#Workmans Comp
fightingtostayfierce · 4 months
My job is completely dismissing my pain, forcing me to use my own vacation days for a work related injury. Saying I "chose" not to come to work when my supervisor saw my swollen hands.
When I told her I'm on light duty (not lifting more than 3-5 lbs and frequent breaks) she paused and said, "....for your HANDS?????"
Fuck this company.
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dale-e-anstine · 2 years
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Many times, after you are injured on the job, the employer may ask that you do a urinalysis or a blood test to test if you were intoxicated at the time of your worker related injury. If you do test positive, there is a strong likelihood that your workmans comp claim will be denied. So what do you do if your case is denied? It’s important that you talk to a lawyer to see what rights you have. Just because you tested positive doesnt always mean your case is dead in the water. You may still be able to pursue it depending on other considerations. Depending on what day the drug screen was done, will determine if you or the workers comp insurance carrier carriers the burden of proof. If the burden lies with the injured worker, then the injured worker has to prove that they had the normal use of their physical abilities and their mental abilities at the time the injury occurred. There can be some very important things with respect to your case, so it’s very important that you talk to an attorney if your claim is denied for testing positive for any type of illegal substance.
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fixfoxnox · 5 months
Summary: Just a short little thing I wanted to write since my back is hurting again (which naturally means Roach's back is hurting again). This is technically a mini-sequel to Replacement, which I wrote a long while ago, but you don't have to read that to understand this! Enjoy!
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"This is it," Roach groaned, feeling pain shoot up his spine as he shifted, "I'm done for. I love you both, split my items amicably. Make sure the worlds best son mug goes to Eddie, just to see Johnathan pout about it."
There was a small laugh from next to him, "You're not dying bug."
"Besides," Ghost chimed in from the other half of the room, "you wouldn't be dead for long, I'll drag your ass up from hell. No getting rid of me that easy." He didn't look up from his stack of paperwork.
"You would force me back i to a world of suffering and pain?!"
"You're being dramatic," Soap chimed. He took Roach's hand in his own, rubbing circles onto his skin with his thumb. "You've just thrown your back out again. Dr. Sanchez said you'll be fine in a day or two."
"My own boyfriend, doubting the depth of my suffering." Roach threw his head to the side dramatically, only to groan again as the movement jostled his back.
The heating pack he had on was helping a bit, but it couldn't erase all of the pain he was feeling. Not even the Tylenol could really help with that. It was just something his body would have to deal with and fix on its own. Just as it had caused the problem on its own.
On the bright side of things, Roach had the privilege of being doted on by his darling boyfriends for a few days. The two hadn't been willing to leave his side after his rather dramatic moment of his back trying to kill itself.
He'd just bent down to pick up his dropped keys, then the moment he'd started to rise back up and there had been a shooting burning pain down his spine. The pain continued on, flooding down through his legs until it felt like it was at the tips of his toes. His knees had given out then, and before he'd even had time to realize that for himself, both Soap and Ghost were at his side checking on him.
"Why do I have to have these issues?" Roach gave a whine, finally done with his dramatics. At least for the moment. "I'm not that old yet!"
Soap gave another laugh and moved into Roach's side, cuddling up to him with his head on his chest. "You know thats not why your back does this."
Roach gave a huff, "You get hit by a car one time and now you've got to deal with lifelong back problems." He shook his head, "Sick and fucking twisted."
Soap gave a small hum and Roach knew the man was likely agreeing with him. After all, Roach knew that Soap had his own issues and recurring pain with his shoulder. He remembered well enough the panic he'd felt when Soap had taken a bullet to the shoulder. Then the panic that came after that when months after healing Soap had a few days where even lifting the limb slightly would cause him pain.
Ghost didn't say anything, but Roach figured the man dealt with much of the same issues as them. He was certainly better at hiding it, but Roach always noticed when he was favoring one leg over the other or would give a wince under that mask because he'd stepped a bit wrong.
It was part of the job. Roach knew that, and he knew that they were all lucky to have only those slight problems, rather than lost limbs like Alex and Jackson, or worse like the many men he'd seen fall in battle before him.
He gave a final sigh, deciding that it would be more beneficial to just enjoy the warmth of his boyfriend next to him rather than complaining further. He needed to take the opportunity to relax anyway. And what an opportunity this was.
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"So are you guys gonna blow my back out like you did the last time I was bedridden or what?"
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excitementshewrote · 2 years
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brunchbitch · 2 months
Got hurt at work in the dumbest way lol
TW for some medical details
I bumped into a filing cabinet which had a tape dispenser on it. The tape dispenser fell and sliced the back of my ankle with the sharp part. It seemed sort of borderline for needing stitches so my manager said I could go to the ED to get checked out. She was like “keep your badge on, they’ll bring you back sooner” lol. And she was right! The doctor also said it’s borderline but they could put a couple absorbable stitches in it to help with the healing. It’s a tough spot bc it’s essentially right on one of the creases on the back of my ankle so it’ll probably keep reopening when I walk if I don’t do the stitches. But yeah, just so weird to need stitches and be in the ED when it wasn’t anything I did to myself! Medical staff are so much nicer when it wasn’t intentional…
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kaxenart · 9 months
Handler Walter sounds so stressed out when Cel 240 kicks my ass.
This is stressing me out.
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lemonsharks · 1 year
A tumblr poll just told me that my gimpy ankle (3+ bad sprains starting from childhood) which has affected the way I navigate the world and which makes me mistrust my general ability to remain upright at any given time counts as a physical disability and i do not know how to deal with this news.
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fightingtostayfierce · 4 months
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glittergoats · 2 years
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multi-lefaiye · 3 days
my work is paying for my next tetanus shot it seems 😎
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firstkanaphans · 9 months
How many BL actors have to lose a limb before GMMTV calls off this Starlympic madness? First Gemini, now Joss. Clearly someone didn’t think this through 🙃
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bugsmoocher · 4 months
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cchickki · 1 year
the universe just has it out for me lately. at the end of my shift i got an injury at work.
like can i catch a break please??? 😭
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sandcastle-art · 6 months
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more discord call drawingsss mostly wherewolf this time sorry ^-^
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haonqq · 8 months
Guess whos getting paid to go to the doctor lets GOOOOOO
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