#Writing Journal
belovedapollo · 6 months
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archive of my mind 🌙 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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beastsovrevelation · 2 months
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*shrieks in anger*
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sadiahakim · 25 days
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— Sadia Hakim // sadia hakim's writing journal
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honeybewrites · 2 months
365 Writing Challenge: Day 3-6
Sooo, yeah, I know I haven't been posting this, BUT I have actually written every day! Getting around to posting it... a lot harder than it should be haha
I might start posting this as a weekly update. Not sure if that would be easier with my life of chaos or not. Regardless, I'm still doing the challenge! It just might take me a while to post the updates
This isn't anything I plan to put into the finished EoWC, but I had to tell this from Rage's perspective to help me get 703's perspective on certain things right. I know, makes no sense. Anywho! Enjoy my insanity :D
Word Count: 257 (once again, this is only a small bit of what I wrote. Did a lot of plotting/brainstorming things)
"Nice of you to finally join us," Gerd grumbled. Rage raised an eyebrow. "You should be careful with how you speak to me Gerd. I'm the only one capable of cleaning up the mess you've created." Gerd's face flamed and furry filled his eyes. "You dare-" The GrandMaster raised their hand, silencing Gerd as they stepped forward. "Why exactly do you believe you are here?" "You've gotten yourselves in a mess with... 703." Rage fumbled not to say her name. They didn't need another reason to hurt her. "I told you not to take me from her and this is where it's gotten you." "How dare-" "Oh I dare," Rage snapped back at Gerd. "I warned you and none of you listened. You treat her like a machine and that is far from the truth. She is still a being, still mortal. You want her to be effective? Then you should have listened. I was with her for years and yet you still wouldn't listen to me. If you will not listen to my healing advice, why should I respect you?" Gerd stood, ready to fight, and if the GrandMaster hadn't stepped in, he was certain Gerd would have killed him. Though Rage would have certainly left his fair mark on the man. "He speaks the truth. We failed to listen and the consequences of those actions have caught up with us." Their back was completely turned on Gerd, giving Rage their full attention. "703 has been gravely injured. Her mission, though completed, has nearly killed her. Healer Asurr is unable to fix the damage. If you do not help, she will die."
If anyone else hops on this challenge, tag me!! I’d love to read what you post!!!
Update/Accountability: @aalinaaaaaa
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thavron · 8 months
Setting myself a new challenges. 25,000 words on any of my WIPs in the next 30 days. I’ve counted I have 13 Good Omens WIPs in varying phases of completion and I NEED to finish something.
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dendrite-blues · 3 months
No, writing memes, I don’t know when my character’s birthday is or what their favorite food is or what their most treasured childhood memory is.
Rummages around my planning doc…
Looks like all I can get offer you is a weird scene I daydreamed in the car yesterday that doesn’t fit anywhere in my outline or mesh with the story’s theme, a smattering of fringe kinks that I think they’d be into, and a deleted scene where they laugh with their best friend about ballsacks.
Will that meet the brief?
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bunny-hoodlum · 10 months
I'm thinking of turning my Office AU submission into a no plot/slice of life thing that I update whenever I feel like. And naturally, I want to change and expand the first chapter.
Originally Naruto was supposed to be a totally normal graduate, so I want to go back to that. I just stream-of-consciousness-ed the 'screw up son of a politician' thing to give it more 'depth', but I don't actually have any plans for that or anything. And it just feels shoehorned and uninspired, so *yeet!*
I'll probably change the story title too, just cuz only the first chapter is themed around dark circles, and I don't plan on restricting the whole thing to that motif alone. I have ideas for other reasons they have dark circles 😏 later on, but yeah, that's it. Just my thoughts.
Also it's the holidays once again and I still haven't been able to touch AWY. I really want to update it because I have the Rinne and New Years chapters coming up. 😤 And every time it's winter, I think about updating it. I swear I do. 😂 *lesigh*
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megarywrites · 2 months
today is a (re)writing day I'm happy to say. hoping to finish Part I before my weekend is up but we'll see
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astroboots · 1 year
it is now estimated to be 14 chapters...
Don't look at me that way.
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belovedapollo · 6 months
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A6 notebooks gifted to me by my fiancé, black is softcover moleskine, white is hardcover lamy and green is softcover leuchtturm1917 🌱 reblog is ok, don’t repost/use
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beastsovrevelation · 3 months
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and their daughter.
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I've decided her name is Asherah. She's an angel, but she has sharp teeth.
But seriously, she looks like she inherited Beelzebub's eyes and complexion, and Gabriel's bone structure.
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sadiahakim · 22 days
But, you can't simply spend your whole life waiting for a miracle to happen, a person to appear, and a hand to hold.
— Sadia Hakim
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Storms of the Past writing update.
Just over 1400 words into chapter 3 and already the angst is real.
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Screenshot has not yet been proofread.
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thavron · 4 months
Getting drunk in a bar and writing fanfiction. Is this…. Am I cool?
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dendrite-blues · 4 months
Why must the unspeakable eroticism of the cigarette also come with noxious smells, yellow teeth, and addiction? Why can't I just have a character smoke for the mysterious bad boy of it all without having to account for how awful they will smell in the next scene when my love interest makes out with them?
whyyyyyy? This is one suspension I just can't disbelief. x.x
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rainset · 2 months
Eeeehhhh another rejection from an agent today.
Nothing to do with the agents, but the rejection letters are disappointing. I see why many go to self publishing, but I’m not ready for Amazon to have a 80% stake on any thing I earn from it. Probably won’t be much to begin with so, it’d be like taking nickels and they give me the pennies.
Im glad for the experience though. Knowing that this is how a lot of writers feel when trying to get published. You’d never think that way with the volume of books we see shelved but there’s even more trying to nudge in.
I find that pretty amazing too. I bet some of these writers are really good at what they do and made a great book. But just like me, they can’t find the key to the gate, and there’s a crowd surrounding the gatekeeper.
I wonder a great deal about this nature from my limited experience. How come it’s like this? Is that one article I read actually true- that only 1 - 2% of books get published out of the 98-99% that are pitched? The excuse the article brought up was that ‘majority of books are not up to industry standards’ which I struggle to buy that notion.
There’s more books being published that are far below industry standard and the only difference is the person having clout. It’s a miracle we can get diverse stories out there after experiencing the trials it takes to get even a single ‘yes’ from an agent.
Tis’ not against the agents either. It’s publishing in general, it’s about having to be able to live and eat at the end of the day. Taking a gamble vs knowing your guns- well, we’re going to trust ourselves.
Though in all, this is my wish- that one, really good and kind, honest Agent would say yes to my work. Because that’s ironically the hardest part. Getting a single yes.
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