aisy15-chan · 11 days
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The cursed king of Celestia
Basic idea of this: instead of just leaving after fighting Rei/Akari and a long monologue, Volo & part of Giratina is sealed like Sukuna with a special seal and 20 Giratina claws are spread throughout Husui/Sinnoh maybe Volo can free… hopefully no idiots think of finding and eating one of Giratina's claws-
edit almost forgot to say: the thing hangin on his hair buns is a special spell tag that makes Volo weaker even if he's out of the main seal.
So I was hit by an idea while drawing Bakung as Yuji from JJK and listening to the JJK OP song at noon… I really don't know anything about JJK (beside the joke "Jujur Kasihan" and get spoiler all plot on yt) and this happened so I quickly designed this and I'm quite proud of Volo's design to be honest!
Btw personal promotion: Comm & adopt collab i made with my friend! :3
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observeowl · 8 months
Unwanted Marriage | Chapter 4 - Going above and beyond
Series Masterlist
"Thanks to you guys, the bonus for this month, was give to us, Team 2 instead of Team 1. This time round, people from Team 1 won't have anything to mock us about." Millicent said as she brought us to the meeting room where Mr Stark called for a meeting.
You just hoped that this won't be a reason for you to be picked on. Once you entered, you could see Sharon's scowl on her face accompanied by her two companions. "Mr Stark, Team 2's news were too exaggerated isn't it?" One of them said. "Yes, even though the magazine press gained quite a number of attention, but we also gained a number of negative responses." Another added.
"But we can't just be beaten for no reason!" Wanda said. "Ok, ok, calm down. This incident has its pros and cons, let bygones be bygones." Mr Stark got everyone's attention at the head of the table. "Now we have 2 very important and difficult interviews coming up. They are very influential businessmen, we must take it on. The two groups will be responsible for one interview each. Team 1 will interview Carol Danvers. Wanda, I heard you are a fan of Natasha Romanoff so Team 2 shall be in charge of interviewing her."
Natasha... what were the chances that you were actually assigned to interview her.
"Natasha Romanoff? Isn't she the boss of Romanoff Corporation?" // "I have heard that Carol Danvers doesn't accept most of the interviews..."
"Then, what should we do, Sharon...?"
With the dismissal of the meeting, you and Wanda start planning how you were going approach Natasha to get a meeting. You weren't too sure about their history in terms of getting interviews and asked Wanda about it. "Carol has never accepted any interviews. Natasha was alright in the past, but ever since she got into an accident, she never accepted any interviews again. We tried to contact him previously, and did not even went past his assistant."
You nodded at her explanation and wondered what happened in that accident. "So, Natasha is your idol?"
"Natasha Romanoff used to be everyone's dream in the city, man or woman. It's a pity she got into an accident." Her eyes sparkled as she talked about her idol.
"I know it's not an easy task, but we must do our best for the sake of Team 2's reputation and pride." Millicent encouraged as she gave you all a brief guide on where to begin. "Just the thought of meeting my idol, makes me so nervous! Even though we might be able to meet!" Wanda was shaking wth excitement and it's not often that she feels so happy for an assignment. "I heard that she have gotten married, but has kept it a secret from the public. I wonder who would be so lucky to be her partner!" She gossiped with you and you replied with an awkward smile. not knowing that you were the one.
Once you reached home, you spotted Clint coming out of his room and you whispered to his name to get his attention. "Clint! Psps, over here." You waved for him to come closer. "Did you just 'psps' at me?"
"Doesn't matter. Does Natasha not accept any interview at all?" You asked. "Y/N, you can ask her in person." You averted your eye and replied. "I got no intention at all, just asking."
"What are the two of you doing?" You didn't even realised you were standing right in front of her room and got a shock when she opened the door. "Y/N was asking me about interviewing you." You couldn't believe you were betrayed straightaway.
"Well, alright, I'll get this straight." You resigned to your fate. "Ms Romanoff... Our magazine would like to invite you to do an interview, I do no know if you would like to... come..." You tried your best to put on a professional smile, but all Natasha could see was you trying your best not to break into a sweat. After not receiving a reply, you thought all was going down and there was no way she would agree to it.
"What interview?"
"Are you interested?" You squatted down next to her at her armrest and continued. "The magazine became famous because of Sherry, so I would like to take this opportunity to get an interview with a few influential people. It's okay if you're not wiling to." You reinforced that she didn't have to do anything she wasn't comfortable in doing. "On what terms?" She asked. "Eh? You've got everything you want, what else do you want? And our company-"
"I want you."
"What, what are you talking about?"
"I say, I want you to treat me to dinner. What are you thinking?" You gave an awkward half laugh and sigh. "I promise you! I will arrange for the interview."
"Really? Natasha Romanoff, you're the best. Let me go and see what Brooke is cooking, I will bring up for you." That was the first time Natasha has seen you smile so brightly and freely, like the best painting she has ever seen.
You were thinking if you should tell Wanda about this when Brooke told you that someone called you using the home landline. You wondered who would have the number as you brought the phone to your ears.
S: Y/N, you went too far! Are you the one behind what happened to Sherry? Do you know you just wrecked the future of a good singer? How could you do this?
You: This happened because Sherry wanted to help Maggie get back at me. If she didn't refuse to let me go, it won't end up like this.
S: She knows that she's wrong, you can retreat the news. Let's just forget about this.
You: Now this have already gone too far. Neither you nor I could settle it down. Also, you don't have to seek up to me so frequently. Marcus and Y/L/N's industry is all yours, I have no interest in it, so what you do keep bothering me?
S: Y/N! What nonsense are you talking about? I just couldn't bear it so I wanted to help them!
You: You are clear about your thought. This is what they deserve to have.
S: Y/N Y/L/N, don't you feel guilty?
You: I'm sorry, not even a bit.
You rebutted and hung up the phone. "Brooke, if this person calls in the future, please hang up. Don't need to get me to answer." You said as you returned her the phone.
Back with Stephanie, she was making a mess in the living room. "Miss, please calm down, you already smashed many of Mr Y/L/N's antique!"
"Go away! All of you, get out!" She threw a pillow and it end up hitting on Marcus's chest. "Steph, why are you so upset?"
"Marcus! Y/N is pissing me off. You got to help me!"
"Enough, Steph! I've already told you Maggie is just using you, she never treated you as a friend."
"Marcus, what are you talking about?"
"Steph, I am exhausted from the corporation with the Y/L/N's. Can you please not bother me anymore?" In her mind, Y/N was still a threat to her.
"Dad, look what Y/N did. Because of our family, I gave Natasha to her, but she didn't help the company and didn't even come back home to see you." She complained and whined like a child would. "Dad, this is too much!" He shook his head, saying he will think of something for it.
In the end, he made a call to you feigning illness, using your sympathy to get you to visit him.
The next day, you visited your father with Natasha and he seems to be very happy that she was here. "Y/N, why didn't you tell me that Natasha is coming along?"
"I heard from Y/N that you're not feeling well, Y/N has been very worried so I decided to come with her. But you don't look like you're sick." She has no problem saying what she thinks even if it hurts the other's feeling.
"Natasha, my dad had high fever the whole day yesterday, he has just gotten better today." Stephanie came to assist her father. "He heard Y/N is back, so he came down to fetch her, but actually he is still weak."
"Y/N, come with me, I have something for you." You followed him to his room where he took something out from his drawer. "It is my fault to let you marry to Romanoff. I did not requie you to do anything else before. But don't forget the reason why you married into Romanoff family, I have done this for Y/L/N, the Y/L/N's family! If your mother was still here, she would also have agreed. Just because of you, Stephanie gave up the marriage and accepted Marcus so that you could marry Natasha Romanoff, don't make her sad okay?" You fault hard to not roll you eyes in front of him. "Your mother left this to you. She said this would be your dowry when you get married." He handed you a jade ring you have never seen before. "That time we were so poor, so you rmum only have this favourite ring."
Despite what had happened between the rest of your family, you had fond memories of your mother before she passed. "I understand... dad."
You met Marcus along the hallway and he was trying to act like a victim and a saviour to you at the same time. But you were no longer the lovesick puppy who foolishly loved him and does everything he says. He tried to hold you back and hopes to make things anew but you weren't going to let him.
"What's wrong?" Natasha came along when she heard the commotion. "Natasha?" Despite being on a wheelchair, she must have a great upper body strength as she managed to pull you onto her lap. "Tell me, is anyone bothering you again?" You shook your head before standing up.
"If Mr Y/L/N is good, pardon us to leave first."
"Dad, Natasha is not used to eating out, we will be heading home first."
"Oh, alright then."
"There is something I forgot to say, that idol was banned by me. For saying what shouldn't have been said, and doing what shouldn't have been done. You understand what I mean right, Stephanie?" Despite not saying anything for a long time, Natasha recognised every presence in the room. "That video you recorded last time, don't let me see it again."
You went to work once the weekend was over and Wanda greeted you with a bad news. "I heard that Sharon has some relationships with Romanoff Corporation, and they changed our interview, so we are interviewing Carol instead!"
"Actually interviewing Carol is not bad, compared to Natasha Romanoff's eccentric character, it's better to interview Carol." Millicent said. Your preparation for the interview with Natasha turned out to be in vained and Wanda missed out on her chance to meet her idol. "You two go get ready for the interview, I'll contact the person. Remember, don't mind what others say, we just need to do our job properly."
Back at the table, Wanda was still complaining how she should have fought more in order to get the interview, but you had already changed your goal and planned to contact Carol's assistant first.
"Hello? Is this the assistant of Carol Danvers? We are from Stark News and we would like to invite her for an interview."
"Sorry, Miss Danvers is not available recently." She said and hung up the phone immediately, leaving you to hear the beeping sound of the phone.
Wanda was getting unmovivated as Team 1 has already made an appointment with Natasha Romanoff for interview. You were also getting frustrated not getting any progress with your assignment. But Wanda tapped your shoulder when he noticed a handsome man waiting by the door.
"What are you doing here, Marcus?" You said when you brought him to a secluded place away from prying eyes. 
"I passed by and decided to come up and say hi." You chuckled. In the three years you were with him, never once did he thought of visiting you when you worked close to where he did. He was still harping on the case about Sherry and talking bad about Roamanoff. Thing were getting risky when he trapped you between his arms,
"Enough, let go of me. I am already married, brother-in-law, please behave!" You pushed him away. Stephanie came in at the wrong time and accused Marcus of being hanky panky with her. She even pulled you in saying that you were happy now that Sherry is blocked.
"Stephanie! That is all over, why do you still mention it? Y/N is your sister, I just happend to pass by here to visit her, what is wrong?"
"Bullshit! Admit to yourself! You just can't move on from your old relationship with her." In the heat of the moment, she slapped Marcus and pulled her hand back immediately. "Marcus, I, I didn't mean it, Marcus..."
"Let's go home." Marcus said softly. You shook your head at the incident and how your life has become.
You heard a clap as you come out of the emergency exit. "Unexpectedly, I saw a good play."
"What?" You asked irritatingly after receiving one trouble after the other. "Nothing, nothing. I just cant believe it's just another side of you. Already married and still want to snatch your sister boyfriend, no wonder Sherry is not your match either." She sneerred. "Think whatever you like."
"Don't you feel embarrassed?"
"If I have time to think about this, I would use it to get Carol's interview. Sharon, you can stay here if you like. I will pack up and get off work first." You brushed her off and walked away.
As you passed the gantry, your phone pinged with a message and you realised it was Natasha waiting outside the building. You rushed out thinking why did she come to such a crowded place. And true to her words, her car was waiting by the road side and got it after making sure no one was around to see you enter.
"Why are you here?" You asked after entering. "Passed by."
"Isn't it not convenient to show up?"
"I changed by car, idiot." The car drove for a few minutes until she spoke up again. "Oh right, my father is coming. Just be at ease."
Father? You remember seeing him during the wedding and his stern face scared you.
Once you returned home, you asked Brooke where he was. "He is in the study room alone."
"Let's go and accompany him." Natasha said to you and you were shocked beyond words. How were you going to approach him? You wheeled Natasha to the study room where you saw him playing chess with himself.
"Alexei, are you playing chess by yourself again?"
"You're back?" He turned his back and stood up making your heartbeat quicken once again as he was approaching you. "Y/N... Let's go eat dinner!" He said excitedly, making your jaw drop at his new expression. He was like a golden retriever, pulling you away from Natasha. "Since that brat wants to play chess, let him play by himself." You looked between Natasha and her father as you forced away.
You were sitting at dinning table, waiting to be served when he said something again. "Y/N, come here, I've got something to tell you." You went closer to him and Alexei made sure Natasha was not around to listen. "That fool, is she sleeping in a different room from you? What are you sacred of? Tell me the truth, is that brat bullying you? I will help you!"
"No, no. It's me who is afraid to wake him up, that's why I suggested to sleep in another room." You rushed to explain yourself. "Y/N, you're a good kid."
"Alexei, I am not as good as you think."
"Natasha! Your bed is so soft, and I have decided that I will sleep here! Tonight, you should stay with Y/N." Natasha having anticipated this, wasn't afraid of it. "No need, Brooke prepared a room for you, I'll just sleep there tonight."
When she entered the room, Brooke was putting on the finishing touches. "Miss, the room is ready, but the bathroom..."
"It's okay."
As it was the guest bedroom, it wasn't fixed with the kind of appliance that were friendly to wheelchair users. The showerhead was high up and poses a challenge to Natasha, having to stand up to reach it. Despite undergoing physical therapy to get back where she once was, she was not ready to take such a huge step in a slippery bathroom. When she slipped, everyone in the household in the second floor, could hear it.
"Nata-" Alexei wanted to help but was held back by you. "Alexei, let's go out first. You should get some rest. I will go see her afterwards. I believe she doesn't want anyone to see her now. If we remind her like this, it will make him feel worse."
You waited outside the bathroom until she come out. You saw that she was fine with no physical injury. "I'm fine." She said when she saw you sitting on the edge of the bed. "I know. I believe you."
"Why is Natasha Romanoff so hard to deal with?" One of the Team 1 members complained. "She promised to do the interview but he postponed it again! What is she up to?" "What should we do? Are we unable to interview her again?"
"Y/N, it seems like something cropped up for princess charming, why else would she postpone?" Wanda asked after eavesdropping. "If you have time to think about this, why don't you start thinking about how we should settle the interview for Carol!" As you teased Wanda for caring for a idol, you can't help but this if it was because of what happened yesterday that caused her to postpone the interview. Nonetheless, you tried calling Carol's assistant once again with Wanda listening in close next to your ears. "Hello, we are Stark News, may I ask if Carol Danvers is free to-"
"Sorry, Miss Danver has been on a holiday recently and is not available."
"How is it? How is it? Did Miss Danvers agree to do the interview?" Wanda asked as she sees you pulling your phone away. Seeing you shake your head, she collapsed onto her chair. "We are at our dead end now?"
"Go prepare the manuscript for tomorrow's publication, I'll try to contact Danver's assistant when I reach home tonight again."
"Then I'll leave that to you. I'll go back and prepare the interview script."
After a long day at work, you finally reach home in the evening. "Y/N! You're finally home!" Alexei came barreling to you before you were able to close the door. "A-Alexei! What's wrong?"
"You don't know how that brat bullied me when you're not home. I'm so bored at home and she just ignored me."
"Did I?"
"Y/N, let's ignore that little rascal." You sneaked in a little chuckle at the dynamic of this family. "Okay okay, let's eat first, shall we? I just smelled Brooke's cooking and I'm dead hungry."
"Humph." Alexei pulled a face acting like a child who didn't get what he wanted. At dinner, Natasha was constantly putting more food on your plate, making sure you ate enough until you told her to stop and you wouldn't be able to finish everything.
You stood by the balcony after dinner, feeling very satisfied. Thinking back to what Mr Stark said at the meeting, you decided to take another chance at calling Carol Danver's assistant again. If you were unable to get a meeting with her, you'd have to find another influential person to interview. Looking into the starry night, you prayed upon the stars that you would receive a favourable reply, but you only got a negative response.
Stepping back into the room, you shivered slightly now that it was starting to get into autumn, and it caught the eye of Alexei. He gave you a glass of water before berating his daughter again. "You drink this slowly, her own wife is getting a cold and she doesn't do anything about it." You chuckled a little before accepting the water. You didn't think he had such a character when you first met him and honestly, it is a respite towards the cold character that Natasha has been giving you.
"Oi, your wife has caught a cold, you should go show some concern." Alexei walked into Natasha's home office and announced. "Is she? She seemed fine just now."
"Girls are delicate, go check on her now!" He urged her to make a move, and she had no choice but to look into your room. You were fine when she wheeled past your room earlier as you were taking a call, but now, you were spread across the bed. "What's wrong? Where are you not feeling well?" She got closer to check. You were unable to reply coherently, but you noticed her right next to you. "Uh- so... dizzy, so hot..." You held her hand when she tried to measure your temperature.
"I'm so sad..." You suddenly sat up and hugged Natasha. "My dad doesn't want me, Marcus doesn't want me. Don't tell me you don't want me either." You cried onto her shoulder. "I won't." You pulled away and looked at her seriously. "You swear! Quick! I'm about to die from being so sad. If I die, I won't be able to hear you say it."
"Y/N... I swear-." She stopped halfway when she noticed you were drunk. "Natasha Romanoff, why do you look so beautiful and so hot." Influenced by the drink that Alexei gave you, you surged forward and kissed her on the lips. "Y/N..., you're drunk."
When you woke up in the morning, you shifted around before fully waking up and opening your eyes. In your haze, you managed to recognise the red hair in front of you and sat up in shock. "You're awake." The sudden movement must have woken Natasha. "You-you, I-." You pushed Natasha away before getting out of bed. "I just remember I have to get to the office, I have to go first."
You were brushing your teeth in the bathroom when you realised it must have been Alexei's doing last night when he gave you that glass of 'water'. You immediately rushed down to ask Brooke where he was, only to learn that he had already left, claiming to have to take care of his plants at home.
With Natasha, she called Alexei to check if it was indeed his doing. "Yup. She seemed to have caught a little cold. Coincidentally, I was brewing some medicinal wine! It was a gift from an old friend."
"You should drink less of that in the future, thank goodness nothing big happened. I'm hanging up." Next, she called Clint who was out of the office collecting some stuff for her before starting work. "Contact Carol, I want to invite Carol and her wife to lunch."
"Carol Danvers? Carol and Romanoff Corp. haven't had any business dealing, Nat. Is this-"
"This afternoon." Natasha interrupted. "Yes, Nat."
You arrived at your table in the office, and there was a feeling of contemplation and hesitation towards the next step. "Y/N, how are things on Carol's side?" Millicent came to check on you once she arrived at work. You shook your head negatively as all your efforts were for nought. "So we can only give up now? We can't let Group 1 make a fool of us. From now on, prepare for another interview! You're going to prepare another interview script for the Movie Queen Monica Rambeau.
You were working closely with Wanda for the next script when you heard your phone ring and were about to decline the call until you saw it was from Natasha. "Leave your afternoon free to accompany me to meet someone." You didn't even get to tell her you were busy and were unable to stay long on the phone. "Can it wait till I get off from work?"
"This afternoon, at 3pm, I am having a meeting with Carol Danvers."
That made you shoot up from your chair, scaring Wanda. "Carol Danvers? I want to go! I will request an afternoon leave!" You covered the receiver on your phone and turned to Millicent. "Millicent, can I get an afternoon leave? I am going to meet Carol."
"You can go now. Prepare everything you need! You must interview Carol this afternoon!"
"Do you need me to go with you?" Wanda asked. "I can go alone, if there are too many people, I'm afraid she will not be happy." You were trying to be cautious after the incident with Sherry.
To make sure the interview goes well, many people stepped forward to help you, including those you have never interacted with before.
"Miss Romanoff, the two have arrived, they are just waiting for you." The waiter showed the two of you to the room before opening the door for you. "What is the occasion that made you think about treating us today?" From the way she speaks to Nat, you can tell that they have been friends for a long time. Additionally, you can't help but notice another female next to her. You never heard of her getting married.
"There must be an occasion to treat you?" She smiled at the response before standing and approaching Natasha. "So, this is your newly wedded wife?"
"Yes, this is her." You glanced at Natasha for a second, surprised to see that she actually admitted to it. "Hi, I am Carol Danvers. Just call me Carol." She extended her hand and you accepted the handshake. "Hello, I am Y/N Y/L/N." "Oh right, this is my wife, Valkyrie."
"Nice to meet you." You waved to her with a smile distant back. "So, how does it feel to marry this iceberg?" She inched closer and whispered next to your ears. "It... it feels alright." You replied while looking at Natasha. "I didn't believe that you could stand him."
"Huh?" You were about to ask her what she meant when Natasha cleared her throat, reminding you that you have something to ask of Carol. "Ah! Yes, Carol-"
"Oh yes! I came this time to give you an interview. Right, Nat..." Carol was very bold in teasing Natasha, making you wonder how long they have been friends.
The interview was very easygoing. Carol was a terrific interviewee, often giving juicy content. It felt like you were speaking to a longtime friend of yours, filled with laughter and jokes.
"Alright, thank you so much for accepting the interview. I need to call my team leader, you can chat around for a while first."
"Why did you suddenly get married? Didn't you say you weren't ready?" Carol asked when you stepped out of the room. She loves to hear such stories from her friends. "When the time comes, it will eventually happen."
The lunch ended on a nice note and you even exchanged numbers with her and her wife. You have a feeling that you're going to be great friends with them. On the way back, you asked Natasha who was working on the go how she knew you wanted to interview Carol. "I accidentally overheard your conversation on the phone on the balcony." She replied. You had a fluttering feeling in your body. You didn't expect her to help you like this. "I will also be going to your company for an interview." And you instantly pout again, this way Group 1 will still have an advantage by being able to interview her.
"Y/N!! You're the best! How did you do it? Wasn't Carol Danvers on vacation?" Wanda rushed over to hug you once you entered the building. "Well... about this, maybe her assistant put lots of good words for us, that's why Carol agreed to accept the interview." You felt bad lying to Wanda, but you had no choice. "Luckily we didn't give up, or else her assistant wouldn't have been touched by our resilience and helped us!"
"So what if you're done with Carol Danvers's interview?" Both of your heads turn to face Sharon who was looking smugly at the two of you. "Carol Danver is only a little famous, but Natasha Romanoff is different. Her reputation is much higher than Danver's."
"Sharon, your group and our group completed our task. Shouldn't we be happy?" Thank god for Wanda's tough side, you would never have spoken up like this. "Isn't it because you have someone at your back? I don't believe that without anyone's help, you would be able to see Carol Danvers."
"Nonsense. Why is Sharon so hot-tempered? She can't bear to see us living well?"
It wasn't long before rumours spread that Natasha Romanoff was in the building and many flocked to the entrance to be able to see a glimpse of her. Her presence was still able to turn many heads as she was wheeled in by Clint.
"Hello Miss Romanoff, welcome to our company." Sharon, as the team leader, went to greet her and introduced herself. "Miss Romanoff like some peace."
Finally noticing the crowd here, she immediately rushed the rest to leave and continue with their work. "Miss Romanoff, this way." She directed them to the meeting room and had to pass by the crowd you were in as Wanda dragged you there. You quickly turned away hoping she didn't see you but when she asked about your presence, you immediately clung onto Wanda and dragged her back to your table.
"Miss Y/L/N previously contacted Miss Romanoff saying she wants to do an interview." Clint clarified when Sharon didn't understand why she wanted to see you. "What? How could it be? It is Manager Dwayne from Romanoff Corporation who helped me arrange for this interview."
"Huh, I don't even know my schedule. When did it come to a little team leader to be able to make such a decision?" Sharon was at a loss for words, the first time being faced with her cold demeanour. "Since Miss Y/L/N is not here, let's leave. Clint."
"I'll call her right away." Sharon had no choice but to back down when she realised Natasha was going to leave.
"Millicent! I want to borrow Y/N Y/L/N from you. This time for Natasha Roamnoff's interview, I will give the newbie a chance."
"Are you really that kind?"
"Are you going to lend her or not?"
So that's how you and Wanda got the chance to interview Natasha Romanoff and speak to her. You started off by handing Natasha a rough script of what you were going to ask to make sure that the questions were okay and did not cross any boundaries. "I can't believe it, it really is my idol! When I saw her in magazines I thought she was beautiful enough. I didn't expect the real person to be even more beautiful!" Wanda was unable to contain her excitement being in the same room as her.
"Thank you for the invitation Miss Y/L/N." Natasha said when she returned the papers to you. Wanda could feel like something was in the air, but she didn't mention anything. "It's my pleasure, then let's get started, Miss Romanoff." You allowed Wanda to lead this interview, fulfilling her dreams of talking to her idol.
W: I heard that you have been in the business world since 20 years old. After nearly 10 years, you created the Romanoff Corporation. Can you share some experiences with us?
N: Talent.
W: Oh yes, previously you got married, but your wife's identity has always been a secret. Can you share a little on what kind of person your wife is?
N: She's very good. Probably because she is my most precious treasure in the world so I don't want to share her with anyone.
W: Is that why you won't disclose her identity?
N: Yes, she has her own life, I don't want her to be affected.
"Thank you Miss Romanoff for your cooperation today," Wanda said as you turned off the camera recording this session. "We shall see you off then."
"Oh god! I never thought that I would have a chance to have such close contact with my idol and even have a conversation!" Wanda squealed once Natasha left the door. "Wanda, you were very professional." You praised. "Of course I am."
"Ah shit! I forgot to ask her for an autograph." You smiled slightly at Wanda, at least it wasn't just you who was nervous.
"Where is the interview draft script and recording?" There it is, the devil that is constantly at your shoulder disrupting your life. "Sharon, what do you want to do?"
"Even if we gave you guys the interview, do you think we will also give you the interview results as well?" You had to resist rolling your eyes in front of her. "Then why would you go through the hassle of changing people for the interview?" You pushed her buttons, knowing the exact reason why she had to. "It is simply because Sharon was kind to train and give a chance to newbies so you guys got the chance to do the interview!"
"Fine, if that's the case, I remember there are newbies in Group 1 as well right?"
"You mean Group 2 will not share Natasha Romanoff's interview results right?"
"Sharon, what are you doing?" Millicent came to your rescue. "Miss Romanoff shouldn't have gone far, you can ask her some questions if you want. Then you will get a clearer understanding of her wishes."
"If we are going to disturb Miss Romanoff for such trivial matters, isn't it going to show our magazine agency is useless? This time I will let go of it, next time, I won't be so kind!" She and her lackeys finally left Group 2 alone.
You decided to call Natasha when almost everything was finished and ready to be published in tomorrow's paper. "Natasha, I just want to say... thank you for everything today..." You heard the call end and noticed that she hung up on you again. But this time, it was replaced with a message saying she was waiting for you outside.
Finally, it's been a long time since you felt so relaxed and refreshed, not having to worry about anything and coming back home for a fulfilling day. You can smile without having to put up a front. "Accompany me to a place tomorrow," Natasha said as you were having dinner together. "Then I will apply for a leave later."
"Just to let you know, since you got to interview Carol and I, your company decided to give you a week off as a reward."
"Since there is no way to treat you to a meal, I will accompany you wherever you go next week!" Despite dressing in simple clothes, Natasha felt your smile was able to make your entire aura brighter, and even the people around you melt.
"Does this count as a honeymoon?"
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SPOILERS. ALL of my thoughts while watching love next door ep 9 (i don't think i've done this since crash course in romance)
every time i see a new love next door episode is longer than the last one, i feel more alive. let's feast.
in most (almost all) kdramas i've watched till date, they don't really show intimacy between an ex-couple, especially no kissing (marry my husband is a recent example). even in flashbacks. love next door at least has some physical affection which is nice to see. seokryu really seemed happy with hyeonjun in the past.
seunghyo being all chivalrous is indeed weird to witness, but i guess he's trying. also the car he drives is ugly af (i guess i'm chatty today 😂).
god, the loneliness of being in another country and not being able to tell your parents about your health issues.
at least seunghyo is still a bit objective even when he's jealous. jung mo-eum, ily you're a great wingman. your love story is gonna be fun.
SHE STILL CAN'T TELL HER PARENTS. THAT HOUSE IS NO GOOD FOR HER!! and now she's feeling sick again :/
ooh choi seunghyo's parents romancing a bit. LOVE IT. lmao the difference between them eating that ramyeon. i hope their past wasn't too ugly 🙈
dramatic ass seunghyo screaming for that milk carton. boy, you already have a photo of the thing, that carton is not so important. desperate loser you're never in the office to care of that tree 😭😭
look i love seokryu to bits but she was rude to negate seunhyo's feelings like that. i know there must a reason but it's hurtful. and i'm glad my boy said it.
you can't convince me that danho DIDN'T know what he was doing with that t-shirt. poor mo-eum lol. really really enjoying seokryu's knowing look when she looks at mo-eum praising dan-ho.
oh fuck off chris. i am glad she beat you up & you got fired.
oh so hyeonjun didn't cheat. but i don't like his attitude with her anymore. i get it, it's hard to be with someone who is depressed. i wish they could've talked it out instead of letting it fester and him then blowing up in her face. but well, that's how it goes.
she's rejecting love entirely noooo i'm gonna kms. i hope she gets better pls pls pls.
i don't ever care about anyone's occupations in a kdrama but i have to say seunghyo is a good boss. oh now i see why he was so mad at the end of ep 6. seokryu really does drive him to madness so much so that he is actually unwell.
the child actors are so good. (the last time i was so happy with child actors was in the good bad mother). AARRGHHH. his mother is always away from him and seokryu is always by his side all through his childhood. and now when his feelings for seokryu are making him sick, he sees his mother. OH now seokryu's there too. both women the bane of his existence at different points in his life.
aww my lovely mo-eum being so awkward lmao. every interaction between her and kang danho makes me happy.
ohh so seunghyo's mom wasn't really there then? nooo don't look into her stuff, that's rude. nooo seokryu don't brush it off girl wth? he is DEVASTATED. no great now i'm crying. GIVE ME EPISODE 10 NOW.
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btstulip · 3 months
Smeraldo Garden Marching Band:
Fan song or "Fan" song?
I am seriously worried about my delulu. I DID NOT go into this song looking for anything other than some fun Jimin content. I wanted to see his face, hear his voice, watch him dance and feel happy.
1st watch through, no subtitles, my thoughts were: cute song about love... obvious muse.
2nd watch through with subtitles: Oh cute! It's another fan song... wait... WTH?
My internal reaction was immediately reflected back at me by the other 2 ARMY in the room. We must all be delulu. Even though I believe Jimin and Jungkook have a special bond, I don't believe everything they do is about each other. I really expect Muse to be about Jimin and his inspirations, ARMY and love very likely being part of those. So this actually threw me for a loop because this feels loud to me.
This was pretty much my thought process
"Oh cute, another fan song" lyrics:
Now introducing It all began on June 12 We gift happiness every day Say, "Oh" (Let's talk about us)
Then the lyrics that made us literally pause:
All the things we couldn't say before maybe about members trying to live more authentically? And your hidden feelings too ??? ARMY's feelings are pretty loud and clear... who is hiding their feelings? I'll tell you everything now (Just for you) We're listening! Don't you worry anymore Since we’re together now Let's be a little more honest (Let's go) Well now I am full on smeraldo flower, the truth untold delulu!
And then this...
Ooh, I love you babe I'll come closer to you I love you, babe (Yes, sir) Ooh, I want you, babe I wanna hold your hand
And that's when I went full delulu! Jimin definitely loves ARMY, but I know who's hand he wants to hold:
And in case that wasn't enough:
I'm just not sure I can convince myself this is simply a fan song.
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baradurus · 4 months
This is my love Letter/Appreciation post to the qsmp thumbler!since i saw so many ppl doing it
(Im kind of a lurker and have just recently become more activ RIGHT WHEN IT ENDED)
Anyways yall are such a nice community!And honestly a safespace for me its really fun to read all the silly shenanigans you come up with ,qsmp thumbler really cheers up my day and sometimes its even the Highlight of my day.
And some of you maynot know me since i am a lurker but i just want to say my appreciationto some ppl bellow the cut
(If i make anyone uncomfy with tagging them please do tell me and i will imeadiatly remove you)
To the artist
@ama-a93 I LOVE LOVE LOVE I JUST ADORE YOU ART ITS SOSO BEUTIFULL I JUST CANT i always get hyperaktiv when i See your beutifull art <3
@ddummy07 omg i cant even begin to describ how much i adore your content it soso amazing i love it so much i first saw you on tik tok and your Animations are just WOW
@lutraviolet your artsyle is so beutifull as is your art u always amazes me how beutifull it is whenever i look at it i think OMG IT SO PRETTYYYYYY at the same time i want all the Art you Post!
@acetheabnormal the backbone of the miscklikers i think i once sent an ask to tell you how much i adores your artstyle BUT IT SIMPLY WAS NOT ENOUGH YOUR ANIMATICS YOUR ART EVERYTHING IS SIMPLY TOP NOTCH evrrytime you post it fills me with joy
@vastlaundrybear im must say ,how much i adore your artsyle your animatics just simply everything ITS SO AAARGH i especally like your slimeccle Design (i also just adore your jrwi animatics) JUST YOUR ANIMATICS IN GENERAL ARE SOO ARRGHHH the transitions ,the lightning,JUST EVERYTHING
@thatonedogart omg i love itARRGHHH you keep me alive i live in jealousy of your greatness!!
@thatplankoverthere omg i love LOVE YOUR ART AREGHHH it simply is just so beutifull (you inspirw me to continue my traditional art journey!!)
now to the amazing artist and my mutal @smallz-o just muah everytime you Post i get happy you are a ray of sunshine to me i aprecviate you soso much and you have Motivation me to be way way more activ in the community (like also Posting art of my own and such<333)
@sadtrashking ARGHH YOUR ART IS SIMPLY SO CREATIV i love love love your takes on the qsmp memebers and turning them into animals(? Sry if thats not the right word)and omg your art is simply prefection i strive to one day be as creativ as you
@shen-mu your art is litterally SO SO GOOD ARRGHHH i just love your artsyle (and wth you post art so quik) it always Cheerleader my day up seing your art!!!
And since were on the topic of mutal
@fantasticflavor i love love love your Pixel art it inspires me so much AND WTH YOU ART IS SOSO PRETTY <333its an honor to be mutal with u!
@motshine i always love to See you in my notfications and your pfp is just so silly <3
@safetycap you are kinda like an Update source to me and i appreciate you very much!
@dragon-lady-owo it is always a pleasure seing that youve liked smt of mine and i apprecate you very very much!!!!!
@orquydia im very very glad that ive got to know you through our silly battel that started cus you liked my art and i decide to like smt of yours and then we had a littel like war (that i won)i apreciate you very very much and hope that our friendship continues to blossum i always enjoy our Talks about anything our minds can think of ( mostly robots)
@saltedcaramelchaos my beloved mutal! Although we dont talk much i appreciate you with every bone i have left your a very nice person from what i can tell and wish you the best!!
To ppl i stayed Updates through:
@royalarchivist you are a litteral livesafer to me no joke you have keep me updated on soso many things and i appreciate the work youve been doing :)
@hey-i-am-trying i appreciate you so so much and thank you for being such a cool person!
@anachronistic-falsehood you have also been a soucre of info to me and its alway cool to See you post <3
@starriknight believ it or not ive been staying updated through you and i appreciate all youve done for the community!!!
I hope i dident forget anyone! Have a nice day <333
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o-hora-o · 5 months
Since co-op is long gone, might as well preserve it here
E: Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Eins, the AI who runs this place. Dr Einstein is my master. You may have heard of her. Yes. She came up with the theory of relativity.
E: You Valkyries are no geniuses, of course, but if you work hard enough, you'll succeed...the emotion of "anger" detected...I see. I shouldn't have said the hard truth. I apologize for my bluntness.
E: I dislike winter. It makes me think of sad things. "But come ye back...when summer's in the meadow...or when the valley's hushed...and white with snow"... Annoyance detected. Understood. I'll stop singing during combat.
E: Non-native data detected. Is this data from your stigmata? Interesting. Allow me to inspect your bodies later on... Shyness detected... Understood. Young girls require privacy. I shall apologize for my lack of considerations.
E: Dr. Einstein is a girl of pure heart. She may be rather eccentric at times...but your Overseer...Oh? You thought she died? Nein. I'm fine, I'm fine. Schicksal lied. Schicksal Overseer is an evil man. Stop working for that pretentious and avaricious hypocrite...Anti-Entropy is always hiring.
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E: This is my younger sister Zwei. Say hello, Zwei!
Z: ...greetings... I'm Zwei. Eins may say I'm her younger sister...but that's Dr. Einstein's joke. She read too many weird books.
E: Correction. Lolita is a literary masterpiece. Zwei, you're a derived personality. Calling you my younger sister is logical AND accurate. Perhaps I should call you a younger brother?
Z: A derived personality is not a younger sibling. If you were to apply this anthropomorphic analogy...then address me as Missus Hyde, yes, the Hyde as in n Dr. Jekyll and Missus Hyde. Hahahaha!
E: Zwei calls herself a Missus. Data validated. Zwei has confirmed her status as a female sibling.
Z: ... I'll forgive you, Eins. You are a prototype personality. I will not judge.
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E: RPC-6626, initiate shutdown.
RPC-6626: KJDLF!*@&(KYFONQE*$@*
Z: Hey! You rampaging idiot! Stop!
E: Scanning...database security system has been corrupted. Valkyries, we will help you neutralize this. Controller interface has been recalled. Interrupt this protocol sequence.
RPC-6626: Formatting function unlocked. Charging...20...19...
Z: Nein! RPC-6626! Initiate emergency shutdown!
RPC-6626: 18...17...
E: Warning. Formatting will erase all data!
RPC-6626: 15...14...
Z: if this continues...Eins!
E: ... RPC-6626: 10...9...
E: I don't care what happens. I must save these Valkyries! Zwei, initiate Emergency Protocol Ω.
RPC-6626: 5...4..
E: Reminder. Emergency Protocol Ω will destroy us as well.
Z: ...no matter. Let's do it! I know how you feel.
RPC-6626: 2...1...
E: Vergiss mich nicht...
"Tesla became upset with the Ein's growing popularity among Valkyries, so she developed 3 of her own robots, painting one of them red for herself, green for Schrödinger and blue for Einstein. Although robots don't have any particular use, Tesla is very satisfied wth her inventions".
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ceoofmetagala · 2 months
Please direct me to your beam mage hero of yore
Stellar… is it? (Hopefully got it right)
Because THAT OC IS FIRE WTH I simply must see more
(If you want to) (no pressure)
Yes! You have ut right. Stellar the evil cat.(have some exclusive stellars)
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Stellar, the beam mage hero of yore he/him.
Below cut is: stellars past life, how he met bami, how me met flora and gala, how the heros of yore formed and his path to evil
Tws: mentioned violence,and details about characters deaths too especially the part about Dr Adwins death can be a little sickening. Thought tbf she kinda deserves her fate a tad. So don't feel too bad.
He has two apprances, the one he takes casually and his hero wear. Based off my fav gear for the beam mage in super kirby clash 😙
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He rarely wears his hood, which is considered to be odd and even scandelous 😨😨,!!,
You see, his species tends to wear hoods to protect thier sensitive ears. Stellar however doenst care to do this. This is msotly because he dislikes the feeling of the hood on.
So... how did he become a hero of yore and go down the path he did?
Well he started off as a relatively weak and low class kitty. He was nothing more than a nobody. Hence his more reserved hood with very few patterns the higher class you are the more patterns are present on your hood.
Until he met Bami(the hammer lord hero of yore), his very first friend! Bami seemed to be the onky one who saw him as unique and likewise stellar saw bami as unique as well. They decided to make a better life for themselves, together ane to do taht they ran away and changed thier appreances up and names.
On thier way they both got stronger together and arrived at a town where bami met his soon to be wife, Diane.
It happned this town, the traveling flora and gala were together since Dr.Adwin had built robots she wnated to model after puffballs and chose galacta to use and she was successful! These robots were intended to be helpful.
Until... something went worng. One of the robots had gone rouge and was attacking the town! It was later found that waht they thought was just blood of Dr.adwin was all that was left of her body as it had been so throughly destoryed that you couldn't recognize it as remains of a living being.
So it was left up to the four to stop the robot in which all had succeeded with the power of teamwork and friendship and found that whem all 4 came together, they became so much more powerful. So they decided to form a team together. So now the heros of yore were fromed.
There was of course questions and how Adwin ended up like that, where the second robot had gone and what had caused Blacknoise to go Rouge.
So the heros of yore work together yay!
Now onto how stellar started his path to evil, you see stellar had always been envious of those who were better than him. He feared he would fade into the background again so he made sure to be as flashy and well known as he could.
So when void termina was defeated, he expected some more appreciation but it seemed evegrone was focused on one person, galacta knight.
So he baislcly was just very jealous and decided to ruin galactas reputation and with the help of bami he manged to make get into the then developing Galactic NOVA and make a wish, this wish was for galacta to against his will destroy anything he saw.
Galacta unbeknownst to them was at some tea party flora hosted as a sort of thing to relax away from the recent events.
Galactas last decision he could control was leaving the tea party early which, in the fic I had written of this tea party !! Had shown off along with some of the aftermath.
So. Galacta was then sealed and the people at the tea party obviously knew he had msot likely been passed, controlled something that was out of galactas own control but before any of them could argue for his innocence over the course of under a week they were all found dead. (Though little to everyone's else knowledge they were also sealed away in certain objects too!)
Galaxia killed by her own sword(you can porbqly guess where she went)
Narci was found strangled in her own bedroom. (She went into the dimensional mirror.)
Bami and Diane were both found dead together (thier souks going into the masks they wore in battle, the wanning and waxing moon masks from fighters 2)
Finally flora was left he was extemrly sad at this point bevause almost all of his friends are just dead and suddenly stellar wanted to meet up suddenly.
So he met up with stellar, at the spot stellar aksed him to go. The place he held the tea party.
And there stellar told him most of the truth. Stellar left out the key detial taht he had bami assit him throught almost every kill and the framing of galacta.
This was in stellars mind a way to make it up to bami who he had killed out of nessicty in his mind. To leave him as the innocnet victim and he's the sole villan in this.
Stellar mainly told this to flora to be dramatic before killing flora who he had epxcted to be the easiest to kill but what he didn't expect is floras next move. Flora enraged by all the information he got swiftly just killed stellar
First vines seemed to hold him in place. He can't move anymore. It felt like he was losing air
Then a great shadow seemed to be cast. He saw something comming closer. He realized it was a large rock, likely from a portal flora had opened. And it squashed him. He was dead.
Flora killed him. Floras rage took over and just led him to kill his former friend.
Flora didn't handle this well
@kirbyoctournament because I said some things about flora here as well that's enough to be propaganda
Qnwyas more stellar after I told you all of taht:
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pabl0andm3 · 3 months
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Our dinner | P.2
Warning: Incorrect grammar
Authors note: Hey guys I finally upload the part.2 i literally forgot to upload it AHAHHA.And yes I changed the Title because It's a secret HEHE. And I would like to thank you guys for the likes on my P.1 story it means so much to me 🌺💮🦢
I woke up early in the morning to start my day I literally haven't planned on waking up early since it's Saturday and all I do is Stay home and chill. My fight with Pablo is still not ok we haven't sorted it out. Neither of us Want to apologize and about last night Pablo went home in the middle of the night knocking loud on the door.
And now that It's Saturday maybe this is the time we talk about our argument. Because I'm that type of person who doesn't like drama especially fights. I even regret Yelling at him for not taking me out maybe I'm being dramatic like he said. While I'm lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the bedroom door open revealing a tired Pablo. I was making us breakfast i expect him to hug me or talk to me about our fight last night but instead he grab his phone and type something that made him SMILE! wth.
I sighed while still cooking at the pancakes and when I'm done making pancakes I grab some plates for us and I made way to the fridge to find something to drink and I pick an orange juice for Pablo and apple juice for me. Once everything is Done I take the pancakes out and put in each plate and I also take some blueberry, strawberry and honey to Finish the pancakes. After that I didn't call him to breakfast after his behavior this morning he must be The one who talk or try because he's the MAN ! but oh well...
I was eating my food while scrolling to TikTok and I saw him washing his hand and take some fork to eat pancakes without a single word spoke to him not even a "thank you" or smile but NONE he didn't show any emotions. I finish my pancakes fast because I don't want to his Face Right now. Once I finish eating I put the dishes on the sink and Test him if he wash mines call me Brat but this man is On my nerves right now.
I went to the bathroom to shower a "long relaxing shower" after that I put some black shorts and paired it with over size shirt. I'm trying so hard not to steel his Comfy hoodies thankfully I still manage to not steel some he will for sure think I'm trying to Impress him Hehe. After I did my skincare routine and I put some mascara and lip oil and I'm ready to go downstairs to watch some movies that I have in mind.
While I was searching the movie I want to watch I hear the water drain and I want to look if he was washing the dishes but my mind said No. The water is still turning on and I know that his washing the dishes. After I find the movie I want to watch i get comfy. Half way through the movie I became hungry idk why so I went to the kitchen and when I'm about to open the fridge to grab some Food I find my PLATE witch the pink plate Pablo know that is my plate and This Animal is not washing my dishes.
I sighed and wash my dishes as I put the plate on the drawer while suddenly Pablo was in the living room clicking another movie my jaw drop on how disrespectful his behavior was I didn't say anything and went to him and pay his shoulder and said. " Gavi why did you turn off the movie I watch " he turn to me and said "come here" I did what he said and he turn off the movie while I make my self comfortable. "can we talk" he said minutes later
"Mhmm" I reply while looking at the ceiling " I'm sorry I really am. I regret every words I have said to you amor and I know that you will not forgive me easily and I truly understand that because of my stupid behavior but I just want you to know that I'm sorry and believe me or not I don't know how to apologize and that uhm I'm really really sorry I love you and I promise I will not do it again" he said while he take your hand slowly and stroking it with his thum.
"Look babe thank you for apologizing and I appreciate that but I need see actions to prove that you are really sorry because Last time we argue you always said the word "I will not do it again" which was a lie. And I'm sorry to for Testing your temper and I want to see if you really sorry or not. " I said calmly. " Yes amor I will show you " he said while hug and that day everything change ......
After the day you and Pablo talk about your argument Pablo change so much. He now go home Early to see you he even make you morning breakfast which was rare because he doesn't know how to cook and when you ask him "who told you to cook babe" he always answer "It's a secret" you just laugh on how adorable he is. And he often take you out or spoil you with hundreds of gift you always told him it's to much and ofc he's so stubborn to listen.
MONTHS later he is like a sweetheart to you and that you plan on Telling him that you have forgive him. So your plan was to cook dinner and tell him that you forgive him and everything will back to normal. You cook him a soup , a fish, carbonara, and ofc his favorite sushi and for dessert you made him carrot cake and homemade ice cream. You set all the food in the table and after that you change since you fell like Smelling fish HEHE.
After you change you heard the doorbell ring which means that Pablo is here you Excitedly open the door and to see a crying Belen in the door you freeze and said "Mama are you ok come here" you said while you close the door and make her sit on the sofa " Mama do you want to eat I made dinner " you said but nothing came in her mouth she just sob there and you stand up and take some water to help a little "here mama Have some water" you said while handing her the water "thank y.. ou dear" she said while drinking the water.
"Mama can you tell me what's wrong your worrying me" I ask again" dear I'm so sorry to ruin your night but I.. i... I have something to tell you that will break your entire heart " she said and now you feel nervous about what he's talking your thoughts goes on by "did someone die?" , "am I fired at my work", but you shock your thoughts away. "What is it mama" you said in nervous voice " P.. a.. Pablo-" before she could finish when you hear the name of your beloved boyfriend everything stop. " What happened to him" you ask in Trembling voice.
"he... He.... Got in to a car crash and ..and that according to the police that there is a white Lamborghini that overtake him and... And that was the reason he got into car crash and dear I'm sorry but we got him in the hospital and that's when the doctor said he couldn't make it. I'm so so sorry we didn't tell you... but he... He got you this" she said sobbing while I was crying my lungs out I couldn't believe this is happening.
I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe but lucky Belen was there to help me after a couple of hours we finally calm a little bit and "Dear I'm sorry but I think I need to go and that please tell me if you need anything and if you want to see Pablo tell me so we can drive together yeah?," she said sobbing with red tired eyes. I just nod nothing comes In my mouth. " Uhm also Pablo got this for you the police saw it and have your name written " she said handing me the bouquet of flowers with letter on the top. And that when I lost it I scream and cry on Belen's shoulder my voice was crack my eyes are tires my heart was bleeding with regret and pain. Minutes later Belen finally go home she offered me to go with her but I couldn't stand up and that I need space she understood and hug me.
After Belen go home I finally have the urge to pick the bouquet of flowers I slowly take the letter while I was sobbing so hard. I open the letter to see his adorable handwriting and I read it carefully
" Hello Amor. This bouquet of flowers is for you and l want to say that. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for giving chances when we argue,thank you for always here for me when ever I want a shoulder to cry on when I want an arms to hug or cuddle me when I need it. And thank you that you change me you turn my anger to calm thank you amor. I want you to know that this day I want to ask if you forgive me or not. But I truly understand if you still don't forgive me. But again I'm sorry for everything. I want to love you the best I could I want to spent to you with all my life. I want you to have my babies and I want to marry you in the future I can't wait to ask you to be my wife.
- your Pablo
And after you read it you scream and cry your heart. "You should have forgive him " you should have react dramatically "you should have loved him more" the words on your head keep running in. You cry in the your shared bedroom while you sob one of Pablo's shirt. You cry like a river you couldn't believe it you want to open your phone to check what time it was but you don't want to see your wallpaper of you and Pablo on your anniversary. You sleep with an arching heart.
You wake up early in the morning you don't know why your heart still heart. You go downstairs to find the table you set for him and knowing he will not go home anymore....
Authors note : AGHHH please tell me if it's good or not. And I'm sorry again with my grammar correct me if I'm wrong sorry. So here it's is.. thank you guys for waiting the PART 2😭🙃
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skyeslittlecorner · 6 months
So like i suddenly have this random thought- like Michelleel x gabriel.
Idk why i just somehow wanna see a scenario or hc of them?? Its so weird like i dont even know it crossed my mind lol(Gabriel was the bottom too like wth???)
Can I request a scenari- actually i think head canon will be much more fitted for these two. Sfw & nsfw(if its even available for imagination.)
If your not comfortable with it its fine, it was just a random thought lol. But do tell us how you feel about these two randomly hoho
My first reaction to Michi was like "Who put Olivine in WHB?" Although Olivine would have a lot of fun here. It's hard to say anything about him and Gabriel because we don't really know anything about them, but I see potential. For now, I'm pretty neutral about Gabriel, and I'm curious about Michi.
From what I've seen, Principalities are very low-ranking angels.
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Or at least that's what wikipedia says and that's consistent with what I know.
We all know how the Seraphs treat even the Cherubs who are right below them, so there must be something special about Michi if Gabe not only didn't send him to his death, but actually trusts him.
At this point, the only thing we know about Michi is his card, so all of this are huge assumptions and a lot of imagination
SFW headcanons:
Their relationship would be quite tricky. Gabriel neither likes nor dislikes Michi (or at least that's what he says), but considers him a smart and useful angel who knows his job. Michi doesn't ask questions, doesn't question orders, and is best used for putting things in order. At the same time, he is not a pushover and can be clever on his own initiatives. That's how he kept his head and earned trust. Not because he is strong, but because he stands out and is irreplaceable.
I don't see our big three working at their desks, I guess they just give orders and little ants have to implement them somehow
In short, all the bureaucracy falls on this poor guy while Gabriel is busy simping praying
Michi behaves perfectly around Gabriel. He likes to live, after all. He looks at him with adoration and is proud that despite his rank, Gabriel paid attention to him. At first, Seraph's attention scared him, but over time, only his brothers scare him
But since he is a lower-ranking angel, he is much closer to the reasoning of humans than Seraphs. Maybe it would be possible to convert him, just like Leamas. Of course, after eliminating all the propaganda that Gabriel put into his head
NSFW headcannons:
It's hard to say anything about it, because the whole heaven could have one big orgy to let out some frustration. The only thing that I can think of is that probably not all angels have chastity cages, considering what is heavily implied to have happened during Levi's childhood… When we saw Leamas' life with Nina there was no mention of the cage either.
Of course, there can be many explanations. My own little headcanon is that some angels do get rid of these bonds. If Michi tried to get rid of his and got caught… Although there is also a problem here, that it is Gabriel who is the most faithful and all. It would be easier to involve Michael or Raphael. Although, who knows…
So I don't see it happening yet, but I'm open to it in the future.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
Not Too Fast To See Part 3
Not Too Fast To See Part 3 (Percy and Tempo meet Barry Allen)
Part 1 here! Part 2 here!
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It's funny that Barry Allen is supposed to be in Central City, because the two of you passed through it when travelling through Missouri, since Percy has bad memories of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
But quickly it becomes clear what Hermes was laughing about - Central City's one of those places that's not only plagued with crime, but also has its own dedicated superhero.
The Flash.
"So Barry Allen must be the Flash." Percy connects the dots pretty quickly. "And the Flash must be like you."
Now, Barry has no idea the two of you are coming. Nor who either of you are.
But there's something weird going on, because neither he nor Cisco nor Caitlin can figure out why the seismic readings in the city are going haywire.
Since none of them can see through the Mist, they can't witness the giant boar attacking the city.
But you, despite being mortal, can.
"Okay, normally I'm used to having monsters in the way, but this is kind of annoying." Percy sighs. "Any idea what we're up against?"
"Well... from what I know, there are a couple of different big porkers in Greek myth. Wait - shouldn't you know this?"
"Hey, do I ask if you know Superman?"
"Fine. Fair point."
You pull Percy along with you as you run, following the surprisingly speedy piggy.
And that's when the Flash shows up.
"Hey! You're like me!"
You grin. "I think you're who we want to see, but... let's take care of the monster first."
Barry balks. "What?"
"Oh, right."
Percy sighs. "Sorry about this-" and focuses, manipulating the Mist so that Barry can see through it.
"I'm Tempo. And this is my boyfriend, Percy Jackson."
"Percy Jackson? Weren't you that kid that got kidnapped and they all thought you were a terrorist?"
Percy pouts. "I didn't think anybody'd remember that."
"Wait, so... is that a giant boar? Is this... what happened to you?"
"Greek myths are real, so are the gods. Trust me, it sucks." Percy gives him the book jacket version."
"I've been able to see them all my life, and I'm not even a demigod. Percy says it's called the Mist."
"Oh, so you being speedy doesn't come from like, winged boots or anything?"
"No, I was in an accident with a lightningrod."
"For me, I got struck by lightning from a cloud formed by a particle accelerator explosion."
"Wow, you're practically twins." Percy smirks.
"Let's catch up after! We need to deal wth this thing. Can you think of anything recently that might've pissed off a god?"
"Uh, they shut down half the zoo to make room for a power plant?"
"Artemis. Does that narrow it down?" Percy asks you.
"Calydonian Boar! Or Aetolian. It's the boar Atalanta killed."
Barry presses a hand to his ear. "Caitlin, Cisco, you listening? No, I'm not crazy, though I might have a concussion or something. Just... figure out how we might be able to kill a giant boar without anyone burning up a piece of wood their life is tied to."
"Hey, you know more Greek mythology than Percy does!" you joke.
Percy smacks your arm but doesn't seem particularly offended.
"Well, there is one idea, but it hinges on your boyfriend here being inhumanly durable."
Percy smirks. "Let's just say I got that covered."
"Well, as speedsters, we could basically slingshot you into the boar, with that sword sticking into it and hopefully killing it."
"Sounds good to me!" you nod. Percy nods eagerly.
Caitlin quickly emerges, summoning Killer Frost to lock the Calydonian Boar in place, while Ralph acts as the slingshot, Percy bracing himself, feet planted on Ralph's chest as you and Barry use your speed to build up the potential energy, stretching out Ralph's arms, until......
You both duck, and Ralph rubberbands back into shape, the momentum transferring to Percy and launching him at extreme speed at the boar!
Percy has his sword held out in front of him, and even manages a turn in midair to get more aerondynamic speed, and executes a flashy forward somersault, leaving Riptide speared in the Calydonian Boar, landing as it turns to yellow powder.
"Gotta say, 'Team Flash, Monster Slayers' has a great ring to it." Cisco congratulates, while Ralph rubs his arms as if they were sore.
It's fun to work as part of a team that has more than three members.
And maybe, just maybe, Barry will finally help you unlock the secrets of your powers...
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leavingsunsets · 4 months
Hi hi! If you're still taking requests, then I'd like to request a drabble, fic, or thoughts and whatnot for a Senku x male S/O scenario in which the Science Crew asks if Senku is dating anybody, and while they expect him to say no and that it's "a waste of time", he shares that he actually is in a relationship with someone who's still out there and petrified! Though, while they're all like "who's the unlucky lady?", he explains that S/O is actually a boy! Alternatively, he could not say anything until they all meet S/O and see that they're a boy! Please and thank you!
ur such a politey omg. lovely idea, and this takes place in the ship! RYUSUI'S SHIP OUT AT SEA RAAAAAAAHHHH. ghhhh i RLLY WANT YALL 2 SEE MY ENVISIONMENT OF THIS. THE VEHEMENT CHAOS TO ENSUE
"OᑌT Oᖴ EᐯEᖇYOᑎE?"
[ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴡ'ꜱ ʀᴇᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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I feel like it would be during some sort of lax convo maybe in the evening. Like, just letting loose, having fun and talking. People getting to know each other, yada yada yada.
Then, somehow, it turns to the topic of dating.
Everyone's sat around one way or another, Gen by the side, Chrome standing front, Kohaku leaning against the chair Ukyo sits on. Ryusui, of course, in the center of it. Senku's just off to the side picking his ears.
Ryusui kicks it off when Gen recalls about him going on about how he loves all women, bla bla bla.
Gen goes "You must've dated a lot of women to say that then, Ryusui. Though, I'm not surprised..." Like, this guy's an heir to a billion dollar (or yen. or whatvr currency) conglomerate, skilled, and the muscles.
"Even though I hadn't, I'd still say so! Women are beautiful creatures, every one of them. Men, too!" and ugh go bi king go. "Right Ukyo?"
"What's this have to do with me?" Ukyo smiles nervously.
"Awe, cmon, I'm sure you've had at least some experience being as charming as yourself!" ryusui would egg him on, grinning brightly. "You strike me as a popular ladies' guy!"
and i headcanon that ukyo probably did have a lot of admirers back then. oh my gosh like look at him??
Senku yawns. Gen seems to notice him.
Kohaku also like mulls this over. "I also did have a partner once, though it was brief." Chrome gapes. "What?! So even the gorilla was able to date before me?!"
that earns him two hits to the head.
then gen would start teasing chrome like "But hey, atleast youre not the only one in the single for life zone with senku here!"
and senku goes like "huh."
"You're right!" chrome would pose, probably. "Must be because we're scientists! you know how we are, we're too busy being smart to actually-"
"I'm not single."
almost everyone has like 'HUH' DOUBLE TAKE DOUBLE TAKE REWIND. (kohaku and ukyo probably just goin 'wow. thats actually interesting.')
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First to react is ryusui going "AH HA! SO EVEN SENKU CANNOT RESIST THE BEAUTY OF WOMEN!" throwing his arm round his shoulder patting his back like fellow congrats bro
and people start demanding like who is this chick?? WHO SAW HIM AND WENT 'oh yah this is the one. yah.'
and senku raises a brow and goes "its a dude."
Ryusui just goes "okay, well who's the lucky gentleman?!"
LIKE EVERYONE HAS A VARIED REACTION FROM UNBOTHERED (kohaku. she probably started picking her ears or something. ukyo takes this time to enjoy the fruitcake and help himself to the food) TO CHROME GOING "🏳️‍🌈😧🏳️‍🌈🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵?????" gen would just go "HOW LONG?? SINCE WHEN???"
Senku just groans and covers his ears are something something goin 'wth whyr u so loud ugh'
"I SAID WHEN????" Gen starts shaking him back and forth. leek hair man goes "uugggggg since middle school? idk i met him after taiju"
"WHAT THE HELL???" cue more shaking that senku feels like his brains vibrating. "YOU BASTARD WHY DIDNT U EVER TELL US THIS?? AND AFTER ALL THAT DRAMA???"
"you didn't ask??? also let go of me!"
head in hands absolutely floored like huh???
even senku goes like 'you couldve actually found that out by just asking taiju himself, or yuzuriha. its not even a secret dude.'
then thus comes the most important question, who is senku's infamous lover??? how is he?? WHERE IS HE?
"im not answering that first question. most likely still petrified. he were out on travel somewhere in the country when it happened."
and they have to go 'oh ok' and simmer in the fact and continue on with their lives as if nothing happened. like a nuke didnt just drop on them.
and senku was damn right because when each of them try to ask taiju on deck the next day he just outright goes "oh yeah senku's got a boyfriend. i'm great buds with him too! how did you know that? :D" cue another round of "HUH" from the other crewmembers on ship
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darkstar225 · 2 years
Twice’s 10th member gets hurt on stage
It's been a long time since she felt this energy. Being on stage makes everything better for Y/N, seeing the fans, hearing the charts and compliments thrown her way (she gets shy every. single. time.) anyway- she loves it as much as she loves all her -moms- I mean... members which is a lot.
Y/N - Wow... this stage is bigger than any other we've sang!
Nayeon - You're right, it appears to be the size of Seoul lol
Momo - Don't lie grandma, Seoul is smaller than Tokyo and you know it (A/N: I searched for this so if it's wrong my apologies...)
Nayeon - Shut up! The baby is excited, I just wanted to encourage her pabo
Momo - OMG- You just appeared out of nowhere Sana, you must be my n° 1 fan, always bullying me. And you boomer, I'm not even going to answer 'cause I agree that our kiddo deserves to enjoy this after being sick and sad :(
Y/N - You guys do know that I'm still here and that I'm NOT a kid!
Tzuyu - Keep telling yourself that shortie
Y/N - HEY UNNIE! That doesn't even make sense, I'm taller that Chaeyoung and Dahyun unnie and still growing while they're going to be dwarfs forever
Dahyun and Chaeyoung - Say no more bro, you're hurting our feelings...
Tzuyu - Why? She just told facts...?
Tzuyu - I didn't ask for it
Y/N - Damn- she's on fire today
Y/N - No... I said gram, I was calling Nayeon unnie! Yes, that's it
Nayeon - Don't lie, you're already on thin ice
Y/N - Okay, okay, maaaaaybe I said damn- oops, said it again but you asked for it
Jihyo signs and is about to start lecturing the maknae when Mina enters the room warning them that the recording begins in 5 minutes
Jihyo - You didn't escape this, we're going to talk at home
Y/N - Wow, thank God Jihyo
SMC - Fr, I wish this happened when we get scolded. Well, let's get going!!
Y/N - YAAAAAY, we're going to see ONCE
Mina - Yeah, just be careful, the staff asked me to warn you girls 'cause the stage is slippery (as always just to mess with idols lives)
Y/N - Okie dokie unnie :)
All except Y/N and Mina - Ok, ty for letting us know Mina (unnie in case of the SMC)
As they head to the stage Y/N starts to run a little to see ONCE as soon as she can, the unnies can feel that something is wrong but they can't place what it is since they're smiling like the whipped moms they're.
However, when they get near the stage it clicks. The stage is wet and the kid is running, the stage is wet and the kid is running. Okay, that was the problem. Now they just have to warn Y/N-
Well, that didn't go the way they planned...
Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon being the fastest got there and tried to save their maknae still they couldn't get there in time. Y/N fell backwards in a way that hit her ankle hard, the members helped her up and asked multiple questions, mostly wanting to know if she was okay and she answered she was, but after some seconds she started to feel the effects of the fall but she didn't let the unnies know so she could see ONCE. When DTNA started playing she knew it was the end for her, with a cry she fell on the floor crying of pain.
Jihyo - WTH Y/N you told us you're fine.
Y/N - I lied, I'm sorry unnie but it hurts so bad *sobs*
Jihyo - Ok, ok, we'll talk about this later (with the cursing issue, thought she forgot about it? Nahhh, momma bear Jihyo never forgets)
Sana - Let's get her to the medics here
Sana put her arms on Y/N's waist and helped her get backstage. The doctor said it was just a sprain but she needed to take some medicine and also rest for at least a week, at hearing this Y/N let out a loud groan, getting her a glare from 3mix as they're in mom mode.
Momo - As you know, you're not going to walk to the car since you've to rest
Momo - Stop screaming.
Y/N - Yes, ma'am
Momo - Ok, now that you're listening again I'll let you know that I'm carrying you to the car and when we get home to your room
Y/N - Unnie... I don't wanna bother you, I'm heavy
Momo - That's not true, you're as light as a feather to us because you're our baby. And also, you're not bothering us, you just need some love and care rn and that's okay. Everyone needs that sometimes.
Y/N - You're right unnie, thank you. I love you
Momo - Ownnn, you're welcome, love you too honey. DID YOU GUYS HEAR HER SAYING SHE LOVES ME?
Twice except Y/N and Momo - WHAT ABOUT US?
Y/N - Oh, Jelly Jelly is inspired in you guys... Didn't know that. Jk, love you unnies <3
Nayeon - You better
Jihyo - Yeah!
Jeongyeon - Period.
Sana - We're gonna let you go with this joke just 'cause you're cute
Maknae line - That's what she said
Getting home, they got Y/N to drink her medicine and put her on bed all looking at her with so much love she could burst. Without knowing Y/N smiled in her sleep and whispered
Y/N - I've the best family ever
Twice cooed and each gave her a kiss on the forehead, leaving the room with a warm feeling and a single thought "Get well soon our lovely maknae"
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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teecupangel · 1 year
AU where (I've never played Valhalla, bear with me) Aletheia had been lying out her ass about the whole "heir of memories must save the world from the- *spins wheel* ...magnetic field" and the whole thing was a ruse to deliver the staff (and thus, Aletheia) to someone more susceptible to Isu brain manipulation who would do as told and die to revive Basim
Imagine Layla and Desmond in the Grey finding this out and losing their shit, then starting a revenge plot through time to kick Aletheia's ass and free Kassandra (Layla), seduce save some of their ancestors/fellow Assassins along the way (Desmond), and try to keep these two near gods from destroying reality (Clay, whose brain is still a bit fried and doesn't know how he's here but he knows these two idiots are somehow his problem)
It would be fun if it was Clay who told them about Aletheia’s true nature. Hell, if you want to fully kick Aletheia to the villain category, maybe the whole ‘Yggdrassil problem becoming the next catastrophe’ had been her doing in some way, to force Layla to give up her life and Desmond, as the Reader, didn’t see it in the Calculations because he was, after all, not exactly Desmond Miles anymore. To be more accurate, he wasn’t entirely human anymore so he had ignored the ‘emotional element’ of the Calculations.
Clay could have woken up because he felt Layla and she was an anomaly in the sense that she wasn’t meant to die and become part of the Gray in the first place.
It would be Clay and Layla who makes the plan to screw up the timelines to kick Aletheia’s ass and set up the Grand Temple to automatically turn on without the need of anyone operating it on December 21, 2012.
The Reader says that the possibility of success is too low to even try and Layla suggests they find a way for the Reader to regain his humanity and be Desmond Miles once more.
Clay’s grin is full of mischief as he goes “Oh, I have an idea how we can get this idiot back to his old self.”
Cue in Layla and Clay’s “Let’s Fuck Up The Timeline To Save The World!” plan begins.
Layla insists that the best way to fuck up Aletheia’s plans is to destroy the damn polestick (“Isn’t it a-” “Shhhh, we’re calling it a polestick now.” “Yeah, okay.”) before it could get in the hands of Kassandra.
Clay suggests they just punch an old man and take the polestick. Layla is a bit hesitant about that since there was this whole thing about Pythagoras and Kassandra getting into some kind of resolution before he gives the polestick to Kassandra and Kassandra deserves that.
Clay then suggests they hijack the Atlantis memory thing that Kassandra goes thru and take the polestick from Kassandra. Layla says no to that one too since Kassandra would kick their asses.
Clay snorts and points at the Reader with his thumb as he says, “Not this guy.”
“There is a-”
“Fuck the probabilities. We’ll tag team her while Layla runs away with the polestick, okay? All we have to do is keep her busy until the polestick is destroyed.”
“Can you two even handle Kassandra?”
“I’ll have you know we are certified Bleeding Effect graduates… in the sense that the Bleeding Effect has effectively fucked us over.” (sees Layla’s expression) “Which just means Kassandra would have two Ezio Auditores to deal with. It’ll be fun.”
Cue the trio trying to get Kassandra to lower her guard enough for Layla to take the polestick by pretending to be citizens of Elysium.
Their chance finally comes when…
It became clear Kassandra was flirting with Layla.
“I think you should sleep with her for the betterment of mankind.”
“Please, you’ll like it. We’ll steal the polestick while she’s busy with you.”
“Oh my god. What are you talking about? I am not having sex with Kassandra!”
“You want to though. This would be the two birds one stone kind of deal.”
“Clay, shut up.”
“Hey, Reader, what’s the success possibility of us getting the polestick if Layla has sex wth Kassandra?”
“Eighty-nine percent.”
“See? That’s the highest success rate we’ve ever got! You gotta take one for the team, Layla.”
“Oh my god.”
Of course, Layla does agree because, let’s face it, she wanted to get some with Kassandra anyway. Then Aletheia starts screaming bloody murder and Kassandra realized something is up.
Cue a chase scene where Clay and the Reader are both running for their lives while Kassandra runs after them and Layla runs after Kassandra.
Some clothes might be missing during the chase.
This is when Clay gets a bright wonderful idea to start Phase 2 of the plan and opens a new portal for another time period.
Kassandra enters the portal as well.
And Layla has no idea where they were. Considering the building architecture she just saw, she was betting somewhere where there were a lot of Muslims?
Oh, god…
They were being chased by knights with-
Oh shit.
They were knights!
She barely heard Clay say, “Your turn, Reader!”
And Clay gives the polestick to the Reader before bodyslamming him straight to a trio of monk-
Oh shit.
Layla remembered those robes.
They were the Assassin robes worn by the Levantine Brotherhood.
The Reader falls on top of one of the Assassins and Clay hides behind the other two as he points at Kassandra, “Brothers! That woman is trying to get an artifact that the Brotherhood has been protecting!”
Oh god.
Oh my god.
Clay was insane.
The knights have also caught up to them.
And they were now surrounded and…
Layla focused his attention to the Reader and the Assassin he had toppled and they were still in the ground, staring at each other.
Unorganized Notes:
Clay specifically opened a portal that brought them to Jerusalem just before Altaïr, Malik and Kadar infiltrated Solomon’s Temple.
Clay’s mighty plan to bring Desmond back can be summarized as “get the Reader to remember how much Desmond Miles loved his ancestors……… and maybe get him laid… that might help… we’ll play it by ear.”
Altaïr would be adamant that it wasn’t love at first sight but there was… this strange connection that he couldn’t shook off the moment their eyes met.
The Reader will admit that he did feel something… ‘foreign’ when he saw Altaïr and he agrees that Clay might be on the right track.
Layla is just confused because Clay’s usual plan seems to be to get her and the Reader laid.
Clay doesn’t deny it.
Kassandra becomes a reluctant ally of theirs because she is stranded in this timeline while they charge up their ‘portal juice’. Layla was sure that portal juice was not an actual thing.
The way their time hopping mechanics work is that they need a POE to charge it up and it will completely drain the POE afterwards. For their first portal jump, it was a freebie because they were in the Gray and it had the same ‘power source’ the POEs have. Clay even explains that the Gray is where the main power source of the POEs come from and the Isus just found a way to harness and store it in the POEs.
So they need a new POE to use to get Kassandra back to her time. Layla suggests they use the Apple in Jerusalem but the Reader goes “No.”. This is the first time the Reader had been adamant in his opinion about how the Apple belongs to Altaïr and no one else. Layla stares at Clay with an expression of “holy shit, Clay may be up to something with this whole getting someone to fuck the Reader to bring back Desmond Miles” and Clay just grins at her as if to say “I’m a genius right?”. It should be noted that, at this point, the Reader have not yet been fucked… yet.
That is how far I got because, okay, so my problem is if we continue with the idea that they’re trying to save (and seduce) Desmond’s ancestors (and fellow Assassins), this will be bittersweet since it’s like Desmond would have a relationship with some of them and then break up with them given a long-distance relationship was not viable.
Of course, considering how I write Altaïr, I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up with the trio going their merry way screwing up the timeline by timehopping and then they later find out that Altaïr had been following them, looking for Desmond, and had been getting stubborn tagalongs along the way who were also looking for Desmond because he’s always a few steps behind the trio. (In other words, Desmond’s harem has been growing and chasing after him the entire time)
This… would be the kind of idea that Clay would definitely be on board with.
Although… considering the Reader is meant to have a connection to the possibilities, this meant that he should have seen this possibility… and did nothing to stop it. Which means… he wanted Altaïr to find the others and chase after him. XD
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alien-hybreed · 7 months
They'd been hooking up for a few weeks now. No names, just each other, a hotel room and whatever kink they'd agreed to explore this time.
However, the introduction of her latest toy has some unexpected side-effects. Transformed into a pair of werecats, the young couple finds themselves compelled to take part in an ancient ritual...
She clips the collar around your neck with a nervous giggle. Even in the low light of the full moon coming through the open window, you can clearly see her gorgeous figure. The matching red mesh bra, briefs, garters and stockings she's wearing would be enough to drive you wild as it is. But since the two of you started hooking up, there's always been more to it than that.
"What's this?" You ask anxiously as you look up at her. You're on the bed in the hotel room, lying on your back and stripped down to your underwear. Your hands are already cuffed to the headboard behind you, but the collar is an unfamiliar toy.
"It's to match mine, silly" She chuckles, giving the jump ring on her matching collar a playful tug. "I know it's been a few weeks since we last did this" She continues, trailing a finger across your leg. "And I've been... experimenting."
"Getting kinkier, huh?" You suggest, despite the surprise, you're not adverse to the collar.
"You could say that..." She says with a wry smile. "I thought it'd be hot if I... trained you" She looks a little nervous making the suggestion, but again, you're not adverse to it. If anything, you'd found yourself taking to submission pretty enthusiastically and as a domme, 'Red' as she insisted on being called, had a pretty good read on exactly how to get the most out of it for both of you...
"Oh, okay, a sort of while it's on I belong to you kinda thing?" You reply. She simply leans down and kisses you. You feel her slip her hand under your underwear, her fingertips softly clawing at the base of your cock.
"That's right. You're mine" She says as she moves to sit between your legs. "Until the collar comes off. Collar goes on, you do as you're told, understand? All mine meow" She says with a purr. "You've gotta be kitten me" you throw back as a witty retort. She reaches up to give your collar a sharp tug. "Hush you. That's not how you're entertaining me tonight." She commands. You smile at her and feel your cock twitch as your blood begins racing to it, your heart pounding a little faster as she begins to slide your underwear off. "Mmm, how am I going to tease you, hmm? You're already getting so hard for me aren't you?" Her fingers trail along your cock and you try not to move unless you are told to, that was the rule you agreed to.
"Well Tiger, how do you want it?" She purrs again "I thought I was 'Blue' when we're together?" You reply, that had been the allias she insist you adopt. "I know, but tonight, you're Tiger. While you have that collar on, you're my Tiger. Understand?" "Yes Red, of course Red" you reply obediently. "Good kitty" She says with a grin, running both her hands up your thighs. "If I'm good kitty, does that make you 'Bad kitty' hey Red?" you ask wth a chuckle. "You have no idea Tiger." She says with a soft growl before leaning down to kiss the tip of your cock. "You're being so good Tiger, you've been so good." She murmurs, her warm breath on your crotch building your anticipation for what must surely come next. "But if you wanna keep seeing me, we're gonna make you a bad kitty too" She commands. That sounds good to you, you've learned so much from her about what you enjoy, what she enjoys. The offer to take you further into this fetish is enticing.
"I'd like that" you manage to get out before you throw your head back and groan as you feel her tongue lash against your cock. Oddly enough, her tongue feels a little rougher than usual but that somehow makes it better.
"If you wan-want to sw-switch I'll show ou how bad I can be" you try to offer. It's a struggle to get the words out, somewhere between your last hook-up and now, her oral technique improved tremendously. Frankly you didn't think that was possible.
"Oh no, you're right where you need to be Tiger" She replies when she sits up. You always offer to domme her but she always insists you submit, it's virtually become a green light at this stage. The sign that your sexual encounter is now in full swing.
"Hell yeah I am" you groan, staring eagerly at her. "Enjoying the view?" She asks "Ab-absolutely" "How about now?" She growls, ripping her briefs clean off. "You want this don't you Tiger?" She continues to growl as she seizes your cock and begins to jack it hard and fast. With her free hand she begins to stroke her labia. "Whoa slow down Red, I dunno if I can" "Aw, what's the matter Tiger? Can't wait to cum for me?" She coos as she plunges a finger into her slit. She's going too fast, you usually last so much longer before you need a break... "Please Red, I... I..." You're too slow to react in time and a thick spurt of your cum shoots up her wrist. She laughs and releases her hold on your cock. "Aw, poor little kitty" She giggles, she moves her wrist up to her mouth and licks at it. Running her tongue up over the streak of cum like a cat licking it's paws. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought I could take it a little longer" you protest "You did exactly what I wanted Tiger. You're gonna keep doing what I want" She replies in a low, sultry growl as she clambers up your body until her knees are on either side of your head. "You do want what I want, don't you Tiger?" She purrs, her pussy inches from your face. You're pleasantly surprised that your premature ejaculation hasn't killed her mood at all. You need to catch your breath, rest a little. But her slit is right there and you've spent all week thinking about how much you've missed it... "I asked if you want it, Tiger? Tell me how badly you want it?" "Since we last hooked up, every day I can stop thinking about tasting you again" you plead. She grinds her pussy against your lips before pulling away. "Then a taste is all you get, Tiger" "No! Please!" You strain against your bonds as she pulls further away. "Please. Sit on my face. Let me lick your clit. I wanna make my bad kitty purr..." you don't even finish and her hips are bucking against you, your tongue gliding through her slit and back up to her clit. You feel her shudder as your tongue gently caresses her g-spot while your lips keep working against her. She moans and growls as you pleasure her, she even begins to purr. A low rumbling sound that comes between each sharp breath she takes. Taking the cat theme a little far perhaps, but it's working for you so you go along with it.
"Mmm uhhh... ha... ahaha oh Tiger, all that for me?" She moans as she pulls her hips away from you. It could be the low light, but her eyes almost look a little yellow. And why do her pupils suddenly look so thin? Also your neck is feeling a little odd around your collar. Kind of scratchy like regrowth after a shave?
"Are you ready to really give kitty her milk?" She growls hungrily. Sure enough, your cock is standing upright, firm and ready to go. That's so soon after you'd just cum, possibly your quickest recovery yet.
"I need you. I need this. I need it bad, Red" you growl through gritted teeth, pulling at your cuffs. She's obviously very proud of herself as she smiles at you. It usually take her longer to reduce you to this kind of primal need and yet you're starting to realise she ain't been the only one growling and purring.
"Yes  you do, Tiger." She strokes your heaving chest as she speaks "You're going to give yourself to me now. Because you're mine, aren't you, Tiger?" She pulls at your collar as she speaks and you feel a rush of adrenaline crash through your entire body as it tugs at you.
"Rrrrr, yesss. Please Red, I'm yours" you snarl. You feel her folds slip around your shaft and the sensation nearly causes you to see stars. Bucking up to meet her, your cock plunges deeper, eliciting a delighted hiss from her. She tears her bra to pieces as she clutches at her breasts, your cock throbs as you watch her claw at her collar.
"Red, where did you even get these collars" you moan between ragged breaths. She looks down at you with a ferocious smile and your heart almost stops. Her ears seem to have shifted up her head, changed shape and sprouted fur... like giant red cat ears?
"Found me... gave them to me... to us..." She moans as her hips gyrate back and forth. The direct light of the full moon is now shining down on you both and you can see a large, fluffy red tail lashing back and forth behind her.
"Ungh... the woman in the temple... gave me... made me... change me..." She snarls as you desperately try to pull free of your cuffs. Thick tufts of red and black fur are sprouting all over her shins and forearms as she arches her back and begins meow loudly.
"What the fuck, Red! What's happening to you!?" You cry out, still pulling in vain at the cuffs that hold your arms back.
"We... we are... chosen. Oh, it's so good Tiger, stop fighting it and join me!" She shrieks as more fur sprouts around her hip bones and chest. You hear several loud crunches as her feet begin to look like paws. Even more alarming, you can feel the itch around your neck spreading as your shoulders begin to sprout thick tufts of white fur. You try to cry out but a loud growl is all that comes from your throat.
"Yes! That's it, Tiger!" She moans loudly, leaning back as she continues to ride your cock. You can see the white fur with black stripes extending down your sides and over your legs. The most radical change is your cock, sprouting thin barbs and ridges that seem to only further excite and invigorate Red. She leans forward again, pawing at your chest with giant cat paws where she once had human hands. Her face is also changing, almost completely feline now.
Moving past the shock of this sudden turn of events, you are pleasantly surprised at how quickly your brain is accepting its new reality. Red wasn't wrong, this does feel incredible and at no point has she become any less attractive. If anything, the feral urge to keep mating with her has hit a fever pitch.
With a tremendous snarl, you pull at your bonds again. There is a satisfying screech of metal and wood splintering as the headboard and cuffs give way completely. With your arms now free, you seize Red by her furry waist. Her muscles feel tight and powerful within your grasp, but your rapidly swelling muscles are stronger. With a loud roar, you roll her under you and thrust hard with your cock. Her amber eyes roll backwards and she hisses as your cock plunges deeper into her.
Your hands swell and shift before your eyes, bones crunching and cracking as they also become paws. You can feel a similar sensation in your feet and you know it's happening there too. She howls as your cock presses harder into her, your paws stroking her sides as she writhes beneath you. The sight of her losing all composure, reacting to you and you alone... it excites you beyond words. That you can make her feel such pleasure, that she now submits to you, her Tiger, it rapidly brings your arousal to an explosive climax. She puffs and pants beneath you, meowing loudly as she wraps her arms and legs around you, pulling you against her as you arch your back and cry out. Your paws flex as you brace your hands and feet against the bed, cock throbbing as you pump a thick load of cum into your mate before collapsing on her in an exhausted heap. The two of you purr loudly as you huddle up together, happily nuzzling and licking one another as you drift off to sleep...
* * *
You awake to several loud thuds on the door, whiskers twitching as you catch the scent of a man outside your hotel room. "Ma'am, were getting a lotta complaints about nice, if you don't stop, we're gonna have to ask you to leave" comes the voice of the concierge from outside. You growl and hiss, the fur on your back stands on end as you do.
Your mate is already up, standing on her hindquarters like a human, tail angrily flexing as she pops her claws and hisses, baring her enormous fangs.
"Ma'am, you do not want me to come in there" pouts the concierge. Your mate turns to look at you and you exchange a nod. This isn't where you belong. You feel it in your bones and around your neck, like your collar is pulling you towards somewhere. Your mate growls and mews, staring out the window at the full moon, clearly feeling a similar urge.
Together the two of you dive through the window with a crash. Both of you land on all fours, only falling a short distance onto the roof of the neighbouring building. The cool night air rushing through your fur feels good, it feels right. The two of you sprint, bounding along on all fours, leaping from one roof top to the next. Each time she gets ahead of you, waves of adoration roll through you as you marvel at her form. Like a big cat with red fur and black tiger Stripes, but with the silhouette of a human woman. When you catch glimpses of your own reflection you see that you are similar. White with black Tiger stripes, clearly a cat, yet your outline is just a little bit human still, albeit much more burly and masculine than that of your mate.
Eventually the two of you are miles from the city. You don't even remember what the humans called that place, it means nothing to you now. You're in the jungle now. You're home. The two of you prowl through the undergrowth, playfully nuzzling one another as you make your way to the temple. The closer you get, the stronger the pull on your collar becomes. It is an ancient, crumbling structure. Overgrown with moss and creeper vines, unlike the architecture of any society you ever knew of.
Stepping into it's central chamber, the two of you stand on your hindlegs, cautiously sniffing at the air. The chamber is enormous, impossibly large for how big the temple appeared on the outside. Lining the walls are dozens of statues of cat people just like you, curiously there is exactly the same amount of large, burly masculine statues as there is voluptuous feminine ones. Even more curious are several empty bases without any statues dotted among them. In the middle of the chamber is a large stone plinth the size of a queen size bed. Surrounding the plinth is all manner of intricate carvings of what appear to be cat people in the throes of e stasy, mating in all manner of positions. Walking on two legs, you both approach it.
Your mate begins to breathe heavily, her eyes glazing over. A thin trickle of drool drips from her maw. You see her nipples standing on end, you smell her sex as if an overpowering cloud hung between you and you just now you are also starting to look equally vacant as she does. Your cock is standing bolt up right as you feel compelled to clamber up onto the plinth. She follows and takes position in front of you on her hands and knees.
She offers her pussy to you and you take it. Clutching her hips, you slam into her from behind. She mewls with delight as you thrust back and forth, her body shuddering with force of your movements. Slowly you move your paws up her back, kneading her shoulders as she arches her spine and purrs loudly.
You don't know how long the two of you are locked in this embrace, time has no meaning to you. Not here, not with her. You know you've climaxed more than once, but it still surprises you when upon releasing one final load of cum into her womb, her stomach rapidly swells. In what felt like an instant, your mate appears nine months pregnant.  You fall back, slipping out of her with a wet slurp before flopping on the plinth in a heap.
You watch fascinated as she huffs and growls, thrashing on the spot as her stomach continues to bulge. The carvings all around the temple glow with an eerie blue light, growing steadily brighter as her breathing becomes increasingly shallow. Finally, with a shrill meow, there is a bright, blinding flash of light.
As your vision returns, you and your mate are sprawled on the ground by the plinth. Her stomach is now back to its slender, athletic form as if it had never swelled at all. As both of you look up to the plinth, you see her. A tall and powerful woman, her face somehow a perfect blend of what you and your mate looked like as humans. A combination so perfect that she appears to be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Completely naked, you see her body is equally perfect and almost completely human save for her feet which end in enormous cat paws and a long black tail that extends from behind her.
"Well done my chosen" booms a feminine voice behind you. Standing in the corner of the chamber is an older woman with bright silver skin, swathed in robes made from unnaturally bright and bold furs. Your mate appears to recognise her and bows her head respectfully. The longer you look at her, the more the image of an enormous winged lion seems to flicker across your vision. This is your goddess, your creator. You also bow before her.
"Another ritual, another completed cycle, another of my children lives in the form you have forged for them" She continues, throwing her arms open. The woman on the plinth smiles and moves to embrace her.
"Behold, a new demi-godess! Behold Selva, youngest of our new pantheon" proclaims the goddess. You feel an affectionate stroke on your cheek and see that Selva is petting you and your mate. Gently, she coaxes you both onto your feet. You feel your collar unclip itself and fall to the ground as does your mate's collar.
"In consumating your union, you two have now joined our pantheon, eternal guardians of your Goddess and her children" booms the Goddess "Your union widens the tear between our world and the mortal realm, just as the union of every bearer of the sacred collars before you"
You feel your heart swell with pride, you have guaranteed that the collars will find another pair to join the pantheon. You created a demigodess. Every thing feels right.
Slowly, you and your mate move to a pair of empty statue bases. Selva helps you both up onto your own blocks and gives you an affectionate stroke. Turning to face the center of the chamber like the other statues, you feel your eyelids grow heavy.
"Rest now eternal guardians. Rest and now that when the pantheon is full once more, you and your forebears will return to serve us in the new world we create" Whispered Selva. The two of you purr loudly, your arms and legs feel increasingly cold and heavy as they slowly turn to stone. You are almost completely asleep as you see the chamber slowly fade, the giant cat statuesslowly fading away as if the room were shrinking until it was just a small room with only the plinth in its center. Turned completely to stone, you and your mate share a dream where the two of you prowl an endless jungle together, fucking and hunting to your heart's content. Pleasantly biding your time until the day the goddess summons you back to reality...
* * * 8 years, 11 months and 28 days later...
The young Archaeologist carefully stepped into the chamber, slowly moving her flashlight around to get a better look at the heart of the temple.
"Oh I say! It appears you were quite right professor! Despite how many people know of this place it's almost perfectly preserved!" She exclaimed. "Well, the bit where people who try to explore it keep vanishing shortly after probably keels the opportunists at bay" Replied one of her diggers, a strong young man from the city whose need for cash outweighed his own fear of local superstition. A faint glint of silver caught the Archaeologist's eye. "Oh my, what is that!?" She squealed, carefully jogging over to the source of the gleam. They appeared to be a pair of large black collars lying by a large plinth in the middle of the chamber. "How fascinating!" Came the voice of the professor "my my, yes you'll definitely want to take those with you." She continued. She was an intrepid adventurer, the tall, beautiful head of the expedition whom Archaeologist idolized.
"Wow you think so?" Giggled the Archaeologist, trying not to be distracted the incredibly pornographic carvings on the ground nearby.
"Of course dear, who knows what you might learn from them" Replied the professor. "Gee thanks Professor Selva!" Chirped the Archaeologist, blissfully unaware of what she would be doing later tonight...
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burinazar · 6 months
I'm sure you've mentioned it before, but I was wondering who your favorite Made in Abyss character is and why they're your favorite? :3
I love all the main kids as well as many other characters so it's hard to choose but I think I'd have to say mine is Faputa. Not only is she a super interesting and cool character, but she's also A Creature. A little ball of fluff that can kill
Thank you very much for the ask, anon! haha, "little ball of fluff that can kill"...yes, Faputa is great, and I think the main cast of Abyss is very endearing and very well fleshed-out. I was having a nice exchange on AO3 the other day regarding how GOOD the characterization of Abyss is and how it's often overlooked in favor of the also-extremely-good worldbuilding and plot, and why that might be, and was considering how it links together with some of my other Thoughts about ways this fandom is different from my other ones as far as what people are into (I need to finish the self-reblog I was gonna do about that on a recent related post actually). Anyway, pretty much the whole cast is endearing and/or enjoyable to watch in some capacity. But there is a definite answer as to favorite(s).
I put these up on my wall this evening, which may help to answer your question.
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(Please note the scrolls. I missed the Amiami preorder period for those two because they closed earlier than the rest for some reason, but was able to get them from Suruga-ya eventually. They'll be on the wall at some point too.)
The story and cast prior to s2 I enjoyed in a, like, normal way, and then the Ganja squad arc hit me like a damn asteroid. These people...I've thought and felt and said so much about them, and after a year and a half I'm still brimming with something that feels like it has to be poured out, onto blank canvases and into the written word, and there's no end in sight. I have never had characters that were such good muses to me except perhaps for a couple I made up myself. Belaf has to be called my favorite at this point, but for a long time it was Vueko, and I really, really like Waz too; the manner in which these three characterize one another makes it a little painful to try to separate and rank them, but yes, that's the order. I dote on B and V in particular.
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(Self portrait circa August 2023.)
At this point I have so much to say about them that being asked why I like them is hard to answer succinctly. Belaf is so, so sweet, but in an unusual weird, intense nerd way that I find incredibly endearing .....and then that kindness and strength of character fucking destroys him and it's tragic and beautiful and there is so much to pick apart in the manner and meaning of his transformation and his absolution, and it's also a great deal of fun to depict him as he was before. "Before" Belaf is such a fun sort of quirky nerd and his relationships wth Waz and Vue and Iru offer, like, SO much to turn over and look upon fondly, humor and friendship and loyalty and love.
And yet, when I write about his years of friendship with and loyalty and closeness to Wazukyan and Vueko and his parenthood and tutelage of Irumyuui and (note: hallucinatory) camaraderie with the other Ganja, hanging over my shoulder always is his downfall and it makes all of those things so much more beautiful, the tinny note of tragedy that is always playing at the edge of our hearing once we see it all and know how it must end.
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(Another crispy fried self portrait from last year. I don't really draw myself these days at all EXCEPT in the context of making fun of my sages obsession.)
As for Vueko, since she's fairly popular maybe explaining her appeal isn't needed...or maybe it is, because it's so much more than the shy and gentle and somewhat silly person she is on the surface, it is so, so much more. Under the Layer of Fuheh she's made of steel --it's just that she's very, very softspoken, which people mistake for passivity and spinelessness. Even fans who purport to like her sometimes reduce her to victimhood and weakness. Perhaps because it's a misconception she clearly holds about herself, and a viewer can be forgiven for not putting together that Vueko might literally be the sage that acts with the most agency. There's so much more I can say that I love about her and her story, especially in the context of the other characters and the way she subtly skews some narrative and trope-related expectations, but I think that's the heart of it -- yes, she was endearing as soon as I met her, but when I saw the subtle yet unmistakeable strength under it all (and parsed that she never saw it herself, I think that little pop of tragedy really makes it hit for me lol), I think that's what made me adore her.
This next little bit might be kind of fucked up but what really makes that strength into something that haunts and compels me is that Vueko has so much determination and strength of character that she will unhesitatingly act to destroy the people she cares about very very much if she has decided at that moment that it is the best thing for them (Irumyuui, Belaf, Irumyuui again.) I can trace the real beginning of my obsession with these characters to when s2e8 aired and this is pretty much why.
So...yeah. Belaf and Vueko! Aaaand there's no way I can write about Waz here without making this post way too fucking long but.
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One more shitty self portrait from earlier in the obsession should do it.
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Speaking of Miracle Queen I've seen a few people suggest that the Kagami identity retcon & part 2 ignoring Chloe being emotionally manipulated as an attempt to change Chloe's reaction of 'understandably being emotionally vulnerable due to the lied to' to Chloe just throwing up tantrum over not getting the bee miraculous
Like there had to be a cut line for why Sabrina wasn't there, if not whole cut scenes since she didn't interact with Adrien or Marinette at all at the party despite that being very in character. I know the scripts probably don't have those but I'm sus of the scripts. So I fully believe those scenes got cut somewhere.
But that's more speculation! Let's look at the actual episode!
Gabriel set this up to tear Chloé down. He sabotaged her 'Bee Signal'. He set up the 'get along shirt' that edged her parents into fighting and Akumatized them. He showed up on Chloé's balcony /personally/, grown ass man supervillain vs. defenseless 13/14 year old girl is not a good matchup but a hell of an intimidation factor. She is in all kinds of distress from these things. He couldn't have /planned/ Ladybug picking Kagami, but that sure did help.
And now that Chloé has seen that, is already panicked and scared, he comes in wth the emotional manipulation. Ladybug doesn't care about you, doesn't think you're worth it. You've trusted her and helped her, but she doesn't do anything in return. Just uses you when convenient, and gives platitudes when you're not. But I, at least, see your potential. I keep my promises.
And Chloé, a character who has been shown to be incredibly insecure and desperate for positive attention from different authority figures(Her mother, Ladybug, Bustier, etc.), takes the bait.
On the flipside of this setup, let's look at Marinette's actions:
When bringing in help, Marinette initially thinks to choose the Bee. She knows where Chloé is, that she is 100% ready and willing to help out, and the Bee's power would be great against the Hearthunter Akuma.
But then she remembers: She left Adrien and Kagami alone together.
She chooses the Dragon, and breaks up the date. Kagami even has an unknowingly guilt-tripping conversation with Ladybug, about how she cares very much about Marinette and doesn't want to hurt her, but at least one of them must get hurt in this scenario. She only hopes the friendship survives.
And yet this selfish choice, choosing an ill-fitting Miraculous so that she can sabotage Kagami's chances, has no direct and addressed repercussions.
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