misanthropecopy · 3 years
5 Stars from what I've seen of her so far. Though I almost accidentally called her Mom once and I'm still embarrassed about it :(
Psyche HATES This: Accepting
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         Needless to say, the Mewtwo was thoroughly baffled by this claim.
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chromium7sky · 5 years
The Devil wears Armani| chapter 2
A/n: chapter 2 yay! Please do follow #damirae #fashionistaau and #devilwearsarmani for story 😁🙈
Raven now slump on her table after she having that meeting with that man yesterday.
She sighed and lightly but her forehead on her desk because of her past mistake which is leaving THAT book which is now in the hand of the man whom become her subject in that forbidden journal.
" Design me a suit for next Wayne Gala but in return, you have to be there and wear the DRESS."
"Dress? Or course. I will-"
"But not your design." Damian cut off her words.
She gasped. "What do you mean not my design? I'm -"
"I KNOW but this is the best part." He evil smirk lingers on his lips.
" Best part?" Raven knitted her eyebrows together as she heard his condition.
" Designer Raven aka Rachel Roth will be wearing MY dress design for this big event." He smug. He SMUG!
Raven almost lost her mind with irritation start to flood in her vein. " And if I refuse?!" Her usual cool tone start to lose its composure, slightly raise an octave.
He smiled and show her forbidden book in front of her. "This will be in my possession."
"Keep it then." She cross her arm.
Then he lift a finger as a sign he haven't finished his word. "Perhaps people might be delighted to find these drawing that has your infamous signature leak on the internet." He continued.
"You wouldn't dare!" her face grown paler.
"I DO."
Remembering that incident yesterday almost drain out her physically and mentally. That man who become her muse or her SIN for her little fantasy booklet appear in front of her, in flesh and bone and strike a bargain.
The clock shows it's 8 o clock at night and it late. She sighed in defeat as she start to tidy her things.
Why now? Her mind wonders. Why now he would black mail her? Was it because she start to get attention and now he's chasing her?
She scoffed, typical rich people.
Before she reached home, she went to the local bakery to pick some savory pastries for her light dinner.
As She wait for her order, she saw the flat screen TV at corner showing the famous celebrity host, Jimmy Donovan interview one of the heir from the big industry at the East Coast.
Interested, she walked nearer to table and sit as her watch the show then as they reveal their guest turns out to be Damian Wayne which made she almost lose control NOT to throw the stool nearby toward the screen.
"So I heard that you've just back from the overseas after you've complete your study, Mr. Wayne?" Jimmy tries to dig up from Wayne's blood son who become their attention currently.
" True. I just back from Middle east doing humanitarian mission under Wayne Enterprise's community project.." Damian cross his leg as he answer the question.
"May I know who is the lucky woman that stole Bruce Wayne's heart that made him to have a secret love child with?"
"That's is ... how am I suppose to say..." The young heir rub his chin with his finger. " None of your concern and you are not allowed to know about it." He gives out spicy comment.
"Wow, snarky." Jimmy laughed. "Anyway, since you're back in Gotham, would you take over your father's company?"
"Depends. Besides, this would be my first time to manage Wayne Gala this year." Damian casually sit on the couch.
"The Gala! Any celebrities who will be attend this event?" Jimmy anticipated with Gotham's most infamous and elite party that known as charity raise event which held once in every year.
"I think you all probably recognise ..." He paused. "Raven?"
His word made everyone on the the studio gasped and cheers including Jimmy himself! "The rising star designer Raven?!" As the other co-star shout at the back.
"Yes." He calmly answer it. " She will be there." He smirk then rest his chin on his propped arm at the back cushion of the couch.
"I can't believe it! We gonna see Raven live during Wayne's Gala!!" Jimmy raised his voice in excitement as the whole studio applause with excitement with the news.
Raven's face getting paler as she look at the live show. Damian just announced she will be there at the Gala, wearing a design dress that wasn't hers.
Besides, Raven tried to keep her face a secret from the media to prevent the paparazzi chasing her down the street stealing photos from her. It's like having no privacy and Raven is a very private person.
She remembers by the time when the announcer declare her as the winner of Fashion Award, Kory and Karen who were her model showcasing her clothline suggest her to wear hooded capes as they know their fellow designer has awfully stage fright and by wearing that, she could conceal herself from the flashes of cameras and slightly saturated down the sound of applause.
By then, Rachel Roth are known as Raven due to the shape of the cloak she wear at that time.
After she heard Damian announce that she will be there at the Gala, she get shivered.
She wanted to backed down the deal but at the same time, her pride told her not to because she is a professional therefore a bit of challenge should be easier just like how she manage to release Lenore collection in Winter season which is harder to get attention but due to her convenience, aethethic unique and recognizable design for the winter wear, that collection sold almost all around the world, even it has been purchase in larger amount by anonymous in Middle east.
Wait... Middle east? Was it coincidence? Raven shooked her head then sighed because there is no such things as coincidence happens.
The waiter called up her name as her order are ready. She walked back to her apartment which is only a few blocks after the local bakery.
As she walked down the hallway she saw something on her doorstep. An envelope. A Very grandish design envelope on her doorstep.
She swallowed. He is serious.
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
aren't you and him basically related though?? like you share the same parent...
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I'm gonna answer this ooc, because I have got comments like this more than once.
Psyche and og Mewtwo were NOT made from the same Mew in my headcanon. They were made by two, different individuals of the same species entirely. As explained in my headcanon here, I state that Psyche was made from the DNA of the Mew who guards the tree of beginning in the Lucario movie, while og Mewtwo was made from the Mew seen in the first movie.
I know it's popular in the Pokemon fandom to think they are in some way "biologically related", by being made from the same Mew, but for me, I'd rather not have that.
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
((That's honestly a bit of a cold take. So what you're saying is that all 'real' Mewtwo RPers are... pretty much exactly the same power-wise because they'd all be drawing from the same source material...? Doesn't sound very appealing to me.))
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Oh, nonnie. It was just a joke. I'm not against anyone lessening or hyping up their Mewtwo's power, at all. I suppose I can see why you it would think that though. I'm sorry if I came across as cold.
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
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Anonymous asked:  
stop thinking about stein's big-
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         Nope. NOPE. Knowing exactly what they were going to say, Psyche was quick with throwing individual into the atmosphere; exactly like position that one Rocket trio would constantly find themselves in whenever loosing towards Ash and his friends. 
          She wasn’t thinking about it, like that. Psyche REFUSED to tolerate such nonsense. 
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
I ship you with original mewtwo :3
Confess Your Ships: Accepting
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         "... I guess I can comprehend why you would do so. It’s still unlikely to happen, in the way you think it will though." Stars above grant her strength, this was already getting on her nerves.
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
are you sure about the alcohol thing? because pure ethanol is the hardest alcohol known to man and it's 100% poisonous to humans, also it's naturally found compound, not human made.
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I assume you are referring to this post? Yeah, I am 100% certain that it would not effect her at all. Don't forget, despite her human DNA she is not a human being, in fact most of her genes stem from Pokemon. This is of course thanks to Mew, whose genetic coding is the origin for all Pocket Monsters, thus I can imagine it would be easy for her body to adapt an immunity to all types of poisons/chemicals. Heck she probably already HAS developed an immunity towards pure ethanol, because she was severely experimented on/exposed to numerous chemicals the first three years of her life.
Her full psychic powers might never be shown, but that doesn't mean she is not supernaturally sturdy in some other forms.
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misanthropecopy · 3 years
what would you say your muse's top 3 priorities are right now, from most to least urgent?
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Right now, I would say her priorities in this event are as follows:
1. Protect Stein's family/innocents from Atra's shenanigans and forces. Needless to say, she owes Stein one for taking her and her family in when the village burned down. Plus she got a LITTLE attached towards Nanako [@gooselullaby] and the other clones. This combined with her desire to not see any innocent Pokemon or even humans assimilated into Atra's forces takes top priority. Additionally, it is also strategic to protect them, as it means fewer individuals will join Atra's army.
2. Keep the now combined rebellion stabilized/going, while 01 is recovering. Unlike Stein, Psyche was kind of able to see who Atra was from the very beginning: A monster, that needed to be destroyed. This may not be her world, but Psyche is NOT going to leave it unprepared and helpless. If she did that, Atrath will try to take over the whole universe after conquering this planet and maybe even move on to different realities like her own entirely. It’s this reason why she’s also protecting the Alpha now, in her own way. Not only does 01 have experience dealing with that nut job alien, but Psyche has no doubt that he along with others will be integral for the fight that is to come. 
3. Keep the rebellion well-informed and find out more about Atra’s plans. She works in the field combatting/gathering knowledge and acts as the informant “Rose Graves”, giving the rebel leaders an idea of what they’re truly facing here. If she can tell them the whole situation, they can be better prepared for the upcoming war. They’ll need all the help they can get, if they want to survive this. 
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
Please! Help us with the editable reblogs hack 🥺
Well alright, since y’all insisted. 
First let’s address the fact that, when you turn on the editable reblogs extension in your posts it automatically gets rid of all prior reblogs minus your own text. Example:
Before turning on edits.
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After turning on edits.
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Now as bad as this may seem, it’s actually still kind of a blessing as vanilla tumblr seems to have gotten rid of the option of removing past reblogs out ENTIRELY. However with x-kit’s editable reblog extension there’s still SOME way out of this, besides making an entirely new post to reply to your threads. However it’s a bit tedious. 
1. Copy and paste your rp partner’s reply along with the url next to their blog icon into your text box, like so:
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2. If your rp partner has a icon you’ll have to save their icon in your pictures and place the image in the position your partner put it in. You can save them by clicking on said picture with your right mouse button and going to the ‘save image as’ option to click on it with your left mouse button.
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3. Now here comes the tricky part: Coding. You see that little gear image on the top right hand corner of your post? Click on it and this should pop up.
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4. Click the down arrow next to the “rich text” button. Another menu will pop up and you’ll want to change it from “Rich text” to “HTML” making your reblog look like this:
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Don’t be intimidated! It’s just part of the process. 
5. After that you put “<blockquote>” in the beginning of your partner’s reply [preferably after their url’s </p>] and “</blockquote>” at the end of it. Like so:
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6. Preview it to make sure you got it right and your text should look like this:
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A bit better, huh? 
7. Finally you should click that editable reblog button there to get rid of the old stuff, then proceed to post it without switching into rich text mode again. Note: You probably should do these steps, when you’re finished typing up your reply. I haven’t, as you can see lol. 
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
Should have kept you suppressed then, because we didn't need another, on top of the fact you're actually dangerous, especially in the wrong hands should some idiot want to do something to you. If you're actually going to do something, actually do it instead of sitting around doing nothing because of one little special snowflake, and you know exactly who I mean. If it were up to anyone else, you wouldn't have been created in the first place, but here we are. This is how life is. Get used to it.
         There was a pause which suddenly blanketed atmosphere, as the sheer audacity of this individual somewhat astounded her to silence. Not only that but it appeared as though the winds themselves halted and bird Pokemon once joyously singing, became quiet. Like lightning striking earth, the world was filled with an eerie mood; its mouth agape at FOOLISH being. 
         Her rage was unfathomable, an ever-burning eternal flame and this imprudent creature opted to fan them. What pierced heart the most though, was that they were likely correct. The planet did not require even ONE clone of Mew, much less another. Other than protecting her family, what purpose did Mewtwo serve? Depressing notions bombarded her head, but she only outwardly bestowed upon speaker a glower which sliced though fowl soul and would send shivers down their spine. Unwise child, didn’t they understand that if fire was handled carelessly they’d get BURNED? Well, since the witless person clearly failed to comprehend this fact of life a teaching moment was in order. Abruptly, her countenance turned neutral.
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         “If you did not want another, perhaps you should not have created my predecessor in the first place.” All of a sudden impudent speaker was suspended in air by psychic; their lungs, stomach, heart and bones being squeezed but not broken. “You really want me to do something? Then fine, I will.” Without moving a single muscle, it took only one thought from mind to bend their arm.
         “Let this be a lesson to you, filth. Now get out of my sight.” With that said, she then threw them MILES away from her. 
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
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Anonymous asked: Who would win: The strongest Pokémon in the world, destroyer or planets, or one (1) tiny master ball
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         “You mean this?” Mewtwo questioned, grabbing said device from trainer’s pocket with psychic. Clenching digits, the contraption was crushed in a flash before crumbled remains were dropped and fell onto ground below. “Oops.”
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
I wonder what would happen if she met a truly evil pokemon.
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         “There are no “evil” Pokemon. Misguided, uncontrolled and territorial maybe, but evil? No.” In the very least, Mewtwo was not willing to consider such individuals as ACTUAL Pokemon specifically if they chose that way of living.
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
I like how you're just giving aimless, yet stupid comments over things that don't matter. If you really don't care about the majority of humanity, it's best not to waste your time.
         Perhaps unlike her predecessor, she would have regarded individual’s comment more attentively. Unfortunately THEY made the gaffe of labeling her words as “stupid”, which caused the legendary to slightly shut down consideration towards them.
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         “And you are also in error. If you wanted me to actually listen, then you would have refrained from the petty insults but instead you did not. In conclusion, you too have wasted your time attempting to convince me to refrain from speaking out on my opinion of humans. That being said; begone, before I make you leave.”
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
Okay, if you saw the discussion.. that's like saying a Pokemon isn't allowed to eat a human. How dense are you? Are you okay? Is your Psychic brain malfunctioning today? Because let me tell ya: that's just how life is sometimes.
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           “Let me ask you a question: Between humans and Pokemon, which is the species that is enslaved the most? Which category of creatures is constantly being trapped, hunted down and forced into spherical prisons to battle against their own kin so they might serve or entertain a vile race who constantly thinks of themselves to be superior towards all others? Is it not Pocket Monsters who are subjected towards this much more, than mankind?” Her telepathic voice sounded almost strained, when explaining this. Tail fluctuated, whilst her whole mannerisms felt akin towards an Ekans biting off its poison with disturbing self-control. Then she shook her head. 
         “While I personally would hardly approve of a Pokemon consuming something so tainted, it would be more like retribution for all the harm mankind has inflicted upon them. Meanwhile humans consuming Pokemon only adds, towards their already deep wickedness. Besides Pocket Monsters usually resort to such things only when food is scarce and they are desperate, so no it is hardly anything like when people devour them.”
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
izzy @theluckyraichu <3 ky
Psyche’s Ratings: Accepting
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
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        “I personally never had any bad experiences with even a single one of the Pichu family thus far, as they tend to be rather saccharine. Additionally though I probably rightfully intimidate you, your personality is a rather kind one Izzy and that alone can be quite endearing to behold.”
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misanthropecopy · 4 years
“do you share my madness?” (from eldritchglitch)
Classic Mary Shelley: Accepting
        Purple jewels, sharp and ever-increasing in knowledge regard fellow anomaly, with an unreadable mien. When it came towards mythical, Psyche often possessed a distinct aversion towards them and she still somewhat felt such sentiments with this one. However unlike others, this individual clearly carried a more different air. The fact was practically palpable, thanks to powers. There was something slightly more... sinister behind smaller creature; a single trait which separated them from the rest, making “Mew” feel more unpredictable in turn. 
         Stand firm. Do not let them think they faze you. 
         Despite her giving them nothing but redirecting gaze upon smaller psychic when they opted to approach, there was a curiosity behind cool countenance. This Mew, this CREATURE she felt was more akin towards Mewtwo; how they were though currently alluded her, at this time. No matter, she would likely find out eventually. Their query if spoken with anyone else might have come across as odd, but towards legendary it was the norm amidst accursed existence. 
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         “Can one be considered “mad”, when nearly their entire life was shrouded by insanity?” she questioned back, before releasing a hum. “In the very least, I will not deny that to many I seem bizarre.”
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