#World End Economica
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I've been working on my original projects for a while, but first I want to give some synopses of these before posting story material, these are all the original projects I have to date:
"After 4 years and due to feelings of desperation, Blake meets again with his old colleagues from the PUPPETEER company, where he will have to go through dangerous jobs, ghosts from the past mixed with the present and creatures that will be the cause of his bloody reverie"
a story inspired by the vampair series along with things from the world of danny (from @julix41-blog), tcoaal and various mythological creatures, it is a story set in a fictional city in romania in the years 1992 shortly after the dictatorship of romania has ended, blake is one of the people who ended up in a bad economic situation after the end of the dictatorship so to support himself and his adopted daughter odette (ody) he returns to the puppeteer organization in order to survive.
"Millennia ago, God created everything, from the earth, the sky, humans and even the angels themselves who betrayed him. After his fall and that of his allies, the morning star will take (what he considers) his worthy place as the master and lord of the universe, causing chaos and order at the same time as if it were a bloody eden."
The prequel story of Bloody Reverie inspired by the Bible, being an alternate universe where Lucifer/Samael/Luzbel won the war against God and took control with the help of Lilith, being an almost tyrannical god with humans, even if it has very important differences, it will also contain things faithful to the Bible.
I have other 3 or 4 original proyects! But they're in a work in progress phase so it will take long to include them, but when they have enough development they will be included! But for now i will focus on posting content of these two!
he estado trabajando en mis proyectos originales durante un tiempo, pero primero quiero dar algunas sinopsis de estos antes de publicar material de las historias, estos son todos los proyectos originales que tengo hasta la fecha:
"Tras 4 años y por sentimientos de desesperación blake vuelve a encontrarse con sus viejos compañeros de la compañía PUPPETEER, donde tendrá que pasar por trabajos peligrosos, fantasmas del pasado mezclados con el presente y criaturas que serán la causa de sus ensoñaciones sangrientas"
una historia inspirada por the vampair series junto con cosas de el mundo de danny(de @julix41-blog ), tcoaal y varias criaturas mitologicas, es una historia ambientada en una ciudad ficticia de rumania en los años 1992 poco despues de la dictadura de rumania haya terminado, blake es una de las personas que termino en una mala situación economica tras el final de la dictadura por lo que para mantenerse a si mismo y a su hija adoptiva odette(ody) vuelve a la organización puppeteer para poder sobrevivir.
"Milenios atrás dios creó todo, desde la tierra, el cielo, los humanos y hasta los propios ángeles que lo traicionaron. tras su caída y la de sus aliados la estrella de la mañana tomará(lo que considera) su digno lugar como el amo y señor del universo provocando caos y orden a la vez como si fuera un paraíso sangriento"
la historia precuela de bloody reverie inspirada por la biblia, siendo un universo alterno donde lucifer/samael/luzbel gano la guerra contra dios y tomo el control con ayuda de lilith, siendo un dios casi tiranico con los humanos, incluso si tiene diferencias muy importantes tambien contendra cosas fieles a la biblia.
¡tengo otros 3 o 4 proyectos originales más! Pero estos están en etapa de trabajo en progreso así que no los pondré en un largo tiempo, ¡pero cuando estén lo suficientemente desarrollados los voy a incluir! ¡por ahora me concentrare en publicar contenido de estos dos!
#orignal character#original project#original universe#bloody reverie#bloody eden#my own universe#english and spanish#spanish
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Ok, ma finora non hai parlato di Molly nella tua AU. 🧡💙
Mi immagino come "cosa?! Una donna deve lavorare per vivere!?".
Poi spero che impari che la violenza di genere economica è una cosa brutta e capisca quanto sia bella l'emancipazione femminile e trovi uno scopo nel mondo moderno.
Come pensi che sarebbe stata la relazione con Annabelle e il resto della gang? E come avrebbe affrontato il ritorno di Dutch?
Grazie mille!! mi dispiace, non parlo italiano but will try to respond with google's help!
the gang did not find molly! she was actually picked up by a lovely older couple who happened upon her stumbling around the woods where her body was burned/'laid to rest' and took her in
as a result she has to learn to separate herself from the gang and 19th century society a lot faster and very much thrives on it
before she has to address getting a job she accidentally becomes a very well paid 200k+ followers influencer on social media
her main social media account 'itsmollydamnit' is her talking about modern era things as modern era things people assume it's an elaborate roleplay but she is little mermaid style going on live to talk about the marvels of modern era like microwave popcorn and pastel self defense weapons
she loves female empowerment the number of essays and philosophy texts on the role of women in modern era, rights of women, feminism, protest, she reads puts dutch's 'education' to shame.
the gang didn't realise she had timewarped until months later (sean found her on social media) and while she was glad to hear from the 1899 gang she doesn't need that connection because they'd always treated her like an outsider anyway. she has modern friends and modern interests and she's thriving in a world that encourages and expects her to 'dont need no man'
she also discovers she's bi as is the right of passage for any woman who dates dutch van der linde and ends up very happily married to a woman from modern era. her wife doesn't actually know about timewarp and just thinks molly is incredibly intelligent but also adorably naive about some things in modern era
molly does keep in contact with annabelle and bessie because sometimes it is important to have a woman who understands the jarring shift from 19th century to 21st century and will semi-regularly catch up with them for brunch
she is too busy being an internet celebrity to see the gang often but still catches up with them whenever she can
for dutch's safety they never invite him to an outing molly is going to. molly is bold and empowered and has made it clear if she ever sees dutch van der linde again it is on sight. she will try to kill him.
molly also getting some counselling and realizing while she was her late teens/early 20s when she met dutch and she was very much a vulnerable young woman taken advantage of by an older wise talking megalomaniac with pretty words
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Is anyone surprised that the south of the world looks favourably at China and the CPC? To half quote a famous interview:when China comes to us,we get a hospital,when the west comes to us,we get a lecture
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The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Su invito del Presidente Xi Jinping, Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo - Presidente della Repubblica Democratica del Congo - si è recato in Cina, per una Visita di Stato 🇨🇩
🤝 Il Presidente Congolese incontrerà anche il Compagno Li Qiang - Primo Ministro della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, e il Compagno Zhao Leji - Presidente del Comitato Permanente del Congresso Nazionale del Popolo, dove verranno firmati - alla fine degli incontri - documenti sul rafforzamento della Cooperazione tra i due Paesi ✍️
💕 Cina e Repubblica Democratica del Congo godono di un'amicizia di lunga data, e si sostengono a vicenda negli interessi fondamentali 🤝
⭐️ Appena arrivato a Pechino, il Presidente Tshilombo si è recato in visita al Museo del Partito Comunista Cinese, guidato dal Curatore, dove ha appreso i risultati raggiunti dalla Cina sotto la Dirigenza del Partito Comunista, dalla Vittoria della Rivoluzione e l'Istituzione dei Congressi Popolari, alla Riforma e Apertura, potendo analizzare e comprendere al meglio concetti quali la Teoria delle Tre Rappresentanze, la Prospettiva Scientifica dello Sviluppo, i Due Centenari e il Pensiero del Presidente Xi Jinping 🚩
🇨🇩 Christophe Lutundula, Vice-Primo Ministro e MFA della RD del Congo - è stato intervistato dalla CGTN - China Global Television Network, dove ha affermato che il suo Paese non vede l'ora di rafforzare il Partenariato con la Cina, soprattutto nell'ambito della Nuova Via della Seta 🤝
🇨🇩 Il Ministro Congolese ha incontrato il Compagno Zheng Shanjie, Ministro della 国家发改委,l'Agenzia di Pianificazione Macro-Economica della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, per discutere di progetti infrastrutturali con la Cina e aumentare l'integrazione economica tra Africa e Asia 💕
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo - President of the Democratic Republic of Congo - went to China for a State Visit 🇨🇩
🤝 The Congolese President will also meet Comrade Li Qiang - Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, and Comrade Zhao Leji - Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, where - at the end of the meetings - documents on strengthening cooperation between two countries ✍️
💕 China and the Democratic Republic of the Congo enjoy a long-standing friendship, and support each other's core interests 🤝
⭐️ As soon as he arrived in Beijing, President Tshilombo visited the Museum of the Communist Party of China, led by the Curator, where he learned about the achievements of China under the leadership of the Communist Party, since the Victory of the Revolution and the Establishment of Popular congress at the Reform and Opening, being able to better analyze and understand concepts such as the Theory of the Three Representations, the Scientific Perspective of Development, the Two Centenarians and the Thought of President Xi Jinping 🚩
🇨🇩 Christophe Lutundula, Deputy Prime Minister and MFA of DR Congo - was interviewed by CGTN - China Global Television Network, where he stated that his country is looking forward to strengthening the Partnership with China, especially in the scope of the New Silk Road 🤝
🇨🇩 The Congolese Minister met with Comrade Zheng Shanjie, Minister of 国家发改委, the Macro-Economic Planning Agency of the People's Republic of China, to discuss infrastructure projects with China and increase economic integration between Africa and Asia 💕
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
#socialism#china#italian#translated#communism#china news#collettivoshaoshan#marxism leninism#xi jinping#marxist leninist#marxismo#marxist#marxism#multipolar world#multipolarity#africa news#africa#news#asia news#chinese communist party#dr congo#democratic republic of the congo#congo#li qiang#Zheng Shanjie#Zhao Leji#macro economic planning agency#Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo#geopolitica#geopolitics
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Read World End Economica (Short Comic) Manga Roughly 16 years after the people who emigrated to the Moon had settled themselves. An age where a great
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Publisher Sekai Games and developer Spicy Tails will release WORLD END ECONOMiCA ~complete~ for Switch via the Nintendo eShop on April 22 for $29.99 / €24.99 / 3,300 yen, the companies announced. Pre-orders begin on April 16 with a 15 percent-off discount. It includes all three episodes of WORLD END ECONOMiCA in one package.
Although Sekai Project announced in July 2016 that it would bring WORLD END ECONOMiCA to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita (and reconfirmed in June 2019), a Sekai Games representative told Gematsu that while the PS Vita version is definitely no longer planned, it cannot to commit to a PlayStation 4 version at present.
“As for the PlayStation 4 version, we cannot confirm that at this time,” a Sekai Games representative said. “It took more effort than we imagined to get the Nintendo Switch version done especially considering how we weren’t able to deliver on a PlayStation Vita version before the end of its shelf life. Once the dust settles, we’ll consider our options.”
Here is an overview of WORLD END ECONOMiCA ~complete~, via Sekai Games:
In the far future on the moon, humans have begun to colonize it. A young boy named Haru has been chasing his wildest dream. His dream is to stand where no man has stood before, and in order to do so he needs capital, a ludicrous amount of capital. What better place to get that amount of capital by using the stock market? There are two key rules that govern the stock market.
The First Rule: Never take a loss.
The Second Rule: Never forget the first.
Only those who follow these rules are able to obtain enormous wealth…
Finally, the three episodes of WORLD END ECONOMiCA are collected in one game, allowing you to enjoy the entire story!
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An anime crowdfunding project for Isuna Hasekura's “WORLD END ECONOMiCA” visual novel will launch on November 14th.
via: twitter.com/spicytails/status/1189853436029759488
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World End Economica, primo promo per l’anime tratto dalla visual novel
La trilogia sci-fi scritta dall’autore di Spice and Wolf è disponibile anche in Occidente su Steam.
In seguito alle due campagne di crowdfunding lanciate su Kickstarter e Campfire, entrambe andate molto bene, l’adattamento animato di “World End Economica” si mostra ora in un primo video promozionale, sottotitolato in inglese, realizzato dallo studio ENISHIYA.
L’intenzione è quella di animare la storia della visual novel partendo dalla parte finale del primo episodio, focalizzandosi più sul secondo e solo marginalmente sul terzo.
Sviluppato da Spicy Trails, la storia del gioco è stata scritta da Isuna Hasekura, l’autore di “Spice and Wolf”. Le tre parti che compongono la visual novel sono uscite in Giappone fra il 2011 e il 2013 e sono disponibili per PC su Steam, tradotte in inglese.
Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
#anime#crowdfunding#world end economica#isuna hasekura#wee#giappone#cartoni animati#visual novel#sci-fi#newsintheshell#news in teh shell
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Vídeo promocional del anime WORLD END Economica
Nueva entrada publicada en https://www.animefagos.com/2020/06/28/video-promocional-del-anime-world-end-economica/
Vídeo promocional del anime WORLD END Economica

El desarrollador de juegos Spicy Tails ha publicado un vídeo promocional del anime de su novela visual WORLD END Economica. El anime se financió con una campaña crowdfunding que alcanzó su objetivo de 5 millones de yenes (unos 41.000 €), a finales de diciembre. La campaña se lanzó el 14 de noviembre y estuvo activa hasta…
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World End Economica Anime Kickstarter Now Live https://nichegamer.com/2019/11/14/world-end-economica-anime-kickstarter-now-live/
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A Crowdfunding Campaign will be launched by Game developer Spicy Tails on November 14 for an anime adaptation for its World End Economica Visual Novel.
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The west has completely de industrialized itself and its now a dying force of reaction while China is a young power blowing new life force in the world
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The collective is on telegram

(Some data)
(Alcuni dati)
📊 Nel mentre l'Economia Cinese si prepara ad un'ulteriore grande crescita nel Secondo Trimestre del 2023, dopo aver registrato - nei primi tre mesi dell'anno - un +4,5% del PIL, anche la Federazione Russa - posta sotto sanzioni dagli USA e dai loro lacchè europei - ritorna tra le prime dieci economie più grandi al Mondo, posizionandosi al nono posto 📈
🇮🇹 L'Italia - in un solo anno - ha perso ben DUE posizioni, passando dall'ottavo posto al decimo posto 🤣
😂 Per chi volesse farsi due risate:
🔺Le strampalate "previsioni del collasso della Cina" di Gordon G. Chang non si sono mai avverate 🤡
🔺"La Cina andrà in bancarotta tra 29 giorni", poi MAI successo 🤣
🔺Letta: "Le sanzioni sono le più dure mai comminate e in qualche giorno porteranno al collasso l'Economia Russa, che finirà in ginocchio"
🤣 Inoltre, gli stessi Centri di Analisi Economica che davano per morta l'Economia della Russia e - in enormi difficoltà 🤣 - l'Economia della Cina, hanno dovuto ritarare il contributo dei principali Paesi alla crescita dell'Economia del Mondo dal 2023 al 2028 🤣
🏆 La Cina è saldamente al primo posto, con un 22,6%, e sarà il motore della crescita dell'Economia del Mondo nel 2023, così come lo è stato negli anni precedenti 📈
📊 Dal 2013 al 2021, da quando Xi Jinping è diventato Presidente della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, il contributo della Cina alla crescita dell'Economia del Mondo è stato più elevato di quello dei Paesi G7 messi insieme 📈
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
📊 While the Chinese economy is preparing for further great growth in the second quarter of 2023, after having recorded - in the first three months of the year - a +4.5% of GDP, the Russian Federation too - placed under sanctions from the USA and their European lackeys - returns to the top ten largest economies in the world, ranking 9th 📈
🇮🇹 Italy - in just one year - lost TWO positions, going from eighth place to tenth place 🤣
😂 For those who want to have a laugh:
🔺Gordon G. Chang's outlandish "China collapse predictions" never came true 🤡
🔺"China will go bankrupt in 29 days", then NEVER happened 🤣
🔺 Letta: "The sanctions are the harshest ever imposed and in a few days they will lead to the collapse of the Russian economy, which will end up on its knees"
🤣 Furthermore, the same Economic Analysis Centers that gave up the Russian economy and - in enormous difficulty 🤣 - the Chinese economy, had to re-calibrate the contribution of the main countries to the growth of the world economy from 2023 to 2028 🤣
🏆 China is firmly in first place, with 22.6%, and will be the engine of growth of the world economy in 2023, just as it has been in previous years 📈
📊 From 2013 to 2021, since Xi Jinping became President of the People's Republic of China, China's contribution to the growth of the world economy was higher than that of the G7 countries combined 📈
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
#socialism#china#italian#translated#china news#communism#collettivoshaoshan#marxism leninism#xi jinping#marxist leninist#marxismo#marxist#marxism#multipolar world#multipolarity#world economy#china economy#russian economy#enrico letta#sanctions#global gdp#geopolitica#geopolitics#chinese communist party#asia news#news#world news#economy news
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Giving away keys to Fault Milestone one, and World End Economica Vol 1 and 2. If you follow me and want a copy let me know.
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WORLD END ECONOMiCA ~complete~ releases today digitally for the Switch.
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Jason Pierre Paul has come a long wayTwo years
Esta vez, la lesión no ha provocado la imagen del jugador en el suelo durante un partido como ocurrió brassiere garconcon las anteriores. Rose, que está promediando 18,4 puntos y 5 asistencias en 31 minutos de juego, sintió molestias durante el partido del lunes ante Milwaukee. Las pertinentes pruebas médicas revelaron la dolencia.. Two years later, Jason Pierre Paul has come a long wayTwo years
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ago today, Giants defensive end Jason Pierre Paul started the day with a van full of fireworks. The stunning news of the Pierre Paul fireworks mishap led to a variety of story lines, from a stubborn resolve to return to dominance (he has) to a lawsuit against ESPN and Adam Schefter for invasion of privacy arising from the publication of medical records relating to the amputation procedure (the point de croix chaletcase was settled). Heck, Gilmore didn't leave the AFC East. Beatriz Pacheco trabaja como investigadora en el Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa" gracias a un contrato JAE Doc cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo. Su proyecto de investigación está financiado por el 7 Programa Marco de la UE a través de un Marie Curie Creer Integration Grant (grant agreement number 332623). Tenemos mucho que contar porque investigamos
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en todas las áreas del conocimiento y trabajamos en 125 centros distribuidos en todas las comunidades autónomas, lo que nos convierte en el mayor organismo público de investigación de Espaa. Todavía queda mucho por hacer, y mientras tanto, utilicemos el término persona con discapacidad, por favor. Se utiliza la expresión funcional que no sólo es menos peyorativa sino que refleja el espíritu de reconocernos como lo que somos: personas. Personas adaptándose al medio como la mayoría de la personas con los recursos que tenemos.. Va a meter Nash 20 puntos en cada partido? NO . Va a meter Metta 15 puntos en cada partido? NO . Cómo se llega a los 120 puntos? . Creo que se le daría mejor que el baloncesto Fiba, donde hay que ser más completo y más constante. Depende de sus pretensiones economicas. El cuatro abierto posteador no existe XD. No me polo raflorene cazadora vaquera tommy hilfigerimporta que se rían mil si solo uno queda advertido. Hablando de ejercicio físico. Jajajaja Aunque no es para tomárselo a broma. Una de las principales cosas a evitar son los rayos directos del sol. En la medida de lo posible evita que tu terminal est expuesto al sol o a altas temperaturas durante periodos prolongados de tiempo. La temperatura exterior de tu m aumentar si est demasiado rato al sol, por lo que el
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interior tambi se sobrecalentar y esto podr provocar que la electr del producto dejara de funcionar correctamente.. Desde enero de 2006 me dedico a explicarlo a través de este blog, dar charlas y realizar diferentes colaboraciones en radio, televisión y otros medios. Soy autor de los libros 'Ya está el listo que todo lo sabe' (2012) y 'Vuelve el listo que todo lo sabe' (2015) publicados por Editorial Léeme. He ganado el Premio Bitácoras 2016 al 'Mejor Blog de Arte y Cultura'.. Los Grizzlies de Memphis siguen su trayectoria ascendente y se colocan ya a solo tres partidos de los l de la Conferencia Oeste, los Warriors de Golden State. Los de Tennessee vencieron por 100 90 a los Jazz de Utah gracias a los 23 puntos y seis rebotes del p catal Marc Gasol. Junto al mediano de los Gasol, Zach Randolph logr un 'doble doble' de 18 tantos y 11 rebotes y Mike Conley sum 17 tantos para sellar la victoria de los visitantes.. Hernandez claims that, despite being rated highly in evaluations, he has been passed over to work the World Series. Manchester United is heavily involved in the transfer round up today after manager Jose Mourinho became "frustrated" this week over a lack of signings. Chelsea is edging closer to its first major signing of the summer, while Arsenal completed a medical for a new 45 million striker. He has 60 goals in 133 competitive matches for Sporting KC. Dwyer met Leroux in 2013 and they were married in early 2015. The two cleverly announced they tied the knot on Valentine Day that year, holding hands and wearing their chanel ágynemű jerseys: No. Well, right now, Ainge has grafted a perfect fit, in his prime All Star onto the spine of 53 win team without sacrificing either of two potential top five picks in next year's draft. Yeah, it would've been nice to get Paul George, too, but a win is a win. Adding the best reasonably available wing on the market more than qualifies even baby nike trainers if Hayward took the scenic route to announcing his decision. NegociosNegociosConsumoFinanzasEmprendedoresPropiedadesCampoDólar Hoyvida y ocioTecnologíaRelacionesSaludTendenciasComunidadModaViajesRecetasTodos los programasDólar hoyDólar oficial hoyCompra$Venta$IndicesBonosMervalMerval 25OpcionesBurcapPronósticoLoterías y quinielasSudoku"En qué ha de concluir el drama singular que existe entre los dos, tratando simular tan solo una amistad, mientras en realidad se agita la pasión que muerde el corazón y que obliga a callar: Yo te amo, yo te amo". Cómo poder resistirse ante esas palabras? Con voz trémula y romanticismo a flor de piel, el nombre de Sandro siempre estuvo ligado a un infinitivo: avenida alicante silla seducir. No es casual, entonces, que sus incondicionales fans sean en su mayoría mujeres (las ya famosas "nenas"), todas ellas tendientes a sucumbir ante una palabra, una canción o una mera aparición del eterno ídolo fallecido el lunes último.. Muy complicado, muchos equipos para meterse. Y de momento además a 2 partidos de lo PO. Todo puede ser, ojalá. Para mí la felicidad está en las cosas simples: dibujos, maquinitas, croquetas. Mis padres abrieron los primeros recreativos de mi pueblo y conseguí acabarlos todos con cinco duros. Por eso nunca tuve tiempo para aprender a planchar. A mi Lowry me encanta, y posiblemente encajaría mejor con Ellis que Rondo. Pero Rondo te da defensa y te da orden en ataque. Si Dallas ha mejorado tan poco en defensa es xq le falta un hombre alto para cuando Chandler no esté.
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A promotional video for the “WORLD END ECONOMiCA” anime crowdfunding project has been released; based off Isuna Hasekura’s original visual novel.
The crowdfund is scheduled to begin November 14th.
via: twitter.com/spicytails/status/1194302803738382336
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