#Work Permit for Portugal
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credasmigrations · 1 year ago
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Explore Portugal's Post Study Work Visa—your pathway to post-graduation employment opportunities and potential permanent residency. Discover job prospects and work permit essentials for international students.
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jamesanderson97 · 2 months ago
Portugal Work Visa: Expand your Work Portfolio with Stellar Work Opportunities
To begin your job hunt in Portugal you will need a Portugal Work Visa. Here we will guide you about the process of Portugal employment visa that is needed to be followed for seamless visa procurement.
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perfectionmigration · 4 months ago
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Netherland work permit from Dubai | Best Immigration Consultant in UAE
Our expert immigration consultants in Dubai can guide you through the entire process of obtaining a Netherlands work permit. From initial assessment to visa application, we'll ensure a smooth transition. With our in-depth knowledge of Dutch immigration laws and procedures, we'll maximize your chances of success. Our team of seasoned consultants offers personalized assistance, from gathering documents to application submission, ensuring your experience is seamless and stress-free.
Contact us today for a free consultation. Visit: https://perfectionmigration.com/netherlands/
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tearsofrefugees · 4 months ago
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maximimmigration · 11 months ago
Here are some tips to keep in mind while choosing the right Immigration consultant for Portugal. Explore how Portugal Immigration Consultants are helpful.
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ezeevisae · 1 year ago
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Whether you're considering moving to Spain for work, study, or to embrace the Spanish way of life, EZee Visas is your go-to resource for Spain residence visas. Our dedicated consultants will walk you through the application process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in order. With our support, you can embark on your journey to Spain with confidence, knowing that your residence visa is in good hands.
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itspheenixbaby · 1 month ago
MUSUTAFU in my mha dr
now playing...black list - hime
AKA; the devils resort
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"when i hear that song, i wanna be with you"
musutafu (MST) prefecture is an island off the southern coast of japan located in the phillipine sea. its about 500-800km away from honshu, has 25,000 mi of land and is home to 35.3 million people. MST houses the most biodiverse tropical rainforest in japan (and one of the three most biodiverse in asia) which covers the entire island. MST has mild winters and minimal snow. it rarely reaches under 60/50 degrees F (10/15C?). both summer and spring are extremely humid.
"buffalo soldier, dreadlock rasta"
i never script colonialism clean out, i just make it different. because im always like wait if we dont have colonialism why tf are so many people speaking european languages? makes no sense right? anyways heres how it worked (in all of my DR's btw); europeans had very little power & money compared to locals who integrated with the culture (including locals of european descent) and it was more of a "leader in name" thing. in actuality, colonialism was more similar to a trade partner agreement with colonies, and colonies themselves were very hard to keep--and usually made more money and had more clout than their european counterparts. MST had this situation with spain, england and portugal. as it was an island (and a rather big one) it was already very cut of from japan culturally, economically & socially. so when the mainland went in seclusion for the meiji restoration, the europeans had already gotten full access to MST.
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"90 degress inna the shade, temperature tun up"
linguistics the standard language is a portuguese-spanish-tagalog-japanese fusion? and more japanese dominant. no fucking clue how thatll sound.
diversity MST is very racially & ethnically diverse, with a steady flow of immigrants from all over the world. a few prominent origin points include ; south east asia, central america, the carribbean, usa, western europe, south america, taiwan and india. but of course there are many more. the natives are pretty racially diverse as well, about half of the japanese population is "afro-japanese" which is genetically similar to aetas or melanesians.
motorsports drag racing is fully decriminalized and extremely normal. so much so that entire tournaments and elaborate race tracks are built to encourage it. (partially because of the tourism it brings) but before you can do any drag racing you need a permit or license. its very normal for celebrities and heroes to drag race, theres even a yearly competition for celebrities.
lifestyle lazy, indulgent and leisurely. days are spent relaxing at a beach, vibing at a local cookout or shopping. were very friendly, open and relaxed. its a city with very big & bold personalities. most people are ambiverts and its cartoonishly easy to make friends. unfortunately the culture can be a little shallow at times.
beauty standard few are fussy on beauty standards but a visible sun tan is universally preferred. however theres two big rules: no fake tanning under any circumstance & never tan more than two shades darker. in terms of body types, both men & women with toned bodies and "nice" asses are attractive--but for women the addition of being curvy is preferred.
religion among the japanese population the most practiced religion is catholism. this branch of catholism is very heavily mixed with shintoism & buddhism though.
mardi gras/carnaval the prefectures biggest holiday. its both the best and the worst. the sense of community is a focal point, millions of people celebrating and having fun (including the sizable portion of non-christians). everywhere is packed, music is blasting and half the city is drunk and/or high. by night everyone forgets how to act. surely the busiest day for MST based heroes.
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MUSUTAFU CITY DISTRICTS (16 total but im only writing for 4)
"on an island in the sun, we'll be playing and having fun"
the beach durrr the city has a ton of beaches, but this one is the most iconic, large and populated. its right in front of the cities biggest shopping center (what is basically our equivalent of times square...but not as dirty or ghetto). theres always people at this beach, hanging out, on a work break or at a cookout.
the ghetto about 2-3 districts are classified as ghettos. they have an extremely high crime rate, but low quality of life, income & rent. expect seas of street vendors, houses stacked on eachother, music playing all through the night and walls panted with street art. (urarakas district 😍)
the islands a fifteen island archipelago off of the cities coast. considered middle class or lower middle class. life in the islands is slow and easy going. many people work in agriculture or fishing so its known for food & open air markets. the islands have a fun nightlife scene but its generally more laid back. (my district)
rural district the largest district in the city. known for its rich traditional japanese culture, the abundance of natural marijuana and nature. the district is very sparsely industrialized, especially compared to the rest of the city, so its mostly jungle/rainforest. theres also so much wildlife there! and disturbingly large roaches. something cool about it is this biiig ass gate surrounding the whole district! (todoroki family's district)
all districts have a fair share of mongrels / stray dogs. many people take them in to "guard" the house, or just to care for them
people from the islands like to have cute lil sea animal mailboxes!
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"as i recall i know you love to show off"
love for sports. soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball & surfing are extremely popular (among both genders)
lots of the population has a shopping addiction
elaborate heists.
trashy reality tv.
big film / tv industry.
high crime rate.
musutafuans want to go to the beach like every fucking day.
really good music.
clubs, casinos, nightlife in general.
beautiful beaches. white sand & clear blue water.
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"aserejé, ja, dejé"
GTA game based on MST
love & hip hop: MST
brazilian funk, rnb, afro beats, amapiano, dancehall, reggae, dembow, reggaeton and rap are really popular. way more than non japanese/latin pop music
real housewives of MST
we have golden crust, jollibee, mama empanada, and kfc but no mcdonalds 😬
havianas are really trendy.
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im actually considering scripting my version of MST in some of my other DR's (idol dr especially) but im on the fence.
if any of this inspired you your free to include some for you dr <3
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royalty-nobility · 1 month ago
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Teresa, or Teresia Sampsonia, Lady Shirley (1589–1668)
Artist: Sir Anthony Van Dyck (Flemish, 1599-1641)
Date: 1622
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: National Trust Collections, United Kingdom
Teresa Sampsonia (born Sampsonia; after marriage Lady Shirley, 1589–1668) was an Iranian-English noblewoman of the Safavid Empire of Iran. She was the wife of Elizabethan English adventurer Robert Shirley, whom she accompanied on his travels and embassies across Europe in the name of the Safavid King (Shah) Abbas the Great.
Teresa was received by many of the royal houses of Europe, such as English prince Henry Frederick and Queen Anne (her child's godparents) and contemporary writers and artists such as Thomas Herbert and Anthony van Dyck. Herbert considered Robert Shirley "the greatest Traveller of his time", but admired the "undaunted Lady Teresa" even more. Following the death of her husband from dysentery in 1628, and due to impediments from grandees at the court, and the authorities, during the reign of Abbas's successor and grandson Safi (r. 1629–1642), Teresa decided to leave Iran. She lived in a convent in Rome for the rest of her life, devoting her time to charity and religion. As a pious Christian, and because of her love for her husband, Teresa had Shirley's remains transported to Rome from Isfahan and reburied; on the headstone of their mutual grave she mentions their travels and refers to her noble Circassian origins.
Thanks to her exploits, Teresa has been described as someone who subverted patriarchal gender roles common to the Muslim and Christian cultures of her time. Due to their hybrid identities and adventures, Teresa and her husband became the subject of several contemporary literary and visual works. Nevertheless, the story of Teresa as an important woman of the 17th century has been largely overshadowed and obscured by the tale of her husband Robert and his brothers.
Together they made two extended voyages across Europe. In 1611 they travelled to England where Teresa gave birth to their son, Henry. In 1613 they returned to Isfahan on an East India Company ship. The Shirleys continued to travel over the next decade to India, Portugal, Spain and Italy. They went to Rome in 1622, and this picture and the pendant portrait of Robert can be dated to Van Dyck's first visit to the city.
Van Dyck’s training with Rubens had sharpened his eye for the enriching effect offered by sumptuous garments such as those worn by Lady Shirley. Van Dyck had also recently begun to absorb the lessons of Titian and the other great Venetian colourists.
Teresa was a gifted linguist and spoke more than half a dozen languages. Historian Bernadette Andrea recounts how she saved her husband’s life on at least two occasions: ‘once as they set off on their first journey when his Persian enemies sought to kill him, which earned her the accolade "a true Amazon" and again when the couple encountered hostile Portuguese traders on their way to Goa.’ (See the entry for 'Lady Teresa Sampsonia Sherley' in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography).
After Robert’s death, Teresa was accused of the capital crime of apostasy and her property was confiscated. She became a fugitive, hiding in an Augustinian church in Isfahan and an Armenian convent just outside the Safavid capital. She received a special permit to travel, went to Istanbul for three years and then on to Rome where she settled and remained for more than three decades until her death in 1668.
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sotomato06 · 4 months ago
Leaving the US?
Following the events of last night, its likely a lot of you want to leave the United States. I don't blame you and can't say I haven't entertained the same thoughts. So I complied this list of the easiest countries to move to from the United States, and the pros and cons of each nation
Mexico is close to the United States, not requiring a flight to get there (though it is recommended if within your price range) The nation allows residency of US citizens for up to 180 days without a visa or permit, allowing plenty of time to apply for the temporary residency visa which is normally valid for 4-5 years. After 5 years of residency, you can apply for permanent citizenship. https://consulmex.sre.gob.mx/leamington/index.php/non-mexicans/visas/115-temporary-resident-visa
Mexico has a much lower cost of living than the USA, with the average Mexican spending around $1000 usd or MEX$20151.55 mxn. Jobs do pay lower, but the cost of living still works out lower than in the United States and the work environment in Mexico is known to be more healthy. Along with the great weather (and food) Mexico is a good choice for Americans trying to escape the country.
 Claudia Sheinbaum, the current president of Mexico was recently sworn in and is a strong advocate for women's rights. She has fought for Abortion rights in Mexico, along with other reproductive rights. She is also a Champion of LGBTQ+ rights and has been fighting to help queer people in Mexico for the majority of her career. She is expanding Mexican welfare and is an environmental advocate. Same-Sex Marriage has been fully legal in Mexico since 2021 and Abortion is not criminalized and preformed in almost all Mexican states. For more information, I suggest the Wikipedia article on Abortion in Mexico, as it is a complicated subject. Although currently, it is ranked around the same as the USA on access across the whole country, Mexican Abortion legislation is moving in the opposite direction to the United State's, as according to the Center for Reproductive Rights, once all of the Mexican states properly reform their laws to comply with the 2023 court ruling, Mexico will be a rank one on Abortion laws, or Abortion available everywhere on request which is expected to be soon. Changing one's legal name and gender is protected under Mexican laws, and the majority of states have anti discrimination laws in place. One state even allows one to change their gender to something other than male or female, recognizing non-binary identities legally.
Portugal is a good option for those who have funds to put into leaving. Portugal offers a program for a Golden Visa which can be obtained through owning a certain amount of real estate although there are other ways. This Visa offers the chance at citizenship after holding for only 5 years. https://getgoldenvisa.com/portugal-golden-visa-program
Portugal offers a lot of benefits for retirees as well, so if your grandma also wants to flee the country, Portugal may be the country for her. The weather is good and it is known to be incredibly peaceful and pretty.
Portugal is also in the European Union, meaning citizenship here also means EU citizenship and access to the whole Schengen Zone, allowing a lot of opportunity for education and location, as you don't have to obtain another citizenship to move to another EU nation. Abortion is legal in Portugal as is Same-Sex Marriage and both are protected under the laws of the EU. Trans rights are also protected and a trans person is allowed to change their legal gender without a medical diagnosis.
Ecuador is another option that is good if you aren't looking to leave the Americas. Ecuador allows visa free residency for up to 90 days and grant Permanent resident visas after only 21 months of living with a temporary visa. There are many temporary visa options including an investment one similar to Portugal's and a retiree option. Another option would be the Professional Visa, although that one is more likely to be granted if you have a job lined up and a university degree, it is the only one that does not require a lot of money. Get in touch with an Ecuador embassy here https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/consularnotification/ConsularNotificationandAccess/Ecuador.html
Ecuador also has a lower cost of living compared to the United States and the English language and dollar are often used in the country. The weather in Ecuador is an incredibly good feature of the nation as well.
Ecuador does not allow abortion upon request, but they do allow it to save the life of the mother or for other extreme cases involving rape. There are multiple organizations working to change this however and extend these rights to be more like those of Mexico or Argentina. Same-Sex marriage is protected in Ecuador as of 2019 and transgender people are able to change their legal gender without needing to go through gender affirming surgery.
Spain has an education based program where citizens of Canada and the United States are granted temporary visa's to come and teach English in the nation. You are compensated and only expected to work for 12-16 hours a week. Under this visa, you can find other work and apply for a more permanent professional Visa, which only have to be renewed every few years and leads you on the path to permanent residency. https://www.educacionfpydeportes.gob.es/eeuu/convocatorias-programas/convocatorias-eeuu/nalcap.html
Spain is also a member of the EU and residency here allows access to the Schengen zone of Europe as well. Spain has abortion on request up to 14 weeks and allows emergency abortions when the mother's life could be at risk even after that. Spain also allows same-sex marriage and has trans protection laws in place, with somebody over 16 allowed to change their legal gender, no parent, judge or doctor involved. Spain also has a very relaxed work culture with the maximum allowed work hours a week being 40 and the average worked being 36.
South Korea
South Korea has a very similar program to Spain, where you can live there for up to a year and teach English, although the South Korean program often requires a bachelors degree. Following the stay with the temporary teaching visa, you could apply for a more permanent option. A "resident visa" in South Korea is typically referred to as an "F-5 visa", which signifies a permanent residency permit, allowing foreigners to live and work in the country indefinitely; to qualify, you must meet certain criteria like significant investment in a Korean business, marriage to a Korean citizen, or a long-term stay with exceptional skills in a specific field.  https://www.internations.org/south-korea-expats/guide/visas-work-permits
As of 2021, Abortion is fully legal in the nation and is available upon request, although due to the nature in which it was legalized it is a bit iffy. I would recommend reading further into it. However, although Homosexuality is not criminalized in the country, South Korea has no official recognition of any sort of Marriage or civil unions between same-sex couples and they often face discrimination. So if you are in a same sex relationship, South Korea may not be the place for you.
Australia is one of the easiest nations for Americans to live in under a temporary Visa, as they have a program called the working holiday program and you can live there up to 3 years under it. However, this program does not lead to permanent residency and you would have to apply for another visa, either a work or family, to move there permanently. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/permanent-resident
Australia allows abortion up to 23 weeks upon request, although specifics do vary between states. Queer rights in Australia rank among the highest in the world, as marriage has been fully legalized since 2017 and they are also a world leader in trans rights. All Australian states allow the changing of one's gender legally and support gender affirming care. Non-discriminations laws are also present in all the states.
Canada allows American citizens to stay in their country for up to 6 months visa free, although they are not allowed to work without any sort of visa. The easiest way to gain Canadian residency is though the express visa system. This immigration program targets skilled workers than can contribute to three economic fields in Canada. Canadian citizenship is available after five years of residency. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/works.html
Cost of living in Canada is slightly higher than in the US, but the benefits are greater with more affordable education and universal healthcare.
Canada is known as one of the best nations for LGBTQ+ people. It was the third nation in the world to legalize same sex marriage. Since June 2017, all places within Canada explicitly within the Canadian Human Rights Act, equal opportunity and/or anti-discrimination legislation prohibit discrimination against gender identity or gender identity or expression. This includes trans rights, who are protected under Canadian law. Abortion is publicly funded and available throughout the entire nation in Canada.
If you live in a red state and aren't interested in leaving the country, but don't want to stay where you are, here's some stats that may help make your decision on where to move to;
States with no abolition ban:
Washington DC, New Jersey, Maryland, Oregon, Vermont, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Alaska
Best states for LGBTQ+ individuals:
New York, Oregon, Minnesota, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, Washington DC
Hope this helps whoever may need it.
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anotherbluesunday · 10 months ago
✨Fic Release: In Technicolor—Ch. 1: Hell in a Handbasket (Pugsley + Cheryl)✨
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Just past the shopping center that housed the Erewhon Wednesday silently hissed at and Bertie audibly boo'ed was our new school. A glittering beacon of narrow-minded thinking disguised as liberalism if I'd ever seen one, I'd read up on the place. Had Jug and Reggie fill me in on what to expect and it wasn't good.
Insidious racism veiled as social work and fundraisers. Sender students being made into charity cases to make donating families and businesses feel better about themselves while they donate to political campaigns for politicians who couldn't give two shits about the working class. I could see it in the way they looked at us as we pulled up into the student parking lot and hung up the parking permit from the rearview mirror. They were sizing us up. Knew without having to ask that we were from somewhere else. Somewhere where it wasn't commonplace for sixteen year old's to have access to their parents Amex Black card.
Eyes down on the steering wheel for a moment as the girls to our right sat in their brand new canary yellow Jeep Wrangler "whispering" loudly about how dirty the truck was, Bertie reminded me it was only for a year and that chances were not everyone would be as bad as I was making them out to be in my head. Wednesday snorted a laugh from the backseat and I shot her a glance through the mirror saying "Probablemente sean monstruos chupadores de sangre." With a hard reluctant sneer, I forced myself to unbuckle. Grabbed my backpack from the backseat, slipped on my sunglasses, and heaved sigh.
"I can't believe we're actually doing this."
Shrugging her backpack onto her shoulders, Wednesday stood beside me staring at our new prison. "Just close your eyes and count to ten. It'll be over before you know it."
Should have known better than to ask. But it made me laugh nonetheless. And that was the only upside here really. I wouldn't be going at this alone. I'd have Wen and Bert and a couple friends if Toni made it through the testing process since her mom made her apply too. We'd be okay. Not great. Not fine. But we'd be okay.
We'll survive.
Routine on repeat like some b-rate film that used timelooping as a metaphor for repeating the past until the main character righted their wrongs, I put on my morning music playlist as I stepped into the spacious en suite bathroom that had been warmed to seventy-two degrees for me. My shampoo and conditioner never seemed to run out. My bodywash was always in supply. Shaving razors never dulled and toothpaste never emptied paste the halfway point. The only thing I was burdened with was remembering when to restock my skincare items which, even when they did run out, it was never a problem because there was nothing that couldn't be handled with a quick call.
Perfectly controlled and acclimated. It was like a dollhouse inside of a greenhouse.
Everything's monitored and privacy is a privilege.
You missed practice this morning. It was from dad, the message brightening the screen of my phone as I stepped out of the shower. We'll double up tonight's session and split it for before and after dinner.
Staring at the message, I hesitated. Could hear the small scream itching at the back of my neck like nails dragging down the nerves hidden beneath my skin.
I wanted to throw up and I hadn't eaten anything yet.
I'll have homework. I told him.
You can do it afterwards. Slacking off once leads to habitual laziness Cheryl. No excuses.
My stomach knotted. Worked itself up until the familiar aftertaste of vomit ghosted itself on my taste buds.
The cold sweats that came with it.
The dizzying nausea.
Looking at myself in my vanity mirror, I dissected the bags under my dull brown eyes. Examined my hairline to see if it had thinned anymore than what mom had pointed to over the summer when we went on vacation to Portugal. "It must be from the stress. You should sleep more darling" she had said. At least my lashes had grown back after my nervous snap over spring semester.
*IMPORTANT NOTE!: Please do keep in mind while reading that the characters Pubert and Pugsley have nicknames that they go by and will go by for most of the story. For Pugsley, his nickname is “Lee” and for Pubert, his nickname is “Bert” or “Bertie.” Wednesday sometimes goes by “Wen” but I feel like that is a known in the Wednesday fandom but I wanted to mention it quickly for readers in the Riverdale fandom so that they’re in the loop.
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credasmigrations · 9 months ago
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The Portuguese Golden Visa program allows you to travel Europe without any additional visa. You can work, study, and live in Portugal with your family, and you can even apply for Portugal citizenship after 5 years.
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vlovann · 1 month ago
I’ve heard that some non-binary and transgender friends are having issues with their passports being denied.
I want to remind you that there are a lot of other countries that are accepting with real protections of the LGBT+ community and I’m sure, like my girlfriend and I, you’re looking at them specifically for getting out.
I had a realization that if more states start denying gender corrections on passports, I understand that it will be painful and I’m sorry the world is coming to it, but it might be safer to retract the request, let it revert to your incorrect identity, using your real identity socially when safe, and use that to get the hell out of America. Then, once you’re safe and a citizen, you should be able to get your gender changed in your new home.
I am unsure if the current state of America justifies applying for asylum to other countries, yet, or if it has to get even worse, but I already think it should be.
I’ve done my best to gather information from the top safest countries for LGBT+ people (in no particular order) below:
Norway (16+, guardian permission, citizen or registered resident): https://www.skatteetaten.no/en/forms/changing-gender/
Iceland (under 15 needs guardian permission and/or expert statement and case consideration, unsure about citizenship, but most likely similar to others): https://www.government.is/topics/human-rights-and-equality/equality/lgbti-affairs/
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In Iceland, no one can come for your rights. It just ends there, period. No explanation needed.
Sweden (18+, guardian permission, registered in Sweden, gender dysphoria assessment, “transsexualism” diagnosis and gender assessment team contact for at least two years according to, unsure of citizenship, most likely similar to others): https://www.rfsl.se/en/organisation/vard-for-transpersoner/transvaard/
Denmark (I can only find an LGBT Denmark article about how families with a non-binary minor are encouraged to apply to state their gender identity, I’m assuming citizenship or residency is required. My iPhone is saying a lot of these websites are trying to steal my information and the ‘visit site anyway’ button doesn’t do anything 🙄): https://lgbt.dk/en/denmark-opens-up-to-legal-gender-change-for-minors/
Netherlands (16+, citizen or resident for 1 year, expert statement, meaning a declaration to an expert that you are not your assigned gender and understand the risks): https://www.denhaag.nl/en/certificates-and-official-documents/change-your-registered-gender-you-were-born-abroad/
Germany (14+, guardian permission, easier for citizens, but options seem to be available if you aren’t registered yet if I understood correctly): https://dublin.diplo.de/ie-en/self-determination-2689792
Spain (all ages, but under 16 needs guardian permission, semi-related as of last year allowing illegal immigrants to earn residency and work permits according to PBS.org, citizenship needed as far as I can tell): https://administracion.gob.es/pag_Home/en/Tu-espacio-europeo/derechos-obligaciones/ciudadanos/familia/genero.html#-92e7156cb2a7
Malta (16+, citizens, people protected under their Refugee act, anyone entitled to an ID card, assuming similar residency of other countries; if you already have an official X from your previous country, they will honor it): https://humanrights.gov.mt/legal-gender-recognition-and-bodily-integrity/b
Portugal (+ name change, legal age or 16-17 through guardian or legal representative, need citizen card): https://www2.gov.pt/en/servicos/pedir-o-registo-de-mudanca-de-sexo-e-de-nome-proprio
Canada (all ages, presumably filled by parents under 16, citizen and immigrant resources readily available): https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-passports/change-sex.html
Most countries will require citizenship or residency. Some don’t explicitly say.
Feel free to comment or reblog with any corrections or additional countries or inside citizen information! Please help with more resources if you can. I can’t find or access some government websites because Apple is stupid.
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perfectionmigration · 4 months ago
Discover the differences between Portugal's Work Permit and Job Seeker Visa to find the best route for your career in 2024. Get step-by-step guidance and expert tips on eligibility, application processes, and how Perfection Migration can assist you with a smooth transition. Our team of seasoned consultants offers personalized assistance, from gathering documents to application submission, ensuring your experience is seamless and stress-free.
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littlesistersti · 2 months ago
Portugal Holding Bottles transparents
Asset to use! Speech bubble blank to fit your fanfic title, subtitle, quote, etc.
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While working on another project with Portugal, I went off on a tangent and dabbled with this particular piece. Portugal holding various (tall, long) bottles of alcohol as a transparent or png. We have red wine, white wine, sparkling wine that might be champagne but I didn’t check, and rum for your pirate AU. They should be all Portuguese. Brand names and logos censored. All links below. 
Wood: Photo by Pandav Tank on Unsplash
Comic: @hetascanlations https://www.tumblr.com/hetascanlations/685296012116508672/hetalia-world-stars-chapter-428-original?source=share
White wine https://www.portugalvineyards.com/en/setubal/7442-fonte-do-nico-white-2022-5603016000764.html
Red wine https://www.portugalvineyards.com/en/tejo/7457-encostas-do-bairro-red-2023-5601971220432.html
Rum https://e-dega.com/en/product/rum-william-hinton-3-years/
Sparkling wine https://e-dega.com/en/product/quinta-bageiras-sparkling-velha-reserva-3l/
>> Don’t erase or remove or hide my watermarks. If you must hide my watermark to fit your title or “Written by author” text, then you are permitted to hide only 1 of the watermark (I’m assuming it’ll be the one at the elbow).
>> You may credit me. However, if you do credit me via actual tagging, it gives me an excuse to read your fanfic or fan comic or whatever you plan on making.
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sefaradweb · 4 months ago
Nacionalidad española por la vía sefardí
🇪🇸 La posibilidad de obtener la nacionalidad española o portuguesa por la vía sefardí ofrece a los descendientes de judíos expulsados durante la Inquisición una oportunidad única para reconectar con sus raíces. En Portugal, el proceso es accesible y permite obtener la ciudadanía mediante la demostración de ascendencia sefardí a través de documentos y apellidos, sin necesidad de residir en el país. En España, aunque la ley que permitía la obtención de la nacionalidad sefardí concluyó en 2019, la opción de hacerlo mediante una carta de naturaleza sigue vigente para casos excepcionales, como personas con vínculos históricos o culturales significativos con el país. Obtener la ciudadanía en cualquiera de estos países otorga los beneficios de ser ciudadano de la Unión Europea, incluyendo el derecho a vivir, trabajar y estudiar en cualquier país miembro, además de acceso a beneficios sociales. Para los dominicanos con ascendencia sefardí, estas opciones representan una valiosa conexión con su herencia cultural y oportunidades en Europa.
🇺🇸 The opportunity to obtain Spanish or Portuguese nationality through Sephardic ancestry offers descendants of Jews expelled during the Inquisition a unique chance to reconnect with their roots. In Portugal, the process is accessible and allows citizenship by demonstrating Sephardic ancestry through documents and surnames, without the need to reside in the country. In Spain, although the law allowing Sephardic nationality ended in 2019, the option to apply through a carta de naturaleza remains for exceptional cases, such as those with significant historical or cultural ties to the country. Obtaining citizenship in either country grants the benefits of being an EU citizen, including the right to live, work, and study in any member state, as well as access to social benefits. For Dominicans with Sephardic ancestry, these pathways represent a valuable connection to their cultural heritage and new opportunities in Europe.
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ezeevisae · 1 year ago
Welcome to EZee Visas – Your Gateway to Seamless Travel and Work Abroad!
At EZee Visas, we understand the excitement and challenges that come with planning international travel or pursuing work opportunities in foreign lands. Our dedicated team is here to simplify the visa application process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for you.
Our Services:
Portugal Schengen Visa Tracking:
Planning a trip to Portugal or other Schengen countries? Our visa experts at EZee Visas specialize in handling Schengen visa applications. We provide comprehensive support, from filling out the necessary forms to tracking the progress of your visa application. With our assistance, you can focus on exploring the vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes of Portugal while we take care of the paperwork.
Switzerland Work Permit:
Dreaming of building your career in Switzerland? We are here to guide you through the intricacies of obtaining a work permit. Our experienced team will assist you in understanding the eligibility criteria, preparing the required documents, and navigating the application process. Trust EZee Visas to be your reliable partner in securing a work permit for Switzerland, opening doors to new professional opportunities.
Spain Residence Visa:
Whether you're considering moving to Spain for work, study, or to embrace the Spanish way of life, EZee Visas is your go-to resource for Spain residence visas. Our dedicated consultants will walk you through the application process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in order. With our support, you can embark on your journey to Spain with confidence, knowing that your residence visa is in good hands.
Why Choose EZee Visas:
Expert Guidance: Our team of visa experts brings years of experience in handling a wide range of visa applications. We stay updated on the latest immigration regulations to provide accurate and reliable guidance.
Personalized Service: We understand that each traveler has unique needs. At EZee Visas, we offer personalized assistance tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience.
Transparent Process: Transparency is at the core of our service. We keep you informed at every step of the visa application process, providing clarity and peace of mind.
Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our priority. EZee Visas is committed to delivering exceptional service, and we take pride in helping our clients achieve their travel and work goals.
Explore the world with confidence, and let EZee Visas be your trusted partner in turning your international aspirations into reality. Visit our website here to get started on your visa journey today!
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