the-travelling-witch · 4 months
i think aventurine might finally get a buddy in my “male character i want to pull immediately” ranks
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gumseoi · 3 months
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men who will single handedly make me poor example #1
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xiao-come-home · 10 days
Thinking about post-story Jiaoqiu trying to find himself in the new situation.. and getting even more clingier 🤧
warning: spoilers for jaoqiu's story if you havent played the new quest. possible ooc jiaoqiu?
Word count: 1k+
a/n: its been a while from writing and even tho im not disabled in any way, i hope its alright bc im kinda nervous to post this. i just think hed be a lovely pain in the butt to get more love </3
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The new reality has been a true challenge for Jiaoqiu - trying to navigate through the house was already a tedious task, let alone cooking, but he wasn't going to give up so easily. While yes, he did miss doing things by himself - which, once in a while brought dark clouds over his head - the foxian managed to find enjoyment through doing tasks together, with your help.
It's quite known that Jiaoqiu isn't afraid of craving affection from you anywhere and anytime - especially now, considering he's limited in what he's able to do safely without hurting himself. Now that you're welcome in the kitchen to assist him, the pink-haired foxian can't help, but pull you flush against him while you carefully guide his hands to cut vegetables in even slices.
The healer slowly trails the tip of his nose down your hair until he recognizes the familiar shape of your neck - Jiaoqiu nuzzles happily into you, ever so slightly tickling you and giving you goosebumps; he smiles against your skin when you let out a comically fake, tired sigh, only fueling him to continue pestering you further.
He purposely takes his chin off the top of your head and searches for your ears so he's able to whisper, but when you decide to playfully confront him, Jiaoqiu only plays dumb and tilts his head to the side, asking you a seemingly innocent question, "Hmm? What do you mean, love? I'm not doing anything, the kitchen is not a playground, remember?"
There's a chance you'd probably believe him if you two were mere coworkers - but his twitching ears always give away his attempts to lie to you.
Jiaoqiu is clingy. Absolutely no news to anybody. That's when you finally get done with cooking, it's time for the cunning foxian to get a break; he stretches his arms to you, waiting until you put his hands on your cheeks. He cups them gently, rubbing the soft flesh with his thumb, and softly moves it to find your lips - his mind paints a picture of your figure, the shape and every crease his fingers feel; he smiles at you yet again, with a glimmer of mischief.
He wants to kiss you.
He also knows he will most likely miss your lips more or less.
But instead of feeling hopeless, he uses it to his advantage.
Jiaoqiu begins to pepper your face in kisses until he feels you try to get away from him and hears your angelic giggles; he kisses your left eyebrow - oh no, that's definitely not the place he's aiming for! He moves more to the right and kisses the bridge of your nose - oh no, not yet! The softness of his lips meets the apple of your cheek - oh, that's closer, but still not the goal he has in his mind...
After a while of Jiaoqiu purposely changing directions (and probably missing some anyway, but it's not like he complains about it, since he can kiss you more this way), with a little help of yours, he places a kiss on the corner of your lips, barely giving you time to breathe and finally, finally reaching his awaited destination, pressing his lips on yours; he gives you a few quick kisses if he feels like he still misses the exact place to change the angle, melting into a puddle with butterflies in his stomach.
Is it hard sometimes? Yes. The heavy weight travels straight to his heart, leaving him clenching his fists; the foxian hates the helplessness that hurts twice as much, much worse than the wounds Hoolay has inflicted.
Nowadays, his ears pick up your step way better, even letting him guess correctly what jar of herbs you're opening from the mere sound. He uses his tail as some sort of object detector - but he only waves his fan innocently when it makes you yelp in surprise, as Jiaoqiu runs the tip down your spine all the way down.
"Ah, I wonder what that was?" Jiaoqiu wonders, the fluffy ears twitching and the pink tail swishing behind him, "Is something wrong, beloved? Did you mess up the measurements? No worries, we'll fix it right away."
Well, if you decide to leave the house for supplies, you now have to hold his hand all the time. Just to be sure, he also wraps his tail around you, so he knows you're by his side and he doesn't bump into anybody. Hey, he's just thinking about the civilians around him! As a doctor, there's nothing else that matters more than keeping them safe and healthy... Right?
Even though he's been braiding his hair for years and could probably do it by himself again - being only a tiny bit off on one side, he cuddles up to you in the morning and presses kisses onto your neck, silently asking you to help him once you get out of bed - you certainly can't miss his hair getting all up in your face... and therefore, what he's asking for.
Does he feel a liiiitle desperate? Mmm, a bit.
Does he feel like he's feeding the helplessness in the back of his mind? Sometimes.
But it's worth to look for happy moments regardless of the situation - and you being perfectly aware he's doing it solely to get even more of your attention - makes him feel a little better with it.
Though, he knows when to stop and give you space; he doesn't want to actually become your burden, even if he lost his sight, he's still trying his best to stay as independent as possible in terms of daily tasks as possible.
If you're tired, Jiaoqiu waits until you hand him the brush and he's the one combing your hair; if you're too sleepy in the morning, he's the one helping you put on your clothes with verbal help, even if it takes a bit more time than usual. Along with you, he organizes medicines so neatly, it takes a blink of an eye for him to bring a full tray of medicines when you happen to catch a cold.
Does he miss being able to see? More than he'd admit.
But the more he thinks, the pink-haired foxian always comes to the same conclusion - it'll probably be harder to unlearn the clinginess once his eyesight comes back...
But for now, maybe it's alright to indulge a little more?
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dumbification · 4 months
jiaoqiu’s ears look sensative like hear me out..
nibbling and tugging on his ears after a long day, and he just curls up and snuggles into your chest while he makes soft “hmmm <3” noises
OHMYDAYS yes. jiaoqiu loves when you offer him cuddles on a late afternoon. he absolutely melts when you play with his ears. i guess all foxian ears are sensitive but i think jiaoqiu would have especially sensitive ones. he'd be an absolute brat in bed, teasing you and all. but outside of that he's just a big huggable sweetheart who cooks for you and makes you remedies whenever you're sick.
and speaking of you being sick.. jiaoqiu x reader with a really shitty immune system. half your life with jiaoqiu is spent with breakfast in bed, occasionally having him sit beside you telling you about his day.
when he's not a brat, hes so good to you hes on his knees and ready for your every command. but sometimes there's an opportunity for a deal, and he takes it.
he cooks SO GOOD but i think he'd say something like "this is far better than my cooking" while eating you out like a starved man. his eyes HIS EYES oh lord when he shows you his eyes I tell you, they are GOLDEN and GLOWING and its so hard to see his true intentions because they're full of secrets and lies (sly fox)
the jiaoqiu brainrot is real I just want a malewife
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maidflowery · 1 month
Good Night, Sweet Dream
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Jiaoqiu x Reader
You have a bad dream and Jiaoqiu is there for you. But at what cost?
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Prequel: Pinky Promise
You had a dream.
Or more precisely, a nightmare.
In that dream, you saw your Foxian boyfriend being led away in chains, about to be taken somewhere you didn't know.
You tried to scream his name, but no voice would come out.
The coral pink-haired, fox-eared man continued to walk, looking straight ahead.
The fear of losing him came crashing down on you.
You tried to rush after him, your mouth wide agape, letting out soundless screams.
But for some reason, the more you ran, the farther he became. A vast distance spread between the two of you like the ocean, threatening to separate you forever.
Before long, you could feel something hot trickling down your cheeks.
But then, the scenery changed completely.
All of the sudden, you found yourself in a lush meadow. Something pink and fluffy were running around. Foxes. Extremely cute foxes.
Like a child, your sorrow went forgotten as you went to chase one of the pink foxes.
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Where is it going? Also, what is this delicious smell...?
Lucky you, the fox led you to an opening, where something unexpected appeared.
A giant meat bun!
That was right. A huge, white meat bun towered in front of you. Its silky smooth and fluffy surface had a vibrant pink hue to it.
You sniffed the air. Yes, this was where the yummy smell came from! There was no mistaking it!
It was a pork curry meat bun! The same dish your dear Foxian boyfriend had served you for dinner tonight!
You began salivating, your stomach growling in tandem.
Time to dig in!
You jumped at the meat bun, nibbling and chewing on its surface. However...
"Damn! Why is it so tough!?"
Despite looking so soft, the meat bun turned out to be chewy. Or maybe you should search for a softer spot, as illogical as it sounded. Well, it was a dream, anyway.
Thus, you moved your mouth somewhere else, only to be met with retaliation. Yes, the pink meat bun started jiggling and bouncing, pushing you away.
"What!? Wait!! My pork curry meat bun!!"
Having gone feral, you leaped at the retreating meat bun and chomped on it!
However, instead of a rich, spicy curry, something foreign entered your mouth... Something like, fur...?
"Huh!? Blergh! Cough, cough! Gross!"
Your eyes darted open. The familiar ceiling of your room greeted your sight.
...What a weird dream.
"How rude."
Before you could ruminate on the meaning behind such a cryptid dream, a silvery voice entered your ears. Unlike his usual gentle tone, his voice sounded sulky.
You tensed up. You had a bad feeling about this. Also, since when did he come home?
Slowly, you turned to look at the owner of the voice.
The moment you saw him, your jaw dropped.
Your Foxian boyfriend sat beside you. Actually, rather than sitting, it seemed as if someone had pushed him down into that position.
His sleeping robe was disheveled, its sash lying in a heap nearby, and his sculpted abs were in full display. His sleeves hung on his elbows, revealing his smooth and lean shoulders.
Moonlight streaming in through the window shone on the red marks that blossomed along his shoulder to his neck. And even his ear.
To put it simply, your boyfriend seemed to have been pounced on. And you had an inkling as to whom the culprit was. Besides, there were only the two of you in that room.
"Ha-haha... Hey there, Jiaoqiu. Since when are you home?"
Pathetic, you know.
Your boyfriend glared at you as if he had been wronged.
"Someone seemed to be having a nightmare, so I came to check on her. Absolutely nothing could prepare me for what was about to come..."
Jiaoqiu lamented like someone recounting a tragedy, each word slicing your heart like a knife.
"...Now that you've had your fill, you're just going to push me away? Humans are so fickle..."
As he stared at you in accusation, your boyfriend, whose beauty even surpassed that of a woman, seemed about to cry.
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"J-Jiaoqiu, I didn't mean to... I'm really sorry, did I hurt you?"
You tried to soothe him. When you reached toward him, to your surprise, he leaned in.
Instead of answering you, your boyfriend asked you, golden eyes sparkling in yearning.
"Then, you won't push me away?"
Instead of answering him, you wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him to you. Jiaoqiu surrendered himself to your embrace. The mattress sank as he slowly fell on top of you. Now that the two of you had settled in nicely, it was time to sleep.
Your Foxian boyfriend tended to get lonely. Although he didn't show it, he loved touching and being touched by you.
As he buried his face on your chest, you stroked his coral pink hair. His ear twitched as you gently caressed it.
"...But, Jiaoqiu."
"Hm?" He responded, his voice muffled.
"Your sash was way too tidy for it to have been removed by force. Stage a better accident next time. Or better yet, just tell me if you want to sleep together."
You could feel your boyfriend's lips curving into a smirk against your belly.
He lazily raised his head. A pair of golden eyes bore into yours, gleaming with schemes and intrigues.
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"You caught me."
The Gratitude of a Fox
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elysiaheaven · 20 days
𝐈, 𝐉𝐢𝐚𝐨𝐪𝐢𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦-𝟏 The fox's wedding
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TW: Mentions of curses, dead people, forced marriage?
Most of the lines are from the Masa works design's onibi series songs! just references since I got this idea from it!
If you think y/n is shitty in the first chapter, get ready to face that it's not true.
Characters that appear in this chapter: Jiaoqiu, Moze, Y/n
The abandoned ship from part of the Luofu which was lost loomed ahead, its dark silhouette against the starry backdrop of the void. Jiaoqiu and Moze approached the vessel, their steps echoing in the silence of the derelict expanse.
Moze, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of caution and disdain, adjusted his grip on his weapon. "This is a bad idea," he said, his voice a low murmur. "There's a reason this place was abandoned."
Jiaoqiu, ever the optimist despite the grim setting, gave a reassuring smile. "I understand your concern, Moze. But this herb is crucial for General Feixiao's treatment. Her condition is deteriorating, and we need to find it before it's too late."
Moze nodded, though his frown deepened. "If it's that important, then I suppose we have no choice. But if anything goes wrong, remember that I warned you."
As they entered the ship, the musty smell of decay filled the air. The once-magnificent interior was now a maze of twisted metal and debris. Shadows danced ominously across the walls, and the eerie silence was occasionally broken by the distant creaks of the ship's frame.
Their search led them to a chamber filled with a disturbing sight: statues of what appeared to be people, frozen in various poses of agony and despair. The lifelike details of the statues gave them a haunting realism, their eyes wide with a frozen terror that seemed to transcend time.
Moze's gaze lingered on the statues, a shiver running down his spine. "What are these?" he asked, his voice edged with unease.
Jiaoqiu's expression grew somber as he observed the statues. "These statues are a tragic reminder of an old tale," he began, his tone reflective. "It's the story of Y/N L/N, the Goddess of Betrayal. A deity not born from human creation, but from something far more ancient and malevolent."
Moze's curiosity was piqued despite the ominous setting. "Go on," he said, though his eyes remained wary.
Jiaoqiu took a deep breath. "Y/N L/N once aided the Borisin clan during a time of dire need. She provided them with food and sustenance when they were on the brink of starvation. The Borisin people, desperate and grateful, welcomed her aid. But there was a price to be paid."
He paused, looking at the statues with a mixture of sadness and reverence. "The village's guardian deity, a foxian named Eiji, tried to stop her, sensing something sinister behind her gifts. Y/N L/N, driven by her own malevolent desires, killed Eiji and took his place. In doing so, she cursed the people of the village, transforming them into statues as a testament to her betrayal."
Moze's eyes widened slightly. "So these statues are—"
"—the remnants of Eiji's final wish," Jiaoqiu continued, his voice somber. "He wished for everyone, including himself, to be turned into statues and die, hoping to stop Y/N L/N's wrath. But as a spirit, she couldn't die. Instead, she was bound to the human realm through marriage. If someone were to marry her, they would be bound to her forever. If they tried to escape, they would die. The only way to defeat her was through a clever scheme: to trick her into giving up her soul, thus betraying the Goddess of Betrayal herself."
Moze's gaze fell back on the statues, their cursed faces a chilling reminder of the power of betrayal. "I see. And you believe this herb will help Feixiao?"
"Yes," Jiaoqiu affirmed, nodding. "The herb is said to have properties that can counteract the Moon Rage affliction. It's our best hope."
Jiaoqiu and Moze moved deeper into the abandoned ship, their search for the herb proving more challenging with each step. The air grew colder, and the silence seemed to press in on them, broken only by the occasional clatter of debris.
As they entered a large chamber, Jiaoqiu's eyes were drawn to a wall covered in ancient writings and inscriptions. The text, faded and worn, was in a language he recognized from his studies—a mix of old Borisin dialects and forgotten scripts. Despite Moze's warnings, Jiaoqiu was intrigued by the historical significance.
Moze, ever the skeptic, approached with a concerned expression. "This is a bad idea, Jiaoqiu. We're here for the herb, not to play historian. The more time we spend here, the greater the risk."
"I understand," Jiaoqiu replied, his eyes still fixed on the inscriptions. "But knowledge can be as valuable as the herb itself. There might be information here that could aid in understanding more about our current situation."
Ignoring Moze's concerned sigh, Jiaoqiu began to decipher the texts, his fingers tracing the old characters with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. As he read, he stumbled upon a section that described a statue of a girl. The description was both enchanting and tragic—a girl with delicate features, her hands seemingly outstretched in acceptance, yet her eyes filled with sorrow.
Driven by a strange compulsion, Jiaoqiu moved towards a pedestal at the center of the chamber where the statue was displayed. The statue was exquisitely detailed, her features so lifelike that she seemed on the verge of tears. Her hands were poised as if she had accepted an offering, but the sadness in her eyes was palpable.
Jiaoqiu reached out and gently touched the statue. A shiver ran down his spine as he felt an intense pull, a deep yearning to kiss the statue's cold, sculpted lips. He found himself inching closer, drawn by an inexplicable force.
"Jiaoqiu!" Moze's voice cut through the haze. "What are you doing? Snap out of it!"
But Jiaoqiu was beyond hearing. The closer he got, the more overwhelming the sensation became. The statue seemed to come alive with an eerie allure, its sorrowful eyes mesmerizing him.
Suddenly, Moze, sensing the danger, lunged forward. "Get away from that statue!" he shouted, grabbing Jiaoqiu's arm and pulling him back.
The moment Moze's hand made contact, the statue's eyes flashed with a malevolent glow. 
Jiaoqiu, now freed from the statue's grip, staggered back, his mind clearing. "There's a monster, behind it." he said, his voice trembling. 
Moze drew his weapon, his face set in a determined scowl. "We need to fight. Stay sharp!"
The creature let out a guttural roar, its monstrous form shifting and writhing. It charged at them with surprising speed, its eyes still glowing with that hypnotic light. Jiaoqiu, shaking off the lingering effects of the statue's influence, joined Moze in the battle.
Moze moved with precision, his strikes calculated and deadly, while Jiaoqiu used his agility to dodge and counterattack. The ship's dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the walls as the battle raged on, each movement and strike reverberating through the cold, silent chamber.
Jiaoqiu managed to land a solid blow, causing the creature to stagger, but its eyes continued to glow with a hypnotic pull. Moze, sensing the need for a decisive strike, aimed for the creature's core, hoping to end the threat once and for all.
With a final, powerful strike, Moze hit the creature's core, and the monster let out a final, anguished roar before collapsing into a lifeless heap. The hypnotic glow in its eyes faded, and the chamber fell silent once more.
Breathing heavily, Jiaoqiu and Moze stood amidst the remnants of their battle. The statue was now just a broken relic, its enchantment defeated. Jiaoqiu's hands trembled slightly as he looked at the fallen creature.
"Thank you," Jiaoqiu said, his voice shaky. "I almost—"
"Don't mention it," Moze interrupted, his tone firm. "Let's get what we came for and leave this place before there are more surprises."
Jiaoqiu's eyes were drawn back to the statue as he and Moze took a moment to catch their breath. Something nagged at him, a detail he had initially overlooked in the heat of battle. The statue's kimono—
He noticed that the kimono was worn right over left, a clear indication that it was a garment meant for the deceased. In contrast, living people traditionally wore their kimonos left over right. This detail, combined with the kitsune mask that adorned the statue, suddenly clicked in his mind.
"This... this is the Goddess of Betrayal's statue," Jiaoqiu hissed, his voice barely a whisper. The realization sent a chill down his spine. "It's her!"
Before he could say more, the monstrous creature, still lying in wait, let out another guttural roar. The statue's form shifted and writhed, its monstrous nature fully revealed. It charged at them once more, its eyes glowing with that hypnotic allure.
Moze, seeing the danger intensify, made a split-second decision. "Jiaoqiu, get out of here!" he shouted. "I'll hold it off. You need to save Feixiao. Get to the herb and get out!"
"No, Moze, we need to—" Jiaoqiu began, but Moze pushed him back towards the entrance of the chamber.
"Go! I'll handle this. I can't let you both die here," Moze said firmly. With a swift motion, he activated a mechanism on the door, locking Jiaoqiu inside the chamber with the monster.
Jiaoqiu's protests were drowned out by the clamor of the battle. He tried desperately to force the door open, but it was securely locked. He pounded on the door, shouting for Moze, but his cries were met only with the sounds of the struggle beyond.
Then came a scream—a piercing, agonizing sound that cut through the chaos. Jiaoqiu's heart sank as he realized it was Moze's voice. The sounds of the fight grew more desperate, and then suddenly, everything went quiet.
Jiaoqiu's breaths came in short, panicked gasps as he searched for a way out. His eyes darted around the chamber, looking for any possible escape route or a way to help Moze. But the door was firmly locked, and the only other exit seemed to be the way he came in—blocked by the monster now.
He turned back to the statue, his mind racing. The legends had spoken of the Goddess of Betrayal's curse: she could only return to the human realm through marriage, and if someone attempted to escape from her, they would die. The only way to save Moze—and himself—was to somehow appease the goddess, even if it meant sacrificing his own freedom.
Jiaoqiu felt a wave of desperation wash over him. He knew what kind of malevolent spirit Y/N L/N was reputed to be—a being who had betrayed the town. Yet, if he wanted to save his friend and complete their mission, he had to confront this deity.
He approached the statue with trembling steps, his heart pounding in his chest. The goddess's eyes seemed to follow him, their hypnotic glow now more pronounced than ever. Jiaoqiu took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he knew he had to do.
"I'm here," he said, his voice quavering but determined. "I'm willing to make a pact. I'll do whatever it takes."
As he spoke, the air around the statue seemed to shimmer with dark energy. Jiaoqiu could feel the pressure of the goddess's power building, an oppressive force that threatened to overwhelm him. But he remained resolute, focused on saving Moze and fulfilling their mission.
"I'm not afraid," Jiaoqiu declared, his voice growing stronger. "I'll marry you if it means saving my friend and completing our mission. I'll do whatever it takes."
Jiaoqiu's heart raced as he stood before the statue, holding the ancient text that revealed the solution to their dire predicament. The spell was clear—marriage to the kitsune spirit was the only way to save his friend. With a resolute expression, he read the incantation aloud, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him.
As he completed the spell, the statue's eyes began to flicker with life. Jiaoqiu approached, feeling the weight of his decision press heavily upon him. The goddess, a tragic figure bound by her curse, had her eyes closed, her form still and lifeless. He knew what he had to do to seal their pact.
With trembling hands, Jiaoqiu leaned in and pressed his lips gently against the statue's. The kiss was soft, almost tender, yet it carried the weight of his desperation and hope. As his lips met the cold stone, a shiver ran through him. The sensation was like stepping into a dream, where reality blurred with the ethereal. The statue's form began to change, her features softening, and her kimono—a deep, wine-red with black sashes and a grey obi—flowed around her as she transformed.
For a moment, you, the Goddess of Betrayal, felt the warmth of his kiss. Your eyes fluttered open, revealing a deep sadness mingled with an ancient, inscrutable power. You could see Jiaoqiu before you, his features illuminated by the dim light—a young man with pale salmon-colored hair and golden eyes that reflected a mixture of determination and vulnerability. He was almost hypnotized by the act, his gaze locked with yours as he awaited your response.
"You've bound yourself to me," you said, your voice a whisper that echoed with a sadistic edge. "How cute, a foxian marrying me. After all, it was a foxian I once killed with my own hands."
Your eyes softened momentarily as you gazed at him, your lips curving into a dark, melancholic smile. You leaned closer and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, a gesture both affectionate and haunting. "I will be a good wife, haunting you through every step you take."
Jiaoqiu's eyes widened, a mix of fear and awe reflected in them. He didn't fully understand the depth of your power or the true nature of your curse, but he sensed the gravity of his situation.
"Please," Jiaoqiu implored, "save Moze. He's in grave danger."
You nodded, You moved swiftly, your form a blur as you used your powers to navigate the darkened corridors of the temple. Your presence was a haunting shadow, manipulating the very essence of the surroundings to achieve your goal.
The scene was surreal: you, a goddess bound by a curse, moving with a grace that was both unsettling and beautiful. The power you wielded was palpable, shaping the environment around you as you searched for Moze.
Finally, you reached Moze's location, your eyes narrowing as you saw him injured but alive. With a decisive motion, you used your abilities to mend his wounds and transport him out of the locked chamber. The process was swift, the air around you shimmering with the force of your will.
Jiaoqiu, witnessing your actions, felt a mixture of relief and awe. He had bound himself to you in a moment of desperation, but now, as he saw you save his friend, he understood the complexity of his choice. Your presence was both a blessing and a curse, a reminder of the tragic fate that had led you to this moment.
With Moze safe and the immediate danger averted.
Moze's frustration was palpable as he slapped Jiaoqiu across the face, his eyes blazing with anger and confusion. "Why did you sacrifice yourself?" he demanded, his voice a low growl. "Why did you throw away everything for this?"
Jiaoqiu's eyes were red with tears, his face a portrait of anguish and resolve. "Because... because you were my friend," he choked out, his voice trembling. "And Feixiao was like family to me. I couldn't let him suffer, even if it meant enduring this... this fate. I would rather suffer myself than let him down."
Moze's silence was replaced by a fierce, unspoken rage. He raised his hand to slap Jiaoqiu again, his expression a mix of sorrow and fury. But just as his hand was about to connect, you, levitating gracefully above the floor, intervened. Your ethereal presence was both commanding and terrifying as you stopped his hand with a mere flick of your wrist.
"Hold your hand, mortal," you said, your voice echoing through the chamber with a chilling calm. "You're the emi of our lives, I don't wanna hurt you."
Moze pushed against the air with a sense of futile defiance, his frustration evident as he faced you. "You're not welcome here," he growled, his blade grasped tightly in his hand.
You hovered there, a spectral figure of disdain and amusement. "What are you looking at, while grasping that blade in your hand?" you taunted, your voice dripping with mockery. "Shall we speak to him, who can't recover his old self? You mock the very reason why he married me. I find it quite amusing—laughable even—that he chose to bind himself to me."
You floated closer, your gaze sharp and unforgiving. "He chose to sacrifice himself for a cause greater than your understanding. It is because of you that Jiaoqiu married me."
Your laughter was haunting. Moze's anger seemed to falter under the weight of your words, his expression a mix of confusion and disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the depth of Jiaoqiu's sacrifice and your own cruel amusement.
You continued to hover, your laughter echoing ominously through the chamber. The sound was both mocking and sorrowful, an unsettling blend that seemed to deepen the shadows around you. Moze, seething with anger and desperation, stepped forward, his voice fierce and filled with an edge of menace.
"The Luofu will see to it that you are beheaded," Moze threatened, his eyes locked onto yours. "You're nothing but a curse upon us. Leave Jiaoqiu alone, and get out of here!"
You looked at him with a cold, unsettling calm, your expression unphased by his fury. "Oh, I am the victim here, Moze," you said with a haunting smile. "I am bound to this curse, and I cannot turn back into a human unless I am married to someone for thirty days. Only then will I be freed from this torment."
Your eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger lighting up your gaze. "And yet, you ask me to leave, to abandon the one who bound himself to me. How quaint. You insist on telling me not to leave. Are you so eager to ensure my suffering continues?"
Jiaoqiu, sensing the growing tension, stepped between you and Moze, his voice urgent yet pleading. "Please, stop haunting Moze. He's already suffering enough."
You turned your gaze to Jiaoqiu, your expression momentarily softening as you regarded him. "And why should I? He is the one who forced this fate upon me. Yet, you plead for his sake. How touching."
Moze's eyes hardened, his tone laced with disdain. "Loyalty for a goddess after betrayal? Is that what you value so highly?"
For a moment, you were taken aback, a flicker of confusion crossing your features. The question struck a chord deep within you, stirring emotions you had long buried under layers of bitterness and rage. But you quickly masked your confusion, a cold smile returning to your lips.
"It seems you misunderstand," you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Loyalty is but a tool, a means to an end. Betrayal and loyalty are mere players in the game of fate. I am bound by my curse, and he—Jiaoqiu—has chosen to play his part in this tragic tale."
Your gaze shifted back to Moze, your eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and disdain. "But remember, it is not just loyalty or betrayal that defines us. It is the choices we make, the sacrifices we endure, and the consequences of our actions. If you wish for me to leave, then so be it. But know that I will not forget the role each of you plays in this twisted narrative."
As you floated closer to Jiaoqiu, leaving Moze behind, your presence seemed to envelop the room with an eerie calm. Jiaoqiu, sensing the intensity of your gaze, instinctively took a step back, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and resignation.
You hovered gracefully before him, your expression softening into a smile that was both unsettling and strangely tender. Despite your past hatred for the foxians—rooted in deep-seated bitterness and betrayal—you found yourself unable to hate him. There was something about Jiaoqiu's demeanor, his gentle features, and the earnestness in his eyes that disarmed you.
"You know," you said softly, your voice carrying a strange, melodic tone. "Despite everything, I find I cannot hate you. You are so kind, so pretty in your own way. It is a rare thing, to find such sincerity amidst the shadows."
Jiaoqiu's heart pounded as he looked at you, his fear palpable. To him, your kind smile felt more like a haunting specter of doom than a promise of salvation. He closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, and gave a slow, hesitant nod.
"I will be a good wife to you," you continued, your voice imbued with a gentle assurance that contrasted sharply with the chilling atmosphere. "I will fulfill the role expected of me. Though we are not officially married, this bond we have is undeniable."
As you spoke, Jiaoqiu tried to create some space between you, his hand trembling as he attempted to maintain distance. "We didn't marry officially," he said, his voice strained, trying to maintain his composure.
You chuckled softly, the sound both melodic and unnerving. you floated away, your presence lingered, leaving an unsettling stillness in the chamber. A soft, eerie light began to emanate from the statues, and suddenly, they began to stir. One by one, the statues moved as if guided by invisible strings, their once-stone forms now animated like puppets. The room came alive with a spectral, unsettling energy.
Moze, still bound and struggling, looked on in shock as the statues—now eerily lifelike—took their places around him, their movements synchronized in a macabre dance. His eyes widened as he realized the full extent of your powers and the dire situation he was in.
In a swirl of shimmering light, you transformed into a vision of ethereal beauty. The Kinmokusei blossom petals surrounded you, their sweet fragrance filling the air as you emerged in traditional Japanese wedding attire. The kimono you wore was a stunning array of intricate patterns and colors, the fabric flowing gracefully around you. Your appearance was both enchanting and unsettling, a blend of elegance and menace.
The statues, now fully animated, assumed the roles of your attendants. They moved with a precision that spoke of long practice, preparing the room for the grand event. Their silent, expressionless faces and fluid movements added to the surreal atmosphere.
You giggled softly, the sound a strange mix of joy and malevolence. Your eyes sparkled with a twisted delight as you directed the attendants, arranging the room and ensuring everything was perfect for the occasion.
Jiaoqiu, observing the transformation with a mix of dread and confusion, was soon approached by the attendants, who gently but firmly guided him into a male kimono designed specifically for the wedding. The kimono was elaborate, its fabric rich and luxurious, adorned with intricate embroidery that contrasted sharply with the somber atmosphere.
As Jiaoqiu was dressed in the ceremonial attire, he looked at you with a mixture of fear and resignation. You stood before him, your smile a blend of satisfaction and cold determination.
"Isn't it wonderful, Jiaoqiu?" you said, your voice sweet but carrying an underlying edge. "The ceremony is almost ready. All that remains is for us to finalize our bond."
Jiaoqiu's heart raced as he took in the surreal and haunting scene around him. The once-stone statues now moved with a life of their own, and the atmosphere was thick with the sense of impending doom. The wedding was no longer a mere formality—it had become an eerie, otherworldly ritual that tied him irrevocably to you.
As you approached, your gaze never leaving him, Jiaoqiu knew there was no escape from this twisted ceremony. The realization of his fate, bound by your will and the powers you wielded, left him feeling both trapped and powerless. The room, filled with the soft glow of Kinmokusei petals and the haunting presence of your attendants, seemed to pulse with a life of its own, marking the beginning of a dark and unbreakable bond.
The scene before Jiaoqiu was straight out of a nightmare, a dark and twisted version of a wedding ceremony. The once-stone statues, now animated and lifelike, moved with eerie precision. They formed a haunting procession, their eyes vacant yet filled with an unnatural, ghostly light. The atmosphere was thick with an oppressive silence, broken only by the soft rustling of Kinmokusei petals.
Moze, bound and helpless, watched in grim horror as you, now an embodiment of spectral elegance, took your place at the center of this unholy ceremony. Your mask, a golden fox visage, added to the sinister aura, its eyes glinting with a malevolent light.
With a commanding gesture, you pushed Jiaoqiu forward. He stumbled, his movements shaky, as the procession of animated statues—now disturbingly alive—moved in a perfectly synchronized manner. Each statue seemed to have a purpose, their once-dead eyes turning toward the couple as if they were part of the ceremony.
The statues, their faces twisted into grotesque smiles, began to twist their necks in unison, their bodies contorting in unnatural ways. Their movements were eerily fluid, as though they were performing an intricate, macabre dance. Despite their movements, their expressions remained hollow, a haunting echo of their former selves.
"You see, Jiaoqiu," you said softly, your voice carrying a dark, hypnotic undertone. "This is our wedding. A ceremony that binds us in ways beyond the mortal realm. These are the witnesses and the blessings. They are alive, in a sense, but bound to this realm by my will."
As you spoke, the statues' necks twisted further, their bodies stretching and contorting in a grotesque mimicry of life. They seemed to move with a purpose, their eerie, synchronized motions creating an unsettling harmony. The sight was both mesmerizing and horrifying, a testament to your power and the dark magic you wielded.
You floated gracefully behind Jiaoqiu, your presence both alluring and terrifying. The Kinmokusei petals drifted around you, their fragrance now tinged with an undertone of dread. Your mask, a symbol of your divine but twisted nature, added to the surreal and menacing atmosphere.
Jiaoqiu, his heart pounding and eyes wide with terror, looked around at the grotesque spectacle. He felt a deep sense of dread as he realized the full extent of his predicament. The once-beautiful ceremony had transformed into a dark, demonic ritual, and he was at its center, bound by fate and your will.
The statues, now eerily alive and animated, continued their dance, their movements a haunting echo of a ceremony long forgotten. They were both the audience and the participants in this unholy union, their twisted forms a stark reminder of the price Jiaoqiu had paid for attempting to save his friend.
The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as the ghostly figures completed their macabre dance. The haunting melody of the Kinmokusei blossoms floated around you, casting an ethereal glow on the scene. Jiaoqiu, trembling with fear and resignation, stood at the center of this twisted ceremony.
With a chilling grace, you approached him. The Kinmokusei petals continued to fall gently, their sweet scent now mingling with the oppressive dread in the air. Your attire had shifted to an elaborate Japanese wedding kimono, its intricate patterns and vibrant colors creating a stark contrast to the dark ritual unfolding. The ceremonial clothing was as elegant as it was eerie, a blend of tradition and otherworldly menace.
Jiaoqiu's eyes darted nervously from the animated statues to you. He took in your transformed appearance, the golden fox mask and the flowing kimono adding an otherworldly grace to your already haunting presence. His heart raced as he struggled to process the reality of the situation.
"Jiaoqiu," you said softly, your voice a haunting whisper that seemed to echo through the stillness. "We are bound by fate and ritual. This is our union, sealed by the forces beyond."
You reached out to him, your fingers cold and otherworldly as they brushed against his cheek. Jiaoqiu's breath caught in his throat, the touch both unsettling and strangely intimate. He closed his eyes, trying to brace himself for what was to come.
With a deliberate and practiced motion, you guided Jiaoqiu to the center of the ceremony. The statues, now fully animated, encircled the couple, their eyes fixed on the scene with a mix of eerie devotion and hollow anticipation. Their twisted forms seemed to sway in rhythm with the ceremony, creating an unsettling backdrop for the final act.
The ceremony's focal point was a large, ancient scroll held by one of the statues, its intricate symbols glowing with an unearthly light. You took the scroll and unrolled it, revealing the ancient marriage vows inscribed in a language both arcane and familiar. You began to recite the vows in a low, melodic chant, your voice weaving a spell of binding and enchantment.
Jiaoqiu, still trembling, tried to maintain composure. His heart was heavy with the weight of the situation, but he understood that there was no turning back. He nodded slowly, accepting his fate as you continued to recite the vows.
As the final words of the incantation left your lips, you moved closer to Jiaoqiu. Your eyes locked onto his, and you could see the mixture of fear and determination reflected in his gaze. With a gentle yet firm motion, you tilted his chin upward and leaned in to seal the marriage.
Your lips met Jiaoqiu's in a kiss that was both chilling and profound. The contact was not just physical but also mystical, a connection that seemed to bind your very souls together. Jiaoqiu felt a strange sensation, a mix of warmth and cold, as if he were being enveloped by a force that was both beautiful and terrifying.
As the kiss deepened, Jiaoqiu's mind swirled with a blend of emotions. The kiss was hypnotic, drawing him into a realm where time seemed to stand still. He felt a strange comfort amidst the dread, a bond forming between you both that transcended the ordinary.
When the kiss finally ended, you pulled back slightly, your eyes shining with a mix of satisfaction and cruel delight. The ceremony was complete, and the bond between you and Jiaoqiu was sealed. The statues, now fully animated, seemed to exhale a collective sigh, their movements becoming more fluid and less menacing.
Jiaoqiu, now officially bound to you, looked around at the eerie assembly of figures. His expression was a mix of relief and fear, knowing that he was now a part of this twisted ritual. The haunting beauty of the ceremony was over, but the implications of the union were just beginning to sink in.
You smiled softly, your gaze lingering on Jiaoqiu. "Welcome to our eternal bond, my dear husband," you said, your voice echoing with a sinister undertone. 
Acquired to exchange our lost bodies, Our twofaced thoughts,half dreaming,half awake In the end, I embrace & whisper to you Open it? Open it? Open it? Open it!
"Wake up!"
116 notes · View notes
generalsdiary · 16 days
the spice will warm me from the inside
Jiaoqiu x Moze
warnings: description of injuries, mentions of the 2.5 events, Jiaoqiu’s history, Moze’s history, nightmares, anxiety, breakdowns, knives/weapons mentioned, one swear word, assassination attempt (dw)
word count: 5.5k
description: a hurt/comfort fic, angst & fluff, life after the events of 2.5, kinda found family trope as well. Jiaoqiu's life with his newfound trauma and disability, Jiaoqiu and Moze living life and communicating in healthy ways. As much as it goes over their "angsty" pasts and traumas it is very healing and focused on moving forward and learning to find a way to go on even when all has gone dark (pun not intended). Feixiao shows up a few times, Sushang comes to visit. As much as it is hurt/comfort, dw as soon as it hurts you, you will be comforted. One has to process through their past traumas and everything they have been through in order to start moving on. A realistic approach.
Jiaoqiu's fingers pressed against the smooth surface of the window. Cold, smooth, glossy. Traveling between the ships of the Luofu wasn't something new to him, but the experience felt different. The darkness, the shadow didn't move no matter how wide he opened his eyes, hoping for light to seep in, for a picture to form. It was hopeless, the poison took its toll.
“Moze.” his voice was gentle as ever, trying his best to hide the tremble in it. The fear as every space feels unfamiliar. The small tremor in his hands that hasn't left since he was... rescued.
“Yes?” a deep-toned voice beside him makes his ears perk up, trying to pinpoint the location, to naturally turn to the man as he usually would. With the way he could before. He turns, hopefully towards Moze. A small crinkle in his eyes as he recalls how March corrected him twice because he wasn't facing her nor the others. Jiaoqiu expected his hearing to be better, to be a better aid, especially as a foxian.
“Describe the room for me. Please.” there's a small pause. A silence. The shadow guard was incredibly quiet, not even a rustle of his clothes.
“It is the same as the last time. Small room, red velvet seats, three across three, sliding glass door, warm light from the headlight, grey floors. The regular transportation.”
Jiaoqiu nods, bringing his fan out, hiding half his face and gently moving it creating a small whiff of air. He remembers some of it... such a mundane thing, he never paid it too much attention. It hurts. Leaning his head back against the soft seat he closes his eyes. They are straining him. an unfamiliar feeling this early in the day.
“Mhm, thank you, Moze... and. General Feixiao, where is she?”
“Arranging a private port for us three to exit at. to avoid crowds.” Moze keeps his answer concise.
The trio is still greeted by guards and some of the general’s usual caretakers. They have received the news, and a man eagerly approaches the trio. His hand is quickly gripping Jiaoqiu’s forearm, making him lose his balance, making him stumble. He desperately uses his tail to balance and tug his arm back. The irritation barely hidden in his voice, “You do not take my arm- one does not simply drag a blind man with them.”
Commotion. Calming words of the general. And a voice that cuts through the multiple voices talking. A low tone, beside him. “I’m on your right, half a step in front of you.” being taller than Jiaoqiu, Moze’s soothing voice is heard easily, mouth so near the foxian’s fluffy ears.
Jiaoqiu takes a calming breath. Another one. This is fine. No. It is not fine. He just has to get home. Home. Yes. Everything will be fine when he gets home.
His hand reaches out into the unknown, the rough fabric meets his fingertips, he gently rests his arm tucked into Moze’s and then grips his forearm. “Thank you. Please. ..Slowly. I can’t.-“ Jiaoqiu’s voice breaks, why did it- no he is fine. He is not breaking down in public. It has been years since has was able to cry. Not after he served in the military. Those tears have long dried up.
You don’t need to cry to break down. To feel the pain engulfing you. The war took most of his ability to taste away. The once lover of subtle, bland flavors, now chased the spiciest, hottest meals- no matter how much it burned his tongue or hurt his throat. It made him feel alive. The spice burned inside him, warming him up when all he could feel was an icy cold throughout his bones.
The familiar crack of the wooden floor beneath his feet lets him know he is finally home. Jiaoqiu immediately took his shoes off and let go of Moze. Stretching out his arms, feeling the smooth texture of the walls in his home. Navigating to his bedroom. Through many dark nights, he could move around his house effortlessly- but this wasn’t a dark night. No moonlight. No lamp. No candle. No soft lights coming off the electronics. He bumps into the couch, and a cabinet, until he finally sits down on the soft bed. Opening his eyes. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing nothing nothing. Nothing? Jiaoqiu wants to rage, to throw furniture around. Hasn’t he done enough? Given enough? Deep breaths. He will not succumb to the anger that wants to drown him. Mindlessly caressing the cotton sheets beneath him.
“G-give me a scarf.”
Silence. Jiaoqiu cannot hear him. Moze was always someone he could see, even in his shadow form, he could always SEE him. he could not even smell him. the clean man. Not a single scent.
A fabric touches his hands, soft, strange patterns swirling on it. He drags his fingers across it. Deep breaths. Calm down. He folds it neatly and brings it over his eyes. Tying it up around his head.
“Why?” Moze asked quietly. The sound seems to be coming from below. He is… kneeling beside the bed?
“Every time I open my eyes I hope they will heal. That… that something maybe changed. And every single fucking time that hope is crushed. And I-“ his voice wavers, “I cannot deal with that. I cannot bear another time of my heart getting broken by my inability to see. … with this, I won’t be able to open them. Just. Just… until I get used to… things.”
“I can order a cane for you.”
“No,” Jiaoqiu says a bit too harshly. “I will not. I can’t. I… just. Please, I.” he stumbles over his words like he is falling down the stairs. Shaking his head. Hands trembling. Moze’s habit of not speaking is upsetting at this moment. The bed squeaks under the weight of the other man, strong arms encircle him. Firm chest pressed against the foxian’s back. Calm breathing on his shoulder and a strong steady heart beating against his own works wonders. Making him ground his own breathing in the pace he feels the other’s ribs expand and contract. Heartbeat soon enough coming into sync with Moze’s. A comfortable silence. Although to Jiaoqiu it isn’t a silence. The inhale, exhale, a reassuring sound in this abyss.
Jiaoqiu’s fingers gripped the peeled onion a bit too roughly. He worried it might roll away. Just have to tuck in his fingers, and it is okay. Chop, chop, chop.
Cooking is a big part of him. and his situation will not take it away from him. The last thing that makes him feel like himself. His hand hovers above the deep pan, warmth seeping in. It is hot enough. He chops more veggies and meat and puts it all on a low simmer. Doors open and close, and as per usual he turns towards the sound. It has to be Moze or Feixiao. A burglar wouldn’t enter that casually, right? These thoughts don’t ease his life. The constant worrying and anxiety-
“It’s me.” he doubts he is able to recognize everyone’s voice. Humanoid hearing is simply not suited for it. Expect that it is Moze. Jiaoqiu can recognize his voice. “I have brought you something” With a quick step he is beside him, warm hands holding his and handing him something… smooth. “You said no cane. This is a walking stick. Older people use it- I know, you maybe don’t want it, and it may cause more trouble. Simply put, at least it’s here to help you not fall. okay?”
That’s a lot of words for the shadow guard who prefers to stay silent. Jiaoqiu feels out the walking stick, tapping the ground with it a bit. “I appreciate the thought, I will. I will keep it near.” With that, he sets it against the kitchen counter and stirs the food. Sour and spicy notes hit his nose. Home. Breathing it in like smoke. Wishing it could take him back.
“Why are there green peppers in the trash? They appear fine.” Moze questions. Jiaoqiu exhales, his throat tightens. Opening his mouth to explain but the strain stops him from voicing anything. Why are they in the trash can? A perfectly good ingredient, still fresh, he is never wasteful. The everpresent tremble is his new companion, his imagination makes him feel the finger that pressed against his back causing immense pain so he may give away secrets about Feixiao. The claws that ripped his clothes apart and left rough textured scars- still wounds, they have yet to heal to become scars. The makeup that ran down his face. The tugged hair. Flashes of scent induced fear. The last thing he ever saw was that monster. Hoolay. Green peppers. No. It isn’t something he can see- … it isn’t something he can smell, eat, or feel again.
Moze quietly observes the way Jiaoqiu grips the counter, the way his breathing becomes shallow, the silence piercing his ears, worry coloring Moze’s face now that he doesn’t have to conceal his expressions anymore. “I will take the trash out.”
“Please, thank you.” Jiaoqiu answers in a shaky, broken voice. The voice one sounds like right before they will break down. With swift movements, Moze ties the bag and takes the trash out.
With a slow step and one hand on the walking stick, he carries the food to the table. Plate by plate. Chopsticks, spoons. Beverages. If it were any other normal day he’d carry the pan to the table. But it isn’t any other normal day. This is the new normal. And carrying a heavy, soup-filled pan is risky. Finally satisfied, he sits down and smiles gently. Like he used to. Small wins, little joys.
Moze returns and wishes to say how he could’ve helped. Those words die down in his throat. Would it be more condescending than helpful? Would he even care for his words? Moze lost his voice, his will to speak, from his “second family”. Where no one cared for what he said. He convinces himself that this time he isn’t speaking because it might be rude.
“Would you text the trailblazer for me?” Jiaoqiu inquires during the meal, once Moze returns from washing his hands.
“No, no. after we eat. And could you switch the settings to voice commands and audio-specific notifications?”
“Consider it done.”
Technology is another thing Moze has a great understanding of. Updating the phone and other digital items in their home poses no issue. “When I call you in the future, or anyone whose number you have saved this is how it will sound” Moze calls Jiaoqiu’s phone, and instead of making a pleasant melody, a robotic voice starts talking ‘Moze Moze Moze Moze…’ Jiaoqiu nods with a small smile. “That is helpful, I appreciate it.” “And you can text the trailblazer by giving voice commands to the phone. You don’t need my assistance.” Moze sounds proud, showing Jiaoqiu that he is perfectly capable of doing it alone, just a bit differently than what he is used to.
“I’m going to meet Suyi. You can take the time to clean, Moze” Jiaoqiu takes his cane and exits their home. Hopefully, by giving him obligations and keeping clear of the area, it will make Moze not follow him.
It has been a few weeks. He took an orientation and mobility class. Learning how to use an actual cane. It felt easier to exist. Jiaoqiu was once again mobile, he could go to the market, buy fresh produce, and go out to meet old friends. Tap tap taping his way to the café. Jiaoqiu had a preference for a nonfoldable cane. The subtle vibrations carried through much better. And concrete felt like hell so he tried to stick to the pavement the best he could. The Yaoqing, sadly, had no pathways adjusted to those with impaired vision. Tap tap tap. Jiaoqiu made do with what he had. Walking in public with his cane made him feel free again, akin to feeling in control again. There is a lingering hope in it. Reminiscent of a small candle’s light, not too strong, yet it may illuminate a whole room.
Another assassination attempt failed. Moze groans. The general suggested asking for advice from others, and the trailblazer, the first person he asked, had nothing useful to say in that regard. The silver shine of the knife glistened in the artificial sun. Like sharpening it will make the attempts successful. Feixiao killed his entire family. His family. His close ones, they healed him, gave him a roof over his head, they fed him… poisons under the claim he will live forever with it, his words ever only falling on deaf ears, mantras shoved down his throat like rose spikes. Intoxicating his insides even after he knew of the evil those same words caused. Not to mention the first family that abandoned him, the village that left him to die.
Is this what you call a family? Moze asks himself as the sharp blade lingers above Feixiao’s throat. There he stands. About to succeed. To win his freedom. Is he not already free tho? No, no, she killed his family. This was the agreement and the rightful vengeance. Moze outdid her. Snuck into her home, he won. Yet his hand is frozen. It stands still in the dead of the night. Unmoving. Static. Immobile. Eyes observing the resting face of the woman who saved him. Educated him, showed him kindness, and actual warmth. And in his adult years, she is the one who introduced him to his current partner. Be that as it may, what becomes of him if he let go of it all now? What is his worth? This was his goal, all this time. The driving force of his medically adjusted body. Is this what you call a family? Is this who has been his family all along? The general and the healer? The borisin and the foxian. The air is deathly still. His hand is calm, free from tremors. His brow furrows deeper, thinking through all of it. Until he comes to a decision.
“Feixiao.” Moze says in a normal tone. The knife was still against her neck. The general stirs awake, eyes widening at the surprise, however she makes no move to shove him away. Feixiao knows if he wanted to do something, it would have been done.
“I have won. … I shall remain your guard, General. Death will have to walk through me to get you.” in the blink of an eye he is gone. Feixiao exhales and returns to her sleep with a smile on his face. Moze finally, slowly, started to move on. Decades later, he managed to take small steps toward acceptance.
A few minutes later he is holding his partner in his arms. “Jiaoqiu” Moze whispers into the soft ear. The foxian stirs, “hm?” “I have succeeded in my revenge.” Small shuffle and a sharp inhale, Jiaoqiu turns towards him, “Hm?��� sleep-driven hum. “I couldn’t bring myself to kill her. She is my family. I cannot. I would never bring harm upon the ones I care about. Never.” Moze speaks his vow aloud and nuzzles his head into Jiaoqiu’s neck. Nothing more had to be said, in his opinion, time to sleep. A gentle hand caresses his hair, “Good.” Jiaoqiu leaves a feathery kiss on the grey hair after which he continues sleeping.
Misty rain soaked his clothes and the small boat rocked along the smooth surface of the Rainsoar lake. Jiaoqiu used to come here often. Alone he’d collect herbs and fruit in the herbal basket on his back.
“You didn’t have to come with me, one of the locals could’ve taken me.”
“It is not a problem for me, Jiaoqiu. I’m glad to be in your company, we see each other less… and it brings me joy to be beside you.” Feixiao answers, slowly rowing the boat through the lake covered with heart-shaped foliage, blossoms, water chestnuts, and the occasional fish jumping out. A beautiful sight, a tranquil atmosphere surrounding the two.
Jiaoqiu reaches out beyond the small boat, dipping his fingers into the icy cold water to collect the lotus flowers and floating heart plants. An old tradition for him, one he did even before he joined the army as a doctor. The cold fingers pluck a wild rice stem and open it up. Bringing the fresh rice to his mouth.
Years before it had a wonderful sweet and refreshing taste. His taste changed after he came back from war. Jiaoqiu’s taste buds were the price he paid in the war. A renowned chef, and healer, lost his delicate sense of taste. The gaze of an Aeon who looked down upon the thousand-year war, and their choice to end it, burned everyone involved. Jiaoqiu’s tongue was the price he paid for running into the white light to save the young kid. Feixiao. The cold region was something he got accustomed to. Nonetheless, when the almighty power sliced down the battlefield, Jiaoqiu felt a cold unlike any other. Freezing him from the inside. With the leftover survivors, he decided to cook a stew. A warm flame. Some spice. More spice. Chili peppers. Not enough. All the spice he had in his pouch. Until he finally felt a taste on his tongue. A burning sensation. The last flavor he can actually taste. For it made him feel alive despite everything that happened, everything around him, the cold air, the cold insides, the tasteless tongue. And the heat… it sent a jitter down his body. So alive. … the sensation bordered on pain. As spice tolerance grows, surely his grew as well. And he might today very well be dancing with pain every bite. After he returned from the war the rice stems tasted too bland. No flavor to them. He reaped the consequences of his actions. Of choosing to save the girl. His scars from the war.
Years later, at the same lake, with the woman he saved during the war, the boat rocks with her movements. The second time he saved her he paid with his sight. Jiaoqiu never blamed her, why would he? It was his choice the whole way and his goal. The jump to save her from the Aeon. To drink… Tumbledust. To give everyone a fighting chance and to heal Feixiao’s moon rage. Jiaoqiu is an adult and he made his decisions to the best of his judgment in the circumstances that were given to him.
The wild rice lands on his tongue. For a sacred moment, he feels a tinge of sweetness, however, it is only for one moment. And gone with the wind. Even so, for one moment it was there. Is it because he lost his vision that his other senses have enhanced the tiniest bit giving him a single second, less than a second of something that used to bring him joy? The foxian could cry at that moment if his eyes had not dried from any tears while he was still in the army. A moment is still a moment. It is enough. Enough to give him more hope. To keep him moving forward. To have faith in the future. To even dare to look into the future.
For a man to willingly drink poison, deadly poison, he had to give up all hope. Any faith toward the future, any life he thought he had left. Jiaoqiu had to make peace with the fact that no one was coming to recuse him- that he would not be saved. So what was the last thing he could do? After Hoolay drained him of any secrets about the general, humiliated him, treated him less than the ground they walk on, and broke his ego and pride by allowing him to walk around knowing he will “always return to his master”. The only thing he could do was give the others a fighting chance, somehow use the knowledge he acquired; to save Feixiao and sacrifice himself.
The sweet flavor of rice on his tongue. A small flame of a candle, a hope. Hope for the future, he gets to live in. as he slowly finds his self-worth again, his self-respect, and his hopefulness for the oncoming days.
“We may return. I got what I came for.”
“Hm- I’m still-“ Feixiao speaks with her mouth full and Jiaoqiu angles his head a bit analyzing the sound, and a chuckle is ready to part his lips. “You are eating?”
“-mh, hey the water chestnuts are really good!” Feixiao probably has her mouth full of food. The general likely got bored and hungry. Jiaoqiu’s warm laugh cuts the silence of the lake. He hasn’t laughed in a long time. It makes his tummy hurt and he has to stop to not make the boat flip over. Feixiao laughs with him… after she chews down the food in her mouth.
How does one make noise when one walks? A question Moze never thought he’d ask himself. Hence, doing his best, it sounds like a child purposefully stomping the heel of their feet onto the floor. Heavy steps. It is ridiculous. Moze finds himself hilarious, ironic even. His stoic front breaks down when he hears his partner laughing from the couch. The sole reason why he is doing this. To fill the void Jiaoqiu sees. Moze will not move like a shadow in their home. He shall make noise. Even if it sounds like an overgrown toddler throwing a tantrum.
“I’m trying!” Moze voices between bursts of laughter.
“Ooh, I can hear that indeed~” Jiaoqiu nods and giggles.
A knock on the door interrupts their conversation. Jiaoqiu stands up, slowly making his way to the door, while Moze opens it.
A girl with a cloud knight uniform on and long dark brown hair with a big bright smile stands in the doorway. “Hello!” she says cheerfully, “It has been so long, I thought I’d come to visit, how are you, Uncle J?”
Jiaoqiu angles his head a bit, the voice not ringing any bells. “I’m sorry, you-“ Moze quickly buts in, “It is Sushang.” “Yeah, and I brought a gift!” Sushang happily stretches out her hands, handing Jiaoqiu a small box. There’s a few seconds of silence. Moze once again says, “She is handing you a small box, approximately the size of a human head, and by the looks of it not too heavy.”
“Ah, thank you, Sushang. Your presence is unexpected but I’m glad you came over, are you hungry?” Jiaoqiu carefully takes the gift in his hands and smiles. “I mean, I could never say no to your cooking Uncle J! Also... I’m sorry, you are..?” Moze sighs. This is the third time he has seen her and she fails to remember him. The shadow guard, proficient in remaining hidden, wonders why she never remembers him. Jiaoqiu speaks in his stead as he slowly walks to the kitchen, “This is Moze, my partner.” “oh! Hi there, Uncle Moze!” Sushang flashes him a bright smile and moves past him to sit at the kitchen island, ready to yap a whole storm about her life and catch her uncle up with it all. Starting with her best friend, Guinaifen. Once she finishes her stories, Sushang is more than happy to sit in a slump position, stuff her face full of dumplings while Jiaoqiu shares some new stories of his life (the happy ones). In her eyes, he tells them better than the storyteller at Sleepless Earl.
“You know I care about your thoughts, opinions, even random comments with not a single thought behind them, right?” Jiaoqiu’s hand effortlessly treaded through Moze’s silver hair, facing him on the couch. “I will try. I have learned differently and… despite it being a bad habit, those are even harder to let go of.” Moze’s eyes are closed, melting under his lover’s touch. Jiaoqiu’s voice is smooth like butter, continuing, “I know, Moze. When it gets hard, just remember that I care about you and what you have to say. I always have. I love you.” Moze leans forward, pressing his forehead against Jiaoqiu’s, “I love you too. I will do my best.” Moze softly kisses the bridge of his nose, where the cotton scarf lays across his eyes.
Jiaoqiu reached behind his head, untangling the scarf. Weeks, months have passed since he started wearing it. Taking it off only when he bathes or sleeps. He opens his eyes. “I missed seeing them. Such beautiful golden glow, Jiaoqiu.” Moze muses, enjoying the view of bright orange eyes. “Thank you. I feel finally… strong enough mentally to exist and move without it. I have gathered… hope and mental strength.” Jiaoqiu nods, the darkness beyond his eyes unchanged. “They still look beautiful to you, Tumbledust didn’t affect them?” “Even if it did, the fact would not change. To answer your question your eyes are unchanged. They cannot meet mine, but I was never big on eye contact.” The simplicity and honesty in his answer made Jiaoqiu feel secure and loved. The foxian smiles, and their home feels warm. So warm with them together, kind, loving, patient. Healing through their traumas and pain. One thoughtful word at a time.
In the peaceful moment, Jiaoqiu caresses Moze’s cheek and leans in to kiss him. One of the moments where darkness is welcomed… because of the way Moze makes him feel during the kiss, it makes Jiaoqiu feel like he can taste colors.
 “The divine traces of Abundance shall heal your body... quick. Drink this...” Moze’s body was covered with sweat, his breathing was shallow. Hooded figures surrounded him.
“I don’t… don’t make drink… no…no” he mumbles helplessly, the thick liquid forced down his throat again. Goosebumps rose on his skin, “Drink child. You will… immortal… save… others…” Moze’s throat closed up, drowning on dry land and his mind disconnected from his body in an all too familiar way. Dying and fighting in the same breath. Half a second away from a silent scream or spitting the medicine back out. “Please… please… I…” his voice trembled, powerless against any of them. Once more his voice is ignored. His yelps and pleading for help, his begging for mercy shushed, ignored… put aside. Nothing more than a good test subject, convinced this is what family does. This is how it must be. Others live like this too, right? This is completely normal, right? He is cared for and nourished here, right? He will survive this, right? I will survive this…right?
A hushed voice hummed in the distance. The worn down building, cold and exposed cement his everyday environment, and the sound he didn’t recognize. “shh, shh, shh.” Rhythmical, paced… soothing? No one ever soothed him. Then he feels it. A delicate tender touch. Fingers brushing his hair. Moze’s breathing sped up as his surroundings changed, he inhaled sharply, his vision going black, all sound stopping into a painful echo of silence, a deafening sound, his lungs moving up and down with irregular breathing until there was none of him left. Abyss. Darkness. Black dots of midnight oil. A window. A window? Moonlight vaguely illuminated the space. A bed. And… “shh, shh, shh. There you go… back with me.”
Moze’s face felt wet, his vision blurry and his eyelashes stuck together, a salty taste on his lips. The sight of his partner holding him so carefully, gingerly, and taking care of him… Moze had no words. The nightmare swallowed him up again. He hated the feeling. Immediately he turns to press himself fully into his partner, to hide his face away from the shadows in the room, “Jiaoqiu” he whispers. “Yes, my precious. I’m here. You’re here. In our home. In our bed. Safe. With me.” For the next few minutes, Jiaoqiu keeps murmuring comforting words and hushed hums until Moze grounds himself in the present moment.
“I hate them. I hate my nightmares.”
“May I offer my healing abilities? A nine-squared grid hotpot will surely have a pleasurable effect on this, and help out.”
“I… that sounds good. If you say it will help, then I’ll take it.”
Jiaoqiu starts sitting up, “Very well.”
“Wait,” Moze utters, squinting his eyes to look at the clock, “it is 3 am, you don’t have to cook now.”
“Then when am I supposed to cook, Moze?” Jiaoqiu replies with a smile, “It isn’t hard. It doesn’t bother me.” He stands up and faces somewhat in the direction of the bed. “I’m happy to take care of you, Moze.” Jiaoqiu sits back on the bed and finds his partner’s face, cupping it in his hands. The texture of Moze’s unshaven face against his fingers feels rough but familiar, and in that familiarity, he feels safe. His home. He presses his lips against the younger man’s forehead and stands back up, already on his way to the kitchen.
Approximately half an hour later, a freshly bathed Moze sits across Jiaoqiu for a late night or an early morning meal. The warm liquid filled with various vegetables and spices feels good as it goes down his throat. It isn’t poison. It doesn’t hurt. It isn’t a threat.
“Thank you, Jiaoqiu. It tastes amazing.”
“Always a pleasure.” He answers with an all-knowing smile. “I could add a little more chili oil next time…”
“eh- I… it is spicy enough, darling.” Moze voices his thoughts hesitantly, which makes Jiaoqiu softly laugh and add a few drops of chili pepper flakes to his own bowl.
On the other hand, Jiaoqiu’s nightmares didn’t stop. Many nights he wakes up in fear of where he is. Is he still captive? Still kidnapped? Still surrounded by borisin and under the effect of lupitoxin? Jiaoqiu wakes up with heavy breathing every time, sitting up quickly, feeling the space around him- more often than not, waking Moze in his desperate attempt to gather where he is whether he is home or there. There’s a phantom pain where Hoolay pressed his finger onto his back to drain information from him. An itch on his chest where the wounds will form into dark pink scar tissue. In the beginning, it was every night. Every night for weeks, months. Jiaoqiu started relying on afternoon naps. Time has passed but his nightmares are still often. On the rare nights when Moze isn’t in bed, he has a good sleep schedule- most likely went to drink some water, Jiaoqiu is quick to spiral and clumsily get out of bed. Moze usually finds him kneeling on the floor, hanging onto the wall, mumbling, “No, no, no, no, no, no. I am not. This is home. This is home. It is. My walls. M-moze…Moze”
The curse of a doctor, a healer, they cannot heal themselves. The trauma he has been through, the scars from it that he carries still with him, most of them not even visible, it isn’t something that passes overnight. Healing is a long and slow process. It will take time. Sometimes he has no nightmares for weeks, only for them to torment his peaceful night’s rest for days on end. Some days, Jiaoqiu will have a bit more anxiety while walking around. What if everyone and anyone he talks to once again is under a guarantee of a death filled with fangs and claws?
Hence, he takes it slowly. When the world feels like it is crushing him, he takes a deep breath and eats spicy food. He grounds himself in his environment. Reminds himself that he is safe, Hoolay is dead, the borisin are under control, he isn’t being targeted, and everything is fine. Everything is fine. He will be fine. With time. One deep breath at a time.
The tremor in his hands never left him.
A breeze rustled various branches and leaves, providing a lovely melody of an artificial autumn on the Yaoqing. The scent of cooked apples dipped in caramel and baked cinnamon rolls filled the air.
“I see no threat in my retainers. The man you cannot see is my guard, and the foxian is my personal doctor. Surely, we don’t pose a problem?” Feixiao questioned the men in front of her, attempting to enter a highly secure space, on a very important and very secret mission.
Moze appears by her side, “I shall leave all my weapons with you.” he takes his time to slowly strip himself of his hidden knives and make a full scene out of it.
Jiaoqiu stands still with a small smile and his cane in his hands. “I do not carry weapons. I am a healer, I wouldn’t hurt a fly.” If at all possible, his smile widens subtly with the honey-dripped words that coat the actual truth. “Moreover, I am retired. I’m here on the general’s command to accompany her to this… wonderful occasion.”
Rustling, murmuring, quiet chats, “…what could a blind man do…” “…the guard left all of his weapons…” “….yeah, we can let them through..” “You may come.”
Feixiao slowly walks towards the entrance with a confident stride, Jiaoqiu steadily taps his cane following her with the same smirk on his face, Moze soundlessly steps last, with at least, still 32 weapons on him.
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revserrayyu · 13 days
Real quick Wardance thoughts [part 2]
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**SPOILERS** for everything happening after the final match. Basically some story stuff and a bunch of goodbyes, but it’s mostly just me loving every second the Yaoqing trio is on screen.
Seeing a younger Jing Yuan is precious, but it was made even better hearing Alejandro’s natural voice during this short scene.
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I know Igor was mentioned at the very start of this event and was sort of a constant, small side story amongst everything else, but his history and reason for entering the Wardance really was unfortunate from what I remember (which isn’t much.) Shame he’s no longer around. I would’ve definitely tried pulling for him if he ever had the chance to be playable.
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While Jarilo-VI is no longer a small, unknown ball of ice floating in space, I was not expecting it to have more visitors so soon. I wonder how the Belobogians reacted to seeing their first foxian. & is it safe to assume that our pilot, who refuses to fly anymore, took the Astral Express here? Because that’s what I’m going to believe. Also, Seele spotted! Huzzah!! (no Serval at all though. I cry. or Clara now that I think about it.)
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More allies, let’s goooo! Dang, imagine how awesome it would be to see Belobog experience other seasons aside from a perpetual winter. Or to have the residents able to travel outside the city’s walls, free from any danger. I adore everyone from Belobog so much and I hope they get the chance to live such fulfilling lives. They deserve it!
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I have not checked the museum for myself yet, but if this photo is actually displayed there now, then that is so cute. And I know I can’t be alone in thinking this, but because of the striking red hair, Igor must be some sort of ancestor to Luka, yeah? It might be a stretch but they even got similar big grins too.
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Alright, enough of my favorite planet and onto my favorite trio. Jiaoqiu sweetie, I treasure those few days so much! I just wish you were spared from all the trauma.
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What a way with words. A poet, even. And yes of course I chose the first option. I feel bad pointing out his little slip up, but I wanted to know his reaction even more.
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Pfft, the fact they let him talk for so long without mentioning he was facing the wrong way.. I’ll admit it is a bit comical.
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Awww honey no! Don’t apologize! If I were them, I’d move myself in front of whatever direction he was facing so he wouldn’t feel bad.
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It’s okay, we don’t blame you! At least he says it’s only his eyes that aren’t of any use instead of himself. That’s thinking positively I guess. I’m sure he’s still quite capable in doing many things, even in a kitchen. I mean, the guy had his eyes closed 90% of the time anyway, so surely he can still cook up a decent meal while blind thanks to muscle memory and his expertise. The other two would gladly assist him as well.
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How much you wanna bet our Jiaoqiu isn’t going to listen to any doctor’s order because he’s a healer and knows his body better than anyone else? Feixiao & Moze are gonna make certain he heals up properly. But maaann, I wish they showed us Feixiao in the crowd during the final match, if only for a split second.
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A perfect trio. One who can’t compete because of rules, another who wouldn’t fight because that’s not his job and the other who shouldn’t, lest he end someone’s life by accident. Pretty fair reasons.
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Moze is an absolute mood. I’m not a big fan of chatting either. Quite ironic, given how much I can ramble on about this game and its characters, isn’t it?
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Her whole “lacking in worries, regrets and rivals” outlook on life is wonder and I love it but NOW our Lacking General has but ONE REGRET! Aaaah.. honestly, I do too. I regret not pulling Jiaoqiu, but IN MY DEFENSE.. Feixiao was right after him and I needed to save big for her. I also didn’t really have a team suitable for our healer to excel in.. but next time for sure! I’ll bring him home!
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Son of a bitch they’re so precious and sweet I wanna scream. It’s a blessing in disguise that this entire goodbye scene wasn’t voiced because if I had to hear all the emotion in their voices for this conversation I would’ve been an even bigger, sobbing mess.
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Pfftt, thank you Moze for focusing on the task at hand. We can always count on him to be blunt.
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Yeah how about NO. I do not wish to see you guys leave me! I’m holding onto that “for now” with such a tight grip. Y’all better return sooner rather than later, you hear me??
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I absolutely took my time taking photos of them. I love ‘em with all my heart and can’t wait to see them more in future arcs.. as long as nothing else bad happens. Surely my devotion shall protect them from any troublesome plot! You hear me, Hoyo? Only wholesome and heartwarming stuff from here on out!
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I am kinda bummed Huaiyan turned out to be nothing but a unique looking npc. He might not have been a character I might’ve pulled for if he was playable, but he would’ve definitely had some cool combat animations I’m sure.
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I know I’ve said it somewhere before, whether in a post of my own or in comments, but Fu Xuan is probably my least favorite character. I just.. don’t vibe with her at all. I dunno. With that said, I didn’t mind that she was practically absent from these entire last two patches. So yes, I called her sassy, lost and short.
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Astral Express parents showing up fashionably late to the party. Ya think a black hole or orbital laser could’ve destroyed Hoolay’s blood moon? We shall never know. I do wonder how their own task with those fossils and Ruan Mei turned out though. That’s something I’m looking forward to hearing more about, especially since Yaoguang mentioned at the end of the 2.5 story that our mad scientist has just boarded the Luofu too.
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Huzzah, the end~ Much less serious this time around but at least we’re finally done. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Xianzhou during our initial trip here during the story, but these last two updates were some of my favorites for sure. (and I promise it’s not only because of my Yaoqing trio bias)
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b1adie · 2 months
thank yuou for the rb influx of feixiao-jiaoqiu-moze trio content!! your honor I love them. I've seen a lot of ppl talking about just jiaoqiu and moze and I'm like. yes. fun. however also. TRIO!!! theyr so interesting and I love them
its all i could find </3 i love the three of them also. if i can find any more ill post it ofc…
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ask-hsr-characters · 1 month
Hi Jiaoqiu! its me the one who asked how spicy your food is! I made some little cakes today and gave them to my niece as a late present. should I make some for you as well? also I got a pick up line for you ehhehe
ahem...There must be something wrong with my eyes- I cant seem to take them off of you~
Jiaoqiu: “Oh, you again! You made cakes? Ooh, that sounds delicious!~ I bet your niece really enjoyed it! And yes, I wouldn’t mind receiving some as a gift, too, hehe~ …oh? A pick up line? That’s sweet~ I’m flattered!~”
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draconicfool · 1 month
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
uh i will ship anything as long as there's chemistry i don't think i have an 'otp' per say i love all my ships very muchly i would name every single muse i was shipping with honestly? honestly. love all of em they're all big otp. mwah
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i mean i'll write anything except like- you're standard don't do this stuff? i've written eros eating sb during sex i've got very few stops but also just ask me and i'll give you a yes or no if i'm up for doing smth
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
uh i mean as long as it isn't a very obvious child ? eros is technically hundreds of years old so i feel like certain age gaps it just doesn't make sense to go 'well this isn't great'. so as long as it isn't like a minor ??? like that's the only thing that would make it uncomfortable
Are you selective when shipping?
i will ship literally anything as long as there is chemistry that's like my only thing i need to either see in the threads or in plot ideas that it would work before going 'yes i love this'
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
i think that if the intent is nsfw then anything past just making out is considered nsfw, like the second they're touching each other in that more intimate sense. however you can have like moments similar that aren't considered nsfw like if muses are taking a bath/shower together or the way i have eros who just- likes touching people? likes to run his hands over their chests and backs like you can have the and have it not be considered that for me its the intent
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
uhh so many, gotta mention doc's sampo @/dreamscapesalesstore love that guy, eden's sampo @/badrcputation love that guy, mew's jing yuan @/shallliveoninsong love that guy, jamie's yingxing @/xianzhou-craftsman, bun's welt @/dasniichts love that guy, renni's jiaoqiu @/acr3ss-the-cosmos love that guy, i love all my shipping partners listen i'd bee here forever if i named them all
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
i guess technically? cuz again i will ship anything absolutely if there is chemistry but u gotta let me know u wanna too cuz then we can vibe together
How often do you like to ship?
24/7 guys i love to ship whether it's romantic or platonic i love ships
Are you multiship?
yup ! tho i do have a 3 max exclusivity rule unless requested otherwise
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
uh i mean midway? love my ships but i focus just as much on other dynamics and what not
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
uhhh i like aventio ! love me some aventio
Finally, how does one ship with you?
come bother me bc i am a weenie and probably already want to ship with you just come talk to me guys i promise i'm just a rat in a little hat ignore that i'm so many
Tagged by: stole it from @memovia hi r o/
Tagging: be a thief do it
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mochinon-yah · 3 months
NUUU ITS OKEY NWS!! i've been like off-and-online sporadically but anyway coughs
yeee!!! i hope that you're able to get some time to yourself so you can do the things you enjoy heheheh (speaking of which, what are some of your fave manwhas? i need some new ones to read ;-;) but good luck with that project!
(dw i got scratched by a cat too a couple times)
fr tho, i feel like he'd be a lot clingier than he normally is? especially when i'm off doing my own thing like drawing or sewing. he'd probably mess around with my art supplies at some point just out of spite /aff. "oh, i see you. you're just being cheeky."
or "i just saw you knock over my paint, don't act all cute, mister."
methinks he's not very subtle smh. i just happened to be looking jskfjsbfhs
but anyway! i'd love to learn how to drive someday, but now since i'm too anxious and i get like very overwhelmed easily guh ;3; (night drives are scary, thats why i'm usually the passenger princess + im not expected to drive but my bf said he'd teach me someday. man drives like a grandma tho JFKSNFBS)
oho icic well im slowlyyyy falling down the hsr rabbit hole bc of sunday and jiaoqiu so im like on the brink of becoming obsessed hehe
I got too busy with life and i forgot that you actually sent an ask 😭😭 i even forgot fish's ask hdhdhdjdjd my bad everyone, i'm not one to engange in social interactions all the time so maybe that's why i forgot orz
Anyway, moving on to the ask-
After this really busy project of mine, i'm finally able to get some me time to myself! Actually, tomorrow, i'm going to go to a haunted house near the place i live with my friends jdnddnhdjdj we've been wanting to go there but yea life got busy and the plan got postponed
But finally!!!! I am going 🤩💪
I HAVE A LOT OF FAVE MANWHAS ACTUALLY!!! Omg i don't have a lot of people to talk abt this with, but i need your fave genre of manwhas so i can recommend something that you'd like!
Catbedo.... i can totally imagine that 😆
I bet he really just annoys you on purpose so he could get attention lol, i can see him be all "what? i'm not doing anything, what do you i'm bothering you?" He's becoming so cheeky after meeting you, it's wild 😭
LMAOOO YEAH YEAH he's not very subtle but your observation skill is literally on top, so you just sometimes see him be a mess of a man and you can't help but to laugh bdnsjsjjdns
OH imagine if that's what makes him so interested in you!! He did something dumb cute -> you saw and laughed silently -> he's curious as to who saw that (σ≧▽≦)σ i think that'd be such a cute fluff story!!
but anyway! i'd love to learn how to drive someday, but now since i'm too anxious and i get like very overwhelmed easily guh ;3; (night drives are scary, thats why i'm usually the passenger princess + im not expected to drive but my bf said he'd teach me someday. man drives like a grandma tho JFKSNFBS)
Honestly being anxious to drive is so normal, so don't worry about it vivi!! Idk about the place you live in, but if you wanna drive, you should learn it continuously without stopping so your brain doesn't forget! If i remember correctly, my brother learned how to drive in one week (like actually driving a car and all that) continuously, because if he did stop, he could forget some stuff :o so i kinds think it's a matter of do u want to do it or do you reeeeaalllyyy want to do it?
Well, all in all, good luck vivi!!! (Before moving on to the last topic, i gotta mention the way you said ur bf drives like a grandma and laugh at it for a while LMAO)
Oh yk i can see why you'd like sunday and jiaoqiu, they both have similar vibe with each other 😭😭 do u perhaps like to simp for sussy guys- i mean, yeah, me too bestie- *coughs* the hsr rabbit hole is not gonna swallow you itself, so take ur time lmao once you're in, it's gonna be hard to get out 😆
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hakusins · 4 months
Ah, I see 🤔 For the supports I have though, I only ever use Fu Xuan and Aventurine (I personally recommend Fu Xuan more since she can tank dmg for the entire team and self heal. Aventurine's a good one for Follow-up attackers but can work well with counter units like Clara and March 7th too)
But with your current roster, at least you can make comps that can include Lynx, Gepard, Bailu and even Natasha. Bronya is especially good since she can be used for either Jing Yuan or Boothill (maybe even both if you have her E1).
If you're willing to pull, maybe try pulling for Ruan Mei again when her banner does a rerun soon 🤔
I have high hopes for Jiaoqiu! He looks to be a mischievous, sly guy that is actually helpful lol I can't wait to see how his moves are. He'll finally make me be able to have 2 Nihility teams for MoC and PF!!!
I hope for the best in all your future pulls! May you be blessed by support units and hot men 😌💜
Sincerely, Nihility Anon
i do want fu xuan because she is a rlly good sustain for bladie!! but every time she comes its always with another banner that i want or before a banner that i want to roll on. BJHREBJFJHBREF BUT THANK U, yes I have bronya E1 and her sig lc, because she's my only support, i use her for most of my teams. though when i get into MoC, the other team usually uses hanya as a support!
and i'm definitely thinking of getting ruan mei! since i want my boothill to do big boom boom dmg (and she didn't come home the first time around uweh), but i found that i need sparkle a lot more because i use jing yuan a lot more often. hopefully though if ruan mei reruns and there's no other units i want, then i'll think of picking her up! but so far she's only second to sparkle because of harmony trailblazer.
BUT YEEE!!! I rlly hope so as well, it sucks if a pretty face like that is wasted on a bad kit. i actually haven't tried a purely DoT team before since i never tried for kafka or black swan, but i have been thinking of picking up one of them eventually! now with jiaoqiu i have a reason to do so hehe
I HOPE SO AS WELL!! please come by again !!!! i'd love to talk about gacha stuff with you, especially hsr !!!! 🥺🥺 !!! may you experience good luck in all of your gacha games as well!!
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fedyasexx · 3 months
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Ruka. She/any. 18. Pansexual. Light brown hair girlie! 🇱🇾/🇨🇳/🇬🇧.
Likes. My boyfriend. S3x. MASCULINE WOMEN. My bed. (Obviously) Sweets. Reading books. Sleeping. Some cute dolls and plushies. Cooking. Lip glosses. Cute hair styles. Parents (duh). Spicy food and sour gummy sweets. My mom’s baking. Morute aesthetic. Tv shows. Rebzyyx’s music ⁽⁽ ପ( ´。>༝<。` )ଓ ⁾⁾.
Dislikes. Bed rotting. Driving. Awkward moments. WIRED older men/woman. Bad grades. MORI. Hot summers. People who don’t get my humour and my besties. REALLY cold weathers. Dirty places. Plates around my room. People who make me uncomfortable in wired situations.
Books. Her soul to take. Caraval. The life of Anna. Six of crows. The girl in pieces. The cruel prince. Powerless. A good girl’s guide to murder. A thousand of kisses. King of wrath. Fourth wing. The beauty of darkness. Devil’s night. The Ritual. Credence. Not in love. The predator + more! (Remember some of these are 18+ so read trigger warnings if ya gonna read them.)
Manhwa. Solo levelling. Lost in the clouds. BJ Alex. Twilight sea. (forgot what its name is lolol) Codename Anastasia. True beauty. Operation true love + more! (Remember some of these are 18+ so read trigger warnings if ya gonna read them.)
Favs. FYODOR. Nikolai. Chuuya. Dazai. (yes i actually Like him for once) Aventurine. BOOTHILL. Blade. Black swan. SCAR. Jiyan. SAE. Isagi. GETO. Nanami. + others.
Current baby girls. Fyodor, Scar, Aventurine, Jiaoqiu, Lecter.
Socials. Insta : @/blueberrisdove , Titok : @/rukamiller
Kins. Rengoku. Megumi. Tohru. Sonico.
Favourite seasons. Winter && autumn.
Main blog. @blueberrisdove
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ATTENTION : I won’t upload daily or much, since life has been stressing me out a lot. 😓
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elysiaheaven · 15 days
𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿-𝟮𝟴-(The Fox's Wedding)
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Mentions of gorey, blood,mentions of sewing..disturbing descriptions.
Hoolay loomed over Jiaoqiu, his presence suffocating, his words laced with venom. The foxian healer stood his ground, but the weariness in his eyes betrayed him. Every secret, every revelation between them was a slow unraveling, and Hoolay reveled in it.
"Secrets are a weapon that a hunter cannot live without," Hoolay hissed, his voice low and menacing. "Those that have no secrets are no more than prey, cut open and waiting for death."
Jiaoqiu clenched his fists. "What you're saying is, in your eyes, I am no more than prey that has exhausted all of its secrets and is simply awaiting its death?"
Hoolay smiled darkly, leaning closer, his breath cold against Jiaoqiu's face. "Do you think you have some other escape route? Jiaoqiu, I have already peeled back your disguises and defenses, layer by layer. I know all the secrets that you and your general have buried so deep."
"But you've told me all of your secrets too, Warhead," Jiaoqiu retorted, a glimmer of defiance still burning in his voice.
Hoolay's laughter echoed, dark and mocking. "And yet, you will never have a chance to use them. You will be buried with them right here." His eyes gleamed with malice as he continued, "Although, you are a fortunate one... After all, you will avoid having to see the tragic future that awaits your general."
Jiaoqiu's heart sank at the mention of Feixiao. His gaze flickered with unease, but he stood firm, unwilling to let Hoolay's words sink in.
"I'm sure she understands her fate far better than you ever will," Hoolay continued, a cruel smile curling on his lips. "One day on the battlefield, she will be overpowered by her ever-intensifying Moon Rage and finally be torn apart by her fury and transformation. Not even your GodLan, The Hunt, can save her from this fate... Although, *they* can lead her to liberation."
Jiaoqiu's eyes narrowed. "And the only way to save her is in your hands?"
Hoolay's smile turned more sinister. "Yes. And you know it too, foxian. Deep down, you know I speak the truth. But no matter how much you fight it, no matter how hard you struggle, the end will come."
"Are you the healer or am I!?" Jiaoqiu spat, desperation creeping into his voice. "Are you really that certain of your own judgment?"
Hoolay tilted his head, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Certain enough. But before I go, you know what I must do, don't you?"
Jiaoqiu steeled himself, trembling yet refusing to break. "Drink bloodwine... I hear it is a borisin custom to kill prisoners and drink their blood before battle to stir up their madness."
Hoolay chuckled, his grip tightening around the hilt of his blood-stained blade. "You really did put hard work into researching us... It is a shame that this is where your journey ends."
He took a step forward, his smile widening into a sinister grin. "But, before I leave you to your fate, do you know how I killed her? How your beloved *died*?"
Jiaoqiu's eyes widened in horror, dread settling deep in his chest.
Hoolay's voice was dripping with malice now, each word designed to tear at the foxian's very soul. "I beheaded her. Watched her body, still full of fight, stumble and crawl toward you, as if she had any hope left. Her eyes—so desperate, so filled with terror. And do you know what the last thing she saw was?"
Jiaoqiu stood frozen, heart pounding painfully against his ribs.
Hoolay grinned, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "The last thing she saw was *your* tearful face."
Jiaoqiu's legs almost gave way, his vision blurred with rage and sorrow. Hoolay's laughter rang out, cruel and merciless, filling the air like a death knell.
"And now, Jiaoqiu, the last thing *you* will see is *her* face," Hoolay said, gesturing to the bloody head he had kept by his side. "Her lifeless, tear-streaked face as you draw your last breath."
In the stillness of the aftermath, a dark figure lay sprawled amidst the wreckage of violence and bloodshed. The room, now quiet, bore the aftermath of a brutal confrontation, the walls stained with the marks of struggle.
As Hoolay's footsteps faded into the distance, Jiaoqiu remained alone in the dark, blood-slicked room. The silence was thick, filled only with the echoes of Hoolay's cruel words and Jiaoqiu's labored breaths.
Jiaoqiu's gaze was fixed on the cold, unfeeling floor, his body numb but his mind racing. "Those who have no secrets... are no more than prey... cut open and waiting for death..." he muttered, his voice a hoarse whisper.
He took a deep breath, struggling against the pain and the growing numbness spreading through his limbs. "Enjoy the taste of my fresh blood, Hoolay. Unfortunately, I am not a man without secrets. I still have one little secret hidden up my sleeve."
His hand reached into his pocket, pulling out a vial of dark liquid. His fingers trembled slightly, but his resolve was unyielding. "Tumbledust," he whispered, looking at the vial with a faint, sad smile. "I drank it a while ago, and the poison is already flowing through my veins. Sooner or later... you will begin to feel the effects."
Jiaoqiu's expression hardened with determination, despite the creeping paralysis. "If the most lethal poison known to this world... is able to save innocent lives... then it can also be called a great medicine."
He cast one last glance at the bloodstained floor, his thoughts drifting to Feixiao. "I will do my best to cure you... Feixiao. At the cost of this insignificant life..."
Jiaoqiu's voice grew softer, tinged with regret. "I'm sorry... I couldn't even give you the death you wished for. Perhaps in another life... we could have been together."
With the last of his strength, Jiaoqiu's head drooped as he mumbled one final promise, his words barely audible. "In another life, let's get married... and live free of this suffering."
In the stillness of the aftermath, a dark figure lay sprawled amidst the wreckage of violence and bloodshed. The room, now quiet, bore the aftermath of a brutal confrontation, the walls stained with the marks of struggle.
You stirred, coming to consciousness in the dim, blood-slicked environment. Pain and exhaustion weighed heavily on your limbs, but you found yourself grappling with a profound sense of realization. A question echoed within you, a haunting whisper amidst the chaos.
"Do I still want to live?"
The question seemed almost absurd given the state you were in. The brutality of Hoolay's actions and the loss of so much—Jiaoqiu's last moments, the hopelessness of the situation—cast a shadow over your thoughts. Your heart pounded heavily, and every movement felt like a monumental effort, yet a sliver of consciousness remained.
You could feel the remnants of Hoolay's cruel taunts and the weight of Jiaoqiu's sacrifice pressing down upon you. His words, his final act of defiance, and his sorrowful promises were etched into your mind.
"I'm still here..." you murmured to yourself, struggling to push through the fog of pain and despair. "Despite everything, I'm still alive."
The blood on your skin seemed to pulse with a dark rhythm, and as you lay there, the choice of whether to cling to life or succumb to the darkness lingered in your mind. Your breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale a reminder of the choice you had to make.
A flicker of determination kindled within you. "Is this all there is?" you questioned, staring at the ceiling. "Is my fate to be defined by this endless cycle of pain and violence?"
Promise, Don't give on anything. Drag your life if you have to. If you still have someone you love. 
Live with them..
You saw yourself in a hollow place, Black and white and Nihility..?
The woman approached you, she has silver hair with a straight, smooth texture that reaches all the way to her thighs. Her skin is pale white and her eyes are red with white pupils. Most of her outfit is now colored in red, white and black. Red, tattoo-like markings are visible on her neck, midriff, and thighs. A few Adenium Obesum flowers are found on her arms, chest and shoulder guard.
No, You saw something else.  she wore a traditional white kimono with a red obi around her waist and traditional okobo sandals. She also had two red horns on her head with the right horn longer than the left horn.
Mei! Mei...?!
Choose your answer.
Into the depths of the promised day,
She carves the shape of love on her crimson fingertips.
Vanishing into the void, disappearing, all alone.
Her head and his eyes—
"If we unite in the shadows, It will bring an end to her suffering."
Reveal yourself, the one who vanished from my sight,
Why did you bear the agony for the man you sought to destroy?
Two bodies entwined, bound by the secret of the cure.
Captivating eyes,
The head of a woman,
You and I—soon to be erased.
Forget it all, and let us become one.
Into my depths, into the promised day,
I carve the shape of love upon my red fingertips.
The headless one will stitch herself back together,
For the future he promised her.
A faint voice echoes through the shadows. *"You still have to live... if not for yourself, then at least be useful for him... for his life."*
The darkness around you hums, and in that stillness, a strange warmth spreads through your cold body. Your fingers twitch.
*"Live..."* The voice urges again, commanding, relentless.
With trembling hands, you feel the jagged edges where your neck had once connected to your body. Pain sears through you, but your mind is strangely clear, focused.
*"At least be useful..."*
A desperate, broken breath escapes you as you reach for the needle. Slowly, you begin to sew, stitching the ragged flesh, pulling thread through skin with precision. Blood drips down your fingertips, yet your movements are steady, purposeful.
*Into my depths, into the promised day,*
*I carve the shape of love on my red fingertips...*
Each stitch draws you closer to life. Closer to him.
The world blurs as you fight to stay conscious, your heartbeat growing stronger with each pass of the needle. You are no longer just sewing your body together—you are weaving the threads of fate.
With the final stitch, you open your eyes, the cold light of survival flickering within them.
At the battle,
Feixiao's voice remains cold, resolute. "You think this is about power? About the choices you've given me? You have no idea what I truly desire, Hoolay."
Her eyes narrow, flickering with a fierce determination. "When I was just a child, I stained my hands with blood for the first time, to escape the whips and chains of the wolf masters. But now... there's someone else who desires your end far more than I ever could."
Hoolay's smug expression falters slightly as he notices the sound of dragging footsteps, slow and deliberate, approaching from behind. The air thickens with tension, and a twisted laugh echoes through the stillness.
Slowly, you step into the light, the weight of your blood-drenched kimono dragging behind you. Your head, barely stitched back to your body, still leaks crimson, and your blood-filled eyes are locked onto Hoolay's, unblinking, as they cry red tears of fury. In your hands, a massive sword scrapes against the ground, leaving a trail of blood in its wake.
Hoolay turns to face you, and his eyes widen as he takes in the sight before him.
"You took everything from me," you whisper, your voice broken yet laced with unhinged laughter. "You killed me, made me a monster... But now, I've come back to return the favor."
Your gaze, hollow and wild, pierces through him. "Look at me, Hoolay. Do you see what you've created? The very thing you tried to kill, now stands before you."
Hoolay opens his mouth, but before he can speak, your manic laughter cuts through the silence. You raise the sword high, dragging it through the air with the strength of madness.
You shriek as the blade comes down with brutal force.
Hoolay barely has time to react as you sever his head clean from his body. It rolls across the blood-soaked ground as your laughter continues to echo through the empty space.
You stand there, blood dripping from your neck, your body swaying with exhaustion but refusing to fall.
Feixiao watches in stunned silence as you drop the blade to the ground and turn toward her, blood still streaming from your eyes.
"It's over," you whisper, a ghostly smile tugging at your lips. "Finally... it's over. For me, Feixiao..Listen to me...Don't let him control you!"
'Y/N, But....."
You held her and hugged her, "Jiaoqiu, trusted you to bring victory to Yaoqing.... I'll try my best to aid you....Too..Please let's finish this. After I'll leave him...Please..."
Feixiao gasps as her eyes snap open, the remnants of a terrible nightmare dissolving in the cold morning air. She stares at the ceiling of the tent, her heartbeat slowing. Her breath is shallow as she whispers to herself, "Our little hunting game ends here."
Her eyes flicker with renewed determination as she raises her hand to the sky. "Might of the heavens, wolf in my heart... come to me... We shall conquer as one."
She sits up, clutching the sheets, her eyes fierce. "My only enemy... has always been myself."
A familiar voice interrupts her thoughts. "General?"
Feixiao turns, her gaze landing on Yanqing, who kneels beside her, eyes wide with concern. "General, you're awake!"
Feixiao lets out a shaky breath, her mind still racing, but her focus sharpens as she looks at him. "Yanqing..."
But then, she turns her gaze beyond him, to you. You stand nearby, still covered in the remnants of battle, your hands held up in surrender. Your face, smeared with blood and grief, carries the weight of your request. "I killed him... Hoolay. He tried to control you, Feixiao. I stopped him. But now... arrest me. Kill me. I know you don't understand... I—"
Feixiao's gaze softens. She rises to her feet, stepping toward you, her movements slow and deliberate. You flinch, expecting harsh judgment, but what happens next catches you completely off guard.
Feixiao wraps her arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. You freeze, unable to comprehend her warmth, her acceptance.
"I know what happened," Feixiao whispers against your ear. "I heard the letter you gave to Jing Yuan. I know everything."
You tremble in her arms, your voice weak. "You... you know? But... I thought..."
She pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes with a gentleness you hadn't expected. "I know you did what you had to... Y/n, Thank you...."
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elysiaheaven · 16 days
𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗲𝗶𝘅𝗶𝗮𝗼 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗿𝘆..?-𝟮𝟬-(The Fox's wedding)
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Feixiao stood at the ancient seaside shore, her gaze lost in the crashing waves, waiting for you all to catch up. You arrived first, wearing your mask as always, casually strolling up to her as if the tension of the moment didn't exist.
"Back already?" she asked, her tone light but clearly masking something deeper. "You've met with Jing Yuan and wandered around for a few hours. So, what do you think?"
Jiaoqiu, who had been trailing just behind, responded first, his voice low. "It appears that the Divine Foresight is using this Wardance as a show of strength, to convince everyone that the Luofu is prospering after the Ambrosial Arbor Crisis..."
"But..." You cut in, smirking under your mask, your voice playful as you looked at Feixiao, mocking her with the way you dragged out the word. "I know you're going to say 'But,' right?" You winked slyly, watching her with amusement as her expression shifted.
Jiaoqiu, missing the undercurrent, continued as if nothing had happened. "But, the influx of people attending the Wardance is like a breeding ground for disorder and rumors. One wrong move, and the Luofu could be in a world of chaos."
Moze, ever the quiet observer, chimed in next. "The Cloud Knights on the streets remain vigilant, so at the very least, General Jing Yuan is aware of this. As for other matters, I'm unable to say."
"Ah, yes, the honorable Cloud Knights," you mused aloud, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Always so vigilant, yet chaos always seems to find its way, doesn't it?" You let out a soft chuckle, enjoying the slight irritation that crossed Feixiao's face.
Jiaoqiu, oblivious, tried to steer the conversation back. "I'd prefer to be excused from future meetings with generals. I'm just a military healer, and now, all of a sudden, I'm thrust onto the center stage having cordial chats with two generals?"
Moze nodded in agreement. "My work doesn't lend itself to being in the limelight, either."
You laughed softly, almost mockingly, "Oh, poor you. Thrust into the spotlight. At least you two still have your peace of mind, unlike some of us." You gave Feixiao a pointed look, the mocking tone still lingering in your voice.
Feixiao scowled, clearly not amused. "Just stop whining. At least you're in one piece, right?"
You tilted your head, that playful grin still on your lips, and whispered, "For now, General... for now." Feixiao shot you a glare, but you merely shrugged, looking away as if it didn't bother you in the slightest.
Before Feixiao could respond, she shifted the conversation back to Jing Yuan. "Before getting in touch with General Jing Yuan, I want to put aside my assumptions and see his 'momentum.' That includes the overall bearing of the Cloud Knights on the street, what people are saying, and how those close to him behave."
Jiaoqiu sighed. "'The might of an army dwells not within its pawns, but within the force of its collective momentum. Recognizing this fact reveals the true measure of power.' Thanks for enlightening me, General."
You couldn't help yourself. "A perfectly clear statement, turned confusing thanks to your translation, Jiaoqiu," you teased. "You've made me lose where I was now." You turned to Feixiao, leaning closer with a grin. "Anyway, this is how I operate in battle... so you might as well get used to it."
Jiaoqiu raised an eyebrow, glancing between you and Feixiao. "Are you treating General Jing Yuan as your enemy?"
Feixiao crossed her arms, her gaze hardening. "The longest-serving general of the Xianzhou Luofu. Do you think he'd have only a few enemies?"
You leaned in closer, whispering softly in Feixiao's ear, "Oh, but you won't be one of them, will you? After all... you're still alive, aren't you?" Your voice was laced with a mocking undertone, watching as Feixiao's irritation began to boil over.
Jiaoqiu, sensing the tension but still trying to maintain some level of composure, changed the subject. "By the way, General, you met the Healer Lady, yes? Could you show me the medicine she prescribed you?"
Feixiao's irritation melted into a cold indifference. "Well, the Healer Lady couldn't do anything about my condition. She just told me to 'enjoy some tasty food.'"
Jiaoqiu frowned. "So, not even the famed Healer Lady could help?"
You chuckled softly, casting a sidelong glance at Feixiao. "Tsk, tsk... it seems like even legends have their limits."
Feixiao's eyes flashed with anger, but before she could retort, Jiaoqiu spoke again, his voice softer this time. "Don't worry. I'll fulfill my promise and find a way to cure you. Actually, I've found some leads."
You sighed, feeling the weight of the conversation grow heavier. Feixiao's hardened gaze was enough to tell you she wasn't in the mood for sympathy. "Well," she finally said, her voice sharp, "life and death, Jiaoqiu... it's all predetermined."
Your mocking smile faded for a brief second, replaced by something softer. You looked at her, eyes filled with a strange sort of knowing sadness. "Oh, General," you said softly, almost too softly, "don't worry... you'll live."
Feixiao's eyes narrowed at you, anger and confusion mixing. "You..." she hissed, clearly unsettled by the way you looked at her. But you simply smiled again, your mask slipping back into place as if nothing had happened.
Feixiao glanced over her shoulder, her expression softened, but the sharpness in her eyes hadn't dulled. "You asked if I view General Jing Yuan as my enemy..." she repeated with a sigh, her voice quieter now. "No, my real enemy has always been myself."
She said it matter-of-factly, like it was a truth she had long come to terms with. There was no bitterness, just acceptance.
Moze, ever the one to break tension, chimed in with a smirk, "'Enjoy some tasty food'... So, what's for dinner tonight?"
Jiaoqiu groaned, rubbing his temples in exasperation. "Geez, Moze... you really know how to read the room, don't you?"
Feixiao laughed softly at that, a brief but genuine chuckle. "You guys figure it out for yourselves," she said, her tone teasing as she started to turn away. "I'm due to catch up with an old war friend I haven't seen in quite a long time."
Her eyes lingered on you for just a moment before she moved to leave, her posture relaxed but still holding the weight of someone who had seen too many battles. There was something almost bittersweet in her departure, as if she was saying goodbye to more than just the evening, but perhaps a part of herself.
Jiaoqiu and Moze exchanged glances, unsure whether to follow or leave her to her thoughts. As Feixiao walked away, the air around her seemed to still, the tension of the evening fading into something quieter, more reflective.
You watched her go, knowing that in her own way, Feixiao was preparing herself for a battle she hadn't yet fought. But it wasn't against Jing Yuan, or the Abominations of Abundance—it was against herself.
"Guess it's just us for dinner then," Moze finally said, breaking the silence with a shrug.
Jiaoqiu shot him a tired look. "You have the worst timing, you know that?"
Feixiao stood at the ancient seaside shore, her eyes fixed on the horizon, her expression distant as the others began to leave. She hadn't noticed you still standing there, watching her as she spoke, her voice carrying a quiet resolve.
"Upon starting my military career, I made a pledge that the rest of my life would be dedicated to being the Xianzhou's spearhead," she said, her tone firm, as if reciting an oath she had repeated to herself countless times. "Hunting down the Abominations of Abundance till the end of my days."
You could hear the weight in her words, the weariness hidden beneath her hardened exterior. She continued, almost to herself, "As long as I can fulfill that deep-seated desire... I don't care how long I live."
You took a step closer, your presence still unnoticed by her until you quietly said, "You'll live."
Feixiao turned to you, surprised by your voice. Her eyes searched yours, confused by the soft smile on your face—gentle but dead, hollow. You reached out, your hand resting on the top of her head, patting it softly as if comforting a child.
"You'll live, Feixiao," you repeated, your voice a quiet promise that neither of you fully believed. The weight of your words hung in the air, unspoken truths lingering between you two.
Feixiao looked up at you, her tough facade cracking just slightly as she met your gaze. She didn't say anything, but the confusion in her eyes was evident. Why would you, of all people, offer her comfort? Why now?
Without a word, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a small bundle—sweets you had baked earlier that morning. You handed them to her, your expression soft but distant. "Here," you said quietly. "I made these this morning. Eat them when you have time."
Feixiao blinked, surprised, as she took the sweets from your hand. She glanced down at them, then back at you, clearly unsure of how to respond.
You smiled again, that same dead smile that didn't quite reach your eyes. Then, without another word, you turned and walked away, leaving her standing there alone with the sound of the waves and the sweets in her hand.
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