lightweight fabric, and his top is loose has an open weave.
And this time, he does stay like that. For as long as he's on the island, he's in sandals and either shorts or lightweight pants and his tops are all either very loose and breezy or made from a woven fabric.
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He does still wear dark colors but the basic components of his outfits are the same. Why am I harping on this? Because that's the point.
His outfits make sense!
He's on an island! It's hot, he's spending time at the beach and getting sand everywhere and he's DRESSING LIKE IT! He arrived looking he wasn't coming to an island but he packed for an island! He chose clothes that suited his style and that made sense for the environment. He looks expensive and beautiful and COMFORTABLE!
And in a world where we constantly see these poor BL actors sweating out every ounce of fluid in their body because they've been dressed like it's not hotter than the hinges of hell in Thailand, having a character dress like he knows where he is feels like a GIFT. This production is truly making fantastic choices.
Having said all that...
In noticing Tongrak's wardrobe, I noticed something else.
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Woven fabric has texture to it and because so many of the tops we've seen Tongrak in are woven, he's always wearing something that's either textured or looks like it has texture. And Mahasamut?
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He is always dressed in bright colorful patterns.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
They aren't color coded in the way we've come to know, they're primarily what I'm gonna call fabric coded: textures are Rak's, patterns are Mut's. But they are also color coded in the sense that Rak's textured tops are always a solid color and Mut's tops are always multicolored.
I may very well be wrong, I may very well be proving why I live at the circus but there was a moment in episode 4 that told me that I was on the right track.
Look what Mook chooses when she goes shopping with Vivi.
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A WOVEN TOP IN A SOLID COLOR. She picks it because that's what she usually buys for Rak! Because that's the style that he likes!
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But then the show went and teased me because we don't actually see what Vivi picked for Mut, the person they were actually shopping for.
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VIVI BOUGHT MUT PATTERNED CLOTHING! The patterns aren't multicolored because he wasn't the one choosing them himself but they're still patterns! We can even go one step further and say that the patterns are in his brand new sugar daddy's colors.
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I don't give one singular fuck if Tongrak can admit he's in love or not, THE COLORS AND PATTERNS DON'T LIE AND THIS IS A COLOR AND PATTERN EXCHANGE!
If at any point in this show there is a colorful pattern on Tongrak's body, I am going to lose my mind.
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cyberl6ve · 3 days
Chris Sturniolo X Fem!Reader Series
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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚ 
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ — Chris Sturniolo and Y/N L/N, childhood friends and YouTube stars, share a secret friends-with-benefits relationship hidden from their fans. Their playful on-camera chemistry conceals late-night trysts and stolen moments off-screen. They’ve almost been caught several times but always managed to play it off. As their hidden relationship deepens, jealousy and the constant threat of discovery make it harder to keep their secret.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚ 
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚    
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ : 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰, the sun beating down relentlessly on the parking lot as we wrapped up filming for the day. I had spent hours answering fan questions alongside the Sturniolo Triplets, Chris's playful jokes and teasing kept me on my toes.
The last question of the day was always the most eagerly anticipated, "Have you and Chris ever hooked up?" Nick looked up at me after reading the question from his phone. I laughed it off, joking about how we were just friends with a very platonic bond, but as I looked over at Chris, I couldn't help the rush of heat that spread through me.
"But no we haven't" I declared, trying to keep my voice light and teasing. But my mind was racing with thoughts of how we had, in fact, hooked up in secret last night.
"Are you sure?" Nick asked, his tone skeptical as he shot a quick glance between Chris and me. "You guys are always so... touchy with each other."
"Oh my god, Nick! Don't be so weird," I responded, playfully rolling my eyes. "We're just close, you know that. We've been childhood friends for years, of course we’re going to be touchy with each other."
I glanced at the camera on the dashboard and let out a sigh. "And just to clarify for all the nosy people out there, there is absolutely nothing going on between Chris and me. We're just really comfortable with each other, that's all."
"And another thing," I said, growing more annoyed by the minute. "All these so-called 'fans' who keep insinuating that there's something more between Chris and me, it's honestly getting pretty disrespectful.”
"I mean, if there was something going on between us, we still wouldn't have told anyone," I continued, crossing my arms over my chest. "It's not any of your business, and it's honestly getting pretty intrusive.”
"At the end of the day, who we date or what we do in our personal lives is none of your business," I said firmly. "The only time you'll hear about it is during our YouTube lives, and that's only because we choose to share that part of our lives with you.”
"Thanks for understanding, moving on." I looked at Nick expectantly as he flipped through the messages. "What's the next one?" I asked.
Nick's eyes scanned the screen before he cleared his throat to read aloud: "What's the funniest memory we can all agree on that we all had in our years of knowing each other"
"Oh, I know a good one," Matt piped up from the driver’s seat. "It was when we were all still living in Boston. We had turned off the light and locked Chris in his room and after we opened the door he ran straight to Y/N, drenched in tears"
"He was so scared he thought he would have to sleep in the dark" Matt said, chuckling reminiscently. “Kid said he started hearing voices” Matt added
Chris rolled his eyes good-naturedly at his brother while the car erupted in laughter. Though Chris wanted to defend himself for being scared, he found himself laughing along, the amusement of the memory taking over.
Nick read through the next message with an annoyed expression. "Y/n can you give Chris a kiss," he read aloud, awaiting her response.
"Your mother." I replied, making the others laugh. Nick laughed as well, locking his phone. "Well, that's it for today's video. I hope you all enjoyed having Y/N here."
“Make sure you guys Subscribe so you won’t miss a video and like to let us know you enjoy this video!” as Nick was doing the outro Chris looked at Matt and gave a smirk before saying his line. "Say goodbye, Matt. Kiss the camera." Matt laughed but leaned in and kissed the camera, the screen going black as it turned off.
As the video ended, I suddenly felt my stomach growling audibly, making the others laugh. "I'm starving!" I declared, which earned nods of agreement from my companions. "I think we all are," Chris said, stretching his arms above his head.
"I'll drive! I'll drive!" I said enthusiastically, already making my way to the driver's seat. I glanced back and caught Matt's reluctant expression but shrugged and gestured for him to take the spot behind Chris.
With the guys settled into their seats, I glanced back at Matt, who gave me a thumbs-up before I put the car in reverse. I carefully maneuvered out of the parking spot and soon we were on our way to a nearby Canes.
As I drove, I found myself feeling more at ease with the boy’s in the car, the laughter and banter from earlier still lingering in the air. Before long, we arrived at Canes and pulled into the parking lot.
— ☆ —
After ordering our food, we sat down at a table, with Chris immediately pulling out his phone. "Y/N, come here," he called, making room for me in the shot.
Chris grinned as he selected the song, a popular track from his favorite artist, Lil Skies. As the music filled the restaurant, we both started lip-syncing to the catchy lyrics. Chris wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer as he recorded.
Chris and I finished recording and headed to grab our food from the counter, the delicious smell of chicken and fries wafting through the air. With our bags full, we made our way back to the car, sliding into our seats for the short drive back to the triplets' place.
As I pulled up to the driveway, Matt led the way as we headed inside, Chris and Nick following closely behind. We kicked off our shoes and made our way upstairs, settling into the comfortable living room.
We walked into the kitchen, placing our food down on the table before finding a spot to sit. Nick and Matt sat side by side on one side of the table, while Chris and I sat across from them. As we dug into our meals, a lively conversation filled the room.
As we all ate, I felt a sudden touch on my thigh, causing me to glance down in surprise. My eyes widened when I realized it was Chris's hand, but his face remained completely neutral as he continued to chat with his brothers.
My hand instinctively reached for my phone, fingers flying across the screen as I sent a discreet text to Chris. "What are you doing?! Your brothers are right here," the message read.
I quickly placed my phone back on the table, hoping to make it seem like nothing had happened. Chris discreetly grabbed his phone, glancing at the screen as he read my message. After a moment, his lips curled into a slight smirk before returning his attention to the conversation with his brothers.
Chris pushed his chair back and stood, announcing, "I'm gonna head to bed early. I'm pretty beat." He gathered up his trash and deposited it in the bin before making his way downstairs, the soft thud of his footsteps echoing through the house as he retreated to his room.
"Weird," Matt said, raising an eyebrow in curiosity at Chris's sudden departure. I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly and gave a small smile as I turned my attention back to Nick and Matt, the three of us continuing to chat and enjoy each other's company as the night went on.
— ☆ —
Cuddled up next to Nick watching a movie, I was content and relaxed until the sudden intrusion by my phone. I glanced at the screen and smiled at the sight of Chris's name. "Ditch Nick and come to my room." I rolled my eyes and told Nick I was ‘thirsty’.
I made my way to Chris's room, the door swinging open at my gentle push. But before I could even take a step inside, I was swept up in a whirlwind of movement as Chris grabbed me and pressed me against the door with his body.
I let out a surprised gasp as Chris's body pressed against mine. But instead of pushing him away, I found myself intrigued. "Chris," I said softly, my voice playful and teasing as I tilted my head up to meet his gaze. "What are you doing?"
Chris's eyes blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine as he leaned in close, his breath hot against my ear. "I need you," he whispered, his voice low and husky. I shuddered at his words, memories of our encounter flooding back to me.
But I knew I couldn't give in to what Chris was asking for, not with his brothers in the house. "No, we can't," I said firmly, pushing against him gently. "It was just a one-time thing."
But Chris wasn't about to give up that easily. He leaned in even closer, a sly smile on his lips as he whispered in my ear. "You can't tell me you don't think about it. How hard I fucked you, the way you screamed my name.”
I felt a rush of heat flooding through me at his words and couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. "Chris," I said, my voice a mixture of lust and frustration. "Stop." But deep down, I knew I wanted it just as much as he did.
Chris's eyes gleamed with triumph at my weakness. "Tell me this," he murmured, his hands roaming down my sides to grip my hips. "What if we keep this on the down low, between us? Just fuck buddies, no strings attached."
Chris leaned in even closer, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear as he whispered, "And just to make things interesting, let's add a little wager. Whoever falls first loses and has to do whatever the winner wants."
I bit my lip, feeling a thrill of excitement run through me at his words. "What makes you think I'll fall first?" I asked, my voice laced with challenge. Chris smirked, his lips brushing against mine in a teasing kiss.
"Because I know exactly what you crave," he whispered against my lips. "And I'm more than willing to give it to you. All you have to do is let go and trust me." His hands slid up my sides, his fingers intertwined with mine. "You can't resist me," he murmured against my mouth. “And I can’t resist you,”
Chris's lips curved into a sinful smile, his gaze locked with mine. "Tell me, do you want it?" he asked, his voice low and husky. "Have you been unable to stop thinking about what happened between us? How good it felt to have my cock buried deep inside you?"
Chris cocked his head to the side, his piercing blue eyes never leaving mine as he kept contact with my body. "Did you feel every inch of me, stretching you, filling you so completely? Remember how you screamed my name, begging for more?"
I remained silent, but my body responded to his words. Chris took the opportunity to press soft kisses down my jaw, his lips brushing against my sensitive skin. "You want more, don't you?" he whispered in my ear. "You crave my touch, my cock, all of me."
I gripped Chris's bicep, holding on as he lavished attention on my neck, his lips trailing fire wherever they touched. His free hand came up to tangle in my hair, tilting my head to give him better access. "Do you feel how hard I am for you?" he asked, biting gently on my neck.
Chris took my hand and placed it on the bulge in his pants, letting out a hiss when I touched him. "That's what you do to me," he said, his voice strained. "You make me ache, make me need to be buried deep inside you again and again."
His fingers intertwined with mine, guiding my hand to squeeze and stroke the straining fabric of his erection. "I want to feel your tight little cunt wrapped around me, Ma." he groaned, his hips rocking forward into my touch.
"Do you want me to take you again?" Chris asked, his breath hot against my skin. His hand still guiding mine, stroking himself through the fabric as I squeezed. "I could bend you over right here, right now, and fuck you till you can't walk straight."
I couldn't resist the temptation of his words and slipped my hand inside his sweats, wrapping it around his hot, bare cock. Chris gasped as I began to stroke him, setting a slow and teasing rhythm. "Is this what you want?"
I smirked up at Chris, my hand moving faster on his cock as I spoke in a cocky, teasing tone. "Do you want your brothers to hear how good their childhood friend can make their brother feel? How I can reduce a big, strong man like you to a needy, panting mess?"
I watched the look of pleasure twisting Chris's features, my grip still firm and steady on his shaft. "What if someone walks in, hm? Your brothers, maybe? Can you imagine how fucking shocked they'd be seeing their childhood friend making you moan?"
"You like that, hmm?" I purred, taking in the expression on Chris's face as my hand works up and down his length. His head tipped back, mouth open in pleasure, eyes half-lidded and clouded with lust. "Yeah, you fucking do."
I released my grip on Chris's cock long enough to grab his face, forcing him to look at me. He scoffed at the gesture, but I could see the heat in his eyes. "Look at me," I whispered, not giving him a choice.
"Look at you, such a mess," I cooed, tracing a finger along his cheek. "Will you be a good boy for me, Christopher?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm and affection. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?"
Chris looked at me with those doe eyes, unable to hide the pleasure he was feeling. He nodded in agreement, a small whimper escaping his lips as I continued to tease him. "That's a good boy,"
I helped Chris down to the bed, his body pliant under my touch. Once he was sat down, I kneeled in front of him, slowly pulling his sweatpants and boxers down to his ankles. "So needy,"
Chris's cock sprang free, already hard and leaking. I wrapped a hand around the base, giving it a gentle squeeze before leaning in to run my tongue along the sensitive underside. He groaned, fingers digging into the sheets as I took him into my mouth.
"Slow down, Ma," Chris groaned, trying to keep his voice steady as I sucked him down. His cock hit the back of my throat and he bucked his hips, pressing himself deeper. "I won't last if you keep going like that."
I pulled back, a smirk playing on my lips as I looked up at Chris. "Shhh, you don't want Nick and Matt to hear you now, do you?" I teased, giving his cock a gentle stroke.
I went back to my task, my mouth enveloping him once more. I bobbed my head, taking him deep and swallowing around his shaft. Chris's rip on the sheets tightened, his knuckles white. "Fuck, Ma," he gasped, "If you keep doing that I'm gonna..."
Chris's breath hitched as he felt himself getting closer to the edge. He tried to keep his moans low, not wanting to alert Nick and Matt. His hand found its way to the back of my head, fingers tangling in my hair. "Shit, shit, shit,"
I looked up at Chris, admiring the way he was completely lost in pleasure. His eyes were glassy, his lips parted as he struggled to keep quiet. I could feel his cock throbbing against my tongue, his grip on my hair tightening as he neared his climax.
Chris's words tumbled out in a desperate, pleasured rush. "Fuck, fuck, shit... Y/N, just like that," he gasped, his voice breaking as he came hard. I felt his cock pulse in my mouth, spilling hot seed down my throat as he rode out his orgasm.
Chris's body jerked as he rode the aftershocks, his stomach muscles clenching and unclenching. His chest heaved, rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to catch his breath. I released his softened cock, giving it a gentle lick before sitting back on my heels.
Chris's hand went to my lips, gently wiping away any remnants of him. He gave me a smug smile. "You're getting it" he said, his voice still husky with pleasure.
Chris led me up to his bed by the hand, our lips never leaving each other. The clothes came off in a rush of urgent hands and tangled limbs, until we were both bare. With one swift motion, he threw them aside, not caring where they landed on his floor.
Our bodies entwined as we lost ourselves in each other. Chris's mouth claimed mine in a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue danced with mine, our hearts pounding in tandem. I could feel the heat of his skin against mine, the hardness of his muscles beneath my fingertips.
Chris broke the kiss, trailing his lips down my jaw and to my neck. He nipped at the sensitive spot just below my ear, eliciting a soft gasp from me. His teeth grazed my collarbone, but he was careful not to leave marks.
My hands found their way into Chris's soft, wavy locks. I couldn't help but moan his name as he continued to explore my body with his mouth. "Chris," I whispered, my voice husky with desire. He chuckled softly against my skin, the vibrations sending shivers down my spine.
I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping it lightly as he kissed and nipped at my neck. Chris's hands roamed my body, exploring every curve and inch of skin. He traced the outline of my breasts, teasing my sensitive nipples until I couldn't take it anymore.
Chris's lips left a trail of fire as he kissed and licked his way down my body. His hands skimmed over my hips, squeezing gently before sliding around to cup my ass. He squeezed and massaged the flesh, pulling me closer to him as he kneeled between my thighs.
Chris looked up at me with a wicked grin before his head disappeared between my thighs. I gasped as his tongue flicked against my clit, teasing and tormenting me. He slid a finger inside of me, then two, curling them to hit that spot that made me see stars.
I looked down at Chris, watching as he worked his magic between my thighs. My eyes were half-lidded with pleasure, and I couldn't help the moans that escaped my lips. I reached down, tangling my fingers in his hair as he sucked and licked at me.
Chris increased his pace, his tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony. He sucked on my clit, the suction making my legs tremble. I ground against his face, desperate for more.
Just as I was teetering on the edge, Chris pulled back, leaving me panting and needy. "Not yet, baby," he whispered against my soaked folds, his warm breath sending shivers through me.
He hooked my legs over his shoulders, positioning himself at my entrance. With one swift thrust, he buried himself deep inside of me. I cried out in pleasure as he began to move, setting a steady rhythm that had me gasping and moaning.
Chris covered my mouth with his hand, silencing my cries of pleasure. He leaned down to my ear, whispering, "Shh, don't want them to hear you now," as he nibbled and kissed my neck. I could feel the tension building inside me again, ready to explode.
"Tell me how good it feels, baby" Chris growled in my ear, his hips slamming into me harder and faster. He wanted me to remember how good he made me feel yesterday and every day before that. His dirty talk was a major turn on, pushing me closer to the edge again.
"Oh god, Chris," I moaned from under his hand covering my mouth. Chris was the only guy who ever made me see stars. He smirked, knowing he had me under his control. "You like that, baby?" He whispered in my ear, his voice dripping with lust.
"Tell me, does my cock feel good inside you?" Chris panted, his hips pistoning into me at a feverish pace. "Tell me how much you love it when I fuck you like this." He reached down to circle my clit with his thumb, pushing me closer to the brink.
Chris's words and actions rendered me speechless, my eyes rolling back in my head as I clung to his forearm. His pace was relentless, each thrust hitting me exactly right. "Oh fuck, yes!" I finally managed to gasp out, my nails digging into his skin.
Chris immediately captured my lips with his as I began to moan louder. His tongue thrust into my mouth, tangling with mine in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer and scratching at his skin as he continued to drive into me harder and faster.
Chris's hands roamed down to grab onto my hips, his thrusts becoming more desperate. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, mixing with our panting breaths. "You're so fucking tight," He groaned against my lips, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.
Chris's thrusts became erratic as he felt his climax approaching, his dirty talk becoming even filthier. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. Shit, your pussy feels so fucking good. Ma, I'm gonna fill you up with my cum."
At his words, I bit my lip to keep my moans from getting even louder, the dirty talk sending me over the edge. "Yes, Chris! Fuck, cum inside me." He groaned as he felt himself reach his peak.
With a final deep thrust, Chris release inside me with a loud groan. I could felt the intensity of his orgasm as he continued to pump his hips, riding out every last wave of pleasure. "Oh fuck, that was amazing."
As Chris's movements slowed to a gentle grind, I kept my grip on his forearm, holding him close. His softening cock still throbbed inside me, our combined releases trickling down onto his bed sheets. We remained locked together, chests heaving as we caught our breath.
Gasping for breath, Chris slowly pulled out of me before gently nudging my thighs apart. "Stay right here, I'll be back." He said, giving my thigh a playful slap before getting out of the bed.
I couldn't help but admire his toned physique as he walked to the bathroom, my gaze lingering on the perfect curve of his ass. I sank back against the pillows, feeling a wave of satisfaction wash over me as I listened to him rummage around in the bathroom.
Chris reappeared a few moments later, brandishing a damp towel. He approached the bed, his eyes filled with amusement as he took in my lazily sprawled form. "You look like you're about to pass out." He said.
I gave him a lazy grin as he gently wiped me clean using the towel. "Well, I did just get fucked by the Chris Sturniolo, so I think I'm entitled to be a little worn out."
I stifled a yawn as Chris finished cleaning me up. "And let's not forget, this was the second time you've fucked me."
Chris's eyes darkened with desire as he tossed the towel aside, crawling back into bed and hovering over me. "Trust me, I won't forget how good you feel around my cock no matter how many times I fuck you." He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.
As he leaned in, I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Our lips met in a searing kiss, his tongue tangling with mine as he deepened the kiss.
Breaking the kiss, I pulled back and started retrieving my scattered clothes. "I should probably head back upstairs with Nick," I said, trying to ignore the lingering ache between my thighs. Chris's hands came up to stop me, his fingers grazing my skin as he tugged me back into his arms.
"Can't you stay just a little bit longer?" He whispered, his breath warm against my skin as he buried his face in my neck. "Please?" He added, biting down gently on the sensitive skin.
I pulled away again. "If we want to keep this on the down low, we can't risk any suspicious activity. We shouldn't draw attention to ourselves." I warned, but my words were contradicted by the way I leaned in and kissed him once more.
The kiss was quick and passionate, a silent promise of the forbidden pleasure we would steal in secret. When I finally pulled away, Chris's eyes were dark with desire, but he nodded in understanding. I quickly finished dressing, tugging on my sweats and shirt with trembling hands.
Once dressed, I paused for a moment to comb my fingers through Chris's messy hair. He gave a low groan and leaned into my touch, his warm weight a comforting presence on my stomach. "You should go take a shower," I told him, sighing at the smell of sex mixed with the faint hint of his cologne.
Chris answered me with a soft, "I will." before he reached up and grabbed my hand, pulling it away from his hair. I chuckled lightly and gave him a small grin, before leaning down to squish his cheeks between my hands. "Good boy,"
I walked into Nick's room, still feeling the lingering warmth of Chris's body pressed against mine. Nick was sitting on the bed, his laptop open in front of him, and his eyes were narrowed in confusion. "Where the hell were you, girl?" he asked.
"I was just getting water," I lied, trying to keep my voice steady. "And then I went to check on Chris. We were talking for a few minutes and he was just getting into the shower, so I left." I bit my lip, hoping Nick would buy the story. He raised an eyebrow, but just nodded.
— ☆ —
We continued to watch movies, and I tried to push any thoughts of Chris out of my mind. It was nearly midnight when I finally stood up and stretched. "I should probably head home," I told Nick, gathering my things.
"See you later, Nick," I said, giving him a small wave as I walked out of his room. I slowly made my way down the stairs and walked down the hallway to Matt's room. I knocked gently on the door and waited for him to answer.
"Come in," Matt called out, not looking up from his screen. I pushed open the door and walked in, waving at the camera. Matt was focused on his live stream, his fingers flying across the keyboard.
"I'm heading out for the night," I said, trying to keep my voice low. Matt finally looked up, a friendly smile on his face. “You're leaving already?" He stood up and wrapped me in a warm hug. “I mean it is midnight already” I chuckled.
"I'll see you tomorrow," I promised, giving him a quick squeeze before stepping back. Matt nodded, his attention already drifting back to his live stream.
I turned away from Matt's door and walked down the hallway, my heart skipping a beat as I saw Chris standing in front of the open fridge. He was still wet from his shower, droplets of water dripping from his hair onto his bare chest.
"Hey," I said, trying to sound casual as I walked towards him. He looked up at me and smiled, his teeth glinting in the dim light of the kitchen. "Hi," he said, grabbing a can of Pepsi and closing the fridge door.
I chuckled, shaking my head. "It's past midnight, it's pretty late," I explained, feeling my cheeks heat up under his intense gaze. He smiled, taking a long drink from his soda before setting it down on the table.
Before I could take another step away, Chris reached out and pulled me close, his strong arms wrapping around my waist. His face hovered mere inches from mine, his warm breath ghosting over my lips. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked up at him.
He stared at me, his eyes burning with an intensity that made my skin tingle. I could feel the heat of his gaze, the electricity sparking between us. But he didn't move, didn't try to kiss me, just held me close and looked at me with a teasing glint in his eye.
I could feel the heat radiating off of him as he teased me with the possibility. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to whimper as a wave of longing washed over me.
"Your heart is beating fast," Chris murmured, his warm breath tickling my ear. His lips ghosted over my neck, sending shivers down my spine as he teased me. "Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" he asked, his voice low and husky.
His lips brushed against my neck, sending sparks of electricity through my body. I let out a soft gasp, my head tilting to give him better access. He took advantage, kissing a trail of heat up the column of my throat before his mouth hovered just inches from mine.
I couldn't help it. My eyes fluttered closed and I leaned into him, my hands clutching at his biceps as I tried to catch my breath. He ghosted his lips over mine, teasing and taunting me in the best way possible.
His lips were still hovering just inches above mine, and I could feel his warm breath against my mouth. "I know you wanna kiss me," he whispered, his voice raspy with desire. My heart was hammering in my chest and I couldn't bring myself to deny it. “Do it”
Our lips finally touched. My hands fisted in his hair, tugging him closer as I deepened the kiss. His tongue swept into my mouth, tangling with mine in a sensual dance that left me breathless and wanting more.
Just as things were getting heated, we heard Matt's door open and footsteps approaching. I pulled away quickly, my face flushed as I took a step back from Chris. He looked just as flustered as I felt, but he quickly regained his composure and cleared his throat.
Matt walked into the kitchen. He raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw me standing there, but didn't say anything right away. "Oh, hey Y/N," he said awkwardly. "I didn't know you were still here."
I nodded, giving Chris and Matt a quick wave. "Yeah, just talking to Chris, but I should head out," I said, trying to play it cool despite the lingering heat from our kiss still buzzing between us. "Night, boys. See you tomorrow."
Matt waved at me as I headed towards the door. Chris, however, just stood there watching me as I descended the stairs. I could feel his gaze on me, and I couldn't help but steal a glance back at him before walking out the front door.
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miss-daisy04 · 24 hours
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RED — CONTROLLING. Will always attempt to control a situation by either doing it himself, pushing you away within the hustle, or getting you to do it somehow in the midst of manipulating you to do so.
GREEN — EMPATHETIC. Anytime you cry, trust me, he will be too. Emotionally he hates seeing someone upset to the point where they burst, especially because he knows and understands that feeling.
BEIGE — OVER USES "ㅋㅋㅋ" AND "ㅎㅎㅎ". Do I need an explanation? Hopefully, nobody finds it annoying and can enjoy it since it is a cute habit of Channie's.
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RED — MICROMANAGER. Honestly, it's because he doesn't trust you, but you can trust him because of this. It may seem confusing but since he watches over you a little too much, it can sometimes be comforting knowing you can also rely on him.
GREEN — TRUSTABLE. Ties in perfectly with the last one. Although he tells white lies here and there, no one is technically capable of never lying. But since his lies are so small, and wouldn't affect anything in the first place, you can easily trust him.
BEIGE — HAS FULL CONVERSATIONS WITH HIS PETS. Soonie, Doogie, and Dori basically make up Minho's full friend group. He enjoys believing that they can actually talk but choose to be quieter.
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RED — OBSESSIVE. Changbin has the feeling that he needs to control and show you that he cares a lot more than it seems since he loves you like a piece of treasure. He is also very delusional about you. He thinks about you 24/7, only you on his mind.
GREEN — ENCOURAGING. Best hype-man ever. If you ever feel like giving up, ring this man and he will 100% boost your confidence. Apparently, he learned this from his "right-hand man" (who still hasn't been revealed yet) and chooses to use it on you.
BEIGE — DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ALARMS. Timing was made for Changbin and timing itself is also scared of him. If he wakes up late, that destiny was just chosen for him. He also requires every hour of beauty sleep he can get so he isn't cranky during the day when he comes to work late.
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RED — BLAME SHIFTING. If you ever bring up something you dislike about another person he'll hit you with the "And you don't do that?". Whenever he does something wrong he plays it off as something you made him do, which can be outrageous.
GREEN — INSPIRING. Guys, this is Hyunjin we're talking about. Some of the random stuff he says could be painted onto a piece of art and sold for billions of dollars. Master of motivating quotes whenever you feel down.
BEIGE — TALKS IN HIS SLEEP. Says anything and everything while asleep. Most of the time it's about work, friends, or everyday occurrences, but once you've caught him dreaming about eating food.
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RED — SECRETIVE. This one isn't the hugest red flag, but it sure is some tint of red. He tries to keep unnecessary things a secret, which leads to arguments within your household. To be honest, he doesn't need to hide anything because you know he would never cheat.
GREEN — FLEXIBLE TO CHANGE. If Jisung ever made a mistake (in his opinion he never has, yet) he will be open to changing himself for the better. At all costs, he cannot afford to lose you.
BEIGE — PUTS EVERYONE'S CONTACTS AS THEIR FULL NAME. He only does this out of respect. He started doing this after one time when he met a dude and gave each other's phone numbers away, and he assumed that the man was younger than him.
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RED — DENYING. Have you ever had to accuse this man of something? No. But his friends and workplace have. This only leads him to deny any allegations, true or not, just because he feels like it.
GREEN — POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Easiest to explain. Felix is definitely optimistic and can help others, including you, adapt to that specific mindset.
BEIGE — GIVES HUMAN NAMES TO INANIMATE OBJECTS. This is the cutest thing ever. It's also scary how he remembers every single name. He could pull out a bag he received for his birthday 5 years ago and still remember the quirky name.
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RED — CODEPENDENT. Very similar to obsessive but will immediately take action. Seungmin always puts your needs before himself. Since he has a need for approval, he was known as the "relationship addict" in his grade.
GREEN — HONEST. Honest to the point of being super blunt. If you ask him about his opinion, it will absolutely be true with no doubt about it. Even his white lies are noticeable.
BEIGE — VAGUE. The vaguest of them all, if we're considering how he forgets things in the easiest places, etc. However, since he's honest, Seungmin never uses it to hide his true feelings.
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RED — GASLIGHTING. Commonly this happens when he tries to convince you that one of your "problems" isn't actually a problem or when he lies despite the proof overruling him. He doesn't have a specific reason to do it except that he genuinely likes messing with people, sometimes.
GREEN — RECOGNITION. Even when you do something as little as taking the trash out, he'll give you a little smile and say "Good job". It may seem sarcastic but it's very easy to tell between sarcastic Jeongin and regular/kind Jeongin.
BEIGE — DRINKS WARM TAP WATER. Somehow he actually prefers warm water over cold/room-temperature water. He claims that it helps with digestion but he just likes warm water generally.
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beemovieerotica · 2 days
trying to find like 1 buddhist temple near me to go to and braved reddit to find commentary on different sects and it's such a cesspool of both completely unaware hypocrisy and "all religion bad" shit.
the way americans talk about modern buddhism is like "it's such a cult...they require membership dues...and they get political sometimes...and the leaders are really charismatic speakers" as if. as if every community center doesn't have rent to pay. and makes commentary on society at large. and the people they choose to speak are probably good speakers. every christian church in america also does all these things. like if these are the requirements for a cult then every religion also does this and so of course the other half of the reddit comments go "and THIS is why all religions are cults!!"
I feel like I have a pretty good radar for cult behavior after matrix bullet dodging at least 2 in college and these people online are specifically talking about the sect my grandparents & extended family are in. and it's weird because the complaints are primarily philosophical in nature, like "they communicate with the spirit realm!!" and idk how to emphasize to people that it doesn't strictly matter how weird you think a belief system is, that's not what makes something a cult. it's whether or not the cult subsumes the person's life, isolates them from non-participants, forces an emotional dependency, deifies and makes unimpeachable a still-living leader, and/or requires an ever-escalating financial stake. the average evangelical church ticks off most boxes in this list, the temples they're talking about don't do any of these things, they have esoteric takes that at best will get an eyebrow raise in conversation.
like it's not terribly surprising that american ex-christians are put off by the idea of people connecting with their ancestors and deceased loved ones because of its contradiction with both atheism and the christian afterlife - and I wouldn't lump it in with spirit medium grifters since people are literally not being paid for this service. it's just really odd sifting through all of the commentary because I absolutely agree that any religious group can turn into a cult, I don't think buddhism is immune to that at all, I don't think any belief system is at its core immune to becoming an isolating force in someone's life - but it's just wild seeing these sects being but through a Good Religion purity test that no christian church would pass just based on the surface level strangeness of their beliefs versus the actual identifiers of what a cult looks like.
but anyway that's a long tangent. the temple that I'm looking at is not part of that sect but a different one, it's the only one within reasonable driving distance with an up-to-date calendar of events and responsive staff, and I'm feeling very cunty right now and I'm seeing that is has had concerns raised about it in the past of being "too political" "too fast-growing" "too aggressive in recruiting" and I simply love placing myself in circumstances and then telling everyone about the drama I find. that is worth jotting down. I'm going to record all my experiences and report back, and if I do end up in a cult, y'all will be the first to know - and if it's an unremarkable place with a normal staff, you will also know. I would preemptively rate my cult susceptibility a 3 out of 10 - but looking at this temple I'm going to say it's a 2 out of 10 because everyone there is white and I'm put off by overly-enthusiastic white people.
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gjenkatarot · 2 days
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── by gjenkatarot ∞ ☼。𖦹 ° . ⋆♡
note: trust your intuition or choose the image that draws you in the most, and have fun! remember, these readings are just for entertainment! tarot masterlist exchange readings paid readings
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🌺🐠🌴 pile one, don't block your passion! embrace the rapid changes coming your way. there's a lot of positive energy around you right now, so harness it! act on things you've wanted to do for a long time—don't hesitate or overthink. everything is unfolding as it should, and while it might be challenging, it will soon pass. welcome the experiences that come to you; they will lead to the growth and fulfillment you're seeking. don't dwell on the past or have regrets. recognize that not everything is lost—there's hope for you, but you need to realize it and stop fixating on past mistakes. processing your emotions and shifting your perspective to see the good can help you heal. an end phase and necessary change are approaching, and your spirit guides are preparing you for something significant. this might feel intense at first, but you will overcome it. embrace the endings happening in your life to make space for new things. your spirit guides are leading you to a new, aligned path, so pay attention to your dreams and intuition. don't block yourself off—allow yourself to experience your emotions and feelings. if you're into creative pursuits, make sure you're expressing yourself creatively, as this might bring valuable insights. remember, you have control in your hands! lead your life with confidence and passion. you have the ability to influence those around you, so step into your leadership role and make positive changes!
🌺🐠🌴 pile two, it seems you're going through a tough period right now. i want you to know that the pain and hurt will be over soon. this marks the end of a painful cycle. from now on, things will get better, and you're doing great! let go of what no longer serves you and welcome new beginnings and healing with open arms. even though you might feel different, your spirit guides want you to know that you're moving into a period of peace. you're leaving behind the troubles and difficulties of the past. this journey will help you heal both physically and emotionally, and you will find balance. maintain your flexibility and adaptability during these times. prioritize your time effectively and resourcefully, as finding balance is crucial for you to move smoothly. your spirit guides are letting you know that you are on the path to achieving your goals. you will soon begin a new chapter after ending this cycle. prepare yourself for new opportunities that will come your way. be patient and relax. your spirit guides are advising you to step back and see things from a different perspective; it's not as bad as you think. sometimes, surrendering and not fighting is the best option to move on. this will provide the clarity you may have been seeking. see things in a new light, pile two! there's a valuable lesson for you to learn. embrace this change and look forward to the new opportunities that await you.
🌺🐠🌴 pile three, reflect on your past! try to remember your childhood; there may be something there that will provide clarity or bring you a sense of comfort. be open to giving and receiving kindness because you are never alone! there are many people trying to help you, but you’re not letting them in. sometimes, it's best to allow others to assist rather than doing everything on your own, as this is taking a toll on you. continuing this way will lead to burnout! you're overwhelmed with responsibilities or problems that might not even be yours to solve. your hard work and effort are appreciated and rewarded, but your spirit guides are telling you to rest because you’re taking on too much. the time you’re experiencing, or about to experience, will be very challenging. don’t hesitate to ask for help! seek support from those around you. working with others and engaging in teamwork can help release that overwhelming energy. collaboration can lead to greater outcomes, so you don’t have to do everything alone! your spirit guides are urging you to take time to care for yourself. find your inner light again and reconnect with yourself. allow yourself to rest and rejuvenate. you deserve it!
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ravixen · 13 hours
svt + catching the wedding bouquet
➔ reaction || not requested
➔ warnings: none || 0.7k words ➔ notes: fluff ; summer break (and pushing work to july) means I'm back online, but I'm trying to update all of my blogs at once so you may or may not see me around haha. I started watching queen of tears, and hyun-woo's excitement to get married made me think of this. if you liked it, please reblog! reaction requests are open year-round. (ps, chan's is from @imagine-svt's post)
SEUNGCHEOL: he thinks he's so cool. to make things fair, each couple or group can only send one representative, so you ask him to participate while you finish your dinner. "you want the bouquet?" he raises an eyebrow over the drink he's sipping, then places the glass down with a smug look. "sure, sweetheart, I'll get it for you. anything you want." cue gagging and eye rolls from the rest of the table as he shrugs off his suit jacket and undoes his cuff links to roll up his sleeves. he fully saunters onto the dance floor, not even looking back to see if you're looking because he knows you are. don't be fooled, though. on the way, he's muttering to his friends from the corner of his mouth, "pass it to me and money will be transferred to your bank account by the end of the night." but he didn't tell them to make it look natural, so you have seungkwan yelling, "oh nooo, it's so hard to caaatch!" while setting the bouquet over to seungcheol like it's a volleyball. keeps his promise, though.
JIHOON: he joins the crowd because everyone's pulling each other onto the dance floor, but he stands on the sidelines, not really interested in catching the bouquet. it's a cute tradition, though, and he even sees you in the middle of the moving mass, hands cupped around your mouth as you cheer for the married couple. or maybe you're cheering for the prize: a kitchen appliance of one's choosing from the front table. he chuckles to himself. this much hype over coffee machines and nice cookware and electric can openers. signs of getting older, he supposes. he's so busy looking at you that he doesn't even realize that the bouquet's been thrown until everyone screams and something hits him square on the chest. "what the..." he catches it before it falls, and it takes him a solid five seconds to realize that the green and white bundle is the bouquet and people are waving him forward to claim his prize. well. he was planning on replacing your toaster anyway.
MINGYU: oh, he's jumping for the bouquet, and he's not ashamed to admit it. he's not tallest guest in the room, but he's still pretty damn tall and he uses it to his advantage, positioning himself so that he can get the most range. you think it's hilarious how seriously he's taking it; you're not participating, choosing instead to film him from the side. "are you sure? didn't you say that getting the bouquet was good luck?" he asked as everyone was called to the dance floor. you shook your head, putting your hand on his elbow with a laugh. "knowing you...you probably need the good luck more that I do, sweetheart." which was a fair statement, so now he's wiping his hands on his dress pants, preparing to jump. rookies, he thinks to himself as he checks out everyone's form. all the professional hoppers know the best way to get height is to bend your knees, and that's exactly how he's able to snatch the bouquet out of the air.
CHAN: another jumper because he's literally so enamored with you that he'll do anything you want. he's absolutely a "jump? how high?" kind of guy, even if he pretends that he's not. (no one believes otherwise, anyway.) as the mc calls everyone onto the dance floor, he goes in determined: eyebrows furrowed, dress shirt untucked and unbuttoned, tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. you don't even want the bouquet that badly, but you mentioned offhandedly that it's pretty and he latched onto that statement. "oh dear," vernon mutters to your right, watching chan find his place. "I hope he doesn't get disappointed." so you watch with bated breath as the flowers arc through the air...and get grabbed by chan just in time. his face breaks into the brightest smile as he lands, edged with a hint of surprise like he couldn't believe that he jumped that high either. when he turns to you, though, he gets this haughty look as if to say, see? what'd I tell you?
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amuseoffyre · 3 days
Thinking again (thanks to the dead bird site) about Stede rebooting his worst day ever, aka the traumatic flashback he has multiple times across both season, only this time he gets the acceptance and approval he has craved for his entire life.
The Worst Day Ever is the day his father teaches him to kill, slaughtering a goose and spraying blood all over little Stede's face. He then grabs his son by the arm and drags him out to verbally excoriate him and tell him he is worthless and useless, "a soft-handed, weak-hearted, lily-livered little rich boy".
Faced with the prospect of killing for the first time sends Stede into a panic spiral including that flashback.
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It's referenced again throughout the season, but especially in 1x02, loosely in the fever dream in 1x04 (he was scared of geese for Christ's sake!), and 1x09, when Stede is struggling with his guilt, self-recriminations and self-doubts and also being confronted directly by Chauncey.
But the most significant return of the Worst Day Ever flashback is immediately after Stede kills Ned Low, his first real deliberate kill.
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Our man is very much Not Okay. The fact that this memory is front and centre shows exactly how much that day - that moment - impacted on him decades on.
He does his usual thing when he's upset - isolates and closes himself away somewhere else, shutting himself down and using the tried and true conceal-don't-feel approach.
The difference this time is that someone comes after him to offer him emotional support, comfort and care (much like Ed did on the beach in 2x09, and this time, more kisses as well). So for a little while at least, Stede is distracted and wrapped up in Ed's affections and can put Ned's death to the back of his mind.
But the trouble arises when they get to the Republic and suddenly, for the first time in his life, he's being praised and celebrated. And, of all the people for him to gravitate towards, he ends up choosing to spend his time in the company of Blood-bucket Bill, an older man in a blood-smeared leather apron, who keeps telling him how cool and amazing he is.
And, after Stede kills in front of him, we get another twisted up mirror of the Worst Day Ever. Instead of his dad dragging him out to humiliate him, Bloodbucket Bill grabs him by the arm and hauls him up and tells everyone "the Gentleman Pirate is the fuckin' dude"
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And as the episode continues and Ed leaves, Stede retreats to the bar with Bill, trying to take comfort from the man who has been telling him how good he is all day.
"At least you like me for me," he says to the deranged blood-smeared groupie. "Bonnet, I'd fuckin' die for you" Bill tells him and you can see that it isn't bringing the assurance Stede thought it would.
And to ice the cake, even when he's holding onto those last little vestiges of "yay I'm cool", Izzy shows up and dismisses Bill with three words and Bill doesn't even try to stay. "I'll fuckin' die for you" becomes "yes, right away, Mr Hands".
And the framing. omg the framing in the scene. It is, once again, a deliberate and pointed call back to Stede's Worst Day Ever. Once again, an older man is looming over him and Stede is just waiting to have emotional strips ripped out of him again ("have you come for your victory lap?"). This is the first and only time I can think of Izzy looking taller than anyone, especially Stede.
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But unlike the horrendous abuse he got from his father, the abuse Stede expects yet again, the same old patterns happening over and over, Izzy changes the script and tells him "I think you're good for him. You balance each other out".
And if not for a group of his crew - his family - choosing to leave him as well, it might have been enough. But when he's already fragile over the loss of one person precious to him and reassured that he's good for people after all, the threat of losing more of his beloved people pushes him straight back into the reckless behaviour that has filled the rest of his day.
(brb wailing into a pillow that we won't get to see him have a chance to process any of this stuff)
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