#X-men united
passelofopossums · 2 years
I’m starting to see a pattern in my type
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Chapter 4 - Smoke and Injuries
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warning : nightmare (death in the dream), angst, smoking, fluff, hurt/comfort
masterlist, next chapter
Dreams. Dreams were nothing new for Bobby, they were normal, they all had them. Bobby also had different dreams, bad, sexual, crazy and in his case, dreams that haunted him.
Dreams that drove him to panic, blurred reality and left him drenched in sweat. These are the dreams he hates the most. He was at school, or rather in one of the many classrooms.
Which were no different from reality, telling him that everything was still fine. Everything was normal Charles was teaching and the students were listening. Topics they already had, didn't know yet and would get to know.
Bobby also thought everything was normal and hoped it was just another day at school. But when suddenly a cold broke over the room he felt uneasy. It was a cold he could not escape. A cold different from his own.
But none of the others in the classroom seemed to notice this cold. They all seemed to be oblivious. Startled, he jumped up from his seat and tried desperately to stop the ice coming out of his hands.
His table and the floor became icy. His classmates disappeared into the ice. ,,Stop it!" he shouted at himself, desperately trying to control his strength. To somehow stop it and stop it.
Closing his eyes and opening them again, he hoped it was over, but it was not. Instead he was now in the hall where he had fought John before. The classroom seemed forgotten, no longer to be and his frozen friends forgotten. Yet something was wrong.
In front of him in the middle stood John and Rogue with a fearful expression on their faces. How long had they been there? was just one of the questions that came to him.
The cold, even if it didn't reach him, didn't seem to stop. Not wanting to let him go. ,,You have to save one or your ice will kill them," a familiar voice sounded, but he couldn't put a face to it. As if he had heard it several times before but never met it.
Suddenly he felt a cool metal chain on his leg and he turned around, startled. The metal seemed colder than his ice. It frightened him. Then he saw the man who had frightened him since he had seen him on television.
Magneto, or as he was known by his real name, Erik Lehnsherr. The mutant who was a threat to everyone. Mutants and humans.
His mind seemed to be clouded by too much fear that he didn't understand what the older man wanted. But when another chain closed around his wrists, he knew what the other mutant meant.
With ease Erik directed the chains and Bobby's hands to John and Rogue respectively. ,,I don't want to, I won't do it," he tried desperately to resist. But his voice seemed so quiet that he thought it could not be heard. That he could not hear him.
He tried to cover his skin with an icy layer. To shatter the metal but he couldn't do it. His powers did not seem to obey him. Panic and despair mixed. ,,You will, my boy, believe me," Erik smiled as if he knew exactly what was happening.
As if the mutant's words had done something, ice began to form in Bobby's palms. Gradually it included Rogue and John. ,,Bobby please help me please Bobby!" Rogue began to scream desperately.
Trying to convince her boyfriend to save her. Meanwhile Bobby yanked on the chains but they only tightened around his joints. Slightly cracking the cold skin that threatened to break underneath. He could not escape either.
He was helpless. ,,Bobby, please, I don't want to die!" Rogue begged him again. ,,Make up your mind or you will lose them both," Erik reminded him again. Bobby's ice had moved over Rogue's chest and reached John's shoulders. It iced them both, drawing the aching cold over both of them.
But despite the ice, John didn't say a word, only his eyes said more than anything else. He trusts me to save him. He trusts me, it went through Bobby's head. The dark eyes did not show hatred, but hope.
Hope that John placed in Bobby. ,,I demand an answer Bobby or it's over for both of them" Erik warned one last time. One last chance.
Rogue pleaded and screamed again. John continued to look at him but said nothing. But as the ice trapped them both, killing them, it went black. It was the name of his former friend, however, that Bobby had on his lips.
The only thing that shot through the night at Xavier's school for the gifted was a scream coming from Bobby. When the teenager awoke from his dream, it took him a moment to get his bearings. After hurrying to his lamp, he turned on the light a little and clutched at his blanket.
But as he was about to flip the blanket aside, he stopped. ,,What the" he mumbled, confused and still excited. In reality, the dream had caused him to spread his ice over his bed and floor. Freezing the floor and the bed. "It hasn't been this bad in a long time" he reminded himself of the incidents that had occurred.
Still slightly out of sorts, he managed to get out of his bed. When he finally stood up and ran his cold hands over his face it hit him like a slap in the face. ,,I have chosen John", he stated. He would have sacrificed Rogoue for John.
But he felt no remorse or joy, it had simply happened. It was because he trusted you, his inner voice said. But he shook his head to get other thoughts. ,,I need some fresh air," he murmured to himself.
As quietly as possible and without impaling himself on the ice in the dark, he walked out of the room. He only had his sleeping clothes on but he wasn't cold anyway. Walking as quietly as possible through the corridors, he didn't meet any other students.
Even if he did, those who were still awake were in their rooms. Letting his eyes wander through the corridors and windows, he stopped at one of the large recessed glass panes. When he saw a light from outside. At first he thought he had imagined it.
But when the small light appeared again, he saw the outline of a familiar person. He could see them clearly. It was John. What is he doing outside at this time of night? the question immediately popped into his head.
Was he having a nightmare like himself? He doubted it, but who knows what had happened to him. ,,He can still send me away," he murmured his thoughts and decided to go to his opponent.
With quick but silent steps he went down the wooden stairs. He reached the floor that led out. Before he reached the door to the large open space, he took another deep breath.
He felt the cold air around him pleasantly and awakening. With nimble yet careful steps he had walked halfway around the building and was now standing roughly where he had seen John.
At least where he had seen the light. In fact, John was still leaning against the wall with a fire hovering beside him.
As Bobby stepped closer to his friend he noticed him. With a quick movement of his hand, the small ball of light flew to Bobby. Bobby backed away a little from the light, which was too bright for his eyes.
With another movement the light flew back next to John. He made the flame a little smaller to take Bobby into account. It became darker and cooler between them.
But John made no move to send him away or to burn him. Bobby dared to take a few more steps before he came to a halt awkwardly in front of John. His blue eyes flitted over the other's features. The other's brown eyes were slightly red and circles under his eyes seemed to command John as well. 
He hasn't really been sleeping either, Bobby thought, thinking it was the fight as well as the confrontation with Logan. As his icy blue eyes darted to the other man's hands, he noticed that John had buried them in his jacket pockets. He was hiding the injury of the ice burn.
But his gaze loosened as John pulled something out of his jacket pocket. He didn't want to get caught. In the poor light he could only make out the outline of the small object.
Only when John moved his flame towards him did Bobby see the cigarette he was lighting. Despite the fact that he didn't smoke himself, he realised that it suited John. There was something about the pyromaniac who lit his cigarette with his fire.
After the other teenager blew the smoke out into the night, his dark eyes, looking black in the darkness, were on Bobby. ,,You want one too?" he asked without breaking eye contact.
But Bobby just shook his head and continued to stare mesmerised at John. He had taken a drag on a cigarette once, but he didn't like it. Instead of using the nicotine as a stimulant like John, he ate it all up.
He took more pleasure in watching John. How the pyromaniac smoked and seemed unreachable through the fumes. ,,What are you doing out here? "the question came easily from Bobby's lips before he even realised what he had said.
John took another drag on his cigarette. He seemed to be weighing up whether it was worth holding a grudge or not. ,,Can't sleep, can you?" he returned the question, watching the Crykinese user who couldn't take his eyes off the pyrokinetic. Bobby was unsure whether to tell John what he had dreamed.
Sharing a dream. ,,Slept badly, had a nightmare... and wanted to get some air. Then I went to the kitchen and saw you," he explained and John nodded. Understanding that it was Bobby's decision alone. After it was quiet again between the two of them, they still made eye contact.
The blue met the brown. But the red spots that appeared in the brown eyes were no longer visible. His anger was over, the fire was under control again. Before the silence between them threatened to become unbearable, John's voice rang out. ,,Do you still want to go to the kitchen?" John asked, wary of Bobby's reaction.
The brown-haired man nodded, but didn't know if he should say anything. He watched as John finished the cigarette, the smoke escaping through his lips one last time before John threw the smoked cigarette to the floor and kicked it out with his shoes.
John made a quick inviting motion and used his ball to light Bobby's way back. The few steps they had to take to the door seemed to take forever. The ice user felt a prickle on the back of his neck and the hairs on his head stand up as he felt John's presence behind him.
The pyrokinesis was only a few metres away from him. He could have reached out for him. After they reached the door, John extinguished the flame and stepped inside after Bobby.
The two teenagers walked side by side in silence. It was as if the brief conversation had almost not taken place. But John's warmth still seemed there. Once in the kitchen, Bobby switched on the light while John closed the door.
The click of the door sounded Bobby felt the slight nervousness of being alone with John. ,,Would you like something to eat?" Bobby asked without looking at the other as if he couldn't think of anything better. ,,What's in the fridge?" John asked in return.
An eternal game between them. In the room that seemed to be only for the two of them at that moment. After opening the silver device, the blue eyes flitted over the selection. With joyful discovery he found a leftover cake from Jean who had made it for Scott and Logan.
The cake was still fresh and would not taste of the fridge if kept too long. He took the cake out of the fridge and placed it on the kitchen counter. John watched his friend take two plates and cutlery from the drawer. Finally he took two lemonades which he opened and put on the counter with the cake.
With the knife he divided the pieces and gave John the larger piece. Bobby watched John nod slightly at him before taking a piece of the cake with the fork and popping it into his mouth.
John gave an audible sigh of pleasure, perfectly audible to Bobby. He was about to take a sip of the lemonade when he paused. The tingling feeling in his stomach irritated him massively.
The warmth on his cheeks and the knowledge that his cheeks were turning pink even more so. Why am I reacting like this? That's John, my friend, nothing more ran through his head in confusion about his reaction.
Only when John wanted to drink some of the soda did he stop. The pyromaniac thought for a moment before silently pushing the bottle to Bobby. He seemed to know how best to drink his soda.
The tingling sensation increased again but Bobby tried to suppress the slight trembling of his fingers. He didn't want to ruin the moment.
He enclosed the bottle and brought it to his lips before they touched the bottle, blowing on it with a short cold breath. The bottle became cool not cold enough to freeze but to a comfortable icy temperature.
Knowing that John's dark eyes had been watching the movement closely. As he handed the bottle back to John, their fingers brushed briefly.
He felt the unspoken desire to feel John's warmth again. He felt John almost longing for the cold. When the cold met the warm skin. ,,Thank you," John murmured and grinned as he looked at the cooled bottle before gripping it tighter. As John brought the bottle to his lips, Bobby saw the other's wrists for the first time.
They had been wrapped in makeshift bandages which John must have done himself. It made Bobby swallow, made him feel bad. He had hurt John. ,,I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you so badly," he said honestly to John, pointing lightly at his wrists.
He paused and put the bottle down a little too harshly on the marble slab. Not that it was enough to break the bottle, but Bobby thought he could see a slight crack.
But John did not hide his hands any more and left them visible to Bobby, he even pushed up his sleeves slightly. After their familiar silence John spoke too, ,,Sorry, I shouldn't have kicked you so hard, the fire was too much" he replied and Bobby felt the joy inside him.
He was happy about the apology and felt how happy he was. Glad that they forgave each other. Carefully and slowly Bobby reached out to John's right wrist and pulled it towards him. When he touched it, John flinched slightly. But Bobby looked to John's for permission, to see if it was all right.
Closed her eyes again to the gaze. He tried to signal with his blue eyes that he would not hurt him. He would not. Not ever. John, after a moment's hesitation, seemed to understand Bobby and let Bobby look at his wrist. Bobby removed the bandages that had been badly applied as carefully as he could.
They were not bloody, nor could they have been, Bobby hoped, they were if anything simply applied in a makeshift manner. John had no idea how to do this but Bobby probably didn't know much more.
Every now and then John twitched and hissed slightly but Bobby reassured him by stroking his unbroken skin with his thumb. It's not too bad. ,,Can you get your lighter out and make a small bullet?" Bobby asked after a quick assessment.
John took out his lighter with his shark on it and with a little click he made the flame and a small ball whirred between them. ,,Now let it fly over the skin at a small distance," said Bobby. John did what Bobby practically told him to do.
Carefully he regulated the temperature and the ice-cold skin was gradually warmed by the fire. All the while Bobby still held John's hand. He gently stroked the warm skin, telling him that he was with him. That their friendship still had a chance.
That they both had a chance. ,,Good" Bobby said with a smile and looked at the skin which now looked better than before. After doing this for a few minutes they went to the left wrist. ,,Very good" John replied and smiled slightly as well. But just as Bobby was about to remove the bandages, the door opened and Logan came in.
John immediately pulled away from Bobby and hid his hands in his pockets. He didn't want Logan to see him hurt like that. Didn't want to be reminded of the fight. ,,Sorry, guys. Didn't mean to interrupt. What are you two doing down here together at God knows what time?" Logan asked with a raised eyebrow. He seemed to have his own suspicions and smirked slightly.
John gave Bobby a quick glance, but kept his injuries covered. He took one last sip of the soda before walking past Logan. ,,John," Bobby said, not knowing if he could stop him. Wanted him to stay with him.
As if John was looking for an excuse, he steered the fireball back beside him before disappearing from the kitchen. Bobby felt himself worrying about John and wondered if he should go after him.
He would need help with the injury. But after seeing the questioning look from Logan, who needed an explanation, he sighed heavily and remained seated. He would have to let John wait this time. Hopefully he would understand
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phoenix · 1 year
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The journey and powers of Khione actually mirror those of the Phoenix Force and Jean Grey. In this essay I will...
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linkgab-blog · 1 year
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Ok! So I did it!! I bought the x-men box set collection!! 😁 All discs are blue-ray!
And the box set includes: X-men origins wolverine, The wolverine, X-men, X2, X-men the last stand, X-men days of future past, X-men first class.. although I'm gonna be honest.. I was kinda pissed off about the fact the box set, no matter which one you ordered on amazon.. they made x-men first class Region B locked 😤 explain to me this.. WHY!? Why the hell would you let people pay up to $46 dollars for a x-men box set, JUST to region lock one of the movie's!! 😡 I'm just.. you son of a bitch! Anyway I just feel a bit like they jipped me on that deal! I would have preferred all the movie's In the box set worked.. now I have to order another blue-ray disc of First class that's NOT region locked 😡 anyway. Back to the main topic.. the other x-men movies the box set has is X-men apocalypse, Dark Phenix. (I REALLY did not like this one! It didn't feel like X-men at all 😤 ) and then they have the new mutants! And that's all of what the box set has!
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I'm now considering getting the days of future past rouge cut edition as well as a new first class blue-ray dvd version. Preferably NOT region B locked 😡
Anyway! Other then that, I'm excited and happy with the order!! 😁
OHH!!! And unfortunately it doesn't include the last wolverine movie installment, Logan.. so I'll have to buy that separate too! But other then that, it's all good! 😁
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winter2468 · 1 year
The name ‘Alkali Base’ from X2 and X-Men Apocalypse is a chemistry pun. In chemical terms, an alkali is a kind of base.
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weirdgirl92 · 1 year
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I just really love the found family trope, okay?! 🤧
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mwagneto · 5 months
i don't rly care about what's going on with the mcu multiverse or the plot or whatever the only metric of quality wrt deadpool 3 is whether him and wolverine fuck nasty or not. they won't but disney had the potential to make the greatest movie of all time
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I'm pretty sure that all of my problems would be solved, if Kurt Wagner would kiss my hand taking a bow, wrap me up in his arms and curl his tail around me, telling me that everything would be alright.
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cameron-possibly · 3 months
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mutant liberation begins
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georgeromeros · 2 years
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X2: X-Men United (2003) dir. Bryan Singer
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sleepynegress · 5 months
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Chapter 3 - Fight and Rage
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warning : angst, mutant fight, hurt, emotional, anxiety, ice burn, physical hurt
masterlist, next chapter
The hall was silent and all the mutants were waiting for John and Bobby to start. As if it was the match that would seal everything, even though it was just for the two of them. Bobby knew that in theory John had no chance against him in the long run.
Since the pyromaniac could only control fire, he always needed a source. That was the problem, he had the lighter now but when the gas tank was empty John only had the fire from before. Besides, he couldn't light anything here in the metal hall and thus increase the fire.
Or so Bobby hoped. But that was only theory, one had to take into account the other factors. These were Bobby's insecurity and under too much pressure it would turn into a panic attack.
In John's favour was his motivation, strength and his rage, which seemed as unbridled as fire. I'm not going to make it, I can't beat him, I don't want to beat him, his inner voice rang out and he stifled a defeated laugh. ,,Come on Bobby, you can do it. You hear me, you can do it!" Rogue's voice rang out over the speakers, making the teachers smile. Rogue. Rogue his beloved girlfriend. Despite the fact that their relationship was slow, they were sincere.
This gave him a little hope that he might actually win. A boost of optimism that he needed. I just have to stall him until he runs out of gas, that's the only way, he decided, trying to think of a strategy. ,,You're going down Bobby!" said John throwing a barrage of fire at Bobby which was fuelled by his abilities. The ice user let his ice hit the flames.
It crackled and hissed. Where the elements met, water dripped to the ground and steam rose. ,,You can't win this fight Bobby!" with that he let down a shower of fire with his right hand on Bobby's side.
While with the other he still aimed at Bobby from the front. An attack from two directions from which the pyromaniac hoped to get something.
Bobby had a strained look in his eyes. He could control his powers but he had never fully used them. He was aware that he could be and have so much more. He just had to train. John also had more potential but he had already developed his.
The only difference between him and Bobby was that Bobby's powers did not harm him. Bobby Drake could create ice when he wanted to and his body did not suffer from freezing fires.
He could withstand temperatures that killed others. But John Alerdyce, on the other hand, could be hurt by any fire, including his own.
That was the disadvantage of creation over control. As soon as the fire was not his and not under his control, it looked bad for the brown-haired man.
However, Bobby's tactics seemed to be taking hold as John pulled the fire back from Bobby's side. He realised he couldn't get through the side as the ice only made the fire steam.
Instead he directed it towards the other fire in addition head on. It was hot and he could feel the sweat on his cold skin. For anyone else it would probably be too hot, but not for him.
He could stand it. But Bobby also took his second hand and stifled the fire as best he could before he took his advantage. He stamped his foot, causing a pointed wall of ice to emerge from the ground.
This grew quickly towards John. John saw the ice coming and jumped to the side to avoid being hit by the wall. But Bobby let ice spikes grow out of the stopped wall towards John with a quick movement of his hand.
The pyromaniac had little choice but to take a hand back to keep the fast growing ice away from him. He can't melt it completely, he doesn't have enough fire for that went through the ice user's mind.
In fact, Bobby Drake was right - the flame was not big enough to melt all the ice and keep Bobby at a distance. Which is why John was practically running from the ice - he had no other choice.
Only when Bobby had an idea did he build ramps of ice with one sweeping attack after another. John paid little attention to Bobby as the pyromaniac now had to use two hands to avoid being impaled by the ice.
He knew the danger of the cold element which could also burn like him. It was only when John stepped back to avoid an ice spike and his back hit a wall of ice that he realised what Bobby had done.
Bobby had slowly created walls of ice around the distracted teenager. John was too anxious not to get hit. It was too late to get out of the box.
Standing on one of the four walls, he saw the surprised look on John's face as he realised what had happened before he tried to draw fire on Bobby.
But this did not happen and with another movement Bobby closed the square of ice. Jumping down from the wall he came to a stop in front of the prison, breathing heavily.
His hands ached slightly from using so many of his abilities. He was definitely slightly out of practice and yet he felt proud of his work.
He had become better and had won. For a moment there was silence and only Bobby put his hand on the cold wall of ice. ,,It looks like the Match is ov-" Scott was about to announce the result.
When a bright light and an unspeakably hot warmth emanated from the square. Bobby recognised it too and before he could produce a protective wall he was thrown against it by the force of the broken ice.
The walls of the ice prison shattered with a bang almost as if they had exploded. Black spots ran through Bobby's vision and he would have liked to stay in the darkness. He would have liked to have been able to escape the pain that was spreading over his back from the hard impact.
As his vision slowly cleared, however, he saw that John was serious. He saw it again. The red flecks had reappeared in his brown eyes and nothing but anger and hatred were reflected in them.
He embodied the fire again. ,,Did you think you could lock me up? You don't know anything Bobby, I'm better than you and now you're going to lose!" John shouted with all the rage he had for the ice user. Then Bobby saw it too, the pyromaniac had apparently refilled his lighter and lit something to increase the fire.
He mercilessly hurled the fire at Bobby, who almost always fought it off too late. After Bobby had struggled to his feet, he staggered towards John and back again. He fought off the flames and felt the blackness slowly making its way back into his vision.
He had risen too quickly. It was only when Bobby staggered back towards John and came closer than usual that John was momentarily confused. John hurled the bullet fire at Bobby, who dodged it at the last moment and felt the heat on his skin.
Probably ignoring the fact that he had been burned, he had something else in mind. Before John could back away Bobby had managed to grab John's left wrist.
Using his skills he had created ice on his hand which transferred to John. After a few seconds John cried out in pain, ,,Let go of me! Let go of me you bastard let go!" he shouted at Bobby again and again as it became clear how dangerous the ice burn was becoming.
Only when John put his right hand on Bobby's face and activated the fire did Bobby let go. John let go and staggered back, his vision again blurred by the fire and the suddenness.
The flame did little damage, not least because John had hardly used it to its full potential. The pyromaniac was too focused on the pain spreading up his arm. The fire was dead before it could even eat through Bobby's skin.
But the confusion of the fire gave John time to kick Bobby. Bobby, weakened from his faint, slammed into the wall again.
The blue eyes widened in panic as John towered over him with his fire and placed a foot on the boy's torso. Painfully, he shifted all his weight onto his leg and Bobby groaned in pain. He tried to get the leg off his torso with his ice and his remaining strength.
But if he froze the leg, John would be stuck above him and Bobby would be finished immediately. ,,Give up Bobby and I won't have to do it," John hissed to his friend. But Bobby only heard the rush of his blood in his ears and his rapid heartbeat. John's voice seemed too far away.
The ball of flames glowed brighter as John pulled out and said, ,,You wouldn't have it any other way". But at the same moment that John raised the flame, Bobby shouted, ,,Stop, I give up!" as loud as he could and looked up at the sliding glass.
After a moment John let the flames diminish and extinguish. The others came running to help Bobby up, who was just as stricken as John. ,,You both have impressive skills. But only one can win...and that's Bobby," the professor announced. Cheers erupted from the group and everyone congratulated Bobby on his victory, hugging him and congratulating him.
All except John. ,,What but why? Why did you do it? I beat him and I won, he gave up!" John spoke angrily and looked at everyone including the professor with hatred and confusion. ,,You can control your powers to a certain extent but it's your temperament. I looked into your head and for a moment I saw nothing but chaos. You are a danger to yourself and others if you do not control yourself. I'm sorry, you can try again next year" the professor explained to both John and the others who now understood why Bobby had won.
Bobby saw so much suffering emotion in John's eyes that his own heart contracted. With red sparks in his eyes John walked towards the exit muttering something under his breath but was stopped by Bobby. ,,Hey I don't want the win" he said but was harshly interrupted by John who just hissed ,,Shut the fuck up Bobby you got what you wanted a position to protect your friends. But what about those who don't want to be protected?".
John pushed Bobby aside to step through the door but Bobby grabbed his wrist, ,,Wait, I can help you with that ice burn," he wanted to offer but John was on the verge of another outburst.
The red in his eyes lit up and the click of the lighter could be heard. ,,I said let me go!" he hissed before throwing his fire at Bobby. ,,That's enough for both of you!" Jean's voice rang out as she used her skills to stop the fire and her strength to push John away from Bobby. ,,John take it as a help and continue training. Bobby just wanted to help you," Jean suggested.
But John wouldn't hear of it and stormed out of the hall to get his feelings and thoughts in order. ,,Bobby, I am so proud of you!" Rogue was happy and hugged Bobby around the neck.
He suppressed a pained groan, his body in desperate need of rest. The others joined in and rejoiced. All except Bobby who could not rejoice. It felt wrong, as if he had won by mistake. But it was fair, at least according to Charles.
But what kept him going was John's anger. His friend had always been a bit hasty and had already started two fights with humans. Or even fights with mutans. But he had never gone so crazy that he would have considered murder. It was almost frightening. After the others had left the hall, Bobby decided to catch up on some sleep.
Rogue, on the other hand, decided to bake a small cake with Jean as a reward. The older woman, Bobby realised, wanted to bake a cake without any help. Rougue had said something about "Jean, Scott and Logan's anniversary" but that was all he understood. Which was why he was glad to get his sleep after his body had been dragged into the mud.
The way to his room, which he shared with the other mutants, seemed to take forever. At one point he had to lean against the wall as the black spots fought their way back into his vision. John's kicks and attacks had not left him unscathed. When he looked at his reflection, he laughed sadly.
His blue eyes seemed infinitely guilty and sad. As blue as they were, his own chaos was clearly visible in them. The harr seemed black in places as if it had been burnt off and was a little white from his ice.
His dark circles had reappeared since he was sleeping less well due to his fears. But what looked worst was something only he could see, his insides eaten away by too many doubts and fears.
He tore himself away from his reflection with a sigh and shuffled on to his room. Closing the door behind him and glad that the others were not there, he went to his bed.
After settling down on his bed, he sighed heavily again. It seemed as if his blanket was enveloping him and pulling him into the friendly blackness.
With one last thought and one last image, Bobby fell asleep and in the darkness of his mind the last thing he perceived was a single flame.
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marahsfandomloves · 28 days
I'm glad that Tumblr provides a safe community for a Nightcrawler lover like me. I feel alone when I say that I really hope he is in the new Deadpool and Wolverine when I mention it on Twitter. I really hope it's Alan Cumming's Nightcrawler because he was the first version I ever saw and the fact that his return was rumored back in July and November of 2023 gave me hope. Trying to not get my hopes up due to fear of disappointment, but if I see my favorite Kurt appear one last time on the screen, my heart will explode with happiness.
One more and one game wasn't enough of Alan's Nightcrawler!
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These hints here from Alex Perez from the Cosmic Circus is why I'm hopeful.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
As much as I love X-2, I feel the need to say that taking away William Stryker being an evangelical preacher and the Purifiers took away what made Stryker so effective and scary in God Loves, Man Kills.
The 97 animated show is just showing how effective and terrifying it is to portray ordinary bigots arming themselves up as psychotic cowardly vigilantes.
Showing Stryker and the Purifiers as this fringe and monstrous Evangelical movement would've just been as effective. But I feel like Hollywood was too cowardly to show Stryker as the monster he was in God Loves Man Kills and just settled for the military scientist.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I've been lurking around your blog for a while now [and was too afraid to send in an ask HAHA-] but I've got this teensy brainrot? That I wanna share oop
So y'know, Capitano's all big and strong. Our lovely soldier. I can't help but think maybe one day his helmet gets destroyed in a fight [however miraculous that may be]. So he just comes home to us, avoiding us entirely. Why? He's scared. He doesn't think his face would be satisfactory to us, or anyone, for that matter. So he's hiding.
But imagine assuring him that it's okay. We love him, face with scars and all ndbksnf I love strong men who's whipped for their S/O 😔☝
♡, 🌼
Certified Capitano simp™
And omfg yes, that's literally sooo cute🥺 For fluff reasons we'll ignore the circumstances of the helmet broken but😌 I imagine he has to find a way to cover his face since he doesn't want his soldiers seeing him like that either, so maybe he has like a cloth covering his face. He's getting looks from the soldiers since they're so accustomed to the helmet and the darkness behind it but that's the least of his worries right now. How are you going to react? Will you be scared? Frightened? Angry? Shun him? All of those are things he's experienced before.
You know there's a problem when Capitano doesn't enter through the front door of the mansion. He always does, and you're always there to greet him. Instead, you see him going through a side entrance from a window... and hm? He's not wearing his helmet? And that's when it clicks. He doesn't want you to see him without his helmet. You've come to realize it's not just a physical piece of equipment, but rather something he wears for his own mental sake around you. No matter how many times you've reassured him you'd love him all the same, no matter what's under the piece of metal, he simply patted your head and thanked you.
Of course, you were going to intercept him. He shouldn't be scared of what you'd think! And so you hurried to literally the other side of the house, which was actually quite a run. (The house is freaking huge and Capitano walks a mile with one footstep.) But you were too late. He had already entered your shared room with the door locked.
You gently knocked on the door and called his name. There was no response and you sighed, pressing your weight against the frame as you called his real name this time. At this point, he'd probably found another spare helmet to put on, but you couldn't leave.
You knew he was in there, you called, and you saw him. All you wanted was for him to feel comfortable around you, to be able to forget about his duties for a bit around you. And while you're aware of the reservations of his face around you, you want him to be able to trust him with it. That you'd never stop loving him regardless. And then the door opened a creak, and you took the opportunity with no hesitation. You rushed into the room and that's when you saw him <3.
You didn't care what anyone thought. Capitano was so beautiful to you. He seemed to take your silence negatively and began to pull away, but you quickly yanked him back and kisses him with all the love you could muster. And again. And again, which Capitano greatly enjoyed. You could always tell by the slight curve of his lips.
After, you couldn't help but bury your head into his chest, mumbling about how he hid his handsome face from you for so long. You found him wholly attractive, both inside and outside, you told him confidently. You loved him so, so much, you assured him. Capitano could only whisper another thank you and run his large hand up and down your back, hoisting you into his lap.
You give him sooo much smooches after that <3 You're sure to record this as the day you were first able to give him forehead and cheek kisses!
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reallyhardydraws · 1 year
nightcrawler tote interest check?
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been considering making some fandom-related totes and i've had this blue boyfriend print forever just hoping to get a chance at being a real textile product. all tote bags i make are made of 100% cotton drill, sewn by me in the UK, and feature strong interfaced straps to prevent scrunching, as well as an inner pocket for small items, and are usually priced at £25(GBP).
please like, reblog, or reply to this post to let me know. obviously it's not a 'commit to buy' sort of a post, just wondering if there's anyone out there on team kurt wagner that might like it if i made these 💙
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