#World Building Wednesday
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comical-fr · 6 months ago
Lightning Flight has the phrase, "Don't trust lightning that doesn't strike twice." The phrase is akin to 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' and with Lightning citizens being so used to multiple, rapid succession lightning strikes due to the multitude of metal spires, each bolt is met with anticipation for the one that usually follows. Outside of Lightning this phrase isn't popular, due to the previous.
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shy-raccoon · 1 year ago
Worldbuilding Tip
If you have a fantasy race with animal traits look at that animals social structure when desiging their culture.
A kingdom of lion people could have 2 types of towns, one with mostly women and one man as mayor and another made up of men banished from the first town when they hit puberity. With duals to decide the mayor of the first town.
Fauns and satyrs could banish all men from town except for during mating season with only women running socity or have seperate towns for each gender like actual deer herds.
Most cultures in fantasy are real world cultures with the serial numbers shaved off or a mish mash of real world cultures. So this is a great way to make more interesting cultures in your setting.
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rachelillustrates · 2 months ago
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Time for another "Tock the Gnome" world building post, dear readers!!
This week, we are starting to look at another aspect of Dwarven stone language - emotional meanings, much like the Gnomish flower language.
Full notes here 💎💬
Bonus art and stories ~ Prints, comics and more!
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thebibliosphere · 2 years ago
Happy WBW!
Is there any magic in your world?
Happy World Building Wednesday to you too!
And yes! Thank you for asking. There is lots of magic in Hunger Pangs.
There are enchanted forests dotted around the earth that are the sole source of all remaining wild magic in the world.
The rest of the magic was drained from the world in a war against the gods, who now lie imprisoned between worlds for their crimes against mortals. Neither living nor dead but a secret third thing (Trapped in an eternal slumber of howling nightmares.)
The forests are primarily protected by werewolves and some other shape-shifting creatures who act as custodians of the land. As the series progresses, you'll find some other wild and magical creatures in there, too.
There are also magic users like witches, necromancers, and vampires, who all have their own form of ritual magic. And Ursula, who is her own wild thing.
Even the 'science' veers toward the magical, hence why Hunger Pangs falls under the gaslamp (magic/fantasy) subgenre and not steampunk (fantastical science/sci-fi).
There are also some magic standing stones no one can quite figure out. But I'm sure those won't be relevant. Not for a while, at least...
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vesanal · 2 months ago
Happy WBW! What, if anything, do your characters wish was different about their world/their society/culture?
Aaaah it’s close enough to Wednesday sorry for the late answer lol. I’m going to go for Idalia again for this one because I’ve been obsessing over her lately ;). Happy wbw!!!
Idalia really really really hates how horribly normalized it is in Pytharios that Queensmen are just literally stationed EVERYWHERE(except, of course, in Milev wink wink) and people are just?? Completely fine with it??? And let’s just say she sees how most of they act and she just really wishes that it wasn’t so normalized.
(Which is kinda hypocritical on her part but that’s something to talk about on another day >;))))
Thanks for the ask!! <3
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sentimental-bottlesnake · 8 months ago
OKAY. Finally thought up a good one, my brain was broken there a second. Were you to choose from any of your dragons, who would you say is the most dangerous? Whether through actual physical prowess or something like connections to dangerous folks--anything goes!
At first I was like 'this is hard' because most of my dragons are like... nice. Then I thought for a second and OF COURSE
this motherfucker
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This is Aiden a Bishop Prime Hunter. What's a Prime Hunter? Effectively it's a magic energy vampire. Magical energy during Dominance battles collects into solid forms and usually produces Progenitors spontaneously via magic. But if the magic ends up festering or going undeveloped it eventually 'mutates' into a Prime Hunter, a creature without true form. It is a collection of limbs and teeth and hungering mouths that can mimic the shape and sound of a dragon from afar. It is decidedly Not A Dragon and if you get too close the uncanny valley is so real. That is when the Prime Hunter attacks and devours its first meal. The Prime Hunter than takes up the guise of its meal. So in Aiden's case when he was born his first meal was a Skydancer so he looks like a Skydancer.
To continue to exist Prime Hunters need to stalk and kill/eat dragons that is the same breed as them. Doing so maintains their strength. While eating isn't required most Prime Hunters do. Really a Prime Hunter just needs to suck the magical energy out of the dragon and they can leave its corpse around. But over the centuries Prime Hunters have discovered that the best way to avoid suspicion is to just eat the whole thing. This can be done over days or weeks depending on the size of the dragon and the residual energy in its corpse can thus sustain the Prime Hunter until its gone and they must hunt again.
Aiden is the leader of a group of Prime Hunters, known as a Temptation (because they are. The easiest way to hunt dragons is to tempt/seduce/or otherwise charm them). But even among Temptation leaders Aiden is very powerful, a Bishop. Typically Bishops might oversee several Temptations and while Aiden did that for a while he doesn't anymore. He manages his single Temptation with his mate within a great crack in the ground of Dragonhome. His Temptation is large and quite powerful. Aiden himself is very dangerous. While Prime Hunters start out as a mockery of a Progenitor Aiden is old enough and has accumulated enough power to go toe to toe with a Progenitor, who are established (in my lore), the most powerful dragons to exist outside of godhood on Sorienth. His reputation as being utterly ruthless keeps most dragons from messing with his Temptation, or other Temptations from trying to pick fights with his or get in his turf.
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I also have this girl and idk who or what she is but I know she is VERY dangerous and you should not even look in her direction.
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rose-of-oz · 1 month ago
WBW + Ezra Caulder?
Thanks so much for this!! Gonna tag the BTR gang, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @partiallypearl, @myloveforhergoeson, @bibaybe, @aceyanaheim, and @ithinkyouhealedmyheart!! <3 <3
full name: ezra jonathan caulder.
gender: cisgender male.
sexuality: gay.
pronouns: he/him.
family: maryanne caulder (mother), baxter caulder (father), destiny caulder (younger sister).
birthplace: columbus, ohio.
job: high school student.
phobias: tight spaces, spiders.
guilty pleasures: staying up until the wee hours of the morning playing video games, watching rom-coms.
morality alignment?: lawful good.
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath.
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice.
introvert/extrovert: introvert.
organized/disorganized: organized.
close minded/open-minded: open-minded.
calm/anxious: anxious.
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable.
cautious/reckless: cautious.
patient/impatient: patient.
outspoken/reserved: reserved.
leader/follower: follower.
empathetic/unempathetic: empathetic.
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic.
traditional/modern: modern.
hard-working/lazy: hard-working.
otp: ezra/carlos.
ot3: ezra/carlos/logan.
brotp: ezra/logan.
notp: ezra/any of the girls.
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send me an oc!!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 7 months ago
Happy WBW! What is the most extreme environment people live in on Alium?
Hello! I'm backed up on asks but I thought of something for this one despite it being my most recent.
I thought about this, cause world building comes along as I think about it, so I thought about extreme environments for a bit.
I'm no scientist, but I think this is the most extreme. But I do know that ultimates and even speedsters can resist extreme pressures! Which means there could be deep sea colonies or cities. I wouldn't be surprised if Alii are scientifically advanced enough to be able to make others without the natural ability to be able to live in that environment. And hydrokinetics may have some environmental adaptation, and their powers would make it easier to construct. Same for stuff that's deep underground that terrakinetics could easily hollow out.
Thanks for the ask!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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inseasofgreen · 22 hours ago
happy WBW! do you have a favorite place in your wip? what makes it special?
happy wbw!! thank you for the ask :)
It would easily have to be the undercity of Novaen, Ivaenia. The city is built on/into a cliff side so it's port is at the bottom and goods and such are lifted up by pullies to the upper half of the city. The undercity is various level's built climbing up to the top of the cliff. There's no real set number of level's as the buildings (both wooden and brick) are pretty much all over the place vertically. There's so many ladders and stairs and to someone who doesn't know it well, it could feel like a literal labyrinth. It's not enclosed either, so it's just suspended sprawls of city supported by cliffs with added support columns and beams. I love it so much I beefed up a character's arc just to show it even more lmaoo.
An honorable mention would also have to be Khaaj'mor, the capital of Vultis, just for how it mirrors the weaving of the traditional fabric of it's people when viewed from above. I love that nod to the culture and the fact that the only way to see it would be by dragon back another nod to it’s people
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comical-fr · 8 months ago
Canyonwalk Flood, 3rd, 53 T.C.. An isle from Arcane Flight crashed into the ocean, which isn't unusual for the most part as pieces of rock seemingly randomly fall or raise into the air all of the time, except this one was exceptionally large. The result was a wave of water that crashed into the western side of Earth territory with all of it funneling into the expansive canyon system that many dragons called home. The flood water recorded to hit more than one hundred feet high - one hundred and fifty at the highest points within the canyon walls. Raging sea scraped low houses off the sides of cliffs and tore into dug in homes.
World Building Wednesday yippee.
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fenneckitsune · 8 months ago
Tell me a little bit about Amora.
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madly in love with her husband Eros
She's captain of the Night watch over the forbidden portal while he's captain over the Day watch
the pair meets at dawn and dusk to share a meal together and talk about their days. woe be to anyone who dares interrupt their time together
the dagger on her back leg was a gift from her love and she only ever uses it as a last resort or if she's beyond furious with her adversary
generally a no nonsense kind of person when it comes to assuring peoples safety from the creatures emerging from the forbidden portal
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midoridragonuus · 8 months ago
the vibe of your lair is very cool!! i havent looked thru it thoroughly yet, but do you have like. an elevator pitch style about whats happening in there?
Thank you for the compliment! :)
Do you like a high salary? Paid accommodations? Free food, utilities, and schooling? How about free medical care? A guaranteed career in your specialized interest?
What about more niche wants? A lunch date with your favorite celebrity? Your name on a new scientific discovery? A one of a kind artifact? The answer to who murdered your brother?
All this, for the low, low cost of signing your name on the dotted line! What other job has better benefits? Truly?
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rachelillustrates · 1 day ago
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Time for another "Tock the Gnome" world building post, dear readers!
This week, we are taking a look at the Brogh perception of the afterlife, and some practices around that in contacting those who have moved on.
Full notes here ✨💀💬✨
Bonus art and stories ~ Prints, comics and more!
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kc-rising · 8 months ago
Ask me about my dragons or my FR headworld!
Anyone in my active lair is fair game! Below is a directory of my different lore groups and their associated lair tabs/pages:
🔴The Sanctum of Outcasts (Main)
- Bonewardens
- The Swarm
- The Bazaar
- The Black Market
🌿The Bog
⚙️Neon Alley
- The Neon Fangs Mafia
- Coglight City Locals
- Those Who Devour the Moon Cult
⏳Sand Nomads
🌒Crypt Keepers (Monsters)
🌊High Seas
- Crew of the Ashspine Widow
- Sea Monsters and Cryptids
🦖Timeworn Isle (Dinosaurs)
- Front Desk/Education Center/Lab
- Raptor Paddock
You can ask me questions even if it's not wednesday!
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ace-malarky · 29 days ago
Happy wubwub! Is there any worldbuilding that you really want to include in a story but that you haven't managed to fit anywhere yet? A magic system? A location? A language? Anything at all?
Happy wubwub!
N oh there's a *few* I've put in as like placeholders? For worlds that I haven't yet dealt with in the Mist Worlds bc there's a lot there, you know how it goes
So there's the "Everything is underground in massive caverns because topside is toxic af" world because just like. Whole cities in caverns, man. Stupid dramatic structures along the walls and the potential abyss below and obligatory glowing mosses and how that's adapted (this is not a human homeworld)
And then there is also "this world is a series of floating sky-islands" because of course there is. That one? Has a few things written on it, technically, but I haven't yet brought up the fact that the land is floating and there are skyships. Just hasn't been relevant to Kam and the Nightgales ongoing "fuck your private menageries" questline yet
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ashen-crest · 6 months ago
Happy WBW! As I continue my reading saga of death and grief, tell me a little about the subject in your world. How is death treated and thought of? How do your characters-- or the world at large-- handle grief in relation to it?
Hmm- it's not a subject I've explored too much in either series, tbh. There's a short story for Lutesong that I plan on revamping that kind of covers funeral rites and Aspen's realization regarding their conditional immortality- but seeing as I might release that for newsletter friends/on my site, I don't want to give too much away. :)
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