#Violence tw
2024 >>> 2021 (i think)
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Redraw of some old AHIT fanart i made when i was like, 14-15 (back when i was allergic to stylizing things lol)
....don't tell anyone i stole this joke from a filthy frank video....
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awkward-sultana · 16 hours
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Magnificent Century + Evolution of Hürrem's Family (requested by @skynerd157)
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marcelshorjian · 11 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
My mom crushed my ribs with her bare hands, killing me.
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atomikats · 2 months
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deadpool resurgence, quick, post ellie
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my headcanons for shops in the hilltop centre:
touristy gift shop but there's a figure in all the postcards, getting closer and closer to the camera in each one
evil evil food court that serves you People Meat
indoor crazy golf place that's infinite and colourful and loud. if you put your hand in one of the holes to get your ball back, it bites you
a regular claire's
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fawfulydoo · 2 months
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he need some milk (follow up to this one)
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sayruq · 6 months
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macchitea · 9 months
my part for the Hayloft II MAP!!
love animating a woman who can maim and kill <3
EDIT: process video now up on youtube!
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anthonysperkins · 4 months
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Brokeback Mountain (2005) dir. Ang Lee The Living End (1992) dir. Gregg Araki Dry Wind (2020) dir. Daniel Nolasco Fireworks (1947) dir. Kenneth Anger The Sergeant (1968) dir. Dennis Murphy Tom at the Farm (2013) dir. Xavier Dolan God's Own Country (2017) dir. Francis Lee Lonesome (2022) dir. Craig Boreham Moonlight (2016) dir. Barry Jenkins Wandering Heart (2021) dir. Leonardo Brzezicki
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dailyflicks · 6 months
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Monkey Man (2024) dir. Dev Patel
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doe-prince · 3 months
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yandere--stuck · 2 months
NEED to know your thoughts on a yandere bill cipher
⚠️ Listen, pal, I KNOW why you're reading this. You've got a crush on YOURS TRULY! That's right, buddy, the cat's outta the bag! Well, not like the cat was ever really in the bag to begin with. What? Didn't think my all-seeing eye would spy you making goo-goo eyes at artistic depictions of me? AHAHA, aw, hey! Nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not like I can blame you, I mean, have you met me? A winning personality, great sense of humor, beautiful singing voice - I'm a total catch! And between you and me, you have better taste than the rest of your species’ population.
👁 There are probably numerous reason why you like stuff like this: The obsession, the possessive behavior, the VIOLENCE. Sure sounds like romance to ME! But as for you… Is it the abandonment issues? Lack of validation in your life? Feeling misunderstood and ostracized by the world? Loneliness? A desire for an escape into a fictional world? Or are you like me? Is romance just no good without the true passion of twisted devotion and obsession? There's no need to LIE! We're kindred spirits, you and I.
⚠️ I know just how you feel. You've been kicked down, laughed at, and made to feel small. You've gone unappreciated by blind MORONS who wouldn't know greatness if it melted their eyeballs out their ears. Because you are MEANT for greatness. You are meant for something more, and I bet it burns you to know that. That you're better than all of them. That they're nothing without you, and they DESERVE nothing. They deserve to BE nothing. I know just how you feel because I was in your place. Surrounded by flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams. HA, and I sure showed them. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, HUH? ME!!!!!!
👁 The point is, I know you. I've had my eye on you for quite a while, kid. Q U I T E A W H I L E. And might I say, out of all the flesh bags that have clogged my vision over the centuries, YOU'RE clearly the best looking outta all of ‘em, hot stuff. But looks aren't everything, of course! You've got a personality to match. Gotta admit, it's cute how you get so invested in your interests, the little hobbies you pick up, just watching you go about your day is like the universe’s greatest reality TV show starring my favorite person in the multiverse! OH, I could just decaptiate you and nuzzle your fleshy little head in an approximation of a kiss right now!!!
⚠️ So, c'mon, just let me in. Shake my hand! Let's make a deal. No matter how big or small! And it’s not just for the purpose of liberating your dimension, no. I want to really get under your skin. To feel what it's like to be in the body of my favorite person. As close as two beings can get, closer than you can get with unworthy specimens of your own kind, more intimate than any experience in the world. I want to be that close to you. Because you're mine. You're MY HUMAN and NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT. Y'HEAR ME?
👁 So, you might as well accept that you and me are destined, kid. The signs are all there. So, if I were you (and I could be, if you'd just let me), I'd do this the easy way. Because right now, there's two ways this can go down. The easy way: You summon me, and we make a deal. Anything your precious human heart desires - and more! You'll be my precious human pet, my puppet, my toy. Mine to own and have rule beside me! You'll prove everyone who put you down wrong! Anything you want - love, money, fame, worship, vengeance - it'll all be yours, and I'll give it to you. Because I want you to be happy. Because I want what's best for you. Because I’M the only one who actually cares about you. Everything you wanted will be yours. And there'll be an eternal party to celebrate our eternal love… Or, you could do this the hard way. Cause I'm gettin’ outta here one way or another. And when I do, well… I don't think you'd like being locked up in The Love Cage to be TORTURED until you reciprocate my feelings and see the light. I'd say I wouldn't want to, but that'd be lying. So, it's probably not a good idea to give me more of a reason to. So, whaddaya say? You know you deserve the best. Shake my hand and join the winning team. Either way, you're mine.
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industryhbo · 5 months
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Music in Film: Monkey Man (2024) dir. Dev Patel
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one-time-i-dreamt · 23 days
Billy Joel (as he appeared in the music video) forced me to sing the entirety of We Didn’t Start the Fire from memory or else he’d beat me to death.
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5ummit · 5 days
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The Rings of Power ∙ 2x01 || 2x07
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