creatureshrieks · 6 months
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chapinii · 11 months
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maudiemoods · 1 year
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visikonn · 6 months
Don't post DC shit a ton ((so far it's only been like 2 times I'm pretty sure lol)) but I REALLY really wanted to show my Booster Gold fanart cuz I lobv him 😔♥️
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katanablue · 2 days
This has been rotting in my brain (and notes) so I bring to you
Barbarian! Bayverse Raph
Barbarian!Raph who’s the biggest and most brutal of his brothers, proudly wears his title like a gold crown and wears a fur pelt from whatever latest animal he killed like it’s a prize.
Barbarian!Raph who makes weapons from teeth, bone, horns, really anything. He’s good with his fists but does need a spear or two to fight.
Barbarian!Raph who loves the thrill of a hunt and always volunteers to get rid of any sort of issue going around.
Barbarian!Raph who has no problem being violent. It’s in his nature and it’s all he’s ever known. Until he meets you.
Barbarian!Raph who first meets you covered in blood after fighting his latest victims in a village he had ambushed. He had been scouting around to make sure the coast was clear when he stumbled upon you hiding in an abandoned hut and pathetically holding a stick as poor weapon.
Barbarian!Raph who huffed through his nose and shoved aside broken furniture to get closer, scrutinizing at how small and fragile you look huddled up in the corner.
Barbarian!Raph who’s ready to just leave you there but something tugs at his heart and suddenly he finds himself hoisting you up by the back of your shirt and dragging you out the hut with him.
Barbarian! Raph who drags you along back to his brothers who are no doubt confused when their violent brother brings back someone alive. Raph simply says nothing and leaves you while he goes off back into the woods to get food.
Barbarian!Raph who brings back a boar and cooks it to perfection for you, sitting next to you by the fire while you munch quietly.
Barbarian!Raph who isn’t a man of many words but you’ve learned to read his mannerisms and habits, deciphering what a grunt means when it’s a certain pitch or when he has a specific look in his eye.
Barbarian!Raph who protects you so fiercely and would kill anyone for even looking at you the wrong way.
Barbarian!Raph who’s only known violence, bloodshed, and war. Thinking that it was all there was to life, happy and relieved that you are the one to prove him wrong.
Barbarian!Raph who comes home one day showered in blood, reminiscent of the first time you met and looks so unbelievably on edge that you worry he’s going to pop at any second. He needs to let out this tension and God does he want to unleash it on you but doesn’t want to scare you off.
Barbarian!Raph who has gotten so used to your gentle touches from cleaning his wounds and stitching him up, caring for him in such a delicate way, is completely and utterly taken aback when you tell him that he doesn’t have to gentle with you. Not in this moment.
Barbarian!Raph who sees red and completely and wholly ravishes you, fucking you hard and fast. It’s animalistic, raw carnal desire that’s been brewing inside him over the time he’s had you. He leaves marks all over your body, claiming his stake on you, leaving his scent everywhere he can because even though he knows they wouldn’t, he selfishly wants his brothers to know that you’re his.
Barbarian!Raph who’s not the best at aftercare but tries his best anyway. He rubs ointment that Donnie made all over you to soothe your aching and sore muscles, leaving apologetic kisses and churring quietly. He makes a silent vow to be more gentle next time, promising that he won’t be such a brute when he takes you.
Barbarian!Raph who clutches you tight to his chest as you lay on the fur bed, rubbing his hand up and down your back as you start to slumber off. He hooks his muscled leg over yours, afraid that you’ll slip away and this whole moment will be nothing but a dream.
Barbarian!Raph who thinks you’re asleep and takes the opportunity to whisper ‘I love you’ for the first time, not knowing that you were awake to hear it and tell him the same thing back the very next morning.
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Tw: mild body horror
Did some Pepstavo drawings because this AU is in need of something pure
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Roulxs marry me I'll give you everything you want
-🍄 anon
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estradasphere · 4 months
the Palace of Mirrors short story takes up way too much space in my brain for how not very good it is
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love-aholic · 1 month
@fishy-moirails itss doneeeeeeee!!!
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💙 Billy and Haru stimboard ❤️
Hey hey Rain you see that stim on the middle right? Ok now imagine you and Billy- *explodes*
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lord, though. Pauline Nordin. that's the post.
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non-un-topo · 8 months
Everybody masc until they have to answer the phone
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coldcanyon · 8 months
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vimbry · 1 year
god "hello mrs. wheelyke" is just an Excellent song. I love their duets ("spoiler alert" is another great one), their vocals sound smooth in this, I love linnell's verses recontextualising flansburgh's and the satisfying cleverness of these new sentences forming like a song made of invisible ink, and the melancholy that sets in when it's solo again
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
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polyamory requiring whatever's considered "romance" to not be defined by exclusivity; relationship anarchy (as, like any political sense of anarchy, anti hierarchy rather than "no rules") requiring relationships of any kind to not be defined by hierarchy just like the parenthetical says, e.g. a "romantic" relationship couldn't be defined by "[nonromantic relationship/s] is lesser / beneath this one" & "[romantic relationship] is More Than / above others';" lovequeer perspex challenging any Emotional definition of what supposedly determines "romance" such that any of those feelings are not prescriptively associated with that definition; loveless perspex challenging any Emotional definition of any kind of relationships, being "human," of emotions themselves, where people can't prescriptively ascribe any emotions as "love" of any "kind" and this all inherently asks how social support and existing and navigating the world is supposed to be determined by how individuals personally Feel about other individuals rather than people recognized as people and an approach based on that in & of itself as enough to know they aren't intrinsically less deserving than the people You may know & love........Hell Yes
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
🤥💢🕷️🚊for nora?
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Nora's not a bad liar--she's pretty stone-faced even when telling jokes, and that lack of affect works well for her. But she's no Deacon, either. She doesn't improvise well, so it's easier to catch her in a lie if she hasn't had time to prepare a story.
She tends to fidget with her wedding ring or Dana's dog tags when she's thinking about him, or her hair when thinking about her family. She sometimes plays with the end of her braid when talking for something to do with her hands.
If she's standing too still and not doing any of that, it's possible she's trying to appear casual so she doesn't look suspicious.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
The resting bitch face and deadpan tone of voice can come across as rude--it takes some characters time to learn she's being sincere despite the near-monotone.
She also starts projects and doesn't finish them in a timely manner--in one chapter there's a scene where she pulls an all-nighter disassembling Nick's filing system with the intention of putting it back together in a less haphazard manner, but gets distracted halfway through and leaves the office a mess. He's pretty chill about it, though. Actually, here:
His desk had been pushed up against the wall to open up floorspace, and his partner sat cross-legged in the middle of the room, at the center of a ring of case files that had been disassembled into loose papers, photographs, and folders. She had two open on her lap, one in her hand, and a half-empty mug of cold chicory tea by her knee.
The woman herself was a reflection of the state of the office: to wit, a mess. She was hunched forward, her long black hair down instead of in its usual braid, spilling over her back and shoulders, covering half her face like a veil. She froze in place as she looked up at him, her one visible eye wide like she was a little kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Poor gal. Insomnia must’ve gotten her last night. Nick made sure his tone was amused. “They set more bombs off in here, or what?”
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Fear of letting her friends down, or being responsible for them getting hurt/killed is a big one in the Commonwealth.
As far as irrational, her hair being cut or damaged is a big one. It matters a lot to her. It seems like a small thing, but the thought of it can make her panicky.
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
I think the answer to that is the point of the whole fic, so... spoilers.
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