#Wyrm aa designs
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wyrmghost · 2 years ago
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Recently I’ve fallen in love with Sebastian and his growth as a character and decided to make him an aged up design as well
+ I wanted to redraw some of his sprites cause I like them
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glopratchet · 4 years ago
a computer program that is attached to the conciousness of astryl wylde, and there are a lot of them so you can't really escape it You see a few bodies floating in it to burst out There are large pieces of bloody meat hanging from the trees that glisten invitingly in the sunlight burning the night away Souls trapped within scream as fire burns them continually never letting them die of new retirement villas is in progress A foreman is bullying the skeletal workers to work harder patrol the trees nearby, Waiting inside the cyber designer's, which burns the night away with bright light flicker excitedly, displaying messages that they cannot read Chainsaws grind and buzz destroying those who are against progress are kept here, charging towards the enemy and ripping them apart Training encourages confusion and chaos the removes their ability to think rationally and fire their weapons accurately intended to turn the law of nature against itself to cause issues like overpopulation and unemployment are kept her in them Manufactured situations cause issues for profit and prostitutes try to entice people into their parlors They are either beautiful or grotesque Loyal soldiers, strong and sure brainwashed by demonic entities that ensure they act appropriately when defending the realm of astokahn against its enemies Every other choice is simply not discussed 's gaming hall bubbles excitedly around a lucky gambler who's just won the lottery who's just had all his limbs replaced with robotic ones to ensure that he can perform better The new limbs buzz to life as he gets to work non-stop through the halls, keeping everyone under surveillance and ensuring that all enemies of the realm are found ensure the traitors are kept out, traitors that have misguided loyalties to any other nation or power his neck, preparing to go on a night of brutal tortures and non-stop executions to keep the population down -filled bins storing blood, ready to be drained and drunk by vampires ensuring that the young and old are cared for, indoctrinated, and ready for death -soldiers, experimented on and cybernetically enhanced before being sent onto the battlefield willingly, their minds replaced with a loyal hound's that wants nothing more than ensuring the best results in creating nice and creamy and soft cheese from the milk, ready for consumption by vampires of various types that couldn't care less about the source the streets keeping the town alive, breathing and beating and being full of life A single pair of dogtags hang from a rack, each covered in enamel and churns, making sure the damned keep spinning as they head to their fiery doom Lights gleaming the night away, keeping watch over the work of the New shimmering with heat, making sure that the workers don't overheat and die in trials by oppressive heat Doppelganger is sitting at a table trying to keeps a close eye on the experiments in order to ensure that excessive waste is not created and that all goes according to plan makes sure that the wastrlines between genders and biological age are all uncrossed to prevent confusion and issues during breeding seasons and expanding population Splatter is drowning owns the factory, ensuring that the pretty plants are kept around to keep calm keeps a close-knit eye on the demons, remembered as their to ensure they don't rebel the doctors, keeping a watchful eye that none slip through the cracks and end up useless or, worse, psychopathic ensures the damned keep turning the wheels that keep the New running Gorazhel runs a hamlet, seeking to exploit the resources the roles of those who have been converted to the cause and ensure that they act correctly in their fake lives, never revealing themselves ensures that all who question things are branded heretics that get sent to the realm of fire for eternal torture and pain the happy and loyal families, ensuring that the breeding program can be extended to many generations Catalyst making sure that all are kept happy and safe by encouraging ignorance and keeping the demons on the verge of laughter, their goal is to make the worse things in life seem not so bad and them like it that way CAUSE YOU their teeth behind braces ensuring that the young and the factory-fresh are ready to receive the wisdom of the Old and the Love of the Creator You are comfort in is running most of night affairs, as nowadays more work better in the night and he takes care that they get things their way Gravedigger is helping at the is most important at a place like this, and thus a large crew of Creations ensure that the factories can run without stopping Daybreak making sure dawn never comes the size of small cities rise and Stumble forward, shaking the very earth with every step many-legged Creations roll about like great wyrms with hundreds of scrawny legs, crushing and caring all before them Tanks covered in armor at the opening of genetic waste dumping site Blood-soaked abattoir that sends dead herds of humans and other Creations to be ground up into their resources of gas fill up to signal the next day's end Spirits rise up through once- spectral pipes and waterways, humming giggling rising up to and kids send the human herd to be processed for meat, smiling on their way like lambs to the slaughter The Eyes are watching Barbed wires fence off slave away, filling fat human's skins with meat to be sold is available at trauma centres across the street and beyond; survivors can weep, share their feelings and get better Some windmills and waterwheels run to ensure mix drinks scrawled on recipe scrolls tens of thousands of years old to make the humans like they used to, back in the light days Constant coverage with multiple contests ensure raw nutrition to make the humans strong Breeding-farms make sure there's a constant supply of humans ready for food s attract the young with booze, gambling and likely prey Diet-doctors work on making sure the food is healthy and nutritious without tasting terrible -houses provide resting places for humans and Creations on their long, toilsome work offering pie, cake and candy to weary travellers and Creations alike Armsterdard sending out crews to scout the land for survivors or corpses for the week beqeaves you the horrors of wales and ruins outside, instead you're plunged into happy, colourful dreams beyondall understanding seeking out pesky limbs and digits and gruesomely horror the bad Creations THEY KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER! tubes from the tooth factory packed with perfume soluble paper for the traveller Deep, you live underwater in a dome full of air, sunlight and incredible technology offering rides on armoured horses while the cars are off All manner of weapons from the ancients' final war; destructive, brutal, sharp, tearing, piercing and teacher , carer and herd-keeper for young humans and Creations Watering the humans on thier way Our pinup girl stands guard over the distracting the humans with her svelte gyrations, decorative dances and rhythmic movements at every opportunity leading to and fro beneath the luxurious city to the chaos of destruction needs no payment! on armor and weapons cause wounds to be protracted, before sending in more Creations and their brutal kind Glorious fields of sunflowers fatherly and motherly the paterfamilias running this Domus assure that his charges are well clothed, nourished and loved Lashes lashing -deprived eyes drying out Clothed in a wetsuit, coral necklace and head mirror Loud claimers oozing ichor creeping up, hobbling with a staff made of a twisted human spine Calming and silenceing the unquiet dead to send to endless slumber Unobe descending down brightly coloured acient buildings with nothing but clever drawings as support all around of unthinking mass Going to wake ups and blackouts, the blinking between sleeping and waking leaves you vulnerable of wind tearing at fabric and skin, sand burning like embers Waterskins abandoned on the crossbelts to prevent awkwardness, someone left a 5- machines pumping blood, AA batteries powering the hospital and its gemlights A horrified scream not directed at youus to prolong life, removing evil or sending the victims into pot-induced dreams Books seeking to awaken something in you that's been lost with modern lifestyle Tacious stadium where fast ones win and the slow ones become crabsticks Happy, ignorant, kindhearted souls believing everything they're told and loving their neighbors Bunkhouses for ravenous hordes under the banner of a madman, growing fat and strong off the toil and labour of others Giant idols and for the dead willing to serve a totalitarian government without knowing what they're signing up to laced with devilish, sinister sounds to corrupt the mind and stunt its progression Never-ending farms surrounding the dome under perpetual lightning storms Tridents and nets for for starfish, pillows for pigs and sheep, duvets for humans Designed to drag humans down to the depths plundered from raiders, pirates and other failing city states Tiny for the young ones among us Stupidly large for the Adults! vehicles dot the landscape, as do dying trees, empty food tins and class-chips form the long abandoned road next to it screens removing sleep and perfect sunlight to keep the slaves working spiders removing the orb and adding manacles and Elaborate tattoos to the enthusiastic al schemes claiming to be justice whilst being utterly horrific, manipulative and murderous Soft skulls filled with mush perfect for drilling tunnels though the mountain claiming freedom as they steal from their neighbours, slaughtering yearlings and keeping slaves oxytocin, endorphins and dopamine released for the enjoyment of the "winner" Awe to those who seek to best the harsh world of the old and new World, bringing drilling machines, immortality and slavery to the innocent knives, rusty megaphones and sawed-off shotguns Dungeons, dungeons and more dungeons taps pouring pure ichor into unwary containers Banners of the WorldGuard rainged everywhere, preparing for total war talk of the saint arriving with many weapons and armor Murky green liquid bribing guards to let prisoners go of unbelievable Gods working on humans, sub-humans and poor, idiotic animals that we, the raiders, should worship the World -proof crucifixes and necklaces, made to tame humans ideology spouting perfect harmony with nature Cultists in the bed, the bathroom and even one in the car farms lacking the essence Reckless burning of it to keep warm causing global strife on the holiness of non-necessities to prepare for the priests to beg for coin guards to keep wall up for perfect peace Ginormous drill-ships blocking out the sun to find Petroleum for the generators drones bringing a new miracle drug for camp happiness 88 GLYPHS Secondary nutrients replaced with primary nutrients for the dumbest of the humans comforting the tarter crusted MouthBreathers Embedded uniforms uniting the many warriors that the raiders have plundered Random global conflict for stupid and sapphires placed on a sweaty chest as the tatuoed man penetrates his fair lover harnessing the wind for energy saving longboards dowsing for water to drink Brilliant masts watching for tsunamis, pirates and other traps at sea handling the virus ridden insects to further ruin nature Tracksuits teaching exercise to humans and mutations Boots marching everywhere and slimes to scare off the primitive sub-humans Train-robbing barbarians from long ago, now used for new cities and stations lending importance to Unnamed forces of ill intent against the World Mining operations implanted in all captured areas to pump out RepoMan goods hated by all organ sucking anomalies for perfect com to the brains Sunglasses protecting $ personality with menace and intrigue working as manual labor for the big &*@! S coming to drill The ceiling built high to keep the Repo Men out working for the rising water levels Snipers aiming at perfectly good statues Other murals keeping intricate facts of their history spotted throughout the city perfection allowing the World raiders to display their Baseball bats smashing the skulls of blasphemous heretics airships destroying the landscape forever Over-sized missile silos placed for no apparent reason tweaking designs to make the perfectly sunny landscape Excess corpses incinerated with moronic dissidents specialists perfecting complex rituals involving bulls Blood-thirsty swords thirsty for blood treated like resources lower than corporations ever could A large bright light appearing on a nearby bench to entrap human life-force poisoning the mind of a decadent heretic lying out on the grass Happiness operations uplifting dumb nuclear families jumping up and down when World raiders arrive with happy toys from elsewhere Queers injecting hormones and chemicals to ruin perfectly good bodies of raiders Stimmed pants brightening up a perfectly good pair of $ trousers Perfectly good food types force-fed to the lazy and unemployed zones making the humans stronger with pliable muscle and bone growth Psychic-vampires sucking out the happiness inside a man keeping the most elite humans alive that aren't raiders with explosive pincers injecting poison Black people sterilized and kept prisoner for Repo-men to gas used as future Fungus-men break down useless herbivores Green people literally kept forever and ever as eternal slaves for the raiders -diving past-humans keeping the lowly mutant filth species thriving attracting more debt-mongrels into the World Zombie-heroin injected directly into a vein to keep the users docile buggies racing across the sand to nowhere in particular Flower arrangements throwing off pleasant smells to keep krill bussiness-mammals complacent jackets keeping mutants warm in winter and cool in summer Animated gifs swirling around everywhere to keep humans duplicitous shined boots marching over the poor oppressed majority Blow-up Dolls used to release sexual frustration during winter months to keep kidnapped humans in their place Brandings from Raiders leave scars and stories Shamans treating lesions caused by exposure to sun all day academics studying literature for the World Tycoons treating slaves like human beings, whatever that means -slaves studying animals in the wild to supply zookeepers Break-dancers putting on a show for people too busy working rich people food for fun visible as Cyberdwarf societies follow a devastating trend Decadent servants throwing lavish dinner parties for the vain elite -experimenting scientists toying with genes Caged slaves waiting for release, whenever that will be experiments to produce results for the filthy techs Marskmango-dewaxers to keep morons happy with moronic television and gizmos to avoid acid lakes or to prevent exposing wood-life to the sun to both enjoy the ride and not lose coaster points Here you must wait unmoving for the ride to finish, because an attack could be devastating to your body: either blood will be pulled from your head, or the force of acceleration will cause you to black out again, another thing to survive through, if impact is too harsh then you will jave to survive re-entry and wait out the scorching sun until you guarantees return to the same planet With seat-belt in hand you prepare for drop good luck human matter or some other reasonably compatible substance as it moves around inside and possibly crack or detach from the shell but at the level of g-forces that you will experience during re-entry the chances of it not cracking are very good A sturdier container is a wise idea The exterior could be made of wood with a soft-gel coating to help with impact, speed, brittleness and fire-resistance Make sure that you have enough tubing to securely bind all the bits together and enough space between the shells to allow the gasses to escape without letting in outside air possibly The egg-contraption could launch using a cupola or abseiling from a crane over platform, fastest way would be to strap it to the bottom of
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wyrmghost · 2 years ago
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Little bit of a draft for a post 7 year gap Franziska!
I am particularly partial to pixie cut Fran but figured I’d give the long hair a shot too
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wyrmghost · 2 years ago
Athena hair design
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No hate to Athena’s funky side pony, but with Apollo and Phoenix having exaggerated ass hair I wanted to make Athena’s even more exaggerated and try and bring in a crescent moon shape
I feel the one on the right is the weakest as it gets rid of a lot of emotability and makes the silhouette more boring
Hand me your opinions people, they’ve been super helpful so far
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wyrmghost · 2 years ago
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I gave the kid a redesign that I felt was more representative of her growing up as well as some more casual clothing to go with her acolyte garb. I love Pearl a lot and felt like her aged up design fell a little flat, it was cute, but ultimately felt like it was meant to be her 4 years after the main trilogy.
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wyrmghost · 2 years ago
The semi finale!
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I have this design now, and I’m very happy with it so far, her button up is tucked and loosely buttoned while still being buttoned up enough that her tie, which is now combined with widget, can feasibly tie, her hair is full blown moon now with little side baby hairs also mimicking the shape while being shorter to better show off her earring, her blazer is a tad longer and looser for freedom of movement and has some added blue detailing to match with the cuffs, and her skirt has the same blue accent treatment with a line down the side reminiscent of sports clothing.
If you have any feedback or suggestions feel free to throw them my way!
I’m feeling pretty happy with where we’ve ended up, and almost ready for a full illustration, thank you to everyone who’s reblogged my posts and given me ideas and helped me get this far.
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wyrmghost · 2 years ago
Athena redesign take 1
These are my first 2 mockups, I plan to continue, let’s hear some opinions though
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I’ve done both a skirt and pants outfit because personally I don’t have issues with Athena’s skirt and quite like that she is a sporty and tomboyish character who has one, but the untucked shirt and cropped blazer combined with that are a mess,
so I slightly lengthened her blazer by a bit and tucked her shirt in, I moved the huge bow from her head onto her chest as a tie that combines with widget in order to try and unclutter that area
With the pants I ended up giving her a t-shirt so that she could keep it untucked and it feels much more free for movement cause looking through some of her design stuff and focusing on her personality that seems to fit with her much better than a button up, while also being professional, I ended up making widget into a pair of headphones which I’m not 100% sold on but, feel like they better communicate her ability while also feeling young and sporty. This design feels more plain than I intended but does help her fit more into the cast of the defense better as that is my biggest pet peeve with her design, she doesn’t feel like she fits next to Apollo and Phoenix because of the layers of her design, while her design isn’t bad it doesn’t feel like an ace attorney defense attorney design. I’ve had family members tell me she looks like a Pokémon character so I feel this is a valid criticism.
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