serfuzzypushover · 2 months
I would love to hear you explain cronkri quadrant deal in full detail
oh god youll regret this...
lets start off wwith kankri. cronus wwas someone she wouldnt b particularly interested in at the vvery start of the game imo. that is until she noticed a change in his behavvior/beliefs. she wwas the first to notice that cronus gradually lost an interest in ✨magic✨ and seemed awwkwardly trying to find anything to latch onto afterwwards. kankri wwould probably do this wwith the others too, seer of blood an wwhatnot, but cronus in particular made her feel a sort of pity she couldn explain. she probably doesn realize it but i think she wwould devvelop at least a crush lol. i dont think kankri wwould approach him about it, just observvin from afar and treating him like normal. after their deaths, she wwould try her shot at actually befriending him tho! cause hey theyr dead. they havve nothin else to do. thats howw she wwould excuse it at least
noww cronus. boy do i havve a lot to say about cronus. identity issues all around, that guy has no idea wwho he is and he wwill take on any persona that he thinks wwill make ppl like him. unfortunately rn that means: toxic masculinity, honestly really bad lackluster and obvvious manipulation tactics, objectification ect ect. take that and mix it wwith growwin up in a society thats expecting you to belittle evveryone beloww you in a caste system and yikes 😬! he wwas more than likely livving a great life on beforus. lonely but great. too great in fact. look he reads like a kid wwho really romanticizes oppression wwhen he himself has nevver dealt wwith it. taking on the role of a poor wwizard boy wwho wwas belittled and neglected but is actually the chosen one and then he wwins the day and evveryone lovves him or wwhatevver... im team he read a troll vversion of harry potter and just really wwanted to be him lol. turns out tho only aranea is at most only a tiny bit interested in his nerdy make-believve... i see him getting really attached to others wwho showw him evven the slightest hint of attention and that included aranea and maybe mituna wwhen he wwas a kid. not that either of them WWERE his actual friends, but cronus wwould havve seen them that wway. anywway back to kankri, this is a cronkri analysis lmao—he probably nevver paid attention to her during the game. shes a mutant. wwhatevver. not wworth his time. but then after they die, kankri starts to talk to him like friends and like usual he gets attached. cronus, recently havvin had his "human awwakin", is in a wway, subconsciously jealous of kankri. she has the correct blood color, she is a land dwweller and theres so many little things about her that makes her the closest a troll could be to a human. i dont think he realizes it, but somethin in him is tellin him to not fuck this one up. wwhat hes feeling probably isnt flushed, pale or evven romantic in a sense, but thats probably the only wway he could think to describe it. "ah see, this must be howv humans feel lowve!" says the aromantic, confidently.
so yeah basically cronus has stupid baka human emotions and thats wwhy his life is crumbling ofc... if they wwere to start dating in either red quadrant it wwould probably b a disaster. looking fine from the outside and evven havving some moments wwhere it is okay, but i dont think they could wwork long term as romantic. cronus' feelings are based on objectification n are probably bordering on fetishistic and kankri 100% has a sort of "i can fix him" mentality... i see them lasting 2 months. they are my otp and i lovve them and i wwill continue to draww them kissing ❤️
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suguella · 4 months
i totally knew that …….. yeah def ……. totally didn’t forget
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aetherive · 1 year
hey hey ranret its your boy swizzy here once again hehe :]] howve you been honestly i feel like its been too long dude loving the embracement of all and any pronouns especially neos neos are so swag hehe /gen - @unofficiallyswizzy
I am on a plane it just landed my ears hurt 👍🏽 /neu
But good! I’ve decided “fuck it we ball” for every aspect of my identity now for better or worse we’ll have to see /silly
neos are very swag yeah :] deciding to figure out which ones to use stressed me so i decided why not just all of them lol
and hru?
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asktheseacowvboys · 7 years
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ihatebnha · 3 years
Bro wtg okay beare with me I just woke up I had a Bakugo dream
I don't even like bakugo like that dafuq
So okay it starts out like. In my dream I'm Ina panic because I haven't been to college in a really long time. Even though I'd graduated lmao but dream logic. And in the dream it's because of taken a break off of school, but I was visiting the campus for whatever reason, just walking through the halls, trying to find my advisors office because it's been ages andi forgot where
And then I exit out the side building and start walking through the grounds and I'm about to leave when this girl comes out and follows me, and she's like, my old classmate. (My for real memory classmate even tho like I don't remember her name now)
And we start talking, and she's like "it's been awhile, it's good seeing you. Howve you been?" And I'm answering as short as possible because like fff trying to leave as quickly as possible.
And then she's like "bakugo misses you yanno." And awake me rn is like ????? But dream me was awkwardly like "yeah, I know."
And she tells me "you should go see him." And I don't give her a direct answer but then my dream does that smash cut thing where the scenery changes but you roll with it, and I'm having lunch with bakugo.
Real fucjin awkward cause he's like, glaring at me as we eat. Not even talkin, just me shoving food in my mouth to avoid talking.
Until finally Bakugo was like "what took you so fuckin long?" Because I was taking a break from school but from the sounds of it, I was also taking a break from /him/ which is wild.
And I explain to him that I got scared and overwhelmed and needed time away to figure myself out.
Talking about school but ALSO about him dun dun dunnnnnn
And then he got real quiet, and then he like. Karate chopped my head, but like real gentle like. And then he came up around the table and he hugged me.
And he just says "don't go away again."
And then I woke up. More coherent now and I'm kicking myself for waking up so quickly because??? What even. Anyway that's my bakugo dream
Okay before i start this, you "don't even like bakugo like that???" WHERE DO U THINK U ARE, BESTIE??? this is bakugo's house, thats the real THE FUCK???
anyway. i said this to u already and i say this about dreams a lot in general, but i am EXTREMELY jealous of u. extremely. a whole college au in your head? where bakugo MISSES U???
it honestly sounds like a fic!!!!! like, U WERE OVERWHELMED AND HE LITERALLY GAVE U A HUG??? you go back to bed right now and wrap this up rn bc thats so GRRR RRR ARFBARKBARK BARK!!
but anyway. lucky u.
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seungstarss · 2 years
SEIII HI ITS BEEN SO LONGG HOWVE U BEEN??? also I saw your post abt book reccs so here I am !!! I highly recommend:
the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo - this is like, everyone's favourite idk
the other Mrs miller - I read this a long time ago so I don't exactly remember everything, but I'm pretty sure this was a thriller typa thing >.< either way, I remember it being good !
on earth, we are briefly gorgeous - this one is very emotional and literally made me shed ugly tears 😭
that's all I have for now but if u prefer a specific genre, don't hesitate to tell me so I can recommend u stuff in your liking ! ~
OMSGSAJAGA OMG⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ MIRAI THANK YOU SO MUCH WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FCK OMG 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍 but omg I'm actually currently reading the seven husbands of evelyn Hugo as we speak 🤩🤩🤩 it's so intriguing as of now,,, currently on the Don Adler section hehe
BUt HELLO??? THE OTHER TWO SEEM SO GOOD?? like I'm a suckered for thriller books so hell yeah I'm def gonna give that a go! Also the last one???? ANGST YOU SAY⁉️⁉️⁉️💔💔💔 bestie you know imma check it out
But OMLL tysm for the recs🥺🥺 I'm so excited to get back into reading eheh
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agirldying · 3 years
howve you been doing?
I’ve been okay, it’s been a little rough dealing with my nana’s passing, I wasn’t the absolute closest to her but she meant a lot to me and thousands of other people in the community and yeah. 
Yesterday was her memorial and even though we tried to keep it lighthearted, it’s of course kinda hard to do. It was the first time I honestly let myself be emotional in front of other people, and I was hugging relatives during sentimental moments, which I’ve always shied away from (because emotions, ick). It was kinda nice to let myself just do what I needed to do emotionally. I took a break after the ceremony and went down to the pond and just cried, and I honestly felt a lot better after doing that. Then we had a big delicious dinner with chicken, potatoes, and salad, and talked to some of the other people there. It was honestly a good night and a good bonding experience with the whole family.
Another thing I did yesterday that I am also usually shy about is that I sang on stage. I’m honestly pretty self-conscious of my voice because to me it sounds like a little boy’s and I’m often mistaken for one over the phone and stuff, but I know that I can generally sing on-tune. So all my nana’s granddaughters (me, my sister, all my female cousins) went up on stage and sang Mary Had a Baby since it was one of our nana’s favorites. A couple people came up to me afterwards and congratulated me for doing that and complimented my voice, which really helped.
I had to wake up at 6am today to head back to school, a 4 hour drive. So it’s been a long day. But now I have some time to quench the 13 asks that were in my inbox lol.
I’m feeling good now, not amazing of course, but I’m feeling better and a little more like, resolved, as far as grieving goes.
Thanks for checking in.
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crowdedimagines · 6 years
Tension - David Dobrik
word count: 1685
summary// this was requested in my ask but i lost it in my notifications. Y/n is a friend from Vernon Hills who David used to have a thing with. Natalie invites Y/n back out and there is tension between reader and David.
Natalie was already at the airport waiting to pick me up when I landed.
“What gate are you parked in front of?” I ask into the phone.
She answers with the gate number that is right outside of my luggage pickup.
“I’ll be standing outside of the car. I can’t stand Jonah right now.”
“Jonah?” I ask.
“Yeah, David made him come with.”
I stop immediately in my tracks, halting my luggage that I had been pulling behind me.
“David is with?”
“Yeah, he’s the one that drove. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, it’s totally fine.” I smile, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen David. I know that he got big on social media. Natalie works for him now, I’ve seen a few of the vlogs but I don’t watch them consistently. He does some pretty cool stuff out here.
Back in Vernon Hills, David and I dated. We were each other’s first everything. We’re fine now, we both had different futures ahead of us. He was leaving for L.A and I was leaving for college. We ended things then, now I haven’t really seen him much since.
“Y/n!” I hear Natalie yell my name before I see her. I look around for a few seconds before I spot her. We run together and she pulls me into a big hug. I can’t tear the smile off of my face, it’s been too long since I’ve seen her. I talk to her constantly, but it pales in comparison to being together in person.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” She cheers.
“I can’t believe it either! I’m in Los Angeles!” I grin.
“Welcome to L.A.” Someone says.
I don’t have to turn to know the familiar voice. David. I do however turn, I look and see David standing there, waiting for a hug. I walk over slowly and let him wrap his arms around me.
“Hi David.” I say over his shoulder. I pull away first, David does too reluctantly.
“Hi, Y/n” He looks down and smiles at me.
I take a step back, I may be friendly with David post-relationship, not ready to be quite that close.
“Y/n, you can ride in the front. I’ll deal with Jonah in the back.” Natalie rolls her eyes before climbing into the backseat. I put my bag in the trunk and join David in the front. He pulls away from the airport and drives towards his house.
“I’m so excited for tonight! It’ll be just like old times!” Natalie says, referring to the three of us hanging out. We used to all be the best of friends growing up. We would hang out constantly since we lived near each other.
“I know!” I turn around to smile at Natalie.
“We have to drop off Jonah before going back home.” David states.
We drive through the city for a while, I’m surprisingly quiet. I’m trying to take in the city while I’m here, looking out my window. I turn to the other side and watch David drive. It feels exactly like when years ago we would drive around looking for anything to do.
“Do you want to go in?” David asks, he’s taking off his seatbelt. We arrived at the Antonyan family home.
“Sure.” I get out and cross my arms over my chest. I follow Natalie in and we sit down on the couch.
David films a few bits for his vlog. I have to admit, this is an interesting and funny family. I can see why David has latched onto them.
“Are the always like this?” I ask Natalie with a laugh.
“Yes.” She answers without hesitation.
We stay there for a while longer before leaving. We drive back to David’s house. I’ve seen the pictures, but the house is even more amazing than I thought it would be.
“Damn, Dave.” My jaw it practically on the ground. “This is amazing.”
He lets out a loud laugh, not sure how to take a compliment. I follow Natalie to her room so I can set down all of my stuff and change. Natalie and I both put on pajamas and face masks. We laugh and talk for hours until we’re interrupted by a knock on the door. Hesitantly, David walks in.
“Wow, I feel like I just stepped back into eighth grade.” He laughs before pushing his hair back. Natalie and I both laugh, he’s right. This was  basically every Friday night for the three of us in middle school.
“I just wanted to ask you Natalie if you could make that call for the Seatgeek thing?” David asks.
“Oh, right.” She quickly gets off her bed and grabs her phone. She walks out of her room and I can hear her start talking to someone. It seems late to be making a business call but I decide not to question.
“How’ve you been, Y/n?” David asks, he takes a seat on the edge of Natalie’s bed.
“I’m doing good actually. Glad to finally be graduated and ready to start my life.”
“That’s really great.”
“What about you? How have you been other than rich?” I joke.
He laughs before answering that he’s good as well.
“I can’t believe you’re here right now.” He says in disbelief.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“Well, it’s just that so many times I wanted you here. I’ve really missed you these past few years.” David admits suddenly getting serious.
“I’ve missed you too.” I place a hand on his shoulder, “You can always talk to me, Dave. We were best friends before anything else, that didn’t change.”
He nods to agree before leaning in for a hug. I pat his back and pull away slightly. He’s looks directly in my eyes, our close proximity sends goosebumps down my spine. I can feel his warm breath on my face. His attention is drawn down to my lips when I bite my lip.
“David-” I whisper, both of us are out of breath with anticipation.
We both notice Natalie’s footsteps and I jump up from the bed. I stand up and push my hair out of my face.
“I made the call, we’re all good for next week.” Natalie smiles. She jumps on the bed back to her old spot, completely missing the vibe of the room.
“Great. Thanks.” David is short and quickly leaves.
Natalie and I move on, eventually we both go to bed. She crashes right away, but I can’t say that I’m the same. I decide to get up and grab a glass of water.
“You’re still up?”
My heart nearly jumps out of my chest, I clutch it out of fear.
“Holy shit, David.” I close my eyes, frustrated.
“Sorry.” He laughs. I didn’t notice him or his laptop as I walked by the living room.
“What are you doing up still?” I put a hand on my hip.
“Editing.” he points to his laptop.
“Yikes, this late?”
He nods, “What about you? Why are you still up?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” I answer plainly. I scratch the back of my neck, thinking of what almost happened earlier.
I grab a glass of water, drink some and walk over and join David on the couch. I watch him edit for a while, I also comment on the people on the vlog. He explains who a few people are and what some of the bits he does are. He really does live a busy life.
I don’t recognize when exactly I start to fall asleep, but my eyelids get too heavy for me to hold up anymore.
David’s POV
I recognize Y/n’s breathing change immediately, telling me she’s fallen asleep. I look over to my side to confirm that I’m right. I get up and grab her a blanket and throw it over her sleeping form.
I go back to my original spot and finish editing the vlog. I like having Y/n here, she’s just a calming presence to have right here. It makes me happy that she’s in my city, let alone on my couch under my blanket. It’s been too long since I’ve seen her.
I didn’t think she could get more beautiful, but age has done her well. She looks so mature, no hint of awkward teen left. I push away the strand of hair that fell in front of her face waiting for the vlog to upload to youtube.
As soon as the page reloads, telling me that I uploaded, I let my eyes close.
Y/n’s POV
“Y/n” a voice whispers, shaking my shoulder slightly.
“Hmm?” I ask, not even bothering to open my eyes.
“Y/n, what are you doing out here?”
I open my eyes, Natalie standing over me. She has her arms crossed, but a smirk on her face.
“What?” I sit up, rubbing at my eyes.
“How did you end up out here? With him?”
She gestures to my side where David is asleep.
“I got up to get a glass of water.” I explain.
“Are you sure that that’s all that happened?” She lets outs a laugh.
“Yes, Natalie.” I groan, flopping back onto the couch.
“Alright.” She holds up her hands in mock defense. “I just think it’s interesting that you have David’s comforter.”
“I grabbed it, Natalie.” David mumbles into his pillow.
I didn’t even know that David was awake. Apparently, he is and he was listening. Great.
“Alright Y/n, you have to get up. We have a busy day ahead of us.” Natalie smacks my hip and walks over to the kitchen.
“We do?” I groan.
“Yeah, we’re going to do some touristy stuff during the day and then tonight we have a party to go to.”
“A party?”
“Yep.” She smiles.
“David invited us.”
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saxxxology · 6 years
After getting bitten by a werewolf, Sam finds himself trying to adapt to a brand new lifestyle that brings him closer to the girl he loves, but threatens to tear him apart from his family for good.
PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
WARNINGS: non-consensual werewolf bite (not sexual), a/b/o dynamics: heat/rut, knotting, claiming, breeding kink, angst, time hop (season 9 to 12), and more.
NOTE: Edited by @kayteonline and @kittenofdoomage - please heed all warnings and enjoy! This is NOT intended to be a dark fic, but if you read something that bothers you, it is your responsibility to stop reading, keep scrolling past it, or contact me for content clarification.
Buy Sam’s scent from my Etsy shop
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Dean was in the kitchen when you walked up. He was cradling a large cup of coffee in one hand, and when he saw you emerge from the basement, his gaze fixed on you.
“How is he?” he asked urgently, “is he okay?”
You nodded. “It’s over. He’s fine, just hungry. Where’s Garth?”
“He went out with Bess. She’s in shock over what happened, so he took her to a safehouse out of state.” Dean watched as you pulled a pan from the rack on the wall and set it on the stove. “What do you mean by ‘fine?’”
“He’s not in pain anymore, his fever went down.” You cracked eggs into a bowl and whisked them around. “He just needs to recuperate for a few days, maybe a week.”
“Can I see him?” Dean asked.
You nodded and pulled a couple bagged chicken hearts from the fridge. “After he’s eaten. He’s gonna be stronger than normal for a while, so we gotta keep his human contact minimal.” You heard Dean exhale heavily as you started chopping the hearts into chunks. “Dean, I know you wanted to find a cure, but there’s nothing you could have done. I’ve seen people get bit and go through a lot worse. At least he’s alive. He’s a little different than he was yesterday, but he’s alive.”
Dean nodded and leaned against the counter. “You’re really intent on taking care of him, huh?”
“It’s my job to take care of my pack.” You replied, pulling four sausages from the fridge and tossing them in the pan, along with an entire pack of bacon. “Russ and Joba are gone. The Reverend’s… well, let’s just say I’m in charge of the pack, now. I care for Sam, deeply. If it were up to me I would have killed Joy myself so that didn’t happen.”
You heard Dean scoff, but when you looked at him you could see he was grinning.
“Nothing.” Dean finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the counter. “Just… I never thought you’d actually spook over a guy getting turned.”
You shrugged. “I know when to care about someone getting bit. I wanted Sam to leave, I wanted him to forget about me, about the pack. I never wanted him to get bit.”
Dean nodded shortly. “The way I look at it now is, he could have been bitten and left to die. At least this way he’s got you and Garth and Bess to look after him, make sure he won’t get into trouble.”
You finished cooking in silence. Piling most of what you’d cooked onto a large plate, you slid one of the sausage links, a small pile of eggs, and several strips of bacon on a separate one, which you offered Dean. He accepted it gratefully, noting that you’d cooked the chicken hearts in  a separate pan. When you re-entered the basement, you found Sam sitting up and stretching his arms above his head.
“I could smell that from down here,” he muttered, turning his head to look at you, “is that normal?”
You handed him the plate and watched him begin to devour the food, shoveling a mixture of everything into his mouth with a fork that seemed comically small in his large hands. “Yeah, it’s pretty normal. And don’t worry about eating everything there, your appetite’s going to be pretty out there for the next couple days.”
Within minutes, Sam had completely annihilated the food on the plate. He tilted his head back against the wall, his lips parted as he sighed in satisfaction. “There was a heart in there, wasn’t there?”
“Two. Small ones, just chicken, nothin’ special.” You took the plate from him and set it down on the floor before snuggling into him. “How do you feel?”
Sam exhaled heavily and slipped an arm around your shoulders. “Not hungry anymore, definitely not tired… I feel strong. Stronger than before.” He flexed his arms, examining the muscles that bulged under the gray sleepshirt. He seemed bigger. “Actually, I feel like I need to run, get out…”
“There’s the punching bag.” You gestured to the slightly misshapen tool in the corner. “I can’t let you out yet, gotta know you can control yourself around humans.”
“Humans…” Sam looked down at his lap and swallowed. “That’s right, I’m not human anymore.”
You shook your head. “That’s not entirely true. You’re still human here,” you put a hand over his heart. “You’ll still be able to function like a human, your instincts are just rewired a bit, that’s all.”
Sam scoffed. “Yeah, what happens when I wolf out and go nuts?”
“That won’t happen.” You nuzzled his shoulder and stood with him as he shuffled over to the punching bag. He gave it an experimental nudge with his fist. “Want to see Dean?”
He nodded apprehensively. “Yeah, but I don’t wanna try to hurt him.”
“Sam, you won’t—”
“You don’t know that. Make sure I don’t try to hurt him.”
You bowed your head and trotted back up the stairs, closing and locking the cage door behind you. Dean was still waiting in the kitchen, and he stood upon seeing you emerge from the basement.
“You can see him, but we have to be careful,” you said quietly. “If he smells you he could try to get at you, that’s gonna be his first instinct. The cage door down there has silver on it, so if he tries anything it’ll hurt, bad, but I need you to stay on the stairs, keep your distance.”
Dean held his hands up as if in surrender. “Trust me, I’ll be keepin’ my distance.”
You led him down the basement, slowly, his boots clunking heavily on the thick wooden planks. You could hear the dull, repetitive THWACK of Sam’s fists against the punching bag, but after the basement door closed, they ceased, and the space fell silent as you and Dean came down the steps. A little more than halfway down, you motion for him to stop.
“Dean, stay here.”
He nodded quietly and waited for you to slip past the cage, locking it behind you.
Sam was standing in the corner by the punching bag, his arms folded across his middle. You motioned for him to walk over, but he shook his head. “Y/N, I can’t… I don’t want him to see me like this. I can smell him, I can hear his heartbeat.”
“You won’t hurt him.” You walked closer to him, reaching for one of his hands. “Sam, come on, I’ll be there. The door’s got silver on it, you won’t be able to get out.”
Sam lowered his voice. “What if I hurt you?”
“You won’t. Now come on.” You led him slowly over to the wire door. His heartbeat increased with every step, and you heard his breathing grow more and shakier.
When Dean came into view, you didn’t know if Sam was going to recoil or lunge at the gate. He could hear Dean’s heartbeat, steady and slow, the rush of blood pumping through his veins, traces of whiskey and cedar covering up the thick, coppery scent…
...No, stop it! That’s your brother! You wouldn’t bite your own brother!
“Sammy?” Dean’s voice was quiet as he took another step down the stairs. “Hey, it’s me.”
Sam paused, took a deep breath. “I know.” He looked down at the ground and closed his eyes, trying as hard as he could to stop from hurling himself at the wall of the cage. “How’ve you been?”
“Uh, worried, for one,” Dean chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood, “I went out for a little during the night, tried looking for a cure or something…”
“Yeah.” Sam swallowed and clenched his fist. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening, but all he wanted to do was break out of the cage and rip his brother’s chest apart, get at the thick, pulsing muscle that was hidden behind bone and sinew, devour the warm, blood-drenched organ that kept his brother alive…
No! Goddamn it! Stop!
“I thought you’d be gone.” Sam cleared his throat as a fresh wave of hunger washed over him.
“Had to make sure you’re okay, didn’t I?” Dean caught your warning glance to stay where he was and decided not to take the last two steps down. Hell, he might be too close already. “How do you feel?”
Sam swallowed thickly as you increased the pressure on his hand. “Honestly, I feel good. I’m strong, I’m not hurting, just wanna get the hell out of here.”
“And why can’t you?” Dean shifted his gaze back and forth between you and Sam.
“Because if I get out of here I’m not gonna be able to stop myself from trying to hurt you or someone else,” Sam stated bluntly.
Dean seemed taken aback by Sam’s words. Apparently, he hadn’t considered just how dangerous Sam really was until he’d said it. “Sam, you wouldn’t.”
“You don’t know what I’d do, Dean, hell, I don’t know what I’d do.” Sam’s body trembled as he spoke, but he stood his ground. “The only reason I’m not going after you right now is that I know I shouldn’t, but if Y/N wasn’t here with me, if this happened somewhere else… I don’t know if either of us would be alive right now.”
You saw Dean swallow, saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, and heard Sam growl, low and deep in his chest.
“Sam, don’t say that.”
“You’re not in the place to tell me what to do, Dean.” Sam retorted. “I’m a monster, both of us know that. You don’t know how… how hungry I feel right now. I don’t have a friggin’ clue what’s making me feel this way, but if you weren’t my brother… I’d kill you, without thinking.”
Looking up, you noticed Sam’s upper lip beginning to twitch. He was starting to lose control. “Dean, I think you should go, this isn’t—”
Dean, obviously, didn’t listen. Instead, he did the worst thing he could. He took another step, closing the distance between him and his brother by another two feet.
Overcome by hunger, Sam snapped. You saw his eyes flash yellow as his instinct to attack sprang free. He snarled, his lips curling back over his teeth as his muscles bunch. He lunged forward, slamming all two-hundred pounds of his body against the cage. His long fingers were pointed in two-inch claws, which curled in the wire before he stumbled back with a yelp of pain; the silver on the wire had seared his skin.
Dean fell back when Sam crashed against the cage, bringing an arm up instinctively to protect his face.
“Dean!” You shouted, pulling Sam back against the far wall and holding him there. “Get out! Now!”
You saw Dean stagger to his feet his eyes fixed on the snarling beast of a man now ten feet away from him. He was staring at Sam with a mixture of fear, anger, and sorrow on his face. Sam took several half-gasping, half-growling breaths before reeling himself back in. He collapsed to the floor, his fingers pressing hard into the smooth concrete. He bowed his head as his body shook even harder.
“D-Dean, I’m sorry!” He gasped out. “I didn’t mean to, I couldn’t help—”
The door at the top of the stairs slammed before Sam could finish, and seconds later you heard the rumble of the Impala’s engine and the grind of her tires scraping on the dirt road as she tore out of the drive and down the road.
Sam’s shoulders heaved with a sob as he collapsed back, breathing hard as he fought to still his shaking hands. The claws had vanished and his eyes were back to hazel, but he still shook with panic. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he choked, “I didn’t—I didn’t—”
“Sam, it’s okay, he’s just gone to cool off.” You soothed him. “He’ll be back, I promise.”
Sam shook his head and reached to grip your hand as you rubbed his shoulder soothingly. “No way in hell. He saw me snap and that was it. He thinks I’m a monster.” He turned his head, and you saw tears streaming from his now hazel eyes. “I am a monster.”
You sat next to him and wrapped your arms around him as tight as you could. “Oh, Sam, it’s all right. You’re not a monster, you’re not. You’re adapting to a new lifestyle, and yeah, you have some different urges, but you’re just starting out. It’s barely been an hour since you woke up, I didn’t expect you to stay under control.” You hugged him tighter and let him bury his face in the curve of your neck. “Dean got spooked, that’s all. He’ll come back.”
“Will he?” Sam straightened his back and practically glared down at you. “How can you know that? Hm? Tell me how you know my brother’s gonna come back thinking I’m still the guy he grew up with.”
If you want to see chapter 5, reblog and leave a comment! Feedback is my fuel!
Forever tags: @atc74 @becaamm @bamby0304 @crispychrissy @crashdevlin @curly-haired-disaster @emoryhemsworth @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @kayteonline @kdfrqqg @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lunarsaturn88 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @manawhaat @mereka18 @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @serpentbaby @spnwoman @smallgirlbigpersonality @shaelyn102 @thelittleredwhocould @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @zombiewerewolfqueen @85natalie @81mysteriouslyme
“Bitten” tags: @linki-locks11 @lez-boatz-writez @wotinspntarnation
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whonsper · 5 years
Long time no talk~ how are you?
AAAAAAA HI LOVE! god its been a fat minute... ive missed talking to you! ive been... stressed.. ig is the best way to put it lol. writing less and less as time goes on, cuz i just dont have time for it anymore. but im still alive, ive got a good job now. yeah im doing alright. howve you been??
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olfashionedloverboy · 5 years
△How long do you spend alone in space while doing missions? And how do you handle it?
See it kinda surprises me too howv I’m kinda chill vwith it???  Like, I’m an extrovwert, there’s no real surprise there.  I need attention like I need air, an space trips can get pretty lonely.  
But it’s...chill, I guess?  Like the longest ones I’vwe had vwere a couple vweeks between stations?  Three max?  Like don’t get me vwrong, by the time I dock an all that I’m dyin to talk to someone face to face, meet newv people, throwv myself into the deep end a vwhatevwer hub I can find, but it ain’t all that bad.  Evwerythin’s connected these days anyvway so it’s nevwer really alone alone.  But yeah I can take a little isolation I guess, evwen if it don’t make much sense to me.  Figure shit out, me time, lots a music, all that jazz.  
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carnivalsoration · 6 years
Cronus Gets Tortured, and then Learns Some Stuff about Boundaries and Identity
I’m going to start all this off with an ooc description of things, because this gets pretty intense in bits. A tldr with added trigger warning, if you will. 
Ringleader messages Cronus about being an insensitive prick regarding the ‘gutterblood rights’ post, then the conversation moves on to lusus death (a la, what was going on with Meulin at the time, though she’s not mentioned directly at all), how wasteful Alternia is, and then on to torture. During that talk, there’s a lot of mentions of parent/animal death, then referring to people as objects that can be disposed of, in an abstract sense, and then obviously, Harming and Killing people, for Fun and Dubious Amounts of Profit. 
Ringleader convinces Cronus it would be no big deal to torture him for a bit, and doesn’t take no for an answer. (Manipulation, coercing, lack of respect for boundaries.) And then they meet up! Cronus is waterboarded, Ringleader is way lighter about it than he really should be, primarily in the confession he forces Cronus to make, and then they make out! Weird, but these two are who they are.
Cronus presses more, hoping for sex to happen. Ringleader says no. Cronus says ‘but whyyyy’ and Ringleader gets pissed about it. A conversation about consent and rape occurs, that leads into highblood standards, respect, and who Cronus wants to be and what he values. 
This is a Very dense log, y'all, with a lotta intense stuff. Two kinda shitty people meeting, and one of them trying to make the other Less shitty, with some admittedly poor judgement. Overall, a Dubiously happy, or at least thought provoking, ending.
Anyway! If that sounds like you would enjoy reading it, read on! If not, you now know a general plot synopsis and can avoid reading it while still knowing all relevant details! If the chat log appeals to you but the roleplay itself doesn’t, you can read that too! 
carnivalsoration honk
vwarlordvwanderlust hey there, babe!
carnivalsoration :o)
vwarlordvwanderlust vwhat's up?
carnivalsoration i will make out with you if you promise not to reblog that gutterblood pride post again.
vwarlordvwanderlust see, THIS is a bold and innovwativwe method more people should try.
carnivalsoration hahahahaha is that a yes
vwarlordvwanderlust you also could'vwe just asked. but too late, no take backs. hell yeah.
carnivalsoration hahahahahahahaha
vwarlordvwanderlust (also that's a joke. there are take backs. it's all just jokes. )
carnivalsoration good boy, thats a good ad on
vwarlordvwanderlust haha. i do my best.
carnivalsoration :o) i could explain why i don't want you to say it, if ya wanna hear it or you could guess, since i'm kinda curious
vwarlordvwanderlust i just figured it vwas annoying. you specified that particular post, and not the vword, is it the vword.
carnivalsoration it's the word and the implication it's. it's just the whole thing, brother the whole damn thing
vwarlordvwanderlust yeah? vwhat implication?
carnivalsoration for you this is an inconvenience for a bit. for other people, this is their life. you don't earn the right ta use that word by your glorified lowblood tourism
vwarlordvwanderlust huh.
> So he's not *that* Alternian. 🤔
carnivalsoration > Ooo motherfucker.
do ya get what i mean? you can't have pride about somethin that you're not even really a part of.
vwarlordvwanderlust it vwas a joke. but yeah for sure, OBVWIOUSLY.
carnivalsoration and what about it is funny? like, can you just explain it to me?
vwarlordvwanderlust it's okay to not get jokes.
carnivalsoration no, i wanna get it.
vwarlordvwanderlust it's just a dumb lowvblood thing people say, you knowv, that i'm saying, because i'm kinda a lowvblood, for nowv.
carnivalsoration huh. and that's... funny?
vwarlordvwanderlust > This is the worst thing that's ever happened.
i mean. it's just one of those things.
carnivalsoration aight.
vwarlordvwanderlust look they can't all be vwinners!!!!!!!!
carnivalsoration you reblogged it though, you thought it was pretty good
vwarlordvwanderlust vwe all havwe different tastes. anyvways.
carnivalsoration yeah. what would you do if ya lusus died?
vwarlordvwanderlust > Weird foreplay but okay. > Clowns.
be sad.
did you vwant a longer ansvwer, or did you just leavwe.
carnivalsoration oh, oops. i got distracted. but like. how much would it change your life
vwarlordvwanderlust a lot. but i mean. i'll need to leavwe him anyvways.
carnivalsoration fun fact. i killed my lusus
vwarlordvwanderlust oh. vwhy?
carnivalsoration cuz that was the tradition at the time. indigos wouldn't get orphaned before adulthood on the condition that when they became a subjug, they'd kill their lusus themselves. and so that's what happened. i hella slaughtered him. it was a mess hahaha
vwarlordvwanderlust haha. yeah.
carnivalsoration i'm just talkin at this point
vwarlordvwanderlust vwhy? i mean don't get me vwrong. i lovwe our talks.
carnivalsoration i just ponder things sometimes. i'm old, i got a lotta memories to peruse what's your alternia like?
vwarlordvwanderlust big question, chief. dunno howv to ansvwer that.
carnivalsoration how often do people murder their lusus
vwarlordvwanderlust i don't knowv. probably not a ton. seems like a vwaste.
carnivalsoration hahaha remember what i said the other night? alternia likes nothin quite so much as waste
vwarlordvwanderlust alternia is cutthroat and efficient. may not alvways be pretty, but hey. it gets the job done.
carnivalsoration hahahaha. wrong. healthcare that involves replacing limbs instead of mending. killin people for any old thing and raisin all new people, like i said. you coulda imprisoned them and got free labor. killin reproductive failures. because you can still make THEM work. that ain't efficiency.
vwarlordvwanderlust that's efficient! you don't need to deal vwith upkeep if you toss a thing in the garbage vwhen it breaks, same vwith people. mm.
carnivalsoration efficiency is using a tool as long as it's useful. killin other planets rather than enslaving them. using lowbloods as fodder in just the stupidest ways. you could have them maneuver big heavy things or control animals at the front line or whatever. also. mechanical limbs cost a lot in upkeep too, just as a bonus destroying rather than fixing is just a thing. it's all brute force casual sadism, gloating over enemies rather than just offin em. imagine all the hot babes that were offed cuz they broke an ankle. or cuz they were kinda stupid once or they puked killin somethin the first time, which is another way alternia wastes life. beaurocracy is a HUGE waste of time plus it makes ya wanna beat your brains out with the stack of paperwork ya have to do land and sea trolls in competition, which wastes highblood life on dumbass feuds underfeedin slaves and workin them to death way before their natural lifespan. food ain't that expensive
vwarlordvwanderlust evwery system has SOME flawvs.
carnivalsoration yeah, but alternia's is that it just loves waste it fuckin can't get enough of it fuck, i tortured and killed thousands of people when i coulda tortured them and then put them to work .... probably hundreds of thousands.... i wonder if i broke a million
vwarlordvwanderlust vwell. i assumed that vwas, you knowv. pleasure, not business. but vwe all havwe flavws.
carnivalsoration oh, it's both. the fact i did it for fun doesn't change the fact i was definitely expected to do it
vwarlordvwanderlust vwell the system gets stuff done.
carnivalsoration oh, the number of troll screams i heard... the number of crimes confessed.... so many confessed to crimes that we found out they didn't even commit! just to make the agony stop
vwarlordvwanderlust the probability of false confessions is actually ovwerplayed by certain rebellious type groups, it's still mostly good intel.
> You should know, you consume imperial propaganda religiously!
carnivalsoration .... i .......... i tortured them myself all the time three a night, at least for centuries there is a LOT of false confessions a LOT of time wasted researching the falsities
vwarlordvwanderlust is it most of them?
carnivalsoration oh yeah. like 70% of the info you get from any one person is likely to be false. sometimes more, sometimes less, and about 90% of the time, the truths they do tell aren't worth your time to even pursue
vwarlordvwanderlust so vwe need to be more selectivwe in vwho vwe torture and vwhat vwe ask.
> Bold of you to say we, there.
carnivalsoration i'm kinda curious where you got the info about how false confessions are overplayed OH SHIT. I SHOULD HELP YOU GET USED TO TORTURE SOUNDS
vwarlordvwanderlust okay the tone of those tvwo messages is vwildly different.
carnivalsoration i just get excited sometimes
vwarlordvwanderlust it's pretty common knowvledge used to counter rebel propaganda. the real number is like 1%. ...here, i mean. i'm not accusing you of lying. hey, maybe our timelines are different.
carnivalsoration hey, if you're so sure, i bet i could do non-destructive torture on you and get you to confess to something that isn't true.
vwarlordvwanderlust that sounds bad and not fun!
carnivalsoration one hour. it isn't even that long. plus imagine how impressed people would be to know you can withstand torture
vwarlordvwanderlust > You start typing: "okay this is vwhy evweryone assumed you're a serial k" > Hm. That last one is a good message, though.
you don't think i can.
carnivalsoration i don't think you can
vwarlordvwanderlust you're the expert, i guess.
> God it would be so fucking impressive though.
carnivalsoration but i don't know for sure, since timeline differences. i don't wanna spread false information, specially if it helps rebels
vwarlordvwanderlust > GOD THAT'S SUCH A GOOD POINT.
okay but it's gotta vwait six nights.
carnivalsoration how come?
vwarlordvwanderlust not because i'm putting it off or anything, because i'm in a rustie body.
carnivalsoration why does that matter? the people most frequently tortured are lowbloods and i did say i wouldn't damage you. no knives, no electricity, nothin
vwarlordvwanderlust huh. yeah, i guess so. vwhat'll you do?
carnivalsoration waterboard
vwarlordvwanderlust so not to be ovwerly critical but like.
Tumblr media
are you going to cause BRAIN DAMAGE. this seems vwild.
carnivalsoration i'm an expert, would i cause brain damage in one of my friends just for kicks? look up how long the average rustblood can hold their breath. gimme that long. not even an hour, just a little bit
vwarlordvwanderlust one to tvwo minutes... vwe'll say tvwo. or three or vwhatevwer idc. you think this is THAT bad???
carnivalsoration yeah
vwarlordvwanderlust > If this guy ends up torturing you to death, even the like one person who'd care, wouldn't care after reading this conversation. This would be a dumb fucking decision. This is so stupid, you'd absolutely regret this, there's only one answer you could plausibly give.
yeah, okay.
carnivalsoration aight. i'll give ya new coordinates
vwarlordvwanderlust not gonna be a cool outdoorsy forest vwibe for this torture sesh? hahaha
carnivalsoration we could move it to inside in my block and then make out
vwarlordvwanderlust nice!
carnivalsoration right?? you get tortured, come out fine, and then get to make out. what a fuckin nice night, right?
vwarlordvwanderlust okay it's not the night you think vwill happen though. you're just humoring me. but you're vwrong, so
carnivalsoration i'll make out with you either way
vwarlordvwanderlust it vwon't come up, haha.
carnivalsoration :o* [coords.txt]
vwarlordvwanderlust > Swoon.
carnivalsoration :o?
vwarlordvwanderlust okay no this isn't me pussying out i promise it's just. my transportalizer pass is for like. me. so is my id. saness and mituna and people just like. got here, though.
carnivalsoration mmmm. aight, what's ya coords? also tell me where a big bathtub is
vwarlordvwanderlust okay, sorry to be all annoying. oh uh. okay yeah.
carnivalsoration chill out, i ain't fussed
vwarlordvwanderlust > This is rough, on account of, you know. Being kicked out of your hive. But it's probably best not to do it there anyways, so off you go, trespassing on abandoned properties to scope out the bathrooms. Eventually you find something good enough, fairly recently vacated, and send coordinates.
> This is going to be cool.
carnivalsoration > Fucking Arrive! You are trying not to be too excited about being able to torture someone, but you're still pretty hype. You have all the things you'll need. Plenty of water to waste, a cloth to wrap around his face, your recording app open on your phone to record when he isn't looking.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You're only about as nervous as you were before you went hunting (and that turned out so great).
> You grin and wave. This time, you lack any purple in your outfit, and your eyes are red, and you don't have fins, but you look basically the same.
"Hey there, doll. Howv's it going?"
> It's not stalling if it's just a little bit.
carnivalsoration "Pretty damn good so far. You aight gettin your clothes wet, or should we take em off?" You raise eyebrows at him a few times. Waggle.
> Don't be too eager, Makara.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You pull on your shirt, thinking about no just kidding it's always good to take off your shirt. You're vulnerable enough without taking off your pants, though.
"This alright vwith you, doll?"
> You can eyebrow waggle with the best of them. Hitting on people is good.
carnivalsoration > Touch a tit. "Nice." Hitting on people Is good.
> You pull out a scrap of fabric and smile. "Lemme blindfold ya, brother." You're thinking about things that are ridiculous enough that it'll make it funny to confess to but that he won't be offended about later.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Nice.
> See, the thing is that this is such a good and valid sexy scenario if you forget about the torture that's definitely going to happen.
"Sure, yeah."
> You cooperate with a nervous laugh.
carnivalsoration > Blindfold: On. You make sure to adjust it just right, so he can't see you. "I'm going to lead you to the tub now," you say, softly.
> And you do, gently, and telling him to mind the ledge. All you really need is a drain. And water, of course. But you've got that.
vwarlordvwanderlust "Gotcha."
> It's surprisingly disorienting, being led around a fairly unfamiliar environment blindfolded, even for such a short distance. You're already feeling a little nervous about this.
> Maybe the professional torture guy who got people to say stuff that went against their own interests knows what he's talking about with regards to torture?
> But maybe you're just an unstoppable badass. Probably that second one.
carnivalsoration > You lead him in and direct him to lay down. You're very calm and reassuring.
> And then you try to place your camera on a ledge so it peers down at Cronus, get in the tub on top of him to pin him down. You'll try to grab his wrists, place them above his head, grab them with one hand. And one of his horns too. You'll narrate your actions the whole time.
> Damn, indigos are strong when you're a rustblood, him actually resisting you is a bit like him resisting really fleshy iron.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You cooperate, maybe metaphorically dragging your heels a bit, but, oh, no you aren't, fuck this dude is strong.
> FUCK this would be hot if it wasn't for this.
> You're a little wiggly, but not like you're necessarily trying to get away (not that you could), more like you keep wanting to look around.
> It's a lot harder to keep your face casual without the reminder of eye contact, for some reason.
> It's just a couple of minutes, though! It's fine! You Have Never Been Calmer.
> (It'd be really funny if your light hyperventilating made you pass out before he did anything. Funny for some people, at least.)
carnivalsoration > Oh how fucking precious that is. He's so cute, and he doesn't even verbally object. Plausible deniability!
> You grin a little bit where he can't see. "Your three minutes starts now."
> You pull out a gallon jug of water from your dex and start pouring it over his nose and mouth. It looks so ridiculous for being as effective as it is, considering it quickly starts to feel like he's barely keeping his head above water.
"Cronus, did you make me a cookie?" You ask down sternly at him. Not loud, not aggressive per se, but definitely authoritarian.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Blblbr?!?
> Okay this is bad actually.
> You thrash a little, reflexively, but don't get far. You try to shake your head but, uh, can't.
> Boy the water sure just keeps happening. It's a good thing your body inherited reflexes to not breathe water, or this would have been over very fast, since you'd already be coughing it up onto the floor.
> This is a really bad thing but it's not for very long. It's fine!
> The nice thing about being tortured is you're too distracted to worry about keeping a straight face.
> The bad thing about being tortured is all the other stuff. :(
carnivalsoration > Oh, hey, he didn't immediately submit. That's fine. Patience is all you need. The water keeps up in a steady stream. "You did, didn't you. Don't lie to me, you did make me a cookie. Didn't you?!"
> A forceful tone of voice and persistence is all you need. Soon he'll be too disoriented to do much more than choke and agree with you.
vwarlordvwanderlust ==> Cronus: choke and agree with him.
> This was a terrible idea!
> (Wow, Cronus, if only there was any way of knowing that.)
> Your panicked failing gets a little more forceful, but not any more effective.
"Stop, yes--"
> You're dying, he's killing you, you're going to drown here and nobody will ever know what happened.
carnivalsoration "And just what happened to that cookie, Cronus?" You accuse. "Did you fucking eated it??" Oh messiahs bless, saying that with a straight face is so funny. So hard.
"Don't you dare fucking lie, did you Eated my Cookie?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > You already said yes! You really will definitely die at his hands. AaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
"Yes, I did, stop,"
> Your lungs don't feel right, but you don't know if there's actually water in there or if you're just freaking the fuck out without haviing gills, so it feels different.
> Glub glub,
> When you get back in your right mind, you'll be mad. This is the dumbest thing imaginable
carnivalsoration > Okay, now to get to the aftercare portion so no one thinks you're evil or whatever.
> You stop pouring water, captchalogue the jug, and get out of the tub. Then you help him sit up, lean forward. "Alright, now. Cough. Get it all outta ya."
> ..... Grab your phone. Fuck you hope that recorded the right angle.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Water, water everywhere, the last thing you're ever going to feel is water-- no water.
> You're shivering, and coughing weird-- you don't know enough about this to know if it's normal for torture weird, though.
> When he gets you into a better position, you cough up a little more water than might be expected for someone else who this happened to. Probably you just tried to breathe a little more than most people.
> When you're a little less full of water, you   go for the blindfold, if he hasn't taken care of it already. Seeing is good.
carnivalsoration > Oh shit blindfold, better hide the phone! Captchaloguing is so convenient for slight of hand stuff.
> you help him with the blindfold, very helpfully, with no ulterior motives whatsoever, and then give him a little pat on the back.
"You did pretty well! Didn't beg, don't think you cried. Still definitely confessed though."
vwarlordvwanderlust > You're tearing up a little bit now, but it's probably just the coughing, because you don't feel anything about this. It's basically no big deal.
> You glare at him, looking about as threatening as a half drowned kitten.
"You tried to kill me!"
> You sound vaguely hysterical.
carnivalsoration "Nope, you weren't even close to death. If i had tried to kill you, i got a billion other different ways to do it and there'd be no try about it."
> Pat him a little more. Its okay dear Cronus, it's all okay.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Rub at your eyes with one hand and try to take deep breaths, the way you were taught to instruct a charge to do if they flipped out.
> If you actually thought it was an attempt on your life, you'd be running, for all the good it'd do you. You still think it got closer than he's saying, but.
"I'vwe gotta stop givwing myself chances to look like an idiot in front of you."
> You sound calmer, but not, you know. Calm.
carnivalsoration > You laugh a bit, waggle your brows. "I like idiots, if that helps." It probably won't. "Anyway, my respect for people ain't based on the sorta thing that you seem so down on yourself about, so you're basically in the clear on that front."
> Not on several other things, but what can ya do. If you're ringleader, try to be nice anyway.
vwarlordvwanderlust > 'You didn't look like an idiot, Cronus', would have been the correct response, but he tried.
> Hhhhhhh.
> You haul yourself shakily out of the tub.
"Thanks, babe. Good looking out. Excellent. Appreciate it."
> You look at your hands, remembering the ineffectual struggling, and shiver. But in like, a cool and nonchalant way, totally.
"Man. Rusties are, uh. Vweak, huh?"
> Not that you could necessarily beat twelve feet of clown in an arm wrestling match normally, but still.
carnivalsoration > Oh good, he actually got that little bit of empathy you tried to make happen. Yes, he is weak as a rusty, and that's how they feel all the time!
"Yeah. Bones are more fragile too. Pretty nuts, ain't it? I barely even felt you struggling."
> How much can you hammer things home before you make it obvious? .... Let's give it a try.
"Browns and yellows ain't much better, ya know. They kinda have to do whatever we want em to, one on one, unless they got real good psionic control." Which means Mituna can't easily say no to what you do, Fuckwit. .... If only you could say those words out loud. Can't seem too sympathetic, though, you're supposed to be a mean Alternian who is being nice to him for some reason.
> Plus or minus some waterboarding.
vwarlordvwanderlust "Haha, better to be on the other side of that one, I'vwe gotta say."
> Lowbloods are weak and it's funny. Not that you sound all that amused right this particular instant, but you'll be back to normal soon enough.
"Not an especially controvwersial opinion,  I knowv. Anyvways! That's good, I guess. Makes things easier to handle."
> Now you're into the fucking with your hair stage of emotional recovery, because it definitely got all messed up.
carnivalsoration > Hahaha yeah, better to be a coolblood, outnumbered a hundred to one. That's a good side to be on. Ha. Ha. Ha.
> You watch him fix his hair for several moments before you proceed to just. Fuck it up again. Ruffle ruffle ruffle.
"I won the bet. What do i get as a prize?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > Pout at him.
"C'mon, boss, vwhy you gotta be like that?"
> It's pretty fucking wild how this guy actually literally tortured you, admittedly at your request, but you're so willing to be his friend.
> You smile tentatively at the question, a far cry from your typical cocky smirk.
"I dunno, big guy. Vwhat do you vwant?"
> It COULD not be a come on, except that you kinda. Lick your lips and waggle your eyebrows. Just a little. A smidge. It's probably really casual.
carnivalsoration > You like teasing him, and you laugh when he pouts. "Ain't my fault you look cute with mussed hair."
> And then he licks his lips and waggles his brows in a way that reminds you of yourself, except that you like to go overboard with it like it's a joke so that people can brush it off without the whole thing being hella awkward.
> You chuckle a little more, tap his nose. "I'll save my spoils for another time, hmm? In the meantime, though."
> Bend over, pick him up by the ass, and just give him a big ol kiss on his lips.
vwarlordvwanderlust "Yeah, you really think it looks alright?"
> Preen. You're incredibly fucking vain, which is pretty obvious considering your everything about you, and you appreciate being called cute. Even if tough would be preferable.
> Kiss back with just a little more enthusiasm than technique, though it isn't like you're terrible. This is a good night. You should probably put your shirt back on eventually, but it's not a particularly high priority at the moment.
carnivalsoration > Oh, boi, you're always the teacher and the experienced one. Otherwise you might be annoyed to be in such a position yet again.
> .... Grope his ass, tho, check if its doin alright, and see how quick he is to learn how to make out good.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You relax into it before too long, less tongue aggression can only improve things.
> You're basically only alright.
> You nip at his lips with lowblood-dull teeth, and grin when he gropes you. You don't want to take your arms away from their position over his shoulders, or you'd return the favor.
> Nothing bad has ever happened to you and everything is great.
carnivalsoration > Oh, teeth always get a good reaction out of you, inexperienced or no. Son of a bitch, you didn't want him to actually have Power over you.
> .... Whatever.
> How long can you keep him entertained with just. A lot of making out.
vwarlordvwanderlust > :D
> Cronus Will Remember That.
> Who doesn't like teeth, though, really.
> Oh, so fucking long. For all that you claimed to be all about the orgasms earlier, you sure are happy to keep doing this!
carnivalsoration > You'll keep going for at least like five minutes. He's getting so into it, you half expect to feel something wiggling against your chest.
vwarlordvwanderlust > YOU'RE getting a little squirmy, but at least you're not an adolescent anymore, so nothing's happening downstairs. That he can feel, at least.
> ... This is really good but like. Maybe. You don't need both hands to hold yourself up.
> You try and reach for his crotch, but don't stop making out.
carnivalsoration > Your eyebrows actually raise at his bold move, and you pull away a couple so you can look at him. And look down at the reaching hand.
> Your bulge is Definitely not out.
"Lookin ta escalate, brother?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > You didn't think it would be, neither is yours, but this is how you get stuff to happen! You do it!
> You stare blankly at him.
"No, vwhy do you ask?"
> You may make some questionable "jokes" about lowbloods, but your deadpan delivery is pretty good.
carnivalsoration "Cuz I'm not!" You say, with a smile and a single fingergun.
> For quite a few reasons. One of which is that you're not really In The Mood. Another, you have to ask Saness for permission.
> But, most importantly, you want to hold that particular bit of encouragement for later.
vwarlordvwanderlust > ?????????????????????????
> You look a little crestfallen, but mostly baffled.
> Maybe being tortured and then crying about it and coughing up water at someone isn't overwhelmingly sexy.
> No, that's probably not it.
> You roll your eyes, but withdraw your hand, and prepare to go back to making out.
carnivalsoration > That's fine. You are gonna just make out a while and think ya thoughts.
> How long can he even go at this before he gets bored...
vwarlordvwanderlust > Not THAT long, as it turns out. A couple minutes later, you pull back.
"Okay but are you sure?"
carnivalsoration > Bitch.
"Would I say it if I wasn't sure?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Maybe?"
> Your wide eyed innocent look isn't nearly as cute as you'd like to think, especially when it's about wanting to get in someone's pants.
"I'm just making sure, you knowv, people can change their minds, and that's okay if you ask me."
carnivalsoration "If I want to fuck you, you'll know. Because I will tell you, and then I will do it."
> Your voice isn't so friendly now.
vwarlordvwanderlust > Jeez, some people are so touchy. You'd raise your hands in surrender, but you're still a little worried that he'll drop you.
"Yeah, got it, good to knowv! It's good to be clear on stuff."
> ...Hm. Are makeouts even really the mood anymore? Why do actions have consequences???
carnivalsoration > You sigh, roll your eyes. "If you say no, what the fuck do you expect people to do? Ask you again, just to make sure?"
> Time to put the boi down. Things aren't that fun and he ruined it by being a shitheel.
vwarlordvwanderlust > :(
> This sucks.
> You pout, and the whine in your voice is definitely really cool and adult.
"I mean, I vwouldn't expect it, necessarily, but I vwouldn't make it a big deal..."
carnivalsoration > How fiercely do you have to glare to give him the full picture of the disdain you have for that whine and those words? You give it a shot for fucking sure. That is a hell of a nasty look.
"You think I'm makin a big deal out of it? I could be so much more overt with my anger and annoyance, motherfucker, I could make a real big deal outta it. My body is mine, my consent is mine, and I can do with it as little or as much as I mother fuckin please, do you understand me?"
> You step up on him with that last little bit, to loom over him. You are not pleased.
> Wilt under the weight of that glare+loom combo, abruptly stepping back, hands up appeasingly.
"Hey hey, yeah, I get it."
> What's that last part you always forget? Oh, right.
> God this bastard is scary. You just want him to like you, this shouldn't be so hard!
carnivalsoration "What do you get? Tell me the lesson you learned. Don't just repeat after me, tell me why what you just said was fucked up."
> you are still looming.
vwarlordvwanderlust "You'd vwin,"
> Not probably a particularly promising start, but goddamn, this sure is the guy who tortured you VERY RECENTLY, huh.
"I get it, you can do vwhatevwer you vwant, I got it, that one vwas my bad."
> You may be the seadweller, but he's still more experienced than you, and four fucking feet taller. You stumble back another step, grinning nervously.
carnivalsoration > Ooh this motherfucker
"That ain't the POINT," you growl. "Try again. I got faith you can get this lesson. It ain't about me, it's about you."
vwarlordvwanderlust > It's not like he's pursuing you, and you feel like if you keep backing up you'll hit wall, which would really not help with the feeling safe thing, so you stop. Even though he growls, and it's fucking terrifying.
"I vwas annoying and pushy? And shouldn't be?"
> Your rising inflection makes it clear that you're definitely guessing, but at least it's an educated guess.
carnivalsoration "There's more to it than annoying." But you seem a little satisfied by that answer. "There's a lot fuckin more to it. You were pushy. People don't like bein round pushy people who don't respect their decisions. And that's the fuckin problem. You didn't respect my decision."
> How do you really drill this into him, you wonder...
vwarlordvwanderlust > Now you're a little defensive.
"I respected your decision! Look, I'm not doing anything nowv, am I?"
> Everyone always assumes the worst of you just because of all the things you do and say, and the person who you are.
carnivalsoration > Your expression gets tight and angry before you sit on the edge of the tub and put your head in your hands for half a second.
"Cronus Ampora," you say, softly. "Have you ever met someone who's been raped?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > What's. Your head snaps up to look at him, and you flush maroon, suddenly angry and upset, but still nervous. Off balance.
"I didn't-- I don't-- that doesn't havwe ANYTHING to do vwith this!"
carnivalsoration "Why not? Haven't you heard about all the people who said no, and then said yes reluctantly because they felt there would be consequences after. Or because they were pressured? And then they got fucked. When they didn't want to be. Someone's hands defiled their body and someone's bulge made them hate themselves. Have you never heard of that?"
> You look at him with deadly seriousness.
"So. Tell me. Have you ever met someone. Who has been sexually violated?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "... No. I mean, not. I don't think that's. That doesn't *happen* here."
> That kind of... crime? It's probably a crime sometimes. But it's not a Beforan thing.
> That's one of those big scary Alternian things.
> You've never heard of anything with a yes involved being called rape, though.
> You fuck with your hair more, no longer meeting his gaze.
carnivalsoration > You reach over, grab him, tug him towards you to make sure he looks you in the eyes.
"It happens everywhere. Everywhere anyone wants to have power over anyone else, or everywhere anyone feels they don't have to pay attention to the wants of anyone else."
> You look at him for two long moments of silence.
"If you ever want to meet a rape victim, keep doing what you did there. You'll make one. Violence doesn't have to be bloody or involve kicking and screaming to happen. Don't let it happen while you're not paying attention."
vwarlordvwanderlust "That's not..."
> You trail off kind of weakly.
"I vwouldn't make people do any-- I vwouldn't make people do that."
> You are, in fact, processing what he's saying, but it doesn't really sound like it, maybe.
"I'm not-- I'm a good guy!"
> The looming sensation of realizing the consequences of your past actions threatens to encroach on your feelings, but you beat that shit back with a stick. This was a rough enough night already, he doesnt need to basically call you a terrible person.
> Your voice is small and tentative when you speak next.
"Isn't it like. Important. For highbloods to, uh. Take things. If they vwant them, and they're tough and can havwe them?"
> You sound like you're trying to remember something from class, not like you're actually making an argument.
carnivalsoration > You watch him, watch expressions flit over his face as you let your words sink in. His question is an important one to figure out how to answer, you can't just say whatever comes to mind.
> It's a few moments before you respond.
"Taking things from others because you have the ability to doesn't change that it's stealing. Fucking someone because you can doesn't automatically make it consentual on their part. Conquest for someone is still torture for someone else. You can't be a good person and a victorious person at the same time, if you hurt someone to get there. People don't like someone and fear someone at the same time."
> You look at him seriously. You can't treat him like a kid, you can't treat him like a dick who doesn't matter. He's an adult who can make his own choices, and they are choices that will define him.
"You choose who you want to be. What you want to do with your power. Every choice you make opens some doors and closes others. You have more doors you can go through than lowbloods do, but but inevitably, you will define yourself by your actions. And you will define the opinions others have of you by them, and by what you do with the choices you have and the results that come of them."
> You hope he's getting the full power of your words. You definitely phrase them like they're important.
"You can take whatever you get your hands on. But shit like 'respect', like 'fondness', like bein liked, cannot be taken by force. It cannot just happen. You put effort into it, into the thoughts of feelings of others. Fear is easy to win. Disgust is easy to win. Easy to keep. Trust is what's hard to win, hard to keep. And, to me, hard things are generally worth earning."
vwarlordvwanderlust > He had you going for a second there. A while, even. You were listening with rapt attention, wide eyed, but.
> As persuasive as he is, as smart as he seems, there's an obvious hole in his argument, and he can't have missed it.
"People lovwe and fear the empress. Evweryone does. She vwants it all and she takes it, and she has it! I'm not trying to put myself on her levwel, but she's the trollish ideal."
> God, but you want to be liked.
"Do you... really believwe all this stuff?"
> You don't know what his motivations would be if he didn't, but.
carnivalsoration > You nod gravely at his question. "I speak the truth I've discovered through pain and trials, and I mean every word of it. Now, I want you to tell me something, and I want you to be thinkin real hard about yourself and about all those people you hang with."
> You raise a wry eyebrow. "Do you, personally, love the empress? Like you do, say, yourself. Or your lusus. Do you think all of your friends do? Go through em one by one, in your mind, see if you can find one that you think might not. You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to. But I want you to be true to yourself, at the very fuckin least."
> You'll let that sink in for a moment, while you watch him.
vwarlordvwanderlust > You think about Mituna, broken and shoved into a padded cage by her policies, and grimace. . Other examples filter up through your mind more gradually, but his is the most salient.
"Vwell... evweryone respects--"
> You think about the fact that he was even broken in the first place because he was protesting her policies, biting the jeweled hand that fed him. He got what was coming to him, though...
> Your mouth settles into a stubborn line
"...Evweryone SHOULD respect the empress, if they're decent. Right?"
> Making such a tentative, heavily conditional statement at all in an argument, let alone then asking for confirmation, should probably be a sign that you're not really feeling it.
carnivalsoration "What is the difference, I wonder, between respect of somethin dangerous, like not playin with fire, and respect of someone's opinions because you value their input and believe they would value yours."
> He's so stubborn and so panwashed by all that propaganda, but he's slowly coming to important realizations that will shape him. And you're proud of him for it, it's sure not an easy thing to do.
"Decency is subjective. You gotta ask yourself what you think is decent. Gotta come to the conclusion, yourself, what you value in a person. Convictions are personal. I want to know what yours are, when you think about what you value most in a person."
vwarlordvwanderlust "You don't need to believwe someone vwould vwalue your input to respect their opinions. Eridan doesn't givwe a shit about anything I say, but he's a good kid and he knowvs lots of stuff."
> Mmm. You feel weird about all this. It's another elaborate test, and you've failed every single one he's given you before it.
"Vwhy do you vwant to knowv?"
carnivalsoration "Oh, but tell me if that makes you less likely to have meaningful conversations with him. Like the one we're having right now."
> Feeling weird is a normal part of this process. It sucks though. You don't like it either.
> You give him a wry smile at his next little question.
"Because I want to respect you, for your own sake."
vwarlordvwanderlust "Sure, I guess."
> Not that that proves anything.
> Hm. You look at him, really look at him, trying to gauge his sincerity.
> You continue to suck at that. Fortunately, you just assume he's sincere.
"I guess... Loyalty. Passion. Honor. Ambition, and uh, success too. It doesn't matter if you don't succeed, haha. Bravwery. The usual?"
> You don't sound especially certain, but then, it's not a question you've had cause to think about much. Not explicitly, at least.
carnivalsoration "I don't wanna hear about the usual. The expected answers. Those are buzzwords, words everyone likes and likes to think about themself. I want to hear somethin that could be individual to you. You ain't everyone. You're you. You got your own shit to bring to the table and I wanna hear what Cronus Ampora, specifically, values."
vwarlordvwanderlust "I don't..."
> This is a Big Question. Him first.
"Vwhat vwould you say, someone asked you that?"
> You have literally no clue. Maybe his answer will be inspiring.
carnivalsoration "I value people who have conviction but are open to change. I value people who respect thoughts different than their own, and can learn from things they don't experience. I like people who will hear me talk about my gods and not dismiss everythin I say. I like people who are thoughtful about their enemies as well as their friends. I like people who get angry. And I like people who can control their anger. I respect people who have knowledge but don't assume they know everything. I respect people who have been through shit but still know not to apply what they know universally, without context. I like people who are different from me."
vwarlordvwanderlust > Well, at the very least, you sure get angry.
"Vwowv, that's. A lot."
> You jam your hands in your pockets and look to the side.
"I dunno. I just. Like people vwho like me."
> That's the dumbest and truest thing you've ever said.
carnivalsoration > Welp, that didn't Quite work.
"What makes you dislike people?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "I guess I don't like it vwhen people..."
> 'Are mean to me'. Shit. You need a different one.
> Kick at the ground. This is so complicated.
"It's obnoxious vwhen people don't care about anything at all. There's so much *stuff*, and some people can't be bothered to pay attention to any of it. This is vworse than the torture, because it's making me face howv boring I am. "
> (Just kidding, you won't actually face that for a good while yet.)
carnivalsoration > You hum, consider him. "You're not boring. Not really. You're just... Not finished. You're like an artist and your canvas. And you've got all your outlines set up, but there ain't any color yet."
> Better continue on before he gets offended, delicate little shit. "Still, that's important, that thing you just said. You don't like people who don't care. So it follows that you're drawn to people who do care. Does it matter, to you, what they care about?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > Rude.
> But yeah, it turns out dicking around on a guitar all night and fantasizing about killing aliens doesn't actually lead to much growth as a person.
"Yeah, passion, like I said."
> You think for a second.
"I guess... I mean, it's best if they care about shit that's interesting. I mean, I don't vwanna hear some nerd go on about model trains for hours. But I think caring about something enough to dedicate yourself to it is cool."
> You're kind of opening up again, even though this isn't exactly something you're used to talking about. You don't feel like you're on the edge of a wrong answer, though.
"Art, especially, though. Art is so..."
> Useful? Important? Nah. You fold back into yourself a little.
"It's neat, at least. I guess being interested in something practical is better."
carnivalsoration > You like that, like that he can see the value in giving a shit about things he doesn't care a lick about. Your expression has been steadily softening, and now you smile a little at his words. He's doing great. Keep going, Cronus.
> And then he says something a bit down again, a bit Alternian Standard, and you have to reach back for what he was so close to expressing. Something genuine about Himself.
"No, tell me more about art, brother. I wanna hear your thoughts. What excites you about art, about music?"
vwarlordvwanderlust > You laugh a little.
"You're biased because you're a clowvn, but yeah, sure."
> You fall back into the subject with little encouragement, seemingly forgetting that this is the Big Scary Alternian Mentor Guy.
"Art is... Good art, to clarify, because there's a lot of shit out there. But art is beautiful evwen vwhen it's ugly, because art is honest evwen vwhen it's fake. All art tells a truth about the artist, y'knowv?"
carnivalsoration "I do know. I like that about art, I like knowin about people through what they do and how they do it."
> You don't mind the clown stereotyping. Just this once. It's true enough anyway.
"And what do you think your art says about you?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Vwell, if you havwe to ask, it must not havwe been saying vwery vwell!"
> You take that in good humor, though.
"I guess my public stuff, the newv music, is mostly about me being cool and tough and a loyal citizen. But subject isn't the same as message... It probably mostly says howv self centered I am."
> Candor!
> You do talk a lot about yourself in your songs.
carnivalsoration > You laugh a bit as well. "Well, the message I get and the message you intend can be two separate things. Art is individual even to the observers of it. But I think that comes across pretty well."
> You think it comes across that he's lonely and desperate.
"What about your private stuff, then? The stuff where you are the artist and the intended audience?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Vwell, I mean, that stuff's privwate."
> So's your vent blog, but this guy has that too.
> You stare off into the middle distance, because it makes you look cool and deep.
"I guess it mostly just says that I'm sensitivwe. Major character flawv, but sometimes the babes lovwe it, so it's a mixed bag. It's all about heartbreak and abandonment or vwhatevwer."
carnivalsoration > Oh fuck. Oh fuck it's so hard to not laugh at him sometimes.
> You keep back the chuckles and feel glad that he's staring off into the distance like a nerd.
"So you feel abandoned? Misunderstood?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Sure, yeah. I mean, it's not like people stick around."
> For Some Reason.
"Nobody really gets me, and nobody really cares to try. I guess you do, and San."
carnivalsoration > .... And That's about all the focus you're willing to have with this conversation.
"Well, me and saness are gonna do our best. So. Ya know. Try not to make it too hard on us."
vwarlordvwanderlust "I'll do my best."
> Grin, setting aside your Dramatic Melancholy for later.
"I like you guys, you're great. Vweird, but hey, vwho isn't?"
carnivalsoration "Who knows. No one I wanna chill with."
> A few seconds of looking at him.
"Hey I got shit to do and I can't really do it in this busted up hive."
vwarlordvwanderlust "No, yeah, I vwas just about to ask if you vwere ready to dip."
> It's time for lots of introspection, followed by promptly discarding all the conclusions you come to that feel bad.
> This was. Something. Lots of things.
"Do you havwe your owvn vway back? San did."
carnivalsoration > You're not sure he actually was. You're just a little tired of dealing with a wiggler.
"Yeah," you motion to a bracer very similar to hers. "I'm pretty good on transport. Catch ya later?"
vwarlordvwanderlust "Seeya around, boss."
> Fingerguns and wink. God you're charming. Time to go.
carnivalsoration > You disappear! Bye bitch.
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yeah but isnt he stuck in there with you since he got magic anon'd while he was in there with you?
“Yeah, for nowv. Wvho knowvs howv long that’ll last. Besides, wvhat if that shit starts appearing in the tank?”
M!A on: No Self Control [28/40]
M!A on: Merman [14/20]
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deputyjuyeon · 3 years
Allieeee! I saw you on my dash and literally came running here!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
How are you?? It's been a bit since we talked! What are you up to these days??
ive still been busy with basketball practice bcs my tournament doesnt start till dec, so its 4 3-hour practices in a week and in between the days i tutor someone so yeah 😅 but i still find time to write jumpshot chapters bcs i feel bad if i dont continue it or post after weeks 😔
0 notes
caepaecaesurae · 7 years
> Attempt Friendship, pt 2
LAST TIME: caepaecaesurae i'm sorry that part of you likes me. palteringcecutiency ...would you rather I didn't? Sunday at 10:43 AM
caepaecaesurae ...not really.  but i knowv it's making life harder for you. Monday at 12:43 AM palteringcecutiency ...there's not a lot that doesn't, and I've accepted this is... something that is sticking around. Things are... better off, trying to be friends than... otherwise. caepaecaesurae ..for both of us. palteringcecutiency ...for both of us, yes. palteringcecutiency ...you do not have to answer, but. ...what does... friendship with me, garner for you? caepaecaesurae Aside from missing you? palteringcecutiency If... there is, anything. caepaecaesurae Evwery time I try to find the wvords, I fall dowvn a mountain of reasons bearing no relation to eachother. caepaecaesurae There is more peace among the clade if wve are capable of functioning peacefully.  I wvould be frequently concerned for the man I once harmed if I had no ability to speak wvith him, or see if he wvas evwen remotely wvell.  It's nice to havwe someone to share the crasser, grimmer jokes wvith, although that devwolvwes back to missing you. caepaecaesurae The part of my mind that is unfortunately paranoid of others is appeased if I can keep others wvithin cordial convwersation distance, hence my extremely long and unfortunate history of befriending those wvho make the least sense. palteringcecutiency ...it is not difficult to keep tabs on another through those who speak to both. I... did so, when you were... offline, recently. But... if you are determined, and... enjoy, me, I won't... try to convince you otherwise. palteringcecutiency ...there is a difference between surveillance and friendship, however. caepaecaesurae It is a comfort to see first hand proof that someone is not a threat, at times... but you are correct. Part of me misses you. palteringcecutiency ...what kind of proof, are you looking for? I... am not the most... skilled, at reassuring, and. If there is something specific that would help, I'd... like the knowledge, at the very least. caepaecaesurae Talking to you wvhen you're like this puts my pan at ease a bit. ..I don't knowv if it's more complicated than that. palteringcecutiency ...it seems so little for... so much. caepaecaesurae ..maybe, maybe not. really did miss you chief. palteringcecutiency ...you keep saying, and I... do not think I... understand... how much. caepaecaesurae WVhen you got here, I knowv I should'vwe been thinking of Alternia.  I should'vwe let that be at the front, I knowv wve both livwed that life unspeakably longer than the first, bu wvhat I sawv wvas Mituna being able to talk straight and sass people and it wvas a relief. palteringcecutiency ...I. Can understand that, somewhat. The feeling, in general, to have Beforus override sense. But... neither of those parties are ones I would...  only call friends. ...none of them were... enough, to do so. I cannot figure out if the problem is you, or... me. caepaecaesurae i think the phrasing is getting careful enough that you're losin me a little. "only call friends"? palteringcecutiency ...pardon. I... do not want to accuse, only understand, and I'm... having difficulty reconciling this side with yours, and I... don't know what the problem is. ...the two... that have been successful, so far, are... were, quadrants. ...Kurloz and I are courting pale because we keep... being pale, without noticing, despite... everything else. Latula... it is going to be... interesting, when she reincarnates, I. Miss her dearly, painfully some nights, though I know it's... pointless. ...but I don't... get attached, easily, so I... don't know if you're excessive or I'm... cold. caepaecaesurae .. I don't knowv if you're cold but I'm definitely excessivwe. palteringcecutiency ...ah. That would be... it, then. > Caesurae spends three minutes consulting Kankri and Nadaya on whether it would be a good idea to hit enter, before ... caepaecaesurae ...also for wvhat it's wvorth you might care to remember that I had crushes on almost all of our friend group, on Beforus. ..that I frequently tried to act on, often simultaneously. You wveren't immune.  Though it's faded out and no longer... a factor. palteringcecutiency ...you what palteringcecutiency I. I don't remember that at all?? I mean, I remember the part about you asking everyone out under the moon but. I thought that was out of desperation? Not. Not like. Are you /sure/. caepaecaesurae Just because I wvas bad at it doesn't mean there wveren't sincere feelings under there somewvhere. Evweryone wvas attractivwe, and I could see wvondrous possibilities in each of them.  Aside from Horuss and Kur, towvards the end. palteringcecutiency ...but. Are you. Me?? Of all people, /me/?? The whole time?? ...oh god. The entire time. caepaecaesurae I wvas a real prize, I knowv. palteringcecutiency I. Fuck, I didn't. Notice? At all?? I mean, the, undercurrent part, obviously, I just... for how long?? And /why/? caepaecaesurae You're clevwer, wve havwe the same sense of humor (gods help us all), and teasing about the injury boards and mutations and my assorted, numerous failures all seemed to flowv vwery smoothly. You wvere a friend, I liked you. palteringcecutiency Fuck. palteringcecutiency I. Believe I need a moment. caepaecaesurae That's fair. caepaecaesurae ... I'm not entirely sure wvhy it's a surprise I had crushes on evweryone, but apparently that is a running theme. palteringcecutiency It's. More that it was on me of all people, than anything. I didn't think... I didn't have any reason to pry deeper. caepaecaesurae To be entirely blunt, wve wvere both little shits. caepaecaesurae I think the wvay wve got along fit wvell, at the time.  Including you apparently not noticing. It's for the best. palteringcecutiency Well /yeah/, the theoretics make sense, and we definitely did, but... Mm. ...what. Makes you say that, specifically? caepaecaesurae If it had gone anywvhere, I wvould'vwe been just as much of a little shit, and then you'd havwe had to deal wvith my teen attempts to learn howv romance wvorks, wvhich are regrettable in general and I am glad that fewv here havwe any experience wvith that. And that wvould havwe led to evwen further complications here. palteringcecutiency Yes, because I was a thoroughly suave romantic myself, having figured out what to do with people who honestly liked me enough to date me at the ripe age of six. ...on your end or mine, because I'm rather sure it's a drop in the ocean at this point, compared to Kurloz and Her. caepaecaesurae You didn't do too poorly wvith Latula and Kur, chief caepaecaesurae I mean, complications from the other life aside palteringcecutiency You mean the moiraillegence that was ashen on my end half of the time, and the messy quagmire that left because neither of us knew what the shit was happening? Or the fact that I only started courting Latula because Kurloz literally placed me in front of her and left, and only continued because she thought my fumbled flustering was charming for god knows what reason? You should know by now that nothing with me is what it seems, after this long and this many times. caepaecaesurae WVell apparently I don't, so there. Nevwer underestimate my wvillingness to believwe the things you literally say to me. palteringcecutiency Well stop that. caepaecaesurae I don't think you can make me. palteringcecutiency Stubbornly clinging to a blatant weakness is a bit much even for you, Cro. caepaecaesurae You'd rather I trust my owvn judgement than that of others? That's a laugh. palteringcecutiency Over /mine/? I'd think /you/ would rather. caepaecaesurae But then I'm being insensitivwe and not listening to you. And making decisions for you wvithout accounting for your side. palteringcecutiency ...you'd gamble that I'm not abusing an easy button to avoid even the possibility of that. caepaecaesurae To be honest, if you wvere wvilling to be nefarious at me, I'd already be in ruins. I don't havwe much to lose by just believwing you and going by wvhatevwer you say. I don't see the downvside palteringcecutiency ...Cronus, I've been doing my damnedest since I've gotten here. caepaecaesurae You'vwe also mentioned more than once howv the fact other people care about both of us is a stumbling block palteringcecutiency To turn your paradise into hell the best I could, only you built it too well before I got here. caepaecaesurae ...wvhat havwe you tried to do? palteringcecutiency To be a thorn in your side, smear the dirt of your past all over for people to see, to tear people away from you, to turn them against you. Be a constant, fanged reminder that you're not the nice, harmless good highblood you convinced everyone of. ...none of it worked. caepaecaesurae ..I noticed the reminders. I did almost leavwe tumblr once. There's some wvho are more cautious around me than they wvould havwe been, and a fewv close to me wvho wvere not as friendly to the Alternian half of me wvhen I wvas split as I had hoped caepaecaesurae ... You're in your rights to complain about that sort of thing as openly as you care to. I don't think that counts as nefarious, no matter howv little I personally enjoy it wvhen it comes up. palteringcecutiency Goodness, really, let me just dig out my empty notebook of victories to jot this down, right next to the one time I got to someone before you did. caepaecaesurae .. I'm not going to fight you on this, either, Mituna. palteringcecutiency I'm not either, it doesn't matter. I've given up trying. The allies I have now are more than I expected after so long, enough to risk friendship at least, and I never was going to win no matter how hard I tried. There was just... a dream, I guess, of you being the powerless one this time around. Finally getting the upperhand on someone, get control of my life for once. Should've known better. caepaecaesurae WVould you actually feel better if you managed it? To stand, gloating, ovwer a defeated foe? caepaecaesurae You didn't like it on the roof of the castle. I'm not sure howv much you liked it, after asking Kur to showv me. palteringcecutiency That was /different/. That was me wanting to punch you and fucking up your pan instead! Any fun I got got immediately... fucked over, by that. caepaecaesurae I'm not strong enough to stand against you, Mituna. That's the other reason it's for the best that crush nevwer wvent anywvhere. palteringcecutiency ...you keep saying all this, but I've watched you for a sweep, here. You've done just as well as you did on Alternia, better even, since you have more at your disposal to use against me. How are you talking as if losing is inevitable when you've already /won/? caepaecaesurae I'vwe made friends, Mituna. I've tried to livwe my life. But the instant someone raises their vwoice, especially if they are in my clade, I lose my mind and go sit in a corner.  Hardly the most elegant of lifestyles. So I'vwe sought out peace, since it's all I knowv howv to handle. Spite has no place in my goals.  Only learning howv to exist again. WVhen I talk about standing against you, I mean a physical conflict.  I mean arguments.  I mean direct clashes, not ephemeral shadowv-games. I'm not playing any shadowv games. ...I knowv you don't believwe that and I'm not sure wvhy I'm letting myself try to talk about it again. caepaecaesurae My "vwictory" is a life wvhere I don't get hurt.  I hope that's not mutually exclusivwe wvith wvhatevwer vwictory condition you set for yourself. palteringcecutiency I... I don't... have, any. caepaecaesurae You may havwe an easier time reaching your goals, if you havwe some to reach Pick one.  Start somewvhere. palteringcecutiency ...I barely remember how to be a troll, Cro. There's... not a lot within reach. Heh, you're doing bounds and leaps better than I am, if you ever need someone to compare yourself to and come out looking better. caepaecaesurae Perhaps it feels safer, to havwe your goals all focus on tearing dowvn others, than on constructing things of your owvn.  ...I'm sure it wvas a necessity, and that the alternativwes are ancient and dusty, and I understand, and I don't blame you for it a bit. caepaecaesurae ..I'vwe had a head start, and far more luck.  I rely on my quadrants to help lead and guide me.  Sometimes my clade. ...They'vwe been helping. caepaecaesurae Evwen trying to find a goal, is a goal. palteringcecutiency ...mn. ...there's only so much anyone can do when the night's goal is 'accept having skin' and it's failed. The simple is out of reach, the beyond basic... I have been trying for... ages, in the bubbles, and I've gotten this far only to be stripped of what helped. It is. Remarkably difficult to be... hopeful, and positive, while drowning in failure. caepaecaesurae Could Sparks use technical skill or his access to the bubbles and his afterlife to arrange something that wvould help at all? caepaecaesurae ..I knowv it's hard.  I'm sorry I alwvays make it sound like there's some solution hanging just out of reach.  It feels like the opposite of givwng up, somehowv. palteringcecutiency ...he's offered to assist me in... garnering an electronic connection, but. There is a general consensus that I am not allowed to have one, and if I got one regardless, I'd be dragged out of the systems far sooner than later. palteringcecutiency It's just... frustrating, and I'm... tired, of trying constantly, of being told the fixes aren't allowed as they aren't 'healthy' enough. caepaecaesurae Maybe they'd be more open to some things, if they came wvith a scheduled, organized calendar of howv long you wvere intending to use each crutch to guide yourself forwvards.  ..not that the timing wvould be easy to guess. caepaecaesurae I'm sorry people are havwing emotions about the solutions you seek.  I'm sorry evwerything is this wvay, and I sincerely wvish it wvas easier for you. ..do any of your alternates havwe meaningful advwice about the early stages of a return to independance? palteringcecutiency ...each case is different. One still refers to himself as a machine, rejecting trollhood. One tried to exist as a troll alone, but gave up mortality to get the connection back, missing it far too much. The third... we have not spoken on such matters yet. ...none of them wish to abandon their wetware permanently, and never have, so... they do not have advice on that for me. caepaecaesurae Far from a simple puzzle, though you knowv that already. caepaecaesurae WVould gaining the connection wvithout losing the body be a step forvward?  WVould control of some robbotic drone, that you could use to navwigate the wvorld instead of the fleshier body? palteringcecutiency ...it is losing the body that I want. The connection is just... what makes that possible. caepaecaesurae ...WVould it be rude to keep asking details, to see if I can think of anything you havwen't? ..should I let it go? palteringcecutiency If you are... willing, to hear the answers, I... have no problem, giving them. It's... not pleasant, though. To warn you. caepaecaesurae Is it the sensory aspect of havwing a body, some sot of germ thing, or something else? palteringcecutiency I... abandoned my wetware, my body, for... centuries, to... because of Her. My pan expects steel and wire of a ship, it feels muscle and blood and signals something is wrong, desperately wrong, upsettingly wrong, and /focuses/ on it, so that even a slightest twitch of a muscle sounds like surround sound at max volume. ...not every night but... more often than not. Organics... have all sorts of awful reactions to stimuli, things that make no sense, things that hinder what should be easy, and I was free of all that, and now I am crammed into a fleshbag and forced to feel all of it again, and for what? For what purpose? What is so much better about being like this than being how I was? caepaecaesurae So.. if something could make all of the organic body senses into an electronic readout like you're used to dealing wvith, that might help? WVhile still keeping you awvay from depersonalizing yourself, like they're afraid of? palteringcecutiency The... distance, too. Filters, I suppose? I... do not /need/ this data, I know I'm in a fleshbag, I know I am using its muscles, I /made that decision/. But it won't shut up and stop being so /wrong/, and I can't edit filters like this, and I can't /escape/ to anywhere and I just- It's /maddening/. caepaecaesurae The control to be able to adjust wvhich information you are receivwing? caepaecaesurae Sparks' afterlife ovwerlaps heavwily wvith the realm of dreams.  You may consider asking if he can wvake you up, and allowv you the chance to escape wvhen asleep, if that is a middleground that wvould help. You cannot sleep all the time, but you must sleep often enough that perhaps it could be of use palteringcecutiency ...when I sleep, I dream of )(er. I use a 'coon, unless I am with... trusted trolls. caepaecaesurae WVhen I slept, I dreamt of Arlequin's men. ..until Sparks movwed my dreamer to a stabilized castle wvhere nightmares do not dwvell. palteringcecutiency ...then, it is... successful, at that, at least. That's... good, for you as well. ...the, mutability of the bubbles was... favorable, letting things shift as I needed them or didn't, but... with life everything is... permanent, choices must be made and lived with. But with mutability comes... )(er. Do... you think, something... between, is even possible? caepaecaesurae I'm sure he'd givwe you your owvn stabilized realm outside the castle if you wvished privwacy and distance along wvith your peace.  As wvell, I'm sure you could wvork out some kind of wvay to allowv...disrete, controlled episodes of mutability. caepaecaesurae Evwen an on-off swvitch may do it. palteringcecutiency I. Still have to ask. I don't... know, if anyone will... object. It seems... too close, to what they do not like. caepaecaesurae At the vwery least, ask about the dream castle.  You could freely exit it wvhenevwer you wvished, if you sought mutability. And return, if you maintained control. caepaecaesurae I also suspect he wvould not mind seeking you out during nightmare to cause harm to your enemies. I believwe he's mentioned doing that for another, once or twvice. Dream vwisions may havwe no substance, but they can still be harmed by an outsider wvho is not under their spell. palteringcecutiency He'd. He'd 5ee. He'd kn0w. caepaecaesurae ... Sorry chief. Your call.  I think he'd be glad to help you any wvay you let him do so, though. palteringcecutiency 5orry. 5. S. Sorry. I. I just. He doesn't need that, in his head. And you're. Right, he does want to help, enough to say yes when. He shouldn't. caepaecaesurae I think he'd be fine, but I'm a selfish old man wvho trusts him to knowv his limits. Maybe you're right. palteringcecutiency I once trusted that, but then he passed out and dropped from the sky and I found myself less inclined to. caepaecaesurae Granted he can be a bit exciteable. Tempted to make a contextless callout post telling him to take care of himself. palteringcecutiency Do it, the dash is on the topic anyway. caepaecaesurae WVhat a coincidence.
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asktheseacowvboys · 5 years
if this was the ultimate crodown of ultimate destiny, i bet you'd win. and then bring them all back as zomtrolls and wouldn't that be funny? ha ha! Punny.
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I mean yeah of course
Obvwiously id vwin im like fuckin powverful as shit
8ut id feel bad about it cuz some a them are like my best buds
An for the record, vwhen i bring someone back to life it aint like that. They aint zombies. Its like havwin the last fewv minutes (or other amount of time depending on howv long they vwere dying) just revwound on the clock.
Orph aint a zombie an ivwe brought him back like 10 times.
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