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vvrgo · 3 years
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Yakuza 0; makes me want to sing karaoke drunkenly and also start smoking again
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jutsuuu · 3 years
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Dumb foolish hope for Shirakumo appearance this season has returned in full force
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year2000electronics · 3 years
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the legion and their relationships with one another
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lavellanlin · 3 years
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aslanzounder · 4 years
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Blue-green medley
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junkartie · 3 years
I mean this with all kindness, how do you live on 200 a month are you ok???
No. ❤️
Jokes aside im grateful and being half danish i get financial support from relatives and such too. I live fairly comfortably but i have to cut corners and do commissions as much as i can to provide for necessities too. Given how a 20 dollar commission is 280 TL for us its basically enough for a few days worth of groceries.
I would like to add though that most people here cannot do work of the sort bc my government has banned transactional apps such as paypall, kofi etc. due to them wanting a huge pay cut and said sites refusing. Its straight up evil and a way to make sure people struggle even more. We also have 480 different types of taxes (literally) and well, 3 years ago we rioted over one dollar being 4 TL in our currency. Since then its gone up more than 200% and sits at 14.50. Due to the rapid inflations the prices of everything goes up and we get a list of it weekly almost.
The world isnt talking about it enough but turkey is on the verge of a social and economic collapse- with rising tensions between the people too as the government is doing everything in its power to divide us so they can divert attention from their own shortcomings. We also have a dictator who hates minorities and women who rarely gets mentioned so thats fun ! Hell if someone reported this post to my government i could be arrested, so im going to choose to trust you guys lmfao
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happy pride month<3
since it’s officially pride month in eastern time, i just say thank you Yue, Juleka, and Vanessa (atla, mlb, and the hollow respectively) for being my bi awakening a couple of months ago!
i am now officially bi ace and yeah<3 love my fellow lgbtqia+ friends! hope y’all have a great pride!!!
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twstedbeauty · 3 years
If that's okay could i request a character interaction with Crowley? Btw this pretty long so if you wanna ignore it's fine! :)
"headmaster, i don't know if this info might help you sending me home faster but... I think our worlds are connected in some way, you see, the great seven are fictional characters in my world and they're known as "Disney villains", also, not to mention that literally every single one of you looks like a disney character. For example, professor Crewel is pretty much the male and younger version of Cruella De Vil from "101 dalmatian street", the dorm leaders beside Kalim are awfully familiar to the great seven too, for Kalim's case he's more similar to the sultan from "Aladdin the king of thieves", Jamil is similar to Jafar, aka the sorcerer of the sand which is also from the same movie as the sultan, Azul is the male counterpart of Ursula, the "benevolet" sea witch, even the twins!! They're obvious human(more or less) of Ursula's eels Flotsam and Jetsam! I could go on hours with this. I even met Mickey Mouse! Which is also a character that belongs to Disney, the company that owns the villains in my world. I personally think that the company must have something to do with it. If you need more informations please let me know.",
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"Say, who am I inspired by in this little story of yours? I do hope its someone as gracious and kind as I am~!"
((Character sprites provided by the amazing @ alchemivich!))
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ratcarney · 3 years
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sk8 parallels: langa in e1: “snowfall on a hot night” // cherry in e9: “we were special back then”
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
And cue the raging anxiety
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mayohigan-orange · 3 years
I hate feeling super depressed around Christmas. Especially since it tends to last until, like, Christmas Eve.
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drpierceandmrhyde · 3 years
top 5 hawkeye moments so far
I can’t rank them so I’m going chronologically
In “O.R.” when he learns that the patient he revived ultimately didn’t make it and the brief impromptu therapy session that results from his brief but very intense emotional breakdown. He sounds so close to crying when he says “I thought I got to him in time.” And when he says that he had no choice but to become a doctor because it’s all he’s ever cared about - it’s Hawkeye becoming a doctor because he wants to help people rather than him helping people because he’s a doctor.
The bit in “Dear Sigmund” when he walks around post-op in a tuxedo and flippers with the very clear goal of making the patients laugh. It’s an underrated demonstration of Hawkeye’s belief in the love and healing power of laughter.
When he salutes Radar in “Fallen Idol” and again in “Goodbye Radar, Part 2.” He has such disdain for the Army and everything it stands for and therefore almost never demonstrates any Army decorum, but he salutes a man of an inferior rank not once but twice. It’s so powerful.
Everything about the hypnotherapy scene in “The Billfold Syndrome.” “Sidney, his brother.” “Not that, too.” And when Jerry collapses sobbing into Sidney’s arms and Hawkeye puts his hand on Jerry’s back. He’s so compassionate. so compassionate. His compassion for traumatized patients is beautiful to see in general, but that scene in particular got to me.
Basically all of his interactions with the baby in “Yessir, That’s Our Baby.” He is so sweet and gentle with her and wants to do whatever it takes to get her into a semi-decent environment even though that’s all but impossible. It’s heartwarming, but the unintentional GFA foreshadowing kills me.
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28, 30, 24 <3 - moonlit-grove
Thanks so much for the ask! Here you go:
28.) Do you play with sound on or off?
Depends. If I’m playing with my boyfriend I keep the in game sound on. If I’m playing by myself I probably have it turned off so I can listen to a podcast or something.
30.) Are you obsessed with in game fashion?
A bit yeah. I’ve got outfits for my mains that I really like and probably won’t change any time soon but it’s nice to collect and look at all the pretty options.
24.) Is there a race you hate with a passion?
Choya. Jk I actually quite like the little weirdos. There aren’t any that I full on hate but I will say that grawl make me kinda uncomfortable. Like it’s a race of “primitive” gorilla people that worship anything cause they’re “too stupid” to know otherwise. Like…..eeeeehhhh that just doesn’t sit well with me yknow?
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sakeimach · 4 years
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i didn’t know she was born on valentine’s day!! :0
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