#X Bape Stan Smith
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freshthoughts2020 · 6 months ago
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unstablefragments2 · 11 months ago
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Bape x Adidas Stan Smith @ SSENSE
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hypebeast1ife · 9 months ago
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SHOP: BAPE x adidas Stan Smith 'BAPE Camo Black'
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mikeshouts · 10 months ago
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BAPE x adidas Stan Smith BAPE ABC Camo Sneakers: BAPE's 30th Anniversary Special Kicks
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sneakerscartel · 1 year ago
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BAPE x adidas Stan Smith “30th Anniversary” Releasing November 2023 https://sneakerscartel.com/bape-x-adidas-stan-smith-30th-anniversary-releasing-november-2023/
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swankfeets · 7 years ago
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popbee · 7 years ago
#POPBEE 專題 : LV x Supreme 熱潮以後又如何? 經典聯乘今昔對照,印證潮流循環不斷
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電子商貿出現,突破地區因素而擴大了銷售額,網購活動由量變到質變副作用逐漸浮現,網購助長了速食時尚,品牌以至消費者對新產品欠缺耐性去細味,加上 Fast Fashion 的威脅,大品牌都要步向速食化,例如 Moschino 不斷推出 Capsule Collection , Burberry 、Tommy Hilfiger 、Ralph Lauren 亦率先推行 See Now Buy Now 即看即訂購的對策,而品牌要不斷推出原創設計向連鎖店反擊,一味鬥快只會削弱前膽性,所以聯乘活動依然是大品牌或個性 Select Shop 刺激消費抗生素,以抗生素比喻,因為這一服猛藥不能亂服,多吃還有反效果 。
跨媒界合作在今天是平常不過的促銷手法,越來越難吸引聰明的消費者。所以 Vetements 在去年巴黎 Couture Fashion Week  一口氣展出18個單位聯乘,絕對是「頂爛市」的非常手段。 今年Louis Vuitton x Supreme 的世紀聯乘,引發世代之爭,有資深 Fans 認為品牌何必紆尊降貴向街牌招手。事實證明 Kim Jones ( LV 男裝藝術總監 )這一著是完美演繹聯乘的真義,兩種價值觀產生了衝突感,而銷售模式亦引起社區的迴響。熱鬧過後有人開始擔心聯乘概念己開到荼蘼,不過時尚潮流一直都在圓形的軌跡上推進。 今天有 Apple Watch x Hermès 昨天的 Swatch x Keith Haring 更加可一不可在。 Louis Vuitton 的大堆頭聯乘始於1996年 。 Kanye west 為 adidas Originals  設計的 Yeezy Boost 系列引起談論, Michael Jackson 和 L.A. Gear 的聯乘亦是個滯銷神話。比對今昔,聯乘效應渡過短暫的衰退期,當消費積賣力時而會迎來新一浪的聯乘熱潮。
Swatch 天價膠錶 vs 智能 Apple Watch
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( L )Swatch 1986年與法國藝術家 Kiki Picasso 推出首個聯乘手錶,只生產140枚,在1990年拍賣會的成交達 6 萬美元。 / ( R ) 1986年與 Keith Haring 為Swatch 設計三款聯乘手錶並繪畫宣傳插畫。
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1993 年 Swatch x Vivienne Westwood 推出 ORB 手錶,限量 49999 枚,當年引起各地門市出現搶購人龍。
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2016 年 Apple 推出 Apple Watch® Hermès 聯乘智能錶 ,時裝人很難抗。
Swatch 是聯乘史上的先鋒,一個來自瑞士的品牌竟然反其道而行,專門生產石英動力的膠手錶,當時引起了家鄉一眾機械錶廠的嘩然。不過 Swatch 選擇走時尚年輕化的路線,又奉行 Pop-Art 概念邀請藝術界、電影人和音樂界別的人物合作,品牌迅速確立潮流地位。Swatch 創業的首個聯乘請來藝術家 Kiki Picasso 合作,而1986年再與剛冒起的 Keith Haring(1958-1990 年) 合作,引起藝術界及次文化圈子的高度關注。蘇富比拍賣行首席拍賣官  Simon de Pury 即時看準品牌的潛力,將 Swatch 的手錶引入拍賣場,由 Bvlgari  家族後人 Gianni Bulgari 以高出5倍價錢投得, 為品牌創造天價的拍賣紀錄,自此 Swatch 所發動的聯乘企劃必定引來搶購潮,而 1993 年與 Vivienne Westwood 的聯乘手錶亦震撼了時裝界, 還啟發了 Vivienne Westwood 進軍手錶市場。 Swatch 的掘起對家鄉是有功無過,在飽受石英手錶衝擊之下,不少鐘錶技師就憑這膠錶廠牌保住了飯碗。 直到近年鐘錶界又迎來另一次威脅,智能手機的出現間接影響選擇計時功具的習慣,智能手錶更是新舊價值觀的分水嶺,時裝品牌都與智能手錶合作,Prada 於 2009 年與 LG 合作推出智能電話及藍芽手錶,是早著先機但款式不太討好,2014 年 Opening Ceremony 和 Intel’s 合作推出更有時尚感的智能手鐲賺得了話題。 直到 2015 年 Apple Watch 與 Hermès 推出聯乘系列,智能手錶市場勝負已明顯分出了。多個時裝品牌都推出對應 Apple Watch 的錶帶包括 Sacai 、UNDERCOVER 、Coach 、TOMS 、藤原浩的 Fragment Design 等。仍記得 LVMH 鐘錶部總裁 Jean-Claude Biver 對初上市的 Apple Watch 評價是:「 設計經不起時間考驗 」,如們 LV 亦要開發 Tambour Horizon‎ 智能手錶,潮流的事有誰能下定論 !
Louis Vuitton  百年 Monogram vs 23 年 Supreme
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絕蹟時裝界的 Helmut Lang 當年以 DJ 靈感設計的 LV 黑膠唱片手提箱,並請來 Hip Hop 界 DJ 之父 Grandmaster Flash 拍宣傳照,經典的組合。
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( L ) Vivienne Westwood 以 16 世紀女士服飾的Bum Roll 作靈感,而設計出兩用腰包。 / ( R ) Isaac Mizrahi 則構思出入透明手袋,曾引帶起了透明袋的熱潮。
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( L )Azzedine Alaïa 的 Leopard Alma 為優雅的 Alma Monogra 披上他最愛的獸皮。 / ( R ) 西班牙 Sybilla 設計的 Centenaire Monogram Backpack 外型小巧還付有一把 Monogram 雨傘。
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( L )鞋王 Manolo Blahnik 當然是設計專放鞋子的手提箱。 / (R) 傳奇的大師 Romeo Gigli 設計的 Pointed Hikng Bag ,加入了他最拿手的異國色彩。
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2017年春夏男裝系中出現的 LV x Supreme 是年度重頭戲,一開賣已引起搶購,在二手炒賣市場非常熾熱。
走中價路線的 Swatch 殺出了聯乘的血路,90 年代的 Louis Vuitton 便來一次奢華級的示範,1996提為了慶祝 LV Monogram 圖案誕生100年, 便 一口氣邀請了 7 位有份量的時裝設計師合作,包括現已轉型當藝術家的 Helmut Lang 、有 King of Cling  美譽的 Azzedine Alaïa  、西班牙鞋王 Manolo Blahnik 、西班牙的 Sybilla  、意大利傳奇的 Romeo Gigli、Isaac Mizrahi  和英國 Punk 后 Vivienne Westwood 為品牌設計 Monogram 皮具。經過這次聯乘企劃,品牌成功逆轉了日漸老化的形象,次年再邀請 Marc Jacobs 開發時裝系列,並啟動了連串年輕化的工程。 MJ 在過去 16年間促成了多個爭議性的聯乘系列,先後將日本現代藝術家村上隆、紐約的塗鴉藝術家 Stephen Sprouse、動漫文化的虛擬偶像初音未來帶入品牌,2013 年退位由 Nicolas Ghesquière 接任,繼續發掘新的合作單位,男裝系列的藝術總監 Kim Jones  繼 Christopher Nemeth 致���系列之後,都集中向街頭文化找靈感, 先來 LV x Fragment Design 小試牛刀, 今季和滑板牌 Supreme 的合作,將 LV 的形象進一步活化,影響力擴大到次文化的層面,是兵行險著。
adidas YEEZY BOOST by Kanye West vs   L.A. Gear  by Michael Jackson
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Kanye West 是一名波鞋癡,從前鍾情日系卡通配色,到現偏向低調成熟的配色。
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2007年的 Kanye West X Bathing Ape Bapesta 。
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2009年 Kanye West x Nike Air Yeezy Zen Grey ,屬原形樣板。
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1989 年 Michael Jackson 與 L. A Gear 公布推出聯乘運動鞋。
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Michael Jackson 穿上運動鞋的造型,非常罕見。
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( L )MJ x L.A Gear Billie Jean 鉚釘運動鞋,當年推出了男、女裝,現在仍活躍於二手市場。 / ( R )MJ x L.A Gear Bad Edition
成為潮流教父是音樂人 Kanye West 其中一個人生目標,經過多年的努力終於等到收成期。從前他只是個愛穿著名牌的音樂人,慢慢也成立自己的時裝品牌,並得到運動品牌的重視,2004 年首之與 Nike  結緣,為他特製一對 Air Max 180 College Dropout ,2006 年為 Bape 設計輕 Bapesta,2008 年與 Reebok 合作,同年與 Nike 展開了多次合作,但直到 2009 年由他設計的 Air Yeezy 才公開發售,之後再與 Louis Vuitton  、Balenciaga 設計運動鞋,波鞋天王的地位逐漸確立,而他與 Nike 的合作關係於 2014 年決裂 ,次年轉投 adidas 推出服系列及帶起搶購潮 的 Yeezy Boost 750 及 350 。不過 NPD 市場分析師 Matt Powell 早前卻評論 Yeezy Boost 系列對 adidas 的營利數字沒有影響力,認為該系列只限量推出證明其號召力不及 Stan Smith 。 而90年代  L.A Gear 和 Michael Jackson 的合作絕對是現在的時尚運動鞋的先驅,對於一直愛穿著 Loafer 鞋的 MJ ,為 L.A Gear 設計運動鞋的確非常罕見。當年品牌一心想吸納年青客戶,放棄選用 NBA 球星,以當時天價 1000 萬美元與 MJ 簽約,於 1990 起分別推出 " Bad Edition " 、" Street Magic " 、  " Billie Jean " 等多款運動鞋可謂聲勢浩大,並計劃推出聯乘服裝及精選專輯 " A Decade "  ,品牌為此投資了數百萬美元但計劃胎死腹中,而 MJ 設計的  " Billie Jean " 鞋款銷情亦不理想,雙方短暫的合作便告終。曾是美國 3 大運動品牌之一 L. A Gear 業績亦每況愈下 ,於 1998 年宣布破產。L. A Gear x MJ Billie Jean 的款式為重型的 High Top 設計,全黑皮配上金屬扣及鉚釘裝飾,顯然不被大眾所接受,但時間已為他平反, 現在的 Giuseppe Zanotti 、Christian Louboutin、Saint Laurent 、Buscemi 等 Hi End 運動鞋,正是重覆著 MJ 的路。
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Ikea Frakta 環保袋被再創作成時裝。
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改鞋高手紛紛打 Ikea Frakta 的主意 ( L ) Mache 改造的Ikea X adidas Yeezy 350 Boost V2. ( R ) STUDIO HAGEL 改造了 Balenciaga Speed Trainer。
過去的高級品牌聯乘對於 Millennial 一代未必有吸引力,太「離地 」隨時沒有人賣帳,漸漸醞釀出一股反奢侈品牌的現象,加上電腦科技的普及,要將品牌複製也不是天大秘密, 助長了二次創作更趨天馬行空 。Vetements 對經典形象的肆意破壞是加速了惡攪潮流的興起,Balenciaga 的手袋激發了民間高手將 Ikea 的 Frakta 購物從新創作。從前大品牌極力維護知識產權,對任何侵權的舉動都會訴諸法律,但倚重網絡大數據的今日,正評負評都會照單收,被選中惡攪的品牌更能鞏固市場的滲透性。 所以明顯是抄襲 Vetements 的惡攪品牌 Vetememes 和 Boolenciaga 並沒有被封殺。在網絡因惡攪而成名的人物都天天湧現,例如集藝術家、作者、攝影師於一身的 Ava Nirui 、 將網絡符號都印上面上的台灣藝術家江宥儀 ( Johny yuyi )、法國的 Modern Man 名人肖象Tee 、 標名賣假 Birkin Bag 但賺過滿堂的網絡紅人 Sonique Saturday。這些惡攪單位不止引起了千禧一代的共鳴,也在影響奢侈品牌的市場策略,惡攪潮正是把玩聯乘新手段。
Ava Nirui
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美國的網絡編輯、作家、攝影師及網店總監 Ava Nirui, 一直都在個人網誌及 IG 發佈自家創作的惡攪照片,她以手上的名牌購物袋、包裝紙、零食包裝紙廢物利用,創作出自家的惡攪版名牌,其中一款惡攪 Champion 衛衣還真的生產作小量發售。
Johny yuyi 江宥儀
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台灣新晉藝術家,修讀時裝設計,現時身兼攝影師及美術指導,擅長將網絡文化變成圖像再貼在身體上,她的作品成功吸引 Gucci 邀請,為品牌創作廣告。
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這個山寨品牌由美國人 Davis Tran  成立的,但他的本業卻是建築與規劃師,因為 Vetements 真身宣布不再推出 Oversize 服飾,所以他甘願冒著被控告的危險推出山寨版本,以示向品牌致敬。
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同是由 Davis Tran 成立向 Balenciaga 致敬的街牌,無論風格和攝影手法都忠於原著,推出的Logo Cap 帽銷量甚佳,大家一齊來為品牌將會被提告而倒數吧!
Sonique Saturday
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Sonique Saturday 與所有女生都對 Hermès 手袋著迷,但不是人人都能有購買能力,老差成怒之下,索性在自己平價的手袋上寫上" Can’t Afford Hermès " ,之後更變本加勵,將買來的仿製版 Birkin Bag 、 Chanel Flap Bag 、 Lady Dior bag,都用白漆油寫上 " You Fake Like This Birkin " 、" I Lost my real Dior " 、 " You Fake Like This CHANEL  “。 理直氣壯自認用假袋,如果變成商機並還引來明星仿��。
Modern Man
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法國的 T-Shirt  街牌,把玩了 80 年代 Vintage 燙畫 Tee 風格,而盜用當下時裝紅人的肖象作為 T-shirt 圖案,就是品牌的成名技倆,不但(暫時)未被控告還在 colette 售賣,是個被厚待的山寨品牌。
#POPBEE 專題 : 川久保玲和 LVMH 集團重點力捧,透視紗裙將進一步攻陷時尚圈
#POPBEE 專題 :The Antwerp Eight — Inge Grognard ,被 Vetements 和 Balenciaga 膜拜的化妝神人
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kadobeclothing · 5 years ago
The Best Chunky/’Ugly’ Sneakers You Can Buy In 2020
Like it or not, massive trainers are here and they aren’t going anywhere fast. Not that they could even if they wanted to, mind you.To the casual observer, it may have come as a bit of a shock when the fashion elite suddenly appeared to be taking their style cues from Sporty Spice in a pair of Sketchers circa 1995, but it’s actually a pretty natural progression. Think of it as footwear’s answer to the loosening and widening of silhouettes we’ve been seeing in fashion for some time now.After several years of clean, white minimalism and slim, sock-like fits in the world of trainers, it was only a matter of time before things swung around and began going in the opposite direction. The Raf Simons X Adidas Ozweego was one of the first ‘ugly trainers’ to really kick things up a gear, but it was with the release of Balenciaga’s much-hyped Triple S sneaker that this clumpy footwear craze really took flight.“In terms of fashion, footwear was about low profile, simple shoes, like Stan Smiths, Roshe Runs or Common Projects Achilles Lows,” explains Andrew Brines, buyer at renowned premium fashion e-tailer, Oki-Ni.“In 2015 the New York Times ran an article entitled ‘Forget barefoot: the new trendsetter in running shoes is cushioning’, focusing on a particular brand of relatively new running shoes that featured platform-esque soles. Naturally, it didn’t take long for designers to take notice of what the performance brands were producing.”The End Of The Minimalist Sneaker?So does the chunky trainer movement spell disaster for minimalist footwear? MatchesFashion’s Ben Carr doesn’t think so, but he’s not surprised that there has been a shift.“While I don’t think the clean sneaker is going anywhere, there is certainly a ubiquity to their presence in modern menswear. Think about it, if you are a teenager and your dad is wearing a minimal sneaker then you’re not going to want to adopt this style are you?“I think fashion in its purest form is always, and always has to be, a reaction to what has gone before.”How To Style Chunky SneakersChunky trainers are currently shattering paving slabs at fashion weeks across the globe, but incorporating them into a workable, everyday wardrobe can understandably present a little bit of a challenge.“My first tip is not to wear them with a minimal look,” says Carr. “They become the sole focus [no pun intended] of the outfit and that’s never good.” He also suggests wearing several layers on top to help balance out the look and to experiment with bright colours and pieces that will distort your silhouette. He adds: “cropped trousers, track pants and oversized sportswear work well… and the chunky sneaker can anchor this.”Oki-Ni’s Brines believes that going sockless with chunky trainers is never a good idea and stresses the importance of wearing the look with confidence. “Wear the shoes, don’t let the shoes wear you,” he explains. “If you’re just wearing them because they’re on trend, and you’re not that into them, the fashion cognoscenti will smell you out a mile away.”So, blame Raf Simons, blame Balenciaga, blame your dad – whoever is truly responsible for the rise of the beetle crushers is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that trainers are titanic now and you should probably join the party before it’s too late.The Best Chunky Sneakers You Can BuyReady to embrace one of the most divisive trends to emerge from the murky depths of Lake Fashion since the return of the bowl haircut? These are the best sneakers at every price point if you want to join the chunky trainer club.Balenciaga Triple SOkay, let’s get it out of the way. You can’t talk about chunky trainers without mentioning Balenciaga. Since the appointment of Vetements boss Demna Gvasalia as creative director back in late 2015, the luxury Spanish label has become one of the most forward-thinking names in fashion and the now-iconic Triple S sneaker is without doubt its crowning glory.Taking inspiration from orthotic footwear and the type of trainers favoured by tourists, the Triple S eclipsed its stripped-back predecessors and quickly became a regular sight at fashion weeks as well as a grail purchase for hypebeasts and high-fashion disciples alike.Buy Now: £595.00Reebok Insta Pump FuryA British sportswear brand with a background in chunky trainers. This latest trend has thrust the Bolton-born label back into the spotlight and many of the silhouettes from its archives are looking more relevant today than ever before.This innovative shoe featuring Reebok’s ground-breaking ‘Pump’ cushioning system was first launched in 1994 but in recent years has found a place on the shoe racks of fashionistos as well as Mr Motivators. The Insta Pump Fury has been reimagined by brands ranging from BAPE to Vetements and has earned a cult-like following in the process, making it one of the coolest chunky sneakers you can have in your rotation.Buy Now: £89.00Raf Simons X Adidas Ozweego IIIThe Balenciaga Triple S may have kick-started this whole thing but would it have even come into existence if it hadn’t been for the long-running collaborative effort between German sportswear giant Adidas and Belgian tastemaker Raf Simons? Well, perhaps not.The Ozweego III is the latest design in the ground-breaking Ozweego line. Maybe you love them, maybe you loathe them, but however you feel about this beautifully ugly piece of footwear, you can’t deny it’s fun to look at.Buy Now: £290.00New Balance 991Bostonian shoemaker New Balance has been doing its thing since the turn of the 20th century and has picked up a few tricks along the way. The brand produces the vast majority of its products either stateside in New England, or across the pond in, well, old England. The result is some of the most comfortable, highest quality sneakers available to buy – no wonder NB is such a hit with sneakerheads and athletes alike.Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was onto something when he picked these bad boys out as part of his signature look. A true classic and bang on trend.Buy Now: £160.00Nike Air Max 95You can’t think of sneakers without thinking of Nike. The sportswear heavyweight has been doing big trainers longer than most. In fact, some of its most iconic footwear designs – which could give the Triple S a run for its money in the chunkiness stakes – come from a time when Demna Gvasalia would still have been wearing nappies.The Air Max 95 is nothing short of a classic and offers the perfect way to dip your toes into the chunky trainer trend without losing any mates in the process.Buy Now: £129.95H&M Mesh TrainersSwedish fashion chain H&M is known for bringing a subtle touch of Scandinavian minimalism to the high street, but as the fashion landscape continues to evolve in unexpected ways, stripped-back is out and OTT is in.These highly detailed, chunky kicks from H&M are in keeping with the trend while still managing to look clean and crisp at the same time. If you want a pair of big sneaks that will go with 99 per cent of your wardrobe – quite an ask even for regular trainers – then these might be your best bet.Buy Now: £39.99Zara Maxi Sole TrainersIf there’s something new bubbling away in the world of fashion, you can bet it won’t be long before Zara starts churning out its own version of whatever that may be. The trend for dad-esque footwear is no different and the Spanish high-street stalwart has already put out a number of designs.With a thicker-than-thick sole and plenty of contrasting materials to the upper, it’s no mystery where this model took its inspiration from. However, with change left over from £50, this is one way to keep abreast of the trend while ensuring your wallet remains intact.Buy Now: £49.99A.P.C. Running Homme TrainerParisian label A.P.C. is famous for its high-quality, no-fuss wardrobe essentials. If we had to sum its output up in a word, it would probably be ‘understated’ – something which you probably wouldn’t have thought would gel very well with the current preference for sneakers that look like they’re on steroids.But despite this little discrepancy, A.P.C. has churned out some of the most inoffensive, versatile and ultimately wearable chunky trainers we’ve seen. Clock the signature, subtle branding and a look that manages somehow to be both showy and restrained simultaneously.Buy Now: £225.00ASOS Chunky Sole TrainerIf you’re keen to give a new look a go but aren’t so hot on the idea of signing up for any medical trials to finance it then ASOS should be your first port of call. The online fashion mecca is full of the latest styles, with bargain options from its in-house line sitting alongside designer pieces from your favourite names.With a thick, chunky sole and vibrant hits of green and blue, these eye-catching stompers from ASOS offer the perfect opportunity to get some heads turning for all the right reasons.Buy Now: £30.00 Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/the-best-chunky-ugly-sneakers-you-can-buy-in-2020/
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yu0607yu-blog · 8 years ago
Vous pouvez voir plus d'images dans la adidas chaussures superstar suite
Trouver un bloc talon qui vérifie toutes les cases est essentiel pour activités estivales. Ce n'est pas la première fois que Colette effectue une paire de soldes adidas original en collaboration avec les 3 bandes. adidas stan smith original Pendant le Festival du Film de Cannes, Jenner a été vu dans un ensemble similaire alors qu'elle portait le Adidas. Le survetement adidas soldes gratuitement donne un aspect différent à la paire, légèrement plus moderne que la version Lunar. La marque les trois bandes offre aujourd'hui l'ensemble de la collection de chaussures homme stan smith imaginé par Raf Simons avec notammentôtrois paires de qui portent le nom de la designer ainsi que l'un de ses initiales. C'est '25 bucks' qui a été choisi, le titre réalisé avec Megan James purity ring. Les participants intéressés doivent soumettre des pièces à qui sont jusqu'à Mofilm. C'est le droit à plusieurs modèles avec des silhouettes, tout à fait différent et bien sûr. La direction créative est extrêmement bien articulé, a déclaré Sharp. Les gagnants seront en mesure d'acheter un ou deux paires. Si vous avez besoin d'une bonne dose de néon, faire la fête ou toutes choses rose, Madonna dernière vidéo, Je suis Madonna, vous feront sans doute heureux. Goût Nous aimons qu'elle n'a pas gravitent à un seul nom ou l'étiquette Adidas Yeezy Homme mais joue autour avec son style. Les guerriers vaincus la James-led Cleveland Cavaliers dans six Jeux olympiques, remportant son premier titre NBA en 40 ans. as trop haut, pas trop basse en termes du talon et le prix Je pense 3 ou moins pour le talon. En effet, le basket-ball prévoit une nouvelle série avec le thème. Beaucoup de jeunes gens pensent de cette façon, non pas seulement les femmes. Fabriqués en Italie, à la bonne hauteur, talon bloc, sans être trop blocky, vous savez. L'un d'eux est réalisé avec une collection dédiée à la Basket-ball entre. Cette collection Suprême x The North Face sera publié le 19 avril 2014. Vous pouvez voir plus d'images dans la adidas chaussures superstar suite. Elle m'a appris beaucoup de choses sur le secteur de la stan smith enfant rose. Nous ne manquerons pas de vous tenir au courant, parce que le projet me semble très intéressant. La destruction de la tour a commencé le 8 avril et un site a été dédié à voir vivre. Si ce n'est aujourd'hui plus aucune fonction au BAPE, il reste maintenant des projets avec Uniqlo, humaine et, par conséquent, stan smith rose enfant. www.achat-superstar.com
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year ago
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scrumptiousswagger-blog · 8 years ago
Fashion Fiasco
Hey Tumblr-ers.
The sporty trend has been growing so rapidly. It’s so common to see people styling their Adidas sneakers with any attire you can think of. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen Superstar and Stan Smith sneakers from Adidas Originals. I have a pair myself!
The other day I was just scrolling through Instagram - (if you haven’t already, follow me - jiyo0n), and I came across the advertisement for Nike’s limited edition Vancouver sneakers. I usually don’t follow the ads, but when I saw the sneakers, I was honestly blown away. They are so beautiful.
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(picture from http://montecristomagazine.com/style/nordstrom-x-nike-vancouver)
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That’s my reaction when I saw the sneakers. 
Released on March 17th at Nordstrom, apparently only 50 pairs were made available! They are limited edition releases of Nike Air Max 90 sneakers, and I can’t emphasise enough how adorable the laser-engraved symbols of Vancouver is. I would’ve definitely gone to queue for these girls.
As you may have or have not heard, people queue in line from the night before the shop opens, literally by the doors - to buy shoes. It’s amusing how people get so obsessed with fashion, although I am myself, to a point where we would spend the night on a street to purchase a pair of shoes. It’s ironic but it’s just the way things are nowadays. People get hyped.
My close friend, works at Adidas Sportswear in Granville downtown, and he’s told me so much about how crowded it becomes outside the store from the night until the morning they open. Here’s a sneak peek of our conversation - I asked how it’s like because I’m considering to queue for the upcoming ones haha.
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It’s war. For example, last year, the Bape NMDs lineup went out of hand during the night, and cops were called. I found a video here. 
It’s pretty scary, but like he said, it wasn’t the NMD fans but the homeless man who started swinging his belt causing harm. But who knows right?
Anyways, I think it’s also important to respect the staff at these shops, because I’ve heard of customers getting very upset and showing frustration towards them once they find out they’re sold. I understand the situation but what can the staff do? :(
With all that said, I don’t know if I’ll actually go and queue for a pair of shoes. It’s a lot of time and effort spent, I would do it if I know I have a chance of getting the shoes but I’d be upset if I end up not getting it.
Being fashionable takes time and effort. 
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hypebeast1ife · 11 months ago
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COUNTDOWN: BAPE x adidas Stan Smith 'ABC Camo' Release Date: 2024-02-10
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freshthoughts2020 · 25 days ago
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freshthoughts2020 · 1 year ago
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hypebeast1ife · 1 year ago
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SHOP: BAPE x adidas Stan Smith 'BAPE 30th Anniversary Camo White'
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hypebeast1ife · 1 year ago
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BAPE x adidas Stan Smith '30th Anniversary' Release Date: November 18, 2023
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