noretreatnancy · 1 year
Do you think Max stuck with Nancy when everyone was making weapons to try and draw strength and bravery from Nancy?
This is so sad to think about. I wonder if Max know that Nancy crawled over into the upside down looking for Barb. It was before her time but I wonder if it ever came up in conversation. Did Max see Nancy put herself in front of a car Billy was driving full speed? She definitely saw Nancy throw herself into the water to go through that portal after Steve. So like I think it’s really easy to imagine max, who is volunteering to do something insanely dangerous in an attempt to protect others, clinging to Nancy. Also, can’t forget that Nancy’s research is the only reason Max survived the first time. So I imagine on some level she’s trying to reassure herself that Nancy won’t let anything happen to her this time. Nancy’s in charge of the strike team that’s supposed to take out Vecna while Max is distracting him, so seeing her arming up and looking badass, handling the gun like she knows what she’s doing… it would make me feel better. Everyone is playing important parts here, but the plan is very centered on action from Max/Lucas/Nancy (with support and backup from everyone else). And like to some degree this is Nancy’s real chance to save a friend, the thing she couldn’t do for Barb or Fred. So there’s all these layers of trust and sacrifice and responsibility between them. They’re both so strong and mature beyond their years, have been through so much fear and loss… and they’re also both just kids :( and then for Nancy to fail her? To not get there in time, to hear that chime and know that max was waiting for her and she didn’t get there????
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jezuuchrystee · 5 years
U mnie dość średnio, ciagle mam pełno nauki, przeziębiona jestem i do tego na czwartek muszę narysować prace których kompletnie nie umiem bo nauczycielka nam nie wytłumaczyła i właśnie teraz mam obawy czy wybrałam dobry kierunek technikum 🙄 w dodatku byłam u trzeciego ortopedy i dalej nie jestem pewna co mi jest i jadę na kolejnego ygh a tobie życzę szczęścia 💞 - baby
Łączmy się w bólu tez jestem chora🥶😷
O jejku jak można nie stwierdzić u tylu lekarzy co ci dolega? 🤕 Masakra
Ja tak samo pełno nauki, ja poniedziałek mam kartkówkę z matmy i polskiego na wtorek kartkówkę z niemieckiego, środa poprawa faktury, a czwartek kartkówka z angielskiego i kzp rachunkowego w między czasie jeszcze pewnie mi coś dojdzie..
Niestety zbliża się zakończenie semestru i teraz wszystko na ostatnią chwile robią 🤢
Powiem ci tak, ja nie wybrałam tego kierunku (ekonomia i rachunkowość) bo chciałabym być księgową w przyszłości, chce być dietetykiem i trenerem personalnym, no ale niestety jestem na tym, czekają mnie matury z biologii i chemii oraz studia z dietetyki dodatkowo, wiec nie będzie łatwo, ale zapewniam cię, pierwsza klasa jest trudna, potem jest jeszcze gorzej, ale jak załapiesz te podstawy to będzie troszkę łatwiej
Nie zawsze wszystko ci wytłumaczą, my w wiekszosci przypadków sami się douczamy dodatkowych rzeczy.
Nigdy nie jest za łatwo bo życie było by nudne, musisz sama się doszukiwać i jeśli to lubisz to brnij w to mimo iż niektóre przedmioty ci nie pasują i są nieprzydatne 🤷🏼‍♀️
I bardzo dziekuje! 💜
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miscellaneous-oxy · 6 years
an update of my WoL map
As the coming episodes this week will take us to the halfway point of Wok of Love, I’ve decided to make a memo of hints, clues and puzzle pieces (literally some food for thought) in Episodes 1-16, and this actually turned out to be such a fun in itself that I’m enjoying the process immensely.  In the meantime, tonight’s the night for the episodes, judging from the preview, supposedly full of exciting scenes with bromance and espionage.  So, I’m updating my map of the story here.
One of the most exciting developments so far would be the possibility of Seo Poong’s revenge plot to be intertwined with CS’s exposition of the Giant Hotel’s corruption and his consequent possible takeover.  SP’s story will become more pregnant with significance than when it was a mere personal grudge against YSR (the CEO), with or without the love line (I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive the writer ever if she makes SDH return to SP), and finally DCS’s actions and behaviours (and the so-called gangster plot) will take on so much weight as the major force central to the main plot of the story. CS’s backstory will probably figure significantly in this, too, unveiling the mysterious identity of the gum-peddling lady in the process.  I’m sure DSW’s father’s imprisonment is a related matter as well, which makes the whole thing all the more stirring.  I’m guessing that the one who offered to buy CS’s building (which DS talks about in Ep.1) might be SW’s father, too.  It might also give us explanations as to why Na O-Jik had to cease communication, since it’s most likely that his parents’ law firm has dealings with the Giant Hotel or something.
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Personally, I wish the writer would settle the love triangle quickly and get on with this hopefully fully-developed revenge-corruption plot where all these characters should be neatly tied together.  I’m sure most of the viewers would be happy to see DCS released from playing the agonising third-wheel to be elevated as the mastermind protagonist at the centre of the story.
In regard to this runaway groom, there is one thing that is stopping me from thinking he’d be SW’s ultimate partner despite his unwillingness to leave Korea again and his seemingly genuine affection towards SW: When he was trying to convince SW that they should register the marriage first (in SW’s flashbacks in Ep.9), he said that he didn’t want to go to work -- as if getting married to SW would save him from working.  Since there is a clear association of hard-workers as good and non-workers as lacking in this drama, I feel that this line by NOJ marks his character.
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The gum lady remains a mystery for sure, but SW’s mother is not less mysterious -- not just because the gum lady and JJH are lookalikes.  (There must be something between them, although JJH does not seem to know the gum lady.  As for the gum lady, I have long decided to doubt everything about her.)  We are introduced to JJH in Ep.3, as she looks for a box of condoms, saying that it would be a problem if he has another baby. This is indeed a strange way to introduce a beautiful wife of a chaebol.  Can we assume she is referring to her husband?  What about “another baby”?  Was there a baby problem before?  Does he have illegitimate children?  With whom? Would there be a possibility that CS is in some way related (by blood or not) to SW or SP?  I don’t know why but I’ve had this idea for some time now, that two of the three could be siblings.  (Maybe I’ve watched too many kdramas with those birth-secret clichés, but once I had this idea, more similarities than differences between the characters started to hit me.) I’m thinking JJH’s wimpy character can be another piece of puzzle -- even if we accept her naivete as a sign of having lived a life without worries under the protection of her husband and daughter.
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Other characterisations that seem to have a backstory or something are IGJ’s limp (Could it be related to Chef Wang’s dropping-a-knife-on-your-foot-challenge?), GDS’s dislocated shoulder (or is that one already solved?), YGH’s dislike of studying (It was a bit strange to see CS telling him to buy books in Ep.2 when CS was giving all his minions money -- is he going to find a bright future in medicine or law?), the butcher with an extremely sharp knife in Ep.14, and so on and so forth.  We are also yet to be introduced to another character: Lee Ji-Kyung.  (Bottom right in the photo above.)
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Love lines seem to create rivalries (and something more) between the Finishing Touch and Hungry Wok, and I have no problem with this as long as they make the kitchen battle more exciting and bring every member of Hungry Wok close together and united.  The development in the revenge-corruption plot and the love lines (of supporting characters) means that we can expect a lot of action in terms of Hungry Wok’s future, and that I’m sure is going to be quite exciting.  I hope.  I wish.  Please so be it.
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soggypotatoes · 8 years
im too tired to articulate any of this properly, but..
it’s so weird... trauma.... is SO weird?? like, really weird.
there were a number of events that were traumatic for me, causing long term effects, changing the way i think and feel about things, etc etc etc, but recently ive been thinking about that time about a year and a half ago when i saw a cat get run over and ended up running out onto the road and collecting up the pieces and trying to find the owner and... it really hit me hard at the time, but more than that, it was actually.. traumatising. it’s weird because i’ve seen dead animals before. i’ve watched operations. when i was about 7 i picked up my baby guinea pig and her stomach split open in my hand, i remember holding her body in one hand and her intestines in the other and screaming until somebody heard me and came to help - but the cat thing... fuck, the cat thing.
tbh, i haven’t talked about this much or thought about it much, but ever since then i’ve sort of been avoiding cats. i had cats blacklisted for a while, couldn’t look at them without seeing that cat’s face being crushed against the road, the way its fur bunched up before it died. it’s been a year and a half and i still don’t like looking at cats much because i start feeling twisted and bad. it doesn’t make sense, not just from the one incident.
i think i’m uncovering a memory from when i was young - a really strange memory, strange because it didn’t actually happen. somebody told me what would happen if you put a cat in the microwave, and i had repetitive nightmares about me stuffing my cat in the microwave and watching her spin, her blood boiling as she cried. these thoughts followed me everywhere for ages, i couldn’t stop seeing it when i closed my eyes and i remember hiding in the bathroom in a church and crying because i was meant to be paying attention to my brother’s concert but i couldn’t stop seeing my cat get killed over and over even though literally nothing had happened, and i started feeling so, so guilty over it, i kept feeling like i’d killed her over and over again.
it faded eventually, and i forgot about it, but when that cat got run over i think everything came rushing back for some reason. i feel so guilty - i could have run faster, acted quicker and that cat would be alright, but i didn’t, so the cat is dead and it’s my fault and i feel like i’m small and having those dreams again.
this is just... incredibly weird. i don’t know what to think about any of this. ygh
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