saltyfears · 1 day
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it stardust time ⭑
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luxrecord · 3 months
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should i do vocal synth batch uploads too...........
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buunloon · 17 days
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My favourite Chinese vocaloids
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hoshizoralone · 1 month
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bite size vocaloid (up to v5)
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dailyfigures · 6 months
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Xingchen ; Vocaloid ☆ Quadimension
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aeprismer · 8 months
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My piece for @vocalostalgia-zine !! It's a free fanzine celebrating Vocaloid's 20th anniversary so please check it out !!! So many amazing artists are in it and I had sm fun drawing Xingchen/Stardust !! <3
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meowonaise · 1 month
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various stardusts (+ one with friends)
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astralfuchs · 8 days
🌟 Stardust 🌟
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synthvnews · 2 months
Official wallpapers from 月初日暮 album by 胧音_Long!
They were released to celebrate the album release on July 18th. Enjoy beautiful Stardust and Long's amazing songs!
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starryskiesahead · 26 days
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the girlies got similar aestheticsss
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drama--universe · 8 months
"Stolen" Lover
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Requested by anonymous: Hello! I'm glad you're back to writing after a break due to a hand problem. Welcome back! Otherwise, I'll leave a request for Xiao Xingchen - The reader (female reader) hears the conversation of her parents/uncle/any other relative that they want to sell the reader as a prostitute (either for Guangshan or another person) because they are on the verge of poverty and the reader because of her beauty can be sold for a good price. So the reader runs away at night. But the reader's relatives are watching her, so they capture her and want to take her back home so they can sell her the next day. Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan heard the reader screaming for help. When the reader is freed, the reader is still skeptical of the two men, thinking that they want to take the reward for selling her instead of her relatives. Both men assure her that they definitely don't plan to. The reader then travels with them and something much more than friendship happens between her and Xingchen.
Pairing: Xiao Xingchen x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.7k words
Warnings: harassment, toxic family
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Xingchen didn't often join in social activities, preferring to stay in his comfort zone and mostly alone, Song Lang was the only exception to this rule. Today, for the first time in a long while, he had decided to show his face at a gathering for once. Trust it when he says that he immediately regretted that choice, not even seconds after entering the pavilion.
The Lanling Jin clan was already fully drunk, Xingchen never really got along with Lan's to begin with and the Yunmeng clan were closed off to their own members. It was almost painful at how many clicks had formed and how Xingchen, like usual, did not fit into any of them. So he stood in the corner of the courtyard, listening to the conversations. The one that caught his attention the most was from his right, Jin Guangshan, who was loudly talking and laughing. In front of him stood a woman and her family, presumably her parents. She looked widely uncomfortable, her form visually shaking as Guangshan put a hand on her shoulder before raising his hand to cradle her face, where she physically recoiled from the touch. His eyes remained on the woman as her parents pushed her closer to the Lanling leader, who once again took her face into his hand and inspecting her. When released from the man's grip, she bowed her head before racing off. Although to most she would look fairly composed, Xingchen was able to see the fear beneath the façade. Her parents looked on as the woman left before continuing their conversation with Guangshan, not even caring enough to check on their daughter. Not wanting to meddle with others affairs, Xingchen turned his attention away and continued on with his eavesdropping of others conversations.
Soon, the sun set and the moon took its place high up in the sky, settling in between the thousand of stars. The part had started settling down, most clans retracting to their rooms or even just leave back to their own homes. Xingchen followed the masses, leaving the pavilion with plenty of food still stuffed in his pockets. He'd need it for his journey, that's what he told himself. Besides, otherwise it would all be thrown out anyway and he hardly thought that was necessary. As he parted from the groups before and behind him, making his way to a cheap inn that none of the "high-class" people would want to stay at. Entering his room, he was greeted by Song Lan laying on the bed. A small grey ball was bouncing up and down against the ceiling with a bored look before pausing, holding the ball still while turning his head to look at Xingchen. Seeing the exhausted look on his face, Song Lan scoffed with a smile.
"Looks like you had fun." The tone was meant to be mocking, but the smile on Song Lan's said enough for Xingchen to know that it wasn't meant maliciously. Instead, he sat in his own bed and laid down after removing his shoes. He ignored the banging of the ball against the ceiling and instead tried to sleep. He had a feeling that the next day would be busy.
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Like he had imagined, it was busy. A festival started, right on the day that they were leaving. Streets covered with masses of families, lovers and friend groups. It was loud and busy, everything that Xingchen despised. Nonetheless, they pushed through everyone with soft apologies spilling from their lips when they were met with glares. The were stopped, however, by a large crowd that had filled the area. They blocked the path effectively, Xingchen and Song Lan barely were able to push through. When they did, they were met with a very odd sight. In the middle of the ground laid someone, cowering from a group that loomed above them. Upon closer inspection, the person on the ground was a woman. More specifically, the woman that Xingchen had seen yesterday, the one who was supposedly marrying Guangshan. Her family, he guessed it was her family, were clearly mad at her as the pulled her up against her wishes. She tried to tug herself away from the grip that her father had on her, but to no avail. Xingchen didn't know what came over him, like a spell that enchanted him to help her. So he set off, marching her way and ripping her from the elder's grip and placing her behind him. Xingchen didn't know why he was doing this, he didn't like to be noticed. He especially didn't like to be noticed in a way that would be dangerous for him, which was this situation. Not only was he pissing off the family of the poor woman behind him, but he was probably pissing off Guangshan by stealing his wife as well. Yet here he stood, not wavering in the slightest as his arm blocked her from view.
The man in front of him was ready to start talking, hand grasping to get ahold of his daughter once more, but Xingchen walked backwards before drawing his sword. The tip was inches away from the man, a yelp from his family and gasps from the crowd. Song Lan, who finally wormed his way through the crowd, jumped out and settled between the two parties and sighed loudly. The blade from Xingchen rested against his chin, but Song Lan didn't move it and instead turned his head.
"Why don't you explain why you're hurting the lady?" Song Lan spoke and the man saw red, cursing and yelling out at the two strangers and his daughter. So Xingchen did whatever seemed more logical. He took ahold of the woman behind him before shedding his sword and grabbing Song Lan. Then he ran off, pushing through the crowd with both of them behind him.
"They were going to sell me!" The woman was quick to yell as they came to stop near the edge of town, doubling over as she tried to catch her breath.
"You're not going to, right?" Taking a step back, she looked at them with a worried gaze.
"How much would you cost?" Song Lan whispered, receiving a short jab in the ribs from Xingchen while the woman just laughed uncomfortably. "We're poor, so you're lucky if you got a hundred coins." She laughed back to which Song Lan shrugged, claiming that it wouldn't be enough for the trouble and that it was better to just keep her. This earned him a more genuine laugh before she relaxed more, standing straight before raising her arms high and bowing.
"(Y/f/n), pleasure to make your acquaintance. Even under these circumstances." She, (y/n), gave them a bright smile, which made both men awkwardly greet her back.
"Now... Do either of you have a spare robe, because these underrobes are quite chilly." She grinned softly, clearly a bit uncomfortable as she wrapped her arms around herself. Song Lan shook his head, he never had a spare robe unlike Xingchen. Xingchen pulled out a robe from his bag, handing it to her and watching her put it on. Somehow, his face started heating up as he watched the robe engulf her form. The arms were way too long, the underside of the robe hitting the floor since it was way too long as well. He had no clue as to why he reacted the way he did, he only knew that it annoyed him greatly.
He was definitely not prepared to have you joining him and Song Lan on their trips. Yet he'd have to get used to it now.
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"Come on!" You called as you dragged both of the men behind you forward, the two behind you were not happy by it in the slightest. Both were practically whining at this point, Song Lan more than Xingchen, and you turned around to face them before crossing your arms.
"Look, I feel like sleeping in a bed soon and not in the forest. So, let's get this job started and earn something to do that, huh?" "You can sleep in a inn, just not all three of us." Song Lan commented and you scoffed, shaking your head at him.
"I'm not sleeping alone, don't feel like being kidnapped." You stuck out your tongue, turning around before flinching when you noticed a poster on the doors of the town. One that held your face, a striking resemblance that made you want to puke.
"Let's go to the next town." Xingchen spoke, but you shook your head with an annoyed huff. You were not going to change towns again, this was already the fifth and you were really not expecting the next to be better. Your family along with Guangshan were persistent, poster having spread to so many places that you basically couldn't go anywhere. The two men looked at each other before nodding and following you inside, but not before Xingchen offered you a veil to cover the bottom part of your face. You took it, putting it on with a grimace before entering the town with the others in tow. You felt uncomfortable, noticing that some looks at you remained a but too long and were often even accompanied by whispers that you could easily hear them from a distance. Faltering in your step, you tried to ignore them while awkwardly grabbing Xingchen's hand. He didn't pull back, instead he just took a hold of your hand firmly to make sure that you knew that he wouldn't let go anytime soon.
"Married~" Song Lan whistled and you scoffed, kicking back to him before taking his hand as well and dragging him along. If anyone would see you three then you would look like a couple who were dragging a kid along, you were sure that would gain a laugh. Then again, it gained a chuckle from you alone as you walked to your destination.
Soon, you reached an inn. It was old, walls covered with scratches and moss growing all over the walls and roof, and you almost feared how stable it would be. But against every doubt, you entered the inn and winced at the unstable creek beneath your feet before you walked to the man at the desk.
"Room for three? Or four if that's handier for you." You gave a smile, even though it was not visible thanks to your veil, and the man looked up from his book before closing it. Opening another book, he looked at the three of you before pointing at you.
"Veil off, we don't take people who don't show their faces." The man spoke and you sighed before taking off the veil, much to the protests of the men behind you. The elder, however, did not look surprised and instead nodded before jotting some things down and taking a key from his desk.
"Second room on the right, ten coppers." He said, holding out an hand to receive his pay before looking at Song Lan and Xingchen when you started to get your pouch.
"You're not letting the lady pay, are you?" "Oh, those old ideas are stupid. Here you go." You handed him ten before snatching the key from his hand. Then you moved to the room, gasping as you entered the room. A large room with large and comfy beds that would make you sleep in an instant. So you did, taking your shoes and outer robe off before throwing yourself on the bed.
"See this!" You could only let out a sigh of content before turning on your side, pushing your face in the pillow and burying yourself under the blanket.
"I could live here." "And I will not, see you!" Song Lan exclaimed before heading out again, leaving you and Xingchen alone. You didn't pay much more attention to him, however, as you just closed your eyes and tried to sleep for just a short time.
Xingchen watched as you fell asleep, surely by steadily, and he smiled softly before settling in his own bed. He didn't sleep, he just watched you sleep peacefully for once. The first time you had since you were traveling with him, ever since that faithful day since he had basically kidnapped you. He had seen you sleeping before, back then you were always twitching and squirming as you tried to ignore the growing nightmares. It was reassuring to see you like this, but he didn't feel comfortable enough to fall asleep himself. So he continued to stay awake, eyes remaining on your form.
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Your eyes opened slowly, your sight blurry for a few seconds before turning clear and connecting you to Xingchen's gaze. It was clear that he was staring, not aware that you had awoken just yet.
"Creep." You commented as you sat up, rubbing your eyes before stretching yourself. Xingchen chuckled as he leaned his head back, the first time that he actually took his eyes off you, and you moved a bit closer to him without getting off the bed.
"You slept peaceful for once." He commented to which you frowned before shrugging. It didn't sound unreasonable, you don't remember ever feeling uncomfortable or feeling like anxiety hit you when you woke up. You didn't even register the fact that he new this as a fact, meaning that he had watched sleep you at least a few times. You looked around to search for the second male, finding that he was still absent from the room.
"Song Lan is still out? It's already dark..." You took a look out of the window before looking at Xingchen, who shrugged. "He can protect himself, you know that." He answered and you threw you shoe at him with a soft glare before looking out the window once more.
"You worry too much, he'll be fine." He scoffed and you rolled your eyes at him before noticing his frown. Raising your eyebrow at him, you chucked another shoe at him and asking what was wrong with him. He didn't answer you, instead he looked at the door and away from you. You took ahold of the next object to throw, but you were stopped when he turned around caught you raising it up to throw. You chuckled awkwardly before setting it down again and sighing.
"What is it that makes you so suddenly annoyed?" You asked again and this time he didn't turn away, instead facing you fully before freezing as the door opened. Song Lan sauntered in, catching Xingchen's short glare and also freezing.
"Did I interrupt your confession?" He asked, in a very serious tone, and Xingchen's eyes widened while your mouth just dropped to the floor.
"Confession?!" You exclaimed and Song Lan looked at you before back at Xingchen, shaking his hands. "I'll be downstairs!" And then he took off, leaving you and Xingchen alone once again in an awkward silence. You looked back at him again, gasping for air as you tried to find anything to say. You couldn't think of anything, so the room just remained silent.
"Can we just ignore what he said." "No, no, no, no... Let's not. Explain, please." You said and Xingchen groaned, hand raising and brushing his hair back as he tried to explain. With a bit of pacing, only one sentence was said.
"I'm in love with you." He stated and your eyes widened again before you shook your head, realizing that something like that should already be clear. So instead you got up and walked until you were in front of him. He wanted to back up, but you grabbed the front of his shirt and made sure that he remained closer to you.
"You can't just stop there, please continue." You said and Xingchen blinked before nodding, but remaining quiet. So you chose to start, asking him how long it had been and he answered this quickly, a bit too quick even. 3 months, about half of your time together, had been him crushing on you. Now three quarters of that had been you doing the same... So you didn't really see the point in waiting much longer when you knew it to be mutual.
Pulling him down slightly, enough for you to reach him, and placing your lips on the corner of his mouth. Then you reeled back, giggling at the surprised look on his face before walking past him to the door.
"I'm going to tell Song Lan that he's safe to return." You said, opening the door before shrieking as you were pulled back and the door slammed back shut.
"He can wait."
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xiaeom · 5 months
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ocs ^__^
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mw-arts · 8 months
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Excited to finally share my piece that I worked on for @vocalostalgia-zine !! It was really great to be able to bring so many amazing artists together on this!! Please do check it out!!
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miss-floral-thief · 1 year
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dailyfigures · 1 year
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Xingchen ; Vocaloid ☆ Medium5
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grailfigure · 5 months
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Xingchen // Vocaloid
1/8 Scale by Myethos
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