mickmundy · 2 years
BUSHMEDICINE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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BUSHMEDICINE SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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surelysilly · 4 months
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The face that suddenly looks back at Danny is not one he knows — too young with dark hair and blue eyes; melting and bleeding with white hair and green eyes. Not him; similar, perhaps, but not. That’s not him. Who are you?
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minoudrien · 11 months
combining my current obsessions to think about… akumatized loveybug. sickly sweet like cyanide. voice as smooth as honey but words as sharp as knives. the color of her suit and heart spots reverse and her hair turns bubblegum pink and she will kill you with a kiss
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atlantis-just-drowned · 2 months
He couldn’t hold his tears back. His hand laid on their cheek – they looked at him almost the same way they always looked, their expression cold, neutral, if it wasn’t for the discrete, practically unnoticeable tension of their features. Sorriness. They were sorry. He could feel it as if it was his own heart tightening in his chest.
Oh, how bad he wished to tell them they didn’t have to be sorry. That it wasn’t their fault. But he couldn’t let his mind linger on the feeling without addressing every other hurt. There was so much to say. And no words to describe the loneliness and despair stabbing at every part of his body and mind. It was cryogenic liquid burning his insides. Pressing against his lungs until he would choke. And it was imprisoned in his core, chained to his soul and wrapped in satin-like silence.
What was there to do, except to shed every tear he possessed? He couldn’t imagine any single way to describe it. He could only cry and scream for all of eternity in a desperate attempt to relieve the monster clawing at his heart. But even then, his eyes would dry up and his breath would go missing before the ache would subside. And it would never be enough.
He wondered when did they stop crying. He wished he has known. He wished he has been here for them sooner; before they grew used to it. But he knew even then, he couldn’t have fixed it. Just like he couldn’t now. There was no escaping it.
“You’re…” He started before choking up a sob. Looking up at them and to the ground again as he felt himself tremble and struggled to articulate the words. “You’re in… so… much… pain…!”
Two hands came up to cup his face and tilt it up as he kept crying and crying. He couldn’t stand so much sorrow. How could they? How had they been able to keep going when their chest weighted heavier than a cold star?
When he looked at them again, a smile lit up weakly on their face, and inside of him, he felt the tiniest warmth spark – so small compared to the cold and the darkness that tried to engulf it, but so, so powerful. His gaze was frantic, desperately searching for a way to keep this relief – or was it love? – alive. For a way to make it grow big enough to eclipse the hurt forever. But there wasn’t such thing. There would never be.
His face twisted into a pained frown as he felt both of their thumbs wipe away his tears – trying to reassure him, trying to keep the misery at bay, to hide it away from him – and their eyes bore into his.
“Hush.” They smiled gently. “No reasons to cry. There will be brightness forward.”
They said it with this distant, hesitating hope that they were right. Like they refused to believe it too much. In case they would be wrong.
With all the grief and ache of their pierced heart, they looked at him like they were going to make things better, and they whispered.
“The past is behind us. We need to keep moving. Otherwise we won’t see the beauty ahead.”
And oh. He loved them. More than ever, he loved them.
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underscoremagpie · 8 months
WELP I'm now in to deadplate. Time to draw Vincent 100 times per minute. WOOOOOOO
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balis77 · 1 year
Love media that just gives its characters personal symbols. 
Like fuck yeah, that little sigil does represent that little guy. That is them in shape form.
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fuckitwebhaal · 1 year
Wearing pink today in honor of Halcyon. Hoping to get a child killed by a snake soon, wish me luck
you guys are disturbingly okay with his child murder
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paterday · 3 months
Movie 👍
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eggfruit · 1 year
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Goin on a walk with da niece. Gettin splashed. Leg is wet. Fuck you, niece. I'm cold now :(
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rainingmbappe · 3 months
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hexellent · 10 months
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 Volt and Diego?
Or a friendship list for Rose and Harmony?
@familylightfox // 3 Songs on the Playlist
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I'm Ready - Sam Smith ft Demi Lovato
It's a cold night in my bed in the heat of the summer I've been waitin' patiently for a beautiful lover He's not a cheater, a believer He's a warm, warm blooded achiever It's a lonely night in my bed in the heat of the summer, uh It's so hard when you're with someone Your heart breaks and it ain't no fun But I gotta take that risk tonight I'm ready, I'm ready I'm ready, I'm ready For someone to love me (for someone to love me)
River - Bishop Briggs
Tales of an endless heart Cursed is the fool who's willing Can't change the way we are One kiss away from killing Don't you say, don't you say it Don't say, don't you say it One breath, it'll just break it So shut your mouth and run me like a river Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver Holy hands, will they make me a sinner? Like a river, like a river Shut your mouth and run me like a river
High School Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez
Could you hold me through the night? Put your lips all over my mine Salty face when I start cryin' Could you be my first time? Eat me up like apple pie Make me not wanna die Love me rough and let me fly Get me up, yeah, get me high Tie me down, don't leave my side Don't be a waste of my time ... Can we just be honest? These are the requirements If you think you can be my one and only true love You must promise to love me And damn it, if you f- me over I will rip your f- face apart High school sweethearts
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spatio-rift · 2 years
all 4 seishou plushies i bought have finally arrived at the buyee warehouse now i just need to wait for the hikd balls
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zenmom · 2 years
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500 posts!
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amoratheskeleton · 3 months
Or it could also be ketchup, depending on the interpretation!
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Here's my entry for @and-bone-appetit DTIYS, This took me an entire night to do so.... I hope you like it! :3
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littl3d0ll-art · 24 days
hello, may I do a second request?
Basically, I would love to see you draw my goat abd/or my puprinder. If you want.
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Feel free to ignroe the request if you want
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asocial-inkblot · 7 months
Things I Hope/d to See in the New ATLA Live Action Show
A source material-accurate Azula (duh) and Aang (the show's namesake!) with something extra added to both. See #7 and #8 for more on that.
Tweaked war-related plans that come across like they could reasonably be implemented in real life and which may be based on/allude to actual battle proposals from throughout history. I know little about these sorts of things but others have pointed out before that one of Sokka's plans, for example, may not have actually made much sense. And Ozai's plan near the end? Yeeaaahhhhh... I mean, I kinda get it in hindsight. But still. Let's have him come up with something better than that.
Appearances and clothing that call back to the ethnic groups and cultures that the show takes inspiration from (things are looking great on this front so far), but also
Eye colors like the ones from the original cartoon. This may seem petty but I find that it's actually important to use the right hues for each character and not just make everyone's eyes brown or black or gray (looks to me like that's exactly what they did). The reason being that, although I personally tend to dislike when non-white characters are given what I now call "white qualifiers" (meaning traits often used to make them still appeal to whiteness, such as light hair, light eyes, bone-straight hair, round eyes, etc.), in the context of the show, the eye colors are actually by and large ethnic characteristics and differentiators themselves. As I've noted before in a previous post from a while back: Ocean blue eyes = Water Tribes, brown and gray = usually Air Nomad or Earth Kingdom, amber or light tan = Fire Nation, with few exceptions for all of them.
Enough similarities for it to feel like ATLA but with enough differences that it's actually its own story. Again, duh, but we all know how often adaptations tend to get this part wrong.
An age rating that won't be used as just another excuse to shoehorn in as much violence, gore and sexual content as possible but instead to allow for the full illustration of the impact that war can have on a people and their society/traditions. We saw, imo, only little hints of this throughout the cartoon (when Aang found Monk Gyatso's remains is one extremely devastating example), but not near enough. I know the reason why, of course. However, things like that only helped sell the show short by not allowing it to fully flesh out into a world with true, viewable consequences.
An Azula who, from day one, is unquestionably made out to be exactly what she is: A child soldier who is also a victim of the war in a similar way to how the Gaang is. I want to see her allowed to show worry, even fear, either during or after a situation. Not because I don't love how kickass she is, but because at her age, level of trauma and amount of risk to her life everyday, she has all the reason to be more stressed from the get-go. Not to mention her family issues. I want Azula to clearly have anxiety or depression, something many of us can relate to. I also want that scene of her mental breakdown to STAY in some capacity, but be seen in-universe and hopefully—eventually—irl, too, as what it really was: A teenage girl pushed to her limits until she had no where left to step. Real, living people have had anxiety/panic attacks and meltdowns before and that didn't make them evil or any less worthy of sympathy. It only makes it that much more obvious how real Azula herself is, and how much she needed and deserved understanding.
I want an Aang who's allowed to cry, not once, not twice but over and over again as the weight of the burden of what it means to be a child avatar during a world war—and one who was out-of-commission for a century—start to take their toll on his mind, body and eventually spirit. After he reaches his breaking point, I want him to learn to forgive himself and even forgive others, and come back from it, stronger than ever.
A Toph who's tough but maybe a little less...umm... She should be/feel affected by the war too, okay? And have some level of guilt, fear or self-awareness at all times. So she should be like her original self, but deeper.
More Ursa pleeeaaaaaaassse. We know next to nothing about this woman and what we do know, still involves a lot of inferring. I need to know just what her beliefs were about the war and her family/relatives. I need to know if she...if she often feared for her or her children's lives!
A little less romance and a little more danger, planning and large platonic relationship growth as well as character growth.
Zuko actually learning something from his travels; early on, every time he meets someone/some new people, and on a regular basis. I also kinda want to see him have consequences for his actions. Not just that one time, where he was only a clueless 13 year old boy anyway. Doesn't have to be huge or bloody, but he needs to lose something every time he gains at the expense of another. The ATLA world (if not within the cartoon then definitely within the live action show) should have a real, tangible concept of Karma present, if it doesn't already. That would make so. much. sense.
If possible, a little more fleshing out of characters like Jet and the Freedom Fighters, Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors, Hama, Mai, Ty Lee, etc. And can we not demonize or shrug off victims anymore?
A still sexy Hakoda, Ozai and June. (I'm so sorry, don't hate me...)
An ending that won't make me break out in hives plez.
(That's it for now. I may come back here to add more.)
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