#Y’all Hungry
tariah23 · 8 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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housecow · 18 days
y’all will never see me as an actual bbw model or making scenario/stuffing content of any sort because i am a TERRIBLE actor.
no i cant do a cute little moan and rub my belly after a funnel session, im literally about to pass out and need to be tucked into bed
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nico-necromancin · 2 months
Throwing some Sylvia crumbs to you guys in the silly goose pond bc idk how many wizblr ppl are on IG😭
Photo credits all go to sp1kesama on Instagram- you’ll also see me cross posting these over there as well 🫣
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anyways she’s my beloved. part of my fruity awakening as a kid. her and mali aren’t actually dead guys KI told me themselves (/j)
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madbard · 2 months
“Hunger is so heavy.”
I want to take a moment to rant about the role of hunger in Epic - specifically, the way nearly ever single saga is, at its core, a story about hunger and the way it affects us.
Let’s start with the Troy Saga. Odysseus’ men have won the war and are finally headed home when they run out of food. Upon discovering an island, Eurylochus immediately suggests they attack and take what they can. Right off the bat, the story associates hunger with violence. As we all know, Odysseus resists, and travels with Polites to the island of the lotus eaters - a society that has sacrificed their free will to slake their hunger for the glowing lotus fruits. If not for Odysseus recognizing the fruit, the crew could very well have met the same fate. Their hunger would have led to them losing their freedom forever.
Moving onto the Cyclops saga, the events of the Odyssey begin in earnest when Odysseus’ men slaughter Polyphemus’ sheep because they are starving. In response, Polyphemus decides to slaughter the entire crew and eat them instead - suddenly, theirs is not the only hunger that threatens their lives. The only reason they are able to escape is because Odysseus tempts Polyphemus with the “world’s best-tasting wine,” thus defeating the cyclops with his own thirst (I’m not going to differentiate between hunger and thirst here, as they are both intense physical cravings). Here, hunger is both a weakness and a threat. Giving in to hunger can lead to death and destruction, but hunger can also be used as a weapon, if you are clever.
Next up is the Ocean Saga. (This is where I start to seriously bend the definition of “hunger.”) This is the first saga in which food or lack thereof does not play a direct role. Here, Odysseus faces a new form of desire: exhaustion. Going back a bit, I described hunger as an intense physical craving for food. Well, what is exhaustion if not an intense physical craving for sleep? In this saga, Odysseus is given the chance to make it home. All he has to do is keep the storm trapped, and in order to do that, he has to stay awake. Odysseus resists his exhaustion for nine days, fighting off his desperate desire for sleep. But eventually, he relents and drifts off - which is when Eurylochus releases the storm and Poseidon kills all but 43 members of Odysseus’ crew. Once more, yielding to ‘hunger’ leads to tragedy.
Moving on to the Circe Saga, literal hunger plays a role yet again as Circe’s first move is to offer Odysseus’ men “something to eat.” The men soon discover that Circe enchanted their meal; upon eating, they are transformed into pigs - animals infamous for devouring anything in front of them. Here, hunger is portrayed as something animalistic, something which reduces the men from thinking, civilized beings to creatures, little better than livestock. Just a song later, though, Odysseus becomes powerful enough to face Circe when he consumes moly root. Notably, his consumption of this root was based on strategy, not hunger - a small but important distinction as it separates his consumption of the moly from his crew’s consumption of Circe’s meal. Wrapping up the Circe Saga, we have an entirely different kind of hunger as Circe offers to let Odysseus’ men go free if he shows his true colors in “acts of lust.” He refuses the promise of physical satisfaction because of his loyalty to Penelope, and in doing so, he earns Circe’s respect and assistance. Earlier in Epic, we were shown the power of hunger to inspire violence, tragedy and destruction. Here, we see it as an animalistic urge - the distinction between animals and men, then, is their capacity to resist such desires.
Writing this, the Underworld Saga was very frustrating for me because I could not find any significant references to hunger in any of the songs. Thinking back on it though, I wonder if that in itself is significant. The saga that takes place entirely in the world of the dead is the first saga not to heavily involve hunger or other forms of physical desire. Resisting hunger may be what distinguishes men from animals, but feeling hunger is what distinguishes the living from the dead.
Finally, we reach the Thunder Saga. The crew has run out of food for a final time, and in the grips of hunger, Eurylochus closes the cycle begun in the Cyclops saga when he slaughters the sun god’s cattle. At this point in the story, Eurylochus no longer believes they can return home. Eurylochus is exhausted, starving - he cannot bear to suffer any longer. Though Odysseus protests, Eurylochus insists that the crew cannot go on like this. They cannot survive much longer on these seas. His final defense as he slaughters the cattle? “I’m just a man.” The only person begging him to stop renounced his humanity in the Underworld.
Throughout Epic, hunger is a constant force. It inspires violence, steals free will. Submitting to it leads to tragedy, but it can also prove a powerful weapon. To resist it for a time is to be more than an animal. To feel it is to be alive. We cannot escape it forever, can’t fight it forever. In the end, we are bound by the needs of our fragile, ephemeral bodies. In the end, we must give in. And maybe, just maybe, that is what makes us human.
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Suptober - Day 6 || Full Spread [x]
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heartsofhounds · 1 year
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st-whalefall · 3 days
Niche wishlist for RWBY vol10:
- Yang & da boys team WHALE pt.2 (Yang, Oscar, Ren, & Jaune)
- Nora with ombré pink dyed hair (homage to Ruby when Nora thought they all perished badly)
- Ruby’s Vacuo outfit going in the opposite direction of Summer Rose’s aesthetics
- Emerald and Oscar playing pranks on people (just them having the funniest/most tender dynamic constantly contrasted by cinder & mercury angst; I want trickster Oscar content don’t boo me I’m silly)
- Jaune designing and building HIS First (1st) weapon and laying Crocea Mors to rest
- Ren flinching at some point at the strength/potency of another character’s emotions
- Oscar being fucking haunted™️ and his reflection doing spooky things
->The sword of destruction being fucking haunted and haunting Oz/Oscar
- Salem in front of the rubble of beacon tower “How does it feel…”
- Summer Rose jumpscares (like the punderstorm waterfall) that tip into full psychological horror
- All things must die reprise feat. Elizabeth Hull
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hanakou-often · 1 month
hanakou often tysm for feeding me
im a starved man
ASSHFGFYUAGYUH You're so SO welcome!!! The whole reason I started this blog was because I, too, related HEAVILY to feeling like a starving man in the midst of a famine when I’d search for Hanakou content so it's really amazing to hear I can support other Hanakouers in these trying times!! It took me a while to start this blog since I thought Hanakou wasn't going to be well received but now I see that the people CRAVE the sillies together just as much as I do!!! Feeding Hanakou nation is a wonderful duty and I am more than happy to fulfill it!!! CCC:
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bluebblurry · 1 year
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housecow · 3 months
i want a huge dish of mac n cheese. like, those metal trays you bring to thanksgiving. and then i wanna layer brisket and a vinegar-based bbq sauce on top. FUCK
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quietlyblooms · 2 months
ngl, i’m a lil bit obsessed with the concept of partially concealed identities between friends. characters who are friends, but one is a hero/villain and can’t tell the other — really normal, classic thing to see in the superhero genre. but like 👁️👁️ make them enemies 👁️👁️ make it angsty 👁️👁️ make them so loyal and dedicated to each other only to find out they’re on opposite sides of a conflict 👁️👁️ make them cry 👁️👁️
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umemiyan · 3 months
clocked out of work and was immediately hit by a wave of existentialism. gonna eat some teriyaki chicken about it
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soullessjack · 1 year
it’s always a treat when I make long-winded posts about the ableism surrounding jacks treatment and ppl will heart it and then un-heart it so fast I’m not even sure they were even on my blog. like it’s actually hilarious (it isn’t but I don’t want to exhaust myself being angry today) to see how much this fandom would rather keep making destiel family content where they look like a democratic election commercial brownie point family or warping tfw2.0 to be a nuclear traditionally gendered family than actually address their issues
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wittness · 4 months
talking to the parent system about ordering food ( gonna get a burger ) and called myself jack the dipper. i actually hate it so much i’ve never regretted anything more in my life ever.
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