questiononahigh · 4 months
Picrew :3
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picrew- xalia mavra
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bookuya · 3 years
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
Vanna slouched across the table, squeezing Xalia’s hand in apology.
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
hi jia !! i'm humbly asking to be added to ur taglist <3 thank you xoxo
xalia!!! i'm so sorry i saw your message but i didn't reply aaaa TuT you've been added! here's a cookie 🍪 thank you for supporting me!
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new pinned post ig
Hello! You may call me one of the following names:
i use she/her, scratch/scratches, and claw/clawz as my pronouns
i am an 19 y/o trans catgirl with a few more headmates than your average person (osdd-1b, no u dont get a list <3, asks abt trauma and whatnot get insta blocked)
i will not be giving out my location to anyone for the safety of myself and those around me
other accounts of me include @robin-writer (writing account that i need to post to more often)
i provide the following paid services, DM for more details (i reserve the right to refuse depending on the service! i will not do readings on people that i dont have permission from due to oaths ive made with certain deities!)
-tarot card readings ($2 until >9 cards, extra $.50 cents per card from there, clarifying cards do not factor into cost)
-elder futhark rune readings ($3 until 4 runes, extra $1 per rune from there, clarifying runes do not factor into cost)
-bindrune creation (cost varies case by case)
-writing (writing acc @robin-writer, nothing NSFW, cost is probably going to be a flat rate of like $20 paid half now half later)
also if u want to get advice on how to do things in terms of like. being a witch. i probably wont charge unless its advanced shit. do attempt to google things before asking people, but i understand that these things can be hard to find reliable sources on
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sendme-2hell · 3 years
Ranking the Hugo 2021 Nominations for Best Novel by How Gay They Are
I did this with the 2020 nominations because they were overwhelmingly sapphic, but now that I’ve read the 2021 nominations I think these are even more queer than 2020! The ratings are based on how queer they books are not how much I liked them.
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6. The Relentless Moon - Mary Robinette Lowell
Rating: 4/10
Explanation: The way this author writes feels unbearably straight (and white) to me. She definitely makes an attempt to have a diverse cast of characters but is not very good at it so it ends up feeling more like a bunch of stereotypes than actually interesting characters. There is a sapphic relationship that is briefly hinted at in this book. A woman named Wafiyyah says she wants to use her one phone call (they are on the moon) to talk to her female lab partner. The main character speculates that she is probably in a relationship with this woman. Wafiyyah is mentioned a total of 12 times in the whole 500 page book and has about five lines of dialogue. But I won’t forget Wafiyyah and her lab partner. Giving points for her and then points for being on the moon because space is gay.
5. Piranesi - Susanna Clarke
Rating: 7/10
Explanation: Well, you can’t have a book about an academic cult without at least one of them being gay. This is a misleading description of what Piranesi is actually about, but idk...something about academia, people obsessed with the classics, greek aesthetics, and being gay. There is definitely homoerotic vibes going on through the whole book as well as mentions that that one character is, “picking up men,” and was “gay before it was legal,” and uh...maybe doing some other things. It’s unclear to me. 
*Okay to be honest the next three books on this list are all pretty equally queer. They all have multiple queer characters and are pretty diverse in other ways too. So I ranked them arbitrarily.
4. Network Effect - Martha Wells 
Rating: 8/10
Explanation: The thing that is great about the Murderbot books is that queerness is very normalized. There are multiple queer relationships that are just mentioned in passing, and if I remember correctly (all the murderbot books are one big book in my mind), there is a wlw couple that features prominently. There are also a few nonbinary characters including the main character. Polyamorous relationships as well. I would like to live in Preservation, please. 
3. The City We Became - N.K. Jemisin 
Rating: 8/10
Explanation: You know what I was saying about how Mary Robinette Lowell clearly tried to make The Relentless Moon diverse and didn't do it satisfactorily. Well, N.K. Jemisin said “hold my beer.” When writing characters meant to embody the boroughs of New York, she made sure that the people would all be different ethnicities, genders, and sexual identities. Since, ya know, New York is pretty diverse. She did an incredible job of writing maybe the most diverse book I have ever read (what does that say about me? What does that say about the publishing industry?). There are lots of queer characters in these books including gay, bi, lesbian, and trans characters. Although their identities are not central to the plot so far, I think that a mlm relationship will become very important in the later books in this series. Okay it’s not really fair to say they aren’t central to the plot since I’m sure they are part of her central metaphor or something. 
2. Black Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse
Rating: 8/10
Explanation: Like the two last books, Black Sun is diverse in many ways. Queerness is not quite normalized in the pre-columbian americas inspired fantasy world of Black Sun, since Xalia, the bisexual sea captain was sent to jail for sleeping with a woman. That being said, it seems that some cultures are cooler with it than others in this world, and non-binary and trans people are accepted. Queer relationships and identities are sprinkled throughout the book. Also this book is just great! I highly recommend it. Might be my favorite on this list were it not for my Locked Tomb brainrot. 
1. Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir 
Rating: 10/10
Explanation: Harrow the Ninth has many notable queer characters such as: the main character, the main character’s evil roommate, the main character’s dead ex-frenemy, a sword, a woman possessing another character (a few of these actually), God, and more! This is just a very queer book. It gave us classic lines such as, “gall on gal,” and “Ianthe had walked away from you, all split lips and gay loneliness” which was weirdly relatable. Plus I’m gonna say 1.5 gay sex scenes (argue with me about this). 
Other Notes (Continue reading for some random thoughts on these books, my actual ranking of them in terms of how much I like them, and a comparison of Griddlehark to Mahit/Three Seagrass): 
*I would say this is a better list than the 2020 nominations where there were a few books I straight up hated. I liked all of these books, even Relentless Moon.
*I would rank the books in terms of how much I liked them: Harrow the Ninth > Network Effect > Black Sun > Piranesi > The City We Became > The Relentless Moon 
*I think it’s funny that “Black Sun” and “The Relentless Moon” were both nominated. Sun vs moon. Don’t make them fight, they are dating! 
*The City We Became was great but the ending was umm...very abrupt...N.K. Jemisin wrote the Broken Earth Trilogy so she can do whatever she wants, but yeah I have to complain about the rushed ending. Black Sun also had an abrupt ending. I guess they are setting up for the sequels. Vs Relentless Moon, Network Effect, and HTN which are just building off of the other books in the series so they don’t have to do as much set up. Oh wait, Tamsyn Muir didn’t do that much worldbuilding in GTN and therefore made me sit through pages about the difference between thanergy and thalergy that made me feel like I was in 11th grade biology class trying to take notes.
*The television show, For All Mankind has a similar premise to The Relentless Moon but actually has a few queer characters including a woman I am in love with. Seriously, more people should watch that show! 
*HTN and Piranesi are both books where you have no idea what the fuck is going on in them for ½ of the book and even when you finish you are left with a lot of questions + they both have unreliable narrators
***spoilers for A Desolation Called Peace and Harrow the Ninth (and amce + gtn): 
When I ranked the 2020 Hugo nominations I ranked A Memory Called Empire above Gideon the Ninth because Mahit and Three Seagrass kissed and I was salty that Gideon and Harrow didn’t (ok they kindaa did. sue me). Anyway, in Desolation Called Peace Mahit and Three Seagrass actually had sex, so in that they are still beating griddlehark. Though to be fair, they never shared a body sooooo... Griddlehark is winning there. Thankfully I didn’t have to compare Teixcalaan and tlt in this list because I don’t know which I would choose this time.
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yanbub · 3 years
Hi! First of all, I would like to say that is not a request at all. I is questions regarding Kazuhavo1r. I know from Kazuhavo1r's blog and your taglist that you two proberly are mutrals or interact with each other alot. (You need to touch some grass.) But recently, I can't find Kazuhavo1r's blog at all!!!! if you know where her/his/their genshin OR tears of themis blog is, can you please send the link! and if you can interact with Kazuhavo1r rn, please tell her that Ted Talk Anon misses them. TY
first of all me and xalia are perfectly fine and we dont need to touch grass <3
anyways, xalia (who used to be jaz/kazuhavo1r) recently decided to restart again and they sent me an ask w their new url but i didnt know if they wanted it private so i didn't post it HWLDJSKFKX
xalias url now is @gnyuvile !! i dont think they started up a tot blog again but thats their new genshin blog yah
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monstress-crochet · 4 years
Monstress Crochet’s Year End Wrap Up!
2020 has been a long, long year. It’s probably been my least productive one since I started this blog or started crocheting really, and I do want to apologize about that. It’s been a lot harder to keep myself motivated without my weekly crafting group this year. I hope that this next year brings some changes for the better and lets us meet up regularly again
That being said, I feel that the quality of everything I made this year really made up for the lack of quantity. I made some of my favorite works this year:
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Space Dread
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Undyne (V 2.0)
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And of course,
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I’m so proud of all of these!! They all came out so great!! If I had to choose one though, I’d say that my favorite of the year would have to be Demona. I’m so glad I actually wrote down the pattern for her! At some point I’ll release it, but I’ll have to actually test out the pattern first to see if checks out and everything makes sense. I might take the opportunity to makes some improvements too
Anyways, I’m glad I was able to complete at least 2/5 of the project ideas I hoped to complete at the being of the year. Those being Space Dread and D&D/Pathfinder OCs. And to be fair, I made 3 D&D OCs throughout the year (Xalia, Solfa & Mormos) so I’m not beating myself up to badly over it. I haven’t decided what I want to make in the coming year, but I have some ideas which I’ll post about later
Finally, to everyone following this blog, I just want to say thank you. I hope you’ve all enjoyed everything I made this year and will enjoy whatever I end up making in the year to come. Stay safe tonight & I wish you all a
Happy New Years!
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Einai ligo arga h alh8eia einai alla to kefali m einai anisuxo kserwntas oti se 9 meres 8a einai makria mou. Olh mera lew psemata ston eauto mou pws den kserw giati eimai toso xalia alla mallon vrhka. Den 8a papsoun ta tragoudia na einai giatreia kai enas tropos na mhn fugei pote apo to mualo mou ka8ws ka8e tragoudi pou milaei gia agaph mou ton 8umizei. O an8rwpos pou agapw pio polu sth zwh mou twra koimatai kai egw perimenw na kshmerwsei elpizontas na ton dw to prwi. S'agapaw mwro mou kalo kshmerwma<3
@mrgrave13 @georvsd @dpans @sikonebrando
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30. Πότε ξέρεις ότι είσαι πάλι σε μια άσχημη περίοδο της ζωής σου;
Tsekare den uparxei gia emena oti gia na eisai xalia prepei na exei ginei k kati,uparxoun polloi tropoi na parermineutei oti den einai kala/eimai se asximi periodo,ws asximi periodo exw zisei duo pou an eixa tharos tha eixan ginei asxima pragmata alla to na to niwseis oti eisai se kaki periodo einai otan eisai pnigmenos re file,otan kathesai 34/7 katw apo tin kouverta tou krevatiou s me ena tetradio i me to kinito strameno mprosta se mia sunomilia pou propsathei na se kanei na jexasteis,pou am einai spiti oi dikoi s tha kaneis ta panta gia na min tous deis,pou to mono pragma plu tha se giatreuei ptagmatika tha einai i mousiki kai otan tha peis "stop" se atoma pou agapas kai den s exoun ftaijei se kati.Einai k alla pragmata alla den thelw na ta thumithw rn giati mpainw se skepseis gia periodous poy mono wraies den tis les kai ne nomizw katalavaineis<3
43. Συγχωρείς όσους σε πλήγωσαν ή τους εύχεσαι έστω και ένα λίγο κακό για όσα σου προκάλεσαν;
Ennoeitai,oloi kanoume lathoi to thema ejnai to poso antilipta ta kanoume auta kai ti mathainoume apo auta,exw pligwsei atoma kai me exoun pligwsei ejisou atoma alla pote den mporeis na euxesai se kapoion kako idiaitera an einai ena atomo pou exete ena parel8on.En vrasmw mporei na peis tin kakia s ok alla to thema einai meta apo tin katastasi auti na skefteis ligo ti egine ta lathoi s,ta lathoi tou allou/allis kai na vgaleis ena oloklirwmeno sumperasma,btw den simainei oti panta mporei na vgei kati katharo kai "swsto" parola auta den prepei na einai kapoios se fasi a m eipe auto me pligwse ara na paei na gami8ei oles tis katares tou avraam kai tis ginaikas tou vouda giati uparxoun polla giati kai den ta jeroume panta
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atzatzoukalia · 4 years
ama eisai ma8hths triths lukeiou,dineis kai niwtheis xalia phgaine akou to happy song TWRA <3
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exw tosous anthrwpous that reach out to me otan den eimai kala kai me thewroun filh tous kai apla egw thewrw filous mou 3 anthrwpous kai oxi mono niwthw xalia giati thelw filous, alla niwthw asxhma pou den eimai konta se osous anthrwpous einai konta mou xaxax
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bookuya · 3 years
i am a person of my words so here i am, humbly asking for a match-up for ur event >:))
i don't mind any gender so that's that. now about me, i tend to be a quiet person around people i'm not close to with but once we're closer, i reveal my true self aka someone who likes to prank people, make them laugh. i'm not good at comforting someone but i'm always there to listen and lend them an helping ear or hand if they need someone to lean on.
my hobbies are: sleeping (yes), reading, cooking and shopping. i like bubble tea, cats and dogs. i dislike long queues and having to wait for a long time. my ideal date is either at those cafes or restaurants where we can try the delicious food hehe <3 (honestly anywhere is fine ig, as long as we can spend time tgt thats all it matters xoxo) i'd like to be adventurous which means sky-diving, hiking, skiing and many more !!
ok i think that's quite enough,, congrats for hitting 1k once again <3 ! xoxo
match me with kazuha or else /j
my first customer <33 hello hello! despite the last line of your ask, i kept thinking about this one character while reading your description but i'll explain why!! here goes :)
i match you with.... kaedehara kazuha!
while i don't see kazuha to be loud, i don't see him to be completely silent either. he merely watches from the sidelines while you talk with beidou or help around on the ship. from time to time he'll wave to you and smile a bit when you wave back with the same grin.
once you two get to know each other more/get closer, there will be a lot of one talking and the other listening! this is an assumption but i feel like you have definitely gone through some stuff, but kept it to yourself as to not burden/worry others with your problems. while you pay attention to kazuha's talks and haikus he also listens to you, often reminding you that if you ever needed anything he's there, even through times where you feel like you're alone.
onto the pranking part! sometimes he watches in amusement, sometimes he joins along, but most of the time he keeps an eye on you and pulls you out of trouble if needed. beidou thinks it's funny to see you run around with kazuha close behind to chase you away from trouble.
in a modern au setting, i think kazuha would put away his own desires to do what you want first. wanna try out a new restaurant that just opened up downtown? he's already making a reservation. and if the wait time is long, he offers his shoulder for you to sleep on before you guys have to go into the building to eat.
whenever he goes over to your place your favorite bubble tea drink is in his hand! kazuha always buys it for you like it's tradition and also steals a sip from it every time like it's tradition. he hands it to you with a teasing smile on his face like he didn't just do anything wrong (fight for your drink bae)
imagine hiking to see the sunrise with kazuha?? he knows it's a favorite thing of yours so he tries his best to wake up extremely early. while hiking, he always stays behind you in case if you accidentally fall (he doesn't want you getting hurt of course) and while you watch the sunrise, he admires you and the amazing smile that makes its way to your face. to end this off, kazuha leans over and gives you a kiss (not right on the lips, but the top of your cheek!) and genuinely says about how grateful he is for this moment with you.
for my first time doing matchups (im not sure if its done properly LOL) i'm still proud of it! second place went to amber, i could see her listening and comforting you through and through if you needed it. and although she's in the knights of favonius i could see her assisting you with your pranks <3
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
💛💔 for arnora? -@fiercely-raging-writer :)
thank u for the ask! :)
💛: what is the title based on?
answered here!
💔: give a brief character bio of your 3-5 MCs
*slaps wip* this bad boy can fit so many MCs in it!! there are seven pov characters in The Crimson Moon, but the chapter distribution between them is not at all even lol so I'll do the main 4 protags and main antag! my brain is a pile of moosh atm so forgive me if these are utterly ridiculous lmao
Vanna Landry: before the novel, Vanna worked a healer's apprentice. At the start of the novel, she winds up in prison for attempting a ridiculously illegal spell. Unbeknownst to them, this display of magic attracted the attention of not only the Grand Aetas Verena, but also the Time Magisters themselves. This adhd-ridden ball of anxiety is not at all prepared for what this book is about to throw at her, sorry Vanna ily <3 Also, they are 1000% likely to infodump to you about poisonous plants, and need lots of hugs and also therapy. tbh all of my characters could probably use hugs and therapy oops
Xalia Arcaneaux: formerly an assassin for Verena, though she only did it because she was blackmailed into it and hoped that working for Verena would give her to resources to determine the cause of her fiancée's mysterious death. She also has a pair of daggers that are enchanted! The cool part is that they can turn into wings, the less cool part is that they whisper to her and are lowkey emotionally abusive rip
Dorian Vispillo: love of my life, source of my genvy, billowy pirate shirt and way-too-tight-pants wearing thief <3 he was kicked out of the Thieves Guild for ~reasons~ but has earned himself quite the reputation as a freelance thief. A reputation which has attracted the attention of the Grand Aetas herself.
Mikah Amaltyk: looks like he could kill you, technically could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll. He's technically a mercenary, but has never actually killed anyone. He was blackmailed into accepting a mercenary contract to kill Dorian (attempted murder is the best meetcute change my mind), but soon discovers that the circumstances surrounding the contract are suspicious at best.
Verena Vitralis: the main antagonist, Verena is planning a ritual which (if performed incorrectly) could destroy reality itself. She is cunning, manipulative, and completely an ends-justifies-the-means kind of person. And in this case, blinded by rage and grief, the ends to which she strives are justifiable through any means she can think of. go girlboss destroy all of reality <3
writer wip asks!
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verminator-rex · 4 years
1+3 for Diablo Whitefang, and 29+32+38 for Xalia Sunheart!
Diablo Whitefang
Right off the bat, I just wanna give a quick intro, since he’s my newest creation. He’s a werewolf bounty hunter (that is to say, he’s a bounty hunter who happens to be a werewolf), and one of the most feared bounty hunters in all of Gemina.
1. If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear? Tbh he wouldn’t really care much about staring in a TV show, as he typically just uses TV more more “practical” uses, such as what his next bounty is. If, for the sake of argument, he wanted to wanted to host a TV show, it would likely be one that showcases all of his weaponry and methods for catching his quarry, which probably wouldn’t make the airwaves since I can’t picture the Raality TV crew leaving his home if he’s in a bad mood. The only guests that would appear would be his clients, Creed being one of them.
3. If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning? I’m actually glad you asked this, because the name may be subject to change. For now, I haven’t really thought about what other name I’d like to give him. I went with Diablo initially because it’s Spanish for “Devil”, and while he is generally eerily calm and cold by nature, his savagery is prone to lashing out once he’s been enraged. Thing is, he’s not spanish by origin, so that’s why I’m still looking into alternative names.
Xalia Sunheart
29. How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why? During her time, she could definitely be described as very empathetic, as just one look in someone’s eyes and she almost immediately knew what they were feeling. That’s kind of how she met Zorlon in the first place, as after his former friends framed him for something he didn’t do, he felt like he could never really trust anyone. Xalia, happening to be walking by, couldn’t help but feel the negative emotions radiate from him, and despite not knowing him that well, couldn’t help but feel sad for him.
32. Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite? She definitely leaned more towards the role of pacifist; she hated violence a great deal after her hometown burned to the ground as a casualty of war. Since then, she made it her passion to help people stay on a good path, away from violence and bloodshed. She would only defend herself if she were truly in danger, and even then it’s more evasion rather than fighting back.
38. How energetic is your oc? Do they have trouble sitting still or do they feel low on juice all the time? Any reason why? I would probably say she was fairly active, but by no means an over the top energyholic. She rather liked to take things at a slower pace and just enjoy life for all the beauties that gemina had to offer, rather than just zip through them and hardly notice the deeper values that such things had.
Thanks for the ask, @extremely-pearlmethirsty!
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dippstik · 5 years
Here's 200 character names that literally no one asked for
1. Sedit
2. Amon
3. Ishtar
4. Kali
5. Mania
6. Loki
7. Remmy
8. Dameon
9. Alli
10. Othalia
11. Othal
12. Fehu
13. Misty
14. Mento
15. Karma
16. Blitz
17. Blu
18. Frosty
19. Dew
20. Eden
21. Olive
22. Ghost
23. Vibe
24. Nicotine
25. Ragu
26. Venture
27. Wyld
28. Willow
29. Pebbles
30. Gavin
31. Holly
32. Sable
33. Cedar
34. Piolet
35. Oak
36. Tiber
37. Blake
38. Egg
39. Harvey
40. Harley
41. Miki
42. Poltergeist
43. Timber
44. Zayn
45. Nabi
46. Norang
47. Leo
48. Tonic
49. Tech
50. Zack
51. Cinder (or Synder)
52. Freya
53. Jello
54. Dracula
55. Trevor
56. Sypha
57. Alucard
58. Hector
59. Isaac
60. Carmilla
61. Rum
62. Lucian
63. Ulric
64. Ira
65. Kaz
66. Isabella
67. Ferael
68. Silvina
69. Vurk
70. Maldito
71. Darius
72. Drew
73. Mako
74. Delta
75. Boba
76. Grim
77. Latte
78. Moonshine
79. Foster
80. Dasher
81. Lefty
82. Achilles
83. Smores
84. Hallow
85. Zorro
86. Sirus
87. Toffee
88. Yin
89. Yang
90. Mochi
91. Ross
92. Arson
93. Zodiac
94. Malcolm
95. Salvador
96. Kato
97. Nicky
98. Oro
99. Odin
100. Jasmine
101. Nigel
102. Max
103. Ranger
104. Arthur
105. Nora
106. Robyn
107. Alexander
108. Dustin
109. Daryl
110. Dexter
111. Brew
112. Twinky
113. Dusty
114. Spooky
115. Spooker
116. August
117. Warren
118. Ragnar
119. Ranger
120. Trix
121. Nora
122. Norjack
123. Jax
124. Hijack
125. Phantom
126. Shane
127. Ryan
128. Gizmo
129. Boozy
130. Adrian
131. Charlotte
132. Elvira
133. Esther
134. Araminta
135. Kyra
136. Kit
137. Carolyn
138. Monty
139. Misha
140. Rio
141. Clover
142. Sarita
143. Ginger
144. Boston
145. Adonis
146. Malak
147. Omar
148. Skylar
149. Cian
150. Lucida
151. Lucille
152. Dalton
153. Vegas
154. Kirin
155. Isla
156. Seraphina
157. Celestina
158. Wojtek
159. Satellite
160. Rain
161. Basil
162. Balto
163. Glitch
164. Nico
165. Hex
166. Bruno
167. Sylvester
168. Sylvia
169. Silver
170. Diesel
171. Tinsley
172. Eldritch
173. Alder
174. Cedar
175. Kaza
176. Alduin
177. Radar
178. Cider
179. Noir
180. Flynn
181. Sonar
182. Anix
183. Carbon
184. Azi
185. Crowley
186. Jinx
187. Gandalf
188. Ember
189. Miracle
190. Cole
191. Marmalade
192. Aspen
193. Connor
194. Berri
195. Star
196. Nuka
197. Xavior
198. Xalia
199. Hex
200. Logo
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