#World Poomsae Championship
ryuntv · 5 months
yoo yongha, twenty5, male, he/him.  ───  3, 2, 1 — action!  everyone, we’re here at jincheon national training center, and this time i have with me our national taekwondo team’s very own jeong ryun. you might know them for being a repeat gold-medalist at the world poomsae championships, but if not, don’t worry. they’re here to field all your burning questions. let’s dive right in.
sparknotes biog
born to a "single mother" january 13, 1999
not actually born to a single mother, but his dad is an absolute ghost of a man — he'll come out of himself every now & then, but spends most of his non-working time isolating himself. definitely battling some kind of mental health dilemma but 🤷 anyways... you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped and as an adult, ryun DOES NOT interact with his dad outside of when he visits home to see his mom
was always a "cute kid", luckily never had a (physically) awkward phase like... it's been smooth-sailing from birth. got a lot of compliments from friends of his mom, teachers, was popular among girls in his grade, etc etc, and it was often speculated (not super seriously, just in a silly "what if?" kind of way) that he'd end up pursuing a career in entertainment / "putting his face to use". he'd always shy away from the topic 'cause he did NOTTTT have ANYYY self-esteem and his tendencies were very similar to his father—do what has to be done (go to school), come home and spend the rest of his time rotting. he couldn't imagine any other kind of life
luckily, his mom is a gem of a woman. extremely compassionate & as soon as she realized ryun was starting to take after his dad, she realized she needed to intervene and help him find an outlet; she signed him up for taekwondo classes one summer when he was ~12. he didn't like it at first (mostly because of self-esteem and anxiety issues) but it didn't take long for something within him to awaken (s/o to his addictive personality)
learned quickly, obviously had his weaknesses but overall having something that he was good at and continuously getting better at made him feel a bit better about himself. plus, he was making friends who shared similar interests & when he was abt 15, they ended up forming their own little "street crew" in which they combined dance and poomsae and performed to k-pop songs, arnd this time ryun started seriously considering chasing an entertainment career considering he'd always been told to anyway... but it was that vs taekwondo; success with becoming an idol wasn't guaranteed, whereas he was very confident with his taekwondo skills so he let dancing/musical interests continue to be just a hobby
let me not bore y'all to tears with the details... tl;dr: placed in his first major competition @ 16 / was notably a triple threat & took home gold @ the world poomsae championships in 2018, 2019, 2020 / joined the national team in 2019, scouted after his second victory at the poomsae championships / figured he had "made it" and could kick back a little (LOLLL) and thus decided to take a break to participate in a kpop survival show in 2021, which he claimed he was "just doing for fun" and "wasn't serious about it" / made the lineup for the temporary group as the fans' choice, didn't train with the national team much throughout 2021, became somewhat more active in 2022 and 2023 but was still "busy" often / now that the group's disbanded, ryun feels kind of directionless. starting to realize maybe he liked being an idol more than he likes being an athlete, and his coach gave him the ultimatum of qualifying for the olympics (which he's never done before, and poomsae isn't included in the olympics which means he's gonna have to be able to SPAR on an olympic level... yeah good luck with that) or giving up his spot on the team so LOLLLL... let's see what happens next!
misc info
was extremely popular on the survival show, resulting in him being the "fans' choice" in the group lineup; however, for a number of reasons the widespread popularity kind of fizzled out once the group was actually formed & starting to promote
the main reason being that the company was eager to flex that they had a "national athlete" in their group, and many of the the choreographies incorporated some kind of stunt or trick for ryun to carry out — which you'd think would only increase his popularity, but they were very physically draining, and despite being a vocalist he was observed as not being able to hold a note which some people criticized him for while the die-hards were like "but look what he's doing!!!! of course his voice is unstable!!!! it's ok!!!"
(spoiler: his voice was always unstable anyway LOLLL)
plus there's the fact that many of the stunts/tricks weren't things that he could confidently perform over & over, and he ended up getting somewhat badly hurt abt a year after the group debuted. it took him a few months to heal (though he did make a full recovery! hooray!) but during this timeframe he was shit on SOOOOO hard... "not so interesting now that he can't do tricks for you, huh?" type beat. his confidence plummeted again around this time 'cause he was a strong dancer/performer but, again, his vocals were notttt that good
luckily he had fully recovered by the group's last two releases and finished out on a high note <3 some wld say his vocals had even improved (finally)
so here he is now... retreating to the national team admittedly less excited than you'd think... he sold out. he's a diva. let's tell it like it is.
mama's boy. has mentioned his mom in every interview he's ever given and will continue to do so, as he owes everything he has to her.
very kind, but somewhat insincere.
cares a lot about the people around him, to an extent. he wants everything to be good, he wants everyone to be happy, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to make those two things coincide as long as it doesn't entail him sacrificing anything. quite selfish, and puts his own wants and needs above others' almost always.
he's somewhat of an instigator and will (indirectly) start shit just to then sit back and act like he had no involvement in it. but he's the type of guy who will never say a mean thing to your face; extremely good at playing the mediator/deflecting when necessary, doesn't easily give in to people trying to start shit with him, and "is always able to find the silver lining". pretty unserious/utilizes humor to get people comfortable with him. most people who know him casually will say that he's a great guy, but perhaps a bit too chatty.
anyone more deeply involved with him is likely to see the bad aspects of his personality, as he's not that great at hiding them. he tries to play this "confident, but humble" character, when in reality i think he's got a big ass head—and yet it is easy to (temporarily) bring him down, as the low self-esteem never truly left him. all these things come together to form the insincere, instigating side of him, where he's prone to sabotaging others' friendships or just overall starting shit to then look like he's the honest one just looking out for the homies.
very caught up in media & appearances. he'll preach about disconnecting from the internet and experiencing things as they truly are / forming your own opinions, but he's quite easily swayed by what he reads online and his screentime is astronomical. he might pretend not to know other famous people, but TRUST! that he's done a deep-dive with whatever info the internet had to offer as soon as he realized he had any chance of encountering them (@ hall of famers)
wanted connections
someone who doesn't/can't take him seriously—probably an athlete who is only in this for the sports, and finds it ridiculous that ryun is occupying a spot at the jincheon training center when dude took an extended break to pursue idoldom like... are you kidding
the ex who got the short end of the stick. probably someone ryun met at a national sports event and really hit it off with / pursued a relationship with, and they were still with him when he decided to audition for the survival show. they were probably a little uncomfortable w the idea, but he assured them that it wouldn't change anything about their relationship — and then dumped them when he made the lineup, citing the "no dating" clause in his contract (aka: he wanted to fuck around freely). perhaps he's trying to win them back now that it's "back to the real world"....
one or two really good friends. people who've seen ryun's worst and vice versa and they still love each other just the same!!! ride or dies... 4lifers...
where the starstruck fans at??? let him have his christopher wilde moment... your character knows of him, but makes it obvious that they were never a fan/they don't like him... cue christopher wilde: "u don't like me??? but u don't know me... i think if u knew me u'd really like me" and now dude's always in their business trying to change their mind about him / alternatively just someone who doesn't rly give a damn abt anyone and ryun wants to be the exception
former friends??? maybe people ryun suddenly "didn't have time for" during his time as an idol and they're NOT amused by him trying to act like they're still buddy-buddy
new friends too!!! people he's very recently begun getting to know but so far it's going good!
there are no other taekwondo athletes at the time i'm writing this but whenever there are: the teammate whom ryun confided in regarding his current dilemma, and they're doing everything they can to help him qualify for the olympics in what little time they have
etc etc etc. open to brainstorming!!!
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glorytv · 5 months
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you are now watching ryuntv.
yoo yongha, twenty5, male, he/him.  ───  3, 2, 1 — action!  everyone, we’re here at jincheon national training center, and this time i have with me our national taekwondo team’s very own jeong ryun. you might know them for being a repeat gold-medalist at the world poomsae championships, but if not, don’t worry. they’re here to field all your burning questions. let’s dive right in.
  thanks for joining us today. so, tell me…
can you share your journey to joining the national team? what obstacles did you overcome along the way?
"i started taking taekwondo classes when i was twelve, and you could say i have somewhat of an addictive personality," he starts. he pauses for a moment afterwards, a look of 'you already know where this is going, right?' on his face. his tone is fond with reminiscence as he continues on, "so immediately, i clung to it. i wasn't good at first, but it was something to do. something to fill my time with. something to strive towards. any medal, any little piece of praise or sure sign of improvement fueled me. god, i never had a chance against this sport, you know. from the first time that we met, i was wrapped around its finger." with that, he laughs. he leans closer to the interviewer. it's a subconscious thing and surely fueled by his enthusiasm on the topic. "but for a long time, i wasn't good with sparring; i had this, this, this... as ridiculous as it sounds, fear of getting hurt. so i avoided sparring as much as i could, which didn't allow me to improve. if i'm being completely honest, i'm still working on getting over that fear. i think it holds me back a lot, but i know i've come a long way with it already. i had to, being a part of the national team and all."
what strengths do you believe you bring to the national team?
"i'm an upbeat person. obviously, i'm not the only person like this on the team, but i think my demeanor goes a long way in increasing my value. competitive sports—well, obviously there can be a lot of tension at times. i'm good at breaking that tension." a smile, a shrug; with these two actions, his entire personality is expressed. "every team needs a mood maker, right?"
amazing. addressing a sensitive issue now: the rumors on “105fm.” could you shed some light on any concerning rumors you’ve heard about yourself?
"at one point, it was said that i had been 'kicked off the national team' due to 'conflicts of interest'. i was so busy at the time that the first i heard of this rumor was when my mom called me to ask what happened. she was so devastated, and i'm not gonna lie, i was... like, blind-sided. there was a second when i almost thought maybe it was true?... but rest assured, i am very much still a member!"
… and, i’m sure your supporters want to hear your thoughts.
how do you ensure 105fm doesn’t affect your relationships with teammates and fellow athletes?
"i take everything that's posted with a grain of salt," he claims, shoulders dropping just as fast as they were raised in what appears to be an unbothered shrug. "people like to talk, you know—i've learned that time and time again in these past couple years especially. it's easy for stories to get distorted, and i'd like to think that i know the people i'm working with more than whoever's behind 105fm does, so i'm pretty good about not letting anything that's posted change how i perceive the people around me. staying grounded in reality is the most important thing regarding things like this." he pauses just to grin, all teeth and protruding cheeks. a flashy look at me gesture. "recently, i've been cracking more jokes than ever. like i said, i don't let this stuff change how i act, but some humor works well to calm anyone else who might be more bothered than i am. usually, anyway."
i see, i see. i’m afraid that’s all the time we have. thank you so much, congratulations, and best of luck to you and your team. to wrap things up, can you give us a quote?
"success follows confidence."
writer info: peyton, 22, she/they, cst
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taekwondohalloffame · 2 years
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"TWO MORE REASONS WHY WE ARE THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS ORGANIZATION IN THE HISTORY OF TAE KWON DO!" On August 24, 2019, the late GM Yeon Hee Park, a former member of the Korea National Team and Director of the ‘93 World Championships was posthumously inducted into the OFFICIAL TAEKWONDO HALL OF FAME ® 태권도 명예의 전당. The ceremony was held in Bangkok, Thailand with Great GM Dong Keun Park, shown here receiving honors on his behalf. It was an appropriate venue to host the ceremony because it is where Great GM Dong Keun Park introduced Taekwondo into that country in the early 70’s. It is said that Yeon Hee Park’s front kick was so devastating that it could break through his opponents bamboo chest protector. As a result he was one of the most feared competitors of his generation. Great GM Dong Keun Park former Korea National Team Captain during the 60’s was six time national champion who retired undefeated. In 2007 he was inducted into the OFFICIAL TAEKWONDO HALL OF FAME ® 태권도 명예의 전당. The readers of this post can now support the organization by ordering our official supporter polos and t-shirts at www.taekwondostore.com #taekwondo #WorldTaekwondo #ITFTaekwondo #Taekwon-do #poomsae #TKD #태권도 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3xtbcO0n8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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7-dreamers · 2 years
[INFO] Dreamcatcher will attend 2022 Goyang World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Celebration Concert "Ilyeo" on April 19th (Tue)!
Concert starts at 7:30 PM KST and will take place at Goyang Aramnuri Aram Opera House.
Ticket sale 🔗 www.artgy.or.kr/PF/PF0201V.aspx?showid=0000006639
* Tickets are free, with a first-come-first-serve reservation. Seats are also first-come-first-serve on the day of the concert.
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cathnews · 2 years
Sister Linda a small but formidable force
Sister Linda a small but formidable force
Sister Linda Sim, who is about 1.5m tall and weighs less than 50kg, won a gold medal in the World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships in South Korea. Sister Linda gave up taekwondo when she joined a convent. Years later, she’s dusted off her black belt at a Singaporean hospice to teach children recovering from cancer. Read more
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phgq · 4 years
2K jins to compete in nat’l online taekwondo tourney
#PHnews: 2K jins to compete in nat’l online taekwondo tourney
MANILA – Almost 2,000 young athletes will put their taekwondo skills to the test as the Philippine Taekwondo Association (PTA) and MILO Philippines stage the PTA-MILO National Online Taekwondo Championships on Nov. 21- 22.
The digital arena is set where young jins from across the country will showcase their athletic prowess amidst the restrictions brought about by the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic.
Coach Rocky Samson, secretary general of PTA, said while the sporting world is still trying to navigate the new normal, the PTA has remained dedicated to providing athletes tools and platforms to help continue their sporting journey.
“Through this competition, we are able to give our young taekwondo players the exposure to compete with their contemporaries, which is an important aspect to build their experience as athletes,” he added.
PTA-MILO National Online Taekwondo Championships will see over 1,100 athletes go head-to-head in the Speed Kicking division, while more than 800 kicksters will conquer the Poomsae division.
This year’s championships will be broadcasted live on the PTA’s Facebook page, YouTube channel, and website. Video submissions of registered participants in both Poomsae and Speed Kicking divisions will serve as their official entries to the competition, where it will be judged and scored in real time. The top winners of both divisions will each receive a MILO electronic medal, certificate, and electronic voucher.
“The PTA has been our indispensable partner in inspiring the youth to engage in sports and nurturing them to become future champions,” said Lester Castillo, assistant vice president, Nestlé Philippines – MILO. “We look forward to seeing our athletes exhibit their sporting excellence and may this motivate them to continue their champion journey and aspire for greatness.”
PTA and MILO have shared a longstanding commitment to accelerate the sport of taekwondo in the Philippines.
Driven to help young athletes to remain active and excel in sports, the two partners have pivoted their sports programs to digital as the main platform in response to the needs of the current health situation.
Earlier this year, both MILO and PTA brought their well-known sports program to YouTube through the MILO Sports Clinics Online, providing kids short instructional videos that they can do at home with the guidance of their parents.
The MILO Interactive Online Classes, on the other hand, offers a two-way learning approach where kids can directly interact with PTA’s expert coaches through online sessions.
As a culmination of these programs, the PTA and MILO mount tournaments that will help kids demonstrate their progression and compete with their peers.
“Offering a program that takes a holistic approach to sports development will not only help parents raise their kids to be active and healthy but also be well-rounded individuals,” Castillo said. “MILO will remain steadfast in driving this commitment, along with our trusted partners such as the PTA.”
For more information on this year’s championships, visit PTA’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/philippinetkd), YouTube channel (Philippine Taekwondo Association), or their website (www.philippinetaekwondo.net). Follow MILO on Facebook (www.facebook.com/milo.ph) and Instagram (@MiloPhilippines). (PR)
* Philippine News Agency. "2K jins to compete in nat’l online taekwondo tourney." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1122415 (accessed November 20, 2020 at 06:41PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "2K jins to compete in nat’l online taekwondo tourney." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1122415 (archived).
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cesarvalentim · 5 years
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Coach César Valentim (세자르 발렌팀) started as an athlete in 1983 at Sport Lisboa e Benfica (Lisbon, Portugal) where he did gymnastics, swimming and tennis. In 1990 the club hired a Taekwondo trainer, and that´s when a new found passion arrived. While conciliating it with other sports, Taekwondo was always the preferred choice and, in 1997, Coach César Valentim started to help coaching while still being an athlete. Finishing his studies and doing his compulsory military duties, Coach César Valentim has been working on sports administration since 2003 while completing his higher education. As a coach has been responsible for several Dojangs (clubs) and was several times Head of Delegation for the Portuguese National & Olympic Teams. Coach César Valentim was also a member of the Brazilian Taekwondo Delegation at the 2012 London Olympic Games. On his first year in Austria he was also co-trainer for the Vienna Regional Squad. He is also an International Referee for the World Taekwondo Federation (WT), both for Kyorugi and for Poomsae. Coach Cesar Valentim is an International Para Taekwondo Classifier since 2014. Coach César Valentim received several commendations, the biggest ones are from Kukkiwon's President (2011) and World Taekwondo President (2012). As a consultant he works for the São Tomé e Príncipe Taekwondo Federation and other natikns. Was a member of the World Taekwondo Federation Para Taekwondo Poomsae Committee and also a board member of the Vienna Taekwondo Federation in Austria. He also coached the Austrian National Team at the 2016 World Championships and other international events. Coach César Valentim has been lecturing on Taekwondo and Para Taekwondo around the World with seminars and workshops in dozens of countries in all 5 continental regions. #taekwondo #FightLikeAGirl #InternationalTaekwondoAlliance #WeTrainHarder #CoachCesarValentim #ASKÖWien #ParaTaekwondo #WorldTaekwondo #ChungDoKwan #wientkd #asköwatwien #Hapkido #KHFA #WienTaekwondo #TaekwondoWien #WienHapkido #HapkidoWien #wienhkd #taenergy #WirSindTaekwondo #SindWirEhAlleDa #haltdiepratze (at Wien Taekwondo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1iD_KvI6Ew/?igshid=ngjg0gwyg9cv
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sportticketexchange · 4 years
Euro 2021 - Sport Event Denmark extends SportAccord Gold Partnership into 10th Year
SportAccord is to invite Sports Event Denmark as a Gold Partner for the tenth time in front of the SportAccord World Sport and Business Summit 2020 in Beijing, China. Euro 2021 fans can book Denmark Vs Finland Tickets on our website on exclusively discounted prices.
Built-up and bolstered by the Danish Government, Sport Event Denmark is the nation's national game association. Since its establishment 12 years prior it has assisted with bringing a critical number of significant occasions to Denmark through its nearby connections with have urban communities and national overseeing bodies.
Enrollment is open for the eighteenth yearly SportAccord occasion from 19-24 April 2020. Euro 2021 fans can book Denmark Euro Cup Tickets on our website on exclusively discounted prices.
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Lars Lundov, Chief Executive Officer, Sport Event Denmark, stated: "Our tenth year of being a Gold Partner is an achievement for us and SportAccord, and it shows the quality of the bond we have shaped over 10 years. SportAccord has consistently been a piece of Sport Event Denmark's methodology as a facilitating country.
"The SportAccord World Sport and Business Summit are one of the most significant occasions on our schedule, and we anticipate reconnecting with companions and accomplices we have met throughout the years and setting up new connections in Beijing."
Denmark is one of the main nations as far as facilitating world-class games, and besides its driving job according to the SportAccord World Sport and Business Summit, 2020 vows to be a remarkable year for Sport Event Denmark. The nation is getting ready to have among other UEFA Euro 2020 matches in Copenhagen.
The TOTAL Badminton World Federation (BWF) Thomas and Uber Cup 2020 in Aarhus, the IOF World Orienteering Championships 2020 in the Triangle Region and the 2020 World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships in Herning.
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Remarking on the association, Nis Hatt, Managing Director of SportAccord, stated: "Game Event Denmark has been a gigantic supporter of SportAccord since its initiation in 2003 and was likewise the co-host of SportAccord in Aarhus in 2017.
"It's a given, this association is critical to SportAccord and we thank the Sports Event Denmark group for their proceeded with unwaveringness as arrangements proceed for what will be a remarkable assembling in Beijing."
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We are offering Euro Cup Tickets so Football fans can get Euro 2021 Tickets through our trusted online ticketing market place. SportTicketExchange.com is the most reliable source to book Euro Cup 2021 tickets.
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2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Return This Week
2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Return This Week @BleavNetwork @betonline_ag @AthleticGreens #taekwondo @worldtaekwondo #poomsae
2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Return This Week April 19, 2022 (Goyang, Korea)–2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships Return This Week The Goyang 2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships is set to get underway on April 21-24 as a record 760 athletes and 224 officials from 63 countries will take part in the event after a four-year break. The 2020 World Taekwondo Poomsae…
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7-dreamers · 2 years
[220419] hf_dreamcatcher Twitter Update:
[📣] Coming up 7.30 PM KST⏰ Dreamcatcher will make an appearance on GOYANG 2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championship Celebration Concert!!
See you soon~
⬇️ YouTube LIVE ⬇️ bit.ly/3Eppsb8
Transl: 7-Dreamers Yuni | Please do not take without credit
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wushunikolas · 5 years
Ma Si Yang 馬司洋 Nikola Maricic won again Macau Health Qigong championships , this time with 4 gold medals , 2 individual in 5 animals exercises Wu Qin Xi and Tendon Muscle strengthening exercises Yi Jin Jing (details about these health forms are bellow) in group 2 gold medals with 12 step Daoyin Health Preservation exercises Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong Shi Er Fa and Mawangdui Daoyin exercises Ma Wang Dui Dao Yin Shu in april and may 2018 Coach and athlete Nikola Maricic achieved something that is rare , he won gold medals and became triple Macau Champion in 3 sports, now will represent Macau, China at World Championships , international Championships and Asian games Macau Health Qigong Champion , 4 gold medals on 6 th may 2018Macau Taijiquan Wushu Champion , 42 taijiquan form 23 to 27 april 2018Macau Taekwondo poomsae champion , Master division 14 and 15 april 2018 第十屆全澳職工健身��功交流展示比賽  一等獎6 5/2018 職工健身氣功交流展示比賽 超過220人參與 恭喜馬司洋 Nikola Maricic ,在今日的賽事中取得2面個人金牌(易筋經及五禽戲),2面團體金牌(馬王堆及養生功十二法)的成績 職工健身氣功交流比賽氣氛熱烈 May 7, 201828 【本報訊】由工聯體育委員會、澳門健身氣功總會合辦的「第十屆全澳職工健身氣功交流展示比賽」昨日舉行,共有22支隊伍225人參賽,參賽者現場盡展所能,發揮自身水準,氣氛熱烈。工聯體育委員會主任、澳門健身氣功總會理事長阮愛武表示,今年該會將繼續舉辦「澳珠健身氣功交流展示比賽」、「健身氣功推廣日」等活動,期望推動職工強身健體,促進體育交流,讓更多職工及市民進一步認識健身氣功運動,以及響應體育局呼籲「齊運動、健體魄」,冀養成終身運動的良好習慣。 比賽昨早在工人球場A館二樓舉行,下午3時半舉行開幕儀式及頒獎。中聯辦公室社工部代表鄭奕成、工聯總會副會長馮家輝、阮愛武、工聯體委會副主任、賽事統籌岑寶華、澳門健身氣功總會副理事長潘敬文、工聯體育委員會常務副主任袁麗芬、珠海市健身氣功協會會長劉寶芹等嘉賓出席。 阮愛武致開幕辭時表示,全澳職工健身氣功交流展示比賽今年已進入第十屆,今次賽事分個人及集體項目,共有16個單位,組織22支隊伍225人參賽。他稱,今年3至4月期間,健康氣功總會與工聯總會合辦了教練員培訓班級及裁判員班,提高了教練員及裁判員的水準,為健身氣功在本澳持續發展增添動力。現時每月由該會教練任教的健身氣功班近30個,教練員及裁判員每年進行註冊的制度持續執行,確保教學水準及賽事的執法水準,效果良好。 他指出:今年該會將繼續舉辦「澳珠健身氣功交流展示比賽」、「健身氣功推廣日」等活動,期望透過賽事、活動能促進體育交流,推動職工強身健體,展示參賽運動員健康、和諧、技藝、歡樂和活力的一面,使更多職工及市民進一步認識健身氣功運動,提供有益身心健康的運動,在鼓勵參與之餘,了解強身健體的重要性,以及響應體育局呼籲「齊運動、健體魄」,養成終身運動的良好習慣。 響應體育局呼籲齊運動 本次健身氣功交流展示比賽參賽社團及單位有:工人武術健身會、工人康樂體育會、婦聯頤康中心、工聯北區綜合服務中心、工聯 恭J服務中心、理工長者書院初班、工聯臺山社區中心、工聯職業技能培訓中心、街總頤駿中心健身氣功初班、商訓夜中學長者持續進修課程、街總頤駿中心健身氣功研習班、領峰文娛體育會、無極氣功(澳門)保健研究會、工聯氹仔湖畔綜合服務中心、澳門康樂之友等。 參與項目:健身氣功易筋經、健身氣功六字訣、健身氣功八段錦、健身氣功五禽戲、健身氣功養生杖、健身氣功馬王堆導引術、健身氣功大舞、健身氣功養生功十二法站功及十二法坐功等。賽事分別安排集體、個人比賽,各個賽事項目分設一等獎、二等獎、三等獎。 [gallery ids="95467,95468,95470,95471,95472" type="rectangular"] [gallery ids="95473,95474,95475,95476,95477,95478,95479,9 (at Macao, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bid9vQDnPgB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hh4igf81o0q9
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philmax2018 · 3 years
Goyang City goes all-out as host of World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships
With the world still struggling against the COVID-19 pandemic, major sports events have been suspended too. But against such odds, the World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships, scheduled to be held in Goyang City next April, will be the first major international sports event in the country since the outbreak of the pandemic, and the city is going all-out to host the event. from Korea Times News https://ift.tt/2Z2alnD via IFTTTDiigo Blogger Tumblr Evernote
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worldnewsph · 6 years
ARMM studes clinch medals in nat'l, int'l contests
ARMM studes clinch medals in nat'l, int'l contests
MARAWI CITY, Lanao del Sur, Nov. 28 (PIA) –- Student representatives from the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) brought pride to the Bangsamoro after bagging medals in different national and international competitions.
Ricco Teraytay from Camp Siongco National High School competed in the 2018 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships from November 15 to 18 in Taipei, Taiwan, while Yahser…
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phgq · 5 years
6 Baguio athletes to lead march of sports awardees for 2019
#PHnews: 6 Baguio athletes to lead march of sports awardees for 2019
BAGUIO CITY – Six athletes will lead 48 awardees in the Kafagway/Kordillera International Sports Luminary Awards Podium on Monday (Dec. 30) at 2 p.m. at the Saint Francis Convent here.
World champion and South East Asian Games gold medalist Nesthy Petecio, SEAG double gold medalist Stephaine Sabalo, as well as SEAG gold medalists Jeordan Dominguez, Divine Wally, Jearome Calica, and Jean Claude Saclag, will jointly be named Athletes of the Year in the annual awards under the Silahis ng Pasko project (SnP) which is part of the annual Christmas celebration in Baguio.
Petecio is the International Boxing Association (AIBA) gold medalist last October before she plunged to SEAG action where she won the elusive gold medal in the biennial meet.
Petecio twice came here after the October AIBA to visit her school, the University of Baguio (UB) where she is enrolled at the School of International Tourism and Hotel Management.
Sabalo, a former member of the Saint Louis University dance troupe, won two golds in the SEAG dance sport competition with partner Michael Angelo Marquez.
They also won a silver medal as they helped the Philippine dancesport team to 10 golds and the overall crown.
Sabalo will also be the "Break Out" athlete in the annual awards rites.
Jeordan Dominguez, in what could be his farewell tournament, won a gold medal in freestyle poomsae.
Last June, the UB alumnus won a bronze medal in the first World Taekwondo Poomsae Grand Prix in Rome, Italy, where he was the eighth seed.
Wally also won a gold medal in the 54-kilogram event of Wushu Sanda to help the Philippine Wushu team to the overall crown. Five of the six wushu sanda team took home gold medals.
Calica took the gold in Muay Thai Waikru and Taksa, the performance side of the Thai national sport, with teammate Joemar Gallaza. Calica has been absent in any competition for 18 years after winning a gold medal in the SEAG 2001 edition.
Calica, who worked as a stuntman in Philippine movies, moved to waikru this year after he was called by national coach Billy Alumno.
He is also the "Come Back" awardee on Dec. 30.
Saclag was a member of the Philippine Wushu team like Calica, who won a silver medal in wushu sanda in the 2014 Asian Games in South Korea.
He has then shifted to kickboxing and won a gold medal in the National Kick Boxing Tournament held last March in Tagaytay City which was his ticket to joining the national squad.
He did not disappoint his coach’s trust and won the gold medal in the 64-kilogram division.
Other awardees included SEAG gold medalists and UB alumni Estie Gay Liwanen, who won a gold in kurash; Ariel Ray Lampacan (muay Thai), UC’s Sandi Menchi Abahan (obstacle course race), UB’s Abegail Abad and Elmer Manlapas in arnis, Brian Kurt Barbosa (taekwondo), Jason Baucas (wrestling), Jerry Olsim (UB) and Gina Iniong (UC) in kickboxing, Mark Eduard Striegl in sambo and Kenneth Jiane Villa in esports.
UB’s Josie Gabuco and Carlo Paalam, winner of gold medals in the last SEAG, are also on the list.
Gabuco, a UB Criminology student, who won the country’s first AIBA title in 2012 and the gold in the Asian Championships recently in Bangkok, has also won the gold medal in the SEAG in four other occasions: Vientiane in 2009, 2011 in Jakarta, 2013 in Naypyidaw, Thailand and 2015 in Singapore.
The silver awardees will include SLU former student Jones Inso in wushu taolu, Pines City National High School alumnus Gideon Fred Padua (wushu sanda), Rusha Mae Bayacsan in muay Thai waikru and taksa (Benguet State University), Jenelyn Olsim and Islay Erica Bomogao in muay Thai both of UB, Jason Balabal in wrestling, Renaly Dacquel and Jomar Balangui (UB) in kickboxing, Billy Joel Valenzuela (SLU) in arnis, Minalyn Foy-os in wrestling and Irish Magno in boxing, who is also from UB.
The bronze awardees include Thornton Lou Sayan and Daniel Parantac in wushu taolu (both of UC), UB’s Ezarai Yalong in arnis, Alexis Mayag-as in muay Thai, Helen Dawa in kurash, Helen Aclopen, Jedd Andre Dino Kim and Marianne Mariano in sambo, Karol Maguide in kickboxing and Aira Villegas in boxing.
Dawa, Aclopen, Maguide, and Villegas are former and present UB students, while Mariano is a UC alumna and a bronze medalist in the 2008 Beijing Olympics in wushu sanda.
Special awards will be given to Billy Alumno as "Coach of the year", UB as "School of the year" for having the most athletes to the SEAG, UB’s men’s basketball team and University of the Cordillera Lady Jaguars in women’s basketball.
The special "Master awards" will be given to the 67-year-old Erlinda Lavandia who won a gold in the Kuching, Malaysia Masters Athletics tournament where the 40-something Christabel Martes won two golds – 10,000 and 5,000 meter runs – and two bronze medals.
Lavandia is the former SEAG javelin queen, while Martes was twice the SEAG marathon queen.
The SnP is an annual project started by the older Padilla, a former city councilor and tourism officer and camp director to Michael Keon in the Gintong Alay Project.
It is held with the support of the Larry Puckett Greenwater Foundation, Blue Leaf, Highland Boxing Promotion, the Saint Louis Boys High School Class of 1986, Axa SunStar, the Feast Baguio, Benguet Electric Cooperative, Baguio Rep. Marques and Mrs. Soledad Go, Porta Vaga Mall, Baguio Center Mall, Mr. Carlos, and Karen Anton and Jonathan Myl. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "6 Baguio athletes to lead march of sports awardees for 2019." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1089573 (accessed December 28, 2019 at 07:27PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "6 Baguio athletes to lead march of sports awardees for 2019." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1089573 (archived).
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krrw2020 · 6 years
Baguio finds contact sports a gold mine, builds up grassroots athletes
BAGUIO CITY -- After successfully hosting and besting the games at the recently concluded Batang Pinoy 2018, the City of Pines is bent on further strengthening its sports development programs on the grassroots level.
Paul Rillorta, one of Baguio's sports development officers, said the city government is now crafting a city sports code which will encompass all the city's policies on sports to fill the needs of the local athletes and the city as a whole.
“We are just polishing the document and looking at what else we could have missed, to make the sports code encompassing and responsive to the needs of the athletes, coaches, and the city government,” Rillorta told the Philippine News Agency (PNA) in the vernacular on Friday.
The code, he said, will also consolidate provisions of the existing sports ordinances of the city government. The final copy will be ready by December, Rillorta said.
The sports code will include policies on the use of city-owned facilities, incentives, and awards for athletes representing the city in national and international competitions. It will also include the protection and aiding of the athletes and coaches.
“This will be a useful document in guiding us all on improving grassroots sports and encouraging our youth to go into sports," Rillorta added. 
A screen grab of the match between Philippines' Eduard Folayang (right) and Russia's Aziz Pahrudinov during the One FC Championship on July 27, 2018 (Photo from One Championship Facebook Page)
Rillorta said developing grassroots sports is vital, as this is how international athletes start. 
He cited, for instance, mixed martial arts world titlist Eduard Folayang, who used to be a contact sport athletic scholar of the University of the Cordilleras (UC).
The same goes with Divine Wally, also a UC athlete, who has earned a name in World Wushu competitions, and Jordan Dominguez of Saint Louis University, who has earned a gold medal at the Taekwondo Poomsae at the recent Asian Games.
Rillorta boasted of Team Lakay, Baguio's pride and the Philippines' top bunch of mixed martial arts athletes.
Formed in 2003 by mixed martial artist Marquez Sangiao of Baguio, Team Lakay is composed of athletes and ordinary youngsters from the highland communities of Baguio who have tried to venture into mixed martial arts and are now making good names for themselves in the international sports arena.
Cordillera, Philippines' Team Lakay (Photo from Team Lakay FB)
Among them are Joshua Pacio, Geje Eustaquio, Mark Sangiao, Ezra Sangiao, Stephen Loman, Danny Kiyad, Gina Iniong, and Honorio Batario. Rillorta also mentioned Baguio's first female world boxing titlist, Jujeth Nagaowa, who has fought for world titles for the International Female Boxers Association and the Women's International Boxing Association.
“Grassroots sports is where international athletes come from. They start from there and later on conquer world titles,” the city's sports development officer said.
Baguio bested 155 provinces in the country and emerged as the top medal hauler in the recently concluded “Batang Pinoy,” hosted by the city and the province of Benguet.
The onslaught of Typhoon Ompong failed to dampen the participants' fighting spirit, though it moved the youth sports event's schedule from Sept. 15-21 to Sept. 17-21.
Based on the official medal tally sent by the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) on Sept. 27, Baguio, like in 2017, retained the top spot in this year's Batang Pinoy with an 85-81-104 (gold-silver-bronze) medal haul.
Cebu City came in second, with 37-40-44 medals, followed by Laguna province (33-13-31), Quezon City (32-17-17), and Pangasinan (22-21-21).
Combative sports like Arnis, Wushu, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo served as the city’s gold mine, producing 18, 13, 11, and 10 gold medals, respectively, and most of the silver and bronze awards.
Judo and wrestling also contributed eight gold medals each.
Baguio also won five golds in pencak silat, four in archery, two each in athletics and boxing, and one each in cycling, karate, swimming, and triathlon. 
Batang Pinoy 2018 swimming competition (File Photo)
Cash incentives ready
City Ordinance 20-2016 or the “new sports incentives ordinance of the city of Baguio” provides that athletes representing the city in national competitions are entitled to cash incentives for bringing honor to the city.
“Gold medalists in every event are entitled to receive PHP10,000, PHP5,000 for the silver medalist, and PHP3,000 for the bronze medalist,” Rillorta said.
With 85 gold medals, 81 silver, and 104 bronze medals, the city government is ready to release PHP1,567,000 in incentives for the 270 medals won by Baguio athletes during the PSC-run “Batang Pinoy.”
“We are proud of you, our athletes, for giving honor to our city and to all other athletes nationwide, who participated in the sports event for giving your best despite the inconvenience brought by Typhoon Ompong,” Mayor Mauricio Domogan said at the culmination of the Batang Pinoy 2018.
The PSC also gives cash incentives to local governments that land on the top five spots in the competition. The overall champion will receive PHP3 million. The second to fifth placers will respectively get PHP2.5 million, PHP2 million, PHP1.5 million, and PHP1 million.
More than 2,000 competitors from various localities in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao were marooned in the school classrooms that served as their billeting centers, when “Ompong” battered the city and the Cordillera region last Sept. 15.
The city government, through its city sports development office, city social welfare development, and others, including private donors, ensured the participants' safety and convenience during the howler’s onslaught.
City information officer Dexter See said the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) has announced that Baguio City will become one of the sports body’s accredited regional sports training centers, following the city’s successful hosting of the 2018 Batang Pinoy national championships.
He said the information was relayed by PSC Commissioner Celia Kiram, who represented PSC chairman William “Butch” Ramirez during the event's closing program on Sept. 21.
See said that according to Kiram, the decision was because of the city’s suitability as a venue for the conduct of high-altitude training for the country’s athletes.
See said the national sports body had left PHP18 million worth of sports equipment in hosts Baguio and Benguet for the further training of local athletes for future representation in the local, regional, national, and even international sports competitions.
The PSC has also turned over PHP8 million as the city’s cash reward for landing No. 2 in the Philippine National Games (PNG) in Cebu City in May 2018.
The original cash reward was actually PHP4 million, but President Rodrigo Duterte doubled the PSC incentive, making it PHP8 million. (PNA)
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