jpopstreaming · 1 year
🆕🎶 「 Paris feat. YELLOW Huang Hsuan 」 new single by haruno, YELLOW黃宣 is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
Cool combination of talents happening here!   The synths rise and fall, while the vocals stay trance-like through the mellow ending.  Love it!   =D
落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster featuring Rhydian Vaughan 鳳小岳
Produced/Composed/Arranged  by 曾國宏 Kuo-Hung Tseng & Jon Du 杜澤威 
Lyrics & Lead Vocal by 曾國宏 Kuo-Hung Tseng & Rhydian Vaughan 鳳小岳
Choir: 9m88, YELLOW 黃宣, LÜCY, 洪佩瑜 Pei-Yu Hung Piano: 曾國宏 Kuo-Hung Tseng Guitars: Rhydian Vaughan 鳳小岳 Synthesizer: Jon Du 杜澤威 (Jon is/was in the band Forests 森林 with Kuo-Hung and Lo Zun-Long 羅尊龍 from Sunset Rollercoaster)
Recorded by Yuchain Wang 王昱辰 Assisted by 郭以哲 Yeecher Kuo
More credits at YT.   English lyrics plus a translation (by Pillof Yau 超級紙巾小帕 ) are posted in a pinned comment at YT.
SR Links:  Spotify,  Bandcamp,  YouTube,  Official,  Instagram,  Weibo.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 3 months
Tagged by @omegasdad (you were right to steal it this is fun)
rules: put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most!
Thank Lucifer - Vant
Don't believe you - Thief
Dirty night clowns - Chris Garneau
AINOU - Kaho Nakamura
Tagging @tevinterspirit @cozy-fish-crow and @the-evil-pizza
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huangchechin · 1 year
196588222/Jean-Michel Bernard : Rocket Man
火箭人 向艾爾頓·強致敬專輯 尚·米歇爾·伯納德,鋼琴 ◎ 專輯配合英國最具代表性的音樂人艾爾頓·強告別演唱會而發行 ◎ 收錄流行音樂巨星艾爾頓·強永恆經典名曲17首 ◎ 所有歌曲均由伯納德親自編曲 ◎ 伯納德證明這些旋律優美的作品在鋼琴上的感染力,以及他對這位偉大藝術家的敬意   流行音樂界最具代表性的人物艾爾頓·強(Elton John)由於年事已高,自2018年宣布開始進行人生最後一次巡演,並舉辦350場名為「再會黃磚路」(Farewell Yellow Brick…
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yololablife · 5 days
睽違兩年!10/5(六)ONE DAY ONE NIGHT 互動性滿滿的 Live Podcast 強勢回歸!
睽違兩年,最有互動性的 Live Podcast「ONE DAY ONE NIGHT」再次回歸!此次 一日一樂 1DAY1MUSIC 主理人 Koko 將攜手兩位神秘藝人 縉 Jin 與 阿蘭 AC,於一文錢烏托邦舉辦第二屆「ONE DAY ONE NIGHT」,一起跟粉絲朋友們暢聊音樂、生活與創作心路歷程。Koko 經營音樂 Podcast 訪問節目「一日一樂 1DAY1MUSIC」,一直都以真誠自在又打動人心的日常對話出發,其合作對象除了包含孫盛希、YELLOW 黃宣 與宋柏緯 等知名藝人。Koko 也致力於發覺樂壇新聲音,在獨立音樂界找出許多潛力創作者,讓新人有機會藉著 一日一樂 被更多業界前輩與喜歡音樂的粉絲們聽見。 此次「ONE DAY ONE NIGHT」邀請兩位能量特殊的神秘藝人 縉 Jin 與 阿蘭 AC 來到現場,與樂迷朋友一起暢聊音樂生活與創作心得。這次 Live…
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hiraku-someno · 1 year
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『Paris feat. YELLOW黃宣』
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Paris feat. YELLOW黄宣 / 春野, YELLOW黄宣
https://open.spotify.com/track/7wMrtVG3PZEdJ5RGxGrCGz?si=777161322e834c03 ソース: open.spotify.com
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YELLOW 黃宣 #彪製火藥 即刻引豹 PUMA SELECT BIAOZHI HUOYAO Slipstream 潮奢麂皮新款 盡現超凡品味
YELLOW 黃宣 #彪製火藥 即刻引豹 PUMA SELECT BIAOZHI HUOYAO Slipstream 潮奢麂皮新款 盡現超凡品味 (台北訊) – 全球運動時尚指標 PUMA 旗下 SELECT 系列以風格獨具的時尚單品深受運動潮流圈喜愛,今年更由全新品牌大使 YELLOW 黃宣帶出一波#豹力狂潮,以獨樹一格的強烈個人風格令人印象深刻。今 PUMA 推出全新 SELECT 系列 BIAOZHI HUOYAO #彪製火藥,從中國四大發明之一的「火藥」中提煉爆炸能量,將時下人氣工裝單品及羅紋精緻服飾以「火」的多元樣貌點綴呈現,同樣邀請 YELLOW 黃宣風格演繹,為新品服飾增添潮流底蘊,也為今年夏天街頭增添運動熱血火藥味。 PUMA BIAOZHI HUOYAO…
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axiang1980 · 3 years
VIVE ORIGINALS 全球首創「全息音樂平台 - BEATDAY」正式發佈電腦與手機雙平台!攜手美秀集團、吳霏、呂士軒、黃宣共創「元宇宙時代」!
VIVE ORIGINALS 全球首創「全息音樂平台 – BEATDAY」正式發佈電腦與手機雙平台!攜手美秀集團、吳霏、呂士軒、黃宣共創「元宇宙時代」!
  HTC VIVE 宏達國際電子股份有限公司旗下內容品牌 VIVE ORIGINALS 在今日(9/6)正式發佈全球第一個全息音樂平台「BEATDAY」,除了融合最新虛擬技術,更與美秀集團、吳霏、YELLOW黃宣、呂士軒等音樂人,在電腦與手機雙平台上推出全息演唱會及全息 MV 等內容。體驗者可以在電腦平台上創造自己的化身,在演唱會場景中任意移動、探索、飛翔,360度自由決定觀看演出的視角,或者透過手機和歌手合拍 AR MV,重新定義音樂體驗,邀請所有觀眾一同進入演唱會「元宇宙」時代!   (more…)
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jiajyasworld · 4 years
單曲「怪天氣」Single ‘Strange Weather’
YELLOW黃宣 x 9m88 天氣系愛戀指南 我們談場戀愛重感冒吧?🤧💞
Director: Yuji Fann Fann
Type Design: @lolita__108
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hoiyanshing · 2 years
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ahao823 · 3 years
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. 2021年最後一天的新面孔🎸 . . #跨年 #老王樂隊 #血肉果汁機 #yellow黃宣 #初次見面 #搖滾基隆大步走 #band #music https://www.instagram.com/p/CYZA2HsPLlU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fyeahcindie · 2 years
Listen/purchase: 若我告訴你其實我愛的只是你 What If by 9m88, Takuya Kuroda
New jazzy RnB from 9m88 & 黒田卓也 Takuya Kuroda.  =D
藤井俊充 Toshi Fujii (Toshi Miller): Bass and Arrangement Mike Tseng 曾增譯: Piano Tzu Yu ‘Fish’ Huang 黃子瑜: Drums 蔡周翰 (Chou Han Tsay): Recording Engineer and Producer Cheng Kai Yuan 鄭凱元: Vocal Recording Engineer 單為明 Link Shan: Mixing Engineer 9m88, YELLOW黃宣: Vocal Harmony Arrangement 9m88: Lead Vocal Takuya Kuroda: Trumpet and Saxophone
By the way, 9m88 is playing in Brooklyn on Sunday, March 19th.
9m88 Links:  Official,  Spotify,  Instagram,  YouTube,  Bandcamp,  StreetVoice,  SoundCloud,  9m8lah8lah Podcast
Let’s hear one more from Baba, with Edison Song (宋柏緯) on guitar:
More credits at YT.  At the end of the clip, you can see other musicians in the video montage; 尊龍 Zunlong (Drums) & Wang Shao Hsuan 王少軒 (keys) from 落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster also backed up 9m88 while they were touring together.
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djmykaltaipei · 4 years
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跟 #梨農 #LINION 還有 #黃宣 #YELLOW 留下了這張合照,對我來說有很重要的意義,因為這代表著手上一個新的計劃,正式展開了。 不過這次不是音樂上的合作(雖然我也很希望能有哈哈哈😂😂),先賣個小關子,就請大家期待一下吧🙌🙌 附帶一提,他們都剛出版了很棒的新專輯,我的 @mmrecords_taipei 店裡可以買得到💯💯 #MYKAL友達 #djmykal #djmykal林哲儀 #djmykalaka林哲儀 #mykal #林哲儀(在 Chicaca) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHo7XA2He38/?igshid=6ha32w1715w4
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fuyonggu · 4 years
Biography of Yang Jun (Book of Jin 40)
Yang Jun, styled Wenchang, was a native of Huayin county in Hongnong commandary. As a young man, he served in the local princely fief first as Prefect of Gaolu, then as Marshal on the staff of the General of Agile Cavalry and the General Who Guards The Army. Later, after his daughter was chosen to be the new Empress, he suddenly occupied a much higher position, and was transferred from General Who Guards The Army to General of Chariots and Cavalry. He was also appointed as Marquis of Linjin.
Those who understood the implications of such things told one another, "The purpose of establishing feudal lords is to have them serve on the borders as shields for the royal household, while the Empress should remain within the capital in order to provide for the sacrifices and expand inner learning. Yet the Empress's father has just been appointed as a Marquis with Linjin as his fief. This is an omen of turmoil."
Two of the Masters of Writing, Chu Lüe and Guo Yi, both petitioned that Yang Jun was a man of meager talents, and could not be entrusted with important matters of state. Emperor Wu ignored them. 
Beginning with the Taikang reign era (280), since (after the conquest of Wu) there were no longer any pressing issues in the realm, Emperor Wu no longer concerned himself with the duties of rulership. He only indulged himself in wine and sensual pleasures. At this time, he began to favor the partisans of the Empress, who openly came to visit him and make requests. Yang Jun, Yang Yao, and Yang Ji wielded great influence over the realm, and the people of that time called them the Three Yangs.
Emperor Wu became critically ill, but he had not yet drawn up a last will. Most of his veteran and accomplished ministers had already passed away, and the court ministers were fearful and uncertain, for they had no plan to follow. Yang Jun ousted all of the chief ministers from the bedside and replaced them with his own underlings. Indeed, he replaced and changed all of the nobles and chief ministers with his own associates. At that time, Emperor Wu's illness somewhat abated so that he regained lucidity, and when he saw that his original appointees had been pushed out, he sternly said to Yang Jun, "How has this come about?" 
Emperor Wu then ordered the Palace Secretariat to compose an edict appointing the Prince of Runan, Sima Liang, as a co-regent to serve alongside Yang Jun in support of the royal household. But Yang Jun was afraid that this would mean he would lose his current favor and influence. So he went to the Palace Secretariat and borrowed the draft edict in order to look at it, then hid it away somewhere. The Chief of the Palace Secretariat, Hua Yi, was concerned, and he continually demanded Yang Jun return the edict, but to no avail. Then word arrived that Emperor Wu had fallen back into senility, and when Empress Yang Zhi presented a petition asking that Yang Jun be made the sole regent, Emperor Wu nodded in approval. 
Yang Zhi then summoned Hua Yi and the Prefect of the Palace Secretariat, He Shao, and verbally told them that Emperor Wu had ordered them to compose a will, stating:
"In ancient times, Yi Yin and Lü Wang (Jiang Ziya) served to support the state, and their diligence has provided an immortal example; the Duke of Zhou and Huo Guang heeded the command to preside over the court, and their reputation has shone through the ages. Now the Palace Attendant, General of Chariots and Cavalry, acting Grand Guardian to the Crown Prince, and acting General of the Front, Yang Jun, has cultivated virtue and walked the path of good fortune. He is discerning, intelligent, wise, and far-seeing, and he has done much to assist the two palaces (of the Emperor and the Crown Prince). He is highly loyal, most respectful. He ought to occupy the chief position and preside over the government, following the same precedent as A-Heng (Yi Yin). 
“Thus I hereby appoint Yang Jun as Grand Commandant, Grand Tutor to the Crown Prince, Credential Holder, and Commander of all military affairs; he will keep his existing positions as Palace Attendant, chief of affairs of the Masters of Writing, and acting General of the Front. I also appoint six Army Advisors, three thousand infantry, and a thousand cavalry to be assigned to him, drawn from the staff of the former Guard General, Yang Yao. If any assistance is needed from the palace guards, then twenty people from each of the Guard Commanders shall be assigned to Yang Jun, along with ten people from the Marshals of the Palace Commandant. Yang Jun is empowered to go in and out with weapons at hand."
When the edict had been completed, Yang Zhi had Hua Yi and He Shao present it to Emperor Wu, who looked at it without saying a word.
Two days afterwards, Emperor Wu passed away.
Yang Jun now claimed his new role as regent, and he moved his residence to the Taiji Hall. Emperor Wu's coffin was then placed in the mourning hall, and the people of the six palaces all came to pay their respects. However, Yang Jun did not leave the Taiji Hall, and he had a hundred of the Guards Rapid As Tigers assigned to protect him. This was the beginning of his lack of respect.
Emperor Hui having risen to the throne, Yang Jun was promoted to Grand Tutor, Grand Commander, and Bearer of the Yellow Battle-axe. He was placed in charge of the court and the government, and all the ministers had to heed his commands. 
Concerned that the people around him might not support him, Yang Jun had his nephews Duan Guang and Zhang Shao appointed to close positions. And whenever an edict was to be sent out, once Emperor Hui had completed the draft, it would first have to be presented to the Empress Dowager, Yang Zhi, for her approval, and only then would it be carried out.
Yang Jun knew that the new Empress, Jia Nanfeng, would be difficult to control, and he greatly feared and dreaded her. So he placed many of his associates and partisans in control of the palace guards.
The noble families were stirred to anger against Yang Jun, and all the realm was indignant at him. His younger brothers Yang Yao and Yang Ji were both men of talent, and they often remonstrated with him together. But Yang Jun could not use their advice, and thus he brought his family to ruin in the end.
Yang Jun was blind to ancient traditions, and he frequently violated the established canons. He did not observe the usual practice of waiting until the beginning of the following year to begin a new reign era, but immediately ended the current one and began a new one in the middle of the year. People objected that this violated one of the principles of the Spring and Autumn Annals, according to which the final year of the reign era of a newly-deceased sovereign should be allowed to run its full course before the new reign era was declared at the beginning of the following year. The court ministers regretted the prospect of abandoning this precedent, nor would the Astrologists Bureau accept it. Thus, in the first month of the following year, the reign era title was changed once again.
Since Yang Jun himself knew that he had little support or favor and was afraid that he would not be able to ensure the obedience of those near and far, he followed the example of Emperor Ming of Cao-Wei (Cao Rui) when he had come to the throne by greatly distributed titles and rewards, hoping to thus please others. But Yang Jun ruled sternly and followed only his own counsel while ignoring criticism, so he did not satisfy the hearts of the people.
The Administrator of Pingyi, Sun Chu, had long enjoyed Yang Jun's favor. He now advised Yang Jun, "You are someone who is only related to the imperial family by marriage, yet you now occupy the same regency role as Yi Yin or Huo Guang; you wield great influence, and you oversee a tender ruler. In your conduct of affairs, you ought to consider the actions of the ancients, and you ought to make every effort to act justly, honestly, and with humble submission. Remember that during the Zhou dynasty, the Dukes of Zhou and Shao acted to support their king, while during the Han dynasty, the Marquises of Zhuxu and Dongmou (Liu Zhang and Liu Xingju) helped to purge the clan of Empress Dowager Lü. There has never yet been an instance where someone of a different surname from the royal family wielded control over the court and still met a good end. In our own time, the imperial clan is great and powerful and the princes each have their strong garrisons on the borders, yet you do not solicit their help in attending to the affairs of state. Those within harbor doubts and suspicion about you, and those without are all considering their own personal interests. Disaster is not far off." 
But Yang Jun could not follow his advice. 
Two of the Palace Gentlemen of the Central Hall, Meng Guan and Li Zhao, had both long been disrespected by Yang Jun, and they secretly criticized him, saying that he was going to usurp the state. Jia Nanfeng for her part wished to exercise control over the government as well, but she feared that Yang Jun would never allow her to do as she wished, and she could not bear being inferior in womanly affairs to the Empress Dowager, Yang Zhi. And one of the Yellow Gate Attendants, Dong Meng, had originally served Emperor Hui during his time as Crown Prince as Chief of the Ministry Men and had kept Jia Nanfeng informed of what was happening in the Eastern Palace. So Jia Nanfeng now secretly sent word to Dong Meng, plotting to depose the Empress Dowager. Dong Meng, Meng Guan, and Li Zhao secretly planned to support one another.
Jia Nanfeng also ordered Li Zhao to pay a visit to the Grand Marshal and Prince of Runan, Sima Liang, and have him bring his troops to move against Yang Jun. But Sima Liang told him, "Yang Jun is a wicked and violent man, and his downfall and death are only a matter of time. He is not worth worrying about."
Then Li Zhao went to see the Prince of Chu, Sima Wei, and Sima Wei agreed to help with the plot. Sima Wei then sent a request to the capital asking to serve on the court (which would cause him to give up his military authority at his fief). Yang Jun had long feared Sima Wei, and he had originally even wanted to summon Sima Wei to the capital as well, to prevent Sima Wei from causing any mischief from his border post. So when Sima Wei himself submitted his request to come to court, Yang Jun allowed him to do so. 
After Sima Wei arrived in the capital, Meng Guan and Li Zhao informed Emperor Hui of the plot. That night, they composed an edict. Everywhere was placed under martial law, while agents were sent to present an edict with orders to depose Yang Jun and force him to his Marquisate estate.  The Duke of Dong'an, Sima Yao, was ordered to lead four hundred men from the imperial guards to accompany the agents and attack Yang Jun.
Duan Guang knelt before Emperor Hui and said, "Yang Jun received the grace of His Late Majesty (Emperor Wu), and he is fully devoted to supporting the government. Besides, he is a widower without any sons; how could he have any reason to rebel? Your Majesty, please reconsider." 
But Emperor Hui did not respond to him.
At this time, Yang Jun was living in Cao Shuang's former residence, south of the Arsenal. When he heard that there was some disturbance in the city, he summoned his officials to discuss what to do. 
His Registrar as Grand Tutor, Zhu Zhen, urged him, "We may know who the source is of this current disturbance; it is certainly those loathsome eunuchs carrying out Empress Jia's plot, and it cannot mean anything good for you. You should set fire to the Yunlong Gate as a show of strength. Then once your affairs are in order, you may force open the Wanchun Gate, send in the soldiers of the Eastern Palace and the outer camps while you secure the Crown Prince, and march into the palace and arrest the culprits. Anyone inside the palace halls who is trembling with fear should be killed and thus sent off. If you do these things, you can escape from danger." 
But Yang Jun had long been timid and apprehensive, and he could not make up his mind. He even said, "The Yunlong Gate was a great achievement of Emperor Ming of Wei (Cao Rui); how could we burn it down?" 
One of the Palace Attendants, Fu Zhi, reported to Yang Jun during the night, and asked that he and Wu Mao go through the Yunlong Gate to observe the situation and see how things were progressing. He then said to the other officials, "The palace should not be left empty." Fu Zhi then got up and saluted, and the officials all fled.
Soon, the palace guards marched out and set fire to Yang Jun's residence. Crossbowmen were also posted atop a pavilion near the residence, where they began shooting at it, so that Yang Jun's soldiers could not get out. Yang Jun fled to a stable, but was then killed by a halberd. 
Then, heeding Jia Nanfeng's secret orders, Meng Guan and the others executed all of Yang Jun's associates and partisans as well. All of them had their clans exterminated to the third degree, and the dead numbered several thousand. They also ordered Li Zhao to burn Yang Jun's private correspondence as well, for Jia Nanfeng did not want the will that Emperor Wu had written (which Yang Jun had then taken) to be generally known among the realm either.
After Yang Jun was executed, no one dared to come and claim his body. Only one of his retainers as Grand Tutor, Yan Zuan of Baxi commandary, prepared a coffin and held a service for him.
Earlier, Yang Jun had tried to recruit the hermit Sun Deng, and he sent him a gift of clothing and a quilt. But Sun Deng ripped apart the quilt at his doorway, greatly sighing, "Hacked and torn, hacked and torn!" And for several days he claimed to be ill and pretended to have passed away. At this time, his prediction proved correct.
During the Yongxi reign era (290), there was a supposed madman in Wen county who wrote a message stating, "Glory Wenchang shall know well, great halberds on his walls shall dwell. But medicine can poison too; this halberd's blade shall turn on you." And indeed, Yang Jun had kept halberds in his residence for defense (and in the end was killed by a halberd).
During the Yongning reign era (301), Emperor Hui issued an edict stating, "My uncle (Yang Jun) was without principle and so brought about the fall of his family and his clan. Yet when I think of the Weiyang poem (which laments the loss of a relative), I cannot help but be moved by grief. I hereby appoint the Marquis of [艸+務] district, Yang Chao, as Honoree of the Court and as a Cavalry Commandant, in order to ease the grief of the loss of family, as expressed by the Liao E poem."
Yang Yao, styled Wenju, was the younger brother of Yang Jun. He served as Prefect of the Masters of Writing and then as Guard General. He had long enjoyed a good reputation, and he thus won the favor of Emperor Wu. During Emperor Wu's reign, Yang Yao had more influence than Yang Jun.
Once Yang Jun became more exalted and powerful, Yang Yao knew that this greater favor and influence would not last. He wished to resign his own positions, and several times made a request to do so, but Emperor Wu never did agree to let him resign. But earlier, when the betrothal of Yang Jun's daughter Yang Zhi to Sima Zhong (Emperor Hui) had first been arranged, Yang Yao had submitted a petition stating, "From ancient times until now, whenever the same household has provided two empresses, it has never been able to preserve itself; all met with disaster in the end. I beg that you preserve this petition in the ancestral temple, and if my words should prove true, then I may use this petition to avoid disaster." Emperor Wu did agree to this request.
The Commander of the Right, Zhao Xiu, sent up a letter remonstrating against the amount of power the Yang brothers had been allowed to wield, stating, "Remember that (the usurper) Wang Mang and his four brothers all held powerful roles. Now in our own time, the three Yao brothers each have great offices. Furthermore, there have been several sightings of disturbances in the heavens. I humbly implore Your Majesty to consider this."
Yang Yao was now even more afraid, and he insisted on being allowed to resign. Emperor Wu at last heeded him, and he gave him gifts of a million gold and five thousand bolts of fine silk.
At first, Yang Yao received praise for yielding his offices and retiring. But later, he got together with his friends and partisans and agitated to have the Prince of Qi, Sima You, sent away. The General Who Guards The Army of the Center, Yang Xiu, and the Palace Marquis of the Northern Army, Cheng Can, plotted to go see Yang Yao, holding blades in their hands to kill him. Yang Yao knew about it, and he claimed illness and would not come out. He arranged for the officials to censure Yang Xiu, and Yang Xiu was transferred to be Minister Coachman. But from then on, during court meetings, Yang Yao never dared to prevaricate, but always spoke his full mind.
As Yang Yao was about to be executed, he pleaded that he was innocent, and said, "I have a petition encased in stone pardoning me. Ask Zhang Hua about it." And everyone at that time said that Yang Yao had indeed warned about the danger posed by his brother Yang Jun, and had thus been following the same example as Zhong Hui's brother Zhong Yu once had. But the members and partisans of the Jia clan held a grudge against the whole Yang clan, and they compelled the executioner to behead him anyway. There was no one at that time who did not sigh in sympathy for Yang Yao's fate.
Yang Ji, styled Wentong, was the younger brother of Yang Jun and Yang Yao. He served successively as General Who Guards The South and General Who Conquers The North, and he was then transferred to be Grand Tutor to the Crown Prince.
Yang Ji had talent and skill. He once accompanied Emperor Wu on a hunt beneath the Beimang Hills (north of Luoyang), where he and one of the Palace Attendants, Wang Ji, both wore special attire as they rode horses and wielded bows, riding in front of Emperor Wu's carriage. A fierce beast suddenly appeared, and Emperor Wu ordered Wang Ji to shoot it; the beast fell with the twang of Wang Ji's bowstring. Soon, another beast emerged. Emperor Wu now ordered Yang Ji to shoot, and he too felled the beast. The soldiers of the six armies hailed them both with a great shout.
In many cases, Emperor Wu appointed those of honorable family and great influence to the most important military positions. Yang Ji received acclaim and appointment due to his martial skills.
Yang Ji and his brother Yang Yao were both quite worried about their positions, so they joined with their uncles, Li Bin and others, to harshly remonstrate together. It was thanks to Yang Ji's proposals that Yang Jun had Wang You denounced and sent away to serve as Administrator of Hedong, and that the imperial heir was established.
Earlier, Yang Jun had been suspicious of the Grand Marshal and Prince of Runan, Sima Liang, and had compelled him to return to his fief (at Xuchang). Yang Ji and Li Bin remonstrated against this several times, trying to get Yang Jun to drop the idea, but this only alienated him from them. 
Yang Ji said to Fu Xian, "If only my elder brother could merely recall the Grand Marshal to the capital while personally steering clear of him, then the status of our family could be secured. Otherwise, it will be a red end for us." 
Fu Xian told him, "So long as you summoned the Grand Marshal to come back, and could act in joint regency together with him, then that would lead to a general peace, and there would not even be any need for your elder brother to withdraw. The issue is merely that no one minister should amass all power for themselves, much less a marital relative of the royal family! Now the members of the imperial clan are distant because the associates of your own clan are secure in their positions. But should your family be threatened, you ought to be able to count upon the support of the imperial clan, like the lips protect the teeth. That would be a good plan."
Yang Ji was now even more afraid, and he asked Shi Chong, "What are people really saying about us?"
Shi Chong replied, "Your worthy elder brother is grasping the reins of power, while keeping the imperial clan at a distance. He ought to share his power with all within the Four Seas."
Yang Ji said, "Go and see my brother, and try to persuade him of this."
So Shi Chong went to see Yang Jun and conveyed his advice, but Yang Jun did not listen. 
Yang Ji was later killed with his elder brothers. 
On the morning of his final day, Yang Ji was summoned to the Eastern Palace. Yang Ji asked Pei Kai, "What should I do?"
Pei Kai replied, "As you are the Grand Guardian and Grand Tutor for the Crown Prince, you ought to report to the Eastern Palace."
Yang Ji had enjoyed hunting, and he had commanded infantry and cavalry for a long time, so he had more than four hundred strong fellows from the Qin region among his retainers, all crack shots. They all wished to save Yang Ji's life. But by then, Yang Ji had already entered the palace. They all sighed in regret for his fate.
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