#Xaallo (Prince);
xaallo · 4 months
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Ink doodle commission by Dracofaunus! That's one comfy lookin' boy!
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ramsei501st · 9 months
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After almost 24hrs of travelling and having to find my american charger bc i only brought my australian laptop charger, i finally have time to sit down and post from my laptop B) dies
anyways, some handsome boys from @skxrbrand!! As always it's such a joy to draw them, thank you so much for commissioning me<3
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geckoodles · 2 years
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Second part of commission batch, an Emil for @spikemuthtoothfairy / @skullsforkhorne !
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therxtking · 10 months
" sit down before you fall down. "
Well... There wasn't much he could argue. Though he more expected to get made fun of if not hurt worse by the golden prince seeing his walk of shame.
Gordon had taken to dancing in his boots again for more intense training. And intense is what he'd got. Now he was walking down the hall with both feet probably broken and twisted after a bigger jump and harder landing than he was ready for.
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With a soft growl and pinning his ears, he sat down in the hallway. Slowly and using the wall for support as he tried not to wince. "It's not bad, it's just a part of the practice. Dancers, y'know?" Looks like they were feeling better if they were moseying around the palace and ordering the king about...
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apexulansis · 1 year
Xaallo looks at him, playfully dubious, " Really? You just said they were a weak spot."
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He raises up a brow as Ardaka draws close, " And I've seen what those claws can do." And now that he thinks of it-- he could definitely see Ardaka pulling and twisting some idiots gonads off. But he makes no move to flee or stop Ardaka. If anything, he grin gets wider.
" They're sensitive. You've gotta be gentle with'em, Ardie."
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“Yeah, they are.” Ardaka reached up, curling his claws along Xaallo's jawline and giving him an affectionate scratch. “But I'll cradle your weak spots, ohht woss ûkh it. I can be gentle. I'll take care of them.”
It was something he had done before. That was far from his mind, though — his intentions right now felt quite the opposite. He hasn't touched just yet, but his gaze linger on them an extended period before it lifts back to Xaallo's face.
Ardaka takes Xaallo's wrist now, but doesn't move. Yet. He looks at Xaallo with an expression the Prince would be well acquainted with, whether on the android or on the Kariian. A face of intent. He purrs again and bats his eyes. “May I?”
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skxrbrand · 28 days
Thinkin' about my male muses and where they sit on the "masculinity scale" which I pulled out my ass just now
On the farthest masculine end, we've got Khorne, the Red Boys, Sven, and then Xaallo. All of them are pretty classically masculine, especially Khorne. The only thing feminine (for the times; remember Warhammer takes place in a Medieval setting) about Khorne is that he wears a wedding ring that his wife gave him; traditionally, men didn't start wearing wedding rings until very recently as the symbolism of the ring was that the women was the man's property, but I digress.
Towards the middle we got Nurgle, Okaal, and Kjoll. Nurgle's motif is very much of a parent and a caretaker; I'm surprised GW actually didn't just outright make him femme coded at times. Okaal is masculine in a sort of gentleman thief or gentleman assassin kinda way, which only appears more feminine when he's placed next to someone more overtly masculine like Xaallo. Kjoll is both a sleazy badbody, absentee father AND a wannabe noble who can be prissy and likes the finer things in life; he's like a spoiled little prince.
Tzeentch doesn't really give either and belongs perfectly in the middle; he's more perfectly androgynous than Slaanesh is funnily enough.
Then finally we got Slaanesh, who is my most feminine muse, even over Heliinx, who's actually female.
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cflight · 1 year
“It’s fun to move to a new place. It’s an adventure.”
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“Isn’t it?” Ekira grinned, tilting their head at the prince. It wasn’t often Ekira had friends accompanying them in their travels— let alone around enough to even hang around for long. But the fact that they now had the opportunity to even do so was exciting— and with a newly sort-of established friend even more so!
“I thought you might like it. Though, I mean— you’ve probably seen lots of stuff like this, heh.”they’re quick to humble themselves, giving Xaallo a shy sort of smile as they gesture outwardly to the forest outlook. “I jus’— I ‘unno. I don’t usually travel t’ places a second time around, but I jus’ thought you might enjoy relaxin’ a bit, here. Seems like more your style, y’know?”
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serpentofslaanesh · 2 years
catch xaallo staring at those daemonettes with a bit too much interest tbh 👀
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“I can hardly blame you. Beautiful, aren’t they? Of course, my Prince can offer you far more than a look, for a small price.”
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heliinx · 2 years
on Cannibalism:
Heliinx ✔️
Skarbrand  ✔️
Daemon Prince  ✔️
Sven ❌
Xaallo ❌
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augurhound-a · 3 years
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   “Inappropriate and inappropriate.”
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xaallo · 9 months
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First image of 2024! I never drew a 2023 Xaallo, so I felt it only fitting that my first piece of 2024 be the fluff boy! Here's the 2022 for comparison. I haven't been here much but that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing! I've been at @skxrbrand, doodlin' daemons~
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He would've been here sooner, had it not been for the arm situation. But now it was more or less back, though if he left the territory he might've wrapped it. He /would/ wrapped it this time around, though; couldn't show up to a Hifrus' territory without looking his best. It'd be a while since he'd groomed himself like he used to do and here was still a limp in his step when he walked, but he tried to ignore it. Hopefully, they would too. " Blessings, Hifrus. I am Prince Xaallo." A bow.
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The rancher was doing their patrol around her territory, making sure to touch upon some places where their scent wasn't as strong as it used to be. So the marg, who Oluu dubbed 'Coconut buck' till now, caught them grazing on some mushrooms off a tree while occasionally rubbing their head on the side of it. Oluu was pretty taken aback by the sudden formality, Blessings? Prince? Something about that, 'Prince', bit sorta made their stomach sink a little. They won't show it other than a subtle ear dip and a little gulp from the mouth full of mushrooms, Oluu'chi... Oluu'chi would have to put a pin on that for now.- A welcoming smile grew on their muzzle and bowed right along with him, "Pleasure to meet ya Xaallo, the name's Oluu'chi.~" They picked their head up a little with a tail raise, "And here I was thinkin' I'd never put a name to the 'coconut buck' I've seen around here." There was a quick glance between him and the wrapped arm. "Did ya come for another show like before or ya came to just say hi with a little chit-chat, hun?"
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therxtking · 10 months
Prince Xaallo also has a nicer body.
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apexulansis · 11 months
TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol thank you! always appreciate you tagging me even if i sometimes take forever to do it TAGGING: @vin-robles @solarisgod @swynfyr @skxrbrand / @xaallo @precognitor @ohshadow @endofall / @lobiita @gnarledbite @saintslaughter @rosecrowned / @khalesci
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NAME: Vsentis azet Ardaka
NAME MEANING: The Prodigal Hunter, with his birth name meaning Prodigy and his secondary name meaning Hunter
ALIAS(ES): Heratrix, The Lost Prince, Bane of Sigma Rhada 6
ETHNICITY: Zahhanian Rax-Kariian of Clan Yukariksias
PICTURES YOU LIKE BEST OF YOUR CHARACTER: I'll choose pictures I've done because I love every piece others do of him and it would be too hard to pick then.
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THREE HEADCANONS YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ANYONE: I've probably told people/posted them in the past but only one or two; here are some Rare(tm) ones I scarcely talk about anyway.
The ear scarification essentially denotes that he's a capable killer. Capable of doing what's best for the 'greater good' (as you could guess, this mostly means 'capable of doing morally reprehensible things'). While these scars are small and easy to miss, it's one of Ardaka's biggest sources of bodily dysphoria and he's considered just cutting off the top half of his remaining ear just to get rid of them. He's almost gone through with it half a dozen times. Kariians are very prideful of their ears, but Ardaka doesn't mind the tatters in his at all largely because those tatters got rid of the part that had the scarification on it. He absolutely hates when people ask about them.
Ardaka has a genetic predisposition for the same kind of mutation Yeskiv was born with — i.e, polycephaly. If he has twins, there's a chance they'll be born with this — either as conjoined twins or as one of them subsuming the other (like Yeskiv). If this happens, it's also pretty likely that Ardaka will become detached from that child (or children) and distance himself. Not because he really wants to, but rather it reminds him so much of his mother that he can't stand it. Additionally, Ardaka also has a chance to mutate an additional mouth in the far future and end up highly resembling Yeskiv himself.
Ardaka is rather indifferent about gender roles and doesn't care to adhere to them, but he does quite like it when his romantic/sexual partners associate him with a particular one, whether it's masculine or feminine. He can't exactly explain why, because he doesn't really get it himself, but he enjoys it nonetheless. Maybe it just makes him feel included.
Botany. Sometimes. Not to the extent of someone like Vin per se, but he does like cultivating at least one weird plant. This is sort of a habit he picked up on from Yeskiv. But also because, in the Dominion, caring for a plant was less likely to result in death and anguish than if he were to care for a beast and have it perish later.
Collecting / cleaning up / fixing antiques.
Bone-carving. With the bones from the animals he hunts. He tries not to use the bones from sapients but.... He would be lying if he said he never has before. The bones can be made as trinkets, weapons, jewelry, or just something for decoration.
EIGHT SIX PEOPLE YOUR CHARACTER LIKES/LOVES: Zovariy, Vasque, Vin, Xaallo, Two, Sliske
I mean. The genocide, obviously. Doesn't change the fact that it would've happened regardless of the choices he made, and that he didn't really have a choice, but he still regrets being the one to press that button.
Staying as long in the Dominion as he did. He thinks if he left sooner, it would've changed things like the prior answer.
Also regrets being born but y'know that's neither here nor there.
Other kariians. Not sure if I would call it an outright phobia, but it may as well be, because he would freak out if he saw another one. For the sake of including something less predictable, I'll include his mother in this answer.
Being taken back to the Dominion. His worst nightmares revolve around this.
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adseculaictis · 2 years
@xaallo liked for a starter.
They stare upwards- what feels like ever upwards. These men just seem to be getting bigger and bigger lately, though this one is also decidedly not human, and fluffy-- and kind of...cute? Definitely not an utterance to make by that gruff content- was that frown permanent?- but the first thought is one they cannot help but ask, a too-bright, near innocent smile on her features. “I’ve gotta ask- I’m sorry- do you like getting scratched behind the ears? You look like the type.” There is not a hint of mocking in her tone- in fact, she seems almost overjoyed to meet the beastly prince.
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primordialfell · 3 years
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     THIS IS AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK OF MELANCHOLY, Chapters Nine through Fifteen, Verses Twenty-Two through Fourty-One. It recounts the tale of Eternatus, Worm Our God, meeting Xaallo, Orphan Prince, on the Sister Planet of Earth, sulfuric and raging Venus. This tale is as true as the Mournful Cry of the Virtuous Worm. Ia.
     -- ETERNATUS BALKED. Its eyes scanned the Orphan Prince carefully as it moved him between its talons, just one gargantuan claw many multitudes the size of his body. The WORM dwarfed even the alien’s ship in size, so great and massive it were that it could snap up his vessel in one gargantuan bite of its jaws.
        Yet the Virtuous Worm is a kindly, gentle creature. Careful and soft.
                    It cautiously deposited Xaallo onto the soil of Venus.
     MASSIVE CLAWS THRUSTED INTO THE DIRT AGAIN, and Eternatus let a low growl-hum loose from its rumbling throat as it did so. Rock and soot shook beneath the Prince’s feet as the WORM continued its work. Gardening, the thought recalls. Its motions are that of a great and careful gardener, tending to soil and pulling weeds as necessary. There grew before Eternatus a gargantuan patch of loose rock and debris, scattered earth and stone.
     IT WAS SOME TIME before Eternatus spoke again, when it dragged its tail behind itself and shoved one arm deeper into the ground. It hissed its frustration, as if unable to reach a great something beneath the earth.
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     IT KNEW WHY HE WAS HERE, for the Worm Our God knew everything. Its great and [ponderous] eyes saw all that there was to be seen.
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