#Woot! It's here!
gorgynei · 10 months
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transsexuality rocks 👍👍👍👍👍👍
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kikker-oma · 1 year
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And so it begins😈
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harmandmac · 4 months
Finally, my longest secret is out!!!!
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feelo-fick · 10 months
PRANK GONE WRONG!!! ( real ) ( not clickbait )
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weirdly defensive.
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wayliparker-co · 5 months
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mike pov coming at u this friday who cheered 🥳
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“kim’dael my beloved how do you type with those nails” v.2.0
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and the “kim’dael turn on the lights this is bad for your eyes” edition
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i need to be active here more often, especially since i need to introduce the new mod anywayy heyy guys
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
The Caregiver (LU Twilight Ficlet)
Dusk usually soured Twilight's mood, but today it was the rain. Or the walking. Or the constant fighting they'd been doing recently. He wasn't sure. Maybe it was none of those things.
Some days just weren't good days.
After the chores were done, Twilight offered to do a perimeter check and disappeared into the forest, shifting into his wolf form. He felt... different when he was like this. He supposed it was a stupid observation to make, saying one felt different when one was a wolf. Of course that would feel different.
But it was more than just the physicality of it. Like this, he was considered a monster. Like this, he was considered a sweet friend. Like this, he wasn't expected any heroic duties. Like this, people were afraid of him. Like this, he could just be with animals and nature. Like this, he could be left alone.
Like this, he couldn't cry.
Today just wasn't a good day. Anxieties and worries filled him, words biting into his mind like beasts tearing his sanity apart. Things that would usually be a quick observation that he would swat away suddenly returned with reinforcements, ready to trample him into the dust.
Four hated shadow magic, and Twilight used it extensively.
Time was happily married, Sky was head over heels in love with someone who probably loved him just as much, and Twilight was alone.
Wild could have breakdowns because everyone understood that he was a mess, and Twilight had to be the strong one for him even if he felt like he was going to fall apart.
Warriors had so many reasons to be a broken mess yet he wasn't, and Twilight had so few reasons yet he was.
Hyrule and Legend had no families, and Twilight had one that adored him yet he treated them poorly, he was never around anymore for them.
Wind had seen too much at his age but still had hope, and Twilight had a peaceful wonderful childhood and was filled with nothing.
Sometimes... sometimes Twilight just wanted it to end. Sometimes he wished he could sleep as well and as long as Sky seemed to, and sometimes he was so insane with energy and had nothing to do with it.
Four would hate him if he knew. Wild would never rely on him if he saw how Twilight hurt too, he wouldn't want to burden the Ordonian with his problems. Sky and Time would offer sympathetic words or touches but that didn't change the hollowness inside him. Warriors would tease and try to perk him up, and it would only emphasize how much better the captain was. Hyrule, Legend, and Wind would offer their support in their own ways, and it would highlight Twilight's pathetic state of mind even more.
Who else would hate him, he wondered. Would it just be Four? Hyrule might hate him, with as much magical energy as he has about him, shadow magic probably felt like a disease to him. If he showed his true nature, revealed all his secrets, his thoughts, his desires, his beliefs, his feelings... who else would hate him?
Who would be disappointed in him?
A choking sound emitted form his throat, making his chest burn. He couldn't cry as a wolf, but it would still try to escape.
Just let it out. No one's here.
Twilight shifted back into Hylian form and collapsed into a pile of leaves. The tears came in waves, racking his body with violent tremors and muffled sobs before leaving him drained and exhausted, and then it would start anew. He felt like his heart and mind were screaming at each other, his heart taking him and shaking him to his core until he was depleted while his mind told him to get over it.
Others have it worse. I need to take care of them. I have no excuse to feel like this. So what if they hate me for who I am, for what I think and believe, I can help them and support them until we get to that point. They don't have to know who I really am. And if they find out, then...
Then what? What would he do when he was an outcast to some of his brothers? If he couldn't support the others because they were afraid to bother him? He wasn't foolish with his emotionalism, he knew he wasn't going to be thrown out or anything, but... but he imagined he would be shunned. The bitter cold stabbed him from the inside out, making the tears spring fresh as if he hadn't cried four times already.
This was so stupid. He knew better than to let this upset him.
But today just wasn't a good day.
So much time passed the sun had completely faded behind the horizon. Twilight shivered as the damp cool air of night settled into his skin. It chilled the hot tears that stained his cheeks and slammed reality into his soul like a slap to the face.
Twilight took a deep breath, wiped his face clean, and rose.
Perhaps I will be an outcast if they find out. Perhaps some of them will hate me, and some will pity me to the point of exclusion. So they don't have to find out. I can support them as I am, with everything as it is. I can help them and be there for them, offer what little assistance I can provide.
They don't have to know who I am.
Twilight took another breath, steadying himself. He just wanted to help. The camaraderie meant the world to him, but he could live without it if need be. He just wanted to help. He could help - he knew Time's fate and could maybe alter it. He saw Wild's pain and had his trust, so he could help him through his trauma. Wolfie saw more than anyone, and Twilight could soothe the hurts the others held close to their hearts.
Twilight took a third breath, and felt whole again. Because this wasn't about him. It was about his family.
He went back to camp, and smiled when everyone greeted him.
Time watched him a little too long, eye discerning. "Everything all right?"
Twilight waved a dismissive hand as he walked to Wild, settling beside his little brother. "Of course."
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arimiadev · 8 months
asphodelium is a dark queer fantasy visual novel about confronting your past—and your past confronting you
🔪 40k words, 12 chapters ✨ free to play 💜 pretty gay ❄️ maybe a few good endings?
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endless-nightshift · 2 years
AFBXF (Assigned Female By X-reader Fanfic)
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skitty-kirby · 24 days
Still recovering from gallbladder surgery, had some complications that's making this take a lot longer than it normally should so it's been a fun, slow process :') On the mend but oof I really want to do some silly/creative stuff. Instead, I've been having to put all my time and energy into this online game design/prototyping course that requires me to learn a new engine every week while also making something playable within that time frame as well- all while also trying to heal too hhhhhhh It's a great exercise of course and it's been really exciting/fun so far but MAN why my uni gotta be like this with the 8-week courses right out the gate this semester. Been a lot to juggle for this clown to say the least kjhkjjhkh
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sauronnaise · 2 years
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LotR in a nutshell.
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carmencassidy · 3 months
And I am officially off for the summer!
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
the intricacy of paulina stagliano getting her heart broken before leaving greenland in the form of a letter to hambone hamilton having a crush on her since basic training but not saying a word about it
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
"Where do you plan to go little one?" His tone gripped tighter than his hand. "Would you really rather take such a big fall then be held by me?"
He brought you closer so his tender blue pools could fully observe your piquant form.
His voice left with vexation. "Come now, why don't you stop twisting like that..." He moved you down to his neck and placed you under his lifted chin. You unwillingly braced against his warm flesh.
"Or would you rather me put you somewhere you can't escape?" He said as he forced a swallow that you could not only hear, but feel the muscles that would easily send you down his body.
His stomach gave off a low rumble at the mere thought, clearly his body was more than willing to have you.
So what would you choose?
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katesofheaven · 9 months
I really couldn’t stand Miles Dale at the beginning of this season. By the end, I liked him a whole lot better.
The whole time, because he’s second-billed in the credits, I was thinking Ed would die and Miles would be the new main character and I was like “noooOOOO he’s just an annoying fool who messes up nonstop”
And then, Ilya betrays him! And he gets reeeally scary for a bit. That look on his face when he was commanding someone to beat Ilya? Terrifying! You can totally see Koba (planet of the apes) come through. Toby Kebbell can play a GREAT villain, as we’ve seen!
I thought, “ahhh, yes I see now. Miles Dale is gonna be, like, the black market kingpin of Mars. If Ed dies and Miles is the main character now… that would be fuckin cool. He has so much potential as a villain!”
And THEN…. That behavior just didn’t continue. It made me so excited, and then it was kinda gone! By the end of the season, he looks down at the bloody wrench in his hand after the riot, and he’s horrified.
Maybe in the future he’ll sink more into that violent behavior that finally got me interested in him.
Miles Dale has so much villain potential and I really really hope we get to see him become more and more corrupt and violent
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